
OptikKoreHey guys im trying to install 11.10 x86 on an acer aspire one 522 but lubuntu freezes as soon as it boots up04:22
OptikKorei get to pick a language, then select install it goes through its booting process and the lubunut loading screen then i get black desktop and it freezes at mouse pointer or at hour glass immediately04:24
holsteinOptikKore: i would reference https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne52204:27
wxlanyone use guvcview?04:30
holsteinwxl: i have.. and i suggested it earlier, though it didnt seem to work out for this user04:30
holsteini usually just use VLC04:30
wxlholstein: it seems to fail for me trying to capture video04:44
myndziany chance someone knows why i can't adjust the key repeat rate via the control panel? (also kbdrate only goes down to 250ms delay)08:18
pAt_hi guys. I have problems with lx-panel sometimes. I have a fresh install on a new laptop since some weeks. everything works fine with Lubuntu. But sometimes, the lx-panel consumpts 100% processor suddenly, and when I click on a minimized window in the panel, another window opens, which is located right in the panel, next to the one I wanted to open. Has anyone the same problem, or does anybody know what it could be?10:56
MrChrisDruifFirst time I hear about it pAt_10:57
pAt_yes, it is very strange MrChrisDruif10:57
pAt_most of the time, everything works absolutely fine10:58
pAt_I don't know how to start to solve this.10:59
pAt_I have a Nvidia Geforce G105M with the proprietary nvidia drivers running11:00
MrChrisDruifSeems like pretty recent hw?11:02
pAt_I bought the laptop in October 2011 brand new. But is is a cheap one €29911:03
pAt_but it runs excellent, very fast11:03
pAt_Has a dual core pentium 2 x 2.3 Ghz11:03
pAt_and I have 4 GB Ram11:03
MrChrisDruifPentium 2? O_O11:03
pAt_nah, a Pentium T4500 dual core :D11:04
pAt_with 2 x 2.3 GHz11:04
MrChrisDruifWould have been awesome thou, dual-core Pentium 2 ^_^11:04
pAt_This laptop is very strange. First I installed Debian Wheezy with LXDE. The laptop worked, but it was very slow regarding the graphics. Also it stucks sometimes for 1-2 seconds not responding. With Lubuntu, it runs much faster than with pure Debian LXDE :D11:07
bioterrorfreezing for a sec or two could be relatex to harddrive11:29
pAt_yes, that could be bioterror, maybe the hardware is not as good supporten in Debian as in Lubuntu. In Lubuntu, there are is no freezing anymore, nore slow graphics.11:37
=== JackyAlcine_ is now known as JackyAlcine
Silverlionhey there13:47
Silverlionhey there14:17
toschohow can I disable screen lock, when closing my laptop lid?14:18
Silverlionhang on ... support will be there in a min14:19
toschothx, no rush14:20
bioterrortoscho, from screensaver settings14:20
bioterrorif I remember right ;)14:20
toschoscreensaver is disabled14:20
bioterrorand it still locks the screen?14:23
toschowhen closing the lid14:23
icerootwhat is the prefered program for seting keyboard-shortcuts (like lock-screen)14:24
toschoxfce power manager says: when laptop lid is closed: lock screen (but the only alternatives are nothing suspend and hibernate)14:25
bioterrortoscho, http://img693.imageshack.us/img693/1125/xfce4powermanagersettin.png14:25
bioterrorthere's that Extended tab14:25
bioterroriceroot, editing .config/Openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml14:25
bioterrorand making a keyboard shortcut14:25
toschounchecked that, but still lock14:26
toschoneed to restart the power manager daemon?14:26
bioterroriceroot, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ/Guides#I_want_to_bind_a_key_to_lock_my_screen.2C_how_do_I_do_it.3F14:26
icerootbioterror: thank you14:26
bioterrortoscho, there should be no need for that14:27
toschobut still doesn't work14:27
toschodoes xfce power manager manipulate a config file which can be manipulated by hand?14:28
bioterrorhard to say , I dont have a lubuntu computer near me as I am currently at work14:30
bioterrorhas worked for me14:31
icerootbioterror: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lubuntu-default-settings/+bug/912499  if i am correct ctrl + alt + l should lock the screen?14:36
ubot5`Launchpad bug 912499 in lubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "No screen lock key combination/symbol/option per default" [Undecided,Fix released]14:36
icerooti already installed that fixed package14:36
icerootor is that fix just a lock-entry in the shutdown-dialog? (dont see it there)14:38
toschois there good documentation about _persistently_ configuring shortcuts? all documentation I have found works only for active session.14:54
toscho1. task would be ctrl-alt-backspace for x restart14:55
dbtmroI've tried to install Lubuntu 11.10 to a frinds older pc, and I've got an error... ...CPU doesn't suppotr a function (cmov)15:08
dbtmro...any ideas... ?15:08
MrChrisDruifDid you test the media you tried to install with? (Aka the self-test?)15:09
Dani_TM...I've got disconected with dbtmro... :(15:13
Dani_TMwhy? It's not allowed to say laptop brands?15:13
Dani_TMand why dbtmro is listed?15:14
Dani_TMok... ...not listed anymore... :|15:14
Dani_TMok... ...any help plese on "CPU doesn't suppotr a function (cmov)"15:16
SentynelDani_TM: CMOV (conditional move) is a CPU instruction in the i686 architecture that wasn't present in earlier x86 instruction sets15:18
dbtmro..."Disconnected (Connection reset by peer)"... ...why?15:18
Sentynel<Sentynel> Dani_TM: CMOV (conditional move) is a CPU instruction in the i686 architecture that wasn't present in earlier x86 instruction sets15:19
SentynelUbuntu no longer supports older x86 architectures, as of 10.10 iirc15:19
dbtmrothank you, Sentynel15:19
dbtmrowich versin of Lubuntu can work on that machine?15:20
Sentynel10.04 will ru15:22
dbtmrodoes it have a alternate cd?15:23
Sentynelsupport for 10.04 was extended precisely because 10.10 onwards dropped i586 support15:23
SentynelI don't know, you'll have to look around15:23
dbtmrook Sentynel, thank you very much15:23
Dani_TMwhy I'm keep getting disconected?15:27
Sentynelsomething wrong with your internet connection probably15:28
Dani_TMi's broadband15:28
Dani_TMit's broadband15:28
Dani_TMcould be something wrong with my router?15:28
thor_Bug in lubuntu 12.04 alpha 1 Then you update it in Virualbox, the mouse dont work after the update15:41
thor_Bug in lubuntu 12.04 alpha 1 iso. Then you update it in Virualbox, the mouse dos not work after the update ??16:00
Unit193Don't know why you keep saying it here, but file a bug on launchpad16:01
Unit193Telling us won't do any goo16:01
thor_unit193 can you do for me16:02
Unit193No, I haven't seen it16:02
thor_unit193 try it in virtualbox16:03
Unit193!bugs | thor_16:04
ubot5`thor_: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.16:04
MrChrisDruifthor_; you can't make someone else report a bug on launchpad which he hasn't experienced (nor force anyone to test something for you)16:05
phillwthor_: whene you say mouse does not work, can you check that guest additions was installed fully, you may need to re-add it to your lubuntu VM, I know that CentOS knocks my Guest Additins off each time I update thart system.16:11
thor_phillw ok i will try it16:11
devnetanyone know how to change what the volume applet controls? (pcm, master, headphone)16:13
devnetit's controlling a worthless channel right now that doesn't raise or lower the volume16:13
holsteindevnet: you can always use alsamixer in the terminal16:14
devnetholstein: of course, and that's a nice 4 step process around a point and click one16:14
devnetI'm looking for a solution on the volume icon itself16:14
holsteindevnet: we can call that option A if you'd like16:15
holsteinyou can install gnome volume applet16:15
holsteinyou can install *any* other volume control or widget you choose16:15
holsteinyou can map it to some keys on your keyboard16:15
holsteinyou can remap what the current volume control is controling16:15
devnetI just thought it might be as simple as altering a config for the panel16:15
holsteini think its just a matter of figuring out what to search for16:15
devnetthat applet should be disabled by default16:16
holsteindevnet: well, for you it should... for me it works fine, on all the machines ive tested on16:16
holsteinyou can account for *all* hardware16:16
devnetwell, it could definitely be improved to allow channel selection16:17
devnettoo bad the lxde guys can't get that done16:17
holsteindevnet: im sure its do-able16:17
devnetvolwheel and volumeicon have it as standalone  applets16:17
holsteinhttp://forum.lxde.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=31166 is someone else with that question...16:17
* holstein looking around...16:17
devnetholstein: you won't find much16:17
* devnet has been searching for about 2 hrs16:18
devneta lot of 'use alsamixer' or 'install this mixer' which really does nothing to solve the problem16:18
devnetif only there were a conf file to point it to a diff channel :)16:18
holsteinwell, installing gnome volume control would do a few things.. we know that funcionality is in the gnome one, and we know how to use it since we are more used to it16:19
holsteinor at least, i am/was more used to it16:19
holsteinyou could also try pulse16:19
devnetyou said the 'p' word16:19
devnetI think a kitten just died16:20
holsteindevnet: if you want a quick fix, you'll need to find an LXDE dev.. you could try mailing lists for lubuntu and/or LXDE... otherwise, its going to be a matter of trial and error til you get it the way you want it16:20
holsteindevnet: ?16:20
devnetno worries16:20
holsteindevnet: what P word?16:20
devnetit's a curse word in my circles16:21
holsteindevnet: so... if it solve this issue, is that a problem?16:21
holsteinshouldnt be16:21
devnetit does when it breaks after reboot :|16:21
holsteini use both alsa only and pulse over alsa.. i have had serious issues in both cases16:21
holsteini have also had flawless performance in both cases16:22
holsteindevnet: we can call that option P, and you can ignore it then.. but you can also add that to your support query "..and i am not willing to test using pulse"16:22
downbeamhello room17:54
Sentynelnew height of patience there17:58
Dani_TMwhat's up?17:58
downbeami cant change my desktop background17:58
Dani_TMhow come?17:58
Unit193!etiquette | downbeam17:59
ubot5`downbeam: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...17:59
Dani_TMhe's just a little impacient18:00
Dani_TMyup... ...silence again...18:02
Dani_TManyway... ...fine piece of software Lubuntu 11.10... ...looking forward to Lubuntu 12.04 LTS18:03
ubot5`Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...18:04
Unit193Getting offtopic maybe, but I don't know how they plan to support it as far as LTS goes18:04
Dani_TMhopefully they will...18:04
downbeamwhat am i doing wrong?18:04
Unit193You spammed the channel and left, please never do that again18:04
Dani_TMdownbeam, explain again pls...18:05
Unit193Why can't you change the wallpaper? Are there errors?18:05
Dani_TMUnit193, I was getting disconected a few hours earlier... ...why?18:06
downbeamno when i right click my desktop...   desktop preferences is not there18:06
Unit193Dani_TM: Crappy internet? ;)18:06
Dani_TMI want to mention that I've got a fiber optics broadband connection18:06
Unit193downbeam: Right, Menu > Preferences  should have it too18:07
Dani_TMyup... ...maby a crappy service provider...18:07
downbeamthere is no menu when i right click18:07
Unit193Bottom left of the screen, there should be a menu button18:08
downbeamthere is but when i click it there is no option to change my desktop18:15
MrChrisDruifdownbeam; calm down18:23
MrChrisDruif!ask | downbeam18:23
ubot5`downbeam: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:23
Unit193downbeam: Calm down and wait, I'm not paid to do this and I am doing other stuff too (doesn't help you keep leaving when I look back!)18:24
downbeami cant change my background on lubuntu18:24
downbeamany help?18:24
Unit193downbeam: Just open a terminal and type  pcmanfm --desktop-pref18:24
downbeamwhen i type that it says comand not found18:25
Unit193Copy directly from here,   pcmanfm --desktop-pref   make sure there aren't spaces or anything else...18:26
Unit193Except for the option of --desktop-pref18:26
* MrChrisDruif has pcmanfm installed and the command works.18:27
downbeami know i can use it too but i want to be able to right click and have the option in the list18:28
=== Pici is now known as Guest34884
Sentyneldownbeam: is the option on the 'advanced' tab of that menu enabled by any chance?18:29
Unit193downbeam: Either it's already there, or you changed the thing in the advanced section of that sscreen I'm trying to get you at18:29
downbeamo ya i think that would help...18:29
MrChrisDruifUnit193; the command should work with pcmanfm18:29
downbeamif i could figure it out18:30
Unit193MrChrisDruif: It does, I know it18:30
pcroquedownbeam: here's a Lubuntu FAQ that may help you: http://bit.ly/ygvIDB18:32
downbeamok i rebooted and it didnt work18:32
downbeamany one there?18:34
MrChrisDruifpcroque; might I suggest providing full links when referring to the FAQ section?18:34
MrChrisDruifdownbeam; did you read the link provided by pcroque ?18:35
downbeamno i wasnt here18:35
Unit193He was offline, might be hard18:35
Unit193< pcroque> downbeam: here's a Lubuntu FAQ that may help you: http://bit.ly/ygvIDB18:35
downbeami'll check it out18:35
pcroqueMrChrisDruif: Sorry...here's the long link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ/Guides#Right-clicking_on_desktop_pulls_up_a_menu_that_is_missing_the_.22Desktop_Preferences.22_option_and_now_I_can.27t_change_my_wallpaper18:35
* MrChrisDruif contemplates showing joins/parts in this channel again ^_^18:36
Unit193It's useful, and I'll adamit I liked the short one better18:37
downbeamit worked thank you unit18:38
MrChrisDruifYeah, in this case it might have been a bit long...didn't notice it was THIS big18:38
MrChrisDruifdownbeam; thank pcroque ;-)18:38
downbeamthanks pcroque18:40
pcroqueNo problem. I had the same confusion about the menus when I first installed Lubuntu.18:41
downbeamwhats the paste bin18:43
Unit193Pastebin is so you don't flood the channel with long error messages, one is at paste.ubuntu.com18:44
ubot5`For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:47
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #lubuntu to: Welcome to #lubuntu. || Don't ask for permission to ask a question! || Need help? http://tinyurl.com/LubuntuDocumentation || Lubuntu FAQs : http://tinyurl.com/LubuntuFAQ || Want Lubuntu? http://tinyurl.com/GetLubuntu || General information at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu || Please use #lubuntu-offtopic for general chat ||
phillwhi downbeam, just doing a little dusting and polishing on the two channels - we cleaners will soon be gone :)19:10
downbeamam i the only one here?19:17
=== Guest34884 is now known as Pici
downbeamdoes anyone know of any good torrent sites you have to be invited to ?19:20
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #lubuntu to: Welcome! Don't ask for permission to ask a question! || Need help? http://tinyurl.com/LubuntuHelp || Lubuntu FAQs : http://tinyurl.com/LubuntuFAQ || Want Lubuntu? http://tinyurl.com/GetLubuntu || About Lubuntu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu || Please use #lubuntu-offtopic for general chat ||
phillwdownbeam: that would be a better question to as in #lubuntu-offtopic, but none of us are in  favour of pirated things, as projects like lubuntu are totally free :)19:21
Unit193This isn't the right channel (or network) for that type of question19:22
MrChrisDruifI know one site specific for linux distro torrents19:22
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #lubuntu to: Welcome! Don't wait to ask a question! || Need help? http://tinyurl.com/LubuntuHelp || Lubuntu FAQs : http://tinyurl.com/LubuntuFAQ || Want Lubuntu? http://tinyurl.com/GetLubuntu || About Lubuntu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu || Please use #lubuntu-offtopic for general chat ||
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #lubuntu to: Welcome! Need help? http://tinyurl.com/LubuntuHelp | Lubuntu FAQs: http://tinyurl.com/LubuntuFAQ | Want Lubuntu? http://tinyurl.com/GetLubuntu | About Lubuntu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu | Please use #lubuntu-offtopic for general chat.
h4ckm3having trouble using the amdcccle when I attempt to the display mode to two displays it just crashes19:47
h4ckm3other changes like rotation work fine19:48
h4ckm3so not a permissions issue19:48
h4ckm3cord configure maybe?19:48
teamahmaHey, I get error "Couldn't find any package by regex 'libgtk1.2'". (I am trying to play Enemy Territory and a guide says I need that libgtk1.2). What to do?19:50
Sentynelteamahma: that's a really old version of gtk which isn't packaged any more19:52
Sentyneltry googling for more up-to-date setup instructions; they might tell you which libraries you need or something19:53
Unit193Not sure I'd recommend it, but playdeb has it packaged...19:56
downbeamhow do i update amarok?20:02
Sentyneldownbeam: you're on lubuntu 11.10 and you want to update amarok from 2.4.3 to 2.5?20:03
downbeami mean amarok didn't come with lubuntu..20:03
Sentynelyou need to add the kubuntu backports repository, which is ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports20:03
SentynelI wouldn't recommend doing it right now, however, as that backports repo also has kde4.8 in and there's currently a display glitch with amarok on kde 4.820:04
Sentynelwe've sent patches to the packagers so it should be fixed fairly soon20:04
downbeamsenty what about vlc?20:05
Sentyneldon't know if there's a vlc updates ppa off the top of my head, or whether it's in main ubuntu backports20:07
downbeamcan i update it from the terminal?20:07
Sentynelyou'd need a repository with more updated versions of vlc in20:07
bioterror!apt | downbeam20:07
ubot5`downbeam: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)20:07
Sentynelapparently there's ppa:n-muench/vlc, which has 1.1.13 in, but it's not an official source so use at your own risk etc20:10
Myrttiis there a specific reason you want to upgrade them?20:11
downbeamcan any one tell me how i can get different background images on two different desktops?21:43

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