
micahga dist-upgrade right now might remove xubuntu-desktop so watch out (should be fixed after the indicator plugin builds in 6 hours)01:12
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knomemr_pouit, micahg: is there any technical updates this week worth mentioning in our mail to the release list?10:39
mr_pouitmmh, nothing impacting other flavours10:42
knomesomething bigger then?10:43
knomei mean, even if it didn't affect ;]10:44
mr_pouitmmh, micahg synced a new upstream bugfix release of ristretto, and I added patches in xfdesktop4 to support single click to open items, and I've backported from 4.9.x the new mouse/touchpad dialog for xfce4-settings10:48
mr_pouitI guess that's all for the "bigger" things10:48
knomemadnick, will you gather that up?10:49
madnickknome: yeah, ill write it down and send the email later tonight when i get home11:27
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knomemadnick, thanks13:15
holsteinthose bot commands always seem like they will save time... 15:08
astraljavaholstein: Err... please elaborate?15:11
holsteinastraljava: that should have went to *offtopic... it was just in reference to some activity in the main channel15:12
astraljavaOh ok. Main channel for Xubuntu, as in #xubuntu? If so, then I missed it, as I'm not there.15:12
holsteinyeah... i just checked, and figured thats why you were not in the know15:13
knomemicahg, what's up with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/murrine-themes/+bug/85693923:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 856939 in thunderbird (Ubuntu) "Default Thunderbird icons in Oneiric unusable with Greybird" [Medium,In progress]23:24
micahgknome: let me do that now23:25
knomeochosi, want to go through the slideshow now?23:26
ochosinah, sorry, too tired already23:27
knomei'll prepare the stuff then so we can get working asap23:27
ochosiok, thanks23:27
ochosias i said, probably not until after fosdem23:27
knomeyup, np23:27
astraljavaknome: I fail to see the unusability, but meh. :)23:28
knomeastraljava, white on light gray?23:28
knomewell it's not *unusable*, but it's not really as accessible as it could, and it's not pretty either23:29
astraljavaWell, I have it here, and I can totally use it. Although I always prefer key shortcuts, but still... I maintain my meh.23:29
knomeochosi, https://code.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-team/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/xubuntu-precise23:30
ochosiknome: ok, thanks. i'll go get some sleep now23:36
knomeoki :) sleep tight23:36
ochosity, have a lot of work tomorrow again, so i'll need it23:36
ochosihave fun y'all!23:36
knomeheh, strenght and honor with work ;)23:37
knomelike the romans used to say23:37
knomeroma victor23:37
ochosiis that from that stupid hercules tv-series?23:37
astraljavaThat, or Xena the Warrior Princess.23:37
knomegladiator at least23:37
knomebut i suppose that's historically true23:37
astraljavaWhat, Xena?23:37
knomemakes much sense to say that to soldiers who are most probably going to die23:38
knomeno, "strength and honour"23:38
astraljavaHeheh. Gotcha.23:38
astraljavaI've always wondered about it. It's like that Gary Moore song:"No flag has ever stopped a buller from a gun."23:38
astraljavaHow do you, exactly, motivate soldiers to die for their country?23:39
astraljavaBut I suppose it's not really a matter for this channel. :D23:39
knomeit's kind of relevant23:39
knomehow do you motivate developers to mentally die for their OS?23:39
astraljavaHahah! Yeah, we're dying for our apps. Right.23:40
astraljavaAlways cracks me up.23:41
knomei hope only figuratively..23:41
astraljavaWell, yeah. Also, "Da bull is not here" and "I will be a martyr" are hilarious.23:44
knomenot as hilarious.23:44
knomehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXiIV_ecS88 is hilarious :)23:45
astraljavaMaybe. It's hard to tell. I'm still a bit overloaded with all Kummeli. We were in Boston for 5 weeks back in Oct. - Nov. '09, and the lead dev kept rotating those. And also the Lauri Tähkä parody.23:45
knomehaven't seen any tähkä parody, and don't want to :P23:45
astraljavaNah, ...Karvattomat never did it for me.23:46
astraljavaOh c'mon, you know you want to.23:46
knomevery good groove23:46
astraljavaThere were others, as well. Irina, I believe, and I forget who.23:47
* knome lols at "matalalla profiililla"23:47
knomeastraljava, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gmZPrmEUQc&t=00m59s ;))23:55
astraljavaI'm sorry, they still don't do it for me.23:56
astraljavaBut, I do need to pee now.23:57
astraljavaIt may, or may not, be related.23:57
knomedon't pee in your pants23:57
astraljavaManaged not to.23:59

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