
=== webpigeon is now known as Guest89490
gordonjcpAlanBell: contrast with packaging for Arch...00:00
AlanBellArch is a real mixed bag of a project00:01
gordonjcpAlanBell: take a sample PKGBUILD file, fill in the blanks, run makepkg00:01
gordonjcpif you're doing it properly you do a test build in a clean chroot so it ensures that all deps are pulled in correctly00:02
gordonjcpsome of the packages in Ubuntu aren't very good at that00:02
gordonjcpjackd for example is pretty fundamentally on drugs00:02
gordonjcpinstall jackd2, it pulls in qjackctl and all the Qt deps00:03
AlanBellbetter than the rpm based distros in general I think00:03
AlanBellArch has some quite good documentation, but the project ethos of being self-centred as possible kind of encourages a pretty toxic community from what I have seen of it00:05
gordonjcpAlanBell: mh00:06
gordonjcpAlanBell: it's pretty much the same as any distro00:06
gordonjcp99.9% of the people involved just get on with it, and then there are 0.1% of noisy arseholes who make a nuisance of themselves00:06
AlanBellyeah, might be that I only bump into the 0.1%00:07
gordonjcpit doesn't help that #archlinux gets periodically crapflooded by people going "ZOMG N000BZORS USE UBUNTU1!!1!!1!!! LOLZ LOLZ LOLZ"00:08
AlanBellthey are not the residents?00:09
AlanBellmaybe those are the people I bump into00:09
AlanBellI had a look on their mailing list earlier to see what that was like, seemed to be a big discussion about how to make it less user friendly00:12
AlanBellI am curious to know where the people who write the good documentation are00:12
directhexoh, i have another example00:16
directhexinstall any app that uses ffmpeg, it pulls in DECNET support for networking of PDP11s00:17
gordonjcpAlanBell: I don't know, I think it's far more user-friendly than Ubuntu00:18
gordonjcpit's a lot easier to install00:18
gordonjcpnone of this tedious mucking about with unetbootin and then having a weirdly broken-looking textmode installer that just sits there for ten minutes apparently doing nothing00:19
ubuntubhoyI actually only have 1 issue with the Ubuntu installer, it never imports users from other Ubuntu installs for me00:21
ubuntubhoybut that could be because I usually only have single user setups00:21
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gordonjcpubuntubhoy: I don't like the horrible unetbootin menu thing00:23
gordonjcpbecause it doesn't give you any feedback that it's actually doing anything00:23
gordonjcphas it hung? is it just slow? is it supposed to take ten minutes?00:23
gordonjcpthe trick is to use a USB stick with an access LED on it00:23
directhexwhy on earth would you use unetbootin?00:24
gordonjcpdirecthex: because the iso doesn't work if you just dd it to a usb stick00:25
ubuntubhoyI kinda agree on unetbootin, but it is so damn handy00:25
ubuntubhoyand I always use usb over disk00:26
ubuntubhoyplus USB creator has only ever worked on a few of my installs00:27
gordonjcpI've never managed to get usb creator to create anything that resembled a bootable disk00:27
gordonjcpI mean, I've got an iso, ran usb-creator, examined the stick afterwards and there is *nothing* that even vaguely looks like any sane BIOS could boot it00:29
ubuntubhoymostly it just refuses to do anything for me00:29
ubuntubhoyjust craps out00:29
* AlanBell sees a gord bug making headlines at OMG00:30
gordonjcpI mean why isn't there just an image that you can write to a USB stick?00:30
gordonjcpwhy have the extra step of making an iso, that needs to be converted back to something that'll go on a USB drive?00:30
gordonjcpI guess it means that you can write a CD-R with it00:33
gordonjcppresumably travelling back in time to when you could buy blank CD-Rs and drives to use them with is left as an exercise for the user00:33
gordonjcpit's bizarre, there are images for booting from legacy optical media, but not from 9-track magtape?00:34
ubuntubhoyhmm, Biffy Clyro headlining Rock Ness00:35
gordonjcpa) biffy clyro, b) Inverness00:35
ubuntubhoyc) good times00:36
gordonjcpchuck in some people with beaded dreadlocks and you've got a perfect storm of awful00:36
gordonjcpand I've probably got to do some tech for the <word I won't use on #ubuntu-uk> too00:36
ubuntubhoyare non-beaded dreadlocks ok then00:36
gordonjcpyes because when you set them on fire you don't get hit by bead shrapnel00:37
gordonjcpmusic festivals *suck* these days00:37
ubuntubhoybut dreadlock beads tend to be plastic - so you get melt burn as well00:37
gordonjcpbloody jugglers and facepainters everywhere and then charging five quid for a lukewarm can of Tennents00:38
cpnangil^can anyone help me decipher some old handwritten text?00:38
gordonjcpand a half-cooked burger that's been lying in a tupperware box in direct sunlight all morning growing botulinum toxin00:39
ubuntubhoyold as in 1970's ?00:39
gordonjcpcpnangil^: how old?00:39
gordonjcpand where are you?00:39
cpnangil^Im in boston00:39
ubuntubhoyobviously Ubuntu-UK makes sense then00:40
cpnangil^claims to be from 166200:40
gordonjcpcpnangil^: I know a paleographic analyst00:40
gordonjcpcpnangil^: if you can get up to Edinburgh she may be able to help you out00:41
gordonjcpit's just up the A100:41
gordonjcpshe will want paid though. You may have to buy her some very nice shoes.00:41
cpnangil^I can figure it partially00:42
ubuntubhoyyou got the original00:46
ubuntubhoykeck, build crashed again00:47
ubuntubhoytime for baw, baws - laters00:48
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Azelphurjacobw popey AlanBell for when you guys wake up, added a bunch of stuff including XMPP support, https://github.com/Azelphur/TwistedCat :D03:44
Azelphur(netcat to your android phone, because I can!)03:54
gordAlanBell, not a bug :P08:06
MooDoomorning all08:09
DJonesMorning all08:10
MooDoojoin #smugmug08:15
gordMooDoo, is very proud of his mug08:16
daubersgord: I see HUD made the BBC http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-1673107108:19
MooDoogord: smug tastic :)08:20
TheOpenSourcererMorning everyone - Howdidoodee?08:20
AlanBellgord: not a bug? I think you are over-weighting the centre pixel08:40
davmor2czajkowski: you idle get wake up, morning prod :P09:14
MooDoodavmor2: be warned she's not having much fun on the tube at the moment :D09:15
popeyooh, my themes have disappeared09:16
davmor2MooDoo:  oh joy09:16
popeyok, so i suspect I have the same thing that happened to gordonjcp09:17
popeythe theme was removed yesterday and it defaulted back to some other theme and moved the buttons to the right09:18
popeyyay, ubuntu-desktop was missing09:19
* popey installs a zillion missing packages09:19
oimonalpha ubuntu is alpha :P09:20
popeygord: hud does sometimes annoyingly pop up when i alt-tab09:25
popeyafter I have alt-tabbed to another window, the window appears and I start typing and it ends up in the hud, not the app09:26
oimonyou've been hud-winked09:27
JamesTaitGood morning all!09:43
daubersOh finder, why are you so pants09:50
gordpopey, yeah alt is tricky, alt tab slower for now09:50
davmor2I blame czajkowski for these noise school kids ruining our co-working space09:51
gordAlanBell, so you know the code splits the image up in to quadrants right, well what it does is it tests those quadrants to see if there is a lot of difference, if there is, it delves in to them more. by altering a specific pixel you trick the code in to investigating those quadrants more, i think it will go up to 8 levels deeper. point is that by changing that pixel, you trick the code in to paying way more attention there. its not a bug, its an exploit09:52
gordthe "fix" would be to just do the simple average every pixel approach, but thats way to slow09:53
bigcalm_lappyHazar, I is 'ere!09:53
bigcalm_lappyThere's a silly school trip visiting the Light House today. It might be saner to converse via IRC09:54
daubershttps://twitter.com/#!/daubers/status/162473275044282368/photo/1 <- Why I dispise finder on osx09:54
bigcalm_lappyPoor Alex is the only one not in channel09:54
gordthat pretty much ruins the point09:54
oimondaubers: the first file is in RAID1 :D09:55
daubersoimon: :p09:55
oimonactually btrfs will allow you to do that09:55
daubersThe first file is actually on a raid609:56
daubersthe second file is on the macs internal drive09:56
dauberssame file just copied across09:56
AlanBellgord: it goes 16 levels deep, the point is that the centre pixel is shared by all 4 of the first level quadrants so it gets counted 4 times09:58
oimonhmmm...having a facebook for the enterprise (yammer) seems to be an excuse to spend all day on it10:01
oimonconstant streams of gubbins coming from corporate services types10:01
AlanBellgord: the fix would be to make the quadrants 1px smaller all round, so the top left one would be 1,1 to centreX-1,centreY-1 rather than 0,0 to centreX,centreY10:03
gordAlanBell, patches welcome10:04
AlanBellgord: sure, do you agree with my thinking?10:05
gordAlanBell, if they are *all* reduced by one pixel around, it'll always pick different pixels, which will stop the exploit sure10:06
gordwell, i could still exploit it ;) but yeah10:06
AlanBellyeah, a diagonal cross in the centre would still do it10:07
andylockranhowdy all10:24
popeymy laptop is unusable now, these GPU lockups are driving me nuts10:24
oimongetting spammed from sony psn because some numpty got his email address wrong on christmas day10:25
andylockrananyone have recommendations for a CRM - Sugar looks interesting but be interesting to see what other people do?10:25
oimoncan't unsubscribe10:25
popeyi have the same problem from microsoft xbox10:27
Davieypopey: mbp7,1 GPU lockups?10:29
oimoni regularly get flight tickets, share dividend notices, loads of stuff from my similarly named eejit twins10:29
popeyyes Daviey10:29
Davieypopey: odd.. using non-free?10:29
Davieypopey: not that this helps, but graphics are fine for me :/.10:30
popeybug 92145010:30
lubotu3Launchpad bug 921450 in xorg (Ubuntu) "nVidia GPU lockup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92145010:30
Davieypopey: in other news, the sound bug your reported was fixed day before yesterday10:30
popeywhich sound bug?10:31
* popey looks at the lenovo site10:32
oimonpopey: are you monitoring the gpu temperature?10:32
Davieypopey: the sound issue on the mbp10:32
Davieybug 90941910:32
lubotu3Launchpad bug 909419 in linux (Ubuntu) "[Several MacBooks (with PCI SSID 10de:cb89)] Choppy sound. Videos play double speed" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90941910:33
popeyoh that one ☺10:33
Davieypopey: what is your fan doing?10:33
popeynot much10:33
popeycan you get gpu temps from the cli?10:33
Davieypopey: hmm, i seem to have lost /proc/acpi/thermal_zone10:36
popeyi dont have that either Daviey10:36
Laneyoh awesome, I had that sound bug too10:37
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Laneysilly macbooks10:37
Davieydave@voodoo:~$ sudo nvidia-settings -q [gpu:0]/GPUCoreTemp 2>/dev/null | grep Attribute Attribute 'GPUCoreTemp' (voodoo:0[gpu:0]): 56.10:37
Davieyline wrap fail10:37
Davieydave@voodoo:~$ sudo nvidia-settings -q [gpu:0]/GPUCoreTemp 2>/dev/null | grep Attribute10:38
Daviey  Attribute 'GPUCoreTemp' (voodoo:0[gpu:0]): 56.10:38
czajkowskidavmor2: ello my dear10:38
gordpopey, nvidia-settings --query 0/gpucoretemp10:38
popeythat requires X ☺10:38
popeywhich is currently dead10:38
davmor2czajkowski: prod, prodity prod prod prod prod prod prod prod prod prod prod prod10:38
davmor2czajkowski: oh bigcalm says prod too10:39
gordpopey, yeah but this is nvidia ;) they don't really do nice open source ways of doing things10:39
bigcalm_lappyI was wondering why that didn't highlight10:39
bigcalm_lappyThen I notice my nickname as I'm away from home10:39
bigcalm_lappyHi peeps :)10:39
popeygord: which x220? i5?10:39
gordpopey, i have an i3 x220, i think they go up to i5/i7 though10:40
gordonly real recommendation is the IPS screen and as much ram as you can fit in it10:40
bigcalm_lappyHow much are they?10:40
bigcalm_lappyBallpark figure10:40
gorddepends, anywhere from 600-1500 last i checked10:41
bigcalm_lappyThis i3 dell poop was just over 500 quid10:41
oimonthey do a tablet version10:41
bigcalm_lappyRegret it every time I turn it on10:41
* daubers got an i5 samsung for £40010:41
popeyyeah, sladen has the tablet version10:41
oimoni like my dell lappy. served me well and still going god10:41
bigcalm_lappyThis is a 1st gen i310:42
Davieypopey: you /need/ X?10:42
Davieypopey: well do you have SSH?10:42
popeygord: IPS screen?10:42
Dave2Can you get IPS screens in laptops?10:42
Davieyssh -X alan@pos-laptop :)10:42
gordpopey, yeah, its really nice, basically has unlimited viewing angles10:43
gordwas only a few quid more when i checked10:43
* Dave2 spent ages tracking down a laptop that wasn't 1366x768, didn't even try to find one that wasn't TN10:43
sladenDave2: yes, but not with the capacitive finger touch on the X220 tablet version10:43
sladenDave2: there aren't any.  Give up;  all of the displays are not  1024x768 panels, cut a bit wider10:43
popeygord: http://popey.com/~alan/Selection_001.png10:44
gordpopey, "premium"10:44
Dave2sladen: I got a 1600x900 laptop, still not great, but I wasn't willing to buy 1366x76810:45
popeygord: 6 or 9 cell?10:45
gordpopey, 9 cell will go 10 hours if ubuntu's not screwing up the power management like it always is ;) i got 9 cell10:46
Davieygord: was it Ubuntu that broke power management?10:49
bigcalm_lappyReplace the spinning rust with an SSD and improve the battery life anyway?10:49
popeyhttp://popey.com/~alan/x220.png  <- not cheap10:50
gordDaviey, it was *fantastic* the week before platform sprint. amazing, wonderful - https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/112811220238447511854/albums/5693907288078855329/5693907286109635026 - but then kernel 3.2 dropped during platform sprint and i was back to 4-5 hours10:50
popeysladen / gord comments on the above spec?10:51
oimonwhat's that "web price" ?10:51
oimonmarketing gimmick?10:52
gordpopey, you might not need the i7, the i3 does just fine for me - chances are you can get the ram cheaper on amazon or ebuyer too. ssd is almost certainly worth it - i'm waiting for UDS and will pick up one there10:52
czajkowskioimon: no it's a price for buying via the web as some places dont stop them or you do get a better price for buying things online10:53
czajkowskimine is a i510:53
Davieygord: I wonder if that is Ubuntu's fault or mainline kernel regression? :)10:53
gordDaviey, well the confusing bit is that if i go back to the old kernel i don't get my power back.. very weird10:54
popeygord: problem with buying RAM elsewhere is I'll end up with sticks of RAM 'spare' that I'll never use10:58
andylockranI''ve got a lovely ssd, love it10:58
gordpopey, desk shrapnel10:58
popeyhmm, maybe downgrade CPU, switch to SSD10:58
Davieygord: wow10:58
Davieythat is nuts.10:59
gordyeah... ssds are expensive11:02
gordhttp://www.ebuyer.com/318420-samsung-128gb-830-series-ssd-2-5-sata-ii-laptop-upgrade-kit-mz-7pc128n-eu is what i am after11:03
oimonusually £1 per gb11:03
popeywill that fit in your thinkpad?11:03
gordi have been told it does ;)11:05
gordi will need to do further investigation at some point11:05
gordthere was a thread about it on warthogs some time ago11:06
popeylenovo website is sucking11:07
popey"You are now leaving Lenovo's website and being redirected to the website of Digital River, the seller and merchant of record."11:07
popeytime passes11:07
oimonyou were hit by a grue11:10
DavieyNo Guru Mediation error?11:18
bigcalm_lappySomebody kill davmor2 now11:22
bigcalm_lappydavmor2 is looking lovingly at gord11:23
bigcalm_lappyAt least it looks like that to me11:23
* smittix prods MooDoo 11:26
smittixThanks for the ticket update MooDoo heh11:26
davmor2bigcalm_lappy: is suddenly unable to see his screen as his fingers break it as I slam his lid down on his fingers11:27
czajkowskitut tut such violence11:28
MooDooczajkowski: you love it11:29
* bigcalm_lappy sips his coffee quitely11:29
popeyinteresting device11:31
popey3 year warranty price is interesting11:31
gord£12 quid? hard to trust11:35
oimonpics look v cheap quality11:37
oimonbasically it's a wireless AP that supports bridging?11:38
_x_X_X_x_how i can change group and owner from root to www-data?11:40
oimonchown www-data:www-data <dir name>11:43
oimonuse -R for recursive changes11:44
bigcalm_lappyIf the group name is the same as the username, you can omit the group name11:44
TheOpenSourcerertechnically correct would be:11:49
TheOpenSourcerersudo chown -R www-data: dir_tree_to_chown11:49
oimonhmm http://boingboing.net/2012/01/25/insane-english-copyright-rulin.html11:49
TheOpenSourcererMan my broadband is sick today: "Firefox can't find the server at www.google.co.uk."11:49
oimonor is it your dns?11:49
TheOpenSourcererNah - loads of dropped packets on the adsl.11:50
TheOpenSourcererdns is google ;-)11:50
TheOpenSourcererNope [cough, cough] talktalkbusiness11:50
TheOpenSourcererI used to be on Pipex years ago - they have been bought, then the acquiree was bought and so forth until now I'm on talktalk and they are not optimal IMHO - But where I live I can't get much better from anyone anyway so it's rather moot really.11:51
popeyyour area not cabled?11:53
TheOpenSourcererHah CABLE! My telephone lines are aluminium...11:53
TheOpenSourcererWe are on an exchange that BT don't think exists as far as supporting anything more that plain old adsl211:54
TheOpenSourcererYet - I live in one of the most affluent parishes/boroughs in the country... Just there is too much space and not enough big houses I guess ;-)11:54
TheOpenSourcererAlanBell: Will find this interesting http://www.information-age.com/channels/the-cloud-and-virtualization/news/1680113/hillingdon-council-puts-3500-staff-on-google-apps.thtml11:55
popeyheeed: hey!11:58
heeedstill whinging about the cable?11:58
heeed+1 for lunchtime11:58
gordnot yet12:00
popeynot me heeed ☺12:02
* popey loves his cable12:02
bigcalm_lappypopey: you can now find out when you'll be getting 60mb12:03
popeyoh, how?12:03
bigcalm_lappyThe checker tells be October12:03
bigcalm_lappyGo to my.vm12:03
bigcalm_lappyThere it a link on there12:03
oimonjoey @ omg does a great job around alpha/beta time of giving a round up of new features for those who are running alphas12:06
oimonnice to know what to gcheck with each apt-get12:06
OliSkyrim for £20 on the PC/Wine http://www.greenmangaming.co.uk/games/rpgs/the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-uk/12:06
Oli(It's not from Steam but They give you a Steam key)12:07
MyrttiWhy can't Dell sell their laptops with Ubuntu in UK like they do in US? :-<12:07
oimonMyrtti: which model?12:07
oimonif you ask, they sometimes do.12:08
popeyi see no link bigcalm_lappy12:08
AlanBellTheOpenSourcerer: heh, so *thats* what they did in the end12:09
Myrttioimon: dell vostro v13112:10
oimonMyrtti: looks nice. always worth asking them12:12
oimoni've managed it on desktops12:12
bigcalm_lappypopey: log in and it'll hit you with a pop over12:12
oimonwell, i manage to get no-OS rather that windows12:12
oimonvendors do seem to be cashing in on SSD ..prices seem high when purchased with a machine12:14
bigcalm_lappyI'm logged in, give me your postcode12:15
smittixDoes anyone know how OMGUbuntu get away with using ubunu in their domain name?12:16
AlanBellsmittix: they asked I think12:17
smittixAlanBell: Ahh ok. I asked too and got refused :/12:17
bigcalm_lappyOh, just go to: http://doublespeed.virginmedia.com/12:18
smittixThat was a few years ago though12:18
* AlanBell has haggis & eggs for lunch12:19
popeyI have haggis, you just reminded me12:20
AlanBellhaggis & eggs is a great combination12:21
AlanBellprobably even works with shop eggs ;)12:21
bigcalm_lappyI want haggis12:21
popeyyeah, I can imagine that12:21
bigcalm_lappyBut doubt I'll get it in this cafe12:21
TheOpenSourcererHmmm - Lunch... Curry, Curry or... Ah I Know. CURRY!12:22
oimonsmittix: a few yrs ago, it was OK for .co.uk12:22
TheOpenSourcererOr maybe Oxtail Soup.12:22
popeysmittix: there is no 'getting away with' using ubuntu in the domain name, anyone can12:39
popeythere is a trademark policy12:39
popeywhich is pretty permissive12:39
JGJonessmittix - the actual truth is that they've got certain photos that shouldn't be exposed ;-)12:50
Neoti_Laptophi im having problems with rendering in kdenlive12:52
Neoti_Laptopwhen i record a screen cast with gtk-recordmydesktop and view the ogv file everything looks fine, when i put it in to kdenlive i get little gray blocks and the text is all distorted on when i view it with clip monitor. any ideas ?12:52
Neoti_Laptop i have created a profile to match my monitor size and fps etc...12:52
Neoti_Laptopany help ?12:52
popeyI have never had much success editing ogv files in any editor really12:52
popeyone reason I switched from recordmydesktop to kazam12:53
popeyshould have an exclamation in the name12:53
Neoti_Laptophow do i get that ? is it windows ?12:54
popeyno, linux12:54
AlanBelllike Joomla!12:54
popeyand Yahoo!12:54
smittixpopey: I got told by someone from Canonical that I couldn't use the name Ubuntu in my domain name.12:54
popeysmittix: depends what you're doing on the domain12:54
popeygiven how many people who work for canonical read omg, I don't think they have a problem12:55
smittixThis was a few years back with the same time of site that OMG has become.12:55
smittixIt was called UbuntuHOW12:56
popeyi remember that12:56
gordhey me too12:56
gordwe should get the How2 guys to do something on ubuntu12:56
AlanBellsmittix: I suspect OMG started out then said "we have 30,000 readers, can we use the trademark?"12:57
smittixTrue, although I had a fair number of readers too.12:57
smittixI downed the site anyway and tried something else.12:57
popeycan someone else try and buy a laptop from shop.lenovo.com, just go as far as adding it to the basket and try to pay12:59
popeyyou wont get to the enter credit card stuff i suspect12:59
popeycheckout.lenovo.com is dead12:59
AlanBellsmittix: a read of the trademark policy does make your questions entirely understandable, they are squarely in the "very unlikely" definition12:59
smittixPermission from us is necessary to use any of the Trademarks under any circumstances other than those specifically permitted above. These include: Use in a domain name or URL.12:59
smittixNevermind. I hope my new domain name gets a decent response. heh12:59
popeyubuntuwhy.com? ☺13:00
gordpopey, don't be tempted by third party sites though, they add £500 to the price13:00
smittixheh nixaddict.com13:00
AlanBellsmittix: I raised the question with trademarks ages and ages ago, if Canonical wanted to force OMG to rebrand they would have done it by now13:01
smittixAlanBell: Ok13:01
popeygiven sabdfl likes the site, thats not going to happen really is it?13:01
bigcalm_lappyTabs are not a good thing to have13:03
popeygord: do you have the one with the camera?13:03
gordpopey, yup, not a bad camera13:05
popeythe 720p one?13:05
gorddoesn't seem to be, but cheese is hanging13:07
gordoh wait yes it is13:07
oimonYou are now leaving Lenovo's website and being redirected to the website of Digital River, the seller and merchant of recor13:08
Neoti_Laptopok how do i use kazam... just recorded a test but can not find the file ...13:08
gordpopey, http://ubuntuone.com/0mRbkT6uMdwLPeoG7jsABu - quality involved13:09
oimonpopey: is there a phone number in the site?13:09
oimonfails for me too13:09
popeydunno oimon but I expect nothing will be fixed until america properly wakes up13:10
gorddavmor2, just plays games all day, easiest job in the world13:15
Neoti_Laptoppopey where does kazam store its recordings theres no prompts nothing to say when its placed the file ?13:16
popeyNeoti_Laptop: it prompts you when you finish recording13:16
popeyedit or save13:16
popeychoose save, then it pops up a usual dialog13:16
Neoti_Laptopok i dont have either option on my screen and just recorded 2 videos...13:17
popeymaybe ask in #kazam13:17
davmor2gord: I have to read books too13:18
Neoti_Laptopi have latest ubuntu with unity etc... i have no options i just recorded another 10 sec video thinking i must have missed it or been thick but nope nothing i have pause, finissh , record set up ... nothing else ..13:19
popeyits under active development13:19
popeyyou may have found a bug13:19
Neoti_Laptoplol.... everything i touch at the moment seems to have a bug ... :P .... doh!13:21
Neoti_Laptopi want to record my screen and edit it with kdenlive ... the pgv file in mplayer looks fine kkdenlive it fooking it up .... all i want to do is add some titles thats it ... agh!!!13:22
Neoti_Laptopthe videos i have watchedc on vimeo and youtube show it working fine... but for me it dont fooking work .... and i followed them to the letter....13:23
Neoti_Laptopim of to get some food as im now getting grouchy and fooked off with this ... lol ... sorry guys .. just want it to work ...13:24
mgdmAnyone here using Cinnamon as their desktop?13:29
Davieymgdm: No, but i did have cinnamon on my ice cream the other day.13:30
ubuntubhoyI had it in a shot, Fireball. Lovely13:30
ubuntubhoyCinnamon & whisky shot, real nice13:30
* popey is reminded of all those videos of people eating a teaspoon of cinnamon13:31
daubersback in the day we went to war so they could have a teaspoon of cinnamon13:32
daubersOr was it nutmeg..... might have been both13:32
oimon_wasn't that dune?13:32
* czajkowski is reminded of the song, just a spoon full of sugar....13:32
=== oimon_ is now known as oimon
daubersWe went to war with the dutch over nutmeg, so maybe I was thinking of that13:33
=== oimon is now known as Guest72520
* Guest72520 test13:36
Guest72520i thought i'd try irssi instead of pidgin - how can i get nickserv to use my nick?13:36
Guest72520though it was / msg nickserv identify user pass13:37
mgdmtry /nick yournick13:37
daubersyup, but you need to change your nick first13:37
Guest72520it's ignoring me13:37
daubersstill signed in somewhere else?13:38
Guest72520get no response from nickserv13:38
Guest72520i'll try more brutal tactics..13:39
DJonesA bit worrying when Symantec go public and say stop using our software http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-16740153?13:47
davmor2hmmmmmmm currryyyyyyyyyyy13:53
ubuntubhoyEdwina ?13:56
oimon_man ,irc is a dark art14:02
davmor2No real curry fro dinner14:02
davmor2for even14:02
davmor2czajkowski: prod afternoon14:02
czajkowskidavmor2: oi oi14:02
MooDooczajkowski: davmor2 PROD POKE PROD to you both14:04
czajkowskiMooDoo: ello14:04
* davmor2 tickles czajkowski 14:05
czajkowskiI haz no tickles :/14:05
* bigcalm_lappy hugs czajkowski14:06
* czajkowski locks bigcalm_lappy davmor2 and MooDoo in a room together 14:06
bigcalm_lappyWhat did I do wrong to deserve that?14:07
* MooDoo smashes out of the room with davmor2 as a battering ram and give czajkowski a big kiss on the cheek :) xx14:07
davmor2czajkowski: but then the three of us can plot against you together you sure that's a good move :P14:07
bigcalm_lappyThis place has become colder now that mrevil has left14:07
czajkowskilack of body heat14:08
czajkowskicuddle davmor214:08
davmor2oi get off you weirdo14:09
bigcalm_lappyI think gord might complain14:09
bigcalm_lappyczajkowski: davmor2 is picking on me!14:33
czajkowskihave you been paying attention all this time, pick on him!14:35
davmor2czajkowski: speak English woman I know you're Irish and all that, and I know my English sucks but hey.......14:37
* czajkowski peers at davmor2 14:38
* AlanBell wonders about beer in Farnham soonish14:40
AlanBellwell, maybe not that soon14:40
TheOpenSourcerermake it 4 and you're on14:40
oimon_raspberry pi featured on radio 414:40
TheOpenSourcererYes, I heard that too oimon_14:41
MooDoodavmor2: behave woman :)14:41
davmor2bigcalm_lappy: is just praising you all apart from czajkowski14:41
AlanBellbeer in London thursday/friday next week might work too14:42
czajkowskinest thursday14:42
czajkowskiis good before fosdem train on friday ;)14:42
AlanBellyes, next thursday is good, TheOpenSourcerer and I have a vTiger day then14:43
oimon_hope we'll see some good python and C courses coming out of RPi14:43
czajkowskiAlanBell: the cask ?14:45
dauberstempted to get a few rpi's and try and run some basic programming courses at the hacksapce14:45
daubersdirecthex: Minecraft 1.2 will have new LWJGL14:46
AlanBellczajkowski: cask is OK, I think we are in goodge street14:47
AlanBellanywhere central is good14:47
czajkowskiAlanBell: the surrey lot may know of somethign closer I only know that one and the fact you can book tables14:47
directhexdaubers, they said that for beta 1.3 or so14:49
directhexdaubers, i still have a bug open14:49
oimon_is software-center crashiness in 12.04 alpha a known issue?14:51
popeyAlanBell: next thursday i can probably make too14:52
directhexDaniel Kaplan (Official Rep) 10 months ago14:52
directhexThis will be fixed in 1.5. We have updated lwjgl Sorry for the trouble.14:52
DJonesdirecthex: From the latest release notes, "As you know, Minecraft is run using the Light-weight Java Game Library (LWJGL). We’ve been using a really old version of LWJGL because last time we tried to update it the game broke down and became unplayable for a lot of people. We are going to try to update it again once we release Minecraft 1.2."14:53
directhexDJones, "once we release 1.2" means "after 1.2 is out"14:54
daubersdirecthex: :)14:58
DJonesdirecthex: cynic :)14:59
bigcalm_lappyCoppers in here, oh mu15:05
TheOpenSourcererWow - http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/01/26/windows_azure_money_maker_not/ MS making $60m on Azure... Bet they spent more on those "Cloud Power" ads on London Underground...15:05
TheOpenSourcererSorry, not making, but revenue figure15:06
bigcalm_lappyWell, copper, singular15:06
smittixhmm Dia is pretty good.15:16
smittixI now have a digital diagram of our racks heh15:17
=== oimon_ is now known as oimon
* oimon holds down the super key in precise, gets a nice surprise15:26
AlanBellthe overlay shortcut guide :)15:26
oimoni was talking to someone on the train who said he had to stop using unity because the shortcuts overrode his normal ones :-\15:29
directhexi killed the super key thing in unity15:33
directhexit broke gnome do15:33
oimonyeah i think my friend only ever used terminal & an IDe15:37
ali1234who is good for registering domains?15:37
ali1234i want a .tv15:37
oimonsymantec advises disabling PC anywhere after it's code was 'open sourced' ..good confidence in a product there15:39
popeyoimon: old code15:40
zleapoimon, was thjs relaed to anonomous saying they had got hold of the source code and were going to publically release it15:41
oimonzleap, it wasn't anonymous but someone who found old code on some indian military(?) servers15:42
zleappc anywere thats the remote access stuff right15:42
gordali1234, gandi.net are pretty great, not sure if they do .tv though15:42
ali1234they do15:43
ali1234and they are the cheapest i've seen yet15:43
gordgood service with them15:44
DJonesoimon: The latest advice from Symantec says that the stolen material had included blueprints for Norton Antivirus Corporate Edition, Norton Internet Security, Norton SystemWorks (Norton Utilities and Norton GoBack) and pcAnywhere.15:45
AlanBellmedia dumbed down term for source code15:45
zleapI will probably send for a pack of 100 12.04 cd's when available15:45
zleapto me software blue print would be a piece of paper where someone has say sketched out what the UI would look like,15:46
AlanBellzleap: I can give you a heap of CDs15:46
zleapok cool15:47
AlanBellwhere are you based?15:47
zleapwell if I get this computer group set up, i will look in to that15:47
AlanBellok, if you can figure out how to get them from Farnham or London you can have them15:48
zleapok, what would the postage be ?15:48
zleapgiven to buy 100 it costs >81 quid  i can't see it costing anywhere near that to send via mail , I can send you a cheque or something for postage15:50
jonathonfoh i don't know, according to peter cannon's g+ it can cost £32 to post some stickers15:52
zleapwell the cost includes postage for 100 cds15:53
ali1234gord: got a referal code you want me to use or anything?15:53
gordali1234, nah15:54
zleapmaybe I can stick all the ones I have here in an envelope,  (count em) then ask at the post office how much it may cost to send them15:54
zleapthat would give me a rough idea15:54
jonathonfstandard parcels, no tracking, 5kg, £13.6115:56
jonathonf10kg is £17.5315:57
TheOpenSourcererParcelforce 48hr should be around £10 for UK mainland.15:59
TheOpenSourcererWith an account it is about £8 IIRC.15:59
ali1234any idea why openshot says libx264 is missing, when i have it?16:04
ali1234oh, nvm it tells you how to fix it16:04
zleaphi popey16:04
jonathonfholy moly: http://www.nasa.gov/images/content/618486main_earth_full.jpg16:04
MooDooyeah it's the earth, big deal ;)16:05
zleapquite good detail16:06
ali1234500 metres/pixel16:06
popeytis a lovely pic16:07
popeyshame it's USA ☺16:07
zleapi am sure they have taken others16:07
popeywow, clicking that jpg, x just exploded16:07
popeyhad to login again16:07
ali1234the 8000x8000 one?16:08
popeyyeah, dunno if that triggered it16:08
popeybut it was just after16:08
shaunoheh, bluemarble at 500m/px is telling me it has 31 minutes left on 1.3GB.  yeouch16:09
ali1234they have torrents16:09
shaunoI think torrents would be slower on work's network.  they like to block anything they can spell16:10
zleapyou can see outflow from the mississipi river i think,16:10
shaunothe US looks pretty baren from space16:12
zleapyeah, it looks better at nigfht you can see where cities are16:12
shaunoit was more the lack of green that gets me16:12
popeysomeone made a ruby script which grabs the daily satellite pic of the uk iirc16:12
AlanBelloh heck16:13
zleapok what makes ruby and ruby on rails different from say python or c16:13
popeydifferent language16:13
gordwould be nice to get some thing like that to make a daily desktop wallpaper16:13
gordthat might be fun to code16:13
popeyyeah, thats what it did16:13
jonathonfruby is similar to python, they're both interpreted16:13
zleapyeah but wha would i use ruby for16:13
jonathonfc is a lower-level language16:13
AlanBellif you accidentally do something very silly with rm, in what order does it delete things?16:14
zleapnot sure16:14
ali1234whatever order they are on disk16:14
daubersAlanBell: Normally the order of "ARGHH!!! OH MY GOD ARGHHHHHH!"16:14
popeyinode order?16:14
zleapso rm -r /  means that root goes first16:14
popeyyou can't delete root16:15
heeedubuntu in the news again http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-1673107116:15
jonathonfiirc ext doesn't delete the data, just unlinks the inode, so you should be able to recover it (somehow)16:15
AlanBellI caught it fairly quick, just don't know what it did16:15
shaunoI think it uses the same order you'll see with ls -U16:16
zleapAlanBell, if I pay postage are you happy to send the cd's please ?16:16
AlanBellzleap: sure16:16
zleapI will try and figure out how much it costs to send 20 - 25 cd's i have that many  older ones here16:16
shaunoI'm assuming he's a good geek and has backups, just isn't sure what he's retreiving from them ;)16:16
zleapAlanBell, thanks16:17
* popey hugs his backups16:18
zleapOk will ask at post office sometime over the next few days16:18
ali1234so does this HUD thing have a way to list all possible commands?16:19
zleapits nice in that article that xerox parc have been given proper credit for the development of the GUI many people believe it was MS or Apple I think16:20
gordali1234, nope16:20
ali1234also how does it work with programs like blender?16:20
gordit doesn't16:20
ali1234well that's a bit rubbish then16:20
gordwell it uses appmenu, so anything that doesn't support appmenu, hud can't do16:20
ali1234so basically it doesn't work with anything that isn't gtk or qt and doesn't work with anything xhosted?16:21
zleapso that sounds like a good reason for people to build in that support and hopefully they will do so16:21
gordi actually want to spend some time adding appmenu support to blender :) can see it being very useful there16:22
ali1234not really16:22
ali1234you hardly ever use the menus in blender16:22
ali1234it is designed to be used with 1 hand on keyboard and one hand on mouse at all times16:22
ali1234that's why all keyboard shortcuts are like "a" and not "ctrl-shift-a"16:22
AlanBellwould the hud help with blender if it did work then?16:23
ali1234no, because it requires you to take your hand off the mouse16:23
gordit would help me in blender16:23
ali1234it would just slow down an experienced blender user16:23
ali1234well, unless they learn to type really fast with their left hand16:23
gordexperienced users will always use the key combos16:23
gordfor anything16:23
ali1234even beginners use the shortcuts in blender because there's no alternative16:24
gordi use the menus16:24
gordbecause i don't know all the key combinations16:24
gordnor do i use it enough to learn them16:24
ali1234that must be sloooooooow16:24
ali1234you must know a b g16:24
gordi know a few16:24
ali1234x y z16:24
gordi know the common things, its the uncommon ones i don't16:24
ali1234and the numpad16:25
gordwhich is what hud would be good for16:25
oimonHUD and ubuntu tv both seem to have had a warm reception (few noisy naysayers)..16:25
ali1234that's because all the naysayers already left16:26
oimoneven on g+ etc. even naysayers have to put their hands up and say, well at least it's an interesting concept16:26
ali1234personally i think it's awful16:26
oimon"few" naysayers16:26
ali1234but presumably it will be as easy to kill as global menus16:26
AlanBellyeah, don't tap alt16:27
ali1234unlike the window management, which is kind of fundamental16:27
gordyou think everything is awful though ali1234 ;)16:27
oimonbuttons on the left still don't work for me16:27
AlanBellI am happy with menus going back into windows, global menu doesn't work for me16:27
ali1234global menu is going?16:27
AlanBellgord: did you see the bug suggestion about putting the HUD on the application16:28
* oimon wonders if popey got his lenovo in the end16:28
popeywhen i installed hud, i realised how little I ever use menus16:28
gordAlanBell, i did16:28
popeynope oimon16:28
AlanBellali1234: yeah, it will be optional16:28
ali1234about time :)16:28
oimonthinkpad on the ISS is a great PR :)16:28
popeysabdfl took a thinkpad to ISS16:29
AlanBellgord: that would really make sense for me, if the hud was window attached, top left of my left monitor is quite a long way from where I do most work really16:29
popeysadly running windows16:29
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
ali1234does anyone else get anoyed when you try to click "back" in firefox or something, and the launcher slides out and covers it, and you accidentally click on something else?16:29
AlanBellpopey: and he did some blender renders on it16:29
popeybecause I have the launcher always out16:29
gordAlanBell, might change it so its per monitor. but not per app anytime soon16:29
oimonhttp://ubuntuone.com/4dajA311koyxyyYWuqMWEd breakfast anyone?16:30
ali1234where is that?16:30
oimonhis is a genuine breakfast from a cafe in Great Yarmouth that my mate told me about. Its called the "Kids breakfast" because it weighs the same as a small child @ 10 pounds!! It costs 15 quid and If you eat it within 60 minutes you get it for free.....noone has ever finished16:30
ahayzenoimon: Now thats what i call breakfast :)16:31
jonathonftsk... that's so unhealthy. non-diet coke.16:31
ali1234i could eat that. not in 60 minutes though16:31
ali1234the bread is the killer16:31
popeyI'd struggle with the toast16:31
oimoni'd need real life gaviscon men and a gaviscon hose pipe16:31
popeyjeez, its toast, fried and raw bread!16:31
AlanBellthat looks fabulous16:32
oimonapparently the cafe is called jesters16:32
jpdsjonathonf: And diet coke is healthy?16:32
oimonwhat are the black things16:33
ali1234black pudding16:33
jonathonfwell... no... but i couldn't come up with a better "joke" :(16:33
zleapthat looks awsome16:33
zleapand yummy16:33
zleapmind you,  it would be good with a few friends to share16:33
oimoni coudn't eat anything that's touched a baked bean16:33
oimonone of my little "things"16:33
* popey rubs baked beans all over the channel16:34
zleapoimon, same here16:34
zleapi like tinned spaghetti though16:34
=== AlanBell changed the topic of #ubuntu-uk to: Welcome to #ubuntu-uk! http://ubuntu-uk.org | This channel is publicly archived http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Mailing List http://tinyurl.com/uukml | Support Guidelines http://tinyurl.com/uuksupport | Meeting 2nd February 21:00 UK time #ubuntu-uk-meeting | baked beans ftw \o/
popeyi never used to eat baked beans then when i was 17 I went to a friends house and his mum made baked bean toasties16:34
oimonif i find a baked bean in the kitchen sink, it's game over16:34
popeyi ate one and discovered they were lovely16:34
oimonmy 2yr old son eats curried baked beans, at least they smell ok16:35
oimoni can eat alphabetti spaghetti,16:35
TheOpenSourcererThat's a bit light on bacon if you ask me.16:35
shaunoI can't imagine what game ends with beans in the sink16:35
zleapyeah or spaghetti rings16:35
oimonshauno, the washing up game16:35
oimoni always lose16:35
dauberscurried bakes beans are _awesome_16:35
directhexcompetitive eating protip: soak your bread16:35
directhexdip it in any liquid you have16:36
shaunooimon: get a dishwasher.  they're like robots, without the revolts16:36
directhexshauno, your dishwasher hasn't revolted yet?16:36
oimoni have one, but still pots, pans and baby stuff need sink attention16:36
zleapits odd that both come in tomato sauce, so it must be the taste of the beans in the sauce,16:36
oimonthe texture of a bean is the worst thing ever16:36
popeyyou are odd16:37
oimononly by society's majority verdict16:37
oimonmy least favourite liquid drink in the world is tea16:37
shaunodirecthex: revolting, but not revolted16:37
popeymy daughter loved the cauliflower pizza I made yesterday16:37
oimoni want bacon and sossy sandwich now16:38
zleapi don't like tea either16:38
daubersoimon: Are you really a closet american?16:38
zleaphey me and oimon seem to have quite a bit in common16:38
=== popey changed the topic of #ubuntu-uk to: Welcome to #ubuntu-uk! http://ubuntu-uk.org | This channel is publicly archived http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Mailing List http://tinyurl.com/uukml | Support Guidelines http://tinyurl.com/uuksupport | Meeting 2nd February 21:00 UK time #ubuntu-uk-meeting | Tea & baked beans ftw \o/ |
directhexzleap, poor you :(16:38
zleapwell i we all have one thing in common - ubuntu16:39
shaunofeeling I should keep quiet on that one16:40
zleapwell Linux then16:40
popeygord: comment on the youtube video about hud...16:40
popey"What about dyslexic people?"16:40
ali1234why does openshot only export 9 seconds of video from a 10 second project?16:41
gordpopey, supports them better than most search algorithms16:41
zleaptime paradox16:41
zleapit seems the school version of the raspberry pi will have a case, hopefully a trans parent one, so people can see in side,16:42
zleapi would probably need one of those simply to demo it in the after school club16:43
shaunoI'm astounded how much the innocent inclusion of a space in trans parent completely changed my mental picture16:44
zleapi see your point16:44
zleaphmm my shelf currently has a row of books, 1x latex book, 1x playwork book, 1x first aid manual, 1x html book, 1x football (nfl) for dummies book and a dummies book on autism16:47
zleapa real mix there eh16:47
shaunooh I wasn't trying to be picky about it.  just never saw that word in that light before :)16:47
zleapshauno, no problem,   until you pointed it out i hadn't noticed how the meaning was changed16:48
shaunohow quickly my head went from rasberry pi, to tim curry16:48
zleapis that were you get that huge breakfast from16:50
andylockranHowdy all16:57
Linuxsapien no one listens in here now :(16:58
andylockranIs it best to store files in MySQL, or references to files and store them in a web-accessible dir?16:58
ujjainThe discussions were all but done. - Discussions were close to ´done´ or not at all close?16:58
ujjainsorry about the English question :P It ś a hard language.16:58
ali1234andylockran: depends on the file size16:58
ali1234ujjain: close to done16:58
ujjainYou should not save files in MySQL.16:58
ali1234i disagree16:58
ujjain¨I am all but happy about this¨  = unhappy. It seems, hmm.16:59
ali1234nobody would ever say that16:59
directhexBLOB is the devil. don't store files in mysql16:59
ujjainI have a very big image gallery, I have the meta database in database.16:59
ujjainand the files hosted on the server.16:59
ujjainYes, directhex++.16:59
ujjainespecially if you have 5000 visitors daily, it´s painful.16:59
ujjainto get every 1mb file from the MySQL, data integrity scary, meta data in SQL, + files on server, was an obvious best choice for me.17:01
ujjain¨I am all but happy about this¨ < does this make sense. does it mean you are unhappy?17:03
DJonesProbably black pudding or burnt mushrooms17:03
ali1234ujjain: it doesn't make sense17:03
ali1234nobody would say that17:04
shaunoI can see the logic, but you'd never hear it used17:04
ujjainali1234: I see, it sounds very natural to me, but the exact same construction makes the exact opposite here.17:04
ujjainI am all but happy would be a way of saying ¨I am totally unhappy about this¨.17:04
ujjain¨The talks are all but constructive¨ would be a good way to say  the talks are in/un/constructive (inconstructive)17:05
shaunofor an odd definition of 'good'.  if you're at all unsure about how the other party will understand the phrase, it's better to be unambiguous17:06
ujjain¨the talks are all but constructive¨ < does this make any sense?17:06
andylockranali1234: yeah, I should probably just store directory paths17:06
AlanBellit is a colloquialism, not many people in not many parts of the country would say that ujjain17:06
AlanBellin fact all but a few would say it ;)17:07
ali1234ujjain: no, you can only use that idiom in relation to completeness of a task17:07
ujjainAlanBell: ah ok :) I´ll interpret ´all but´, as close... but not totally.17:07
ujjainali1234: thanks a lot! :)17:07
ali1234argh openshot is so buggy17:07
ali1234every time i try a new program i find several bugs. does anyone else actually use this stuff?17:08
shaunono.  they just write tutorials on how easy it is to install ubuntu, and then go back to using their macs for useful work17:09
shauno(really should have added a smiley to that one)17:09
shaunojust always found it odd that instalation tutorials have always vastly outnumbered any other task-based tutorial.  "what's next" is severly under-represented17:11
ali1234true dat17:11
ali1234if installing is so easy, why are you telling us how to do it for the 10 millionth time?17:12
ali1234bug 922196, bug 922203, bug 92220717:17
lubotu3Launchpad bug 922196 in openshot (Ubuntu) "openshot cuts off the last second of video when exporting to bluray" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92219617:17
lubotu3Launchpad bug 922203 in openshot (Ubuntu) "down dissolves revert to up dissolves when moved on the timeline" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92220317:17
lubotu3Launchpad bug 922207 in openshot (Ubuntu) ""replace clip" does not work if the new clip has the same filename but is in a different directory" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92220717:17
czajkowskiAlanBell: did we settle on the cask for next thursday ?17:38
AlanBellTheOpenSourcerer: sound good to you? ^17:40
AlanBellit is in pimlico17:40
AlanBellnot quite sure why we are going to pimlico for expensive beer, but I am fine with the cask17:40
brobostigonafternononings eevryone.17:41
czajkowskiAlanBell: we can book a table and thursday being busy plus nice beer :)17:42
AlanBelland I suppose if popey is coming from the tower of power it is convenient for that17:43
czajkowskiand ade17:43
czajkowskibut not from the tower17:43
popeyto the tower!17:44
Azelphurjacobw popey AlanBell dunno if you saw me saying at like 3am last night, added a bunch of stuff including XMPP support, https://github.com/Azelphur/TwistedCat :D17:45
Azelphurnetcat to your android phone \o/17:45
* czajkowski imagines ade walking from the tower covered in flames from passing through the door 17:46
AlanBellade has bounced on my trampoline I think17:48
popeyhe has17:48
AlanBellum, that isn't a very strange euphamism17:48
* AlanBell grumbles at hud17:52
gordfrom reddit.com/r/flossworldproblems "Canonical prototyping a search bar got more press than FreeBSD 9 (freebsd.org)" ¬_¬17:52
AlanBellit broke my global menu, but if hud searched properly I wouldn't need the global menu because I would be using the hud17:52
gordmade me giggle17:52
AlanBellbug 921068 needs fixing, then I don't need menus any more17:53
lubotu3Launchpad bug 921068 in Application Menu Indicator "HUD search results for full words are not matching correctly" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92106817:53
gordonjcpI couldn't get any sense out of HUD at all17:53
gordonjcpstart to type in "File", get to "Fil" and it would be showing "View->Filters"17:54
gordonjcpokay, maybe it wants "open" then "o-p-e" "View->Highlighting Mode->OpenCL"17:56
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
popeygordonjcp: why would you want 'file' ?18:00
gordonjcppopey: to, uh, open a file18:01
popeybut the menu option to open a file is 'open' as you then tried18:01
gordonjcppopey: I certainly didn't want View->Filters and don't remember gedit even having that as an option18:02
zleapyeah i want to be able to seachj for files but then know which folder it is in,  so perhaps a feature you get with firefox downloads open containing folder would be good18:02
gordonjcppopey: right, which matched "OpenCL"18:02
popeywhich is duff18:02
popeyope finds open for me18:02
dogmatic69is there a way I can make /dev/ttyS0 point to /dev/ttyUSB018:02
popey(in gedit)18:02
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: ln -s ?18:03
zleappopey, would a symlink do that (asking about dogmatic69s question)18:03
dogmatic69MartijnVdS: ttyS0 exists, can I just delete it?18:03
zleapok to answer that question - yes :)18:03
popeygord: is there a bug already filed that menus disappear?18:04
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: yes, or move it aside18:04
gordonjcppopey: I couldn't really spend a lot of time on it, the graphics corruption was too bad18:04
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: won't stick beyond reboot anyway18:04
gordonjcppopey: 12.04 just isn't happy on my machine18:04
zleapMartijnVdS, what would happen if you put it in the bash-rc fle18:05
dogmatic69cool, thanks18:05
MartijnVdSzleap: don't put device stuff in a bashrc18:05
zleapjust asking18:05
MartijnVdSBest way to make it stick would be using udev rules18:05
MartijnVdSBut it's usually a better option to "educate" the program that's trying to use the wrong device18:05
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
* AlanBell sees an update for the hud :)18:17
* brobostigon puts a berrel of hooky on the community table for eeveyone to heko themselves to, he is feeling generous.18:19
AlanBellaaah the hud mixes up stuff from the indicators with stuff from the app you are in because it is all one menu18:38
popeyyeah, so you can press alt then type shutdown I guess18:39
AlanBellyeah, I couldn't work out why it was always showing me thunderbirds new message in random apps like gedit18:40
AlanBellbut it is because it is showing options from the messages indicator18:40
AlanBellI think the searching is better now, but it is still better at fuzzy matching than exact matching18:41
bigcalmI have returned!19:27
bigcalmDon't all get up at once19:31
ali1234who is this lord richard allan guy?20:11
ali1234facebook can't possibly realise that a large proportion of their "users" are in fact bots accounts created specifically to carry out malicious acts20:12
ali1234so is he lying to a judge or what?20:13
jacobwnested tmux sessions are annoying20:29
popeyali1234: no idea what you're on about ☺20:45
ali1234yeah, that20:45
AlanBellI was just reading it20:46
AlanBellin an "oh, so *thats* what ali1234 was on about" kind of way20:46
ali1234i've heard that facebook bot owners typically have thousands of bot accounts20:46
ali1234it only takes a photo of a sexy girl and you can get 300 friends easily20:47
ali1234so much for neighbourhood watch20:48
bigcalmTime for a Facebook cull! Wonder if I'll cull myself this time20:49
smittixEvening all20:53
jacobwevening smittix20:54
smittixWebsite woes tonight. Thought I'd give myself a break20:54
jacobwwhat's up?20:55
smittixJust setup my VPS to serve a wordpress site and im getting Server Error 500's20:56
smittixIm sure there is a PHP module I have missed. I can remember having this problem a while back.20:56
smittixBut can't for the life of me remember the name of the package I installed to get it working.20:57
Azelphursmittix: have you checked /var/log/apache2/error.log assuming your using apache220:57
smittixAzelphur: Yeah, Nothing there that stands out.20:58
smittixYeah nothing to go from at all really20:59
smittixahhh. Light bulb moment.21:00
smittixNope that was not it.21:01
jacobware you installing from packages?21:08
TK5791Am I in the right channel to get some help with Ubuntu?21:51
Azelphur!ask | TK579121:52
lubotu3TK5791: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:52
TK5791how do I mount a network drive in Ubuntu?21:52
Azelphurwhat type of network drive?21:53
TK5791Seagate NAS21:53
TK5791Go Flex to be procise21:53
Azelphurhmm, not sure what protocol they talk21:53
bigcalmWhen in doubt, try smb/cifs21:58
TK5791my dictionary doesn't work in LibreOffice, anyone know how to fix?21:59
TK5791anyone home/22:01
TK5791there are 133 users on this channel and no one is saying anything?22:01
TK5791what gives???22:01
AlanBellwe are all asleep22:01
TK5791sounds like your all dead more like22:02
AlanBellgenerally if people don't know the answer they don't say anything, plus loads of people are connected 24/7 but not at their computers22:02
AlanBellwhat dictionary?22:03
TK5791UK English22:03
TK5791in Libra it simply doesn't appear22:03
AlanBellhmm, works for me22:04
AlanBellare you on oneiric (11.10)22:04
TK5791when I attempt to spell check it just tell me that everything is ok and then quits22:04
TK5791however I know that some of the words are wrong.22:04
AlanBellno wavey red underlines on words?22:05
ahayzenin the status bar at the bottom does it have 'English (UK)' ?22:05
TK5791however when I attempt to specify UK English as the main dictionary nothing happens22:06
TK5791very frustrating22:06
TK5791in fact Ubuntu is very frustrating period22:06
TK5791strike that last remark22:06
TK5791linux is very frustrating22:07
ahayzenIs autospell check enabled?22:07
TK5791tools - language - for all text - English (UK) (I'm unable to put a tick against this)22:11
ahayzeni can't either but my spell check is working22:11
TK5791well then you are either lucky or I am just dam unlucky22:12
ahayzenso if you go Tools => Options => language settings => writing aids ... are all the 'User defined dictionaries' ticked?22:13
smittixAzelphur: sorted it22:13
Azelphursmittix: :D22:13
smittixI was right with the "lightbulb moment"22:13
smittixI just didnt restart apache heh22:13
smittixI hadn't installed php5-gd22:14
TK5791can anyone suggest an open source alternative to Libra?22:15
TK5791<bigcalm> thank you I'll give it a try22:16
ahayzenbigcalm: I like abiword :)22:16
zleaplibreoffice is open source or do you want a simpler program ?22:18
TK5791no no no.... I want  a program that works22:21
TK5791libreoffice dictionary isn't working.... and no one seems to know how to fix it22:22
TK5791this all = frustration22:22
ahayzenTK5791: You could try the specific libreoffice channel (#libreoffice), as most of us here aren't libreoffice experts22:24
AlanBelland normally it just works22:24
popeyTK5791: within libreoffice writer, if you go to tols -> spelling and grammar, what do you see in the top part of that window?22:24
AlanBellso you installed 11.10 from scratch right?22:24
popeyshould look like that22:27
TK5791it should look like this but all I get  is an empty box next to Text Language22:30
TK5791clearly the software hasn't engaged the dictionary22:30
popeyahh, thats good!22:30
TK5791assigned the dic is probably a better way of putting it22:31
popeythe box which on my picture has English in, is that empty and if you click it there's no options there?22:31
popeyso the dictionary isnt installed by the look of it22:32
AlanBelloh, it uses the system dictionaries22:33
TK5791doesn't it come pre installed?22:33
popeyit does, yes22:33
popeysomething has gone awry22:33
TK5791that figures22:33
AlanBellyes it does, but it isn't a libreoffice dictionary, it is across the whole shebang22:33
popeythere's a single one line command I could give you which could just fix it22:33
popeyif you are okay opening up a terminal?22:34
TK5791terminal right?22:34
popeyyeah, if you can get to a terminal and issue this command it should install any missing stuff22:34
TK5791ok I'm ready22:34
TK5791do I need to quit the application 1st?22:34
popeynow, there's one check before we do it, are you using Ubuntu or Kubuntu or some other derivative like Mint?22:34
popeysudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^22:35
popeythat is the command22:35
popeythe caret on the end is important22:35
popeyit will ask for your password22:35
popeythen it _should_ install extra missing stuff22:35
TK5791its completed install I'll give it a bash22:37
popeydid it download and install stuff?22:37
popeymaybe stuff with dictionary type names?22:37
TK5791it installed something.... do I need to do something in the software to assign the dictionary?22:38
popeyshouldn't have to22:38
popeyit should figure it out22:38
popeyif not, then something else may be amiss22:38
TK5791ok... then nothing has changed22:38
popeyok, in libreoffice go to Tools -> Options22:39
popeyThen on the left under 'Language Settings' there is 'Writing aids'22:40
popeythats what mine looks like22:41
TK5791i appear to be missing GB English22:43
popeyahh, thats progress22:43
popeyno idea how you add that22:43
popeycongratulations! you have successfully reached the limits of my libreoffice knowledge!22:44
popeyYou win a prize ☺22:44
TK5791thanks anyway22:44
popeyI don't know if AlanBell knows more ☺22:44
AlanBellok, lets see22:45
AlanBellok TK5791 can you go to the system settings program and find the language support option in there22:46
AlanBellso in the dash search for system settings, or it might be on the launcher bar22:46
smittixTK5791: What version of Ubuntu?22:47
TK5791found it Alan22:48
TK5791its updating the language.. something was missing apparently22:48
AlanBellin that list it should start with English (United Kingdom) followed by English22:49
TK5791aye ;)22:49
AlanBellthen some other colonies of the old British Empire22:49
TK5791its working now22:50
TK5791blimey that was a slog22:50
TK5791thank you thank you thank you thank you22:50
smittixanother happy customer.22:51
TK5791now if I could only figure out how to mount a network drive22:51
popeya windows one?22:51
bigcalmWhenever I move my mouse to the bottom of this monitor, I keep expecting it to then appear on my Xoom tablet. Too many screens on this desk -22:53
TK5791no I linux one... Go Flex Seagate to be more precise22:54
AlanBellTK5791: in the nautilus file manager go to file-connect to server, in the type dropdown select the type of share (windows, ssh, etc) and put in the address to connect to22:54
dutchiecron is doing something strange22:55
smittixbigcalm: HEH22:55
bigcalmThe device may show up on your 'Network' places22:55
dutchiewell, not doing anything at all22:56
TK5791sorry don't know where Nautilus is22:56
bigcalmdutchie: what should it be doing?22:56
dutchieit's supposed to be running a desktop background rotation script and a script wrapper round get_iplayer22:57
dutchiebut it isn't22:58
AlanBellTK5791: nautilus is the name of the file manager, like finder or windows explorer22:58
dutchieI added a "* * * * * echo hi > /home/josh/cronstamp" and that ran22:58
TK5791I've found connect to server22:58
dutchieso i am assuming there is something wrong with the lines invoking the scripts22:58
TK5791it seems to be what you're referring to22:59
TK5791does afp mean anything22:59
TK5791I can see the drive, but can it mounted like a folder in win?23:00
bigcalmAFP is a news site23:00
TK5791AFP Volume23:00
AlanBelldunno if it supports that, most NAS devices present stuff as windows shares as well as other protocols23:01
dutchieok, changing from "/path/to/script" to "/bin/bash /path/to/script" didn't make a difference23:01
bigcalmdutchie: if you're calling a .sh, try "/bin/sh /home/josh/myfunkyscript.sh"23:01
* bigcalm shrugs :S23:01
TK5791I own a mac but I can assure you the drive wasn't set up on the mac but rather on Win vista23:01
AlanBellbug 84647323:02
lubotu3Launchpad bug 846473 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Browse networks shows afp mounts but can't mount them" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84647323:02
AlanBellapparently the fix is that it can mount them now23:03
AlanBellI suspect the NAS box can serve up the same stuff as a windows share, AFP thing webdav etc. etc. The one that is advertised best is the AFP share, but it might not be the best one to connect to23:03
TK5791thank you again Alan... you've been a trem help23:05
dutchiei made an askubuntu thing, http://askubuntu.com/questions/98855/cron-jobs-not-running23:10
smittixCan anyone access nixaddict.com ?23:14
bigcalmOops, nothing here :(23:14
smittixthat's ok. I can't get anything. Must be DNS23:14
smittixNo post's I have only just brought it up.23:15
bigcalmI see23:17
bigcalmYes, the site works for me23:17
smittixta :)23:17
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
HazRPG\o greets from Egypt!23:28
AlanBello/ HazRPG23:48

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