
nuvolari\o/ day off04:51
nuvolarithen I should ask myself, why am I up so early?04:52
Kilosmorning superfly and others06:58
superflymorning Kilos!06:58
KilosMaaz, coffee on06:58
* Maaz starts grinding coffee06:58
superflyMaaz: coffee please06:59
Maazsuperfly: Alrighty06:59
Kiloslo nuvolari bakuman inetpro 06:59
Kiloshi sakhi 06:59
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos and superfly!07:02
KilosMaaz, ty07:02
MaazYou are welcome Kilos07:02
nuvolarihi oom Kilos :D07:08
nuvolarihoe gaan dit vanoggend met oom?07:08
nuvolariMaaz: coffee please07:09
Maaznuvolari: There isn't a pot on07:09
Kilosgoed dankie en self07:09
nuvolarishame on you Maaz 07:09
nuvolarigaan goed dankie oom07:09
nuvolariweet net nie wat om vandag aan te vang nie07:09
Kiloswerk jy nie?07:10
nuvolarihu uh :P07:10
Kilosdis lekker07:10
nuvolariek's 'n kwart-eeu vandag07:10
Kiloskry bietjie son07:10
Kilosvry vitamiene D07:11
Kilosmy nuvolari dis wonderlik, veels geluk met die verjaarsdag, mag die wat nog kom baie wees met net voorspoed07:17
Kilosnog nie die helfde van my nie maar jy vang op07:19
Kilosbe back tonight07:30
Kiloshave a good day guys07:30
inetpronuvolari: Happy Birthday!09:46
=== deegee is now known as drussell
inetprodrubin: wb10:51
nuvolari:> thanks inetpro 13:29
Kiloshi nlsthzn 18:04
Kilosevening all of ya18:04
nlsthznAlo uncle Kilos 18:04
Kilosno one battling with anything tonight i see18:05
Kilosoh well18:05
KilosMaaz, coffee on18:05
* Maaz starts grinding coffee18:05
nlsthznHola Puza Thursday18:05
Kilosbakuman, have you become a lurker too18:06
Kiloshi confluency you well?18:07
KilosMaaz, hurry18:09
MaazMaking decent coffee is an art Kilos and should never be rushed18:09
nlsthznMaaz, tea please18:09
MaazAs soon as the kettle boils I will pour boiling water into your cup if you have the tea bag in already18:09
nlsthznMaaz, with sugar?18:09
MaazHelp yourself outa the sugar pot18:09
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!18:09
KilosMaaz, thank you so much kind bot18:10
Maazno problem, Kilos18:10
Kilossee you all tomorrow sleep tight18:13
inetpronlsthzn: wb20:03
nlsthznthanks inetpro ... 20:03
inetpronlsthzn: you are having connectivity issues?20:05
nlsthznnot that I can tell20:06
nlsthznwhat I do see is 3 x-chat icons 20:06
nlsthznlooks like x-chat is going wonky20:06
nlsthznlet me get out and come back perhaps20:06
nlsthzninetpro, let us see if that is a bit better this time20:08
nlsthznsorry for the annoyance20:08
drubininetpro: thanks.20:11
inetprodrubin: thanks?20:11
drubininetpro: you welcomed me back20:11
inetproat 12:51?20:12
inetprodrubin: good to see you still surviving20:13
inetprodrubin: but I think I meant to welcome drussell back at the time :-)20:14
inetprosorry for that20:14
drubinhehe it is ok20:17
superflyheya drubin, how goes?20:19
superflywe don't see you much these days20:19
drubinsuperfly: Busy I guess ;/20:22
drubinbut I am good20:23
superflygood, glad to hear20:24

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