
ogasawarabjf: thanks.  out of curiosity, which test?00:48
bjfogasawara: seccomp_filter00:48
* ppisati -> dentist09:39
ppisatianyone with upload rights, could you bump linux-meta-ti-omap4 in P? thanks10:53
apwppisati, will do, could you rebase linux-ti-omap4 again, there is an important security fix in the -10 series which you are missing, though i presume you'd go straigt to -1111:00
apwppisati, your bits are still in the new queue, so i can't do -meta yet11:01
ppisatiah ok11:03
ppisatii wanted to unf*ck the kernel first11:04
ppisatisince the images are screwed without this update11:04
ppisatii'll do all the rebase today11:04
apwppisati, yep, thats reasonable11:04
apwppisati, oh that reminds me, sometime soon we want to retire the lucid/mvl-dove and start doing the work on maverick/mvl-dove11:05
ppisatiuhm, i din't touch any LMN kernels because i thought we were going to retire them soon11:08
apwthat has yet to be decided, those manager types are still talking11:08
smbherton, Morning, you probably had not much time yet to settle down, but there has been a new release of 2.6.32.y since yesterday. Would you plan on pulling that for the next round of proposed that was just started?11:34
hertonsmb, no, I think it can wait for the next round, unless there is something we want from this update11:35
smbherton, Must admit I have not looked too deeply in there. Some random mmap thing sticks out in the headers. But things can be rather theoretical. This one does not yet seem to include anything about the ioctl fixup.11:39
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smbSo I am fine either way. Just means I can do the ec2 rebase now. ;)11:39
apwthere is always a new round of -stable, they never end11:39
apwat least with a 3 week candance we don't get more than 2 in any release11:40
smbWas just wondering because this week is preparation week11:40
apwsmb, they all went up yesteday i think, so missed11:40
hertonsmb, what's this ioctl issue?11:40
smbapw, Indeed they did11:40
ppisatithe only thing certain in life is death, taxes and SRUs11:41
hertonhehe. yes, lucid finished build yesterday, we already have the packages done now for this round11:41
apwsmb, have we lost voice between you and me?  i heard you, ...11:43
apwsmb, herton and cking can hear me11:43
apwsmb, yay11:43
smbherton, something to prevent / reject some ioctl calls on block devices. Not 100% sure whether that included also checking capabilites or just irgnoring some11:45
ppisatiupgrading a beagle to P is a royal PITA!11:49
apwppisati, surly not for an ARM expert like you :)11:50
ogra_ppisati, just estimate a week or two for it aynd dont be impatient ;)12:03
* ogra_ hasnt touched beagles since two releases to prevent people around me from getting hurt and furniture in my house from breaking all of a sudden :)12:05
ppisatido you use the boards to keep the furniture in place? :)12:06
ogra_well, one is my printserver, one monitors my heating system for the house and one sits on a shelf collecting dust 12:06
ogra_the printserver one is actually nailed to the bottom of the printer table so you could say it keeps the furniture together at least :)12:07
ckingapw, http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Linux12:08
* ppisati -> lunch12:11
* tgardner bounces tangerine at the top of the hour12:58
ppisatino patch applied to fsl-imx51 in 3 weeks?13:09
* tgardner reboots gomeisa for security kernel update13:18
hertonppisati: yep, no new patches13:22
* herton having extra fun this morning with a dying hard disk13:22
ppisatimy natty repository is hosed13:41
ppisatierror: refs/remotes/origin/ti-omap4 does not point to a valid object!13:41
ppisatiwhy it happens?13:41
apwppisati, does your repo have an alternative (.git/objects/info/alternatives) and is it still there13:55
ppisatiapw: nope14:00
apwthen thats not normal14:01
apw.git/objects/info/alternates <- sorry its alternates14:02
apwppisati, &&14:02
ppisati[flag@newluxor ubuntu-natty]$ ls -la .git/objects/info/*14:02
ppisati-rw-rw-r-- 1 flag flag 54 2012-01-26 14:51 .git/objects/info/packs14:02
ppisatiit doesn't complain anymore now14:03
hertonppisati: the maverick ti-omap4 pull is missing the tracking bug in the changelog14:34
joshhunt__I've got a question about USNs if anyone can help. USN-1336-1 and USN-1342-1 provide the same patch. I see that 1342 applies to 10.04 and is a backport of oneiric. Is that the only difference?14:45
apwppisati, its stopped complaining, be afraid14:46
apwjoshhunt__, i believe that there is a USN per release yes, so thats entirly possible, touch you might like to confirm on #ubuntu-security14:47
ppisatiherton: sh*t! i was sure i ran the verify-release-check script14:48
ppisatiherton: i had it local but i din't add/commit the change14:49
hertonok, yeah sometimes happens :)14:50
joshhunt__apw: thanks I'll check there14:50
ppisatiherton: ok, i fixed it now14:52
hertonppisati: ack14:53
apwppisati, tgardner, they have just new'd linux-ti-omap4, am doing meta15:02
tgardnerapw, ack15:03
apwppisati, ok its in the pipe15:04
* herton -> lunch15:08
apwogasawara, so -8 -> -9 was 3.2.1 and "top down" coming in, the kexec vomit, and a small number of configs15:11
ogasawaraapw: definitely looks like some arm changes that went in15:13
apwogasawara, its a biggie, ppisati has a fun day ahead of him15:13
apwppisati, you might want to see if     UBUNTU: [Config] CONFIG_USB_FILE_STORAGE is deprecated15:13
apwanything to do with it15:13
ppisatiok, i'll do15:13
ogasawarappisati: keep us posted.  I'm planning one more upload anyways before the milestone, so I'll hold the upload until I hear from you.  I ideally want to upload by end of day tomorrow.15:15
ppisatiogasawara: ok, i'll do15:15
tgardnerogasawara, am running Precise master-next w/3.2.2 stable on several machines. seems OK so far.15:16
ogasawaratgardner: cool.  was just about to do a build and test.15:17
ogasawaratgardner: thanks for doing the rebase by the way.15:17
tgardnerogasawara, I was motivated 'cause xfstests was causing some oops on  my emerald. gonna retry it this AM15:18
diwicogasawara, thanks for uploading the kernel yesterday, but is it normal for it to not be published at this time?15:18
ogasawaradiwic: normally it would have been built and published by now, but it seems powerpc is taking longer than usual to build.15:19
diwicogasawara, ok, so a little slower than usual, but no need to worry yet. Right?15:19
ogasawaradiwic: I hope not.  when I checked this morning powerpc was estimated to start building in about 2 more hours.15:21
* ogasawara back in 2015:26
apwtgardner, alt-F10 should toggle max by defualt it seems15:49
tgardnerapw, it maximizes, but down't minimize (which isn't a toggle)15:50
apwtgardner, thats poo15:59
apwdocumentation for this thing isn't worth a shit16:00
tgardnerapw, is this the correct invocation: sudo client/bin/autotest --output_dir=$HOME/autotest.wrk client/tests/xfstests/control16:07
apwthat should work if the control file makes sense16:07
apwtgardner, the normal form is that, but remember the control files in the test directories are mean as samples16:07
tgardnerwell, everything is failing at this point, but it does build the xfstests correctly16:07
apwand you are meant to put together one representing the tests combinations you want to run16:08
tgardnerapw, the xfstests control file appears to be correct, but I did have to add TEST_DEV and TEST_DIR16:10
apwtgardner, as the commentary there indicates, thats why they can only be seen as samples16:10
jsalisburytgardner, who is our omap expert, Palo?  bug 92193416:50
ubot2`Launchpad bug 921934 in linux "mmc no longer detected on omap (BeagleXM) since" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92193416:50
tgardnerjsalisbury, he is, and I think he's aware of this bug17:02
jsalisburytgardner, cool, thanks.  17:02
tgardnerppisati, ^^17:08
__cr3hi guys,i have a question.what do u guys expect from a fresher who wants to work in a company like canonical,redhat..etc which concentrates on kernel development...17:10
jsalisburysmb, are you our virtual guy :-)  bug 92181617:13
ubot2`Launchpad bug 921816 in linux "BUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at 00000030" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92181617:13
mfilipehi guys! is there kernel-3.2 for oneiric?17:13
* apw calls it a day ...17:14
jsalisburysmb, actually it's an EC2 issue17:14
argessforshee, could you hear me on mumble? 17:16
jsalisburyarges, we can hear you17:16
sforsheearges, we can hear you but you can't hear us17:16
argesjsalisbury, sforshee yea I've had this problem for the last couple of weeks17:16
argeslet me try to fix it17:16
hertonppisati: the oneiric ti-omap4 has a problem in the changelog, the email closing the change is outdated (and with extra <>)17:18
mfilipeogasawara, is there any kernel 3.2 for oneiric?17:18
ogasawaramfilipe: not to my knowledge.  We only do the backport kernels for the previous LTS release.17:19
mfilipehum... thanks!17:19
ogasawaramfilipe: if it's just for testing purposes, you could try installing the precise kernel in oneiric.17:20
mfilipeno, I went a 3.2 official for oneiric. I didn't know that you won't backport kernels for oneiric and this is only for LTS release.17:22
* ogasawara bails for appointment, back in a bit17:25
ppisatijsalisbury: yep, i'm already on it17:27
ppisatiherton: let me check...17:27
jsalisburyppisati, thanks17:27
lamontherton: fwiw, -33 has been happy for about 24 hours17:30
lamontI'm going to go to -35 a bit later today17:31
hertonlamont: hmm good to know. Points to a possible regression in the kernel indeed. I was playing with adjtimex, could help debugging in the bad kernel if it is indeed a kernel issue17:33
lamontwill advise17:33
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=== arges is now known as arges_
ppisatilpMMC on Beagleboard depends on TWL4030's GPIO lines, re-enable it.19:46
ppisatiSee also:19:46
ppisatibug 92193419:46
ubot2`Launchpad bug 921934 in linux "mmc no longer detected on omap (BeagleXM) since" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92193419:46
ppisatiogasawara: ^^ - fix sent to the ml19:47
ogasawarappisati: ack, thanks.19:47
=== arges_ is now known as arges
tgardnerogasawara, pushed with some ABI directory module file corrections20:24
ogasawaratgardner: cool thanks.  I was also going to add it to the config enforcer, just about have the patch done.20:25
tgardnerogasawara, is that one worthy of enforcement ? I guess I don't know what it even does.20:25
tgardnersconklin, xfstests: Failed 26 of 167 tests20:26
ogasawaratgardner: we'll we'd flipped it to =m across the board per our review policy, so I'd like to have it in the enforcer so we don't forget and make the same mistake again.20:26
sconklinAre you running the test list that I modified, or all tests?20:26
tgardnerogasawara, ah, good idea.20:26
sconklinsee changes to control file20:27
patrickmwbjf, I've run into all types of situations which is why I asked for more info20:27
tgardnersconklin, I got tired of trying to get autotest to work, so I just ran ./check20:27
patrickmwbjf, you have a few options here20:27
bjftgardner: i had no trouble getting it to work20:27
sconklintgardner: then you get to keep all the pieces. A bunch of the xfstest tests don't apply to ext4, so you have to set up a list of ones to run20:28
tgardnerI don't seem to be able to get any of the tests to run under the autotest umbrella20:28
tgardnerwonder what I've got wrong20:28
tgardnersconklin, mostly I was looking for kernel crashes, which is why I ran everything.20:29
* cking bails out21:14
* tgardner -> EOD21:58
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manjosconklin, SRU Question.. 22:51
manjowill this patch make it in 11.10 though updates? or do I need to SRU it ? 22:52
manjocommit c510eae377c773241ff0b6369a8f3581da941a5122:52
manjoAuthor: Oliver Neukum <oneukum@suse.de>22:52
manjoDate: Wed Sep 21 11:41:45 2011 +020022:52
manjo    btusb: add device entry for Broadcom SoftSailing22:52
manjoogasawara, ^ ? you know ? 22:56
sconklinmanjo: ask Brad or Herton, I'm on rotation to QA this cycle and I'm not following stable22:56
manjoah ok 22:56
manjobjf, ^ :)22:57
manjooops looks like its in 11.10 already ... 22:57
hertonmanjo, it's included in 3.0.9, probably going in -proposed or already released22:58
manjoherton, thanksa ton ... 22:58
hertonmanjo, released in 3.0.0-14.2322:59
manjohmmm I seem to have (that is what uname says)23:00
manjoherton, sorry my bad... I think I messed up the IDs when I did a search23:02
Fudgehi is this audio device supported in precise kernels Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) (rev 40)23:10
Fudgebeen getting scratchy sound for first few minutes until seemingly extra audio streams come in23:10
ohsixit wouldn't be showing up or making any sound if it wasn't supported23:10
Fudgeso should ask pulse guys about scratchy sound?23:11
Fudgethanks ohsix 23:13

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