
Fudgeanyone else noticed when trying  to install mangler a missing library upon running it03:05
Fudgefrom todays daily03:05
bjsniderwhat's the missing lib?03:08
Fudgeerror while openning shared libraries libgtkmm-2.4.so.1  cannot open shared object file nno such file or directory03:16
Fudgebjsnider  sorry had to typoe the error out03:16
bjsnider!find libgtkmm-2.4.so.103:23
ubottuFile libgtkmm-2.4.so.1 found in libgtkmm-2.4-1c2a, libgtkmm-2.4-dbg03:23
bjsniderinstall the first package there03:23
Fudgereinstalled it and it worked thanx heaps bjsnider03:26
psypher246hey all, been running in unity 2d for the last couple days due to not being able to install unity. dependency issue. Now I ran an update and unity 2d is broken, dash won't open just crashes immediatly :(07:46
pro7o13xhey all...got Kubuntu 12.04 installed, but seems to be missing the package manager muon or did it change names?07:49
Ian_Cornenever heard of muon07:49
pro7o13xok...whatever the name of the GUI frontend for the program management07:51
Ian_Cornesoftware center?07:54
pro7o13xdon't have that either07:54
Tm_Tpro7o13x: how did you install it exactly?07:55
pro7o13xdownload and burned the ISO from ubuntu07:55
Tm_Thmm, ok07:55
LINKSWORD2Whee. What fun. So what's the package manager in Kubuntu 12 called?07:56
Tm_TLINKSWORD2: same as before (:07:56
Tm_Tpro7o13x: had any issues during the install?07:56
pro7o13xTm_T: no installed cleanly07:56
Ian_CorneTm_T: and what is that? (i'm not a kde/kubuntu user)07:57
LINKSWORD2... That's debatable. In everything I've used up until 11 released, it was KPackageKit. From 11.04 to 11.10, it's Muon.07:57
pro7o13xif I do "apt-get install muon" it offers to install....guess I'll do that07:58
Tm_TI believe it's still muon07:58
pro7o13xkinda weird that it wasn't installed with the system08:00
Tm_TI just use wajig so don't know what is going on with gui package managers really (:08:02
pro7o13xI usually use apt-get in konsole...but use the package manager to browse08:03
Melon__BreadExcuse me, does anyone know how safe it is to install the ATI Driver? I am on 12.04 Alpha1 64-bit (Up to date)08:04
psypher246hey all, been running in unity 2d for the last couple days due to not being able to install unity. dependency issue. Now I ran an update and unity 2d is broken, dash won't open just crashes immediatly08:05
Ian_Corneno clue psypher24608:07
psypher246damn will just have to be dash-less for a couple of days08:08
pro7o13xI do have to KDE4.8 is a huge upgrade in performance from 4.7....at least for me08:08
pro7o13xhave to say**08:09
Melon_BreadExcuse me, does anyone know how safe it is to install the ATI Driver? I am on 12.04 Alpha1 64-bit (Up to date)08:12
jo-erlendit really hit the fan for me yesterday when I upgraded the newest updates. Everything became so broken, I had to reinstall the system.08:12
jo-erlendNo, that's ok. It just takes a little time, is all.08:13
pro7o13xit is still alpha...gonna happen08:14
Ian_Cornefor me, the only thing "broken" is returning from screensaver with my screen rotated 90° and alt-tabbing08:14
jo-erlendI have fixed rate broadband and I only use free software, so.. :)08:14
jo-erlendbesides, I never upgrade more than one computer at a time, so when things break, I use another one until I can fix it or reinstall, so it's not an issue. :)08:14
pro7o13xlol smart...do similar with my winblows laptop08:15
jo-erlendI'm looking forward to this problem going away. It will be nice when we can just undo the system upgrade.08:16
psypher246or just have home separate and have an onld stable ubuntu running on another part08:16
psypher246thats my failback08:16
jo-erlendpsypher246, that's a good idea.08:16
Ian_Corneit's not08:16
jo-erlendit isn't?08:16
psypher246*sometimes* the home config details mess up08:16
Ian_Cornesharing your home with an other version08:16
psypher246not compatible08:16
Ian_Cornei tried that, and messed up both installs and the home dir08:17
jo-erlendbut you don't have to use the same home folder.08:17
psypher246that too08:17
Ian_Cornethen, it's ok08:17
psypher246just not mount it as home, can still access it08:17
psypher246but yeah this is the first time I have broken precise since it's firt alpha08:17
pro7o13xI keep my files on a completely different HD and use another for the system08:17
psypher246been pretty stable08:18
psypher246I have completely missed oneiric, went right from natty to precise, wanted all the goodies08:18
psypher246and LOG BUGS :)08:18
jo-erlendheh... I did that once. So, my initials are 'jes' and I thought I'd add another account for the unstable testing. So, I added 'us' as short for "unstable". I then ended up with an account called 'jesus'. And I thought; "hmm, that's an interesting nick, but haven't I heard that somewhere before?" :)08:18
psypher246precise muts be precise08:18
pro7o13xand if I have a problem, I have a hotswap bay I can boot from08:18
jo-erlendpsypher246, yes, for me too.08:21
jo-erlendoh, but all this will be solved  once we get btrfs, which should be at least in 11.10. I really wish we could get it in 12.04. It would be awesome.08:22
jo-erlend... 12.10, I meant.08:22
psypher246jo-erlend: how does btrf help?08:29
psypher246block level restore?08:29
psypher246i can live without the dash but thank goodness the launcher still works08:32
pro7o13xanyone on kubuntu 12.04 know where the setting in dolphin to make it so its inline renaming instead of opening a new window08:36
Ian_Cornepro7o13x: try button f208:38
pro7o13xlol thats to initialize renaming...08:38
pro7o13xits a setting to make it so instead of opening a window to rename it just does it right there inline on the file...but it no longer in the general settings of dolphin08:41
jo-erlendpsypher246, snapshooting. Whenever you install a package, it'll take a snapshot, and if something goes awry, you'll just undo the install in a second, no matter how large the upgrades were.08:42
psypher246jo-erlend: halelujah!08:43
jo-erlendso you'll be able to upgrade from one release to another, and if it turns out that your drivers doesn't work or something, just pop back to the old release.08:43
jo-erlendit will also allow time-machine travels, so you can go back five minutes if you deleted something you shouldn't, or made an unfortunate edit, for example.08:44
jo-erlendseriously is. The only problem now, is that there's no fsck for it yet, so if you have a power outage or a kernel freeze or something, then there's no way to fix it.08:45
pro7o13xlol sweet ...opening up printing crashes settings08:45
psypher246will you be able to resize like in ext?08:46
jo-erlendpsypher246, much easier and faster. And you don't need partitions anymore. You also won't need raid as it does raid on the data level.08:46
psypher246like zfs?08:47
jo-erlendso you can just add new disks and expand the filesystem to use it.08:47
jo-erlendpsypher246, it has many similar features, but this is in the kernel.08:47
psypher246cool, looking forward to it. but will take about a year then?08:47
jo-erlendpsypher246, probably not. Oracle says it'll use it by default in their next release.08:48
jo-erlendbtrfs is in now. We just need btrfs-progs and as I understand it, it's nearly finished, so it's a possibility that we might still get it in 12.04, though I think it's unlikely that it'll be used by default.08:49
psypher246better that way, like when ext4 was introduced, option for one release, default the next08:50
Ian_Cornedoest btrfs have read support under windows?08:52
jo-erlendyes. We do have the option, at least in the alternate installer.08:52
jo-erlendIan_Corne, no.08:52
pro7o13xwindows will never have native read, let alone native write to anything but itself...sad really08:53
jo-erlendnever is a long time to speculate about.08:53
pro7o13xif they did...it wouldn't "lock" everyone into using their product08:54
jo-erlendMicrosoft does many things that goes against their primary interests. For example, they are contributing to Samba4 now, which enables better compatibility between Ubuntu and Windows.08:54
Ian_Cornepro7o13x: I'm not even talking about native08:55
Ian_Cornejust any driver would do :)08:55
jo-erlendthey also contributed 1.4% of the patches to Linux last year.08:55
pro7o13xlan_corne: well there is an app for ext3 read, don't know about btrfs though08:55
Ian_CorneIt's Ian08:55
jo-erlendor perhaps that was one release, I'm not sure. :)08:55
Ian_Cornenot lan :p08:55
pro7o13xoh oops, sorry08:55
pro7o13xlooks the same in my font08:56
jo-erlendactually... Come to think of it, I'll use btrfs for my root the next time I install, but keep ext4 for my home. That would've saved me 1.5 hours so far today.09:26
rigvedhi eveyone. i had installed gnome shell in precise. now i want to completely remove it. so, will removing gnome-shell, followed by autoremove be enough to completely remove it? i want to keep unity but remove gnome shell (gnome, gnome classic and gnome classic fallback).09:42
LordKowi find it odd that the desktop locks screen when you click on your user account in the upper right corner, just seems like an odd thing for the click to result in.09:54
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BluesKajHey all13:15
LjLdo MTP devices work for you? nothing happens here when i connect them, and mtp-tools finds no devices as well. although Digikam seems to find it, but then it doesn't connect to it.13:48
BluesKajhmm, my /etc/resolv.conf is suddenly being overwritten at boot by this ,  # Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8) #     DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN14:08
ikoniaBluesKaj: network manager type behaviour14:22
ikoniaBluesKaj: I'm assuming you're using dhcp14:22
BluesKajkonia , I'm using static IP on the lan , no network manager , using /etc/neteorki/interfaces , /etc/resolv.conf (which is now suddenly being overwritten by some resolver app that tries resolv it to my /etc/hosts file by the IP i see there) , noe my dns entrie get overwritten and I have re-enter them after every boot14:31
* BluesKaj cleans his glasses14:31
BluesKajlet me rephrase , my resolv.conf file is now taken over by some resolver app that acts like network manager used to14:32
BluesKajikonia,  ^14:33
ikoniaBluesKaj: I get you14:34
ikoniaBluesKaj: you need to find out what network manager application in KDE is trying to do this (I'm assuming you're still using KDE)14:34
BluesKajikonia,  yes I know that , but I didn't think kde was responsible Dynamic resolv.conf seems to be the culprit , whatever app that is ...I haven't done any research yet .. i thought I'd ask first14:37
ikoniaBluesKaj: there is no such thing as "dynamic resolv.conf" it's a network manager app that's doing dhcp (or trying to) update your ip address (but failing as you have a static set) and your dns servers - succeeding against your will14:39
BluesKajok, gonna search for the culprit ,..it has to be something new in kde 4.8 , btw ikonia14:40
ikoniait's the kde version of gnome-network-manager, what that is/called who knows14:40
BluesKajikonia,  I have every version of networkmanager removed that i can find in synaptic14:43
ikoniaBluesKaj: I don't know what the KDE ones are called though.....they maybe called super-config14:44
BluesKajyes  I still use synaptic as a reference14:44
ikonia(for all I know)14:44
BluesKajupdate-inetd ? Ikonia14:52
ikoniainetd's nothing to do with that14:52
ikoniaBluesKaj: here's an idea, (if you fancy a test)14:53
ikoniaBLZbubba: oh14:53
BluesKajfixed , ikonia , had to add the dns nameservers in the etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head file instead of directly into resolv.conf .. seems somewhat convoluted but it works15:03
ikoniaBluesKaj: what the deveil is that lot ????15:19
ikoniaBluesKaj: what reads that file15:19
BluesKajikonia,  apparently this new dynamic resolv app transfers the dns info to resolv.conf from /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head , beacuae now all my dns entries that had to edit/enter there (with nano in the terminal, btw , kate wouldn't open) are now in resolv.conf15:22
ikoniaBluesKaj: what new dynamic resolver app ?15:34
BluesKajikonia,  ok , here , http://paste.ubuntu.com/818928/15:37
BluesKajikonia,  I've never seen any references to this [Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8)] before in any of the networking files , especially resolv.conf15:40
ikoniaBluesKaj: is this an "ubuntu" thing or a kde thing ?15:43
ikoniaBluesKaj: I've seen dynamic dns created resolv.conf files, many time, but it's by tools such as network-manager15:44
BluesKajikonia,  dunno for sure , but I suspect it might be a kde 4.8 thing since this disn't start 'til yesterday when I upgraded to 4.815:45
ikoniathat would seem sensible they have probably built that sort of functionality into the desktop core15:45
BluesKajikonia,  agreed , NM overwrites any edits in resolv.conf , so that's why i don't use NM15:46
ikoniaBluesKaj: it has it's place, I find it exceptionally useful on laptops moving around a lot15:46
BluesKajyeah, same here ..I use it on mine as well ...altho i'm sill waiting for my daughter to return it to us15:47
ensevenI found an issue with kworker on kernel versions: 3.2.0-10-generic, 3.2.0-8-generic and 3.2.0-2-generic. When I do "dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/zero1.tmp bs=1024 count=13000000" kworker threads start eating up my CPU-time as described in: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/887793 posting 22 and 23. Older kernel versions do not seam to be affected like 3.0.0-13-generic. Can anyone help me?16:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 887793 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kworker constantly taking about 100% CPU" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:09
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ironhalikI seem to by missing my audio device - is there any workaround?19:18
BluesKajaplay -l , ironhalik19:26
BluesKajironhalik,  sudo modprobe snd-ca010619:32
BluesKajironhalik,  then make sure your alsamixer vols are all turned up and unmuted19:33
ironhalikand since Im here19:35
ironhalikis there any fix for the insane CPU usage of Xorg?19:35
ironhalikthats pretty much the reason why I installed 12.04 - its supposed to be fixed19:35
BluesKajironhalik,  unity ?19:41
ironhalikWell, yeah thats probably it, but shouldnt compiz by ran on my GPU?19:42
BluesKajdepends on your gpu19:42
ironhalikIts GF8600, with nvidias drivers19:43
ironhalikglxgears give 5000fps, so opengl is working19:43
BluesKajironhalik,  is a browser open19:44
ironhalikyeah, chrome19:44
BluesKaji'm using a 7600gt on this pc , but I'm not using unity or compiz ...kde here an Xorg is using minimal cpu , with desktop effects enabled and chromium browser open19:47
ironhalikyeah, my arch with gnome3 works nicely too19:48
ironhalikhuh, after full update, I get black screen instead of lightdm :)19:49
ironhalikI guess Ill need to wait for beta at least :)19:49
Hanmachay is it possible to change in Nautilus the filesize showing form SI to the other?20:13
Armi^netbookunion.fr ziet er tegenwoordig best strak uit20:28
Armi^netbookow yo btw :D20:28
ChrisGagnonI am installing the  precise daily build and the installer crashes when configuring the network, is there a command I can use so it skips that step?22:33
jtayloryou can skip steps in the alternate installer22:35
EssobiAlt is a lot slower... was in my case anyway22:43
jtaylorslower? :O22:44
jtaylorif you use eatmydata its done in ~10 min tops22:44
urlin2uiceroot, png22:59
coz_hey guys .. this morningings dist-upgrade  broke nvidia I believe,, is that fixed??23:54

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