
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from sdgfadsfasdfasdf)02:10
Tm_Tbazhang: tagteam!08:20
bazhangTm_T, heh yeah.08:20
bazhanghe usually ban evades several times after now08:21
popeyikonia: to be fair dropbox as a tarball makes just as much sense10:16
popeygiven all you get from the deb is a shim for nautilus10:16
ikoniait's not a "bad" solution, but the deb file sorts the manus out10:16
ikoniathe tar file didn't add to the menu bar10:16
popeythe actual dropbox code is a whole cartload of libs they ship, they don't use the ubuntu libs at all10:17
ikoniathe only reason I'm aware of this (not a drop box user) is because I had to work it out for a user about two days ago10:17
popeyits hirrid10:17
popeyso you dont get any of the advantages of debian packaging10:17
ikoniathe libs wording was bad - I was just tyring to highlight "built for your ubuntu system"10:17
popeybecause it ships its own binaries in ~/.dropbox-dist10:17
ikoniaI totally see your point10:17
popeybut I agree, debs where possible ☺10:18
gorddebs where possible, but fight for a ppa ;)10:25
ubottuDJones called the ops in #ubuntu (Sherz)11:19
Tm_Tbioterror: horror11:22
* Tm_T huggles bioterror and laughs manically11:25
bioterrorthohi :D11:26
head_victimNeeded a cycle.11:44
Silverlionhey there... sorry, my irc program crashed :(11:59
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ikoniaLjL: he did that in #kubuntu too13:09
LjLnot an op there13:10
ikoniahe's delt with there13:10
ikoniajust FYI: as you put a forward on13:10
SilverlionTm_T: could you pls re-invite me?13:15
Tm_Thmmm, it's possible I currently can't13:17
Silverlionkk thx Tm_T13:18
AlanBellSilverlion: try joining now13:36
bazhanghow did Pharaoh get unbanned14:19
PiciI see a kick yesterday, but no ban.14:21
ikoniaI didn't ban him as he didn't seem sharp enough to rejoin14:21
bazhangah ok14:21
ikoniabased on how he'd been behaving in #freenode / #defocus I suspected he'd just move on as with those14:22
Piciikonia: LjL mentioned the fbi first, I don't see anything wrong with Pharaoh's response.14:23
ikoniabecause he keeps ranting about the feds/fbi14:23
ikoniait's really starting to get on my nerves14:23
LjLearthquake again14:54
LjLit's becoming a habit14:54
LjLwasn't sure whether it was my body doing something weird, but others have felt it too14:55
LjLand of course the site i use to check earthquakes goes down immediately after each one14:56
bazhanghi and welcome15:07
MrChrisDruifAloha bazhang15:07
pangolinWelcome to the new faces15:24
mneptoknew ops time?15:24
pangolinnew core ops in #lubuntu15:25
h00kYeah, #lubuntu15:25
* h00k reviews list15:25
* Myrtti waves her walking cane15:26
Myrttiyoung rascals15:26
* h00k sits on Myrtti's foot and holds on to her leg15:26
* Silverlion reports for newbie-duty ;)015:26
* mneptok stares at Myrtti 15:27
mneptokquiet, whippersnapper.15:27
* mneptok goes back to chasing kids off his lawn15:27
h00kmneptok: you forgot your teeth over here15:27
Myrttimneptok: well, it is true in this case15:27
mneptokh00k: did i ... ?  o_O15:27
Myrtti"The IRCC is pleased to welcome 9 new operators to the #lubuntu channel, 8 of whom are new to the core ops team."15:27
Myrtti9-8=1 Myrtti15:28
AlanBellspot the Myrtti15:28
h00kpeek a boo!15:28
mneptokMyrtti: yes, but hearing you refer to people as "young" makes me feel positively ancient15:28
* Myrtti goes to mix some Ovaltine15:28
h00kwe love you anyway.15:28
mneptokBe sure to drink your Ovaltine.15:28
Myrttimneptok: service years, hunny, service years.15:28
h00kstupid decoder ring15:28
mneptokfunny. i actually have to call an FFL holder this morning about a new rifle i ordered. and it does NOT have "a compass in the stock and this thing that tells time."15:29
* mneptok prolly got ripped off15:29
h00kmneptok: FFL?15:31
mneptokh00k: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Firearms_License15:32
h00kmneptok: ah.15:32
mneptokh00k: ordered this new thing from Ohio. firearms can only be shipped between FFL-holders, so i pay a person here in NM to take delivery for me.15:32
h00kmneptok: makes sense15:33
Silverlionmneptok: which kind of rifle?15:34
pangolinUnit193: Welcome to the team. have a seat and someone will give you +v soonish15:35
mneptokSilverlion: Savage 93R17-BV15:35
h00kThat was my next question15:35
Unit193pangolin: Thankie15:35
AlanBellchanserv is being slow about it, I think if you pop out and in then it will +v you15:35
mneptokSilverlion: http://shootingsports.edgarbrothers.com/images/postprocessed/markiibv_copy_17.jpg  <---- this15:36
pangolinUnit193: /cycle15:36
Silverlionmneptok: cool one15:36
mneptokUnit193: in a month or so we'll take the training wheels off your /cycle :)15:36
Unit193Ah, so I have to /cycle every time I /join ;)15:37
mneptokUnit193: hopefully not15:37
mneptokUnit193: do we want to know what happened to Units 1-192?15:38
Unit193You really don't, that didn't go well...15:38
* mneptok pictures ED-209 style malfunctions15:38
pangolinThey were not entirely successful15:38
ikoniathe old man thought it was pretty important15:44
* MrChrisDruif has missed that mail15:45
MrChrisDruifMyrtti; ^15:45
Silverlionhave a great evening all ... sports club is waiting15:45
Tm_TMrChrisDruif: mail?15:46
Silverlionoff for sports15:46
MrChrisDruifTm_T; "The IRCC is pleased to welcome 9 new operators to the #lubuntu channel, 8 of whom are new to the core ops team."15:46
Tm_Tah, you're not in our mailinglist?15:46
MrChrisDruifAt least I guess it was in a mail ^_^15:46
MrChrisDruifI guess not or I just overlooked it15:47
AlanBellMrChrisDruif: oooh you are not on the IRC list15:47
MrChrisDruifDamn it ^_^15:47
Tm_TMrChrisDruif: tssssk, language15:47
MrChrisDruif*Dan, darn it15:47
Tm_Tsubstituting it with something similar doesn't make it any less bad in my eyes (;15:47
* Myrtti sprinkles magic dust over Tm_T 15:48
Tm_TMyrtti: am I like Tinker Bell now? (:)15:49
MrChrisDruifTm_T; more like one of those kids that needed the dust to fly ;-)15:53
Tm_TMrChrisDruif: the dust was needed for the fairies too, if to believe the more recent sources atleast15:54
MrChrisDruifGhehe, it was my understanding that the dust CAME from the fairies15:58
* Tm_T is specialized on this subject15:58
* h00k waves to all the log readers.16:01
* Tm_T surfs to all the log headers16:02
h00kI was waving to anyone who reads the logs.16:04
Tm_TI know (:16:04
h00kpangolin: ping me if you need any help16:10
h00kpangolin: never mind16:10
timesupervisorI've been banned by a mofo on #ubuntu, can i get unbanned?16:11
LjLnot with that attitude, no16:11
timesupervisorI can reset my ip, but i want my user unbanned.16:11
LjLtimesupervisor: actually control your language and don't insult unless you want to be banned from here as well16:12
Tm_Ttimesupervisor: threating with ban evasion doesn't help either16:12
timesupervisorI wasn't insulting.16:12
timesupervisormofo is australian keyword for pal.16:12
pangolintimesupervisor: you really should read the guidelines ubottu linked you, it will help you get better help from the channel16:12
pangolinalso, please don't think we are stupid by insulting us with lies16:13
Myrttitimesupervisor: and "we're not as stupid as you think" is English for "we're not as stupid as you think"16:13
timesupervisorno, that was true.16:13
timesupervisorit's american  too16:13
timesupervisoryou call your friends mofos :D16:13
pangolintimesupervisor: whatever it is it is not acceptable language.16:13
timesupervisorcan i get ban-lifted?16:14
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines16:14
pangolinPlease read the guidelines and let us know if you have any questions16:14
LjL!etiquette > timesupervisor i also suggest your read all of these16:14
ubottutimesupervisor, please see my private message16:14
timesupervisorIt's funny.. this chanel is not as it used to be.16:14
timesupervisorubottu, tl;dr.16:15
pangolinok, won't unban16:15
pangolinhave a nice day.16:15
timesupervisorwill read16:15
pangolincome back in 7 days and we can discuss it then.16:16
timesupervisorok i broke a few guidelines..16:16
LjLyour attitude here hasn't helped at all16:16
h00kblitz: can we help you?16:16
blitzI just wanted to see who was in the channel, good day16:16
timesupervisorwhy being such ...? remove your mouse pointer, and if you are not as discombambulated as me, you can ban me.16:17
timesupervisoryou can do it by the settings.16:17
LjLi don't even know what you're talking about. next time you come here, be serious, don't insult, don't swear, don't smart-mouth, and we can deal with it like adults.16:17
pangolintimesupervisor: We are done here. Please come back in 7 days.16:17
LjLright now, your ban is certainly not being lifted.16:17
timesupervisorpangolin, sure thing dude, i'm gonna go 7days without my mouse. this used to be ubuntu support irc, now it's just.. ignorant people like you.16:19
pangolinand people who don't follow the guidelines16:19
h00ktimesupervisor: there are other ways you can get support, like the forums for example. Perhaps check there.  Note, they also have guidelines for behavior on those methods.16:19
LjLmay as well stop insulting16:19
h00kI got to sneak that out in time16:20
LjLtimesupervisor: are you done insulting? if not, /part16:21
timesupervisori did not insult.16:21
LjLcalling someone randomly ignorant is an insult. we don't tolerate personal attacks here.16:21
timesupervisorLjL, getting insulted and banned in #ubuntu chan is also not tolerated.16:22
h00ksure it is, if you can't follow the guidelines.16:22
h00kThat's what they're for.16:22
timesupervisorwhere is the butthurt form for reporting irc admins?16:22
ubottuIf you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page.16:22
* mneptok 's fiery halo of impatience begins to glow ominously16:22
timesupervisorthanks LjL.16:23
h00ktimesupervisor: please review that wiki. Until then, please come back in 7 days as previously directed to dicuss your ban.  Also, remember there are other places you can get support, too, like forums.16:24
timesupervisorh00k, 7days? How do you think i can do 7days without the ubuntu irc?16:24
mneptoktimesupervisor: you were asked to return in 7 days to discuss the ban. that seems to be the final answer from the people dealing with you. if you persist, the likelihood the ban *ever* gets removed diminishes with each and every inputline.16:24
h00ktimesupervisor: perhaps consider following the guidelines next time, and you wouldn't have to wait 7 days16:25
timesupervisorit's ip ban or nick ban?16:25
timesupervisorcause i really loved my nick :(16:25
pangolintimesupervisor: try the ubuntu forums or askubuntu.com16:25
h00kI think that was an indication they might try ban evading16:26
h00kjust sayin'16:26
ikoniaenough time wasting now16:26
pangolinthey said they would soon as they joined the first time16:27
fkdapolicecan i get my nickname ban lifted? :(16:28
h00kthat may show up in #ubuntu, also16:29
h00kI can set that16:29
h00kthere we go.16:30
hey-boneradmins, internetz -1.16:32
mneptok09:25 -!- mode/#ubuntu-ops [+b *!*@] by ikonia   ||   09:28 -!- fkdapolice [5c52a05c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #ubuntu-ops16:34
mneptoki thought the ircd was cool enough to connect IP bans to web clients16:35
Myrttino, that's floodbot16:35
mneptoki blame the discussion of fairy dust for making me have breaks with reality16:35
nikopoor jayne16:37
ikoniaI will buy her flowers for such a rude exit16:38
pangolinI think chocolate is in order too16:38
ikoniaI'll expect some sort of retubution kline at some point when she wakes up16:38
canihazcookiezpli get banned16:40
ikoniacanihazcookiezpl: any chance you'll stop messing around ?16:40
canihazcookiezplon ubuntu16:40
canihazcookiezply i get ban?16:40
h00kAlso, staffers should note ban evasion16:41
h00kclearly, they're putting more time into ban evading than actually checking with the forums on how to solve their problem :(16:42
MrChrisDruifOr AskUbuntu16:43
pangolinhe also mentioned that we can reproduce his mouse issue by going into the settings...UMMM undo the settings you broke!16:43
h00knavigate by keyboard!16:43
h00kI don't know of a 'remove mouse' setting. but...whatever.16:44
h00kikonia: that's a huge block16:45
ikoniano-one else in16:45
ubuntuhasvirusHello, ubuntu ops, My ubuntu has porn inside, why did I get kicked? I demand a refund, it wasn't High Quality porn.16:45
kindguyMy ubuntu powered sexdoll is catwalking all around my house, by itself, and asking for food. Can you explain?16:58
kindguyMy ubuntu powered sexdoll is catwalking all around my house, by itself, and asking for food. Can you explain?16:58
ikoniaI'll remove that in a about 5 minutes in ubuntu17:00
Tm_T91.82 would have sufficed?17:01
ikoniafor the 10 minutes it's on in here I don't see it as an issue17:02
Tm_Tyeah, was just wondering (:17:02
ikoniaI can't see a rush of .92 address range users needing -ops17:02
=== Pici is now known as Guest34884
=== Guest34884 is now known as Pici
guntberthi, regarding lubuntu: 1) should it be included in !flavors ?  2) I suggest updating !lubuntu to acknowledge the fact that it is an official variant now19:38
guntbert*now an official variant19:39
ubottulubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.19:39
ubottu!Kubuntu and !Xubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with KDE and Xfce (respectively) installed as default, instead of GNOME. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu19:39
guntberthello pangolin :)19:40
pangolin!no flavors is <reply> !Kubuntu and !Xubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with KDE and Xfce (respectively) installed as default, instead of GNOME. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio,  !Mythbuntu, and !Lubuntu19:40
ubottuI'll remember that pangolin19:40
pangolinheya guntbert19:40
pangolinwhat do you suggest for !lubuntu ?19:40
guntbertsomething similar like !xubuntu, !kubuntu19:41
ubottukubuntu is Ubuntu with the KDE Software Compilation instead of !Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join #kubuntu - See also !kde19:41
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels19:41
MyrttiI see ubluntu is back in -ot19:44
Myrttikeep eyes peeled19:44
MyrttiI'm busy singing to my recent purchase from U1 music store19:45
guntbertpangolin: /msg me  if you want additional input on the factoid19:47
guntberthave a nice time19:47
pangolinguntbert: write one up and one of us will edit the current one :)19:47
guntbertpheew, I wanted to avoid that :) - but you are soo convincing today :)  - see you later19:48
ubottuIn ubottu, guntbert said: !no lubuntu is <reply> lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.19:54
MyrttiI'd use - instead of .19:54
pangolin!no lubuntu is <reply> lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.19:54
ubottuI'll remember that pangolin19:54
mneptokLjubuntu, your Slovenian distro.20:30
mneptokthank you thank you! i'm here all week! try the veal.20:31
pangolintip your waiter20:32
ubottuxangua called the ops in #ubuntu (lelerace)21:46
h00kI tried to get jimmy_birer to be nice in #ubuntu-offtopic, it didn't work :(22:45
MyrttiI believe he is one of our longtime lost causes who keeps returning every now and then22:48
MyrttiI should have seen he was there and just banned him - even if he is a nice training tool to newb ops ;-) his entertainment value is an infinitely small fraction.22:49
h00kI thought he was just seriously misinformed at first.22:49
h00kI forgot that I had seen him before.22:50
Myrttino, he's a long time troll22:50
h00kAlso, is IRC'ing as root.22:50
h00kYeah, I looked him up :(22:50
Myrttifeel free to smack him back to last decade22:52
h00kI tried to kill 'em with kindness22:52

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