
ScottLastraljava, i wanted to ask you what you which task you are focusing on and let you know that falktx is looking at the ubiquity plugin00:20
falktx__it's all still a bit confusing to me, I'm not sure where I should look at...00:28
ScottLfalktx__, did you look at the blueprint and the notes in there?01:30
falktx__don't we already have the basic live-dvd seeds?01:36
ScottLaye, we just need to adjust the ubiquity plugin to match our seeds is my understanding01:36
ScottLfalktx__, but stephane would be a good person to talk to as well01:36
falktx__ScottL: do we have a timeline for this?01:45
ScottLfalktx__, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/precise/edubuntu-live/precise/files/head:/livecd/ubiquity/01:46
ScottLfalktx__, hopefull before March 1st - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Roadmap01:47
falktx__ScottL: I'll postpone it to tomorrow morning again01:50
falktx__today when I woke up it was already 1pm...01:51
ScottLlol :)01:51
falktx__hm, the original theme on gtk3 would be cool...01:54
ScottLyeah i saw that02:04
ScottLhow will that work wiht xfce?02:05
lenScottL: Forgot to mention this last night. The live DVD install does not ask if jackd should be installed with realtime priv.03:14
lenThe live DVD installs everything. This is why it failed to build with the ffmpeg-extra libs. Once the ability to only install certain workflows is added, the ISO will build.03:17
lenJust like the alt did, but install may fail in the same way too.03:17
ScottLlen, a few things to mention04:00
lenScottL ok04:01
ScottLlen, i was going to do the multi-head documentation so it's a little more formalized (although i haven't read your link currently)04:01
ScottLnoting the testing was done for two use cases04:01
ScottLthese are the steps used to make it work for both04:01
ScottLand these are the packages we tried and these are why they weren't chosen04:01
ScottLthose type of things04:02
ScottLlen, i don't have to do them, if you want to that would be great as well04:02
lenI tried to do a and b, but not really c04:02
ScottLbut i just want something that users can use but also documents our experience so we don't have to relive this later on04:02
ScottLlen, there are other things that i wanted to tell you today but i can't remember now that i'm tired :P04:03
lenIf its easier send email04:03
ScottLlen, i can do that :)04:03
ScottLalso, don't forget to look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Roadmap and commit for something if you can04:03
ScottLotherwise i'll end up doing it all myself04:03
lenI know you must be a few hours ahead of me04:04
ScottLit's 22:03 here04:04
len2 hours then04:04
ScottLi found the reprio.conf thingie earlier04:06
ScottLthis is where it was added, and it was quite a while ago04:08
ScottLoct 201004:09
lenI think the whole jack permissions thing is being thought about from what I have seen.04:09
ScottLyeah, it should be04:10
ScottLbut for precise we should still fix what we can so it's clean04:10
ScottLi think the ubuntustudio-meta (or ubuntustudio-audio within -meta) shouldn't add the other file if jackd is providing what it does04:10
lenI was wondering though, on the live DVD install if jack is installed with rt permission or not04:10
ScottLlen, i'm guessing that the live user doesn't have permissions via the audio group04:11
ScottLi'm surprised that the installed OS doesn't have -rt permissions though04:11
ScottLlen, i'm going to test this weekend as well, make a good list, ask others for what they noticed, and then hit up cjwatson about fixing some of it04:11
lenOn alt I get asked if I want rt, but not with live. A problem with ubiquity?04:12
ScottLpossibly, but i'm not sure about any of that stuff04:12
ScottLi know crap about ubiquity, to be honest04:12
lenubiquity man page is pretty sparse04:12
ScottLi think ubiquity has been called a black box a few times or voodoo or similar04:13
lenI figured out more looking at its files04:13
lenI could probably change the slideshow... though not the way it was intended to be changed ;-)04:14
len But the black box comment fits.04:14
lenScottL: Gotta go do my sons meds. Ill look for the email.04:15
ScottLlen, thanks :)04:16
ScottLlen, check out the guidelines as swell for the slideshow04:16
ailoScottL: len: What happened to me, installing US from the live environment was that the user did not end up in audio group, the jack file /etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf was installed, but renamed. There was no additional US file from the ubuntustudio-audio package04:23
ailoThe renamed jack file became /etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf.disabled04:24
ailoSo, no rt priv for user04:24
lenailo: Normally at jack install we are asked if we want rt priv. but not with live install.04:26
ailolen: True. The installation proceeds as if we have answered yes04:27
ailoWhereafter the file that is installed as a consequence to answering yes is overrided04:27
ailoWhen jack asks if we want rt priv, it doesn't actually provide it. It just installs the file that gives rt priv to audio group04:28
ailoNamely /etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf04:28
ailoI suspect installing the old way (not from the live environment) will put user to audio group04:30
ailoIf it is the same as it used to be. I realize things have changed a lot since gnome2 install04:31
ailoSince it does affect security, I suppose it's bad not getting the question. Perhaps ubiquity is not designed to do this?04:43
lenailo: ubiquity docs seem to be pretty sparse04:48
ScottLi'm planning on poking cjwatson about this after this weekend to see what else needs addressing04:52
ScottLit would appear that only the 64 bit version of ubuntustudio-lightdm-theme is being built currently04:57
ScottLbut maybe i'm wrong :/04:58
ScottLsorry, it appears that only a 32 bit version is being built04:58
ScottLis anyone running a 32 bit version of 12.04 currently?   could be ubuntu or xubuntu or *buntu 12.0404:58
micahgScottL: are there binary components in that package?04:59
ScottLmicahg, do you mean does it generate a .deb file?04:59
ScottLoh, you mean like an image?05:00
micahgI mean is there anything compiled in the package?  right now, it's arch: all05:00
ScottLthis is where i'm looking: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/ubuntustudio-lightdm-theme/0.205:00
micahgyes, but what's insid05:00
ScottLit looks like 0.1 was never pushed to repos and 0.2 appears to only be i38605:01
micahgit's an arch all package (which means architecture independent)05:01
ScottLmicahg, i'm not sure to be honest, i'll poke around05:01
ScottLmicahg, doesn't look like it05:02
micahgScottL: it's just conf files, it's fine05:03
ScottLjust /user and /etc and /debian directories05:03
ScottLand conf files unde the first two05:03
ScottLoh, you typed that too05:03
ScottLsorry, getting a bit tired05:03
ScottLbut, micahg , if i type 'apt-cache search ubuntustudio-*' i don't get the -lightdm-theme package05:04
ScottLi'm on 64 bit install05:04
ScottLsynaptic can't find it either05:04
micahgI see it...05:04
micahgis your mirror up to date?05:04
ScottLi 'refreshed' in synaptic05:04
micahgare you on precise?05:04
ScottLbut i'll do a sudo apt-get upgrade05:04
ScottLerrr update05:05
micahgit was built almost 3 months ago05:05
ScottLerrrrr, no05:05
ScottLmicahg, i'm an idiot, sorry05:05
ScottLi'm using oneirc right now on this laptop05:05
micahgright, it's precise only05:05
ScottLyeah, i see my logic now05:06
ScottLi had thought it had been built for oneiric originally05:06
ScottLi thought it had been included in the 11.10 ISO actually05:06
micahgnope, it was supposed to be, but didn't get sponsored IIRC05:07
ScottLas i poked around seeing if rev 2 had been uploaded or not (which would cause the background to not work as it looked) i noticed it wasn't there05:07
ScottLyeah, that makes sense05:07
ScottLi'm going to install the precise live-dvd by this weekend and look at it05:08
ScottLi suppose i could always get the source and build local to see it as well, but i can wait...plus it might not even build properly05:08
ScottLme being on oneiric05:09
ScottLokay, it's quite a bit past my bedtime, good night05:09
micahgScottL: you can just grab the deb from LP, nothing is really built, so it should work on oneiric as well05:09
ailoScottL: GN Scott05:09
ailoWe work in shifts05:10
ailoI just woke05:10
ScottLmicahg, oh, i see your point about binaries now, i think05:10
micahgyes, the word is overloaded :)05:10
micahgI was referring to binary vs text as opposed to binary vs source05:10
ScottLi guess i've always viewed .deb files as binaries, but i can see that that isn't the case05:11
micahgno, they are :)05:11
micahgthey're binary packages05:11
ScottLoh, okay...i'll think more on this on the morrow ;)05:12
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astraljavaScottL: Sorry, had fallen asleep already. I don't know, really. I see a lot of tasks have been taken care of, already (thanks guys! You're doing an awesome job!)11:09
astraljavaScottL: Maybe we need to have a little discussion on what's most important at the moment, what's been done, and what's essential before the Alpha-2.11:10
astraljavaScottL: Informal meeting this Sunday?11:10
ScottLastraljava, the roadmap shows what i think is important at this point https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Roadmap13:02
ScottLand it's broken out by milestone13:03
ScottLi just want to make sure we are addressing all items remaining, items are prioritized correctly, and we are working effectively across those items13:03
ScottLastraljava, i will absolutely be at a meeting this sunday13:05
ScottLin about 4.5 hours i will be at my desk for 2 hours (all day meeting except for 2 hours during lunch)13:05
ScottLwe can talk more about work items during that time if you want13:06
ScottLyou seem to have vocally committed to many things, which is why i asked falktx to look at the ubiquity plugin since it's a pretty important piece of work currently13:06
ScottLif you really want it and will focus on it, then great, we'll get falktx to do something else...because there is plent else to do13:06
scott-workmicahg: i am thinking clearer now14:05
astraljavaScottL: Yeah, that would be good. So that's around 1730 UTC, right?14:05
scott-worki know that .deb files are binaries, i can't just open a text file and read them14:05
scott-workastraljava:  i don't remember the time we usually do them but i will be there14:06
scott-workmicahg: and i understand the differentiation you meant on about binaries now, binary vs. text and binary vs source14:06
scott-workwe we're obviously dealing with source, but within the source we were also only dealing with text within the -lightdm-theme package14:07
quadrisprohi guys, I'm sorry to not have much time to spend here having fun with you :) I'm here just to inform you that I've sync'd mudita24 for Precise14:09
astraljavascott-work: .deb files are practically just containers. You can extract them with `dpkg -x <filename>.deb`14:15
astraljavaWell, there's not much point to test the package then, as it's already there. :) Gotta love the guy. Too bad he had to leave.14:17
ailoGroups, security.. there's no such thing as a perfect system. There's just what you want to achieve and trying to find an energy efficient way to do that14:42
ailoOr should I say, a fun way to do things14:43
holsteini like how falk did it with KX14:43
holsteinit was a bit clunky, though functional, and totally fixed this at install14:44
ailoholstein: What bothered me the most was that the desktop was slow14:46
holsteinailo: live?14:46
holsteinit wont be fast14:46
ailoWell, it was heavy on the graphics14:46
ailoOther than that, it was cool14:47
holsteini find it similar to the normal live CD's14:49
holsteini should say i havent actually loaded ours up, but thte 64studio one, the new dynebolic, the others too...14:49
ailoholstein: I don't think it was only the live CD14:49
ailoI mean, loading applications is slow on live CD's, not running them14:50
ailoAnd the graphics should not be slow14:50
ailoEspecially on a multimedia system14:50
holsteini was hoping XFCE would help us a bit14:50
ailoThe US live DVD was slow for me, but there was some bug having to do with dbus14:50
ailoI get it sometimes with my normal Precise install as well14:51
ailoThe US live DVD was using up a lot of CPU14:51
holsteinmaybe its kernel+your hardware related?14:51
ailoDon't think it will later on14:51
ailoNope, it's a bug14:51
astraljavaailo: Have you looked through all the normal logs, ie. .xsession-errors, /var/log/syslog and the likes?15:03
ailoastraljava: I haven't had time to test it anymore than that. I'll try again at a later stage15:04
astraljavaailo: Yeah ok. No rush. I'll try to give it a spin too one of these days.15:04
scott-workastraljava: i plan to give the live-dvd a workout this weekend, can you help me with what to look for in the logs?15:47
scott-worki want to go to cjwatson early next week with a comprehensive list of things we would like addressed wiht the live-dvd15:47
astraljavascott-work: Yeah, I'm planning to do that, too, maybe tomorrow or at least over the weekend.15:51
quadrisprohi again guys16:09
quadrisproScottL, are you around?16:10
quadrisproscott-work, ehy, maybe this is the right nickname to ping :)16:10
astraljavaHey Alessio. And thanks again for your excellent work on mudita24!16:10
quadrisproastraljava, thank you! :) I need an ACK from UbuntuStudio's devs to going ahead with bug #92203616:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 922036 in glame (Ubuntu) "Audiofile 0.3.x transition" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92203616:13
astraljavaI'll have a look.16:13
astraljavaquadrispro: hydrogen is being directly seeded. Do you want us (US) to rebuild and test before proceeding with this?16:17
quadrisproastraljava, I tried to rebuild it on (and Ubuntu ships the same version of) Debian before starting the transition for Wheezy16:19
quadrisproand that's the result16:19
quadrisproso, there would be no pain16:20
quadrisproastraljava, would hydrogen be the only package seeded?16:20
astraljavaquadrispro: I will have to go through the list carefully, but that's the first thing I noticed.16:21
astraljavaquadrispro: Can I get a list of affected packages in text format somehow from LP?16:22
astraljavaquadrispro: I mean apart from c&p'ing. :)16:22
astraljavaquadrispro: Well at least it's now easier to c&p from the bugmail. :)16:28
astraljavaquadrispro: Yes, hydrogen is the only one directly seeded. I suppose the dependencies should be checked too, though?16:33
quadrisprowhich deps?16:37
astraljavaquadrispro: Deps for the seeded apps?16:43
quadrisproastraljava, everything should be OK16:45
quadrisproastraljava, if you want, you could check twice with apt-rdepends16:45
quadrisproastraljava, remember to use --reverse, point your attention to the libaudiofile0, that is the binary which will change name16:46
micahgI can give you a pastebin of the reverse deps if you like16:47
astraljavamicahg: That'd be awesome, thanks!16:49
micahghmm...pastebinit is broke, one sec16:51
astraljavaNo rush.16:52
micahgnope, Ubuntu pastebin is broke, http://paste.debian.net/153724/16:53
micahgFYI, there's also a reverse-depends tool in ubuntu-dev-tools now16:55
astraljavaOh cool, will look into that one. Thanks, micahg!16:57
scott-workquadrispro: i am here (but will need to run itno a meeting again soon)16:59
astraljavamicahg: quadrispro: Have I understood it correctly, though, that I should cross-reference that list with ~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/ubuntustudio.precise/audio-common.depends too?17:00
* scott-work is reading backscroll now between alessio and janne17:00
scott-worklooks like astraljava is already handling this :)  thanks janne17:02
astraljavascott-work: I'm on it. That doesn't mean it'll be sorted, though. *grin*17:02
scott-worklol :)17:03
scott-workbut at least you can help suss out what is going on currently17:03
micahgastraljava: I can do better for you :)17:03
astraljavamicahg: Oh? Do tell.17:03
quadrisproehy micahg, how are you?17:04
quadrisproscott-work, yes, you have understood correctly :)17:04
micahghi quadrispro :)17:05
micahgastraljava: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/ubuntustudio.precise/rdepends/ALL/libaudiofile017:05
micahgquadrispro: I'm good17:05
micahgand you?17:05
micahgastraljava: as cjwatson keeps telling us, let's not reinvent germinate :)17:06
astraljavamicahg: Did you have something to do with the libav*-extra* packages? The image failed to build because of those.17:06
astraljavamicahg: Excellent!17:07
micahgastraljava: yes, today's image should be fine17:07
micahgas in the one being generated in an hour17:07
astraljavamicahg: Ahh... sorry, I confused the date.17:07
astraljavamicahg: And thanks for the lesson-of-the-day, great learning experience. :)17:07
quadrisprogood, back home just yesterday from Germany, I stayed there with my girlfriend to breathe a bit of European air and now, after a week-off, I've so many things to deal with17:08
micahgI was waiting for siretart to upload libav-extra to Debian, but it never happened, I finally poked him yesterday and he did it17:08
astraljavaGood, good.17:08
micahgquadrispro: aren't you based in Europe? (Italy)17:08
quadrispromicahg, yes in Italy, but our air is not so European :)17:09
quadrisproguys, please give me a feedback on the report and I'll sync the package17:09
micahgheh, it should be cleaner being surrounded by the Mediterranean17:09
astraljavaquadrispro: xjadeo in video seed matches17:11
astraljavaquadrispro: Also, gimp-gap in graphics.17:12
astraljavaBut that's it.17:12
falktxscott-work: I don't think I have permissions to create new US branches (only to edit them). can you create one for ubiquity, similar to edubuntu? (or maybe just copy everything over)17:18
quadrisproastraljava, xjadeo? it doesn't seems so, at least doesn't have a direct dep on libaudiofile017:19
astraljavafalktx: You are in the team, though, so you should be able to.17:19
falktxnot sure, last time I tried it failed17:20
astraljavaquadrispro: Not direct, no. Am I reading the link micahg posted wrong, then?17:20
quadrisproastraljava, gimp-gap, the same, it seems to not match :/17:20
astraljavafalktx: Please pastebin the output, if you have problems still.17:20
astraljavaquadrispro: mplayer -> mencoder -> xjadeo, which is in video seed. Does that not count?17:22
quadrisprono, because the shlib will change (libaudiofile0 -> libaudiofile1), if a package doesn't have a direct dep on libaudiofile0 it won't be touched17:23
astraljavaquadrispro: Ahh... ok then. Yeah, if that's the case, then hydrogen is the only one.17:23
holsteinthe live CD is *nice*17:50
holsteinthe little loading screen thing is *so* cool17:51
holsteinwho made that?17:51
holsteinthe ubuntustudio - linux for creative humans graphic?17:51
holsteinw0w... right out of the box!17:54
holsteinJACK starts... no fuss17:54
holsteinjust internal hardware on a laptop right now, but that is impressive!17:55
ailoholstein: No realtime though17:55
holsteinailo: right... but still!17:55
ailoIt's great to finally have it17:55
ailoI mean the live DVD17:55
holsteinand have it lookins so polished already17:55
holsteinailo: you know how the xrun counter is there?17:56
holsteinwhat is the other #?17:56
holsteinits like "3 (33)" or whatever17:57
holsteini know 3 is xruns.. what is 33 again?17:57
ailoholstein: Isn't it 33 xruns, and three something else?17:57
ailoCheck the messages17:57
holsteineven at this stage, live, and on internal hardware, with generic kernel and no RT, im getting "0 (1)"17:57
holsteinailo: yeah... looks like that is the case17:58
holsteinXRUN callback (1)17:58
holsteini have "cannont lock down memory erea"17:58
holsteini could literally throw something right now im so excited about it!17:59
holsteinthat loading screen is very nice17:59
holsteinscott-work: was that yours?17:59
ailoholstein: I believe ScottL made that for Oneiric17:59
ailoIt's been around for some while, but it would either not work or flash by too quickly to be seen. It's nice to have it on the live DVD18:00
holsteinOH snap!18:00
holsteinpulse audio jack sink running out of the box!18:00
holsteinvery nice!18:00
ailoholstein: Do you get sound?18:00
ailoI didn't from the pulse sink18:00
holsteini get yoshimi18:01
holsteinlemme try something via pulse18:01
ailoholstein: Make sure it's not muted or something18:02
holsteinailo: im finding the live UI very responsive18:02
ailoholstein: Whatever is loaded into ram will be very responsive18:02
ailoholstein: When you load a program, it'll take some time. First time you open the main menu, it takes a bit of time18:03
ailoBut, running programs is not slower at all18:03
ailoOnce it's in RAM, it's just like normal18:03
holsteinyup.. i think its a little faster with XFCE though18:04
holsteinthis is a fastish machine that im not used as well...18:05
ailoholstein: It's not faster than gnome318:06
holsteini havent tried gnome3 live yet18:08
holsteinyeah, no pulse via JACK for me out of the box18:08
holsteinstill!... im stoked18:08
ailoholstein: The point is this. Nothing is fast until it's loaded into RAM. Programs, menus, you name it18:09
holsteina wallpaper and a theme, and we are good UI-wise18:09
holsteinyeah, i get that... i just think loading from CD seems faster18:09
holsteinin XFCE, than what im used to... but it could be this box18:09
holsteinor that im just so damn excited about it :)18:10
ailoholstein: Don't think the box should matter too much. Did you burn a DVD, or is it from usb stick?18:10
ailoholstein:  Than maybe the DVD player reads faster than another machine you have18:10
holsteini wanted to go for what i thought would be slowest18:10
scott-workfalktx_: i will see what i can do about the bzr branch, can you make a personal one under you launchpad account for now?18:11
scott-workholstein: i made the plymouth theme from what cory brought to me18:11
holsteinscott-work: that is *too* bad man!18:11
holsteinit really sets the tone, i think18:12
ailoholstein: Also, I wouldn't compare with Unity for example until it's final release. And, it would also depend on how many services are started18:12
scott-worki'm glad you are excited about this holstein, it makes me feel excited as well :)18:16
holsteinscott-work: im installing.. and its not curses!.. not that there anything wrong with that18:16
holsteinthis installer slideshow is not a dealbreaker for me18:20
holsteinmaybe we can just chill it out a bit18:20
holsteinjust use thoes slides we already have on the site18:20
holsteinthat would give us some consistency18:21
holsteinand thats something that is in theory already done, and easy to just bring over18:21
holsteini joined ubuntu-installer.. ill poke around a bit about it18:23
holsteinif its that eays, why not...18:23
holsteinone thing to check off the long-ish list18:23
holsteinMAN.. id like to just have that loading graphic there! :)18:24
holstein13:24 < cjwatson> the ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu source package has slideshows for several flavours of Ubuntu, and builds  ubiquity-slideshow-kubuntu, ubiquity-slideshow-xubuntu, ... binary packages18:25
holstein13:24 < cjwatson> so it would probably be best to make a branch of lp:ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu and add ubuntustudio bits to it18:25
holsteinscott-work: is that something we can do?18:28
holsteinwe meaning you ;)18:28
holsteinor should i try and get a helper over there?18:28
astraljavaholstein: Are you a member of ~ubuntustudio-dev? If so, then yes, you can, too.18:31
scott-workholstein: yes it is, it's on the roadmap already18:31
scott-workholstein: also, the guildelines are already linked as well as the code in the roadmap18:31
scott-worki will ask everyone again to look at the roadmap18:32
holsteini remember having seen it there18:32
scott-work * please make sure all items needed for precise are there18:32
scott-work * please make sure you think items are in the right milestone18:32
scott-work * please sign up for stuff so we can cover any holes18:32
scott-workthank you18:32
scott-worki have also tried to link the relevant blueprint or otherwise required information there18:33
holsteinmy install is not booting :/18:33
holsteini could likely take that on then18:34
holsteinassuming i can use the site graphics18:34
knomei'm going to update the xubuntu slideshow too, so i might as well work on the studio slideshow18:34
knomeas long as somebody gives me the content on time18:34
knomeholstein, if you want it though, feel free to take the item :)18:35
scott-workknome: that would be incredibly helpful, maybe holstein can help you though18:35
scott-work 18:35
holsteinknome: COOL18:35
holsteinnah... dont wait on me18:35
scott-workkeep in mind about teh roadmap...18:35
knomei'm not sure how much there is to "help"18:35
holsteini have to learn how to do it18:35
scott-workwe can always do things early :P18:35
knomei mean, it's quite simple, the slideshow stuff18:35
knomeyou basically just drop in stuff18:35
holsteinscott-work: im going more on what i can do, rather than the timeline for the moment18:36
scott-workholstein: i bet if you can help knome define the content, he can make it happen code wise18:36
scott-workalthough there isn't much code stuff really, considering we should be coyping and pasting a lot of it18:36
knomejust get me the content (as with the website), and i'll handle it18:36
knomei even have push rights for the slideshow branch, so that's not a problem either18:36
holsteinknome: im in..18:36
holsteinmaybe i can fake our look and feel?18:37
holsteinget some screenies going18:37
knomeyour choice :)18:37
holsteinthe website is just easy, thats all18:37
holsteinknome: when are you doing xubuntu?18:37
knomeno idea yet18:37
knomebut doesn't need to happen at the same time18:37
holsteinknome: cool18:38
knomewe're mostly updating the text and switching one or two shots18:38
holsteinwonder if i can update the menu...18:38
knomeif there is a bug or work item that can be assigned to me, it would help :)18:38
knomewhich menu? the website?18:38
holsteinim assuming the XFCE menu for US18:38
knomeprobably, that's not too hard either18:39
holsteinthough i dont mind whats there18:39
knomescott-work, ?18:41
scott-workholstein: the menu is meant to be the ubuntu studio menu since we moved to xfce18:42
scott-worki don't believe it will be showing the audio production menu properly18:42
holsteinits not bad18:42
scott-worki think all the multimedia stuff will all be under multimedia18:42
scott-worka lot shouldn't be but should be under audio prodcution18:42
holsteinyup.. audio production is under multimedia18:42
scott-worki think only the "desktop" type apps should be under multimedia18:42
holsteineh.. i could go either way18:43
scott-work"desktop" meaning totem, audacious, etc18:43
holsteinit used to be similar to this18:43
holsteinjust under "audio" or whatever it was18:43
knomescott-work, when do you think you would have time for the website stuff? i think we should get in contact with the IS soon again to get the site to staging18:43
knomescott-work, also, would you please create me a work item in the appropriate blueprint for the slideshow. thanks! :)18:43
scott-workknome:  can we say withint two weeks?  is that too long for you?  i mean to be "done" with my part18:43
knomewell, there's only some decisions really18:44
scott-workknome: i can do that re: blueprint18:44
knomewhat to do with the "featured area"18:44
knomeshould it progress automatically? etc.18:44
knomeand if there is something else you want dramatically changed, now is a good time18:44
knomebecause any changes will start dragging once we go staging18:44
holsteinlemme see if dist-upgrade gives me whatever x needs to start..18:45
holsteinim going to boot the live CD on my main rig.. see what its like with firewire18:48
ailoholstein: Great18:48
ailoholstein: Great time to see about that firewire - audio group thing18:49
holsteinyup.. the video group or whatever18:49
ailoholstein: No, it's audio group18:49
ailoholstein: The udev file, remember18:49
holsteineh... we'll see18:49
holsteinits been 10.04 since ive really done more that randomly test it18:50
ailoholstein: Since 10.10 there's a file /lib/udev/rules.d/60-ffado.rules which grants rights to specific ffado devices18:51
holsteinarandr just worked like a charm!18:52
ailoholstein: In your case it's this line..18:52
ailoATTR{vendor}=="0x000a92", GROUP="audio", ENV{ID_FFADO}="1" # Presonus Corporation18:52
holsteini got dual head just the way i wanted it in like 2 minutes!18:52
ailoIf I remember correctly you can't use firewire without being a member of audio group18:54
ailoNever mind realtime18:54
holsteinscott-work: yeah.. audio and video production are under "multimedia"18:54
holsteinthey get sub-menus like before in gnome18:54
holsteinailo: this drive is reading noticably slower18:55
holsteinok.. out of the box again with the internal sound device18:56
holsteinnah.. i havnet troubleshooted much, but gksudo qjackctl can start my firewire device18:59
holsteinand of course.. no JACK sink on there ;)18:59
ailoholstein: Try jack with firewire, no realtime please19:00
holsteinailo: anything else i should check from the "big-rig" ?19:00
ailoAnd as user, not root19:00
holsteinas normal user, with the realtime box un-ticked.. all is well19:01
holsteinso, that might get taken care of with the kernel19:01
holsteinalso, JACK sink is there now as normal user, which makes sense19:01
ailoI have no idea, but then it seems user does not need to be a member of audio group to use firewire19:01
ailoWhich is great news19:02
holsteinailo: agreed.. its not the big permissions issue we were concerned about19:02
holsteinim getting a shutdown error... but i think thats OK for where we are19:02
holsteinthis is a new stack, and new JACK.. im sure i would need to trouble shoot a bit for my particular hardware19:03
ailoholstein: Nah, I think you're ok19:03
holsteinstill... exciting!19:03
holsteinthis is an odd nvidia card too19:04
ailoholstein: Do you have a spare partition, or another machine you can use to test firewire?19:05
ailoI should probably just get mine home, so I can try one more thing19:05
holsteinailo: yup19:05
holsteinill do a proper install there ASAP19:05
holsteinOR just on my main rig19:05
ailoI was pretty happy using Oneiric with the -lowlatency and my focusrite device19:06
ailo64 f/p, and not a single xrun to date19:06
holsteinthis laptop was a candidate for that though, and its black-screening19:06
holsteinailo: wow... thats great19:06
holsteini get TTY's... so its not a panic19:07
holsteini'll just let it set here for a while19:07
scott-workholstein: but the audio production menu didn't used to be under multimedia though19:15
scott-workit used to be under it's own menu item, not as a sub menu19:15
scott-worki'll probably isntall an older version of ubuntu studio and take some screen shots as an example of what we used to have19:15
scott-workokay, knome, i'll try to make a really good push this weekend then on the website19:16
scott-workholstein, are you okay with knome having the work item in the blueprint?19:38
scott-workit needs to be done and this will make him responsible for it but dependent on your input however19:38
knomescott-work, thanks :)20:09
scott-workfalktx_: are you around?20:29
scott-workerr, ping!20:29
scott-workfalktx_: i realized now that you don't need to create a new bzr branch, you will be creating the /plugin directory inside the live-dvd (or whatever i linked earlier) seed in the existing seed branch20:49
holsteinscott-work: yeah, sure... im with you!21:16
falktx_scott-work: probably, sorry I've just been so busy lately...21:18
falktx_hm, now he quits21:22
lenholstein: cd /usr/share/xgreeters21:48
lenmake a link from the file there to default.desktop21:48
lenThis is a known problem...21:48
holsteinlen: my install failed :/21:55
ailobad DVD?21:56
ailoholstein: ?21:56
ailoTry usb stick instead21:56
holsteinailo: i dont think so... anything is possible though21:56
ailoI don't trust DVD for nothing21:56
ailoI can hardly install anything from a DVD21:56
ailoIf I burnt it myself21:57
holsteinwhen i reboot in the recovery console, and run startx, i get a "no gnome session" error21:57
holsteini just barely had time to troubleshoot it though21:57
ailoOh, so the install worked, but the system is broken?21:57
ailoI mean, the install finished21:57
holsteinailo: yeah21:58
holsteinand i tty'd and upgraded21:58
ailoI downloaded mine yesterdayt21:58
ailoCould be a temporary problem21:58
holsteinat this point, you never know what is not supported21:58
holsteinand it can be me21:58
ailoPast my bedtime. Got loads of stuff to do this coming week :P21:59
ailoGN guys21:59
holsteinailo: o/22:00
lenholstein: have you looked to see if there is a /usr/share/xgreeters/default.desktop file or link? 22:12
lenIf it is missing there will be no X session22:12
lenI have had this issue for about a week or two now.... including the live dvd22:13
astraljavalen: I think it's time to file a bug about it, unless there is one already.22:13
lenI should say live DVD install. The live DVD part is fine22:13
len Give me a half hour... gotta pick up kids. I was thinking the same.22:14
astraljavalen: Sure, no rush. :) It's been there for a while already. :)22:14
holsteinok.. that makes sense now22:48
astraljavaWhee! New audacious just creeped into unstable.22:50
holsteincool... do we get that?22:50
astraljavaWe will. I just need to find out if the autosync is still working, or if I need to file a request for it.22:51
astraljavaFTBFS on some archs, so might be wise to wait for fixes.22:54
micahgastraljava: no, Debian Import Freeze is past, please use requestsync if you need something22:54
holsteinnothing wrong with the current one22:54
astraljavamicahg: Yeah, ajmitch just confirmed the same.22:55
ScottLfalktx_, i'm here if you have a question, although i'm going to dinner with family to celebrate duaghter's birthday - 10 years old today :)23:28
astraljavaScottL: Conga-rats! :)23:29
* astraljava rolls eyes23:30
knome♫ samba rumba bueno la conga cha cha cha23:31
* knome shakes his body parts23:31
* astraljava chuckles23:31
* falktx_ facepalms23:32
astraljavaknome: That should be a factoid. Can you make it so?23:33
knomewhich one? :P23:33
knomein #ubuntustudio-devel? :P23:33
astraljavaWell, alias could be !bongo-mice23:33
astraljavaHell yeah.23:33
knomei suppose i can23:33
astraljavaEXCELLENT!!! /me rubs hands together, Mr. Burns-like23:34
knomehmm. can a factiod have a - ?23:34
ubottu♫ samba rumba bueno la conga cha cha cha23:35
* falktx_ double facepalms23:35
astraljavaWow, you rock!23:35
ubottu♫ samba rumba bueno la conga cha cha cha23:36
knomethere you go23:36
knomenow sssshhh :P23:36
* astraljava ^5's knome 23:36
* knome shakes his body parts again23:36
holstein16:48 < len> holstein: cd /usr/share/xgreeters23:48
holstein16:48 < len> make a link from the file there to default.desktop23:48
holstein^^ whats that mean?23:49
holsteinim looking in there and i see lightdm-gtk-greeter.desktop23:49
astraljavaholstein: But not default.desktop, right? I think len meant that there should be such linking to the lightdm one.23:51
holsteinim trying ln -s /usr/share/xgreeters/lightdm-gtk-greeter.desktop23:52
holsteinfrom len's email23:52
holsteinyup... that was totally it..23:53
holsteinw0w!.. im excited again..23:54

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