
PsyberSchooli have to say the new '2 lines per bug' bug list is quite ugly and makes it difficult to scan the list :-/08:03
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adeuringHelp contact: adeuring | https://launchpad.net | Launchpad is Open Source | This channel is logged09:29
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=== rick_h changed the topic of #launchpad to: Help contact: rick_h | https://launchpad.net | Launchpad is Open Source | This channel is logged
spenaflacoste: I think i have an issue with my ppa build score14:36
spenaflacoste: I have a commercial ppa, and my packages I uploaded last night are still pending to be built14:37
flacostespena: you mean a private ppa?14:57
spenaflacoste: I mean a commercial account on launchpad with a public ppa14:58
spenaflacoste: I have a Build score:2505, seems slow, isn't it?14:59
spenaflacoste: I have been waiting more than 9 hours to be built14:59
thervehey there15:01
bigjoolsspena: you don't get score boosts by default for a public one15:01
bigjoolsPM me details15:01
therveis there a way to get the login.launchpad.net URL for a person, using the API?15:01
rick_htherve: let me see15:03
spenabigjools: thanks, but even if I am paying for an account? because I depend from the packages on PPA, but it is taking so much time15:04
bigjoolsspena: I'll boost your priority if you tell me which PPA it is15:06
rick_htherve: is web_link not what you're looking for? That's the lp.net/~$user url15:09
rick_htherve: e.g. launchpad.people('rharding').web_link15:10
benjirick_h: can you load  https://code.launchpad.net/ in a browser?15:10
rick_hbenji: loaded15:10
therverick_h, no, I want the thing which looks like +id/1234abecd15:10
thervethanks for looking, I think what I wanted to do won't work anyway15:11
rick_hbenji: took a sec here, but loaded15:11
rick_hheh, well not I'm curious what url that is that's +id/123...15:11
rick_h /not/now15:11
PengIt's the OpenID15:14
PengApparently I am https://login.launchpad.net/+id/WdFtB4f, for example. (Which I found by digging through my lp.net/~user page's <link> tags.)15:16
spenabigjools: https://launchpad.net/~gazzang/+archive/unstable15:17
bigjoolsspena: ok give me 30 minutes15:19
kirklandbigjools: thanks for helping spena out ;-)15:19
kirklandbigjools: i removed myself from this cycle ;-)15:20
spenabigjools: thanks15:20
bigjoolsspena, kirkland: all sorted15:50
kirklandbigjools: cheers mate15:50
bigjoolskirkland: :)15:50
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spenabigjools: thanks15:51
=== deryck changed the topic of #launchpad to: Help contact: deryck | https://launchpad.net | Launchpad is Open Source | This channel is logged
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
BryansteinHey guys I need someone to disable a launchpad project for me17:20
BryansteinCan someone point me in the right direction17:21
dobeyBryanstein: open a question on https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad and explain what you wnat, and why, in there.17:33
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elopioGood morning friends.18:20
elopioI'm playing with launchpadlib, and when I search tasks with Incomplete status I get no results.18:20
elopioshouldn't it return the bugs incomplete with and without responses?18:21
PengSounds like these results...*sunglasses* are incomplete.18:22
=== Pici is now known as Guest34884
deryckelopio, yeah, it should return any bug task with an incomplete status.18:36
deryckelopio, does the project or package definitely have incomplete bugs?18:36
elopioderyck, definitely. When I filter by Incomplete (without response) I get results.18:37
deryckelopio, can you paste your lp lib snippet?18:37
elopioderyck, http://paste.ubuntu.com/819151/18:40
fo0baris it possible to convert a project into a distribution?  I'm not really seeing any documentation on how distributions are managed in LP18:47
deryckelopio, so incomplete doesn't work, sorry. I thought it did.  You have to use the response versions… i.e.18:57
deryckelopio, u1.searchTasks(status=["Incomplete (with response)", "Incomplete (without response)"])18:57
deryckfo0bar, no, it's not possible.18:57
elopioderyck, yes, I'm using that. Should I file a bug for this?18:57
deryckelopio, yes, I think we need a bug, unless we already have one, of course.18:58
=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad to: Help contact: abentley | https://launchpad.net | Launchpad is Open Source | This channel is logged
abentleyderyck: I relieve you.19:00
deryckabentley, thanks!19:01
fo0barderyck: ok, thank you19:06
elopioderyck: bug #92276919:07
ubot5`Launchpad bug 922769 in Launchpad itself "searchTasks shows no results when filtered by Incomplete status" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92276919:07
elopiothanks for your help.19:07
derycknp, thanks for filing the bug.19:07
=== Guest34884 is now known as Pici
=== bac-lunch is now known as bac__
=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad to: Help contact: - | https://launchpad.net | Launchpad is Open Source | This channel is logged

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