
dpmhi kelemengabor, have you had the chance to think about dholbach's suggestion to run a "fixing i18n bugs" session for Ubuntu Developer Week?11:52
kelemengabordpm: yeah, I already have a time slot and a short list of things to talk about11:53
dpmkelemengabor, awesome!11:54
TLEsounds like a good idea11:54
dpmhi TLE, did you get my message on IRC last night regarding the server for the doc images tool?11:55
TLEdpm: no, I must have missed that11:55
dpm<dpm> TLE, ok, I think I'll be able to set up a server in the cloud for testing. The only thing is that I won't be able to give you root access to it (I'm using Canonical's cloud, which is restricted to employees -it would be cool to have instances for the community, but we're not there yet) I might be able to give you django admin access, though. In any case, to deploy you just need to give me a heads up and then I can just pull the latest bzr br11:55
dpmI wanted to set it up this morning, in fact, but didn't have time. I'll do it over the weekend. Do you have a bzr branch I can pull from to install the tool on the server?11:56
TLEahh, that is not a problem11:56
TLEi think11:57
dpmyeah, I think the only reason why you'd want root access to the server is for deployments, and I can easily do that by bzr-pulling whenever you ping me11:57
TLEor alternatively, if django folder can be located anywhere, they could also just be somewhere in a folder where my user has acees to write, but that is really not a problem11:59
TLEanyway, it sounds great, I hope to have a working copy tomorrow11:59
dpmTLE, cool, so if you send me the LP url of your branch, then I'll start setting up the server (starting tomorrow, though)12:01
TLEyeah, ok, I'll send you an email with the info you need to start setting up12:02
TLEthere we go12:15
TLEI did not so far think different series (ubuntu release) into the structure, do you think we will need that?12:16
TLEahhh they are checked out into a differently named folder so that is no problem, then I did think it into the structure ;)12:19
dpmok, ack on the series12:24
TLEanyway, are we anticipating using this for other projects?12:25
dpmI think I would try to start small and see how it works out for the docs. from memory, I think the only Ubuntu upstream projects that have documentation are the Software Centre, USB creator and hm... something else I don't remember12:27
dpmand I'm not sure they use images12:27
* dpm fires up the SC to check12:28
TLEdpm: then we update the structure at that point if it becomes necessary12:28
dpmand it seems the SC help does not have images12:29
kelemengabordpm: language-selector has help too12:45
dpmah, yeah, the one GunnarHj created, that's right12:45
dpmbut that one might disappear or be merged with the upstream one if we move away from language-selector and add its extra functionality to the upstream language plugin in the control center12:46
kelemengaborin case of c-c, then the upstream is ubuntu-docs... no problem with that :)12:51
TLEdpm: changed the password, and cleaned up the archive a bit, should be ready for branching13:50
dpmTLE, cool. One thing I wanted to mention is that it might be worth making it a real LP project instead of a +junk branch13:54
dpmit should help with merge proposals, bugs, etc.13:54
TLEIt was just to get it going13:54
TLEand to have a versioned copy somewhere if I mess up13:54
TLElets see if it becomes usefull13:55
TLEthere are also still some things I don't know, concerning the version control on such a project13:56
TLEe.g. the database is right now included in the archive, and I don't know whether that is concidered safe (it contains (encrypted?) versions of the passwords etc.)13:57
TLEdpm: uh btw, do you know, just of the top of your head, if there is any standard css for ubuntu related sites?14:02
dpmTLE, there isn't one, but there are some bits and pieces there15:14
dpmthere were some community efforts to create a standard, but I'm not sure how well maintained are15:14
dpm*they are15:15
dpmwhat the design team does generally is to start a theme from scratch for every site, as every site has a different flavour, but making sure the brand guidelines are followed15:15
dpmso in my experience people either create things from scratch or grab pieces of CSS here and there from existing sites15:16
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
TLEdpm-afk: ok18:12

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