
Fudgewhat is the link fo rme to check package lists for xubuntu precise?01:36
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Powlhello everybody, can someone tell me how to use unofficial playonlinux scripts08:51
Kingsywhat the hell is up with this HUD that ubuntu are bringing out? thank god I moved to xfce09:44
Kingsyit looks shockingly bad09:45
ablomenYeah it follow's the current trend of user interfaces nicely, getting in the way of actual work as much as possible09:47
KingsyI just cant beleive how much they have ruined it09:48
Kingsythank the LORD for xubuntu and xfce09:49
Kingsyor I would be on a different distro.. that right there is a deal breaker09:49
PopeJobwhy is the next LTS for xubuntu supported only 3 years, while even Lubuntu has 5 years support?10:17
PopeJobwhy not quite lubuntu and move to xubuntu development? :p10:17
knomePopeJob, we don't have enough developers to be able to give support for the xubuntu-specific packages for 5 years10:31
knomePopeJob, lubuntu serves a different experience, so it makes sense to release both10:32
MarzataLubuntu is very amateurish-like10:43
knomeit's still quite a young derivative10:43
knomeif we want to continue with this subject though, let's move to #xubuntu-offtopic10:43
Marzataknome: what is this channel about then?10:44
knomexubuntu *support*10:44
knomediscussing the differences in lubuntu and xubuntu doesn't exactly fit that10:44
knomealtogehter -offtopic is more relaxed, you don't even have to talk about *buntu* all the time ;)10:45
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koxamanhi :)13:28
koxamancan someone help me? ati driver install13:28
PopeJob_just ask and lets see if someone can answer13:29
koxamanI get this error: and I do not know what to do with it13:30
koxaman[Error]A previous installation of fglrx driver detected to be loaded.User must uninstall existing fglrx driver or run install with force option. Forcing the installation is not recommended.13:31
koxamanI would like install ati-driver-installer-11-12-x86.x86_6413:32
Unhammerwhat's the default pdf reader in xubuntu?13:44
ablomenUnhammer, evince should be the default13:45
Unhammerok, thanks ablomen :)13:45
baizonUnhammer: evince14:06
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xubuntu974hi, do you support also eeeXubuntu? :)14:27
knomexubuntu974, that shouldn't be needed with the newer versions of xubuntu, but generally we don't support that. depends what the question is14:45
xubuntu974the point is I have an Asus eeepc (1011px) with windows 714:54
xubuntu974but I'd like to try a gnu/linux distro14:54
xubuntu974I read that eeexubuntu is fine for that (but quite old) - so the question is wider: is Xubuntu ok for this kind of netbook? :)14:55
holsteinxubuntu974: it is... you might want to consider 10.04 for that machine, if its your first linux experience14:56
holsteinyou can try all *buntu versions live, and most other distros live as well... this will give you an idea of the hardware support14:57
xubuntu974actually I used ubuntu for my old laptop, but with this new netbook I wasn't sure which distro and version to use14:57
holsteinAFAIK eeexubuntu is dead14:57
holsteinxubuntu974: just use the one you are used ot14:57
xubuntu974fine, thanks :)14:57
holsteinif you find the one you are used to too heavy, you can make it xubuntu easily14:58
xubuntu974yes, if xubuntu is fine with this kind of pc, it's fine :) I've tried in the past and I had no problem with that, thanks very much14:59
GridCubexubuntu974, i use xubuntu on a computer like that14:59
GridCubeand it works pretty well :D14:59
GridCubeno complains15:00
GridCubeim using 11.1015:00
GridCubefor a matter of comparison ill say that if it runs 7 it runs xubuntu15:00
xubuntu974nice, I have 7 pre.installed (and that asus os which doesn't work actually)15:01
Marzatasomeone running Xubuntu on Lenovo L520?15:03
GridCubemy computer came with a 7 install too, and i simply installed the standard xubuntu 11.10 on it using a live usb and it just works :D xubuntu97415:03
GridCube!details | Marzata, what is your problem?15:04
ubottuMarzata, what is your problem?: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:04
Marzata!details ¦ GridCube15:05
ubottuMarzata: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:05
knome|, not ¦15:06
GridCubeyou are using the wrong | Marzata, but in any case, please give details of your problem, whe might not be using that computer but we might be able to help anyway15:06
Marzatahuh, |¦15:07
Marzataknome: thanks15:07
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xubuntu048salve a tutti18:56
xubuntu048potreste aiutarmi se non riesco a installare qiuck order sul mio pc con xubuntu?18:56
Pici!it | xubuntu04818:56
ubottuxubuntu048: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:56
GridCube:D no problem xubuntu04818:57
autifgoogle translate says salve to prejudice - what does it actually mean in italian? it translated everything else very well19:01
autifis it hi or evening or something elsE?19:02
GridCubeautif, it means, hello everybody19:12
xubuntu339mi sono perso19:23
autiffunny how google translates it to prejudice19:23
Unhammeranyone know how to make the "you've been disconnected" OSD go away of itself instead of sticking until I click on it?19:24
GridCubenot really19:25
GridCubeUnhammer, try changing the display time on >configuration >notifications19:31
UnhammerGridCube, the problem is that it sticks forever19:50
Unhammerthe others go away after N seconds19:50
Unhammerbut, trying http://askubuntu.com/questions/67500/how-to-disable-notification-from-network-manager19:50
Unhammermaybe that works19:50
GridCubeUnhammer, yes, change its time and it should work19:50
UnhammerGridCube, no19:51
GridCubemmm :/19:51
UnhammerGridCube, changing the time doesn't help19:51
Unhammerbut, I have a good feeling about19:52
Unhammergconftool -s /apps/nm-applet/disable-disconnected-notifications --type=bool true19:52
GridCubei see19:52
* Unhammer tries19:52
GridCubeit might work, but i dont understand it19:52
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BobzillaI just installed Xubuntu 11.10 the installation went fine. Then teh updater ran and installed a bunch of updates. After the updaer was done I rebooted as required. Now all I get is a command line "grub>"21:39
holsteinBobzilla: i would first try booting an older kernel.. you should see these at boot, or you should be able to hit shift, and see the list21:57
BobzillaI dont get the list even holding the shift key down21:59
holsteinBobzilla: what do you get? just one kernel? or no list?22:00
Bobzillano list, just goes right to grub> prompt22:00
Bobzillathere is a title on the screen GN GRUB version 1.99-12ubuntu522:01
Bobzillaa paragtapph about Minimal BACH-like editing22:01
holsteini would unhide my grub list22:01
* holstein gotta run...22:01
Bobzillahow di I uuhide my grub list?22:02
Unit193You edit /etc/default/grub22:03
Bobzillahow do I do that if i can't boot into Xbuntu?22:03
Unit193(You do have to update-grub after to pickup changes)22:03
Unit193After reading backlog, seems grub wasn't installed correctly or something closer to that, have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2  and see if anything there will help22:05
holsteinUnit193: good call...22:40
Unit193grub.(whatevery it is now) could have been it.  Unhideing the list is something I always seem to do though :P22:41
holsteini usually have a few kernels im booting for one reason or another22:42
BobzillaI have booted from a Xubuntu "live-CD" (flashdrive) What would be the commands to fix GRub?22:44
holsteinBobzilla: i would recomend recovering or reinstalling grub22:44
fcltyo guys23:12
fcltI-m trying to install xubuntu 11.04 oneiric 64bit23:12
fcltbut everytime I try to run the live dvd23:13
fcltI get this23:13
fclt0. No Emulation System Type> 0023:13
fclt1. same shit23:13
fcltenter a choice23:13
fcltwhat-s wrong_23:14
trinikronofclt: is it in a vitrula box?23:15
trinikrono*virtual box23:15
Unit193Seems like either a bad burn, or CD drive isn{t setup right in the BIOS23:16
trinikronosomeone said in a forum to press 0 fclt23:17
trinikronoyou can try that first23:17
fcltUnit193, it-s a fresh burn23:44
fcltand did instal on gf laptop23:44
fclti-ll try to press 023:44
w30fclt, have you got two dvd drives?23:44
fcltw30, no, just one23:44
fcltw30, it-s a laptop23:45
w30fclt, just checking. Some how I had jumpers set on a two dvd drive setup that worked for Microsoft but not for Linux. The jumpers were wrong but Microsoft didn't care. duh...23:47

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