
tumbleweedjtaylor: a bugfix release sounds worth taking06:09
dholbachgood morning08:03
benonsoftwareHello dholbach08:04
dholbachhey benonsoftware08:05
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takamarouHi all - I'm looking to get started doing some dev/bug fixes for Ubuntu, and am getting a bit confused as I browse through triaged bugs..  I see quite a few bugs that are labeled triaged, but when you click into them you see a "Fix Commited" and a "Triaged" entry.  Does this mean that the fix is committed by the original package devs, or does that mean it is still open to fixing?  Example: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+s16:17
takamarouP.S. Sorry for the dumb question :/16:17
dholbachtakamarou, there's no dumb questions :)16:19
dholbachtakamarou, can you paste the full link to the bug? it seems it was cut off16:19
takamaroudholbach, hmm, not cut off on my screen..  let me try it on its own line16:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 807861 in inkscape (Ubuntu) "typo in ../src/widgets/toolbox.cpp:4685" [Low,Triaged]16:19
dholbachah, that was a good question! :)16:20
dholbachcan you see the two lines in the middle of the page, one "fix committed" and the other one "triaged"?16:20
dholbachthey are what we call 2 bug tasks16:20
dholbachwe identified that the problem is in "inkscape (Ubuntu)" and "inkscape"16:21
dholbachwhich means as much as: we need to fix it in inkscape, the Ubuntu package16:21
dholbachand also in inkscape the upstream project16:21
takamarouWhich is "inkscape" as in the original straight from inkscape, and "inkscape (Ubuntu)" as in the Ubuntu repo version... right?16:21
dholbachso it seems like the fix is committed (but not in a release , which would be 'fix committed') upstream16:21
dholbachand in Ubuntu the bug is triaged, which means that the problem is understood and has all necessary information16:22
dholbachone possible solution would be to grab the fix from upstream and fix the ubuntu package this way16:22
dholbachor wait until a new release is rolled upstream and we upgrade to the new upstream version16:22
takamarouGotcha.  And what is the usual procedure with that kind of thing?  Wait for the new release, or do it yourself?16:23
dholbachas it's a typo, I would assume it's safe to wait for the next upstream release16:23
dholbachif it's something urgent like a common crasher, it might be better to just grab the fix, apply it and not block on upstream finding the time to roll a new release16:23
takamarouSo little things like typos are probably going to be a bad choice for getting my feet wet in bug fixing, as they will be fixed upstream16:24
dholbachno, if you want to start out by fixing a typo, do it - but in a lot of cases it makes sense to submit the fix to the upstream authors16:24
dholbachunless it's something really visible and irritating :)16:24
dholbachit's impossible to know all of this from the very beginning16:25
dholbachso keep the questions coming16:25
dholbachalso if you haven't heard already, next week is Ubuntu Developer Week, which might interest you: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek16:26
takamarouI will - still in the process of upgrading to 11.10, so I don't know all the questions yet.  But I will soon!16:26
takamarouSweet.  All the classes are during my work hours, but perhaps I'll keep IRC open in the background16:27
takamarouOK - got another question.  Looking at another bug (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/723864) in Unity.  It's got 4 bug tasks, Unity (ubuntu), Unity, Unity Foundations, and Ayana Design.  I understand the first three, but what the heck is Ayana Design (and also, why is there more than one upstream?).  I've seen this Ayana in a couple places now.16:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 723864 in unity (Ubuntu) "The alignment of the “[number of minutes] minutes” selector in the “Unlock Keyring” window is wrong." [Wishlist,Triaged]16:33
dholbachtakamarou, also we'll put up logs later on16:38
dholbachtakamarou, I'm not 100% sure, but I could imagine that in this case it's a way to get multiple teams aware of the bug16:38
dholbachnot 100% sure though16:38
dholbachsometimes you can have lots more than 2 tasks16:39
dholbachie: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/audiofile/+bug/92203616:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 922036 in glame (Ubuntu) "Audiofile 0.3.x transition" [Medium,Triaged]16:39
dholbachin this case it's a matter of fixing the same problem in many different packages16:39
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TiMiDoHi people21:34
TiMiDoif i want to help around the MoTU  i need to create my self, a PPA, so i can upload new bugs fixes and much more?21:35
micahgTiMiDo: you can use a local sbuild or pbuilder instance to test21:38
TiMiDooh OK i was reading. online on the wikis21:38
TiMiDoso i can package,21:39
TiMiDoquestion do i need my GPG so be sign before uploading. the new changes?21:39
micahgTiMiDo: upload rights are a different story, they come later (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers)21:40
TiMiDolet's see21:41
micahgTiMiDo: until then, you can get sponsored: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess21:42
TiMiDoI'll get a sponsor later on but anyways i can still upload to lp21:42
TiMiDoso I'll do that with bzr21:43
micahgTiMiDo: once you propose a merge into the lp:ubuntu/* branch, it lands in teh sponsorship queue, no sponsor hunting necessary21:44
TiMiDooh nice21:44
TiMiDoi was fixing some bug21:44
TiMiDoon php521:44
TiMiDodo you guys have any packages that need help to be packaging or to check the rules?21:45
TiMiDoi meant if ubuntu has orphaned packages21:47
blairub https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/920284 a commenter wrote "Could you progress the ones that require merges, and check how precise22:17
blairlooks after all of this has built and published?"  what am i supposed to do?22:17
ubottuUbuntu bug 920284 in Ubuntu "Sync maven 3.0.4-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Medium,Triaged]22:17
micahgblair: check and see what's left to be done to sync maven (i.e. what other build/runtime dependencies need to be sync'd/merged)22:20
blairmicahg, i think the person who has done the syncs has listed it pretty well already22:21
blairthere's nothing for me to do on the ones that require merges from debian, is there?22:21
micahgblair: propose the merge?22:22
blairunless i need to open tickets requesting a merge/sync?22:22
micahgblair: you should ask the person who touched it last first though22:22
blairthere's only really one package that debian has a newer upstream than ubuntu and it was synced, the rest are debian package updates, which i don't think are really needed22:25
blairfor maven working, that is22:25
blairwhat does MIR mean here: "synced, but will require MIR of libcommons-parent-java"22:26
micahgMain Inclusion Request22:27
blairthat means, move it from universe to main?22:27
blairwhy does he say that, i dont' see a direct dependency from libcommons-logging-java onto libcommons-parent-java?22:29
blairis there a tool to propose merges, like requestsync?22:32
micahgsorry, I have to go, will be back UTC early sunday22:33
blairmicahg, ok, have a good one22:33

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