
=== unreal_ is now known as Guest11281
CT1Are the various bugs (AFAIK, race conditions/filesystems not mounted) that "funk" my server when upgrading fixed yet?  11.04 is running fine, but I'm leaving for a few years and would like to upgrade.  I tried and failed (thankfully I had a backup)00:00
kieppieCT1: for such systems I've found it best to use the LTS's - 12.04 is coming up in april00:02
kieppie& even then you may only want to automatically install the security patches, but whether or not you host will remain up/boot is so-so. Best to make use of a "cloud-based" solution (like amazon/rackspace/etc), to that you can administer the host remotely, rather than a physical box that you need to be physically present to "press F1 to continue" - or whatever00:05
CT1kieppie: I'd certainly go for 12.04 but I have time constraints.  I need to leave before 12.04 is officially released (let alone becomes stable)  It's a:  HP Proliant ML370G5 who's task is to run 4 server guests in virtualbox (headless)00:09
CT1kieppie: Updates set to manual00:09
kieppie:/ VB wouln't be my platform-of-choice.... In that case 10.4 should be what you'll need to use (I think  it should still be supported up until the next LTS after this next release... 14.04 possibly), but probably better may be to keep things simple & use straight-up Debian00:11
CT1kieppie: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"...?  They all work with 11.04 but I'm paranoid about security fixes/patches/updates (which will cease for 11.04 sooner than I'd like).00:15
smoserhallyn, around ?01:36
roaksoaxsmoser: you want me to merge thant into cobbler?03:25
roaksoax(the import-fix-unkown distros branch)03:25
smoserwell, please think about it first03:26
smoserand in general my update-existing stuff03:26
smoserit seems reasonable to me03:26
smoserdo we expect that people would have distoros that were ubuntu that were not named like we're proposing?03:27
smoser(this will avoid them, but in general, i was wondering)03:27
smoserie, was smb, "wrong" to have that distro there? or is there a valid reason for having it.03:27
roaksoaxsmoser: yeah I found of couple issues like that, but in general, cobbler automatically adds thei386 or x86_64 if they are not specified already03:33
roaksoax arch03:33
roaksoaxsmoser: sorry im on a crappy 3g connection03:34
smoserso were really only fighting the case where the user specified a name03:34
roaksoaxsmoser: but found situation on whic it double adds03:34
smoserso we're "claiming" precise-x86_6403:35
roaksoaxsmoser: yea if you add a name like XYZ-bablabla and it detects or we specify the arch, then it will automatically add the arch03:35
smoserif the user had imported that name some other way, we could be potentially destroying some of their data i think.03:35
roaksoaxsmoser: yes I think it is best to do it that way <release>-arch03:35
roaksoaxi totally agree by having that standard, and maybe adding03:35
roaksoaxthe date of when the iso was imported03:36
smoseridont see a lot o f reason for multiple distro03:36
smoserdo you?03:36
roaksoaxlike precise-YYYYMMDD-arch03:36
smosernah. we're updating, and the update is safe.03:36
smoseri think03:36
smoserbut we coudl ose data if the user had imported say a desktop DVD (and thus had local archive)03:36
roaksoaxsmoser: definitely not having multiple distros, or imports, unless we are doing something with ubuntu+103:37
roaksoaxthat requires some kind of record for comparison03:37
roaksoaxbut I don't really think that's the mojority of the cases03:37
smoseri guess we could tag some data in the distro03:38
smoserlike "mini-iso" somewhere (not just in name)03:38
smoserand then only update if it had that03:38
roaksoaxsmoser: i think that'd actually be a good idea03:38
smoseryou see what i'm concerned about?03:38
smoseri really dont think its a *big* deal03:39
roaksoaxI guess we could  a value for that in cobbler03:39
roaksoaxsmoser: and yeah I see your concerns03:39
roaksoaxI think there's03:39
roaksoaxmuch to improve03:39
roaksoaxbut, if its gonna get dictched next release then  that much effort would be worthless03:39
smoserfor each item (distro, profiel) is there no general "tag" mechanism ?03:42
roaksoaxsmoser: not really, but we could add something for each distro. it currently has os-version and breed03:43
roaksoaxsmoser: so adding something for ubuntu specific could be easily achieved03:43
roaksoaxsmoser: unless we use the comment section of a distro03:44
smoseri dont think its a big concern.03:44
smoserwe could just warn or document on import03:45
smoserif they're importing "ubuntu-" and it isn't coming from a mini-iso03:45
smoserbasically, we're claiming that namespace03:45
roaksoaxsmoser: yeah. Though importing a full server iso, alternate, or mini doesn't really make any difference befcause we don't use the "mirror" (debs that come with the ISO) for installation03:45
smoseroh, we don't?03:46
smoserthen, yeah, its useless03:46
smoserQA people were ewanting the ability to do that03:47
smoserie, they want to test "this ISO", not necessarily what is current03:47
roaksoaxsmoser: that's pretty simple, it is just changing 2 lines in the preseed were we specify the mirror03:47
roaksoaxsmoser: right, yeah I was trying to figure out what's the best wa to achieve that automatically03:48
roaksoaxbut since we were using the proxy, then there was no need anymore03:48
roaksoaxbut it is totally possible and just requires couple of lines of modification03:48
smoserso for now, i guess unless you have other reservations, take the --update-existing fix03:49
smoserwe own "<codename>-<arch>"03:49
roaksoaxok cool03:49
roaksoaxsmoser: will take it tomorrow, im off now. have a good one03:52
uvirtbot`New bug: #921921 in lxc (main) "add support to lxc tools for cloning with btrfs snapshots" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92192104:06
smoserSpaceBass, hallyn https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/ubuntu/precise/lxc/btrfs-clone-support/+merge/9023604:10
Hetep-AFKhola, is a potential for creating an email server available for Linux?04:15
=== james_ is now known as blitzkrieg3
ZanzacarHi I have powernap configured on my server because I would like it to shut down when not in use. That being said it isnt shutting down the computer as configured.06:33
ZanzacarI have set verbose/debug to 3 so I can see everything and basically it triggers shut down but doesnt and resets the counters.06:34
=== [1]MarcelT3 is now known as MarcelT3
ZanzacarHere is my config file and my powernap logs. http://paste.pocoo.org/show/540898/06:40
Zanzacaras you can see ther powernap.log resets and never actually hibernates.06:41
ZanzacarOddly enough I can get powernap to work only if I restart my system and then it only works for a given number of times. The powernap.err file doesnt have anything in it.07:09
eagles0513875_hey guys im using virt-manager connected perfectly fine to a remote server. I create a guest and for some reason i am unable to pxe boot does anyone have any help or ideas as to how to remedy this issue08:19
smbeagles0513875_, If you use the default virtual network you would have to have the remote host prepared to be the tftp server.08:32
ikoniaeagles0513875_: what have you done to debug this ?08:33
smbThe other stuff won't apply but the things under "EnablingPXE boot" may help: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Reference/Orchestra08:33
ikoniaeagles0513875_: have you setup pxe boot, have you setup the images/boot options, do you have dhcp setup ?08:33
eagles0513875_smb: ikonia well it seems like xen is possibly an issue as the guest boots tries to pxe then it instantly shutsdown08:34
ikonianot what I asked08:35
ikoniaeagles0513875_: have you setup pxe/tftp/dhcp ?08:35
eagles0513875_ikonia: im using all default settings that came with ubuntu-orchestra08:35
ikoniaagain - not what I asked08:35
ikoniaeagles0513875_: have you setup pxe/tftp/dhcp ?08:35
eagles0513875_ikonia: arent those part of the orchestra server ? or am i mistaken on that08:36
ikoniaeagles0513875_: CHECK !08:36
ikoniaeagles0513875_: rather than coming saying "pxe doesn't work, help" - CHECK08:36
ikoniaeagles0513875_: how are we meant to advise you like that08:36
ikoniaeagles0513875_: check the basics, is pxe setup, is dhcp setup, is there a working tftp server08:36
ikoniais there a working dhcp server08:36
ikoniaare they all configured to listen on the right network for your host08:37
ikoniathis is schoolboy basics08:37
smbIn theory orchestra sets things up (if you not declined that on installation)08:37
ikoniayou're supposed to be a professional Linux systems administrator and you ask for help 1.) not checking if these servics are even installed 2.) be if they are running 3.) are they configured 4.) you give the error problems "pxe is not working" - come on, help us out a bit08:37
smbBut all only works when the orchestra host is in the same network08:38
smbtftp does not cross subnets08:38
ikoniadhcp won't unless you relay it or bridge it08:38
_rubentftp can be routed just fine afaik?08:38
ikoniathis is why checking the basics of the components08:38
smb_ruben, it did not for me (simply)08:39
smb_ruben, I either had to modify the virtual network definitions or create a transparent bridge for it08:39
_rubensmb: it does require the tftp netfilter helper modules indeed08:39
_rubenas with ftp and the likes08:40
smb_ruben, Ah ok. Did not think of those08:40
smb_ruben, In the end the transparent bridge setup suited me best as the vm's now are seamlessly integrated in the same home net08:41
RoyK_ruben: tftp is just udp, which runs over IP, which is routable08:42
_rubensmb: in my case i have a seperate vlan for pxe installs, with the tftp and local repo on a different vlan08:42
_rubenRoyK: it using random ports is the challenge08:42
RoyK_ruben: that's where ipt_conntrack_tftp and friends come in :P08:42
_rubenRoyK: yup08:42
_rubenwhich is what i said :)08:43
_rubenipt_ is old tho ;)08:43
_rubennf_ ;)08:43
smbRandom module renaming to keep people "interested"... ;)08:44
smb_ruben, Probably stupid, just out of interest as I have neglected fw stuff: would you need to set up a fw and rules for tftp conntrack to be useful or can that be done just by loading the module with the target port specified (think rather not)09:02
ikoniaI've always needed a iptables rules to forward09:03
=== jtv is now known as jtv-eat
=== airtonix_ is now known as airtonix
smbOk, that is along what I expected. Really need to play around more with that stuff... :/09:05
_rubenin my case the router is a fairly strict firewall .. but even then all it took was: load helper modules, allow the tftp port in FORWARD, allow RELATED and ESTABLISHED states in FORWARD09:09
_rubenas it's more of a firewall issue than routing issue really09:09
_rubeniirc, been a while since i set thi sup09:09
ikoniaI guess any helper will do, but at a base technology it's still a helper rule09:09
smbI guess it depends on the approach. For tftp it is sort of a routing problem (and searching the net just with generic keywords does also lead to things like tftp-proxy). But defining that as part of the firewall setup makes a lot of sense as you fiddle around with what goes where anyway.09:16
=== jtv-eat is now known as jtv
juliux_hi, i have installed the kernel update on 10.04 today(2.6.32-38-server). I also have drbd installed and the module is not longer working, error message as http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/405277/09:38
juliux_any hints what I can do?09:38
juliux_or why dkms was not working well?09:40
smbjuliux_, Not sure why it did not recompile, but it sounds like that is what happened09:41
smbTo fix it you have to go trhough the pains of dkms uninstall, buiild and install the module09:42
juliux_smb: i fixed it by aptitude reinstall drbd8-source09:49
juliux_smb: but i am wondeirng why it is not triggered correctly…09:49
smbjuliux_, Hard to say. If it happens to me I am usually at fault for installing kernels of the same version but a bit different.09:51
juliux_smb: ok09:52
smbjuliux_, Maybe you had been using a test kernel...?09:52
=== jtv1 is now known as jtv
juliux_smb: i am only using the kernels from the repository so no custom build kernels09:58
RoyKjuliux_: I don't think kernel upgrades will autoinstall custom modules09:59
RoyKI might be wrong, though09:59
smbjuliux_, Ah ok. Weird then. Should not be the differing in the09:59
smbmodversion if not a different abi09:59
smbRoyK, There should be a hook called to update dkms modules10:00
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:12
=== Hetep is now known as DarthCaeduces
=== uvirtbot` is now known as uvirtbot
kantxx> hey all.. im seeing a weird prob w/ ubuntul installer.. the partitioner doesnt see my hdd but i can see it when dropping to a shell and doing fdisk -l12:31
kantxxfabro: huh?12:32
fabrociao mi sono appena reggistrato e non so come funziona questo programma12:33
fabroconoscevo kvirc ma non credo che funzioni allo stesso modo12:34
fabroqualcuno puo aiutarmi???12:39
=== Hetep is now known as DarthCaeduces
=== Hetep is now known as DarthCaeduces
zulgood morning13:56
maswanHm. Anyone know of a resonably maintained backport of a more recent openjdk to lucid?14:05
xranbymaswan: which architecture?14:06
maswanxranby: amd6414:07
xranbymaswan: in my experience simply recompiling the latest openjdk sourcecode on older ubuntu releases usually work fine14:08
xranbymaswan: unfortunally i do not host any premade .deb's14:08
xranbymaswan: i track openjdk on arm14:08
maswanxranby: Ok. There is an openjdk ppa, but that doesn't look maintained.14:09
xranbymaswan: in the icedtea project we recompile the latest openjdk sourcecode almost daily using debian squeeze so it should be all possible to do14:11
maswanxranby: thanks. I'll keep that option in mind. The other ones are suffering through bugs for another couple of months and/or pretend that sun-java doesn't *really* need updates until I can upgrade to precise. :)14:14
xranbymaswan: you can try compile openjdk from source manually it sould be quite quick fist apt-get build-dep openjdk-6     apt-get mercurial    then   hg clone http://icedtea.classpath.org/hg/icedtea6          then cd icedtea614:14
xranby./configure --disable-docs --disable-bootstrap14:14
xranbytime make14:14
xranbyon a fast machine this should complete within 30min14:14
maswanthanks. roughly how much diskspace is needed? is a few gigs enough?14:15
xranbyyes 4 gig should be enough14:16
hallynsmoser: btrfs is stable for you?14:27
smoserfor that test14:27
smoseri did one clone14:27
smoseryou should not gate that patch based on stability of the kernel though14:27
smoser(yeah, that sounds strange), because btrfs will be stable at some point, and is stable for some workloads14:28
hallyni've been saying "it'll be stable at some point" for years.14:29
hallyni'm growing dubious14:29
smoserwell, for some workloads it is stable.14:30
smoserand it is extremely useful14:30
hallynsmoser: i'm not sure about the way you're using it though14:30
hallynthat's really waht's kept me from doing a trial implementation14:30
hallynideally, we'd configure one path for all the rootfs's.  so that 'subvolume' can be better used14:31
hallyni.e. /var/lib/lxc/btrfs would be the anchor for all btrfs rootfs's14:31
hallynlemme look at your clone again  (was looking at create)14:32
hallynsmoser: ok, so you assume /var/lib is entirely btrfs14:33
hallyndoes that work?  i didn't think you used to be able to do that.  (subvolume create /a/b/c /a/d/e)14:33
hallynif so that's an improvement14:33
smoseri dont follow.14:34
smoseri admit to only having ~ 90 minuts of btrfs expereicne14:34
smoseri dont assume anything is entirely btrfs14:34
smoseri try to create a subvolume at the rootfs14:34
hallyni thought that 'btrfs subvolume p/a p/b' required  a and b to be children of the same dir14:34
hallynwell regardless, my suggestion stands.  let me rephrase it, and get your feedback:14:35
hallyni think use of btrfs for backing stores should be independent of rootfs fstype14:35
hallynso i recommend having a separate btrfs rootfs under /var/lib/lxc/btrfs, creating rootfs's there, and then bind-mounting them into /var/lib/lxc/<container>/rootfs (like we do with lvm mounts)14:36
hallynstgraber: ^ do you have any opinion?14:37
smoseri dont think you should bind mount.14:37
smoseri think un-necessary complication14:37
hallynsmoser: but thanks for doing it.  i really do want btrfs snapshot support14:37
hallyni think it fits nicely with how we will do all backing stores14:37
hallynat container startup, you figure out the backing store type,14:37
hallynand mount it (however necessary) into /var//lib/lxc/container/rootfs14:38
smoserit is independent of rootfs type14:38
hallynat shutdown, umount.14:38
smoserit just dpeends that somewhere in the filesystem chain above /var/lib/lxc there is a btrfs14:38
smoserif there is not, it will fail14:38
hallyni'm not ENTIRELY opposed, it just seems like it several limits flexibility14:39
hallynsmoser: i may well be off base.  let's see what stgraber thinks.14:39
hallynsmoser: if we do it your way,14:39
hallynthen no need to specify '-B btrfs'.  we can just detect fstype of /var/lib/lxc14:40
smoserthis is correct14:40
smoseri didn't do that, but it could.14:40
smoseri do think generally, the lxc scripts need some notion of "source" like schroot manages14:40
smoseri dont like that it creates a filesystme and then tries to "clean it"14:41
smoserit should create a source, and then clone the clean one14:41
hallyni think the cmdline is complicated enough already that the more we can not add args, the better14:41
hallyn...  what do you mean by 'clean' it?14:42
smoseri think the command line could generally use some re-work, yes.14:42
smoseryou do things like re-writing /etc/hostname in the guest14:42
smoserand some hacks like zeroing some dhcp leases file14:42
hallynah, yes. well someone needs to.  it's cleaner than cloud-init :)14:42
smoseras opposed to making a perfectly clean source14:42
hallynisn't hte source in /var/cache/lxc perfectly clean?14:43
smoserwhat source?14:43
smoserthere is no notion of source.14:43
smoseronly if the user manages that themselves14:43
hallynthere is a clean debootstrapped copy in /var/cache/lxc/<rleease>14:43
smoseractually... i ddin't know aobut /var/cache/lxc14:43
smoseri completley missed that.14:43
smoserso clearely i'm  a moron.14:43
roaksoaxadam_g: are any of the labs free for me to use?14:43
roaksoaxjamespage: ^^14:44
hallynthat's the thing we'd be replacing with 'lxc-download'14:44
hallynsmoser: i see, you'd like to have /var/cache/lxc be btrfs too and have each lxc-create be a snapshot?14:44
smoserwell., that would make sense to me, yeah.14:45
smoserwhen i got to looking at things, as you said,t he scripts were more complex than i had wanted.14:45
hallynsmoser: do you have an ami for a btrfs-backed instance?  or are you just mounting /dev/vdb as btrfs?14:45
smoserhere, take a look14:45
smoserthats a clean intsance, then i ran14:46
hallynthat's what i figured, thanks14:46
stgraberhallyn: I don't really have a strong opinion on this. I guess it'd make sense for the container rootfs to be a snapshot of the cache. Now if both /var/cache/lxc and /var/lib/lxc are on the same FS and are btrfs, I guess we shouldn't do any particular magic (other than doing a snapshot). Where we might want to do some magic is if /var/cache/lxc is btrfs but /var/lib/lxc isn't14:50
stgraberhallyn: Using /var/lib/lxc/btrfs as some kind of LVM VG, then creating a sub-directory for the cache and then one snapshot for container would work too, then either use symlinks or bind mounts14:51
hallynstgraber: so you think we should support only that case, and not the separate -B btrfs with rootfs anchored elsewhere?14:51
stgraber(so as you can see, no strong opinion ;))14:51
hallynmaybe something to discuss at UDS14:51
hallynwith dlezcano present14:51
roaksoaxsmoser: howdy!! So based on our discussion yesterday, I was also thi nking whether it would be a good idea for use to use -amd64 instead of x86_6414:54
smoseri dont think so.14:54
smoseri dont see a reason to fight cobbler14:54
stgraberhallyn: that's actually the problem with btrfs, it's doing a whole bunch of stuff that our current filesystems don't do, so it's not always clear if we need to treat it as some storage backend like LVM or if we need to treat it as a regular filesystem :)14:54
smoserimport takes 'amd64' and changes it to 'x86_64' and tells the user14:54
roaksoaxsmoser: cause issues like this (not that are *that* important) appear: bug #92159714:55
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 921597 in orchestra "Systems Architecture when importing apt repos does not match $(ARCH) in sources.list" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92159714:55
hallynstgraber: ideally i'd say we support both, but i really don't want to complicate the script usage if we don't have to.14:55
smoserhallyn, stgraber i really do not understand why you'd complicate things with bind mounts14:55
hallynso, right now i'm leaning toward doing it by requiring /var/cache/lxc and /var/lib/lxc be (the same) btrfs entirely14:55
roaksoaxsmoser: nothing that a symlink could solve though14:55
hallynsmoser: the bind mounts would only be for the duration of a container living.  it's not really a complication - it's mounting the rootfs14:55
hallynsmoser: actually, i guess we don't have to do it all14:56
hallynwe can just set 'rootfs = /var/lib/lxc/btrfs/container'14:56
hallynso never mind the bind mount.  my point was mainly that the rootfs be elsewhere14:56
hallynsmoser: is this something you were hoping to get hammered out in the next week or two?  or just something you're experimenting with long-term?14:57
smoseri think setting rootfs is complex14:57
smoseri would hope that we could have something functional for precise14:58
smoserbtrfs is "supported" in ubuntu14:58
smoserwell, maybe rootfs wouldn't be so bad14:59
smoseri'm guessing you're saying /var/lib/lxc/<name>/ still contains 'config'14:59
stgraberrootfs is fine as long as the user doesn't have to mess with it (which they won't in this case)14:59
smoserand then you could still have /var/lib/lxc/<name>/rootfs be a symlink to the source14:59
smoserstgraber, the user of 'lxc-create' is not likely the only thing expecting some behavior of lxc scripts15:00
hallynyes to first part.  /ar/lib/lxc/<name>/rootfs wouldn't be a symlink, rather lxc-start would just use /var/lib/lxc/btrfs/<name> as the rootfs instead of using /var/lib/lxc/<name>/rootfs15:00
smoserthere are other things that are likely built atop that make assuptions15:00
smoserhallyn, i'm suggesting the symlink to mak things that expect <name>/rootfs to continue to work15:01
hallynstgraber: i have to agree with christian (in email) - lxc-start is taking too long15:01
smoseri just pushed again to that branch, and it works for me.15:02
hallynsmoser: so why not just have /var entirely be btrfs?15:02
smoserin my isntance?15:02
smoserits just more invasive15:02
hallynand just have the code silently detect that and snapshot ?15:02
smoserand more of a pain15:02
hallynno, for anyone wanting to use btrfs15:02
smoseri'm confused as to what you're asking15:03
smoserthe branch i submitted doesn't care15:03
stgraberhallyn: something seems to have regressed indeed. A precise container used to take 2-3s to boot here, it's now taking over 30s15:03
hallynreally i'm saying either we trust btrfs for rootfs, or we don't trust it15:03
hallynthe branc you submitted adds '-B btrfs'.15:03
hallynstgraber: i'll open a bug.  (though not sure i can look at it today)15:03
smoserright,, but it doesn't care where the filesystem that houses the btrfs lives15:04
smoserbuti'm fine to make it not even need '-B btrfs'15:04
stgraberhallyn: it's the dhclient call that's slowing down the boot in my case. Moving to static networking and I get a boot in less than 2s15:04
* stgraber is creating a new container cache to be fully up to date15:05
hallynstgraber: do you get that both using lxcbr0 and virbr0?15:05
smoseri just booted in under 6 seconds15:05
smoser(by human count)15:05
stgraberhallyn: that test was with virbr0. I'll try the clean container with both15:05
smoserbut to login prompt in < 6 with defaults everywhere.15:05
stgraberhallyn: oh, I just noticed virbr0 now has STP turned on, I guess that explains15:06
hallynstgraber: hm, me too15:08
hallynwhereas stp is off for lxcbr0.  i wonder why15:09
smoserso what manages /var/cache/lxc ?15:09
hallynbut it seems there's a kernel bug i need to look at.  bbl15:09
hallynsmoser: lxc-ubuntu template does it15:09
stgraberhallyn: clean precise container on virbr0 without STP => took 2s to boot with DHCP15:14
hallynstgraber: so i wonder why libvirt is turning stp on.  or is bridge-utils doing it?15:17
smoserhallyn, so what changes do you want to btrfs support?15:17
uvirtbotNew bug: #914257 in horizon (universe) "local_settings.py isn't installed as a config file" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91425715:18
smoseryou want roots to go in /var/lib/lxc/btrfs15:18
hallynsmoser: I'm fine with your patch actually.  jsut to verify though,15:18
smoseri see value in /var/lib/lxc/btrfs/<name>/rootfs15:19
hallynbtrfs subvolume /var/lib/lxc/a/rootfs /var/lib/lxc/b/rootfs really works?15:19
stgraberhallyn: I don't know but it's new. I'm 99% sure I didn't have stp turned on just a few weeks ago15:19
smoserhallyn, look at that instance15:19
smoserand either tell me i'm an idiot, or that it apparently does15:19
hallyn(scrolling back up for the ip)15:19
smoserit definitely *succeeds*15:19
smoserand really quickly15:19
hallynsmoser: your patch is good.  we can always add the automatic detection of /var/cache/lxc and /var/lib/lxc being btrfs later15:25
hallynsmoser: thanks.  do you want to push a new lxc with that?15:26
hallyn(i see jamespage assigned the bug to you :)15:27
smoserits trival to add15:27
smoseri can do it if you want15:27
hallynhave at15:27
hallynyay, btrfs support!15:27
smoseri'll make it so lxc-create doesn't need -B15:28
smoserbut i'm not going to touch the cache at this point15:28
hallynsmoser: do you think there is any sense in support lxc-clone without -s for btrfs and not having it do snapshot?15:30
hallyn(i'm not sure there is)15:31
smoseri dont follow the question15:31
jcastrorobbiew: hey so I talked to Daviey and we think #ubuntu-cloud should just redirect here15:31
jcastroanother channel makes no sense IMO15:31
hallynsmoser: with lvm, if you don't say lxc-clone -s, it will do a copy, not snapshot15:31
smoseri'll try to make it so that if user explicitly does "-s none" then it will not auotmatically use btr15:34
smoserbut will just copy15:34
hallynsmoser: ok (that's what i was wondering, if there is any case where users would want that.  apart from btrfs bugs, i'm not sure there are)15:34
hallynsmoser: separately, do you mind taking a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~guilhem-fr/vmbuilder/oneiric-support/+merge/89858  ?15:34
smoserhallyn, i coudn't come up with a usec ase for it.15:35
hallynsmoser: then always do snapshot15:35
smoserother than '-s overlayfs'15:35
smoseri'll add a option to lxc-clone to specify the type of clone15:36
hallynoverlayfs is a funky case bc it wouldn't survive reboot15:36
smoserrather than just "-s" meaning "use a snapshot"15:36
smoseroverlayfs would survie a reboot15:36
hallyn<frown> i'd prefer doing the simplest btrfs for now and holding off on lxc-clone argument changes15:36
smoserif you did things right15:36
smoserlxc start would just have to re-mount stuff15:36
hallyndone through /var/lib/lxc/<name>/fstab?15:37
hallynmight work15:37
hallynmight work nicely15:38
smoserso should i add '-S' to specify snapshot type?15:40
smoserand default to auto-detecting15:40
robbiewjcastro: fine by me15:41
hallynsmoser: lxc-clone is upstream, so whatever you do in that respect should be sent to lxc-users mailing list for discussion.  But,15:46
hallynsmoser: (thinking)15:46
hallynsmoser: yeah i think that sounds fine.15:47
hallyni'm just thinking about how that interacts with the lvm stuff15:47
hallynlxc-clone -o old -n new -> just copies15:47
hallynlxc-clone -s -o oldlvm -n newlvm -> does lvm snapshot15:48
hallynlxc-clone -s -S overlayfs -o oldlvm -n newdir ?15:48
hallyni guess -EINVAL on that.  either do lvm snapshot or overlayfs, not both15:49
smoseryeah, i think just fail on that case.15:51
smoseroverlay would only work if 'old' was a directory15:51
hallynzul: do you have a machine that has your bzr credentials and is always online?16:11
hallynzul: i'm considering just doing skunkworks to keep the precise libvirt bzr tree uptodate16:11
zulhallyn: yeah kind of16:11
hallynzul: script would basically watch the archive, and just do 'bzr import-dsc <x.dsc>; bzr push' any time a libvirt version is pushed16:12
zulhallyn: but we are getting it from debian?16:13
zulhallyn: thats what the openstack stuff basically does though16:14
hallynzul: ?  i think we're talking different things16:14
smoserhallyn, ok. i did'nt do the '-S' bit for lxc-clone16:14
smoseri think we *should* do that16:14
hallynzul: i'm talking about 'bzr branch ubuntu:libvirt' being out of date with respect to ubuntu's precise archive16:14
smoserbut just didn't want to right now.16:14
smoserhallyn, yea, fix that (ubuntu:libvirt)16:15
hallynsmoser: ok - thanks!16:15
zulhallyn: ah ok...yeah i would totally do that16:15
hallynzul: ok i'm bringing the tree uptodate now, but would like to see it automated16:15
smoserhallyn, i guess i should test it on something that isnt btrfs...16:15
smoserbut really, does anyone not run btrfs as their root filesystem anymore?16:15
hallynhm, imiport-dsc is hanging now16:15
hallynoh, big new tree i guess, explains lag16:16
koolhead17congrats zul :)16:19
zulkoolhead17: thanks16:19
koolhead17so testing starts from Monday!! :)16:20
hallynutlemming: have you in fact worked on a new lxc template for cloud images?16:24
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smoserhallyn, ok. thats tested.16:31
smoseri can upload if you'd like16:31
hallynsmoser: pls do16:35
hallynsmoser: thanks16:39
hallynzul: pushing two fixes in libvirt.  do you have anything you need added to the queue?16:40
zulhallyn: nope16:41
zulwhich fixes?16:41
hallynheh, bzr import-dsc went a lot faster at the rally with local archives :)16:41
hallynzul: bug 921870, and a cherrypick of block migration fix (waiting for the submitter to file a bug on it)16:41
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 921870 in libvirt "libvirt apparmor profile denies access to macvtap" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92187016:41
hallynit's a cherrypick of commit d8916dc8e2f612ab3ce46f32c4bfeb0bd73f6007, "Fix default migration speed in qemu driver"16:42
hallynsmoser: do you know, if i go ahead and code up an lxc-ubucloud template, will i be stepping on utlemming's toes?16:43
smoseryeah, i dont know.16:46
smoserhallyn, and hazmat is also in that arena16:46
smoserand of course, i'm going to tell whoever did it that they did it wrong16:46
smoserby asking to please use /query interface and accept 'released' or 'daily' to indicate the stream.16:47
hazmati'm not actively working on it, i did some exploration with the cloud images and qemu-nbd and guestfs, but i'm happy to have someone else run with it.16:47
hazmatthe loop mount of the raw seems like its less hassle (no deps)16:48
hallynsmoser: what do you mean by '/query' interface?16:52
smoserthe other option... is for there to be a new deliverable in the images16:52
hallynhazmat: ok, thanks.  we should probably have an open bug so we can associate a bzr tree with it, and take it when we're working on it16:52
smoserjust a tar of /16:52
smoserhallyn. /query is http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/query/16:53
smoserubuntu-cloudimg-query can query it for you (cloud-utils)16:53
smoser$ ubuntu-cloudimg-query precise daily --format "%{url}\n"16:53
hallynand you think that's better than using .../precise/current/... ?16:54
smoserum... yes.16:54
smoseras i can fix /query if format changes16:54
hallynsmoser: are you willing to add a straight tarball?16:55
smoserand also...16:55
smoser$ ubuntu-cloudimg-query precise daily --format "%{pubname}.img %{url}\n"16:55
smoserubuntu-precise-daily-amd64-server-20120126.img https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/server/precise/20120126/precise-server-cloudimg-amd64.tar.gz16:55
smoseri'm not entirely opposed to it.16:56
smoserutlemming, ^16:56
hallynis there space for that or will it cause issues?16:56
smoserwell.... it will probaly cause space issues, yes.16:56
smoserin the big scheme of things its not space that i'm worried about16:57
smoseri'm more worried about the confusing list of downloads16:57
smoser"which should i download"?16:57
utlemmingsmoser, hallyn: the new query format that I am working will expose all the files, so that you could download the manifest if you wanted to16:58
smoserutlemming, i mentioned your name because of root.tar.gz16:59
utlemmingah...looking at the chatback16:59
utlemminghallyn: no, you won't be stepping on my toes -- go ahead :)17:00
hallyni'll wait a bit and see if smoser blurts out "ok we'll put up root.tar.gz"17:08
smoserhallyn, well, cirros has the .tar.gz17:11
smoserso to put ubuntu on equal footing with competitors....17:11
epistemeanyone know what would cause this error message and how to fix? -bash: /sbin/reboot: Input/output error17:12
andolepisteme: disk error17:15
andolepisteme: The system fails to read /sbin/reboot17:16
epistemeyeah been searching online...got that much...it happens with every command i use17:16
epistemedoes that mean im sol?17:16
epistemeandol: how can i fix this?17:18
andolepisteme: Well, I guess it could be the disk controller, and that a power cycle might bring it back temporarily, maybe.17:19
epistemekk...thats what i was thinking17:19
epistemeeh ill give it a shot17:19
epistemethanks for your help17:19
andolepisteme: Still, my best guess would be the disk being bad, and the next prio would be to try saving any important data, if there are any such on it.17:19
epistemeandol: cool heres hoping ty again17:20
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albrighaGreetings, I'm trying to install Openstack from the daily build and it's not working. I'm getting an error from apt about nova conflict.17:36
smoserhallyn, ok.. i jfdi.17:52
utlemmingsmoser: ?17:54
smoserthat will create (in unpacked/ righ tnow i think) <image>-root.tar.gz17:54
hallynzul: have you ever seen a (libvirt or other) package build with sbuild fail with http://paste.ubuntu.com/817918/ ?17:55
hallynmaybe i need a local update17:55
utlemmingsmoser: okay17:56
zulno i havent17:56
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
smoseri kicked a build of precise server to test that code18:03
adam_galbrigha: which daily build?18:08
hallynsmoser: so how will i find that from ubuntu-cloudimg-query ?18:08
albrighaadam_g:  the percise server iso18:09
albrighaadam_g: i38618:09
smoseryou wont18:09
smoserhallyn, but you'll find it in //query218:09
smoserfor /query you 'll just have to drop .tar.gz and add -root.tar.gz18:10
smoserbut utlemming's /query2 will enumerate it better18:10
smoserand i will udpate ubuntu-cloudimg-query to use that data18:10
smosertest build failed.18:11
smoserarchive not installable at moment18:11
ninjaiis it safe for me to copy /etc/passwd from 1 server to the next, since I need the exact same user accounts on the next server?18:12
ninjaiif not, what is the best way to accomplish this?"18:12
adam_galbrigha: what is the error?18:14
albrighaadam_g: during the install, I select no automatic updates, then select only openstack, continue18:15
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albrighaadam_g: then I get an error 'an installation step failed'18:15
albrighabut if I look in syslog it says there is a nova package conflict18:15
albrighathe foloowing packages have unmet dependencies: nova-compute-kvm conflict nova-compute-hypervisor18:16
albrighaand nova-compute-lxc conflicts nova-compute-hypervisor18:16
hallynhm, gues my schroots must be bad.18:22
robo_hello: we have update-rc.d to add system v style startup scripts. Is there a nifty command to view what is supposed to startup at given runlevels?18:32
robo_i get confused with this aspect of ubuntu18:32
hallyni think that's an open feature request18:39
hallynstgraber: every time i start a container now, it resets my keyboard on my host18:44
robo_hallyn, and I think that might be because ubuntu seems to move more towards upstart18:45
stgraberhallyn: interesting. I noticed something similar with my sound mixer level :)18:45
stgraberhallyn: (we need a device namespace ;))18:45
robo_and that in itself i don't quite understand yet. How comes some ubuntu packages use upstart while others use system v style (snmpd.)18:45
hallynrobo_: some packages simply ahven't been converted to upstart.18:46
hallynstgraber: which devices is it accessing though?  I think it might be proc/sys18:46
robo_sounds like a simple enough answer :-)18:46
hallynrobo_: but better visualization of what will be started by upstart *is* something we want18:46
stgraberhallyn: hmm, indeed, sound is probably through /proc/sys or /sys. Probably should be blocked by apparmor then18:47
hallynstgraber: when the apparmor updates arrive, hopefully the proc/sys denials will fix it18:47
stgraberhallyn: for the console (keyboard), I'm not sure what in proc would do that18:47
hallynstgraber: drat, t's really annoying18:47
uvirtbotNew bug: #922241 in lxc (main) "lxc should Suggest or Recommend btrfs-tools" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92224118:51
hallyni'd say suggest18:52
hallyni meant to mention that earlier :)18:52
stgraberyeah, suggest is fine18:52
stgraberhallyn: I had a quick look through /proc and /sys but couldn't find anything related to keyboard, would have to check the init scripts to find exactly what's being accessed18:54
hallynI'll add it to my list of things to add in next upload.   meanwhile, i'm very happy to have lvm support in lxc-create :)18:54
hallynhow odd18:55
ninjaiif I want to copy all my users from one server to the next server, can I jsut copy passwd?18:57
patdk-wkand shadow, and groups19:00
patdk-wkI wouldn't copy them, as much as just move the lines that you need19:00
robbiewzul: so is it worth sending something to the openstack mailing list about our CI testing?19:13
robbiewso folks there know?19:13
robbiewjamespage: adam_g: Daviey: ^?19:13
zulrobbiew: i think so19:14
zulany publicity is good publicity19:14
zulrobbiew: nifty19:23
robbiewof course I took all the credit...as any good leader does19:23
zulof course19:23
zuli wouldnt have it any other way19:23
drPoOHi all, I am running 10.04 LTS-server and the other day I got a "Kernel panic -not syncing VFS..." error that would prevent booting of the system. I fixed it by reverting to an older version of the kernel. Is there a way to permanently avoid this issue from happening again?19:32
RoyKdrPoO: it really should not happen19:33
RoyKdrPoO: if you can use a network console or similar to create a dump of what really happens, please do so and file a bug19:34
drPoORoyK, I dont know if it's related but the OS is installed on a RAID-0 SSD array.19:34
RoyKshouldn't matter19:34
RoyKunless there's file corruption, that is19:34
RoyKa corrupt kernel won't work too well19:34
drPoOthe machines work fine with the downgraded kernel19:35
drPoOhow could i temporarily prevent the kernel from being updated?19:35
RoyKthe downgraded kernel is another file19:35
adam_grobbiew: i plan to send a more detailed email outlining what we've done and how it works, to the relevant lists. hopefully this week19:35
robbiewadam_g: okay...I sent the short email...as I'm conscious of our limited presence in the project ;)19:36
RoyKdrPoO: please run md5sum or sha1sum for the files in /boot and pastebin the result19:36
drPoORoyK, would that imply running md5sum in /boot as root? -> sudo md5sum?19:39
drPoORoyK, here it is http://pastebin.com/HzyZtCKE19:42
drPoORoyK, that was generated by running sudo md5sum /boot/*19:42
* patdk-wk wonders why sudo is needed19:43
drPoOpatdk-wk, i guess it isnt really required19:44
patdk-wkyour missing an initrd.img19:45
patdk-wkno wonder it won't boot19:46
drPoOpatdk-wk, what about the /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-21-server lines?19:48
patdk-wkwhat about them?19:48
patdk-wkI thought we where diagnosing the newest kernel, -35, not -2119:48
* patdk-wk also notes -35 isn't very new19:49
patdk-wkit should be -3819:49
drPoOok i got it19:49
drPoOso what can I do?19:49
drPoOto fix this issue19:49
patdk-wkfind out what making the initrd failed19:53
patdk-wkno idea19:53
robbiewsudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install linux-image19:53
patdk-wkmaybe try manually making the initrd19:53
drPoO would pinning apt to a known working kernel be a suitable alternative?19:54
Davieyadam_g: Yes, it is a bzr bug.19:55
RoyKdrPoO: which kernel was it that killed the server?20:06
drPoORoyK, 2.6.32-3420:08
drPoOsorry 2.6.32-3520:09
RoyKdrPoO: what arch?20:09
RoyKlooks like x86_6420:10
patdk-wkit is20:10
drPoO64 bit20:10
RoyKf0294206e319b8f7874bb892c5ca6fa5  vmlinuz-2.6.32-35-server20:10
RoyKthat's mine20:10
patdk-wkthat is fine, it's missing the initrd file20:10
drPoOhold on guys, in none of my other 5 working 10.04 LTS 64-bit servers do i have a initrd.img file in /boot20:14
drPoOand none of them died on me20:14
patdk-wkwho said initrd.img?20:14
drPoOyou did20:14
drPoOdidnt you?20:14
patdk-wkno, I said it's missing the initrd file for that kernel20:14
ninjaican anyone help me out? I jsut installed ubuntu server 11.10 and I cannot use scponly.  I install it and whenever I go to log in it just says "connection closed"20:14
patdk-wkso that would be initrd.img-2.6.32-35-server20:14
drPoOah, I misread you20:15
Davieyzul / adam_g: How long do you think, until we can push a diablo/stable proposed branch to the ci testing?20:22
Davieyis it outlined what we need to do?20:23
kirklandSpamapS: what would be the best way to trigger an upstart job at shutdown, but before networking dies?20:25
kirklandSpamapS: i have a bootmail user that wants to get a bootmail on shutdown, in addition to startup20:26
kirklandSpamapS: which I kinda like;  i'd use that on my ec2 instances20:26
zulDaviey: tomorrow20:26
zulDaviey: i need to sync up the branches and stuff20:28
SpamapSkirkland: start on starting rc RUNLEVEL=[06]20:28
kirklandSpamapS: sweet, thanks20:28
Davieyzul: is swift fixed?20:28
SpamapSkirkland: if you do runlevel [06] you will get a race with the sysvinit jobs, but starting rc RUNLEVEL=[06] will complete first20:28
SpamapSkirkland: also make *sure* you make it a 'task'20:29
zulDaviey: yeah this morning :P20:29
kirklandSpamapS: and what's the best equivalent of /etc/rc.local for running something at boot?20:29
SpamapSkirkland: otherwise it will unblock as soon as it starts running.. you want it to block the rest of the shutdown until it is finished20:29
kirklandSpamapS: right now, i'm using @reboot cronjob20:29
SpamapSkirkland: start on stopped rc RUNLEVEL=[2345]20:29
kirklandSpamapS: perfect, thanks20:29
Davieyzul: How can i re-trigger the job?20:30
zulDaviey: use the jenkins interface to do it20:30
Davieyzul: ah yes20:30
Davieyzul: is everything now pushed back to LP?20:35
zulDaviey: yep20:35
Davieyzul: sweet20:35
adam_gzul: iscsi/volume issues fixed with this https://review.openstack.org/#change,347920:39
adam_gDaviey: doing that kind of testing is going to require some work20:39
Davieyadam_g: that is what i feared20:40
zuladam_g: good good..20:40
zuli think we need to add some volume testing to the deploy-test script20:40
adam_gDaviey: we'd need to have a whole seperate set of cobbler profiles, deployment scripts and tests20:41
zulbut i can do the  jenkins stuff tomorrow20:42
zulie packaging20:43
Davieyadam_g: is there /that/ much more complexity?20:45
Davieyah, testing oneiric rather than precise.20:45
Davieyi see.20:45
roaksoaxadam_g: btw.. it probably would e good idea to patch cobbler with your lvm volumes snippet20:46
adam_gDaviey: to do it in an automated way, i think so.. it might be reasonable to have a quick and easy way to manually pause the current testing, deploy oneiric and smoketest whats in -proposed, then switch back20:47
adam_groaksoax: really? im doing all kinds of hacks in them, tho20:48
hallynahs3: so for that libnl patch i sent for sid to enable make check?  your compile fail was about xml right?  I needed to add '-lxml2' to LIBS in tests/Makefile (even though it's already in LIBEXSLT_LIBS)20:48
hallynbut, i'm still just trying to figure out why our buildd's choke on it :)20:48
ahs3hallyn: that sounds about right -- it looked like it was something simple like that20:49
Davieyadam_g: Okay, use case for intial scratch... I want to ssh to a server... run ./test_proposed-branch.sh git://review.openstack.org/bah/bar..  It grabs the ubuntu packaging from oneiric, updates the upstream code, bumps the d/changelog  ... builds a src package, and tests..20:51
hallynahs3: thouhg this autoconf (uh) stuff makes me unsure where to fix that20:51
hallyn-lxml2 isn't specified anywhere ...  this might be a toolchain breakage20:52
ahs3hallyn: nod.  i didn't look; is there a makefile.am somewhere?20:52
hallynahs3: yeah, it just has "LIBS= @LIBS@"20:52
Davieyroaksoax: Hey, did you make progress packaging those oops-* things?20:53
hallynoh, no, that's Makefile.in20:53
ahs3ah, better.  that wasn't making sense :)20:54
adam_gDaviey: we can watch the git tree for updates and build packages automatically and continously. then, when ready to test, youd need to run a job/script that makes sure 1, the nodes are going to install oneiric 2, any current precisee tests are done, 3, no precise tests will overlap with oneiric deploy/tests, 4, deploy+test, 5 switch everything back to precise, 6 reenable the precise auto testing.   this may all be doable automatically with jenkins,20:55
Davieyadam_g: right, i thought phase 1 could be script triggered.20:59
Davieyas in by-hand21:00
roaksoaxDaviey: on it atm21:01
Davieyroaksoax: How are they looking?21:01
roaksoaxadam_g: and I thinkyour work would be great tohave as general snippets for people to use.. obviously they might not need as many hackjs as you are doing21:01
roaksoaxDaviey: all seem pretty quick to package21:01
Davieyroaksoax: awesome. :)21:02
Davieyroaksoax: viable that they will be in NEW by EoW?21:02
roaksoaxDaviey: mmm more likeley for early next week21:03
roaksoaxdabtw... do we have a bp to track these changes yet?21:03
Davieyroaksoax: not really, did you see the kanban?21:03
roaksoaxDaviey: i did. I will start offering help according to what I see there21:05
roaksoaxDaviey: btw.. could you pass me the link again with all the new packages needed? (besides the oops) cause I can't find it21:06
Davieyroaksoax: wilco.21:06
Davieyroaksoax: also, can you make sure https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/servercloud-p-powernap is current?21:06
roaksoaxDaviey: will do21:07
roaksoaxDaviey: nevermind found the link21:07
adam_groaksoax: the main "hack" im wget'ing the dm-snapshot kernel module from a local host (that im manually extracting from the kernel package that corresponds to the cobbler distro kernel) because its not included with the rest of the storage modules in whatever udeb installs them.21:07
Davieyroaksoax: http://pb.daviey.com/5M6H/21:07
adam_groaksoax: if we can get dm-snapshot addded to that udeb,  i think it could be generally useful, and perhaps extended to do kexec instead of reboot21:08
roaksoaxadam_g: cool21:08
roaksoaxadam_g: do you have those snippets in a branch21:08
adam_groaksoax: ya lp:~openstack-ubuntu-testing/+junk/cobbler-lvm-snapshot21:12
koolhead17SpamapS: around. got this build error http://paste.ubuntu.com/818149/ :(21:12
koolhead17adam_g: hello there21:13
Davieyroaksoax: see updates on, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/servercloud-p-orchestra21:14
roaksoaxDaviey: awesome!21:14
Davieyroaksoax: some of them are not needed TBH21:15
Davieyas in, some are already main21:15
roaksoaxDaviey: the django ones ?21:16
SpamapSkoolhead17: about to head to lunch.. will be back soon, but its possible libgd needs some fixes to deal with multi-arch.21:16
Davieyroaksoax: well, they need checking21:16
Davieyroaksoax: also, if you wanted to review https://code.launchpad.net/~maas-maintainers/maas/packaging that would be great.21:17
koolhead17SpamapS: shall i install it or sumthing?21:17
roaksoaxDaviey: ok, that's inexpensive really21:17
roaksoaxDaviey: cool will do21:17
koolhead17SpamapS: get done with lunch am here only for another 1 hr21:17
roaksoaxthis reminds me.... kirkland still thinking to come to Peru in Feb?21:18
roaksoaxkirkland: ^^21:19
adam_gkoolhead17: hi21:23
koolhead17adam_g: you are working on essex3/precious automatic install via juju21:24
adam_gkoolhead17: ah, ya21:26
koolhead17adam_g: will need your help for it, incase you have wrote some blog sumwer point me to that please.21:27
koolhead17planning to try in on monday21:27
SpamapSkoolhead17: send me the steps you're taking to get to that error, and I'll try to reproduce21:28
koolhead17SpamapS: 2 mins21:28
adam_gkoolhead17: hmm, no i haven't had time to do anything like that yet.21:29
koolhead17adam_g: i won`t mind documenting the same :P21:29
koolhead17SpamapS: i have installed php5-gd and executed the command again, let me see if i get same error21:30
adam_gkoolhead17: have you got a juju ec2 environment?21:32
koolhead17adam_g: i have LXC :(21:32
adam_gkoolhead17: is that where you plan on doing your openstack testing?21:32
koolhead17adam_g: no in lab infra using KVM21:33
adam_gkoolhead17: ah21:34
koolhead17SpamapS: http://paste.ubuntu.com/818170/21:34
koolhead17adam_g: did you use orchestra and then juju on it 4 deployment?21:35
koolhead17SpamapS: srry am still using the same old long method :(21:36
adam_gkoolhead17: ya21:39
* adam_g lunch time21:39
koolhead17adam_g: k. I think there was a page 4 that earlier.21:39
hallynDaviey: are you around, can you push new netcf with http://people.canonical.com/~serge/netcf-disable-make-check.debdiff for me?21:47
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Davieyhallyn: will do, just doing the washing up :)21:56
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slicslakso i haven't been paying attention but am aware of the recent hoopla in regard to removing Sun's java.  I just need to install java to run an app on a server (apache solr).  what java package is safe/recommended to install these days?  java7-runtime?  fortunately there are no descriptions for most of the java* packages..22:00
Davieyadam_g: I was thinking, would we need to 'pause' the precise jobs.. or could it just be added to the queue and have the cobbler lvm task check /etc/issue of the disk and reinstall if not = oneiric?22:12
Davieyand then preicse test would do the same?22:12
SpamapSkoolhead17: actually, it looks like the bug was fixed in Debian in 5.3.9-2 ...22:13
SpamapSkoolhead17: so I think we can just merge w/ Debian and that will fix the issue22:13
Davieyhallyn: bug 922304, can i suggest downloading the buildd chroot and using that as a test, rather than use pbuilder/sbuild created one?22:13
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 922304 in netcf "build fails when 'make check' is enabled" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92230422:13
hallynDaviey: infinity says he did that already22:14
Davieyhallyn: the chroots generated by those don't /quite/ match launchpads...22:14
koolhead17SpamapS: any pointer where i can read how to merge it or its the maintainers who are assigned for that22:14
Davieyhallyn: what did he say?22:15
SpamapSkoolhead17: merges.ubuntu.com, use the 'grab-merge.sh' script22:15
hallynDaviey: let's ask him (to make sure i didn't misunderstand) in #ubuntu-devel22:15
Davieyzul: have you seen the failures in https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise%20OpenStack%20Testing/job/precise-openstack-essex-nova-trunk/200/consoleFull ?22:16
koolhead17SpamapS: that is a shell script asked me if i want to delete all files in current directory and it exited22:21
koolhead17SpamapS: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Merging got it. :)22:24
adam_gDaviey: hmm, by the time cobbler would be looking at /etc/issue of any disk it would be booted into a precise or oneiric kernel, executing that release preseed.22:35
adam_gDaviey: i suppose we wouldn't need to puase the job, but let it queue up. i think the easiest way to choose distro release woudl be to just re-assign $release-x86_64-juju profile depending on what the test run targets22:36
adam_g(for all systems)22:36
Davieyadam_g: right, but i'm wondering if we have a task which does this:22:36
Davieyif /target/etc/issue == $release-we-want:22:37
Daviey   lvm + kexec22:37
Daviey  continue-install()22:37
adam_gDaviey: hmm22:40
Davieyadam_g: am i off the wall?22:41
adam_gDaviey: im still trying to wrap my head around it :) is that added to a preseed that gets shared between both releases?22:42
Davieyadam_g: well, i still think this should be a udeb TBH :)22:44
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DavieyBut yes, it could be done in preseed... with early22:44
adam_gDaviey: i just see it as scripting jenkins jobs for each $release-deploy to do : for $s in `cobbler system list` ; do cobbler system edit --name=$s --profile-$release-we-want-$arch-juju` ; ./deploy22:44
Davieymind you, disk isn't mounted at early..22:44
Davieyadam_g: right... but if the underlying image already on this disk == $release-we-want, we don't want to reinstall... just lvm restore... if it's NOT the release we want, we start fresh, right?22:46
adam_gDaviey: yeah, or we can just use a more specific name for the pristine lvm root that we restore from. pristine-root-oneiric or pristine-root-precise.22:47
Davieyadam_g: that is an interesting thought...22:47
adam_gthat way we can avoid having to do much of anything in /target (which, btw, isn't even mounted by the installer when we're doing all this voodoo)22:47
Davieyadam_g: the thing with doing a fresh install, is that we can throw the server away and put a new one in, and not care about 'prepping' the system22:48
adam_gDaviey: not sure what you mean22:49
Davieyadam_g: I mean, If we have multiple lvm snapshots.. oneiric, precise and q-series in the future...22:50
Davieyif we rack a new server, or format the disks and loose it.. we'll need to prep the server with at least 3 lvm snapshots first, right?22:50
DavieyOh.. in early, we could see if the lvm is there or not, and create it if not?22:51
adam_gDaviey: partman_early command only restores.  creation doesn't happen until after a full install, and (currently) if the system is tagged with the lvm-snapshot-create mgmt_class22:52
Davieyadam_g: right, so....  if $release-we-want in $(lvdisplay | grep etc): restore() else: continue22:56
adam_gDaviey: ya22:57
Davieyadam_g: so if we have the snapshot, we restore - otherwise we install.22:57
adam_gDaviey: yeah, thats how we've got it currently. but its looking for a generic pristine-root logvol. we can just make it more specific, but still keep the snippet generic across all release profiles22:59
hallynDaviey: well, went and and tried, test still passes22:59
adam_gDaviey: that is, have the $release-we-want derived from the cobbler profile name or something22:59
Davieyhallyn: so, lets just upload?22:59
hallynDaviey: i think so, yeah23:00
hallynDaviey: i wonder when the buildds are moving to lucid23:00
Davieyadam_g: sounds awesome!23:00
Davieyhallyn: I don't think the hosts will..23:01
Davieyhallyn: so, you want it uploaded?23:02
hallynDaviey: yes pls.  thanks.23:02
trimetaQuestion: When there's an updated kernel, and the changelog says the only difference is "Bump API" (or possibly changes to compat-wireless, which shouldn't matter to my wifi-less server anyway), is there any actual reason to reboot?23:03
Davieytrimeta: not really IMO .. the dkms modules if you use them will still be loaded from your old kernel...23:05
Davieytrimeta: fwiw, i only reboot if it's a sec update.23:05
trimetaThat's what I though.23:05
trimetaI don't need new features, so the kernel I've got right now is good enough for me.23:06
Davieyhallyn: uploaded23:06
hallynDaviey: thanks23:06
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kieppiehi guys. I have a suspicion that cron isn't working on a host, but I can't be sure. why would that be?23:53
trimetaWhat's the recommended way to remove a PPA from a Lucid system? I could just delete the file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d, but I want to get rid of the public key entry too.23:54
mgwre cobbler — is there a convention as to where a firstboot script should be stored on the provisioning server?23:55
mgw(for retrieval by the provisioned machine)23:56

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