
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ogra_hey, are there any known probs with the new X abi and themeing ? 12:27
ogra_i'm using an nvidia tegra driver over here, according to nvidia it should work fine with ABI 11 but i see a lot of small issues in firefox, with the overlay toolbars and general themes12:28
tjaaltonogra_: probably a driver bug then14:11
Sarvattogra_: try downgrading to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pixman/0.24.0-1 ?15:19
ogra_Sarvatt, ah, thanks, will try that later today 15:19
* ogra_ has meetings all over the day15:19
tjaaltonoh right, that got updated15:20
Sarvattogra_: I'm not sure what kind of corruption you're getting, but there is a bug in the newer pixman15:20
Sarvattinstead of https://bugs.freedesktop.org/attachment.cgi?id=55872 with 0.24.015:20
Sarvattoh got updated?15:20
Sarvattah got my hopes up they already released a revert of what broke it :)15:21
tjaaltonnah meant that I synced 0.24.215:21
jcristaussp posted a revert patch for that one aiui?15:25
Sarvattyeah http://mid.gmane.org/ye8ehunr1fm.fsf@llama16.cs.au.dk http://mid.gmane.org/ye8y5sv8s46.fsf@llama16.cs.au.dk15:26
oratedI need some help with Dell XPS 15 dual graphics card. I used  - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Laptops/Dell/XPS/15#Optimus_.2BAC8_Graphics_cards - and followed - echo OFF > /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch  - command to turn off the card but it gives error of -  # ls -l /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch  ls: cannot access /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch: No such file or directory - As per lspci, 15:33
oratedthere there is Nvidia card detected but I'm not able to switch if off. How to fix this?15:33
tjaaltonit's not possible to select from bios?15:34
oratedNo, I don't see any option in BIOS to disable second graphics card15:35
oratedtjaalton: But howcome switch directory is not present in my system?15:41
tjaaltonorated: no idea..15:42
tjaaltonusing the distro kernel and not your own?15:43
oratedWell, the instruction in the same wiki to completely disable the Nvidia card works though15:44
ogra_Sarvatt, hmm, now i had time to read the bug, i think my issues are worse than just badly rendered triangles15:44
orated3.0.0-15-generic 15:44
tjaaltonyeah blacklisting nouveau makes sense15:45
oratedBut I'm not sure if its completely disabled15:45
tjaaltoncheck the power usage15:45
oratedyes before blacklisting I remember the number but not the unit.. I remember 159 (unit) and after blacklisting, now it says - grep rate /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state - around 3000 mA15:47
oratedwhich changes to 1mA to at times unknown15:48
oratedon battery15:48
oratedpower in watts but the command listed in wiki gives current15:49
oratedcat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state gives no value for power here15:49
tjaaltonuse powertop-1.1315:56
oratedtjaalton: I don't think its possible to get power rating with a software tool. I tried powertop.. It gives Summary: 1008.9 wakeups/second,  0.0 GPU ops/second and 0.0 VFS ops/sec and table, nothing in watts16:09
tjaaltonthat's why I said powertop-1.1316:15
oratedok installed 1.13 now16:20
oratedand pinned it16:20
tjaaltonit's a separate package, no need to pin16:21
oratedI used http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/powertop16:21
oratedand locked the version*16:22
tjaaltonthe archive has both versions16:22
oratedWell, I will use from the archive later then. Now after running powertop, is the number within brackets under Top causes for wakeups in mW ?16:23
oratedI see Wakeups-from-idle per second : 138.1    interval: 15.0s no ACPI power usage estimate available16:24
tjaaltonrun powertop-116:25
jcristauorated: on battery, or ac?16:25
jcristauthe acpi power usage estimate thing only works on battery afaik16:26
oratedok on battery - Power usage (ACPI estimate): 38.9W (2.7 hours)16:26
tjaaltonwow :)16:26
tjaaltonmy t420s takes ~916:26
oratedNow, what does - 888.0 represent in Top causes for wakeups:  53.0% (888.0)   [Rescheduling interrupts] <kernel IPI> ?16:27
jcristauit represents 888 wakeups16:27
oratedI'm not sure how does it conform if the secondary GPU is disabled16:28
oratedprobably not16:28
tjaaltonright, sounds like it's still powered on16:31
oratedany other suggestion then?16:33
tjaaltonnot really..16:34
oratedIt says now - Power usage (ACPI estimate): 31.4W (3.2 hours) (long term: 100.1W,/1.0h)16:35
tjaaltonthis thinkpad is the only hybrid gfx machine I've had16:35
tjaaltonand it has a bios option to choose16:35
oratedthinkpad allows to disable secondary gfx card in bios, yes16:36
oratedanyway thanks tjaalton jcristau16:44
brycehcnd, for bug 754000 the branch is in the patch pilot queue for upload sponsorship, but it's a bit ambiguous whether it should go in19:27
ubot4`Launchpad bug 754000 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) (and 4 other projects) "Running Unity disables Xorg's 3-finger click support (middle click) (affects: 55) (dups: 4) (heat: 245)" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75400019:27
brycehcnd, should I upload it, or should I put the branch back to work in progress to remove it from the sponsor queue?19:28
bryceh(I've checked that it builds and written a changelog entry)19:28
brycehcnd, I don't have touch hardware I can test it on, but am wondering maybe just toss the patch in and see if anyone complains?19:51
cndbryceh, the patch doesn't apply to precise anymore21:21
cndand I worry that it could have regressions if applied as an SRU21:21
cndunfortunately, I haven't had enough time to test it21:21
cndbut it modifies a moderately complex area of the code21:22
brycehcnd, ok sounds like you would be against it, so I will unmark it for sponsorship21:24
cndbryceh, I can leave a comment if you are busy21:24
brycehI'm patch piloting today, so it's what I'm supposed to do21:25
brycehcnd, ok it's dropped from the sponsor queue21:39

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