
=== RYOSUKE is now known as ryosuke
cpnangilI will be in australia this summer and visiting some colleagues. I was wondering what would make good gifts to bring?02:27
StereocaulonHi, please excuse me for writing English.  After the update from Ubuntu 10.04 to 11.10 I´m having trouble with the scim replacement ibus. The majority of programs show ¨No input screeen¨ whereas scim worked in *any* application. Dead keys don´t work anymore and I can´ t type any Japanese anymore, even though I do have both ibus and Anthy installed. Any hints how to fix this? Thanks in advance. I can understand some Japanese and I do have proper09:04
Stereocaulon fonts installed. The regular #ubuntu channel couldn't help with this otherwise I would not take this to the jp-channel.09:04
Emmanuel_ChanelStereocaulon: Have you installed ibus-anthy?09:25
StereocaulonEmmanuel_Chanel,  Yes I did. Thank you for answering!09:26
Emmanuel_ChanelSo... I don't know...09:26
StereocaulonEmmanuel_Chanel, the strange thing is, that not even the tray-icon is shown. Nothing at all.09:29
=== ryosuke is now known as RYOSUKE
Emmanuel_ChanelDo you find "Keyboad Input Methods"?(Applications -> Others -> "Keyboard Input Methods")10:29
StereocaulonEmmanuel_Chanel, will check, just a sec.10:32
StereocaulonEmmanuel_Chanel, yes, found it, the list below the tab Input methods is completely blank.10:34
StereocaulonEmmanuel_Chanel, in addition to that, the controls on the right side are greyed out.10:35
Emmanuel_ChanelDo you find something by clicking "Select Input Method"?10:35
StereocaulonEmmanuel_Chanel, I'm afraid not. when I click the selector, I get no options at all.10:36
=== suVene-away is now known as suVene
StereocaulonEmmanuel_Chanel, I wouldn't have broken the rules of this channel with English if I was not desperate to get it working.10:38
Emmanuel_ChanelStereocaulon: To speak English is permitted on this channel.10:39
StereocaulonEmmanuel_Chanel, how strange, since it *is* ubuntu-jp...I shouldn't assume too much.10:40
StereocaulonYes, I see it's in the 行動規範10:41
Emmanuel_ChanelPeople install Ubuntu Japanese Remix or the Japanese desktop virtual package at once.10:41
StereocaulonEmmanuel_Chanel, that last one was a copy-paste^^10:41
StereocaulonEmmanuel_Chanel, I see, maybe I should that as well...do you have a link to a ppa that provides that?10:43
Emmanuel_ChanelWait. I seek for a while.10:45
StereocaulonEmmanuel_Chanel, you are too kind :-)10:45
Emmanuel_ChanelI don't really know ppa. But this let me use Japanese Team's repository: https://wiki.ubuntulinux.jp/UbuntuTips/Install/UpgradeOneiric#A.2BMKIwwzDXMLAw7DD8MMlfjDBr-Japanese_Team.2BMG4w6jDdMLgwyDDqMJJnCVK5MGswWTCLZbls1Q-10:47
Emmanuel_ChanelIf I were a developer of Ubuntu Japanese Team, I could help you much better. But I don't have such a skill.10:48
StereocaulonEmmanuel_Chanel, on the contrary, you have been extremely helpful. Domo arigatou gozaimasu (bows).10:49
Emmanuel_ChanelMr. Ikuya Awashiro known as ikuya here would understand your problem well if he had read this chat.10:49
StereocaulonEmmanuel_Chanel,  in fact, your link points me directly to the ppa. :-D10:50
StereocaulonEmmanuel_Chanel, one quote from that page" wget -q https://www.ubuntulinux.jp/ubuntu-jp-ppa-keyring.gpg"  <= notice the "ppa" in the third block from the left?10:51
Emmanuel_ChanelGood to hear.10:51
StereocaulonEmmanuel_Chanel, if there is anything I can help *you* out with, just let me know :-)10:52
Emmanuel_Chanelok. Nice of you!10:54
StereocaulonEmmanuel_Chanel, Konbanwa.10:57
Emmanuel_ChanelikuyaNOTE: What do you think about Stereocaulon 's problem?10:59
ikuyaNOTEI am very sorry I have no time now.11:07
StereocaulonEmmanuel_Chanel, thank you so much for asking :-) My father asks me to help him to construct a cupboard right now, so I'll have to leave you for now. Thanks again :-)11:09
=== Stereocaulon is now known as Stereocaulon_awa
=== Stereocaulon_awa is now known as Stereocaulon_ofl
=== suVene is now known as suVene-away

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