
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
grayghostCan the window menu be attached to the window ... instead of to the top screen bar ?03:10
grayghostUnity sure is buggy .... is there a way to upgrade backwards to 11.40 ???03:42
snadgeyou're probably better off going forwards, and submitting bugs/feature requests03:51
snadgeor using gnome 3 .. or using gnome 3 in fallback mode, with compiz03:51
snadgeor metacity03:52
grayghostthanks for the suggestions03:54
snadgeive been using unity for a while now.. because thats the direction ubuntu is taking04:05
snadgeand i'll be honest.. at first.. i didnt like it04:05
snadgeso i can understand the enormous whinge people are having about it04:06
snadgeit really does suck that classic gnome 2 with compiz had to be deprecated04:06
snadgebecause a lot of people were happy with that04:06
snadgeand react unfavourably to either of the two new interface paradigms.. that being unity and gnome shell04:07
snadgethat being said.. im used to using unity now, i understand its shortcuts.. and i know how to use it as efficiently as I was using gnome 2.. prior to that04:07
snadgei just wish the focus problems would get fixed already04:08
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grayghostsnadge: I have installed Gnome 3 ....... so do I have to reboot and select Gnome at login ????04:31
snadgeand if you want to use the "classic" gnome interface.. instead of gnome-shell04:32
snadgeyou might need to google on how to do that, because i forget04:32
snadgeits not selectable from the login screen.. but gnome 3 is04:32
snadgeit autodetects if you have the capability to run gnome-shell.. and uses it04:33
snadgebut theres a way to force it into "2d" fallback mode.. or "classic" desktop04:33
snadgejust be warned that .. gnome 3 fallback mode.. != gnome 204:33
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dyamssaviq: drag n drop is better if we use manual tests?08:43
Saviqdyams, we should reduce manual tests to a minimum08:44
Saviqand unless you can confirm it's not feasible to test with testability, I'd like to see that tested automagically08:45
dyamssaviq: as we discussed in the morning, the initiating drag is one big challenge here..(finding co-ordinates)08:46
Saviqdyams, should be fine with a visual08:46
Saviqunless Testability only looks in Qt apps?08:47
dyamssaviq: ah, you mean finding the coordinates of a files through testability?08:47
Saviqbut I'm unsure whether you can look in the whole desktop or just Qt apps08:48
dyamssaviq: yeah, same here08:48
Saviqdyams, if you have other stuff to do, lets wait for greyback08:48
dyamssaviq: ok08:49
=== om26er_ is now known as om26er
Saviqgreyback, hey, what's "Appoved by: "? ;)09:09
Saviqnerochiaro, hey, I've a huge conflict when merging r875 from trunk into shell09:11
nerochiaro Saviq: let me look at what it is09:12
Saviqnerochiaro, "Refactor testing..."09:12
Saviqnerochiaro, could you maybe take care of that?09:12
Saviqlooking at the diff09:13
nerochiaroSaviq: let me try to do that09:14
Saviqshould be just a matter of "replaying" your changes on top of current shell09:15
=== dyams is now known as dyams|lunch
KaleoSaviq: having fun heh09:22
greybackSaviq: mornin'09:24
greybackSaviq: what did I break now :)09:24
SaviqKaleo, ?09:25
Saviqgreyback, nuffin, just asking who made sure we have the beautiful typo in all commit messages into trunk ;)09:25
greybackSaviq: hmm, blame didrocks :)09:26
didrockswhat what ? ;)09:26
Saviqdidrocks, "Appoved by:"09:27
didrocksoh :)09:27
* didrocks fixes one sec09:27
greybackI'd guess it's when MR set to approved without a comment or actual nominated reviewer (team chosen instead)09:28
Saviqgreyback, no, it seems to be added to every tarmac-merged commit09:29
didrocksfixed :)09:29
Saviqand that's all fine, except for the missing r ;)09:29
Saviqdidrocks, cool, now fix our history ;P09:29
KaleoSaviq: do you have a crappy machine with 2 monitors?09:30
SaviqKaleo, meaning an Atom?09:30
KaleoSaviq: (I meant "having fun with the merge of trunk")09:30
KaleoSaviq: well, that's a good start09:30
SaviqKaleo, yeah, almost done09:30
didrocksSaviq: fix your code first! :p09:30
SaviqKaleo, then yes, I can have one09:30
Saviqdidrocks, I haven't written any code in the last week... reviewing, being an a$$ about missing / broken tests and stuff09:31
Saviqquite time-consuming, as it occurs09:31
Kaleodidrocks: does it mean free beer for the team? yes. thank you!09:31
didrocksSaviq: heh ;)09:31
didrocksKaleo: come on, you did worse thing to me than a typo09:31
Kaleodidrocks: let me think09:31
didrockslike… upload qt 6 times on a week and half? :)09:31
Kaleodidrocks: that was _years_ ago :)09:32
didrocksI was remembering promissed bear!09:32
didrocksyeah, like 4 months ;)09:32
* Kaleo is hiding09:32
Kaleodidrocks: did you see all these beautiful automated tests we made for you?09:33
Kaleodidrocks: it's like Christmas!09:33
Kaleodidrocks: and by 'we' I mean 'they'09:33
didrocksKaleo: heh, you are taking credit! shameful of you :)09:33
Kaleodidrocks: I wrote part of the broken code they are writing tests for; hence the credit09:34
dyams|lunchgreyback: drag n drop files on launcher tile...09:46
dyams|lunchgreyback: ping09:47
Saviqdyams|lunch, swallow first09:47
dyams|lunchsaviq: ok09:47
greybackdyams|lunch: yep09:47
=== dyams|lunch is now known as dyams
dyamsgreyback: testing part, about initiating a file drag through testability09:48
dyamsgreyback: i suggested manual test for this branch.. and waiting for your opinion09:49
greybackdyams: I've never done it before, I don't know how hard it would be. I suppose you could mess around with mouse, but I doubt that would be reliable. Better would be to try to emulate the Drop event somehow.09:52
nerochiaroSaviq: merged, running tests now09:55
dyamsgreyback: dropping is ok, initiating the  a drag09:56
Saviqnerochiaro, great09:56
dyamsgreyback: and finding the coordinates of a file09:56
greybackdyams: then I don't know.09:58
Saviqgreyback, my idea was to create a tmp dir with a file in it09:59
Saviqopen the dir, and visually grab its coordinates09:59
Saviqbut I've no idea whether we can do visual stuff outside of Qt?09:59
nerochiaroSaviq: well, not so great. one of the tests closed most of my windows09:59
Saviqnerochiaro, closed? I think Florian had that issue, too, any idea which one?10:00
nerochiaroSaviq: no, but i'm gonna find out10:00
greybackSaviq: not really. Sure we can get coordinates of a  Nuatilus window reasonably reliably, and try to guess coordinates of file icon inside. Not rock-solid but should work10:00
Saviqgreyback, nah, I was thinking the coordinates of a visual asset found on screen10:08
Saviqbut it only works for Qt, does it?10:08
greybackSaviq: Only for Qt10:09
Saviqdyams, go for a manual test, then10:09
dyamssaviq: ok, i'll10:09
=== om26er_ is now known as om26er
Saviqtsdgeos, your launcher dash tests conflicted10:17
tsdgeosSaviq:do they?10:17
tsdgeosin -shell you mean?10:17
Saviqtsdgeos, the merge got rejected10:17
Saviqtsdgeos, no, the tests10:17
Saviqinto -trunk10:17
tsdgeosunity-2d_test_dash_launcher_interactions ?10:18
* tsdgeos checks10:18
tsdgeosprobably added stuff at the end in some other test too10:18
tsdgeosyeah added stuff at the end10:19
tsdgeosand bazzar just went nuts10:19
nerochiaroSaviq: the issue seems to come from launcher/autohide_show_tests.rb . problems include: qttasserver dies, SUPER gets stuck, and lots of windows get closed when they shouldn't10:19
Saviqnerochiaro, oh10:19
tsdgeostries to merge line by line instead of the whole block :D10:19
nerochiaroSaviq: i can't see what would cause that though10:20
Saviqnerochiaro, my qttasserver never died10:20
Saviq(btw... qttas... sounds like cock in Polish)10:21
Saviqdoesn't help me thinking about it10:21
nerochiaroSaviq: lol10:21
Saviqa cockserver10:21
nerochiaroSaviq: it could be because it's started by one of the terminals that get closed10:21
Saviqthat's why it never happened to me10:21
SaviqI'm testing in a VM10:22
Saviqand Florian complained about his terminals getting closed, too10:22
Saviqlet me open some before starting the test10:22
tsdgeosSaviq: merge pushed10:22
Saviqtsdgeos, ok, I'll reapprove10:23
Saviqnerochiaro, I just went through the whole suite twice :/, my terminals are still there10:29
Saviqlet me try on my work desktop, though10:29
nerochiaroSaviq: i don't doubt it. it's certainly something specific to a certain machine setup10:30
Saviqnerochiaro, my guess would be that TmpWindow screws something up10:30
Saviqand kills the wrong terminal10:30
* tsdgeos has the launcher showing in -shell -rtl :-)10:30
tsdgeosnow let's write some tests10:30
nerochiaroSaviq: very likely10:30
Saviqtsdgeos, awesome10:31
nerochiaroSaviq: and it kills the cockserver and when it dies it stops the test mid way and leaves the SUPER key stuck10:31
Saviqnerochiaro, exactly10:31
tsdgeoswell, first lets make sure the non -rtl tests still pass :D10:31
Saviqnerochiaro, tsdgeos - here's an initial plan for merging shell back into trunk http://sketchpad.cc/9yHXNLSxuI10:32
Saviqfeel free to improve10:32
nerochiaroSaviq: points 6 seems the trickiest10:33
Saviqnerochiaro, yeah, but for that we have more time10:33
* Saviq still needs to look at unity's approach10:34
Saviqtsdgeos, did you see? we dubbed qttasserver "cockserver" since that's ~what the pronounciation would mean in Polish10:34
tsdgeosyou sick people...10:35
davidcalleTV folks, does anyone know when unity-lens-video will be in the archive?10:36
davidcalleSaviq ^10:37
Saviqdavidcalle, the one we did for ubuntu-tv?10:38
davidcalleSaviq, yep10:38
nerochiaroSaviq: apart of the errors, some of the tests that from the merged branches obviously fail (for various reasons, mostly because they expect dash and launcher and not the shell). should i fix them as part of the merge from trunk or do you want another commit, MR and all10:38
Saviqdavidcalle, then never10:38
Saviqnerochiaro, did you pull from shell first?10:38
davidcalleSaviq, do you know why?10:38
nerochiaroSaviq: yes. the tests i mention are new, i wrote them in that branch of trunk that i just merged10:38
nerochiarodavidcalle: because it's not a real lens, it just pulls in some fake data10:39
Saviqnerochiaro, ah ok, I've been fixing the tests as part of merging10:39
nerochiaroSaviq: i'll do that then10:39
Saviqdavidcalle, it was never meant to be used / supported, at least not in the state it's in now10:40
nerochiaroSaviq: but there's also one feature that is in trunk but it's not in shell yet and so some of the tests will fail even when adjusted for shell. (in this case, trunk has the panel buttons, shell not yet). what about that one ?10:40
Saviqit needs to be designed from the ground up10:40
davidcallenerochiaro, Saviq, ok. I'm asking because I'm working on the 'real' one at least on two scopes.10:40
Saviqnerochiaro, make that an "xtest" instead of "text"10:40
Saviqand add a FIXME there10:40
Saviqdavidcalle, yes we know that10:40
Saviqwell, I do10:40
davidcalleAnd they need a lens. :) So I guess I'm doing it too.10:41
nerochiaroSaviq: ok, sounds good. the buttons thing is in my todo for today anyway10:41
* tsdgeos needs to know the desktop width from testabilty10:41
tsdgeosany idea?10:41
Saviqtsdgeos, look at Ugo's tests for shaping10:41
tsdgeosSaviq: now that i see those tests need to be ported to the new testabilty host/target divide, they still use system and such10:42
Saviqtsdgeos, true, can you add a card in the kanban?10:43
Saviqgreyback needs to fix his wifis10:51
tsdgeosnerochiaro: just seen that instead of invoking xdotool like you do we can use XDo::XWindow.display_geometry10:52
nerochiarotsdgeos: it does exactly the same thing inside, but it's probably nicer10:53
Saviqgreyback, you sir need to fix your wifis :P10:56
Saviqgreyback nerochiaro tsdgeos dyams: standup?11:02
greybackSaviq: I'm wired now11:02
Saviqgreyback, http://sketchpad.cc/9yHXNLSxuI11:03
nerochiaroSaviq: give me a sec, i'll be right there when i'm done with a test i'm about to run11:04
nerochiaroSaviq: ok, i think i'm done with the merge from trunk into shell. i fixed all the tests that were added and disabled one. i didn't do anything about the tests that close terminals by mistake. i'm gonna push. can you please double check it's all right afterwards ?11:12
Saviqnerochiaro, sure, I wil11:13
nerochiaroSaviq: ok, pushed11:13
Saviqnerochiaro, so "Move updateDashMode ... into QML" is done, right?11:20
nerochiaroSaviq: yes11:22
Saviqnerochiaro, do you want to take "Port input_shaping tests to target/host divide" later?11:22
Saviqor should one of us handle that?11:23
Saviqnerochiaro, the merge looks good11:23
nerochiaroSaviq: i don't think i'll have time for that11:23
nerochiaroSaviq: and i don't know much about host/target divide anywa11:23
Saviqnerochiaro, that's exactly the reason why you should do that ;)11:24
Saviqnerochiaro, anyway11:25
Saviqthe changes to focuspath got lost from your merge?11:25
nerochiaroSaviq: if i has more weeks to work on this, i would, but i have only the rest of today11:25
Saviqnerochiaro, I know, I know, just joking11:25
nerochiaroSaviq: i merged two commits, didn't I ?11:25
Saviqlet me look at qdiff instead of qlog11:26
nerochiaroSaviq: qlog shows two, one from me one from renato11:26
Saviqnerochiaro, yes, but the diff on the merge commit doesn't list the focuspath files11:26
Saviqbut that might be qlog's weirdness11:27
nerochiaroSaviq: no, i think i fucked up11:27
nerochiaroSaviq: let me fix that11:27
SaviqI think you merged but didn't actually carry the diffs over11:27
Saviqnerochiaro, feel free to overwrite11:27
nerochiaroSaviq: ok11:27
=== Saviq is now known as Saviq|afk
nerochiaroSaviq|afk: fixed and overwritten11:28
Saviq|afknerochiaro, thanks11:29
tsdgeosgreyback: there?12:03
tsdgeosgreyback: not needed anymore :D12:04
greybacktsdgeos: that's exactly what I want to hear :)12:06
tsdgeosgreyback: well, actually now that you're here12:06
tsdgeosgreyback: the background of the launcher is not simmetric, i.e. the last pixel in the right is transparent-ish12:06
tsdgeosgreyback: i guess i just reverse and create a new png, right?12:07
greybacktsdgeos: exactly12:07
greybacktsdgeos: you could rotate the existing PNG12:07
tsdgeosbut in code or do it once and load the rotated png?12:07
greybackmy thinking is if there's only one asset, and designers change the background, we just need to change the asset12:08
greyback.. if we do it in code12:08
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
tsdgeosrtl question12:36
tsdgeosif i type a, l, b, e, r, t12:36
tsdgeosin a text field12:36
tsdgeosshould i see12:36
tsdgeosi guess albert12:36
tsdgeosbut i'm not really sure :D12:36
greybackthe first one, but only based on what I've seen so far12:37
greybacki.e. I'm not 100% certain12:37
greybackbut using other programs in RTL mode, that's the way they work12:37
tsdgeostyping rtl is weird12:38
tsdgeosas far as i understand12:38
tsdgeosif you type "normal" letters it's not rtl12:38
tsdgeosthen you start typing hebrew and it starts growing in the other way12:38
tsdgeoswhich gets ultra confusing if you mix both12:38
greybackand yeah, that must take getting used to12:39
tsdgeosi don't know how people cope with that12:39
tsdgeossuddenly the "right" arrow stops going right and starts going left, because you entered a piece of text wrriten in rtl or not12:39
greybackyou could get in a loop, if you write LTR text beside RTL, pressing arrow key will just have cursor just bounce between text12:40
greybacknah, that can't be right12:40
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tsdgeosi've seen it happen :D12:43
dyamstsdgeos: you should see albert12:45
dyamstsdgeos: in non-shell rtl, you see albert if you type albert12:47
=== greyback is now known as greyback|lunch
=== Saviq|afk is now known as saviq
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Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, even numbers are ltr13:09
Saviqtsdgeos, so that's ultra confusing13:09
Saviqas you said13:09
=== JackyAlcine_ is now known as JackyAlcine
mhall119gord: can you take a look at http://askubuntu.com/questions/98692/how-to-add-support-for-the-global-menu-to-a-python-non-gtk-non-qt-app?13:10
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tsdgeosSaviq: greyback|lunch: dyams: more rtl stuff, on the dash home, we want the firefox icon to be on the left or in the right side of the grid?13:57
Saviqtsdgeos, good question, how is it in non-shell?13:58
Saviqtsdgeos, is there anything related in the MR from Haggai?13:58
tsdgeoson the left it seems, but the dash pops not closer to the launcher, so i would not take that as an authoritative answer :D13:58
nerochiaroSaviq: when you have a moment, can you please branch a repo and do a quick test for me ? i suspect there's something weird happening but i'm not sure if it's my env or the code itself13:58
Saviqnerochiaro, that's most of what I'm doing these days - branching and testing :)13:59
Saviqso yeah, throw it at me13:59
nerochiaroSaviq: lp:~unity-2d-team/unity-2d/panel-freeze << run panel, run shell, bring out the dash with super, then click on the maximize button in the panel twice. the panel should freeze and stop responding to any input14:01
tsdgeosSaviq: on the MR is on the right, so i'll take that as correct14:01
Saviqtsdgeos, cool14:02
=== greyback|lunch is now known as greyback
dyamstsdgeos: Haggai branch is more helpful to verify the shell14:03
greybacktsdgeos: I wouldn't worry much about it, those home screen icons are disappearing soon14:03
dyamstsdgeos: he has fixed the dash too14:03
tsdgeosgreyback: are they?14:03
greybacktsdgeos: yep, instead we'll have a "home lens"14:04
tsdgeosi see14:04
tsdgeosok, i won't care about the brokenness in there14:04
greybackor possible nothing but a search box. Design isn't concrete14:04
mhall119didrocks: ping14:04
didrocksmhall119: hey! :)14:04
dyamstsdgeos: did you get shell launcher RTL working>14:04
mhall119will you have a bit of time today to talk with me about quickly and singlet?14:04
tsdgeosdyams: yes14:05
dyamstsdgeos: branch already in launchpad?14:05
didrocksmhall119: yeah, in 15 minutes?14:05
dyamstsdgeos: so how to test RTL now?14:05
tsdgeosdyams: not yet, i can put it there if you want but there's things that are missing (i.e. keyboard navigation)14:05
dyamstsdgeos: so how do you test RTL now?14:05
tsdgeosdyams: you start shell with -reverse14:06
mhall119didrocks: works for me14:06
dyamstsdgeos: ah..ok..14:06
dyamstsdgeos: keyboard nav is ok. does edge hit detection works already?14:06
tsdgeosdyams: yes14:07
dyamstsdgeos: in RTL, i mean14:07
dyamstsdgeos: ok14:07
dyamstsdgeos: ok..lemme kno when you have a branch14:07
davmor2MacSlow: Hey dude with notifyosd is there a plan for it to list the application that triggered the notification?   currently in orca it just says notification notifyosd for everything14:15
Saviqtsdgeos, can you check out these tests on your side http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/818851/ ?14:19
tsdgeosSaviq: is this the ones with the xtest?14:20
Saviqtsdgeos, no, that's just the merge from trunk14:20
tsdgeosactaully they are very very similar to the ones with the xtest :D14:20
tsdgeosi did not know the ones with the xtest were there and coded new ones14:20
tsdgeosSaviq: on -shell, right?14:21
Saviqtsdgeos, yes14:21
Saviqthis is merge + port from trunk to shell14:21
mhall119didrocks: ready when you are14:22
didrocksmhall119: sorry, trying to wrap up a discussion and then discuss with you :)14:22
mhall119didrocks: sure, just ping me when you're ready14:23
tsdgeosSaviq: there's a bug in the original test14:25
tsdgeosSaviq: the last test should have a14:25
tsdgeosXDo::Mouse.move(0, 200, 0, true)14:25
tsdgeosat the beginning14:25
Saviqactually it's the first two ones that break here14:26
tsdgeos    XDo::Mouse.move(200, 200, 0, true)14:26
Saviqtsdgeos, would you then fix it for trunk and I'll merge again14:26
tsdgeosi mean14:26
tsdgeosSaviq: with http://paste.kde.org/~tsdgeos/193988/ they all pass in my shell14:27
Saviqtsdgeos, have you seen "MobyBase::BehaviourError: Run failed. Failed to launch application. Exception: The application with Id 21845 is no longer available." before?14:27
tsdgeosi mean14:27
greybackSaviq: means it fails to launch the app14:27
tsdgeoshappens sometimes14:27
tsdgeosSaviq: check you don't have a unity-2d-places around14:27
Saviqgood idea14:28
greybackSaviq: or app shuts down itself14:28
Saviqso qttasserver should show whassup14:28
SaviqI mean cockserver14:28
nerochiaroSaviq: official name now ? ;)14:28
greybackUsually if I've old Dash running, the Shell will quit14:28
greybackSaviq: this is a family IRC channel, we'll have none of that here14:29
nerochiarogreyback: no male avians in this channel !14:29
greybackI pronounce it "cute ass server" actually ;)14:29
Saviqgreyback, you owe me a napkin for cleaning my screen, and don't get any ideas14:29
* greyback has many ideas, most of which fail to pass his filth filter14:31
Saviqtsdgeos, ssoo, can you go and merge trunk into shell then?14:32
Saviqthere's only your dash-launcher-interaction tests commit there14:33
Saviqtsdgeos, btw, yes, tests from that paste pass fine14:33
didrocksmhall119: ready! :)14:36
tsdgeosSaviq: what you mean with if i can merge trunk into shell?14:36
tsdgeosSaviq: this is the fix for trunk https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity-2d/unity-2d_test_mouse_fixlet/+merge/9044114:37
mhall119didrocks: hangout, irc, what?14:38
didrocksmhall119: irc sounds fine14:38
didrocksmhall119: so, singlet and quickly, I think we need to go through singlet together so that I can see how I can integrate that14:39
didrocksshould I take trunk?14:39
mhall119didrocks: yeah14:39
mhall119right now all Singlet does code-wise is hide the GObjects for Unity.Lens and Unity.Scope behind a python metaclass14:40
Saviqtsdgeos, `bzr switch shell; bzr merge trunk; bzr resolve; bzr push`14:40
Saviqtsdgeos, that's what I mean by merging trunk into shell14:40
Saviqtsdgeos, but let me review the above first14:40
mhall119and it handles all the signal connections automatically14:40
tsdgeosSaviq: ok14:40
mhall119but it also has an inner Meta class, like Django models, which lets you give descriptive data about your lens14:40
mhall119then it has a utility script that will convert that meta data into a .lens and .service files for the lens14:41
didrocksinteresting :)14:41
mhall119so quickly would let us have templates for those .lens and .service files, and replace strings with project names, correct?14:42
didrocksmhall119: yeah, I'm pondering if we need to use this MetaClass with quickly14:42
mhall119didrocks: some of it would still be useful, because it lets you specify how the lens should behave too14:43
mhall119but the parts that are only used for generating those files we wouldn't need14:43
didrocksmhall119: ah, do you have any examples?14:43
didrockstest/singlescope is the simplest lens you can create, right?14:44
mhall119didrocks: search_on_blank specifies whether the search function should be called when there isn't a search string14:44
mhall119yeah, singlescope is pretty basic14:44
mhall119there's also _order variables for category and filter14:45
mhall119and I think search_hint is used in code as well as for the .lens14:45
mhall119likely more will be added as things develop14:46
mhall119so we'll want the Meta class in some form to remain in singlet14:46
didrockssearch_hint is used in the code?14:46
didrocks(not sure about what you mean by the _order variable)14:47
didrocksit's to override the default order you have setting in IconViewCategory, for instance?14:47
mhall119didrocks: it's to specify an order for the categories to be displayed in14:48
mhall119since the meta-class doesn't necessarily give them to singlet in the order they are defined in the code14:48
mhall119it passed them as an unordered dict14:48
didrockshum? sorry, we probably don't speak about the same thing or I'm not seeing that right:14:49
didrockscat1 = IconViewCategory("Cat One", "stock_yet")14:49
didrocksit's part of class TestLens(SingleScopeLens):14:49
didrocks(not from the Meta class)14:49
didrocksor is there something obvious I'm missing? :)14:49
mhall119sorry, conflicting terms14:50
mhall119Meta is just a normal inner class that holds data about the Lens we're making14:50
mhall119in this case, TestLens.Meta describes TestLens14:50
didrocksok for that :)14:50
mhall119TestLens inherits from SingleScopeLens14:51
mhall119SingleScopeLens has a __metaclass__, which is LensBuilder14:51
didrocksah, makes more sense :)14:52
mhall119LensBuilder is given a list of attributes in the class, this includes Meta, cat1, cat2, and search(), from this list of attribute it builds a python class at runtime14:52
mhall119the reason for category_order is because sometimes LensBuilder gets cat2 first, then cat114:52
didrockswhat's the second parameter for every category?14:53
didrocksok :)14:53
didrocksthis starts to make sense to me :)14:53
didrocksoh, I think you don't need to freeze_notify() or thaw_notify() with latest dee14:54
didrocks(well, the one coming in 5.214:54
didrocksalso there are some changes for "empty" search14:54
mhall119didrocks: yeah, I need to update it all to Unity5 API14:55
didrocksok :)14:55
mhall119will 5.2 make it into Precise?14:55
didrocksyeah, next Thursday14:55
didrocks(freeze on Monday)14:55
didrocksdid you have a look at a quickly boiler plate template ?14:56
davmor2gord: Hud + orca it doesn't read out the options as you go down them14:56
gorddavmor2, i know14:56
davmor2gord: want a bug?14:56
gordAlanBell, pointed it out about five seconds after we went public14:56
davmor2gord: no probs14:56
mhall119didrocks: yeah, but I wasn't sure about how much of the .lens and .service files I could make with it14:57
didrocksmhall119: my suggestion would be that we try to remove the .lens and .service generation and put that on the boiler plate14:58
didrocks(which is named when you quickly "create")14:58
didrocksthen, what we do generally is having a starting binary in bin/14:58
mhall119ok, so we'll need to fill in things like description, search hint, icon, etc14:58
didrocksand a module with project_name14:58
mhall119can we do that with quickly create?14:58
didrockscontaining the other files14:59
didrocksmhall119: each commands are tied to a template14:59
didrocksso we just need to write a differente create.py :)14:59
Saviqnote to self: "find -name *moved -o exec rm -R {} +" == "rm -R ."; crap.14:59
didrocks(also, not everything is mandatory)14:59
mterrynjpatel, heyo.  I'm working on the unity-greeter and animating the scrolling user list.  I'm having a hard time making it smooth (fast is easy, and I have easing, but smooth as in not laggy or whatever).  Are there low-hanging gtk optimizations or common animating pitfalls I might be falling to?15:00
didrocksmhall119: so we can imagine creating a quickly "describe" command15:00
didrocksor our template15:00
mhall119ah, ok15:00
mhall119didrocks: would it make sense to have the custom quickly commands just generate the files like the singlet commands currently do?15:01
didrocksmhall119: the obvious question is about the src/singlet directory, do you want that being shared and commiting to some API then?15:01
mhall119or have the quickly command just call the singlet command for that matter15:01
mhall119singlet will have to become an independent package15:01
mhall119which users and developers would install15:01
didrocksmhall119: TBH, I think we shouldn't really on src/singlet/utils.py15:01
tsdgeosSaviq: greyback: guys, what's AppNameApplet used for?15:01
njpatelmterry, I guess you're scrolling gtk widgets/15:02
Saviqtsdgeos, it's the whole thing left of indicators15:02
didrocksmhall119: ok, so we remove the "generation" part from it15:02
Saviqtsdgeos, title bar / menubar15:02
didrocksand just turn it into a python module15:02
mterrynjpatel, yeah, well, scrolling with custom draw code yeah15:02
mhall119didrocks: we can do away with utils.py by putting that stuff into the quickly template code15:02
tsdgeosSaviq: ah :D15:02
didrocksmhall119: exactly15:02
Saviqor in your case right now it might be: "right of indicators"15:02
mhall119that works for me, then singlet is just a runtime library15:02
tsdgeosoh right, it's on the panel15:02
njpatelmterry, the main thing is to make sure you're not causing too many expose events, which will  be slow. another thing is to just snapshot a widget and paint it's snapshot on expose, instead of making it go through it's entire paint cycle (in which it could be doing other things), again and again15:02
didrocksmhall119: excellent! and so, we need to create a boiler plate :)15:03
didrocksmhall119: I think we can keep it into one file, meaning, not having a real module15:03
mhall119didrocks: yes15:03
* Saviq loves BackupPC15:03
didrocksmhall119: so, I would suggest bin/<project_name>15:03
mhall119keep what into one file, the lens code template?15:03
njpatelmterry, I hope that makes sense, it's difficult to get right, through :/15:03
didrocksand this import from singlet15:03
didrocksthen in data/ the .lens and .service15:04
njpatelmterry, the other thing is to make sure you're not accidently setting off expose/draw events outside of the widget (like accidently causing the entire window to redraw)15:04
mterrynjpatel, snapshotting will be tough, as we apply a fade-out alpha as things scroll away.  Any common reasons for exposing too much?15:04
didrocksmterry: so, you told that some metadata are needed to be duplicated?15:05
didrocksoupss mhall119 ^^15:05
njpatelmterry, timers that are too fast (so you're drawing multiple times between a vsync for no reason), widgets automatically calling expose on their parents or ancestors (gtk-window), which cause the entire app to repaint15:05
mterrynjpatel, my timers are 16ms.  too fast?15:06
tsdgeosSaviq: i think there's a bad merge, Dash.qml uses DashDeclarativeView.FullScreenMode, and there's no DashDeclarativeView anymore15:07
didrocksmhall119: basically, even the dbus name seems to be based on the project name (which is good :))15:07
Saviqnerochiaro, ^^15:07
njpatelmterry, one sec, let me dig up some old code to see what i did :)15:07
didrocksmhall119: maybe for the search_hint (if you need it in the code too, it can load from the .lens file? (we have to take into account the "trunk" and "installed" case)15:07
Saviqtsdgeos, lineno?15:09
tsdgeosSaviq: 6815:09
tsdgeosSaviq: well, not bad merge per se, just that needs to be fixed because of -shell is different15:09
Saviqtsdgeos, in Dash.qml?15:09
Saviqtsdgeos, looks good to me15:09
tsdgeosSaviq: yes15:09
njpatelmterry, used the same in unity, but now checking an actual gtk app15:09
Saviqtsdgeos, sure you're on current shell?15:09
Saviqnot on trunk?15:09
tsdgeosSaviq: there is no more DashDeclarativeView in shell15:09
Saviqtsdgeos, yes, and there is no DashDeclarativeView in what I'm looking at15:10
njpatelmterry, same in gwibber15:10
Saviqonly ShellDeclarativeView15:10
mhall119didrocks: search_hints is set to self._lens.props.search_hint15:10
Saviqtsdgeos, sounds like you have your branches mixed up15:10
tsdgeosmaybe i'm old and need to remerge15:10
njpatelmterry, i'd override some draw calls to just paint a flat colour and see if it makes a difference15:10
mhall119not sure if that's necessary or not, but it was in the example code I based my lenses off of15:10
njpatel(and then work on from there)15:10
Saviqtsdgeos, you might need to overwrite shell15:11
mterrynjpatel, ok, will try15:11
Saviqtsdgeos, 'cause Ugo had an issue earlier15:11
Saviqbut you'd have to be very unlucky to have gotten that15:11
tsdgeosall is fine15:11
tsdgeosi was missing a merge15:11
njpatelmterry, also, make sure no calculations/external calls are happening in any of the draw() overrides as much as possible, as that'll slow things down15:11
didrocksmhall119: I think maybe it's when you want to override the search_hint in the .lens file, mhr3 ? ^15:11
mhall119didrocks: maybe15:11
mhall119I just cargo-culted stuff from davidcalle15:11
mterrynjpatel, I do do some calculations for easing...  Is there a trick to calculate those up front or something?15:12
mhr3didrocks, mhall119 what's the issue?15:12
didrocksmhall119: let's see if it's useful, if it's not, I think we can avoid putting a value by default to not override the .lens file (but still let it so that people who wants to override can)15:12
mhall119mhr3: is setting self._lens.props.search_hint in lens code necessary if we have a search_hin in the .lens file?15:13
njpatelmterry, they should be okay, normally you'd calculate the overall factor or progress when the timeout callback is called, before queue_draw() is called, though, as I said, it's just mathes, I don't think it'll be that bad15:14
mhr3mhall119, i think so, the string from the lens file is used only before the lens loads... although it might ignore an empty string coming from a lens... not sure15:14
didrocksmhall119: if you can test with an empty text, that would be interesting15:15
nerochiaroSaviq: tsdgeos: i think i fixed that15:15
mhall119mhr3: the string in the .lens is only used before it loads?15:15
didrocksin that case, no need to read from the .lens file15:15
davidcallemhr3, is set_reply_hint supposed to work now?15:15
tsdgeosnerochiaro: yes, sorry, my bad, it's all ok15:15
mhall119didrocks: I'll need to update singlet to unity5 before I can test15:15
nerochiarotsdgeos: ok, great15:15
mhr3davidcalle, sending over dbus? yes; displaying it? no15:15
davidcallemhall119, let me check.15:15
davidcallemhr3, ok :)15:16
mhall119didrocks: so the next concern is making sure that the packaging we generate is appropriate for submitting lenses to the ARB15:16
didrocksmhall119: yeah, I think this is 1. ;) 2. is to put the lens boiler plate, using a packaged singlet module in one file (not very different to your test/ file)15:16
mhall119stuff like putting things in /opt/15:16
didrocksmhall119: yeah, that's one of the issue15:16
didrocksmhall119: the .lens detected by unity are only in /usr15:16
didrocksmhall119: and some for the .service file15:16
mhr3mhall119, that's how i understood it15:16
didrocksmhall119: the unity one can be easy, the dbus service…15:17
mhall119should still be easy, shouldn't it?15:17
didrocksI'm trying to warn the ARB for that since it's created15:17
didrocksmhall119: politically, it's difficult :15:17
mhall119but not difficult to put stuff in /usr/share/unity?15:17
didrocksno :)15:17
didrocksbut I guess the ARB didn't want that?15:17
mhall119davidcalle: for your lenses/scopes, where did you put the .lens and .service files?15:18
davidcallemhall119, didrocks : about the search_hint : if the .lens file is empty string, it picks up from the daemon. If the daemon is empty string, nothing is ever displayed.15:20
mhall119ok, so didrocks I think we can just have that in the code template and not in the .lens15:20
didrocksmhall119: or singlet can read it from the .lens file?15:21
nerochiaroSaviq: please ignore the branch i asked you to test earlier. I instead pushed a workaround for that issue I mentioned and put everything for review at https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-2d-team/unity-2d/unity-2d-shell-panel-dash-buttons/+merge/90450  (this supercedes the old panel buttons for dash MR you already reviewed)15:22
didrocksdavidcalle: thanks for the info ;)15:22
nerochiaroSaviq: there's a fixme in the code where the workaround is15:22
mhall119it doesn't seem the search_hint in the .lens does much15:22
davidcallemhall119,  both in /usr/ with every file name prefixed by "extras-"15:22
mhall119davidcalle: ah, was that the ARB's approved solution?15:22
nerochiaroSaviq: also i'm gonna submit the new buttons assets as a separate MR, since it's not strictly related to just bringing back the buttons functionality15:22
didrocksmhall119: oh, you want completely removed from the .lens file?15:23
didrocksmhall119: that would make sens as it's shouldn't be displayed before the lens daemon is started15:23
didrocksok, let's do that for now (so not in the .lens file)15:23
didrocksmhall119: ok, so I think unfortunately for you that the 2 first steps are for you :)15:24
davidcallemhall119, yes. If you are still on Oneiric, you can install unity-lens-utilities for usc and check what it looks like in /usr/share/unity/lenses . It ain't pretty :)15:24
didrocks1. bump to 5.0 api15:24
didrocks2. have singlet as a python module and a boilerplate in bin/ using it (and no more generation of a .lens file)15:24
mhall119didrocks: /w 4115:25
didrockswe don't handle the case if someone wants to change the dbus name?15:25
didrocks(that's where reading from the .lens file can help)15:25
mhall119didrocks: aah, that was another one that was in both code and .lens15:25
didrocksor we have a defined name based on lens name from the start?15:25
didrocksyeah, we can either:15:26
didrocks- force it or fix it15:26
didrocks- or we can put in the .lens file and read from there15:26
mhall119I think we make a sane default in both, based on the project name, and if they want to change it they'll have to change it in both15:26
didrocksdo you agree with the 2 first steps? Then, I'll try to turn your bin/ file to a quickly template, creating the .lens, .service and generating the code, packaging…15:27
mhall119didrocks: yeah, should I package singlet for universe or extras?15:28
didrocksmhall119: I would say it can be in universe15:28
tsdgeosSaviq: ping15:28
mhall119didrocks: sounds good to me then15:29
didrocksmhall119: ping me if you need review/sponsoring :)15:29
tsdgeosgreyback: ping to you too15:29
mhall119didrocks: s/if/when/15:29
didrocksheh ;)15:29
didrocksmhall119: thanks a lot, I think we have a good plan :)15:30
mhall119cool, thanks for the help15:30
mhall119hopefully I'll have time to start hacking on singlet again today15:30
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, here15:30
greybacktsdgeos: here15:30
tsdgeosgreyback: Saviq: so i think i'm on a point in which the rtl that is missing in -shell is the same that is missing in non shell, i.e. i'm starting to merge stuff from the MR of hagggai15:31
Saviqtsdgeos, please have a separate MR for that15:31
tsdgeosgreyback: Saviq: so i'm wondering what you guys prefer me to do, add his stuff in my code or just push the code i have now?15:32
Saviqtsdgeos, push what you have now15:32
tsdgeosmakes sense15:32
tsdgeosi was in "fix all rtl mode" :D15:32
Saviqyeah :)15:32
greybackwoo RTL people will love you15:32
tsdgeosSaviq: so that merge you wanted me to do, still want me to do it?15:34
Saviqtsdgeos, I was waiting for tarmac to pick up the latest MR15:34
tsdgeosSaviq: ah, ok15:34
Saviqit doesn't seem to have done that yet15:34
Saviqor did it...15:35
tsdgeosi got the mail15:35
tsdgeosso it probably did15:35
SaviqI didn't15:35
Saviqok then let me try again and I'll let you know if I fail15:36
Saviqtsdgeos, you grab something from kanban afterwards15:36
tsdgeosi found another bug regargind focus handling15:36
tsdgeosgoing to tackle that now15:36
Saviqyep saw that15:37
tsdgeosSaviq: greyback: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity-2d/unity-2d-shell_rtl/+merge/9045515:38
didrocksmhall119: good luck with the hacking :)15:39
Saviqtsdgeos, re input shaping, you don't seem to have done anything with the mask15:39
tsdgeosSaviq: i haven't but i can click on the dash, i.e. "it works"15:40
Saviqtsdgeos, I mean just the corner15:40
Saviqit has the rounded mask applied15:40
Saviqif you haven't touched it15:40
Saviqit will be... cutting off the right hand part of the dash15:41
tsdgeoslooks fine i think15:41
Saviqtsdgeos, it looks fine, yes15:42
Saviqbut try putting a gedit window behind the dash15:42
Saviqand move your mouse close to the lower corners of the dash15:42
Saviqor use tests/getshape to get a PNG of the window's shape15:42
Saviqyou'll see what I mean15:42
tsdgeosah, i see what you mean15:43
tsdgeosok, put it to needs fixing :D15:43
Saviqhuh, you got linked to https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-2d/+bug/920894 ...15:44
tsdgeosso the getshape thing tests that?15:44
ubot5`Launchpad bug 920894 in unity-2d "wrong use-struts key in gsettings schema causes gsettings-data-convert crash" [Undecided,Fix committed]15:44
Saviqtsdgeos, yes15:44
tsdgeosi did?15:45
Saviqtsdgeos, think that's some LP's weirdness15:45
Saviqtsdgeos, getshape gets a window's shape from X and puts it into a png15:45
tsdgeosSaviq: probably due to revision 93615:45
tsdgeosthe LP thing i mean15:45
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, why is that there btw?15:45
Saviqnerochiaro's tests generate the "expected" input shape with imagemagick15:46
Saviqand then compare the two images15:46
tsdgeosbecause it did not let me do a message log on commit15:46
tsdgeosi did merge15:46
tsdgeosand did "autocommit" without a message log15:46
tsdgeosdon't know why15:46
Saviqtsdgeos, btw, did you do anything to get -reverse working properly or did it just happen for you?15:46
nerochiaroSaviq: sometimes the shape is generated with IM, sometimes it's a fixed image, sometimes a combination of both15:47
tsdgeosSaviq: just works15:47
Saviqnerochiaro, yeah yeah, I was oversimplifying15:47
nerochiaroSaviq: oh, ok, thought there was a problem with it (wasn't reading all the scrollback)15:47
Saviqnerochiaro, nah, I was just describing how the tests work and what getshape is for15:48
Saviqtsdgeos, all in all, you just need some RTL tests in input_shaping.rb, too15:49
tsdgeosSaviq: yep15:49
Saviqshould be easy to adapt them15:49
greybacktsdgeos: how do you set RTL mode in the tests?15:50
tsdgeosgreyback: -reverse15:50
nerochiaroSaviq: MR for new panel button assets submitted separately as https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-2d-team/unity-2d/unity-2d-shell-panel-newbuttons/+merge/9045815:50
Saviqnerochiaro, thanks15:51
greybacktsdgeos: ahh, I didn't know about that15:51
Saviqgreyback, yeah, that was a pro tip from a proper Qt coder, not like us, only doing fun QML stuff ;)15:52
Saviqtsdgeos, the home screen in RTL is moved to the right, did you just ignore that due to home screen being replaced soon or?15:53
tsdgeosSaviq: yes15:53
tsdgeosSaviq: there's a comment in there ;)15:53
greybackSaviq: :P15:53
Saviqooh fun stuff15:53
Saviqtsdgeos, ok, I was only going functional on it15:54
Saviqyou can go left from the lens bar into the launcher15:54
tsdgeosSaviq: sure, from that point on, nothing works15:54
tsdgeosleft is right and right is left15:54
tsdgeosand your world is sad15:54
tsdgeosthat's what haggais MR fixes15:54
cyphermoxhow do I enable debug mode for Unity, to display the debug messages from LOG_DEBUG .... ?15:54
=== dbarth_ is now known as dbarth
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, I know, but I mean that you _can_ go from lens bar to launcher15:57
Saviqwhich shouldn't happen, left or right15:57
Saviqkanban card added15:57
tsdgeosshouldn't happen?15:57
tsdgeosoh :D15:57
* tsdgeos actually likes it15:58
Saviqtsdgeos, design doesn't15:58
tsdgeosjust don't tell them ;-)15:58
Saviqtsdgeos, I would like to be able to navigate between launcher and dash, sure15:58
Saviqnot sure there's a huge usecase, though15:58
tsdgeosnot really15:59
Saviqand definitely not when you can only go from the lens bar15:59
Saviqand not the rest of the dash15:59
Saviqit's a leftover from tv, really15:59
Saviqtsdgeos, re getshape bindir, you had to have that for out-of-source builds?16:01
tsdgeosSaviq: nerochiaro: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity-2d/unity-2d-shell_get_shape_builddir/+merge/90462 for weirdos like me? pretty please16:01
tsdgeosSaviq: yep16:01
greybacktsdgeos: your autohide test file is broken, the comments are missing from line 176 on16:01
Saviqtsdgeos, no weirdos at all, I'm going to build out of source very soon, too16:01
Saviqtsdgeos, esp. moving between shell and non-shell16:02
Saviqis a pain16:02
tsdgeosgreyback: hmmm, which file?16:02
greybacktsdgeos: ./launcher/autohide_show_tests_rtl.rb16:02
nerochiarotsdgeos: sorry, i'm not sure what you need there16:04
tsdgeosgreyback: wops16:04
tsdgeosnerochiaro: it's just so that i can build in a different dir16:05
tsdgeosit's the same way we get the paths in run-tests.rb16:05
tsdgeosi did not invent anything, just copied from greyback16:05
Saviqhey all, EOW for me, have a great weekend and see you next week16:06
greybackSaviq: have a good one16:06
greybacktsdgeos: in MM, the launcher tooltips are showing on the wrong monitor16:06
nerochiarotsdgeos: didn't test it, but makes sense to me16:07
tsdgeosgreyback: err? me?16:07
greybacktsdgeos: is there any other tsdgeos here :)16:07
tsdgeosgreyback: no, but what does MM have to do with me?16:07
tsdgeosgreyback: or you mean rtl + MM ?16:07
greybacktsdgeos:  yep16:08
greybackI'm reviewing your RTL stuff now16:08
tsdgeosgreyback: and it works with current unity-2d ?16:08
greybacktsdgeos: I believe so, lemme check16:08
tsdgeosgreyback: take into account i only made it work the same as unity-2d, which is almost "not working at all"16:08
greybacktsdgeos: actually I'm wrong, it's broken there too. My bad16:09
tsdgeosgreyback: ok16:10
tsdgeosgreyback: added you to https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity-2d/unity-2d-shell_get_shape_builddir/+merge/90462 too16:10
greybacktsdgeos: ok16:10
tsdgeosnerochiaro: fancy a small discussion about getshape tests?16:31
nerochiarotsdgeos: i'm in a meeting now16:37
tsdgeosnerochiaro: morning then16:38
tsdgeoshappy WE to all16:38
tsdgeosnerochiaro: next week i mean :D16:38
nerochiarotsdgeos: ok, monday morning. happy weekend16:38
nerochiarohope it doesn't rain16:38
nerochiaroi've got a calcotada going ;)16:38
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=== Pici is now known as Guest34884
=== Jens is now known as Guest47298
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bil21alhow to install indicator time and date in unity ?18:50
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Daekdroomindicator-datetime package, s9iper118:51
s9iper1daekdroom:can you tell me the exact commend?18:52
Daekdrooms9iper1, sudo apt-get install indicator-datetime18:53
s9iper1om26er: is the unity hud is for precise with unity 5.0  or also support 11.1019:14
om26erno its for precise only19:14
s9iper1ok thanks19:14
=== Guest34884 is now known as Pici
AlanBellI am doing a bit of messing about with ccsm to make it more robust, smooth off any rough edges and sharp corners etc22:51
AlanBellwhat I am finding is that changing a plugin activation status unloads and loads the whole stack, which often segfaults like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/819346/22:51
mhall119that seems excessive22:52
AlanBellit looks to me like unity is not cleanly unloading itself and leaves hanging pointers to things and causes it all to fail in a most undignified way22:53
AlanBellmhall119: I am not 100% sure it is intentionally unloading and reloading the stack, but I think it is. Plugin loading order is kind of important for some of them22:55
mhall119ah, is this a lazy way of avoiding calculating dependency resolution?23:06
mhall119AlanBell: if those are nux bugs, please let me know when you file them so I can keep track of it23:08
AlanBellI have no idea if they are nux bugs. They look like they are happening in C++ code, therefore are not CCSM's fault23:09
mhall119right, but we still need bug reports to fix them23:09
mhall119maybe if we fix those, ccsm won't segfault anymore23:09
AlanBellmight be unity failing to release some nux based assets23:09
AlanBellI will try and reproduce it on a cleaner machine23:10
AlanBellas far as I can make out when a plugin is turned on or off it itterates through the list of all plugins which are supposed to be active, and calls plugin.Read()23:13
AlanBellwhich I suspect tells the plugin to read and apply it's changed config settings, and enables it if it wasn't previously enabled. At this point everything vanishes from the screen, the segfault happens and after a while it all comes back (sometimes with a bit of prompting from a tty session)23:15

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