
deitariondownbeam: Ok. Do you want to keep the right-click menu you currently have and just add "Desktop Preferences" or do you want to switch to the menu that has options for manipulating desktop icons like Create New, Paste, Sort Files, and Select All.00:00
wrwrwrwhow to assemble existing RAID (mirror) when running from livecd?00:01
downbeami just want to switch00:01
deitariondownbeam: In the "Desktop Preferences" window, click the "Advanced" tab. You should see a checkbox labeled "Show menus provided by window managers when desktop is clicked". Uncheck that and you should be good.00:01
downbeami don't have that on lubuntu00:02
deitarionWhich version of Lubuntu? I'm on oneiric ocelot (11.10) and it's there.00:03
downbeamand when i type sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop into the terminal it says E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)00:03
downbeamE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?00:03
ubottudownbeam: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:04
* Star_Light bye all00:04
downbeamdid you see that deit?00:04
deitariondownbeam: Yeah. I'm just not sure what might cause that. Give me a sec to think.00:05
Tellmarchdownbeam, you might have another application running00:05
Tellmarchi mean, a package application00:05
downbeami tried it again i think it will work now..00:05
urlin2udownbeam, you have any other package loaders open like synaptic or the software center?00:05
downbeami dont know i just apt-geted kubuntu-desktop so i hope that works00:06
rtortoHello. I have a problem. Sound is being output to both my speakers(plugged in to the back of pc) and my headphones(plugged in the front) when I choose analog output connector, and to neither when I choose analog headphones connector. How do I get this to behave properly?00:08
=== krusnik is now known as tfguclu
=== ________________ is now known as eir
neo31graft, it uses WPA-PSK for authentication and TKIP for encryption00:11
magicJrtorto: i would believe that there is just one set of hadware with two connectors - so answer is - plug in what you want00:11
sherifanyone help?00:12
urlin2usherif, can you name the problem, then if anyone knows they will help.00:13
JetJaguarXPIf I have installed and am running kernel 3.2 can I just uninstall the old kernel that I'm not using?00:13
sherifwhen i log in ubuntu he tells me everytime that an application needs "keyring"00:13
psusiJetJaguarXP, yes00:14
sherifand i have to unlock00:14
urlin2uJetJaguarXP, generally 2 kernels are suggested.00:14
JetJaguarXPCool, I have three kernels.00:14
Tellmarchyeah it's best to keep at least one backup kernel00:14
urlin2usherif, the network manager?00:14
JetJaguarXPI added 3.1 and 3.2 today.00:14
psusionce you have tested the new kernel and are satisfied that it is working, there's no need to keep the old one00:14
sherifi guess00:15
JetJaguarXPCool.  apt-get remove <old kernel>  ?00:15
urlin2usherif, what is the application?00:15
psusiyou just don't want to delete the old one before you make sure the new one works ;)00:15
sherifhe never tells me00:15
Tellmarchno need, but it doesn't use much space too, and now grub hides them anyway, so it's kind of a bother to remove them for no visible gain00:15
sherifhe just say an application reqyire me to unlock keyring00:15
urlin2usherif, you using wireless?00:15
sherifdont even know wut is keyring00:15
JetJaguarXPOkey dokey, thanks folks.00:16
rtortomagicJ: no that's not the case, the soundcard does differentiate between those plugs, In windows you can choose one or the other. Pulseaudio just somehow doesn't get it00:16
sherifbut my wirless light go on automatic00:17
sherifis that related00:17
Tellmarchok, it's a bit annoying when it updates older kernel and ask you to reboot after it, but apart from that, no reason to remove them.00:17
sherifu there00:17
urlin2usherif, sounds like the network manager right click the wireless icon and then edit connections click on wireless then double click your connection then then tick connect automatically00:17
sherifok i will try that00:18
urlin2usherif, cool.00:18
sherifits ticked on connect automatically00:19
sherifshud i remove the tick00:19
sherifu there00:21
urlin2usherif, yes00:21
sherifi removed the tick00:21
sherifnow it wont ask me again?00:21
urlin2usherif, you want it ticked how about allow all users?00:21
sherifits allowed00:22
=== nigelb_ is now known as nigelb
sherifbut anyways im not using wirless now00:23
urlin2usherif, without a confirm of what needs the password it I can't say but it sounded like the network manager00:23
sherifyh its the network00:23
sherifbut cant get rid of this message00:24
urlin2usherif, you want both of those on generally, the allow all users will have any desktop run the manager automatically00:24
sherifthey r on n still ask me to unlock00:24
sherifso wut is the problem00:24
urlin2usherif, right but without any what its foir I have no idea others might though.00:24
sherifok i will just remove the wireless connection00:25
urlin2usherif, don't do that .00:25
sherify not?00:25
sherifim not using wirless at this home00:25
urlin2usherif, you mean your connection not the network manager right?00:25
sherifnetwrok connection00:26
urlin2usherif, cool that is okay. :D00:26
sherifi will try to relog now00:26
urlin2usherif, only remove the wireless conection not the managder00:26
sherifi dont even know how to remove the manager00:26
urlin2usherif, if you did you would loose the lan as ell00:27
sherifomg !!00:27
sherifhey if i wanna talk 2 u again how can i find u00:27
sherifis there any list here00:27
sherifi can add u to00:28
urlin2usherif, I will be here tonight.00:28
arekhey do you know me ?00:28
sherifi added u but never know where u added to00:29
sherifit works00:30
michelevalentinosalve A tutti00:31
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».00:31
sherifanyone knows how to make video calls on yahoo as i cant use yahoo messenger here00:32
ActionParsnipsherif: there used to be gyache, i believe its dead but there may be a fork00:34
sherifwut is that00:35
blackboxerI like limechat so far00:35
ActionParsnipsherif: its a yahoo client, if you look at your question and my reply its pretty obvious....00:35
sherifoh ok00:36
sherifi thought its a spell or something00:36
sherifhey theres no application with that name00:36
ActionParsnipsherif: use the web, its not available in the standard repos00:39
sherifok bro00:39
WargasmI found it00:39
WargasmI have no use for it but I was interested in seeing what it is...00:40
sherifthx war im downling now00:41
Wargasmsherif: glad to help00:41
sherifhow can i send a message to anyone in red00:42
sheriflike u just sent me00:42
Wargasmwhy wife uses skype... not happy that microsoft acquired it00:42
Wargasmyou just put the name in front00:42
urlin2usherif, autocomplete the nic with the tab is easiest00:42
rtortoHello. I have a problem. Sound is being output to both my speakers(plugged in to the back of pc) and my headphones(plugged in the front) when I choose analog output connector, and to neither when I choose analog headphones connector. How do I get this to behave properly?00:43
sherifnow red?00:43
Wargasmtype out my name, then your message00:43
sherifWargasm hello00:44
urlin2urtorto, that is kind of a convoluted description, can you be more clear/concse?00:44
Wargasmsherif perfect00:44
sherifwargasm yup00:44
sherifits still grey here00:44
Wargasmsherif its ok I see it00:44
urlin2usherif, this red00:44
sherifi downloaded gyache00:44
sherifbut its a folder00:44
sherifdunno how to install00:44
Wargasmsherif now the fun part of figuring that out00:45
haylorm -rf00:46
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!00:46
jribacerimmer: yes?00:47
Coreyacerimmer: Yes?00:47
acerimmersorry fat finger plz excuse00:47
hayloare you serious what an arse to do that00:47
sherifshud i open workspace n start gvin commands00:47
rtortourlin2u: ok, I want to be able to switch where audio is being output to, either my speakers or my headphones. The way it behaves now is it plays the audio in both my speakers and my headphones when I choose the "analog output" connector in sound preferences. And it doesn't play anything when I choose the "analog headphones" connector. The profile I'm using is analog duplex00:48
urlin2urtorto, cool not sure but that description even I can understand. :D00:49
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».00:50
ActionParsniprtorto: try the positionfix option on the sound driver00:50
urlin2urtorto, try analog stereo duplex00:50
Wargasmsherif: if you figure it out let me know...00:50
sherifWargasm im already lost00:51
jeremiah_how come every time i try to get jdk, I never find where it is or when i try to run a game and open it with java, it is not in the open from menu?00:51
urlin2urtorto, I wold defer to ActionParsnip thiugh.00:51
sherif<Wargasm> :S00:51
Wargasmsherif: lol, I'm new to ubuntu myself so any new way of doing things is welcome knowledge00:51
rocketsWhat's the equivalent of .xinitrc in Ubuntu 11.10. I don't appear to have one by default . . .00:51
sherifSteps for building a gyachi executable00:52
sherif1) use the autogen script to generate a configure script:00:52
sherif2) run configure, with any options that you might prefer:00:52
sherif./configure --disable-rpath --enable-maintainer-mode --prefix /usr00:52
FloodBot1sherif: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:52
sherif3) To generate a Fedora/RedHat spec file00:52
ActionParsniprtorto: try:  echo "options snd-hda-intel position_fix=1" | sudo  tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf                 reboot to test00:52
jeremiah_how come every time i try to get jdk, I never find where it is or when i try to run a game and open it with java, it is not in the open from menu?00:52
Wargasmsherif: yeah I'd search around the web to see if anyone has a different way of doing it... still too advanced for me00:52
sherify they blocked me00:52
sherifwargasm i only used ubuntu 2 days ago00:53
Wargasmsherif: you're not supposed to flood00:53
sherifwargasm wut is flood?00:53
sherifwargasm copy paste?00:53
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: do you use update alternatives as part of the install process00:53
Wargasmsherif: what you did up there is flooding00:53
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sherifwargasm wut i did?00:54
jeremiah_what? i just do what the instructions on the web say00:54
Wargasmsherif: yeah, multiple lines entered one after the other... its a no no00:54
BarkingFishsherif: You don't paste anymore than 3 lines in one go, too much can get you quietened in the channel00:54
BarkingFish!pastebin | sherif00:54
ubottusherif: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:54
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: what instructions are you using?00:55
sherifthx guys00:55
sherifwont do that again00:55
BarkingFishno problem :)00:55
sherifi promise00:55
littlegirlHey there, when Ubuntu puts out an LTS release, is all the software frozen at the version it's at when it's installed, or is there a certain number of versions that any software is allowed to be upgraded before it reaches whatever ceiling is set in the LTS?00:55
jeremiah_like type this into the terminal. then it downloads, goes to a hundred and thats it00:56
sherifanyone knows how to install gyachi?00:56
ActionParsniplittlegirl: if the software is super stable, it will be included00:56
acerimmerlittlegirl: you're discussing "feature freeze"00:56
ActionParsnipsherif: its a dead project afaik, i'd find an alternative00:56
littlegirlActionParsnip: Yep, what I want to know is how the version freeze is determined.00:56
sherifok i will just delete wut i downloaded00:56
littlegirlacerimmer: What I mean is that if I use Ubuntu LTS, I ca't have Firefox 9 installed by the package manager because the version is frozen much lower. How is that version determined?00:57
acerimmerlittlegirl: as I understand it, updates to the packages will follow the initial LTS release, but no new packages will be added to the official LTS.  Of course individual users can add, subtract, backport, etc00:57
Wargasmsherif: don't give up too quick00:57
sherifwargasm i am00:57
almoxarifesherif: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-gyachi-on-ubuntu-11-04-natty-using-ppa.html00:57
krysitswhen coems out next lts release00:57
littlegirlacerimmer: That's what I thought, but Firefox is at a much higher version that you can get from the Ubuntu package manager, so I wonder how that version is decided.00:57
ActionParsnipsherif: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185991300:58
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: are you using 32bit ubuntu?00:58
rtortoActionParsnip: That doesn't seem to change anything. Thanks though.00:58
sherifalmoxarife thx but i already deleted this00:59
almoxarifehttps://launchpad.net/~loell/+archive/ppa sherif00:59
cosmicfiresdoes the latest ubuntu works with kernel raid?01:00
sherifwargasm u sent me a link earlier can u send again01:00
sherifit was the latest version of gyachi01:00
sherifi guess01:00
ActionParsniprtorto: remove the line from the file, as it does nothing01:00
artichokuhello everyone01:01
artichokuhi there actionparsnip01:02
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artichokuhow r u this evening?01:02
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rocketsIs there some equivalent to .xinitrc in Ubuntu 11.10?01:02
jeremiah_are you going to answer?01:02
* artichoku is seeking assistance with wireless drivers01:02
acerimmerartichoku: more info?01:03
ActionParsnipartichoku: just cleaned the house, so a bit tired01:03
artichokulol, i understand Action01:03
artichokuacerimner: so...01:03
artichokuonce upon a time my laptop had 9.10 on it01:04
artichokuit used the b43 driver01:04
artichokuand it worked great01:04
sherifim installin it01:04
pangolinartichoku: try and keep your question all in one post01:04
artichokui upgraded and it gave me sta driver which doesn't work01:04
acerimmerartichoku: you mean the on DVD sta driver??01:04
artichokuonce upon a time my laptop had 9.10 on it. I was using the b43 driver and it worked well. i upgraded to 11.04 and b43 disappeared and it gave me the STA driver, which didn't work at all. I found a tutorial to get the b43 driver back on, and it was working, but monitor mode was stuck in channel -101:05
sherifthx guys the program works now01:06
artichokui broke out my old 9.10 disk to roll back to that version, but the driver was still missing, so this very second i'm installing 11.10, but i believe this isn't going to solve the issue01:07
urlin2uartichoku, distro upgrades need reinstalls of drivers.01:07
jeremiah_augh. now i have to ask again01:07
ActionParsnipartichoku: if you run:  dmesg | grep -i firm | grep -v grep        do you see anything about firmware missing?01:07
urlin2u!patience > jeremiah_01:07
ubottujeremiah_, please see my private message01:07
acerimmerartichoku: what wifi card do you have?  Broadcomm???01:08
artichokubroadcomm, yeah01:08
urlin2u!tab > jeremiah_01:08
ubottujeremiah_, please see my private message01:08
acerimmerartichoku: model #?  b43##?01:08
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: if you highlight me as I am highlighting you its easier to find01:08
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: type action   then hit TAB and it will complete01:08
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artichokuoh lord i have no idea01:09
artichokuit just worked with 9.10, so i never looked01:09
=== Guest65254 is now known as Dave
=== Dave is now known as Dave9
acerimmerartichoku: I rolled my own driver from broadcom's linux STA.  Take a look at this plz:  http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php01:09
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: cd; wget http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/install32bitJava; sudo install32bitJava01:09
=== Dave9 is now known as dave
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a_p3rsongeneral pidgin question, how do i get the contact get info screen to show the fullname instead of userid? (for facebook chat)01:10
jeremiah_so what?01:10
=== Guest79684 is now known as DaveInKewaskum
artichokudoes monitor mode work properly with it acerimmer?01:10
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: so what, what?01:10
jeremiah_i dont get how its done.01:10
AOPSacer are the best laptops01:10
* DaveInKewaskum has a Ubuntu 10.04 SERVER question - 01:10
acerimmerartichoku: never had a problem with it.  I rotate between about 6 wifi points and it always connects...01:10
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: copy the command, paste it to a termnal and hit enter.01:10
urlin2uartichoku, this command will identify your card.  spci | grep -i wireless01:10
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: can you PLEASE highlight me01:10
ceed^Hi, what's the main difference between openjdk and the Sun/Oracle Java. I removed the latter and my java applications still work.01:11
jeremiah_yah i did01:11
urlin2uartichoku,  sorry lspci | grep -i wireless01:11
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: no, you didn't01:11
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: you need to type my nick at the start of the line01:11
artichokuok i put that command in, it just went back to the command line01:11
jeremiah_so highlight tab then enter?01:11
artichokudidn't show me anything01:11
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: see how my text stands out from the rest, that's not an accident01:11
jeremiah_like that?01:11
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: yes, that highlighted me01:12
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: on each line you type, do that01:12
a_p3rsonjeremiah_: no, do a message like this: ActionParsnip: hello!01:12
a_p3rsonlike that01:12
jeremiah_ActionParsnip: hello01:12
artichokuand i'm fixin' to loose terminal, the upgrade download just finished and now it's installing01:12
jeremiah_is that it?01:12
artichokusorry to delay my question, i'll get back on it as soon as it finishes01:12
* DaveInKewaskum has a Ubuntu 10.04 SERVER question - installing ISPConf201:12
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: if you copy the whole line I gave and paste it to a terminal, it will give you 32bit oracle java 1.7_0201:12
urlin2u!ask > DaveInKewaskum01:13
ubottuDaveInKewaskum, please see my private message01:13
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: thats exactly it :)01:13
jeremiah_<ActionParsnip> you never gave me anything to type in terminal01:13
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: it adds the plugin for chromium, you can change it if you use something else01:13
acerimmerartichoku: lspci | grep Broadcom01:13
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: cd; wget http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/install32bitJava; sudo ./install32bitJava01:14
jeremiah_<ActionParsnip>  in the terminal?01:14
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: yes, copy and paste it01:14
acerimmerartichoku: suggest you use the link I sent and build your own driver.  Instructions are in the Readme.txt.  It's only sounds a bit scary...01:15
chris__Day 2 of Umbutu and lovin it!01:15
jeremiah_<ActionParsnip> I got this  sudo: ./install32bitJava: command not found01:15
artichokulol, i just went01:15
artichokui'm just waiting for the upgrade to finish on the lappy, then i'll try it01:16
ceed^chris__: Good to hear. I hope it'll be a lasting relationship :)01:16
JatinderHi ! Good Morning Everyone01:16
od3nanyone know if you can run programs under another users account01:16
od3nlike the reverse of SUDO01:16
acerimmerartichoku: just follow the instructions and you should be fine.01:16
a_p3rsonchris__: you ARE aware that you spelt it wrong, right? Umbutu...not Ubuntu01:16
JatinderI want to remove the GUI of ubuntu desktop 11.1001:16
a_p3rsonjust saying lol01:16
Jatinderis there any way to remove GUI from ubuntu 11.10?01:17
xanguaJatinder: so...why did you install desktop version on first place¿01:17
artichokuacerimmer: no worries. my only concern is that monitor mode works properly01:17
Jatinderthere is no edition without GUI except server01:17
artichokui do network security testing01:17
JatinderI don't want any server01:17
xanguaJatinder: there is Minimal01:17
xangua!minimal | Jatinder01:17
ubottuJatinder: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD01:17
artichokuso without monitor mode, it doesn't matter whether i can get online or not01:18
acerimmerartichoku: building your own is a better solution than using the deprecated old one.01:18
DaveInKewaskumHello, I'm new to command line linux - IE: Ubuntu 10.04 SERVER. I'm setting up a webserver to host my own web pages and email. I followed the following tutroial -- http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu-10.04-lucid-lynx-ispconfig-2 --- I'm stuck on the installing ISPConfig2. I have the ISPConfig-2.2.40.tar.gz file on CD, but I don't know how to access the CD from the command line to unpack and install the file ...01:18
DaveInKewaskum HELP??01:18
JatinderMinimal requires fast internet speed01:18
jeremiah_<ActionParsnip> so?01:18
Jatinderwhich i currently dont have01:18
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: saying "so" doesn't mean anything01:18
ubottuDaveinKewaskum: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server01:18
JatinderI got the ubuntu cd with CHIP magazine01:18
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: did the file download ok?01:19
jeremiah_<ActionParsnip> ok. so what do you think?01:19
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: again, did the file download?01:19
acerimmerrtorto: did you solve your audio issue??01:19
jeremiah_It didn't find it. did you see my other message?01:19
Jatinderhow can I remove GUI ?01:19
AricQUESTION UBUNTU 10.04 :: I am getting this issue using curl, and i tried apt-get install ca-certificates and still getting SSL issue when using curl, the issue is exactly as explained here: http://help.imified.com/kb/building-imified-bots/ca-cert-error-1409008601:20
jeremiah_<ActionParsnip> sorry i forgot to highlight.01:20
ActionParsnipJatinder: uninstall xorg and it will remove all GUI stuffs01:20
artichokube right back, gotta switch to windows partition01:20
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/install32bitJava     download that01:21
rtortoacerimmer:No I sort of got distracted trying to figure out what position_fix did exactly01:21
JatinderIf I remove XORG in that case I will not able to install any other desktop environment on machine01:21
Jatinderisn't so?01:21
ActionParsnipJatinder: sure you will, are you just wanting to install a different desktop??01:22
ActionParsnipJatinder: you can just install the other desktop, you can have as many installed as you like01:22
jeremiah_i got the first one working. just a small error01:22
* Bsims hates to say it but I'm considering trying BSD... Actual Documentation... written by grownups; and a focus on Just works vs Oooh Shiny, Lack of native Calibre is a downside lol I love my kindle fire01:22
urlin2uBsims, why are you telling us?01:23
jeremiah_<ActionParsnip> or not...01:23
JatinderYes I want to try fluxbox01:23
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: the link there is an updated one01:23
* Bsims grins looking for reasons not to01:23
acerimmerrtorto: Just a thought.  Check your sound settings re: hardware01:23
JatinderI tried this to remove XORG : sudo apt-get autoremove xorg01:23
BsimsJatinder: apt-get install fluxbox, it will automaticaly add itself to gdm/kdm01:23
urlin2uBsims, getting banned work for you if you do this often.01:23
ActionParsnipJatinder: then run:  sudo apt-get install fluxbox    log off then select fluxbox from the cog menu in the login screen01:23
Jatindersystem just replied that it will remove only 170kb of the data01:24
ActionParsnipJatinder: you don't have to pull everthing out to get fluxbox....01:24
jeremiah_<ActionParsnip> that didn't work either...01:24
Fudgehow do you determine what to parse to apt-get -t from the sources.list or .d/ entry01:24
BsimsJatinder: um why are you wanting to remove xorg?01:24
Jatinderi just want to keep FLUXBOX on my system01:24
Sherlock01001anyone point me in the direction of a good tutorial for installing ubuntu on macbook air 201101:25
BsimsJatinder: whats trying to remove it?01:25
Jatinder@Bsims: I am trying to remove GUI from Ubuntu-desktop 11.1001:25
urlin2uSherlock01001, #apple01:25
rtortoacerimmer:I think you are on to something, it seems to think that there is only one stereo output. Do you have any idea of how I could convince it otherwise?01:26
BsimsJatinder: if you want to disable X from starting automaticaly http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=157303701:26
Jatinder@ActionParsnip: Removing XORG doesn't seem to be removing GUI01:27
Jatinder@Bsims: I dont want to disable, I want to remove GUI01:27
acerimmerrtorto: try changing the Settings for selected device: Profile.01:27
acerimmerartichoku: that was fast!01:27
BsimsJatinder: you want it to start fluxbox by default, or boot by default to a terminal?01:27
artichokusorry i had to unrar some stuff for my pop01:28
artichokuman when i upgraded to 11.10 on my desktop it took like 15 minutes01:28
artichokuthe laptop says an hour01:28
artichokuthat damn thing is slow01:28
Bsimsartichoku: what mirror you using?01:28
jeremiah_<ActionParsnip> can you think of anthing else?01:29
artichokubsims: all the downloading is done, that's the install time01:29
rtortoacerimmer:No matter which profile I select it only shows 1 input/1 output01:29
Jatinder<Bsims> I want to keep only one DESKTOP environment on my system that is FLUXBOX01:29
artichokuold laptop, home built desktop01:29
artichokuit's just slow01:29
Bsimsartichoku: Ah Ok01:29
BsimsJatinder: so remove gnome and or kde?01:29
Jatinderthat is why I want to remove current GUI of Ubuntu-desktop01:29
Jatinderhow can I remove GNOME then01:30
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: thats the way I do it. I remember omgubuntu has a PPA listed01:30
artichokubsims: the desktop has a quad core amd 3.2ghz processor, 16GB ram01:30
acerimmerrtorto: I'm fairly convinced your solution is in the sound preference settings.  Look @ hardware>profile & Output>Connector01:30
JatinderI tried this : sudo apt-get autoremove gnome01:30
artichokuthe laptop is like pfffffft01:30
Jatinderit said gnome is not installed01:30
ActionParsnipartichoku: 16Gb RAM, what's the system for?01:30
magicJartichoku: disable 3d - it makes a huge difference on underpowered machines01:30
jeremiah_<ActionParsnip> well i have lubuntu01:31
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: same difference01:31
artichokuactionparsnip: i built it for my recording software01:31
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: i use lubuntu too01:31
artichokumagic: it is01:31
artichokustudio* not software01:31
ActionParsnipartichoku: makes sense then 16Bg is a lot for a desktop Liux01:31
jeremiah_<ActionParsnip> oh. anyway now what do i do?01:31
BsimsJatinder: fireup synaptic, install it if ya got to, and browse to the gnome section01:31
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: all I know is my script and the omgubutu site naming a ppa01:32
Bsimsstart adding uninstall01:32
artichokuactionparsnip: yeah, but windows+all my recording software uses it up quickly01:32
* Bsims grins uninstall gnome, though a lot of apps depend on gnome01:32
artichokua few tracks are fine on any pc, but when i have 42 tracks being used on one song, that ram is gone01:32
jeremiah_<ActionParsnip> but why when i download from others i never find it?01:32
shadowman0this sounds stupid but how can i check whether I created a partition for my ubuntu (i'm dual booting between xp/ubuntu). i honestly can't remember and I'm completely new at ubuntu01:33
Ben64shadowman0: are you in ubuntu now?01:33
Bsimsshadowman0: gparted?01:33
Ben64what Bsims said01:33
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: you need to use the update alternatives to set the java up fully, as you can see from my script01:33
almoxarifeJatinder: why do you want to strip gnome?01:33
ActionParsnipartichoku: yeah, windows is poor with RAM01:33
urlin2uJatinder, go to the psychocat website there under playing around are lists to remove full desktops and install others look carefully and you can get the ful install of what you want to remove.01:33
shadowman0bsims: yeah i have that installed but it's only ntfs and unallocated for the two "drives"01:34
jeremiah_<ActionParsnip> but what is the update alturantives?01:34
shadowman0and the ntfs has 149.00 GiB01:34
artichokuactionparsnip: it really REALLY is, but thats what ppl make software for, so my hands are a bit tied01:34
artichokubeleive me, if i could all of my stuff to work with wine correctly, i'd never use windows01:34
BsimsJatinder: disk space is cheap, I never ever use gnome but have it installed for the libs... worst case install ubuntu server and manually add only fluxbox01:34
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richard3hey guys01:35
Bsimsshadowman0: thats odd.. then I'd say no01:35
hayloif you like gd3 try debian01:35
hayloit is the default desktop and comes real light01:35
acerimmerrtorto: fixed??01:35
haylobut is a serious pain to install really01:35
shadowman0bsims: so technically could I have as much data on ubuntu as possible? within the restrictions of my actual hard drive?01:36
ActionParsnipartichoku: there is a lot of video software for Linux01:36
Bsimshaylo: not really, no harder than windows used to be <g> I know I was there01:36
acerimmerartichoku: www.ubuntustudio.org01:36
ActionParsniphaylo: I bet mine is lighter here on LXDE, also coded using GTK3.201:36
artichokuartichoku: yeah i've seen some really good stuff by way of video, but i'm really hurting for dreamweaver01:36
richard3i'd like some help with ubuntu, i just installed it however i have a problem when i stop using the hdmi output on it the machine stops working, so for example i've ssh'ed into it or vnc and I switch input to my cable box ssh stops responding and i lose the teamviewer connection01:36
artichokuahahaha i mean actionparsnip:01:37
hayloil check it out ActionParsnip01:37
AricQUESTION UBUNTU 10.04 :: I am getting this issue using curl, and i tried apt-get install ca-certificates and still getting SSL issue when using curl, the issue is exactly as explained here: http://help.imified.com/kb/building-imified-bots/ca-cert-error-1409008601:37
ar0nicrichard3 have you tried disabling the device before removing hdmi?01:37
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: it makes the java command point to the updated file01:37
Bsimsshadowman0: can you paste me the output of this sudo parted -l /dev/hda01:37
richard3disabling what device?01:37
Jatindermy only motive is to prepare lightweight ubuntu for my home desktop which is quite older01:37
shadowman0bsims: sure01:37
ar0nicthe hdmi output01:37
ActionParsnipartichoku: tried bluefish?01:37
jeremiah_<ActionParsnip> oh01:37
shadowman0bsims: im running the irc client thru terminal so ill be back01:38
ar0nicyou can disable whatever monitors in x0rg01:38
arekmalo nas :D01:38
hayloyo used an ubuntu netinstall ActionParsnip ?01:38
richard3like my computer is connected to my tv via hdmi, when i switch inputs to the tv channels i lose connection01:38
artichokuactionparsnip: yes, i'm messed around with it for hours upon hours01:38
almoxariferichard3: ssh cant be effected by hdmi01:38
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: you can always run the lines one by one yourself01:38
artichokuadobe kicks it's ass01:38
artichokuwell, macromedia01:38
ar0nicwait when you switch inputs on the tv, or change the channel?01:38
artichokuthen adobe took it over01:38
ActionParsnipartichoku: probably only due to familiarity...01:38
opdynamiksI'm a web developer (PHP/mysql/javascript) still on 10.10. Should I upgrade to 11.10 or will there be detrimental productivity effects?01:38
almoxarifeopdynamiks: dont do it01:39
richard3almoxarife its pretty easy to test, i do ls when video output is on, i switch out to the cable box, i cant do ls, and then my ssh connection times out01:39
DaveInKewaskumHello, I'm new to command line linux - IE: Ubuntu 10.04 SERVER. I'm setting up a webserver to host my own web pages and email. I followed the following tutroial -- http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu-10.04-lucid-lynx-ispconfig-2 --- I'm stuck on the installing ISPConfig2. I have the ISPConfig-2.2.40.tar.gz file on CD, but I don't know how to access the CD from the command line to unpack and install the file. Ca01:39
DaveInKewaskumn someone inform me how to access the file to be installed that is on my CD ROM , from the command line?01:39
hayloopdynamiks, dont do it if you need the comp for your business01:39
rtortoacerimmer:No not yet but I've figured out it's an ALSA problem. ALSA doesn't see all of my outputs01:39
Bsimsshadowman0: install gnuscreen my man screen is god01:39
somsipopdynamiks: you may get updated PHP, Apache binaries, but you may not enjoy the new interface01:39
almoxariferichard3: switch out?01:39
ActionParsnipopdynamiks: maverick is EOL soon, so I would upgrade if you need updates and security fixes01:39
artichokuactionparsnip: well the BIG reason is because all of the adobe stuff works with the other adobe stuff. so i have flash and fireworks, imports perfectly into dreamweaver, built in sql db for testing01:39
acerimmerrtorto: that's some progress...01:39
artichokuthere's just alot of synergy by using adobe01:39
arekwiecie co kocham najbardziej ? cipki !01:39
artichokubrb bathroom01:40
opdynamikssomsip, I noticed Unity seems to be mouse heavy but could it also be keyboard friendly01:40
richard3well when the tv starts displaying the cable box and not the ubuntu box its effectively not using the hdmi and thus switching out right?01:40
* Bsims takes a guess as to areks language and thinks polish?01:40
almoxariferichard3: cable? would that be the same cable the network is connected to?01:40
somsipopdynamiks: I'm a web developer and as soon as I encountered Unity I switched to Awesom WM which is geared very much around keyboard. Each to their own, but be aware.01:40
richard3okay i just tested it, i can no longer ping the box after i switch to the cable box01:41
almoxarifeartichoku: no need to share01:41
richard3no when i say cable i mean like u know comedy channel, tv cable01:41
shadowman0bsims: Model: ATA ST3160023AS (scsi)01:41
shadowman0Disk /dev/sda: 160GB01:41
shadowman0Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B01:41
shadowman0Partition Table: msdos01:41
shadowman0Number  Start   End    Size   Type     File system  Flags 1      32.3kB  160GB  160GB  primary  ntfs         boot01:41
FloodBot1shadowman0: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:41
ubottuarek: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.01:41
opdynamikssomsip, thanks01:41
=== changa is now known as changa-
ActionParsnipartichoku: i guess if you need to use flash you are stuck01:41
almoxariferichard3: include the nick you are talking to01:41
richard3almoxarife i'm talking about switching between comcast cable on the tv and ubuntu on the tv, the box becomes unresponsive when hdmi output is lost01:42
shadowman0Model: ATA ST3160023AS (scsi)01:42
shadowman0Disk /dev/sda: 160GB01:42
shadowman0Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B01:42
shadowman0Partition Table: msdos01:42
shadowman0Number  Start   End    Size   Type     File system  Flags 1      32.3kB  160GB  160GB  primary  ntfs         boot01:42
FloodBot1shadowman0: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:42
ubottushadowman0: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:42
ActionParsnipshadowman0: use a pastebin please, not cool01:42
shadowman0okay sorry01:42
ActionParsnipshadowman0: that data is completely unreadable and scrolled the channel01:42
almoxariferichard3: i have a box with hdmi and i ssh to it all day, i cant see how hdmi changes would ever kill the ssh connection01:43
richard3almoxarife i effectively cant ping the box after video output is unused on the box01:43
shadowman0bsims: http://paste.ubuntu.com/817190/01:43
richard3almoxarife how could i debug it?01:43
artichokuactionparsnip: yes, flash has been integral. My customers like for stuff to move, and still be interactive.01:44
Bsimsshadowman0: oh ouch...01:44
Bsimson a live cd?01:44
shadowman0bsims: no. just dual booting01:44
artichokuthough my website is completely crap as far as SEO is concerned, it's completely in flash01:45
urlin2ushadowman0, you install from XP looks like a wubi.01:45
almoxariferichard3: the box is running ubuntu? the one you are ssh'ing into to?01:45
artichokuit makes potential customers get excited01:45
richard3ubuntu 1101:45
ActionParsnipartichoku: then your hands are tied until adobe decide to make a linux suite for flash01:45
DaveInKewaskumHello, I'm new to command line linux - IE: Ubuntu 10.04 SERVER. I'm setting up a webserver to host my own web pages and email. I followed the following tutroial -- http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu-10.04-lucid-lynx-ispconfig-2 --- I'm stuck on the installing ISPConfig2. I have the ISPConfig-2.2.40.tar.gz file on CD, but I don't know how to access the CD from the command line to unpack and install the file. Ca01:45
DaveInKewaskumn someone inform me how to access the file to be installed that is on my CD ROM , from the command line?01:45
almoxariferichard3: the box is running ubuntu? the one you are ssh'ing into to?01:45
Bsimsshadowman0: way I read this... there is nothing there... but one 160gb ntfs drive01:45
richard3almoxarife yeah ubuntu 1101:45
Bsimsububtu has not been installed to that drive01:45
artichokuactionparsnip: man i would love if adobe ported to linux01:45
urlin2uBsims, you familiar with wubi?01:45
shadowman0bsims: but I'm somehow running ubuntu and have added files to it01:45
shadowman0and can run xp01:45
shadowman0bsims: and can run xp01:46
almoxariferichard3: how about the easy ones? look at the logs? syslog ?01:46
artichokui'm really surprised that more companies don't. linux is ALOT bigger than it used to be01:46
kyanI figured out how to fix the 'flash with grey box' issue caused by rgba in Maverick. The answer is: the solution is to add the following two lines to ~/.profile: 'export GTK_MODULES=rgba' and 'export GTK_RGBA_APPS="allbut:firefox-bin:firefox:plugin-container:gnome-mplayer:dia:<unknown>:exe"'. !!! :-D01:46
* kyan is happy01:46
artichokuand it's not just nerds that use it anymore01:46
Bsimsshadowman0: you can add files to a running live cd01:46
ActionParsnipartichoku: we can hope01:46
shadowman0bsims: this ins't a cd though01:46
urlin2ushadowman0, you install from XP looks like a wubi.01:46
ActionParsnipartichoku: never really was01:46
Ben64DaveInKewaskum: could you simplify that wall of text a bit?01:46
shadowman0urlin2u: yeah someone already said that.. didn't understand it the first time either01:47
ActionParsnipartichoku: mostly, people were just ignorant of anything different01:47
Bsimsshadowman0: wierd running the thing that lets you install it on a existing windows install?01:47
urlin2ushadowman0, if you install ubuntu from XP it is called a wubi it is a file in XP.01:47
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe01:47
Bsimsyou have no native linux partitions on that drive01:47
richard3almoxarife heres a dmesg output of the event http://pastebin.com/B8ttKn3j01:47
shadowman0bsims: so am I okay? what's the verdict?01:48
urlin2u!wubi > shadowman001:48
ubottushadowman0, please see my private message01:48
artichokuactionparsnip: ain't that the truth! given, linux still isn't quite to the point that it can be easily used by the average user01:48
DaveInKewaskumBen64: Using Ubuntu 10.04 SERVER, I have a tarball file on CD that I need to install. How do I access the CD-ROM from the command line?01:48
jnylen!wubi > jnylen01:48
ubottujnylen, please see my private message01:48
artichokuvery VERY few people in front of a command line01:48
Bsimsyou is Ok its a file on windows01:48
shadowman0ubottu: yes I got that01:48
ubottushadowman0: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:48
RussianHello everyone =]01:48
urlin2ushadowman0, if you do not have another HD you have a wubi install.01:48
almoxariferichard3: hdmi not the issue, is the issue losing ssh connection?01:48
Ben64DaveInKewaskum: you can mount it... but you couldn't grab the file from the internet?01:48
ActionParsnipartichoku: i gave it to my girlfriends mum who works in Asda and my grandad and they have no issues01:49
richard3almoxarife yeah but i cant see anything relevant in syslog01:49
Bsimsit will do everything you could want it to do, but the file system is ntfs vs ext301:49
RussianWhat version of Ubuntu are you guys using?01:49
jnylenurlin2u: when installing via wubi, 1) do you have to reboot to use linux?  and 2) can it manipulate your windows files?01:49
artichokuactionparsnip: i recon' if they don't have to mess with terminal they'd be ok01:49
BsimsI am running one rev behind current01:49
artichokuas long as they don't have to break out sudo apt-get01:49
shadowman0bsims: so should I just keep this? I mean it's perfectly fine.. everything works01:49
shadowman0bsims: plus I get to use all the space on the windows part right?01:50
almoxariferichard3: well, you seem to know what is relevant and what is not, good luck01:50
DaveInKewaskumBen64: I can, again, I would need to figure out the command line text to do it. Looking up the file URL now.01:50
Bsimsthen keep it... if its ever a problem, shrink the windows partition and install it native01:50
shadowman0bsims: that is sexy. thank you my good man01:50
Ben64DaveInKewaskum: mount -t <filesystem> <device> <mountpoint>01:50
DaveInKewaskumBen64: I'm NEW - NEW - to the command line ... been using Ubuntu desktop for years though01:50
urlin2ujnylen, yes on the reboot, both OS are accessible from either, not considered a long term install though for use just a try before a full install a dual boot.01:50
Bsimsshadowman0: np01:50
richard3almoxarife well the last message relates to a system ugprade i did, like the action of switching outputs doesnt add anything to the logs, any other file i could check?01:50
ActionParsnipartichoku: web browsing is the main flavour, ubuntu does that well. Even picked up her Epson SX115 printer scanner with no extra drivers. Had a bit of pain with it in Jaunty but Oneiric is great with it01:51
jnylenurlin2u: I'd love to replace cygwin with something like that, I think there was a project that let you run both simultaneously but I forget the name01:51
* Bsims does a double take... I have now been running Linux as my sole OS for 12 years now01:51
Bsims<--- Old01:51
artichokuactionparsnip: wow it hates my printer, lol01:51
urlin2ujnylen, there was one but not really a project that is kept up a virtual would be the next option.01:51
almoxarifethe asl crap belongs ???????????????? not here!01:52
ActionParsnipartichoku: what you got?01:52
Bsimsartichoku: what kind of printer is it?01:52
artichokuactionparsnip: canon mx36001:52
artichokuand bsims*01:52
jnylenurlin2u, what was that called again??01:52
Bsimsso long as it speaks some form of pcl/ps drivers doesn't matter01:52
vitequestion, I know installing a GUI on a server is not orthodox. But if I only start the xserver on a need bases. once I turn of the xserver will the gui security issues shut off?01:52
urlin2ujnylen, I was trying to remember I can't lol. :D01:52
DaveInKewaskumBen64: OK, I have the URL for where the file is online, what command line command(s) do I use to download and install the file?01:53
jnylenurlin2u, Cooperative Linux ( colinux.org )01:53
Bsimsvite: yup, and the issues are mostly not an issue compaired with other os's01:53
DaveInKewaskumBen64: FYI, the URL is --- http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/ispconfig/ISPConfig-2.2.40.tar.gz?download01:53
Bsimsartichoku: http://www.ubuntubuzz.com/2011/06/download-install-canon-printer-driver.html01:54
urlin2ujnylen,  think I was thinking of even another I forget though.01:54
jnylenuser mode linux?01:54
ActionParsnipartichoku: there is a driver on the canon site, have you tried it?01:54
richard3almoxarife i think i found something, simply the act of unplugging the hdmi cable doesnt do anything to the machine so it must be something else thanks for ur help01:54
Sachcan someone help me with installing a driver on ubuntu 11.04 for an HP printer?01:55
artichokuactionparsnip: i haven't really messed with it, it just didn't come up like my hp printer did the first  time i tried ubuntu01:55
Bsimsartichoku: tl;dr version want it to work flawlessly with Linux, make sure it speaks pcl or ps01:55
artichokuit speaks pcl and ps01:56
Ben64DaveInKewaskum: wget, but you'd want to use the direct link01:56
artichokuso i think that will work great, ty bsims01:56
urlin2uSach, you look in printers to see if one is there?01:56
ActionParsnipartichoku: there is a file for the printing, one for the scanner, both 32bit and 64bit debs,....01:56
Bsimsartichoku: then tell cups its a ps/pcl printer01:56
Bsimsfor the scanner look up sane01:56
artichokuyou guys are great01:56
vitebsims is the ubuntu 11.10 server more stable than the desktop version for a workstation type of enviroment?01:56
Bsimssane is the backend for all scanner software01:56
ActionParsnipBsims: there are drivers on the canon site, so once installed it will work01:56
artichokuand as soon as the lappy's upgrade is done, hopefully we can get wireless working correctly01:57
artichokui'll die without aircrack01:57
Bsimsvite: server is the same as desktop without X.01:57
Sachurlin2u, yes, i did that....  I just need some help understanding the instructions on the HP webpage for my selected driver01:57
DaveInKewaskumBen64: So from root, I would type -- wget <the url>01:57
Bsimsvite: or thats my understanding01:57
vitewell I saw the desktop doesnt let you have lvm or encrypted lvm01:57
vitethe encrypted drive was the nice part.01:57
Bsimsit can be installed after the fact01:58
vitelol, ok server with fluxbox lighter than desktop with unity01:58
viteand a lot less dependancies I think01:58
urlin2uSach, I would post a link to that with your question as well probably, I assume the ubuntu provided driver is not working, or you may not know the correct setup.01:58
Bsimsvite: yes, though most modern apps will depend on gtk(gnome) or qt(kde) at least for the libararies, and lets face it disk space is cheap01:59
ActionParsnipvite: yes but still runs an X server on a server...01:59
Sachurlin2u, thanks will do that.  It asks me to download a   .run  file to desktop, then to open terminal and type cd Desktop. However, this command generates 'no such file or directory"01:59
BsimsSach: try cd /home/UserName/Desktop02:00
Ben64DaveInKewaskum: yes, and you should use quotes around the url when it has strange characters in it02:00
BsimsDaveInKewaskum: including embeded spaces02:00
urlin2uSach, Bsims got it foer you.02:00
viteI have noticed its seems to run smoother02:00
Bsimsurlin2u: eh story of my life02:01
viteI dont like the sudo halt -p command but it seems faster02:01
ActionParsnipartichoku: is your ubuntu 64bit? I can give dropbox links for the debs if you want...02:01
SachBsims, you rock! it works!02:01
urlin2uBsims, we do cleanup here to. :D02:01
Sachurlin2u, thanks too! :)02:01
goddardcan you video chat with empathy using Google Talk?02:01
urlin2uSach, np.02:01
DaveInKewaskumBen64, ok, let me try that.02:01
artichokuactionparsnip: just installed the one bsims sent me. worked perfectly!!!! big thanks to both of you02:01
acerimmergoddard: yes02:01
* Bsims considers making my backup script gui just for the fun of it02:02
goddardacerimmer: cool02:02
BsimsI mean its just straight rsync02:02
ActionParsnipartichoku: simple times dude, Canon's support isn't bad these days. Kodak still refuse to support Linux02:02
acerimmerActionParsnip: and Kodak has declared bankruptcy - coincidence?02:03
jimlayI don't want to make waves, but I've been through the forums and google and all I can find is bitching and no solutions. Unity makes my computer virtually unusable. What are people actually using? -- I've installed gnome classic, gnome plain, awesome, enlightement etc. They all come with terrible defaults. -- Is there something that works out of the box and isn't ugly?02:03
artichokuactionparsnip: screw kodak anyway. i haven't cared for kodak since they stopped making true black and white film02:03
ActionParsnipacerimmer: really, wow02:03
* Bsims is happy with my samsung... replaced a toddler sized HP LJ4+P02:03
hopstafarianhi all..been a while...took the plunge on my work system and upgraded from maverick to oneiric..the one drawback, is that my vaio backlit kb didn't work out of the box..found a cli string that activates it, but now looking for where i can add it so that it is added into the boot sequence?02:03
Bsimskinda wish I still had it for the geek cred02:03
ActionParsnipi always buy HP, HPLIP is fantastic02:04
BsimsActionParsnip: lol this thing weighed literaly 75lbs02:04
hopstafarianjimlay, i like the gnome3 gnome-shell02:04
richard3almoxarife i figured it out u'll never guess what it was02:05
Bsimslj4+ with 64megs of ram, seperate ps card and 10 meg jetdirect and ps02:05
Bsimsgave it to a youth boxing club02:05
Bsimsand duplexer02:05
artichoku18 more minutes!02:05
ActionParsnipBsims: Deskjet 940C here, works great. SHared via Samba02:05
BsimsActionParsnip: Samsung ML-2850D drivers from foomatic02:06
artichokui'm watching the details on the upgrade. LOTS of error adding /etc/ssl/certs/***02:07
artichokuhope those don't matter02:07
Bsimsartichoku: the real test is after reboot02:08
artichokubsims: true so true02:08
Bsimsthats why I am one rev behind all the bugs have been hunted down and shot02:08
jimlayhopstafarian: Is the gnome3 different than 3.2?02:08
Bsimsand with backports I don't miss too much02:08
* Bsims grrs ubuntu doesn't have apt-report-bugs02:10
DaveInKewaskumBen64: I didn't think I'd get it with that URL because it has a -delay- in downloading for advertizing. I COULD upload to a file storage / sharing site and download it with the server from there. Any sugestion where I could upload it to?02:10
Bsimsshows you open bug tickets before you upgrade02:10
mistformI'm using Xchat. What is the command to show channels list in another window? /list just shows everything on the server tab02:10
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*02:11
acerimmerwalid:greetings.  what's state your issue.02:11
* Bsims used to run sid, it was almost a requirement in the days of the 2.4.0 kernel02:11
walid_you speak frensh ??02:11
ubottuwalid: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.02:11
hopstafarianjimlay, not to my ignorant eye..i'm actually on 3.2...but i wanted to differentiate it from the gnome2 version of gnome-shell..i didn't read back very far, so not sure if it's what you're looking for..but unity was usable but a little onerous for me..and the new gnome-shell works well for how i work..thought i'd mention02:11
Bsimsthough the waranty was if it broke you got to keep both halves02:12
ActionParsnipBsims: it still is02:12
mistformthis is driving me insane trying to get Ubuntu (or even Windows for that) to copy 2 .jpg's from a Canon digital cam (Powershot A550)02:12
jimlayhopstafarian: thanks. I think I'm just going to have to go back to my roots and spend some time customizing one of the old reliables. :)02:13
acerimmermistform: more info02:13
BsimsActionParsnip: lol only reason I got started with Ubuntu is at the time you literaly could not install sid, and ubuntu was close sid for software version02:13
hopstafarianhmm...hopefully is not something that has to be compiled into the kernel..hoping it was something like a windows config.sys file or such02:13
Bsimsthat was christ warthog days02:13
mistformacerimmer, I can't copy any photos from this camera. It gives me an error and a list of random commands. I guess Canon made their cameras *look* like USB mass storage devices even though they are *NOT*02:14
hopstafarianjimlay, sure..."roots" being, out of curiousity?02:14
Bsimsmistform: try pluging in the card direct into a card reader02:14
artichoku12 minutes omg omg omg slooooooowwwwwww02:14
mistformacerimmer, I installed gtkam and it gives me the same problem02:14
acerimmermistform: how old is the camera?  And do you have the canon driver software?02:14
hopstafarianjimlay, or  could just spell curiosity correctly...lol...02:14
artichokui haven't turned this thing on in a year and a half02:14
* Bsims giggles and yanks artichoku's connection at 30 seconds to go02:15
mistformBsims, I don't have a card reader02:15
MK`I just bought a 2GB usb flash drive, is it safe to format that to ext4 or should I leave it as FAT?02:15
artichokuawwww cry!!!!02:15
Bsimsmistform: ah Ok whats the camera so we know what to avoid02:15
mistformacerimmer, no software. I even tried the canon website to no avail (though I spent about 5 frustrated minutes and decided to look elsewhere)02:15
artichokumk: might as well leave it as fat02:15
acerimmerMK`: leave it at fat for use in any computer.02:15
mistformBsims, it's old. it's a powershot A550.02:15
mistformBsims, but I do suggest avoiding all Canon cameras anyway02:15
artichokuthe laptop specs really aren't that bad, i'm just so used to the desktop02:16
artichokuit's got a dual core 2.3 ghz amd and 4gb of ram02:16
Bsimsmistform: newegg... card readers are 15 bucks, though I like cannon glass02:16
artichokuthe desktop is just soooo much faster, i have no patients for the thing anymore02:16
acerimmermistform: I'm concerned that neither windows/ubuntu can read this thing.  Seems there's some proprietary stuff preventing cross platform use.  Suggest you see if you can get a live person on canon-chat to help.02:16
jimlayhopstafarian: afterstep circa '97. I'm probably going to go back to sawfish. I used to hack window managers back in college around a decade ago.02:16
Bsimsmistform: http://home.comcast.net/~bmsims1/Tree.jpg cannon is202:16
mistformBsims, I rarely use digital cams. plus I have little cash and no credit/debit cards.02:16
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somsip!test | weiland02:17
ubottuweiland: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )02:17
BsimsI actually sold a print of that picture02:17
jimlayhopstafarian: Ubuntu has just almost always had such great defaults I stopped customizing.02:17
acerimmermistform: can you canon-copy the pics to a memory card.02:17
weilandI couldn't talk in #linux02:17
Bsimsya registered with nickserv weiland?02:17
Bsimsthat may be the problem02:18
ActionParsnipBsims: I just tried it, I used to use mandrake but always distro hopped. It all worked (albeit slower), so I stayed. I use xpud more these days02:18
Bsimsran into that myself02:18
mistformacerimmer, bsims was just suggesting placing the memcard into the card reader... the non existent reader is slightly less functional than a real one that I don't have.02:18
weilandWhere do you do that? I'm still trying to get into irc02:18
acerimmermistform: lol.  sorry, i missed that02:18
pangolin!register | weiland02:19
ubottuweiland: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode02:19
mistformacerimmer, honestly, I can't even close the Filebrowser that has the pictures open. I still have a file operations that is trying to transfer 2 photos without success.02:19
acerimmermistform: have you tried CLI terminal?02:19
Bsimsgiant picture warning... http://home.comcast.net/~bmsims1/pano.jpg got to love photostich... its a script that does 2d panoramics02:20
mistformacerimmer, you mean just copy file via terminal?02:20
acerimmermistform: yes.02:20
mistformBsims, did you do any editing to the tree pic? it looks amazing02:20
Bsimsall done with free software, gimp and panostitch02:20
Bsimsmistform: converted from color with gimp, and tinting in gimp02:21
Bsimsmistform: platinum filter in gimp02:21
mistformBsims, I dislike unnatural color changes like with brushes and stuff. I'd just as well take the pic in black and white 35mm and leave it as it is.02:21
Bsimseh I was playing, the photo was all manual and well it sold02:22
StereocaulonBsims, wow, beautiful picture there. Love trees in autumn02:22
artichokuwow nice pic02:23
BsimsStereocaulon: the pano pic? thats 14 shots all stitched by AI under free software02:23
artichoku2 minutes!02:23
Bsimsall I did was crop the result02:23
kahhey, i just installed ubuntu on a VM (on Windows) and have it showing but i can't get my menu's to come up! any ideas haha02:23
psyrushi, has anyone had luck installing intel's hd 3000 kernal and 2d/3d drivers under ubuntu 11.102:24
Bsimswant to tell me free software can't do artsy stuff?02:24
kahhey, i just installed ubuntu on a VM (on Windows) and have it showing but i can't get my menu's to come up! any ideas haha02:24
pangolinBsims: the pic is fantastic but not on topic discussion for this channel.02:25
kahi watch the machine etc on the top / bottom where ever02:25
neatbookhello earthlings02:25
=== hp is now known as Lofde_
weilandGrab the input devices02:25
helmikassimhello guys..I have installed nvclock-gtk but failed to run it.02:25
psyruskah, i just started using vmplayer and i haven02:25
Bsimspangolin: I know, and i's sorry02:25
StereocaulonActionParsnip, I tried to help ineedhelp, but an upgrade was impossible without a wipe of the HDD. Even mounting the alternate CD of Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic) did not work. Well...02:25
StereocaulonI've got to sleep now.  See you guys and gals around02:26
acerimmerdigital artists #ubuntustudio02:26
weilandDon't you back up?02:26
neatbookhey question02:26
BsimsOk cool02:26
psyrust had any issues with it except it runs by default outa native res. and i cant get it to sync the res. correctly with my lcd02:26
BsimsStereocaulon: what are ya trying to do, and when does it fail?02:26
weilandWhat is your Res, steroids?02:27
psyrusomg i just realized something really cool02:27
artichokuomg time to restart02:27
artichokuis gonna explode?!?!02:27
neatbookwhats cool02:27
weilandI need to know!!!02:28
psyrusif you touch 3 fingers on your trackpad in ubuntu 11.1, it will move the whole window  , u just move your 3 fingers around on the pad, 2 for scrolling, and one for point/click02:28
* Bsims loans artichoku my riot shield and sks02:28
Bsimsincase of zombies02:28
artichokupffft sks02:28
weilandKde as well?02:28
neatbooktrue but my touch pad doesnt work for some reason02:28
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!02:28
artichokuak 74u pls02:28
vitewhat is the benefit of an encrypted lvm vs non encrypted lvm?02:29
viteand a regular desktop setup?02:29
StereocaulonBsims, well I've tried the tested method of 1) renaming the repos to karmic, mounting the karmic iso and running cdinstall. The procedure failed because ubuntu could not authenticate a massive slew of packets (probably) all.02:29
hydrox24neatbook: you probably need a true multi-touch trackpad for that02:29
artichokuok can i have that custom driver link again?02:30
hydrox24neatbook: synaptics trackpads only support 1 & sometimes 2 fingers.02:30
weilandDoes this multitoich work under the kde build as well as the gnome?02:30
hydrox24weiland: that is a good point too02:30
hydrox24can't be sure02:30
weilandI love ode!02:30
artichokuoo nvm got it02:30
StereocaulonBsims, he did not have a separate partition for his /home, so I taught him howto targzip his /home dir and split it into DVDR-sized chunks.02:30
BsimsStereocaulon: try the server upgrade, if that doesn't work new install and copy home from backup02:30
psyrusokay, another thing i just somehow did was take a snapshot of my screen02:30
psyrusif i can do that, i wonder if i can record video02:30
silentshadow100Anyone Here?02:31
hydrox24silentshadow100: yup02:31
Bsimsno huhu on new install copy home/User back02:31
hydrox24silentshadow100: several of us02:31
artichokumy touchpad just stopped working02:31
psyruswell, there is a "prt scr" button on my laptop on the upper mid-right section, it takes screen snapshos02:31
silentshadow100Can someone help me with program installing?02:32
StereocaulonBsims, I already tried the server upgrade (Upgrade not supported with this tool: You cannot Upgrade: Distribution End of Life)02:32
ActionParsnipStereocaulon: thanks for pitching in. I'd always clean install anyways02:32
ActionParsnipartichoku: unload and reload the driver module02:32
hydrox24artichoku: is there a disable/enable function key on your laptop?02:32
psyrushas anyone been able to install intel hd 3000 video drivers in ubuntu02:32
hydrox24silverraindog: sure02:32
urlin2u!eol | Stereocaulon02:32
ubottuStereocaulon: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades02:32
StereocaulonActionParsnip, I love to help, but it became a *very* lengthy session; 5 hours straight.02:32
BsimsStereocaulon: then install from new and restore from backup.. worst case delete the kde/gnome home dir and let it recreate it02:33
artichokuahydrox24: yes there is, i turned it off and back on, but the touchpad didn't come back on02:33
artichokui'll reboot02:33
hydrox24silentshadow logged off after asking a Q...02:33
Stereocaulonurlin2u, I know that but the described methods for the upgrade of 9.04 don't work anymore.02:33
ActionParsnipartichoku: try the module02:33
Bsimsits a crap answer but one that works02:33
hydrox24artichoku: that's the way to go I'd say02:33
artichokutrying now02:33
artichokui mean it worked when it rebooted02:34
urlin2uStereocaulon, really hmm have not heard that.02:34
artichokuthen i opened the browser and it stopped02:34
StereocaulonBsims, that's exactly why I taught him to zip his /home dir and split it.02:34
Bsimsyup can I share my rsync script?02:34
psyruscan someone help me install intel hd 3000 linux drivers?02:34
ActionParsnippsyrus: they are in a default install02:35
Stereocaulonurlinu, try it for yourself, in a virtual machine, using a clean install of 9.04, when you follow the instructions to the letter it will still fail.02:35
artichokuomg i need some help a sec. i forgot how to do stuff when it has a makefile02:35
Stereocaulonurlin2u, try it for yourself, in a virtual machine, using a clean install of 9.04, when you follow the instructions to the letter it will still fail.02:35
psyrusit iinsalled some kinda generic drivers, i dont actually see my specific video card listed02:35
neatbookhow do you check if given input is a folder or a file?02:36
urlin2uStereocaulon, I will take your word on it. :D02:36
dlentzpsyrus, the xorg-edgers ppa is probably what you want02:36
hopstafariangot it...added it as @reboot in the crontab..02:36
neatbookis there a function to check??02:36
Stereocaulonartichoku, just enter the source directory and type make install02:36
hydrox24psyrus: using what tool to list the drivers?02:36
neatbookthat returns a value so that i can use if function?02:36
* Bsims is off in serch of foodlike things02:36
weilandWhat is the minimum ram for BT5R1? I'm trying to get a hold on a toughbook cf-28 and worry that 512MB wont be enough. Also CPU Hz02:36
* krysits one windz quora02:37
ActionParsnipweiland: what is BT5SR1 ?02:37
neatbooksomeone plz help me bro02:37
hydrox24weiland: I guess that you can install arch and follow a tutorial to make it like a bare-bones of BT502:37
n-iCehi, there are two drivers for my wireless card, rtl8187 and r8187, is there any way to have both installed and switch between them whenever I want?02:37
psyrusActionParsnip, i saw drivers for my card on intels support site, but i dunno what do to with the files after i dnload them02:37
weilandBacktrack 5 R102:37
hydrox24weiland: but that IS pretty Hardcore02:37
ActionParsnip!backtrack | weiland02:37
ubottuweiland: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition02:37
=== hydrox24 is now known as hydrox24AFK
artichokucannot stat 'wl.ko' error02:37
dlentzpsyrus, the xorg-edgers ppa is probably what you want02:37
* krysits tried to enter porno world and got excuses02:37
ActionParsnipweiland: not supported here02:37
bazhangkrysits, stop that02:38
psyrusdlentz,   what is that ?02:38
Stereocaulonurlin2u, ActionParsnip, anyway. I'm off to bed. High time too, it's  3:40 AM here.02:38
* dlentz coughs google02:38
ubottuneatbook: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:38
ActionParsnipStereocaulon: 2:38 here02:38
urlin2uStereocaulon, nite02:38
hopstafarianbazhang, hey02:38
weilandFare enough. I wont bring it up again02:38
michaeljonesI just debootstrapped ubuntu what package do I have to install to make it "ubuntu server"02:39
ubottumichael: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server02:39
artichokuactionparsnip: it gave me "cannot stat 'wl.ko': no such file or directory"02:39
ActionParsnipartichoku: isn't the driver: psmouse02:40
artichokuno i know, the mouse working now, i moved on to the wireless driver02:40
artichokulol sry, i should have said that02:40
POohAaHaving a problem with ubuntu 11.10, just installed it yesterday, boot and shutdown text not displaying on monitor(monitor says that settings are out of acceptable parameters) and shutdown doesn't complete. xserver displays fine.02:40
ActionParsnipartichoku: deinately02:41
ActionParsnip!broadcom | artichoku02:41
ubottuartichoku: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx02:41
weilandWhat about Ubuntu? Has anyone installed it onto a toughbook cf-28? I really want my Linux toughbook back02:41
artichokuk alt-tabbing a sec02:41
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/02:42
neatbookok ubottu thank u02:42
neatbookhas anybody seen aurora tonite??02:42
=== hydrox24AFK is now known as hydrox24
ActionParsnipneatbook: i use the browser...02:42
neatbooka very strong solar storm blew alot of electrons toward the earth02:42
hydrox24neatbook: you mean that impressive one htat was around lately in norway?02:43
neatbookwhat happended to tat02:43
artichokuok so it's been my experience that with the sta driver, monitor mode didn't work02:43
neatbooki live in canada and i see nothing02:43
hydrox24neatbook: heard it on the news but I live in Canberra Australia... so I ddidn't see it no.02:43
artichokubut earlier when i did these steps for b43, wireless worked, but monitor mode didn't02:43
hydrox24neatbook: but try and stay on topic to keep the bots & admins happy02:43
artichokui'll start with the sta drive and see what happens02:43
artichokui can always remove it02:43
hydrox24cya all, off to feed my human needs (Lunch)02:44
artichokuthey both cover my hardware02:44
artichokuafk for a minute02:44
neatbookok i didnt know off topic was against the rule lol02:44
weilandI'm freezing. I'll be back with a swetter in 502:44
nimbioticsHello all. I've been having trouble installing firebird and it seems to be partially installed.Can someone please explain me how to find out what is/is not installed and how to remove it> TIA!02:45
neatbookwhat does file -d filename return?02:45
neatbook'file -d filename'02:45
bviktor3 floodbots, lol02:46
zacariascan you change the ownership of a removable device, like an external HD?02:49
POohAamy monitor is flaking out when xserver isn't running, it's a dell s2009w02:49
artichokuok thats not going to work02:50
artichokunow i'm trying to compile the drivers on the broadcom website02:50
artichokubut i'm getting the error02:51
acerimmerartichoku: paste it.02:51
artichokucannot stat 'wl.ko': No such file or directory02:52
acerimmerartichoku: you dowloaded the 32 or 64 bit for your machine?02:52
celltechI have 11.10, I put the gnome back in it cause I don't like unity, There are a TON of programs that came with it. That I can't find to remove in the synaptic. Is there a list of those, and what their actually listed in, in the package manager so I can delete them?02:53
urlin2ucelltech, you want to remove unity completely is that what your saying?02:54
celltechNo. Programs from the gnome. Like brasero.. I don't know what it's listed as in synaptic02:55
weiland-What allocations do you guys use to host irc channels? I'm trying to get into Linux servers, due to my distaste for google-esk service providers.02:55
ActionParsnipcelltech: unity is a shell for gnome, when you had unity, you also had gnome...02:55
weiland-Ive got send mail for imap02:55
psyrusdlentz,  i'm on intellinuxgraphics.org and they got an hd  3000 page with a kernal and all these drivers but i dont know what to download02:55
urlin2ucelltech, try brasero02:55
celltechTried that. Doesn't show up02:56
jdavisI have net.ipv4.ip_forward set to 1, but my iptables port forwarding script doesn't look like it's working. Is there anything else I need to do to enable forwarding?02:56
artichokuit hates me02:56
celltechInfact. Can I safely remove unity completly and have no problems with my system?02:57
acerimmerartichoku: you did this first, right??http://paste.ubuntu.com/817228/02:57
urlin2ucelltech, hmmm it is in my 11.10 setup02:57
ActionParsnipcelltech: or install xfburn, its great02:57
artichokuno, lol02:57
celltechI don't need burning that's the thing. And I want all the disk space as possible02:57
urlin2ucelltech, if your that close to losing disc space that s the least of your problems. :D02:58
celltechI'm not that close. I'm just a person that doesn't want anything I won't use. It's an Obsessive thing I have02:59
artichokuacerimmer: ok i did that. same error02:59
acerimmercelltech: sudo apt-get clean will purge your cache of downloads associated with installed packages02:59
urlin2uOCD is a bummer  suspect02:59
weiland-Clean is beautiful03:00
acerimmerartichoku: ls /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build03:00
weiland-It makes weeksystems flow and strong systems fly.03:01
artichokuacerimmer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/817231/03:02
acerimmerartichoku: Do the "Fresh Installation" procedure on the ReadMe03:03
weiland-What is paste.Ubuntu.com for? I see it a lot here03:03
artichokuok sec...03:03
artichokuthere is no readme....03:03
acerimmerartichoku: http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php README.txt03:04
artichokuweiland: it's for quickly pasting something to share03:04
artichokuah, ty03:04
acerimmerartichoku: let me make sure we're actually communicating here.  You are building your own broadcom linux STA driver, correct??03:05
mistformhow do I get the Esc key to work on fullscreen flash videos? it won't work at all and I want it to leave fullscreen when pressed.03:09
artichokuyes i am03:09
artichokuand even following those instructions it says im missing that wl.ko file03:09
psyrusokay guys, i figured it out03:10
urlin2umistform, what do you want the esc key to do?03:10
SachinDeymistform are you playing flash videos on browser or video player03:10
acerimmerartichoku: 3rd item on the list...http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7001421/Screenshot.png03:10
acerimmerartichoku: nevermind03:11
urlin2umistform, I see it is not working Doh.03:12
psyrusdoes anyone know about intellinuxgraphics.org ? i saw files for video card support under linux for intel hd 300003:12
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acerimmerartichoku: proceed from Fresh Installation...03:12
psyrusx.org's package doesn't support all the really new intel video cards03:12
artichokuyeah im there03:12
artichokuand i'm following those steps03:12
artichokuand it's telling me to insmod wl.ko03:13
artichokuand when i do, i still get no such file or derectory error03:13
Drone4fourI’m trying to reinstall grub after a fresh install of Slackware which uses Lilo.  Using my LiveCD, I tried using the commands update-grub2 and grub-install but I get the same error: /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).03:13
ejvhi, how do I check the version of an installed package using apt-get ?03:14
acerimmerartichoku: start over, do the whole build again.  BTW you ARE in your sudo account for this procedure?03:14
GeodesicalA question for those who are listening: I am running Jaunty Jackalope, and whenever I put in a cd-r to upgrade, it refuses to let me open any windows. I need to get to the desktop to put the update on the cd, but it takes it off and I can't. Any suggestions?03:14
acerimmerartichoku: took me 3 tries when I did it.  Dont' get discouraged.03:15
mistformSachinDey, streaming videos in firefox.03:15
artichokuwhat makes me mad is i would be fine in 9.10, or at least it was, but when i formatted and installed 9.10, it didn't work anymore03:15
artichokueven before moving to 11.1003:15
jmwpcis there a way to run etherwake as a non-root user (i already tried altering ownership & permissions)03:15
=== asdf2574 is now known as nerxgas
GeodesicalA question for those who are listening: I am running Jaunty Jackalope, and whenever I put in a cd-r to upgrade, it refuses to let me open any windows. I need to get to the desktop to put the update on the cd, but it takes it off and I can't. Any suggestions?03:16
hydrox24Geodesical: so your trying to update from Jaunty to what?03:18
artichokuomg i'm gonna friggin scream03:18
acerimmerartichoku: what?!03:18
artichokui'm so stupid03:18
artichokubecause i was doing make install03:19
artichokuwithout doing make first03:19
artichokui'm retarded03:19
Drone4fourthat doesn't make you stupid03:19
acerimmerartichoku: operator headspace error.  sure sigh that you should take a break and do it after sufficient rest.03:19
Dougwiserriding the short bus, now that will do it03:19
hydrox24artichoku: that makes you normal... we've all done it03:19
SachinDeyCan i anyone remind me the x command to test key output?03:19
SachinDeyCan i anyone remind me the x command to test key output?03:19
Geodesicalhydrox24: the ocelot one, a user (ssta) told me to download it and following the prompts to reset the entire computer, he said it would be faster than upgradeing from 9.04 to 9.10 and so on.03:19
artichokuok back to my instructions, lol03:20
artichokualt tabbed a min03:20
SachinDeyI mean the command to see the key output03:20
hydrox24Geodesical: So you boot into 9.04 and then insert the CD, and after that how does it refuse to let you open windows03:21
Geodesicalhydrox24; when I click the desktop icon (or any other icon0 a bar at the bottom pops up that says its loading the application, but when it is done loading, nothing else happens.03:22
artichokuok well now it's using that driver03:22
artichokustill didn't show up in the network manager03:22
urlin2uGeodesical, you have the important stuff backed up?03:22
GeodesicalI have no important stuff to back up, so I guess yes.03:23
urlin2u!eol | Geodesical03:23
ubottuGeodesical: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades03:23
hydrox24Geodesical: really? so if you lost EVERYTHING on your computer then that's totally fine?03:24
osd1000I wonder whats going to know whats coming up on ubuntu 12.0403:24
Drone4fourI’m trying to reinstall grub after a fresh install of Slackware which uses Lilo.  Using my LiveCD, I tried using the commands update-grub2 and grub-install but I get the same error: /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).03:24
hydrox24osd1000: Do you mean who's going to know?03:24
urlin2uGeodesical, personally I think that is bad advice.03:24
GeodesicalNo, I just got the computer yesterday at a yard sale, they said they had it for a while with windows xp but the unplugged it for a while and it reset to Ubuntu 9.04.03:25
hydrox24Drone4four: That means that it can't find the drive to install grub to... I think.03:25
mistformgeodesical if you don't have any important stuff why not just try a fresh install? how long have you been running jaunty?03:25
hydrox24Drone4four: I have come across that issue too.03:25
urlin2uGeodesical, you should do a fresh install you don't want another's OS.03:25
hydrox24Geodesical: I would advise you to take the "fresh install" path too.03:25
osd1000btw jaunty is outdated. try ubuntu 10.04 if you don't want a memory hogger03:25
Geodesicalmistform: about a day. I had to backtrack into grub to get it to start booting normally.03:26
Drone4fourhydrox24: did you by chance come up with a remedy?03:26
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mistformI believe majority has voted "Fresh Install". Burn another CD or do the flash drive install.03:26
urlin2uGeodesical, fresh install about 20 min.03:26
osd1000if you want a fresh install don't use wubi03:27
linociscoHello all03:27
GeodesicalI've tried to burn a cd, it refuses to allow me to open any programs if a cd is in the drive. as for a memory key, 2GB is too small, that's all I have.03:27
linociscoI would like to know which recovery software is best for formatted drive's NTFS partition03:28
osd1000Try memory expansion.03:28
osd1000by that03:28
osd1000i mean taking the computer appart03:28
osd1000finding the RAM slots03:28
maZed_Geodesical, you try a network install?03:28
Geodesicalis there any way to fresh install directly from Ubuntu or another site to bypass the cd/memory key thingy?03:28
osd1000well you could try puppy linux03:28
GeodesicalmaZed; never heard of it.03:28
renegade_mhi, how can i download driver for my atheros wireless card03:28
hydrox24Drone4four: Unfortunately it was far too long ago, and I think the error occured using a different program03:28
renegade_min ubuntu 8.1003:28
ubotturenegade_m: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades03:29
urlin2urenegade_m, 8.10 is end of life not supported.03:29
hydrox24Geodesical: No simple way, your computer needs something to boot from while the new OS is written to your internal frive03:29
renegade_mi see..03:29
renegade_mthank you guys for the info..03:29
osd1000btw ubuntu 8.10 is very old03:29
hydrox24renegade_m: that was a bot03:29
osd1000i suggest upgrading to ubuntu 10.0403:30
renegade_mbut then, does it mean I can never use my 8.10 anymore?03:30
hydrox24renegade_m: but We all would recommend upgrading if you can03:30
osd1000or 11.1003:30
renegade_mi like 8.1003:30
renegade_mi can't load with 11.1003:30
osd1000well theres aways backup03:30
osd1000backup your apps...03:30
renegade_mi cant boot03:30
hydrox24renegade_m: no, but technically channels like this shouldn't spend time supporting older EOT releases03:30
hydrox24renegade_m: that's fine03:30
osd1000try ubuntu 10.0403:30
renegade_mdoes 10.04 supports atheros?03:30
hydrox24renegade_m: We will probably help you anyway03:30
acerimmerrenegade_m: there some reason you can't upgrade past 8.10???03:31
renegade_mthank you..:)03:31
osd1000check on google.03:31
Geodesicalhydrox24; I see. isn't grub like a mini-OS (like DOS on a Windows)?03:31
hydrox24renegade_m: The newest ubuntus support almost all normal Wifi chips03:31
renegade_mi like it's speed in booting..03:31
renegade_mi can't boot good with 11.1003:31
urlin2urenegade_m, you tapping a f12 at powering on to get a boot from gui or setting the boot from the bios.03:31
hydrox24Geodesical: Not sure, I think it is somewhat like that, however a bootloader IS something in and of itself03:31
renegade_minfact i never successful in 11.10 booting the live cd.03:31
acerimmerrenegade_m: try  a lighter version of ubuntu like lubuntu or xubuntu.03:31
osd1000try booting in 10.0403:31
urlin2urenegade_m, black screen?03:31
osd1000if that doesn't work03:31
artichokuok acerimmer, sta just won't work03:32
renegade_mI know how to boot. what I mean, is successfull booting.. I end on shell alwys.03:32
osd1000try xubuntu. if that fails use lubuntu03:32
artichokuso i went to bcm43 fwcutter drivers03:32
maZed_Couldnt he just do a network bootloader that requires 35 megs, and do a network install?03:32
renegade_myes black screen after waiting.03:32
artichokunow the wireless works03:32
urlin2u!nomodeset | renegade_m03:32
ubotturenegade_m: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter03:32
tweet11.10 grub2 is giving me problems... he generated grub.cfg is not reflected on the boot menu... I have a separate home partition - can that cause all this?03:32
acerimmerartichoku: sorry.  we tried.03:32
artichokubut i know i'm going to have an issue with mon003:32
artichokui appreciate all of your help03:32
osd1000arti try ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS first. if that doesn't work use lubuntu or xubuntu03:32
artichokui gotta hit up the wireshark and aircrack guys03:32
artichokumaybe they can shed some light03:32
artichokui wish i could find my other laptop03:33
Geodesicalhydrox24: good point. Well, appreciated, thank you all.03:33
artichokuit used atheros drivers03:33
artichokuquestion: i was using 64bith OS with 9.10 before. this time i'm running 32 bit03:34
artichokuwhat kind of difference would that make?03:34
osd1000the first ubuntu version i used was like i dunno like 9.10 or 10.0403:34
tweetcan anyone suggest me something on that ?03:34
osd1000or 9.04.03:34
lucksmithhow could I recover formatted NTFS partition??03:35
urlin2ulucksmith, you erase it whats the situation?03:35
osd1000no way03:35
osd1000unless you have backups of your hard drive03:35
osd1000otherwise you have to install windows 200003:35
osd1000or buy a retail box from the store03:36
osd1000windows xp or 7..03:36
lucksmithurlin2u: what do you mean?03:36
urlin2u!tab > osd100003:36
ubottuosd1000, please see my private message03:36
urlin2ulucksmith, what puts you in the situation that needs a to recover details man. :D03:36
urlin2u!tab > artichoku03:37
ubottuartichoku, please see my private message03:37
lucksmithurlin2u: as I got green light, I deleted and install another OS. Now, they want old data back03:37
lucksmithurlin2u: the higher boss insists03:37
urlin2ulucksmith, has the other OS been run and how much if so.03:37
lucksmithurlin2u: I also deleted that OS03:38
lucksmithurlin2u: now it is unbootable system disk03:38
maZed_just get the install disc and do a reinstall of the OS03:38
renegade_mif for instance, I never go for an upgrade to 11.10, how do i install atheros to work in my ubuntu 8.10..:) if that is just ok.:)03:38
hydrox24lucksmith: so the only data lost id OS data? not personals like Docs and Vids and Pics?03:39
urlin2uwe use testdisk but I would not guarantee anything you might try the ##windows channel  as well  http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk03:39
urlin2ulucksmith, ^^03:39
lucksmithhydrox24: the thing is that The drive has been used to store PBX call record data from Panasonic PBX03:40
artichokudamnit man03:40
artichokufwcutter makes monitor mode stuck in channel -103:40
lucksmithhydrox24: It is now time for audit and there are some outstanding overseas calls . Fanance dept needs to clarify03:40
n-iCer8187 or rtl8187 ?03:41
tweethi there urlin2u  !  I had no luck at all with Grub2 !!03:41
urlin2utweet, yeah I saw that you try the forum?03:41
Nach0zwoo grub203:41
dewwlucksmith: did you get written approval (email) saying that you can format the system? if so, refer to it and then investigate possibility ofdata recovery. :)03:41
GeodesicalDoes anyone know how to boot the Upgrade Manager?03:41
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lucksmithdeww: I was not lucky enough. I just got verbal approval03:42
urlin2uGeodesical, boot?03:42
MimosakaRyouwhy can't i delete a directory in  an ntfs partition? i already got ntfs-3g and ntfs-progs installed03:42
urlin2uMimosakaRyou, how are you trying to do it?03:42
Geodesicalidk, initialize, boot, make it pop up, same dif. I need it cuz I'm gonna get to Ocelot the hard way, bit by bit.03:43
urlin2uGeodesical, it is in the menu, you have a end of life?03:43
MimosakaRyoui try to delete it from the file manager , and i even try to rmdir it , but to no avail. it just returned input/output error every single time03:43
c4pthello i am trying to use xorg.conf with a synapitcs trackpad when gnome loads i am able to use the mouse but there is no mouse pointer at all ; when i disable xorg.conf and let ubuntu automatically setup X the mouse pointer is there03:43
c4pthow can i get the mouse pointer back with my custom xorg.conf03:43
hydrox24lucksmith: well data is sometimes recoverable from formatted partitions but you'll need to hire a professional for that.03:44
Geodesicalurlin2u; yeah, I have an EOL (Jaunty).03:44
urlin2uGeodesical, you look at the eol link the bot gave?03:44
lucksmithhydrox24: ok. thanks anyway03:44
hydrox24MimosakaRyou: Make sure that it is booting Read/Write and that it boots with the correct permissions.03:44
cabpahello, why ubutu 10.04 always hangup03:44
artichokuwhere can i quickly look to see what kernel version i have03:44
hydrox24lucksmith: OK, sorry that I couldn't be of more help03:44
urlin2u!eol > urlin2u03:45
ubottuurlin2u, please see my private message03:45
tweeturlin2u, not yet.. I had to leave in a hurry yesterday.. will post it onto a forum now. btw, I installed boot-repair which is now complaining about mdraid and DMRaid..03:45
GeodesicalThe ubottu? No.03:45
urlin2uGeodesical, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades03:46
Geodesicalurlin2u: Thanks03:46
MimosakaRyouhydrox24 im really sorry but how to check? im so sorry for being such a noob T.T03:46
hydrox24MimosakaRyou: THat's OK, but I have to go do something03:46
urlin2utweet, ah I suspect that is the problem now, I have no clue of the raid thang's03:46
hydrox24MimosakaRyou: Wait 5 min would you?03:46
urlin2uGeodesical, no problem. ;D03:47
MimosakaRyouok ok. your willingness to help is greatly appreciated :)03:47
Mario-linuxI install ubuntu 10.10 :D03:47
Mario-linuxhow do i update firefox in 10.10 to the latest version?03:47
urlin2uMario-linux, what version you have?03:48
krysitsi think that ff is fucked up03:48
acerimmerMario-linux: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7001421/success%20kid.jpg03:48
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urlin2u!language > kryl9903:48
ubottukryl99, please see my private message03:48
krysitsgone away from cathedral paradigm03:48
viru007hey personal suggestion use opera03:48
viru007opera 1103:48
Mario-linuxI think the version is firefox 3 or what ever you call it.03:48
Mario-linux3.5 or what ever03:49
bazhangkrysits, did you have an ubuntu support question?03:49
urlin2uMario-linux, https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable03:49
viru007use ppa03:49
Mario-linuxThanks. :)03:50
urlin2uviru007, opera yea a C a big bouncy C. :D03:50
viru007ididnt get u mate03:50
urlin2uviru007, just a musicians joke opera is a great browser.03:51
tweeturlin2u, I noticed something strange while reinstalling pc-grub... It lists drives where grub can be installed.. In my case, it did not show a [*] against each drive,but only a [].. any ideas?03:51
Mario-linuxI didn't install updates yet.. but when i use sudo in termial it don't let me type the pword.. i asks but i can't type it... should installing the updates fix that?03:51
urlin2utweet, it would go in the hd like sda or sdb depending on what the drive is.03:52
urlin2uthe nmbr03:52
urlin2utweet, the raid might be the problem though if your not actually running a raid.03:52
lisa_what is ppa?03:53
urlin2uMario-linux, the password does not show.03:53
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa03:53
Mario-linuxi know03:53
tweetyes, it shows me the drives - /sda1 / sda7 etc... but as per some website images it does not have [*] against each one of them, only a []... when I select one, it complains that I have not selected any drive..03:53
Mario-linuxbut it won't let me type the password at all in termial.. but i asks for it03:53
urlin2uMario-linux, so it refuses your passwoed?03:54
lisa_he was telling me mario03:54
tweeturlin2u, I am not worried about the Raid SSD right now03:54
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lisa_it doesnt show the password being typed but it is going in, just hit enter when done03:54
urlin2utweet, cool might be the problem though good to mention, hope you get it figured out.03:55
Mario-linuxI'll install updates on ubuntu 10.10 tomorrow if it fixes the issue i'll let you know.03:55
tweeturlin2u, I hope so.. thanks for your time03:55
urlin2uMario-linux, that wont fix a password not working03:55
urlin2utweet, np03:56
sherifhey guys03:56
sherifwut is the function of lauchpad03:56
rhapsody2012 03:56
ubottuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/03:56
ubottusherif: please see above03:56
Mario-linuxyou guys misunderstood what i was saying I'll ask in the forums tomorrow if it doesn't fix the problem.. anyways.. Good Night I have school tomorrow.. :/03:56
urlin2uMario-linux, cool03:57
sherifshud i sign up?03:57
sherifor no need03:57
urlin2usherif, if you need to post bugs yeah.03:57
acerimmersherif: you do not need launchpad to use ubuntu03:57
sherifurlin2u wut kind of bugs?03:57
kieppiehi guys. me again. I'm having a spot of trouble with printing to a Canon printer from Ubuntu 11.10 to a Mac host. I've removed /etc/cups/printers.conf* & /etc/cups/ppd & restarted the cups daemon, & able to use system-config-printer to find & set as default  & successfully print a test page, but that's about it. when I try to create a duplicate or use the desktop's own tool so that I can alter settings, if all fall apart horribly. is a03:58
urlin2usherif, any you find, there is a bug protocol for broken stuff.03:58
sherifurlin2u it says to be a member of egyptian ununtu team i have to have account in lauchpad as first step03:59
hydrox24sherif: To find and fix bugs and request features04:00
urlin2usherif, sounds self explantory, not familiar with teams though, I have been asked to join but don't really have the time.04:00
hydrox24sherif: To find and fix bugs and request features04:00
urlin2usherif, np. :D04:01
sn00pHow do I stop these edid issues, My lvsd1 monitor that I have connected to my netbook keeps tblanking out,  i have a 945me intel graphics card anybody help me plz?04:01
lisa_anybody know why flash videos dont work since i upgraded from lubuntu 10 to 11?04:02
viru007i am using lmde i want to know from where to get unity 5.0 source and compile it on lmde04:03
urlin2ulisa_,  in a browser, if so which one?04:04
lisa_firefox 9.0.1, also tried in chromium with no avail.04:05
urlin2ulisa_, you have the restricted-extras installed?04:05
lisa_hmm, let me check, should i have it installed? hang on a sec04:06
bazhangviru007, linuxmintdebianedition? thats not supported here; try their support forums04:06
urlin2ulisa_, if your running unity it would be the ubuntu-restricted-extras04:08
lisa_how do i send a private message urlin2u?04:08
urlin2ulisa_, I think you can do /pm username04:09
goblinsharkim a newb when it comes to linux, im currently running xp would someone help me get it installed04:09
goblinsharki want to be able to run dual boot04:09
goblinsharkand keep win xp not install over it04:09
zykotick9urlin2u: lisa_ "/msg nick" i believe04:09
bazhanggoblinshark, download the iso, burn to cd, then boot up live cd04:10
bazhanggoblinshark, the installer will see your xp install and install *next* to it04:10
goblinsharkno need to partition?04:10
RussianHey guys, what Ubuntu release are you running?04:10
bazhanggoblinshark, the installer will take care of that04:10
bazhangRussian, whats the real questiion04:10
goblinsharkbazahng i have ubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.iso04:11
goblinsharkist that the right one04:11
bazhanggoblinshark, sure04:11
goblinsharki also have wubi.exe but its a seperate file04:11
goblinsharkwhen do i run wubi.exe?04:11
kieppiehi guys. I'm having a spot of trouble with printing to a Canon printer from Ubuntu 11.10 to a Mac host. I've removed /etc/cups/printers.conf* & /etc/cups/ppd & restarted the cups daemon, & able to use system-config-printer to find & set as default  & successfully print a test page, but that's about it. when I try to create a duplicate or use the desktop's own tool so that I can alter settings, if all fall apart horribly. is anyone able04:11
Russianbazhang: That is the real question, I haven't been using Ubuntu for a long time, it seems a lot has changed, I am trying to figure out if Unity really is that bad and if I should go back to 10.0404:12
bazhanggoblinshark, wubi is inside of windows, not a true dual boot04:12
goblinsharkso i dont need to download wubi04:12
bazhangRussian, thats not a real question; you really expect everyone in the channel to say what they are running? it varies from every supported version04:12
bazhanggoblinshark, no you dont need wubi04:13
goblinsharkwhats wubi for then?04:13
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe04:13
bazhanggoblinshark, a kind of test drive, not a true dual boot04:13
Russianbazhang: not sure if you replied, I accidentally closed irc client04:13
bazhangRussian, please ask a specific question.04:13
Russianbazhang: What Ubuntu version are you using?04:14
jperez2012hello everyone :)04:14
AsmCoder8088oh finally, a live channel04:14
bazhangRussian, did you have a support question? if so, please ask, and if someone knows they will answer04:14
RussianI am trying to establish what version of ubuntu to go with, just curious what other people are using04:16
sunlifterRussian- get the newest ;)04:16
Russianwhat version of ubunto do you use, for instance?04:16
sunlifter11.11 now04:16
MimosakaRyouim on lucid04:16
AsmCoder8088I'm using "Memphis"04:17
Russiansunlifter: Aah, thanks mate.04:17
DotEXEi use 10.10, unity makes me want to pull my hair out.04:17
junoip422SOPA wins :S -> http://adf.ly/50eZt04:17
MimosakaRyouu need to switch to xfce or something04:18
DotEXEi prefer LXDE to XFCE04:18
DotEXEim currently on Mint LXDE on my netbook04:18
DotEXEi quite like it04:18
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RussianDotEXE: Yeah, I don't like Unity at all, trying out Gnome 3 atm.04:19
DotEXEI despise Gnome 3 as well04:19
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RussianDotEXE: I tried Mint, didn't run too well for me04:20
preludelinuxunity is not very nice to use .... but it is possible to change to many other desktops  ... but it seems most of the big ones are all going somewhere most desktop users are still scratching there heads wondering why04:20
sunlifterAnd I prefer CL :)04:20
DotEXEGnome 3 + MGSE looks doable though04:20
Russianpreludelinux: I was trying to do a compiz --replace command in the terminal but I am left with no borders on all my windows and my keyboard stops working04:20
e131I love unity on 11.1004:21
=== ryannath1ns is now known as ryannathans
* krysits prefers kde and qt 4.004:22
* cheapie prefers scrotwm or fluxbox04:22
* preludelinux is waiting for something game changing 04:23
DotEXEprefers CLi only installs04:23
cheapieDotEXE: Is there any sort of web browser with image support that works without a GUI installed, or is such a thing not possible?04:24
magn3tsHow can I control my audio via command line?04:28
[[thufir]]cheapie: I don't understand the context of the question.  Why would you want that?  If you only have terminal, then you can't have images.  Alternately, if you have X, then you might as well use a mouse.  Please explain the context.04:28
preludelinuxwheres the full 3D desktop , wheres the good voice recognition (voice controlled commanded shell / cmd line would be interesting), holographic  keyboards/ user interfaces , face / hand tracking ~ where everything come together on the desktop04:28
zykotick9magn3ts: alsamixer is one option04:28
magn3tszykotick9: sorry, I meant in a scriptable manner :)04:28
zykotick9magn3ts: you could try aumix perhaps, it seems to have command line options04:29
viru007hello i wanted to know how to compile unity 5.0 in lmde04:30
magn3tszykotick9: hm it doesn't see my "mixer".04:30
sn00pHow do I stop these edid issues, My lvsd1 monitor that I have connected to my netbook keeps tblanking out,  i have a 945me intel graphics card anybody help me plz?04:30
HetepHola, K3B gives error: "Beginning DMA speed test. Set CDR_NODMATEST environment variable if device04:32
Hetepcommunication breaks or freezes immediately after that."04:32
besogonhi! HOw to grab screen into video file? What program is more suitable?04:33
zykotick9besogon: gtk-recordmydesktop is a GUI option04:35
opdynamiksbesogon, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjbtlzOY7S4 video tutorial on screen recording with Ubuntu04:35
hydrox24cheapie:  I don't think that it's possible04:35
magn3tszykotick9: amixer -c 0 sset Master playback 80% unmute  :) :)04:35
besogonopdynamiks: zykotick9 thanks04:36
zykotick9magn3ts: nice work!04:36
magn3tslol except unmute doesn't seem to work :S04:36
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bobo37773wow that is a lot of name switches04:38
flowerpotI want to install git on Ubuntu 10.04 on EC2.  I've run sudo apt-get update, but when I run sudo apt-get install git, I get this problem: http://pastebin.com/Sm4j0jJj04:40
flowerpotIs git not in the Ubuntu repos?04:40
zykotick9cheapie: looks like links is capable of showing graphics without Xorg... How I Met Your Mother S04E24 The Leap.webm04:40
zykotick9cheapie: sorry paste fail there04:40
zykotick9cheapie: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/a-web-browser-using-framebuffer-173622/04:41
Flannelflowerpot: the package name is get-core04:41
flowerpotFlannel, in the future, what should I do to determine that on my own?04:42
cheapieflowerpot: Go to packages.ubuntu.com and search for "git"04:42
flowerpotFlannel, actually, apt-cache show get-core says that no packages were found04:43
Flannelflowerpot: `apt-cache search git` (a lot, you can grep for git though), and you'll notice (at the end, where its easy to see) that there's a bunch of git-foo, where foo is some other cvs (cvs, svn, email, etc)04:43
Flannelflowerpot: sorry, git-core04:43
flowerpotI see04:43
Flannelflowerpot: then apt-cache show git-foo (any one of them) will show you a dependency of git-core04:43
Flannelflowerpot: It looks like the package used to be called git, that was probably a monolithic package, and now it's split out into all the subpackages04:44
flowerpotFlannel, got it.  Thanks!  works now04:44
magn3tssigh, why oh why is alsa's amixer not working in ubuntu04:46
magn3tsthere are many many many posts describing that unmuting is borked04:46
goblinsharkalright, got ubuntu iso  ubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.iso . burnt to a disc now run wubi?04:47
bazhanggoblinshark, not wubi, no04:47
refluxtumblrso, i just installed ubuntu and it's asking for an admin password, even though i removed it from my account to make things easier for my tech inept dad04:47
refluxtumblrany ideas?04:47
goblinsharkthere is wubi.exe on it04:48
goblinsharkwhat do i run04:48
bazhanggoblinshark, boot with the installer disk in, and bios set to look for cd first04:48
goblinsharki cant read the readme04:48
goblinsharkbecause it says README.diskdefines04:48
tigrangim on ubuntu 10.04.3 server. date and date -u show different times. How can I fix this?04:48
Flanneltigrang: what do you mean by 'fix'?  that's not incorrect behavior04:49
goblinsharki cant run it from the disk04:51
goblinsharkare u sure this is not going to delete windows?04:51
Flannelgoblinshark: running wubi.exe will not delete windows.04:51
goblinsharkhe said not to run wubi04:51
refluxtumblrit keeps coming up with an authentication error, even when i enter the admin password i set04:52
goblinsharkim confused04:52
Flannelgoblinshark: What is your ultimate goal? dual boot? or what?04:52
goblinsharkdual boot04:52
Flannelgoblinshark: with a standalone partition? or without repartitioning?04:52
goblinsharkhmmm good question, im not really sure which do u think is best?04:52
goblinsharkif it's dual boot is there really any need to partition?04:53
Flannelgoblinshark: It depends on what you're hoping to achieve.  If it's just "try Ubuntu", then wubi is a good choice.  If you're looking to actually have two full-fledged OSs, you'll want to repartition and do a traditional dual boot.04:53
goblinsharkwhats the drawback of wubi?04:54
Flannelthe entire Ubuntu filesystem sits inside your windows drive, so if anything happens to that partition, you'll lose both OSes.  There is a small performance (disk IO) penalty, but it's not significant.04:55
goblinsharkwhy can't have have two full-fledged OSs with wubi?04:55
goblinsharkso if it sits inside my windows drive can i have the option on bootup to select which OS I want to startup?04:56
almoxarifegoblinshark: you can have two os's within wubi04:57
junoip864new version? http://adf.ly/50eZt04:57
goddardany new icons you can install for ubuntu?04:57
Flannelgoblinshark: Yes.  Either way you do it, you choose the OS to boot at power on.04:57
viru7faenze is cool04:57
bazhangjunoip864, stop pasting that04:57
artichokuomg omg omg04:58
artichokulinux is pissin me off04:58
goblinsharkcan i have two os within windows04:58
goblinsharksince windows was instlaled first?04:58
artichokudamn u updates messin' up my wireless drivers04:58
almoxarifegoblinshark: you can have two os's within wubi04:59
goblinsharkwindows is installed before wubi04:59
almoxarifegoblinshark: who you talking to?04:59
goblinsharki'm not partitioning04:59
viru7use virtualbox 1st that would help u get hands-on xperience with ubuntu and then go for complete install04:59
almoxarifegoblinshark: then put my nick in the convo04:59
magn3tsCan anyone help me unmute my audio? amixer set Master unmute does not work.05:00
goblinsharkalmoxarife, i just want to try it out05:00
Flannelgoblinshark: To install with wubi, run wubi.exe from within windows.05:00
goblinsharkok i want to partition05:00
magn3tseven though everything in alsamixer is unmuted, gnome-shell has the icon dimmed and the audio is inaudible.05:00
almoxarifegoblinshark: you already have wubi installed?05:00
Flannelgoblinshark: Alright. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot walks you through that process05:01
FoxhoundzFor some reason maximized applications running on 11.10 sometimes don't have the window controls to minimize/exit/restore the window05:01
FoxhoundzFix it.05:01
opform249_I have a wireless NIC card issue...can anybody help?05:01
goddardartichoku: what you need to be a ultra cool hacker and jack wireless ? :D05:01
haylothats a stupid hacker05:02
viru7stupid hacker ftw....05:02
haylothat steals from their neghbors something too petty to be worth getting in trouble for05:02
opform249_foxhoundz...are the window controls in the far top left for you...05:02
viru7 :@ plz help me with samba config any1?05:02
opform249_by default, they are not shown unless you hove over them'05:02
Foxhoundzopform249_: Yes.05:02
neatbookcan anyone tell me what that shell script does? is it safe to run on my linux??05:02
hayloyou are not much of a hacker if you blow you cover with your neighbors wireless05:03
Foxhoundzopform249_: I did hover over them. They are completely gone and I lose the ability to exit the app unless I use the keyboard shortcut to kill the process05:03
hayloi mean they probably know its you by your clothes or the way you act05:03
FoxhoundzWhich is quite troublesome05:03
opform249_which applications don't show the controls?05:03
almoxarife!ot | haylo05:03
ubottuhaylo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:03
FoxhoundzI was on Libre Office Writer05:03
Foxhoundzbut this happened on Firefox as well05:03
opform249_hang on05:03
hayloalmoxarife, it was a response to someone telling a linux user to hack some wireless instead of an actual solution05:04
dies_iraewhy in the world I can have mplayer and mplayer2 installed at the same time???05:05
haylothis tyoe of chilish behaviour should be addressed no matter what the circumstance05:05
dies_iraethis exceeds levels of retardation.05:05
hydrox24dies_irae: does it break anything?05:05
hydrox24dies_irae: if not, don't complain! just thank goodness that it works05:05
almoxarifedies_irae: un-install mplayer205:06
dies_iraethat's not the point. the point is having BOTH playing along.05:06
almoxarifehydrox24: and it does break mplayer05:06
dies_iraewhever decided this one or the other gots to get fired from ubuntu!!05:06
almoxarifedies_irae: you had to be the one who installed mplayer and mplayer two, gods didnt help you05:07
gustcmcan someone help install my webcam?05:08
gustcmi don't know, even with lspci and lsusb05:08
sn00pHow do I stop these edid issues, My lvsd1 monitor that I have connected to my netbook keeps tblanking out,  i have a 945me intel graphics card anybody help me plz?05:08
gustcmcan someone help install my webcam?05:08
gustcmi don't know, even with lspci and lsusb05:08
dies_iraegustcm: perhaps, only if you repeat 5 more times.05:09
bobo37773neatbook: Deletes and compresses files.05:09
gustcmdies_irae: sry05:09
almoxarifegustcm: tried the webcam with some app?05:10
* fsheikh test05:10
almoxarifegustcm: got vlc?05:10
hydrox24gustcm: you should get it... It's pretty awesome!05:11
almoxarifegustcm: get vlc05:11
almoxarifegustcm: then check the cam with it05:11
gustcmalmoxarife: br?05:12
almoxarifegustcm: br?05:12
bobo37773neatbook: There are a few switches / user defined variables. As a rule of thumb I would say do not run random scripts from strangers but that one looks harmless enough. You should not need to run it as sudo / root since everything looks like it is done in your home folder.05:12
gustcmalmoxarife:  português05:12
almoxarifegustcm: ilheu05:13
=== woo is now known as psp-0854
preludelinuxrunning random scripts as root sounds like a VERY bad idea05:13
gustcmalmoxarife:  testei com o vlc e diz que não tem dispositivo05:14
psp-0854I have a question but I would have to paste about 48 characters of terminal output.  How would I do that?05:14
gustcmalmoxarife: viu o paste?05:14
almoxarifegustcm: english!05:14
bazhanggustcm, english please05:14
gustcmalmoxarife: tried vlc and says: no devices05:15
gustcmalmoxarife: http://paste.org/4438405:15
sn00pHow do I stop these edid issues, My lvsd1 monitor that I have connected to my netbook keeps tblanking out,  i have a 945me intel graphics card anybody help me plz? it happens when I go to resolution 1024x76805:16
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almoxarifegustcm: run on terminal  'lsusb'05:18
psp-0854If i get a return from lshw of *-logicalcpu:0 width: 32bit and *-logicalcpu:1 width: 32bit.  Im pretty sure its a single processor.  why am I getting :0 and :1?05:18
gustcmalmoxarife: did you saw the paste ?05:19
psp-0854Hi pazaco05:19
almoxarifegustcm: run on terminal 'lsusb' and pastebin05:19
pazacohi psp-085405:19
tigrangFlannel, k, was just wondering. Using mod_expires with apache but Expires date isnt being set correctly and status is always 200 instead of 304. Checking that was my last desperate attempt05:20
eddi3x3ican anyone help me fix my brightness? I cannot change my brightness on my screen05:20
eddi3x3iI have no /pci/acpi/video folder05:20
gustcmalmoxarife: http://pastebin.com/3cFfe5Yd05:20
hydrox24eddi3x3i: how do you try to change it?05:20
tonsofpcssuggested method for updating whois on older (still in support period) LTS distributions?05:20
hydrox24eddi3x3i: and what computer is the relevant to?05:21
eddi3x3isudo echo -n 50 > /proc/acpi/video/VGA/LCD/brightness05:21
eddi3x3itoshiba satellite05:21
Flanneltigrang: Have you tried asking in #httpd? (the apache channel)  They may be more aware of any gotchas05:21
hydrox24eddi3x3i: I use the satellite a660 and my physical buttons for changing brightness work fine?05:21
hydrox24eddi3x3i: what version of ubuntu are you using?05:21
tigrangFlannel, yea, asked there before I came here with that question. Thats where we got to and no other suggestions05:22
almoxarifegustcm: what type of webcam is it? installed(fixed) or usb?05:22
gustcmalmoxarife: fixed05:22
sn00pHow do I stop these edid issues, My lvsd1 monitor that I have connected to my netbook keeps tblanking out,  i have a 945me intel graphics card anybody help me plz? it happens when I go to resolution 1024x76805:23
Flanneltigrang: What do you have in your config file?05:23
XouriiWhen the next version of Ubuntu comes out, will I have to burn a new DVD all over again?05:23
KimbleHey. I need a compressing fs for Ubuntu 11.10. Which is the easiest to install?05:23
hydrox24Xourii: To make a clean install: yes05:23
urlin2uXourii, a cd is best to have anyay, what you running?05:24
almoxarifegustcm: noticed that your machine does not see it? it does not exist to it, what type of machine you have, specific05:24
hydrox24Xourii: but you can just do a dist-upgrade05:24
XouriiNot a clean wipe05:24
XouriiIs upgrading the OS as easy as say, an update?05:24
zykotick9hydrox24: dist-upgrade has basically nothing to do with upgrading to a new version05:24
hydrox24zykotick9: sorry, your right05:25
hydrox24zykotick9: getting my terminology mixed up05:25
christiantarrysn00p:  sounds like your graphics card can't handle that resolution05:25
christiantarrymight have to suffice with 640x05:25
pazacoI'm trying to find where i got my distro at, interested in asking some questions about installing Ubuntu, brb05:25
hydrox24Xourii: More or less, though some people find that it breaks thing05:25
XouriiAnd when will the next version come out?05:25
gustcmalmoxarife:  http://tinyurl.com/6tzg8rc05:25
sn00pchristiantarry, it works just fine on my netbook screen but not my extended monitor05:26
hydrox24Xourii: Not sure, will it be April? (thus the ##.04)05:26
bobo37773sn00p: How are you setting the resolution? With a gui or xrandr?05:27
sn00pbobo37773, gui05:27
gustcmalmoxarife: Intel® Core™ i7 2630QM (sandy bridge)05:27
bobo37773sn00p: See if using cli works any different05:28
sn00pbobo37773, I dont know how to do the xrandx resolution05:28
hydrox24sn00p: type in xrandr by itself to list available resolutions05:29
almoxarifegustcm: pastebin xorg.0.log05:30
KimbleOut of Reiser4 and Btrfs, which would be easiest to implement on Ubuntu 11.10?05:30
tigrangFlannel, I figured it out05:30
tigrangFlannel, short version of what was wrong, symlink was setup wrong05:31
Flanneltigrang: Glad you solved it.05:31
pazacoaha! So if anyone can help, etc? it ubuntu 12.04 precise pangolin, the file i burned to dvd is called: precise-alternate-powerpc.iso05:31
bobo37773sn00p: Something like -->           xrandr --output lvsd1 --mode 1024x76805:31
sn00pI dont have to put the hertz in?05:32
bobo37773sn00p: But your monitor name might not actually be lvsd1 in x05:32
bobo37773sn00p: I never have05:32
bobo37773sn00p: I think you can if you want.05:32
malac0daSo I am getting this error while trying to use jhbuild05:32
malac0daI: unknown keys defined in configuration file: autogenargs_docs05:33
malac0dabut I copied the .jhbuildrc file from jhbuild from jhbuildonubuntu or something05:33
bobo37773sn00p: Did you figure it out?05:36
loius65SOPA wins :S -> http://adf.ly/50eZt05:37
pazacothat is fake msg05:40
christiantarrysnoop your graphics card has to work a little harder putting it out to a bigger screen even if it is the same resolution05:40
BigTaxirequesting help with some bridging issues05:41
pazacothe .iso file is 724 MiB, so how much USB do i need if i install it on usb?05:41
pazacoi wonder?05:41
bobo37773pazaco: 2GB should be fine.05:42
libryderanyone know how to cut all tcp connections?05:42
KimbleHas btrfs been removed from the standard repos?05:42
bobo37773libryder: Disconnect from internet.05:42
libryderi have a feeling my vps was hacked and i am trying to trace where the high bandwidth is coming from05:42
BigTaximy ethernet port continuously disconnects and reconnects. it is an interesting problem05:42
pazacobobo, will it run faster on USB drive or firewire???05:42
libryderbobo37773: that would be pretty unwise considering it's a VPS05:42
bobo37773pazaco: I don't know. Is it a one time install?05:43
pazacoi got it on a DVD image, wnat to install it on external something to play with it first05:44
bobo37773libryder: Just giving you a hard time. Use "tcpkill" to kill tcp connections. It is part of the "dsniff" package05:44
BigTaxiplease get to me when you can05:44
pazacoThe idea with this disk is that i can use it repeatedly, so i'm not wanting to unlod it , dual boot my hd quite yet, not too sure about the distro05:45
bobo37773BigTaxi: Try assigning yourself a static ip address on your router and see if the problem persists.05:45
BigTaxiwell its more complex than that05:46
BigTaxithe interet through the wireless is fine05:46
BigTaxihowever, the ethernet cable to my xbox 360 doesnt work05:46
BigTaxion my PC, it works fine05:46
BigTaxiand with the same exact settings on the laptop, it just flickers, connected, discon nected05:46
sidveeHey! can someone tell me which one to download for 12.04 distro? I mean I cant think of anyone between Daily Build,Alpha 1 and daily-live. What is the difference between them?05:46
bobo37773BigTaxi: How is it more complicated?05:47
BigTaxiso with the PC, with ubuntu, the 360 gets bridged internet, on my laptop, same exact settings, it doesnt05:47
pazacoMac (PowerPC) and IBM-PPC (POWER5) alternate install CD05:47
pazacoFor Apple Macintosh G3, G4, and G5 computers, including iBooks and PowerBooks as well as IBM OpenPower machines.05:47
sherif_how can i change gui to kde05:47
BigTaxii'm just guessing it is something in the code somewhere. i'd just like the xbox to be more portable.05:48
libryderbobo37773:  i think i am going to block a range of IP's... i've been averaging 5+mbps over the past day05:48
bobo37773BigTaxi: You are using computer as a gateway? Is that what you are saying?05:48
BigTaxitwo, actually, but the one i want to work does not.05:48
bobo37773libryder: In that case iptables is what you want to check out for sure.05:48
libryderi'm configuring moblock right now05:48
BigTaxiwhat command is that05:48
KimbleCan someone suggest a compressing fs that doesn't require a re-compiled kernel?05:48
bobo37773libryder: iplist / ipblock is also pretty good.05:48
overcluckerlibryder: checkout iptables, too05:48
BigTaxiiplist command not found05:49
BigTaxiiptables asks if i wanted iptables -h05:49
bobo37773BigTaxi: I was talking to libryder05:49
overcluckerthen you want iptables -h05:49
sidveeWhat is the difference between 1. http://goo.gl/VWV6 2. http://goo.gl/oy1N0 3. http://goo.gl/iAT1F05:50
bobo37773BigTaxi: Does it work if you only have one thing connected to your computer gateway? Just computer OR xbox?05:50
BigTaxiwell, both computers connect to the wireless. only one functions successfully as a bridge.05:51
BigTaxito the xbox05:51
bobo37773BigTaxi: Oh, OK05:51
bobo37773So, do you think it may be a configuration error?05:51
librydermoblock maintains a list of ip's/ranges to automatically block05:51
BigTaxii don't know the network settings for both are exactly the same, concerning the cable from xbox to computer05:52
BigTaxione computer just can't seem to read the cable.05:52
X0Rc0reneed help with connecting to my VPN, i use this command to start my VPN /etc/init.d/openvpn restart05:52
BigTaxior some such.05:52
bobo37773BigTaxi: How did you set up your computer to act as a gateway?05:52
pazacoWell, since I have only invested 10 cents, i could just ask, what Ubuntu distro shluld i use to my PowerBook G4 (powerpc) from a USB stick?05:53
gokulnathhow could I get the smooth fonts in 11.10 in 11.04 ?05:53
BigTaxithe one that works is set up with ipv6 ignored, 1pv4 set to auto, and the available to all users checked05:53
ubuntu_I'm trying to install passenger's nginx module, and it keeps telling me that ruby development headers aren't installed.  I've installed ruby1.8-dev and im running 11.1005:53
ubuntu_any ideas?05:53
BigTaxiboth are set like that05:54
ubuntu_I don't know where to check for them if they'd be in my path or anything05:54
bobo37773BigTaxi: Through networkmanager gui or what?05:54
sidveeWhat is the difference between 1. http://goo.gl/VWV6 2. http://goo.gl/oy1N0 3. http://goo.gl/iAT1F05:54
BigTaxiyes. network manager05:54
BigTaxinetwork connections is the name of the program, tbs05:54
bobo37773BigTaxi: Did you enable traffic forwarding? Also, did it ever work?05:55
BigTaxihow do you enable traffic forwarding? i ran across that online somewhere and entered it in the terminal, but there was no change05:56
BigTaxiactually, no recongition of anything happening at all05:56
BigTaxiyes, actually05:56
BigTaxiit worked halfway through a movie through the xbox05:56
BigTaxiand has been unrecoverable05:57
bobo37773Did you get the information on how to do this on the wiki? As in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing05:57
pazacosidvee, the Alternate was suggested if you live where connections are slow or not available at the time05:57
pazacothat why i got that one05:57
pazacoor why it was suggested in an article i read somewhere05:58
BigTaxithe connection sharing isnt the problem, because right now the cord to the xbox, (eth1) isnt even sticking around to be interacted with05:58
sidveepazaco: Sorry! But which one is the alternate?05:58
BigTaxiit just connects and disconnects05:58
sidveepazaco: dumb me! Got you!05:58
pazacomy DSL is way too slow sometimes05:59
BigTaxiwhereas on the functioning connection, it just successfully connects the first time05:59
flowerpotis the execute bit necessary for .pem key files?05:59
sidveepazaco: And what is the difference between alpha 1 and daily build?05:59
flowerpotprivate keys, that is05:59
pazaconot sure05:59
KimbleHow can I force a USB flash drive to mount r/w for all users, and not just for root?06:00
bobo37773BigTaxi: How did you set up your iptables rules? Also, are you sure that you have the right dnsmasq installed?06:00
sidveepazaco: can you read this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11616995 Didn't make sense to me though!06:00
BigTaxii don't know the answer to either of those questions.06:01
BigTaxii just wouldnt be able to tell you.06:01
pazacobrb sidvee ( i read slow)06:01
sidveepazaco: nvm. Take your time. :-)06:02
urlin2uSid9, the alpha is an image from dec 1 the daily is with all the updates.06:03
bobo37773BigTaxi: Maybe you should try the method in the link I just sent you.06:03
pazaconormally alpha build means its full of bugs, beta is debugged, and etc., less buggy06:03
urlin2usidvee, wron nic ^^06:03
BigTaxisudo killall dnsmasq?06:03
BigTaxino dice, didn't work.06:03
pazacosidvee, alpha is without updates then?06:04
sidveepazaco: urlin2u what i understand is that, alpha 1 is a stable one.06:04
pazacooh, well then, hmmm06:05
sidveepazaco: not sure.06:05
* rere 06:05
urlin2usidvee, nope, alpha really means the time in development, it is in development still not to be considered stable till release06:05
rerehello all06:05
=== golgotha is now known as Guest70941
karthick87How to install openoffice version 3 in ubuntu 10.10?06:06
rereask google06:06
pazacosidvee: i'm gonna scrool up and look at that again, this is the same question i'm on - unless this is your answer to my question06:06
sidveeurlin2u: that means, once all the changes are labeled as stabled they make it permanent and call it "alpha" release. Look at the timeline of release06:07
rereall :06:07
urlin2ukarthick87, you will have to purge libreoffice and remove its folder afterward in home then go to openoffice and get the package you want.06:07
newguyHow does one get flash to work in 11.10? I haven't been able to do it06:07
Guest70941what is the name for the begginers channel on irc06:08
rereup tou you06:09
hydrox24Guest70941: this is it I guess06:09
=== rere is now known as your
hydrox24Guest70941: if you want ubuntu help that is06:09
pazacosidvee: we need to search a bit more, there was a chart on all this somewhere, I'm remembering now06:09
sidveerere: Please don't spam. If you have any question post it.06:09
urlin2usidvee, your a new user eh?    https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule?action=show&redirect=PreciseReleaseSchedule06:09
yoursidve : i'm so sorry06:09
urlin2uGuest70941, #ubuntu-beginners06:09
vaizguyis it possible that the future ubuntu releases will have better switchable graphics compatability?06:10
yourvaizguy : yes06:10
hydrox24vaizguy: switchable graphics?06:10
pazacoyep, me too, Freenode /list is inaccessable on my computer, sorry - - -  . going to #ubuntu-beginners06:10
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urlin2uvaizguy, hard to say open source some times is reversed engineered when the driver people don't build for linux or open source.06:12
sidveeurlin2u: That timeline is self explanatory! Alpha is more stable, you see!06:12
libryderhttp://i53.tinypic.com/o6g2zm.png there is no way my sites get that much traffic06:12
urlin2usidvee, if you say so, stable is a subjective ideal here.06:12
vaizguy@urlin2u, ok06:12
yourhow to install theme gor irc?06:12
newguyI need a little help with firefox/flash. The plugin isn't working06:12
karthick87urlin2u: I dont find version 3 in openoffice site..06:12
libryderi blocked 112- and my traffic is back to normal06:13
sidveeurlin2u: daily_build = last_alpha_release + all_updates_till_now06:13
youri'm indonesian06:13
Guest70941 where can i go for refrences on linux like shell commands and such06:14
urlin2ukarthick87, not sue about specifically 3.006:14
guest1hi everyone06:15
guest1need your help06:15
yourhi too guest106:15
urlin2usidvee, nothing in development is considered stable and should only be used a a secondary OS at best for testing, is the basic idea, not for noobs in other words as a main OS, not saying you are but thats the word.06:15
=== your is now known as rere
BigTaxiyeah... none of this is helping.06:16
guest1having encountered problem in using qemu-kvm06:16
urlin2usidvee, it has not been released.06:16
sidveeurlin2u: that was harsh!06:16
guest1who can help me pls06:16
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libryderweirdest thing... i had soooo many requests that were hitting the same exact image (1+mb)06:16
libryderjust non-stop, hitting that image06:17
JAM test06:17
IvozI can't boot atm, nvidia drivers won't load. How can I disable the kernel loading the nvidia module and use (is it?) vesa drivers instead to reinstall?06:17
urlin2usidvee, don't take it harshly, it is not directed at you or your skills tool box you just want to make sure you know what a development is.06:17
Ivoz(I can access the filessystem through windows)06:17
rerei'm beginners :-)06:17
rerewho can help me?06:18
Ivozrere: just ask06:18
urlin2urere, ask your question and if anybody knows they will answer06:18
rereoke, my english is not perfect, i'm indonesian.. sorry06:19
BigTaxioh my god... how do i return to me@computer in the terminal06:19
sidveeurlin2u: First you throw barbs and then say not to take personally, is harsh. Leave it. I don't flaunt my development skills coz am not one. Anyways, am still missing your point.06:19
urlin2uIvoz, you running a wubi?06:19
BigTaxii'm in /bin/ mode or whatnot06:19
BigTaxii hate meing retarded...06:19
urlin2usidvee, hehe your a moron. ;D06:19
libryderi don't know why i don't idle here more often06:20
Ivozurlin2u: nope06:20
BigTaxiany advice on how to get off of /bin/ mode and back to me@computer mode in the terminal?06:20
sidveeurlin2u: No. Trust me. Am still not getting your point. That explains my "noobness". Must be pleasing for you to hear. :P06:20
IvozBigTaxi: ctl+alt+f7?06:21
IvozBigTaxi: /bin/ is a folder. I'm not aware of it as a 'mode'06:21
BigTaxiwell in ther terminal i no longer have me@computer06:21
BigTaxito which i wish to return06:21
urlin2usidvee, no not at all I explained it but you have your own version it is cool man, who says I'm not a noob. :D06:22
infidon ubuntu, ./configure is saying "configure: error: cannot find the flags to link with Boost thread". Any ideas?06:22
FlannelBigTaxi: Please paste a bit of the history of that terminal into a pastebin.06:22
BigTaxiprepare yourselves06:22
BigTaxierror: "Invalid argument" reading key "net"06:22
BigTaxierror: "ipv4.ip_forward" is an unknown key06:22
BigTaxi$ dev06:22
BigTaxi/bin/sh: dev: not found06:22
BigTaxi$ /bin/06:22
FloodBot1BigTaxi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:22
BigTaxi/bin/sh: /bin/: Permission denied06:22
FlannelBigTaxi: pastebin, not the channel.06:22
FlannelBigTaxi: paste.ubuntu.com06:23
NorthI am from S. Korea06:23
rerenorth, hi06:23
NorthI am a newbie to Ubunto06:23
programmeduserEpic name.06:23
Ivozrere, North: there is also #ubuntu-beginners06:23
urlin2uNorth, cool welcome.06:23
Northit's very difficult to use for me.06:23
rereNorth , I too06:24
NorthI am a Windows XP person.06:24
sidveeurlin2u: eh! No. Explain to me again. I really want to know!06:24
dc5alaBigTaxi, just type in "cd" without parameters and it brings you back to your home directory, if that is what you mean06:24
programmeduserNothings hard about Ubuntu! It's all just different :D06:24
IvozNorth: it is certainly different from windows06:24
NorthI am Windows person.06:24
Northcan you tell me where I can run the command?06:25
FlannelBigTaxi: What did you do before the sudo command?06:25
IvozBigTaxi: did yuo try ctl+alt+f706:25
programmeduserTerminal = CMD06:25
rerenorth , you can se in cd /usr/bin06:25
urlin2usidvee, basically your looking at a develop to be released the word stable is a bit of a misnomer to some extent, canonical who are the developers only consider a release after development to be stable basically.06:25
FlannelIvoz: that won't get him there.06:25
rerenorth , you can se in cd /usr/sbin06:25
BigTaxii dont want this to be some alt f4 shit that crashes my computer06:25
Northno, it did not work06:25
IvozNorth: you need to open up a terminal06:25
rereIvoz. ya06:26
BigTaxibut yes i dared to try06:26
FlannelBigTaxi: That's not, but it won't accomplish what you're hoping to do.06:26
FlannelBigTaxi: try 'exit'06:26
rerenorth you can see shell command in /usr/bin06:26
IvozBigTaxi: ctl+alt+f7 does not crash things, it brings you out of single user mode, afaik06:26
BigTaxijust a blank dollar sign06:26
urlin2usidvee, I have used many development though that never broke so it is just best to be prepared for it breaking is I guess the general idea as well.06:26
IvozNorth: go to your applications and search for terminal06:27
infidwhat are the main problems with ubuntu 11.10? any show stoppers?06:27
NorthWhere can I see shell command in /usr/bin?06:27
sidveeurlin2u: Oh! Got it. Now tell me what should I download? Daily build or alpha? :-)06:27
IvozNorth: what ubuntu are you running06:27
rerenorth : alt+f2 and type terminal06:27
BigTaxiexit worked. i have it now. thanks.06:28
rereIvoz : where do you come from?06:28
urlin2usidvee, the alpha will have a ton of updates, the daily will have those updates already I always use the daily personally.06:28
Ivozrere: australia06:28
BigTaxithough im sure ill have more in a few minutes.06:28
Northit;s 8.04 ubuntu.06:28
Ivozanyone know how to stop modules from loading in the kernel?06:28
programmedusernorth: If you have 11.10 just click inside Unity, Dash home button and type Terminal.06:28
rereIvoz : yaya I'm Indonesian06:28
programmeduserEep nvm.06:28
sidveeurlin2u: *goes off to download*06:28
IvozNorth: go to your applications menu, find the terminal application in it06:29
urlin2usidvee, cool have a good time. :D06:29
sidveeurlin2u: Thanks for the sharing the information. Really appreciate it. :-)06:29
rereNorth in tab application choose -> accessories -> terminal06:29
urlin2usidvee, no problem sorry If I was harsh.06:30
Northit's very coooooool!!!!!06:30
=== programmeduser is now known as Midnytmaradr
rereNorth : yapp06:30
FlannelBigTaxi: You ran something like `/bin/sh` which was hoping to see a file for a script source, it didn't, so it was just running interactively.06:30
tristan3199is there an Equilzer for ubuntu??06:31
BigTaxiso following some instructions, i have to input my ip followed by a slash with some more digits. how do iacquire the correct digits after the slash06:31
sidveeurlin2u: No. Even if you were, it helped! Am signing off with little-less-noobness. :-P Take care!06:31
reretristan3199 : yap06:31
BigTaxithanks for explaining.06:31
Northwhat format does the application have for linux? I mean the extension name.06:31
FlannelBigTaxi: What instructions are you following?06:31
urlin2usidvee, you to.06:31
tristan3199rere: how would i go about obtaining this??06:31
Northhello? can you tell me the extension name for the application running on Ubuntu????06:32
rereNorth : .deb or source coude06:32
sherif_hey guys where can i find this font  ttf-me-quran06:32
tristan3199rere: whats it called06:32
FlannelAh, BigTaxi, those examples aren't supposed to be entered into a terminal, but supposed to be put into a text file, which you then run.06:33
Northas you may know, MS occupied S. Korea!!!!!06:33
Northbull xxxit06:33
reretristan3199 : u can search in google06:33
Northeven I cannot use the banking on internet thru Linux.06:33
BigTaxiwell i'm adjusting the examples for my own info, but that's ok.06:33
=== sony is now known as Guest26871
BigTaxioptimal program for doing this?06:34
rereNorth : you can use source code to install application06:34
tristan3199rere: ok thanx.. was hoping to find somebody with one they liked.. to avoid installing something retarded06:34
Guest26871How can i connect to  box.net using DAV?06:34
Northis there any market for the Linux based application? Like Apple???06:34
urlin2usherif_, never have loaded it but I found this wiki.  http://zekr.org/wiki/Installation06:34
FlannelBigTaxi: text editor such as gedit, or in a terminal, nano.06:34
reretristan3199 : oke you're welcome06:34
infidwhat are the main problems with ubuntu 11.10? any show stoppers?06:34
rereNorth : what do you want?06:35
FlannelNorth: This is a technical support channel, if you're looking to talk about Ubuntu and linux, you should head to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks.06:35
sherif_urlin2u thx bro i will look on it06:35
rereNorth : wandahamida06:35
urlin2usherif_, no problem.06:35
BigTaxiwell tis gets back to my earlier problem06:35
BigTaximy port eth1, wired conenction to my xbox 360, doesnt read. it just flickers connected and disconnected06:36
BigTaxithis needs to be solved prior to setting up my gateway, i assume06:36
Ivozinfid: ubuntu 11.10 would not be released if it had show stoppers06:36
Guest26871How can i connect to  box.net using DAV?06:36
rereIvoz : ?06:36
Ivozrere: eh?06:37
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rereIvoz : no..06:37
Ivozrere:  no what06:37
Northrere: what do you mean?06:37
rereIvoz : i just kidding06:38
rereNorth : I just kidding06:38
Northmaybe you wanna say Thank you in Korean?06:38
BigTaxihow do i configure and/or diagnose my eth1 port, connected to my xbox 360?06:38
rereNorth : yap06:38
bobo37773BigTaxi: Did you complete all of the steps for your gateway? I would say test the gateway with a computer before your xbox to make sure it is working correctly.06:38
Northit should be gamsahamnida.06:38
IvozNorth: the newer ubuntu has a nice application that is pretty much like a market. It's in 11.04 and 11.10 I think06:39
rereNorth : oke terima kasih in bahasa indonesia :-)06:39
BigTaxii dont have another computerto test with, really. but, ok, i can manage something. hold on to your butts.06:39
bobo37773hehe ok06:39
rereNorth : oke, terima kasih in bahasa indonesia :-)06:39
IvozNorth: it's called ubuntu software center06:39
NorthI am not familiar with other languages,06:39
rereNorth : where do you come from?06:39
NorthI feel like Ubuntu is very quick.06:39
NorthI am from S. Korea06:40
Northand you, rere?06:40
rereNorth " are you korean?06:40
IvozNorth: http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/features/ubuntu-software-centre06:40
Northyou too?06:40
rereI'm Indonesian06:40
NorthI see06:40
Northdo you always use Ubuntu?06:40
rereIvoz : apt-get install ?06:41
rereNorth : yes06:41
BigTaxiso working on those gateway instruction... i still dont know what to put after the IP/??06:41
bobo37773BigTaxi: What part of the tutorial are you stuck on?06:42
Ivozrere: that is a command to install software06:42
reredo you know linux BlankOn , All ?06:42
Sp][nEwhat kin of network are you on?06:42
rereIvoz : ya06:42
IvozNorth: try visiting #ubuntu-beginners06:42
Northis ubuntu a family OS with Linux???????06:42
BigTaxithe first line :x after 'gateway setup' which is where i figured i should start06:43
Norththanks, Ivoz06:43
BigTaxii have my IP, but no digits to put after the slash after the IP06:43
rereNorth : yap : ubuntu is Debian Brothers06:43
tristan3199rere: pulse audio has one but wont work correctly.. even the forums are showing unstable in 11.10 have you any suggestions where to find one that works in 11.10??06:44
bobo37773BigTaxi: I do not see any commands refferenced in that section.06:44
reretristan3199 : wait06:45
bobo37773BigTaxi: You mean this -->     sudo ip addr add dev eth006:45
NorthI am back to here.06:45
BigTaxii am currently working in gedit text editor, taking lines such as 'sudo ip addr add 192.xxx.x.x/xx dev eth006:45
Northnobody answered in the ubuntu beginner.06:45
BigTaxiand yes06:46
bobo37773North: Be more patient.06:46
sherif_urlin2u it worked :) ty man ur the best :D06:46
urlin2usherif_, cool I was wondering. :D06:47
bobo37773BigTaxi: Gedit? Those are all terminal commands. They are to be done from a terminal06:47
reretristan3199 : http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/packages/show/37078406:47
Northall of you is the programmer?06:47
BigTaxiok. i shall do them in a terminal06:47
rereNorth : no. I'm student06:47
BigTaxihowever, after the IP there are two numbers that come after a slash06:47
Northwhat are you studying?06:47
BigTaxiwhat are those numbers06:47
bobo37773BigTaxi: Yeah. They are all terminal commands. You probably should start over.06:48
sherif_urlin2u the font is ok now but still ask me to install the font when i start the program dunno y06:48
BigTaxii havent even started..06:48
IvozNorth: not all the time is everyone around06:48
BigTaxii need those numbers06:48
Northwhat terminal command can show up my IP address?06:48
bobo37773North: No. Everyone here is not a programmer06:48
rereNorth : i'm university student06:48
urlin2usherif_, not sure myuself.06:48
gokulnathhello, does anyone know how to get ubuntu 11.10 like smooth fonts in 11.04 ?06:48
rereNorth : i'm 18 years old06:48
tristan3199rere: i tried that one already.. got the ppa: then updated.. but the package is never found06:49
IvozBigTaxi: that's a subnet mask06:49
NorthI mean your major.06:49
urlin2ugokulnath, you install the resticted-extras06:49
mellowmatterUnity 3D is broken on my machine :( I think due to harddisk error. one user account is encrypted, and I cant get into It. No disktool to regain control. hmm... Is there any guide for people who love Ubuntu but ended up in deep shit like this ?06:49
IvozBigTaxi: look it up on wikipiedia06:49
gokulnathurlin2u, that06:49
gokulnaththat's it06:49
tristan3199rere: says i should type sudo apt-get install pulseaudio-equalizer  but it never finds pulseaudio-equalizer06:49
Northreally? how can 18 years old person  be a university student? it's iimpossible in S.Korea06:49
reretristan3139 : sorry i'm don't know06:49
IvozNorth: different countries have different customs06:50
BigTaxiit cant be the subnet mask06:50
NorthI think so06:50
IcemanV9North, in the terminal, type ifconfig (look for inet addr:)06:50
tristan3199rere: tried a few others that were simalar.. and there not working either...06:50
rereNorth : ya , I'm not lie <06:50
BigTaxiits only two numbers06:50
tristan3199rere: Thank You for your attempt... i appriciate the time06:50
Northit's the same as MS terminal?06:50
tristan3199turns out im on my own again... damn...06:50
IcemanV9ipconfig (for MS)06:51
gokulnathurlin2u, I have already installed that06:51
reretristan3199 : you're welcome, where do u come from?06:51
NorthI am running Ubuntu.06:51
tristan3199washington.. by seattle.....06:51
gokulnathany other config changes ?06:51
Northwhy did you tell me ipconfig?06:51
reretristan3139 : I'm Indonesian, jakarta06:51
IcemanV9North, i said ifconfig (for Ubuntu)06:51
rereIcemanV9 : Ifconfig06:52
NorthSorry and thanks06:52
Calinouctrl+alt+t > ifconfig06:52
BigTaxiso... since it cant be the subnet mask, what is it?06:52
IcemanV9and you mentioned if it's same as MS terminal (ipconfig is the command for MS). i'm not trying to confuse you, but answering your questions06:52
tristan3199rere: thats awsome.. what do you think of it.. never been there.. is it a good place to live?06:52
=== Midnytmaradr is now known as Backlick
Northwhat is your major, rere?06:53
reretristan3199 : yap :-) I live in west java.. 'Depok'06:53
infidon ubuntu, ./configure is saying "configure: error: cannot find the flags to link with Boost thread". Any ideas?06:53
bobo37773BigTaxi: Wait. There is a bug report on this issue you are having.06:53
urlin2ugokulnath, check appearances-Appearance06:53
urlin2u    * Go to the Fonts tab   * Under rendering, select Subpixel Smoothing (LCDs)06:53
BigTaxii am aware06:54
bobo37773BigTaxi: Did you try the solution in the bug report?06:54
BigTaxibut that is the killall bit... ive done that several times, with no luck06:54
tristan3199rere: is it warm there.. its friggin freezing here..06:54
rereNorth : many06:54
sherifurlin2u is applications menu is the same as main menu06:54
urlin2ugokulnath, try Appearanc    Go to the Fonts tab  Under rendering, select Subpixel Smoothing (LCDs)06:54
reretristan3199 : not really, it's about 28 degree06:55
sherifurlin2u cuz i cant drop some applications to cairo-dock it asks me to get the application from the applications menu06:55
xgt001folks, finally gnome shell works with catalyst 12.106:55
rereNorth : what are u job?06:55
urlin2u!pm > ADildeaux>06:56
ubottuurlin2u: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:56
bobo37773BigTaxi: Yeah, if there solution "killall dnsmasq + disabling ipv6 in nm-applet + reconnecting the wire " does not work maybe try a different network client.06:56
BigTaxiif the IP address require by this command is xxx.xxx.xx.xx/xx, what are the two numbers at the very end?06:56
BigTaxidifferent network client?06:56
gokulnathurlin2u, will try that, actually my other pc has 11.04, will try later06:56
BigTaxias in, different gateway06:56
urlin2ugokulnath, cool06:56
bobo37773BigTaxi: No. Like as opposed to networkmanager06:56
rereBigtaxi : subneting?06:56
ADildeauxPlease leave feedback!06:57
Northany toolbar for ubuntu?06:57
bobo37773BigTaxi: No a different application other than networkmanager gui06:57
NorthI mean internet toolbar.06:57
hydrox24North: what do you mean?06:57
rereNorth : for?06:57
hydrox24like in firefox or chrome?06:57
rereNorth : yap06:57
BigTaxii have only been using network connections. i cant find a 'network manager'06:57
go8765hello. help me please with git version of gnome-commander. i download it, but cant understand how start it...06:57
Northyes, hydrox06:57
BigTaxiand @rere, are you serious? then how do i find those two numbers?06:57
hydrox24That's relevant to firefox or chrome, rather than ubuntu itself06:57
Shimanowhats up guys06:58
rereshimano : ya06:58
hydrox24go8765: what have you done so far?06:58
Norththen I need to install other webbrowser?06:58
rereshimano : o name wa06:58
rereshimano : o namae wa06:58
hydrox24North: what browser are you using now?06:58
bobo37773BigTaxi: hahaha NetworkManager is the name of the application you use to connect to wifi. The gui itself06:58
Northit's default webbrowserr.06:58
rereNorth : ya, u can find in option06:58
hydrox24OK, then go... hold on.06:59
Shimanohow to i join quakenet channel?06:59
hydrox24there and eat your heart out06:59
rereNorth : ya, u can find in tools -> addson06:59
Northty hydrox2406:59
BigTaxiok... but seriously, there isnt one here...or, i dont know how to find it06:59
hydrox24and yes, you acn find internet toolbars in the add-ons06:59
=== Gskellig|away is now known as Gskellig
BigTaxii appreciate your patience, btw06:59
bobo37773BigTaxi: There is wicd. Not sure if there are instructions on how to set it up though.06:59
rerehydriox : yap that true06:59
hydrox24BigTaxi: what are you trying to do again?07:00
reredid u know kevin mitnik?07:00
BigTaxicurrently, set up a gateway, but there is the additional problem of my computer not realizing an ethernet cord plugged into my 36007:00
go8765hydrox24: i do git clone git://git.gnome.org/gnome-commander07:01
go8765hydrox24: but instructions in readme dont work for me07:01
hydrox24now type this07:01
zykotick9BigTaxi: perhaps you need a crossover cable if it's directly connected?07:01
hydrox24cd gnome-comm *hittab*07:01
hydrox24so hit the tab key07:01
Shimanohow do i join a different server?07:02
go8765hydrox24: i am in this directory now)07:02
Shimanolike QuakeNet07:02
BigTaxiok, 'it works when connected with the same cable to a different computer, that computer has the same exact settings as the not working one07:02
BigTaxi^^^ same wireless configuration07:02
go8765hydrox24: ./configure dont work for m07:02
cowslammerwhen i boot i get dropped into busybox.  does this mean my harddisk is toast?07:02
ghostnik11hi i am trying to install the scan driver for a canon pixmia mp560 and keep getting dependency issues in terminal, is there a way i can just do a check from terminal to see what dependencies i am missing for driver to be installed?07:02
hydrox24cowslammer: possibly07:02
bobo37773BigTaxi: Is the other computer Ubuntu as well.07:02
BigTaxiyes sir07:02
bobo37773BigTaxi: ?07:02
go8765hydrox24: is said that cant find this file07:02
bobo37773BigTaxi: Weird.07:03
hydrox24go8765: hold-on07:03
go8765hydrox24: what mean - "hold-on" ? it mean - wait a minute?07:04
BigTaxithe working computer's wired connection is eth0, the nonworking is eth107:05
BigTaxiwhile im browsing for differences...07:05
BigTaxijust an idea, but is it possible that the non-working system is trying to find the cord in eth0, but in actuality it is in eth1? or vice versa?07:06
BigTaxibecause that's the most obvious difference between the two systems07:06
Hetep-AFKcan a person assist with K3B DVD burning?07:09
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».07:09
BigTaxiwell, i'm out of ideas07:09
BigTaxiand i intend to keep typing out this code07:09
BigTaxiI feel so alone now..07:12
orca_Hey, same here.07:12
hydrox24BigTaxi: Code for what?07:13
=== Gskellig is now known as Gskellig|away
BigTaxii'm currently just trying to figure out what numbers i put in for the subnet.. after my IP07:13
genewitchBigTaxi: for your ISP or local network07:14
neatbookhow do you only get a name of file from a given the full path?07:14
neatbookex. /home/dsd.c07:15
neatbookhow do u only get dsd.c using shell scripts?07:15
BigTaxiwhat are you referring to?07:15
llutz_neatbook: basename <foo>07:15
hydrox24neatbook: could you use sed to chop off all but the last little bit?07:15
genewitchBigTaxi: the IP you typed in, does it start with 10, 172, or 192, or none of the above07:15
neatbookhow do i do that?07:15
genewitchneatbook: man sed07:15
llutz_neatbook: "basename /home/dsd.c"07:16
genewitchBigTaxi: then you shouldn't be typing in the subnet unless your ISP assigned you a static address07:16
neatbookthank you!07:16
genewitchBigTaxi: does it start with 209/07:16
BigTaxibut just inputting '...addr add xxx.xxx.xxx.xx dev eth0 does not work07:17
neatbookwhat about folder name?07:17
BigTaxiyes. but i do not know how safe it is to reveal that stuff.07:17
llutz_neatbook: dirname <foo>07:17
neatbookur the best llutz07:17
genewitchBigTaxi: type ifconfig |grep inet07:17
hydrox24llutz_: nice trick!07:17
genewitchBigTaxi: does it say anything about 209 in there or is it 192.168.x.x07:17
BigTaxi209 are first 3 digits07:18
genewitchBigTaxi: it's strange that you're connected directly to the network. you see that next thing where it says broadcast address?07:18
BigTaxiholy shit07:18
=== Gskellig|away is now known as Gskellig|here
BigTaxithe code you gave me, grep, has given me much more intense information07:19
=== Gskellig|here is now known as Gskellig|away
BigTaxithis one says my IP is 19207:19
genewitchgrep is just a way to filter what ifconfig says into 1 line07:19
genewitchBigTaxi: type ifconfig07:19
genewitchthat shows you every network interface07:19
genewitchBigTaxi: i missed what exactly you were trying to do, what are you trying to do07:20
BigTaxiwell, i'm trying to get my wireless to bridge through computer A to my 360. it was working a day ago, then all of a sudden it does.t Computer B uses safe exact settings, same cord, and works fine.07:21
BigTaxiA is just more convenient07:21
genewitchBigTaxi: wireless as in like cellular modem?07:21
BigTaxias in... the wireless connection here at the apartment? i'm not sure. standard issue, i suppose.07:22
genewitchBigTaxi: use networkmanager. you shouldn't need to add routes by hand - are you on ubuntu desktop or server07:22
BigTaxia complication is computer A does not seem to accept the cable from the xbox. it constantly connects and disconnects.07:22
genewitchBigTaxi: autonegotiation failing07:22
BigTaxiok... this is going to sound moronic, but there honestly is no program called network manager. i have 'network' in settings, and 'network connections'07:23
genewitchBigTaxi: you can fix that with some commands i don't remember in a command line. but you can bridge (connection sharing) with the little network manager icon on the ubuntu desktop07:23
tristan3199anyone know off hand how to make irssi connect to a channel automatically.. it already connects to irc.freenode.net07:23
hydrox24tristan3199: http://crunchbanglinux.org/wiki/irssi07:23
neatbookI am trying to read files in a directory and conver their names to all capital, but my shell script changes directory names to capital too! any advice??07:23
=== the is now known as Guest32103
tristan3199thanks hydro07:24
hydrox24tristan3199: /server add -auto -network Freenode irc.freenode.net07:24
hydrox24more specifically07:24
besogonpeople how to get list of installed codecs?07:24
neatbooklike change /home/foo to read all files in foo directory07:24
tristan3199hydrox24: thank you07:24
neatbookbut my probram changes /HOME/FOO07:24
llutz_tristan3199: in .irssi/config: { name = "#ubuntu"; chatnet = "freenode"; autojoin = "yes"; }07:25
paulus68llutz_: the rsnapshot is working correctly in combination with cron07:25
BigTaxiso any advice on the auto negotiation?07:25
llutz_paulus68: but still not from commandline, started manually?07:25
zerlordHello! I've a problem with my ubuntu system..when I want to aptitude -upgrade it always says: Unable to safely resolve dependencies, try running with --full-resolver07:25
tristan3199llutz_: sweet.. thats excatly what i was lookin to find..07:26
paulus68llutz_: no it's working fully automated07:26
llutz_paulus68: thats how it should work, but it still should do the job if you start it manually (for testing)07:26
genewitchzerlord: apt-get update first?07:26
zerlordsorry it cut something...when I try to aptitude -upgrade07:27
Northhow can I open the task manager?07:27
llutz_paulus68: nvm, nice to hear it works after all07:27
paulus68llutz_: that's working also07:27
goddardNorth: type "top"07:27
zerlordyea I did aptitude -update first07:27
genewitchzerlord: why aptitude07:27
llutz_paulus68: oh, do you know why it failed before?07:27
genewitchzerlord: try apt-get upgrade07:27
neatbookI am trying to read files in a directory and conver their names to all capital, but my shell script changes directory names to capital too! any advice??07:28
zerlordhmm also when I'm using apitude?07:28
Ben64neatbook: pastebin script and maybe someone could help07:28
paulus68llutz_: well I think it was something in the config file, I copied the complete original config file into the old one and just adapted the things there and since then it's working correctly07:28
paulus68llutz_: and the rsnapshot diff enabeling might have done the trick to07:29
Northhow can I stop the command while the command "top" is running?07:29
llutz_paulus68: hmm, i thought we checked the conf several times... anyways07:29
neatbooknorth: cnt+z07:29
zerlordso when I want to use aptitude to update my system I have at first to type apt-get update and then aptitude upgrade?07:30
zykotick9zerlord: there is no - BTW.  "aptitude update"07:30
Norththen can I stop the specific program by force in the shell command?07:31
Ben64North: stop or kill?07:31
BigTaxigenewitch: ethtool says there is autonegotiation, and it is supported, etc.07:31
Ben64North: kill -9 <pid>07:31
bobo37773zerlord: apt-get and aptitude are 2 different things07:31
zykotick9North: "kill PID#" or to kill all the instances of a program "killall PROGRAMNAME"07:31
zykotick9Ben64: DON'T recommend -9, it's not a good idea (unless the regular method fails, first)07:32
Ben64zykotick9: but i like -9 :(07:32
zerlordyea but they are both packetmanagers right? I thought aptitude is more "smart" in solving dependencies07:32
zykotick9!wfm > Ben6407:32
ubottuBen64, please see my private message07:32
genewitchBigTaxi: right but it's failing, probably the xbox's fault. google turn off autonegotiation ubuntu eth07:32
Ben64zykotick9: whats wrong with -907:32
hydrox24zerlord: just stick with apt-get until you have issues07:32
llutz_zerlord: they are just 2 different frontends to apt07:32
bobo37773zerlord: I prefer aptitude over apt-get07:32
prince_jammysBen64: too brutal.07:32
zykotick9Ben64: i don't feel like explaining it...07:32
hydrox24zerlord: yeh that's true too07:33
lonejackhi, is there an appli that manages the number of kernel to mantain? That is, left on the HD only the 3-4 kernel for example...07:33
prince_jammysBen64: doesn't let program cleanup after itself.07:33
zerlordokey! so I at first will type apt-get upgrade and then aptitude update?!07:33
zykotick9lonejack: no, just uninstall the ones you don't want07:33
popeyzykotick9: no07:33
hydrox24zerlord: no,  apt-get update comes first07:33
Ben64prince_jammys: hey he asked how to kill something07:33
popeyzerlord: no, use apt-get or aptitude, you don't mix them07:33
prince_jammysBen64: well, i was answering your -9 question.07:34
Northwhen i typed "k", "PID to kill:" pops up. and then I typed firefox.07:34
Northbut failed.07:34
popeyzerlord: you can mix them but there's not a lot of point07:34
zykotick9zerlord: "aptitude update" then "aptitude safe-upgrade" would be one method07:34
hydrox24zerlord: yeh, don't mix em07:34
zerlordah yea sorry I made a mistake07:34
hydrox24North: PID is the number, not the name of the process07:34
NorthI see07:34
llutz_Ben64: always be nice first and try using kill without "-9". if that fails, stop being nice...07:34
zerlordok I'll try it right now ;)07:34
neatbookwhat is extention .tex??07:34
NorthI could not use -907:34
Ben64North: you could do "kill `pidof firefox`"07:34
popeyneatbook: latex07:34
Ben64North: it finds the pid for you07:35
hydrox24Ben64: he is using it inside od top07:35
llutz_North: pkill firefox07:35
valarhi guys07:35
valari have aproblem here07:35
[[thufir]]kill -9 -107:35
neatbookWhat is latex file?07:35
prince_jammys!latex | neatbook07:35
ubottuneatbook: tex is a language for describing a document, commonly used especially for scientific publishing. Information and instructions for installing TeX and other related packages can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LaTeX07:35
Northwhat should I type next to "Kill PID 17997 with signal[15]:"07:36
neatbooklinux community is really friendly07:36
llutz_North: enter07:36
Ben64[[thufir]]: don't suggest things like that07:36
valarwhen i try to shut down  all taht happens is that just log out07:36
valarand get this message plymouth command failed mountall07:36
[[thufir]]oh, it's all fun and games until...well. ;)07:36
zerlordZykotick9: but as I told you..when I do aptitude safe-upgrade then it just says: Unable to resolve dependencies for the upgrade: no solution found. Unable to safely resolve dependencies, try running with --full-resolver.07:36
Northllutz: Perfect!!07:36
llutz_[[thufir]]: until idiots like you come in07:36
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[[thufir]]oh boy07:37
=== dog is now known as nprezident
[[thufir]]did I actually write "joe, do this..."?  no.07:37
[[thufir]]it was a joke.07:37
zykotick9zerlord: are you trying to upgrade versions?  if so, DO NOT, use aptitude!  even debian recommends apt-get for upgrading versions.07:37
popeyllutz_ / [[thufir]] take it elsewhere please07:37
BigTaxigenewitch: well the autoneg is off07:37
BigTaxibut im not seeing where to go from here07:38
Ben64this is not a joke channel, its a support channel. don't put commands in here that if run, can cause harm07:38
zykotick9zerlord: in ubuntu you are probably better off using apt-get07:38
karthick87I am getting an error in PXE boot "Missing parameter in Configuration file. Keyword: nfsroot=" How to resolve this error?07:39
valarthere is no hibernate or other button except shut down anyone knows what was wrong?07:39
zykotick9valar: are you using unity/gnome or something else?07:40
zerlordzykotick9: actually I don't know just want to update the software on the system...07:40
zykotick9zerlord: use the tool(s) that Ubuntu recommends then, apt-get07:41
com4I'm trying to install 11.10 and if it boots into graphical mode i get a weird traceback sptting out a bunch of stuff about nouveau. Is 11.10 not compatibale with the new nvidia stuff or something?07:41
zerlordok thank you07:41
Ben64com4: what video card do you have07:41
com4nvidia 580m07:41
Ben64com4: probably would have to use the proprietary driver then07:42
com4Ben64: and i suppose that would mean compiling it into the live cd and reburning it?07:42
neatbookwhat are core files?07:42
Ben64com4: you could install using the alternate cd, then install the nvidia driver once it's installed07:42
neatbook*.o ??07:42
d__easiest way to turn second monitor on/off?  I want to script this somehow07:43
com4Ben64: the alt cd has missing packages everytime I try that07:43
d__I can do in in system settings/display07:43
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Ben64com4: not sure what you mean, the alternate cd has more packages on the cd than the livecd version07:44
com4Ben64: i'm with you. it usually chokes when trying to install xorg-video-ati saying the package is missing. when i browse /cdrom -- yeah, it's not there07:44
Ben64com4: you might want to verify your disc image is correct07:45
almoxarifethe 'alternate' install is a more complete install, it says so in the docs, and its also better for quirky installs, tried once and never gone back to the 'standard' since07:45
ADildeauxfeedback please!07:45
com4Ben64: That didn't work. Infact it couldn't find the cdrom. I had to switch to another term and mount it by hand07:45
bobo37773Andy80: hey07:46
com4Ben64: I'm burning the alt DVD right now, and have disassembled my usb cdrom drive in hopes that something will work. I was just wondering what the deal with the nvidia driver was07:46
popeyd__: xrandr if you want to script screen manipulation07:47
com4man i hope it works :)07:47
bobo37773popey: Definitely. xrandr is the way to go07:48
Andy80how do I manually set a screen resolution with xrandr if the display is not correctly detected? I only get this output http://pastebin.com/ByRgUpgR (please NOTE: I probably have this problem because I'm using a VGA-switch, but my display and my videocard work normally if connected directly)07:48
infidi ran "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gearman-developers/ppa ; sudo apt-get update" but for some reason the ppa isn't being added to /etc/apt/sources.list. Any ideas?07:49
popeyinfid: it wont be, it will be added to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list07:49
bobo37773Andy80: xrandr --output default --mode 1440x900   <--- or whatever resolution07:49
popeyinfid: a file will be added in that directory07:49
zykotick9infid: no PPAs get added to sources.list - check /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ i believe07:50
infidpopey: ok but also when i do sudo apt-cache show gearman, it's still showing the older version07:50
bobo37773Andy80: What do you mean by not correctly detected?07:50
bobo37773aknewhope: Hey07:52
popeyinfid: what version of ubuntu are you using?07:52
hydrox24aknewhope: hi!07:52
Andy80bobo37773: look the pastebin.com link I provided... I've connected a VGA-switch between the display and the videocard. If I boot my PC in this mode the screen is not detected. If I remove the VGA switch and boot normally, THEN connect the switch between the display and videocard, it works.07:52
infidpopey: 10.0407:52
hydrox24aknewhope: what do you nned help with?07:52
popeyAndy80: blame the switch07:52
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Andy80popey: I know.... but it must work. It works if you FIRST boot the PC normally, then you connect the switch, so I'd like to force the resolution to 1680x1050 since I know that works even with the switch connected07:53
popeyAndy80: probably easiest to craft an xorg.conf which specifies the necessary modelines and resolutions07:54
bobo37773Andy80:     xrandr -s 1680x1050      ?07:54
Andy80popey: exactly..... but before messing the xorg.conf I'd like to test the settings with xrandr :P07:54
Andy80bobo37773: let me try...07:54
Andy80bobo37773: andrea@centurion:~$ xrandr -s 1680x105007:55
Andy80Size 1680x1050 not found in available modes07:55
popeyAndy80: you can add modes to xrandr manually07:55
Andy80I need to add a new section first, but I really don't remember all the syntax...07:55
popeyAndy80: xorg --help07:55
popeyAndy80: xrandr --help07:55
Andy80popey: I was giving a look to this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia but it only says: xrandr --addmode S-video ... not a good example :P07:56
hydrox24Andy80: do you need to use the cvt command?07:56
popeyAndy80: you need newmode first07:56
Andy80hydrox24: cvt?07:56
popeyAndy80: http://paste.ubuntu.com/817373/ <- like that07:57
bobo37773Andy80: xrandr --newmode "1680x1050"   ?07:57
Andy80popey: let me try that example... it should work07:57
popeyAndy80: i used gtf to get the modeline07:57
bobo37773Andy80: Look at the man page. There are examples. -->    man xrandr07:57
Andy80popey: no, it doesn't.... xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default07:58
popeywhat did you do Andy80 ?07:58
Andy80popey: I tried the commands you copy-pasted on paste.ubuntu....07:59
popeyAndy80: that was just an example07:59
popeyuse your own resolution and modeline07:59
Andy80popey: you're right, but I don't know all values.... for example: xrandr --newmode "1280x720_60.00"  74.48  1280 1336 1472 1664  720 721 724 746  -HSync +Vsync - what is that 74.48?08:01
bobo37773Andy80: Use cvt08:02
NorthWhile installing the Skype, i got the message that Dependency is not satisfiable!!!!!08:02
Northwhat can I do?08:03
ubottuTo add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo08:03
North While installing the Skype, i got the message that Dependency is not satisfiable!!!!!08:04
Andy80bobo37773: like this http://pastebin.com/pQXmJaJQ ?08:04
bobo37773Andy80: Yeah. Does that modeline work?08:04
Andy80let me try :)08:04
North While installing the Skype, i got the message that Dependency is not satisfiable!!!!!08:04
popeyAndy80: as I said... use gtf to generate the modeline08:05
Andy80bobo37773: I still get xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default08:05
besogonpeople how to catch audio with ffmpeg I need cathcing from "screen"08:05
yeehaw_North: Please don't spam.08:05
Andy80popey, bobo37773 both the videomode generated by cvt or gft fail.08:07
bobo37773Andy80: In xrandr or in Xorg.conf?08:07
Andy80let me try with a lower resolution.... (now I'm in 1024x768, let me try 1280x....)08:07
Andy80bobo37773: in xrandr08:08
North<yeehaw_> can you help me?08:08
bobo37773Andy80: You may end up needing to mess with Xorg.conf anyways...08:08
Andy80bobo37773, popey for example the videomode generated by gtf gives me this error http://pastebin.com/DKRDZrQL08:09
bobo37773North: What dependencies are you missing?08:09
Northwhile installing the skype, it poped up.08:09
Andy80bobo37773: I know... I'll change xorg.conf, but it's useless if xrandr doesn't work. I first need to figure out wich is the correct xrandr resolution....08:09
owenllNorth: are you on 32 or 64 bit? what version of ubuntu? how are you trying to install?08:09
zykotick9_godhelpme: you can use "/msg ubottu FACTOID" to get factoids privately08:10
NorthYes, owenll08:10
bobo37773Andy80: Yeah. That is a pretty good point. It is late here08:10
Northand I tried to install skype-ubuntu_2.2.0.35-1_i38608:10
bobo37773North: Did you get it from software center or from the web?08:10
akpkMy Bluetooth is not working @ Ubuntu 11.1008:10
bobo37773akpk: Did you try -->   rfkill list08:11
NorthI got it from Skype web08:12
bobo37773North: Did you look in the software center first?08:13
akpk<bobo37773> : No,What is that ??08:13
Northwhere is the software center?08:13
bobo37773akpk: Terminal command to see if it is blocked08:13
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bobo37773akpk: Also make sure bluetooth package is installed. I think it is called "bluez" or something08:14
zykotick9North: skype isn't in ubuntu repos, so SoftwareCenter won't help.08:15
Norththen how can I install it successfullty?08:15
bobo37773North: Install the dependencies yourself.08:15
Northwhere can I have the dependencies?08:15
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Andy80bobo37773, popey I need to go now, but I'll try to fix this later :(08:16
zykotick9!skype | North08:16
ubottuNorth: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga08:16
neatbookhow come ubuntu has slow wi-fi connection?08:16
neatbookbad driver??08:16
bobo37773North: Welcome to Ubuntu.08:17
bobo37773Later everyone take care08:17
almoxarifeneatbook: you can compare on the same machine?08:17
neatbookits so much slower08:18
yoggWhat is the worst that can happen if i make an fsck.ext2 on an read only mounted ext2 Filesystem? fsck -> reboot -> everything fine? Or have i overseen something?08:20
_godhelpmezykotick9; thanks i didn't know that08:20
_godhelpmehow do i find out my kernel version08:22
yogguname -a08:22
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akpk<bobo37773> : rfkill list hci0: Bluetooth08:23
akpkSoft blocked: yes08:23
akpkHard blocked: no08:23
neatbookcan anyone debug my shell script?08:23
akpk <bobo37773>  : arun@AKPK:~$ rfkill list08:24
akpk0: phy0: Wireless LAN08:24
akpkSoft blocked: no08:24
akpkHard blocked: no08:24
akpk1: hci0: Bluetooth08:24
akpkSoft blocked: yes08:24
akpkHard blocked: no08:24
akpk2: asus-wlan: Wireless LAN08:24
FloodBot1akpk: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:24
almoxarifeneatbook: paste it08:24
=== Fishman12a is now known as FishFace
neatbooktoo long lol08:24
neatbooklike 80 lines08:24
_godhelpmeyogg: thanks08:24
owenllneatbook: on pastebin08:25
neatbook300 wc08:25
neatbookmy comp def doesnt like ubuntu08:25
neatbookmy whole computer is slowing down08:25
almoxarifeneatbook: paste it , yes, on pastebin08:25
neatbookim not sure how to use pastebin08:26
almoxarifeneatbook: perhaps its some script?08:26
neatbookyea its a shell script08:26
almoxarifeneatbook: ic, so the question about help on script was rhetorical08:27
almoxarifeneatbook: perhaps its some script? that is slowing the comp down08:28
neatbookjust trying to figure out if i can change a file name to cap without capitalizing the whole path including the directory08:28
neatbooki dont think my 200 wc script can slow down my machine lol08:29
almoxarifeneatbook: i believe #linux loves script help08:29
neatbookit takes forever to load youtube video08:29
neatbookinvite only08:30
zykotick9!register > neatbook08:31
ubottuneatbook, please see my private message08:31
yoggHmm have teted it now. fsck (on ro fs) -> reboot -> no problems.08:34
yoggBut I am not sure if this never would made any problems08:34
callaghanHi, what's the equivalent of gconftool on xfce? I found xfce4-settings-manager, but, as far as I can tell, it is a GUI-only program. I want to change some settings via bash scripts. Thanks.08:37
callaghanSorry, meant to write xfce4-settings-editor, not xfce4-settings-manager...08:39
_godhelpmewhat ever happend to su08:40
bkerensa_godhelpme: su still works08:41
ServerSagecallaghan: I'm not sure there is one, you may need to just tweak ~/.config/xfce4.08:42
_godhelpmebkerensa: brain fart sorry08:42
faLUCEhi. I need to automatically copy data from a text file to a GUI. Is there a program for doing that?08:42
callaghanServerSage, that's what I was looking for, thank you08:43
ServerSagecallaghan: Welcome.08:44
ServerSagefaLUCE: Huh?  Care to elaborate?08:44
faLUCEServerSage: too many data08:44
ServerSagefaLUCE: Well, if you want help you're going to have to explain what it is you want to do.08:46
_godhelpmeif i create a mask of 777 in my smb.conf, is that permission only good for the root of the share then can i mkdir with 64008:46
PowlCan anyone tell me how to use playonlinux scripts?08:46
Powlis anybody here08:48
aBoundWe aren't here. :P08:48
ServerSagePowl: You should probably go to the playonlinux room if you want info on it.08:49
ServerSagePowl: What specifically are you trying to run?08:49
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aBoundPowl, There's an IRC channel for PlayOnLinux.08:50
debainoI have a computer with 256mb memory but shows it has 116mb of memory,what could be the problem?.08:50
yoggdebaino: shared memory with grafic card?08:51
debainoyogg:Yes it has a grpahics card.08:51
yoggdebaino: yes and is it on board? or an extra card?08:52
ServerSageI just died a little inside.08:52
debainoyogg:The thing is,when the same com[puter is running windows,its considerably faster and slower on ubuntu.08:53
TankadoHello, if i want to run ubuntu alongside my windows installation i see i can use Wubi (if i get it right as oppose to having two partitions) , what is the cons for doing that? is that going to be slow like a virtual machine kind of application?08:53
yoggdebaino: so it has on windows 256 mb of aram and in ubuntu only 116mb?08:53
aBoundTankado, Wubi has some known issues you might want to review.08:54
neatbookdoes ubuntu have a task manager where i can check my memory use?08:54
yoggneatbook: top,  free -m08:55
aBoundTankado, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#Troubleshooting08:55
aBoundWubi can corrupt the NTFS file system.08:55
debainoyogg:I haven't looked at the memory situation on windows but what i can tell is that when running ubuntu,the computer is way slower.Any reason why this is so?.08:55
TankadoWell i will use the offical version then and use two partitions as i used in the past08:56
ServerSagedebaino: How are you gauging speed?  Are the graphics slower?  Does it hang?  What?08:56
neatbookubuntu is so slow on my comp wtf....08:56
aBoundTankado, Better off using the real Ubuntu ISO (in my opinion).08:56
Tankadook, thanks aBound.08:57
ServerSageneatbook: I'll as you too, how are you gauging speed?08:57
aBoundTankado, Welcome.08:58
debainoServerSage:I am repairing 2 compuetrs both with 256 mb memory.On one i install ubuntu and the other windows xp.I notice that ubuntu is slower by noting the amount of time it takes to finish a task like launching programs,etc.08:58
yoggdebaino: what ubuntu version? what windows version? windows 3.11 will be much faster than ubuntu 11.10 on such hardware. (i think). Is a GUI installed (Gnome, KDE, ...) what does "top" say?.    Way slower is not a good description :D08:58
debainoAnyone can see it.08:59
debainoyogg:I am using Gnome.08:59
aBoundyogg, Windows XP will be much faster than a newer version of Ubuntu.08:59
aBoundSeeing as Windows XP has less code written for it.08:59
aBoundUbuntu 11.10 uses a newer kernel more drivers, more features etc...08:59
ServerSagedebaino: Umm, because it's smaller?  Older?  Designed for ancient hardware?09:00
aBoundMore packages...09:00
aBoundOops, I think I was referring to debaino09:00
ServerSagedebaino: How much slower are we talking?09:00
XeeNaAnyone knows why a fresh install - after updating - wont boot and just ends up with busybox?09:00
aBounddebaino, It's like for example trying to install Win7 onto 256MB will more or less put the system to a crawl.09:00
aBoundThe RAM speed is probably running at 133Mhz.09:01
ikoniaXeeNa: disks not being setup correctly09:01
ikoniaXeeNa: very common cause09:01
zykotick9aBound: you are aware that Ubuntu has a 1GB RAM requirement right?  If you want something fast, check out lubuntu.09:01
aBoundNewer OS's tend to require more RAM.09:02
aBoundzykotick9, Yes I am aware: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements09:02
debainoServerSage:The computer freezes momentarily when opening firefox09:02
XeeNaikonia: then what do I do different if I reinstall?09:02
zykotick9aBound: sorry, wrong person ;)09:02
ikoniaXeeNa: just pay attention in the disk partitioning section09:02
aBoundNo problem I did the same thing zykotick909:02
zykotick9debaino: you are aware that Ubuntu has a 1GB RAM requirement right?  If you want something fast, check out lubuntu.09:02
debainoaBound:Is there a version of ubuntu that is most suitable for computers with not more than 512mb of ram?.09:02
ServerSagedebaino: As zykotick9 just pominter out, you are running an OS that requires 1GB on a system with 256mb.09:02
ServerSageWow, pointed out.  Fingers went all psycho there.09:03
XeeNaikonia: just did run the automatic install..09:03
aBounddebaino, You could try Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.09:03
Jordan_U!lubuntu | debaino09:03
ubottudebaino: lubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.09:03
aBounddebaino, Or what Jordan_U implied Lubuntu.09:03
debainoubottu,aBound:I am looking at it now,thanks.09:04
ubottudebaino: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:04
aBounddebaino, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lubuntu09:04
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debainoThanks a lot guys,that rally helped.09:05
aBounddebaino, There's also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xubuntu09:06
aBoundHowdy do.09:08
ServerSageGuess he didn't really want to talk to us.09:09
aBoundSeems like it.09:09
aBoundHe perished away.09:09
akpkBluetooth is not working @ Ubuntu 11.1009:09
ServerSageMakes me sad.09:09
akpkBluetooth is not working @ Ubuntu 11.1009:10
ServerSageakpk: Yup, we heard you the first time.  :)09:11
aBoundakpk, No reason to double post. :P09:11
llutz_!work | akpk09:11
ubottuakpk: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.09:11
bkerensaakpk: It works fine for me. What problem are you encountering?09:11
akpkSorry all09:11
ServerSageubottu is so witty.  :)  I want a robot that witty running around my house.09:11
ubottuServerSage: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:11
akpk<bkerensa>  : I can t switch it On..09:12
ServerSageakpk: Have you ventured into any of the logs yet?09:12
akpk<ServerSage> : No,09:13
aBoundakpk, Ever checked the bluetooth settings in System Settings?09:14
nepoleanhow to download a file by ftp from command line ?09:15
akpk<aBound> : Yes,09:15
akpkI cheked,I cud not select ON button.09:15
ServerSagenepolean: ftp remote.host.com09:15
ServerSageakpk: What make/model computer you using?09:16
akpkServerSage> :09:16
aBoundakpk, Try typing: bluetooth directly into the top search box of Software Center.09:16
pworkHello, I upgrade my work laptop from natty to oneiric 64b, but I can't get into X anymore : I uninstalled ATI drivers completely and reinstalled them, but I can't get a successfull startx in single user mode09:17
soa2iiHi. I'm trying to authenticate against our ldap server. I did changes to my pam settings as described in http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/LDAP_Client_Authentifizierung (german) but I keep getting  pam_ldap: error trying to bind as user "uid=krause,ou=Users,dc=ls7,dc=cs,dc=tu-dortmund,dc=de" (Invalid credentials). Any ideas?09:17
pworkWW fglrx: No matching device .., but no errors09:17
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pwork"xinit: Connection to server lost" It dies on it09:18
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nepoleanServerSage ya. how to download the file ?09:18
akpk<aBound> : Everything installed...09:18
nepoleanServerSage iam using putty . many times it says network error. software caused connection abort09:18
edheldilHi, does anybody know of a good app for managing db of mostly networked devices? Something like RackMonkey, but more powerful. RM is dead :(09:18
ServerSagenepolean: ls to get list of files on remote side, get filename to get the file called filename.09:19
JoshR1Hi there, I was attempting to install MySQL and it failed now when I can't get the package to remove so that it doesn't attempt to reinstall the mysql package when I run apt-get09:19
pworkIf you know somme diagnose commands to get logs. I saw that there is a problem with the dbus socket, even if I did the symlinks trick09:19
valarhi everyone i have  problem with plymouth command anyone can help ?? the problem is :when i try to shut down from the shutdown button just log out and something new came out when i try to remove programms proccess stops and get an error about the plymouth again09:19
aBoundakpk, Tried the bluetooth manager utility?09:20
Hetepis a terminal controlled email client available for Linux?09:20
nepoleanServerSage iam using putty . many times it says network error. software caused connection abort09:20
zykotick9Hetep: mutt is an excellent terminal email client09:20
nepoleanServerSage ya. how to download the file ?09:20
ServerSagenepolean: No need to double post.09:20
akpk<aBound> : Ya,I tried Bluetooth Manager utility...09:20
nepoleanServerSage i was disconnected. thats y09:21
ServerSagenepolean: ls to get list of files on remote side, get filename to get the file called filename.09:21
aBoundakpk, I'm not familiar with bluetooth but have you tried plugging in any devices within the USB port.09:22
akpk<aBound> : It is internal Bluetooth of my laptop09:22
valari get this message plymouth command failed mountall and i can't unistall any programm i'm using gnome09:23
ServerSagenapoleon needs a new internet connection.  :)09:23
Hetepis a potential for hosting an email server available for Linux?09:23
varikonniemiis ubuntu set by default to not boot if there is a degraded MDADM RAID present? with one it just stops at some busybox prompt09:24
edheldilvarikonniemi:  yes, or maybe it is now selectable09:25
JoshR1mysql failed to install and now I can't get it out of apt-get09:25
varikonniemigood, then there is no anomaly. How can i set to ignore it?09:25
aBoundakpk, Open a terminal and type hcitool inq09:25
edheldilvarikonniemi:  something like no-degraded onkernel prompt, but look it up09:26
milliganI've got a machine here where top/uptime reports the average load to be ~26.00 ... However, looking at the process list in top, there is nothing hogging CPU or memory. Any ideas why the load average might be so high ?09:26
flowerpotHetep, there are mailservers available on Linux: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_mail_servers09:26
ServerSagenepolean: You seem to have some serious connection issues.09:27
icqnI have installed python3 and do not have a module cairo there, any ideas?09:27
nepoleanwhat is the command for wget ftp:// file    with username and password ?09:27
nepoleanServerSage ya09:27
edheldilmilligan:  processes are waiting for a device, perhaps? Slow disk, swap, ...09:27
aBoundicqn, Possibly the #python channel might be of more help to you. :P09:27
edheldilnepolean:  others have already replied in #linux09:28
nepoleani cant man09:28
nepoleani need exact comand09:28
akpk<aBound> : Yes,What to check ??     http://paste.ubuntu.com/817424/09:28
ServerSagenepolean: Cross posting is bad.  Anyway, you can use "wget ftp://username:password@ftp.host.com/path/to/filename"09:29
edheldilnepolean:  ... and if you stayed connected for more than 2 secs, you would have seen it09:29
aBoundakpk, You could try typing: hcitool scan && hcitool inq09:29
ServerSagenepolean: If you can't use man, you can always google "man wget".  Not saying you can't ask here, just an option.  And you should probably get your connection fixed before asking for help.  It's frustrating to try and keep up with your drops and connects.09:30
milliganedheldil, any way to check? The machine acts as a mail relay amongst other, and it is indeed swapping .. but it's sitting stable at "144k used" on the swap..09:30
aBoundIf not just: hcitool scan to see if it can find any bluetooth devices.09:30
nepoleanServerSage ya. thx09:30
MaDrensehi all09:31
MaDrenseanyone had "cannot fork()" issues with 11.10 ?09:31
edheldilmilligan:  ps axlw or something like that09:32
akpk<aBound> : http://paste.ubuntu.com/817427/09:32
aBoundakpk, Looks like my terminal mines said the same thing.09:33
akpk<aBound> :09:33
akpkWhT TO DO NEXT ?09:33
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JoshR1how can I get apt-get to stop trying to reinstall mysql-server ?09:34
aBoundakpk, Try this command: sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth start09:35
zykotick9JoshR1: "sudo apt-get -f install" is a general fix attempt, you might have to finish mysql-server install, then remove it.09:35
JoshR1It won't finish the install because it keeps getting a job failed to start error09:36
_NiCHetep, I run my mailfilters on ubuntu.09:36
addy989hello all09:36
Hetep_NiC: can you explain?09:36
_NiCHetep, explain what exactly?09:37
addy989i m using ubuntu  and not abel to run internet09:37
aBoundakpk, Searching around seems like a common problem with 11.10.09:37
addy989via ethernet cabl09:37
JoshR1zykotick9 I can't get it to finish the install due to a "Job failed to start" error.09:37
Hetepwell, personally am actually attempting to operate a mail server for privacy09:37
akpk<aBound> : http://paste.ubuntu.com/817433/09:38
_NiCHetep, I'd suggest you go for either postfix or exim, both available in ubuntu. There are many good howtos for setting up what you want.09:38
bkerensaaddy989: Can you explain your problem in more detail?09:39
zykotick9JoshR1: sorry, i don't have any suggestions for that.09:39
_NiCHetep, note that it takes alot of effort to maintain an MTA properly, with spamfiltering and all that.09:39
akpk<aBound> : Oh that means Ubuntu 11.1o doest not support Bluetooth ???09:39
* dannel hasn't received a single spam in years of running mailserver :O09:39
Hetep_NiC: postfix & exim are incompatible IMAP & varieus formats09:40
MaDrenseanyone getting "cannot fork()" errors with 11.10 ?!09:40
_NiCHetep, what?09:41
aBoundakpk, Not exactly could be some other problem. I can't say for certain as I don't use bluetooth devices.09:41
Hetepwould really appreciate to use Lotus, not certain if Lotus would work with Ubuntu Server09:41
aBoundI think I'll try my bluetooth real quick.09:42
_NiCHetep, why on earth would you want to use lotus?09:43
nepoleando i need to start php5 as well as apache 2 ?09:43
_NiCnepolean, no09:43
_NiCnepolean, but you need to make sure the php module is loaded.09:44
akpk<aBound> Its Ok,anyway thank you very much.09:44
HetepLotus supports Pop3 SMTP & Imap09:44
akpk]<aBound> Thank U ,Bye09:44
aBoundakpk, Sorry about that.09:44
DJango_Novicehi there09:44
_NiCnepolean, and configure apache to use it for php-files.09:44
llutz_Hetep: postfix/exim are smpt servers, they don't have anything to do with imap/pop09:44
akpk<aBound> : No,probs09:44
_NiCHetep, use exim or postfix for smtp, and then you can use other services for imap or pop.09:45
nepolean_NiC how to start apache2 and in which file to look for module loading?09:45
edheldilHetep:  I use postfix+dovecot09:45
DJango_Novicehuser settings on ubuntu 11.10 is disabled ...how shall i enable it?09:45
_NiCHetep, like edheldil says, dovecot is a good choice.09:45
DJango_Noviceuser settings i mean09:45
_NiCHetep, dovecot supports both pop and imap, also with ssl.09:46
_NiCnepolean, apache2's configfiles are in /etc/apache2/09:46
Hetepperhaps wiki information is not updated09:46
soa2iiHow can you tall apt to override all edited config files? Is there a way to do that?09:47
saganbyteI m ttrying to install Ubuntu Server 10.04 on a netbook with no CD ROM09:49
saganbytei m using a thumbdrive09:49
saganbytethe installationdoesnt proceed beyond the CD Driver installation09:49
nepolean_NiC theres no option in the /etc/apache2/apache2.conf file for php module09:49
icerootnepolean: /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini09:49
saganbyteit cannot detect a CD ROM (coz there isnt one) and it tries to load its drivers but fails to install them09:50
saganbyteIs there something I can do about this09:50
nepoleaniceroot which line should i look for in that09:50
icerootnepolean: you want to enable php?09:50
_NiCnepolean, do ls -l /etc/apache2/mods-{enabled,available}/php*09:50
edheldilnepolean:  read the apache doc on module loading. Really. Other you will shoot your foot09:50
nepoleaniceroot yes09:50
_NiCnepolean, if it's only in available, you need to enable it09:50
_NiCnepolean, if it's in both, you should be set.09:50
_NiCnepolean, enable it with a2enmod php509:50
icerootnepolean: then its sudo a2enmod or /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/09:50
icerootnepolean: but normally the php5 installation is doint that by default. you are using apache and php from the repos?09:51
nepoleaniceroot yes09:51
edheldilphp or libapache2-mod-php?09:52
islaywhats a good channel to get android dev help?09:52
iceroot!alis | islay09:52
ubottuislay: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*09:52
nepolean# a2enmod php509:53
nepoleanModule php5 already enabled09:53
nepoleaniceroot _NiC09:53
scarleoislay, android-dev09:53
nepoleaniceroot _NiC ^09:53
icerootnepolean: apache reloaded?restarted?09:53
nepoleaniceroot services apache reload?09:54
[[thufir]]islay: android-dev I believe09:54
ikoniaoops, sorry09:55
nepoleaniceroot think its the command to reload ?09:55
[[thufir]]islay: at least that's what ##java says in their intro :   Android in #android-dev09:55
aBoundIs there anyway to view a list of commands inside the terminal?09:55
_NiCaBound, well...09:56
[[thufir]]aBound: infinite list...just a bout.  at least very large and uncertain #09:56
_NiCaBound, not really. ls -l /bin/, ls -l /usr/bin/ at least will give you something to play with. :-)09:56
[[thufir]]maybe you could see what's on your env path to get an idea.09:56
aBound[[thufir]], It's like treasure droving isn't it. lol09:56
aBound_NiC, Yeah I kinda figured that directory would only give me a few bits. Oh well.09:57
icerootaBound: a list like?09:57
edheldilaBound:  you should have seen me, sitting behind SGI Indy for the first time, clicking on various binaries in /usr/bin/... yeeeears ago09:58
icerootaBound: all available commands?09:58
[[thufir]]what about the env path?09:58
aBoundiceroot, Yes.09:58
icerootaBound: TAB TAB09:58
aBoundEvery command that exist on ubuntu.09:58
zykotick9aBound: <TAB><TAB> should list all executables in your PATH09:58
icerootaBound: TAB TAB will show you every command which is in PATH09:59
nepoleaniceroot _NiC its done. thx09:59
* [[thufir]] bogs09:59
edheldilaBound:  try to mispell for even more fun ;-)09:59
aBoundedheldil, HA!10:00
aBoundiceroot, Interesting never knew about tab, tab.10:00
aBoundedheldil, I'm surprised you still aren't checking for those hidden commands. :P10:01
linociscohi all10:01
linociscohow could I control download limit of my wifi customers?10:01
_NiCnepolean, hth!10:02
aBound_NiC, iceroot, [[thufir]] , zykotick9 edheldil, thankies. :P10:02
edheldillinocisco:  possibly your wifi router has configs for that. Depends on how enterprisy you are :)10:02
_NiCaBound, tab is handy, yes. completes all kinds of things. paths and filenames too10:02
linociscoI sold internet link by means of long distance wifi point to point or P2Muti point. I would like to limit them not to use home router. want to limit only one PC10:03
aBoundAnother question I can't output all these commands to a file eh? Something like >> mycmds10:03
linociscoedheldil: mine  has none10:03
_NiCaBound, tab completes if only one thing matches, tab tab gives a list of matches if there's more than one10:03
linociscoedheldil: mac filtering is not good10:03
aBound_NiC, Indeed I been in the Linux world years ago but forgot all to use all the nifty stuff.10:03
aBoundBeen thinking of switching to zsh over bash.10:04
nepoleanhow can i make a cron that runs a php file after 5 mins ?10:04
_NiCnepolean, crontab -e, please read man 5 crontab first. :)10:05
aBound_NiC, Always good to have a list of commands available if you intend to write shell scripts. :)10:05
edheldilaBound:  for writing script, the essential is "man bash"10:05
_NiCaBound, the list would be just too big..10:06
aBound_NiC, No kidding right but there are some treasures to be found.10:06
aBoundedheldil, Agreed.10:06
_NiCaBound, awk, sed, cut and grep will get you far. :-)10:07
aBoundYour tools of the trade.10:07
linociscohttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=f6498b7627f198df8f1a500c6cb3790e&t=1754456 does not solve me10:07
aBoundSounds like learning the shell and programming is to mass of a challenge.10:08
faLUCEHi. I have a HUGE .xls file with records with the following fields:  "name, address, email. etc."   I have to manually copy and paste each record into a GUI form but it takes too much time. How can I solve?10:08
llutz_aBound: for dir in $(echo $PATH|sed 's/:/ /g'); do ls -1 $dir >mycommands.list; done10:09
aBoundllutz, What's that?10:09
trapnihey. how do I get the sources of upstart (the ubuntu's apt-get install way?)10:09
_NiCllutz_, heh.10:09
llutz_aBound: you wanted a list to file10:09
xroHi, i started a python script 1 day ago... It looks like it is blocked... In the shell where i started the script i still have the prompt (normal)... the process is still alive... I can find it when i do a htop... How can i debug it? have information about it?10:10
_NiCyou might want to use >> for that redirect10:10
neatbookhow do u install japanese ?10:10
neatbookjapanese font to type?10:10
bullgard4http://banshee.fm/support/guide/track-list/: "The browser helps you narrow down the tracks displayed by selecting one or more groups or characteristics. In your Music Library you can browse by track Artist or Album, and in Podcasts you can filter to only show new items, and browse by podcast." I wonder whre the browser is located in Banshee's 2.2.1 program window.10:10
llutz_aBound: for dir in $(echo $PATH|sed 's/:/ /g'); do whatis $(ls -1 $dir) >mycommands.list; done       if yo want to know what the things are for10:10
neatbookor korean chinese etc.10:10
aBoundllutz, Looks like it only gave me five commands.10:10
edheldilShould have been >>command.list10:11
edheldilxro:  strace -p <PID>10:11
edheldilalso ps ax10:11
edheldilmaybe it's stopped10:11
karmicthreatI've got a problem.  I have an init script that uses /dev/usb/lp0 I have a udev rule that assigns it permissions 0666 and leave the user/group at root:lp.  But my init script won't access it.10:12
aBoundLooks like I gotta put on some reading you guys know stuff I don't know. lol10:12
edheldilaBound:  man bash is a really essential place to start10:13
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edheldilalso, read other people's scripts etc10:13
_NiCaBound, there's a few bash shell scripting guides out there too. some are quite good.10:13
_NiCaBound, with lots of neat little tricks.10:13
aBoundedheldil, Wouldn't reading the whole man page be insane?10:13
_NiCaBound, it's nice to have a general idea of what's possible with the builtin commands. many things are. :)10:14
aBound_NiC, I looked at some tutorials but I just didn't like the way it was conformed.10:14
edheldilof course, but skimming through it to find programming idioms is important10:14
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:14
llutz_aBound: http://mywiki.wooledge.org  has some nice info10:15
aBoundI feel like I'm going insane.10:15
aBoundNew terminology and ugh.10:16
aBoundWhat about a book on bash?10:16
llutz_and abs, advanced bash scripting guide, of course10:16
jattmy wireless doesn't work I did sudo iwconfig and got: http://codepad.org/4GmuTU1c10:16
xroedheldil, i did it and i obtained --> http://dpaste.com/693481  can you take a look and give me a hint... (it looks the script wait for data and they never come)10:16
jattdoes this mean the card is off?10:16
trapnihow do I grep the list of installable packages to get the real name of the libnih package, e.g.?10:16
jattit's a 03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Ultimate N WiFi Link 530010:17
edheldilxro:  perhaps it does not like it's in the background?10:17
zykotick9trapni: you could try "apt-cache search libnih"10:17
_NiCtrapni, aptitude search libnih doesn't give you what you want?10:17
edheldilhard to tell without knowing more10:17
bryn_what does it mean when a checkbox is grayed out in update manager?10:17
xroedheldil, i started it from a shell in gnome X...  do you thing there is something wrong?10:18
trapni_NiC: yeah, did not remember `aptitute search NAME` in the first place. so thank ya :)10:19
edheldilxro:  Can't say with so little info. SHOULD it do some network communication, for example?10:20
edheldilor run subprocesses?10:20
xroedheldil, it's a python script with many network interactions... But there is no subprocess... I think that the script is waiting to get data from a distant server and don't get them...10:21
_NiCxro, did you run the strace?10:22
xro_NiC, yes --> http://dpaste.com/69348110:22
yogghow can I fore an fsck on an mounted drive? I always get "WARNING!!!  The filesystem is mounted. ..." -> "Would you realy continue (y/n)?". How can i disable this question or answer it with "yes" out of a script?10:23
_NiCyogg, you should really umount it first.10:23
llutz_yogg: you don't want to do that10:23
xrocould i send a sigcont to the process.. So the script should continue?10:23
jonathonI DLed a program that's precompiled but comes with a install.sh script, How do I install it?10:23
yoggon a read only filesystem there should not be a problem with that10:23
edheldilxro: quite possibly it waits for data that never comes. If you want to debug it, the pdb or strace from the beginning10:24
llutz_yogg: yes|fsck -some /dev/blah             if you really want10:24
_NiCxro, does lsof -np <pid> show anything .. useful?10:25
edheldiljonathon:  run the install.sh script, what else would you expect?10:25
zykotick9jonathon: if you are sure there isn't an ubuntu package, use "sh install.sh" (it probably will need sudo as well)10:25
jonathonzykotick9, Thanks10:26
yoggllutz_: brings me the same like    "fsck.ext2 /dev/sda1 -y << EOF yes EOF"    -> not possible while mounted. But if i press yes in the interactive mode it works without problems :/10:26
_NiCyogg, doesn't fsck have some kind of force option?10:27
xro_NiC, it shows that a connexion is established between my server and the distant one... the problem should really is "no data comes"-....10:27
aBoundAlright guys have a goodnight or good morning. I'm outta here swoosh...10:27
_NiCxro, wouldn't that be a problem at the other end, then?10:27
yogg_NiC: "-f" yes   but this message comes anyway :(10:27
xro_NiC, if my script continue, no....10:27
edheldilxro:  but it does not, so ...10:28
xroedheldil, yes  it does... it waits for that data before continu...10:28
edheldilxro:  but since that data does not come, it might be problem at the other end of the connection10:30
xroedheldil, yes... maybe10:30
edheldilor you wait for too much data.10:30
cjokehow do I define that I want to install libxtst i386 package with apt-get ?10:31
jattmay with --force-architecture but is not wise to do so if your host arch ain't i38610:34
cjokejatt, teamviewer wants that lib with i386, why is a myth for me.10:35
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ChewsGumKicksBumDoes anyone know of a utility that'll let me delete a file from an ISO without extracting the contents of the ISO?10:41
repozitoris there exist channel which fund about file system?10:41
TimmyTi have a laptop. wireless is enabled in the network manager,but it can find wireless networks.ifconfig says there are only 2 interfaces,lo and eth0. but ifconfig -a says wlan0 exists too.how can i solve it?10:45
llutz_TimmyT: sudo ifconfig wlan0 up10:45
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jattas I said you could try with --force-architecture and see if it works10:52
subb1hi all.10:58
subb1I have a 40G that can be fully dedicated for ubuntu install. Can u suggest any articles where I get to know about how much to dedicate for /root /home etc? Its for normal desktop usage connected to internet11:00
TimmyTllutz: it says:siocsifflags: no such file or directory11:01
llutz_subb1: 15 /  + 25 /home  should be fine11:02
subb1llutz_, i have 4G ram, so is 8G necessary for swap?11:03
llutz_subb1: nope, do you want to use hibernation? then swap = ram + a bit, else swap 1gb11:04
llutz_i hope the myth of swap=2xRAM will die soon. its a rule of thumb from "those days" pc came with 32MB and less11:05
subb1llutz_: I see. I might need hib' so i guess a 5G swap would do?11:05
rigvedllutz_: but now it is swap=1.5xRAM+VideoRAM, which is approx. = 2xRAM11:06
llutz_rigved: nonsense11:06
rigvedllutz_: sometimes ram usage is very high and more swap is required in that case...11:06
subb1llutz_, I have a dedicated video card. so that wont matter i guess.11:06
llutz_the only reason to have such a mass of swap is hibernation. if one don't want to hibernate, nobody needs > 1gb swap on regular base11:06
llutz_if more than 1gb swap is used daily, one needs more ram11:07
rigvedllutz_: well i was talking in that context. hibernating when ram is already being used a lot...like when you are doing some heavy work and would to hibernate instead of restarting later and starting all the heavy work from stratch.11:08
subb1llutz_: ok, thanks :)11:08
llutz_rigved: practical: since hibernation won't work for the most installations at all, no one needs to care about :(11:09
concrete1itaminHi all. I have some unallocated space "on the left" of my Ubuntu partitions. What tool should I use to merge it into / (i.e. use it to extend my Ubuntu's space)?11:09
scarleollutz, but then the rule should be 2xRAM if you want/need hibernation, right?11:11
paranahi guys how i install gcc to my system?11:11
paranahow can i**11:12
norbert79parana: Did you try to use the package manager or plain sudo apt-get install gcc?11:12
paranaactually i use angstrom instead of ubuntu but no one replies in angstrom channel11:12
paranathey are both linux based, so i ask here11:13
llutz_!ot |parana:11:13
ubottuparana:: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:13
dlentzparana, sudo apt-get install build-essential (assiming angstrom is debian-based)11:13
llutz_parana: ##linux11:13
norbert79dlentz: He might not want to build packages, just saying, he was asking for gcc only11:13
dlentzfair enough11:14
renegade_mhi guyz!11:15
nlkohow do i apt-get install nodejs on 10.04, do i need to add extra repos?11:15
renegade_mcan I use ndiswrapper from Lucid Lynx to Intrepid Ibex?11:15
norbert79renegade_m: Going from Lucid to Ibex? Why don't you upgrade then? And afaik Ibex had ndiswrapper available. If you are looking for the old repositories, you might want to check http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/, setting as repository. Afaik Ibex is not anymore supported11:17
norbert79renegade_m: Yet you can still usde the mentioned website for grabbing old packages for older distributions11:18
renegade_mcause, I want to enable Atheros wireless on my old 8.10 Intrepid Ibex.11:20
dlentzwhy do people use non-LTS releases for years?11:20
dr_willisif it works ...11:21
llutz_they don't care about security-update...11:21
norbert79renegade_m: If you add the mentioned repository, you can install ndiswrapper. http://old-releases.ubuntu.com offers ndiswrapper too11:21
dlentzdr_willis, obviously it's not working ;)11:22
renegade_mnorber79: thanks! I will..:)11:22
LantiziaLo my iSCSI disk is automatically logged in when I boot up the PC - but it seems fstab tries to mount the filesystems on it before it has had a chance to login, any ideas how I can get the iSCSI to login before fstab tries to mount?11:22
renegade_mI'm playing on it.:) learning from it as well.:)11:23
renegade_mI'm new to linux by the way.:)11:23
dlentzi see11:23
norbert79dlentz: It's a bit offtopic, but let me reply: Sometimes specific tools are tight to specific distributions, or the migration would take too much time. Think onm Precise and Lucid. Lucid came with Gnome 2, Precise will be Gnome 3. Now not everyone likes the second, or will have issues with migrating, and doing corrective actions/modifications take time11:23
renegade_mI just want to know how to install drivers in linux using ubuntu.11:23
norbert79renegade_m: Oh, well in this case you might want to experiment with a more recent distribution. Is there any specific reason why you are tied to Ibex?11:23
renegade_mI have a good experience in booting.. unlike my new download 11.10 and even my 10.1011:24
soa2iiDo you find somewhere an official LDAP client howto for 11.10?11:24
norbert79renegade_m: Ever considered solving your issues with the recent distributions would be more efficient, than tieing yourself to an older unsupported distribution?11:25
paulmdavies87hi all, I'm trying to install ubuntu on a server using network boot to a pxelinux image, which should then download the required files from the internet. However, whichever ubuntu mirror I choose, the installer gets stuck on a file in the "loading additional components" stage. The file it sticks on seems to change each time. I've tried several mirrors. Anyone got any ideas?11:25
renegade_mi see.. but, I just want to know how things are working.:)11:25
renegade_myou know, experimenting.:)11:26
norbert79paulmdavies87: Ehm, I think you are mixing the netinstall image with PXE booting... PXE booting is a way differenbt method11:26
paulmdavies87umm, ok11:26
renegade_mI'm a computer science grad. too.11:26
paulmdavies87I'm new to this11:26
ClayTorresHi, In Ubuntu version oneiric, does vulnerability CVE-2012-0056 got covered?11:26
ubottu** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2012-0056)11:26
paulmdavies87can you explain the difference?11:26
renegade_mjust playing around, but then, I want to learn, and to know, how things are working.:)11:26
norbert79paulmdavies87: PXE booting involves basically TFTP method through LAN, basically you boot like from a CDROM but you use a LAN machine for that11:26
renegade_mthank you guyz!=)11:27
norbert79renegade_m: I would still suggest using a recent distro, or learn how you can add new repositories for your distribution :)11:27
renegade_mI see myself using one stable linux distro one day.. something I can depend on.11:27
renegade_mthanks for that! yes..:)11:28
slidercrank_^HI have this problem. The network module my network card requires is buggy in the kernel Ubuntu supplies. So I have to manually build the module from the sources of the manufacturer.11:30
slidercrank_^HThat's not a big deal. But when Ubuntu's kernel gets updated, the network is lost. So the question is "how to make Ubuntu run a custom script so that I could rebuild the driver from sources and place it to /lib/modules....?"11:30
ikoniaslidercrank_^H: rebuilding a module by a script is not something I'd recommend11:30
slidercrank_^Hikonia: how would you suggest to solve this problem?11:30
ikoniaslidercrank_^H: the kernel is not often updated, so just manually rebuild the module each time you update the kernel11:30
dlentzdkms, if you're up to it11:30
norbert79slidercrank_^H: Are you sure your network card isn't supported by the kernel at all? There are some 'drivers' available in the additional kernel-images-addons, called 'restrictred modules'11:31
slidercrank_^Hikonia: I have Unbuntu server on an production server. So the loss of connectivity is a serious problem11:31
meerkatshow do I set ubuntu to automatically open a new HDD every time I plug it in?11:31
jattopen or mount11:31
meerkatsplus, the HDD is named Volume-1, but I can only access it via usb0, why?11:31
slidercrank_^Hnorbert79: it's not supported by the module which is in the kernel from Ubuntu11:32
ikoniaslidercrank_^H: - I apologise if this seems a bad thing to say, but matching hardware support to OS versions is a critical part of putting a server into a "production" state11:32
norbert79slidercrank_^H: I understand, so 'restricted' doesn't help either. This is weird, because normally that does the trick. Any specific reason why you are tied to that device? And why was Ubuntu chosen as server environment in first place? (I know, this might sound against Ubuntu, but it's worth asking)11:33
slidercrank_^Hikonia: you can't say if it's supported.  /lib/modules/2.6.32-38-server/kernel/drivers/net/e1000e/e1000e.ko Seems like a normal driver. It's part of kernel. But it doesn't work.11:33
norbert79slidercrank_^H: Did you also try to use parameters for the hardware device?11:33
ikoniaslidercrank_^H: what network card is it ?11:34
norbert79slidercrank_^H: Sometimes specific hardwares need specific module parametering foor making it work11:34
wadeis the module loaded? sudo modprobe e10000e - or whatever11:34
slidercrank_^Hnorbert79: I would personally choose debian. It was not my choice. Passing parameters to the kernel module doesn't help. Only the official driver from Intel works11:34
ikoniaslidercrank_^H: what network card device is it ?11:34
dlentzs/he probable needs a newer version of said module. not uncommon11:34
norbert79slidercrank_^H: Seems weird, but not impossible.11:34
norbert79slidercrank_^H: One more question: what server version you are running and what kernel do you use?11:35
dlentzslidercrank_^H, did you file a bug?11:36
slidercrank_^Hdlentz: I didn't11:36
dlentzslidercrank_^H is running lucid 2.6.32-3811:36
slidercrank_^Hnorbert79: Ubuntu Lucid (10.04). the kernel is 2.6.32-38-server11:36
norbert79dlentz: Might because of older kernel too. Lucid is being offered 3 different kernels at least, a more recent might work11:36
norbert79slidercrank_^H: Well, Lucid is being offered kernel 3.0 too11:36
|hmax|How do I turn ubuntu into a router?11:37
dlentzin lucid-proposed11:37
ikoniaslidercrank_^H: what actual network card is it11:37
norbert79slidercrank_^H: You might want to add backports and proposed too11:37
ikonia|hmax|: using something like iptables to make a network routing/forwarding table11:37
norbert79|hmax|: And using limited install11:37
|hmax|ikonia: thanks.  How would I get the outbound connection to connect to tor on port 9050?  Any tutorials you can point me to?11:38
slidercrank_^Hnorbert79: I think I'm not the only with this problem. I've seen this bug mentioned on the internet. So , I guess, Ubuntu developers are aware of it11:38
ikoniaslidercrank_^H: what network card is it11:38
ikonia!iptables | |hmax|11:38
ubottu|hmax|: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE Lucid and Maverick) also exist.11:38
norbert79slidercrank_^H: That's probable, but if you have a different method of solving this, like using a newer kernel, it might be worth trying11:39
ikoniaI can't believe you are all making these blind recommendations when you don't even know what network card he's using11:39
norbert79slidercrank_^H: Since you can have more kernels installed in parelell, yet you need to restart the server while switching from one to another11:39
norbert79slidercrank_^H: And yes, for start I would recommend using lshw for listing the server's parameters11:39
ikoniathat won't list any parameters11:40
norbert79ikonia: True, but could give one a start11:40
myndzii want to put a lightweight window manager on top of ubuntu server within vmware so i can use (vmware) unity to launch apps but mostly leave it running some services11:40
ikoniait will list a name associated with hard coded PCI id database11:40
ikoniaI want to know the network card make/model11:40
dlentzikonia, i trust slidercrank_^H's researched the issue11:40
norbert79ikonia: I use Google for such further questions then11:40
myndzii installed server and then installed two different -desktop packages but neither of them filled out the applications folder that vmware gives ;\11:40
myndzii installed ubuntu desktop instead and it is filled properly, but there are a ton of things i don't want installed11:40
ikoniadlentz: how ?11:40
ikoniait's not hard to just confirm the network card make/model11:41
myndziany idea which way is easiest to go, or what in particular provides that info to vmware?11:41
ikoniamyndzi: remove what you don't want11:41
myndzithat's where i'm at now, but it looks like a big task11:41
ikoniamyndzi: it has nothing to do with vmware, just remove the software from the install you don't want to use11:41
myndzii can't multi-select or anything11:41
slidercrank_^Hnorbert79: I have this list. When I was searching for the problem, I grabbed all the info I could. netcard registers and eeprom, lswh, dmesg and other things11:41
ikoniamyndzi: open the package manager, select what you don't wnat and click "remove"11:41
ikoniaslidercrank_^H: do you know what make/model network card you have, yes/no11:41
norbert79slidercrank_^H: Still, I would still try using a more recent kernel, instead of sticking to 2.6.32...11:41
norbert79slidercrank_^H: I understand11:42
myndzii'm not sure you understand what i meant by "no multiselect" :P11:42
ikoniaslidercrank_^H: what make/model network card do you have11:42
myndzijust looking to save an hour+ of clicking11:42
myndziand password typing11:42
ikoniamyndzi: use synaptic package manager11:42
myndzias well as understand what went wrong ;)11:42
ikoniamyndzi: you only type your password once11:42
* myndzi looks11:42
myndzilol. i have to install it first, huh? ;)11:42
myndzithis'll probably get it done11:43
slidercrank_^Hikonia: thernet controller: Intel Corporation 82574L11:43
ikonias/join #debian11:44
FloodBot1ikonia: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:44
myndziis there perhaps a list somewhere of which packages are included in the desktop vs server installations?11:44
norbert79ikonia: Irony :)11:44
slidercrank_^Hikonia: did you say it to me?11:44
ikoniaslidercrank_^H: http://ark.intel.com/products/32209/Intel-82574L-Gigabit-Ethernet-Controller this one ?11:44
ikoniaslidercrank_^H: no, it was just a typo from my buffer11:45
norbert79slidercrank_^H: I did a quick Google check, and it seems, that all of the problems are related to kernel 2.6.X, so I still would say, that it would be worth trying a more recent kernel11:45
ikonianorbert79: what are you talking about11:45
ikonianorbert79: how are you googling his problems when he's only just told us the network card model11:45
slidercrank_^Hnorbert79: I'll try. Thanks for the suggestion. If it doesn't help, I'll still have to solve the problem with running a custom script automatically11:46
norbert79ikonia: Well, I did a quick lookup, and I can also see his problems listed11:46
metaspike1so much nonsensical chatter v_v11:47
slidercrank_^Hikonia: looks like this model. it has the same number at least. My network card is integrated11:47
ikonianorbert79: quick look up of what, ?? he's only just shown us the model number11:47
norbert79slidercrank_^H: Just out of curiosity: What's the server model and model number?11:47
ikoniaslidercrank_^H: can you give me 5 minutes to check a few things before make any changes11:47
slidercrank_^Hikonia: yes11:47
dlentzmetaspike1, thank you for your sage contribution11:47
dlentzdlentz, thank you for your sage contribution11:48
* dlentz just metaanalyzed11:48
norbert79ikonia: Listen, if his server gets dropped anyway while a new kernel install a try for a more recent kernel won1t hurt, and won't take longer, than 5 minutes... Worst case he needs to do an apt-get purge of the newer kernel... It's not like modifying a whole filesystem...11:49
ikonianorbert79: yes it will11:49
ikonianorbert79: randomly enabling back ports and proposed update repos with no reason is very dangerous and can pull in dependencies that cause problems/break other things11:49
norbert79ikonia: Aw come on, you can't think of this serious. This way youa re saying, that Ubuntu offers bad things in it's repos...11:50
neatbookhow do u check spaces in ur hdd?11:50
norbert79neatbook: You mean filespace? take df -h for example11:50
ikonianorbert79: no - I'm saying it offers things that can conflict with the base product / not stable that's what "proprosed is" - not production ready a proposed update11:51
ikonianorbert79: so putting that sort of thing on a production server which could update dependencies is not a good idea, more so when there is no thought behind it or research11:51
norbert79ikonia: Besides, he just needs to switch back to the older kernel, that's it... Keeping it simple works always11:52
slidercrank_^Hnorbert79: this motherboard: http://www.supermicro.com/products/motherboard/Xeon3000/3400/X8SIE.cfm?IPMI=N&TYP=LN211:52
norbert79slidercrank_^H: Anyway: Integrated network card in a server? Sounds like a desktop system turned into a server to me... :S11:52
bullgard4http://banshee.fm/support/guide/track-list/: "The browser helps you narrow down the tracks displayed by selecting one or more groups or characteristics. In your Music Library you can browse by track Artist or Album, and in Podcasts you can filter to only show new items, and browse by podcast." I wonder whre the browser is located in Banshee's 2.2.1 program window.11:52
neatbookmy ubuntu software centre is not working11:52
neatbookhow do you search available packs on terminal?11:53
norbert79ikonia: Like if he isn't forced doing 'research' during every upgrade...11:53
bullgard4!details | neatbook11:53
ubottuneatbook: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:53
ikonianorbert79: what ?11:53
norbert79neatbook: apt-cache search11:53
ikoniaslidercrank_^H: got a few moments to provide a little more information for me ?11:53
neatbookmy ubuntu software centre is just a grey window no pic or nothin11:53
neatbookmaybe reboot will solve the problem11:54
meerkatsE: yacy: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1, would sudo apt-get clean make any difference?11:54
norbert79meerkats: apt-get clean just does regular cleaning of packages. Not really11:55
norbert79apt-get -f install might solve the issue, but some details on the error might help us help you more :)11:55
meerkatsnorbert79, no, force install didnt do anything yesterday11:56
norbert79meerkats: Ehm, correction "clean" is related to the cache11:56
slidercrank_^Hikonia: yes, feel free to ask. there are two intergated cards (they are equal)11:56
norbert79meerkats: Well some details on the package and on the error might give more clues11:56
ikoniaslidercrank_^H: great, so both cards have the same issue, or just one ?11:57
slidercrank_^Hikonia: currently only one is in use. I haven't tested the other card11:57
norbert79sorry, having issues with the network recently11:58
ikoniaslidercrank_^H: ok, could you post ifconfig $device for the card in question in a paste (remove the IP info - I don't need to see that)11:58
ikoniaslidercrank_^H: just want to check a few basics first11:59
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bkerensaI'm unable to install Unity on 12.04 getting dependency errors... http://paste.ubuntu.com/817529/12:03
slidercrank_^Hnorbert79: hw info http://pastebin.com/9KeYJcFT12:04
ikoniabkerensa: 1. unity is already installed on 12.04 2.) #ubuntu+1 channel for 12.04 disussion12:04
dlentzbkerensa, did you apt-get update?12:04
bkerensaikonia: Well it is not letting me select it from lightdm12:05
dlentzindicator 3-7 just came into the repos, maybe it didn't reach your mirror yet12:05
meerkatsif i plug in anything with USB I can see 2 new icons in my home folder: one named usb0, that grants access to it, and another one, with the correct name of the yusb, but with no access. why?12:06
norbert79Ehm, that's some well done work, but I was more curious on the server itself, since some might provide more detailed infos even on the included hardware devices too12:06
MeliorIs it possible to keep vsftpd despite installing pureftpd? (aptitude install pure-ftpd-mysql / The following packages will be REMOVED:  vsftpd{a})12:06
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norbert79Is this a specific server, or an 'own made'?12:06
ikoniaslidercrank_^H: very interesting, you have some collisions there12:07
ikoniaslidercrank_^H: could you please run "sudo ethtool eth0" and pastebin the output please.12:08
HJE841What is the recommended irc client for Ubuntu?12:08
slidercrank_^Hikonia: just a minute12:08
ikoniaHJE841: your choice12:08
ikoniaslidercrank_^H: no rush12:08
_NiCHJE841, whichever you're most comfortable with.12:08
LjLHJE841: no real recommendation, many people who like GUI use X-Chat and many people who like text use irssi, but there are several other options12:09
ikoniaslidercrank_^H: you've also got a transmission queue size of 10, which is not great either12:09
HJE841Apparently empathy doesn't support all commands :(12:09
ikonia(especially considering you've not got much data on your registers)12:09
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AndyUbuntu1Hey Everyone12:12
norbert79One thing which I just could see12:12
slidercrank_^Hnorbert79: http://pastebin.com/1tiEpJ22 ethtool output12:12
slidercrank_^Hikonia: oh, it' for you12:12
jatterc ftw12:12
ikoniaslidercrank_^H: just so you know, it's me who keeps asking.12:12
ikoniaahh you got it12:12
ikoniaslidercrank_^H: whoaa, are you meant to be running that card at 10 hdx duplex ?12:13
AndyUbuntu1Wondering if anyone could help with an ageold problem. Everytime I try to reder a file in kdenlive it crashes12:13
AndyUbuntu1and for some reason I am not able to fix the issue12:13
slidercrank_^Hikonia: nope. but it's currently in that mode12:13
ikoniaslidercrank_^H: why is it in that mode /12:13
AndyUbuntu1this has been ongoing now since an update. I have updated kdenlive many times over the past few weeks and it has not fixed anything :s12:14
slidercrank_^Hikonia: because of the switch being used. it doesn't support 100mbit12:14
ikoniaslidercrank_^H: what does the switch support as you are getting a good few collisions in there for such a small ammount of data and your queue size is quite high for again, small data through put12:15
kwtmHi. Where on the web do I find latest news (Ubuntu WIki, forums etc.) on the 12.04 LTS distribution, whatever it's called?  (Especially interested in the Kubuntu version.)12:15
icerootkwtm: #ubuntu+112:16
norbert79kwtm: Ehm, since it's January, don't you think it's early?12:16
slidercrank_^Hikonia: that's because of the driver. 1.0.2-k2 is bad (from Ubuntu's kernel)12:16
icerootkwtm: and normally hte blog from mark is a good start for new things but mostly based on unity12:16
kwtmnorbert79: I guess that's why I can't find stuff the usual way.  I'd like to know if I should upgrade to that version.12:16
ikoniaslidercrank_^H: sorry - I don't believe it is12:16
kwtmiceroot: Where is "blog from mark"?12:16
slidercrank_^Hif I install the one from Intel it will work flawlessly12:16
AndyUbuntu1does anyone here have any knowledge of kdenlive?12:16
Gentoo64kwtm, well its not even stable12:16
Gentoo64so why would you12:16
iceroot!anyone | AndyUbuntu112:16
ubottuAndyUbuntu1: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.12:16
ikoniaslidercrank_^H: so if you use the external one. it gets zero collisions and the queue size goes to zero12:17
kwtmGentoo64: No. ,it isn't stable.  Usually there's a list of goals or some burndown chart or something?12:17
slidercrank_^Hikonia: let's make an experiment12:17
icerootkwtm: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/12:17
kwtmiceroot: Thx.12:17
AndyUbuntu1Wondering if anyone could help with an ageold problem. Everytime I try to reder a file in kdenlive it crashes . Thanks iceroot12:17
LjLkwtm: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise for the chart you're looking for12:18
kwtmLjL: Thx12:18
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit12:18
ikoniaslidercrank_^H: look at the pastebin you've just posted me12:18
AndyUbuntu1does anyone know why kdenlive crashes when kdenlive tries o render?12:18
ikoniaslidercrank_^H: when the card works it's set at 10/hdx, when it's "dead" it's set at fdx - it won't run at fdx which is why it's "dead"12:18
myndziwent with ubuntu server in the end12:19
icerootAndyUbuntu1: i dont know what kdenlive is but maybe you can call it with a debug-option?12:19
myndzihow do i permanently set the keyboard layout to dvorak?12:19
myndziit changes when i execute dpkg-reconfigure console-data, but then doesn't save when i do dpkg-reconfigure console-setup (google result that seemed most likely)12:20
AndyUbuntu1kdenlive is a video editor in linux. The debug options dont seem to show a lot really12:20
myndzinm, think i got it after all12:23
kantorI have installed an application (more specifically the wesnoth game) with scons. Now I want to uninstall it. I have unpacked the game, and executed scons -c install from the game directory. But wesnoth is sill on my computer. I tried multiple option variations of the scons program: sconsc -c, scons -c install, scons uninstall, but wesnoth seem NOT to be uninstalled. How can I use scons to uninstall it??12:24
cirexcuse me12:24
ikoniakantor: scons ?12:24
ciri have a problem with my GRUB....12:24
kantorikonia, yes scons.12:24
kantorikonia, why are you asking?12:24
ikoniakantor: because it's not a package manager I've heard of - and I've never seen used in ubuntu12:25
LjLikonia: it's not a package manager, it's a "make" replacement12:25
ikoniaoh, so a compile, how annoying12:26
myndziguess not. damn, why should it be this hard to use anything but us-english qwerty :(12:26
kantorikonia, it is a building system, like autotools, or cmake . . . with autotools you do a ./configured, than make uninstall to remove something which was installed from source code.12:26
AndyUbuntu1Oh My Days, would just like a video editor that works :P12:26
AndyUbuntu1why dont they work anymore12:26
ikoniaAndyUbuntu1: you keep saying that12:26
Gentoo64myndzi, what does loadkeys dv do12:26
ikoniaAndyUbuntu1: moaning about it won't change it12:26
Gentoo64or ahetevr dvorak is12:26
AndyUbuntu1ikonia thanks :)12:27
AndyUbuntu1ikonia, neither will asking questions with not much feedback :)12:28
ikoniaAndyUbuntu1: so stop both then12:28
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LjLkantor: not sure about scons, but with make, "uninstall" only works if it's explicitly provided as a target by the program you're compiling. i've had a quick look at scons and it doesn't seem to be any different in that respect12:28
LjLkantor: next time you may want to consider installing with "checkinstall" (although checkinstall is hardly perfect), so you can remove later12:29
AndyUbuntu1ikonia lol :) Kinda need a one video editor to work at the moment. Sort important....hmmmmm12:29
CharminTheMooseAre there any applications out there that can display 'menu-ised' menus that are window manager agnostic?12:30
ikoniaAndyUbuntu1: yes, but moaning about it won't make it work - so please stop, you've been doing this for a while now12:30
norbert79AndyUbuntu1: Ever tried OpenShot? Version 4.0 is out, and it might be a nice tool to use12:30
Gentoo64AndyUbuntu1, openshot and avidemux edit videos12:30
Gentoo64tried them?12:30
LjLCharminTheMoose: not sure what you mean...? Ubuntu has done a lot of work to make the menubar "unattached" to the window, so most applications will now use that12:30
kantxxhey all.. im seeing a weird prob w/ ubuntul installer.. the partitioner doesnt see my hdd but i can see it when dropping to a shell and doing fdisk -l12:30
norbert79AndyUbuntu1: OpenShot has it's own PPA as well, and works like charm; Lucid also supported12:30
kantorLjL, If I do a scons uninstall it prints some checks, and in the end "scons: done building targets." and nothing happens :(12:31
LjLkantor: i suggest you reinstall using "checkinstall", then you can have a look at the resulting .deb file to see which files you need to remove12:31
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kantorOK, thanks LjL12:32
d00mdoes ubuntu have an xinitrc file?12:32
Gentoo64d00m, it should use a logjn manager..12:32
d00mGentoo64: what if I want to change to different  a WM?12:33
CharminTheMooseLjL, what I mean is like, with say, TWM, or WindowMaker, an application menu is automatically generated, but the downside is that it's specific to the window manager. I'm wondering if there's an application that's compatible with 'menu' (the menu generator app), so I don't have to rely on the WM being compatible.12:33
Gentoo64d00m, you can make one then startx12:33
Gentoo64d00m, the login manager should handle the commands for any wm you install12:33
AndyUbuntu1norbert79 and Gentoo64 thanks for your positive feedback. I kwill try avidemux as openshot seems to not work at the moment either. think it is somethig with melt :s  ikonia give it a break, all i need is a hand to fix it. Not tsome lame comments!!!12:33
ikoniaAndyUbuntu1: just stop moaning12:34
LjLCharminTheMoose: ah, you're talking about the menu to *start* apps? i wouldn't know.12:34
d00mGentoo64: I dont get any options, need to conf some files?12:34
Gentoo64d00m, what wm is it12:34
ikoniai3 ?12:34
Gentoo64apparently it should show up in lightdm or something12:34
d00myeah i3-wm12:34
norbert79AndyUbuntu1: Sure, any time. We could also try to fix your issues with OpenShot as well in query, if you are looking for further help12:34
ikoniaI'll need to look that one up12:34
AndyUbuntu1ikonia do one! I got some great advice from the others!!12:34
CharminTheMooseCheers anyway, LjL.12:34
ikoniaAndyUbuntu1: that's uncalled for, please just stop moaning, you've got your help, so that's great.12:35
AndyUbuntu1norbert79 thanks. Have you come across and issues yourself with openshot?12:36
myndzilol so basically vmware's "easy install" skipped right past the only part of the install i cared about12:36
myndzii tried to edit the preseed file and it screwed up easy install for whatever reason12:36
d00mwhats the default login mngr...gdm right?12:36
myndzibut that's okay because now i have dvorak!12:37
d00min 10.1012:37
overcluckerand it detect i3, it does for me12:37
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overcluckerit's gdm in 10.1012:38
d00many one have xperiences with lightdm in 10.10?12:38
d00mI've heard that one's pretty neat12:38
xslhello all, is it possible for a network device to cause IRQ interrupts on a network card on Ubuntu 10.04 ? the driver is r816912:38
Gentoo64d00m, if its just i3 you want, you could just stop the login manager and use startx with an xinitrc12:38
Gentoo64xsl, is it an 8169 card?12:39
xslGentoo64: [178342.710403] [<f8097fe0>] (rtl8169_interrupt+0x0/0x1d0 [r8169])12:39
xsl[178342.722519] Disabling IRQ #1712:40
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Gentoo64xsl, not sure12:41
xslGentoo64: 06:01.0 Ethernet controller: D-Link System Inc DGE-528T Gigabit Ethernet Adapter (rev 10) | Kernel driver in use: r816912:41
Gentoo64xsl, weird, must use realtek chip idk12:42
d00mGentoo64: one Q. there are many more stuffs that start up with a gnome-session right? so if I wanna put em all in the xinitrc, for say if I want to roll back, or just want to use gnome..12:42
Gentoo64no idea about d link12:42
Gentoo64d00m, you could just have them commented in xinitrc12:43
Gentoo64but like someone else said, i3 should appear in the login menu12:43
d00mI mean would adding gnome-session (yeah commented) suffice?12:43
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Gentoo64i think for gnome you might need a couple extra bits12:43
d00mGentoo64: thats what am thinking about.12:44
kantxxhey all.. im seeing a weird prob w/ ubuntul installer.. the partitioner doesnt see my hdd but i can see it when dropping to a shell and doing fdisk -l12:44
Gentoo64d00m, im used to adding ck-launch-session etc12:44
Gentoo64but i havent used gnome in a long time12:44
d00mGentoo64: I do that too. that suffices?12:44
Gentoo64should do afaik12:45
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d00mthere's an odd problem btw, empathy is going unresponsive while trying to send a file, "Hashing.." ! :/12:46
Shakyjhey, I have ubuntu with LXDE and 4 screens. My launcher and icons have now moved the the centre of the screen space. They were on the left side and now are in the middle. Changing the panel preferences seems to have no effect. How can I reset it?12:48
fidelShakyj: it might help to add some more details - as in: unity,gnome-shell or whatever else12:48
fidelwhat panel?12:48
glebihanfidel, he did say he's running lxde...12:50
kamilnadeemI am having a problem while updating my ubuntu 11.1012:50
oldude67hey is there a package that can help with blue prints, like in designing them?12:51
kamilnadeemthe update never completes and I get an error12:52
glebihankamilnadeem, you have a syntax error in your /etc/default/grub file : /etc/default/grub: 25: Syntax error: newline unexpected12:52
ironfroggy_i use xmodmap to switch my capslock and ctrl, but everytime i connect a keyboard i have to run it again12:52
ironfroggy_is there a way to get that automatic?12:53
kamilnadeemglebihan:  so how do I fix it?12:53
glebihankamilnadeem, edit that file and correct the error12:53
sherifwhen i open pidgin it hangs n take long time to open n have to reopen it several times to open at last12:54
sherifhow can i fix that12:54
kamilnadeemglebihan: ok trying .12:54
kamilnadeemglebihan: ok I have opened it in gedit12:55
Shakyjfidel, sorry, didn't know what it's called. It's probably lxpanel as it's a default LXDE install12:56
kamilnadeemglebihan: Here http://paste.ubuntu.com/817586/ what should I edit out ?12:57
kamilnadeemglebihan: also when my system boots up I see the option to choose many linux kernel (12,13,14)12:58
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:58
Chucky_Lucianohi, is there any open source software for learning a language?12:58
kostodoHi guys, I'm trying to make my /var/www directory have permissions so that if two users from the same group create folders/files inside it, they both have rw rights to them because they are in the same group. How is that done?12:59
progre55hi guys. how do you delete the leading n lines in a file from a terminal?12:59
DarthCaeduceshola, what is a way to send wifi signals from a local area network exclusively?12:59
LjLprogre55: tail -n +number13:00
LjLprogre55: (that will output to stdout, you need to redirect *not* to the same file, and overwrite later)13:00
progre55LjL: but I want to delete the n number of lines from head, not tail, and say, if the file contains only 7 lines, and I delete 10, it should be empty13:01
progre55LjL: the thing is, I dont know the total number of lines13:02
LjLprogre55: "tail" will show the last n lines, or if you use the + switch, the "tail" starting from line n. so it *will* "delete" the lines from the head, basically.13:02
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progre55LjL: oh I see, thanks, let me try it :)13:03
LjLprogre55: if you have a file with lines 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9, and you do tail -n +3, it will show 3 4 5 6 7 8 913:03
dioxinjoin #pandaboard13:03
kostodoHi guys, I'm trying to make my /var/www directory have permissions so that if two users from the same group create folders/files inside it, they both have rw rights to them because they are in the same group. How is that done?13:03
progre55LjL: thanks13:03
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:03
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*13:05
kamilnadeemglebihan: You there?13:06
LjL!caps | kantxx13:07
ubottukantxx: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.13:07
kantxxubottu: i cant :)13:07
ubottukantxx: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:07
soa2iiAnyone an idea why autofs won't mount my /home? I'm using ldap. http://pastebin.com/tqqNmZqa13:07
kantxxubottu: smarter than i13:07
ubottukantxx: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:07
DarthCaeducesubottu: you are not intelligent13:07
ubottuDarthCaeduces: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:07
DarthCaeducesubottu: DarthCaeduces es more intelligent13:08
ubottuDarthCaeduces: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:08
LjLplease don't mess with the bot13:08
llutz_kostodo: you need to set acl for that (man getfacl, man setfacl)13:09
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kamilnadeemAny help13:09
bazhangkamilnadeem, with what13:10
kamilnadeembazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/817579/13:10
kamilnadeemthe update never completes and I get an error13:10
bazhangkamilnadeem, what are you trying to do, a synopsis please13:10
LjLkamilnadeem: at a glance, GRUB_GFXMODE=>>1024*768-24<< seems incorrect, are you sure that's the syntax for it?13:11
kamilnadeemLjL: how do I correct it ?13:11
LjLkamilnadeem: remove the >> <<, turn the "*" into a "x", and possibly remove the -24 (not sure about that)13:11
kamilnadeemI have the file opened via gksudo nautilus13:11
LjLkamilnadeem: in other words, GRUB_GFXMODE=1024x76813:12
kamilnadeemLjL: ok trying13:12
kamilnadeemLjL:  :) working13:14
dsathei just installed ubuntu 11.10 oneric on my system13:14
dsathei cannot seem to get my BOSE 2.1 usb speakers to work13:15
dsathecan someone please help ?13:15
kantxxweird... parted works in expert install but not normal...13:15
dsatheanyone ? its critical13:15
jpds!patience | dsathe13:16
ubottudsathe: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:16
auronandacedsathe: can you take a screenshot of alsamixer?13:16
dsatheone sec13:17
dsathethe one in terminal ?13:17
dsathelsusb and pulse both show it13:17
grifo74hi i use ubuntu 10.04 lts it´s possible update to the next lts in 2013 or i need to format my pc and make a new install?13:18
dsathegimme a min13:18
kamilnadeemTake Care everyone13:18
bazhanggrifo74, sure, though you can do it this year as well 12.0413:18
auronandacegrifo74: yes, you can update from one lts directly to the other13:18
grifo74thaks very much13:19
MonkeyDustgrifo74  but you don't have to wiat that long: then next lts is in april13:19
dsatheauronandace:  which mode ?13:20
dsatheas in in which screen13:20
dsatheF1,F2 etc13:20
auronandacedsathe: the default13:20
auronandacedsathe: basically, we are checking to see they are muted13:21
meerkatshow do I activate upnp for my router?13:21
icerootmeerkats: read the manual from your router13:21
auronandacedsathe: if you see MM that means they are muted (regardless how high the bar is)13:21
elbrinkeHello: for some reason my symbolic link does not work: "sudo ln -s /home/umoya/Downloads/Sankore /usr/bin/sankore"13:22
elbrinkeany help13:22
zadeohello ppl13:22
auronandacedsathe: that looks fine, is there a next page?13:23
dsatheonly beep13:24
dsathethat seems ok to me13:24
dsathealsa is reading it so is pulse13:24
dsathebut no sound13:24
dsatheincedently its a 2.1 but pulse is offering only a 4.1 and 5.113:24
never2farcan someone tell me whre i can find iptables file in ubuntu 11.1013:25
never2fari see some rules with iptables-save but i can't find a file related to it13:25
auronandacedsathe: i'm not sure what to suggest next (no experience with usb speakers)13:25
dsatheauronandace:  http://picpaste.com/Screenshot_at_2012-01-26_18_54_18-57bKQnU6.png now i have switched to the bose audip13:25
elbrinkeany help with symbolic links in 11.0413:26
dsathecool no worries thansk for your time :)13:26
imiwhat this means: The following packages have been kept back: linux-headers-server linux-image-server linux-server13:26
Piciimi: it likely means that you're using apt-get upgrade when you should be using apt-get dist-upgrade.13:26
Pici!dist-upgrade | imi13:26
ubottuimi: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. Please see !upgrade for the proper way to upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu.13:26
auronandacedsathe: at least you know that they aren't muted :)13:26
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade13:27
Piciimi: a dist-upgrade will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu.13:27
imiI've used these enstructions to upgrade my ubuntu13:28
Piciimi: What command are you using?13:28
imiright now I've been using apt-get update13:29
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imibut right now I'm on my already upgraded ubuntu13:29
Piciimi: You need to use apt-get dist-upgrade.13:29
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:29
imifor what reason if I'm not upgrading right now?13:29
elbrinkeHow do you add a .bin file in the Unity launcher bar for quick launching13:29
JoshR1Hello, I have a question for those who may know.13:30
subb1hi. I just installed lucid on my laptop. Usually the NIC should be auto detected and should be able to connect to the internet right? But now the indicator shows no connection available?13:30
bazhangJoshR1, which is?13:30
auronandaceelbrinke: .bin?13:30
elbrinkeyes, i mean a binary file13:30
bazhangelbrinke, what package13:31
subb1 NB: new user to linux :)13:31
Piciimi: "apt-get update" only refreshes the package lists, it will never update any packages that you have installed. To properly keep your system up to date, you need to use apt-get upgrade and apt-get dist-upgrade.13:31
elbrinkeIm working on Sankore13:31
imipici: well I've used apt-get upgrade13:31
elbrinkeand am trying to run the run.sh.x file which is a binary file13:31
iminot just update13:32
subb1please help troubleshoot. thanks.13:32
Piciimi: You need to use that *AND* dist-upgrade.13:32
elbrinkewhen i run the binary file by double clicking it starts up13:32
JoshR1I installed mysql-server through apt-get last night.  I was then having trouble with the my.cnf file so I removed through apt-get and deleted the .cnf files (deleted etc/mysql/) and now I get an error when installing mysql the same way again.13:32
imiPici: but why if I don't upgrading my distro?13:32
elbrinkebut when i try to start it using a app launcher it does not start up..13:32
ignerioushow to install java7 in ubuntu 11.1013:32
Piciimi: Because dist-upgrade is not for upgrading your distro.13:32
imidist-upgrade is not for upgrading distro???13:33
Piciimi: how many times do I need to say it?13:33
LjLimi: no, it's not.13:33
elbrinkeany ideas? I'm running Sankore ion Ubuntu 11.0413:33
auronandaceimi: no, pici explained that to you more than once13:33
bazhangelbrinke, what is that13:34
imithanks. the name confused me. dist-upgrade13:34
imibut I see now in the man page13:34
LjLimi: it's historical. it *used* to be a useful tool for upgrading Debian13:34
LjLimi: but with Ubuntu, you upgrade in other ways, and dist-upgrade is useful to keep your *packages* up to date.13:34
ignerioushow to install java7 in ubuntu 11.1013:35
elbrinkeSankore is an OpenSourse Interactive Whiteboard Software solution13:35
LjL!java | ignerious13:35
ubottuignerious: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.13:35
jattignerious: download the tar.gz file, extract, adjust JAVA_HOME, done.13:35
subb1the problem is wired ethernet is not being detected automatically.13:35
elbrinkeIt's part of the project I'm working on.. but for some reason ubuntu gives me struggles13:36
bazhanghttp://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/sankore#installation   elbrinke can you read French?13:37
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bazhangsubb1, whats the nic13:38
subb1bazhang, its Atheros Communications AR8152 v1.1 Fast Ethernet13:38
subb1here is the lspci out > http://paste.ubuntu.com/817625/13:39
inveratulobazhang, elbrinke, google translate to the rescue: http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fdoc.ubuntu-fr.org%2Fsankore%23installation13:40
DaniG2kguys i crashed my precise pangolin system with an update yesterday13:40
icerootDaniG2k: #ubuntu+113:40
DaniG2kI think there was a bug with X13:40
icerootDaniG2k: dont use alpha software if you dont like crashes13:40
DaniG2kI don't mind crashes13:40
DaniG2kI just need a hand fixing it13:40
icerootDaniG2k: #ubuntu+113:40
DaniG2kI've booted into an Ubuntu livecd13:40
Chucky_Lucianohi, can someone help me compile a program from source?  i am just having trouble understanding what it is that i have to do, the directions are on the page but i am having trouble understanding them...  i pasted them here  http://pastebin.com/LdqEtvJy13:40
DaniG2kand chrooted into the system13:41
DaniG2kwhen I try doing an apt-get update though13:41
DaniG2kI get errors13:41
icerootDaniG2k: again! join #ubuntu+113:41
DaniG2ksuch as13:41
subb1bazhang, is it that the network hardware is new and lucid has no driver?13:41
icerootDaniG2k: 12.04 is not supported here13:41
bazhangsubb1, just a moment please13:42
subb1bazhang, ok... thanks !13:42
elbrinkeI have tried those versions but they are old versions of Sankore.. the new version of it is in the form of a tar.gz file called " Open-Sankore.tar.gz13:43
shajeershamrasit says wireless firmware missing....how i can resolve this problem13:44
bazhanghttp://ospa.arvat.org/ethernet-atheros/  subb1 please note you will need to install build-essential to follow this guide13:45
bazhangelbrinke, is there some problem with the older versions? they install correctly yes?13:46
krisedAnyone running remastersys ? Im told by the admin that his repo is up but i cant connect to it using synaptic.13:46
bazhangkrised, got the link?13:46
elbrinkethey install… yes and they work, but does not support some of the features and widgets we require13:46
krisedI get this error after trying to update the list after adding the server: Could not retrive http://www.remastersys.com/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/InRelease Unable to find expected entry 'main/source/Sources' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file) Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead13:47
bazhangelbrinke, then unpack and follow the install instructions, there should be a file called 'Readme" there13:47
LjLsome key on my keyboard must be stuck. i keep seeing "[C" on the terminal. any guess what key it might be based on that?13:47
subb1bazhang, thanks a lot, let me check since I have the driver now. BBIF !13:47
CaptAnonHello guys, I was wondering is there any linux based phone, Can debian be run on a smart phone?13:48
LjL!ot | CaptAnon13:48
ubottuCaptAnon: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:48
elbrinkethe Open-Sankore.tar.gz file is already compiled and has a run.sh script that you have to run start Sankore app13:48
bazhangCaptAnon, thats not really on topic for here, please try in #ubuntu-offtopic13:48
elbrinkeshe i run the "run.sh" script Sankore starts up fine13:48
elbrinkebut i need to put a shortcut in the unity luancher13:48
onelineractually it is; there are some tablets/phone reportedly able to run ubuntu13:49
DaniG2kmy DNS is not able to resolve addresses13:49
DaniG2khow can I fix this?13:49
CaptAnonSure, sorry for the interruption guys.13:49
krisedbazhang any clue to what might be wrong ? I need remastersys as its the only program i can find which lets me turn an installed running ubuntu back into a iso13:49
bazhangkrised, got a link where the repo is listed? ie the web page for instance13:50
krisedhang on13:50
mBisonhey i have a question, its about lunx but about my hardware13:51
mBisonOk Linux13:51
bazhangmBison, ##hardware then13:51
mBisonbut its only happening in ubuntu13:52
krisedbazhang http://www.remastersys.com/ubuntu.html look at the bottom where it says "Synaptic method"13:52
mBisonso do i ask here or there13:52
bazhangkrised, ok13:52
bazhangmBison, ask away13:52
mBisonok in windows it says i have 3 gb ram, i only put a 2 gb ram chip in the other slot wont let you put anything in there, in ubuntu disk manager, it says i  am using a second (unknown to me)13:53
mBisonSSD for ram (swap)13:53
auronandacemBison: you've just made no sense13:54
mBisoni know i just read it13:54
jattwindows tell you you have 3GB ram? it must be a mistake13:54
mBisonim on the floor but the laptop is way above me on the couch13:54
mBisonlinux says i have 3 gm ram also13:55
mBison3gb ram also linux states13:55
LjLmBison: 32bit or 64bit?13:55
mBisonone of them if not both are lying to me13:55
icerootmBison: 32bit can only show ~3GB ram13:56
mBisoni only have 1 slot to put ram in, it was a 2gm chip[13:56
LjLmBison: well that's normal then. with 32bit, you can have theoretically 4GB at most, in practice it will be less because of memory mapping. so 3gb makes sense.13:56
LjLmBison: so you're saying you should have *less* than 3gb?13:56
icerootmBison: impossible13:56
jattif you put 2 and get 3 why complain?13:56
icerootmBison: you put a 4gb inside on 32bit13:56
mBisoni only put 2 gb chip in13:56
auronandacemBison: are you sure there is only one ram slot?13:57
JWFoxJrI have a 64 bit ubuntu workstation with 64bit java installed. I have a HP c7000 enclosure who's java based console will only run with 32 bit java. Can I install the 32 bit JDK side by side with the 64 bit? Will I need nsplugin wrapper to use the plugin?13:57
auronandacemBison: laptop or desktop?13:57
mBisonthe other is under the 1st one, but it doesnt allow u to put another chip13:57
icerootmBison: what is the output of "free -m" and "cat /proc/meminfo'13:57
auronandacemBison: what laptop?13:57
=== Octane is now known as Guest78875
mBisoninspiron E140513:58
icerootmBison: we had cases where someone was with ssh on another machine an wondered why the commands showed different hardware then the local machine has13:58
icerootmBison: what is the output of "free -m" and "cat /proc/meminfo'13:58
tteesstthello there13:58
DJonesmBison: I've got a laptop at home which only has one slot for ram, the slot has 512Mb memory installed, but the laptop reports 1Gb of memory, somewhere, there must be ram on the motherboard or in a hidden slot13:58
nepoleanhow to run a file.php from terminal in linux ?13:58
LjLnepolean: php file.php13:58
icerootnepolean: php file.php13:58
mBisontotal 301613:59
krisedbazhang did you find anything ? can you connect and download the latest remastersys ?13:59
mBisonused 1450 free 1596613:59
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:59
icerootmBison: please the complete output directly from the sheöö13:59
auronandacemBison: some laptops have one slot under the keyboard and another on the bottom13:59
bazhangkrised, sorry, was busy, checking now13:59
mBisonhow do i put out from term here14:00
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:00
lindschehey, someone here who could me help with an ati graphics card?14:00
jattI have an ati graphics card and it sucks in ubuntu14:00
nepoleanLjL iceroot but if the shell connection is terminated . the file will stop. i want to run it forever. how can i do it. i have a vps. and ssh root acces14:00
meerkatshow do I activate upnp for my router?14:00
didi2asalut suis-je au bonne endroit pour chercher de l'aide pour samba pdc avec openldap ?14:00
lindsche:) also a x1300 mobility perhaps?14:01
icerootnepolean: screen is one way14:01
bazhangdeb http://www.remastersys.com/ubuntu oneiric main    <---- krised you added that, right?14:01
iceroot!screen | nepolean14:01
ubottunepolean: screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. The 'byobu' package provides very useful additional utilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen14:01
krisedbazhang yes.14:01
icerootbazhang: the repo from then is down14:01
jattno it is a Mobility Radeon HD 365014:01
LjLnepolean: you may want to put it in crontab14:01
icerootbazhang: it will give you 403 and 40414:01
nepoleaniceroot if i use screen. it will run even the ssh connection is terminated?14:02
krisediceroot i wrote in the forum (at remastersys) and the admin replied telling me its up.14:02
nepoleanLjL yes . cront tab is better idea14:02
icerootnepolean: yes14:02
bazhangiceroot, thanks for checking14:02
icerootkrised: then open it in your browser to see14:02
mBisonso 32 bit computer can onl see 3gb memory?14:02
LjLmBison: or thereabouts.14:02
nepoleanLjL how can i run  file.php after 5 mins from now ?14:02
nepoleanLjL in crontab.14:02
krisediceroot i have already when i asked you yesterday but the admin tells me its up so what to do ?14:02
lindschei tried to install the radeon driver, but that didn't work out... does anyone have a workaround for the ati mobility graphic cards, that would allow accelaration?14:02
didi2asalut suis-je au bonne endroit pour chercher de l'aide pour samba pdc avec openldap ?14:03
icerootkrised: what should i say? if it is down what you want us to do?14:03
mBisonman i should have gotten the hp g6 laptop, it was better, i dont think ubuntu is using my graphic card at all14:03
`MarcusWhat's the difference between "useradd" and "adduser"?14:03
icerootkrised: should we say, its up when it is down?14:03
mBisonit states unknown, even tho i got drivers for it14:03
LjLnepolean: crontab doesn't support "x time from now", you need to give a specific time. "man 5 crontab" will give you the format14:03
krisediceroot i understand. Its just bothing me that the admin tells me its up. I thought maybe its not supposed to allow web access.14:04
mBison945 gm intel express family14:04
nepoleanLjL ok.14:04
icerootkrised: 403 yes, but 404 means its down14:04
nepoleanLjL i though nohup will do the same ?14:04
jatt!fr | didi2a14:04
ubottudidi2a: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:04
LjLnepolean: if you look at /etc/crontab it will give you some entries you could copy14:04
krisediceroot ah ok thanks.14:04
shajeershamras@nepolean hi14:04
shajeershamrasnepolian hi14:04
LjLnepolean: not the same as crontab, crontab is for running stuff at specified times (useful also for running them again in case they've stopped)14:04
icerootkrised: i dont see anything we can do about that issue, sorry14:05
edheldil`Marcus:  adduser ask questions, useradd user options. I prefer the latter, as there's also usermod, userdel, groupmod, ...14:05
mBisonis that common for intel 945gm express family graphic cards to show as unknown in sys info?14:05
mBisonUbuntu 11.1014:05
edheldiluseradd useS options14:05
shajeershamraswireless firmware missing....how i can  identify the rite firmware and how to install?14:05
krisediceroot yeah i know. thanks for helping though. I just wish i could get my hands on latest remastersys14:06
nepoleanLjL i see. but nohup php file.php & will also do the required thing ?14:06
nepoleanshajeershamras hi14:06
LjLnepolean: yes, it should14:06
JWFoxJrMultipart question - http://paste.ubuntu.com/817663/14:06
shajeershamrashow to resolve the firmware missing problem14:07
auronandace!here | JWFoxJr14:07
ubottuJWFoxJr: Please give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience. If you have to use more than 3 lines, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com14:07
LjLshajeershamras: i'm not experienced with wireless, but you should specify what card you're using at least for people to answer14:07
shajeershamrasi think its from broadcom14:07
Ziadhello i need some help with intalling ubuntu on a mac14:08
auronandace!mac | Ziad14:08
ubottuZiad: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages14:08
jattJWFoxJr: is this a joke? why use pastebin to ask a simple question?14:08
OerHeksjatt no, that is the channel policy, do not paste multiple lines14:09
JWFoxJrjatt: well, I thought since I asked once and immediately was told to use the paste I did.14:09
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skilzI got Number of screens does not match number of detected devices configuration failed14:09
auronandaceOerHeks: he could have asked it on one line here, check his paste14:10
nepoleanLjL can you tel the command to see processes ?14:10
jattyep one line would suffice14:10
JWFoxJrauronandace: I did ask on one line14:10
LjLOerHeks, jatt: don't *paste* multiple lines, yes, but questions themselves should be asked in the channel. if it takes more than one line because of non-pasted details, so be it.14:10
LjLnepolean: ps aux or top14:10
OerHeksauronandace, i read it now, it is quite short.14:10
JWFoxJrauronandace: scroll back about 15 minutes14:10
pworkHello, I ve a problem with dbus and utmp on oneiric : I manage to get in single user, then gnome-session-fallback crashes, telling me dbus is not accessible14:12
`MarcusHow do I add users to "/etc/sudoers"? I am already in visudo14:12
pworkAny idea ? I just migrated from natty14:12
Guest95169bazhang, here?14:12
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LjL`Marcus: generally it's not necessary. just "adduser username admin" to make a user able to use sudo14:12
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`MarcusLjL: I want to remove them right after though14:13
LjL`Marcus: "deluser username admin" will remove them14:13
`MarcusWill that delete their admin rights or their account?14:13
JWFoxJrauronandace: sorry to inconvenience everyone. I was just trying to use good netiquette. I'll go find my answers elsewhere. Doesn't exactly give me a feeling of "community"14:13
LjL`Marcus: only their admin rights14:13
LjL`Marcus: if you type "deluser username", though (without the "admin"), that will delete the whole user14:14
`MarcusOh, okay14:14
auronandaceJWFoxJr: people will chip in if they know the answer, i have no experience of java sorry14:14
PiciJWFoxJr: Please don't take one person's responses to generalize on the rest of the community.  You may want to try asking in #ubuntu-server as well though, they might have a better clue.14:16
JWFoxJrauronandace: Sorry if I've been a douche - just trying so sick of companies that can't write ubiquitous java apps. I mean that was the point of Java14:16
xslanyone has SMC GB network cards running on ubuntu 10.04?14:18
iceroot!anyone | xsl14:19
ubottuxsl: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.14:19
`MarcusI don't understand this, what's the difference between Ubuntu 11.04 without a GUI and Ubuntu Server 11.04?14:20
iceroot`Marcus: can you remove the `?14:20
xsli need to know if SMC GB network card runs on ubuntu 10.0414:20
`Marcusiceroot: I can change to _Marcus, I don't own the account "Marcus" as it's already taken14:21
iceroot`Marcus: server edition = ubuntu without a gui but with pae kernel, everything else is not usiing pae as default kernel14:21
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iceroot`Marcus: but ` is not nice on qwertz14:21
xslbecause i have a realtek (r8169) that keeps getting IRQ interrupts14:21
LjL_Marcus: best if you do Marcus_ or Marcus`, to make it easy for people to tab-complete it. anyway, you need to leave and rejoin the channel when you change your nickname, while connected from freenode's webchat14:21
MonkeyDustxsl  start here http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-361236-p-2.html14:21
_MarcusLjL: Just did14:22
_MarcusLjL: The closest thing I can be to "Marcus_" is "Marcus___"14:24
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DarthCaeducesWhat is a way wherein a signal can be sent via the local area network wifi exclusively14:25
LjL_Marcus: well it's your choice anyway, just a matter of making it easier for people to reply to you14:25
geekbriDoes anybody know now that sun java is no longer in the partner repo, a good up to date PPA or other apt-get repository to pull it from?14:26
JWFoxJrauronandace: I found a solution - easiest thing to do is just set up a 32 bit Ubuntu VM with VirtualBox14:26
icerootgeekbri: there are no repos with java anymore14:26
auronandaceJWFoxJr: good idea14:26
icerootgeekbri: its not allowed to provide java so you have to go to oracle.com14:26
icerootgeekbri: or better, dont use sun/oracle java but openjdk14:27
geekbriiceroot: yeah unfortunately there are things I have that don't run properly on the openjdk :(14:27
_MarcusWait, I can't get Java with apt-get or anything now?14:28
LjL_Marcus: no, Oracle doesn't allow that anymore.14:28
LjL_Marcus: ask them :) unfortunately it's their product and they can license it the way they want...14:29
auronandace_Marcus: ask oracle (licence issues)14:29
iceroot_Marcus: because oracle is evil like apple14:29
iceroot_Marcus: they dont allow to distribute java14:29
iceroot_Marcus: so its best not using such bad software like sun-java14:29
glennwhat is not working with openjdk?14:30
CaptAnonSome times the sound stops working on the computer?14:31
CaptAnonAny Ideas14:31
_MarcusI see no advantage in not allowing it in the repos.14:32
Ziadwhen will ubuntu 11.10 come out?14:32
mbeierl_Marcus, it's not Canonical that does not allow it, it's Oracle14:32
MonkeyDust_Marcus  go and tell them :)14:32
_Marcusmbeierl: I know14:32
_MarcusMoneyDust: I will :P14:33
meerkatsI need help to allow inbound yacy connections, it seems this firestarter config is not correct, I need help http://imagebin.org/19562214:33
meerkatsport 809014:33
Otacon22UniWhy does exist /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_timestamps  but does not exist /proc/sys/net/ipv6/tcp_timestamps ?14:33
DJonesZiad: It came out on October 201114:33
icerootcan anyone name me the reason why "deja-dup" is pulling "libgnome-control-center1"? i dont see a reason why that is needed14:33
Piciiceroot: Its listed as a dependency.14:34
icerootPici: my question is "why it is listed"14:34
MonkeyDustOtacon22Uni  so why are there timestamps for IPv4 but not for IPv6, you're asking?14:34
Ziadok i was readinthe ubuntu wiki and i think my macbook will only work with ubuntu 10.10. where can i find it?14:35
icerootPici: i dont see anything in libgnome-control-center1 which is needed by deja-dup14:35
CharminTheMooseHow can I insert Ascii codes with nano?14:35
Piciiceroot: Probably because its a tool designed for GNOME. Perhaps it creates an entry in the gnome-control-center?14:35
ts2iceroot: because it's build with GNOME integration, probably14:35
Otacon22UniMonkeyDust, yes, but they are TCP timestamps14:35
Otacon22Unithey prevent sequence number overlapping14:35
icerootPici: ts2 ah ok, yes that makes sense14:35
Otacon22UniI don't understand why that option does not exists for ipv614:35
airtonixiceroot: it appears in the gnome-control-center.14:36
MonkeyDustOtacon22Uni  i think that's beyond this channel, try #network14:36
Otacon22Unik thx14:36
icerootairtonix: which is not availbe on lubuntu :)14:36
Ziadsudo dmidecode -s system-product-name14:36
PiciOtacon22Uni, MonkeyDust: Its ##networking ;)14:36
nivyaji have a question. My friend wrote a program for linux- but I don't know where to install it on my computer. Is there a "best practice " place to install studd14:36
airtonixiceroot: deja-dup cares not14:36
nivyaji have a question. My friend wrote a program for linux- but I don't know where to install it on my computer. Is there a "best practice " place to install stuff14:36
MonkeyDustPici  "#network Channel is open." :)14:36
icerootairtonix: but me .) but i guess there is no better way14:36
ts2nivyaj: usually in /usr/local/14:37
airtonixiceroot: yes there is.14:37
LjLMonkeyDust: yes, it's also, empty.14:37
mbeierlnivyaj, if it's not a system program, I would recommend creating a directory in your home and add that to your path14:37
nivyajts2:  I thought I shouldn't touch /usr14:37
airtonixiceroot: use grsync to an external drive which uses zfs (via zfs fuse)14:37
LjLnivyaj: /usr/local is an exception though. but it's also valid to keep it in your home.14:37
airtonixiceroot: or just use zfs14:38
nivyajLjL: home is where it lists the user on my computer. That's cool?14:38
DJonesZiad: http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/ But bear in mind that it will reach its end of life in April 2012 and won't be updated after that14:38
mbeierlZiad, http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/14:38
LjLnivyaj: i mean the directory /home/yourusername (which can be shortened to ~/). you might want to make a "bin" directory inside it, but that's not strictly necessary.14:38
mbeierlDJones, sorry - lag here I guess :)14:39
LjLnivyaj: but if you want other users to be able to use the program too, then /usr/local it is (like /usr/local/bin)14:39
icerootairtonix: deja-dup is fine, its using pgp by default and so on. the main problem i see is that all the programs are tested with gnome but when you dont have gnome they pull so much (in that case not needed) stuff14:39
icerootairtonix: i bet grsync is pulling gnome-things too which i dont need14:39
Ziadmbeierl: will the new release support my old mac?14:39
MonkeyDustZiad  ask in #ubuntu+114:40
Ziadi really want ubutu but it seems the new release don't work on mine14:40
nivyajLjL: got it.14:40
airtonixiceroot: i don't know i just use the awesomeness of gnome-shell and all it's godly super powers.14:40
nivyajthanks :)14:40
mbeierlZiad, I don't know.  If the macbook is ppc, and not intel chip, then I believe not14:40
icerootZiad: try a live-ced to find out14:40
ignerioushow to install java7 in ubuntu 11.1014:40
Ziadits intel14:40
ignerioushow to install java7 in ubuntu 11.1014:40
airtonixignerious: with paitence14:40
ignerioushow to install java7 in ubuntu 11.1014:40
MonkeyDust!repeat| ignerious14:41
ubottuignerious: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:41
iceroot!info openjdk-7-jre14:41
ubottuopenjdk-7-jre (source: openjdk-7): OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT. In component universe, is optional. Version 7~b147-2.0-0ubuntu0.11.10.1 (oneiric), package size 218 kB, installed size 772 kB14:41
auronandaceignerious: stop repeating14:41
icerootignerious: sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre14:41
airtonix!pm > ignerious14:41
ubottuignerious, please see my private message14:41
icerootairtonix: never tried that one, directly switching to lxde14:41
icerootairtonix: but i guess HUD will bring me back on unity14:41
aethelrickZiad, I'm sure you've been asked this loads... but why replace OSX with Ubuntu on a Mac? I'm pretty sure that there are some significant Apple-ish bits on the Mac that are not supported by Ubuntu (cooling comes to mind)14:41
nivyajLjL: can you remind me again- why shouldn't i touch the usr directory (save this excep0tion?)14:42
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igneriousnot open java14:43
airtonixZiad: you're going to have a horrible time with  : wifi, gpu and cooling with ubuntu on latest macbooks14:43
icerootignerious: then go to oracle.com and download it14:43
igneriousoracle java14:43
icerootignerious: thats the only way14:43
didi2aplease i need help for my server samba openldap14:43
iceroot!details | didi2a14:44
ubottudidi2a: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:44
igneriousi already downloaded it14:44
icerootdidi2a: also see #samba and #openldap14:44
igneriousi already downloaded it14:44
aethelricknivyaj, /usr contains a number of system files that are managed by ubuntu. The exceptions are things in "local" places like /usr/local/bin etc because they are specifically put aside for use by you :)14:44
ignerioushow to configure it14:44
MonkeyDustignerious  http://askubuntu.com/questions/55848/how-do-i-install-oracle-java-jdk-714:44
_MarcusThere, sent Oracle an email. They probably wont care, but I'm happy  now.14:45
aethelricknivyaj, that's what the "local" indicates... in /usr/local means... "made here" the package manager won't drop off anything there and break what you have, the converse is true... if you mess with things under system control, don't be surprised when your changes are overwritten14:46
LjLnivyaj: because it's handled by the package manager14:46
LjLnivyaj: you don't want to interfere with it14:46
igneriousin this page it has shown three of it file to configure14:46
igneriousin this page it has shown three of it file to configure14:47
nivyajLjL: ahh, that's good stuff right there.14:48
nivyajaethelrick: gotcha14:48
nivyajthanks guys :)14:48
blockyif I'd rather not boot from a cd or a usb key, is it difficult to install ubuntu from within my existing fedora system? I also have win714:48
Ziad#ubuntu+1 only discusses 12.0414:48
MonkeyDustignerious  maybe this is more useful http://www.webupd8.org/2011/09/how-to-install-oracle-java-7-jdk-in.html14:49
Ziadwhy is there no 11.10 supported for mac?14:49
MonkeyDustZiad  i guess there's just too little people who want or need it14:51
Ziad11.10? the latest ubuntu?14:51
MonkeyDuston mac14:51
Ziadwhat a shame14:52
Ziadi thought ubuntu works everywhere14:52
_MarcusNot on Macs apparently.14:52
LjLZiad: well you didn't say whether the Mac is PPC, but PPC machines are legacy by now14:53
xslHi, to disable ACPI completely i need to put on my /etc/defaults/grub acpi=off on  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT ( Ubuntu 10.04 )14:53
Ziadi have intel14:53
didi2aI have a problem with my server samba + openldap I can not integrate my xp to domain "the controller could not be contacting"14:53
xslis that correct?14:53
OerHeksZiad, there is a mac 64 bit version >> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/11.10/release/ ubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd64+mac.iso14:53
=== Knorre is now known as Knorre`BNC
Ziadlet me try it14:54
Ziadi was trying to install the 32-bit one i don' undertsad the difference14:54
=== Knorre`BNC is now known as Knorre
Saironwhere does generally messages written to stderr end up?14:55
hrdcorEhello all14:57
edheldilSairon:  on a terminal?14:58
cordovalhow to fix npviewer.bin out of control of flash plugin on a 64-bit?14:58
cordovalany hints on how to fix this mess?14:58
cordovalI killed npviewer.bin but now i don't have flash14:58
cordovalhow to uninstall it and install the right one14:58
cordovalfor 64 bit that does not use  npviewer.bin ?14:59
MonkeyDust!info npviewer14:59
ubottuPackage npviewer does not exist in oneiric14:59
Sairondon't seem to get much on the terminal :\15:02
passerideis 12.04 stable_15:02
DiyarTry useing " Online Accounts" but in time click on create show me this error ?   Error creating account  error getting a request token: SSL handshak failed15:02
LjLpasseride: no15:02
Diyartrying *15:02
passeridehow unstable?15:02
Picipasseride: see #ubuntu+115:03
Calinoupasseride: "unstable" is often a definition15:03
Calinounot an actual state :P15:03
Calinoua ****ton of "unstable" stuff is actually stable and works fine15:03
JWFoxJrpasseride: I think it's either still Alpha 1 or Alpha 215:03
LjLCalinou: until it breaks. there's no guarantee that 12.04 won't break at any time.15:03
CalinouI know15:04
MonkeyDust"i'm immortal until i die"15:04
JWFoxJrIf I wanted to go to vanilla ubuntu to xubuntu without reinstalling, would the easiest way be through tasksel?15:04
abbaziaciao a tutti15:04
JWFoxJrI meant go from, then to15:04
LjLJWFoxJr: why not just sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop?15:04
_MarcusHello abbazia15:05
iceroot!purexfce | JWFoxJr15:05
ubottuJWFoxJr: If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »15:05
JWFoxJrLjL: I suppose I could - would I then just remove gnome-shell and ubuntu-desktop15:05
icerootJWFoxJr: no use what ubottu told you to remove gnome15:05
CaptAnonQuestion, Does ssh -X11 opens up a gui and then the same thing happens on both computers?15:06
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meerkatsis there a firestarter irc?15:06
icerootCaptAnon: no15:06
iceroot!alis | meerkats15:07
ubottumeerkats: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*15:07
JWFoxJriceroot: will do - lets blow some S%&* up. LOL15:07
CaptAnonIs it possible to control GUI programs remotely ?15:07
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icerootCaptAnon: vnc15:07
chiiiiizCan anyone help me out with user 's management rights?15:07
icerootCaptAnon: or teamviewer, everything else is using a different session then the one you see oon the remote system15:08
JWFoxJrbrb - have to switch to a terminal program that *won't* be uninstalled.15:08
mBisonhow do i check to see if my computer has the right drivers for my graphic card?15:08
chiiiiizI have 2 users, and I would like to share mounts between these 2, but I want them to have the same rights on the content15:08
chiiiiizhow do I do that with fstab?15:08
icerootCaptAnon: put them in the same group15:08
icerootCaptAnon: wrong nick15:08
icerootchiiiiiz: put them in the same group15:08
chiiiiiziceroot: I have for each user a group with the user's name (one group fred, and one group nath). I must add fred to the group nath, and nath o the group fred?15:10
aethelrickchiiiiiz, add both users to a group called "funky" or anything you like and then make sure that group has permissions you require15:11
mBisonhow do i check to see if my computer has the right drivers for my graphic card? ubuntu 11.1015:11
nivyajwhen I get an instruction like this --------"Download sbt-launch.jar and place it in ~/bin. " they mean  I should put it in  /home/yourusername/makeABinDirectory15:11
MonkeyDustmBison  try lshw -C display15:12
aethelricknivyaj, that's one way to do it :) basically they want you to make sure the file is in your path so it can be easily run15:12
=== Mud is now known as Guest62303
nivyajaethelrick:  thanks :)... This website describes the file structure of linux... it's a little old, but has the file structure changed much? http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/linuxdir.html15:14
=== sblasbla is now known as kohi
aethelricknivyaj, just glanced at it... it looks familiar and roughly right to my eye :)15:15
mBisonMonkeyDust: it doesnt state the driver15:15
chiiiiiz_aethelrick: shall I change the owner, or only the rights (shall I user chown or chmod)?15:15
chiiiiiz_How sahll I say give rwx rights to any member of the group funky on the folder 'files'?15:16
ignerioushow to use update-alternative recursiveley to link all files to bin15:16
ignerioushow to use update-alternative recursiveley to link all files to bin15:17
_cbcan i put /opt on a separate drive ?15:17
auronandacemBison: what is the output of: lspci | grep vga15:17
ignerioushow to use update-alternative recursiveley to link all files to bin15:17
mBisonMonkeyDust: driver is i915 for Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics15:17
_cbActually question should be how do I put /opt on a separate drive?15:18
ikonia_cb: why do you want to ?15:18
ignerioushow to use update-alternative recursiveley to link all files to bin15:18
aethelrickchiiiiiz_, chmod15:18
ignerioushow to use update-alternative recursiveley to link all files to bin15:18
nivyajaethelrick: cool. thanks :)15:19
ignerioushow to use update-alternative recursiveley to link all files to bin15:19
_cbikonia the system I am installing keeps all data in /opt so I want to have OS on 1 logical volume (2 drives rad 10) and data on another logical volume (2 drives raid 10)15:19
MonkeyDust!repeat| ignerious15:19
ubottuignerious: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:19
aethelricknivyaj, you may want to look here for a more detailed explanation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard15:19
auronandaceignerious: link all files to bin?15:19
CharminTheMooseHow can I insert Ascii codes with nano?15:20
ikonia_cb: just create a logical volume / partition, mount it, copy the data from /opt onto it, unmount it, update /etc/fstab, remove the data from the old /opt directory, reboot and your done15:20
_cbIkonia, coll will try that. Thanks !15:21
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metadandoes anyone know if it's possible to get into a terminal during an ubuntu install?15:21
aethelrickchiiiiiz_, you doing this at mount time in fstab did you say?15:21
nivyajaethelrick: oh, that's muuuuuch better. thanks15:21
aethelrickchiiiiiz_, and is this a local directory or a network share?15:21
ikonia_cb: really is that simple15:21
ikoniametadan: what for ?15:21
metadanI have the ubuntu 11.04 server install can't find /media/cdrom issue15:21
ikoniametadan: during the install it can't find /media/cdrom ?15:22
metadanyeah need to ln -s /cdrom /media/cdrom15:22
ikoniametadan: don't think you do15:22
metadanit's a known bug15:22
_cbikonia I was trying to figure how to do it via manual partitions but your method is a lot easier. Thanks !15:22
ikoniametadan: under what circumstacnces15:22
Yudracan someone thats familiar with all the ubuntu flavors give me a PM, I dont wanna spam this channel too much with my onslaught of questions15:22
metadanikonia: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/72658115:22
ikoniametadan: if it's a known bug can you give me the bug id15:22
ubottuUbuntu bug 727783 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Natty) "duplicate for #726581 Installing packages from CD repository fails due to changed CD-ROM default mount point" [High,Fix released]15:22
ikoniametadan: perfect, thank you15:22
MonkeyDustYudra  the purpose of this channel is: asking questions15:23
ikoniametadan: just alt F2/F3 keys to get a terminal15:24
metadanikonia: during the install?15:24
ikoniametadan: pretty much as soon as the kernel has booted for the installer15:24
YudraMonkeyDust: ok then, im trying to get a highly customizable easy to work with environment, but not something thats semi broken (i had some serious issues with kubuntu because of the maun package manager)15:24
metadanikonia: cheers i'll try it15:25
ikoniametadan: that should be enough time to get a terminal15:25
MonkeyDustYudra  then try openbox15:25
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YudraMonkeyDust: is it capable of alot of eye candy like KDE4?15:26
YudraI like KDE4, just not some of the preinstalled packages15:27
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alex88hi guys, i've installed liboauth-php package, restarted server, but still no OAuth class available, any idea?15:27
SivikI'm trying to remove a module using modprobe and it says its not in use but its there when I run lsmod15:27
MonkeyDustYudra  Pinguy has a lot of eyecandy, but it's not supported here15:27
saganbytehi there15:28
saganbyteI m having some trouble installing Ubuntu Server 10.04 on a netbook which has no CD ROM15:28
saganbyteI m using a USB15:28
VictorCLhow can I count how many files with extention .php are inside a folder recursively¿15:29
saganbyteand the insstall fails at getting to a CD ROM15:29
YudraMonkeyDust: is there a way to install KDE without installing the whole desktop environment?15:29
Siviksaganbyte, did you follow the instructions on how to burn the iso onto a cd?15:29
MonkeyDustYudra  can't say15:29
saganbyteSivik, i m using a USB15:29
saganbyteSivik, there is no CD ROM drive on my netbook15:29
aethelrickYudra, KDE _is_ the K Desktop Environment15:29
auronandaceYudra: what? kde is the desktop environment15:29
Siviksaganbyte, did you follow the burn instructions to usb from the ubuntu site?15:29
Yudraoh lol15:29
mneptokVictorCL: ls -Rl /path/to/files | grep php | wc -l15:29
Siviksaganbyte, http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download step 215:30
xanguaYudra: you could try the Minimal cd and then Try to install just the stuff you need15:30
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD15:30
metadanikonia: looks all good - thanks for the help15:30
VictorCLok thanks15:30
ikoniametadan: nice job15:30
saganbyteSivik, that makes sense... coz i had used unetbootin15:30
saganbyteSivik, thanks!15:30
Yudraxangua: i have that CD, but it still installes the packagemanager and screws it up15:30
mBisonis i915 the right driver for Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics?15:31
aethelrickSivik, what is your goal? if you need to run a KDE specific package... it may work with minimal requirements under another desktop15:31
Siviksaganbyte, try those instructions.  I have used them before.15:31
Sivikaethelrick, its nothing to do with a GUI15:31
MonkeyDustmBison  rather ask that in #hardware15:31
SivikI'm trying to remove r8169 module for the network to use the r8168 driver instead15:32
xanguaYudra: well you never said exactly what is wrong with the package manager15:32
SivikI can load the r8168, but not unload the r816915:32
mBisoni thought this was ubuntu15:32
Sivikr8169 is the wrong module to be used and thus causing my network issue15:32
Sivikaethelrick, not a KDE/GUI issue15:32
aethelrickSivik, sorry... named you by mistake, I meant Yudra15:32
Sivikaethelrick, oh ok, I was like, kde is not involved.15:32
MonkeyDustmBison  in #ubuntu-offtopic, you'll find hardware geeks right now15:33
Yudraxangua: i think its a known bug, but it screws up the dpkg and then i cant use it at all15:33
metadanikonia: hmmm, no fails again same thing15:33
metadanikonia: if i ls /media/cdrom it sees the cd files15:33
Yudrait freeses when updating and/or installing new packages.....so it litterally is pointless15:33
Sivikawesome, no one seems to be able to help me15:34
aethelrickYudra, what is your goal? if you need to run a KDE specific package... it may work with minimal requirements under another desktop15:34
CaptAnonDoes alsamixer work over ssh?15:34
ededdySivik: blacklist the one you don15:34
Sivikededdy, how do you blacklist it?15:34
ededdySivik: read :-)15:34
respondall.. can i make own distro with ubuntu, such.. am need make acehrespond.iso15:34
aethelrickSivik, have you tried "installing" the module then removing it... thus modprobe... followed by a modprobe -r15:34
Sivikaethelrick, yes, thats where it won't remove it, after I installed the new one15:34
Yudraaethelrick: to use Kubuntu as a normal operating system as a replacement for an OS not to be mentioned15:34
MonkeyDustrespond  there are about 150 ubuntu forks15:35
respondMonkeyDust, 150 ubuntu forks ? what that mean >..15:35
aethelrickSivik, I mean... modprobe r8169 then modprobe -r r816915:35
aethelrickSivik, then try to install your new module r816815:35
MonkeyDustrespond  about 150 distros based on ubuntu15:36
metadanikonia: could i use mnt or something?15:36
ikoniametadan: sorry, I missed the question,15:36
respondMonkeyDust, so... that aviable you mean. am can used own distro based on ubuntu...15:36
metadanikonia: it failed - took longer than i thought - same thing, even though i'd linked cdrom to media/cdrom15:36
CaptAnonDoes alsamixer work over ssh?15:36
respondMonkeyDust, but can i used diferent style for new distro ? some application maybe.15:37
metadanikonia: so instead of symlinking could i mount it there?15:37
aethelrickYudra, if you want kubuntu... install it... do you have a problem stopping you from doing this? or do you not know how? (please help me to help you)15:38
ikoniametadan: no15:38
metadanikonia: cool15:38
auronandacerespond: why do you need to make a ubuntu based distro?15:38
ikoniametadan: if the symlink doesn't work, mounting won't15:38
ikoniametadan: if you did ls -la /cdrom you could see the files correctly ?15:38
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Yudraaethelrick: ok, how do i install Kubuntu without installing muon?15:39
metadanikonia: yep15:39
respondauronandace, am need used ubuntu with my langue, atjeh15:39
ikoniametadan: update the bug then15:39
LjLYudra: why can't you install kubuntu-desktop and then remove muon later? (besides, what harm does having muon installed cause?)15:39
ikoniametadan: sounds like more info is needed to be fed into15:39
metadanikonia: ok will do - thanks again15:39
YudraLjL: the first update breaks dpkg15:39
MonkeyDustrespond  try Remastersys http://www.remastersys.com/forums/index.php?topic=406.015:40
ikoniametadan: sorry it didn't work for you15:40
aethelrickYudra, does you computer already have ubuntu on it? if not, download a kubuntu CD and pop it in. If it does then simply "apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" in a terminal15:40
LjLYudra: muon is a recommend, so you can install "kubuntu-desktop" without recommends, and then install all the *other* recommends15:41
xanguaYudra: you haven't even said the error, you just saids it may be a 'know bug'15:41
respondMonkeyDust, Remastersys that can include my service and my style to ???/ am have make learn folder at My Document15:41
LjLYudra: "sudo apt-get --no-install-recommends install kubuntu-desktop"15:41
aethelrickYudra, um... probably best to put a "sudo " in front of that command I gave you15:41
respondMonkeyDust, and am need shared that folder to on my new distro based from ubuntu ?15:41
Yudraaethelrick: it did, i had to reinstall something horribible, ill give it another go, and come back here once i start having the issue15:42
MonkeyDustrespond  i'm not famimiliar with it or skilled enough, explore the possibilities a bit to find out15:42
respondMonkeyDust, what need am explore15:42
respondMonkeyDust, yes... i know you not familiar about remaster of ubuntu for make new distro. but did you can give me some ref maybe for explore that..15:43
t0kenso...when do we get the fix for the /proc/mem vuln on oneiric?15:44
pworkHello, I'm about to install a fresh Oneiric on an older Natty LVM partition table. /boot is on sda1, / is on sda2. I m following the install wizard from the Live CD, but I can't tell sda2 is LUKS/LVM. If I choose ext2 orso, I guess I'll loose the VG and data. Could you tell me how to reuse a LVM partition ?15:44
LjLMonkeyDust: err, asking whether a given ubuntu driver is the correct one for a given card does belong here.15:47
aethelrickpwork, are you using the alternate cd?15:47
_cbI just installed ubuntu server to one logical drive. How do I mount and format the second drive?15:48
chiiiiizaethelrick: your solution rocks!!!15:49
chiiiiizOnly 1 problem: the new files created by one user o the other after the mount belong to each user specifically15:49
aethelrickchiiiiiz, glad to help :)15:49
mBison#ubuntu-offtopic and ##hardware said they are not a support channel15:50
MrokiiCan somebody explain to me why Update Manager wants do deinstall Banshee, Cairo-Dock, gimp and a few other apps when I try to install Midori? Does that make any sense?15:50
chiiiiizHow can I tell that any new file will belong to the group funcky? I guess it is a gid problem...15:50
mBisonMonkeyDust: #ubuntu-offtopic and ##hardware said they are not a support channel15:51
LjLmBison: google seems to confirm the driver is i91515:51
aethelrickchiiiiiz, you can set the setgid bit on the directory... e.g. chmod g+s /your/dir and the files will be in the right group by default (when created)15:51
mBisondo i can run compiz now?15:51
xanguaMrokii: it would make sence you share the output instead of especting us to guess ;)15:52
chiiiiizchmod g+s /my/dir... where do I specify the group the new files must belong to?15:52
Mrokiixangua: What output?15:53
aethelrickchiiiiiz, you set that permission on the directory... then files made in that directory inherit the directories group15:53
xanguaMrokii: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade15:53
aethelrickchiiiiiz, thus chgrp on the directory to get a "default" group set (which I think you already did)15:53
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respondwhat desktop for ubuntu we can do... such kde, gnome, and what more...15:54
auronandacerespond: xfce, lxde, enlightenment15:54
xanguarespond: xfce, lxde and any light window manager you want15:54
xanguaooh forgot E :315:55
chiiiiizaethelrick: I did, and then specified some mount --bind in my fstab for both users... so now both users have full rights on the existing files (I did it recursively ).. only remained the newly created files15:55
respondauronandace, what you recomendation for me am used old pc, and am not love gui15:55
respondor am need easy gui for my ubuntu what you recomen, auronandace and xangua15:55
chiiiiizyou did the thing, and I understood these ownership things... first time someone says it clear!! double thanks15:55
xanguarespond: anything you want ;)15:56
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auronandacerespond: xfce is my favourite, lxde is best for very old hardware15:56
respondauronandace, thanks i will try to find it15:56
hypnois there something special that needs to be done in order to grant X-login for other users?15:58
hypnofor some reason, when i try to login as another user i just added, the screen just flickers and i'm returned to the first login page again.15:58
Mrokiixangua: Oops, sorry, I didn't mean Update-Manager, I meant Synaptic. I was just trying to install Midori and Synaptic wanted to remove a bunch of other apps totally unrelated to Midori.15:59
imbezolhypno: can you log in as that user on a virtual terminal?15:59
hypnoimbezol: yes.15:59
spiiphHi. I'm on oneiric, and I can't seem get my .Xresources to be parsed with xrdb. Can someone tell me how Ubuntu handles loading of x session scripts?15:59
hypnoimbezol: assuming you are meaning a standard tty and not X. ssh login works as well, so does X hosting. but logging in through gdm (or whatever ubuntu uses) do not for some reason.15:59
imbezolhypno: have you checked your /var/log/Xorg.0.log?16:00
imbezolhypno: you could also look for ~/.xsession-errors16:00
hypnoimbezol: ah. 2 secs.16:00
Geniusbuenos días alguien podria ayudarme16:03
MrokiiSo the real question is: Why does *Synaptic* want to remove things like Banshee, Cairo-Dock, desktopcouch, gimp, gwibber, lots of libs, and even software-center just to be able to install Midori. Doesn't make any sense to me.16:03
auronandaceMrokii: midori? the browser?16:04
xanguaMrokii: then try: sudp apt-get install midori16:04
imbezolGenius: try speaking in english16:04
LjL!es | Genius16:04
ubottuGenius: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:04
Mrokiiauronandace: Yep.16:04
auronandaceMrokii: it shouldn't need to remove anything16:05
Geniusok gracias16:05
Mrokiiauronandace: That's what I thought.16:05
sanitreehi all. having a problem with my ssh keys on ubuntu server 11.10: If I log in to my Ubuntu server it asks for a password instead of taking my key. If I then try log in a second time with the initial ssh session still running, the ubuntu box logs me in with my ssh key16:05
sanitreeif i turn off password auth, it doesn't let me log on at all16:05
sanitreeany ideas?16:05
sattyinstalled ubuntu 11.10, but whenever power go, system says battery is critically low and it shut down abruptly16:05
_cbIf I mount a drive onto the opt folder than anything written to the opt folder is actually written to the drive, correct?16:06
hypnoimbezol: ah, found it. thanks. :)16:06
imbezolsanitree: does it ask for the ssh key password, or the server password?16:06
sanitreeserver password16:06
sanitreefor troubleshooting this i setup a new key without a passphrase16:07
MonkeyDustsanitree  to log in  you mean?16:07
sanitreeto log into the remote ubuntu box via ssh yes16:07
imbezolsanitree: what are the permissions on ~ and ~/.ssh ?16:07
AndyUbuntu1afternoon everyone :)16:07
MonkeyDustlogin needs a password, or what am i missing16:07
AndyUbuntu1Does anyone know if it is possible to add titles to a video using PiTiVi?16:08
imbezolsanitree: other users should not be able to enter your ~/.ssh directory or write to it16:08
gplikespiehey people does anyone know what a good c++ program with a compiler is?16:08
sanitreepermissions are  700 for both ~ and ~/.ssh16:08
AndyUbuntu1would be awesome if i could :P16:08
imbezolsanitree: anything in the logs? that's very odd16:09
sanitreei had a quick glance but couldn't see anything16:09
sanitreeis there a specific log i should be looking at?16:09
imbezolsanitree: probably your /var/log/auth.log, but take a look at syslog too16:10
imbezolsanitree: when the user is denied access, something should get written there16:10
Mrokiixangua: There seems to be something wrong, as I get an "unmet dependencies"-error, regarding libwebkitgtk. And trying to reinstall it isn't working. Very strange.16:11
xanguaMrokii: what ubuntu version are you using¿16:11
Mrokiixangua: 11.1016:12
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Autokilledhow to install ubuntu from windows16:12
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Autokilledwithou cd/usb16:12
sanitreeok, ill turn off password auth and then try loggin in with a key16:12
xanguaMrokii: tried the Fix option for apt¿ sudo apt-get install -f16:13
xanguaAutokilled: ubuntu.com tells you how with Wubi, but i preffer a real install16:13
shaneohey guys im getting this wierd error on boot ata_id 221 HDIO_get_identity failed to get I915 signal failed /dev/sdb16:13
Mrokiixangua: Yep, but that didn't change anything. Despite getting a "broken package"-message at some point, there does not really seem to be a broken package anywhere.16:14
spiiphTrying again: Does anyone know what's responsible for setting up X in ubuntu? /etc/X11/Xsession doesn't seem to be it, and although scripts in /etc/X11/Xsession.d are loaded, some variables necessary for e.g. 30x11-common_xresourses do not seem to be set.16:15
mossman_hello can anybody give a tip about networking?16:17
shaneoomg so many joins16:17
shaneomossman_ ??16:17
Pumpkin-mossman_: ##networking might be better, but if its a ubuntu related networking question, ask away.16:17
Autokilledif i have free space/direcctor16:18
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MonkeyDustshaneo  type /ignore +joins to hide it16:18
Autokilledand wanna to install ubuntu with wubi16:18
mossman_wifi works well in house but i can't find IP address of AP to change essid16:18
Autokilledto it16:18
shaneomossman_ what kind of router is it16:19
DiyarIs this server iq.archive.ubuntu.com/ in side Iraq ? or out side iraq?16:19
_MarcusI am trying to access this folder, but it says I'm not allowed to as I don't have the right privileges. I tried using sudo, but it said "cd" isn't a valid command with sudo16:19
_MarcusWhat should I do?16:19
ikonia_Marcus: what exactly are you trying to do ?16:19
_MarcusAccess a folder16:19
_MarcusWith cd16:19
mossman_echolife, everything works well, DHCP range is from 100-254 (router is number 1)16:20
ikonia_Marcus: which folder16:20
bobweaverHello there I have a server running ubuntu 11.10 and can not update or install anything ever sence I hooked it up to a staic line. It is giving me the error  Something wicked happened resolving 'us.archive.ubuntu.com:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)  . What do I do ? Thanks for your time16:20
shaneomossman_ do ifconfig should give you your ap's ip16:20
LjLDiyar: doesn't seem to actually be in Iraq16:21
ikoniabobweaver: look at your dns settings16:21
_Marcusikonia: etc/ircd-hybrid16:21
shaneooops sorry16:21
xafarderanyone know if there are some server like Megaupload active?16:21
ikonia_Marcus: ok - so for that I'd chmod the directory to have better permissions16:21
xafarderwith content to download16:21
ikoniaxafarder: nothing to do with ubuntu16:21
MrokiiThere is something strange with Synaptic anyway. For a long time now it shows me the message "1 update has been selected. 2kB will be downloaded". But the window in which the updates are list is empty. I receive regular updates as usual, but even when I update them all, the mentioned message is still there.16:21
xafarderikonia, sorry but16:21
bobweaverikonia: /etc/hosts ? /etc/hostnames ?16:21
ikoniabobweaver: /etc/resolv.conf16:21
ikoniaxafarder: no buts, nothing to do with ubuntu, so not for this channel16:21
xafarderwhere can i ask then16:21
_Marcusxafarder: I saw one, it allows you to upload anything you want, no legal restrictions. It was owned by Yahoo Inc.16:22
xafarderwell thanks _Marcus16:22
mossman_ifconfig shows me the IP of the modem...16:22
shaneoyeah that was my mistake sorry16:22
shaneosome isp's block you from changing your essid16:23
shaneoso make sure they wont first before you even bother16:23
bobweaverikonia:  there are 4 lines 2 are ipaddress and one is domain  other is search ? what should I be altering or commenting out ?16:23
shaneoeverytime i change my essid and pasword to the router they change it again16:23
ikoniabobweaver: nothing - those are your dns servers, for some reason they are not working / responding to you16:24
dst502Heya, quick question -- does Ubuntu One still sync if I don't use Unity? I have installed fluxbox (from the repositories)16:24
mossman_they wouldn't even know because the modem goes into a switch, then into another router16:24
_Marcusikonia: What should i chmod it? I don't want 777, because everyone would have access.16:24
ikoniabobweaver: could be you are on the wrong network, they are unavailable, could be anything, but the issue is you cannot use them16:24
LjLshaneo: get your own router then. it seems very bad policy to have a fixed password for customers :\16:24
ikonia_Marcus: something that allows your user access16:24
shaneoLjL no kidding the password is only 8 digits16:24
shaneoand its sooooooo easy16:25
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_cbIs opt typically ext 4?16:26
paradoxlordkind of an odd question but what kernel does Ubuntu use?16:26
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Tinned_Tunaparadoxlord: it uses a Linux Kernel16:26
shaneoso guys does anyone know what this error means ata_id 221 HDIO_get_identity failed to get I915 signal failed /dev/sdb16:26
shaneoparadoxlord right now16:27
Tinned_Tunaparadoxlord: on mine, it's 3.0.0-1416:27
paradoxlordthank you'16:27
Defense|TwinHi, I have a problem with my ubuntu and pulseaudio. I would like to use pulseaudio with the output 'Digital Surround (IEC958)' (Toslink) but pavucontrol offers only 'Digital Stereo (IEC958)'. Does anybody know why there is no option for surround sound?16:27
bobweaverikonia:  it use to be dhcp . My question for you good sir is when it was dhcp could it have "left" it there and now it is not able to connect to the last one that it was connected to? is that how relov works ?16:27
_Marcusikonia: I set it to 774 and I still cannot access it16:28
whoeverhi all, I have googled and can not get an answer , what is the escape key good for now a days, other then taking up keyboard realastate ?16:28
shaneowhoever depend what you do with a keyboard16:28
shaneoi use esc to back out of configurations in psybnc16:29
bentkusirssi uses it for escape chracters, special keys16:29
shaneoand theres a million other good reasons to have one16:29
bobweaver!resolv.conf >> bobweaver16:29
Tinned_Tunawhoever: starting flame wars.16:30
shaneowhoever but you can take yours off ur keyboard then youll find out what its good for when you dont have one16:30
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raheelhow to install google chrome via terminal?16:32
LjLraheel: why don't you install Chromium? it's almost the same as Chrome, it's open source, and it's in the repos.16:33
shaneohow do i allow software manager to install un authenticated security packages16:33
LjLraheel: sudo apt-get install chromium-browser16:33
LjLshaneo: why are they unauthenticated? are they coming from Ubuntu's security repo?16:33
LjL!gpgerr | shaneo, they should be authenticated16:34
ubottushaneo, they should be authenticated: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> »16:34
shaneointernational components for unicode16:34
whoevershaneo: it used to be use to quit  and now it seems to do nothing16:35
shaneostill quits youtube videos16:35
deitarionIs there any way to either blank out the "Recently Used" list in the open dialog WITHOUT disabling individual application MRU lists or to disable them on a per-application basis?16:36
deitarion...or is my only option to grab the source tarballs and neuter MRU functionality in any GTK+ application I might use to view adult content?16:37
shaneoLjL: Err http://security.ubuntu.com oneiric-security Release.gpg16:37
shaneo  Something wicked happened resolving 'security.ubuntu.com:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)16:37
juhorecorder in upuntu linux??16:38
juho*best recorder*16:38
bobweavershaneo: lol I am dealing with the same thing16:38
duellejuho: What do you want to record?16:38
Picishaneo: Have you changed your DNS settings recently?16:38
juhou stupid16:39
Picishaneo: Can you pastebin the contents of /etc/resolv.conf please?16:39
Picijuho: insults aren't necessary here.16:39
LjLshaneo: uhm, pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list16:41
nichosWould some one please provide me a link to a quick and dirty means to customize GNOME 3 with the level of granularity available to previous versions?16:41
shaneoPici: http://paste.ubuntu.com/817840/16:42
chaospsychexdoes anyone know how to DISABLE a touchpad on a laptop? does it use a kernel module?16:42
mcriddleshey guys16:42
mcriddlescan someone help me?16:42
nichosFire away. No need to ask to ask. :)16:42
chaospsychexmcriddles: with?16:42
ekaleidoif you actually ask a question, it is possible someone can help :)16:43
mcriddlesalright then :)16:43
mcriddleswell, i'm trying to "open with.." an application16:43
mcriddlesthe trouble is, the application is not on the list16:43
mcriddlesnor in the "other applications" that are suggested16:43
mcriddles(yes, i'm new to linux)16:43
chaospsychexmcriddles: what application would u like to use to open the file?16:43
mcriddlesi mean, it's really simple, i wanna use Sublime Text 2 to open up a text document16:44
Picishaneo: How about the output of: dig ubuntu.com16:44
chaospsychexmcriddles: hit ALT-F2 and type in the application name16:44
htmlmcriddles,  welcome to lunix/ubuntu16:44
chaospsychexmcriddles: auto-complete should help u finish entering it in, then u can open the file from within the app16:44
shaneoPici: http://paste.ubuntu.com/817846/16:45
juhoSo what is the best recording program upuntus16:45
ozstrikersto seguendo questa guida  http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/Webcam/Microdia  e ha un errore in compilazione non trova una directory ,è un hama ac-150 / http://paste.ubuntu.com/817798/16:45
mcriddlesyes, that i know, i'm trying to set the application as the default app, though16:45
shaneokazan screencaster16:45
auronandace!best | juho16:45
ubottujuho: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:45
mcriddlesfor this file type16:45
kamilPOWITAC niewitanych Panowie i Panie :D16:45
shaneojuho: *kazam16:45
Mrokiimcriddles: You could also install Ubuntu-Tweak. It should let you change the standard-apps for specific filetypes (amongst a bunch of other things).16:45
htmlmcriddles,  what do you need?16:45
Zzzsssshi ..16:45
Picishaneo: hmm...16:46
Zzzsssswhich channel is for PHP ?16:46
chaospsychexmcriddles: SYSTEM>PREFERENCES>Preferred Applications16:46
htmlZzzssss, hi16:46
pangolinkamil: English please16:46
Zzzsssshi html.. PHP channel ?16:46
shaneoPici: Yeah this happens alot16:46
juhoTank you16:46
pangolinZzzssss: ##php16:47
Zzzssssbtw, i am disabling expose=off in php.ini file but its not getting disable, what could be reason ?16:47
mcriddlesMrokii, that sounds like a good idea16:47
Picishaneo: How about dig security.ubuntu.com ?16:47
mcriddleshtml, i'm trying to set an application as a default for opening text files, but the application is not in the "preferred applications" list16:48
vindolinsublime2 for linux?!?! ^_^16:48
vindolinthanks mcriddles!16:48
=== Guest85253 is now known as AndrewX192
mcriddleshuh? what?16:48
mcriddleswhat did i do?16:48
pablorubuntu spanish?16:48
pangolinpablor: #ubuntu-es16:48
shaneoPici: http://paste.ubuntu.com/817851/16:48
pablorok thanks16:48
htmlmcriddles,  you simply add it to the list, find the file, then right click ,16:49
mcriddlesvildolin, you're welcome?.. i guess....? :P16:49
auronandacemcriddles: if the app you are trying to use is a windows one installed in wine i'mnot sure it would appear in that list16:49
ozstrikersto seguendo questa guida  http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/Webcam/Microdia  e ha un errore in compilazione non trova una directory ,è un hama ac-150 / http://paste.ubuntu.com/817798/16:49
mcriddleshtml, that's the problem, i can only add items that are listed, and mine is unlisted16:50
pangolin!it | ozstriker16:50
ubottuozstriker: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:50
SerythIs it possible to find out the RPM of my drive from terminal?16:50
CaptAnonGreetings again gentlemen, Is there an equivalent to rythmbox-client for and video players like vlc?16:50
juhoubuntu-tweak no communication16:50
CaptAnonI suppose are they just called clients?16:50
Picishaneo: Hrm.. This should JustWork.16:50
mcriddlesauronandace, i don't even have wine, and my application (Sublime Text 2), doesn't even need an installation16:51
htmlmcriddles,  we need a snapshot  of what your talkin about, then pastebin16:51
shaneoill paste you the results of apt-get16:51
Picishaneo: sounds good16:51
mcriddleshtml, i can't take a snapshot of something that doesn't exist.. :)16:51
shaneoPici: just dont know if it will help but ...16:51
jonhanonymous deface fbi site -> http://imgchili.com/show/4392/4392629_british81.jpg16:51
supNowI have an issue where my display randomly goes fuzzy. I'm running ubuntu 11.10 Duel Boot on a mac Anyone know of a fix?16:51
SerythCaptAnon: Many. Banshee, audacious, parole are all examples of music players. For video players: VLC, Movie player, Parole, mplayer, and tons more.16:52
htmlmcriddles,  yes you can ,16:52
Mrokiijuho: What's the problem with Ubuntu Tweak? I've used it for a long time without almost any complaint. It makes tweaking stuff a lot more easier, imho.16:52
auronandacemcriddles: i've never heard of sublime text 2, is it some sort of web app?16:53
CaptAnonThanks Seryth  But I mean something that I can control over the command line16:53
maxtmahemis /etc/apt/sources.list.d a folder I can drop new source lists files into for them to automagially work?16:53
mcriddlesno, it is a simple tool for opening text files16:53
SerythCaptAnon: Ah. There are music players that do so, not sure about video players16:53
htmljonh, dont post these links, its not even what your talkin about16:53
mcriddlesauronandace, i simply want to open a textfile with something that is not in the "open with.." list.16:54
auronandacemcriddles: how did you install sublime text 2?16:54
shaneomaxtmahem: no but you can add sources to the file16:54
bobweavermcriddles: press alt+f2 then enter  <name of program>  /path/to/file.txt16:54
yairgothis isn't ubuntu specific but, if I run `which git` the return value is /usr/bin/git, but if I run `git --version` the output is '-bash: /usr/local/bin/git: No such file or directory' this seems like a pathing issue, but how can the command `git` try to run from somewhere other than what `which git` returns?16:54
mcriddlesauronandace, i didn't. it doesn't require an installation.16:54
CaptAnonYes rhythmbox-client works well for music, But I would like to use video also16:54
mcriddlesbobweaver, i want it to become the default application the file opens with.16:55
Mrokiimcriddles: I guess you already tried to add the app via the "add"-button in the file-information-window?16:55
shaneoCpatAnon: VLC would do it16:55
bobweavermcriddles: open settings16:55
auronandacemcriddles: where did you get it from then?16:55
mcriddlesMrokii, i did.16:55
bobweavermcriddles:  what is program ?16:55
Picimcriddles: Yes, /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ is a path that you can drop files into.16:55
shaneoomg apt-get is taking sooooooo long16:55
Picimcriddles: sorry, wrong person.16:55
mcriddlesfrom here - http://www.sublimetext.com/216:55
Picimaxtmahem:  Yes, /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ is a path that you can drop files into.16:56
Mrokiimcriddles: well, if that didn't help I'd rellay recommend trying Ubuntu Tweak.16:56
mcriddlesMrokii, thanks, i will try that.16:56
CaptAnonshaneo,  How do I do it with vlc??16:56
bobweavermcriddles:  open terminal and type in : sudo  loacte sublime   what is the path ? then enter path into the default settings16:57
bobweavermcriddles:  locate16:57
mcriddlesalright, let's assume i already know the path to the app16:58
shaneoCaptAnon: you can setup telnet interfaces on VLC16:58
asdasdasdasdai have a problem with my ubuntu 11.10... i want to use dual monitor, but always if i activate it the window borders, the launcher and the task bar is not longer visible... my system: ubuntu 11.10 64 bit, geforce 330 m16:58
CaptAnonfor rhythmbox it is simply rhythmbox-client16:58
CaptAnonWhat is it for vlc16:58
shaneoCaptAnon: Go to View > Add Interface > Telnet Interface16:58
pangolinmcriddles: the path is /whereyou/extracted/sublime_text16:59
trkemistI have a question everyone...16:59
LewisAnyone active? Need some help with an install.16:59
trkemistI have 2 sound devices loaded, both alsamixer *and* pulseaudio16:59
trkemistis this correct?16:59
htmlmcriddles, http://linux.about.com/od/ubuntu_doc/a/ubudg10t10.htm16:59
infidhow can i find out what version of a package apt-get would install without installing it?16:59
mcriddlesyes, pangolin, but what do i do with it?16:59
shaneoCaptAnon: youll need to know what port your vlc is broadcasting on and your ip16:59
bastidrazorinfid: apt-cache policy packagename16:59
bobweavermcriddles:  http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-set-gvim-as-default-text-editor-instead-of-gedit-on-ubuntu-11-10.html17:00
LewisI'm trying to install from a USB stick to an N40L Microserver but for some reason it's failing to 'mount the CD-ROM' ?17:00
infidbastidrazor: the line in that that says 'candidate'?17:00
pangolinmcriddles: in the "open with" window there should be a input box you can enter the path into.17:00
zykotick9trkemist: pulse always requires ALSA, they are not the same thing17:00
bastidrazorinfid: yes17:00
trkemistok ... so basically I'll have 2 controls one for alsa and one for pulse?17:00
trkemistthats crazy17:00
infidbastidrazor: thanks17:00
CaptAnonshaneo,  Can I not just ssh and talk to it through the command line?17:00
bastidrazorinfid: you're welcome.17:00
shaneoi dont know if it allows ssh17:01
Picijuho: Please try to stay on-topic here.17:01
shaneoCaptAnon: the only options i know of are web, telnet, debugging and mouse gestures17:01
htmlmcriddles, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSoftware17:02
pangolinhtml: please stop throwing links at him.17:02
shaneoAn error has occurred in the Pastebin software. Please notify the administrators.17:02
pangolinhtml: if you are not sure what to do then please don't do anything.17:02
LewisMy turn? :)17:02
pangolinLewis: go ahead and ask, if someone knows they will probably help17:03
LewisI'm trying to install from a USB stick to an N40L Microserver but for some reason it's failing to 'mount the CD-ROM' ?17:03
blackhi all17:03
htmlpangolin, ok... i was goin to the documention  ,,17:03
mcriddlespangolin, there isn't such a box :X17:03
pangolinmcriddles: what version of Ubuntu are you on?17:03
CaptAnonI got it shaneo  If i just open vlc from the command line I can control it there, Did not notice before.17:04
mcriddles11.04, if i'm not mistaken17:04
mcriddleswhere can i check exactly?17:04
pangolinmcriddles: in terminal type: lsb_release -a17:04
shaneoPici: http://paste.ubuntu.com/817855/17:04
blackhow can i solve: i want to use dual monitor, but allways when i activate my second monitor all window borders, launcher and taskbar is not longer visible... i can only use the opened window and the desktop...  how can i solve my problem ?17:04
shaneoCaptAnon: cool didnt know that either way better than crappy telnet17:05
blackmy system: ubuntu 11.10 64 bit, geforce 330 m17:05
mcriddlescodename oneiric17:05
mcriddlesif that's any help..17:05
pangolinmcriddles: give me a few minutes to load a VM so I can see what you are seeing.17:05
shaneoCaptAnon: also i put mine on web interface and use my xoom to control my nlc streams17:05
mcriddlesi can paste a screenshot if it would make things easier?17:05
pangolinmcriddles: it might help yes.17:05
rodrigo-pcOlá pessoal, estou com um problema com o Ubuntu com KDE [Kubuntu]17:06
rodrigo-pcNão consigo fazer meu modem 3G funcionar nele...17:06
rodrigo-pcAlguém sabe uma maneira de fazer funcionar?17:06
rodrigo-pcMeu modem é um ZTE.17:06
=== ozior is now known as ozi_away
FloodBot1rodrigo-pc: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:06
rodrigo-pcAlguém aí?17:06
rodrigo-pcEstou no aguardo.17:06
=== tvoss is now known as tvoss|dinner
Pici!br | rodrigo-pc17:06
pangolin!br | rodrigo-pc17:06
ubotturodrigo-pc: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.17:06
Telugodu_what do u guys like? kde or gnome17:07
auronandaceTelugodu_: xfce, do you need a hand with anything?17:08
compdocI like gnome, but kde isnt horrible17:08
Picishaneo: Looks like you have a few issues there.  Firstly, you're missing the gpg keys for your ppas. You can use: sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key>    for getting them, where <key> is the last bit of the error message on lines 1-4.17:08
Telugodu_me too17:08
CaptAnonshaneo, Whats that?17:09
epistemeanyone know what would cause this error message and how to fix? -bash: /sbin/reboot: Input/output error17:09
Picishaneo: Secondly, you may want to check that the PPAs urls are correct.17:09
shaneoCaptAnon: Web Interface ??17:10
mcriddlesi'm sorry, this Ubuntu system is seriously bugged17:10
rooksits EU-ACTA blocking petition, although US-ACTA failed them lawyers are pushing ACTA in other territories... sign pls https://secure.avaaz.org/en/eu_save_the_internet click pls, kthx17:10
sipiorrooks: go away.17:10
CaptAnonshaneo,  any of what you said17:11
rookssipior, do you support ACTA?17:11
auronandacemcriddles: you may want to try a more mature desktop environment (unity is rather new)17:11
LjLrooks: i'm sorry but this channel is strictly for Ubuntu support, this is not welcome here17:11
sipiorrooks: this is decidedly off-topic for this channel. find somewhere else to be.17:11
shaneoCaptAnon: Well a xoom is my tablet and web interface allows vlc to be controlled over the web for things like streaming movies and what not17:12
CaptAnonshaneo, cool17:12
=== Mud is now known as Guest14517
shaneoCaptAnon: yeah VLC has alot of good features def one of the best media players ever made17:13
PharaohHello everyone.17:14
mcriddlespangolin, here is what i see - http://img820.imageshack.us/img820/971/openwitho.png17:15
PharaohHow is everyone doing. What does Ubuntu have that Windows 7 doesn't?17:15
shaneoPharoah: Please dont start that arguement17:15
sipiorPharaoh: try both and find out.17:15
pangolinmcriddles: you're not able to click on the Add button?17:15
AOPSim using SASL?17:15
PharaohI'm not starting an argument, I'd just like to know from someone who has prior experience.17:16
pangolinPharaoh: chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please. this channel is for ubuntu support17:16
PiciAOPS: I think you want #freenode, not #ubuntu17:16
mcriddlespangolin: i am able to, but that would just add the selected item to the "chosen items" list17:16
PharaohOh ok17:16
mcriddleswhich is completely useless to be.17:16
mcriddlesto me*17:16
shaneoPici: so i imported the gpg keys that were giving me errors and all is good17:16
Picishaneo: good good :)17:17
shaneoso speaking of gpg keys can i use them to sign emails in thunderbird?17:17
nsd_In the ubuntu-security-announce mailing list, it was announced that back on the 17th Ubuntu 10.04 (LTS) was to switch from Firefox 3.6 to the latest version, as with the newer versions of Ubuntu. I have updated my systems but I have not gotten the newest version of Firefox, and I don't see another package appear in synaptic. Anyone know what's going on with this?17:17
shaneonsd_: idk maybe you need the new repo im on firefox 1017:18
nsd_shaneo: Which new repo is that? Are you also using 10.04?17:18
shaneoi read it on omgubuntu ill find you a link17:18
nsd_shaneo: Let me re-read the e-mail first, you don't need to do that.17:19
pangolinmcriddles:  I'm not on Unity right now and it's going to be a while yet before I can start up the VM. I'm unable to help you further sorry.17:19
shaneonsd_: also 10.0 is still in alpha17:19
mcriddlespangolin: it.s alright. so the UI i'm using is called "Unity"?17:20
dlentznsd_, you need to enable lucid-proposed to get FF 9.0.117:20
nsd_shaneo: I think you are confused, 10.04 is from April of 2010 and is a long term release support.17:20
nsd_*support release17:20
pangolinmcriddles: correct17:20
auronandacensd_: i think he means firefox 1017:20
shaneonsd_: so maybe its not updating cause its not stable17:20
nsd_auronandace: Oh lol17:20
dlentznsd_, enable lucid-proposed in synaptic repo settings17:21
nsd_shaneo: No, no, they said in the e-mail that this was supposed to all happen automatically: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/ReleaseNotes/FirefoxRapidReleaseMigration17:21
shaneonsd_: http://nwlinux.com/install-firefox-10-ubuntu-linux-using-apt-get/17:21
shaneonsd_: thats the new repo17:21
mcriddlespangolin, thank you very much, you have been much help :)17:21
shaneonsd_: sometimes things arnt so automatic17:22
nsd_shaneo: That's not what I was after, but thanks anyway. (They're supposed to be pushing through the *stable* releases only)17:22
dlentznsd_, when i checked a couple days ago, FF9 was still in proposed17:22
shaneonsd_: no prob17:22
SerythIs it possible to find out the RPM of my drive from terminal?17:23
nsd_dlentz: Oh okay, so they're just behind schedule. I'll just wait then.17:23
nsd_Seryth: I believe there is a tool to do that: hdparams or something like that maybe?17:23
Serythnsd_: Ah, okay, ty17:23
Seryth!info hdparams17:24
ubottuPackage hdparams does not exist in oneiric17:24
nsd_Something like that17:24
nsd_Aha! knew it was something like that17:24
Seryth!info hdparm17:24
ubottuhdparm (source: hdparm): tune hard disk parameters for high performance. In component main, is standard. Version 9.37-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 89 kB, installed size 336 kB17:24
Serythsweet, thanks nsd_, dlentz :)17:24
nsd_Seryth: No prob17:24
RirishiI'm completely new to Linux. I'm going to install linux on my Windows 7 machine. Can I make a partition for installing it to within the installer?17:24
zykotick9Ririshi: yes, it will ask you to partition as one of the steps17:26
MonkeyDustRirishi  no, you need to have one available, but you *can* format it during installation17:26
nsd_Ririshi: Yes, there is a step specifically for that. It presents you with a number of options for partitioning17:26
elkngwas popularity of ubuntu increased after SOPA ?17:26
zykotick9MonkeyDust: what?17:26
nsd_MonkeyDust: Yeah, what?17:26
nsd_You can create a partition.17:26
trkemistI need a recommendation here guys I am not happy with this, but I cannot figure out how to use Skype or Google Voice Chat with my Machine using a USB Headset17:26
nsd_elkng: That's an interesting question, I don't know17:26
trkemistI'm having to use my android tablet which is silly17:26
MonkeyDustnsd_  zykotick9 not without dataloss17:26
MarcoKZhow do i make alt-tab NOT group same-program windows?17:26
zykotick9MonkeyDust: what? (i'm not going to bother)17:27
nsd_MonkeyDust: Data loss only happens sometimes, but that is a good point.17:27
nsd_Ririshi: Make sure you back up your data first, partitioning can potentially cause data loss.17:27
Ririshizykotick9,MonkeyDust,nsd_ thank you for your help17:27
ThePendulumI was trying to run programs from a hard disk but I couldn't mark it as executable because the disk was formatted in NTSF. To what format should I format my disk to allow executable programs?17:27
SerythRirishi: You may want to look at Wubi if you've not used Linux before. It installs Ubuntu like it was a windows program. You can choose it at boot. However, if you like it, I don't advise using Wubi permanetly, as if you mess something up you can't recover it...at least not very well.17:27
urlin2uelkng, sopa has been dropped17:27
Pici!offtopic | elkng urlin2u17:28
ubottuelkng urlin2u: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:28
nsd_ThePendulum: You have linux installed on an NTFS partition? If that's a problem, there is an option you can set in fstab that will make everything have the executable bit (I don't remember it off the top of my head)17:28
nsd_ThePendulum: See the mount and fstab man pages17:29
urlin2uPici, lol thanks17:29
ThePendulumnsd_: Linux itself isn't, but I am trying to run software from another disk17:29
_cbHaving the unity app bar appear every time the mouse is on the left side of the screen is a pain. Any way to keep it hidden and have it appear only on demand?17:29
xrtIs there anyway any software that i can use to make a backup of the Data of all of my machines in the LAN (Most are windows and Mac)?17:29
nsd_ThePendulum: Oh, okay, Well same thing applies. Look at man pages for mount and fstab and I know there is a thing to fix that17:29
ThePendulumnsd_: Where can I find those pages?17:30
Younoshi, i'm on 10.11 and i want to allow remote x11 clients to my screen, i did xhosts + but the remote still says Can't open display: myhost:0.017:30
henricoanybody from NY?17:30
nsd_ThePendulum: A man page means a manual page, and generally refers to one you get on the command line. Open a terminal and type 'man mount'.17:30
nsd_Or 'man fstab'.17:30
dariebihi all, does somebody knew a software where i can overwrite my harddrive to make it really clear17:31
nsd_ThePendulum: I have to go, if you have any more questions you'll have to ask someone else, sorry.17:31
auronandacedariebi: dd17:31
nsd_You're welcome17:32
henricoanybody from NY here pvt me!!17:32
Picihenrico: Theres #ubuntu-us-ny for the New York locoteam.17:32
Sirijuscan someone help me17:32
zykotick9!ask | Sirijus17:33
ubottuSirijus: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:33
SirijusE:Encountered a section with no Package: header, E:Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/rs.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_oneiric-updates_universe_binary-i386_Packages, E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.17:33
econdudeawesomehowdy all! Got a question. What files can be removed from ~./local?17:34
SirijusI have red sign right from my clock and it says E:Encountered a section with no Package: header, E:Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/rs.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_oneiric-updates_universe_binary-i386_Packages, E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.17:34
brianmwhen making a deb that i would like to have be poertable across ubuntu and debian, what is the best way to start and stop services?17:34
zykotick9brianm: i'd just like to mention, ubuntu and debian should NOT be considered "compatible".  Packages shouldn't be intended for both... just saying (it might work, it's just not a good idea)17:35
Sirijusso noone can help me?17:36
brianmzykotick9 - trying to be lazy ;-)17:36
MarcoKZhow do i make alt-tab NOT group same-program windows?17:36
zykotick9Sirijus: does "sudo apt-get update" work from terminal?17:36
Sirijusits doing somthing zykotick917:37
Sirijusits done17:38
Sirijusthank you very much17:38
connoisseurI'm having poor sound quality even after installing restricted drivers and all in Ubuntu 11.10 can anybody help pls?17:38
MrokiiMarcoKZ: Not sure, but *maybe* this thread can help: http://askubuntu.com/questions/68151/how-do-i-revert-alt-tab-behavior-changed-in-11-1017:38
cordycepsHow do I save playlists in audacious? After an update that option doesn't seem to exist in the menus.17:40
=== sins is now known as sins-
Pascoalcat /proc//mem17:41
zykotick9cordyceps: out of curiosity, what version of audacious are you using?  I certainly have save PL in 2.3.17:42
justanotherbodyquery: does anyone know of existing package repositories for 9.04 (jaunty) or 9.10 (karmic)?17:42
zykotick9!eol | justanotherbody17:42
ubottujustanotherbody: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:42
auronandacejustanotherbody: they are no longer supported here17:43
PTBDhello. is it normal that jdk7 comes with alot of jdk6 packages as dependencies?17:44
psyeanonymous deface fbi site -> http://adf.ly/50eZt17:44
cordycepszykotick9: 2.3?! According to File->About, I'm using 3.1.217:45
zykotick9cordyceps: oh, that makes perfect sense.  Well, i can't help - good luck.17:45
ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...17:46
Kakitahola gente de ubuntu17:49
zykotick9!es | Kakita17:49
ubottuKakita: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:49
Kakitahola gente de ubuntu necesito una ayudita17:50
Kakitahola kez17:51
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:51
=== Knorre`BNC is now known as Knorre
farhad2161who can download this http://filepost.com/files/f97ca8b6/No.Starch.The.Linux.Command.Line.Jan.2012.rar and give me a direct link?17:54
bobo37773farhad2161: Why can't you download it?17:55
=== computer is now known as Lofde_2
farhad2161bobo37773: filepost is forbidden here :(17:55
Pici!piracy | farhad216117:56
ubottufarhad2161: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o17:56
bobo37773farhad2161: What does it have to do with Ubuntu?17:57
farhad2161Pici: :(17:57
bobo37773Natti: Hey17:58
NattiCould anyone help me with a problem I'm having?17:58
bobo37773Natti: Maybe. What is your problem?17:58
farhad2161bobo37773: it is just a reference for me, i need it17:59
NattiTrying to boot from a flash drive, but even though removable devices are the #1 in the boot priority list in BIOS, it still boots Windows instead.17:59
NattiI used the universal USB installer to make the flash drive installation17:59
heinrichich kann nur deutsch17:59
LjL!de | heinrich17:59
ubottuheinrich: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!17:59
zykotick9Natti: consult your motherboard manual, see if there is a "Boot selection menu" key on boot, on my EEE it's ESC, on my desktop it's F818:00
bobo37773farhad2161: Don't download stuff from random sites. Use your head and search better. We are not allowed to discuss these things here. So, look on google and learn about bittorrent etc. Take care.18:00
=== sparklz is now known as Sparklz
* Sparklz sits back for a while, and strokes his beard...18:00
BussDriverany thunderbird users here?  I'm using IMAP with gmail and I DON'T want thunderbird to download any mail.. I just want to view it on the server.   A) Is this possible? and B) If so, how can I accomplish this?18:00
bobo37773Natti: When your computer boots there are probably some options on the splash screen.18:00
NattiYeah, I went to the BIOS setup and put removable devices as the preferred boot device from there18:01
bobo37773Natti: Maybe something like boot order etc.. I know the screen is probably quick so you might need to check a few times. Also, how did you create the flash drive?18:01
NattiUsing this method: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/18:02
zykotick9Natti: your issue is not ubuntu related, perhaps ##hardware would be more help?18:02
Nattiokay, thanks :)18:02
urlin2uBussDriver, not sure really but that defeats the reason to have it notify you.18:02
bobo37773Natti: Look at your biossplash screen when your computer boots. Even though you changed the order you might still have to select it.18:03
Nattihmm, thanks18:03
BussDriverurlin2u: Not sure what you mean.. perhaps I'm not being specific enough.  When I open thunderbird now, it goes through and says it's downloading all my folders... I can see it's taking up lots of space in ~/.thunderbird in my profile, too.  I thought this only happened if I used POP3... I simply want thunderbird to act as a 'view' into the server on gmail.18:03
NattiOkay, I'll try to reboot again, fiddle around and see if there's any more settings that could affect it18:03
Nattithanks guys18:03
zykotick9BussDriver: when i used Thunderbird it always downloaded, and the cache would be huge on local computer.  mutt doesn't have that issue ;)  Good luck, there is a Thunderbird IRC channel (on some other network).18:04
bobo37773Natti: ok good luck18:04
BussDriverzykotick9: Surely this is a bug then?  Isn't the whole point of IMAP NOT using your local drive for storage?18:04
mbeierlBussDriver, under the mail account settings, there is an option not to sync mail - to read only on server, not download18:04
=== Burninate is now known as Burninate_afk
BussDrivermbeierl: I didn't see that.. thanks.. I'll look again.18:05
MerlynKorri am having some "glitch-like"issues with the kubuntu reinstall of version 11.04, and that os is as high up as i can take my system.18:06
MerlynKorrso i cannot get 11.1018:06
urlin2uBussDriver, not sure of the pop data transfer, I understood, I just don't have a definitive answer.18:06
BussDrivermbeierl: I don't see that option.. I see some stuff about selecting individual folders for syncing and some options about limiting syncing by age or size18:06
MoDDDhi all18:07
mbeierlBussDriver, might be different version then.  I have under Synchronization & Storage, at top a check box for Message Synchronizing that sets "Keep messages for this account on this computer"18:07
MerlynKorrwhat could be doen to get a fix/18:07
BussDrivermbeierl: Ah yes, there it is.  Ok, I've unchecked that.  Should it remove all those downloaded messages automatically then?18:08
OxymoronHi, I wonder, I get bash: binary cannot execute error. It worked once, but on reboot it didnt work anymore :S I am using Virtualbox. I think the problem is that Debian on Virtualbox is 32 bit and my host machine is 64 bit.18:08
zykotick9MerlynKorr: perhaps you could re-word your issue?  I have no idea what you mean, I imagine others might not either.18:08
OxymoronIs it possible to recompile a 64 bit binary to 32 binary?18:09
zykotick9Oxymoron: when are you getting the "bash: binary cannot execute" error?  When you do what exactly?18:09
MerlynKorrmy system acts like there is a virus, but i read somewhere that there arent those kinds of issues...18:10
MerlynKorrwith these systems.18:10
zykotick9Oxymoron: and no, you can't recompile binaries (you could recompile source)18:10
Oxymoronzykotick9: it happens when I execute a binary file I compiled myself in a school lab thing.18:10
bentkushow does it act when there is a virus?18:10
mbeierlBussDriver, that I do not know.  But I think if you go into the .thunderbird directory and find/delete the indexes, etc it'll automatically do the right thing on next start of the app18:10
Oxymoronzykotick9: I have the source, but it doesnt seem to work recompile the source :S18:11
bentkusdoes it send millions of emails to unkown targets?18:11
zykotick9Oxymoron: so this is on Debian? you might be in the wrong channel18:11
BussDrivermbeierl: Sounds like a plan, thank you very much.18:11
MerlynKorrit is not oprerating without there being "glitches"...18:11
=== russf_ is now known as russf
mbeierlBussDriver, welcome :)18:11
MerlynKorrfor example...18:11
zykotick9Oxymoron: depending on version of Debian you are using check out ia32libs stuff.18:11
MerlynKorrone window went to the top of the screen and then went out of sight for a moment or two and then returned ...18:12
=== ozi_away is now known as Ozi
=== Mud is now known as Guest23157
MerlynKorrthis happened on more than olne occaision..18:12
RirishiHello. I am making a partition for an Ubuntu install on my Windows 7. It will be in NTFS. Is that compatible with Ubuntu?18:13
MerlynKorrthen i get "this package is from an un trusted source..." messages in  ubuntu software center...18:13
zykotick9Ririshi: you can't install onto NTFS no, you could use it as storage18:13
Oxymoronzykotick9: Not sure, some TinyDebian version :S18:13
urlin2uMerlynKorr, you running the unity desktop, there is a clear screen option if you show al desktops, and click in a blank space18:13
MerlynKorrthat should not be happening either.18:13
MerlynKorrgot that one...18:14
Ririshizykotick9: Can I reformat it into a compatible filesystem?18:14
asifhi..is MATE abailable for ubuntu..?18:14
urlin2uMerlynKorr, untrusted means the signing key is not there or wrong .18:14
zykotick9Ririshi: not from Windows, no.  The installer can/will look after partitioning/formatting (but it's still a good idea to have a backup of all your data)18:14
urlin2uMerlynKorr, you can pastebin a update command from the terminal so we can see that message.18:15
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:15
=== libnotify is now known as Guest76927
Ririshizykotick9: It will cost about 6 to 8 hours to backup everything O.O18:15
zorklatcan the live disk defrag an NTFS partition?18:15
zykotick9Ririshi: well, the backup is optional (so long as you don't mind loosing all your data) [but it is just a precaution]18:16
urlin2uzorklat, you can't defragg from linux18:16
zorklatseriously?  There are no linux utils to mount a windows partition & defrag it?18:16
zykotick9urlin2u: not 100% true.  You can copy all the data to another drive then copy it back.18:16
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:16
zykotick9!it | alex198818:17
ubottualex1988: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:17
urlin2uzykotick9, cool let them know hat is up.18:17
zykotick9urlin2u: well, your origional statement was 95% true ;)18:17
urlin2uzorklat, none that I know of that are safe.18:18
urlin2uzykotick9, hey thats a A grade in my college classes, lol :D18:18
RirishiCan I install Ubuntu on a FAT32 partition?18:19
zykotick9Ririshi: no18:19
urlin2uzorklat, you could install a windows setup in a virtual and do it though safely.18:19
urlin2uzorklat, if a external that s.18:20
RirishiWhat happens if I do not format a partition. Can I let the Ubuntu installer format it?18:20
zykotick9Ririshi: NTFS/FAT are non-POSIX compliant filesystems and are thus not suitable for gnu/linux installs18:20
zykotick9Ririshi: YES18:20
zorklatthe issue is a vista partition that is still 64% fragged after running defraggler twice.18:20
Oxymoronzykotick9: I am not trying to recompile source, but a new problem. The TinyDebian distro do not seem to have math.h library installed. Do you know which package to install to get it?18:21
zykotick9Ririshi: just delete the partition, then during install select the "empty space" option18:21
urlin2uzorklat, I use the auslogics defragger how full is the partition?18:21
Ririshizykotick: can i lose my data though then?18:21
dlentzlibc6-dev has math.g18:21
subb1i was learning kernel recompilation. it went without errors. when i reboot ,its showing the error:18:21
zorklaturlin2u, around 30% tops.18:21
subb1kernel panic not syncing vfs unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0 0)18:21
zorklatthere are 32 fragmented files, totaling around 32 GB.18:22
cassiohi. i'm trying to set up a .pps file to launch with the power point view from microsoft that i installed via wine. however, on choosing properties > open with, the menu does not let me add a custom launcher. i tried adding a .desktop file on /usr/share/applications, but it does not show up on the applications list. any ideas?18:22
me-1hi..how to install MATE DE..?18:22
zykotick9Oxymoron: i concure with dlentz18:22
MerlynKorrSEND urlin2u file:///home/scott/Documents/snapshot1.png18:22
subb1any hints appreciated, thanks!18:22
urlin2uMerlynKorr, just post the url18:22
MerlynKorrwhen i sendfile?18:23
urlin2uMerlynKorr, no on the channel18:23
MerlynKorrwhen i sendfile?18:23
zorklatIt just seems likely to me that I will have fewer issues resizing if I defrag first.18:23
urlin2u!pastebin | MerlynKorr18:23
ubottuMerlynKorr: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:23
vanhi, how can i stop/remove apache which starts automatically when i log in?18:24
_MarcusI am trying to connect to a port, the program is running to accept it, the port is forwarded, and it's open in ufw, yet nothing outside of my computer can connect to it. Why is this happening? It cant be a port problem, as 80 is open and anyone outside of my network can connect18:24
dragon111bonjour tous le monde18:24
Pici!fr | dragon11118:24
ubottudragon111: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:24
urlin2uzorklat, I would ask at ##windows 30 % is fine should defragg, they may have better answers.18:24
zykotick9van: assuming the service is called apache (i'm not 100% it is) "sudo service apache stop"18:24
_MarcusWait, never mind, internet going down in a minute anyway18:24
dragon111 /join #ubuntu-fr18:24
* Raul30 hii18:25
zykotick9van: my service command above is not permanent (did seem you wanted it permanent, but i was assuming)18:25
=== Knorre is now known as Knorre`BNC
dragon111 /bonjour j'ai une demande d'aide a faire si ces possiblejoin #ubuntu-fr18:25
=== NetRoY is now known as NetRoY|away
=== NetRoY|away is now known as NetRoY
urlin2udragon111, /join ubuntu-fr18:26
vanzykotick9, i need to remove it or make it NOT start when i log in. how can i do it?18:26
dragon111je re apres j'ai une urgence18:27
zykotick9van: sorry, I'm not sure what Ubuntu's method of managing services is anymore (with upstart).  I use "rcconf" but I doubt that's the correct option for you.18:28
paperke68Does anyone know how to install a D-Link DWL-G520 wireless card in ubuntu 11.10 ??18:28
urlin2u!wireless > paperke6818:28
ubottupaperke68, please see my private message18:28
=== NetRoY is now known as NetRoY|away
MerlynKorrits over there...18:28
urlin2upaperke68, the bots link has confirms for covered cards18:29
glebihanvan, if you don't want it to run to run, why not just uninstall it ?18:29
=== NetRoY|away is now known as NetRoY
zykotick9MerlynKorr: if you are refering to a paste/pastebin of some sort, you need to provide the channel with the link to it18:29
=== ridolien is now known as plagerism
MerlynKorrty for the instructions on the pastebin too..... and sorry about putting it into the text bar.18:29
Pici!away > NetRoY18:30
ubottuNetRoY, please see my private message18:30
DJango_Noviceim using and lubuntu and when try to open user and group management module.. it seems to be disabled18:30
DJango_Noviceany idea18:30
MerlynKorri got it up as per the request.18:30
urlin2uMerlynKorr, run sudo apt-get update in the terminal and copy and paste the whole text to the pastebin and post the url, you need the pastebin address again.18:30
vivekimsitwhich s/w I should use to download videos18:31
subb1any help guys?18:31
MerlynKorrit is aaat imagebin.org18:31
urlin2uMerlynKorr, we need the actual url of the page it is on18:32
zykotick9MerlynKorr: provide the link, like http://paste.ubuntu.com/817957/18:32
MerlynKorrlike that?18:33
theadminMerlynKorr: No... You need to link to the post :/18:33
zykotick9MerlynKorr: not quite18:33
jeagleHey folks, I'm using ghostscript to merge PDF files, and it appears that the files are not being merged alphabetically... Can anyone shed light on this matter? :318:34
MerlynKorrsorry ppl im new at this....18:34
MerlynKorrwhere do i find the url/18:34
urlin2uMerlynKorr, no problem it is all good. :D18:34
glebihanMerlynKorr, when you posted your data no the site, you were redirected to another page, where your post is actually located. It's the URL to that page that is needed for to access it18:34
MerlynKorrfrom the browser i used?18:34
theadminMerlynKorr: After you post, look at your address bar.18:34
dragon111bonjour serait il possible d'avoir une information est ce que avec back track cess t'on faire une injection sql18:35
MonkeyDustMerlynKorr  type [your command] | pastebinit -- you then get a URL, paste that here18:35
_MarcusMerlynKorr: Go to http://pastebin.com/ and post whatever you are trying to show there in the text box. After pasting it, scroll down and click "submit". After that, go to your address bar in your browser and copy the link that is there and paste it here18:36
_MarcusOr just do what MonkeyDust said18:36
MonkeyDustdragon111  tapez /join #backtrack-linux18:36
=== fst8r12 is now known as bil21al
dragon111tapez /join #backtrack-linux18:36
MonkeyDustsans le mot tapez18:36
dragon111ok voila jepense que ces bon18:37
plagerismany regexp gurus that wouldnt mind helping me offline?  currently working with rancid->expect and trying to deal with some ansi characters and matching upon them with regexp18:37
vivekimsitI wany to download videos , which app is best?18:37
dtcrshrvivekimsit: specify more please18:38
zykotick9dtcrshr: you mean i can't just answer "wget" ;)18:38
_Marcusvivekimsit: If RealPlayer is for Ubuntu, use that18:38
MonkeyDustvivekimsit  there's minitube18:39
vivekimsitdtcrshr: ok! like I want to download video from this site :http://academicearth.org18:39
dtcrshrzykotick9: you got it!18:39
=== bil21al is now known as s9iper1
vivekimsitMonkeyDust:its in s/w centre?18:39
dtcrshrvivekimsit: try jdownloader18:39
karmicthreatI've got a screwy problem.  I have an init script I run that needs to access /dev/usb/lp0, I have it udev'd to 0666 my init script can't access it but if I manually run it then it works.  Whats my problem?  The serial port work fine with simmilar permissions but I don't need to udev them.18:40
dragon111bonjour  comment cela ces fait que je me suis fait bannisde la salle  backtrack linux j'a18:41
zykotick9!fr | dragon11118:41
ubottudragon111: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:41
MonkeyDust!fr| dragon11118:41
sskalnikIf I Ctrl-Z'ed something, how do I find and kill it?18:42
MonkeyDustsskalnik  fg 118:43
Picisskalnik: fg, or jobs18:43
glebihansskalnik, "ps -f" will list the processes running in the current terminal18:43
sskalnikThanks, all~18:43
urlin2uvivekimsit, try video downloadhelper in FF18:45
vivekimsitwhat is FF?18:46
MerlynKorrguys i gottaq go now.... i got someone here, and i cant do this right now.... sorry about that...18:47
=== logan is now known as Guest93240
urlin2uvivekimsit, firefox, I went to the site the addon I metion works it seems.18:47
dannelfirefox is communist web browser, capitalists use chrome18:48
urlin2udannel, way off topic18:49
zykotick9and with dannel's comment, that's enough #ubuntu for today18:51
vivekimsitLook I have a website like this: http://academicearth.org, in which we see the streaming videos but I want to download it too!18:52
pedHello, I have a handful of servers. Some running 9.10 with OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-6ubuntu2, and others running 10.04 with OpenSSH_5.3p1 Debian-3ubuntu7. I am wondering if security fixes are all backported into these versions. My servers are currently failing a symantec security scan for this vulnerability: http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2010-4755 but i am assuming it is going based only on the server identific18:52
ubottuThe (1) remote_glob function in sftp-glob.c and the (2) process_put function in sftp.c in OpenSSH 5.8 and earlier, as used in FreeBSD 7.3 and 8.1, NetBSD 5.0.2, OpenBSD 4.7, and other products, allow remote authenticated users to cause a denial of service (CPU and memory consumption) via crafted glob expressions that do not match any pathnames, as demonstrated by glob expressio... (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2010-4755)18:52
MiPoaMuzunguI am already enjoying Ubuntu18:53
MiPoaMuzunguI am a complete NOOB,18:54
urlin2uMiPoaMuzungu, you have a support question?18:54
MiPoaMuzunguurlin2u, not yet. Google has become my friend in the last couple of days18:54
urlin2uMiPoaMuzungu, cool this channel is not for chat but support, glad your having fun. :D18:55
MiPoaMuzunguJust introducing myself18:55
Piciped: You can use this tool to see a CVE's status in Ubuntu package(s): http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/  , the specific one you have here appears to only apply to BSD.18:55
MiPoaMuzunguI apologize, I will find another place. Thanks.18:55
ron__i have a security issue. can i ask a support question in here?18:55
Piciron__: Thats what this channel is for, Ubuntu support,.18:55
urlin2uMiPoaMuzungu, welcome to the dark side. :D18:55
_MarcusIs there an Ubuntu channel for chat?18:55
pedPici: thank you18:55
Pici_Marcus: #ubuntu-offtopic18:55
ron__i'm on linux mint. is that ok?18:56
Piciron__: no. Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org18:56
ron__ok but nobody there has an answer.18:56
subb1any hint on my issue guys/18:56
urlin2uron__, try ##linux18:56
ron__ok thanks18:56
vivekimsitPls guys I need help me18:57
urlin2uron__, be ready for a little chiding though. :D18:57
_Marcusvivekimsit: What's wrong?18:57
vivekimsit_Marcus:Look I have a website like this: http://academicearth.org, in which we see the streaming videos but I want to download it too!18:57
urlin2uvivekimsit, I gave you the answer18:58
ron__thanks for the warning18:58
emwhen installing the proprietary driver from ATI, should I do it as root?18:58
BussDriverem, yes18:58
vivekimsiturlin2u: I didn't get it properly18:58
jwmtohello, I'm looking for help with a gnome 3 video problem--can anyone help or suggest a better room?18:58
urlin2uron__, no problem.18:58
_Marcusvivekimsit: I do believe Real Player is supported on Ubuntu, why don't you give it a try?18:58
emBussDriver: I'm talking about when I do these two steps: chmod +x amd-driver-installer-12-1-x86.x86_64.run18:58
emsh ./amd-driver-installer-12-1-x86.x86_64.run18:58
=== talas_ is now known as talas
emshould those be done as root?18:59
ron__urlin2u: hmm. it says cannot send to channel in there.18:59
BussDriverem, yes18:59
vivekimsit_Marcus:its in s/w centre18:59
_Marcusron__ Are you verified with NickServ?18:59
urlin2uvivekimsit, open firefox dgo to addons install video downloadhelper go to site and use the icon in the toolbar to download.18:59
dlentzjwmto, mint has a lot of gnome3 users..18:59
vivekimsiturlin2u: ok! let me try18:59
ron___Marcus, I haven't done or set up any verification.18:59
emBussDriver: how confident are you about that?  I'm looking at this -- http://www.upubuntu.com/2012/01/how-to-install-ati-amd-catalyst-121.html19:00
urlin2uron__, you have to be registered with freenode19:00
jwmtodlentz ___ thank you, I'll look for a room called #mint?19:00
emBussDriver: In those steps it never says to go to root or use sudo ^ but I thought I would have to also.19:00
urlin2uron__, I didn't look if you were.19:00
_Marcusron__: You should register your nick with NickServ first. Type "/msg nickserv help register" to get help with registering your nickname. You usually need to register your nick to talk on some channels.19:00
BussDriverI'm very confident.  You cannot install kernel modules without being root.19:00
ron__okay thanks. i'll figure out how to do that. i haven't used irc in many years.19:00
BussDriverYou can do the chmod step as yourself, but you can't run that binary as yourself..19:01
BussDriverIn fact, you CAN do it, but it will immediately tell you you need to be root and exit.19:01
emI see. I guess it might be a flaw in the instructions on that page.19:01
damselfly99evin an X driver really a kernel module, or just an X driver?19:01
emBussDriver: even if I could run the .run file as myself, would it do any harm to have root do it, as in, if root does it, the driver will still work for other users later?19:02
jwmtoIn addition to the gnome 3 video question I also have a problem installing evolution in ubuntu 11.10?  It seems that it requires an old dependency.  any evolution advice?19:02
dragon111serait'il pssibe d'avoir de l'aide19:03
BussDriverem - To install drivers, you have to be root. It's because they're system-wide and NOT user specific.  The driver won't be installed for any user if you don't install it as root, and the driver will install for all users once it's installed properly.19:03
damselfly99en anglais sil vous plait19:03
=== jsurfer_ is now known as jsurfer
madalinhello, can please anyone look into http://pastebin.com/g4XEstbF - it looks like there's a driver problem with my ethernat card..19:04
dragon111une personne pourrais m'aide  pour avoir des information sur backtrack19:04
damselfly99en anglais sil vous plait19:04
_Marcusdragon111: Pour obtenir de l'aide s'il vous plaît rejoignez #ubuntu-fr. Vous obtiendrez l'aide en français plutôt qu'en anglais.19:04
xanguadragon111: backtrack is not supported here19:04
BussDriverCould anyone please help me with my random boot problems?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=190802319:04
_Marcusdragon111: Pour ce faire tapez "/join #ubuntu-fr" sans les guillemets.19:05
emBussDriver: How come I can do the chmod step as myself even when it is ultimately necessary for root to do the execution?19:05
dragon111Merci Marcus19:05
LukeNukemhey all i want to install ubuntu from a pendrive, i did this ubuntu live key thingie, it does not work.19:05
LukeNukemso now im going to try extract the iso file and move it to the usb manually? will that do19:05
LukeNukemand then run wubi from it19:06
madalinAnyone amazing with networking ?19:06
xanguaLukeNukem: no19:06
xangua!usb | LukeNukem19:06
ubottuLukeNukem: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:06
BussDriverem: Because I'm assuming you downloaded the file as yourself.  Chmod just changes' the file's properties, not the ownership.  Chown changes the ownership.19:06
emBussDriver: That sounds logical. Thanks.19:06
Rehhoffor use the guide canonical provides for installing onto pendrives when downloading19:06
BussDriverem: It's worth noting that root can always execute anything that has the execute property.19:07
e01someone familiar with pppd, i can get connected my router to pppoe with it19:07
BussDriverem: It's also worth noting that if you chmod the file to 777, then ANYONE could execute it.19:07
madalinHello. I'm having a problem with Ubuntu and a lan card. It seems to go up and down for no reason and i'm trying to fix it...19:07
damselfly99what kind of netcard, madalin?19:08
madalindamselfly99: the one causing problems is an Atheros19:08
damselfly99oh, them ...19:08
madaline01: using pppoeconf ?19:08
emBussDriver: You are strikingly competent and you have a very clear style of exposition.19:08
madalindamselfly99: here, take a look at http://pastebin.com/g4XEstbF19:08
e01madalin: not available, just only pppd19:09
damselfly99atheros cards get more requests for help than anything else I've seen19:09
madalinwell, they su_ck.19:09
aukWhen it comes to using an encrypted file system, is it normal for your system to inform you that you have low disk space when you know for darn sure you didn't use much on your computer?19:09
Rehhoffatheros + ubuntu = madness19:09
magma_how do I check if a certain port is opened on a remote host?19:09
madalinor they don't mix well with ubuntu..19:09
aukI'm using LVM + DM_CRYPT.19:09
BussDriverem: Why, thank you.  I try to be clear when someone is equally clear with their questions.19:09
sstathey're cheap and are in a lot of cheap devices...19:09
llutzmagma_: nmap -p portnr host (more options: man nmap)19:09
damselfly99madalin, sure you couldn't afford a better card?19:10
madalindamselfly99: well, i'm sure i'm gonna get a better one in tops 2 days :)19:10
madalindamselfly99: but 'till then i need this fixed..19:10
BussDriverem:  You can't by any chance help me figure out why my computer won't boot 2/3rds of the time, can you?  :)19:10
Rehhoffwhen booting what errors do you get ?19:11
anthonyI was hoping someone could help me I need to edit the setenv.sh for tomcat and I have no idea where to find it19:11
madalindamselfly99: can you recommend a good LAN cards producer ? How about Dlink ?19:11
Rehhofftry use the locate command in terminal to find files19:11
urlin2uBussDriver, you ave more then one OS or hard drives?19:12
BussDriverurlin2u: I do, I have a total of 3 hard drives and 2 OS's on this machine, but I'm quite confident this has nothing to do with that.19:12
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anthonythank you when I did that nothing happened19:13
urlin2uBussDriver, probably does the grub bootloader may be in a wrong mbr we have a bootscipt you can run to find out you up for that?19:13
BussDriverurlin2u: This is all solely related to problems with X config and ATI drivers I believe.19:13
BussDriverurlin2u: Some steps I've already taken are on this thread:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1908023  - but no one has offered any further help besides drs30519:14
damselfly99madalin: from your pastebin entry, it looks like the card *maybe* isn't getting carrier from whatever it's plugged into19:14
urlin2uBussDriver, okay your call, here is the script though in case you need it now or in the future pretty cool script.  http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/19:14
BussDriverurlin2u: I'll gladly run this still if it's helpful in diagnosing this..19:15
madalindamselfly99: well, the link goes up and down, and i'm currently remotely connected to it. So it works..19:15
spaetzjust updated my precise snapshot and lightdm enters an infitite crash-respawn cycle.19:15
spaetzWhere can I report via IRC?19:15
damselfly99madalin: dlink cards come in a variety of chipsets depending on the model. it's the chipset that's important19:15
urlin2uBussDriver, cool and that mod is the grub king at the UF. :D19:16
BussDriverdrs ?19:16
MonkeyDustspaetz  for precise pangolin, type /join #ubuntu+119:16
urlin2uBussDriver, yes.19:16
madalindamselfly99: how about DGE-528T ?19:16
BussDriverurlin2u: Interesting.   I just don't understand this X problem.  In my pretty long experience with ubuntu, all problems follow the same pattern of reproducibility, but this one is completely random.19:17
spaetzMonkeyDust: thanks19:17
emBussDriver: Plymouth fail?19:18
BussDriverem: The problem seems to be in this open source radeon drivers' ability to do 'drm'19:19
vivekimsiturlin2u: I have installed it19:19
vivekimsiturlin2u: but how to download?19:19
vivekimsiturlin2u: ok! I got it19:20
vivekimsiturlin2u: Thanks19:20
damselfly99madalin, the DGE-528T being a realtek 8169 -based card, I couldn't promise that it would be very good19:20
madalindamselfly99: can you recommend one please ?19:20
damselfly99madalin: do you need the gigabit speed?19:21
anthonyI need to edit the setenv.sh for tomcat and I have no idea where to find it when I do a locate nothing happens can someone help me out please?19:21
dannelBussDriver, good19:21
BussDriverdannel:  ?19:21
FloodBot1Medic11: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:21
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Rehhoffanthony:  have you tried searching the file by using "search for files feature" ?19:22
madalindamselfly99: i'm not sure. It's a network with ~60 PCs, 4 switches and 2 wireless routers. Also, it'll be a central VPN server..so i guess yes..19:22
drPoOHi all, I am running 10.04 LTS-server and the other day I got a "Kernel panic -not syncing VFS..." error that would prevent booting of the system. I fixed it by reverting to an older version of the kernel. Is there a way to permanently avoid this issue from happening again?19:22
vivekimsitwhat is .tmp video files19:23
damselfly99madalin, how much space in the case, and how much money?19:23
scottjis there a gui tool that lets you build .xmodmap files to remap keys/modifiers?19:23
acerimmerdrPoO: long answer short: no.  Always keep one or two older kernels installed.  Boot the older kernels via grub.19:23
anthonyThanks Rehhoff let me try that now I'm not very ubuntu savvy19:24
madalindamselfly99: i got two PCI slots one next to each other. As for the price i'm looking to a fair price..19:24
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madalindamselfly99: but i'd rather spend more than get into this type of issues later..19:24
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urlin2uvivekimsit, you want the flv or mp4 with that addon.19:24
BussDriverdannel: Did you mean to message me about my X booting problems?19:24
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RehhoffIf no problem :)19:25
Rehhoffno *19:25
vivekimsiturlin2u: actually I downloaded one video from torrent of size 1.4Gb but after downloading its type is .tmp and is not playing , is it some hacking stuff?19:26
subb1anybody free to provide a little help on a kernel panic issue. went on google.. no much help since im new to linux19:26
damselfly99madalin: <to the channel in general> anyone have any bad experiences to report regarding the syskonnect driver?19:26
subb1thanks ..19:26
urlin2uvivekimsit, not sure grab the ones I suggest flv, or mp4 that should play.19:26
drPoOHi all, I am running 10.04 LTS-server and the other day I got a "Kernel panic -not syncing VFS..." error that would prevent booting of the system. I fixed it by reverting to an older version of the kernel. Is there a way to permanently avoid this issue from happening again?19:26
pfifovivekimsit, that sound like the file isnt complete then, my torrents usually use .part instead of .tmp but I guess the tmp means its only a partial download19:27
Rehhoffsubb1 what's your problem ?19:27
anthonyI tried find -name19:27
anthonynothing came up19:27
vivekimsitpfifo: its complete and its size is 1.4GB19:28
pfifoanthony, look into using slocate if your using ext3/419:28
^mEmO^wenaz =)19:28
anthonyok thank you19:28
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urlin2upfifo, they are using a addon that is one click and save and will play they just need to save it in the corrext format.19:28
subb1Rehhoff, this is the error when i reboot- Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)19:28
damselfly99madalin: who that be a 64-bit pci slot, or just a 32-bit?19:28
subb1I was doing kernel recompilation for an issue related to my battery not being detected by the kernel19:29
jonatasnonahi all19:29
blacki have a problem with my ubuntu... if i want to use dual monitor and turn it on in nvidia tool my problem starts... the window borders, launcher and taskbar arent visible anymore... does anyone can solve my problem?   my system: ubuntu 11.10 64 bit, unity, geforce 330 m19:29
urlin2uvivekimsit, your going about this in a way that makes it hard save the file types I said from the icon download choices.19:29
madalindamselfly99: im not sure. lspci will list this ?19:29
pfifosubb1, you need to enable the correct filesystems/supproting devices in the kernel19:29
Rehhoffhmm i have to look into that... and see if i can find anything that might be a help19:29
owenllanthony: I think it's a file created by the user and that's why you can't find it http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/projects/THREDDS/tech/tds4.2/tutorial/GettingStarted.html19:30
Rehhoffhave been using ubuntu for a good 2 years now and still have much to learn xD19:30
vivekimsiturlin2u: I am dome with that and its downloading fine I am just talking anbout some other problem19:30
damselfly99madalin, your motherboard's manual will tell you more reliably19:30
urlin2uvivekimsit, cool just wanted to make sure you were set. :D19:30
drPoOblack, try pressing Alt+F2 and run the command gtk-window-decorator19:30
anthonyowenll thanks I used the sux command to go in as the user still can't find it19:30
blackdrPo0: i tried it, but nothing happens19:31
subb1pfifo, but I assume the reason behind might be of accidently deleting the original /boot/initrd-image...19:31
clonezillahow do clone my drive  to an pc over the network19:31
owenllanthony: It won't be there by default unless you've created it19:31
jonatasnonai found a cp command with this syntax: cp -vr -- <files-and-folders>19:31
jonatasnonabut what means the -- ?19:31
madalindamselfly99: let me look please ;)19:31
pfifosubb1, if your making your own kernel then you shouldn't need an initrd, unless your booting from raid/encryption/loop type of device in which case you build your own initrd to compliment your own kernel19:32
thxjonatasnona: -- escapes the -<option> , incase you have files with a "-" at the start of the name19:32
drPoOHas anybody here dealt with  a "Kernel panic -not syncing VFS..."  at boot and solved the problem?19:32
subb1pfifo, okay. if the fix is too long step, please guide me any article or link.19:33
magma_how can I open a port in the firewall?19:33
pfifosubb1, if you HAVE to recompile the kernel start from kernel source from the official ubuntu kernel19:33
jonatasnonathx, oh thanks man!19:33
pfifo!kernel | subb119:34
ubottusubb1: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)19:34
CSManhello there19:34
CSManubunt 10_04 x86 here19:34
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:34
urlin2uCSMan, whats up you need help?19:35
CSManhow do I enable multiple sessions for one user? When I try to login more than once I get 'cannot execute /bin/bash: permission denied'19:35
madalindamselfly99: i can't seem to understand.. can you help me out ?19:35
subb1ubottu pfifo , let me give it a try. thanks for responses!19:35
ubottusubb1: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:35
RehhoffCSMan you sure the script you trying to execute is allowed to be run as program ?19:36
CSManRehhoff: I'm trying to login19:36
madalindamselfly99: here's a paste from lshw: http://pastebin.com/vfUwhbsS19:36
Rehhoffargh ..19:36
CSManyeah, argh =/19:36
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RehhoffCSMAn: you're ounable to log in at all or can you log in as your main user ?19:37
Rehhoffunable *19:37
damselfly99madalin: since you're asking for a recommendation for a gigabit multichannel card, if I was was going to recommend one, I'd be tempted to recommend a "syskonnect SK-9822", if your pc and wallet can handle it19:38
damselfly99madalin: but it19:38
madalindamselfly99: i'm in romania and i don't think i can find skykonnect..19:38
CSManRehhoff: I was able to login the first time, and then when I tried to open another shell it blocked my permissions, so I thought it was a security feature from ubuntu19:38
CSManto allow only 1 login at a time19:38
CSManI'm currently logged in once19:39
CSManso I can still do stuff, but if I logout I think it's going to block it all19:39
Rehhoffcan you check which users have access to the /bin/bash folder ?19:39
pfifoCSMan, there is no feature to block mutiple logins19:39
damselfly99madalin, sorry, I don't know what's available in Romania19:39
CSManso what the hell happened o_O19:39
madalindamselfly99: will that Dlink work ?19:39
RehhoffCSMan: could it be you have installed anything recently making troubles ??19:40
CSManthese are /bin/bash permissions: -rwxr-xr-x19:40
pfifoCSMan, what exactly are you trying todo?19:40
damselfly99madalin, the dlink card you mentioned previously is a realtek 8169, which is likely to be as bad as the atheros you are using now19:40
tc_Hi guys. how can I disable the switch to vt7 on boot with those plymouth messages? I want to boot into vt1.19:40
CSManpfifo: login into a freshly intalled ubuntu server?19:41
madalindamselfly99: i also have a realtek that's working correctly.19:41
damselfly99then use the realtek, if it works19:41
pfifoCSMan, how are you logging in? via ssh19:41
madalindamselfly99: it's exactly an RTL-8169 lol.19:41
madalindamselfly99: this is a routing server, and it needs two cards..19:41
damselfly99ok, then get the dlink if you know it's already good enough19:42
Caterpillardoes exist an apt plugin to detect fastest mirror?19:42
CSManpfifo: yes19:42
KircleI'm going to update the kernel to version 3.2. First time I've updated the kernel without update manager's say so. If all goes wrong I can simply go into grub and select the old kernel right?19:42
pfifoCSMan, and a second ssh connection fails?19:42
CSManpfifo: yeah, either fails or messed things up19:42
shazzhey everyone19:42
CSManpermissions look fine19:42
pfifoCSMan, what does it say when it fails?19:43
CSManto the /home/user dir19:43
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shazzwhat are u 2 talkin bout19:43
CSManpfifo: it goes through the welcome screen and it then outputs 'cannot execute /bin/bash: permission denied'19:43
droidfellowHello, can't install ubuntu server I get to a screen GNU GRUB version 1.99, then i select unbuntu, with linux 3.0.012 generic-pae then19:43
droidfellowa bunch of words pop up19:44
pfifoCSMan, can you execute bash on the shell you currently have open?19:44
shazzdo u guys like jls19:44
Rehhoffjls ?19:44
CSManpfifo: no, I get 'The program 'bash' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:19:44
CSMansudo apt-get install bash'19:44
shazzyh JLS19:44
aukIs it normal for your system to tell you that you're running out of disk space when using an encrypted (DM Crypt) LVM  file system   and knowing the facts you've never used much disk space?19:44
sstarubbish boy band?19:45
beanauk, pastebin the output of df-h19:45
beanerr, df -h19:45
pfifoCSMan, can you do 'ls -la /bin/*sh*' and pastebin the output?19:45
droidfellowthen it hangs19:45
drPoOhow can I prevent synaptic from updating a kernel?19:45
Picishazz: This is a support channel. if you're looking to chat you should check out #ubuntu-offtopic or #defocus19:45
shazzno their not i have 2 of their books and 2 of their albums i am gonna get the third one soon19:45
beandroidfellow, we'd need to see the "bunch of words"19:45
CSManpfifo: ok, hold on19:46
CSManpfifo: http://pastebin.ca/210657919:46
pfifoCSMan, what is the output of `echo $SHELL`19:47
CSManpfifo: I noticed the /bin directory has this permissions drwxr-x--- 2 root root 4096 2012-01-26 14:23 /bin19:47
shazzi might say random stuff cause my bro keeps typing and its annoying19:47
CSManpfifo: /bin/bash19:47
llutzCSMan: it should be 755 root:root19:47
aukbean: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=i02UCyXH19:47
CSManllutz: yeah, I'll change it19:47
shazzwhat r u 2 goin on about19:48
CSManllutz: ah hah19:48
jordotechhi guys, i can't install anything because of this error, can someone point me in the right direction to fix? http://pastebin.com/hBCf10jL19:48
CSManthat was totally weird19:48
pfifoCSMan, you could try `chmod 0755 /bin` im not sure if it would matter though19:48
beanauk, that tells me that you're using ~ 100% of your LVM.19:48
beanauk, 113 GB of 119 GB used.19:48
CSManpfifo: /bin was the problem, fixed permissions19:48
CSManWEIRD o_O19:48
aukI didn't put that much files worth on my system though.19:48
hydrox24hi guys19:48
llutzCSMan: /bin with 750 rrot:root won't allow anybody != root (or group root) to access, thats why it failed for you.19:49
CSManpfifo, llutz: thanks guys19:49
clonezillahow do clone my drive  to an pc over the network19:49
llutzclonezilla: rsync19:49
hydrox24llutz: you've been on here for a hwile hey!19:49
aukThe real system is: /dev/mapper/ubuntu-root19:49
hydrox24you were on when I left about 12 hours ago!19:49
RehhoffWouv someone here is really pro at ubuntu xD19:49
beanauk, I'm aware.  You're using almost 100% of it19:49
urlin2uclonezilla, clonezilla.org  lol19:49
drPoOhow can I prevent synaptic from updating a kernel?19:49
hydrox24Rehhoff: depends, what's your issue19:49
shazzits well easy to use19:49
jordotechany help on how to fix this?  http://pastebin.com/hBCf10jL  happens with any apt-get install19:50
clonezillathen how do i do that? (clonezilla)19:50
pfifo!pin | drPoO19:50
ubottudrPoO: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto19:50
Rehhoffi have no problems currently.. just stating that there are people here knowing what the hell they are doing xD19:50
aukSO I want to understand if encrypted systems make small files appear bigger.19:50
KircleGuys if I install the linux kernel version 3.2 and something doesn't work I can still boot back into the old kernel right?19:50
shazzyh i think so19:51
pfifoKircle, yes, youll see both kernels listed in the grub menu19:51
jasefKircle, in my experience, it normally leaves previous kernels there until you remove them.19:51
Rehhoffgoing a bit off topic here.... sorry.... but anyone knowing a good IDE for python developing working in ubuntu 10.04 ?19:51
llutzhydrox24: it was "llutz_" this morning, my working alter-ego :)19:51
hydrox24jordotech: i am looking into your issue right now19:51
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jordotechthank you19:51
jasefRehhoff, if Eclipse has a python plugin, then yes.19:51
beanauk, I would doubt it.19:51
hydrox24lol, righto then19:51
shazzi <3 Jls19:51
aukKircle: If anything, you can hold the SHIFT key before your system starts. and ask it to downgrade to a certain linux version.19:52
beanshazz, again, this is a support channel.19:52
shazzkk Brb to19:52
shazzoh well19:52
aukbean: Alrighties, I'll just wait until the system says it's using up all disk space and wait to see if this is really accurate or not,.19:52
Rehhoffeclipse have a python plugin, but have been unable so far to get it working... :( i was hoping of somehting simple and just working if not ill just stick with idle ugh19:52
clonezillaurlin2u,  how do i ?19:52
pozzzHi. I'm using Ubuntu Live CD to Backup Files from my Dead Windows XP Computer. It has booted form the CD nicely. Before I did a disk scan for defects, which showd none. But I cannot see any drives available in the system. I've done fdisk -l under sudo, but it printed nothing. Can you help? How to get to the  files on the Windows drive?19:52
beanauk, you can do a du -sh / to get the real number19:52
drPoOthanks pfifo!19:52
urlin2uclonezilla, the instructions are at the site, never done it myself.19:53
beanjordotech, can you do an apt-get clean and try again?19:53
clonezillain new to this clone stuff19:53
beanjordotech, apt-get clean && apt-get update && apt-get install whatever19:53
aukbean: Lol, permission is denied, even with sudo.19:54
aukOh hang on:  112G/19:54
RirishiHello. I opened the demo Ubuntu from the CD I burned. It started, but there came a black screen with some output information. Then it stopped working and froze.19:54
beanauk, then you really are using 112 G on /19:54
urlin2uclonezilla, I just use it to clone to a HD, ut ut does do what your asking there is a #clonezilla channel only six there right now.19:54
urlin2uit it19:54
pozzzririshi: have you checked the cd for errors?19:55
jordotechbean, clean + update don't help19:55
drPoOpozzz, pastebin the output of ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/19:55
sstaRehhoff: eclipse have several pythin plugins.  If one isn't working, try another...19:55
pozzzok. hold on19:55
Ririshipozzz: No I didn't do it yet. What errors could be on it.19:55
aukbean: I do not understand if this will lead to consequences                 OR     what could be eating up the space on my SSD.19:55
jeagleIs there a program out there that will let me make pdf's text-readable aka OCR that I can do from the command line? :)19:56
urlin2uclonezilla, you running in  root?19:56
beanauk, I'd imagine you have downloaded a lot of stuff, movies, music etc?19:56
pfifoRehhoff, everyone knows emacs is the best pyhon IDE, paired with quickly makes it even better19:56
Caterpillardoes exist an apt plugin to detect fastest mirror?19:56
hydrox24jordotech: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dpkg/+bug/10818919:56
ubottuUbuntu bug 108189 in dpkg (Ubuntu) "files list file for package `*' is missing final newline" [High,Invalid]19:56
pozzzRirishi: i meant msd5check19:56
hydrox24jordotech: Could be something to do with that bug19:56
aukbean: Nothing, I don't do much on this machine.       Installed a few apps, but they are not even 30GBs worth.19:56
jordotechhmm thanks i'll take a look there19:56
jordotechi'm actually unable to update19:56
beanjordotech, can you pastebin the output of /var/lib/dpkg/info/perl-modules.list19:56
clonezillaurlin2u,  i dont know19:56
Ririshipozzz: what? Im totally new...19:57
beanjordotech, actually. cat it19:57
Rehhoffi know emacs, but appearently my computer dont like it since it's just randomly crashing :S19:57
beanto get the output19:57
urlin2uclonezilla, if you open a terminal do you see a $ or a #19:57
Jordan_Upozzz: Are you sure that your Windows XP computer isn't dead because the drive (hardware) is dead?19:57
pk23anyone here setup mantis bug tracker?  My server can't seem to send out an email password when someone creates a new account19:57
hydrox24jordotech: If your unable to update I think that confirms that it is this same issue19:57
Rehhoffand not bothered about finding a fix for it... buti'll try with eclipse and looking for another plugin19:57
echoprinterwhat is the package called that let's you ./configure make & make install packages?19:57
beanpk23, make sure you have an MTA installed.19:57
sstaRehhoff: I've also found that the packaged eclipse is a waste of time.  YMMV though19:58
beanechoprinter, build-essential19:58
echoprinterI can't remember the name19:58
echoprinterbean: ah, thank you!19:58
pfifoechoprinter, autotools/autoconf/automake19:58
emif you install a properityar driver for a video card manually, and then later let apt-get update the kernel do you break the driver?19:58
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urlin2uclonezilla, ah partition magic been a while since I used it, but in general being in root on the irc is not good.19:58
Jordan_Uechoprinter: What are you trying to compile?19:58
pk23bean: do you know if there's a way you can manually create an account without having to use a mail server?19:59
clonezillaurlin2u,  y is that?19:59
pozzzdrPoO ls: invalid option -- '/'19:59
Rehhoffssta:  eclipse is only good for java developing ive heard... would just wish netbeans had a proper python plug in19:59
beanpk23, I've never used it, but if it can't send email I'd imagine there is no email server.19:59
pfifoRehhoff, try geany19:59
droidfellowbean does this help https://plus.google.com/u/0/101685076957539039426/posts19:59
urlin2uclonezilla, you are exposed for trouble, not sure if this applies here but I suspect it does.19:59
jordotechbean: its not... english20:00
Rehhoffpfhfo: i'll give it a try :)20:00
drPoOpozzz, did you add another character in there? "ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/" works for me20:00
hydrox24jordotech: It's a little tricky hey!20:00
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clonezillaurlin2u,  pm me what your talkin about20:00
pozzzRirishi google it. Ask if you cannot find it.20:00
Caterpillardoes exist an apt plugin to detect fastest mirror?20:00
emIf you install a driver for a video card manjally and it is a propreitary one. then later on use apt-get to updgrade do you break the driver?20:00
beandroidfellow, and then it sits at that screen?20:01
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hydrox24Caterpillar: Doesn't Ubuntu so that on installing it?20:01
drPoOCaterpillar, not a command line based one20:01
pfifojordotech, its spelled ����20:01
CaterpillardrPoO: dont know20:01
hydrox24Caterpillar: if not, synaptic does that I think20:01
pozzzJordan_U, I'm on the Win XP laptop as well now. Ubuntu Live CD. Did u mean something eles?20:01
urlin2uclonezilla, the root is in general on a OS is the operating system everything available without a password, it can be pwnd by another.20:01
acerimmerhydrox24: don't believe so - it just goes to default main server.20:01
drPoOpozzz, so you have loaded Ubuntu from a livecd?20:01
urlin2uclonezilla, I don't pm, lok on the web about this.20:02
droidfellowhere is a screen shot of the error i get when trying to install ubuntu server https://plus.google.com/u/0/101685076957539039426/posts20:02
sstaRehhoff: I dunno.  I've only ever really used it for java and LaTex.  I mainly use netbeans for java though20:02
Jordan_Upozzz: I'm saying that if Windows XP fails to boot, and an Ubuntu LiveCD fails to see the drive, it sounds very much like the drive (hardware) is non-functioning.20:02
madalindamselfly99: i think i fixed it. Temporarily. I just flushed the mangle table and it stopped.20:03
beanjordotech, hmm...20:03
damselfly99madalin: then all is good20:03
acerimmerdroidfellow: no help can't read.20:03
aukbean: I think I found the file on my system creating problems.         /proc/kcore     <---- 140.7 TB (140,737,486,266,368 bytes)                 I only have a 128GB SSD (which is really a 119GB).20:03
pfifodroidfellow, I dont see any problems there20:03
derpladeehey, i just added some new nameservers in resolv.conf, but when i restart my computer the old nameservers are back again. how do i prevent this from happening?20:03
hydrox24jordotech: can you use private messages?20:04
Rehhoffssta: I see i still have much to learn.. only language i good at is PHP xD20:04
hydrox24jordotech: I have sent you one20:04
pfifoderpladee, disable dhcp20:04
madalindamselfly99: thanks for your time m8. You're great!:)20:04
llutzauk: /proc is a virtual filesystem, not really taking space.20:04
Rehhoffokay ./configure on geany gave me this error.. configure: error: No C++ compiler found. Please install a C++ compiler. anyone know where to find a c++ compiler xD ?20:04
sstaRehhoff: php is a respectable language for some things...very easy to write badly, but hey, you can write bad code in any language if you try hard enough :)20:04
pozzzdrPoO yes, i did. typed in   ls-l /dev/disk/by-uuid/   (no spaces)20:04
droidfellowpfifo oh! no command line or anything?20:04
beanRehhoff, apt-get install build-essential20:04
beanpozzz, ls -la20:05
pfifoRehhoff, `sudo apt-get install geany`20:05
beanpozzz, need a space20:05
derpladeepfifo, but my router uses dhcp for giving my computer an ip every time i connect to it i think? i just don't want to use the router's nameserver20:05
pozzzJordan_U ok. probably it is.20:05
hydrox24Rehhoff: the build-essential package contains what you need20:05
aukllutz: But something on my system is preventing me from writing anything, I can not even save a simple text file now. :S20:05
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Rehhofftotally forgot that ...20:05
Jordan_Ujordotech: That sounds like the files has been corrupted somehow. First thing I would do would be to check the SMART status of the drive, then run fsck.20:05
hexbasehi, how do i let www-data to sudo for certain command? I need a php script to do that20:05
nancy--how to see the network speed by consol?20:05
llutzauk: maybe, but not this (virtual) file20:06
pfifodroidfellow, well, that screen shot doesnt show the problem20:06
damselfly99nancy-- ifconfig20:06
cannonfodderhey you guys is it possible to calculate md5  recursively for an entire directory tree and all its contents20:06
droidfellowpfifo so where do i go from there?20:06
hydrox24jordotech: there could be a simpler issue, simply with the .deb file and something about a "newline" not existing where it needs to20:06
pozzzbean ls: cannot access /dev/...   no such file or directory20:06
emI gotchya C++ compiler right ovah' heah' (also sudo aptitude install build-essential)20:06
pfifoderpladee, I use static IP's or configure my own DHCP20:06
aukllutz: I'm using a dm-crypted system.     I set it up so it's an EXT4 inside LVM and it's encrypted.20:06
hydrox24auk: what;s the error you get when TRYINg to save a file20:06
ubluntucannonfodder: sudo md5deep -er /dir20:06
cannonfodderthank ubluntu20:07
llutzauk: whatever, /proc is not your problem20:07
derpladeecan't i just make the dhcp use the ip the router gives me, and ignore the nameserver20:07
Rehhoffssta: PHP is also a language where you easily make bugs xD20:07
pozzzbean got that after typing in the string WITH the space20:07
aukhydrox24: Could not save the file /home/auk/Desktop/j. There is not enough disk space to save the file. Please free some disk space and try again.20:07
pfifoderpladee, are you sure your router dosent allow you to specify the DNS servers it sends?20:07
aukllutz: Yeah, btw, I have no swapdisk partition. Since my machine uses 16GBs for ram.20:07
nancy--damselfly99,  any other command used by nix20:07
hydrox24auk: well, that error makes sense to me, is it true? Do you just need to free up some disk space?20:07
hexbasehow do i let www-data to sudo for certain command? I need a php script to do that20:07
drPoOpozz, there should be a space between "ls" and "-l"20:08
derpladeeyes i'm pretty sure of that, it makes me use the DNS server of my ISP20:08
nimbioticsHow do I install a jdbc in linux ubuntu?20:08
iceroothexbase: dont do that20:08
sstahexbase: umm, that's usually going to be a BAD idea imo20:08
iceroothexbase: big security issue20:08
pfifoderpladee, I know network manager can be configured to ignore DHCP nameservers20:08
beanhexbase, that sounds like a bad idea, but you can do it with nopasswd stuff in sudoers config20:08
hexbaseiceroot, i need it, the script is protected20:08
sstathat's the easy way to get your box rooted20:08
llutzhexbase: you dont want a webserver doing something as root20:08
iceroothexbase: dont do that20:08
Jordan_Uhexbase: What are you actually trying to accomplish?20:09
hexbasellutz, just one command, reload squid config20:09
aukhydrox24: the problem is, theres really nothing to free up, I don't have much on this computer. Literally, I hadn't even used more than 30GBs worth of files. I for heck sure do not have 60GBs worth of files.              This is insane.20:09
hexbaseJordan_U, just one command, reload squid config20:09
pozzzbean, drPoO, :update. What was that uuid?20:09
beanauk, what is the output of du -sh /home/20:09
hydrox24auk: and your partition is far bigger than 60GB then?20:09
pozzzis taht specific number?20:09
ilovemesomeubuntIs fail2ban and Key-auth the best most "secure" config for sshd?20:09
aukhydrox24: Yes. twice as big.20:09
hexbaseJordan_U, i've added www-data www-data=/etc/init.d/squid3 reload, with visudo but no success20:09
derpladeepfifo, yes it totallly can, thanks20:10
hydrox24auk: run the command suggested by ben then20:10
drPoOpozzz, its a unique identifier for the hdds/floppy/cd drives on your machine20:10
hexbaseJordan_U, does the user need to relogin?20:10
pozzzdrPoO sorry, people. I just copied the whole string. Had no idea.20:10
hexbaselater i fix it20:11
aukI found it, this bloaty: .xsession-errors20:11
aukThat's insane.20:11
beanauk lol, how big?20:11
Ririsipozzz: I will do a check20:11
aukI'mma go delete that.20:12
pozzzdrPoO how do I get the identifier? ls -l /dev/disk/ showed me someting20:12
beanauk, you might need to restart to make the file actually be removed.20:12
aukThis is ruining my SSD.20:12
emWhy does there need to be a EULA for ms-corefonts?20:12
beanauk, since it's probably open with X20:12
pfifohexbase `sudo useradd www-data admin`20:12
beanauk, want a quick hack to make that file not writeable?20:12
Nach0zGot a weird question for yall. My Ubuntu has a directory, I did sudo su, chmod 666 ./ -R, chown <my username> ./ -R, and su - <my username>, but when I try to cd to that directory it  tells me permission denied.20:12
damselfly99em: because m$ considers it intellectual property20:12
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aukbean: Permissions? :P20:13
pozzzdrwxr bla bla bla ...by-label      and         bla bla bla ...by-path20:13
beanauk, or chattr +i20:13
Rehhoffhave you tried as superuser to cd to the directory ?20:13
hydrox24auk: before you do, Maybe there is an issue causing the logs to be bloated?20:13
aukOkies, I'll give that a go. Thanks.20:13
Ririsipozzz: i can't find it... please help me20:13
Nach0zRehhoff: su can get in just fine20:13
Nach0zRehhoff: but if I do ANY permissions other than 777 on the directory, suddenly nobody but su can get in20:13
ilovemesomeubuntAnyone good with securing ssh server?20:13
Nach0zthis kinda struck me as weird.20:13
sstadamselfly99: it *is* IP...20:14
pfifoNach0z, you ser read/write/NO list permission (0666) try 0755 instead20:14
geekbriilovemesomeubunt: what exactly are you looking to do20:14
emdamselfly99: what does the EULA prohibit me from doing, if anything, wth the corefonts? If I make something using the corefonts does it belong to me or to microsoft?20:14
beanilovemesomeubunt, pretty easy, disable root log in, force ssh keys, change the port, etc.20:14
drPoOpozzz, pastebin the output of ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/20:14
Rehhoffhow about granting the directory/file permissions using gui ?20:14
geekbribean: ilovemesomeubunt: you could also use fail2ban20:15
damselfly99ssta: of course, good freeware fonts are rare20:15
Nach0zhm... 755 works, pfifo. What would the correct permissions be if I just want the user/group to be able to read/write and all others locked out?20:15
Nach0zRehhoff: no gui. don't got one. XD20:15
ilovemesomeubuntbean, cool.  I did that and am considering fail2ban20:15
pfifoNach0z, 077020:15
Nach0zwoo terminal. And what's weird is that this is the FIRST time this has happened to me20:15
pk23bean: fyi, I ended up having to edit the database password field and used an encrypted md5 value corresponding to the word 'password' to log in20:15
Rehhoffwhat version of ubuntu you run ?20:15
graftNach0z: you need to have x permissions on a directory to enter it20:16
aukhydrox24: do you by any chance know a way to force free up space after deleting a file?20:16
aukOtherwise, i will just reboot.20:16
Nach0zRehhoff: it's on 11.04 at the moment, set up as a server, so headless20:16
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beanpk23, cool story bro. I don't use that software, I was just telling you in general to install a MTA if it cant send mail20:16
damselfly99em: it prohibits you from distributing the fonts at some time in the future when m$ says you can't, it forbids you from copying the shapes of the letters for your own fonts, etc20:16
Nach0zgraft: x permissions on a dir to enter? i thought x was to execute o_020:16
hydrox24auk: how did you delete the file?20:16
graftNach0z: for regular files, yes, for directories it gives you permission to enter the dir20:17
paulus68ilovemesomeubunt: try out this site20:17
pfifoNach0z, X means execute files OR list a directory20:17
paulus68ilovemesomeubunt: http://thinkhole.org/wp/2006/10/30/five-steps-to-a-more-secure-ssh/20:17
emmicrosoft did not invent the shape of the letters. Letters have a certain shape or else we can't tell what letter it is. That's my view.20:17
Rehhoffwhat exactly are you trying to do ?20:17
sstaem: MS weren't the first to copyright typefaces.  Not by a long way.20:18
Nach0zgraft: oh. well. that's fun. so I have to have +x on the directory to read it, and +x on a file to execute it. that about right?20:18
damselfly99em: copyrights and IP for fonts are a long tradition.20:18
geekbriilovemesomeubunt: if you are using not using regular password auth and requiring SSH keys and have changed the default port, and disabled root login... youre probably fairly safe.20:18
Nach0zRehhoff: I've run a server for a while now, I just was cleaning up some permissions on a shared directory.20:18
Jordan_Uem: If you don't want to use Microsoft Fonts you don't need to. There are plenty of Free fonts available.20:18
emby now some of the best fonts should have become public domain then.20:18
pfifoNach0z, the first characre of the permissions is the most important, the d in this case, drwxrwx---20:18
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emArial is a very nice font. Does some corporation own it?20:19
emWhat about Times New Roman?20:19
Nach0zpfifo: alright. thanks.20:19
sstaem: copyright is 70 years...hasn't been time for it to expire for digital fonts20:19
graftNach0z: yeah... you can fix your problem with find - do chmod u+x `find . -type d`20:19
emssta: that's much much too long.20:19
geekbrissta: i think its actually 75 years now... see: the mickey mouse effect20:19
sstaem: microsoft own arial.  TNR belongs to the British Times newspaper20:19
Nach0zgraft: thanks, that's actually pretty helpful. should put that into a script. XD20:19
sstageekbri: ah, it keeps changing20:20
emssta: this is very upsetting.20:20
damselfly99em: there are some acceptably good freeware fonts out there though20:20
geekbrisst: basically anytime mickey mouses copyright is about to expire disney lobbys as hard as it can to get the time extended20:20
sstaem: Computer Modern (the most amazingly easy to read font ever) is freely avaiable20:20
ilovemesomeubuntbean, paulus68, geekbri, Thank you!  I also wouldn't mind blocking nearly all of Asia due to the volume of crap traffic I get from there =P20:20
graftNach0z: also in the future, stick with the aug+rwx type syntax, it's easier to understand than the numbers20:20
sstageekbri: yeah.  Sucks to live in a world like that20:20
RirisiI tried to install Ubuntu 11.10 and it froze.. I got a picture of it: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/39/img0182w.jpg/20:21
emssta, damselfly99 surely an open source community could make fonts that are HIGHLY SIMILAR in all relevant aspects to the ones we like best. Arial is a nice non serif font. No one can own the right to inventing the idea of not using serifs.20:21
graftNach0z: and less likely to break stuff20:21
Jordan_Uem: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberation_fonts20:21
osd1000Ririsi: Try ubuntu 10.0420:21
Nach0zgraft: normally I do that, but that's actually what borked it in the first place. Numbers are seeming more accurate XD20:21
Ririsiosd1000: What is wrong with 11.10?20:21
osd1000Ririsi: 11.10 is goo db20:21
emFonts are so surprisingly interesting. What a rich history.20:21
geekbriilovemesomeubunt: most of those are silly script kiddy attacks anyway that are generally harmless and are just a nuisance since they clog up your logs20:21
graftem: Arial is not a good font, it sucks, and it was made as a derivative of helvetica in the first place. There are free fonts that are much better renditions of helvetica than arial (like dejavu sans)20:21
acerimmer@Jordan_U: damn you type fast!  I was just thinking that...20:22
Ririsiosd1000: goo db? sorry, new to these things.20:22
Rehhoffuse dafont.com for free fonts20:22
osd1000Ririsi: but its desktop contains unity so its a memory hogger20:22
pozzzRirisi: <https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM> Do a MD5SUM check on the Ubuntu file you have downloaded. Then burn your CD. Check the CD for errors (optional, but may be needed, Verify disc after buring - If the CD writing fails, try writing at a slower speed). When you burn the CD it is not a media CD or a music CD that you need. Unlike a regular data file, the ISO file cannot be simply dragged and dropped or copied directly onto a20:22
pozzzdisc. (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto)20:22
paulus68ilovemesomeubunt: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/57320:22
sstaem: there are several sets of free fonts.  I don't use mscorefonts for example and I have as many fonts as I need20:22
aukThere we go, my linux system is happy again. thanks everyone.         6.3 GB (some contents unreadable)20:23
guntbert!ot | ssta em20:23
ubottussta em: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:23
aukOh gawd. I put an end to it with chattr +i, works swell.20:23
damselfly99auk: the "some contents unreadable" part doesn't sound good20:23
em!thanks | guntbert20:23
ubottuguntbert: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)20:23
aukdamselfly99: My system is encrypted.20:24
Ririsipozzz: this is for when you have linux installed. I have windows..20:24
paulus68ilovemesomeubunt: http://www.mysql-apache-php.com/ssh-attacks.htm20:24
guntbertRirisi: you will find instructions for windows there too20:25
Ririsipozzz: never mind. I did a check and the disc is right.20:25
emAnyhow ms-corefonts comes in ubuntu-restricted-extras so probably almost everyone who uses Ubuntu agrees to the EULA.20:26
emBecause if you do not agree it will kill the installation.20:26
pfifoI dont use ubuntu-restricted-extras20:27
Ririsiguntbert: thank you. I saw it.20:27
Rehhoffimo microsoft have nothing to do in the ubuntu world20:27
pozzzdrPoO sorry, but I've been busy. I says "cannot access"20:27
aukdamselfly99: To satisfy you: 6.4 GB           <--- When checking using root.          Thanks for the raised awareness.20:27
pozzzRirisi, as u can see i have a problem here as well. just be patient20:27
Ririsipozzz: sorry pozzz20:28
pozzzRirisi it is for linux and windows. The pages I gave you are long20:28
pozzzRirisi do u have the Ubuntu file?20:29
guntbert!u | pozzz20:29
ubottupozzz: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'ryt',  'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.20:29
cperaleswhen i trying opening this image (earth photo from nasa)http://npp.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/VIIRS_4Jan2012.jpg my session its closed20:29
eitchhi guys. I've got a weird problem. I've got an Asus Zenbook on which I of course installed Ubuntu. Now my trackpad is just not working properly anymore. In Windows it works very nicely but in Ubuntu it sometimes just react to any pressure. Is there something I can do? Is this problem known?20:29
pozzzubottu, guntbert, sorry20:29
guntbertcperales: with what browser?20:29
Ririsipozzz: Yes I have the file. I burned it to a CD and I checked it. It is right.20:30
pfifocperales, maybe nasa decided that they didnt mean to release that photo20:30
acerimmereitch: take a look in your mouse settings.20:30
pozzzRirisi do you have the Ubuntu file?20:30
eitchacerimmer, why? what would the problem be?20:30
cperalesguntbert, at first i thought it was my browser but opening from desktop does the same effect20:30
Ririsipozzz: yes i do. I said so already.20:30
acerimmercperales: session killed everytime or just once?20:30
eitchI hhoked up a normal usb mouse and that works perfectly20:30
pozzzRirisi Did you burn it as a iso file?20:31
cperalesacerimmer, every time i try to open it20:31
damselfly99cperales: I just tried your link. It's a *huge* jpeg, clearly too large for memory on most machine20:31
acerimmereitch: touchpad settings might need to be tweaked.20:31
Ririsipozzz: yes i did it with the first method. Right click on the .iso file and click on burn to disc.20:31
graftdamselfly99: it's 8k*8k20:31
pfifocperales, that is a nice photo20:31
eitchacerimmer, ok, i'll have a look20:31
cannonfodderhey you guys. i want apache to have access to my /var/svn folder which contains svn repositories...however, svnserve daemon is also going to be accessing it...i know based on documentation that i need to give apache permission to access this folder also, but if i were to chown -R that entire directory to apache:apache   then the svndaemon which runs under svn:svn will not have access to it...so, i was wondering if a simple hack of doing a chown -R apac20:31
graftdamselfly99: that'll take like 200M? maybe?20:31
acerimmercperales: opens fine for me and I'm running VirtualBox AND firefox AND email.  Suspect your gpu might have overloaded.  This is an intense file.  Any other graphics hiccups??20:32
devishmy don't have any upload speed in ubuntu 11.1020:32
cperalesdamselfly99, yep but i have a lenovo b570, 8 GB of RAM20:32
pozzzIf you check “Verify disc after burning”, it will verify that the ISO image has been burned correctly. Did you do that?20:32
Ririsipozzz: no i didn't. what should i do now?20:32
devishi there a way to set upload speed20:32
cperalespfifo, i cant see it :(20:33
devishis there a way to set upload speed20:33
pfifocannonfodder, put apache user and svn user into amutual group, and then make that mutual group have permissions on the folder20:33
mystikhow do i get rid of this bloody awful unity thing...its so laggy and buggy20:33
Nach0zwhoo. figured out a little haxxing of my perms and "find" and got stuff done.20:33
mystikim using 11.1020:33
urlin2ucperales, try another browser.20:33
ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity20:33
Jordan_U!notunity | mystik20:33
ubottumystik: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic20:33
devishas upload speed is 0 some sites are not working properly20:33
hydrox24mystik: You need to choose another Window Manager20:33
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.20:34
kasiiwith fourier series20:34
Nach0zOne more question for yall: if I start up a .sh file in terminal, it SHOULD use the directory I'm cd'd into right then should be the directory it runs from yes?20:34
cperalesurlin2u: this also happen opening it from desktop20:34
finalehi, on my computer with 11.10 the unity dash takes 4+ seconds to open20:34
RirisiWhat is the difference between Download and Install and Try on CD or USB?20:34
mystikhydrox24, like which ones hydrox2420:34
hydrox24Nach0z: Yes, always20:34
pozzzRirisi first of all, did you do md5sum to chect if the file was downloaded properly?20:34
pozzz*to check20:34
acerimmerNach0z: right20:34
hydrox24Hypnoz: what do you mean?20:34
urlin2ucperales, you have a slow connection, it shows here but at a really slow speed to finish.20:34
Ririsipozzz: yes i did. It is able to read.20:34
Nach0zawesome. I'm gonna make a bash script right quick then...20:34
kasiiis popin  with fourier series20:34
damselfly99cperales: at 8k x 8k by 24-bit color, it's just over the 16mb memory segment limit20:35
Jordan_URirisi: If you're asking about the links on the Ubuntu website, they both go to the exact same page.20:35
kasiido u know fourier series20:35
RirisiJordan_U thank you.20:35
pozzzRirisi you should get a long string like "hshsgsg6t6s6a6ta6t6ast6" when doing the md5sum check.20:35
hydrox24mystik: what do you mean?20:35
kasiimost applicable in os20:35
acerimmercperales: rather than open it, download and save it.  THEN try opening20:35
Jordan_URirisi: You're welcome.20:35
pozzzRirisi Is that what you got?20:36
cperalesdamselfly99, oh ok, but i can see it with gimp, why works there?20:36
Ririsipozzz: no i used media check for the CD. now going to check it.20:36
mystikhydrox24,  u said i had to use another window manager..besides gnome 3 what other ones are their20:36
kasiiubuntu linux kubuntu edubuntu lubuntu xubuntu20:36
Hypnoztar: Cowardly refusing to create an empty archive20:36
HypnozI love linux error messages :)20:36
damselfly99cperales: because gimp obviously is designed for huge images, so it doesn't depend on 16mb memory segments20:37
cperalesdamselfly99, ok, thx :)20:37
pozzzScroll down for "MD5SUM on Windows" in one of the pages. Ririsi20:37
Nach0zkasii: ....?20:37
Nach0zwhat was that about? :|20:37
Ririsipozzz: It is checking now.20:37
Nach0zlinux is what all the 'buntus are built on.20:38
Nach0zthe "why" is because people like different window managers.20:38
Ririsipozzz: C396DD0F97BD122691BDB92D7E68FDE5 *ubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.iso20:38
jeagleis there a command that will just list the folder name? like " ls -d */ " This works however, I don't want any ' / ' in the result...20:38
Jordan_Ukasii: Please stop with the nonsense or you will be removed from the channel.20:38
urlin2uNach0z, you have a actual problem?20:38
jeagleis there a command that will just list the folder name? like " ls -d */ " This works however, I don't want any " / " in the result...20:38
hydrox24mystik: Try xfce20:38
Nach0zurlin2u: Got my problem kinda fixed, now I'm helping with random people 'cuz I'm bored.20:38
sstajeagle: find . -type d -maxdepth 120:39
urlin2uNach0z, cool.20:39
pozzzit is ok20:39
jeaglesorry that was lag issue there.20:39
kasiiNach0z,  yes am here20:39
Ririsipozzz: Is that correct?20:39
pozzzwhen compared to the key here http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/MD5SUMS  , Ririsi20:39
kasiiJordan what non sense20:39
eitchacerimmer, actually now the response seems a bit better, but now the right mouse button doesn't work... weird20:40
kasiinice chat here in irc20:40
hydrox24kasii: cya20:40
pozzzRirisi yes. Burn the CD again. try writing at a slower speed and check “Verify disc after burning”20:40
finalehey, i'm using 11.10 and the unity dash takes 4+ seconds to open20:40
Ririsipozzz: I compared and it's exactly the same.20:40
Ririsipozzz: okay... It takes a new CD =.=20:41
urlin2uRirisi, you can load a usb stick as well.20:41
pozzzburn on the same one. if it is RW20:41
pozzzor a USB stick20:41
jeaglessta: that worked... kinda haha. I need something that will generate the same results at ls (no begining or end " ./ " in it. just the file name.20:41
Ririsiurlin2u: how?20:41
Socket-Can anyone recomend a good CLI reader for usenet20:41
Ririsipozzz: it's very cheap i think.. so no RW i think.20:42
urlin2uRirisi, there is a app called unetbootin on the web works great.20:42
damselfly99cli reader?20:42
Ririsiurlin2u: what does it do?20:42
Socket-command line interface reader for usenet/newsgroups20:42
Ririsiurlin2u: oh i saw it thank you!20:42
urlin2uRirisi, loads the cd to a usb thumb and boots and runs like the cd but a little faster.20:42
pozzzmakes an Ubuntu Live CD on a pendrive20:42
Hypnozjeagle: la -d */ | sed 's/\/$//g'20:42
droidfellowi'm back, so after the installation and the cd pops out i then get the grub srenn i then hit enter on unbuntu with linux, i then get no login screen20:43
jeaglessta: so for example... I just want a list of folder names that has this result " folder-name " not " ./folder-name " or " folder-name/ "20:43
droidfellowjust a flashing curer20:43
guntbertSocket-: try irssi20:43
urlin2udroidfellow, you see a black screen?20:43
droidfellowurlin2u yes20:43
urlin2u!nomodeset > droidfellow20:43
jeagleHypnoz: That works great thank you! :)20:43
ubottudroidfellow, please see my private message20:43
Ririsiurlin2u: can i use the usb afterwards for something else?20:43
pozzzRirisi or try to start ubuntu with that old CD again20:43
urlin2uRirisi, yep20:44
hydrox24droidfellow: ar you happy to use sed or awk?20:44
Ririsiurlin2u thanks!20:44
urlin2uRirisi, no problem20:44
Socket-guntbert: irssi has newgroup support?20:44
pfifowhy do they call it a web browser? I spend 99% of my time searching20:44
guntbertSocket-: sorry, I misread your question20:44
droidfellowurlin2u black screen words like Begin loadin essential drivers..done20:44
urlin2udroidfellow, you may neeed a graphic driver nomodeset should get you in, to find this out.20:44
hydrox24Socket-: It's lickely to have a plugin for it ;)20:44
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Nach0zSocket-: wikipedia says klibido20:45
Ririsiurlin2u: which distribution should i choose? NetInstall, HDMedia, or Live20:46
Nach0zSocket-: I'd suspect klibido is a KDE package or something, another one that I'm seeing is hellanzb20:47
Socket-sounds guish20:47
Socket-thanks for looking though20:47
=== Guest52083 is now known as Slor
Nach0zSocket-: hellanzb is specifically listed as non-gui20:47
droidfellowurlin2u i typed !nomodeset at the prompt but nothing happened20:47
urlin2uRirisi, you can use the ISO you have check disc image and find it.20:47
Nach0zin fact you gotta download GUI packages to get a GUI for it :|20:47
urlin2udroidfellow, read the link it has to be inserted in the kernel at the grub menu.20:47
urlin2udroidfellow, the bots private message has a link20:48
Ririsiurlin2u: oh good idea thank you.20:49
droidfellowok new to all this stuff20:49
droidfellowwill check20:49
urlin2uRirisi, I always use a thumb, it is just faster, I have usb loader that can load multiple ISO as well and boot all.20:49
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Ririsiurlin2u: okay thank you. pozzz: yes?20:51
urlin2uRirisi, np. D20:51
urlin2uLukeNukem, howdy.20:51
LukeNukemive burned ubuntu iso to usb using unetbootin20:51
LukeNukemi run wubi.exe but it does not let me install alongside windows, it asks me to reboot into live cd and instal lfrom there.i dont want to do that20:52
LukeNukemim afraid i will mess up my windows installation and i have a lot of work on it sooo20:52
pozzzRirisi no, nothing. accident20:52
urlin2uLukeNukem, you have to boot the thumb for alongside, wub is justa file in windows.20:52
RirisiI have to delete the files that were on the stick first. I will backup them/ back them up.20:52
LukeNukemboot the thumb?20:52
LukeNukemim not sure how to :\20:52
urlin2uLukeNukem, set the bios to read the usb first.20:53
pozzzLukeNukem choose in BIOS?20:53
Ririsihow to choose if my PC will start from hard drive or the USB?20:53
LukeNukemoh you guys meant thumb drive..20:53
Ririsiurlin2u:pozzz: oh lol failure20:53
LukeNukemyea ive set that, but i dont want to do the manual install :\20:53
pfifoLukeNukem, you could always try ubuntu on a different computer until your comfortable with the installation process. You might be interested in emulation with VMware, if you dont have a 2nd old computer available.20:53
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urlin2uRirisi, on booting?20:53
LukeNukemive installed ubuntu before but i just like installing with wubi, its easier.and i dont have to mess around with file formats n so on20:54
Ririsiurlin2u: I'm deleting the old files and backing them up now.20:54
urlin2uRirisi, cool20:54
pfifoLukeNukem, ok then why isnt wubi running?20:54
LukeNukemi launch wubi and this is what i get20:54
urlin2uLukeNukem, your best tool is a cd if there is a problem.20:55
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LukeNukemgod i tried a dvd, but i burned it once, it completed, put it back in says its empty, burned three times now it wont even load into windows :\20:55
LukeNukemok i click demo and full installation and i get this20:55
LukeNukemnormally wubi asks me which drive to install in, how much space to use, username so on20:56
urlin2uLukeNukem, what happens if you hit the demo or full installation?20:56
LukeNukemurlin2u, http://gyazo.com/e06217f9089a76275401fa0b6f21f666.png?132761076720:56
Ririsiurlin2u: now deleting the files on the usb and then i'll make the boot-USB20:57
meerkatsin unity, how do I change the name of an application?20:57
meerkatswhats right below the icon20:57
urlin2uLukeNukem, what release is the ISO?20:57
theadminmeerkats: I don't think Unity has a menu editor anymore. Edit the .desktop files in /usr/share/applications/ manually.20:57
austnixi keep getting this error wiht a fresh nstall : E: /var/cache/apt/archives/boot-sav-gui_3.11-0ppa2~oneiric_all.deb: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/cleancommon-translations.mo', which is also in package boot-repair-common 3.0-0ppa37~oneiric20:57
jeniahello everyone. i want to monitor netowkr traffic for all the computers on my network20:57
jeniais there a way to do that?20:57
LukeNukem11.10 urlin2u20:57
jeniamaybe theres a program that contacts the router and gets that information?20:58
hydrox24jenia: unless you want to slow things down, and use cracking/forensics tool, you'll need to build a router box I think20:58
austnixjenia: use a DD-WRT router20:58
meerkatstheadmin, step forward huh?20:58
urlin2uLukeNukem, and it is the full ISO? To be honest hardly anyone here uses wubi,so getting tech help for it is kind of a bit of a wait.20:58
hydrox24jenia: DD-WRT may work too?20:58
theadminmeerkats: Heh :P20:58
damselfly99is there a console command to display and control multicast filter settings?20:58
LukeNukemurlin2u, say i would be doing a manual install, what would i choose as the partition format?20:59
fAz4i have a very big folder with lots of files, which compression algorithm is faster ? ZIP takes an hour20:59
LukeNukemand boot loader will be mess with GRUB >> windows boot manager >> windows20:59
LukeNukemso on and so forth20:59
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LjLfAz4: gzip is fast, but i think zip isn't slow either. i suspect they're both on the fast side of things.20:59
emis there anything "wrong" with using a PPA to backport in a philosophical sense of wrong?20:59
jeniaokay thanks so very much20:59
theadminLjL: gzip compresses single files, not folders...21:00
pfifoLukeNukem, have you ever tried vmware or qemu?21:00
Ririsiurlin2u: almost done. now going to make the boot-USB21:00
LjLtheadmin: err, that's easily solved with tar surely?21:00
fAz4 LjL:  the file size is not important for me just compression time21:00
LukeNukempfifo, a long time aog did a manual intall on vmware21:00
theadminLjL: Yeah indeed, but that's already double stuffing xD Depends on speed of tar AND speed of gz21:00
LukeNukemi believe it was on kaola21:00
urlin2uLukeNukem, first you want to make sure you know the type of drive setup you have if a standard mbr you can only have 4 primary partitions or 3 primaries and a extended which would contain logical ext4 partitions for ubuntu.21:00
LukeNukemkarmic kaola or whatever it was called21:00
PicifAz4: You may want to take a look at this, and use whatever is fastest and most accessable to you: http://www.maximumcompression.com/index.html21:00
guntbertfAz4: or you just use tar: terribly quick, no compression :)21:01
Ririsiurlin2u: place used to preserve files across reboots?21:01
urlin2uRirisi, that is just a persistent option if you wanted to run the thumb and have it save stuff not needed for a install.21:02
Ririsiurlin2u okay thanks ill just install it.21:02
pfifoLukeNukem, I recommend you try vwmare again, or qemu which is what wubi most likely uses21:02
urlin2uRirisi, make sure that you have the load pointed at the thumb in the drive dropdown as well.21:02
LukeNukempfifo, um im pretty sure wubi installs it as an operating system and not a virtual pc.21:02
pozzzdrPoO   Still can help?21:03
Ririsiurlin2u: you mean i have to choose the right usb stick?21:03
urlin2uLukeNukem, wubi is a pseudo virtual it s a file in windows.21:03
LukeNukemok manual install it is then21:03
drPoOpozzz, refresh my noggin please... what was the problem?21:03
LukeNukemi shall be on irc from my sisters laptop so you guys can guide me on the partition problems or anything21:04
Ririsiurlin2u: it makes the usb booter now21:04
urlin2uLukeNukem, take notice of what I said if you add to many partitions you will have a big problem, also clone the windows OS first.21:04
ssfdre38how can i fix this error http://paste.ssfdre38.com/4321:04
pozzzdrPoO http://pastebin.com/m1fxxLqy21:05
pfifossfdre38, run `export LC_ALL=C` and `export HOME=/root`21:05
pozzzdrPoO trying to get files from a dead hhd on WinXP21:06
Ririsiurlin2u: I will try to boot from there. I will come back and say if it worked. See you soon.21:06
Ririsiurlin2u: The USB-Booter is done btw21:06
drPoOpozzz, so you are currently unable to mount the NTFS partition using an ubuntu livecd, is this correct?21:06
* Ririsi is going to try to install Ubuntu on his PC.21:06
coreyoMy lightdm will not start automatically at boot time, I am just dumped into a login console.  /etc/X11/default-display-manager properly points to "/usr/sbin/lightdm" .  If I install another display manager, the other display manager appears to work just fine.  Any suggestions?21:07
pozzzdrPoO I cannot see it neither via the console or in a file browser. BUT I havent tried to force mount. I fear it is too risky21:07
drPoOpozzz, could you pastebin the output of "ls /dev/sd*" and "ls /dev/hd*"21:07
dies_iraeHOW TO MOUNT TRANSFORMER??!!!21:08
dies_iraethis ridiculous...21:08
theadmindies_irae: lolwut21:08
vasitsivHello, I have a partition problem (actually not me, a friend). So he installed linux because winXP got ruined. He had a C: and D: drive. I guided him through phone to delete C: and create a /,/home, and swap partition. After the installation was done, he opened ubuntu and couldn't mount his D: drive. I told him to check gparted and the D: drive was inside the extended partition with /home and swap. How can he read the ntfs partition21:08
dies_iraetheadmin: androide asus tablet is not shouwing up21:08
drPoOpozzz, first you need to find out which one of your devices is the one that has the NTFS partition, then you can mount it21:08
theadmindies_irae: Configure it to be used as USB Mass Storage in Settings -> Wireless and Networks -> USB Mode and then plug the USB cable in.21:09
drPoOpozzz, actually could you pastebin "fdisk -l" please21:09
pozzzdrPoO ok and hold on21:09
dies_iraetheadmin: usb debug mode?21:09
theadmindies_irae: No, not that, um21:09
dies_iraedone it.21:09
LukeNukem_do help me with the partitions please ;-o21:09
theadmindies_irae: For me, in Settings -> Wireless and Network -> USB Settings I have 3 options: "Kies", "Media player" and "Mass storage". You'll have something like that too. You need that third one.21:10
dies_iraeI don't :(21:11
MonkeyDusttheadmin  "Kies"?21:11
pozzzdrPoO "fdisk -l" gives nothing. Just shows the next line with ~21:11
theadminMonkeyDust: Yeah, that's a Samsung thing.21:11
rb26hello trolls!21:11
MonkeyDustpozzz  with sudo21:11
theadminMonkeyDust: Replacement for Samsung PC Studio lol21:11
pozzzyes, I did sude about 1h ago21:11
nullucashi, does anyone know a program or a good way to display popups, notes, reminders, etc. randomly? I know there are tools to schedule stuff, but not randomly21:12
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drPoOpozzz, run "fdisk -l" as sudo.21:13
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rb26hello trolls!!!21:13
drPoOpozzz, that HAS to give you an output21:13
pozzzdrPoO I did right after you asked above and nothing21:13
vasitsivpozzz, "sudo fdisk -l"21:13
pozzzok. let me try again21:13
ipy_onenullucas server ou client ?21:13
dies_iraerb26: lawl, u talking to urself now?21:13
pozzzyes, nothing21:14
pozzznext line with ~21:14
drPoOpozzz, i am baffled21:14
vasitsivpozzz you write -L right, not -121:14
pozzznullucas; parley and the widget for it21:14
pozzzyes, (space)-L21:14
javelinboardi hate to interrupt, but sound just ain't working for me, and Firefox crashes whenever i hit back or stay on a page for a while21:14
javelinboardthis happened after my laptop crashed21:15
javelinboardi was playing ff721:15
nullucasipy_one, I would use it on my Ubuntu desktop21:15
drPoOpozzz, what livecd version are you running?21:15
rb26hahah :dies_irae21:15
pozzznullucas it is for learning eg words, but you can use it for remindes, and you can set how rendom it sould be, I guess21:15
ipy_onewell, i use the thunderbir + extensions...21:16
nullucaspozzz, I'm looking it up, thanks21:16
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dies_iraewow, ASUS EPIC FAIL!!21:16
drPoOpozzz, stupid question but.... are you sure that the HDD that has windoze is plugged in to your motherboard?21:16
pozzzdrPoO is it possible it is not after the fall?21:17
pozzzdid not open it21:17
drPoOpozzz, does your BIOS recognize the HDD??21:17
drPoOpozzz, reboot, go into your BIOS and make sure that the HDD in question is being recognized, then load the livecd and run "fdisk -l"21:18
pozzzdrPoO I went into BIOS but don't remember now.21:18
drPoOpozzz, check again21:18
pozzzyeah i will21:18
dies_iraehow to mount Transformer?21:19
dies_iraeI need to transfer files.21:19
telltreeHi everyone? Can I just ask a question?21:19
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:19
pozzzdrPoO and it is actually Kubuntu 10.04. I just had it on a CD21:19
dies_iraein the next few minutes, not this afternoon, not tomorrow, not next week.21:19
pozzzdrPoO do you think it may be too old?21:20
sskalnik!patience | dies_irae21:20
ubottudies_irae: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:20
theadmindies_irae: When you plug the USB to the device, do you see the "USB Storage Ready" icon in the top left corner (i.e. the device's notification area)?21:20
drPoOpozzz, i doubt it.... but if your HDD is recognized by the BIOS and "sudo fdisk -l" still outputs nothing... I would try a newer version, but thats just a bad guess21:20
dies_iraetheadmin: I see ASUS Sync and Debug Mode21:20
javelinboardwell, imagine that21:21
theadmindies_irae: Hm... No "mass storage"? This is weird. wtf asus, removing standard android features :/21:21
Ririsiurlin2u: hey21:21
sskalnikdies_irae:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1097949621:21
javelinboardmy sound just started mysteriously working again21:21
dies_iraetheadmin: I plug plenty of usb, cameras, flash sticks, they ALL appear. ASUS transformer is invisible.21:21
javelinboardnow, i hope firefox starts working too...21:21
javelinboard....and it does21:21
javelinboardthanks a lot, i guess?21:22
telltreeI am using on Ubuntu 11.10 on a relatively new computer. I sometimes get a kernel panic and ubuntu won't boot. Sometimes it goes through. I have no idea why. Quite often it is more likely to load up after sitting for a while not being used, but this is no sure bet. Any ideas on what steps to take to resolve this? I updated from the previous version of ubuntu.21:22
gartralI do not understand symlinks at all.. I have a dir ~/src that I want too link too a partition mounted on /media/12EXT. how do I do that?21:22
sskalnikdies_irae:  Some tablets need a few manual steps to mount. I know the Acer Iconia did. Check that thread; seems to have worked for a lot of people.21:22
theadmingartral: ln -s /media/12EXT ~/src21:22
RirisiHello. I made a USB-Booter and started Ubuntu installer. I choose language and updater on or off and MP3 plugin things. Then I press next. A black screen with some output info comes. It ends with: CR2:000000000000c024. Help me please21:22
=== Guest89655 is now known as nancy--
nancy--**ERROR** INITWEB: binding problem - 'Address already in use'(98)21:22
nancy--Thu Jan 26 21:21:57 2012  Check if another instance of ntop is running21:22
nancy--Thu Jan 26 21:21:57 2012  or if the current user (-u) can bind to the specified port21:22
nancy--Thu Jan 26 21:21:57 2012  **FATAL_ERROR** Binding problem, ntop shutting down...21:22
nancy--Thu Jan 26 21:21:57 2012  CLEANUP[t140085686450336]: ntop caught signal 2 [state=2]21:22
FloodBot1nancy--: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:22
acerimmertelltree: might wish to consider staying with LTS Long Term Support releases for comparative stability.  10.04 is the current LTS21:23
dies_iraesskalnik: that's not the point. I shouldn't do any extra steps.21:23
gartraltheadmin: that will make the contents of /media/12EXT accessable from ~/src, right?21:23
nancy--cant use ntop21:23
=== Pwchtch is now known as Bulgarian``
karel_ffIn Unity's 'switch user' menu, there's an option 'Switch user accounts' which doesn't log you out, but rather starts a new X instance. Is there a way to do this via the command line? I've read man gnome-session-quit, but that doesn't seem to be the right place21:23
theadmingartral: Correct.21:23
dies_iraethis is causing me 'Emotional Distress'21:23
sskalnikdies_irae:  Do you want the problem resolved? If so, that thread should help you.21:23
RirisiHello. I made a USB-Booter and started Ubuntu installer. I choose language and updater on or off and MP3 plugin things. Then I press next. A black screen with some output info comes. It ends with: CR2:000000000000c024. Help me please21:23
karel_ffwrong window21:24
telltreethanks acerimmer.21:24
sskalnikdies_irae:  If not, afraid we cannot help you, aside from perhaps suggesting you file a bug report.21:24
recon69_laphi everyone, anyone know how to get urban terror 64bit to work in 10.0421:24
RirisiHello. I made a USB-Booter and started Ubuntu installer. I choose language and updater on or off and MP3 plugin things. Then I press next. A black screen with some output info comes. It ends with: CR2:000000000000c024. Help me please21:24
RirisiHello. I made a USB-Booter and started Ubuntu installer. I choose language and updater on or off and MP3 plugin things. Then I press next. A black screen with some output info comes. It ends with: CR2:000000000000c024. Help me pleas21:24
sskalnik!patience > Ririsi21:24
ubottuRirisi, please see my private message21:24
nancy--how to use ntop21:24
gartraltheadmin: ok, that wasn't %100 what I wanted. I wanted too remove the two folder deep step and have the contents on /media/12EXT DIRECTLY accessable from ~/src.21:25
theadmingartral: Uh, yes, that's how it's going to be.21:25
gartraltheadmin: not ~/src/12EXT21:25
nullucaspozzz, I read about parley, and it seems like a spaced-repetition program... what I meant was something that runs in the background (like KAlarm) which can also schedule stuff randomly (and I don't think KAlarm can)21:25
theadmingartral: Ah, I guess I mistyped the command a bit21:25
RirisiI hit the enter button by accident =.= and i am not patient enough lol21:25
theadmingartral: Well, actually, no, it seems allright. "~/src" must not exist prior to the command execution, was that the case?21:26
karel_ffAnyone? unity-greeter also looks promising, but no cigar.21:26
sskalniknullucas:  Apologies if I am suggesting something to advanced, but that sounds like a job for cron.21:26
gartraltheadmin: incorrect I created ~/src before linking21:26
theadmingartral: That's the problem :P21:26
pozzzdrPoO i cannot find any drives in bios. Under MAIN?21:26
sskalnikHi mooorad, how might we be of service?21:26
recon69_lapanyone know how to get urban terror 64bit to work in 10.0421:27
theadmingartral: Now so you don't risk data deletion do this: unlink ~/src/12EXT && rmdir ~/src21:27
gartralRirisi: An ounce of Patience will carry you farther than a Gallon of Gasoline.21:27
theadmingartral: And re-run the ln command21:27
pozzznullucas it can display random data from your parley list at a pace you set21:27
Ririsigartral: I know.21:28
vasitsivI have a partition problem (actually not me, a friend). So he installed linux because winXP got ruined. He had a C: and D: drive. I guided him through phone to delete C: and create a /,/home, and swap partition. After the installation was done, he opened ubuntu and couldn't mount his D: drive. I told him to check gparted and the D: drive was inside the extended partition with /home and swap. How can he read the ntfs partition now?21:28
theadmingartral: This also works: mount -R /media/12EXT ~/src21:28
gartraltheadmin: I had already run mkdir src before i came into the channel.21:28
theadmingartral: Yeah, I know, that's the problem, the folder doesn't have to exist when you run the ln thing21:28
pozzznullucas may I as why do you need randon reminders?21:29
jwmtoHello,  I am having graphics problems in Gnome 2 (11.10).  Top bar is gibberish and the menu is cracked up.  Can anyone help with this issue?21:29
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pozzznullucas if not random a callendar should help21:29
theadminjwmto: Gnome2 is not supported in Oneiric.21:29
RirisiSo no one knows anything to help me?21:29
DaniG2kguys I'm trying to play a DVD but it's not working either with VLC or the default player21:29
sskalnikRirisi:  Not at the moment, but you might try the forums or check back later.21:30
jwmtotheadmnin -- typo!  I meant Gnome 321:30
DaniG2khow can I check what's going wrong?21:30
gartraltheadmin: after unlinking and removing the ~/src dir, i get ln: target `/home/gareth/src/' is not a directory: No such file or directory21:30
Ririsisskalnik: okay thank you21:30
redrocketrecon69_lap, used the optimized 64bit version http://www0.org/urt/ioq3-1807-urt-251210-linux64.tar.bz221:30
karel_ffDani2k: is it copy protected?21:30
sskalnikrecon69_lap:  Checked this link? http://www.urbanterror.info/forums/topic/21290-unable-to-start-the-game-under-ubuntu-1004-64-bits-lucid-lynx/21:30
theadmingartral: Huhwhat, you're typing that wrong: ln -s /media/12EXT ~/src21:30
theadmingartral: You got it the other way around xD21:30
nivyaj<------------------------------- I'm trying to search my external harddrive and return all my .scala files on it21:30
redrocketbeat you to it sskalnik :)21:30
nivyajhow do i do it?21:30
sskalnikredrocket:  ;) Too slow21:31
gartraltheadmin: that is indeed what I'm typing, as per your original instruction21:31
theadminnivyaj: find /media/blah -iname '*.scala' -print 2>/dev/null21:31
karel_ffGotta run21:31
theadmingartral: Huh... Wait, weird.21:31
pozzzdrPoO basikly NO drives are listed in bios21:31
nivyajtheadmin: how do i specify my external hd?21:31
theadminnivyaj: Just whereever you mount it21:32
pozzz*basically got it this time21:32
recon69_lap redrocket , thats the one i'm using, there is a verified bug, just wondering if a fix is available21:32
jwmtoIs there a channel dedicated to Gnome 3 ?21:32
nullucaspozzz, I'd like to experiment with learning methods, memory, attention, etc. I guess I'll try cron with some randomizing script then21:32
nivyajtheadmin: .... sorry.  I want to search a specific directory in it.21:32
redrocketrecon69_lap, that was supposed to be the fix  o.021:32
nivyajI know how to access it in DOS, but Ubuntu,  I don't know which drive it sees it as21:32
pozzznullucas ok, good luck with that!21:32
acerimmerjwmto: http://www.gnome.org/21:33
jwmtothanx Ace21:33
theadminnivyaj: Hard drives are /dev/sdXY, you need to mount them first. This might do the trick: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt && find /mnt -iname '*.scala' -print 2>/dev/null21:33
acerimmerjwmto: #gnome21:33
recon69_lapredrocket: give me a second to get the bug report21:34
gartraltheadmin: just too confirm.. that proper command according too you is ln -s /media/12EXT/ ~/src/21:34
theadmingartral: Without the trailing slashes, normally, as in: ln -s /media/12EXT ~/src21:34
LukeNukem_hello can someone help me please, it asked me what type of installation i want and i selected install along windows, so it splited up size for windows and ubuntu on its own, how can i change this? and just select a partition for ubuntu21:35
gartraltheadmin: AHHAH21:35
nivyajtheadmin: i think i got it.21:35
nivyajthanks :)21:35
Ivoz_How can I blacklist the nvidia_current module?21:35
theadminIvoz_: echo "blacklist nvidia_current" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf21:35
d-snutzselect do something else and manually partition likenukem21:36
gartraltheadmin: my mind has a tendency too not distinguish when a new folder/line needs too be declared, lol21:36
vasitsivI have a partition problem (actually not me, a friend). So he installed linux because winXP got ruined. He had a C: and D: drive. I guided him through phone to delete C: and create a /,/home, and swap partition. After the installation was done, he opened ubuntu and couldn't mount his D: drive. I told him to check gparted and the D: drive was inside the extended partition with /home and swap. How can he read the ntfs partition now?21:36
pozzzdrPoO, Jordan_U, bean:  thank you for your help21:36
Ivoz_theadmin: do you know if that's what it's called?21:36
vasitsivif no1 knows, can you point somewhere that I can find some info?21:36
theadminIvoz_: Not sure what Ubuntu calls em, sorry, in my case it'd be just "nvidia" but then again I'm not on Ubuntu21:36
recon69_lapthis is the problem i'm having http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1433663 , i'll poke at it a bit more21:37
gartraltheadmin: will I need too relink this when I pull/insert the drive that the 12EXT partition resides on?21:37
theadminIvoz_: lsmod | grep nvidia # Might help21:37
Ivoz_theadmin: I only have access to the filesystem right now, the kernel won't boot... guess why21:37
theadmingartral: No, the link is permanent, the system will just report it as "broken" when the drive is missing or mounted elsewhere21:37
hydrox24vasitsiv: strange issue, I guess it's just a rather obscure problem21:37
gartraltheadmin: understood, perfect, thank you so much21:37
theadminIvoz_: Heh I see, boot with this as your kernel parameters: rw init=/bin/bash21:38
theadminIvoz_: Kind of always-working recovery mode xD21:38
recon69_lapredrocket: is it possible that both versions have the same filename21:38
vasitsivhydrox24: yup.. he needs the files that are in the ntfs drive and I can't help him :/21:38
Ivoz_theadmin: this is in modprobe.d/nvidia-graphics-drivers.conf: http://pastie.org/325913521:39
hydrox24vasitsiv: so why can't he mount it? what's the error exactly?21:39
theadminIvoz_: Again, I'm not sure what on Earth is the current Ubuntu module naming scheme, sorry21:40
Ivoz_theadmin: I also have an xorg.conf which I'm guessing will fuck things up if I don't change it :/21:40
Ivoz_theadmin: how do I put in kernel parameters while booting?21:40
theadminIvoz_: You can very well just delete the xorg.conf for X to autoconfigure -_- Also, as for the kernel params, you need to get to the GRUB menu (Escape in pre-Karmic, Left Shift in post-Karmic) and it should be pretty obvious from there, just edit the kernel line, replace the "ro" with "rw" and add init=/bin/bash at the end21:41
recon69_lapvasitsiv: have you tried using a live cd and mounting the ntfs drive to that, no idea if that would help though21:41
hydrox24Ivoz_: you can edit them in grub by hitting the e key while on the relevant kernel line21:41
h00k!language | Ivoz_21:41
ubottuIvoz_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.21:41
vasitsivhydrox24: the ntfs is a logical partition inside the extended partition. It doesn't appear in nautilus.21:41
Ivoz_I get grub alright because I dual-boot, currently running windows21:42
hydrox24Ivoz_: OK then, just hit the e key to edit the kernel boot lines21:42
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions21:42
recon69_lapvasitsiv: have you tried using the 'disk utility' to mount the drive21:43
hydrox24vasitsiv: do you know which device it is under /dev?21:43
dies_iraesskalnik: still not shouwing up21:43
vasitsivrecon69_lap: yes, didnt work21:43
vasitsivhydrox24: yes, /dev/sda5. I tried mount from terminal, didnt work21:43
dies_iraewhy isn't MTP installed by default in ubuntu???21:44
hydrox24vasitsiv: how did you try to mount it?21:44
pozzzhave you checked with fdisk -l what type of disk is that, vasitsiv21:45
rdsmvasitsiv,  and what was the error message?21:45
theadmindies_irae: We can't preinstall everything xD I personally don't even know what MTP even is21:45
vasitsivhydrox24: sudo mount /dev/sda5 I think21:45
hydrox24ok try:21:45
dies_iraetablets are ubiqutious nowadays ferdamnt!!21:45
icerootdies_irae: what is mtp?21:45
vasitsivpozzz: yes its ntfs21:45
pozzzif it is really NTFS,  oh, ok21:45
vasitsivrdsm: I wait for my friend to tell me the msg21:45
dies_iraeiceroot: to mount tablets with android storage.21:45
icerootand how to use regex on apt-cache search? like apt-cache search ^mtp21:45
hydrox24sudo ntfs-3g /dev/sda5 /media/mountpoint21:46
dies_iraeif there's ntfs pre-installed mts should be as well.21:46
vasitsivrdsm, hydrox24: mount: can't find /dev/sda5 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab21:46
hydrox24but you'll have to make the mountpoint folderr inside media21:46
icerootdies_irae: what is the difference between an android tablet and an android phone?21:46
nancy-                      rx      /      tx      /     total    /   estimated21:46
rdsmvasitsiv, so all you need to do is what hydrox24 just said.21:46
nancy- eth0: Not enough data available yet.21:46
nancy- lo: Not enough data available yet.21:46
icerootdies_irae: because i can mount my android phone without any problems because its a normal partition21:46
FloodBot1nancy-: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:46
rdsmnancy-, use pastebin.21:46
pozzz<mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/disk -o force> ???   replacing the appropriate bits, vasitsiv21:46
theadminiceroot: Quite like that, yes, apt-cache searches for regular expressions with the "search" tool21:46
theadminerr command21:46
iceroottheadmin: hm21:47
theadminSorry, it's 1:45 AM, I can't think straight.21:47
vasitsivhydrox24, pozzz: working on it.. I will tell you sortly21:47
iceroottheadmin: hm working, dont know what i did wrong the last times21:47
redrocketrecon69_lap, it says that it only replaces the executable of the build.21:47
theadminiceroot: You need to enclose the expression in quotes to avoid bash from doing funny things to it21:47
nancy-can anyone help?21:47
iceroottheadmin: apt-cache search ^mtp  is running fine here21:47
dies_iraenancy-: yes sweetheart, what u need?? ;)21:48
nancy-dies_irae,  you saw the vnstat msg21:48
dies_iraenancy-: use pastebin plz21:48
vasitsivhydrox24: http://paste.ubuntu.com/818188/21:48
go8765help me please to find way to show in conky ppp0 connection speed. i need not real time speed. only connection. thanks21:48
theadminiceroot: That would, but say, apt-cache search (k|g|lx)dm wouldn't work well with Bash21:49
KwintoHi all, how this works - "sudo apt-get install lamp-server^", I mean what is the magic with caret symbol?21:49
rdsmvasitsiv, had you read the message and is sure that you don't fit any of the mentioned situation?21:49
pozzzthe command taken from <http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/use-ubuntu-live-cd-to-backup-files-from-your-dead-windows-computer/> Joe had a suggestionto add “-r” or “-o ro” flags to use readonly when mounting the drive. , vasitsiv21:49
iceroottheadmin: yes you are right, bash is expanding it first21:49
aukKwinto: I guess to install anything with the word "lamp-server^" in it.21:50
recon69_lapredrocket: ioUrbanTerror.x86_64 -> 1.8 MB (1917090 bytes) Sat 22 Dec 2007 15:12:56 GMT , does that match21:50
icerootKwinto: you want "sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-server"21:50
LukeNukem_theadmin: can you help me please?21:50
theadminLukeNukem_: Why me lol21:50
dies_iraenancy-: pastebin would be better, in addition some explanation about your problem. I can't magically find out about it.21:50
Syph3rwhere can i find the folder for conkyrc21:50
LukeNukem_theadmin: cos you are teh admin21:50
theadminLukeNukem_: Doesn't mean I know everything.21:50
go8765Syph3r: in ~21:50
pozzzvasitsiv for whatcI can say is taht you can do a check using CD live, vasitsiv21:51
aukKwinto: The apt package manager will show all the packages that need to be installed. Hit <Enter> to confirm that you want to install them.21:51
go8765Syph3r: it use /HOME/.conkyrc21:51
KwintoThanks, I just was wondering in "mechanic" of this21:51
aukKwinto: It's better to do this:         sudo apt-get install mysql-server                    THEN run: sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin21:51
Syph3rgo8765: looked there with the ls -la command nothing showed up21:51
aukKwinto: as phpmyadmin would install some cool php5 stuff along with it.21:51
go8765Syph3r: thi is strage. i use this folder21:52
hydrox24Sorry, ran out of battery21:52
go8765Syph3r: may be if you use standart config it dont do this file, so you can do it manually21:53
Syph3rgo8765: ok thank you, i will go and check again and if its not there i will make it by hand21:53
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vasitsivok thnx, I will try livecd21:54
recon69_lapnow that i think of it cant be 2007 or looking at wrong file21:54
hydrox24who was I helping with the NTFS /dev/sda5 thing?21:54
KurdistanI can any one help me. kwin effects/compositoring only works if I run kwin from terminal or  KWIN_COMPOSE=O kwin --replace21:54
pozzzvasitsiv and choose to run a check so taht you don't have to do it under windows21:54
nancy-can anyone help at this. http://pastebin.ca/2106601    ?21:55
pozzzhydrox24 was it vasitsiv?21:55
redrocketrecon69_lap, so you had Ut installed then applied that link posted into the executable binary directory? and ran ./ioq3-urt21:55
TK5791can anyone help me mount a network drive in Ubuntu?21:55
vasitsivpozzz: I told him to put a windows cd and run chkdsk /f also as its ruined21:55
vasitsivthe problem is that his dvd-drive is messed up21:56
RirishiHello. I am installing Ubuntu 11.10 right now. It shows a black screen with white output data. Is it normal? The cursor is there and it's turning.(a loading cursor)21:56
KwintoAnother Q, I put my web scripts in user's home directory, how can I make them accessible by server without changing apache's run user? Chgrp'ing the directory and scripts to www-data does nothing as I still getting 403-Forbidden21:56
pozzzvasitsiv can you use a USB stick?21:56
pozzzto make a live CD on a USB stick?21:57
vasitsivpozzz: yes but he doesnt have winXP in usb:P I made him a usb live-cd linux and thats how he formated21:57
pozzzvasitsiv is it you who has the problem? I/m confuesd :?21:58
DaemonFoolhi all21:58
Ririshipozzz: is it normal that there comes a black screen with white letters when installing Ubuntu?21:58
vasitsivpozzz: no its a friend of mine:P21:58
pozzzvasitsiv oh, ok21:58
DaemonFoolyes Ririshi21:59
pozzzRirishi sorry but I don't remember. just wait and see21:59
pozzzhow long has that been on?21:59
RirishiDaemonFool: Thank you. Fine to know. How long will it be there?21:59
vasitsivpozzz: he will try some times to boot the winxp and fix the ntfs. If that doesn't happen I will tell him to try live cd and see if it mounts (but I doubt it:()21:59
Kurdistanhow can I see if some driver are blacklisted?21:59
Ririshipozzz: it was there for about 5 mins now.22:00
TK5791anyone know how to mount network drive?22:00
RirishiI'm on my iPod noe.22:00
aukRirishi: It's suppose to tell you how long it'll be before the system installs, either by time, or by the progress bar.22:00
TK5791my dictionary doesn't work in LibreOffice, anyone know how to fix?22:00
pozzzhe can use the usb live-cd linux to do the HHD check, vasitsiv22:00
bastidrazorKurdistan: cat /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf | grep -i driveryouwant22:00
vasitsivpozzz: will it fix the ntfs partition?22:00
DaemonFoolubuntu installation isn't too difficult...22:01
go8765Syph3r: http://conky.sourceforge.net/faq.html22:01
pozzzvasitsiv, reboot, choose to do the check22:01
bastidrazorKurdistan: or better yet..   grep -i driver /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf22:01
DaemonFoolwhat versione are you installing?22:01
Ririshiauk: I chose language and then I didn't check 3rd party and update. I pressed next. Then after about 10 seconds, the black screen came.22:01
RirishiDaemonFool: i am installing 11.1022:01
jeagleAnyone know how to make a multi-page pdf text-readable via the command line? :)22:01
pozzzGreat tip. I�ve been using this strategy for several months, but I would run the “ntfsfix /dev/yourfixeddisk” command before trying to mount with the ntfs-3g module. This fixes the partition errors and therefore there is no need to do the “-force” option in the mounted partition., vasitsiv22:02
DaemonFoolwhat about the text?22:02
pozzzvasitsiv, that is from this page http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/use-ubuntu-live-cd-to-backup-files-from-your-dead-windows-computer/22:02
aeon-ltdjeagle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pdftotext22:03
pozzzRirishi too long I think22:03
aeon-ltdjeagle: i've used a related tool, pdftohtml, it worked okay22:03
RirishiDaemonFool: the last line is: CR2: 00000000579d041c22:03
Socket-How do I make this line: tail -f --lines=20 /var/log/auth.log |grep ssh   show the last 20 occurences of ssh instead of the last 20 lines and only those with ssh in it22:03
go8765Syph3r: lol http://wiki.conky.be/index.php?title=FAQ#Where_did_the_default_.conkyrc_go.3F_I_ran_conky_and_looked_in_my_home_directory.2C_and_I_couldn.27t_find_it.2122:03
vasitsivpozzz: thanks22:03
Kurdistanbastidrazor, thx. I have finally got kwin effects working with nvidia 295.* (beta) drivers. that only if I run kwin from terminal or KWIN_COMPOSE=O kwin --replace.22:04
go8765Syph3r: shortest http://goo.gl/M3gVY22:04
Kurdistanwhat can I do?22:04
recon69_lapredrocket: think the applied that link is causing the problems, i got a archive, how do i apply it22:04
Ririshipozzz: what to do? Do you think I CAN even install it?22:04
urlin2uSo on 11.10 anybody having any problems with synaptic opening and closing immediatelydjy7WmNIP22:04
pozzzRirishi Have you tried it without installing?22:04
jeagleaeon-ltd: Yeah I just need to make it text readable. Does it convert it to another format? It has to stay in pdf when I'm done. :322:04
EagleScreenI have copied wubi.exe from 11.10 disc to do an installation inside Windows, and it has installed the current snaphot of 12.04 instead of 11.10 version22:04
DaemonFoolRirishi it's the first time you try to install it?22:05
pozzzIf you did, was it ok?22:05
Ririshipozzz: just start from the CD you mean?22:05
aeon-ltdjeagle: i don't think there is utility that can just 'read' it on the fly and keep it as it is22:05
moooradhow can i disable apache2 autorun at bootup?22:05
bastidrazorKurdistan: possibly, look in ~/.xsession-errors for reasons to why it fails22:05
epaphusHello, does nagios exist in the ubuntu reps?22:05
RirishiDaemonFool: I didn't have any kind of Linux before.22:05
bastidrazor!find nagios | mooorad22:05
ubottumooorad: Found: nagios-images, nagios-plugins, nagios-plugins-basic, nagios-plugins-standard, nagios3, nagios3-cgi, nagios3-common, nagios3-core, nagios3-dbg, nagios3-doc (and 16 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=nagios&searchon=names&suite=oneiric&section=all22:05
pozzzRirishi yes22:06
aeon-ltdjeagle: but you'll get the pdf then it's text form as 2 different files, that's how it was with pdftohtml22:06
pozzzrun Ubuntu from the Live CD (or usb drive)22:06
Ririshipozzz: I will try it. First stop this one xd22:06
jeagleaeon-ltd: ok, so it outputed the text as a text file, how would I layer the text then on the pdf? :)22:07
urlin2usorry for the repeat i have run the sudo dpkg --configure -a  & sudo apt-get -f install  and purged and reload synaptic.  So on 11.10 anybody having any problems with synaptic opening and closing immediately22:07
jeagleaeon-ltd: Thank you for helping me!^-^22:07
Kurdistanbastidrazor, I can not see any wierd thing there.22:07
pozzzRirishi make sure your HHD is ok22:07
pozzzRirishi I hope your data is safe22:07
DaemonFooluse unetbootin for the usb. it's easy to put it into the usb with the boot manager22:07
Ririshipozzz: starting now. I hope so yes22:08
recon69_lapok, reads down the page and finds the instructions , i deserve a good slap for being stupid , thx redrocket22:08
moooradhow can i disable apache2 autorun at bootup? I'm using ubuntu 11.0422:08
RirishiDaemonFool: I used Unetbootin for making it.22:08
DaemonFoolok then ;)22:08
pozzzRirishi if you start and stop installation you may end up with no operating system on your computer22:09
RirishiWOW A SOUND CAME OUT OF MY SPEAKERS!! Eifovkskcjwjf22:09
bastidrazorepaphus: it does.22:09
RirishiIT STARTED!!!22:09
Kurdistanbasepi, it looks like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/818199/22:09
aukRirishi: Welcome to Ubuntu. :322:09
aeon-ltdjeagle: what do you mean 'layer the text'?22:09
aukHow long did it take for it to boot?22:09
pozzzuntill you succeed of course22:09
RirishiAbout 1 minute22:09
epaphusbastidrazor, why doesnt apt-get install nagios work though??22:09
RirishiHalf a minute22:09
aukepaphus: pastebin results please.22:09
bastidrazorepaphus: try nagios322:10
RirishiMy mouse is frozen?!!!!22:10
pozzzepaphus; sudo?22:10
Ririshipozzz:auk:DaemonFool: HELP THE MOUSE IS FROZEN22:11
pozzzRirishi are you alive?22:11
Ririshipozzz: Yes i am.22:11
DaemonFoolis it usb?22:11
pozzzRirishi can you use the keyboard?22:11
RirishiDaemonFool: yes I run it from usb. pozzz: How do i test?22:11
jeagleaeon-ltd: Ok, for example, when you have a PDF file, you want to be able to select or highlight text. So you have to use OCR or some other way to recognize text and it layers it on top of the pdf file.22:12
aukRirishi: Push the SUPER button.            That being the dumb windows logo key :(22:12
pozzzRirishi the mouse? is it via the USB?22:12
DaemonFooltry to disconnect and reconnect the mouse22:12
RirishiDaemonFool: Okay pozzz: it is an USB mouse.22:12
=== Mud is now known as Guest5529
nancy-kbit/s    is kilobits           not kilobyts?22:13
jeagleaeon-ltd: My posts are really delayed today. @.@22:13
pozzzRirishi reconnected the mouse?22:13
nancy-DaemonFool,  there are 8 bits in one byte22:13
Ririshipozzz: Reconnected. No response22:14
pozzzhow about the keyboard?22:14
ksbalajiI am now-a-days, while booting,  getting message that power management app. is still running with a log-out-anyway tab. It seems unusual. I click the tab to proceed. Guidance please?22:14
Ririshipozzz: No response either...22:14
nancy-kbit/s    is kilobits           not kilobyts?          there are 8 bits in one byte.  so if vnstat says its  rx is 269 Kbit/s        its 269 kilobits per second. not 269 kilobyts per second ?22:15
DaemonFoolbut there are 1000 bytes in 1 kilobyte22:15
fortellerHi all. I'm having big issues with a Ubuntu derivative distro (Peppermint), and I can't find help anywhere else. Is it cool if I ask here?22:15
pozzzremind me, are you on liveCD or is it already installed? Ririshi22:15
RirishiDaemonFool: no, there are 1024 in one kilobyte22:15
Ririshipozzz: LiveUSB22:15
LjLforteller: sorry but no, we have a policy of keeping it about Ubuntu proper, because there are too many possible things that are different in derivatives22:15
pozzzRirishi oh, ok same thing22:15
Ririshipozzz: yeah22:16
Ririshipozzz: now what?22:16
pozzzstrange, Ririshi, no idea22:16
ksbalajiOS 10.04 -I am now-a-days, while booting,  getting message that power management app. is still running with a log-out-anyway tab. It seems unusual. I click the tab to proceed. Can I avoid this please?22:16
DaemonFoolririshi try to restart22:16
Ririshipozzz: maybe my hardware?22:16
RirishiDaemonFool: Okay22:16
DaemonFoolsurely not usb mouse22:16
startehey I just downloaded all my music from google music using the google music manager and I'm try to import those files into banshee. it can't do it and it's a "cannot rollback" error22:17
RirishiDaemonFool: i mean mainboard and other graphical stuff22:17
pozzzdo you meet the minimum requirements?22:17
startedoes banshee just suck?22:17
fortellerLjL: I understand. Any thoughts on where I can go to get help faster than on a forum, then? I can't log in at all, you see, and I need to fix it ASAP… :(22:17
LjLforteller: could try ##linux22:17
auronandace!mint | forteller22:17
ubottuforteller: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org22:17
Ririshipozzz: minimum requirements? Didn't see?!22:18
pozzzstarte I prefer VLC22:18
startepozzz: I kinda want the iTunes-like media player on ubuntu tho. Is vlc better on ubuntu? i have it on my mac22:18
fortellerLjL, auronandace: Ok, thank you!22:18
dlentzstarte i know plenty of people on both sides o f the banshee fence22:18
dlentzthat's not really a support question though ;)22:19
jeagleaeon-ltd: Any thoughts ?^-^22:19
pozzzit is not that complex, I would say. Can you use Amarok? starte22:19
auronandacestarte: vlc is indeed awesome22:19
DaemonFool1 kilobyte = 1000 bytes - 1 kibibyte = 1024 bytes ...no? ;)22:19
Ririshipozzz: what are the minimum requirements?22:19
startedlentz: kinda got off topic haha. but im gettin an error message when I'm trying to import22:19
pozzzauronandace yes, plays everything (almost22:19
auronandace!caps | Ririshi22:20
starteririshi: it's a great feeling isnt it22:20
ubottuRirishi: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.22:20
pozzzRirishi gooood22:20
pozzzubottu just excitement22:20
mangcoollol ubottu22:20
aeon-ltdjeagle: yes sounds possible22:20
jeagleaeon-ltd: Hoping I fixed this huge lag issue. lol22:20
jeagleaeon-ltd: Yay I did!^-^22:20
starteso has anyone tried to import music files into banshee?22:20
aeon-ltdjeagle: i've never used pdftotext so i don't know how accurate it is22:21
mangcoolwhy not use VLC?22:21
startewell I like the library interface22:21
jeagleaeon-ltd: I've been searching for days... It's really tough finding a solution... To be honest, I don't care about accuracy, I just need to select the text and highlight it. :)22:21
pozzzstarte try bansee irc22:21
startepozzz: why didnt i think of that? haha will do22:22
pozzzjust a suggestin22:22
auronandacestarte: you could try exaile or clementine22:22
DaemonFoolthis is great https://try.cloud.ubuntu.com/22:22
RirishiSo now I pressed system settings. And such a black thing came up.. Executing a long row of command things. Now it sticks.. Saying "CR2: 00000000fffffffc" on the last line.22:22
mister2is it possible to copy all the programs in an installation elsewhere in .deb form? Or extract them in some manner?22:22
pozzzclementine is  good, my bro says22:22
RirishiMouse froze too.22:22
startewell now I'm the mod of #banshee22:22
startenobody was there22:22
pozzzRirishi no idea22:23
fortellerstarte, pozzz I agree: Clementine is great :)22:23
iceroot!clone | mister222:23
ubottumister2: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate22:23
jeagleaeon-ltd: I'm wrting a script that merges several file types into one MASTER pdf file. then It has to have text-readable functionality added to it.22:23
iceroot!aptoncd | mister222:23
ubottumister2: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline22:23
mister2thanks guys22:23
jeagleaeon-ltd: Very tough, though pdftotext seems to be promissing if I can layer them on top of eachother. :)22:23
Ririshipozzz: I will make a new USB booter. With 1 GB of ubuntu place.22:24
icerootjeagle: pdftk is your friend22:24
startedoes the ubuntu software center just suddenly go blank when you open it? or is it just me?22:24
starteand this is "on occasion"22:24
aeon-ltdjeagle: ok, good luck with project22:24
DaemonFoolno it was for me too starte22:24
startedaemonfool: any way to not have that happen?22:24
jeagleiceroot: :O I'll take a look! if memory serves me right, PDFTK doesn't preserve book marks but think I can avoid that! Thanks! :)22:25
jeagleaeon-ltd: Thank you so much for your help^^22:25
icerootjeagle: dont know never used bookmarks22:25
DaemonFooli don't know, after a few days it came normal22:25
recon69_lapyeee, got it to start, but i started it in safe video mode and now it in a little window, urban terror is right22:25
jeagleiceroot: Thank you so much for your help! I think I can figure it out from here! :)22:25
startethats dumb.22:26
chipmonki have a pcie 16x slot and want to upgrade video what will run with linux ie which video supports ubuntu best22:26
aeon-ltdchipmonk: nvidia22:26
icerootjeagle: there are nice tutorials out there for pdftk, it is very powerfull and perfect for merging pdfs with many many options (some you will never need)22:26
icerootchipmonk: nvidia22:26
aeon-ltdchipmonk: except for the obscure ones22:26
startechipmonk: Nvida22:26
pozzzRirishi check the hardware requirements22:27
starteyou gotta capitalize the N22:27
DaemonFoolanybody knows if ubuntu server is only command line?22:27
jeagleiceroot: Well, right now I use a script that joins PDF's and uses Ghost Script to merge and bookmark with pdfmarks22:27
pozzzRirishi maybe your computer is too old?22:27
startedaemonfool: i think you might have to install updates22:27
startedaemonfool: not sure22:27
DaemonFoolok thanks22:27
icerootjeagle: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2969479/merge-pdfs-with-pdftk-with-bookmarks22:28
jeagleiceroot: So far everything works, but I think to circumvent it, before I merge, when I convert each file type I can try pdftk to join text files with the PDF. :)22:28
pozzzRirishi but I cannot find the right page. It should be next to your download link or somewhere22:28
=== Faint is now known as _Marcus
icerootjeagle: hm maybe my link is not the best22:28
pozzzok. goodbye everyone22:28
jeagleiceroot: I've seen that, ghost script seems to be a little better since it preserves pre-existing bookmarks. :)22:29
icerootjeagle: or build anything in LaTeX :) your pdfs and normal text-files (but i guess its an overkill)22:29
jeagleiceroot: haha yeah! All the code is written, I think you have given me enough info to make pdftk work before I join with ghost script! :)22:29
Ririshipozzz: wikipedia says 700MHz processor, 384 MiB RAM, 5GB HDD Space, 1024x768 Resolution.22:30
jeagleiceroot: Thanks! I'll let you know if it works if you're still around. :)22:30
icerootjeagle: i am always around here (but not always on the pc but see every highlight i get)22:30
jeagleiceroot: Excellent I'll let you know! Hopefully I can finish this tonight haha!22:31
recon69_lapok, how do i get urban terror to open full screen anyonre22:32
Ririshipozzz: I am making a new Boot-USB now.22:32
snarenaitthis is the future!22:32
cjunerA lot of people here may be interested in this petition against the ratification of ACTA by the EU parliament: http://www.avaaz.org/en/eu_save_the_internet_spread/22:32
dies_iraeandroid not mounted22:32
LjL!ot | cjuner22:32
ubottucjuner: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:32
TheTinyToonA Question regarding the Ubuntu Developer Week: Trying to install the lernid-package, it seems most dependencies are unauthenticated, despite being in the right repo. Anyone who has the same Problem?22:33
dies_iraehow to mount with mtpfs?? I got 800 snes games I need to transfer ASAP!!22:33
aBound/mode $me +x22:33
icerootdies_irae: android is mounted like any other ext device22:33
icerootdies_irae: sudo mount /mnt/foo/ /dev/sdx1 (replace x with the drive)22:34
Ririshipozzz: almost done making new booter22:34
dies_iraeiceroot: k22:34
bastidrazoriceroot: isn't that syntax in reverse? /dev/... should be first then the mount point 2nd?22:35
icerootdies_irae: there is nothin special needed and no mtp is needed, its a normal partition22:35
TheTinyTooncould anyone try to install the lernid-package please?22:35
fortellerHow do I get to Grub while booting? I've tried holding Shift, Tab, Esc, Del. Nothing works.22:35
icerootbastidrazor: yes of course22:35
dies_iraeiceroot: usbfs: process 9371 (mtpfs) did not claim interface 0 before use22:35
icerootdies_irae: sudo mount /dev/sdx1 /mnt/foo/22:35
dlentzTheTinyToon, what ubuntu version?22:35
TheTinyToondlentz: Natty22:36
dlentzworks fine on precise :\22:36
lmontrieuxTheTinyToon, works well on 11.1022:36
TheTinyToondlentz: bleh, meant 11.1022:37
cjunerLjL, consider it a public protest.22:37
icerootjeagle: http://maketecheasier.com/combine-multiple-pdf-files-with-pdftk/2010/02/22  very usefull, i am often using that22:37
TheTinyToonlmontrieux: could you apt-cache showpkg lernid and give me the ppa you're using?22:37
icerootjeagle: just found it in my firefox-bookmarks22:37
dies_iraeiceroot: interesting is mounted already, however, there's only ONE empty folder, 'Playlists'22:37
icerootdies_irae: sudo fdisk -l to see the partitons of your device22:38
icerootdies_irae: my android is providing two partitons, / and /sdcard22:38
jeagleiceroot: Thank you Iceroot, though my problem is not joining pdfs :) I have all that solved. my problem is layering text over a pdf so a user can select text on a pdf document. :)22:38
RirishiI'm going to sleep guys. I'll try it tomorrow. I got school until 3 so it'll be wuite late.22:38
dies_iraefor being linux based Android is making it hell'vu convoluted!!22:38
icerootjeagle: ah ok... that sounds... strange :)22:39
lmontrieuxTheTinyToon, (/var/lib/apt/lists/ubuntu.retrosnub.co.uk_ubuntu_dists_oneiric_universe_binary-amd64_Packages22:39
icerootjeagle: luckily i never had to fight with something like that22:39
lmontrieuxTheTinyToon, ... which isn't a ppa, it's an "official" repo mirror22:39
icerootdies_irae: also see #android22:39
jeagleiceroot: yeah haha. It's a tough hurdle I think! haha22:39
icerootjeagle: everything else would be boring22:39
TheTinyToonlmontrieux: yup, figured...22:40
TheTinyToonlmontrieux: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade fixed the problem, I guess the keychain was out of sync22:40
recon69_lapok, urban terror now works :-D, thx everyone for the help, i'm off to shoot so noobs :P22:40
TheTinyToonlmontrieux: thanks for the help! :)22:40
jeagleiceroot: yeah haha! but pdftotext is interesting, now if there is something out there that can layer it on top of a pdf, that would be awesome haha.22:40
jeagleiceroot: it's definitely made my brain hurt trying to get it to work ha!22:41
sprzybillaahoy mateys, if I want to change my screen excapt from ctrl-a to ctrl-o I need to add 'escape ^o' to my ~/.screenrc correct?22:41
icerootjeagle: maybe imagemagick can act on pdfs too22:41
icerootjeagle: it can do exactly what you want on images22:42
jeagleiceroot: Yeah, I was looking at that. but doesn't it only do one page at a time?22:42
jeagleiceroot: I have tif files that are multiple pages in length :(22:42
icerootjeagle: that should be no problem for imagemagick22:42
icerootjeagle: an image always only have one page22:43
jeagleiceroot: hmm. I'll take a look.22:43
jeagleiceroot: I would agree with that logic, however, somehow these tif files have like 2-3 pages lol22:43
icerootjeagle: but only in size22:43
icerootjeagle: or real pages?22:44
jeagleiceroot: I'm not sure what you mean? :)22:44
icerootjeagle: i think its just confusing here22:45
icerootjeagle: and dont brings a better solution to you22:45
Akivawhat is the name of the notification daemon? I want to edit it so it notifies me when certain keywords in IRC are used.22:45
undecimHow difficult is it to boot a 11.10 thumb drive on a Mac?22:45
abstrakthow do I prevent updating the kernel?22:45
hydrox24abstrakt: uncheck the four kernel updates everytime in the update manager22:46
abstrakthydrox24, really? every time? that's lame22:46
icerootabstrakt: set the metapackage on hold22:46
icerootabstrakt: but why?22:46
abstrakti thought there was something I could add to i.e. my /etc/apt.conf or something22:46
abstrakticeroot, i'm just distrustful of kernel updates22:46
undecimabstrakt: distrustful?22:47
icerootabstrakt: they are important for security fixes22:47
jeagleiceroot: haha, yeah, well, even if I can get imagemagick to convert a tiff to pdf like... " convert (insert make text readable command) inpute.tif output.pdf "22:47
abstraktesp when running e.g. nvidia drivers and other 3rd party drivers22:47
dies_iraeiceroot: got it!!22:47
jeagleiceroot: Ideally that is what I'm trying to do. :)22:47
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto22:47
spartan2276What is the command in CLI for shutting down a server22:47
dies_iraestill mtpfs should be installed and set up by default to support Android tablets.22:47
icerootabstrakt: use the drivers from the repos then they are build always against the current kernel22:48
spartan2276What is the command in CLI for shutting down a server?22:48
abstraktspartan2276, depends on the server22:48
undecimabstrakt: Have you had trouble with your install before?22:48
icerootspartan2276: halt22:48
theadminiceroot: That's gross... "poweroff" >.<22:48
abstraktundecim, oh i've had zillions of problems with ubuntu before22:48
abstraktright now my install seems ok, although it wasn't always ok22:48
dies_iraespartan2276: killall?22:48
abstrakti still have a few issues22:48
spartan2276iceroot, this will turn off the actual Ubuntu server correct22:48
dies_iraeoh, a server box, NOT server program lawl.22:48
icerootspartan2276: it will shutdown the pc you executed the command on22:49
abstraktbut right now, i was just wondering about this thing, cuz i'm under the impression that there was a way to i.e. ignore linux-* in some config file to prevent kernel updates22:49
icerootspartan2276: sudo halt of course instead of halt22:49
theadminabstrakt: There sure is22:49
dies_iraespartan2276: unplug the power cord also works22:49
theadminabstrakt: echo "PACKAGENAME hold" | sudo dpkg --set-selections22:49
icerootabstrakt: hold the metapackage as i already said22:49
abstrakttheadmin, thanks22:50
abstraktso will that accept globs?22:50
abstraktecho "linux* hold" | sudo dpkg --set-selections22:50
icerootabstrakt: why globs?22:50
icerootabstrakt: as i told you 2 times, use the metapackage22:50
abstraktor will i need to do that for each of the (apparently four?) kernel packages22:50
icerootabstrakt: as i told you 3 times, use the metapackage22:50
savage2005i need a good program that will create a bootable image on a cd and a thumb stick any suggestions?22:51
theadminabstrakt: You only need to hold the linux-image-generic and linux-headers-generic packages22:51
abstrakticeroot, you are so far rude and unhelpful, theadmin was much more useful, thanks for trying though22:51
abstrakttheadmin, ok thanks22:51
theadminabstrakt: err, I've just said the same thing as iceroot >.<22:51
=== liam_ is now known as Guest91858
icerootabstrakt: "holding the metapackage" is a perfect support22:52
theadminabstrakt: Phrased a bit differently, sure, but22:52
icerootabstrakt: if you dont know what the metapackage is feel free to ask22:52
icerootabstrakt: but ignoring what i said is not good22:52
savage2005i need a good program that will create a bootable image on a cd and a thumb stick any suggestions?22:52
abstrakticeroot, pestering me when i'm obviously not listening to you is not good either22:52
abstrakttheadmin ftw with "support", say what you will - his was better22:53
abstraktif you're a sore loser, i understand22:53
icerootabstrakt: holding back kernel updates is not good22:53
OerHekssavage2005, use the one in ubuntu or unetbootin22:53
theadminabstrakt: Don't mess with channel admins (iceroot is one, I beleive). Also, I'm a "she", not "he" :/22:53
iceroottheadmin: how many pms you get when you say that? :) more then 5?22:54
dies_iraeirc rage lawl22:54
theadminiceroot: Actually never got one so far lol22:54
theadminiceroot: #ubuntu seems pretty friendly on that22:54
moooradwhat is the best IDE to study the kernel?22:54
theadminmooorad: Probably vim :P22:54
* dies_irae is tempted to do so at theadmin revelation.22:55
abstrakt<3 vim22:55
mustrmooorad: emacs22:55
savage2005what program does ubuntu come with to create bootable images?22:55
abstraktif you use one of vim or emacs you're doin pretty good22:55
theadmindies_irae: Go ahead if you want, you won't get much from me anyway xD22:55
oscar76savage2005: brasero?22:55
dies_iraetheadmin: cool, however not in the mood right now, I am transfering some roms to my psp.22:56
savage2005awesome thanks oscar22:56
kermiti upgraded to ocelot and i lost all my GUI preferences22:56
dies_iraeinteresting #ubuntu allows tor connectionns?22:57
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mustrdies_irae: freenode allows tor connections :)22:58
abstraktdies_irae, yea, you have to be registered with nickserv and you have to use SASL22:58
dies_iraeso mtpfs is planned to be integrated to 12.04??22:58
abstraktdies_irae, because that way at least freenode the network knows "who you are" via your nickserv account22:58
savage2005does ubuntu come with a program to create a bootable image to usb not just cd?22:58
abstraktdies_irae, and if you get squirelly and start hacking, they can just disable your account22:58
abstraktsavage2005, yes, usb-creator22:58
mustrsavage2005: usb-creator-gtk22:59
dies_iraesavage2005: yes dd22:59
savage2005thanks guys22:59
dies_iraeI did it with dd.22:59
abstraktsavage2005, sudo apt-get install unetbootin22:59
keoikantsei need help pleas23:00
dies_iraesavage2005: however, you really want a real install with, LiveUSB is limited to single session :/23:00
abstraktoh, interesting, usb-creator-gtk does exist, ok23:00
OerHeks!ask | keoikantse23:00
ubottukeoikantse: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:00
=== media is now known as Miles-
keoikantsei am trying to install a program from a DVD i got from linux format and i am new to ubuntu, the files a tar compilation files and i dint know what to do with them...23:03
theadmin!compile | keoikantse23:03
ubottukeoikantse: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall23:03
oscar76keoikantse: can't you find in the apps center?23:03
OerHekskeoikantse, double-click the file, it opens in fileroller, and extract all files to a folder.23:04
keoikantseoerHeks, can i send us a screen shot23:06
=== Oc\ZAie[h] is now known as oc\zaie[h]
_B00GOod evening. Do I have to reboot after an X11/Xserver/1Xorg update?23:07
theadmin_B00: Restarting X would be fine...23:07
mustr_B00: just log out and log in ...23:07
OerHekskeoikantse, yes, picpaste.com23:07
_B00theadmin: How does one achieve this goal pls? mustr: X11 is on server box ;-(23:08
theadmin_B00: Restart whatever is the display manager you use23:08
_B00headless. sorry forgot to mention.23:08
_B00I'll logout of this box on now.23:08
mustr_B00: if you are not on GUI then logging off and loggin in won't work23:09
_B00X11-common was updated on server.23:09
_B00I gathered that mustr23:09
_B00ty though23:09
mustr_B00: is the server running X now?23:09
_B00It has the terminal viewpoint but no monitor. All ssh work.23:10
mustr_B00 that means you aren't using X at all23:10
mustr_B00: I would just leave it like that then...23:11
_B00Well if I plugged a monitor in it would show the base log in screen.23:11
_B00So X11 doesn't effeect anything except for view?23:11
mustr_B00: Ah, i get it now. Then may be 'killall Xorg"23:11
dies_iraewhat's the new ubuntu 'HUD'???23:12
_B00brb then. I'll log out of this one and killl x server lol23:12
dies_iraeI am wanting to know23:12
theadmindies_irae: Unity23:12
oc\zaie[h]Hi, i cannot access on some websites on firefox, I google it, and someone said that have to check here, How I fix this ?23:12
oc\zaie[h] is listed in b.barracudacentral.org [http://www.barracudanetworks.com/reputation/?pr=1&ip=]23:12
oc\zaie[h] is listed in dnsbl.sorbs.net [Dynamic IP Addresses See: http://www.sorbs.net/lookup.shtml?]23:12
FloodBot1oc\zaie[h]: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:12
_B00mustr: Does this look okay? mark@Palace:~$ killall Xorg23:13
_B00Xorg: no process found23:13
_B00mustr: Does this look okay? mark@Palace:~$ killall Xorg  >  Xorg: no process found23:13
_B00NO X23:14
mustr_B00: it is likely that you are not running X at all OR you don't have the permission to restart23:14
mustr*permission to kill X23:14
theadmin_B00: You need to run that with sudo23:14
mustryou may try with sudo23:14
maZed_Could I install KDE after i installed ubuntu? or do i need to download kubuntu to try KDE?23:14
keoikantseOerHeks, image sent23:14
dies_iraewhy is called HUD then? HUD make me think of mounted display proyected in car's front glass, or GUI overlayed onto glasses, even games FPS HUD.23:14
mustrmaZed: you can23:14
xanguamaZed_: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop23:15
theadminmaZed_: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop # Will give you everything Kubuntu comes with alongside with your existing Ubuntu23:15
oc\zaie[h]http://paste.ubuntu.com/818278/ How I can fix this ?, I already reset my modem and nothings change23:15
maZed_nice, thanks much23:15
_B00I did do sudo too23:15
_B00AH I have rebooted the server box with no monitor plugged in before. Would this stop the X server starting?23:16
slugzzzHi! What is an easy way to give java more memory?23:16
mustr_B00: No, it won't. I guess your server was configured earlier not to run X. This is very common for server boxes23:17
_B00Okay cool. Thank you mustr23:17
zfreeslugzzz, see if that helps: http://viralpatel.net/blogs/2009/01/jvm-java-increase-heap-size-setting-heap-size-jvm-heap.html23:17
keoikantseoscar, ya its not there23:17
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hugomeiraKnow you Brazil server or chanel?23:20
xangua!pt | hugomeira23:21
ubottuhugomeira: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.23:21
chris__which is better photoshop or gimp?23:22
musterchris__ gimp23:23
keoikantsei keep getting this :You don't have the right permissions to extract archives in the folder "file:///media/LXFDVD152/Games/Xye"23:23
azneitanewbie question: is it ok to install 11.10 packages to 10.04LTS?23:25
ubottuazneita: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging23:25
azneitaubottu, if you happen by manila, i'll buy you a beer!23:26
ubottuazneita: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:26
azneitaacerimmer, if you happen by manila, i'll buy you a beer!23:27
acerimmerazneita: salamat, I'll take that beer.  I've got a friend in manila and might be there in a few months to visit23:27
_Marcusazneita: If you happen by Michigan, i'll buy you a coke!23:27
ect0bi0l0gistwhat irc clients are you guys using?23:28
_Marcusect0bi0l0gist: I am using HydraIRC23:28
acerimmerect0bi0l0gist: chatzilla plugin to firefox23:29
ags_what is the official sip client in ubuntu 11.10?23:29
ect0bi0l0gisti'm overwhelmed by the sheer number of options for irc clients23:29
theadminags_: There is none23:29
_MarcusIf I was less lazy I would make one myself23:29
ect0bi0l0gisti'm trying xchat-gnome atm23:30
ect0bi0l0gistthat would be a lot of coding!23:30
dlentzxchat is cool, but i never found anything close to mirc on linux (other than running mirc in wine)23:30
ect0bi0l0gistyeah me too23:31
ect0bi0l0gisti used to hve a Fixedsys font that made mIRC almost look right23:31
neatbookhow do i jioin #linux channel?23:31
acerimmerneatbook: /joing #linux23:32
acerimmerneatbook: /join #linux23:32
ect0bi0l0gisti'd just wine mIRC but i'm on a 512mb laptop and don't want to close stuff23:32
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azneitajust added backports... still can't see libparse-http-useragent-perl23:35
azneitacan i just get the deb from 11.10 and install it on 10.04?23:36
theadminazneita: No. You need to run apt-get update after adding a repo though23:37
nylgamecube has ubuntu flavor?23:38
ubottuTo change the default application for a filetype, go to System Settings -> Advanced -> File Associations, or System Setting -> File Associations in KDE 4.5+23:39
* azneita RTFM23:40
neatbookon shell script FILES="$(basename $i)" dosnt work, what is the problem??23:41
=== Knorre is now known as Knorre`BNC
pfifoFILES=`basename $i`23:45
Slartneatbook: I don't see a problem.. it works when I try it here23:46
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Slartneatbook: perhaps the problem is somewhere else in your script23:46
neatbookYea it turns out that i used PATH as one of my variables LOL23:47
Slartneatbook: ahh.. that might explain it23:47
neatbookhehehe noob here23:47
pfifoneatbook, dont use all cap variables23:47
neatbookis it bad? that is how my teacher did it in his examples, he always uses cap varibales23:48
pfifoneatbook, well the system already uses all caps for all variables, its a simple easy way to prevent clashes23:48
neatbooki see now...23:49
ninjaiI used mount to mount a SAMBA share and now my user can't write to the directory I mounted.  I used sudo to mount it.23:50
ilijahy i want ash how good is bleachbit software is23:50
pfifoof course if you want to use all caps, you could always check to makesure their not in use before hand23:50
Ivoz_atm I'm i'm running linux 3.0.0-14, but only because 15 wouldn't boot because of nvidia drivers. How do I install them so they're compatible with 15?23:51
overcluckerneatbook: type env23:51
Ivoz_will simply remove and reinstalling them work?23:52
Ivoz_or will that build them for 14, because that's what I'm reinstalling them under currently?23:52
Dr_Williscould boot to the -15 kernel in text mode, or try nomodeset option and reinstall them.23:53
Dr_Willisbut i thought it was supposed to auto-do-this-stuff :) when updateing the kernels23:53
dlentzIvoz_, you should be using dkms23:53
theadminilija: It's pretty good, can clean a lot of useless stuff out (although be careful not to clear your browser stuff, because you might want that)23:54
musterninjai: try mouting the samba mount from file manager23:54
neatbookok thanks!!23:54
ninjaimuster, can't do that.23:55
Ivoz_Dr_Willis: so did I, until I did a normal software update and it refused to boot on restart...23:56
Ivoz_dlentz: how do you mean? I'm not familiar23:56
musterninjai: then you may try the -o uid option23:56
supercom32I have a new PC which has a display port and HDMI port only. If I need to install ubuntu, would it work strictly over HDMI? Or would I need special drivers installed first before it would even output any picture via HDMI?23:56
Dr_Williscould be some bug with the newer kernel Ivoz_23:56
ninjaimuster, what does that do?23:57
Dr_Willissupercom32:  hdmi works fine here on the 4+ machines ive tried it on.23:57
Dr_Willissupercom32:  sometimes the sound may be an issue over hdmi23:57
Slartsupercom32: I've used the hdmi port of my nvidia card without problems.. but I suppose it could be different from graphics card to graphics card23:57
cannonfodderhey does anyone know the option to open an ssh tunnel on a certain port? i cant seem to find it in my man page...i used it before though but cant recall...it was really simple   all i think i had to do was specify the correct option after "ssh" then specify a port. at that point i could go into my web browser and proxy it through localhost:sshtunnelport23:57
musterninjai: when you mount through sudo, the mounted dir will take on root privileges, with uid option you can give those permissions to yourself23:57
dlentzdkms rebuilds kernel modules automatically when a new kernel is installed23:57
supercom32Dr_Willis: So the low resolution that systems initially start off with show up fine over HDMI?23:57
ninjaimuster, I'm trying to look for a way to mount without sudo for 1 user.23:58
mustercanonfodder: -L:xx:server:yyyy23:58
pp7__what are the best ubuntu news sites?23:58
Dr_Willissupercom32:  depends on what you mean. Grub2 has its own res settings.  depending on the chipset  i have had to use the nomodeset option untill i get the drivers intalled23:58
Ivoz_dlentz: yeah, I think it's done that when I've been reinstalling it23:58
musterninjai: its hard without sudo, unless you do it from file browser23:58
Dr_Willispp7__:  i tend to read the omgubuntu and webupd8 blog sites23:58
pp7__Dr_Willis: me too but any others apart from those?23:59
Dr_Willisninjai:  you can make a fstab entry for the shares.23:59
Dr_Willispp7__:  never noticed.23:59
ninjaimuster, I'm running CLI, ubuntu server.  I mainly need a way to mount it so that this user can have write access to the share23:59
pp7__haha same here23:59
dlentzIvoz_, then why doesn't it work with 3.0.0-15, is it a bug?23:59
ninjaiDr_Willis, I did that.  Still no write access for one of my users23:59
dat789hello , newbie here23:59
supercom32Dr_Willis: How do you do that if you can't see anything on your HDMI display? I worry that some bootup sequences, or bios screen will show blank on the HDMI monitor since a low res may not show up right.23:59
supercom32Dr_Willis: Especially on TV's which don't expect it.23:59

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