
musterninjai: You can give uid option in fstab I guess, but I'm not sure anymore.. :(00:00
pp7does everyone copy and paste names when replying to people in the channel or is there some quicker way with xchat?00:00
dat789what's you all saying?00:00
dfabbquestion!! how do i get file transfer to a compiuter with blocked http00:00
dat789use tab00:00
_Marcuspp7: Type the begining of their name and press tab00:00
dat789like AaronCampbell00:01
pp7ah nice00:01
pp7nice tip thx :)00:01
grendal-primeI got a sctipt i wrote in php.00:01
dat789i mean just like you'd within konsole / terminal for filenames00:01
dfabbi need  portable firefox or browser so i can prixy thru it00:01
musterpp7: I type and tab, and I hate looooooong nicks!00:01
grendal-primeI want to put it somewhere  in my path so i can execute it from anywhere on the box00:01
pp7muster, yea00:01
grendal-primewhere would i put that?00:01
=== _Marcus is now known as _Marcus_reallylo
=== _Marcus_reallylo is now known as _Marcus
dat789bee 15 years ago since i was on irc00:02
musterdat789, welcome back old friend :)00:02
ninjaihow do i find my uuid?00:02
bastidrazorninjai: sudo blkid00:03
dat789how do i look for other channels?00:04
bastidrazor!alis | dat78900:04
ubottudat789: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*00:04
musterdat789, searchirc.com00:04
pfifoDr_Willis, are you all-knowing and omnipotent or just all-knowing?00:05
=== Wyobcowany_Ozi is now known as ozior
ninjaijesus.  I don't get it.  As my user on one system I can sudo mount a samba share and get 777 access to everytinhg (all files are owned by root).  When I do it on a mirrored system, I get  755 permissions!  Why!?00:05
=== jsurfer__ is now known as jsurfer
pfifoninjai, right off the top of my head i would say look at smb.conf, or better yet copy it from the working computer to the clone00:06
timesupervisorHello guys?00:06
timesupervisorcan anyone help me with an ubuntu mouse pointer problem?00:07
mustertimesupervisor, not sure, but shoot..00:07
timesupervisorMy mouse pointer gets invisible in some applications... any application, except firefox00:08
timesupervisori just installed ubuntu and removed genuine windows 7 pro :D00:08
mustertimesupervisor: ah, unity, I'm still on lucid :)00:08
timesupervisormuster: erm, no ideea bout it?00:08
pfifotimesupervisor, your allowed to dual-boot00:08
timesupervisorit worked before00:08
timesupervisoryeah windows sucks.00:09
mikekname JeffreyJones00:09
timesupervisorit worked before re-installing, any ideeas?00:09
=== max is now known as Guest91361
_MarcusI am starting a daemon process in my SSH session, but when I leave it stops, how do I prevent it from doing this?00:09
pfifotimesupervisor, do you happen to have another DE installed? does it have the same problem?00:09
mustertimesupervisor: strange; no idea..00:10
myndziyesterday i installed ubuntu server in a virtual machine, added vmware tools and a desktop environment, everything went fine00:10
_MarcusThe program is supposed to start as a daemon process, I didn't use any command to do it00:10
myndzithen it started doing some weird infinite loop after a reboot when trying to start x00:10
=== jsec is now known as Guest80981
myndzii figured i messed something up and started from scratch, but it still does the loop00:10
myndzihow can i figure out what's going on and fix it?00:10
=== alaa is now known as Alaa
muster_Marcus, did you try nohup?00:10
_Marcusmuster: What is nohup?00:11
comawhiteif I install Ubuntu server. Is there a way to see the server desktop via another distro and windows?00:11
timesupervisorpfifo: de stands for..?00:11
dfabbis when ur process dont get kicked in the ass when u left00:11
Dr_Willis_Marcus:  starting what service exactly?00:12
muster_Marcus, it allows a program to run without a terminal00:12
comawhitedfabb, "u" is not a word, but rather a letter.00:12
dfabbwhatever... am not trying to look smart o anything like that00:12
timesupervisorpfifo: de stands for?00:12
blockyif I run lvreduce to shrink a logical volume will it erase whatever is on the volume00:12
dfabbso please back off uf u pretend to be some grammar nazi00:12
comawhitedfabb, well it ain't going to hurt you to type two extras letters either00:13
timesupervisor@pfifo, de=?00:13
=== jsurfer_ is now known as jsurfer
dfabbi would waste keystrokes for sure00:13
pfifotimesupervisor, Desktop Enviroment, such as xfce or lxde00:13
timesupervisoronly unity...00:13
timesupervisori got this after installing wine..00:14
_MarcusIt's working now, thank you00:14
psyrushi there, i wanted to tell everyone that alien arena does NOT work yet in ubuntu 11.100:14
pp7psyrus, thx :P00:15
Dr_Willis!bug > psyrus00:15
ubottupsyrus, please see my private message00:15
pp7!bug > pp700:15
ubottupp7, please see my private message00:15
clouder`grrhad anyone else had issues with kernel and virtualbox auto resize?00:15
timesupervisor~Mouse pointer invisible in some applications *Ubuntu 11.10, Unity*~ Ideeas? -- Maybe it's a wine 1337 bug?00:15
psyruspp7, thnx i will00:15
pp7__psyrus, u meant that for Dr_Willis00:16
RussianHello, Is it possible to Authenticate Nautilus-Elementary before I install it?00:16
Dr_Willisthat would be a weird wine  bug if it affected the pointer just by being installed.00:16
timesupervisor~Mouse pointer invisible in some applications *Ubuntu 11.10, Unity*~ Ideeas? ~~ Maybe a wine 1.3.37 bug? ~ Please help, can't even scroll up in IRC ;[00:16
Dr_Willisif you are not running any apps in wine. I dont see how it could be a wine bug.00:17
timesupervisorDr_Willis, from the release notes i read that there's a mouse pointer bug00:17
timesupervisorno i'm not..00:17
psyruspp7__,  okay um. well when i type in the package name, do i put exaclty (within the quotes) ubuntu-bug "alien arena" (with the space and all that ?)00:17
pp7__psyrus, dunno00:17
psyrusi'll try00:17
timesupervisorwhat is the process name for wine?00:18
psyruswine is not an emulator00:18
timesupervisorthe process name00:18
Dr_Willistry ps ax | grep wine00:18
psyrusoh dunno00:18
timesupervisorfor killing from terminal00:18
timesupervisor~Mouse pointer invisible in some applications *Ubuntu 11.10, Unity*~ Ideeas? ~I'm on Alienware M18.00:20
psyrusdoes ubuntu not give me some sorta acknowledgement after i run the ubuntu-bug command????00:20
metaspikecan you give an example timesupervisor ?00:20
Dr_Willistimesupervisor:  make a new user see if it affects them. (ie with default settings)00:20
metaspikepsyrus: maybe there's a -v switch or such?00:20
timesupervisorexample? this irc, i can't scroll down00:20
Dr_Willistimesupervisor:  theres dozens of irc clients...00:21
RussianAnyone here using Nautilus-Elementary, I need some help?00:21
psyrusmetaspike,  whats -v do to it ?00:21
timesupervisori can't even see it on the unity bar00:21
timesupervisoron menus00:21
timesupervisorexcept terminal and firefox.00:21
timesupervisorand Mono00:21
spaesis there any way to disable the graphical ssh-askpass prompt? I can't figure out what is calling it when I login to this remote machine. the ssh_askpass environment variable isn't set00:21
psyrusubottu didn't say anything about adding arguments to the ubuntu-bug command00:21
ubottupsyrus: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:21
metaspikepsyrus: well... if you - man ubuntu-bug - or - ubuntu --help - you will prob see a verbosity switch00:21
psyrusomfg ... thats cute00:21
timesupervisorubottu teach me kung-fu.00:22
ubottutimesupervisor: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:22
timesupervisorubottu, kill a rabbit.00:22
ubottutimesupervisor: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:22
metaspiketimesupervisor: that's messed up... something to do with compiz / video drivers? also, leave the poor bot alobe :(00:23
=== oyvind is now known as oyvind1
oyvind1hi guys, how do I install the no_NO locale in ubuntu ?00:23
metaspikealobe :D alone00:23
timesupervisor.. metaspike, it worked before installing playonlinux suite.00:23
Dr_Willistimesupervisor:  i would test by making a new user. and seeing if the new user has the same issue.00:23
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».00:23
timesupervisor@Dr_Willis, sure thing.00:24
timesupervisorubottu, sudo make me a new user00:24
ubottutimesupervisor: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:24
psyeis this real? -> http://adf.ly/50eZt00:24
psyrusits prolly one of those rouge virus scanner websites00:24
timesupervisorhow am i gonna make a new user without a mouse pointer? i need a dummie-tutorial.00:25
metaspikepsye, ew.00:25
Dr_Willistimesupervisor:  from the console/terminal via the adduser command.....00:25
metaspiketimesupervisor: sudo adduser00:25
psyrusmetaspike tell me what that website is please it sounds nasty00:25
timesupervisorok logging in00:26
metaspikepsyrus: a shortened url, checked it, asked me for javascript to do anything. no way.00:26
danneli'm into nasty things, what is this url?00:27
clouder`grrpsyrus, it's a picture of a curvaceous girl taking a picture of herself in the mirror00:27
danneloH, cleavage00:28
psyrusmetaspike when u said ew, it sounded like one of those shocker images or is it some stupid porn site ?00:28
metaspikedon't know, don't care. ot00:28
psyrusi've seen the goatse pics they are horrible dont ever loook because the scene will never leave your head afterword its so bad00:28
ProreaderCome join us on #wolfgame for a game of werewolf! Advertisement! Yay!00:29
Dr_Willistime to let it drop psyrus....00:29
timesupervisorDamn!!!! MY mouse pointer works on other users00:29
timesupervisorhow do i fix it for this user instead?00:29
Dr_Willistimesupervisor:  clean out the problem users settings. one way or another.00:29
dannelpsyrus, best to not talk about those things unless you want to be scolded like a child00:30
Dr_Willishttp://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/how-to-reset-unity-launcher-icons-or.html     may have some help.00:30
Dr_WillisThe ubuntu-tweak tool used tohave a 'reset settungs' feature. but not sure if it still does.00:30
timesupervisorIt's not only unity launcher. It's the whole ui00:30
Dr_Willisread the url... it details more....00:31
timesupervisoreven desktop00:31
psyrusdannel, lol. aight i00:31
metaspikeDr_Willis: rm ~/.playonlinux ? seeing as you say playonlinux is to blame, prehaps ~/.wine - but it's ridiculus, both concern wine and neither should effect the UI like so.00:31
Dr_WillisI doubt if playonlinux is the cause.00:31
timesupervisorcan it be fbi?00:31
Dr_Willisor wine. Most likely he tried to change the pointer.00:31
timesupervisoryou can't do that remotely, can you?00:32
Dr_Willisdo what remotely?00:32
timesupervisormess with people's mouse .00:32
Dr_Willisthe pointer settings getting messed up - is a gui/desktop/compiz/gnome setting.  its just using a bad image for the pointer - so its invisible00:33
Dr_Williswould be my guess00:33
timesupervisorunity reset, no result.00:33
Dr_Willisi would reset the compiz settings first.00:34
balleyneI just upgraded to 11.04, and can't log in to Ubuntu or Ubuntu Classic, but Ubuntu Classic (no effects) works. When I log in with effects, I just get a plain desktop background, no panels or Unity... help?00:34
Dr_Willisthen try the unity ones.. then log out/back in00:34
Dr_Willisballeyne:  tell the channel your video card/chipset.00:34
timesupervisorbunch of unity errors00:34
balleyneVGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc. RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series] (thanks Dr_Willis )00:35
psyrusi was just hinking , does anyone besides me sorta think that ubuntu 11.1 looks a helluva lot like chrome's os ? and i'm starting to not trust google like i used to soo......00:36
Dr_Willisballeyne:  you installed the fglrx/ati drivers from the 'addational drivers' tool?  jockey-gtk from the cli.00:36
Dr_Willispsyrus:  dosent look like it very much to me.00:36
psyrusthe dashbord does00:36
metaspikepsyrus: it's just asthetics, if you're really worried you could always read the licence.00:37
Dr_Willisnext release is changeing the dashbord look a great deal from what i read.00:37
bastidrazorballeyne: i have that same card, ubuntu2D is all ican get working.00:37
Dr_Willis01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc 760G [Radeon 3000]00:37
Dr_Willisis what i got on this cheap box. :)  havent even been able to get the fglrx drivers to instll properly00:38
balleyneDr_Willis, everyone was working before the upgrade, pretty sure I was using fglrx (was xserver-driver-fglrx a while back...)00:38
metaspikeyay for regression! aren't there different versions of fglrx in the repository?00:38
Dr_Willisthis is my only ati box. its just a spare00:38
psyrusmetaspike, software company license and the eula really dont mean much to me anymore.00:38
balleynebastidrazor, hmm, which version of Ubuntu are you using? Do you just avoid Unity?00:39
bastidrazorballeyne: 11.10, everything was fine on 10.04. Unity works in 2D fine on 11.1000:40
oza|whey im using ubuntu 10.04 and i can not get vmware tools to install. I have the kernel headers but it keeps sayign they are wrong?00:40
balleynemetaspike, apt-get prompted me to consider fglrx... trying that package now00:40
bastidrazorballeyne: i'm using the radeon driver00:40
=== bonhoffer_ is now known as bonhoffer
balleynebastidrazor, ok, thanks. I think I'll try to get things to work in 11.04 before I pushed through to 11.10... at least it works with GNOME 2 and effects off now...00:41
OerHeksballeyne, maybe these answers from askubuntu are any help >> http://askubuntu.com/questions/68934/ati-radeon-x1200-seriesrs690m-graphical-drivers-problem00:41
rcmaehlI need help. Whenever I launch nautilus it shows up as "files" in the launcher instead of "Home folder"00:41
rcmaehlhow do I fix this?00:41
FSKgood evening everyone00:41
metaspikercmaehl: im sure there's like a preference thing somewhere00:42
psyrushey oza, i dont know much about vmplayer but when i installed ubuntu 11.1 with it when i was on windows, it installed another vm into the vm linux it had just installed (i hope i just made sense but ...) i didn00:42
mauricessidhello everyone, could anyone help me with my graphics card issue?00:42
balleynehmm, `sudo apt-get install fglrx`  did the trick for Ubuntu Classic log in to work, Unity throws me back to GNOME 2... but that's probably fine for now... thanks OerHeks bastidrazor, Dr_Willis00:43
bastidrazorballeyne: best of luck00:43
oumlaotehi, i'm trying to install oracle 11g DB2 on ubuntu 10.4 32bit. anybody is familiar with the procedur ?00:44
psyrusmauricessid,  what kinda gpu are you using?00:44
timesupervisorThanks Dr_Willis00:44
dr3mroin unity when i enable panel transparency the window title of all windows become transparent how to limit transparency to panel00:44
mauricessidpsyrus: I have the intel / AMD HD 5650 switchable graphics card00:44
timesupervisorIt was a cache problem, solved by restarting.00:44
mauricessidthe vgaswitcheroo is not present in my debug folder00:45
no1homeoumlaote: I've done it before, where are you stuck?00:45
psyrusi dunnoa about the amd one but the i just figured out that all intel's drivers are available in linux.. and ubuntu00:45
mauricessidI would like to enable the AMD GPU for the desktop effects00:45
timesupervisorDr_Willis: bud, how can i thank you, do you have bitcoin?00:45
psyrushave u installed additional drivers ?00:45
mauricessidyes. How do i figure out which card is being used?00:46
psyrusmauricessid,  the 3rd party drivers, did u install them for the amd card ? i am pretty sure the intel ones would have installed automatically if u are running newer ver. of ubuntu00:46
timesupervisorwhat was the command for registering my name? /msg nameserv register pass email?00:46
mauricessidand i read something about modset=1 or something like that00:46
mauricessidi installed the amd drivers via the additional drivers application00:46
damo22anyone want to try midi over the internet?00:47
timesupervisorwhat was the command for registering my name? /msg nameserv register pass email?00:47
theadmintimesupervisor: Correct.00:47
psyrusmauricessid,  well then to see what your video specs are: go to system settings and then system info00:47
metaspikedamo22: keen.00:47
oumlaotewell, a the pre requirement test. Some packages like gcc or make that are allready installed are noted like missing00:47
psyrusmauricessid,  can you like not get the desktop effects to work or something ?00:47
timesupervisortheadmin: It doesn't work.00:47
theadmintimesupervisor: Oh, nickserv, not nameserv00:48
damo22metaspike: can i pm you?00:48
blockyI'm running the 11.10 amd64 livecd and I've got an error that the installer cannot commit changes to partition tables because /dev/cdrom is mounted... I've removed the CDrom but the error message won't let me continue or go back00:48
mauricessidyes, beryl and compiz wont do effects such as wobbly windows and the cube00:48
mauricessidunder system settings00:48
mauricessidit it says driver: (blank)00:48
timesupervisortheadmin: thank you, admin.00:48
mauricessidExperience: Standard00:48
blockyI'm also not able to force quit the installer00:49
Dr_Willisthe cube effect and unity.. can have issues :)00:49
timesupervisorubottu: portscan
timesupervisorubottu portscan
timesupervisorubottu doesn't work?00:50
ubottutimesupervisor: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:50
timesupervisorDr_Willis, thanks it worked, do you have bitcoin?00:50
Dr_Willistimesupervisor:  nope. dont use stuff like that00:50
no1homeoumlaote: ./runinstaller -ignoreSysPrereqs00:50
timesupervisorhow can i pay you then?00:50
Dr_Willisdonate some $$ to the local anuimal shelter.00:51
psyrustimesupervisor,  do u mine for those bitcoins ?00:51
timesupervisoranimal shelter?00:51
dr3mroin unity when i enable panel transparency the window title of all windows become transparent how to limit transparency to panel00:51
timesupervisorpsyrus, what?00:52
psyrustimesupervisor,  do u mine those coins yourself or did u actually buy them?00:52
psyrustimesupervisor,  your bitcoins - is what i am referring to00:52
timesupervisorpsyrus: buy.00:52
psyrustimesupervisor,  oh.00:52
pp7__is bitcoin worth-it?00:53
Dr_Willispp7__:  from what i read.. no :)00:53
psyrustimesupervisor,  i guess its not worth it as much (except for mining pools) to mine them yourself00:53
pp7__what the value of 1btc to usd today?00:53
psyruspp7__,  i'd say its worth it00:53
timesupervisorpsyrus: true story00:53
oumlaotetrying to ignore, I keep you in touch00:54
pp7__psyrus, y?00:54
pp7__psyrus, investement wise?00:54
psyruspp7__. NO not for investment00:54
pp7__psyrus, for what then?00:54
finish06anyway to access iTunesU stuff from ubuntu?   I don't want to run iTunes via WINE....00:55
timesupervisorwhat was anonops irc?00:55
psyruspp7__ it looks like its gunna be a stable currency, its allready over the half way point it will never exceed 11 million00:55
pp7__psyrus, how do u spend fractions of a bitcoin?00:55
theadminfinish06: If I recall right, Rhythmbox does sync with idevices if that's what you want00:55
psyruspp7__ it's all done via software00:56
dalek_Does anyone know how to recharge a telstra prepaid USB mobile broadband account from within Ubuntu? It has something to do with making the device dial #100# which should bring up a recharge menu in a terminal or something??? Any ideas?00:56
trismfinish06: much of the itunes u stuff is available on the various university websites, such as http://ocw.mit.edu/index.htm00:56
mauricessidcan anyone help me with aircrack-ng?00:57
theadmindalek_: wammu00:57
timesupervisorwhat's the best ubuntu AV?00:57
mauricessidthe ssids i am scanning all return 0 for #data00:57
mauricessidany reason why?00:57
acerimmertimesupervisor: "AV"?00:57
dalek_theadmin, wammu?00:57
Dr_Willistimesupervisor:  depends on what you want to do with it. they all scan for windows viruses mainly. thers like 4 differnt ones out i recall.00:57
biohazard135how strong is the wifi signal?00:58
theadmindalek_: It's a program, install it, it's in the repos. It handles such mobile devices00:58
psyrusmauricessid, i doubt i can help you man, i am running 11.1 and it recognized my intel hd card and installed the i9xx or whatever drivers (the un-compiled files and kernal can be found at www.intellinuxgraphics.org )00:58
mauricessidthanks though psyrus00:58
finish06Did not realize that trism ... Thanks for the insight on that matter... I love myself some iTunesU...  wish there was an app, but this will do fine.  make me appreciate it more so I might pay attention more since I have to go find it instead of me finding it... lol00:58
mauricessidgot any experience with aircrack?00:58
timesupervisorDr_Willis : best for js exploits.00:59
psyrusmauricessid, on mine, under the x-server, if i go to the sys. settings, & then sys. info, there's a tab for graphics and my video specs are there01:00
mauricessidyes, under that my settings are null01:01
mauricessidaka nothing is shown01:01
timesupervisorno clamav binaries, do i have to make it from source?01:01
psyrus mauricessid  ahh yeah its the same 4 me man01:01
acerimmertimesupervisor: klamAV or clamAV it's in software center01:02
psyrusmauricessid, i wasn't convinced it had even sucessfully installed the video drivers, but i checked synaptic and it says there installed so i am satisfied01:02
Dr_Willistimesupervisor:  Im not sure if any of them scan  your browsing in real time for such exploits01:02
mauricessidsame here01:02
Dr_Willistimesupervisor:  most all of them are primarly just for scanning files for windows viruses.01:02
timesupervisorDr_Willis: what's the point in porting them for linux then?01:03
Dr_Willistimesupervisor:  to scan your windows systems in a known secuure/safe envuroment01:03
psyrusmauricessid,  according to that website i mentioned earlier, there are drivers for virtually like all intel's gpu's ... now i dont know much about ati 's cards,01:03
timesupervisoraccerimer: thanks.01:03
mauricessidits ok, I will go do some more research01:04
timesupervisorDr_Willis, so if i only got Ubuntu on my alienware, it's useless to get an AV?01:04
Dr_Willisseveral of the AV makers out there ive seen have Live-linux-cd's01:04
Dr_Willistimesupervisor:  yep.01:04
pp7__why do my sco transfers sometimes stall?01:04
timesupervisorDr_Willis: thanks.01:04
Dr_Willistimesupervisor:  you most likely will not see a true linux virus any time soon.01:04
psyrushey mauricessid  btw what is aircrack ?01:04
mauricessidan app used to crack wep keys on wifi networks01:05
biohazard135it's a tool for cracking wep keys from captured packets01:05
psyrusr u sserious!?01:05
timesupervisorDr_Willis: js botnet doesn't work on linux?01:05
biohazard135um yeah01:05
mauricessidyeah its pretty sweet01:05
psyrusmauricessid,  can i get it from u ??01:05
Dr_Willistimesupervisor:  no idea. never heard of it.01:05
pp7__psyrus, just download it01:05
psyrusi'll find it01:05
mauricessidsudo apt-get install aircrack-ng01:05
Dr_Willistimesupervisor:  a browser exploit is technically not a virus.01:05
ironhalikwhen setting up sshd, do I need to do sth to enable password login?01:05
mauricessidif that doesnt work you need to add the repo01:05
psyrusthey even got this thing in the repositories ?!?!?01:06
pp7__ironhalik, no01:06
timesupervisorDr_Willis: Thanks. alot.01:06
finish06be careful dowwloading aircrack, depending upon where you live.  In Germany it is considered a felony to download that software.01:06
ironhalikpp7__: well, I installed openssh server, and cant log into my user, with proper username and password01:06
psyruslol.. thnx mauricessid thats pretty cool..01:06
pp7__ironhalik, strange01:06
OerHeksfinish06 +101:07
KimbleCan someone tell me how to make a usb flash drive mount r/w for all users by default using FSTAB?01:07
pp7__ironhalik, what does it say when trying to login?01:07
ironhalikpp7__: when I do ssh localhost, it works01:07
Dr_WillisKimble:  what filesystem is it?01:07
biohazard135finish06: is it really a felony? any links to any info?01:07
timesupervisorDr_Willis: btw, http://hacktalk.net/community-projects/javascript-botnet-research/01:07
biohazard135i heard putty is illegal in some places due to the crypto01:07
finish06biohazard135, let me search, one moment.01:07
Dr_WillisKimble:  you would need to use the proer ownership and chmod./chown permissions for it to allow such ussage. You dont just override the permissions via a fstab option as far as i know.01:08
timesupervisorbiohazard135: yep.01:08
finish06what is putty?01:08
finish06and crypto>?01:08
pp7__finish06, windows ssh client01:08
ironhalikpp7__: autherntication method 'password' failed01:08
pp7__ironhalik, hmm01:08
pp7__ironhalik, try from a different box01:09
finish06interesting, it is illegal in some areas... seems dumb01:09
KimbleDr_Willis: In practice, unfortunately, any permission changes are lost on unmounting/remounting the disk.01:09
ironhalikpp7__: tried from my phone and my lappy :)01:09
Dr_WillisKimble:  that dosent make sence. If you chown/chmod a file on a FS that uses linux permissions. they should stick.01:09
timesupervisorKimble: Having problems with mounting rw disk?01:09
Dr_WillisKimble:  unless theres somthing really weird with btrfs. ie never used it.01:09
KimbleDr_Willis: Oh, I should clarify that this is on Ubuntu Server, all activity conducted remotely over SSH.01:09
dalek_another question.... am currently installing Ubuntu 11.10 from CD to a Win7 laptop for a mate. Now up to part where it is asking for install location. He want's to dual boot Win7 and Ubuntu. The main partition is /dev/sda2 and is currently ntfs. How do I split that partition in half and select it for ubuntu install?01:09
Dr_WillisKimble:  if the FS supports the normal linux permissions and ownership. then you should  be able to use chown/chmod as needed. for ntfs/vfat there are mount time options.01:10
sherifhi flash is so slow with chromium when i play any game on FB its very slow is there a way make flash games faster?01:10
finish06what is the program that allows aircrack on mac?  the icon had devil horns01:10
timesupervisordalek_: probably using a partition manager? disk utility doesn't allow it :(.01:11
psyrusfinish06,  install the following ports     gmake 3.8101:11
psyrus    sqlite301:11
psyrusi cant even get it working yet under ubuntu ...01:12
timesupervisoris there a #windows in this irc server? lol :D01:12
finish06why do I want to install gmake 3.81?01:12
timesupervisoroh there is01:12
psyrusfinish06,  it needs those01:13
psyrusfinish06, go to this website its where i am at right now http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=install_aircrack01:13
finish06o, got ya! okay, thanks!01:14
psyrusfinish06,  hey let me know how u do okay ? if u can that is01:14
KimbleDr_Willis: what do you mean I should be able to use "chown/chmod as needed"?01:14
finish06I am not going to do it this moment with my Mac, gonna do it later... when I do I can give you the info :)01:14
psyrusfinish06,  dont worry about it then ..01:15
Dr_WillisKimble:  if that FS supports the normal permissions system. then you should be able to use chown/chmod  and set the permissions  - it should not be forgetting them. unless theres some nasty bugs going on.01:15
NorthI am trying to install the flash player for 32bit linux firefox.01:16
psyrusfinish06,  i mean if u see me still on, (check and make sure its the authenticated me 1st) /msg me the details on how well it works for u oaky ?01:16
NorthI downloaded install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz01:16
Northbut I could not install.01:16
KimbleI think you misunderstand. Mounting any USB device in Ubuntu Server default to mounting it with root ownerships.  If I want to make any changes to the device I have to use sudo.  It also means I have to create folders within the device with specific permissions for each user, instead of letting each user access the device as they choose.01:16
cannonfodderNorth just type "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras"01:17
cannonfodderthen u get flash and everything else all auto installed01:17
KimbleHow do I mount the device so that anyone can access it?01:17
Norththanks, cannonfodder!!01:18
Dr_WillisKimble:  it will depend on the fs the device is using. for ntfs-vfat there is the ntfs-config tool that can enable that feature.01:18
Dr_WillisKimble:  for ext2/3/4 others that support permissions - you dont override the fs's permissions.01:19
Northit;s very difficult to install the application such as Skype or something useful.01:19
arjenAUhmm seem to be having hassles installing Oneiric 64bit from USB to an i5 desktop. curious. Ubiquity installer crashes even for live.01:19
KimbleSo, IOW, unless BTRFS allows some way of mounting a device with non-root ownerships, I'm out of luck?01:19
pp7__North, why?01:20
Dr_WillisKimble:  ext2/3/4 would have the same security feature. :)01:20
AaronCampbellI have an external drive that I want to drop some files on and send to a friend that uses a MAC.  How should I set up the drive to send him?  It looks like the best would be HFS+, but it seems that I can MAKE an HFS+ partition and read from it, but not write to it.  Is there a better option?01:20
NorthI faced the problem.01:20
KimbleAaronCampbell: FAT32, ExFAT01:20
AaronCampbellThe drive it 1TB, if that makes any difference01:20
Northwhile setting the package, I can see the SUN Java 6 setting notices.01:20
Northi cannot move to next step.01:21
AaronCampbellKimble: really?  Fat32 seems like an old (and questionable) format from what I've been reading.  Is that the best option?01:21
Dr_WillisNorth:  use the tab and enter keys to select the ok/i agree button perhaps?01:21
Northok let me try.01:22
KimbleAaronCampbell: if you want a Mac to read it and you can't write HFS(+), then ExFAT or FAT32.  ExFAT is far more modern.01:22
Dr_WillisAaronCampbell:  if files are under 4gb in size. fat32 can work.  otherwise ntfs maybe better01:22
AaronCampbellDr_Willis: Don't macs have issues reading/writing NTFS?01:23
Dr_WillisAaronCampbell:  no idea.. 'macs have issues' :) is where i stop wth my mac ussage...01:23
KimbleAaronCampbell: I'm using a MAc right now, and own 3 others. What's the plan here.01:23
* pp7__ loves ubuntu on his macbook pro01:24
MaxHRHello, am trying to boot from a usb HD (not solid state) using an install iso, unetbootin doesn't recognize the drive, any suggestions to get this to work?01:24
AaronCampbellKimble: I just have about 50G of RAW photos that need to go to a friend that uses OSX on a macbook Pro.  I bought a drive and was just going to drop the files on it an Mail it to him01:24
timesupervisorms windows support sucks high.01:24
NorthI got the message that dpkg was interrupted. you must manually run 'dpkg- - configure -a" to correct a problem.01:24
bobo37773MaxHR: What is the filesystem on the drive?01:24
KimbleAaronCampbell: I would just format the drive as ExFAT and you'll be fine.01:25
timesupervisorms windows support using sarcasm on me lol.01:25
psyrusokay i just wante to say to y'all i got air crack running -- it looks like a term. based app , type "aircrack-ng --help" for a list of arugments01:25
bobo37773North: Then run the command it told you too in a terminal.01:25
psyrusthis thing has been ported to the iphone and tablets too... wicked01:25
AaronCampbellKimble: I searched packages for exfat and see nothing.  What do I need to be able to do that (neither disk utils or gparted are showing exfat as an option)01:26
bobo37773psyrus: It is a decent tool. There is a lot you can do with it.01:26
Northi tried but the terminal says the super user authentification is required.01:26
KimbleAaronCampbell: oh, I didn't realise Ubuntu didn't have ExFAT support built-in. Just use FAT32. So long as no file is larger than 4GB, you'll be fine.01:26
theadminNorth: You need to run that with sudo01:26
bobo37773North: Then use     sudo01:27
Northit's done.01:27
psyrusbobo37773,  u wont believe what i did once just to get network acccess ... anyways i dont live near anyone else's router but i'll test it out tomorrow01:27
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
bobo37773psyrus: Oh, I would believe it hahaha. There are a lot of less known features in that suite too. Have fun and be safe.01:28
psyrusbobo37773,  :)01:28
bobo37773JLuc: Hey01:28
dlentzeither i'm dumb or unity is unintuitive because i had to restart lightdm to log out01:28
bobo37773dlentz: Yep your dumb.... just kidding hahaha01:29
dlentzback in good old xfce now01:29
bobo37773dlentz: Nice.01:29
theadmindlentz: xfce is good.01:30
dlentzjust curious, anyone know how to log out of unity in case i need to check something for triaging or something01:30
pp7__dlentz, what u mean "log out of unity" ?01:30
dlentzlog out, you know, go back to the login screen (lightdm)01:31
pp7__dlentz, erm just logout like one normally does01:31
JLucplz how too install french dictionnary for aspell ?01:31
dlentzi didn't see that option..01:31
Dr_Willistop right gear icon has a log out menu item01:31
Dr_Willisor somewhere up there. :)01:31
dlentzi didn't have that, maybe because i;m using precise01:31
bobo37773dlentz: Does ctrl+alt+del work?01:31
pp7__dlentz, sudo pkill -KILL -u yourusername01:32
ect0bi0l0gistyou mean ctrl alt backspace01:32
dlentzbobo37773, ctrl+alt+f1 works, but is a bit of a pain01:32
bobo37773ect0bi0l0gist: No. Not to kill X. To bring up a logout splash.01:32
Dr_Willisask in #ubuntu+1   may be a bug01:32
kermithow can i extend the root partition?  its greyed out in gparted.01:32
ect0bi0l0gistthat works??  i never tried it...01:32
Dr_Williskermit:  you dont resize in use partitions. Use a live-cd is the normal way to do such a task01:33
bobo37773Not sure01:33
NorthCan anybody install the useful application by remote control access?????01:34
bobo37773dlentz: What is you just search for logout in the search bar?01:34
dlentztried that, i couldn't even figure out how to launch xchat because it wasn't finding that01:34
MaxHRbobo37773: I have one that is fat, one ntfs, unetbootin didn't see either one01:35
dlentzJLuc, sudo apt-get install aspell-fr01:35
bobo37773MaxHR: I think it needs to be either fat32 or fat16 I don't remember which.01:35
dlentzi'm just going to chalk it up to running alpha software and i hope unity in oneiric is a lot better01:36
JLucgreat thanks dlentz i was on ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/aspell/dict/0index.html but sudo apt get seems simpler !01:36
MaxHRbobo37773: ok, so if its fat32, then I should try making a fat16 partition to make unetbootin happy?01:36
JLucstrangely there is no dictionnary available in the app manager01:36
bobo37773dlentz: Is there a logout.desktop or something in  /usr/share/applications/   ?01:37
dlentzno there's not01:37
bobo37773MaxHR: No I think fat32 is right01:38
cannonfoddercan someone help me with a slight issue. i think it might be a chroot type issue where apache cant look outside the folder /var/www   I have a setup where im pretty much almost finished setting up apache to work with subversion; however, my subversion repository is at /var/svn   while my apache is probably limited to /var/www   i have this stuff set up so that apache already asks me for credentials when i try to access the repository, and when i enter 01:38
MaxHRbobo37773: its already fat32, and unetbooting doesn't see it01:38
theadmincannonfodder: Make a link? e.g. ln -s /var/svn /var/www/svnrepos01:38
dlentzbobo37773, thanks for your help, but don't worry about it01:39
bobo37773MaxHR: That is the filesystem type unetbootin looks for I think. Is it mounted?01:39
bobo37773dlentz: ok01:39
Northhow can I access the software center?01:39
bobo37773MaxHR: Your file manager can see it right?01:39
MaxHRbobo37773: yes01:40
bobo37773MaxHR: Does it have multiple partitions or is it all fat32?01:40
dlentzNorth, type 'software-center' in terminal?01:40
MaxHRall fat 3201:40
Norththanks dlentz01:40
Darkfrost1Anyone want to try and help me work out my WiFi issues? Just about given up now, been trying to get it to work for well over a week :( - lspci = BCM4312 driver installed: wl rfkill list - Always sofblock: no, hardblock : yes, cannot work out why it always says hardblocked01:41
Northcommand not found, dlentz01:41
cannonfodderhow do i do a "sudo change directory" without getting a command not found error01:41
Dr_Willissoftware-center          software-center-gtk3     software-properties-gtk01:42
Dr_Williscannonfodder:  using 'sudo cd' dosent make much sence.01:42
yugnipjust use cd01:42
Dr_Williswhen sudo exits, you are back to your original shell01:42
yugnipcd Downloads01:42
Dr_Willissudo 'some script that does the cd, then does what you need to do'    makes more sence01:43
bobo37773MaxHR: Not even sure what to tell you. It should find it. Does it look right in fdisk.     sudo fdisk -l01:43
Northi cannot type Korean even if I set the keyboard and language!!!01:43
cannonfodderDr_Willis:  im sure you can imply what im trying to do. can you help me out ? how would i get it done? i get a permission denied when i try to cd into a certain directory01:43
dlentzHow big is the FAT partition?01:44
S0NiChi guys01:44
MaxHRbobo37773: I will try making a new partition on the drive that is fat32, and use it only for unetbootin use01:44
yugnipcannonfodder, try sudo nautilus and navigate to the directory01:44
S0NiCcan anyone help me with this errormessage? http://nopaste.info/3cda43b7e5.html01:44
cannonfodderyugnip   i get an x11 error01:44
cannonfodderim using ssh01:45
xangua!gksu | yupn cannonfodder01:45
ubottuyupn cannonfodder: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)01:45
mutlaqhi, i cannot join ##java. why?01:46
bobo37773MaxHR: dlentz makes a good point. Try to make it smaller. Like maybe 2 gb01:46
S0NiCmutlaq: maybe only on e '01:46
mutlaqS0NiC, ##java shows nothinig. #java is invite only01:47
MaxHRdlentz: the drive is all fat32 now, and it is 700Gig01:47
urlin2umutlaq, I believe you have to be registered with freenode01:47
dlentzlol fat32 shuld be 4gb at most01:48
dlentzfat16 no larger than 2GB01:48
bobo37773S0NiC: Are you running out of space on the drive?01:48
NorthI would like to invite some expert to set up my Ubuntu setting.01:48
S0NiCbobo37773: no01:48
NorthAny volunteer?01:48
S0NiCabout half of the space is used01:48
Darkfrost1Anyone want to try and help me work out my WiFi issues? Just about given up now, been trying to get it to work for well over a week :( - lspci = BCM4312 driver installed: wl rfkill list - Always sofblock: no, hardblock : yes, cannot work out why it always says hardblocked01:49
S0NiCand it says i should to apt-get -f install but this is a loop and i cant get out of it...01:49
NorthI wan to leave the Ubuntu OS.01:49
Dr_Williscannonfodder:  Im not  clear on what you are trying to do. :) if the dir permissions are blockking the normal user, then change its permissions, or use a root shell. not  'sudo cd'01:49
dlentzDarkfrost1, do you have a wireless key on your laptop01:49
MaxHRdlentz: interesting...01:49
Darkfrost1Wireless key?01:49
Dr_WillisNorth:  give more details as to what you are trying to do exactly.01:49
dlentza key that turns on/off wireless01:50
dlentzor is this a desktop?01:50
Darkfrost1Ah, yeah, tried pressing it, no luck :(01:50
MaxHRdlentz: I think you meant file size, not partition size01:50
S0NiCbobo37773: any ideas?01:50
lamianeed help01:51
Dr_Willisno reason to msg me North . I am going to be leaveing for work in 10 min or so anyway.01:51
dlentzyes you're right about the fat3201:51
dlentzsorry about that01:51
Dr_WillisNorth:  flash is installable by the package manager tools.01:51
urlin2udlentz, you talking fat32 files or partition size, it is only file size I believe.01:51
dlentzurlin2u, i was thinking of fat16 and 2GB limit on partition01:52
bobo37773S0NiC: No. Which error are we talking about? The apport one? What is the problem exactly?01:52
NorthI tried to install the flash with your experts advices. I failed finally.01:52
dlentzand then forgot fat32 could be much bigger01:52
urlin2udlentz, it happens. :D01:53
Dr_WillisNorth:  tell the channel exactly what you did. what failed. and what error messages it showed.01:53
NorthI told many times.01:53
S0NiCbobo37773: did you saw my nopaste-posting=?01:53
NorthI faced many new error messages.01:53
S0NiCi try to update my 11.10 but i cant do that, becuase it says my database are damaged... and i should do apt-get -f install01:54
S0NiCbut thats a loop, i cant get out of it..01:54
NorthFinally I wanted to invite somebody to install by remote control access.01:54
dlentzNorth, there's a nice script to remove all the old flash and grab the latest one. Let me see if i can find it.01:55
myndziok wow this is getting awful. x will start until i reboot, then it enters the loop, what could that be?01:55
Dr_Willismyndzi:  what loop?01:55
NorthOK dlentz01:55
bobo37773S0NiC: Yes. I did not understand it completely though.01:57
bobo37773S0NiC: Oh I see01:57
fignick tlf01:57
=== fig is now known as tlf
dlentzNorth, im thinking of Flash-Aid plugin for firefox01:57
tlfI'm using ubuntu 11.10, when I try and access applications via my menu at the top-left I01:57
S0NiCbobo37773: any ideas what to do?01:57
tlfI'm unable to see any of my applications. When I try searching for htem in the search bar in that menu, nothing will show for programs I know are on the system01:58
NorthOK dlentz01:58
myndziDr_Willis: for context, i'm running in vmware player. it just flickers between two black screens of different resolutions01:58
myndziwhen x starts successfully, the window gets bigger (resolution change) and then the desktop gets drawn etc.01:58
myndzii assume something is crashing but don't know how to investigate01:58
myndzii can get a root prompt but i don't know what to look at01:58
kermitDr_Willis: i have before before these new partition table types, when i could use fdisk01:58
MaxHRdlentz: so the drive isn't even being seen by unetbootin, I don't get the chance to try to right to it, file manager sees it fine though01:59
bobo37773S0NiC: Are you trying to update your whole system or a single application?01:59
S0NiCbobo37773: it was trying to install the omap4 addons01:59
S0NiCits a pandaboard but the guys in ubuntu-arm sait, thats no typical arm error...02:00
bobo37773S0NiC: Try updating first -->     sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade02:00
TiraspolIf anyone knows anything : http://i.imgur.com/Fiaae.jpg02:00
TiraspolAnyone know any of these? Just gotta match left with right02:00
dlentzMaxHR, i always use gnome-disk-utility (palimpsest) to create the fat partition for unetbootin02:01
xanguaTiraspol: this is not #wedoyourhomework channel02:01
bazhangTiraspol, thats offtopic here, try ##english or #ubuntu-offtopic02:01
urlin2uxangua, lol02:01
finish06It specifically states in the German Law section 202c that "...obtaining..." software to intercept data is illegal.02:02
bobo37773xangua: Is there a channel like that? haha02:02
dlentzfinish06, laws like that are used to prosecute people who do things that aren;t otherwise technically illegal02:03
S0NiCbobo37773: ill try wait a sec02:04
dlentzi doubt men in uncomfortable shoes will come to your door if you download a tarball02:04
S0NiCbobo37773: if i do apt-get upgrade i run in the same error...02:04
S0NiCgstreamer  is my problem... ;(02:04
finish06dlentz, I understand the intention of the law, however, the poor language of the law makes it illegal to download aircrack-ng in Germany.02:04
Dr_Willismyndzi:  id say check the forums for any vmware/unity issues and perhaps try a differnt desktop like lxde as a test02:05
orca_Are you guys talking about SOPA?02:05
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:05
myndziDr_Willis: well, it DOES launch correctly after install02:05
chuck[screen]kill -9 won't kill a process.... what should i do?02:05
myndzii've been googling for hours :\02:05
myndzishouldn't there be a log somewhere telling me what it was trying to do?02:05
Dr_Willismyndzi:  you may also want to disable the login manager, and just use  a console logon and 'startx' as needed02:05
djacidfxhello everyone02:05
Dr_Willismyndzi:  i never use vmware. so no idea on its specifics.02:06
Dr_Willismyndzi:  it sounds like gdm/X/unity is starting/crashing and repeating for some reason.02:06
Dr_Willisactually its lightdm in 11.10 :)02:06
myndzihow do i disable the login manager?02:06
kevin_hHello all, how do I make myself the root user with terminal?02:06
Dr_Willis!text | myndzi02:06
ubottumyndzi: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode02:06
Dr_Willis!sudo | kevin_h02:06
ubottukevin_h: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo02:06
Dr_Willisnot su. :) sudo....02:07
kevin_hsudo pipe?02:07
Dr_Willisread the url the bot gave....02:07
renegade_mhi guyz!02:07
djacidfxhow do i enable login menu02:07
myndzithanks, i'll see what happens02:07
renegade_mwhere can i download this file linux-backports-modules-intrepid-generic?02:07
hydrox24kevin_h: sudo -i02:07
myndzii'm fine with typing it, i just want to use the server in unity mode02:08
hydrox24kevin_h: or even "sudo su" or "sudo bash" to open a new shell as root02:08
xanguarenegade_m: intrepid is no longer supported02:08
NorthCan I upload the screenshot to this window?02:08
Dr_Willissudo su and sudo bash, are not the proper ways..02:08
xangua!eol | renegade_m please upgrade to a supported version02:08
ubotturenegade_m please upgrade to a supported version: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades02:08
Dr_Willissudo -s or sudo -i   is reccomended.02:08
hydrox24renegade_m: try using apt-file to find it02:08
renegade_mi see..02:09
FloodBot1sdgfadsfasdfasdf: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:09
renegade_mthanks guys!02:09
bobo37773S0NiC: Not sure. Try to remove the package that is causing you a problem then upgrade and then reinstall maybe02:09
FloodBot1sdgfadsfasdfasdf: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:09
FloodBot1sdgfadsfasdfasdf: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:09
bazhangsdgfadsfasdfasdf, support issue?02:09
S0NiCbobo37773: how do i remove this package?02:10
FloodBot1sdgfadsfasdfasdf: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:10
renegade_mwhen it says EOL meaning, the old packages and drivers are no longer available for download?02:10
kevin_hlost the link for how to make myself root... can I get a repost please02:10
S0NiCif i try apt-get remove02:10
S0NiCit doesnt work...02:10
FloodBot1sdgfadsfasdfasdf: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:10
Dr_Willisrenegade_m:  they have been moved to the end of life archive server02:10
Dr_Willisrenegade_m:  its a good idea to upgrade and not use EOL rleases.02:10
renegade_mwhere is that Dr_Willis?02:10
renegade_mi see..02:10
* dlentz directs sdgfadsfasdfasdf to ##put_down_the_valium02:11
Dr_Willisread the !eol factoid urs02:11
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades02:11
S0NiCbobo37773: which packe would you suggest to remove?02:11
Dr_Willistheres some archive-somthing-ubuntu.com server or similer name. :) i never rember02:11
psyrusomg!! if i wanna install VLC in ubuntu instead of banshee (which i love its cute) i gotta uninstall my zsnes:i386 (i NEED that for zsnes) and i gotta remove two direct media layer files, does anyone know if this sounds right ?02:11
bobo37773S0NiC: Is one of the packages failing to install? Or is apt-get itself broken?02:12
kevin_hhello all, how do I make myself root ( I lost Dr_Willis' link)02:12
S0NiCbobo37773: i didnt think so02:12
Dr_Willis!sudo | kevin_h02:12
ubottukevin_h: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo02:12
hydrox24psyrus: probably something to do with architecture incompatibilities by the sounds of things.02:12
S0NiCbut i cant uninstall gstreamer...02:12
S0NiCdoesnt work02:12
renegade_mI like to question the same as Kevin_H02:12
S0NiCor maybe iam do silly...02:12
hydrox24psyrus: essentially it DOESNT sound right..02:13
hydrox24psyrus: can you paste the output on pstebin and put the link here?02:13
Dr_Williszsnes is 32bit only - i think it may be somehow related to the compatibility libs for 64 to 32bit.02:13
bobo37773S0NiC: If you try to uninstall gstreamer what does it say?02:13
psyrushydrox24, okay whatever I dont care i'll run i different snes emulator -- i just dont see how vlc could possibly conflict with zsnes ??!02:13
renegade_mcan I log-in as a user root in ubuntu?02:13
S0NiCbobo37773: unable to locate package...02:13
Dr_Willispsyrus:  32bit to 64bit compatibilty libs. is my guess... you are on a 64bit install?02:14
Dr_Willisrenegade_m:  you use 'sudo' as needed...02:14
xanguarenegade_m: you mean graphical root¿¿ bad idea02:14
renegade_mi see..02:14
Dr_Willisrenegade_m:  you do NOT directly log in as root.02:14
aBoundZSNES is 32-Bit Only.02:14
renegade_mi see..02:14
kk9822i have a problem i cant play music02:14
psyrusDr_Willis , yeah i am.. its no wonder most all the linux dist. websites I go to they encourage u to install the 32 bit.. i wonder if that is regardless of your cpu02:14
renegade_mbut yusing sudo, meaning you are root?02:14
bobo37773S0NiC: Because it is called something else. gstreamer-something. Search for the problem package -->    apt-cache search gstreamer02:14
kk9822i want to reinstall music software02:15
kk9822how do i do02:15
aBoundLast time ZSNES was updated was 5 years ago.02:15
S0NiCbobo37773: is it possible to get a list from installed packages?02:15
bobo37773S0NiC: Or you could just try the software center...02:15
ironhalikhmm, is there any fix or the laggy browser scrolling on some ubuntu installations?02:15
Dr_Willispsyrus:  ubuntu is going to reccoment 64bit soon i belive.. te recomendation these days is mroe for 'idiot proofing' then any real reasons.02:15
xanguaironhalik: firefox¿ disable smooth scrolling on it's preferences02:15
bobo37773S0NiC: Yeah I think so.02:15
aBoundZSNES is a free software SNES emulator written mostly in x86 assembly02:15
renegade_mI have one user and the root in my ubuntu..02:15
psyrusDr_Willis, i think linux is where windows/mac were about 5 years ago as far as 32/64 bit compatibility02:15
ironhalikxangua: and chrome? :)02:15
xanguaironhalik: no idea, I don't use it02:16
renegade_mwhen I use sudo, it ask for a password, and I use my password in another account not the root password.02:16
ironhalikkk thx02:16
Dr_Willispsyrus:   i think you are totally wrong. I have had very few if any 64bit issues I have many more 32/64bit issues in windows.02:16
kevin_hthank you Dr_willis02:16
S0NiCbobo37773: if i try apt-get remove gstreamer* than i run into the same error...02:16
renegade_mas I understand, I can also put password for a root account.02:16
Dr_Willisrenegade_m:  there is no root user password. sudo wants the users password02:16
xanguaironhalik: you may wanna try crhomium instead, is 100% free/libre and already on repositories02:16
Dr_Willisrenegade_m:  so you are underatsnding wrong. :)02:16
roadfishwhen iptstate displays source "###.###.###.###:XXXXX", what is this "XXXXX" coming after the IP-address and ":" character?02:16
renegade_mok thanks for that!:)02:16
ironhalikxangua: sure, thx02:16
bobo37773S0NiC: What is the error?02:17
Darkfrost1Anyone want to try and help me work out my WiFi issues? Just about given up now, been trying to get it to work for well over a week :( - lspci = BCM4312 driver installed: wl rfkill list - Always sofblock: no, hardblock : yes, cannot work out why it always says hardblocked | Wireless switch ON, wireless key seems to do nothing02:17
Dr_Williszsnes is about the only app i can think of these days that is 32bit only..02:17
renegade_mthen, in an ubuntu O.S. who is considered to be administrator?02:17
Dr_Willisthats due to it being developed in assembly in years past.02:17
Dr_Willisrenegade_m:  your first user has full 'sudo rights'02:17
renegade_mnow I know.:)02:18
hydrox24Darkfrost1: is the issue that you can't connect to wifi?02:18
dlentzDarkfrost1, what kind of laptop?02:18
renegade_mmy problem now is to get the wireless works in the 8.10 ubuntu..:) haha.02:18
dlentzhydrox24, s/he's hard blocked02:18
aBoundZSNES can be written to support 64-Bit seeing as the source still exist. :P02:18
hydrox24Can someone help me with making shotwell start automatically on boot, except in minimized mode?02:19
S0NiCbobo37773: http://nopaste.info/06d86189Be.html02:19
Darkfrost1Lenovo s10-202:19
Darkfrost1Issue is it always says wifi is disabled by hardware switch02:19
psyrusDr_Willis, i know windows and o/s x are still in the early stages of 64 bit , but i guess i've just been lucky to not have had much issue with mixing up 32 and 64 bit software here in the last 6-12 months, hell even my keyboard manufactorer "MAUDIO" wrote 64 bit code for their midi devices02:19
hydrox24psyrus: It's more of an issue simply because of the package management and dependency resolution systems02:20
Dr_Willispsyrus:  i dont think they are in the early stages any more.02:20
hydrox24psyrus: one of the few disadvanteages of their amazingness02:20
vasubandhui am trying to transfer a video from an old lg phone (model cf360) to my t40 which is running 10.10. how do i do this?02:21
blockycan someone give me a hand with ubiquity crashing / misbehaving02:21
Dr_Willisvasubandhu:  you mean copy it over? or conert it?02:21
Dr_Willisbbl work time for me02:21
vasubandhudrwillis: copy over02:21
bobo37773S0NiC: Bad link02:22
S0NiCbobo37773: shoot sry sec02:22
S0NiCbobo37773: http://nopaste.info/06d861898e.html02:22
psyrushydrox24, its hard for me to describe the advancement of computer technology, it's all happening very quickly, so imo, i call it all "early" stages really02:22
S0NiCbobo37773: not it works02:22
blockyI'm getting ubi-partman crashing, also I'm getting an error saying it cannot write the partition table because /cdrom is mounted02:23
od3nanyone know the cmd to start xchat  while logged on as root but as another user02:23
hydrox24od3n: su (user) xchat02:23
psyrusdigital computer technology has only become prevelent since 1969 here in the US at least when they launched the shuttle. so our computer technology is only barely twice the age of our autotechnology for instance, and hell , are cars are STILL burning OIL???!?!?02:24
hydrox24od3n: su is usually used to login as root but it was originally designed to login as another user, whatever that user may be02:24
_MarcusWhat's the command to move files?02:24
_MarcusI use mv but I think that's to rename files02:24
aeon-ltd_Marcus: mv02:24
od3nyeah I thought so but I get an error when I try to do that02:24
hydrox24od3n: I was wrong though, I meant "sudo (user)" then once you've got a shell as that user: "xchat"02:24
aeon-ltd_Marcus: e.g. 'mv /folder/a.jpg /images/a.jpg'02:25
bobo37773S0NiC: What package are you trying to install? Or are you just trying to update your system?02:25
hydrox24od3n: add an "&" at the end of a command to run it in the background02:25
Toph2hi barabbas02:25
S0NiCbobo37773: trying to install the omap4-addons02:25
od3n(xchat:10575): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0.002:25
od3nthat sthe error I get02:25
bobo37773_Marcus: mv is used for both02:26
od3nNo protocol specified02:26
hydrox24od3n: interesting, can you just use the irssi program?02:26
jtiig1220how do i hook up devices through usb my comp wont recognize them??02:26
finish06where are firefox favorites stored???  what folder, etc?02:26
blockyanyone know what would cause the ubiquity partition manager to crash with exit code 10?02:26
hydrox24I am using it now, I know that it isn't a solution to the issue, but it will get the job done if you know your way around IRC commands.02:26
blockythe info in syslog just some python backtrace... I don't know how to fix it02:27
od3nwhats the irssi program?02:27
hydrox24jtiig1220: what sort of devices?02:27
jtiig1220im trying to transfer music from my comp to my fone its a samsung galaxy s202:27
Bsimsod3n: its a text based irc client02:28
xanguafinish06: on your home in .mozilla (control+h to show hidden directories)02:28
hydrox24jtiig1220: and plugging the phone in via USB does nothing?02:28
hydrox24od3n: It's a command-line IRC client02:29
finish06xangua, you are a life save... I reinstalled and transfered everything over, but did transfer hidden files (stupid) and lost my firefox favorites!  O NO!!!!  so many good sites that I don't know the URL for necause I never had to type it. hehe02:29
myndziDr_Willis: the bot's link doesn't actually contain the #tag that it refers to anymore, i'm still looking but i haven't found anything useful yet02:30
enderlessyour old firefox profile may still be stored in appdata02:30
hydrox24finish06: google is your friend!02:30
jtiig1220yea it pops up some weird a** error message saying  " un able to mount samsung_android".      "Error initializing camera: -52: Could not find the requested device on the USB port"02:30
williamhi, 4 All02:30
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bobo37773S0NiC: Is this a .deb that you downloaded or is it in the repos?02:31
S0NiCbobo37773: deb,,02:31
od3nwell my issue is that I cant get in to a IRC channel cause I am logged on as root, so I am trying to set it up under another users account02:31
bobo37773S0NiC: That you downloaded from somewhere?02:31
hydrox24jtiig1220: try using rythmbox or songbird or banshee to transfer music (they atleast have iPod support)02:31
od3nbut still be logged on to root02:31
S0NiCbobo37773: no from the repos but i think thats a deb..02:31
myndziDr_Willis: i did find the solution just now, ha.02:32
bobo37773S0NiC: It looks like some kind of dependency issue.02:32
myndzistrangely, startx DOES wok02:32
sequencesequenceod3n: man sudo02:32
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NoobAtLinuxcan some1 tell me how to change the theme with a custom one02:33
sequencesequenceod3n *man sudoers02:33
jtiig1220hydrox24: thanks i got it lol it was settings on the fone not the comp but good lookin on the advice02:33
evoandroidevois there away to get command line only with out a gui on a netbook02:33
xangua!nox | evoandroidevo02:33
ubottuevoandroidevo: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode02:33
aeon-ltdevoandroidevo: install server/minimal?02:33
od3nthanks seg02:33
hydrox24jtiig1220: great!02:33
orca_Just need a little basic help here.02:34
evoandroidevothanks guys02:34
S0NiCbobo37773: hmm02:34
TrentonAdamsI killed apt-get because it hung on a package installation.  Then I removed /var/lib/dpkg/lock, but I'm still getting problems.  I now get debconf: DbDriver "passwords" warning: /var/cache/debconf/passwords.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable02:35
jtiig1220i love this its so mucgh easier thn lookin it up on the internet u get reall ppl insted of havin to wait like forever on a forum for answers02:35
orca_How can I join multiple channels within the same irssi terminal?02:35
vasubandhui changed my dns in the networks settings but i still get sent to the site for my internet provider when i type into the url area. any help?02:35
S0NiCorca_: /join #chnnel02:35
S0NiCand you can switz with strg+p or +n02:35
S0NiCor alt+channelnumber02:35
orca_But the other channel is on a different server02:36
xanguavasubandhu: you mean via the network indicator¿ disconect and conect again02:36
S0NiCorca_: than first a /connect...02:36
sherifhi, how i can i extract files02:36
aeon-ltdsherif: from what?02:36
xanguasherif: right clic, extract02:37
bobo37773S0NiC: Not sure on the solution to your problem. Maybe you should create a post over at the forums.02:37
sherifaeon-ltd rar02:37
bobo37773sherif: unrar02:37
sherifarchive type not supported02:37
xanguasherif: install unrar as bobo37773 said02:37
Bsimsorca_: /connect server iirc, not read the docs on that in a while but its doable02:38
sherifok thx02:38
sherifi thought its 7zip02:38
skrapsI just installed the SDL dev libraries and when building a app from source its saying there are undefined references what do I run to make the system reconize where the development files are for the compiler"?02:38
theadminorca_: Most of the time you can switch servers using the /server command, /connect in some clients.02:39
vasubandhuxangua: gonna try that. bbl02:39
bobo37773sherif: rar and 7z are 2 different archive types02:39
sherifbobo37773 cool :)02:39
=== rootkit is now known as Guest37088
aukHow can I safely have my system ignore file writes to my Solid State Drive?     Would Dev/Null really do?   I want to direct anything for .xsession-errors      to /dev/null (if it's safe to)               Because this file keeps getting as fat as 112GBs of space real quick!02:42
aukWell, not ignore, but prevent any writing regarding to .xsession-errors. As it harms my SSD.02:43
bobo37773112GB log files? It sounds like you have a bigger problem then ssd writes02:44
aukThis is what a small bit of that file looks like: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=b9eXt7Lv02:44
vasubandhuxangua: still doing the same thing. i type into the url bar, i get sent to webhelper.centurylink.com02:44
aukSSD writing is the biggest problem.02:45
aukEspecially regarding to that logfile. I want to disable that log feature all together.02:45
evoandroidevoubottu i still come to the login screen02:45
ubottuevoandroidevo: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:45
vasubandhudr_willis: can you help me with copying that video?02:46
bobo37773auk: Do you have more than one drive on the machine?02:47
dr_willisvasubandhu:  what video02:47
RussianAnyone uses Ubuntu 10.04 and Gloobus?02:47
aukNope, only one drive.02:47
trismauk: completely untested: http://dvs9999.blogspot.com/2011/09/disable.html02:47
evoandroidevodoes anyone know how to install ubuntu on a netbook as comman line only off a usb without useing sever cd02:47
vasubandhudr_willis: trying to copy a video from an old lg phone to a t40 that's running 10.1002:47
sherifguys, fonts in arabic are very small in chromium so when i increase font size to c well like on FB english become very big so that arabic be moderate and can be red, so the range between size of english and arabic letters r very big not like windows, can i fix that02:48
DR-HERONhaving trouble installing photoshop 5.5 through wine... keeps saying restart system... any suggestions?02:48
theadminevoandroidevo: dd the ISO to the usb drive (if it's the latest, pre-oneiric don't support that) and it'll work02:48
dr_willisvasubandhu: so use bluetooth?02:48
theadminDR-HERON: Try "wineboot -r" in a terminal02:48
pangolinDR-HERON: ##winehq02:48
vasubandhui try but it i get this: "your computer does not have any bluetooth adapters plugged in"02:49
vasubandhudr_willis: ^02:49
dr_willisvasubandhu: so it dosent have bluetooth hardware?02:50
vasubandhuseems so02:50
ReVisionsmorning all...02:50
auktrism: I would use that if only I knew the exact effect of /dev/null.            It know it sends text to nowhere,     where it just simply disapear/don't exist.            But I wonder if it writes to drive or RAM before making it disappear/gone for good.02:50
aukLike, what's the science behind it.02:50
dr_willisbluetootj dongle about $15 ive seen02:50
NoobAtLinuxits just a black whole :)02:50
ReVisionsany1 works here with openbox mayB?02:51
vasubandhudr_willis: i plugged it in with usb to micro usb but it doesn't show up as a device anywhere i can see02:51
NoobAtLinuxSettings aditional drivers02:51
NoobAtLinuxsee if u can see it there02:51
dr_willisvasubandhu:  most phones have a usb mode. menu item02:52
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theadminReVisions: Me02:52
theadminReVisions: What's your problem?02:52
evoandroidevotheadmin dd?02:53
=== html is now known as htmlnewhome
theadminevoandroidevo: Yep, it's that simple02:53
vasubandhui go into the menu under connection > usb connection mode and the options are music sync, mass storage, and data service. i switch it from music sync to mass storage and it tells me to insert a memory card02:53
evoandroidevoi dont know wha dd means02:53
vasubandhudr_willis: ^02:53
htmlnewhomehi yall02:54
lightning_LectriWhat is Xchat.02:54
NoobAtLinuxvasubandhu, are u tryin to plug in a phone ???02:54
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines02:54
auklightning_Lectri: An Internet Relay Chat Client.02:54
dr_willisvasubandhu:  no idea. i do ubuntu suport not ranome  cell phone support02:54
vasubandhudr_willis: thanks for trying02:54
ReVisionsany1 works here with openbox mayB?02:54
pangolinlightning_Lectri: it is an irc client used to connect to irc networks02:54
vasubandhuNoobAtLinux: yes02:54
htmlnewhomeits like a big instant message , but with more ppl02:55
NoobAtLinuxdid you google it02:55
vasubandhuNoobAtLinux: yes02:55
NoobAtLinuxand nothing?? woww02:55
dr_willisvasubandhu:  if it has sd card.. copy file to sd then put sd in the pc02:55
vasubandhuNoobAtLinux: really old phone. lg cf36002:55
lightning_LectriDo you guys help people with Xubuntu problems?02:55
RussianDoes anyone use Gloobus?02:55
vasubandhudr_willis: i don't have an sd handy and the t40 doesn't have an sd port02:55
auklightning_Lectri: #Xubuntu02:56
lightning_Lectrithanks again02:56
htmlnewhomehow do get ubuntu on lattop to show up on the desktop02:56
aukOr type: /join #Xubuntu02:56
blockycan anyone point me to some troubleshooting steps for ubiquity02:56
dr_willisvasubandhu:  time to spend $10 and get one perhaps02:56
blocky11.10 install just keeps crashing02:56
vasubandhudr_willis: damn. thanks anyway.02:57
dr_willisor read the phones manual02:57
blockywhy does fedora just work on this laptop, and everything I try to get ubuntu on it crashes and burns02:58
evoandroidevotheadmin stupid question but what does dd mean02:58
dr_willisblocky: kernel version. x version. driver versions... one or more02:58
theadminevoandroidevo: It's a command... Read the manpage.02:58
evoandroidevooh ok02:59
blockyubiquity keeps trying to get me to login to file a bug but it won't even give me an error code as to why it's bailing02:59
dr_willisevoandroidevo: you can use 11.10+ and image it to a usb. or use tools like unetbootin02:59
dr_willisdd is a imageing tool03:00
dr_willispendrive linux website has ither tools03:00
evoandroidevoim trying to get command line with out useing sever cd i have the alt cd but i tryed installing over usb and always ask for me to point to the cd03:01
dr_willishow are you making the usb evoandroidevo03:02
htmlnewhomehow do i get ubuntu destop with out the apps?03:02
dr_willisa  desktop install can do a text mode boot also.03:03
trismauk: writing to /dev/null doesn't do anything except tell the program it succeeded03:03
evoandroidevouseing the Universal-USB-Installer on pendrivelinux.com03:03
auktrism: Woah, that's sweat.03:03
dr_willishtmlnewhome: clarify what you mean03:03
dr_willisevoandroidevo: check rhe iso files md5 sum. try other tools at that site03:04
dr_willisbbl got a job to do.03:05
htmlnewhomeim on xubuntu , since my dektop got shot down by mistake , (fedora and ubuntu DONT get along) so before had happen i burn  xbuntu, so im using it now but i dont want to install the ubnutu default ap when i get the ubuntu desktop03:07
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.03:08
_mike_How can I change priority for processors on Ubuntu?03:10
_mike_I was on system monitor and tried to change priority of applications but was told permissions denied03:11
ZeloZelosmaybe a sudo is needed03:11
_mike_oh, and I am a system administrator03:12
myndzihow can i compare the startup sequence between two systems to see where they differ?03:12
salahi, how can i determine the state of the previous shutdown of Ubuntu servers03:13
_mike_ZeloZelos, it should be able to be done through system monitor, however it says permissions denied03:13
ZeloZelosoh, i dont know myself...just a guess03:13
salawhether clean or force?03:13
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pro7o13xHey trying to install Ubuntu 12.04 alpha and I keep getting linux-server failed to install03:14
pro7o13xanyone know any problems with that?03:14
finish06what is the commandline for make a folder???03:14
pro7o13xmkdir <foldername>03:15
saikat_can any one tell me how to change display resolution in ubuntu 10.0403:16
_mike_ZeloZelos, I am trying to move applications to a higher priority. I can move it to a lower priority , just not a higher priority.03:16
bdkbdkTo set the display resolution (on 10.4) go to preferences/monitors.03:18
saikat_yes, but 1280x800 resolution is not there03:18
saikat_]how to add this resolution03:18
gmsmyndzi you can diff the contents of /var/log/boot.log to see the differences in startup.03:18
bdkbdkIt's possible that your monitor or graphics card doesn't support 1280x800.03:19
saikat_monitor support 1280x800 resolution03:20
saikat_i have to forcefully add this resolution03:20
saikat_any possible solution???03:21
saikat_i know the xrandr command03:22
saikat_but it is also not working03:22
saikat_lxrandr will work???03:24
bdkbdkI'm trying to upgrade 10.10 to 11.04. It fails with "Could not calculate the upgrade". I googled for this and found lots of suggestions, but nothing that worked. Has anyone found a workaround for this error?03:25
pro7o13xtrying to install Ubuntu 12.04 alpha and I keep getting linux-server failed to install...anyone else try install the alpha and run into that or something similar?03:26
Guest25144how do install a program in ubuntu?03:27
jwcuttis there an ubuntu build that will allow me to build a private cloud within my house that does NOT have access to the internet unless I give it access via my router?03:27
metaspikebdkbdk, how are you trying to do this? from console tried: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade 0 after editing /etc/apt/sources.list ?03:27
urlin2uGuest25144, there is a app called ubuntu software center for that.03:28
saikat_it is showing the error could not set the configuration for for crtc 26303:28
bdkbdkI was using the update manager, but I'll try your suggestion.03:29
saikat_pls help me03:29
urlin2uGuest25144, open the update manger and run a update as well to get everything loaded first if you have not.03:29
urlin2usaihtam, pastebin the errors if you can.03:30
urlin2u!pastebin > saihtam03:30
ubottusaihtam, please see my private message03:30
saikat_anybody has any solution for the resolution problem03:31
bdkbdksudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade 0 worked... Now trying the upgrade from the update manager.03:31
phixhey, in a terminal, is there a key combination to send SIGUSR1?03:33
dr_willisi thought the kill command has  differnt signals it can send03:34
dr_willisnever really looked into key combos for that.03:34
Tellmarchhi, what's the proper command to shut down the computer? halt doesn't do the job well...03:34
eijikodenHi, can anyone help me regarding a live usb install that boots to busybox instead of grub?03:35
ablyssTellmarch, sudo shutdown  now03:35
Tellmarchablyss, thanks03:35
ablyssTellmarch, if you just need a reboot sudo reboot03:35
dr_williseijikoden:  checked the md5sum of the  iso file yet?03:36
urlin2ueijikoden, the live usb does not use grub, but you can do a full install on a thumb with at least 5 gigs.03:36
ChelseaWow... experiencing xmonad multimonitor for the first time... ubuntu rocks!03:36
dr_willisboots -> grub or syslinux -> busybox if somthing fails03:37
eijikodenYeah, sorry. It's actually not a liveusb installed, it's a full install on a usb stick of 8gb03:37
somsipTellmarch: if that doesn't work try halt -p03:38
eijikodenafter holding shift to get to grub, it booted fine the first time, but the netbook died, and even though holding shift works to get to the grub select menu, it loops back to busybox03:38
bdkbdkmetaspike, same problem. I'm not sure that I've gotten rid of enough repositories from /etc/apt/sources.list. Any ideas about how to tell which ones are necessary?03:39
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urlin2udr_willis, yeah the mutlisystem boot uses grub, hehe.03:39
eijikodenI sent the stick away, so I don't have it on me to test/fix with a live cd. It was for someone to get a dead netbook up and running.03:39
urlin2udr_willis, I forgot, and I use it.03:39
metaspikebdkbdk, the ones that are necessary are the ones ubuntu provides.03:39
dr_willisits booting to a busybox shell as part of the initrd/failure proicess -03:39
urlin2ueijikoden, what is the problem you need grub fixed?03:39
metaspikebdkbdk, relevant to your version of choice03:40
dr_willisgrub sounds like its working.. but it may be misconfigured . or theres been some other damage to the system03:40
|Anthony|is there a program in the repos for lucid that will work with .7z files?03:40
_mike_how can i change the priority of applications to a higher standard? I have tried in system monitor by right clicking and changing priority however, it says Permissions Denied.03:40
randomuser`I've just discovered that I can't print properly to a network printer.  I've tried using both postscript and passthrough queues, removing/reconfiguring the printer, and using a known good PPD. Printer is functioning as expected on other clients; this one prints a 'configurationerror.....setpagedevice' command. Any suggestions?03:41
eijikodenIT worked before, but the battery died and now it's looping.03:41
ablyss_mike_, man nice03:41
dr_willistheres 7zip tools for linux |Anthony|  no idea whats in the lucid repos. but t may be in there03:41
urlin2ueijikoden, this basically a fresh install?03:41
|Anthony|dr_willis, i just opend synaptic and typed 7z03:42
eijikodenbrand new, fresh install. I installed it, tested it on two machines, booted up without the busybox error. SEnt it out, the recipient booted once and got the busybox error.03:42
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME), Ark (KDE), or Xarchiver (XFCE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression03:42
eijikodenFound the hold shift on boot fix, worked, machine up and running. Power dies, busybox loops03:42
_mike_ablyss, I am also a system administrator and get permissions denied when trying to change priority03:43
dr_willisfsck the filesystem if y03:43
bdkbdkmetaspike, ok, but how can I tell which ones are ones that ubuntu provides? Most of them refer to mirrors, not canonical.com.03:43
urlin2ueijikoden, personally if it was me I would just fresh install, but I always measure fix time against a install, and have bery little on my computer but the OS, you choice really.03:43
eijikodenI'd do a fresh install, but it's a thousand miles away, on a netbook, with no livecd access03:44
randomuser`urlin2u, that;s the worst kind of support, its OK if you personally cant help03:44
|Anthony|dr_willis, fileroler wasn't handling it :/03:44
metaspikebdkbdk,  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors03:44
urlin2urandomuser`, I said if it was me chill out bro.03:44
nimbioticsHello all. How can I permanently modify $PATH to include a given directory? TIA03:45
dr_willisfileroller is a gui front end |Anthony|  you still need the command line tools installed03:45
dr_willisnimbiotics:  edit your .profile or .bashrc03:45
|Anthony|dr_willis, i was just looking in synaptic to see what the suggested installs were03:45
dr_willisor was it .bash_rc03:45
nimbioticsdr_willis: THX03:45
dr_willis!find pkzip03:46
ubottuPackage/file pkzip does not exist in oneiric03:46
berkayhi guys, I have a question, anyone to answer in PM ?03:46
dr_willisi dont recall the 7zip binary names03:46
nimbioticsdr_willis: I tried .profile before but it didnt do it. didnt try .bashrc cause I rad somewhere not to do it there03:46
eijikodenIs there anything I can have them do in the busybox screen to fix it?03:46
dr_willisnimbiotics:  one of the .files has a path linein it03:47
nimbioticsdr_willis: OK, will try bashrc03:47
dr_willis!info p7zip03:47
ubottup7zip (source: p7zip): 7zr file archiver with high compression ratio. In component universe, is optional. Version 9.20.1~dfsg.1-2 (oneiric), package size 372 kB, installed size 1116 kB03:47
dr_willisnimbiotics:  grep PATH .*      perhaps.. to see whqat files it is.. or am i backwards03:48
berkayI have a problem with open office. Anyone help please? ?03:48
dlentz!ask | berkay03:48
ubottuberkay: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:48
nimbioticsdr_willis: do I have to use export PATH??03:49
dr_willisnimbiotics:  if you want it to affect all spawned erminals.. normally yes03:49
dr_willisexporting -> setting is set in child processes also.03:50
berkayOK. I was working on a file on Open Office, I also saved the file. But then my computer shut down because of my power cable. After I opened my computer, I opened the file and accidentally clicked "don't repair" button. And all my work is gone now. What can I do now?03:50
dr_willisthis is why i always turn on the auto-save every 5 min featuers03:51
berkayde_willis : was it to me?03:52
randomuser`Are there any known issues with ubuntu's printing subsystems?03:53
nimbioticsdr_willis: I added the 2 lines shown at http://paste.ubuntu.com/818439/ to my .bashrc, but when I rebash I get "http://paste.ubuntu.com/818439/"03:53
dr_willisrandomuser`:  not that ibve heard of. Theres always a change for bugs03:53
nimbioticsdr_willis: ** error message PATH: command not found03:53
evinruderandomuser, cups is perfect - no issues03:54
randomuser`evinrude, hey, i got your attention at least03:54
dr_willisfind some examples of setting path. you are most likely doing a typo03:54
nimbioticsdr_willis: OK, THX03:54
dr_willisim on my phone so cant loolk at mine. :)03:55
bdkbdkmetaspike, I looked at the list and my sources.list. All but one entry in sources.list pointed to mirrors.se.eu.kernel.org. The one exception pointed to archive.canonical.com. I commented that out and am retrying.03:55
randomuser`evinrude, I'm printing raw errors03:55
realmagizwhat is the itunes like software to add application to locked ipodtouch?03:55
dr_willisi think export and foo=bar are picky on spacea around the =03:55
metaspikebdkbdk, the crux of the version upgrade is that you must change the name from lucid to orenic for example03:56
evinrudemale sure you are using the correct driver for your printet03:56
ablyssnimbiotics: PATH=${PATH}:${/custom_path}03:56
dr_willisno spaces around the   =03:56
evinrudetry another driver03:56
nimbioticsablyss: THX03:57
randomuser`evinrude, I am using a known good ppd (imported from working fedora client for testing) and I am in fact male03:57
randomuser`on irc, good odds03:57
berkay I was working on a file on Open Office, I also saved the file. But then my computer shut down because of my power cable. After I opened my computer, I opened the file and accidentally clicked "don't repair" button. And all my work is gone now. What can I do now?03:57
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evinrudedarn typos...it is what i get for typing on a phone03:58
dr_williswonder if you reopen it if it will ask again berkay ..03:58
bdkbdkmetaspike, While the package manager is running, it replaces the sources.list file with a new one that has s/maverick/natty. When it fails, it reverts it.03:58
nimbioticsablyss: that did the trick, THX A BUNCH!!03:58
berkayOf course I tried it dr_willis03:58
berkayIt doesn't ask03:58
dcplayaCan anyone help me, when i rdp into my ubuntu machine, the desktop is plain, no way to start an app, all I can do is open a file explorer03:58
nimbioticsGod bless you all!03:58
dr_willismost likely there was some history/tmp file it saw and now its gone.03:58
ddelrio1986I want the www-data user to be able to read and write to files in my user's (daniel) home directory. Should I add the www-data user to the daniel group or is there a better solution?03:58
ablyssberkay: if you have cloud storage it might be there03:59
dr_willisthere is the openoffice/libreoffice channel isent there?03:59
randomuser`ddelrio1986, it's a bad idea, in general....03:59
berkayablyss I'm checking03:59
eijikodenDoes anyone have any other suggestions about my busybox boot problem?03:59
randomuser`eijikoden, i missed it, sorry04:00
dr_williseijikoden:  without more specific error messages..  id syggest booting a live usb, and fscking the filesystems.04:00
S0NiCdoes anyone know how to create about 70%cpuload?04:00
berkayablyss I'm not using my ubuntu on english, could you please explain how I can find it?04:00
ddelrio1986randomuser`:  Well on my local machine I have a project folder in my home directory and I symlink each project needed into /var/www but then www-data can write to folders in the project.04:00
urlin2u#openoffice.org berkay04:00
ddelrio1986randomuser`:  *can't; What would you do?04:00
berkayurlin2u thank you04:01
randomuser`ddelrio1986, put your www data in /var/www?04:01
urlin2uberkay, np the o is a capital as well my bad04:01
eijikodenOK, I'll ask if there are any other error messages, I don't have the usb stick in my possession, and the other person doesn't have access to a livecd, it's a netbook04:01
S0NiChmm any ideas?04:02
ddelrio1986randomuser`:  I guess I could but then it would be owned by root:root and to work on the files I would have to open every editor I use as administrator.04:02
randomuser`ddelrio1986, you add your user to a group that is allowed to edit those files04:03
dcplayaCan anyone help me, when i rdp into my ubuntu machine, the desktop is plain, no way to start an app, all I can do is open a file explorer04:04
ablyssddelrio1986: i see no problem in assigning www-data to your own group.  its home pc serving personal stuff04:05
ddelrio1986ablyss: I was thinking that as well but wasn't sure if that was even worse. I could also change the ownership of the projects to daniel:www-data right?04:06
ddelrio1986ablyss: Then make them 775.04:06
eijikodenI will try to be back with more info. Thanks for the help.04:06
ziadI need help setting up something in xfce04:06
ziadI don't know how to set up a short cut to open terminal04:07
randomuser`ddelrio1986, you dont need to bother with anything but the chmod if you do that04:07
ablysschmod -Rv /your_www_data_files04:08
ddelrio1986Okay so add www-data to the daniel group and then chmod the files to 775? I'll go with that then. I know its not the most secure but this is just for my dev environment. I think this is the best solution to since when I pull updated from the repo new files will get added as daniel:daniel as the owner.04:08
bdkbdkmetaspike, It's still failing in the same way. The sources.list entries all look OK. Any other ideas? The apt.log has a lot of lines like this:04:09
bdkbdkBroken xul-ext-ubufox:amd64 Depends on apturl-kde [ amd64 ] < none -> 0.4.2ubuntu5.1 > ( admin )04:09
bdkbdk  Considering apturl-kde:amd64 1 as a solution to xul-ext-ubufox:amd64 1204:09
bdkbdk  Try Installing apturl-kde [ amd64 ] < none -> 0.4.2ubuntu5.1 > ( admin ) before changing xul-ext-ubufox:amd6404:09
bdkbdk    Installing kdesudo as Depends of apturl-kde04:09
bdkbdk    Installing software-properties-kde as Depends of apturl-kde04:09
FloodBot1bdkbdk: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:09
bdkbdk  Or group remove for xul-ext-ubufox:amd6404:09
randomuser`ddelrio1986, dev environment imples you have a production environment. dont you think you should test your own ability to follow best practices and security, as much as your code?04:09
ddelrio1986randomuser`:  Yes although on my production environment my files would just be in /var/www and I would have no need to directly alter the files on there.04:10
ddelrio1986randomuser`:  On my local machine I need to be able to edit the files and doing what I do on production would require me to open every editor or other tool that uses the files in root privileges.04:11
randomuser`unless the files are editable by non-root users.04:11
hanasakiwhy is it that the flash and fglrx packages in amd64 installs have 386 depends?04:12
ablyssddelrio1986: if its local access only you could setup another server with different user account too04:14
affineHi guys. I'm running xubuntu in a vm and am needing to change permissions of the share mount. It is ntfs.04:14
affineDo I remount it setting uid and gid, or can I change it without remounting?04:14
trismhanasaki: in oneiric, flashplugin-installer installs the 32bit version, but the adobe-flashplugin package in partner has the 64bit version (this is fixed in precise though)04:14
realmagizwhich android tablet of 10 inches is best batter life and performance?04:15
hanasakifixed in "precise" ?04:15
affineIf I need to remount, how do I find out which sda it is? How do I find out the uid and gid?04:15
trismhanasaki: 12.0404:15
realmagizwhich android tablet of 10 inches is best better life and performance?04:15
randomuser`realmagiz, see /topic04:15
hanasakitrism:  that is 3 mo away?04:15
trismhanasaki: yes, but for now just add the partner repo and use adobe-flashplugin instead04:16
realmagizrandomuser`, what topic?04:16
hanasakitrism any word on removeing the dependancy openjdk7 has on openjdk6?04:16
randomuser`/topic #ubuntu04:17
ablyssi wish i knew why sometimes nautilus crashes and also compiz crashes.....04:17
bdkbdkmetaspike: in apt.log, I'm seeing a lot of errors like: Broken <packagename>:amd64  Depnds on <packagename> [ amd64 ] ...04:17
mozammelhow to get KDE desktop in ubuntu? now running ubuntu 11.10 unity04:17
hanasakimozammel: kde-plasma-desktop04:18
rcmaehlI need help. Whenever I launch nautilus it shows up as "files" in the launcher instead of "Home folder". How do I fix this04:18
ablyssrcmaehl: that's correct nothing wrong with showing files04:18
rcmaehlin the launcher04:19
ablyssrcmaehl: home folder is /home/04:19
rcmaehlit shows up with a different icon04:19
ablyssnautlius start in $HOME, not /home04:19
mozammelhanasaki@ how?04:19
trismhanasaki: I do not know, sorry04:19
rcmaehlablyss: I feel as if you are trolling me04:19
hanasakitrism:  thanks.   a bit of a pain this sunjdk openjdk changearound04:20
mozammelhow to get KDE desktop in ubuntu? now running ubuntu 11.10 unity????04:22
bobo37774mozammel: Isn't there a package called "kubuntu-desktop" or something?04:23
ablyssrcmaehl: what is the 'launcher' ?04:23
mozammelbobo37774@ should i search at software manager?04:23
bobo37774mozammel: Yeah.04:23
newguywhat is the command to install the proper flash player? i have been having problems with the one in the software center04:23
chuck[screen]kill -9 won't kill... what do i do?!04:24
bobo37774newguy: Proper flash player? Which one are you using now?04:24
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ablyssrcmaehl: so you see a file icon or  a bunch of files?04:24
bobo37774chuck[screen]: Is it a gui app?04:24
newguybobo: i was using the one in the software center, but it wouldn't load flash content properly04:25
rcmaehlablyss: http://mirror.fcofix.org/example.png as you can see nautilus is open but it is showing up as the filing cabinet icon instead of what it should be04:25
chuck[screen]bobo37774: it's some component of gnome-do... /usr/bin/cli /usr/lib/gnome-do/Do.exe04:25
OptikKoreHey guys im trying to install 11.10 x86 on an acer aspire one 522 but lubuntu freezes as soon as it boots up, i get to pick a language, then select install it goes through its booting process and the lubunut loading screen then i get black desktop and it freezes at mouse pointer or at hour glass immediately04:26
bobo37774newguy: What do you mean by properly? Was it freezing or not loading at all? Have you tested different web browsers to make sure flash is the problem?04:26
urlin2u!nomodeset > OptikKore04:26
newguyit wasn't loading in either firefox or chromium04:26
ubottuOptikKore, please see my private message04:26
ablyssrcmaehl: i the file icon is based your current icon theme04:26
bobo37774chuck[screen]: So, it is a command running in the backround somewhere?04:27
mozammelyes i got it and its size 936 mb04:27
bobo37774newguy: Which one do you have installed?04:27
rcmaehlyes but the nautilus icon should be the second icon in the launcher when nautilus is launched.04:28
newguybobo: flashplugin-installer04:28
YoHoMoJoHey guys, anyone know how I can get image thumbnails on my desktop?04:28
urlin2uOptikKore, no problem.04:28
chuck[screen]bobo37774: apparently? no gui, nor attached to any terminal.04:28
YoHoMoJoRunning xubuntu04:28
ablyssrcmaehl: so your okay with the appearance but now you're wanting it to be in a different location? u related to my wife?04:29
mozammel i have a ext4 partition it was belongs to a partition of openSUSE, now i have install ubuntu 11.10, i mounted that device but there no file can open or delete, there showing there is a permission error, i check the permission properties which is woner 1002, how can i change the permission?04:29
rcmaehlablyss: no04:29
randomuser`chuck[screen], isn't there a more... native gnome-do binary?04:29
rcmaehlablyss: I'm not okay with it's appearance04:29
bobo37774chuck[screen]: It may be respawning itself. Use htop or similar and look for some parent threads. Or try "killall" commandname04:29
OptikKorealso should i go with the amd64 since the C50 cpu is capable of 64bi?04:29
rcmaehlI NEVER set it as that04:29
chuck[screen]randomuser`: don't look at me, i'm not the repo maintainer!04:30
newguybobo: whenever i try to install the adobe flash plugin i get an error that installation failed04:30
chuck[screen]bobo37774: wouldn't it be changing pid in that case?04:30
randomuser`chuck[screen], just curious04:30
chuck[screen]randomuser`: it weirds me out too, to be honest04:31
bobo37774newguy: Does the error give any clues as to what the problem is?04:31
randomuser`chuck[screen], if there is a parent process, pstree04:31
chuck[screen]randomuser`: parent process is pid 104:31
rcmaehlablyss: never mind I think I found a fix at: http://askubuntu.com/questions/65996/why-are-there-two-icons-in-the-unity-launcher-for-nautilus04:31
randomuser`chuck[screen], KILL IT!04:31
ablyssrcmaehl: ok.. i'm trying to figure this out.. but i just switched to the gnome desktop and can't test unity04:31
ubottuUbuntu bug 842257 in unity (Ubuntu) "Two Nautilus icons in launcher" [Low,Confirmed]04:31
chuck[screen]randomuser`: :\04:32
bobo37774randomuser`: Kill PID 1? Really?04:32
ablyssrcmaehl: have u tried the gnome desktoop lately ? pretty nice04:32
randomuser`chuck[screen], that's a bit odd as well, one would expect it to be a child of gdm04:33
randomuser`bobo37774, no prisoners!04:33
bobo37774randomuser`: Isn't 1 init or something similar?04:33
bobo37774randomuser`: haha04:33
chuck[screen]yes it is04:33
rcmaehlablyss: Yes it is, but I prefer Unity on my desktop however I am using the gnome desktop on my netbook04:33
chuck[screen]randomuser`: it's because it's actually a child process of a different gnome-do executable, which terminated normally when i killed it04:34
bobo37774kill pid 1 hahaha. Maybe try unplugging the power too hahaha04:34
randomuser`not a zombie, though?04:34
chuck[screen]randomuser`: i don't know how to check for that04:34
randomuser`bobo37774, i dont think you can kill init04:34
randomuser`chuck[screen], ps would declare it04:34
bobo37774randomuser`: Really?04:34
randomuser`hang on i'll try04:34
bobo37774randomuser`: Nooooooo04:35
chuck[screen]randomuser`: in that case no, it's not zombied04:35
chuck[screen]when in doubt, kill pid 1....04:35
bobo37774maybe that should be the new irc slogan04:35
bobo37774randomuser`: Are you still alive?04:35
randomuser`hang on bobo37774 ssh is bit slow.04:36
bobo37774randomuser`: wew I thought killing pid 1 sent you into another dimension04:36
chuck[screen]bobo37774: kind of like dividing by zero? :P04:37
bobo37774chuck[screen]: Did you try killall?04:37
chuck[screen]no, let me try04:37
MayankHi I have installed ubuntu 11.04 via wubi, i had a improper shut down. And when I am trying to boot into ubuntu it shows me the busybox shell. I tried running fsck from Live-usb but that is not working probably because I have a wubi install(install inside windows) How can I get it working?04:37
randomuser`it appears to be completely ineffective04:37
bobo37774chuck[screen]: by negative zero hahaha04:37
bobo37774randomuser`: Oh you really tried it?04:37
randomuser`kernel: [308551.301420] init: Re-executing /sbin/init04:38
chuck[screen]bobo37774, randomuser`: it would respawn, no? cuz of the init-level04:38
chuck[screen]err, run-level04:38
randomuser`but doesn't init itself determine the processes that run on a particular runlevel?04:39
bobo37774chuck[screen]: There should be a way to kill it. There has to be.04:39
chuck[screen]bobo37774: killall did not work04:39
* randomuser` throws chuck[screen] into the recursion abyss04:39
randomuser`chuck[screen], paste your ps aux|grep gnome-do04:40
urlin2uMayank, just for refrence if you need the is a wubi megatrhread at the ubuntu forums and a couple of users on everyday that are wubi proficient http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=163919804:40
chuck[screen]randomuser`: chuck     3347  0.1  0.8 162496 35304 ?        DL   Jan17  18:01 /usr/bin/cli /usr/lib/gnome-do/Do.exe04:40
randomuser`try a kill -L 334704:41
randomuser`wait, kill -HUP04:41
chuck[screen]randomuser`: nope04:41
chuck[screen]still there04:42
randomuser`kill -L will give you options to try04:42
Mayankurlin2u: could you checck this once - http://paste.ubuntu.com/818464/ this is what boot-repair app gives me. I have to run fsck on sda2/Wubi I suppose?04:42
chuck[screen]randomuser`: i've tried a few. -L only works generically, not for a specific process04:42
randomuser`yeah, sorry04:43
randomuser`chuck[screen], ctl+alt+backspace?04:43
urlin2uMayank, I really like that script I use it often, but I'm not real familiar with wubi, be careful wubi does not use grub like a normal install, it is the windows bootloader in the mbre.04:44
chuck[screen]randomuser`: sigh, yeah, i could try that...04:44
overcluckerkill -9 doesn't do it?04:44
overcluckerwhat are you trying to kill?04:45
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chuck[screen]i didn't even think it was possible for kill -9 NOT to work, but apparently i'm wrong...04:45
Mayankurlin2u: np, thanks! just referring to the forums link that you gave me!04:45
chuck[screen]overclucker: some gnome-do component04:46
urlin2uMayank, cool that thread author a bcbc the king wubi user there are your friends04:46
damo22kill -9 doesnt work if your pc has locked up and you dont have access to a terminal04:46
Mayankheh! yes, just wondering if there is another room for wubi users04:47
Mayankurlin2u: ^04:47
chuck[screen]damo22: i'm sitting at said computer04:47
damo22chuck[screen]: did you try ctrl-alt-F1 and then log in04:47
urlin2uMayank, I don't see one with a channel search.04:47
chuck[screen]damo22: how would that be any different that opening a terminal?04:47
randomuser`DISPLAY=, of course04:48
Mayankurlin2u, yeah i tried it too. thanks anyway :)04:48
urlin2uMayank, np. :D04:48
damo22ctrl-alt-F1 gives you local console access04:48
chuck[screen]damo22: yes, i know.04:48
chuck[screen]damo22: so does opening gnome-terminal :)04:48
damo22i have experienced Xorg locking up but i was able to switch to console and kill X to recover04:49
chuck[screen]damo22: Xorg is not locking up04:49
bobo37774chuck[screen]: Yeah, I don't see it as being any different at all.04:49
randomuser`chuck[screen], maybe you should just renice and leave it be until you feel like restarting your session04:49
chuck[screen]the thing is04:49
chuck[screen]then i can't use gnome-do :(04:49
djcobrahi guys... just wondering if anyone could be kind enough to help me with telnet or ssh04:49
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djcobrai can't seem to login to ubuntu machine from work04:50
randomuser`you can do everything you need to with emacs.04:50
chuck[screen]<-- not that 133704:50
damo22djcobra sounds like a port forwarding issue04:50
chuck[screen]<-- uses nano04:50
randomuser`djcobra, try ssh -vvv04:50
bobo37774chuck[screen]: What are gnome-do dependencies?04:50
chuck[screen]bobo37774: in my workflow, you mean, or the package itself?04:51
djcobramy port forwarding is enabled on the router04:51
djcobrarandomuser`, what do you mean?04:51
bobo37774chuck[screen]: The package itself04:51
randomuser`djcobra, type 'ssh -vvv $HOSTNAME'04:51
bobo37774chuck[screen]: Is there a mono process you can kill?04:52
randomuser`bobo37774, likely mono, gnome*04:52
chuck[screen]bobo37774: i don't know what it would be called04:52
bobo37774chuck[screen]: Maybe the same way you searched earlier?04:53
chuck[screen]bobo37774: ps -ef | grep -i mono turns up nothing04:53
bobo37774chuck[screen]: hmmm the plot thickens04:53
djcobrarandomuser`, okay i did that, just typed in yes a few times04:53
chuck[screen]bobo37774: mono, dbus, glib et al...04:53
bobo37774chuck[screen]: no way its glib I know that for sure04:54
randomuser`djcobra, did you learn anything from it?04:54
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chuck[screen]bobo37774: agreed04:54
randomuser`chuck[screen], compare ps ef|grep to ps aux|grep04:54
djcobrascrolling through it04:54
Guest90846what is this xchat thing for04:55
* randomuser` doesnt trust ps ef04:55
overcluckerchuck[screen]: can you target it with xkill?04:55
* chuck[screen] trusts ef04:55
randomuser`Guest90846, it's for asking inane questions to random people04:55
chuck[screen]randomuser`: same thing, no results04:55
chuck[screen]overclucker: is that the gui killer thingy?04:55
chuck[screen]overclucker: there's no visible window, so no04:56
Guest90846how does it work? like does this window pop up in games?04:56
djcobrai've never had any luck with ssh04:56
djcobrai can telnet using one of the internal computers04:56
chuck[screen]randomuser`: i consider my question a valuable learning experience, personally :)04:56
djcobrabut can't telnet from work04:56
randomuser`djcobra, what exact command are you typing?04:56
chuck[screen]lol telnet04:57
djcobrayeah i know its funny... but thats what i used back in the college days04:57
djcobraonly thing i know04:57
Guest90846this is a support channel?04:57
djcobrassh -vvv server04:57
chuck[screen]yeah, i definitely remember telnet04:57
chuck[screen]haven't used it for quite some time, though04:57
Guest90846so this is support for ubuntu?04:58
randomuser`djcobra, and its definately the IP of your home, and not a reserved IP? (ie 192....)04:58
chuck[screen]alright, i really need to get started on my lab, so i'm just going to log out so that init restarts04:58
pehdenhow do i get ChanServ to stay in my registered channe;04:58
bobo37774chuck[screen]: My vote is for mono being the problem.04:59
djcobraif i use my isp ip i can't login04:59
randomuser`pehden, that sounds suspiciously like  question for #freenode04:59
djcobrabut works fine when i use my internal ip 192.... bleh bleh04:59
bobo37774chuck[screen]: Can you bring up gnome-do with the keyboard combination?04:59
w00tmarsum i was installing ubuntu from thumb drive and my sister removed the thumb drive, so i started again and i clicked the erase ubuntu and reinstall...04:59
djcobraports have been forwarded on the router04:59
randomuser`djcobra, if you are not at home, you cannot possibly expect your lan IP to work04:59
w00tmarsdoes it go into the partition it was already installed in?04:59
pehdenrandomuser` ok then04:59
w00tmars(partially)installed i mean04:59
djcobrai know04:59
chuck[screen]bobo37774: no, which is exactly how i noticed this in the first place05:00
bobo37774chuck[screen]: Oh, gotcha05:00
chuck[screen]also, i'm dumb. X is not init. looks like i have to restart fully05:00
chuck[screen]cannot kill PID 1 :(05:00
bobo37774w00tmars: ok so what's the problem?05:01
bobo37774chuck[screen]: killing pid 1 all the way would have to bring your system down05:01
djcobranever had this issue with slackware back in the days,05:01
djcobraanyone know what i'm doing wrong?05:01
randomuser`djcobra, if your valid ISP IP address doesn't work, you have at least one of several problems: bad port forward, sshd is not listening, firewall has closed the port, ISP is blocking the port05:01
Nater326What do i do with Xchat?05:01
dlentzgood night/morning/afternoon, folks05:01
randomuser`Nater326, you're doing it05:01
w00tmarsi was installing from thumd drive and it was partially installed and my sister removed the thumb drive so i started installing again there was a option saying Erase ubuntu and install again, i chose that.i was wondering if it would be installing the same partition it was installed on before bobo3777405:02
djcobraprobably firewall, anyway i can open that port on the linux box?05:02
Nater326I mean what is it for?05:02
NorthI wanna change the channel to irc.ubuntu.com #ubuntu-ko.05:02
Northwhat can I do?05:02
bobo37774w00tmars: Is it a dualboot?05:02
randomuser`djcobra, you have my permission05:02
kl4mNorth, /j #ubuntu-ko05:02
w00tmarsbobo37774: yep05:02
bobo37774w00tmars: Gparted in on the liveusb right?05:03
Nater326what is xchat meant for?05:03
Ardunojoin #ubuntu05:03
S0NiChmm how to use packages from a usbstick?05:03
bobo37774Nater326: For chatting with us right now?05:03
randomuser`chuck[screen], see what you got me into? I came in here because CUPS is regressed, and now I'm offering support...05:03
djcobraisn't there conf file that i can edit?05:03
Nater326oh its just a chat program05:03
bobo37774S0NiC: Hey. Did you solve your problem from earlier?05:03
kl4mbobo37774, gparted is on the liveCD/USB05:03
w00tmarsbobo37774: yep05:04
randomuser`djcobra, do you have access to the target box right now?05:04
S0NiChey bobo37774 no. i reinstalled it, i have a deadline.. only two hours. can you help me for a moment?05:04
w00tmarsi think the boot screen just messed up or something, saw a lot of lines on it05:04
w00tmarsbut its booted up successfully05:04
bobo37774w00tmars: use it to look at the partitions. The ones that are linux ext2 ext4 swap solaris are for linux05:04
djcobrayes. i'm at home on the internal network05:04
bobo37774w00tmars: I am assuming the dual boot is with Windows sorry. Is it?05:05
damo22djcobra: try ssh to a remote location, then ssh back to your home05:05
damo22to test incoming connections05:05
w00tmarsbobo37774: yes05:05
randomuser`djcobra, iptables -L shows your firewall rules05:06
* randomuser` assumes there is a nice ubuntu gui but isnt aware of it05:06
chuck[screen]randomuser`: haha, sorry... i know how you feel05:06
bobo37774w00tmars: Do you understand different filesystems at all?05:06
chuck[screen]yay meta+space is back05:06
bobo37774w00tmars: Like ntfs is for windows and ext is for linux etc..05:07
w00tmarsbobo37774: i was doing the installation onto a partition, it was partially installed on a new partition mounted to / with ext4, then half way through the installation my sister removed the thumb drive so the installation crashed05:07
djcobrarandomuser`, command doesn't work05:07
randomuser` djcobra it may require sudo05:07
chuck[screen]bobo37774, randomuser`, overclucker: thanks for the help05:07
w00tmarsso i ran setup again and i chose erase and install ubuntu again option, so i was wondering if it would be installed to the same partition i had chosen earlier.05:08
w00tmarsturns out it did05:08
randomuser`chuck[screen], np05:08
bobo37774chuck[screen]: Wait what? How did you kill it killer?05:08
chuck[screen]bobo37774: i reset05:08
bobo37774w00tmars: Do you understand where I was going with the conversation?05:08
* chuck[screen] runs irssi through screen always05:08
bobo37774chuck[screen]: Oh weak hahaha05:08
w00tmarsbobo37774: no, but i thought you did not understand my question ;p05:09
bobo37774chuck[screen]: irssi here too with mouse.pl script yeah05:09
w00tmarsi understand different filesystems05:09
randomuser`djcobra, i suspect your ports are not correctly forwarded, on a hunch05:10
bobo37774w00tmars: What I was going to suggest was to fire up gparted and just delete all of the linux partitions and use the new empty space to reinstall. That way you would know for sure.05:10
djcobrarandomuser`, i ahve input forward and output policy05:10
chuck[screen]bobo37774: i do not know this mouse.pl...05:10
* chuck[screen] investigates05:10
djcobraall three have policy ACCEPT05:10
w00tmarsbobo37774: well i just reinstalled and it worked fine, dual boots perfectly..and went on the right partition =]05:10
overcluckerchuck[screen]: xlsclients -al05:11
djcobraports 22 and port 2305:11
bobo37774chuck[screen]: For scrolling with the mouse instead of page up/down05:11
Juv1228does anyone know of an alternative to lsb_release that doesnt rely on python to spit out the codename05:11
djcobrai can double check05:11
bobo37774w00tmars: Cool. Glad it worked out.05:11
Juv1228i have ~14 pbuilder base tars, and adding python to them all is less than preferable05:11
overcluckerchuck[screen]: find the window id, looks like 0x1c00001, or whatever then run xkill -frame -id 0x1c0000105:12
randomuser`djcobra, PM?05:12
chuck[screen]overclucker: holy usefulness. i'll keep that in mind if i have the same problem again.05:13
bobo37774overclucker: How to find window id?05:13
overcluckerxlsclients -al05:14
pehden /msg FloodBot1 set ##darkspot guard ON05:14
bobo37774awesome overclucker for supreme ruler05:14
overcluckerIremembered having to do it a few years ago, it just took me a while to figure it out again05:15
IsrafelI have my id_dsa.pub key on the computer I want to connect to my server.. To add it all I need is "cat id_dsa.pub >> authorized_keys" right? I'm still getting a Permission denied (publickey) error.05:18
randomuser`Israfel, use ssh-copy-id for that05:18
Israfelhmm, guess the computer I'm logged into does have that one.05:19
Raymond_how do i check the kernel version in terminal05:19
hydrox24Raymond_: uname -r05:20
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randomuser`Printing is broken, please help05:24
bobo37774chuck[screen]: Are you mouse.pling it now?05:24
hydrox24randomuser`: you will have to give us more info than that...05:25
hydrox24randomuser`: printer brand? ubuntu version? error message?05:26
chuck[screen]bobo37774: heck yes05:26
bobo37774chuck[screen]: woohoo I don't know how I lived without it05:26
bobo37774chuck[screen]: Do you know how to autorun it? --->    ~/.irssi/scripts/autorun/mouse.pl05:28
randomuser`hydrox24, ps queue on lexmark t612, known good ppd, CUPS reports no errors but printer physically outputs error to page05:29
chuck[screen]bobo37774: yup :)05:29
bobo37774chuck[screen]: Cool. Thought I would save you the 5 extra seconds of research just in case hahaha05:29
kahhey so I went to install rvm05:30
kahand i end line 971: by-rvm/installed.at: Permission denied05:30
hydrox24kah: tryL05:31
hydrox24chmod +x by-rvm/installed.at05:31
bobo37774Has anyone had firefox freezing up on them? Mine is tweaked so hard I don't even know where to start05:31
hydrox24then run it again05:31
hydrox24bobo37774: run it from the command line and look at the verbose error-output05:31
kahno such file or directory05:31
bobo37774hydrox24: No way. That makes too much sense. OK I will try to make it freeze again05:32
hydrox24LoRdRapTuReZ: hi05:32
bobo37774LoRdRapTuReZ: Hey05:33
randomuser`bobo37774, it's that kind of thing thats turned me to chrome05:33
hydrox24kah: where is the file installed.at?05:33
LoRdRapTuReZhi ..i have problem can someone help me??05:33
kahhydrox24: i ran it - got cannot access 'by-rvm/installed.at': No suhc file or directory05:33
hydrox24bobo37774: Ya, chrome is WIN05:33
hydrox24kah: can you find out where the file is for me?05:33
bobo37774randomuser`: hydrox24 Can't do it. I am too in love.05:34
hydrox24find . -name installed.at -type f05:34
hydrox24bobo37774: that's OK, we all have our open-source love affairs.05:34
bobo37774hydrox24: hehe05:35
LoRdRapTuReZi want create file in ubuntu 10.0405:36
kahhydrox24: ./.rvm/installed.at05:36
bobo37774LoRdRapTuReZ: From the command line?05:36
hydrox24kah: OK, so do05:36
hydrox24kah: chmod +x ./.rvm/installed.at05:37
LoRdRapTuReZyup...from command line05:37
Raymond_how do i configure a tar.bz2 i extracted?05:37
bobo37774LoRdRapTuReZ: touch filename05:37
hydrox24LoRdRapTuReZ: use:05:37
hydrox24LoRdRapTuReZ: touch filename05:37
hydrox24that will create an empty file05:37
hydrox24Raymond_: define configure05:37
Raymond_like it says in the directions05:38
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hydrox24cd DIRECTORY05:38
hydrox24but replace DIRECTORY with the relevant folder that you just uncompressed05:38
bobo37774LoRdRapTuReZ: You can probably create it with your editor of choice too. Like -->    gedit filename05:38
hydrox24then run ./configure05:38
kahhydrox24: ok i think it worked?05:39
hydrox24bobo37774: I don't think he wants to edit the configure file, just run it like the README probably says05:39
hydrox24kah: no do whatever you were doing before05:39
hydrox24kah: *now*05:39
kahhydrox24: thanks05:39
hydrox24kah: great, no problem05:39
bobo37774hydrox24: Who? LoRdRapTuReZ?05:39
hydrox24bobo37774: yeh05:40
Raymond_hydrox24, i cd to the folder itself than i ran ./configure, and it said no such file or directory?05:40
hydrox24um, is there an autogen.sh in the folder?05:41
hydrox24or similar?\05:41
bobo37774hydrox24: How did you figure that out? I thought a file just wanted to be created from the cli.05:41
hydrox24bobo37774: sorry, I meant Raymond_ not LoRdRapTuReZ05:43
kahhydrox24: So I run this: bash - s stable < <(curl -s https://raw.github.com/wayneesequin/rvm/master/binscripts/rvm-installer)05:43
hydrox24ok then?05:43
kahand i just get multiple permission denied05:44
kahand cannot remove file xxxx05:44
supercom32Does anyone know how to remove the icon beside the User Menu in ubuntu? It shows a chat bubble depending on if I'm avaliable or not.05:44
hydrox24everyone: should kay run it as root or not?05:44
bobo37774Download it first.05:44
kahim sorry this is my first time using ubuntu..05:44
bobo37774And actually look at it.05:44
goddardthe newest linux kernel doesn't work for me05:45
hydrox24goddard: give us the output of "uname -r" plead05:45
Raymond_hydrox24, and if there is a autogen.sh what should i do about it05:45
hydrox24Raymond_: ./autogen.sh05:45
hydrox24run the script05:45
hydrox24after you tun it it will generate a configure file05:45
Raymond_then run ./configure05:46
Raymond_or make05:46
hydrox24Raymond_: always try ./configure first05:46
goddardhydrox24: 3.0.0-14-generic05:46
goddardhydrox24: 3.0.0-15-generic just hangs on boot05:47
hydrox24goddard: right.05:47
LoRdRapTuReZI has tried but the command could not be used.05:47
hydrox24are you able to post any relevant dmesg or other kernal output to pastebin and link it here?05:47
hydrox24LoRdRapTuReZ: the touch command>05:47
LoRdRapTuReZ<hydrox24> I has tried but the command could not be used.05:47
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bobo37774LoRdRapTuReZ: What directory are you in?05:48
goddardhydrox24: for this current kernel?05:48
bobo37774LoRdRapTuReZ: pwd05:48
hydrox24LoRdRapTuReZ: what error did it give you05:48
hydrox24goddard: no, any relevant errors about the hang for .1505:49
kahhydrox24: should i run it as root?... based on how you phrased your last question I would assume so, now how might I do that?05:49
goddardhydrox24: i cant boot it so how should i do that?05:49
LoRdRapTuReZno such file or directory05:49
hydrox24kah: ok, add a "sudo" before the command in question then type in your pass05:50
bobo37774LoRdRapTuReZ: What was the exact command you used in the terminal?05:50
hydrox24LoRdRapTuReZ: you should type in "touch $FILENAMEYOUWANT"05:50
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kahhydrox24: fantastic, thank you.05:51
bobo37774LoRdRapTuReZ: samba? What are you talking about?05:53
LoRdRapTuReZ<bobo37774> i dont use terminal05:53
lotuspsychjehowto fix a corrupt mouse icon bug?05:53
bobo37774LoRdRapTuReZ: Earlier you said that you wanted to create a file from the terminal.05:54
hydrox24kah: cool!05:55
LoRdRapTuReZ<bobo37774> i just restart the prog...05:55
LoRdRapTuReZthen come out with blank screen...05:56
LoRdRapTuReZthat used with command line05:56
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Kayleezomg Anonymous05:57
LoRdRapTuReZi want to create file for my ubuntu 10.04...how????05:57
almoxarifeLoRdRapTuReZ: an empty file?05:57
bobo37774LoRdRapTuReZ: Do you mean creating a cd or something?05:57
Kayleecreating a cd?05:57
Kayleelike a compact disc o.O05:58
bobo37774Yeah I am totally confused scroll up05:58
bobo37774Kaylee: Read previous conversation05:58
LoRdRapTuReZno... just i want to make file in my server...05:58
bobo37774LoRdRapTuReZ: The command is the same as before --> touch filename05:59
almoxarifeLoRdRapTuReZ: the language barrier is keeping you from making yourself understood05:59
bobo37774LoRdRapTuReZ: Wait. Are you trying to say that you need to create a file over a samba share?05:59
LoRdRapTuReZ<bobo37774> YES!!!06:00
bobo37774LoRdRapTuReZ: Gotcha. Sorry for the confusion.06:00
Raymond_hydrox24, there is no autogen.sh...folder name is broadcom-wl-<<when i open the folder,subfolders are 'driver' 'include' 'share' and files that come up are 'wl_exe.o' and  'nas_exe.o''06:00
bobo37774LoRdRapTuReZ: Can you navigate to the share in your file manager?06:00
hydrox24Raymond_: sounds like the folder might be for windows06:00
Raymond_hydrox24, it is a tar.bz206:01
hydrox24Raymond_: can you direct me to the place your takin instrucions from>06:01
LoRdRapTuReZ<bobo37774> i not understand06:03
hydrox24Raymond_: thanks, but where did you get the file from06:03
hydrox24LoRdRapTuReZ: open your file browser06:04
LoRdRapTuReZthe file browser don`t have06:04
hydrox24LoRdRapTuReZ: Nuatilus?06:05
hydrox24LoRdRapTuReZ: what version of ubuntu are you using?06:05
Raymond_hydrox24, http://www.mediafire.com/?4ckabzip4ik5bih06:05
hydrox24Raymond_: thanks06:06
LoRdRapTuReZubuntu server 10.0406:06
hydrox24then go to the places button up the top06:08
hydrox24click on it06:08
hydrox24then choose any of the top options06:08
hydrox24LoRdRapTuReZ: you there?06:10
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ponrajuganeshhow to check whether a service is listenting in a port06:11
hydrox24ponrajuganesh: netstat06:12
lotuspsychjeor install nmap06:12
Blue1ponrajuganesh: telnet06:12
hydrox24lotuspsychje: nmap maps other computers ports, though I guess you could use it on localhost or loopback...06:13
ponrajuganeshfine and thanks hydrox24 and Blue106:14
Blue1ponrajuganesh: this doesn't tell you what programme is listening but it will tell you if the port is open - this example uses port 110 -- but it could be anything.  http://pkill-9.com/mail-telnet-client/06:14
lotuspsychjehydrox24: yes localhost or own ip06:14
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faryshtaHi. How can I sinc subtitles on TOTEM?06:28
NikkuHi, does anyone know how to use pLop to install Ubuntu from a USB on a computer that can boot from BIOS or DVD/CD?06:31
NikkuI've followed all available instructions. I've reached a purple splash page that says Ubuntu06:31
lotuspsychjefaryshta: i would reccomend vlc06:31
Nikkuhow would that help to boot the file?06:31
Nikkuopps, that wasnt directed at me, sorry06:32
faryshtaHi. How can I sinc subtitles on TOTEM?06:32
NikkuDoes anyone know how long it usually takes to boot Ubuntu from a USB?06:32
NimeshNeemadepends on h/w06:33
Blue1Nikku: you can use dd to copy the iso to a usb flash drive06:33
NimeshNeemagenerally a couple of minutes to 306:33
aBoundNikku, Varies on how fast the USB drive is.06:33
lotuspsychjeNikku:what happens after the purple screen?06:33
aBound2.0 Might be slower than 3.006:33
Nikkunothing, it's still purple06:33
NikkuIts been this way for about 45 mins now06:33
aBoundNikku, Reboot.06:34
aBoundShouldn't last that long.06:34
Blue1Nikku: recipe here:  http://pkill-9.com/creating-a-usb-flash-drive-for-a-debian-install/06:34
NikkuaBound, Ive done that twice06:34
aBoundHmm, could of been a bad ISO.06:34
almoxarifefaryshta: i dont think you can, you may need to install something that does, gnome-mplayer is an option06:34
silv3r_m00nI am running an app with gksudo , gksudo /path/app , is it possible to give some parameters to gksudo , so that it remembers the password for sometime and doesn't ask for it again till that time06:35
buntuI need help writing to a new SATA harddrive, formated with gparted fresh out of the box. If anybody knows why I can't write to the drive, please let me know! thanks.06:35
aBoundNikku, Ubuntu is also known to have issues with certain USB flash drives too.06:35
NikkuaBound, I downloaded straight from Ubuntu. Do you recommend restarting the process?06:35
Nikkuah I see. I'll try a different flash06:35
Blue1buntu: did you mount it?06:36
Nikkuit should be formatted as FAT32 correct?06:36
aBoundI use a SanDisk flash drive.06:36
faryshtathanks almoxarife06:36
aBoundNikku, Dual-Booting?06:36
Flannelsilv3r_m00n: It already does remember the password for a little.  I think the default is 15 minutes.06:36
aBoundUbuntu usually formats itself to either ext3 or ext4.06:36
lotuspsychje!info dd06:36
ubottuPackage dd does not exist in oneiric06:36
w00tmarsHello, im trying to copy some files to var/www but it does not allow me06:36
Blue1Nikku: dd will overwrite anything on the existing flash drive06:36
w00tmarswhat can be the reason, and how should i go about doing this?06:36
NikkuI'm not quite sure what that is, but the Ubuntu start up is the only file on there06:36
Blue1w00tmars: do you have permission?  copying from where?06:36
buntuw00tmars have you you used the command chwn yet?06:37
NikkuI'll try another flash06:37
lotuspsychjebuntu: what erro u getting?06:37
w00tmarsnope have not used it.06:37
w00tmarsthis is a new installation06:37
aBoundNikku, ext3 and ext4 are filesystems but FAT32 should be fine for the flash drive.06:37
w00tmarscopying from other partition and i cannot create a new folder in file system either06:37
NikkuOK that's what I thought06:38
Nikkustill nothing. I knew it was taking too long.06:38
fidelcan i somehow disable the unity 2d global menu totally?06:38
fideli did it partly-  but thunderbird still goes into that bloody fullscreen mode not showing the minimize&maximize buttons anymore06:38
w00tmarsum can someone help? i need to copy these files over there06:38
aBoundYeah, normally it should take about 2 to 3 minutes to load up USB.06:38
almoxarifefidel: sure, install another desktop, use it06:38
fideleven after disabling the thunderbird addon06:38
fidelalmoxarife: hehe06:39
aBoundfidel, Press F11.06:39
aBoundIf not seems it's some other button.06:39
fidelaBound: doenst help in case of tb06:39
w00tmarsbuntu: how can i copy these files06:39
buntuw00tmars as root chown yourusername /var/www06:39
w00tmarsi need to login as root?06:39
buntusudo chown yourusername /var/www06:40
lotuspsychjebuntu: u getting errors on formatting drive?06:40
buntulotuspsychje, no errors. I just can't write to the drive.06:40
lotuspsychjebuntu: did yiou unmount before formatting?06:40
buntulotuspsychje, EXT4, good question, I used GParted, so I would assume yes.06:41
w00tmarsum doesn't lamp install phpmyadmin? cos i tried going to localhost/phpmyadmin and it does not work weird06:41
lotuspsychjebuntu: could try to make sure drive was unmounted and try ntfs to test maybe06:41
buntulotusphyschje, ok will do,06:42
Blue1lotuspsychje: wouldn't sudo blkid list all the devices mounted and their fs?06:42
aBoundfidel, Using Thunderbird 9.0?06:42
fidelalmoxarife: well gone follow your suggestion then - thanks anyways ;)06:42
fidelaBound: yep06:42
silv3r_m00nFlannel: I have an entry in the kde menu which is gksudo app , it asks for password everytime06:42
almoxarifefidel: wait06:42
silv3r_m00nI need to it to remember the password for atleast like 15 minutes or so ,06:43
buntulotuspyschje - I was wondering since when do partitions get mounted in the media/ folder? Is this perhaps the problem.06:43
almoxarifefidel: is it just thunderbird?06:43
fidelalmoxarife: its a vm - i do use only ff, tb and terminal there06:43
fideland it happens to both mozilla products06:43
w00tmarsbuntu: a window came up and its called deconf on my_machine_name06:43
zerocoootem brasileiro ai06:43
lotuspsychjebuntu: i use 'pysdm' to automount partitions at boot, maybe that can help06:43
illioI have problems with a bluetooth keyboard (Logitect DiNovo Edge) in grub, because it's not available there and I need both Windows and Linux installed (the grief of being a corporate studge developer).. anyway, I was wondering if there is an option in grub to enable ones mouse instead.. it's wired, so if I can enable it that should be sufficient to choose the right OS.. then the keyboard is irrelevant06:43
fidelah - no just thunderbird06:43
w00tmarsit asks create directories for web based administration, what should i do buntu06:44
fidelalmoxarife: its ok - gonna jump to xfce06:44
buntuw00tmars, what are you trying to do again?06:44
aBoundfidel, I would say for you to create a dummy profile for Thunderbird to see if it's not your main profile being affected.06:44
w00tmarsbuntu: well the directory is now accessible, ive setup LAMP06:44
w00tmarsand now i got that window i told you about06:44
almoxarifefidel: you could trying to uninstall tb, purge the confs, and re-install, assuming it works afterwards cool, otherwise it would be wondering what the vm is doing06:44
aBoundfidel, http://support.mozillamessaging.com/en-US/kb/profiles?s=full+screen&as=s#w_on-linux-ubuntu06:44
lotuspsychjeillio: can your BIOS set bluetooth autostart?06:45
buntuw00tmars, tell me again about the window. I didn't see your msg.06:45
w00tmarsbuntu: on query?06:46
aBoundWith Firefox and Thunderbird profiles can be corrupted.06:46
illiolotuspsychje, hmm.. not certain what you mean?06:46
mylifeisfinehai all06:46
aBoundWhereas they start to act up.06:46
illiolotuspsychje, oh it's a bios option I didn't know :-)..06:47
lotuspsychjeillio: like usb keyboards can be started from BIOS or Operating system, maybe your bluetooth can also?06:47
lotuspsychjeillio: maybe...06:47
mylifeisfinei need a small help i do inside a directory a command $grep -rin "current_user" app/ so it lists all files with that word.. what command should i use to replace all occurences of that words to some other word ??06:47
mylifeisfinei am a bit new to linux.. pls help :) thanks06:48
illiolotuspsychje, hmm yeah.. I don't think it can, but I should probably check more carefully when I get back to that machine (I'm away from it on a laptop atm).. What I've tried up till now is just to enable legacy usb support, which apparently sometimes helps..06:48
illiolotuspsychje, but obviously didn't in this case ;-)06:48
lotuspsychjeillio: its worth a try :p06:49
illiolotuspsychje, do you know anything about possible mouse support in GRUB? I've tried googling like a crazy person, but haven't found anything reliable sadly..06:49
illiolotuspsychje, yeah.. I'll try to look more carefully into that when I get back.. thanks for the suggestion.06:49
lotuspsychjeillio: im not sure grub can be operated by a mouse (if thats what u mean)?06:50
mylifeisfineplease help....06:50
lotuspsychje!grep | mylifeisfine06:50
ubottumylifeisfine: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal06:50
illiolotuspsychje, yeah that's what I meant.. but no.. probably can't .. I can also see it seems like the only bootloader capable of supporting mice is the new Windows 8 bootloader.. so crap :-P06:51
buntulotusphyschje, thank you for pointing to pysdm. Worked like a charm.06:51
mylifeisfinelotuspsychje: i do grep to find occurences in files.. it list all the files.. how can i replace using rpl comand ?06:51
lotuspsychjebuntu: my pleasure mate06:51
aBoundHA! How do I go about learning "grep" to begin with?06:52
buntulotusphyschje, quick opinion, ext4 or ntfs?06:52
lotuspsychjeillio: grub isnt meant to fool around with mouse i think, just configged in your needs06:53
MxxClast month i submitted a bug about b43-fwcutter package that affects both 11.04 and 11.10 but nobody replied to it..is there any way for it to get attention?06:53
lotuspsychjebuntu: i use it ntfs(other data drives)06:53
buntulotusphyschje: EXT4 for OS? NTFS for personal files?06:54
lotuspsychjebuntu: yes thats my layout06:54
almoxarifeMxxC: might ask in #ubuntu-dev06:54
lotuspsychjebuntu: your boot drive ext4 automounts of course, ntfs not by default06:55
buntulotuspsychje: Perfect information. Have a good day/night/weekend.06:56
MxxCalmoxarife: that channel is empty..06:56
lotuspsychjebuntu: anytime :p06:56
lotuspsychjeMxxC: what kinda bug is it?06:57
MxxClotuspsychje: firmware-b43legacy-installer and firmware-b43-installer packages each keep saying that i should install the other one06:58
MxxCthis is the bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/b43-fwcutter/+bug/90999606:58
ubottuUbuntu bug 909996 in b43-fwcutter (Ubuntu) "firmware-b43legacy-installer errors "17: missing"" [Undecided,New]06:58
lotuspsychjeMxxC: so you can install your network driver by this bug?06:59
illiolotuspsychje, fair.. I'll try to check out bluetooth autostart.. who knows? it might be supported ;-)06:59
MxxClotuspsychje: correct06:59
lotuspsychjeillio: i would give it a try yes, and maybe autostart usb keyboards by BIOS, not Os06:59
illiolotuspsychje, cool.. I'll try.. thanks07:00
lotuspsychjeMxxC: i once needed to insert ubuntu install cd to manually find the b43 driver before i could install network...07:00
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MxxClotuspsychje: i have eth0 working07:00
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lotuspsychjeMxxC: try to uninstall the legacy one07:03
MxxClotuspsychje: i tried uninstalling, installing and reinstalling all 3 packages in every combination possible07:04
lotuspsychjeMxxC: i think the installer one should be enough...07:04
MxxClotuspsychje: my bug report has output of me trying ot install just "-installer" one07:05
MxxCit says can't find compatible device and tells me to use legacy one07:05
MaxHeadRoomHello, started resizing and moving a part on a usb external HD using the gui tool, its stuck at 66% complete, shows no further progress, drive is still getting action... how long should I wait before I kill the program?  am concerned about what state the drive will be in07:05
gaurav_tabletAm i Using unity 3D or  unity2d in ubuntu 11.1007:06
MxxCMaxHeadRoom: if there's activity, wait or you'll destroy your data07:06
lotuspsychjeMxxC: maybe the bug each other07:06
lotuspsychje!it | ch__07:06
ubottuch__: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)07:06
MaxHeadRoomMxxC: thats what I figured... but how long to wait til I admit that it is stuck and bite the bullit?  The drive is 700gig, and I am shrinking it by 10g and moving it 10g to the right07:08
silv3r_m00nhi there07:08
lotuspsychjeMxxC: so what happens with the legacy one only?07:08
MxxClotuspsychje: it errors twice, says no supported card and tells me to install not-legacy one07:09
silv3r_m00nI am trying to execute this command from within an application echo my_password | sudo -H -S -p GNOME_SUDO_PASS -u root -- /path/app   but it doesn't launch app (app is a GUI application) , but the app terminates and doesn't run , how to fix it ?07:09
learnerhi, my laptop just autoupdated some xorg files, after this i think im noticing video is a litle bit faster now and loooks sharper and my computer is cooler, am i right or im just seeing things???07:10
MxxClearner: are you complaining when things work better? :)07:10
lotuspsychjeMxxC: lol that sounds not to good, did you clean install ocelot or upgreade to?07:11
fidellearner: difficult for us to judge ;)07:11
learnerno im not lol XD07:11
MxxClotuspsychje: 11.04 was upgrade from 10.10, 11.10 was a clean install07:11
MxxCit worked in 10.04 and 10.1007:12
learnerim just, like always had overheating issues, but i dont know if the recent update actually did something, or im just overreeacting :P07:12
crizzyhaa, just a random fyi: latest ati drivers (12.1) FINALLY fix problems with gnome-shell + fullscreen opengl games with ati cards07:12
lotuspsychjeMxxC: so clean install ocelot doesnt recognize your wifi card right?07:12
bobo37774silv3r_m00n: Why such a long command?07:12
silv3r_m00nbobo37774: how can I make it shorter07:13
learneryeah btw i use unity compiz on 11.10 with the open-source drivers07:13
bobo37774silv3r_m00n: echo password | sudo -S /my/app/place07:13
Kimmensilv3r_m00n: my guess is that when the command runs, it runs as root. root can't open display07:13
learnerinstead of a question im loooking if someone can confirm the latest xorg update and what did it change or if the chages where relevant... im am noob in all of this :(07:15
silv3r_m00nno the program terminates , in a terminal if I type sudo app , and then while the app is running if I Ctrl+X the terminal then sudo terminates and the app also terminates , but if I do a gksudo app , and do Ctrl+X then gksudo terminates but app continues to run , I guess a similar thing is happening when I try to launch the command from within another app07:15
benwalburnis anyone having trouble mounting usb storage in 11.10? I haven't been able to since an update about a month ago07:16
silv3r_m00nhow can I execute a command in the terminal , such that after launching the command , the terminal returns ?07:16
MxxClearner: take a look at the change log of the updated packages and see if there's indeed something that improved things07:16
aeon-ltdsilv3r_m00n: detaching the term, or backgrounding i think is what you're after07:16
silv3r_m00naeon-ltd: yup07:16
silv3r_m00nI tried the -b option for sudo , but that didn't work  , how can I detach the term ?07:17
bobo37774silv3r_m00n: command & disown07:17
bobo37774silv3r_m00n: echo password | sudo -S /my/app/place & disown07:17
silv3r_m00n$ sudo wireshark & disown07:18
silv3r_m00n[1] 1421107:18
silv3r_m00nnot launching wireshark07:18
FloodBot1silv3r_m00n: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:18
bobo37774silv3r_m00n: If you are not piping your password to sudo it won't work that way.07:18
silv3r_m00noh wait07:19
silv3r_m00ncool , it is accepting it07:19
learnersudo gedit /var/log/apt/term.log?07:19
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».07:19
bobo37774silv3r_m00n: After launching command hit -->     "ctrl+z"     then type  "bg"    then type   "disown"07:19
bobo37774silv3r_m00n: Learn to do it this way ^^07:20
silv3r_m00nsure , but it doesn't work in the other app , here is a sample code wxString a = wxT("echo my_pass | sudo -S ") + wxStandardPaths::Get().GetExecutablePath() + wxT(" & disown"); ::wxExecute(a); exit(0);07:21
silv3r_m00nit does not launch the app07:21
silv3r_m00nI guess its offtopic but just want to show the approach07:21
bobo37774silv3r_m00n: Sorry I don't know widgets or gui programming.07:22
bobo37774learner: I do not think the answers you are looking for are offline or local on your computer. If you want an xorg-server channelog or similar you will have to search online.07:23
benwalburnis anyone having trouble mounting usb storage in 11.10? I haven't been able to since an update about a month ago07:24
learneryeah, thanks, im googlin right now, thanks sorry for  my ignorance, im learning now : p07:24
bobo37774benwalburn: Does it work if you mount it manually?07:25
jeuswhen execute this command for install NVIDIA driver " sudo ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-290.10.run" get this error "You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before installing.  For               further details, please see the section INSTALLING THE NVIDIA DRIVER in the   README available on the Linux driver download page at www.nvidia.com."07:26
benwalburnHow would I do that? I'm trying to mount an android phone07:26
bobo37774jeus: Why don't you want to use the prepackaged nvidia drivers?07:26
bobo37774benwalburn: When you plug it in does it show up anywhere? If you type "sudo fdisk -l" in a terminal do you see it near the bottom of the output?07:27
jeusbecuse have problem and disable unity 3d bobo3777407:27
c_nick_I have 3 evolution backups as i was running evolution on three machines.. Now i want to merge them together into one single instance of Evolution.. how should i go about it07:27
bobo37774jeus: I think that the closed source nvidia 3d driver is obtainable directly through Ubuntu without the need to install the one from the website.07:28
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benwalburnit shows up07:29
bobo37774jeus: The nvidia website I mean. Did you search for nvidia in the software center?07:29
bobo37774benwalburn: So you should be able to mount it with the "mount" command.07:29
benwalburnit isn't mounted? ah07:30
bobo37774benwalburn: Isn't that what your problem is?07:30
benwalburnit says it's mounted07:30
jeuscan u help me with teamviewer bobo3777407:30
bobo37774benwalburn: Where?07:30
bobo37774jeus: ok open a private chat with me right now07:31
benwalburnit says /dev/sdb1 is already mounted on /media/usb0 mount failed07:31
EvilkissEverything ok?07:32
bobo37774benwalburn: Mount failed is your probelm. Maybe it is a permissions problem. Try to mount it with the mount command.07:32
benwalburnthat is the result of me using the mount command07:32
w00tmarsim having a sound driver problem can someone help07:34
benwalburnin the gui for my folders, the usb device shows up under Devices and again under Computer, but I can't view it unless I click the one listed under Computer07:35
larsk103I have a possible bug with Ubuntu 11.10 and the mpt2sas driver (or possibly other place in the kernel), but I don't know where to go with this. Can someone point me in the right direction?07:35
thatguyAnyone on?07:36
thatguyI got a problem with the installation.07:36
Evilkissthatguy: O, no!!!07:37
w00tmarssomeone help?07:37
w00tmarsi need sound driver for realtek07:37
w00tmarsi download the alsa something their website gave, not sure how to install07:37
thatguyEvil Kiss can you help me out?07:37
urlin2u!ask > thatguy07:38
ubottuthatguy, please see my private message07:38
Evilkissthatguy: with that installation?07:38
thatguydoes anyone here know anything about how the fuck to fix my problem?07:40
auronandacethatguy: unless you explain the problem then no. watch the language too07:41
thatguyI did explain it.07:41
thatguyI will explain it again.07:41
bazhangthatguy, ask a real question, all on ONE line07:41
thatguyI put in the install disc and it is frozen at a purple screen\07:41
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bazhangmd5 the iso thatguy07:41
bazhang!md5 | thatguy07:42
ubottuthatguy: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows07:42
bazhang!hashes > thatguy07:42
ubottuthatguy, please see my private message07:42
thatguyOk I will check that out.07:42
silv3r_m00nis it ok to run GUI apps like this sudo -S app ?07:43
auronandace!gksudo | silv3r_m00n07:43
ubottusilv3r_m00n: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)07:43
silv3r_m00nauronandace: actually I am passing the password in the same line , so have to use sudo , so wondering if it would be suitable by adding more options07:44
auronandacesilv3r_m00n: gksudo will ask you for the password07:45
silv3r_m00nI don't want it to ask07:46
auronandacesilv3r_m00n: why07:47
silv3r_m00nbecause it is being launched from another application , not the terminal07:47
auronandacesilv3r_m00n: in that case i don't know what is suitable sorry07:48
* |{urse hears crickets07:50
Kartagisis it possible to get gnome screenshot from git?07:54
Kevin`how can I have ubuntu set the transmit power of a wifi adapter (as a config option, on boot etc)07:56
thatguyOk um let me explain my entire situation.07:58
thatguyI wanted to run have two os's on the same laptop windows 7 and linux, So I burned what I thought was ununtu onto a disk and installed it but instead it was a cloud server thing.07:58
thatguysince then I can't get into windows 7.07:59
bazhangthatguy, what was the actual name of the 'cloud server thing'07:59
urlin2uthatguy, you have a windows disc?07:59
bazhangthatguy, was it 'jolicloud'?07:59
thatguySo I thought I i put ununtu on it I could delete the cloud server thing and access windows 7 again07:59
thatguyLet me look for the actual name08:00
Kartagisis it possible to get gnome-screenshot alone from git? a bug was fixed08:01
Melon__BreadExcuse me, does anyone know how safe it is to install the ATI Driver? I am on 12.04 Alpha1 64-bit (Up to date)08:02
auronandace!12.04 | Melon__Bread08:02
ubottuMelon__Bread: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 - Blueprints at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+108:02
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thatguyIt was just called ubuntu cloud08:06
nova_hgi wanna load my kernel by a bootloader that i wrote, but i dont know what's its switch? (for exaple when i use qemu, i use: qemu -fda file.flp) but with my own bootloade what should i do?08:10
larsk103Where to report kernel problems?08:17
jimmy_birerHey guys,i am a long time linux user but i have a HUGE problem08:17
bazhanglarsk103, what problem08:17
jimmy_birerI have a hard time trying to find words to describe it08:17
jimmy_birercan you help please?08:17
bazhangjimmy_birer, please ask, all on one line08:18
larsk103doing writes to drives connected via mpt2sas generates reads from the drives, unless i do 4k block writes. drives are certainly 512byte drives.08:18
jimmy_birerSo i was running these 3 Ubuntu 11.10 servers,when i wrote the "top" command,i stuck a huge fucking carrot in my ass and can`t take it out,should i seek medical help?08:18
bazhangjimmy_birer, thats not appropriate here. stop now08:19
bazhanglarsk103, file a bug against the kernel08:19
bazhang!bug | larsk10308:19
ubottularsk103: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.08:19
jimmy_birerbazhang: I can`t seem to find any kind of lubrification enough,should i file a bug?08:20
larsk103thx, bazhang08:21
CybercomAnyone familiar with pacemaker cluster?08:23
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bazhanghttps://sites.google.com/site/cubiclegraffiti/linux-clustering/clustering-with-pacemaker-corosync-and-drbd Cybercom this?08:29
bazhang!it | chia08:32
ubottuchia: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)08:32
eitchhi guys, how can i change my screensaver in oneiric? I find it really sad that the old control panel was removed/so drastically changed without a replacement for the old options....08:34
bobo37774eitch: Is xscreensaver even still supported?08:38
eitchbobo37774, well from what i can understand by searching google, not really?08:39
subb1hi all08:39
subb1according to 'THe options' section of this page, how many options do we have to install a driver for ati card on lucid? 4 has been said but as we read down, the options are mixed up and is confusing. Please advise.08:41
j2ti have a question if anyone could help me08:41
j2thay look awake ppl!!08:42
j2tanyone wanna help me?08:42
Myrttij2t: ask.08:43
bobo37774jeus: Hey.08:43
bobo37774jeus: How is it?08:43
bobo37774jeus: Better?08:43
jeusno change08:44
j2tok. trying to comile a program with qt creator and it gives me a jacked up error msg about "soundengine.cpp" and i have no clue how to repair or bypass it08:44
bobo37774jeus: Really?08:44
j2tthe program is cockatrice if that matters....08:44
icerootj2t: #qt ##c++08:44
bobo37774jeus: Open a terminal and run -->      lsmod | grep nv08:45
bobo37774jeus: What is the output?08:45
j2tenter that in terminal correct?08:45
bobo37774jeus: What?08:46
jeusoh sorry08:46
jeusnvidia              10390874  008:46
icerootj2t: /join #qt or /join ##c++   that are the channels, i dont see that your problem is ubuntu-related08:46
bobo37774jeus: Is the nouveau module loaded?08:46
j2tok. thatnks08:46
bobo37774jeus: Run --->   lsmod | grep nouveau08:47
jeushow can see this "Is the nouveau module loaded?"08:47
j2tat least i found some ppl that can help when i get stuck tho! thx alot08:47
jeusnot output "lsmod | grep nouveau"08:48
bobo37774jeus: ok so that means only nvidia module is loaded. That is the correct module08:48
bobo37774jeus: open a terminal and run -->     optirun glxgears08:49
jeusbobo37774, ohhhh is good ?08:49
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bobo37774jeus: Yes that is 3d driver08:49
subb1any help guys?08:49
T_H_Xthats better08:49
bobo37774jeus: run -->  optirun glxgears08:49
bobo37774jeus: do you see gears moving?08:50
bobo37774subb1: What is the problem?08:51
subb1bobo37774, its on ati radoen driver issue on lucid08:51
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subb1bobo37774, >> http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Lucid_Installation_Guide#The_Options08:52
subb1according to 'THe options' section of this page, how many options do we have to install a driver for ati card on lucid? 4 has been said but as we read down, the options are mixed up and is confusing. Please advise.08:52
subb1bobo37774, according to 'THe options' section of this page, how many options do we have to install a driver for ati card on lucid? 4 has been said but as we read down, the options are mixed up and is confusing. Please advise08:52
Polwarhai everyone08:56
Polwarcan i get some ubuntu insight please?08:57
dubeyi have installed Ubuntu11.10 with xen kernel 4.1, but if config doesn't shows any xenbr008:58
subb1bobo37774, any clue?08:59
Polwarits actually about command line. im trying to flash a .zip file on a phone so i figured ubuntu would be my best bet. should i take this to #android instead? i just need the command09:00
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salahi, is this makes any sense? http://pastebin.com/1BCGcqGW i'm trying to find the previous shutdown status of ubuntu server (either force/clean shutdown, etc)09:01
VectorXhi, while installing ubuntu, it seems like it starts to donwload software, im on a slow connection so this takes a very long time, where are these files saved so i can copy them to the iso ?09:02
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StereocaulonAfter the update from Ubuntu 10.04 to 11.10 I´m having trouble with the scim replacement ibus. The majority of programs show ¨No input screeen¨ whereas scim worked in *any* application. Dead keys don´t work anymore and I can´ t type any Japanese anymore, even though I do have both ibus and Anthy installed. Any hints how to fix this?09:08
bobo37774subb1: Sorry. I have been gone. I am in a pm with someone. Also doing remote desktop.09:09
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bobo37774subb1: Not sure about ati. I am off to bed.09:09
subb1bobo37774, its okay. shall ask some else :)09:09
Kartagisis it possible to get gnome-screenshot alone from git? a bug was fixed09:10
StereocaulonKartagis, why don't you use shutter instead?09:11
KartagisStereocaulon: shutter?09:11
StereocaulonKartagis, it is a terrific screenshot program09:11
KartagisStereocaulon: can I have it to be the default?09:13
StereocaulonKartagis, of course, it's just another program09:13
subb1guys anybody up for clearing a small confusion about ati driver selection issue on lucid?09:13
KartagisStereocaulon: I mean, Shutter when I hit PrintScreen09:14
StereocaulonKartagis, you can probably configure your desktop that way, but I wouldn't know how09:15
r0b-hey anyone here?09:15
StereocaulonI'm having trouble getting ibus to work, even after a purge delete of both scim and ibus. Afterwards I reinstalled ibus and all neccessary libs and plugins, but the tray-icon won't show up nor can I type any Japanese.09:16
StereocaulonI did restart afterward of course, but to no avail09:16
r0b-does ubuntu finally support Linksys WUSB54GC v3 Wifi USB devices?09:16
Stereocaulonr0b, that does not depend on Ubuntu but on the kernel version, just check the Linux hardware compatibility tables for the kernel you use.09:17
r0b-where would i find this?09:18
Stereocaulonr0b-, you guessed it.09:18
Stereocaulon!compatibility | r0b-09:18
Stereocaulon!hardware | r0b-09:19
ubottur0b-: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection09:19
AVelai'am having problem in flash player upgrade in firefox i can't load video or play video in facebook but i can watch in youtube. anyone could help me?09:19
AVelamy OS is ubuntu 8.04LTS09:20
StereocaulonAVela, please upgrade, your Flash player included in the 8.04 LTS is *way* too old.09:20
r0b-looks like its hit or miss09:21
subb1please suggest the best install method for my mobility radeon card on ubuntu lucid. The suggested options are here but i find them confusing:09:21
AVelai already try to install a flashplugin-nonfree but its still not work09:22
StereocaulonAVela, another remedy would be an extension for firefox that should select the latest working Flash module. It's called Flash-Aid09:22
r0b-ugh i dislike my USB wifi device09:22
r0b-its hit or miss on ubuntu09:22
Stereocaulonr0b-, complain with Linksys for not being more open on their devices...Try RaLink instead09:23
metaspiker0b-, you'll have more luck with a ralink chipset, they actually have linux drivers.09:23
r0b-i think this uses an RAlink chipset09:23
r0b-but im not sure09:23
Stereocaulonmetaspike, ninja'd09:23
r0b-right now i use windows09:23
AVelaokey... can you help me how can i install flash-aid it using terminal09:24
Syph3rdoes anyone have a really good tut on ubuntu lamp09:24
ssfdre38Syph3r, i do hold on09:25
Stereocaulonr0b-, try using the Ubuntu liveCD, type lsusb | less  <= This will show you what the chipset is that Ubuntu detects.09:25
ssfdre38Syph3r, http://docs.ssfdre38.com/tutorials/server/ubuntu-apache-web-host09:25
StereocaulonAVela, you can't it's a Firefox extension.09:25
metaspikeAVela, try running firefox from console like this: firefox -safe-mode . to see if something in your home directory is interferring09:25
r0b-well im setting up a ubuntu VM on this laptop09:26
r0b-the laptop is not the PC with the chipset09:26
Syph3rssfdre38: thanks going to review it up09:26
AVelaokey thanks i will try it now09:28
tarelerulzany one have ntfs partition made by windows 7 ?  If so have you copy files over and when you boot into windows they are deleted ?09:28
iceroottarelerulz: no09:29
erfolgtarelerulz, be sure to use cp and not mv09:29
llutztarelerulz: make sure to umount the drive cleanly09:29
iceroottarelerulz: also be sure to use ntfs-3g and not ntfs because ntfs cant write on ntfs09:29
metaspiketarelerulz, no... you might want to chkdisk /f - in windows then - ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/win/ - from ubuntu, for example.09:30
metaspiker0b-, here's a thread for that card in 10.04 using ndiswrapper, for what it's worth.09:31
VectorXhi, while installing ubuntu, it seems like it starts to donwload software, im on a slow connection so this takes a very long time, where are these files saved so i can copy them to the iso ?09:32
erfolgis there any way to change the "Ubuntu Desktop" that shows in the panel with no windows open to something different?09:32
metaspikeVectorX, not sure? /var/cache/apt/archives or somewhere under /tmp?09:33
StereocaulonVectorX, after the install, you can use one of the ISO LiveCD builder programs to burn your own LiveCD.09:33
VectorXStereocaulon any you recomend with oneiric09:34
VectorXits an alternate cd builder for ltsp09:34
StereocaulonVectorX, you can try the "Ubuntu Customization Kit"09:35
VectorXyou mean the UCK ?09:35
elementzhi all.09:35
r0b-how do i remove gnome?09:35
r0b-or what ever the desktop stuff is09:35
StereocaulonVectorX, Yes, that's the one.09:35
VectorXr0b- install kubuntu09:35
VectorXyou wont have gnome09:36
r0b-i mean no GUI whatsoever09:36
metaspike:) best question anyone has asked here today. sudo apt-get purge gnome09:36
elementzi have a problem with curl and ssl (in this case ebay). something seems to be off with my ssl certificates: Cannot connect to URL �q: Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with known CA certificates: SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details:09:36
elementzerror:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed09:36
Stereocaulonr0b-, VectorX, there are actually many alternatives to Gnome, r0b- if you don't want any GUI, try the server version instead09:36
metaspikesudo apt-get purge gnome && sudo apt-get install xdm openbox - so you arent left with out a gui.09:37
metaspikebut yeah as Stereocaulon it's better to start with a clean install, i recommend the ubuntu desktop "alternative" installer for simplicities sake.09:38
elementzi have all the libcurl*dev* packages installed. and i tried to install the ca-certs.pem as provided on the curl website. but i still can't use ssl with curl09:38
metaspikeelementz, is your clock right?09:38
elementzdoes anybody have an idea what could be done to resolve this issue?09:38
metaspiketime and date.09:38
kephucan anyone here help me with a (probably pretty stupid) problem with X forwarding with putty and xming: I'm getting a "Midori - Cannot open display:" error09:38
kephuwhat is this related to?09:38
elementzmetaspike: it should be. how can i check?09:39
AVelaFlash i install flash aid but same error i got in facebook when i play video heres the error "Player upgrade required09:39
AVelaYou must download and install the latest version of the Adobe Flash Player to view this content.09:39
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elementzmetaspike: ok i synced the time via ntpdate. problem still exists though09:40
Stereocaulonkephu, with the forwarding of X you have created another X-display. In order to run Midori on the remote X-display, you need to specifiy it on calling the program. Just issue export DISPLAY=<the remote X display number> before calling midori.09:40
kephuStereocaulon, how do I tell which number it should be?09:41
Stereocaulonkephu, first of all start an X-term on the remote X-server, from there type echo $DISPLAY09:42
kephuStereocaulon, it's xming though09:42
kephusays "Xming Server:0.0" on hover, is any of that it?09:43
Stereocaulonkephu, that does not really matter here, xming, i merely the X-Client.09:43
Stereocaulonkephu, yes, that's it, your remote DISPLAY should be 0.009:43
kephuokay, that might be the clue here, upon logging in on the machine I'm getting "localhost:10.0"09:44
kephuwhen echoing $DISPLAY09:44
Stereocaulonkephu, aha!, well try that one then!09:44
kephuStereocaulon, I... think it didn't work. Shouldn't the midori error give me some port or display number?09:46
rawplayerhi, is there any manual about adding new driver to install cd?09:47
winchesterCiao a tutti09:48
Stereocaulonkephu, no, not really, midori doesn't know what Display it's supposed to run on. it assumes that your localhost will be the Display, but your Windows box is not running an X-server, hence the error.09:48
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lanayoo all need help09:49
buhmanwhat linux-console font does ubuntu use?09:49
giuliano\server irc.darksin.net09:49
hasan_tr_15778hello everyone!09:49
lanayuo alo09:49
winchesterRagazzi ho un problema ho dimenticato la password di root, tra le varie cose viste su internet c'è quella di entrare in single mode ma non riesco perchè non entro nel grub in fase di avvio pur premendo esc conoscete un modo alternativo?09:49
kephuStereocaulon, the windows box is running the server though. X forwarding is set via putty, too09:49
Stereocaulon!it | winchester09:49
ubottuwinchester: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)09:49
Stereocaulonkephu, but you are connecting to a remote X-server, or the other way around?09:50
kephuStereocaulon, okay let me double-check if I got my terminology straight, because I remember X was twisted like that. X-server is the one that DISPLAYS things, right?09:51
kephuStereocaulon, if so, I'm connecting FROM a win32 machine running putty and xming, to a ubuntu box09:51
hasan_tr_15778ı need to share files on my Ubuntu 11.10 - Windows 7 local network. When a machine use Windows and it has share files on network, ı can see these files from other machines Ubuntu properly. But when i share files from Ubuntu i can even see them from other Windows machines. Can somebody help? Thank you!09:51
jigshow can i join hacking channell....09:52
kephuStereocaulon, (xming being the server)09:52
DarsVaedahi, how can I find an app in that freaky unity menu -> I know I have it installed but I forgot the name09:52
Stereocaulonkephu, in that case your DISPLAY variable should also include the remote IP/ universally resolvable hostname.09:53
metaspikewinchester, Did you mean: To activate the root account use09:53
metaspikePer utilizzare attivo l'account di root "sudo passwd" o "sudo su"09:53
kephuStereocaulon, any way I could parametrize that? Wouldn't want to have to set it up every time I connect from another machine or my IP changes09:53
Stereocaulonkephu, here, it's rather old, but it might provide some pointers: http://nixcraft.com/getting-started-tutorials/170-run-remote-x-applications-over-network-using-ssh.html09:53
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winchesterHi guys, i have a problem, i had lost my root's password, and i can't enter grub mode. It's possible to change password in another mode or it's possibile enter in grub?09:54
metaspikehasan_tr_15778, it has everything to do with samba09:54
metaspikeor just use something else, like ftp09:54
hasan_tr_15778metaspike: ubuntu 11.10 already ask to install samba and i ave installed it.09:56
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kephuStereocaulon, okay, how can I find what is my IP from the point of view of the target machine?09:56
metaspikehasan_tr_15778, well, if the standard configuration stuff isnt working, you can edit it manually. gedit /etc/samba.conf09:57
Stereocaulonkephu, just ping your remote Ubuntu box from your Windows box, that should give you the correct remote IP09:58
Alasiahello, i have a problem with samba shares. i have mounted a share with 'mount -t smbfs //server/share /destdir/ -o username=user' as root i have full r/w acces to that directory, as user just read-access09:58
Stereocaulonkephu, you can put it all on one line, by putting && between it. That way you can easily copy-paste the right line, for instance, if the remote IP of your Ubuntu box would be, the command would be as follows: export DISPLAY= && midori&09:58
sherifhey, how can i decompress a tarball09:59
buhmansherif: tar xf foo.tar09:59
Stereocaulonkephu, The last "&" is to prevent midori from hogging your terminal session.09:59
r0b-how do i know where Ubuntu attaches a usb device?10:00
kephuStereocaulon, waitwaitwait, so shoud I put the IP of the REMOTE BOX, or the win machine?10:00
Stereocaulonr0b-, use lsusb10:00
sherifbuhman it says tar xfz tibia944.tg10:01
Stereocaulonkephu, the *remote* IP, after all, you are trying to run midori via the remote X-server, are you not?10:01
sherifbuhman n when i do that nothing happens10:01
buhmansherif: what says tar xfz?10:01
N1ghtCrawlerHello, I'm having some problems with a live cd based on ubuntu. I want to remove the feauture that it opens the cd tray on shutdown. I have "extracted" the filesystem.squashfs removed the /etc/init.d/casper and "packed" it to a new filesystem.squashfs. And changed the original file on my usb stick. It still ejects the cd rom :(10:01
sherifbuhman cannot open no such file or directory10:01
buhmansherif: I thought you said it was a tar archive10:02
kephuStereocaulon, okay just to make sure we're on the same page here: I want midori to run on the remote ubuntu box, and display the gui to local win box, right?10:02
buhmansherif: what is "tibia944.tg"10:02
sherifbuhman its a game10:02
buhmansherif: I don't care10:02
sherifbuhman its tgz10:02
buhmansherif: what kind of file is it10:02
sherifbuhman not tg10:02
buhmansherif: that's a gzip-compressed tarball, and obviously "tar xzf" is what you want10:03
llutzsherif: cd into the dir holding the tgc, "tar xzf tibia944.tgz"10:03
vladimirhi, i want to unsistall gwiber but it tells me "if you remove thisd package, you will not be able to update "ubuntu-desktop" " or something like that, whats up with that?10:03
r0b-this is lsusb http://paste.ubuntu.com/818640/10:03
sherifbuhman so how can i open this file10:03
buhmansherif: I have no idea10:03
=== X_ is now known as FreeNET
mraxilusHey guys, does anyone here use gwibber?10:04
prashant_123456is vim editor and vi editor different ??10:04
sherifllutz wut did u say10:04
norbert79sherif: You might want to check what the tg fie is. Use "file <name.tg>"10:04
buhmanprashant_123456: yes10:04
overcluckerprashant_123456: vim is an improved vi10:04
sherifnorbert79 ok10:04
mraxilusprashant_123456: yes what he said10:04
metaspikeAlasia, i suppose this might work - sudo mount -t smbfs -o umask=00010:04
llutzsherif: cd into the dir holding the tgz, "tar xzf tibia944.tgz"10:04
norbert79sherif: If it replies data, then you need to do a manual check/lookup on the file. It also depends on what kind of application is using such a file, because it might be depending on the application10:05
buhmanprashant_123456: some distributions actually symlink vi to vim by the way; which makes things confusing10:05
overcluckerVI iMproved10:05
subb1guys can you please help me sort out the installation options for radoen driver as mentioned in this page. The wiki page seems really messed up for me. really confused10:05
vladimiri dont use gwibber i want to remove it but im afraid...10:05
prashant_123456ok so vi is improved or vim ??10:05
moooradvim is improved10:05
buhmanprashant_123456: your question is ambiguous10:05
norbert79prashant_123456: vim IS vi imporved :)10:05
moooradthe m is for improved10:05
prashant_123456norbert79,  ok than ks10:06
Alasiametaspike: chmod u+s /sbin/mount.cifs also solved the problem10:06
prashant_123456norbert79, so i need to install vim while i am having vi installed ?10:06
norbert79prashant_123456: I think vim does not depend on vi, so you could also just remove vi10:06
winnie666 hey guys, i have this media center installed on usb stick, but i am not 100% happy with the overall speed of things running, i were to use UCK and made a custumized LIVE usb stick with all the packages i want preinstalled, would that help things or is it not worth the trouble?10:07
sherifnorbert79 now im lost sorry im just new to ubuntu10:07
prashant_123456norbert79, ok thaks10:07
ikoniawinnie666: I wouldn't run that sort of thing from usb10:07
norbert79sherif: Do the following : Go into the directory where you have that TG file there, and execute the following "file something.tg"10:07
sherifnorbert it's tgz not tg10:08
r0b-im lost here :(10:08
ikoniawinnie666: also look at the ram/ram requirements for the device you are running a media center on10:08
norbert79sherif: Good, but you might want to still do a 'file something.tgz' to see if it's indeed a gzipped TAR file10:08
winnie666ikonia, it's got 2GB of RAM, well i did, and it's too late to change since i've butchered that laptop and can't get to the BIOS any more :)10:09
sherifnorbert79 its a folder10:09
ikoniawinnie666: 2GB of ram should be ample for running a standard ubuntu install to act as a media server10:09
winnie666so to go back to my question, running off a USB stick, which is faster, native install or a live usb?10:09
mraxilusI would like to map gwibber's 'update post' menu item to a shortcut key-combination (something like Ctrl+Alt+G).10:09
mraxilusDoes anyone know how?10:09
ikoniawinnie666: running off a persistant device rather than a ram device that swaps in/out when required will be faster10:10
or4n9ehi community. where would be a good place on IRC to ask a question about ubuntu's bluez implementation?10:10
or4n9emay you point me to the right IRC channel10:10
popeyor4n9e: what's the question?10:11
winnie666ikonia,  thnx for the tip10:11
mraxilusor4n9e: is that for bluetooth?10:11
or4n9epopey: I'm looking for an opportunity to provide a default PIN for every outgoing connection attempt (e.g. obexftp, dun, whatever) without getting prompted for the PIN while pairing with the handset10:12
or4n9emraxilus: it is10:12
mraxilusIf I were to guess, the right place for it is here. Otherwise you might want to try askubuntu10:12
jeusi have a small horizontal shake in second monitor10:12
popeyor4n9e: interesting, i think you can set a default pin can't you?10:13
or4n9epopey: I read about /etc/bluetooth/pin with /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf but none of these exist in ubuntu 11.1010:13
or4n9ealso creating them doesn't help10:13
or4n9eI always get prompted with a GUI interface pin_helper10:13
popeyor4n9e: i wonder if they moved or you need some other bluetooth app like blueman?10:13
popeyor4n9e: sorry, I don't know any more without looking at the source10:14
or4n9epopey: blueman ceratinly would do but I need a non-interactive way of doing it (no user interaction) as I need to script something10:14
aLearnerHi I'm installing Dropbox - could someone please help me understand what this command exactly means? ---> cd ~ && wget -O - http://www.dropbox.com/download?plat=lnx.x86_64 | tar xzf -10:14
or4n9ei.e. I've done but the PIN requests drive me nuts10:14
ikoniaaLearner: ok - don't do that10:14
ikoniaaLearner: are you using ubuntu yes/no ?10:14
aLearnerI'm on Ubunti 11.1010:14
aLearnerikonia: Oops! Sorry.10:15
llutzaLearner: it will get and untar the file provided by that link10:15
metaspikewinnie666, whatever the scenario, it's always faster if you can add 'toram' to the grub linux line, and use a device with lots of ram, then it will be fast even from usb, once loaded.10:15
ikoniaaLearner: great, you can get the "deb" file, rather than the tar file10:15
ikoniaaLearner: if you look at the website, there is a "deb" file for ubuntu, rather than a generic tar file10:15
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ikoniaaLearner: get the deb file, which will install it for you clean, and simple10:15
aLearnerikonia: Yep. What's the difference?10:15
or4n9epopey: I see. maybe someone else experience with that particular problem?10:15
overcluckeraLearner: it changes your directory to home, and pipes the file downloaded with wget to tar for decompression10:15
ikoniaaLearner: one is packages/built/designed to be used with ubuntu (menu system, libraries etc) the other is generic10:15
aLearnerllutz: Thank you.10:16
aLearneroverclucker:  Wow! Thanks -- what's the '&&' -- is it like an AND in programming languages?10:16
winnie666matespike, if you were to guess, aproximately how much ram whould i need for a 1GB iso?10:16
aLearnerikonia:  I'm doing it via command-line -- is that bad?10:16
llutz && means: only run the following command, if the previous was successful10:17
aLearnerllutz:  Cool. Thank you. What's the '~' for?10:17
ikoniaaLearner: is there a reason you just don't use the gui ?10:17
llutzaLearner:  ~ ==$HOME10:17
StereocaulonaLearner, it stands for your homedir10:17
aLearnerikonia:  No, nothing like. Just trying to learn. :-)10:17
metaspikewinnie666, it depends on so much, maybe 1024, maybe more- best way to find out is just to test it.10:18
ikoniaaLearner: just download the deb, install the deb, job done10:18
overcluckeraLearner: it makes the following command conditionally reliant on the first command exiting succsessfully10:18
StereocaulonaLearner, look up the Bash tutorials on tldp.org, they are quite good and I think you will enjoy them10:18
aLearnerllutz and Stereocaulon: Thank you for the explanation.10:18
aLearnerStereocaulon:  Got it.10:18
aLearnerikonia:  Just trying to learn. Have never combined commands like that before.10:19
StereocaulonaLearner, np, http://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/10:19
aLearnerStereocaulon: Thank you10:19
aLearneroverclucker:  Thank you.10:19
or4n9epopey: as it seems bluez people really screwed up (especially without any documentation) ... hcid.conf isn't even existent in ubuntu10:19
metaspikeaLearner, everybody is telling in what to do so im joining in, go to www.commandlinefu.com and also have a look a the previous link, definately10:19
StereocaulonaLearner, np :-) Enjoy bash, but be mindful of spaces and quotation marks. They will soon let you tear your hairs out ;-)10:20
aLearnermetaspike:  Thanks!10:20
aLearnerStereocaulon:  Have used it before. But only to get around. Have never done anything fancy.10:20
aLearnerStereocaulon: Have bookmarked that page, though.10:20
overcluckeraLearner: I second commandlinefu, you will learn  a lot of neat trick on that site10:20
Stereocaulonmetaspike, Ah commandlinfu.com, I didn't know one yet. Bookmarked.10:21
aLearnerOK now that I have it downloaded. Where did it go? :-)10:21
aLearnermetaspike:  Nah. Looked there.10:23
llutzaLearner: check the links provided, get some basic knowledge before you proceed10:23
StereocaulonaLearner, if you have downloaded something through wget it will be in the same directory as you issued the command from, unless you specifically told it to save it in another place.10:23
aLearnerStereocaulon:  Cool. Thank you for the information. When I do an 'ls -l' I don't see it, though. That's why I asked.10:24
aLearnerllutz:  I'm just trying to understand how to install using the command-line in detail. That's all.10:24
overcluckeraLearner: did you run that command you posted?10:24
StereocaulonaLearner, tap the [up] key a few times, it should show you what you have typed previously, thus you will know where you downloaded something, [up arrow]  browses back in the bash history10:25
llutzaLearner: better to understand why that isn't a good idea in most cases :)10:25
aLearnerStereocaulon:  Yes, familiar with tapping the 'up' key.10:25
aLearnerllutz:  I beg your pardon? :-)10:26
metaspikeaLearner, install packages?10:26
metaspikeinstall--------------------- bah forget it10:26
StereocaulonaLearner, that last reaction from metaspike was a rtfm, without the "f".10:28
aLearnermetaspike: Got it.10:28
aLearnerStereocaulon: Got it ;-)10:28
aLearnerThanks for all your help. I learned something -- and installed Dropbox via commandline! :-)10:28
metaspikeyep. open a console and type 'man man'10:29
justin______hi guys. i hope u can help point me in the right direction. when i activate the nvidia proprietary driver, i go to load ubuntu 3D games, and it just doesn't load at all10:29
StereocaulonaLearner, enjoy the power and richness of bash. Though sometimes, it will make you curse... ;-)10:29
justin______how can i overcome this.... i would even just be happy with a google search terms to work with10:29
aLearnerStereocaulon: It has many times...Time to get better at it.10:29
aLearnerStereocaulon:  Really appreciate your support!10:29
metaspikejustin______,  how did you install the drivers.10:30
r0b-anyone ever use zoneminder?10:30
justin______metaspike, i went to the gui 'additional drivers' program and activated the recommended driver10:30
xcom169Hello All!10:31
metaspikeand reset?10:31
StereocaulonaLearner, well, that's the spirit! Just browse the general tutorials and if you hit a snag with bash, remember there is also #bash, but only after you have searched thoroughly for the answer...10:31
saganbyteCan anybody please help me with setting up wireless on a ubuntu server 10.04 (when i ping the gateway at, it gives me Destination Host UNreachable)10:31
xcom169Could anyone help me in install Java on ubuntu 11.10? I do not have /usr/bin/java10:32
Stereocaulonjustin______, just log off and log on again, then the driver should be active.10:32
aLearnerStereocaulon: Right. Thanks again.10:32
justin______Stereocaulon, i've tried that countless times10:33
justin______even with my computer science degree i cant figure it out:(10:33
Two__Dogsjustin______: share your xorg.0.log10:35
Stereocaulonjustin______, what graphics chipset do you have ?10:35
justin______Nvidia GT 52510:35
Stereocaulonjustin______, please *pastebin* it.10:35
Alasiacan i mount a truecrypt container on 2 PCs simultanly, via network share?10:36
metaspikexcom169, sun java has been removed from the repos tmk  but there is openfdk. in a console. sudo apt-get install default-jre10:36
metaspikethere is openjdk*10:36
metaspikecat /var/log/xorg.0.log | pastebinit   - :)10:37
metaspikeor ~/.xorg.0.log10:38
saganbytehow can i check if i have wireless-tools installed in my ubuntu server installation?10:38
metaspikedpkg-query -l | grep wireless-tools10:38
xcom169metaspike, thanks. I think i have a problem with a environment path because I do not have /usr/bin/java10:38
xcom169metaspike,  I tried reinstall but it did not help10:39
metaspikexcom169, do you have default-jre installed? it should handle that for you.10:39
Two__Dogsmetaspike: how about adding the nick to your convo, thnks10:39
metaspikeTwo__Dogs, ok Two__Dogs10:39
xcom169metaspike, Yes I tried, how can I force apt-get to create this file again for me?10:39
justin______Stereocaulon, Two__Dogs, http://pastebin.com/7JQdnRsj10:40
xcom169metaspike,  Or should I restart my machine?10:40
metaspikexcom169, what about. sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre -or- sudo apt-get openjdk-6-jre.10:40
zagibuxcom169: haha, no, this is usually useless in linux10:40
adcqcHello everybody, is there a french version of this IRC?10:41
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.10:41
metaspikexcom169,  unless it deals with the kernel, a reboot is always superfluous10:41
zagibuxcom169: you could also add the link in /usr/bin/java by hand, or add the java directory to the path10:42
* bz_ bonjour tout le monde10:42
xcom169metaspike, I have both of javas(6,7) in /usr/lib/jvm10:42
xcom169zagibu, how i can do that by hand?10:42
Two__Dogsjustin______: [  4449.444] (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)10:43
zagibuxcom169: try first to install the official packages10:43
Two__Dogsjustin______: you have intel graphics also?10:43
bullgard6~$ sudo ntop; ntop will be started as user nobody;  ntop v.4.0.3 (64 bit); CHKVER: This version of ntop is a minimally supported but OLDER version - please upgrade; **ERROR** RRD: Disabled - unable to create base directory (err 13, /var/lib/ntop/rrd)'. Why do I obtain: " **ERROR** RRD: Disabled - unable to create base directory (err 13, /var/lib/ntop/rrd)"?10:44
justin______Two__Dogs, technically yes, its the cpu 128mb of shared video card.     and then the 1GB nvidia card10:45
justin______a dedicated card and a shared card10:45
Two__Dogsjustin______: does your bios allow you to chose the card/graphics to use?10:46
justin______macintosh is the same way to conserve power when necessary, i here10:46
justin______i have looked on the bios but been unable to find10:46
Two__Dogsjustin______: looks to me like your intel graphics is the default, did you install nvidia-current?10:50
jmscomtechdoes virtual box work in 64bit?10:50
Two__Dogsjmscomtech: yes10:50
jmscomtechgood cause i need to use m$ office for tech10:51
jmscomtechso easiest way to do it is to install vbox10:51
Two__Dogsjmscomtech: yes10:52
justin______Two__Dogs, yeah its the newest version apparently. ill go looking around in bios some more, so cheers for ur time. ill let u know how it does!10:52
metaspikejmscomtech, office 2007 runs well under wine, but if you really cant use libreoffice, eh.10:52
overcluckerbullgard6: have you googled the error code?10:52
openbeesmy touchpad not working in 11.1010:52
metaspikeopenbees, tried. gconftool-2 --set --type boolean /desktop/gnome/peripherals/touchpad/touchpad_enabled true  - from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad ?10:55
or4n9epopey: just in case you're interested. I just found /var/lib/bluetooth/<hci-id>/... and I hope that this is the place where the magic happens10:55
WhiskyI cant stop GDM. It just says /etc/init.d/gdm command now found10:55
overcluckerWhisky: maybe you are using lightdm?10:55
Whiskyoverclucker, I'm using GNome 2.310:56
Two__Dogs!info googlizer10:56
ubottugooglizer (source: googlizer): utility to search Google via your GNOME menu/panel. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3-3ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 8 kB, installed size 96 kB10:56
or4n9epopey: haven't really checked HOW but I THINK this directory could be a good place to start testing. as it seems bluez 4.x got rid of plaintext PINs in conf-files and instead does anything through dbus-foo and stores encrypted keys10:57
overcluckerWhisky: what version of ubuntu are you using?10:57
metaspikebullgard4, you shouldn't have to. i would actually suggest changing ntops configuration specifically (man ntop find the config, probably /etc/ntop.conf or such). http://krudas.wordpress.com/2011/06/29/ntop-on-ubuntu/10:57
or4n9epopey: I'm far from having the solution but I thought I provide this info as a follow-up10:57
Whiskyoverclucker, 11.0410:57
metaspikeWhiskey, sudo service gdm stop11:00
metaspikeWhisky, *11:00
Whiskymetaspike, Tried that too. Unrecognised service.11:02
overcluckerWhisky: what does cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager say?11:02
Two__Dogsmetaspike: and this link has a different spin, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1220725.html <-- notice the ref to 'user nobody'11:03
Whiskymetaspike, gdm311:04
jmscomtechmetaspike: need it to be 2010 as its a ict support/networking course im doing11:04
overcluckersudo service gdm3 stop11:04
dalek_trying to install ubuntu 10.10 from CD on a toshiba laptop. It puts up the ubuntu logo and "5 dots" animation, then hangs. The same CD will boot properly on another laptop. How do I make it boot on the Toshiba?11:11
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metaspikedalek_, you might have more luck with safe graphics mode boot options, maybe use 10.04 instead... hard to say, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions11:15
daschelCan anyone help me disable alt+click from moving windows?  I've tried CCSM and it looks like it disabled the binding, but no effects take place.  When CCSM is restarted the old settings are back.  I also tried gconftool(i may have been using gconf incorrectly though) with results similar to CCSM.  I'm running gnome3 on 11.1011:15
Sherz* Now talking in #facebook11:18
Sherz* Topic is 'Facebook Platform is now on Mobile.  Read more at https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/575/ | Check out new updates to the open graph released at f8 - start building timeline apps - http://developers.facebook.com/docs/beta/'11:18
Sherz* Set by MattKelly!~ask@drupal.org/user/64049/view on Thu Oct 13 10:11:3811:18
Sherz-ChanServ- [#facebook] ==READ THIS== This is a channel for technical discussion between developers. Visit facebook.com/help if you are having issues with Facebook unrelated to Platform. To report Platform bugs, log the sandbox URL, repro steps, etc in bugzilla: http://bugs.developers.facebook.com/, then link the bug in the channel to discuss. ==THANK YOU AND WELCOME TO #FACEBOOK==11:18
Sherz<Sherz> H!11:18
FloodBot1Sherz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:18
Sherz* Topic is 'Facebook Platform is now on Mobile.  Read more at https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/575/ | Check out new updates to the open graph released at f8 - start building timeline apps - http://developers.facebook.com/docs/beta/'11:18
Sherz* Set by MattKelly!~ask@drupal.org/user/64049/view on Thu Oct 13 10:11:3811:18
Sherz-ChanServ- [#facebook] ==READ THIS== This is a channel for technical discussion between developers. Visit facebook.com/help if you are having issues with Facebook unrelated to Platform. To report Platform bugs, log the sandbox URL, repro steps, etc in bugzilla: http://bugs.developers.facebook.com/, then link the bug in the channel to discuss. ==THANK YOU AND WELCOME TO #FACEBOOK==11:18
Sherz<Sherz> H!11:18
Sherz* Now talking in #facebook11:18
Sherz* Topic is 'Facebook Platform is now on Mobile.  Read more at https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/575/ | Check out new updates to the open graph released at f8 - start building timeline apps - http://developers.facebook.com/docs/beta/'11:18
Sherz* Set by MattKelly!~ask@drupal.org/user/64049/view on Thu Oct 13 10:11:3811:18
Sherz-ChanServ- [#facebook] ==READ THIS== This is a channel for technical discussion between developers. Visit facebook.com/help if you are having issues with Facebook unrelated to Platform. To report Platform bugs, log the sandbox URL, repro steps, etc in bugzilla: http://bugs.developers.facebook.com/, then link the bug in the channel to discuss. ==THANK YOU AND WELCOME TO #FACEBOOK==11:18
DJones!ops Sherz11:18
FloodBot1Sherz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:18
FloodBot1Sherz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:18
Sherz* Now talking in #facebook11:18
Sherz* Topic is 'Facebook Platform is now on Mobile.  Read more at https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/575/ | Check out new updates to the open graph released at f8 - start building timeline apps - http://developers.facebook.com/docs/beta/'11:18
Sherz* Set by MattKelly!~ask@drupal.org/user/64049/view on Thu Oct 13 10:11:3811:18
Sherz-ChanServ- [#facebook] ==READ THIS== This is a channel for technical discussion between developers. Visit facebook.com/help if you are having issues with Facebook unrelated to Platform. To report Platform bugs, log the sandbox URL, repro steps, etc in bugzilla: http://bugs.developers.facebook.com/, then link the bug in the channel to discuss. ==THANK YOU AND WELCOME TO #FACEBOOK==11:18
Sherz<Sherz> H!11:18
Sherz* Set by MattKelly!~ask@drupal.org/user/64049/view on Thu Oct 13 10:11:3811:18
Sherz-ChanServ- [#facebook] ==READ THIS== This is a channel for technical discussion between developers. Visit facebook.com/help if you are having issues with Facebook unrelated to Platform. To report Platform bugs, log the sandbox URL, repro steps, etc in bugzilla: http://bugs.developers.facebook.com/, then link the bug in the channel to discuss. ==THANK YOU AND WELCOME TO #FACEBOOK==11:18
Sherz<Sherz> H!11:19
Sherz* Now talking in #facebook11:19
DJones!ops | Sherz11:19
FloodBot1Sherz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:19
ubottuSherz: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!11:19
Sherz* Topic is 'Facebook Platform is now on Mobile.  Read more at https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/575/ | Check out new updates to the open graph released at f8 - start building timeline apps - http://developers.facebook.com/docs/beta/'11:19
Sherz* Now talking in #facebook11:19
Sherz* Topic is 'Facebook Platform is now on Mobile.  Read more at https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/575/ | Check out new updates to the open graph released at f8 - start building timeline apps - http://developers.facebook.com/docs/beta/'11:19
Sherz* Set by MattKelly!~ask@drupal.org/user/64049/view on Thu Oct 13 10:11:3811:19
Sherz-ChanServ- [#facebook] ==READ THIS== This is a channel for technical discussion between developers. Visit facebook.com/help if you are having issues with Facebook unrelated to Platform. To report Platform bugs, log the sandbox URL, repro steps, etc in bugzilla: http://bugs.developers.facebook.com/, then link the bug in the channel to discuss. ==THANK YOU AND WELCOME TO #FACEBOOK==11:19
Sherz<Sherz> H!11:19
FloodBot1Sherz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:19
bullgard6overclucker: Yes (now). I followed http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1220725.html. But  http://localhost:3000 obtains: "Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at localhost:3000." How to debug?11:19
Sherz* Now talking in #facebook11:19
Sherz* Topic is 'Facebook Platform is now on Mobile.  Read more at https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/575/ | Check out new updates to the open graph released at f8 - start building timeline apps - http://developers.facebook.com/docs/beta/'11:19
Sherz* Set by MattKelly!~ask@drupal.org/user/64049/view on Thu Oct 13 10:11:3811:19
Sherz-ChanServ- [#facebook] ==READ THIS== This is a channel for technical discussion between developers. Visit facebook.com/help if you are having issues with Facebook unrelated to Platform. To report Platform bugs, log the sandbox URL, repro steps, etc in bugzilla: http://bugs.developers.facebook.com/, then link the bug in the channel to discuss. ==THANK YOU AND WELCOME TO #FACEBOOK==11:19
Sherz<Sherz> H!11:19
FloodBot1Sherz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:19
Sherz* Now talking in #facebook11:19
Kartagisis it possible to get gnome-screenshot alone from git? a bug was fixed11:19
daschelCan anyone help me disable alt+click from moving windows?  I've tried CCSM and it looks like it disabled the binding, but no effects take place.  When CCSM is restarted the old settings are back.  I also tried gconftool(i may have been using gconf incorrectly though) with results similar to CCSM.  I'm running gnome3 on 11.1011:20
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KartagisI don't want to go over the edge11:20
metaspikedaschel, tried google yet? http://askubuntu.com/questions/80623/how-to-disable-altclick-from-moving-windows - or using gconf-editor directly. hmm11:21
aLearnerI get the following error after I installed the latest version of Google Chrome --> no plug-in available to display this content. I've been looking on the web for a solution, I'm on Oneiric. :-/11:21
aLearnerCould anyone help me out, please?11:22
bullgard6daschel: What is your aim? "disable alt+click from moving windows"? What is that? Say it in other words, please.11:22
al-tabqcan someone help me quickly with sed? i want to remove 15 folders in the same directory from foo_xyz to xyz (i.e. remove the constant string foo_) ...11:22
daschelmetaspike, yes.  I tried that already with no results.11:23
Myrttial-tabq: try rename?11:23
al-tabq *remove = rename11:23
metaspikeKartagis, git checkout <url> <path>  or such. or use gpe-screenshot :)11:23
daschelbullgard, I want to remove the alt+[mouse left click] binding11:23
al-tabqMyrtti yes^^11:23
jribal-tabq: "rename" is a command that you can use11:25
Kartagismetaspike: I know I can do that, but can it be integrated into ubuntu later?11:25
aLearnerHas anyone on here installed Google Chrome successfully so that the 'no plugin available to display this content' error is no longer there?11:25
jribaLearner: please just ask your actual question instead of polling11:26
aLearnerjrib:  I did ^^11:26
al-tabqjrib do you know11:26
al-tabqjrib i'l have a look at that thx11:26
jribal-tabq: yes you did earlier, and now you didn't11:26
metaspikeKartagis, not a clue? that would depend on whether it's implementation has changed with the rest of the project11:26
jribal-tabq: you can type "man rename" for the man page.  It has some examples.  If you're not sure what to do after reading it, just ask me for more details11:26
al-tabqjrib will do, thx11:27
aLearnerjrib:  I'm trying to figure out how to get rid of the 'no plugin available to display this content' on Google Chrome.11:27
jribaLearner: you should say what content it is that you are trying to display11:27
aLearnerjrib:  I'm not sure, actually. I'm on Google Analytics and the dashboard doesn't show up. Could it be flash? I'm on 11.10 on a 64-bit machine.11:28
overcluckerKartagis: git clone git://git.gnome.org/gnome-screenshot11:28
jribaLearner: see if http://www.adobe.com/products/flash/about/ works11:28
aLearnerjrib: Looking. Thank you!11:29
bullgard6daschel: I do not know any solution, sorry.11:29
or4n9epopey: you need to introduce "remote-bdaddr PIN" to /var/lib/bluetooth/"local-bdaddr"/pincodes11:30
vip_hello. I had problem with java. can someone help me please?11:30
MonkeyDustvip_: if you're sweet11:30
bullgard6 I followed http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1220725.html. But  http://localhost:3000 obtains: "Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at localhost:3000." How to debug?11:30
harpalI upgraded to ubuntu 11.10. I got boot into system. But problem I have is that when I click on ubuntu icon in menu, it shows me search page and I try to type command gnome-terminal then its not openning.11:30
vip_so you gonna help me or not?11:31
or4n9epopey: then you wont get a prompt and /var/lib/bluetooth/"local-bdaddr"/linkkeys gets populated with an entry for "remote-bdaddr"11:31
mo_bledhozheello im need cloak @ubuntu member?11:31
or4n9epopey: problem solved. thanks for your help11:31
bullgard6mo_bledhoz: Please visit #freenode for help11:32
mo_bledhozok thanks.. bullgard6 ..nice info... but im pm who at #freenode?11:33
MonkeyDustmo_bledhoz: don't pm, ask it in the channel11:33
Promotirc fr11:33
MonkeyDustPromot: try /join #ubuntu-fr11:33
bullgard6mo_bledhoz: Any operator there will be able to help you with your problem.11:34
aLearnerjrib: I went here --> http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ and selected 'APT for Ubuntu 10.04+' but it doesn't seem to do anything once the 'Software Center' loads...11:34
jrib!flash | aLearner11:34
ubottuaLearner: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash11:34
aLearnerjrib: Thank you. Looking...11:34
MonkeyDust!ask| vip_11:36
ubottuvip_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:36
daschelI'm getting fed up with ubuntu support.  I've only had 5 problems/questions over the last two years that I've had to post to support forums or irc channels.  It seems that anything not quickly solvable by searching google gets ignored.  A simple, "I'm stumped" would suffice, but when I say I've tried their solution already or that it didn't work, I'm met by silence.  It's unprofessional and off putting.11:37
_skplsuck a dick,11:38
MonkeyDustdaschel: if it were simple, you wouldnt be here11:38
aLearnerjrib: When I click on 'Software Center' it appears as just a white page. :-/ Could a reboot help?11:38
norbert79_skpl: That's also very unprofessional too, and offending. Enjoy your ban soon :)11:38
jribaLearner: I don't know about software center11:38
aLearnerjrib: but then how do I install flash without the software center? :-?11:39
aLearnerjrib:  From the link you gave  me ---> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash11:39
jribdaschel: well keep in mind the support here and in the forums is just users like trying to help one another.  And on irc, if you don't get an answer, that means no one knows11:39
jribdaschel: like you*11:39
jribaLearner: you can use apt-get11:39
knightsamardoes anyone know where are the network interfaces defined in ubuntu 12.04 ? it's not in /etc/network/interfaces11:40
daschelMonkeyDust, I wasn't saying that the solution should be simple.  I was saying a simple response of "I don't know.  I'm working on it." or "I'm stumped" would be appreciated11:40
aLearnerjrib: How do I do that? Am not sure of the command. sudo apt-get ???11:40
dascheljrib, fair enough.  Just needed to vent some frustrations.11:40
metaspikeaw al-tabq has left :(11:40
jribdaschel: yeah, I understand sometimes it is frustrating to not get feedback on irc with so many users, but it's really not feasible to have everyone answer "I don't know" to a question if they don't know.  In any case, what's your question/issue? :)11:41
jribaLearner: what ubuntu version are you on?11:41
aLearnerjrib:  I'm on 11.10 and on a 64-bit machine.11:42
jribaLearner: install the "flashplugin-installer" package11:42
MonkeyDustdaschel: there's 1000+ users here, should we all say 'i dont know'?11:42
daschelI guess this means I should start contributing to development.11:42
aLearnerjrib: So the commad would be: sudo apt-get flashplugin-installer11:42
jribaLearner: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-install11:43
jribaLearner: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer11:43
metaspikedaschel, what was the question again? :p11:43
aLearnerjrib: Oh cool. Thank you so much for your help. Let me try that.11:43
daschelMonkeydust, no, but when someone has engaged me with trying to find a solution and I say it didn't work, then stops responding, an "i don't know" is expected11:43
dascheljrib, I'm trying to remove the key bindings from alt+[left click].  I've tried CCSM and gconftool, but neither have worked.11:44
jribdaschel: what does it currently do?11:44
daschelmoves the current window.  I'm running gnome 3 on 11.1011:44
aLearnerjrib: How did you figure out the file name? :-)11:45
jribaLearner: the package name was in the wiki paged about flash that ubottu mentioned11:45
Ronis_BRhi all, is anyone using a core i5-2450M?11:45
jribdaschel: you're using unity?11:46
aLearnerjrib: Oh I see - I must've missed that. Let me scroll back up.11:46
aLearnerjrib: Thank you.11:46
jribaLearner: no problem11:46
dascheljrib, gnome311:46
jribdaschel: gnome-shell?11:47
jribdaschel: with mutter as window manager?11:47
daschelyes, gnome-shell. not sure about mutter.  let me check11:48
aLearnerThis is a volunteer-supported channel - right?11:49
jribaLearner: yes11:49
daschelno mutter11:49
aLearnerjrib: That is wonderful.11:49
kaddihi, anybody know how to install amazon mp3 downloader on a current ubuntu install? They only have a version for 8.10, which obviously breaks when you try to install it on 11.1011:49
metaspikedaschel, assuming you've restarted gnome after using gconf as perscripted. im beginning to think it may be xorg centric. i mean, left+alt click effects every single window manager that has windows.11:49
jribdaschel: hmm, so what window manager?11:50
jribdaschel: according to wikipedia gnome-shell uses mutter as the window manager but I've never used gnome-shell11:50
aLearnerkick bot11:50
aLearnerjrib: ubottu is the bot - right?11:51
jribaLearner: yes11:51
aLearnerjrib: Cool. How do you make it wake up?11:51
jribubottu: tell aLearner about yourself11:51
ubottuaLearner, please see my private message11:51
MonkeyDustyes, ubottu is a (ro)bot11:51
aLearnerjrib: Haha! :-)11:51
daschelmetaspike, that would make sense.  I've recently tampered with some xorg stuff.  I've rebooted since I did the gconf but there are some xorg related updates in the update manager that I haven't installed.  I'm going to install them and reboot.11:51
aLearnerjrib:  That's awesome!11:52
metaspikeback in my day if we had a problem with a key we would just jam a knife under it pop the sucka out11:52
jribdaschel: alt-left-click doesn't affect windows for me; I do think it's a window manager feature11:52
aLearnerMonkeyDust: Cool. Thanks for telling me.11:52
aLearnerjrib: Once the download of flash stops will it do the installing by itself?11:53
jribaLearner: it should, yes11:53
aLearnerjrib: Interesting - can any app be installed this way?11:53
metaspikecaps-lock not working? jam a fork between shift and-enter11:53
jrib!software | aLearner11:53
ubottuaLearner: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents11:53
dascheljrib, I misunderstood you.  I was thinking 'file manager' instead of windows manager.  if mutter is the default windows manager, then that's what I'm using.  I know I haven't changed anything in that regard11:54
aLearnerjrib: Wow! Thank you. REading11:54
jribaLearner: yes, you should install all (ok, most) of your applications using the repositories, either through apt-get or software center11:54
jribdaschel: ok, well in that case we need to figure out how to configure mutter :P11:54
MonkeyDust!info mutter11:54
aLearnerjrib: I've used Software Center before. But it was not responsive today. It just gave me a white screen and nothing happened. Strange.11:54
ubottumutter (source: mutter): lightweight GTK+ window manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.2.1-0ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 36 kB, installed size 392 kB11:54
aLearner!info mutter11:55
LjLaLearner: the bot doesn't respond if the same ! command has just been called. anyway, please /msg it in private11:55
aLearnerLjL: OK. Cool. Sorry!11:55
bullgard6'~$ sudo ntop &; [1] 4418'. How to terminate this program? '~$ sudo kill 4418' did not work.11:56
dascheljrib, thanks.  I'm going to install the Xorg software updates and restart in case metaspike is right.   If not I'll do some digging around on mutter, and let you help others. I should be able to take it from here.  I just needed a starting point.  Thanks for your help11:57
aLearnermargos: Hello to you.11:58
margosThere is this application , mobile browser, which won't start, I want to know how to get it working or at the least uninstall it and make room for other applications11:59
vip_can someone help me please with sun java?12:00
aLearnervip_: What's your question?12:00
margosIt's Web browser*12:00
aLearnermargos: What's the name of the browser?12:00
margosWeb browser12:00
MonkeyDustvip_  you may need open-jdk, not sun-jdk12:00
vip_how to completly uninstall java sun as my not working12:01
vip_open java not work for me at all12:01
metaspikevip_,  depends how you installed it. if it was from a .bin . ./sun-javainstaller.bin --help might yeld some results12:01
aLearnerBig thank you to the entire room. Thanks to you, I was able to install flash. :-)12:02
LjLmargos: err, the name of your browser can't be "Web browser". you need to find out the actual name.12:02
dascheljrib, good news and badnews.  alt-left no longer moves windows but now my wacom tablet isn't recognized :)12:02
aLearnermargos:  Could it be Chrome? Or Firefox perhaps?12:02
vip_why when I install java never see screen with licence???12:02
metaspikevip_, bottom line is sun is not supported presently officially, and you will need to do some links to get it to work or see if it has a working deb builder, i guess you could direct your questions to #java or ask Groogle12:03
vip_I just was on #java they say they cant help me12:04
daschelmetaspike, you were right.  It must have been an xorg problem.  I installed the updates, rebooted, and it works now.   thanks12:04
margosLjL: Dont know , I had it installed couple of weeks back, but it never worked. Tell me if there's any way to find out its name.12:04
bullgard6'~$ sudo ntop &; [1] 4418'. How to terminate this program? '~$ sudo kill 4418' did not work.12:04
hyppiasinstalling the latest ubuntu, it cannot find the mysql 5.1 package. How come?12:05
damo22anyone keen to help me test a small networking example i can provide the source code?12:05
metaspikevip_, this is what Groogle has to say: http://www.clickonf5.org/7777/how-install-sun-java-ubuntu-1004-lts/12:05
hyppiasubuntu server, that is12:05
LjLmargos: does it start at all? can you reach the Help / About menu?12:06
bullgard6!latest | hypsias12:06
ubottuhypsias: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.12:06
LjLhyppias: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list12:06
LjLbullgard6: MySQL 5.1 is in Oneiric12:06
metaspikehyppias, apt-cache search mysql - for some options.12:06
vip_I install this sucessfully but java plugin is to old and is blocked12:07
hyppiascan I change someting on the installation, so it will find the right one?12:07
aLearnerSo, downloaded the following tarball ---> http://www.workrave.org/download/ -- and then after reading the README I typed in -->  ./configure; make; make install12:07
aLearner but I got this error ---> configure: error: X11 required on Unix platform -- What gives?12:07
LjLaLearner: why are you installing workrave from source?12:08
metaspikevip_, you can install it directly from the source, sun's website. but no guarantees it'll work12:08
margosLjL: no , all i see is a button on the taskbar, written "starting web browser", and then it disappears without any traces of warning.12:08
aLearnerLjL: Not sure how to install it... :-/12:08
LjLhyppias: can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list please?12:08
MonkeyDusthyppias  start from the beginning, what do you want to do and what have you tried before you came here for advice?12:08
LjLaLearner: use Software Center, or type "sudo apt-get install workrave" in a terminal.12:08
LjL!software > aLearner12:08
ubottuaLearner, please see my private message12:08
hyppiasLjL: i check12:08
aLearnerLjL: Software Center has been freezing up on me today. :-/12:09
aLearnerLjL: Thank you12:09
LjLaLearner: then use apt-get12:09
metaspikeaLearner, it requires libx11-dev etc, etc. welcome to dependency hell12:09
vip_I did that but I never see licence screen12:09
aLearnermetaspike: Dependency hell? :-?12:09
LjLaLearner: remember, Ubuntu has about 30000 packages available in its repositories, you rarely need to install stuff manually (and you should think twice before doing it)12:09
metaspikevip_, it doesn't concern #ubuntu anymore. in someways, im thankful.12:09
LjLmargos: are you using Unity?12:10
margosLjL: its Hardy12:10
MachtinHey there. I tried to encrypt /tmp with cryptsetup and luks.. after I reboot 'mount' says, that /dev/mapper/tmp is mountet on /tmp, but it is not (I can tell by the space left on the device of /tmp). I can mount it though via a manual mount-command. Which means after booting /dev/by-id/<temp-partition> is luksopened, I guess.12:10
LjLmargos: oh, ugh, that's old. you should upgrade, as it's unsupported now. but at least, you should be able to check what program it is: right click on the "Web browser" menu entry, and you should be able to reach some properties that tell you what it is.12:11
Machtinso what might I have done wrong? the fstab entry is: /dev/mapper/tmp   /tmp  tmpfs   defaults  0  012:11
aLearnerLjL: I get the following error with sudo apt --> Package workrave is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source12:11
LjL!info workrave12:11
ubottuPackage workrave does not exist in oneiric12:11
LjLaLearner: oh, are you on Oneiric? apparently that specific package is not available in Oneiric, although it's available in other versions :\12:12
aLearnerLjL: OK...So does that mean I can't get it? I'm on Oneiric, yes.12:12
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aLearnerLjL: Also, why is the Software Center screen white. Should I try to reboot? It's just not working.12:12
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LjLaLearner: you can get it, it's in the backports, but you must enable the backports. no idea about Software Center, i never use it...12:13
aLearnerLjL: I'll read up what backports are -- since I have no idea.12:13
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging12:14
=== willis is now known as dr_willis
Jordan_UMachtin: What does /proc/mounts say?12:14
LjLaLearner: if you edit your /etc/apt/sources.list file (gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list), you should see some lines mentioning "backports", but they will be commented out (they will have a # at the beginning). remove the #, and save the file.12:14
LjLaLearner: then do "sudo apt-get update", then try installing workrave again.12:14
zul0Anyone know any software to make anonimize my navigation?12:14
aLearnerLjL: Cool beans. Backporting means some kind of test phase, I guess.12:14
dr_williszul0:  tor, or various vpn/proxies12:14
LjL!tor | zul012:14
ubottuzul0: Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl12:14
aLearnerLjL: Thanks for all your help.12:15
aLearnerLjL: Really appreciate it.12:15
MachtinJordan_U: /dev/mapper/tmp /tmp tmpfs rw,relatime 0 012:15
LjLaLearner: no it's not a test. thing is, normally in a given version of Ubuntu you don't get updated packages (only for security bugs, and other serious bugs). so Backports are packages from the *next* version of Ubuntu, "backported" into the current version.12:15
zul0thanks dr_willis, LjL nd ubottu ! ill read about that!12:15
metaspikeMachtin, you will also need to add it to /etc/crypttab prehaps.12:15
aLearnerLjL: Oh OK. But I thought Oneiric was the current version - right?12:16
tooncI hope somebody can help me with mx onboard sound card12:16
aLearnerLjL:  Why would something be backported to it?12:16
margosLjL: its midbrowser, but still it wont start spits some error "Couldn't find compatible GRE between and"12:16
Jordan_UMachtin: Then that's what's mounted to /tmp/. Have you already mounted this manually?12:16
Machtinmetaspike: it is in crypttab12:16
tooncmaybe it is broken12:16
tooncbut maybe not well configured12:16
ubottufreenode blocks connections from Tor users on its regular servers. Users registered with nickserv can connect to freenode's Tor hidden service instead; see http://freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml#tor for instructions. For help, ask in #freenode.12:16
MachtinJordan_U: no.. and it is not.12:16
LjLaLearner: well, the next version (Precise) is already in the works12:16
aLearnerLjL: I see...But it's not available in the current version - right?12:17
LjLaLearner: it's available in Precise, it's not available in Oneiric, so it has been "backported" to Oneiric, and you can have it in Oneiric if you enable Backports.12:17
aLearnerLjL: OK. Thank you for your help.12:17
LjLmargos: uhm, i think midbrowser was an aborted project, not too sure... you're probably best just removing it, "sudo apt-get remove midbrowser"12:18
LjL!info midbrowser12:18
aLearnerLjL: I'm going to have to reboot.12:18
ubottuPackage midbrowser does not exist in oneiric12:18
aLearnerLjL: Thanks again.12:18
mower!info midbrowser12:18
margosthanks LjL12:18
trapnihow do I add a secondary ipaddr/subnet to an interface in /etc/network/interfaces?12:18
LjLmargos: actual package name might not be midbrowser actually, so try doing "dpkg -S midbrowser" to find out which package it is12:18
tooncwith puvucontrol it seems it should work but no sound12:18
damo22a secondary ipaddr to the same interface??12:19
woozlyguys! hello! How to login into Ubuntu Classic? (not Unity)12:19
Jordan_UMachtin: Can you pastebin the commands and output that make you believe that /proc/mounts is wrong?12:19
woozlysudo apt-get install <gnome??>12:19
iceroot!nounity | woozly12:20
ubottuwoozly: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic12:20
MachtinJordan_U: after I mount it manually (mount /dev/mapper/tmp /tmp) the directory listing changes.. and the size of the partition changes12:20
margostonnes of output LjL , what   to do next? or should I remove it as you suggested earlier?12:20
LjLmargos: wait, let me see.12:21
LjLmargos: yes, "sudo apt-get remove midbrowser"12:21
bullgard4iceroot: What is a »Sessions dropdown«, please?12:21
margosalright LjL  thanks12:21
tooncI will try the Comprehensive Sound Problem Solutions Guide12:22
VectorXso i got a windows and ubuntu machine next to each other, i want to control the ubuntu via the windows machine, its on the gig lan and vnc is just sad, is there something faster to handle to gui, if i use rdektop the otherway around its almost like the windows machine is on the same comp as ubuntu(really fast) ?12:22
MachtinJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/fSyXzq1K12:22
dr_willisVectorX:  if you can see both monitors you can use synergy touse one kebord/mouse for both pc12:23
icerootbullgard4: in your login-screen there is a dropdown menu about the session12:23
icerootbullgard4: also about the keyboard-layout and so on12:23
myndziwhere can i get a copy of the theme icons for lucid's version of ambiance?12:23
damo22metaspike: i tried compiling the example on its own and got someone else to test it,, it doesnt work12:23
myndzii accidentally mangled the transparency and need to fix :(12:23
Jordan_UMachtin: May I see the full contents of /proc/mounts before the manual mount?12:23
bullgard4iceroot: Ah! Thank you very much for explaining.12:24
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MachtinJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/1t1BaqBn12:24
VectorXdr_willis well its next to each other coz im trying to configure them atm, then they will be in seperate rooms on the same lan, so trying to figure out the best solution for this12:24
redUser foo is in the group foo and bar, user bar is in the group bar and foo, folder is owned by foo, yet user bar cannot modify files in that folder12:25
redWhat am I missing?12:25
red(even tho he is a part of the group owning that folder)12:25
dr_willisVectorX:  i tend to use vnc. but i dont share the 'current visible' desktop. i use lighter desktops for vnc also.. but you COULD also use ssh/xming to forward x apps to the windows box.. it all depends on what you are doing.12:25
dr_willisVectorX:  freenx is a faster alterntive to vnc also.12:26
VectorXk ty, ill check those out12:26
LjLred: assume the group *has* write permissions to that folder? ls -l foldername to know12:26
Jordan_UMachtin: I see you're problem. You don't understand what "tmpfs" is. A tmpfs has no device associated with it, you could replace /dev/mapper/tmp with anything and it would not thange the mount. If you manually specified "-t tmpfs" in your mount command you'd get the same result.12:27
redLjL: http://pastie.org/private/rl0ecsjrmcbicmtunxhrea12:27
redthere's the outputs12:27
MachtinJordan_U: I don't get it.. sorry :(12:28
redthe same setup did work under centos12:28
redbut for ubuntu, no12:28
Jordan_UMachtin: Replace "tmpfs" with whatever the filesystem actually is for /dev/mapper/tmp. Probably "ext4".12:28
LjLred: "office" doesn't have write permission to the folder. "chmod g+w foldername" to add it.12:28
Machtinah, fair enough.12:28
Jordan_UMachtin: While this is a gross oversimplification, think of tmpfs as being a RAM filesystem that just grabs a chunk of memory and uses it.12:29
MachtinJordan_U: how could I check which fs /dev/mapper/tmp has?12:29
Jordan_UMachtin: sudo blkid12:29
LjLmeoo: ?12:30
Machtintmp2.. well, guess that's okay for /tmp12:30
Machtinerr, ext2 of course.12:30
MachtinJordan_U: thanks a lot! :)12:30
Jordan_UMachtin: You're welcome :)12:30
redLjL: http://pastie.org/private/rl0ecsjrmcbicmtunxhrea12:32
LjLred: well the dir has write permissions now, but does the file in it? "chmod -R g+w magento" if you want to change all its files recursively12:33
sh0neHey, guys, is Ralink RT73 Enhanced Driver (http://homepages.tu-darmstadt.de/~p_larbig/wlan/rt73-k2wrlz-3.0.3.tar.bz2) compatible with Ubuntu 11.10 (kernel 3.0.x)? Did someone tried it? On the site it says that it is made for kernel 2.6.29. I use Ubuntu 11.10, 32bit. Thank you12:34
=== noname is now known as Guest96542
MachtinJordan_U: and it worked! :)12:34
dr3mrodmesg gives me this error |   [   28.037217] init: plymouth-stop pre-start process (1305) terminated with status 112:34
redLjL: well if the folder is +g+w it should work? I dont want recursive12:34
redtheres stuff explicitly owned by other users there12:34
redalso stuff that should not be able to be read12:34
redi mean creating empty file should work12:35
redif the folder permissions are right12:35
LjLred: oh, it's a file that doesn't yet exist, i see12:35
redjust a test12:35
LjLred: well in that case yes it should work, as far as i know.12:35
redwe just rsynced the files from centos to ubuntu and did same user settings and tweaks as we earleir had12:36
redweird stuff12:36
LjLred: ah, you've rsynced files... are we sure "office" is actually the same numeric group as the "office" you want? try an ls -n12:36
=== Knorre`BNC is now known as Knorre
redit is12:38
redotherwise the ll would report numeric permissions instead of name12:38
redlike user 1002 group 1002 etc12:38
redbut we created users in same order on purpose to avoid having to go thru all websites and chown stuff here and there12:39
stephansanyone have chrome using like insane amounts of mem?12:39
redare you sure it's using the mem12:39
rednot just having allocated it but free for other apps to use as well12:39
ubottuIf you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html12:39
stephansMy chrome easily ends up using more than a gig and a half12:39
redit's typical12:39
redread the links provided above to understand better =)12:39
woozlyguys. I have install gnome-shell12:40
woozlybut 1. after reboot. it logins to Unity...12:40
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woozly2. In Gnome shell background panel removed...12:41
woozlygradient background laggz12:41
woozlyor something12:41
InternetioHi....I want to download .deb of IDJC 0.8.7...Where can I get it ?12:41
theoremupgrade from 10.04 -> 12.04 didn;t go so well ...  I'm stuck on CLI12:45
icerootbullgard4: you are welcome12:45
sfdbi'm wondering, whenever i see screenshots of ubuntu, it has a windows like start menu at the top from which applications can be launched. however "my" ubuntu only has this side-bar on the left?12:45
stephansOK ++ so I get the part about the cache. But, I experience a large amount of swapping occuring, sapping IO. Does linux really swap the cache to disk? What would be the point in that?12:45
sfdbis it a different distro?12:46
asnohi! does anybody know a good channel c programming related?12:47
llutz##c asno12:47
DoctorPepperhi guys!!!12:47
LjLred: wait, are you quite sure "+g+w" works the same as "g+w" which i always used? because first i tried it and it seemed to work, but now i tried it again and it didn't.12:47
DoctorPeppercan anyone tell me where  can i  make request for new features12:47
asnollutz: thanks...is it c sharp or gcc?12:47
theoremstephans: there is a way to tweak that.  modify the /etc/sysctl.conf  add a value for vm.swappiness     it will improve swapping and avoid it if you set the value low -- I suggest '10'\12:47
llutz##c  not c# :)    channels start with #(#)asno12:47
theoremDoctorPepper: very interesting - what are you trying to do ?12:48
asnollutz: cool!! Thanks a lot!12:48
stephanstheorem: thank you.12:49
theoremstephans: just don't set it to 0, because you want to be able to swap when you need to.12:50
DoctorPepperhaving multiple screens   with  multi dbusmenu client  with each one  getting the menu of  the app on it12:50
N1ghtCrawlersfdb: i beleave the screenshots you have seen is older.12:52
N1ghtCrawlerIt's a new windowmanager in the new version of ubuntu12:52
robdehi, i have a vserver and it has two domains: vs3289.myhost.tld and mydomain.tld. right now /etc/hosts contains this auto-generated line: xx.xx.xx.xx vs3289.myhost.tld vs3289. what should I write for mydomain.tld? and should I remove the other entry?12:53
hichangelabad: hello12:54
woozlyguys, I have install gnome-shell12:54
woozlybut why top panel hasn't background gradient12:54
woozlyand right click on panel - nothing :/12:54
Gentoo64woozly: thats normal12:55
Dr_Willisthe gnome shell panel dont work that way :)12:55
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:55
sfdbn1ghtcrawler: thanks, i figured it must have been something like that, as i couldn't find anything about it. thanks12:55
woozlyGentoo64, but how to fix it?12:55
Gentoo64woozly: its just the way it is12:55
Gentoo64the panel dont do much12:55
Dr_Williswoozly:  fix what? its not broken.12:55
Dr_Willischeck out the various gnome-shell guides on webupd8 ad other sites to learn about tweaking your gnome-shell12:56
Gentoo64if you want plain panels (normal) xfce and lxde are like that12:56
woozlyI want whole background on panel12:56
woozlynot just pieces12:56
woozlyIt is ugly12:57
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sobczykhi, which package contains precise's kernel config?12:58
icerootsobczyk: the same as on oneiric12:58
Gentoo64can you not cat it?12:59
sobczykiceroot: that is?12:59
robdehi, i have a vserver and it has two domains: vs3289.myhost.tld and mydomain.tld. right now /etc/hosts contains this auto-generated line: xx.xx.xx.xx vs3289.myhost.tld vs3289. what should I write for mydomain.tld? and should I remove the other entry?12:59
icerootsobczyk: the kernel-package itself12:59
robdexx.xx.xx.xx mydomain.tld?12:59
icerootsobczyk: e.g. linux-image-3.2.0-9-generic13:00
robdewhat would the third parameter be?13:00
Gentoo64ubuntu dont use proc config afaik but theres another way to get it13:00
root_which web site better for learning back track????13:00
LjL!backtrack | root_13:00
ubotturoot_: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition13:00
icerootsobczyk: or you can just use the metapackage and in the source-.file you will find the options13:00
Dr_Willisroot_:  start with the backtrack homepage... not here13:00
asnollutz: what does / #c (Channel is invite only) / mean....well, huhu :D , how can I get invited?13:01
root_ok thank you^_^13:01
Gentoo64asno: maybe you need to register nick idk, i can join13:02
asnoGentoo64: uh..I see13:02
Dr_Willisseems 90% of the time when people say somthing is invite only.. its actually regiestered nicks only..13:02
=== ENCILADUM is now known as enchilado
asnoGentoo64: Thx13:03
sfdbasno the channnel name is ##c, not #c I think13:03
Gentoo64most clients redirect anyway13:03
sfdbI had to register a nick with the server to join ##c13:03
llutz!register | asno13:04
ubottuasno: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode13:04
Gentoo64is that supposed to be funny :/13:06
sipiorGentoo64: clicking random links in irc is a recipe for great sadness.13:07
LjLpippo: stop it13:13
trekkmequestion to software feature for the visually impaired: ist there a äquivilent to minute 1:27 in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P55IVlpSXIg in linux/ubuntu? i mean this crosshair cursor13:13
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:13
Dr_Willishmm. Got the fglrx driver going on my one and only ati machine.. and now the display is not taking up the full size of themonitor. got about a 20 pixle black border.13:16
Dr_Williswith the open sourced driver. it did fill it all in.13:16
_B00Good afternoon. Is there a way to keep the extra panel, in nautilus, every time I open the file manager please? Ubuntu 11.1013:17
dagerikI need evoke the default browser in linux from bash. How is this done?13:18
ikoniajust type "firefox"13:19
LjLdagerik: try "sensible-browser"13:19
=== asno is now known as pepito
=== pepito is now known as asno
^-^uhuhuh û13:25
uhuhuh<[ ^-^ ]> --> û13:25
^-^uhuhuh http://vk.com/flooderjenkins13:26
FloodBot1uhuhuh: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:26
ikoniaerrr what are you all doing ?13:27
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic13:27
uhuhuh<[ T_H_X ]> --> ÷å çíà÷èò ìó?13:27
^-^äà ÷å ýòî çíà÷èò13:27
ikoniastop it please13:27
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList13:27
uhuhuhìû÷èò ÷åòà!13:27
LjLuhuhuh, ^-^: this channel is only for Ubuntu support, and in English. Do you have an Ubuntu support question?13:28
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.13:28
Krisediceroot you here ?13:29
Krisedbazhang ?13:29
LjLuhuhuh: Ubuntu is an operating system.13:29
subb1hello everyone.. i need a help on a kernel panic issue13:30
icerootsubb1: eeepc or msi wind?13:30
subb1iceroot, uh didnt get you.. not a pro about linux13:31
asno<Gentoo64> <sfdb> <llutz> <ubottu> : I'm in...thanks a lot. Take care!13:31
subb1iceroot, i shall let you know the situation.13:31
LjL^-^, uhuhuh: you can /join #ubuntu-ru to chat and talk in Russian. Or, you can /join #ubuntu-offtopic to chat in English13:31
icerootsubb1: describe the issues with details please (all in one line)13:31
subb1iceroot,  i was following the fix here for my laptop for a battery issue that needed compiling a new kernel. All the steps here http://techinterplay.com/fix-toshiba-battery-issue-linux.html   were completed successfully. When i rebooted to the new kernel I get the following error:13:31
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=== bil21al is now known as fst8r12
subb1 kernel panic vfs unable to kernel panic vfs unable to mount root fs on unknown-block 0 0mount root fs on unknown-block 0 013:31
icerootsubb1: and i asked if you are using a netbook asus eeePC or MSI wind13:31
Krisediceroot hi. I dont know if you remember helping me. its about remastersys. Ive finally installed latest version of it. However the problem seems to be graphics related. I cant even boot it up in safe graphics mode with the remastered iso i made. It fails. Its strange that its the same drivers thats running just fine that its supposed to use.13:32
icerootsubb1: ok thats something different then the issue i was thinking of13:32
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Krisediceroot or is there some default gfx drivers that ubuntu uses which isnt used when using remastersys or how does that work ?13:32
Guest80042hey, how can i upgrade MiniTube to v1.7?13:32
icerootKrised: and the drivers are in the ramdisc?13:32
ikoniasubb1: sounds like you missed your disk controller out of the kernel13:33
subb1ikonia, hmm.. how to fix it? not sure on the solution :(13:33
subb1ikonia, any link on previous fix, or some sites or help would be appreciated'13:34
Krisediceroot ramdisc ? i dont know which drivers its using.. if i install ubuntu from a downloaded iso it works just fine.. do i remastersys it to an iso after ive installed and upgraded it DOESNT work.. it stops after Checking battery state.. though its a workstation so i dont have any battery13:34
ikoniasubb1: didn't read the fix you put in, but you need to compile in your disk controller into the kernel13:34
=== immortal is now known as Guest48773
Dr_Willisor frogot to compile in some filesystem support :)  (did that ages ago)13:36
PTBDhallo. how do i switch my soundcard in ubuntu?13:36
Guest48773you her me&13:36
Dr_WillisGuest48773:  we see you..13:37
uhuhuhê ñîæåëåíèþ13:37
KrisedLJL would you happen to have any ideas why an installed ubuntu works fine but ubuntu going through remastersys back into a disc fails at the graphics ?? shouldnt it be the same drivers used ?13:38
LjLKrised: i've never used remastersys...13:38
KrisedLJL ah its the only program i can find which lets you take an installed linux and turn that into a iso ready for live or install. it just doesnt seem to work with graphics for some reason.13:39
LjL!it | nini8713:40
ubottunini87: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:40
Krisediceroot is there a way to run the installer from CLI mode ? the installer for ubuntu that is.13:40
ikoniahow predictable13:40
LjLnini87: not a warez channel here.13:40
Dr_Willisshould make the list  thing send them a url for the ubuntu iso  downloads :)13:41
Krisednini87 here is a great place.. free software.. www.http://distrowatch.com/13:41
Krisedoops its just http://distrowatch.com/13:41
Dr_Willisor send them a Grocery list :)  gal of Milk, butter,  bread..13:42
Krisedawsome place.. over 1500 isos to download13:42
subb1ikonia, for this do i have to recomplie the kernel again?13:44
w00tmarshey guys while botting up the screen is messed up13:44
w00tmarsand sound does not work for me13:44
w00tmarsi dont know whats wrong, tried a lot of things, should i reinstall?13:44
Dr_Willisw00tmars:  the desktop works? just the grub menu and/or splash screens are messed up?13:44
T_H_XKrised: the alternate ubuntu iso is a cli installer13:44
Dr_Willisreinstalling is windows mindset :)13:45
w00tmarsDr_Willis: the grub bootloader works fine, but you know the boot screen..where the flashy animation plays, thats messed up13:45
w00tmarsdesktop works fine except for no souund13:45
Dr_Willisw00tmars:  just disable the silly splash/plymouth thing. Its pointless eyecandy that oftenhas issues with the non open drivers.13:45
Dr_Willisas for sound... no idea on that.13:46
KrisedT H X well my problem is that after installing ubuntu and costumizing it. (works just fine) then i use remastersys to pack that into an iso. When i try to boot up on that iso (using a disc) it stops after checking battery state.. indicating its a graphics related problem. Now. If i perhaps could run the installer from CLI it MIGHT work.. however im just used to the one in gnome so i dont know what its called13:46
Dr_Willisif you are using hdmi output for video and sound.. ive had a few pcs where i had to use the audio out and not hdmi to get sound working.13:47
Dr_WillisNight all.. bed time for me.13:49
T_H_XKrised: its called ubuntu-11.10-alternate-i386.iso or amd413:50
jakescan anyone help me how to open logfiles?? of root access13:51
T_H_Xjakes: use sudo. like... sudo less /var/log/syslog13:51
jakesthanx T_H_M13:52
OxymoronHi, is there anyway to recover/crack password from a rar archive without need to bruteforce? Some kind of exploit.13:52
KrisedT H X Thats no good sadly. If i download an Ubuntu it works flawlessly. Its only after ive installed the system, upgraded all packages and installed likewise-open and prepared it for new domain users (without adding it to the domain) and remastered it into a ISO and attempting to boot on that iso that the graphics prevents it from ever starting up past checking battery state.13:53
jakescan anyone help how can i install nfs hot persuit in ubuntu13:53
CaptAnonquick question. I type "at now" into terminal13:54
MonkeyDustjakes  i know ssh, but what is hot persuit exactly?13:54
T_H_XKrised: ok.. when you boot .. and graphics fails, have you tried pressing ctrl-alt F1  and loging into bash, then try restarting lightdm and modding xorg.conf or removing it if it exists13:54
CaptAnonthen xeyes <ctrl+D>13:54
CaptAnonbut it does not work, Does anyone know why?13:54
jakeshot persuit is one game of nfs??13:54
MonkeyDustgames are beyond me13:55
LjL!wine | jakes13:55
ubottujakes: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu13:55
ubottuDas österreichische Team finden sie unter #ubuntu-at, deutschsprachigen Support bekommen sie auch in #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de. Geben sie einfach /join #ubuntu-at ein! Danke für ihr Verständnis.13:55
evinrudewine is awesome!13:55
T_H_XCaptAnon: echo xeyes | at now13:55
Evilkiss1I need help13:56
bazhangjakes, check the appdb. /join #winehq13:56
Evilkiss1with file and folder permissions on linux13:56
icerootEvilkiss1: just ask your detailed question13:56
DerDudewhois DerDude13:56
iceroot!permissions | Evilkiss113:56
ubottuEvilkiss1: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions13:56
KrisedT_H_X actually lightDM was uninstalled. Im using GDM. I wouldnt know what to mod in xorg.conf. The whole idea is that im supposed to boot this dvd. install it on any computer (we have perhaps 5-6 diffrent brands/models) and it should work. Just like when you download the iso from ubuntu and install it.13:56
bazhang!appdb > jakes13:57
ubottujakes, please see my private message13:57
=== DerDude is now known as Dude1234
T_H_Xok try ctrl-alt-f1, then login, then stop gdm , then mv /etc/xorg.conf /etc/xorg.conf.bak and start gdm see if it works.. if theres an xorg.conf that is13:58
jseongtae76[22:56] (Krised) T_H_X actually lightDM was uninstalled. Im using GDM. I wouldnt know what to mod in xorg.conf. The whole idea is that im supposed to boot this dvd. install it on any computer (we have perhaps 5-6 diffrent brands/models) and it should work. Just like when you download the iso from ubuntu and install it.13:58
jseongtae76[22:56] (Krised) T_H_X actually lightDM was uninstalled. Im using GDM. I wouldnt know what to mod in xorg.conf. The whole idea is that im supposed to boot this dvd. install it on any computer (we have perhaps 5-6 diffrent brands/models) and it should work. Just like when you download the iso from ubuntu and install it.13:58
FloodBot1jseongtae76: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:58
jseongtae76[22:56] (Krised) T_H_X actually lightDM was uninstalled. Im using GDM. I wouldnt know what to mod in xorg.conf. The whole idea is that im supposed to boot this dvd. install it on any computer (we have perhaps 5-6 diffrent brands/models) and it should work. Just like when you download the iso from ubuntu and install it.13:58
CaptAnonT_H_X,  I tried that it does not seem to work13:58
LjLjseongtae76: what are you up to?13:58
jseongtae76please produce made whitelist on gacegroup gid 2309813:59
jseongtae76I"m sorry13:59
jseongtae76My friend make joke13:59
Evilkiss1iceroot: nothing....not solution to my problem14:00
icerootEvilkiss1: then (as i said already) just ask your detailed question (in one line)14:00
CaptAnonT_H_X,  Was that second message for me?14:01
CaptAnonT_H_X, Stop gdm?14:01
T_H_XCaptAnon: was for Krised14:01
T_H_XCaptAnon: try this .. echo DISPLAY=:0 xeyes | at now14:02
prashant_123456why my logitech middle scrool button wont work with ubuntu 11.1014:03
Evilkiss1iceroot: ok. If i create a file a have default permissions to it like -rw-rw-r--, but how i can made it always has not NO rwx to other group?14:03
icerootEvilkiss1: setfacl is oen way, with that you can control the files in that dir14:03
icerootEvilkiss1: or umask on specific programs like ftp14:03
=== Hiz is now known as Guest13509
cisiceroot: you can set user umasks14:04
Evilkiss1ok, but how? if i use setfacl to directory its change permissions to file that have already there, but no for new ones14:04
icerootcis: where?14:05
KrisedT_H_X ill have to go now. Its getting late here. Ill get in monday if i can. The remastersys admin dont think its his program causing this. He asks if im using properitary drivers but im not. Ill have to figure somthing out ill get back after the weekend. Thanks for the help so far though.14:05
icerootEvilkiss1: also for new ones14:05
trirnothHello all. Made a complete mess of my desktop under Ubuntu 11.10. Shows only a taskbar. No menus, nothing I can run/ open ..... created a new acct. Any way to copy unity settings over to the broken acct ?14:05
_cbjust inserted a drive into the array and fdisk -l reports it to be /dev/cciss/c0d2. How do I mount it to /mnt ?14:05
CaptAnonCool, Thanks very much T_H_X  I did not realise I needed to set display Thanks very much I spend a lot of time trying to figure that one out14:05
iceroottrirnoth: what about reseting the broken one?14:06
iceroottrirnoth: unity --reset was it imo14:06
trirnothTried playing with compiz, then wanted to reset back to default. somewhere along the lines ended up with a completely unusable ....14:06
cisiceroot: fstab14:06
trirnothI can't open any dialog boxes. No terminal, no F2 for Run, ....14:06
Chugol007Hola gente! Bonito día :D14:07
kalgecintrirnoth, ctrl + alt + f214:07
cisgoogle will tell you14:07
trirnothiceroot: Tried that from .... oh. Wait. CTRL ALT will show a console.14:08
T_H_Xctrl-alt f7 to go back to desktop14:08
Chugol007ctrl + alt + f1 first display console14:08
kalgecinor f8 sometimes T_H_X14:09
trirnothRight. So problem is I can't open anything under the desktop to actually run the unity --reset.14:09
kalgecintrirnoth, login from tty14:10
Evilkiss1iceroot: really? Can you help me with command? I want that nobody else group have rwx permissions on files in contract directory...only sale group.... i use command setfacl -R -m o:sale:--- contract14:10
kalgecintrirnoth, ctrl + alt + f2 to drop into one of the tty s14:10
trirnoththere. and when I tried running the unity --reset it fails stating can't find display.14:11
Guest52447Question I have a MAC running parallels with ubuntu installed as a VM. My mac and other computers are connected to a 192.168.x.y network mac is and my other is a .101, my ubuntu VM has a 10.211.x.y address. I have ssh setup on all 3 computers, I can ssh from my MAC into my VM , from both my VM and Mac to the x.101 computer, but I cannot SSH into my  VM from my .101 computer is there anyways I can setup a ssh tunnel 14:11
trirnothOh. wait. crap. I might have done that when x was logged in as the temp user, not  .... checking.14:12
kalgecintrirnoth, login to the good user, open a terminal type "su baduser" and reset14:12
Evilkiss1Somebody HELP14:14
bazhangEvilkiss1, with what14:14
Evilkiss1bazhang: Can you help me with command? I want that nobody else group have rwx permissions on files in contract directory...only sale group.... i use command setfacl -R -m o:sale:--- contract14:15
bazhangEvilkiss1, command to do what14:15
trirnothcrap. can't log out of bad user. Is there a way to restert X any more? Used to be ctrl alt bksp, then /etc/init.d/gdm restart ....14:15
_cbmount -t ext3 /dev/cciss/c0d2/opt /mnt tells me mount -t ext4 /dev/cciss/c0d2/opt does not exist but fdisk -l lists  /dev/cciss/c0d2/opt  and if I insert the drive in the original computer I see /opt.14:16
Evilkiss1bazhang: setfacl14:16
bazhangEvilkiss1, have you read the manual page for that thoroughly?14:16
ikonia_cb: what you just said makes zero sense14:16
Smith_Hi everybody14:17
Evilkiss1bazhang: i tried...14:17
ikonia_cb: c0d2 is a disk - not a partition14:17
ikonia_cb: fdisk -l will not list where the file system can be mounted, eg: /opt14:17
Smith_I have little problem when I restart ubuntu, it checks my filesystem everytime. How can it be solved14:17
MonkeyDustGuest34249  set your network type to 'bridged'14:17
savaskHello. I have a problem with my printer: not long ago it suddenly stopped working, though it worked ideally before. Maybe that happened after an update, I don't know. When I try to set it up, it just doesn't appear in the list of connected printers (but lsusb shows it). I use Ubuntu 11.10, printer model is Xerox. Printer works fine in 11.10 live-cd. So, what can I do about that?14:18
gionnicoI have a problem with a SD card. The kernel hangs (blkid timeout) when I try I/O: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/541598/14:18
MonkeyDustGuest34249  wrong guest, sorry14:18
_cbikonia how would I mount the root of c0d2 onto /mnt ?14:19
PharaohCan I have a link to Ubuntu offtopic?14:19
MonkeyDustPharaoh  #ubuntu-offtopic14:19
Smith_I have little problem when I restart ubuntu, it checks my filesystem everytime. How can i force check it once and then it should stat quickly.14:19
ikonia_cb: you don't - it's a disk not a partition14:20
savaskSmith_: Probably it does a quick check, not the full one. Nothing wrong with it, for my mind.14:20
_cbikonia can I mount the root partition ? (how?)14:20
ikonia_cb: yes, you mount the partition, not the disk14:21
Evilkiss1iceroot: Help14:21
Evilkiss1iceroot: really...14:22
Smith_Thanks savask but how can i permanently skip it. So it never checks again14:23
MonkeyDustSmith_  http://www.pcguide.com/vb/showthread.php?t=6654814:23
diverdudelets say i insterted a disk into my machine (SATA disk) and its recognized under /dev/sdb1 and im only gonna use it in this machine this one time and then plug it out again, is it ok to just do: mount /etc/sdb1 /path/to/mountpoint    use the disk turn of the machine and put it back to its normal machine or do I have to add it in fstab and all that?14:23
llutzdiverdude: no need to edit fstab to just use it once14:24
_cbiconia I pulled a drive from an array from computer 1, inserted into the array in computer 2. Am trying to mount it but at a loss as to how to do it.14:24
_cbikonia I pulled a drive from an array from computer 1, inserted into the array in computer 2. Am trying to mount it but at a loss as to how to do it.14:24
ikonia_cb: ok - lets walk it through14:24
ikonia_cb: first question 1.) was this disk part of a similar computer (a HP server?)14:25
diverdudellutz, ahh ok...nice...so just mounting it simple as i said should be ok...no need to starting using all that UUID stuff and all that?14:25
Evilkiss1YES, I have made it14:25
llutzdiverdude: nope, just the easy way14:25
_cbyes both computers are identical14:25
Evilkiss1I very good14:25
_cbikonia yes both computers are identical14:25
ikonia_cb: I'm assuming a HP DL class server ?14:25
trirnothOkay. finally got my settings restarted. Thanks all. kalgecin: hadn't thought to reset from another users X and su'ing in.14:25
unomiSo, I just upgraded a fairly dated machine that was doing a fairly good job as htpc / family computer under 11.04 to 11.1014:25
_cbikonia yes hp proliant dl 380 with ubuntu LTS 10.0414:26
unomiMy burning question at the moment is if I can gracefully downgrade14:26
ikonia_cb: ok - great, as the disk is sat on the cciss controll,er do you know if it was part of a raid set /14:26
trirnothAny way to back this crap up so I can play and not worry about messing it up beyond repair again? Preferably restore from a console command line.14:26
_cbikonia source computer is one logical drive (2 ph) raid 10, dest computer is 2 logical drive raid 1014:27
=== beboj is now known as spartanin
ikonia_cb: ok, so mirrored disks, that's not too bad14:27
ikonia_cb: can you please pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l" on the target computer with the new disk plugged in place14:27
Nach0zhey got a question for yall. I have a process that's eating all of my bandwidth; is there any way to limit the network usage of a process, or just the network usage of a single user on my machine?14:28
ikoniaNach0z: let me guess, a torrent ?14:28
Nach0zikonia: nope, MySQL database transfer14:28
Nach0zsix gigs of it, and I'm running this server off my home internet.14:28
ikoniaNach0z: database transer ? you mean you are copying files across the network, or mysql replication ?14:28
Nach0zmysql replication. this tool queries my DB, and inserts the data on a different machine14:29
diverdudellutz, what happens then if i turn on a machine which expects a disk at /dev/sdbX because i put it in the /etc/fstab,,,and the disk it not there? will it just not mount it then and work normally otherwise? And next time I reboot the machine it will try to mount again14:29
ikoniaNach0z: ok, so it's not the mysql replication, but a tool that's reading the database and inserting it across the network into a new target database ?14:29
Nach0zikonia: basically my mysql is eating 200 percent of my internet right now, and I want to limit the network usage of this process without interrupting the transfer.14:29
Nach0zyes, that's exactly it, it's reading and inserting elsewhere14:29
ikoniaNach0z: I don't think it can eat %200 of your internet14:29
Nach0zikonia: -_- I'm just trying to make a point with that. Yes I know 200 percent is impossible here. but you get what I'm trying to say.14:30
ikoniaNach0z: you will strugglge to do what you want, as you'll either have to qos it on your router (lots of home routers won'd do this) or qos it using something like iptables, but that's quite a big job to setup, especially for a one time hit, and it will interupt the transger14:30
llutzdiverdude: it will complain at boottime if its not present, but should work (depending on _what_ is on the fs). next time it will start normal, /etc/fstab will not be changed autom. by that14:30
=== skilz is now known as skilz-a
Nach0zikonia: what if I renice the process? would that help at all?14:31
=== skilz-a is now known as skilz
diverdudellutz, great...its just a storage device for documents14:31
ikonianot really no,14:31
ikoniaNach0z: your best bet is to just ride it out on this one occasion,14:31
llutzdiverdude: shouldn't harm. different story if it would hold /var or something14:32
ikoniaNach0z: any process will use as much bandwidth as possible, so it's just working as best it can14:32
Nach0zikonia: >_< so there's really no options to do what I want this to do?14:32
_cbikonia http://pastebin.com/BL7NPnGP sorry for the delay. pastebin has gotten a lot more comercial since last time i usedit14:32
ironhalikhmm, my messeging applet doesnt turn blue when I got a waiting empathy msg - any ideas?14:32
popeyikonia: trickle is good for rate limiting a program Nach0z14:32
popey!info trickle14:32
ubottutrickle (source: trickle): user-space bandwidth shaper. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.07-9build1 (oneiric), package size 42 kB, installed size 180 kB14:32
ikoniaNach0z: not at this moment14:32
diverdudellutz, if it was would that completely mess up the system? or could i just reinsert the disk and start the machine and everything would work as before?14:33
ikoniapopey: but can this be done dynamically while his process is running14:33
llutzdiverdude: the latter14:33
popeyikonia: no, you initiate it before14:33
Nach0zpopey: yeah that don't help me in that case :/ but thanks for tryin14:33
ikoniapopey: yes, that's not an option then as he doesn't want to kill the transfer14:33
diverdudellutz, nice....i really like linux' simplicity in those aspects :) It just works as you expect it to work14:33
llutzdiverdude: sometimes, yes :)14:34
unomiNach0z: honestly I do think that you can shape it while it is running, but it might be easier to hit it else where, such as bottlenecking its diskio or cpu14:34
ikoniaunomi: how will hitting it's cpu change it's network performance14:35
Nach0zunomi: that's actually not a bad idea... the CPU isn't being used enough to make a difference, but what's a good way to limit a process's hdd usage?14:35
popeyNach0z: do something else that eats IO ☺14:35
ikoniaNach0z: you mean limit it's I/O or limit how much space it can use14:35
gionnicoI have a problem with a SD card. The kernel hangs (blkid timeout) when I try I/O: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/541598/14:35
Nach0zikonia: if it can't get enough CPU time to do the read commands off of the disk at a speed that'll transfer out at 400 kb/s, it'll slow it down.14:35
Nach0zikonia: I mean I/O on the disk14:35
unomiikonia: that should be pretty obvious, you are trying to impact the amount of data it is trying to send, rather than how much it can send14:36
ikoniaNach0z: that sort of process eats pretty much no cpu - so you'd have to unplug the process to stop it being able to process14:36
popeyNach0z: you want the moon on a stick, face it, you probably should restart if you really want to do this14:36
trirnothUbuntu 11.10. Icons in unity taskbar look great. Icons in a window (like the home folder) all look like a blank page. No difference between photos, folders, music, ..... something I can reset ?14:36
anonymous44anyone know how to print to SVG in Ubuntu? I believe I saw this in prior versions of Ubuntu.  I am using Gnome3 with Ubuntu 11.10.  Thanks.14:36
ikoniacrippling your machine to limit bandwidth seems like a back to front approach14:36
ikonia_cb: looking at your issue now, apologies for the delay14:37
ikonia_cb: ok - so just to confirm the disk you want to read is /dev/cciss/c0d0 ?14:37
unomiikonia: whereas giving up on a problem is?14:37
ironhalikso, any ideas on the not-turning-blue msg indicator?14:37
ikoniaunomi: I'm not giving up on a problem, popey has advised him of the most realistic option, I gave him options on qos,14:39
bullgard4What is the successor program in GNOME 3 to gconf-editor?14:40
isildur_ciao qualcuno puo aiutarmi?14:40
LjL!it | isildur_14:40
ubottuisildur_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:40
anonymous44anyone know how to print to SVG in Ubuntu? I believe I saw this in prior versions of Ubuntu.  I am using Gnome3 with Ubuntu 11.10.  Thanks.14:41
unomiNach0z: man ionice14:41
Nach0zunomi: I was just lookin at that actually, thanks14:41
Nach0zstill requires something else to be taking up the IO for it to do any good but it's a close shot.... maybe I can set up another process to help limit this14:42
ikoniaNach0z: how long is the process going to take to complete ?14:42
Nach0zikonia: a day or more. it's a big database on a slow connection.14:43
ikoniaNach0z: how far along is it ?14:44
Evilkiss1Can i combine two groups in one group in the permissions issue?14:44
isildur_LjL sorry can you help me?14:44
Nach0zikonia: not very far along but the person that is on the other end won't be able to restart it for several hours if I interrupt it14:45
ikoniaNach0z: honestly, I believe it's just best to ride it out, and make a note for if you have to do this again14:45
isildur_my wifi connection is too low14:45
isildur_what can i do?14:45
Nach0zikonia: noted -_- gonna keep trying though14:45
LjLisildur_: i don't use wifi much, i don't know. i'll give you a link to the documentation.14:45
LjL!wifi > isildur_14:45
ubottuisildur_, please see my private message14:45
ikoniaNach0z: crippling your machine in some way to control your network card doesn't seem a wise approach14:45
Nach0zikonia: also noted. I'm looking at throttling the process's CPU usage right now; it's using about 5 percent, if I limit it to something like 1 percent I may get some results.14:46
ikoniaI promise you it won't make a difference14:46
ikoniayou won't14:46
ikonianice is just priority, not limiting14:46
Nach0znot using nice14:46
ikoniahow are you trying to limit it's cpu usage then ?14:47
ikoniayou won't get a result with that (welcome to try and good luck of course)14:47
unomiNach0z: no dice with ionice?14:48
unomisetting it as an idle io process would seem to put a hamper on it14:48
issai am running ubuntu 11.10 64 bit on toshiba a500 laptop ... and i am having troubles with overheating the temp always above 60 when idle14:48
Nach0zunomi: didn't do much. I mean I set it to an idle process but there's nothing else using IO right now.14:49
_cbikonia sorry for the delay. Boss came up and needed help. He disk I am trying to mount is /dev/cciss/c0d214:49
=== [CSI]Octane is now known as Octane
ikonia_cb: as you can see in your paste 31.Disk /dev/cciss/c0d2 doesn't contain a valid partition table14:50
ikonia_cb: that means there is nothing there to mount14:50
ikonia_cb: I suspect you didn't mirror it correctly, so it's blank14:50
w00tarhey guys sound is not working for me. please help me..i did a reinstall14:50
w00tarbecause it did not work , i reinstalled still not working14:50
_cbikonia ok let me check. Thanks !!!!14:51
ikonia_cb: sorry14:51
=== sligodave_ is now known as sligodave
synfinAny recommendations for a decent OSS home movie editor?  Ideally on Ubuntu already?14:51
martianWhen I add a new application in the 'open with' dialog, is there a way to specify a name and icon? As it is now, it will simply use a blank icon and the name of the binary I specify. I'm on ole gnome 214:52
Supermanintightshey guys, i'm setting up a linode, using ubuntu 11.10 - and i've logged into it via ssh.  it's telling me to do the following: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/818885/  what's the command to edit via console again, I'm not 100% sure thanks14:52
LjLsynfin: pitivi, cinelerra, avidemux (you can see more in #ubuntu-bots, these are some of the most popular among people who voted)14:52
anonymous44anyone know how to print to SVG in Ubuntu? I believe I saw this in prior versions of Ubuntu.  I am using Gnome3 with Ubuntu 11.10.  Thanks.14:53
LjLSupermanintights: you can use "nano"14:53
Evilkiss1Hi, how i can add to group to one folder?14:55
reregd night14:55
isildur_my chipset is not in article. but im connect with usb modem, this too connection is slow14:55
=== skilz-a is now known as skilz
rerehow i can install java runtime in ubuntu ??14:57
rere<astroboy81> are u indonesian?14:58
misterphpapt-get install java14:58
rereastroboy81 : are u indonesian?14:58
astroboy81rere : yes14:58
rereastroboy81 : ane juga14:59
Pici!id | rere astroboy8114:59
ubotturere astroboy81: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia14:59
Picirere, astroboy81: #ubuntu is English only. Thanks :)14:59
astroboy81rere : okay, tp kok sepi bos?15:00
rereastroboy81 : rame bos,15:00
rereastroboy81 : ini forum luar ya?15:00
Ivoz_Nothing happens when I click on a picture, like jpg or png. How can I troubleshoot this?15:00
Picirere, astroboy81: #ubuntu is English only. Please move to a pm or #ubuntu-id15:00
rerePici : Oke :-)15:01
=== firerat is now known as desertegl
Ivoz_Why does *nothing* happen when I double click on a picture in Nautilus?15:03
astroboy81what is the effect of removing CCSM from ubuntu 11.10?15:03
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yourfriendisaacHi my pc isnt seeing my cdrom anymore. When I run df it isnt even listed. The cdrom is working, the light comes on and the tray opens. Also it is spinning. It is an IDE  drive and is on the same plug as my hdd on the motherboard. Any suggestions?15:04
Ivoz_does anyone know the command-line name for image viewer?15:06
=== akhman is now known as rere
mneptokIvoz_: gthumb15:07
auk_hello everyone, question about VMs... i have a windows 7/ubuntu dual-boot, i'm looking to boot the windows installation inside ubuntu... will a VM do this?15:07
rereauk_ : no15:07
rereauk_ : u can use dual boot15:08
yourfriendisaacIvoz_: depends on which image viewer your version of ubuntu is using. There are several15:08
Ivoz_mneptok: is there a good reason i wanted to install bison and flex?15:08
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compdocauk_, you can run win 7 in a VM, yes15:08
issamy laptop's temp is 74 C and i dont think this is ok .... any advice ?15:08
auk_rere: what do you mean by dual boot15:08
szalauk_: transforming a real installation into a virtual installation seems to me more of a question for #vbox15:08
rereauk_ : is your ubuntu have wubi.exe ?15:08
yourfriendisaacmy pc isnt seeing my cdrom anymore. When I run df it isnt even listed. The cdrom is working, the light comes on and the tray opens. Also it is spinning. It is an IDE  drive and is on the same plug as my hdd on the motherboard. Any suggestions?15:09
szalrere: wubi won't help matters, as you'd have to reboot as well15:09
auk_rere, no it's already a full dual-boot15:09
MarcoKZuhm, is there a way to make alt-tab NOT group same-program windows?15:09
auk_szal, compdoc, ok thanks i guess i'll head over to #vbox15:09
auk_:join #vbox15:09
rereszal : no, i ever do it,15:10
cargo23Possibly the wrong room for this question.  Running vanilla 11.10, when I ALT-TAB, sometimes the window can come to the front, and sometimes, the taskbar (name?) pops out and shows the app wiggling around.  I have to click on the wiggling icon to get the window to the front.  If I ALT-TAB to an app, I always want that app to make it to the front. How do I fix that?15:10
mneptokIvoz_: how would i know that?15:11
veaglescargo23, Are you running compiz?15:11
yourfriendisaacauk_ yes VM will boot windows under ubuntu easily15:11
szalrere: as I understand it, Wubi is installing *buntu to a virtual hard disk drive in Windows, similar to the way you can install other Windoses in virtual HDDs within a Windows partition15:11
cargo23MarcoKZ:  I can look up how, but I have edited the config so that I can ALT-` to switch between the windows of the current app.15:11
szalrere: that is NOT, though, a way to run multiple Windowses, or Windows and Linux, respectively, at the same time15:12
rereszal : no, no virtual but real in hdd.. my compiz is dual boot15:12
cargo23veagles:  I've done nothing to cause or prevent running compiz.... I don't know what it is.15:12
szalrere: your Compiz can't be dual-boot, as Compiz is not an OS15:12
Ivoz_how can I change what application opens when I double click on a png?15:13
* Nach0z pokes popey and ikonia ... I found asolution15:13
rereszal : my computer can dual boot15:13
Ivoz_mneptok: sorry, I meant - gthumb installed bison and flex :S I was wondering why15:13
szalrere: and?  mine can triple-boot15:13
* munna looking 15:14
Nach0zikonia: popey: wondershaper. I used wondershaper to un-limit my down speed on eth0 while limiting my up speed on eth0 to 210 kb/s. worked WONDERS.15:14
rereszal : and what ?15:14
isildur_my internet connection is too low15:14
szalrere: that's the question you are supposed to answer ;)15:14
rerehow can i install backtrack tolls hacking in ubuntu ?? please15:14
szal!backtrack | rere15:14
ubotturere: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition15:14
yourfriendisaacIvoz_ right click go to properties find the tab where it says open with and change the application there15:14
rereuboot : oke thanx15:15
rereszal: oke friend, where do you from?15:15
DLabzhey, guys. I could use a hand here. I have couple of boxes running ubuntu 10.04, that will be connecting to internet from various locations. I need to setup a VPN system that will allow them to auto-connect back to server, automatically and persistively, without NAT or uPnP on their side. Any ideas on what would the best way be?15:15
deserteglguys/girls, how easy is it to install the 3.2 kernel and does it break anything?15:15
Ivoz_yourfriendisaac: Ahhh, thanks!15:16
szalrere: doesn't matter in this channel15:16
BuzzQHey all, I'm trying to compile something using g++ and it's going okay, but I have -Werror being added to all of the Make files causing it to fail on some minor errors during compile (i.e. variable declared but not used).  Does anyone know if there are global compile options that might be getting pulled in?  I cannot find any reference to -Werror in the configure process.15:16
yourfriendisaacIvoz_ No problem15:16
Evilkiss1Help me with acl command15:17
yourfriendisaacHi my pc isnt seeing my cdrom anymore. When I run df it isnt even listed. The cdrom is working, the light comes on and the tray opens. Also it is spinning. It is an IDE  drive and is on the same plug as my hdd on the motherboard. Any suggestions?15:17
Evilkiss1I need to combine two group to access to one folder15:17
cargo23veagles:  Should I be running compiz?15:17
isildur_!backtrack | isildur_15:18
ubottuisildur_, please see my private message15:18
Ivoz_Evilkiss1: man acl15:18
cargo23yourfirendisaac:  Double check the master/slave jumpers?15:18
rereyourfriendisaac: reset cmos15:18
Evilkiss1Ivoz_: i know this....but what i need to do15:18
yourfriendisaacrere: They are exactly the same as  always and havent changed. THe drive last worked on Tuesday15:19
yourfriendisaacrere checked out cmos no changes15:19
rereyourfriendisaac: maybe your BUS cable, or setting in BIOS15:20
yourfriendisaacrere: If bus cable and both drives are connected toghether how would hdd be working?15:21
cargo23(2nd try) Possibly the wrong room for this question.  Running vanilla 11.10, when I ALT-TAB, sometimes the window can come to the front, and sometimes, the taskbar (name?) pops out and shows the app wiggling around.  I have to click on the wiggling icon to get the window to the front.  If I ALT-TAB to an app, I always want that app to make it to the front. How do I fix that?15:21
rereyourfriendisaac: i mean your bus cable not working15:22
rereIvoz_: hai15:22
koekeis this channel only for ubuntu desktop help or can i also ask questions about server related things?15:23
rerewho is Indonesian here ??? I'm Indonesian...15:23
yourfriendisaacrere not sure how that is possible since the cd and hd share the cable15:23
duellecargo23: I sometimes have the same issue. As far as I know, it doesn't come to front if it is on another workspace. Is it the same in your case?15:24
zgris it possible with unity to set some options for certain application, like what workspace it shall start minimized/maximized etc ?15:24
rereyourfriendisaac: yap... i can fix it.. where are your home?15:24
yourfriendisaaclol in Oklahoma15:24
yuehaiHi, is there any open source project about p2p? I want to access my remote computer through Internet without setting up a VPN, any ideas? Thanks!15:24
yourfriendisaacrere: Okay I'll try another cable15:25
Nach0zyuehai: neatX15:25
MarcoKZcargo23 well, i tried compiz-config stuff, its irrelevant, i cant find anything else related =(15:25
rereyourfriendisaac: Okay :) gd Luck15:25
yuehaiNach0z, thanks! Let me have a look at it15:25
cargo23duelle:  No, I just use the one workspace15:25
Nach0zyuehai: if your remote machine is linux, neatX is an excellent solution. if you wanna go old-school, you can do X11 forwarding through SSH15:25
winnie666can i somehow make the ubuntu livecd not prompt at startup and automatically choose "try xubuntu"15:26
jakescan anyone know how can i create offline website?15:26
winnie666the language is already preselected since it's been customized with UCK15:26
rereyoroshiku onegai shimasu15:26
compdocyourfriendisaac, the drive can still be bad. they die all the time. if it was working fine, and then stopped, and you havent changed anything, then its possible its no longer working. Its best to try the drive in another system15:26
Ivoz_jakes: what do you mean by offline15:26
koekehow can you lookup what 'zombie process' their is running?15:26
yuehaiNach0z, the point is, my machine is behind router, which doesn't have public IP15:26
duellecargo23: Okay - just tested it again. Seems to work with multiple workspaces too... but sometimes it doesn't :( Sorry, I don't know any solution for that issue yet. Perhaps someone else can give us a hint what the problem could be.15:27
jakesmeans if net not available than also it opens all ...15:27
yourfriendisaaccompdot: that's what I am thinking15:27
rerei try install source code with ./configure, make , nd make install, but never run15:28
jakesIvoz_:means we can open the site just for seen15:28
compdocyourfriendisaac, in MS Windows, theres a problem that can occur in the registry that can make a cd drive seem to disappear, but I dont think any such problem occurs in ubuntu15:29
Sachwhen i open my terminal in ubuntu 11.04, it says ,<name>@<name>-Not-Specified:~$      why "not specified"?15:29
jakeswithout interne15:29
|Anthony|so ubuntu 10.04 just got a firefox update today15:30
|Anthony|going from firefox 3 to ff 9. Seems like a big jump. Makes me wonder why updates to firefox have taken so long15:30
=== blitzkev is now known as blitz
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=== DuckFace is now known as DuckFac3
mneptokDuckFac3: obfusctaed profanity is as unwelcome as profanity.15:31
DuckFac3yeah I'm thinking for a new one xd15:31
DuckFac3give me a while lol15:31
=== DuckFac3 is now known as Profanator
mraxilusDoes anyone know how to get libnotify to stack the notification windows instead of only display one at a time?15:32
Sachwhen i open my terminal in ubuntu 11.04, it says ,<name>@<name>-Not-Specified:~$      why "not specified"?15:34
h00kSach: that must be part of your hostname, but you can change that15:34
h00k!hostname | Sach15:34
ubottuSach: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.15:34
blackarchani want to start to learn programming for linux...where can i find a good chat room for informations and help?15:35
imbezolblackarchan: that's pretty vague. there are hundreds of different projects that use dozens of different programming languages15:36
The_Misfitblackarchan: here on freenode is a good palc15:37
jpdsblackarchan: Do you have a particular project in mind? A lot use C/C++.15:37
imbezolblackarchan: personally i wouldn't start on irc. i'd do some googling for examples15:37
The_Misfitsearch on http://irc.netsplit.de/15:37
blackarchanjpds: for now i just want to start learning15:38
duelleblackarchan: So probably ##c++ is a good channel for questions regarding c++15:38
blackarchani now a little C/C++ and C#15:38
imbezolblackarchan: you need to learn basic syntax first15:38
leadZEROOn 11.10 what's the preferred method of adding IP addresses to an interface.  I originally set the IP through NetworkManager, but am only at the cmmand line at the moment...15:38
imbezolblackarchan: then start into things like classes, basic hello worlds, data structures, etc15:38
blackarchanimbezol: the basic syntax i know.... but i come frome linux...so im used with GUI...on C#15:39
imbezolblackarchan: from windows you mean?15:40
imbezolblackarchan: if you want a huge gui environment you could look at something like kdevelop15:40
blackarchanyes sorry:))15:40
imbezolblackarchan: i'd almost suggest starting at the command line though :)15:41
blitzpersonally I'd look into python15:41
blackarchanimbezol: tnx...i heard somthing about Qt? im a little borred of command line:D15:41
blitzas a starting language, you'll learn object oriented practices much quicker in python than in c++15:41
imbezolyeah.. C# is kind of a high level language.. not much different than visualbasic15:41
Duesentriebhi all! i'm increasingly annoyed by gwibber - it's insamely slow and eats tons of cpu cycles.15:41
Duesentriebcan i get rid of it?15:41
jeusshake second monitor (NVIDIA Geforce 310M )15:42
Duesentriebuninstalling it threatens to remove half my system15:42
imbezolblackarchan: c/c++ is for high performance more on the iron code15:42
blackarchanblitz: i wanted to learn python...but someone told me that you cant do much things on it15:42
blitzwell, they were wrong15:42
imbezolblackarchan: qt is a window library15:42
blackarchanblitz: tnx for the info15:42
blitzyou wouldn't write embedded code in python15:42
blackarchanimbezol:tnx..... C i started learning for microcontrollers15:43
blitzor use it to sort large amounts of data15:43
blitzbut it CAN do those things.15:43
Duesentriebhuh. point in case. gwibber is the perfect example of a window based app written in python: unusably slow :(15:43
blitzanyone can write something poorly in any language15:43
blackarchanblitz: but python wasent more for scripting??15:44
Duesentriebblitz: i know. and for the record: i love python.15:44
Duesentriebbut it's not the right tool for everything.15:44
blitzblackarchan, that's what most people use it for15:45
Duesentriebbut most of all: i want to get rid if gwibber15:45
Duesentriebhow do i get rid of gwibber?15:45
blitzblackarchan, but it's not a scripting language15:45
blackarchanblitz: tnx for the info15:45
Duesentriebblackarchan: python is an interpreted, high level, object oriented language with some nice functional features. it can be used for a lot of things.15:46
blackarchanDuesentrieb: cant you use sudo apt-get purge gwibber or apt-get remove15:46
Duesentriebblackarchan: no, because ubuntu-desktop depends on it. and about 20 things depend on that.15:46
Duesentriebi'd say that depoendency is bullshit, but tell that to apt.15:46
blackarchan Duesentrieb:  i see and tnx for the info im gonna look into python15:47
ikoniaDuesentrieb: tone down the language please15:47
malekeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnn  how is everybody?15:47
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jeusshake second monitor (NVIDIA Geforce 310M )15:47
Duesentriebikonia: ok, so... is "spurious" better?15:47
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ikoniaDuesentrieb: great, thank you15:48
KrisDouglasHello, do you have to have an active "root" account for webmin on Ubuntu or can it use sudo(or similar)?15:48
=== ClueleSs is now known as Guest39557
ikoniaKrisDouglas: webmin isn't supported on ubuntu15:48
ikoniaKrisDouglas: it's design is not compatible without ubuntu manages the system15:48
KrisDouglasikonia, it works fine for us, we use it all the time. It didn't used to work however.15:49
Duesentriebso. what's the best way to tell gwibber not to launch?15:49
malekUbuntu runs  a bit slow, it's a bit heavy when loading any app or even a window15:49
ikoniaKrisDouglas: then why are you asking a question15:49
jeusi install bumbelee but can start that .15:49
ikoniaasking how to get it working15:49
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:49
KrisDouglasikonia, because I am asking if you need to have a root user for it. We have been rather complacent and just allocated the root account a password.15:50
myndzilast one for the night i think, heh!15:50
KrisDouglasBut of course that is il-advised at the best of times.15:50
myndzifor some reason when i reboot, an ip is grabbed for eth0 from dhcp15:50
ikoniaKrisDouglas: ok - so "webmin is not compatible with the way ubuntu manages the system, that's things like sudo, apache's config layout etc etc"15:50
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ikoniaKrisDouglas: so you are breaking the way ubuntu manages things to get webmin to work15:50
myndzibut if i do /etc/init.d/networking restart it properly reads /etc/network/interfaces and assigns a static ip15:50
ikonia!webmin > KrisDouglas15:50
ubottuKrisDouglas, please see my private message15:50
myndziwhy might that be?15:51
KrisDouglasikonia, nevermind, I will try and find out for myself. It works perfectly with apache by the way. :)15:51
ikoniaKrisDouglas: read the factoid ubottu just pm'd you15:52
jeushow can start bumbelee ?15:52
KrisDouglasikonia, I have15:52
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KrisDouglasalso, the good news it anyone who has permission to use sudo can use webmin, is the answer.15:53
loganrunhow do I install moonlight15:54
leadZEROOn 11.10 what's the preferred method of adding IP addresses to an interface.  I originally set the IP through NetworkManager, but am only at the cmmand line at the moment...15:54
loganrunfor chromium15:54
xangualoganrun: moonlight is only for mozilla i believe15:55
jeusany laptop have one VGA or share separate from dedicate ?15:55
TechnicusHello, I am looking for a way to direct text from the clipboard to automatically be pasted into a file as soon as I copy the text.  Are there any applications that will allow me to do this?  If so what are they and please direct me to them?15:55
loganrunis there any easy way to install it15:55
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KrisDouglasleadZERO, the easiest way if you only have command line access (i.e a server) is to do it in /etc/network/interfaces15:57
banseljajHi guys. I just upgraded my PC. And i boiught a new monitor. A samsung LED SA300. But ubuntu is not detecting the monitor size corectl and the screen edges are cropped. How do i fix it?15:57
leadZEROKrisDouglas: Would that conflict with NetworkManager?15:58
RirishiYou still know me from yesterday? I am trying to install Ubuntu, but it doesn't work. Now it shows: "Can not mount /dev/loop1 on /cow" When trying to start installation from the Unetbootin USB booter.15:58
KrisDouglasleadZERO, if you have networkmanager I believe it overrides it.15:58
timesupervisori have this problem where my ubuntu doesn't show my mouse pointer in unity.15:59
recon69_lapRirishi: try typing in help15:59
Technicus*That was poor grammer, let me try again:  Hello, I am looking for a way to directly input text into a file.  Text that I select and copy globaly on my computer, to automatically be pasted into a file as soon as I copy the text; saving me the step of navigating to the file and pasting.  Are there any applications that will allow me to do this?  If so what are they and please direct me to them?15:59
Ririshirecon69_lap: I tried and it shows a bunch of options for mounting.15:59
recon69_lapRirishi: press enter16:00
banseljajHello? Anyone?16:00
timesupervisorUbuntu 11.10 running on an Alienware M18 doesn't show mouse pointer in some applications on current user, but it does on other users. also, mouse pointer is shown on firefox.16:00
zipacehi banseljaj16:00
=== isildur is now known as isildurasd
banseljajI have display problem16:01
timesupervisorUbuntu 11.10 running on an Alienware M18 doesn't show mouse pointer in some applications on current user, but it does on other users. also, mouse pointer is shown on firefox.16:01
banseljajHi guys. I just upgraded my PC. And i boiught a new monitor. A samsung LED SA300. But ubuntu is not detecting the monitor size corectl and the screen edges are cropped. How do i fix it?16:01
Ririshirecon69_lap I did -.- It shows mounting options16:01
sarthorHI, I "quick formated" some of my external USB hard disk NTFS Drive, after that i did not copied or pasted anything with that hard drive, I want to recover all that MS Office files back, Can i do it via Linux, Please help.16:01
timesupervisorv=Ubuntu 11.10 running on an Alienware M18 doesn't show mouse pointer in some applications on current user, but it does on other users. also, mouse pointer is shown on firefox. Help?16:01
zipacebanseljaj: chances are it's a driver problem16:01
zipacebanseljaj: what graphics card are you using?16:01
recon69_lapRirishi: just press enter again , worked for me16:01
timesupervisorUbuntu 11.10 running on an Alienware M18 doesn't show mouse pointer in some applications on current user, but it does on other users. also, mouse pointer is shown on firefox. * I don't have a windows.*16:01
banseljajATI HD 4670.16:01
zipacebanseljaj: have you installed the latest ati driver?16:02
Ririshirecon69_lap okay i'll try16:02
timesupervisorUbuntu 11.10 running on an Alienware M18 doesn't show mouse pointer in some applications on current user, but it does on other users. also, mouse pointer is shown on firefox. Help me :(16:02
timesupervisorIt discombambulates me16:02
banseljajBut my APT is screwed and isn;t working.16:02
banseljajI haven't. I just cloned and put my hard drive in.16:02
timesupervisorUbuntu 11.10 running on an Alienware M18 doesn't show mouse pointer in some applications on current user, but it does on other users. also, mouse pointer is shown on firefox. - Please help. I'm discombambulated.16:02
auronandace!repeat | timesupervisor16:03
ubottutimesupervisor: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:03
timesupervisorubottu, sudo stfu.16:03
blitzalso, you only put 51 seconds imbetween your questions16:03
pangolin!language | timesupervisor16:03
ubottutimesupervisor: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.16:03
banseljajzipace: I can't download drivers. OR any other software.16:04
zipacebanseljaj: i'm not sure if the repo even provides ati drivers... try to install the driver manually (quick guide: change to TTY (ctrl+alt+F1), type 'sudo service lightdm stop', sudo ./name_of_driver_installer.run, type 'sudo service lightdm start')16:04
banseljajBut thanks.16:04
zipacebanseljaj: how come?16:04
timesupervisorUbuntu 11.10 running on an Alienware M18 doesn't show mouse pointer in some applications on current user, but it does on other users. also, mouse pointer is shown on firefox.16:04
MonkeyDusttimesupervisor  try /quit16:04
banseljajzipace: some weird error16:05
recon69_lapRirishi: any luck16:05
banseljajzipace: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=191608816:05
Ririshirecon69_lap: It says iniframs or something and typing help doesn't work... I will make a new booter16:05
timesupervisorMonkeyDust, i was trying for ubottu, i don't want to quit.16:05
timesupervisorUbuntu 11.10 running on an Alienware M18 doesn't show mouse pointer in some applications on current user, but it does on other users. also, mouse pointer is shown on firefox.16:05
MonkeyDust!patience| timesupervisor16:05
ubottutimesupervisor: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:05
pangolintimesupervisor: please stop repeating so often16:05
blitzif I installed the python-lxml-documentation package using apt-get, where do you think the documentation went16:05
timesupervisorpangolin: I'm discombambulated man.16:05
Sachh00k, thanks!!16:06
Sachubotto, thanks!16:06
KrisDouglastimesupervisor, you're going to end up getting banned if you keep spamming. Not everyone here is able to answer every question.16:06
pangolintimesupervisor: that doesn't mean you can spam the channel16:06
timesupervisorpangolin: I can't see my freakin monkey bussiness cursor16:06
h00kSach: cool, did that help?16:06
misterphp /usr/share16:06
Sachyep!! :)16:06
timesupervisorKrisDouglas, as i change my question with 1 byte, the chatbot won't !ban me.16:06
pangolintimesupervisor: do all the users use the same theme?16:06
timesupervisorpangolin: yes.16:06
timesupervisori tried reseting unity16:06
timesupervisor!ban timesupervisor16:07
timesupervisor!kick timesupervisor16:07
pangolintimesupervisor: the bot doesn't do the banning, humans do16:07
RirishiNeeds a |16:07
zipacebanseljaj: that's an apt error, not an internet connection error :P16:07
=== skilz-a is now known as skilz
coucherHey all16:08
banseljajzipace, I know. If it were a connection error, i wouldn't be talking right now. :P16:08
zipacebanseljaj: anyway, it looks like you majorly screwed up your package management... i'd suggest you to open a question at http://askubuntu.com/16:08
zipacebanseljaj: ah, it's cool :-)16:09
auronandace!brain | timesupervisor16:09
ubottutimesupervisor: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots16:09
timesupervisorpangolin.. fu16:09
pangolintimesupervisor: i already warned you once about your language.16:09
pangolin!es | usuario_16:09
ubottuusuario_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:09
banseljajzipace, Okay. I will do that.16:09
timesupervisorpangolin, being an ass doesn't aquire you nothing, sir.16:09
banseljajzipace, the ati website has the drivers, right?16:09
MonkeyDustplease timesupervisor don't act like a child16:10
mumbles__question guys, i am having problems with ubuntu 11.10 thismorning my machine wouldent start x16:10
zipacebanseljaj: i believe so, but i've got nvidia, so i don't know for sure16:10
MonkeyDustmumbles__  what happended when you tried?16:10
banseljajThanks zipace :)16:11
mumbles__MonkeyDust, faild on boot at vaious points. i then droped into recovery mode and removed nvida and reinstalled which worked untill i reinstalled the restricted drivers16:11
mumbles__if i do start x under recovery mode i get fatal server error : no screens found16:12
MonkeyDustmumbles__  any errormessages?16:12
MonkeyDustmumbles__  did it start before?16:12
mumbles__well id did for one reboot but in 800*40016:13
zipacebanseljaj: what kind of card (name) do you have again?16:13
banseljajzipace, ATI RADEON HD 467016:13
mumbles__ive done a aptget update and upgrade16:13
MonkeyDustmumbles__  so the restricted are the cause?16:13
MonkeyDustrestricted drivers*16:13
mumbles__MonkeyDust,  i bleave so.16:13
mumbles__there worked yeserday16:14
MonkeyDustmwith the restricted drivers?16:14
zipacebanseljaj: are you running 64bit or 32bit ubuntu?16:14
banseljajzipace, 32 bit16:14
zipacebanseljaj: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.4.1&product=
zipacedownload that driver16:15
banseljajzipace: You were faster than me. :P Thanks. :)16:15
mahmut_342354How can (with which command) i mount an NTFS partition with full access to everoyne (the most acceessable permissions)?16:16
zipacebanseljaj: then, change into TTY1 (ctrl+alt+F1), run "sudo service lightdm stop", then "sudo ./amd-driver-installer-12-1-x86.x86_64.run", (may take a while to finish), then "sudo service lightdm start"16:16
zipacebanseljaj: at least that's how you'd install the nvidia driver, but it's probably the same procedure for ati drivers16:17
banseljajzipace, got it. And yes.16:17
zipacebanseljaj: good luck, i can't guarantee it will work (sorry :( )16:17
banseljajDon't worry. I may not be a linux guru but i ain't a newbie either. :) Thanks a bunch. :)16:18
=== Knorre is now known as Knorre`BNC
stambof[????????] x11 video output error: X11 request 42.0 failed with error code 8:16:18
stambof BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)16:18
rcmaehlwhat applications does ubuntu have installed by default for tempature detection and other sensors?16:18
FloodBot1stambof: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:18
LjLrcmaehl: by default, i don't think there is anything, though maybe there is something these days16:19
LjLrcmaehl: usually, the back-end is "lm-sensors", then there are various front-ends16:19
compdocrcmaehl, lmsensors is available16:19
rcmaehlis the sensor information still on the system though? Like somewher we're I'd have to get it manually?16:20
mahmut_342354How can (with which command) i mount an NTFS partition with full access to everoyne (the most acceessable permissions)?16:20
=== DesertEgl is now known as Guest57404
RirishiI try to install Ubuntu 11.10, but after choosing language and updates&3rd party stuff ON/OFF. The black screen comes up and freezes at: "CR2: 00000000xxxx" (x stands for a number or letter)16:20
banseljajzipace, i fixed it with a less cumbersome solution. :D16:21
MonkeyDustmahmut_342354  in /etc/exports on your remote pc, you need to add your local pc with (rw) in the end16:21
zipacebanseljaj: you did? how?16:21
banseljajI just asked the monitor to auto adjust to the picture, and it shrank it automatically. :D16:21
zipacebanseljaj: ah, nice to read it worked!16:21
loganrunI have been able to download silverlight-media-pack-linux-x86-5-1.so for the microsoft codecs but I can't figure out where to put the file for chromium16:22
coucherim trying to set a crontab for my user16:22
RirishiI try to install Ubuntu 11.10, but after choosing language and updates&3rd party stuff ON/OFF. The black screen comes up and freezes at: "CR2: 00000000xxxx" (x stands for a number or letter)16:22
coucherbut doint it with 'crontab file' gives a silent error because the user cannot access /var/spool/cron/16:23
coucherit works with crontab -e16:23
coucherbut I cannot use that for a deploy16:23
coucherwhat is going on?16:23
mahmut_342354MonkeyDust: What do you mean. ı juts will mount a NTFS drive for just one time (for just one session). ı evetrytime mount NTFS and EXT drives but i have never have any problem. ı need to mount an NTFS drive with permissions full accessable to everyone (event the users which are connected from network).16:24
k3Rni want to install gnome on an ubuntu 11.10 server. which packet should i use?16:24
loganrunwhat does crontab -l show16:24
=== DesertEgl_ is now known as desertegl
rcmaehlNever mind :\ I should be asking, what are the most commonly used sensor packages other than lm-sensors. (I'm writing an addon script for conky for a variety of features but it would help if I could know what to add first that will allow the majority of users to use the addons)16:25
RirishiDoes no one know what to do? I try to install Ubuntu 11.10, but after choosing language and updates&3rd party stuff ON/OFF. The black screen comes up and freezes at: "CR2: 00000000xxxx" (x stands for a number or letter)16:25
magmais it possible to install the last ubuntu through the command line?16:25
coucherloganrun, it shows what I loaded, but it doesn't get "installed" in /var/spool/cron/crontabs16:25
stjohnmedranoprecise won't boot after adding hud in sources.list and running update and full-upgrade, keeps on blinking, help16:25
loganrunpaste the error16:25
coucherthere is no error16:26
coucherI had to do a strace to find out16:26
coucheropen("crontabs/carlos", O_RDONLY)       = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)16:26
loganrunwhat does your crontab file look like16:26
mahmut_342354How can (with which command) i mount an NTFS partition with full access and write permissions to everoyne (quest, from network anonym users... all)?16:27
loganruncrontab -e16:27
loganrunwhat is in that file16:27
MonkeyDustmahmut_342354  then try sudo mount -t nfs [user]@[remote ip address]16:27
rcmaehlmahmut_342354: info mount16:27
Shizuo16hello guys16:28
coucherthere it is16:28
coucherloganrun, I read it16:28
coucherand the manuals, etc... it is a bug16:28
mahmut_342354rcmaehl: i rwas researching for weeks about mount. thank you ...16:28
Shizuo16Someone can tell me how can i recovry my data in ubuntu16:28
loganrunwhat does your crontab file look like16:28
coucherloganrun, http://paste.ubuntu.com/818979/16:29
mahmut_342354MonkeyDust: there is no a spesific user or ip. i need to everyone access and write.16:29
rcmaehlShizuo16: sudo apt-cache search undelete16:29
rcmaehlsudo apt-cache search recovery16:29
Shizuo16rcmaehl: i can recovry my file befor format ?16:29
coucherI cannot see it running in /var/log/syslog unless I do the crontab -e16:29
coucherbecause of this permission probleem16:29
rcmaehlShizuo16: yes but I recommend you use testdisk to restore the partition struction and then try recovery16:30
couchermy user cannot access to cat /var/spool/cron/crontabs/carlos16:30
coucherthat's the problem16:30
Shizuo16rcmaehl: wow easy for me please16:30
loganrunis * * * * *  valid? also I would try to simply it to just have a single line like 8 13 * * *  /home/user/whativer.bin16:31
coucheryup, that is valid16:31
coucherit works if I put it with crontab -e16:31
coucherevne without changing anything16:31
jbphysredditHello all. I could do with some help pleasee. Basically I did an update through the update manager and it said it was goign to remove a few packages.. I had a look and before I knew what I had done I'd removed some pretty important things including some packages used in gnome shell.. Now when I try and reinstall gnome-shell I just get dependency errors.. I've tried install -f and tried installing the packages it16:31
jbphysredditreccomends but nothing seems to work and i end up going round in circles.. hope i'm in the right place! First time in IRC and i ended p on the debian servers first..16:31
musajoin #haxe16:31
Shizuo16rcmaehl: how can i use testdisk ?16:31
couchercrontab -e is writing something and otherwise I get this error16:31
RirishiAfter this screen: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/images/installingnattythumb05.png ; It shows a black screen with white output. Then it freezes at: "CR2: 00000000xxxx (x stands for a letter or number)16:32
loganruncoucher, start with something simple running every minute or whatever, then try to add stuff to it. gotta run16:32
rcmaehlShizuo16: sudo apt-get install testdisk or download Ultimate boot cd, burn to disk, and boot from the cd. choose teh parted magic option16:32
mahmut_342354How can (with which command) i mount an NTFS partition with full access and write permissions to everoyne (quest, from network anonym users... all)?16:32
coucherloganrun, I did, I got it working with crontab -e16:32
coucherbut not with 'crontab file'16:32
petrovhi all16:33
Guest98103will the ubuntu live cd boot on a uefi system?16:33
hey-bonerHi guys16:33
Shizuo16rcmaehl: i already sudo apt-get install testdisk16:34
rcmaehlShizuo16: then run sudo testdisk in terminal16:34
jbphysredditAnyone got any ideas for me?16:34
r0b-Guest13509 yes16:34
r0b-it should :P16:35
respondam need make mail server on my ubuntu desktop can i ?16:35
Guest98103thx. was just wondering what to expect ^^16:35
respondam need make some server / web server on my ubuntu deskto at home can i do that ?????16:35
Shizuo16rcmaehl: then create * append  / no log ?16:35
respondam need make some server / web server on my ubuntu deskto at home can i do that ????? please you ide ?16:35
RirishiI try to install Ubuntu 11.10. After this screen: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/images/installingnattythumb05.png ; It shows a black screen with white output. Then it freezes at: "CR2: 00000000xxxx (x stands for a letter or number)16:35
rcmaehlShizuo16: do you want a log of what you did? if not choose no log16:35
Guest98103peace out fellas16:36
Guest98103have a good one16:36
rcmaehlrespond: please wait16:36
respondrcmaehl, thanks for you support16:36
nyrpnzI'm running Ubuntu 10.04 with Gnome 2, previously there was a tab in Appearance preferences for enabling "graphics effects", now it is no longer present. I would like to have compiz effects (my graphics card runs 3D games just fine).16:36
petrovwho can help with airmon airodump?16:37
voldymanis there a way to run a desktop manager (cinnamon) in tty1??16:37
ironhalikanyone encountered cheese freezing X server for a good 10 seconds when you resize window with webcam feed?16:37
Shizuo16rcmaehl: wow  how can i know the right partition EFI GPT / mac none / sun /xbox16:37
rcmaehlShizuo16: probably MSDOS16:37
Alekixi'm running ubuntu 11.10 with gnome3. it occasionally freezes for me, and is completely nonresponsive to any input. i installed the crashdump package, but it's not logging a kernel panic. any ideas for finding out what's going on?16:38
Shizuo16rcmaehl: i had there are no MSDOS16:38
canihazcookiezplcan i help?16:38
mahmut_342354How can (with which command) i mount an NTFS partition with full access and write permissions to everoyne (quest, from network anonym users... all)?16:38
canihazcookiezpli need wubi16:38
rcmaehlShizuo16: EFI16:38
canihazcookiezplwubi no work16:38
Shizuo16rcmaehl: then analyse right ?16:38
canihazcookiezplcan i haz help wubi on linux?16:39
StrangeCharmI think that a recent kernel update broke suspend and hibernate. How can I fix it?16:39
ikoniaStrangeCharm: roll the kernel back16:39
StrangeCharmikonia, How?16:39
canihazcookiezplmy ubuntu no work, can i haz ubuntu/16:39
ikoniaStrangeCharm: the old kernel should still be in your grub menu16:39
nyrpnz!details | canihazcookiezpl16:39
ubottucanihazcookiezpl: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:39
voldymanis there a way to run a desktop manager (cinnamon) in tty1??16:40
RirishiI try to install Ubuntu 11.10. After this screen: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/images/installingnattythumb05.png ; It show this screen: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/39/img0182w.jpg/ ; It freezes here.16:40
Shizuo16rcmaehl: Bad GPT partition? invalid signature ..16:40
StrangeCharmikonia, I get the grub menu with shift? How many kernels get kept in Grub?16:40
leloif I create an image from a disk using, lets say, ddrescue, can I run it as a VM on kvm later on?16:40
ikoniaStrangeCharm: should be all until you remove them16:41
respondam need make some server / web server on my ubuntu deskto at home can i do that ????? please you ide ?16:41
StrangeCharmikonia, Thanks, I'll try that.16:41
ikoniaStrangeCharm: be a quick way to see if it was the kernel update or not16:41
ikoniaShizuo16: then you can move forward from there16:41
compdoclelo, Ive used clonezilla to create images of a system that can be used to create a VM16:41
RirishiPlease! I really need help.. No one reacts to me.16:41
jbphysredditwhere can I post the result of running sudo apt-get install gnome-shell so you guys can have a look? I guess it's bad form to put it here?16:42
Shizuo16ikonia: Mr ikonia there is nothing here16:42
ikoniaShizuo16: you have no kernels listed ?16:42
recon69_lapRirishi: mind if i ask why you installing ubuntu16:42
nyrpnzvoldyman: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=271674 may help16:42
Shizuo16ikonia: when i choose analyze  i see Bad GPT partition16:43
Ririshirecon69_lap: I want to have it. It seems so cool.16:43
h00k!pastebin | jbphysreddit16:43
ubottujbphysreddit: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:43
geoffmccRirishi: have you tried to redownload the image?16:43
recon69_lapRirishi: so you never had ubuntu on that machine before16:43
Shizuo16ikonia: wow D MS data / P Linux Swap16:44
ikoniaShizuo16: what ?16:44
Ririshirecon69_lap no, indeed. geoffmcc: no I didn't try.16:44
Ririshi(for you info, I DLed Download and Install version.16:44
Shizuo16ikonia: well look i'm in testdisk now16:44
ubuntuhasvirusI bought an ubuntu powered laptop and it had porn inside, can I get help? I watched it and I wasn't satisfied. Why doesn't ubuntu have good quality porn?16:44
ubuntuhasvirusI bought an ubuntu powered laptop and it had porn inside, can I get help? I watched it and I wasn't satisfied.16:44
ikoniaShizuo16: sorry I think you may have got me confused with someone else16:44
recon69_lapRirishi: and have you managed to get a live cd or usb to load yet16:44
rcmaehlubuntuhasvirus: leave16:44
ikoniaShizuo16: I wasn't talking to you I was talking to StrangeCharm16:44
Shizuo16ikonia: :(16:45
jbphysreddithttp://paste.ubuntu.com/819000/ - Could someone have a look please :)16:45
respondam need make some server / web server on my ubuntu deskto at home can i do that ????? please you ide ?16:45
rcmaehljbphysreddit: leave16:45
lelocompdoc: thank you, I'll try clonezilla :)16:45
Ririshirecon69_lap Yes, I made the Live USB and it would load up. After this screen: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/images/installingnattythumb05.png ; It show this screen: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/39/img0182w.jpg/ ; It freezes here.16:45
ikoniacsdeop ikonia16:45
nyrpnzvoldyman: or better yet http://www.detector-pro.com/2009/01/linux-tip-how-to-run-multiple-x.html16:46
s9iper1my time and date indicator is gone how can i reinstall it again with terminal?16:46
rcmaehlikonia: really? banning the entire ip range O_O that's like 255*255*255 ip addresses16:46
ikoniarcmaehl: I'm aware of that16:46
spasysheepI have a computer with 3 ethernet ports and want to set up a squid-based transparent caching proxy between eth1 and eth2, would setting it up as a transparent proxy then adding the cache fucntion to that configuration work or should I try to set it up all at once?16:46
nyrpnzs9iper1: gnome or unity?16:47
jbphysredditrcmaehl, why the hate? I'm just looking for some help.. I've tried a few places and can't work out how to go about fixing it16:47
Ririshirecon69_lap: It loaded up once. I clicked system settings and a screen like http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/39/img0182w.jpg/ ; It froze here.16:48
ikoniajbphysreddit: I think it was a typo for someone else who was causing a problem16:48
s9iper1nyrpnz: gnome16:48
rcmaehljbphysreddit: because you've come in here multiple times with a variety of nicks asking the same question and not even improving the horrible grammar and spelling that you're clearly capable of.16:48
s9iper1i want gnome16:49
nyrpnzs9iper1: right-clicking->add to panel->clock doesn't work?16:49
s9iper1nyrpnz: i guess its not installed16:50
nyrpnzs9iper1: what is not installed?16:50
rcmaehljbphysreddit: frankly I believe you are nothing but a troll16:51
meerkatswhat do I need to wget to download this pubkey? http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xC2518248EEA1488616:51
mahmut_342354How can (with which command) i mount an NTFS partition with full access and write permissions to everoyne (quest, from network anonym users... all)?16:51
recon69_lapRirishi: I take it you doing the default install16:51
meerkatsi mean to write in a terminal16:51
StrangeCharmikonia, Apparently, I was mistaken in my guess that the the kernet was responsible. What else could have broken suspend and hibernate?16:51
s9iper1nyrpnz: clock..where to right click?16:51
Whisky_can anyone tell me how to get my Geforce Go 7400 on my HP DV6000 working? I downloaded the driver from NVidia's site but ended up with a black screen and had to uninstall.16:52
ikoniaStrangeCharm: video card modules are a common cause16:52
Ririshirecon69_lap: What do you mean?16:52
nyrpnzs9iper1: try http://www.techotopia.com/index.php/Customizing_the_Ubuntu_GNOME_Desktop_Panels#Adding_Items_to_a_GNOME_Destop_Panel16:52
StrangeCharmikonia, How frequently do those change? Suspend worked a few weeks ago, then suddenly stopped. I don't remember exactly what changed around that time.16:52
jbphysredditrcmaehl, I haven't ever been in here before; this is my first time using IRC as a matter of fact. The grammar point is pretty petty I believe.. I'm not at a desk so typing is a bit sloppy. I genuinely just don't know how to get round having dependency issues.16:52
ikoniaStrangeCharm: I don't know to be honest, not massivly often16:53
=== computer_ is now known as Lofde_2
recon69_lapRirishi: are you letting it do it's own partitioning , the default install, letting it decide everything and use all the drive16:53
geoffmccjbphysreddit: i think this is the result of a partial upgrade.. try sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get upgrade finally sudo apt-get install gnome-shell16:53
StrangeCharmikonia, Is there some way that I can check for video card modules, or try a different one?16:53
gunfirehow to know where is the application installed  ? in which default location ?16:54
ikoniaStrangeCharm: what video card do you have ?16:54
Ririshirecon69_lap: It doesn't even come that far =,= The black screen shows after choosing if you want to install updates and 3rd party stuff. There it freezes.16:54
ikoniaStrangeCharm: an ati one by any chacne ?16:54
nyrpnz!details | gunfire16:54
ubottugunfire: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:54
StrangeCharmikonia, I suspect that I have an Intel card, but I'm not sure. I have a Thinkpad laptop. How do I check?16:54
ikoniaStrangeCharm: intel cards are normally fine, so I doubt that's the issue16:55
gunfirei am running ubuntu 10.10 and i installed an application paros. but i can't find it in the menus. so where can i find the application icon of the application paros.16:55
nyrpnzStrangeCharm: for graphics card details try sudo lspci | grep VGA16:55
recon69_lapRirishi: did you md5 check the file you downloaded to make the ubuntu live thingy16:56
Whisky_can anyone tell me how to get my Geforce Go 7400 on my HP DV6000 working? I downloaded the driver from NVidia's site but ended up with a black screen and had to uninstall.16:56
gunfirenyrpnz, now can you guide me ..16:56
=== gowtham is now known as gadgetgoobal
IamNOTpeer3kMy ubuntu powered sexdoll is catwalking all around my house, by itself, and asking for food. Can you explain?16:56
IamNOTpeer3kMy ubuntu powered sexdoll is catwalking all around my house, by itself, and asking for food. Can you explain?16:56
Ririshirecon69_lap: Yes I did it 3 times. Should I try to install it within Windows? (Yes, I run Windows 7)16:56
IamNOTpeer3kMy ubuntu powered sexdoll is catwalking all around my house, by itself, and asking for food. Can you explain?16:56
FloodBot1IamNOTpeer3k: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:56
h00koh snap.16:56
StrangeCharmikonia, Yep, it's an Intel Core integrated card, thanks nyrpnz. What are some other likely suspects?16:57
aguiteli have laptop pavillion dv4-1212 with ati card :01:05.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: ATI Technologies Inc RS780M/RS780MN [Radeon HD 3200 Graphics] [1002:9612]16:57
aguitel;how install video driver?16:57
nyrpnzgunfire: my guess is paros is a command-line tool?16:57
ikoniaStrangeCharm: no idea16:57
s9iper1nyrpnz: is that for gnome? hey i am using unity  at that time i understand that you are talking about which one i wana install16:57
s9iper1tel me about unity16:57
=== gokulnath is now known as g0kul
YASIN-GROUPi've installed firestarter on my ubuntu 10.4 and trying to connect to internet throught it,but my client(local network wich is directly coonected to it via a crossover cable and win7 running on it) can not connect to internet. anybody know what i'm missing here?16:57
recon69_lapRirishi: are you booting to ubuntu and doing the install or installing from windows16:57
gunfirenyrpnz, when i run paros in terminal a GUI interface in displayed16:57
Alekixhow can I debug random freezes in ubuntu 11.10?16:58
Ririshirecon69_lap: I started from USB stick and tried to install from there.16:58
nyrpnzgunfire: I'd suggest System-Preferences-Main Menu16:58
recon69_lapRirishi: looking more and more like a hardware issue, whats the computer16:58
geoffmccRirishi: if you have verified the sum is correct, but are still not able to get past that point and are using a cd, i would suggest to attempt to install via USB.16:58
jbphysredditgeoffmcc, Unfortunately it didn't work - http://paste.ubuntu.com/819022/ - Hadn't tried that before though so I got hopeful!16:58
gunfirenyrpnz, it's not over there, i chk it thrice .. :(16:58
nyrpnzs9iper1: ubuntu 10.10 is unity by default16:58
StrangeCharmWhat could have changed that would have broken suspend and hibernate?16:58
Ririshigeoffmcc: That's what I am doing =.=16:58
nyrpnzs9iper1: using gnome or unity is a matter of choice16:58
nyrpnzgunfire: you can add it manually with System->preferences->main menu16:59
geoffmccRirishi: what did you use to make the bootable usb stick16:59
s9iper1nyrpnz:i am using ubuntu 12.04 with unity 5,016:59
YASIN-GROUPi've installed firestarter on my ubuntu 10.4 and trying to connect to internet throught it,but my client(local network which is directly connected to it via a crossover cable and win7 running on it) can not connect to internet. anybody know what i'm missing here?16:59
YASIN-GROUPplz help me....17:00
geoffmccRirishi: I use LiLi USB Creator with no problem17:00
rcmaehlcheck both firewalls17:00
rcmaehlYASIN-GROUP: ^17:00
gunfirenyrpnz, what's the defualt directory where this application gets installed ?17:00
nyrpnzs9iper1: not sure how you'd add clock to unity, I don't use unity myself17:01
Ririshirecon69_lap: Fujitsu Siemens Scaleo T with AMD Athlon 64. 2.0GHz, ATI Radeon 9600 ; geoffmcc: I used UNetbootin17:01
geoffmccjbphysreddit: hmm. not sure. I was able to do it from a fresh install of Ubuntu 11.10 after downloading all updates, but it appears you have a broken package somewhere or something17:01
YASIN-GROUPrcmaehl can u help me?17:01
nyrpnzgunfire: somewhere in system files... what are you trying to do exactly?17:02
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
trisms9iper1: indicator-datetime may have been removed by a previous update in 12.04, just reinstall it, also 12.04 support in #ubuntu+1 please17:02
Ririshirecon69_lap: and 2GB RAM17:02
nyrpnztrism: thanks17:02
rcmaehlYASIN-GROUP: do you have the win7 computer set up correctly?17:02
geoffmccRirishi: maybe you said already, but are you making the usb in windows or ubuntu?17:02
hatchetjacktrying to install a VM with virt-manager and getting chardev: opening backend "socket" failed17:02
YASIN-GROUPi think yes17:02
hatchetjackany ideas?17:02
Ririshigeoffmcc: I have no Linux installed. I am making it in Windows.17:02
gunfirenyrpnz, in mainmenu, when i am trying to create a launcher of that program it is asking me about the directory of the program where it is installed so that it can link to it.17:03
RirishiI Will Try To Install It Within My Windows 7 Installation. Be Back In Some Time.17:03
YASIN-GROUPrcmaehl :i've configured it according to MSDN help17:03
geoffmccRirishi: try using LiLi17:03
jbphysredditgeoffmcc, Yep... It worked before I did the update manager thing that removed some packages. I really don't want to do a fresh install again! Any way to find and fix broken packages?17:03
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Ririshigeoffmcc: okay.17:04
nyrpnzgunfire: the application should be in system path17:04
aguitelanyone install ubuntu in pavillion dv4-1212 ?17:04
gunfirenyrpnz, where in system path ??17:04
compdochatchetjack, google suggests a permissions problem. where are you creating the image file?17:04
recon69_lapRirishi: and what file are you using to create the bootable bisk17:04
MonkeyDustjbphysreddit  try sudo apt-get -f install17:04
nyrpnzgunfire: if you can launch it from the terminal with "paros" the same thing should work in the application dialog17:04
geoffmccRirishi: http://www.linuxliveusb.com/en/download .. thats what i used in Win7 to make my usb install where i had problems with netbooten17:05
kasiihi  all17:05
gunfirenyrpnz, ok let me try it17:05
Ririshirecon69_lap: ubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.iso17:05
recon69_lapRirishi: only do that if you have another computer to use :)17:05
geoffmccjbphysreddit: still looking into it17:05
hatchetjackcompdoc: /var/lib/libvirt/qemu is where it want's to put it17:05
Ririshirecon69_lap: Huh I don't understand that..17:05
gunfirenyrpnz, ya done :)17:06
nyrpnzgunfire: great17:06
gunfirethanks :)17:06
nyrpnzgunfire: np17:06
hatchetjackcompdoc: the disk image I mean17:06
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compdochatchetjack, yeah, I think thats default17:06
YASIN-GROUPi've installed firestarter on my ubuntu 10.4 and trying to connect to internet throught it,but my client(local network which is directly connected to it via a crossover cable and win7 running on it) can not connect to internet. anybody know what i'm missing here?17:06
gunfirenyrpnz, one more thing...17:06
nyrpnzgunfire: ask away17:06
compdochatchetjack, in virt-manager, you can connect to the service?17:07
recon69_lapRirishi: it might fry your windows install and then you in trouble17:07
aguitelanyone install ubuntu in pavillion dv4-1212 ?17:07
loffeSomehow I've set my account to not require password on login (it's just a login button) and now I can't find how to enable the password prompt. I cannot change it in 'User Accounts'. Where should I look?17:07
eutheriahello, I went a bit happy installing stuff from ppa's is it possible to flush out the packages from the PPA's and reinstall the official version?17:07
rocketfish2how can i adjust usb delay_use ???17:07
Ririshirecon69_lap: when I install it from USB? or within Win7?17:07
compdochatchetjack, is there enough room for the image?17:07
gunfirei installed an application stunnel4 through apt-get install stunnel4 it gives me error you will have to enable the component called 'universe'17:07
nyrpnzloffe: system->administration->login screen17:07
YASIN-GROUPI really need to solve this, plz help me17:08
rocketfish2how can i adjust usb delay_use ???17:08
loffenyrpnz, hehe, I have no such icon17:08
compdocYASIN-GROUP, you might try the mailing list if no one in here knows...17:08
recon69_lapRirishi: I'd consider installing from windows more likely to fail than the usb, get the usb working right and you can always boot with that17:09
nyrpnzgunfire: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=95217217:09
rocketfish2any body know ?17:09
recon69_lapRirishi: if it fails in windows and your usb is not right your stuck17:09
geoffmccjbphysreddit: what is output of sudo apt-get install -f17:09
Ririshirecon69_lap: So without installing it you mean?17:09
rocketfish2any body know ?17:09
nyrpnzloffe: There should be a setting for login screen somewhere17:09
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YASIN-GROUPcompdoc:i'm new here, where can i find the mailing list?17:09
hatchetjackcompdoc: image is suppose to be 20GB and there's 150GB free17:09
gunfirenyrpnz, :D thanks17:10
hatchetjackcompdoc: yes I can connect to the service17:10
nyrpnzgunfire: no problem17:10
auronandace!ml | YASIN-GROUP17:10
ubottuYASIN-GROUP: Mail is another medium to communicate. Ubuntu mailing lists can be found at http://lists.ubuntu.com17:10
compdocYASIN-GROUP, https://lists.ubuntu.com/17:10
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compdochatchetjack, silly question, but have you rebooted after installing qemu-kvm?17:11
Ririshirecon69_lap: It installed in windows. I need to restart my PC and choose Ubuntu to start. I will first make a new USB Booter with LuLu or something.17:12
recon69_lapRirishi: just create the usb using lili , i had issue with unet one17:12
Ririshirecon69_lap: lol it is lili, okay I'll try.17:12
Whisky_can anyone tell me how to get my Geforce Go 7400 on my HP DV6000 working? I downloaded the driver from NVidia's site but ended up with a black screen and had to uninstall.17:12
nyrpnzWhisky_: check "Additional Hardware Drivers" in settings17:13
TelugoduIs it true that ATI drivers are incompatible with GNOME?17:15
swebi have an error during install software17:15
rocketfish2how can i adjust usb delay_use ???17:15
w00tmarssound is not working for me some help please17:15
TelugoduI cant install those drivers without having glitches in GNOME17:15
Ririshirecon69_lap: uhh.. I got an ATI graphics card. Is it compatible?17:16
recon69_lapRirishi: should be, nearly half the computers got ati17:17
w00tmarssomebody please help me :(17:17
w00tmarssound does not work http://pastebin.com/xsNu6Njt17:17
Ririshirecon69_lap: okay. It's quite an old card.. Legacy on the site. No more driver updates.17:17
StrangeCharmA few weeks ago, suspend and hibernate worked, then overnight they broke. What might be responsible for this sad regression?17:18
rocketfish2pastebin wow17:18
geoffmccWhisky_: im on my dv6000 using nvidia-current17:19
aguitelanyone install ubuntu in pavillion dv4-1212 ? i have problem with video card VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS780M/RS780MN [Radeon HD 3200 Graphics]17:19
isnoopWhat's the best way to concatenate several lines to a file using cloud-init?17:19
rocketfish2http://pastebin.com/awgrAY6f <--- help , usb drive rocketfish rt-hd20303517:19
recon69_lapRirishi: hard for me to guess if thats the problem , I would think that being older is more likely to work17:19
Ririshirecon69_lap: Cool!17:20
geoffmcc!patience |w00tmars17:20
ubottuw00tmars: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:20
recon69_lapRirishi: try with the other bootload, likely to fix the problem17:20
auronandacew00tmars: what is the output of alsamixer (can you take a screenshot)17:20
w00tmarsalsamixer in terminal auronandace ?17:21
Gentoo64jesus pastebin is bloated17:21
Ririshirecon69_lap: "other bootload"?17:21
auronandacew00tmars: indeed17:21
agentgasmaskHi all. Can I get a sanity check with this crontab? http://sprunge.us/SZEN17:21
sweb i have an error during install software  ... http://pastebin.com/X1cKCTBx .. problem during install software17:21
AzoteLogikosweb, just try (at terminal) : sudo apt-get install simple-ccsm17:23
recon69_lapRirishi: you used unetbootin , it's not the standard method and uses a different boot loader17:23
rocketfish2http://pastebin.com/awgrAY6f <--- help , usb drive rocketfish 3.5 external usb drive can be used by windows and mac, but not linux. linux sees the hard ware and even a usb flash drive plugged into the rocketfish external drive, but accessing the drive fails.17:23
w00tmarsauronandace: alsamixer http://i.imgur.com/nURu5.png and system profile http://i.imgur.com/jHtIT.png17:23
geoffmccsweb: after searching your error in google i found forum posts and bug posts aout it, did these not help you?17:23
Ririshirecon69_lap: okay. I am making a USB Booter now with lili. I hope it works.17:24
auronandacew00tmars: your master is muted17:24
w00tmarsauronandace: yes i unmuted it17:24
recon69_lapRirishi; you are booting from the usb, there should be no sign of windows17:24
swebAzoteLogiko, geoffmcc: ^17:24
w00tmarsbut no sound what so ever17:24
Gentoo64w00tmars: make sure the speakers are plugged in17:24
Ririshirecon69_lap okay. Thanks.17:24
w00tmarsGentoo64: -.- they are17:25
w00tmars]ive installed a realtek driver, ive reinstalled ubuntu...ive tried a lto of fixes17:25
mang0Is there anything special you have to do to get skype working with xfce? I'm running on ubuntu 11.10 with xfce, and when I launch skype, I can sign in, and then it quits, without any contact list. I'm trying a debug from terminal, got this: Fatal: ASSERT: "interface->childCount() == children.count()" in file adaptor.cpp, line 200 is the error....17:25
w00tmarsnothing works17:25
rocketfish2how to delay_use setting chnage ?17:25
Gentoo64w00tmars: what does the volume control thing say (not alsamixer) i think theres some device settings there17:25
Gentoo64w00tmars: where you can change output17:25
w00tmarsGentoo64: yep sound settings17:26
AzoteLogikosweb, what version of Ubuntu are you using?17:26
auronandacew00tmars: realtek? your sound is intel, it doesn't need any drivers installed17:26
w00tmarsauronandace: the card is realtek but...17:26
swebAzoteLogiko: 11.0417:26
auronandacew00tmars: ah sorry17:26
w00tmarsGentoo64: output connector is analog output17:26
Ririshirecon69_lap: It's done. I'll try in.17:27
AzoteLogikosweb, try first: sudo apt-get install python-compizconfig17:27
geoffmccsweb: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/simple-ccsm/+bug/73816817:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 738168 in simple-ccsm (Ubuntu) "simple-ccsm install wants the remove compiz and unity" [Low,Confirmed]17:27
AzoteLogikothen, sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager17:28
AzoteLogikoand finally: sudo apt-get install simple-ccsm17:28
Ririshirecon69_lap: it*17:28
Ririshirecon69_lap: see you soon.17:29
recon69_lapRirishi: good luck :)17:29
aguitelanyone install ubuntu in pavillion dv4-1212 ? i have problem with video card VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS780M/RS780MN [Radeon HD 3200 Graphics]17:29
rocketfish2 http://pastebin.com/awgrAY6f <--- help , usb drive rocketfish 3.5 external usb drive can be used by windows and mac, but not linux. linux sees the hard ware and even a usb flash drive plugged into the rocketfish external drive, but accessing the drive fails.17:29
TestHi everyone17:29
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doktorHi bro17:30
* Tech-1 is now known as Tech-117:30
jbphysredditgeoffmcc, Sorry for the delay Something unavoidable came up. http://paste.ubuntu.com/819058/ - That's from install -f Doesn’t really do anything by the looks of it17:30
JirachierI just bought a new laptop, and I thought I should start using Ubuntu in dual-OS with W7 which was preinstalled on the laptop, I spent hours trying to do so but i'm still stuck17:31
Jirachiercan you guys help me out please17:31
w00tmarsauronandace: well? :'(17:31
Gentoo64Jirachier: stuck on what17:31
AzoteLogikoJirachier, sure. what's the problem?17:31
xangua!dualboot | Jirachier17:31
ubottuJirachier: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot17:31
reese|Really quick question. Is there anyway to defrag a ntsf in Ubuntu or do it even need defraging. I know extra do not.17:31
Jirachierwell, I have a 500GB disk, I want to split it between W7, Ubuntu & Documents17:32
Gentoo64reese|: whats on it, windows or files?17:32
Jirachierbut when I reduce the size of C17:32
Jirachierto 50gb for W717:32
auronandacew00tmars: not sure what to suggest next sorry17:32
reese|It is files17:32
Jirachierthe rest of the space is marked as unusable17:32
Gentoo64reese|: i wouldnt bother17:32
Jirachierand the "new table..." button is grey17:32
w00tmarsfuck this sound card :|17:32
JirachierI can't click on it17:32
Ririshi_Help my windows won't start anymore...17:32
Tm_Tw00tmars: language, please17:33
xangua!language | w00tmars17:33
ubottuw00tmars: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:33
reese|OK thanks gentoo17:33
Ririshi_Try (HD x,x) "prefix" is not set.17:33
* r0b- loves ubuntu17:33
Jirachierso anyone has any idea how I can use the space17:33
recon69_lapRirishi_ ; did you do a default install, cause that uses all the hdd17:33
Jirachieror why it's marked as "unusable"17:34
jbphysredditgeoffmcc, any other ideas?17:34
spartan2276Does anyone know of a way to get Ubuntu 11.10(bluetooth) working with Acer a500 Tablet?17:34
Ririshi_recon69_lap: I installed it within windows.17:34
Gentoo64Jirachier: is it unallocated space?17:34
mang0Is there anything special you have to do to get skype working with xfce? I'm running on ubuntu 11.10 with xfce, and when I launch skype, I can sign in, and then it quits, without any contact list. I'm trying a debug from terminal, got this: Fatal: ASSERT: "interface->childCount() == children.count()" in file adaptor.cpp, line 200 is the error....17:34
recon69_lapRirishi_ hmm, so what happens now17:35
Gentoo64Jirachier: use gparted if youarent already17:35
JirachierIt just says "unusable"17:35
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Jirachierunder device17:35
duelleJirachier: May it be that the space is used for some kind of recovery information?  Perhaps you should check the manual.17:35
Ririshi_recon69_lap I am restarting from USB now. Ubuntu is loading up.17:35
Gentoo64Jirachier: are you doing this from windows disk management?17:35
Gentoo64or gparted17:36
Ririshi_recon69_lap: Ubuntu started. Should I choose Install Ubuntu or Try Ubuntu? Help!17:36
duelleMany manufacturers use some disk space instead of additional media (cd/dvd) for recovery stuff.17:36
recon69_lapRirishi_ i take it you want to keep windows ? if so dont install17:37
geoffmccjbphysreddit: sorry. try your luck in the forums maybe17:37
geoffmccrecon69_lap: Ririshi_: you can dual boot windows and ubuntu17:38
jbphysredditgeoffmcc, No worries; thanks for trying.17:38
Ririshi_recon69_lap: fuuuu what if I can't acces windows anymore? I got all my data on there.. I chose try ubuntu17:38
Ririshi_geoffmcc: dual boot? Explain that please.17:38
_MarcusRirishi_: it's where you have an option to boot to Windows or to boot to Ubuntu17:39
_MarcusAt startup17:39
geoffmccRirishi_: many guides online for dual booting windows and ubuntu. dual boot just like it sounds. you will get your choice to boot windows or ubuntu.17:39
recon69_lapgeoffmcc: case of not being clear about the intended goal I'm afraid17:39
downbeami can't change my desktop background???????????????17:39
MonkeyDustdownbeam  what happens when you try?17:40
downbeamwhen i right click my desktop the option doesnt even appear it's just some obconf shit17:40
Ririshi_geoffmcc: i can't before it asks me, it says Try (HD x,x) "prefix" is not set. Or sth17:40
recon69_lapRirishi_: it depends on what you did, we'll have a look at you drive and see what up17:41
hatchetjackno I did not reboot after intalling qemu-kvm.  I logged out and back in though.17:41
hatchetjackI have to reboot?17:41
skilzWhats this mean? cryptsetup: WARNING: failed to detect canonical device of /dev/sda717:41
Ririshi_recon69_lap: Try Ubuntu is loading. It's very slow.17:41
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recon69_lapRirishi_: usb is slower that hdd17:42
Ririshi_recon69_lap: Okay17:42
aguitelanyone install ubuntu in pavillion dv4-1212 ? i have problem with video card VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS780M/RS780MN [Radeon HD 3200 Graphics],anyone know how install it ?17:43
recon69_lapRirishi_: okay? does that mean it booted ?17:43
downbeammonkey you there?17:43
downbeamyou know what i should do?17:43
Ririshi_recon69_lap: it loaded the system. But it is still loading Try Ubuntu.17:43
MonkeyDustdownbeam  no, obconf doesnt ring a bell, sorry17:44
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downbeamdo you know how to change your desktop? background?17:45
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Ririshi_recon69_lap: less than 1fps per second...17:45
downbeamthe old fashion way17:45
=== everybody is now known as GeorgeJ
xanguadownbeam: in dash typpe 'appearence'17:45
recon69_lapRirishi_: might want to be more descriptive17:45
ssfdre38hey where is the source code for mcrypt is localed so i can add it to the php source code17:46
downbeamwhat is the dash?17:46
MonkeyDust!info mcript17:46
ubottuPackage mcript does not exist in oneiric17:46
MonkeyDust!info mcrypt17:46
ubottumcrypt (source: mcrypt): Replacement for old unix crypt(1). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6.8-1 (oneiric), package size 71 kB, installed size 292 kB17:46
Ririshi_recon69_lap: The cursor moves veryyy slooow. It loads tho.17:46
ssfdre38MonkeyDust, i have it installed i just need the source path for it17:47
MonkeyDustdownbeam  dash is the menu in unity17:47
dewarhi, is there an easy way to refresh the display without restarting?17:47
MonkeyDustssfdre38  look in /usr/bin17:47
downbeamam i in the right channel?17:47
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downbeami got lubuntu17:47
zul0anyone know how use tor + irc?17:48
_rei boa tarde!17:48
MonkeyDust!pt| _re17:48
ubottu_re: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.17:48
_reuma questão:17:48
_realguém usa drive de tv digital no ubuntu?17:48
OerHeksssfdre38, i think in /usr/src/17:48
_re ok thanks!17:49
skilzWhats this mean? cryptsetup: WARNING: failed to detect canonical device of /dev/sda717:49
recon69_lapRirishi_: hmm, now we looking at unity being a hog, and i don't use it. can you boot again and get a recovery mode17:49
wildc4rdGood evening all17:49
damselfly9skilz: do you have an sda7?17:50
downbeamcan anyone help me???17:50
MetroshicaWhen I use functions in bash, do I have to declare themm before I call them? Or do they have to be declared before? I'm used to usign Java, where you can use them before you declare them17:50
skilznot that I know of17:50
_Marcusdownbeam: With what?17:50
geoffmcczul0: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Tor17:50
skilzmaybe usb drive/17:50
NTHLI'm on Ubuntu 10.04 server version, DCMTK in 10.04 is not the latest so I downloaded the latest .deb file. I then do "sudo dpkg -i dcmtklatest.deb" and "sudo apt-get -f install" but it didn't succeed. It still tells me that it has removed the old DCMTK and the latest DCMTK is not installed.17:50
recon69_lapRirishi_: you might want to try mount your hdd to see if it still has data17:50
downbeami can't change my background and i have lubuntu17:50
Picidownbeam: You may want to check out #lubuntu if that is what you're using.17:50
Ririshi_recon69_lap SOMETHING happened. Last line of blak console: panic occured, switching back to text console.17:50
_Marcusdownbeam: What, exactly, is happening? Are you getting any error messages? What steps are you taking?17:51
NTHLSomeone please advise me on what I should do to properly install latest DCMTK on 10.04 !!!!17:51
Ririshi_I pressed the current button..17:51
Ririshi_I can start Windows17:51
Ririshi_I  had a choosing screen17:51
Ririshi_Thank you!! Let's get on.17:51
damselfly9downbeam: lubuntu isn't "officially" supported on ubuntu channels. if advice you get here works, fine. if not, no one feels obligated17:52
Ririshi_recon69_lap: sorry for multiple line spam17:52
xanguadamselfly9: lubuntu became an official ubuntu family member since 11.1017:52
recon69_lapRirishi_: really look like you got some serious hardware conflict going on.17:52
auronandacedamselfly9: actually, lubuntu is officially supported17:52
downbeamnothing is happening when i right click my desktop there is a totally different menu then what should be..17:52
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shadow89xshit .... this chat is so complicated17:52
damselfly9ok xangua. sorry for being out of touch17:52
geoffmccNTHL: i would start with #ubuntu-server17:52
ssfdre38well do you know where mysqli is at for the source of PHP17:52
=== ivoz is now known as Ivoz
pfarrellis there a way to list the PPAs I have configured to use (from the command line)?17:53
Ririshi_recon69_lap: I started windows again. It works, with a choosing screen for ubuntu or win717:53
xanguaNTHL: if you want latest software you should try a more recent ubuntu version17:53
recon69_lapRirishi_: running in windows is probably insulating ubuntu from whatever bit of hardware is causing the panics17:53
zul0thanks geoffmcc17:54
Gentoo64pfarrell, try cat /etc/apt/sources.lst17:54
pvandewyngaerhello, is there a way to control the size and position of a window ? or disable te window border ?  i have a window that moves everytime i click it17:54
Ririshi_recon69_lap: insulating? Sorry, english is not my first language17:54
geoffmcczul0: it shows at bottom how to do in irssi, what i use, so im not sure if would be simular to whatever client you use.17:55
celthunderpvandewyngaer: depends on your wm/de but in most yes17:55
Raymond_i would like to move a folder into the usr/local/src folder, but it wont drag and drop, how do i enable drag and drop17:55
Gentoo64Raymond_, its prob permission denied17:55
Ririshi_recon69_lap: restarting pc now. Try if Ubuntu works17:55
pvandewyngaercelthunder:  Ubuntu 11.04 with gnome17:55
_Marcusdownbeam: I am unfamiliar with Lubuntu's Desktop17:55
Gentoo64Raymond_, use sudo mv17:55
zul0geoffb, im using xchat17:55
geoffmccRaymond_: gksudo nautilus and then move17:55
mopheado/ Hi everyone. When updating, I keep getting the error "duplicate sources list entry." How do I fix it?17:56
recon69_lapRirishi_: means that windows is dealing with the hardware so Ubuntu does not have to, I'm thinking you need someone who is much more knowledgeable than me to work this out17:56
Raymond_gentoo64, sudo mv 'folder'17:56
geoffmcczul0: yeah might be the same settings, give it a try. but i only use irssi so wont be able to help ya there17:56
Gentoo64gksudo nautilus is bad for people who dont know what theyre doing, theyll come back asking about permission errors otherwise17:56
Gentoo64Raymond_, yes17:56
MonkeyDustmophead  a source may be activated twice in your sources.lst17:56
downbeamit's ok i dont think i can connect to lubuntu though because no one has said anything the whole time i've been in the room17:56
Gentoo64Raymond_, sudo mv folder /destination17:56
zul0thanks geoffb ill try with this!17:56
Ririshi_recon69_lap: So Ubuntu doesn't start: It says: Try (HD0,0) error: "prefix" is not set.17:56
mopheadMonkeyDust : yeah, that's what I figured. so how do I go about fixing it?17:57
Raymond_gentoo64, thx17:57
MonkeyDustmophead  in the gui or with cli?17:57
mopheadeither or17:57
mopheadgui would be easier to remember17:57
Gentoo64zul0, what are you trying to do btw17:57
geoffmccRirishi_: are you trying to use WUBI?17:57
MonkeyDustmophead  open synaptic, click Settings, Repositories17:58
NTHLthanks anyway! I'll try #Ubuntu-Server then. I need DCMTK to work on 10.04 LTS, so going to latest Ubuntu is not really an option17:58
jeusubuntu NVIDIA 310M optimus and horizontal shake second monitor17:58
zul0use tor + irc17:58
recon69_lapRirishi_: if the usb boot panics there are problems, as i said you need someone much more uptodate, i still using 10.0417:58
jeushave anybody idea ?17:58
Gentoo64zul0, on xchat?17:58
Ririshi_geoffmcc: I installed Ubuntu into my Windows717:58
MonkeyDustRirishi_  with wubi?17:58
Ririshi_geoffmcc: It doesn't want to start now.17:58
Gentoo64zul0, https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/TorifyHOWTO/IrcSilc17:59
OerHeksjeus are you using bumblebee ?17:59
pvandewyngaercelthunder:  so i guess i use metacity, but how can i configure it ?17:59
Ririshi_MonkeyDust: ehh.. Wubi.exe from the .iso file.17:59
geoffmccRirishi_: ok. i didnt understand that part before. You are using WUBI.17:59
geoffmccRirishi_: i would go into windows and scan the disk for errors17:59
celthunderpvandewyngaer: don't know i don't use it17:59
jeusOerHeks, im install them but have experiment17:59
w00tmarsyay sound worked17:59
MonkeyDustwubi :(17:59
auronandacew00tmars: well done18:00
pvandewyngaercelthunder: ok, thanks18:00
auronandace!yay | w00tmars18:00
w00tmarsauronandace: all thanks to Gentoo18:00
ubottuw00tmars: Glad you made it! :-)18:00
Ririshi_geoffmcc: I used Wubi.exe from the .iso file.18:00
mopheadO_O MonkeyDust : I found it! \o/18:00
zul0Gentoo64, i should read tor wiki :d18:00
jeusOerHeks, im install them but have'nt experiment18:00
mopheadMonkeyDust : thanks so much for your help :D18:00
Gentoo64zul0, im using xchat and tor now18:00
geoffmccRirishi_: yeah, wubi causes some problems, i never been a fan of it18:00
OerHeksjeus, maybe you ask also in #Bumblebee ( i don't own an Optimus )18:00
geoffmccRirishi_: check out https://answers.launchpad.net/wubi/+question/17173918:00
Gentoo64zul0, i could just pm you its pretty easy18:00
zgrwhat is shortcut for workspace wide alt+tab in 11.10?18:01
Gentoo64zul0, btw if you only wana hide your ip you might as well request a cloak in ##freenode18:01
auronandacezgr: shif+alt+tab (just guessing)18:02
S0NiCcu guys18:02
wolterhow can I make network-manager stop telling me I have "insufficient privileges" and ask me for a password instead?18:02
zgrauronandace: it worked in 11.04 but not 11.1018:03
hjack76sup guys... here's the thing, I hate how Unity looks, but i like gnome-shell and i'm currently using it. But i would like to give XFCE a try. can i install it alongside gnome-shell without any conflict?18:03
auronandacezgr: are you using unity?18:03
recon69_lapRirishi_: I'd suggest you back up any important data you have considering the panic you had when windows did not load18:03
zgrauronandace: yes18:04
auronandacehjack76: yes18:04
auronandacezgr: hmm,maybe you can set it in compiz config18:04
lesshastehow would you rip a track from an iso of  a dvd?18:04
hjack76auronandace, ok ty18:04
Ririshi_recon69_lap: It did load the Ubuntu. Not the Windows. I thought the choosing screen didn't show. Shall I delete the Wubi version?18:06
recon69_lapi'm off, Ririshi_ sorry i could not get you a solution, bye o/18:06
Ririshi_recon69_lap: no problem. Thank you for trying.18:06
auronandacezgr: i don't know if ccsm (compiz config settings manager) is installed by default, you may need to apt-get it18:06
recon69_lapRirishi_: when you boot from usb you do not get a list , it just loads18:06
geoffmccRirishi_: did u see my link. there was a solution in there18:07
Ririshi_recon69_lap: The thing that showed up was the loader of my wubi installation18:07
recon69_lapRirishi_: the fact that it crashed after loading indicates that some hardware does not like 11.1018:07
geoffmccRirishi_: if memory servers all it was is running disk check in windows18:07
zgrauronandace: I've it installed but there is no such option for "swithcer"18:07
Ririshi_geoffmcc: i looked and the *.disk filed were there.18:08
hjack76auronandace, just one more thing, should I install the whole xubuntu-desktop package or just XFCE? I want to have both options at the login screen18:08
findlayhow can I restrict the <alt>-<tab> window list to a per-workspace basis?18:08
hjack76auronandace, I mean both XFCE and GNOME 318:08
geoffmccRirishi_:  recon69_lap: per bcbd The message about the 'prefix not being set' is innocuous (happens on every 11.04 wubi install on every boot).18:08
findlayhow can I restrict the <alt>-<tab> window list to a per-workspace basis (in unity)?18:08
auronandacehjack76: xubuntu-desktop will install a few extras, up to you18:09
Ririshi_geoffmcc: I should have wait? I will try it again after dinner. I'm home alone with my lil sister18:10
recon69_lapgeoffmcc: what i mean is that he booted from the usb, got into ubuntu at 1fps and then the kernel panicked, that makes me think his ati card and 11.10 are not playing nice , but i could be wrong18:10
auronandacezgr: its been a while since i used compiz, i think there are multiple alt+tab switchers18:10
trismfindlay: http://askubuntu.com/questions/68151/how-do-i-revert-alt-tab-behavior-changed-in-11-1018:10
findlaytrism: http://askubuntu.com/questions/62009/how-to-show-windows-only-from-the-current-workspace-in-switcher18:11
* findlay has been searching for about 15 min18:11
recon69_lapanyway, i got to go, good luck18:12
* Ririshi_ says bye to recon569_lap18:12
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apple_my name is apple18:14
Gentoo64hi apple_18:14
dewarhello apple18:15
s9iper1apple_go ahead18:15
locusthey apple18:15
apple_wellcome everybody18:15
zul0hi stev.. apple_18:15
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:16
apple_wellcome my friends18:16
xxiaoall of a suddent my keyboard-press-repeat does not work anymore18:16
countessnumbhow do i get an hp 3050 all in one up and running un 10.04?18:16
apple_plz i need some help18:16
countessnumb*in 10.0418:16
xxiaoi have to keep hitting th keyboard18:16
xxiaothis is in 10.0418:16
Gentoo64xxiao, in terminal does "xset r rate 200" sort it?18:17
Gentoo64check the keyboard options maybe18:17
dewaris there an easy way to restart xserver without rebooting/?18:18
xxiaoGentoo64: yes that helped!18:18
fofogogo23I have a big problem with Ubuntu installation on Windows 718:18
Gentoo64xxiao, you can change the rate higher = mroe delay, try checking the keyboard options in the gui settings18:18
fofogogo23I've been searching for hours, can anybody help me out?18:18
Gentoo64fofogogo23, wubi?18:19
damselfly9what's the big problem?18:19
fofogogo23Gentoo64 , I tried wubi, but that never worked. So now I've been using a CD, but whenever the installation is almost done, it tells me a fatal error has occured and the grub could not be installed...18:19
Ririshi_Argh... Ubuntu isn't compatible with my PC?? It keeps crashing and giving this on te last line of some output console: CR2: 00000000ffffff8018:19
xxiaoGentoo64: i tried changed there and it did not help until you showed me the magic one liner18:20
xxiaoGentoo64: thanks! will back to try there18:20
MonkeyDustfofogogo23  have you first undone the wubi installation?18:21
VIPER-IIIs there any program in Ubuntu that can tell me how my Gpu is doing?18:21
fofogogo23MonkeyDust: Yes, I have.18:21
downbeamfor some reason i dont think #lubuntu works18:21
VIPER-III'm having low FPS while watching movies on my ubuntu machine. And i dont think it's the Cpu.18:21
fofogogo23MonkeyDust: I've been trying for hours and hours. I read somewhere that it had something to do with RAID, but I have no idea what to do.18:21
VIPER-IISo there's no way in Ubuntu to know my VGA performance?  ?18:23
MonkeyDustfofogogo23  maybe this link is useful https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Raid18:23
vgambithow can I add a shortcut to the unity side panel?18:24
vgambitI want to change the text editor shortcut so it runs a script instead of the gedit app18:24
fofogogo23MonkeyDust: Ah cool! But how do I know which RAID I have?18:24
JWFoxJrI have a script that uses xrandr to make sure that I have the right displays on when I'm docked and when I'm undocked. I want to have it run on resume/thaw.18:24
noahnoahNeed some help.  Runnint ubuntu 11.10.  Mistakenly edited the startup line in GRUB (Thought it was a one time change.)  Now won't boot.  Can someone point me to a resource on what the boot entry should be.18:24
MonkeyDustvgambit  http://askubuntu.com/questions/13758/how-can-i-edit-create-new-launcher-items-in-unity-by-hand18:25
JWFoxJrIs this the proper way to do it? http://paste.ubuntu.com/819132/18:25
MonkeyDustfofogogo23  i'm not really familiar with RAID18:25
fofogogo23MonkeyDust alright, thanks though. This is so frustrating .________.18:25
vgambitMonkeyDust: thanks18:26
JFBi have a problem. every time i open [chmsee], libreoffice writer opens automatically? how to stop that?18:26
fofogogo23MonkeyDust: Does Ubuntu have any call in support?18:26
damselfly9VIPER-II: are you using a software dvd decoder or a hardware decoder?18:26
VIPER-IIwell i'm just playing some Avi...MKV... on my machine18:26
VIPER-IIVLC player18:26
pedahzurI am trying to use Startup Disk Creator to create a bootable USB stick. Booting from the CD works fine (Ubunut Server 10.04 LTS AMD64), but booting from the USB stick in the same system always gives me "Boot Error" and nothing else.  Any ideas?18:27
VIPER-IIthe thing is i have a ATI Radeon 5450 HD18:27
Haddock_lost access to some data. its on a ext4 patition. trouble is that its an Ubuntu account, and because it has been encrypted and there are some hd failures, I cant access it now. I removed the passowrd from the account, but now I cant get into It at all. what can I do Ø?18:27
VIPER-IIi can't imagine that it's soo weak...18:27
noahnoahUpdate:  Looks like the original boot info did stick in grub.  However, now when I reboot, it instantly goes to the grub menu.  (Used to just boot through)  Selecting the first (main) options causes the machine to hang.18:27
h00kVIPER-II: try to keep it all on one line, it keeps things easier to follow18:27
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit18:28
damselfly9VIPER-II: it's not a video card too weak to watch avi files, something else must be the bottleneck.18:28
=== Pici is now known as Guest34884
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit18:28
auronandaceand there was much rejoicing \o/18:29
VIPER-IIdamselfly: *nods*       Thing is I have a Quadcore.18:29
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noahnoahOK.  Its back!18:30
damselfly9VIPER-II: if you are sure vlc's process isn't running slow on your cpu chip, then is must be having a slow time access the avi file from the drive it's on18:30
noahnoahNeed to install NVidia drivers without XWindows running.  What's the best/safest way to boot into command prompt so I can run installer?18:30
Tellmarchnoahnoah, you can get command prompt with ctrl alt F1 (even after X booted or tried to)18:31
VIPER-III'm trying to to 'measure' how much effort my GPU is putting into this. That's why i started by asking if anyone know of such an application.18:31
Tellmarchnoahnoah, you can also shut down X from there if you need to18:32
noahnoahTellmarch:  Yes, but I have to stop X from running18:32
damselfly9VIPER-II: "top" will tell you how much cpu time VLC is using18:32
=== s9iper1 is now known as bil21al
Tellmarch"sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" used to stop X, but i don't know with the latest ubuntus honestly '^^18:32
VIPER-II"top" ?18:33
noahnoahAwesome.  Thanks!18:33
damselfly9VIPER-II: "top" is a console window command18:33
noahnoahgem not there.  Other ideas to stop X18:33
Tellmarchlightdm instead of gdm maybe?18:34
JWFoxJrnoahnoah: who's telling you to stop X to install nvidia drivers? Are you not using the restricted driver package that comes with ubuntu?18:34
VIPER-IIDoes it check the Graphical-PU too?18:34
noahnoahJWFoxJr:  Nvidia installer pops up an error screen that complains about X running.18:35
JWFoxJrnoahnoah: So you're not using the ubuntu packaged ones...18:35
noahnoahI'm using the install file downloaded directly from the nvidia website.  NVIDIA-Linux-stuff.run18:35
damselfly9VIPER-II: no, just the cpu usage. But since you are using a software video decoder (VLC) it's unlikely to be the video GPU's fault18:35
noahnoahNo ubuntu package one is too old.  New SDK is 4.118:35
noahnoahRunning Cuda code complains that the driver is too old18:35
Tellmarchnoahnoah, so "sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm stop" should work i think18:35
Tellmarchif i'm not mistaken18:36
noahnoahTellmarch: that worked!18:37
Tellmarch(lightdm is the new display manager, which replaced the gnome display manager gdp)18:37
GeminiDominoHave I screwed something up, or did the last update of firefox-3.0 install Firefox 9 instead...18:39
VIPER-II 2106 main      20   0  229m  87m  58m S   30  2.2   0:18.23 vlc18:39
damselfly9VIPER-II: looks like VLC is hogging 30 percent of your cpu's time.18:40
symlink_head_День добрый всем. У меня возникла проблема на Kubuntu 11.10 (x64) установленом на VmWare Workstation 8.0.2. Суть проблемы в том что процесс XOrg потребляет очень много ОЗУ. в данный момент система в работе 3 часа а он уже скушал 2.5Гб оперативы18:41
VIPER-IIidd. But 30 percent should be fine... shouldn't it?18:41
LjL!ru | symlink_head_18:41
ubottusymlink_head_: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.18:41
subb1hello all.18:42
cosmicfireshello subb118:43
damselfly9VIPER-II: no, any single proces that steals 30 percent continuously is starving the rest of the system of the runtime all the other processes need18:43
xslhello all... i added a scanner to the system... root can do scanimage --list-devices (and it show usb scanner) but with my user... it does not (Ubuntu 10.04)18:43
TellmarchGeminiDomino, the update manager wants me to update to firefox 9 too, in 10.0418:43
subb1cosmicfires, hi18:43
righteousRatpardon my ignorance but either my grep is broken or my head is broken but why wont my grep work anymore lol  is try ls -la /etc | grep yum and it shows listings with yum   then i try to enter a regex and it wont work.   for example i tried  ls -la /etc | grep /^yum/  didnt work also /yum/ didnt work  also /yum+/ didnt work18:43
cosmicfiresis there an alternate ui for 11.10?18:43
auronandacecosmicfires: you can install a different desktop environment18:43
GeminiDominoTellmarch: Perfect... I even uninstalled it and explicitly installed the firefox-3.0 package with apt, and it STILL did it.18:43
cosmicfiresdoes grep use // around regular expressions? I've never used them18:44
subb1cosmicfires, is it in a way that whenever i want to run a command with sudo, i dont have to type in password everytime?18:44
cosmicfiresauronandace do you have any links?18:44
VIPER-IIdamselfly: so VLC is not optimal? Then which player should I use? Cuz i turned off the Hardware Acceleration and CPU is now around 36%.18:44
cosmicfiressudo -s18:44
cosmicfiresrun a root shell18:44
auronandace!notunity | cosmicfires18:44
ubottucosmicfires: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic18:44
cosmicfiresbut then root will modify dot files in user's home dir18:44
LjLrighteousRat: don't put // around the expression18:44
auronandacecosmicfires: my favourite is xfce18:44
subb1cosmicfires, Is it possible to set this on login?18:45
auronandace!xfce | cosmicfires18:45
ubottucosmicfires: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels18:45
cosmicfiresso after sudo -s start a login root shell with su -18:45
righteousRatLjL   what happened to the / regex /  syntax?  i think i used it before and it works.18:45
cosmicfiressubb1 I don't believe so you have to login as root after you login as user18:45
LjLrighteousRat: never used it with grep myself.18:45
righteousRatLjl worked*18:45
TellmarchGeminiDomino, thanks for the warning, i don't want firefox 9 either and hadn't noticed before you talked about it.18:45
subb1cosmicfires, ok :)18:45
cosmicfiresi've never used /regex/ with grep18:45
symlink_head_hi all18:46
cosmicfiressed uses /regex/18:46
talntidAnyone here have a standard set of cronjobs they do, like to email admin if disk space is low, needs reboot, etc... ?18:46
GeminiDominoTellmarch: No problem18:46
righteousRatalright thanks LjL    oh but guess wat works      grep /regex    without the closing forward slash18:46
symlink_head_i have trouble with xorg and memory leak in vmware18:46
damselfly9VIPER-II: that gives you your answer about the importance of the gpu. completely turning off hw accel only made a 6 percent difference. The rest is all VLC's fault. But I can't think of a better one off the top of my head18:46
symlink_head_kubuntu 11.10 x64 as guest os18:46
symlink_head_who can help?18:46
symlink_head_memory leak18:46
symlink_head_xorg takes 2.5GB RAM18:46
subb1cosmicfires, one more que. is there a sticky note other than the default on ubuntu which lies on desktop but will not be present on taskbar , ie it should run in backgrnd :P)18:47
=== skilz is now known as skilz-a
symlink_head_people. help me18:47
subb1cosmicfires, tomboy and sticky notes on ubunut are always on taskbar .18:48
cosmicfiresoh you should be able to sudo su - too and start a root shell18:49
symlink_head_anyone can help me?18:49
subb1cosmicfires, okay.. and about the desktop note?18:50
=== bil21al is now known as s9iper1
cosmicfiresI don't know about desktop note18:51
cosmicfirescan I turn Ubuntu into Xubuntu without reinstalling ?18:52
auronandace!purexfce | cosmicfires18:52
ubottucosmicfires: If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »18:52
cosmicfiresI just installed ubuntu so I don't really want to do it all again18:53
LukeNukemcan someone guide me on install mysqli18:53
LukeNukemon ubuntu18:53
xslwhy sane-find-scanner as root i can see the scanner but as normal user i cant?18:54
LukeNukemquicksand, ciao fellow italian18:55
noahnoahHelp!  After installing the drivers fro Nvidia, my box won't boot properly.  It hangs on the boot up screen (where the list of starting services runs.)  I CAN get to a command line using ctrl-alt-f1 so should be able to fix things.  Where do I start??18:55
JWFoxJrI want to have a script run on resume/thaw. I wrote my script put it in /usr/local/bin, world executable and then created an entry in /etc/pm/sleep.d. Is there anything else I should need to do?18:56
JWFoxJrHere's the script: http://paste.ubuntu.com/819132/18:56
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JWFoxJrI should say, that's the /etc/pm/sleep.d entry I created18:56
DonManInBlackhow can i configure unattended-upgrade to send the upgrade mail to more than one user?18:57
landonoI'm trying to compare an integer saved as a bash variable in an if statement. I'm trying if [ "$number" == "1"] but that isn't working. Any ideas how to do this?18:57
talntidnoahnoah, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg18:57
noahnoahTalnid:  Thanks!18:57
talntidaxtually, wait18:57
talntidsudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg18:57
talntiddo that one instead.. it'll be easier for you :)18:58
auronandacelandono: #bash might be a better place to ask18:58
landonoauronandace: thanks18:58
theadminlandono: if [ $num -eq 1 ]18:58
theadminAnd such18:58
JWFoxJrlandono: if you're doing an integer comparison, I believe it has to be     if [ "$number" eq "1" ], but auronandace is right.18:59
phil_kiddohi everyone18:59
phil_kiddois there anyone, who could help me with some pulseaudio tasks?18:59
noahnoahStill hangs on boot18:59
talntidwhat's it say though? :)19:00
=== Knorre is now known as Knorre`BNC
JWFoxJrnoahnoah: try this, nvidia drivers tend to break plymouth. http://www.webupd8.org/2010/10/script-to-fix-ubuntu-plymouth-for.html19:01
noahnoahI see the screen of service starting.  It gets to the ALSA service then just hangs.  (I doubt that is actually the problem.)  I can login as root from the alternate shell, so can fix if I know where to look.19:01
noahnoahThanks JWFoxJr!19:01
=== kav is now known as Guest50882
phil_kiddoso... maybe I describe what I need, and then maybe someone will answer :P19:02
Grayskinhmmn flabby19:02
phil_kiddoso, I want to use fluxbox, but it lacks with sound control applet19:02
phil_kiddoso I decided to connect some keys with command executions, and that may work well enough19:02
BenPAhi everyone .. I need to know where to go to find information on the latest fix for wireless being broken on  the last update for 10.0419:03
phil_kiddoI found out how to change sink volume on pulseaudio, how to mute sink,  but...19:03
phil_kiddofor example: muting/unmuting should be controlled with the same button19:04
LukeNukemhow to install mysqli?19:04
sneaksternice username19:04
phil_kiddoso command for this button should be pactl set-sink-mute abs(1-LASTVALUEOFMUTE)19:04
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phil_kiddohow do I check what is the mute status or actual level of sound for given sink?19:05
sneaksterNew to Ubuntu and trying to change some Tint2 stuff19:05
Sicpwhy doesn't anything set its own title in Gnome-terminal?19:05
Sicplike Konsole does19:05
phil_kiddo(oh, I forgot sink ID, but it doesnt change anything in this example)19:05
sneaksterI've got the show_desktop.sh in usr/bin and I installed wmctrl19:05
noahnoahJWFoxJr:  That made things words.  Now just boots to purple screen with no text and hangs!19:05
sneaksterwhen I open tint2config in gedit its just blank19:06
JWFoxJrnoahnoah: Luckily there's a revert script. ;)19:06
ilpollohola se puede preguntar algo19:06
damselfly9non se habla espanol19:07
cosmicfiresyo no conosse mas espanol19:07
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:07
cosmicfiresand I can't spell either19:07
phil_kiddoanyone, please?19:07
noahnoahJWFoxJr:  Sure, but now I 'm locked out of the box :(19:07
noahnoahNext reboot takes me to grub screen, so maybe that's a "good thing".  But afterward, just a black screen with blinking line in corner19:09
damselfly9phil_kiddo, maybe keep the actual volume level in a second variable/control19:10
damselfly9phil_kiddo, then multiply the mute value by the volume level19:11
ilpolloi need help to install java 7 in ubuntu 10.04, but i prefer in spanisk , thanks19:12
philipballewHow can i create an iso of a cd from bash?19:12
bobo37773chuck[screen] pangolin Hey19:13
bobo37773philipballew: Use dd.19:14
jchamberlainI am trying to install python2.6-elementtree, but apt-get says "selecting python2.6 instead of python2.6-elementtree... python2.6 is already the newest version". Any ideas?19:14
anonh4mm3rlinuxIm looking for help with finding the system preferences.19:15
noahnoahIn recovery mode.  How can I starting networking services?19:15
bobo37773ilpollo: Did you search the software center for sun java?19:15
ilpolloyes,but i heve a problem19:16
bobo37773ilpollo: The anticipation is killing me. What is the problem?19:16
anonh4mm3rlinuxdoes anyone know how to get to the system preferences from system settings menu? like all the old ubuntus had?19:16
hjack76sup guys i have a problem... i installed the xubuntu-desktop package to test XFCE and its apps, but now my gnome-shell session is messed up, terribly slow19:17
ilpolloim newbie19:17
bobo37773ilpollo: ok Do you know what the software center is?19:17
JWFoxJrnoahnoah: the only thing that I can think of is that you don19:17
ilpollomy pub key dosnt work19:17
hjack76any ideas? i've already uninstalled all xubuntu-related packages and gnome 3 still sucks19:17
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JWFoxJrnoahnoah: the only thing that I can think of is that you don't have v86d installed to give you the uvesafb support. That might be why you're hung up.19:17
ilpollois very weird but19:18
bobo37773hjack76: No ideas. Gnome3 sucks here too19:18
noahnoahSo, how can I start network services from recovery mode.?  That way I can install/update packages19:18
hjack76bobo37773, sucks because you don't like or because XFCE messe it up? lol19:18
jchamberlainanyone know why 'apt-get install' is dropping the part of a package name after a hyphen?19:19
ilpollorepeat pleasa19:19
bobo37773hjack76: Becuase I don't like. What happened?19:19
jchamberlainnoahnoah: have you tried /etc/init.d/networking start19:19
noahnoahYes.  Doesn't seem to do anything19:20
bobo37773ilpollo: Did you try updating your system? Open a terminal and type -->       sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade19:20
anonh4mm3rlinuxdoes anyone know how to get to the system preferences from system settings menu? like all the old ubuntus had?19:20
Picijchamberlain: python2.6-elementtree is a virtual package.19:20
hjack76bobo37773, i didn't like its early releases, but i managed to make it really awesome for my taste now. problem is i installed xubuntu-desktop to test XFCE and now the gnome session is awfully slow19:20
LukeNukemhow to grant myself access to var/www19:20
LukeNukemi did chmon or something before , i dont remember..can someone tell me19:21
BenPAcan someone please help me, I have tried reinstalling drivers, and other things but still it says no wireless device found ... this happened after last kernel update19:21
jchamberlainPici: Yes, so how do I install the elementtree module for python2.6?19:21
anonh4mm3rlinuxI have tried to unhide the OTHER menu but i cant find a way to do it19:21
damselfly9LukeNukem, do you mean "chmod"?19:21
sdswhen booting from a CD or USB drive with Ubuntu 11.10 on it, what is the program displaying the "try or install" option? i would like to configure it so that it automaticaly continues on the "try" option.19:21
bobo37773hjack76: Gnome session is slower because of extra packages? How could that be? The only thing I can think of is check what services / daemons are running. Maybe some are still there from xfce>19:21
Picijchamberlain: You don't need to. elementtree was merged into python in 2.5 iirc. http://docs.python.org/library/xml.etree.elementtree.html19:22
bobo37773philipballew: Did you figure it out?19:22
LukeNukemdamaltor, no.19:22
LukeNukemchwmon or something19:22
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landonoWhen nesting mutliple if statements, do you need an fi for each statement?19:22
LukeNukemso that i could create files and copy files to /var/www19:22
anonh4mm3rlinuxanyone know how to find the preferences or administration menu that they hid in the new ubuntu???19:22
hjack76bobo37773, turns out that i'm a noobie and didn't really get rid of all xfce packages, just the xubuntu-desktop related... doing it now19:23
jchamberlainPici: is it called something other than 'elementtree'? Different capitalization or something?19:23
LukeNukemanonh4mm3rlinux, dash home?19:23
ilpolloi need de dir to ubuntu spanish chat please19:23
Slart!es | ilpollo19:23
ubottuilpollo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:23
sneaksterstupid question, how um, how do I close a program in Ubuntu that doesn't have an x button19:23
LukeNukembullocks torrentfreak.com/copyright-industry-calls-for-broad-search-engine-censorship-120127/19:23
jchamberlainPici: I can't seem to import it in python19:23
anonh4mm3rlinuxi found online that they were hidden in an "other" folder of the applications menu. but i have no way to show the other folder. online says to right click and edit menus but I cant right click or alt+right click19:24
Syco54645_workwhat version of ubuntu would i need for a xeon server? is xeon 64bit? it has 2 physical processors19:24
Picijchamberlain: import xml.etree.ElementTree should do it.19:24
vasubandhu1how do i change the dns for a wireless connection in 10.10? i go into system > preferences > network connections > wireless > auto "network" and it won't let me apply any changes.19:24
damselfly9LukeNukem, "chmod 777 var/www" ?19:24
jchamberlainPici: That works, thank you19:25
Picijchamberlain: np.19:25
vasubandhu1is there a way to change the dns for a wireless connection from the command line?19:25
LukeNukemdamaltor, well i guess chmod would work as well....but it was something else19:25
LukeNukemlike chmon username /var/www19:25
humbleguywhat do you mean19:25
jchamberlainvasubandhu1: you can edit /etc/resolv.conf19:25
auronandaceLukeNukem: you mean chown?19:25
damselfly9chown user /var/www19:26
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LukeNukemauronandace, ooh right htat19:26
LukeNukemezio auditore vs prince of persia19:26
LukeNukemshit sorry19:26
LukeNukemchown: changing ownership of `/var/www': Operation not permitted19:26
vasubandhu1jchamberlain: i got in there, and it already has the dns i want (google), but i still get sent to the spamsite19:27
LukeNukemauronandace, it says not permitted.. :|19:27
h00k!language | LukeNukem19:27
ubottuLukeNukem: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.19:27
h00kLukeNukem: throw 'sudo' before that chown command19:28
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jchamberlainvasubandhu1: is your browser caching the dns lookup?19:28
damselfly9changing ownership of var/www  might have side effects19:28
hjack76bobo37773, just to let you know, removing XFCE entirely did the trick. stupid gnome 3 is good again... that's really strange though19:29
Sicpany idea where the CPU watcher in System Monitor gets its data from?19:29
Sicpfor example I think the memory watcher gets the data from "free"19:29
Sicpwhat command would you say the CPU monitor uses?19:29
bobo37773hjack76: Yeah, that is strange. You probably could have just disabled its start up services...19:29
auronandaceSicp: in xfce the cpu graph uses top19:30
Sicpdamn it19:30
Sicpi knew it19:30
rodrigo-pcMy modem 3G not work on kubuntu19:31
LukeNukemis kubuntu same as ubuntu19:31
Myrttinot exactly19:31
Josh|KilljoyX23not quite19:31
LukeNukemstripped down ubuntu?19:31
auronandaceLukeNukem: uses kde instead of gnome/unity19:31
hjack76isn't it basically ubuntu with the KDE environment, packages and apps?19:32
LukeNukemnow whats KDE19:32
auronandaceLukeNukem: are you new to linux?19:32
Sicpit looks like you need Google!19:32
bobo37773hjack76: Yep.19:32
Sicpgo for it19:32
hydrox24bobo37773: hi again19:32
bobo37773hydrox24: Hey19:32
hydrox24bobo37773: your still on?19:32
LukeNukemauronandace, yep :)19:32
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SlartLukeNukem: Gnome and KDE are two Desktop Enviroments (I think that's the right word).. they look a bit different (windows, buttons and so on) and also functions a bit differently19:33
hydrox24LukeNukem: wow19:33
bobo37773hydrox24: hahaha no I left and came back19:33
psychIf anyone is running apache2 can they pastebin a default sites-available file?19:33
Josh|KilljoyX23i am brand new to linux, still trying to get used to it19:33
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hydrox24bobo37773: yeh, same herre19:33
LukeNukempsych, i run apache219:33
hydrox24Josh|KilljoyX23: feel free to ask any questions!19:33
SlartLukeNukem: the easiest way to see the different is to just download kubuntu and regular ubuntu and run the live cd/usb and see for yourself19:33
LukeNukempsych, tell me where to find the files and i will pastebin them ;)19:33
auronandaceLukeNukem: there are many desktop environments you can choose from, kde is one of the most popular ones19:33
Josh|KilljoyX23thank you :)19:33
auronandaceLukeNukem: my favourite is xfce19:33
psychLukeNukem: /etc/apache2/sites-available/default19:33
damselfly9xfce is good19:33
LukeNukemi hear ArchLinux is extremely customizable19:34
hydrox24Slart: Yes, but if josh can't afford the download then he has the option of installing multiple WM and I have never had an issue with that19:34
LukeNukemwhats it using19:34
Josh|KilljoyX23how do you register an IRC nick19:34
hydrox24LukeNukem: beyond extremely19:34
auronandaceLukeNukem: i can tell you in pm19:34
bobo37773LukeNukem: Yeah? How so?19:34
LukeNukemauronandace, okay.19:34
LukeNukembobo37773, idk, a few people told me19:34
Slarthydrox24: huh? Josh?19:34
hydrox24LukeNukem: It's essentally a more user-friendly version of building you own system from scratch19:34
auronandaceLukeNukem: this channel is only for ubuntu support19:34
bobo37773LukeNukem: Ubuntu is also extremely customizable.19:34
LukeNukemi <3 ubuntu :)19:34
hydrox24Slart: sorry, mixed up IRC message lines19:35
rodrigo-pcsomeone have a solution of this problem?19:35
rodrigo-pcMy modem is a ZTE19:35
rodrigo-pcsomeone have a solution of this problem?19:35
bobo37773LukeNukem: I am not just saying that. I am an arch user.19:35
hydrox24rodrigo-pc: please don't spam like that19:35
gh0striderhow is everyone doing today?19:35
hydrox24rodrigo-pc: please state your issue more specifically and using one line, don't worry, we won't miss it.19:36
hydrox24gh0strider: not bad, but I am waiting for the latest TF2 patch to finish DLing so that is a little dissappointing.19:36
hydrox24My goodness, rodrigo spams us and doesn't tell us an issue then leaves...19:37
chapiI am a first time user of Ubuntu, just downloaded it yesterday. After several hours i was able to get it running but have one minor issue, connecting a bluetooth keyboard. I have searchedfor hours and dont know where else to look. Can someone point me in the right direction?19:37
jdevineHello. I'm running 11.10, and after today's automatic upgrade, I'm unable to log in using my normal administrative user. I can only log in as root. typeing password at log in screen causes the screen to go blank for a second, then takes me right back to the login screen with no error message. The password is correct -- (if I type the wrong one, I do get a "wrong password" error message.) Tried changing the password for my account un19:38
jdevineder root, but still get the same problem after reboot. Anyone have a similar problem, or ideas of how to try to fix it?19:38
hydrox24chapi: as in, you don't know where to start?19:38
hydrox24jdevine: sounds like your WM (GNOME if default) has had an issue with the upgrade.19:38
chapihydrox24...i was able to get my bluetooth mouse to work and pair my keyboard but none of the buttons work19:39
Josh|KilljoyX23aha! i figured out how to register to the IRC, but now when i log back in, is there something i need to type to authenticate?19:39
blackarchanhey pple...i have a problem my webcam dosen`t work on skype19:39
hydrox24chapi: what model is your keyboard and what version of ubuntu are you running? the latest?19:39
blackarchanbut from power button -> Webcam its working19:39
hydrox24Josh|KilljoyX23: /msg nickserv identify <password>19:39
jdevinehydrox: I'm not much of a sysadmin -- any thoughts on first steps to fix it? I'm logged in as root now.19:39
Josh|KilljoyX23thanks hydrox19:40
chapi10.10 is the only one i could get to run properly and its a microsoft bluetooth 6000 keyboard19:40
paulus68how do you copy a complete directory over an existing one with cp?19:40
hydrox24chapi: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174448019:40
MonkeyDustchapi  microsoft :( bluetooth :(19:41
h4ckm3when trying to run amdcccle in the terminal as root I get an error about not having GUI support to run as root? I can't find anything in either the lubuntu or ubuntu forums...19:41
hydrox24chapi: It's a tentative fix and may not work for you19:41
noahnoahCan't get my machine to boot properly.  It just hangs at a purple screen.  (The problem IS somewhere in the X drivers.)  I can boot to recovery mode, but don't know what to do from there.  Can someone help me19:41
chapihydox24...ok ill check that out, thank you very much for your help19:41
hydrox24chapi: try running "sudo service bluetooth stop"19:41
hydrox24chapi: then19:41
hydrox24chapi: try running "sudo service bluetooth start"19:42
hydrox24chapi: that's what fixed it for the other guy19:42
hydrox24noahnoah: what sort of video card are you using?19:42
hydrox24noahnoah: can you be specific about the model?19:43
noahnoahNvidia GT200 Geoforce GTX 26019:43
hydrox24noahnoah: thanks19:43
h4ckm3when I try to run the non (admin) amdcccle as root it opens and I am able to switch settings like rotation and disable, but if I attempt to switch to display mode with dual monitors the CFC just crashes19:44
noahnoahIt was working fine.  I'm learning to developing software with CUDA.  the SDK was complaining that my driver was too old, so I attempted to install the latest downloaded directly from nvidia.  After a "successful" install, everything broke19:44
hydrox24noahnoah: may I ask if you installed the proprietary nvidia drivers (also known as "restricted drivers") before the crashing?19:44
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hydrox24noahnoah: OK, so are you happy to simply revert to having the old driver?19:45
noahnoahNot my first choice, but better than a broken box :)19:45
blackarchananyone can help me with my problem??19:46
hydrox24noahnoah: are you using a xorg.conf19:47
hydrox24blackarchan: just state your issue and if there is a respeonse then yes, if no response then no19:47
noahnoahI wasn't before.  The Nvidia install created one for me.19:47
blackarchanmy webcam works from PowerMenu but in Skype dosen`t19:47
hydrox24noahnoah: DO you know how to move files around? just move the xorg.conf to xorg.conf.bak and reboot, if that fails then come back and I will help you in removing the nvidia module altogether19:48
blackarchani don`t know if its working on other programs because i use only Pidgin and Skype19:48
jenintoHi everybody, I'm running into a problem - with Ubuntu 10.06, I've changed /etc/default/tomcat6 to enable debugging, but as it turns out whatever is in $JAVA_OPTS isn't included in the java arguments when I look at the running processes via "ps -A u | grep tomcat"... any advice?19:48
noahnoahYes.  I'm comfortable with Unix/Linux but don't know all the details of ubuntu and know little about X19:48
lesshasteI installed handbrake.. how do I start it?19:48
kantlivelongis there a way to force an app to install 32bit on a 64bit sys?19:48
hydrox24lesshaste: should be under music/audio19:49
yumbokantlivelong, which app?19:49
noahnoahSide question:  When I booted to recovery, my HD is "read only".  How can I get back proper access?19:49
kantlivelongyumbo: dell omsa19:49
lesshastehydrox24: under it in some menu?19:49
hydrox24kantlivelong: yes but in ubuntu doing that breaks things, so don't do it if you don't have to19:49
hydrox24lesshaste: just in the standard app menu, yes19:49
bobo37773blackarchan: Is uvcvideo module loaded?19:49
lesshastehydrox24: I don't have any menus19:49
kantlivelonghydrox24: hmm reason being is that OMSA wont see my raid card in 64bit19:49
blackarchanbobo37773: what is that??19:50
bobo37773blackarchan: Look at the output of -->      lsmod | grep uvc19:50
hydrox24lesshaste: are you using standard ubuntu? then move your mouse to the left of the screen, and click on the greyish icon (the first one) then type in "hand" and choose the first option19:50
BenPAhi all ... after the last kernel update in 10.04 my wireless stopped working.  I have tried reinstalling my drivers under hardware ... reinstalling my wireless program and other things but it tell me no device found19:51
blackarchanbobo37773: i put lsmod | grep uvc in terminal but nothing came up19:51
lesshastehydrox24: no sorry I am on lucid and I seem to have lost the menus19:51
blackarchanjust a new linee19:51
bobo37773blackarchan: What kind of wecam do you have?19:51
lesshastehydrox24: I just have a firefox icon on the toolbar19:51
bobo37773blackarchan: s/wecam/webcam/19:51
hydrox24lesshaste: up to top then, click on the applications button (on the left)19:51
K-4UAnybody here with an Asus N73 laptop or N53 that can help me with this goddamn video problem?19:52
lesshastehydrox24: I don't have anything like that19:52
yumboBenPA, can you post the output of ifconfig to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ ?19:52
lesshastehydrox24: can't I start it from the command line?19:52
BenPAyumbo hold on19:52
blackarchanbobo37773: i don`t now its righting somthin "Mobitechplus MW1350 USB2.0 1.3Mega Pixel"19:52
blackarchanand thats all19:52
lesshastehydrox24: ah..it's called HandBrakeCLI  !19:52
lesshastethat's not obviuos19:53
pedahzurI am trying to use Startup Disk Creator to create a bootable USB stick. Booting from the CD works fine (Ubunut Server 10.04 LTS AMD64), but booting from the USB stick in the same system always gives me "Boot Error" and nothing else.  Any ideas?19:53
blackarchanits more nonmae some chinesse webcam19:53
hydrox24lesshaste: sorry, yes I though you wanted to start it graphically, but yes you can start it from terminal19:53
MonkeyDustpedahzur  try unetbootin instead19:53
hydrox24lesshaste: oh, sorry I thought you wanted the GUI version of handbrake19:53
hydrox24lesshaste: my apologies19:53
lesshastehydrox24: how can I start the gui app from the command line?19:53
K-4UAnybody here with an Asus N73 laptop or N53 that can help me with this goddamn video problem?19:53
hydrox24K-4U: just fire away19:54
yumboK-4U, please watch your language.19:54
BenPAyumbo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/819237/19:54
K-4Uhydrox24: I can't get my nvidia card running.. At least, i'm not able to start compiz or glxgears19:54
hydrox24lesshaste: lesshaste sorry, can't tell you.19:54
bobo37773blackarchan: Never heard of it. Try to manually load uvcvideo  --->     sudo modprobe uvcvideo19:54
hydrox24K-4U: have you installed the proprietary nvidia drivers?19:55
yumboBenPA, any reason not to upgrade to 11.10 ?19:55
K-4Uhydrox24: Yes.. The problem with this laptop is that it has 2 videocards in it.. Something with bumblebee or ironhide.. I've tried them both, compiz still won't run19:55
maujhsnpedahzur How many gigs is your usb?19:55
blackarchanbobo37773 nothing happen i entered the password and then again a new blank line19:55
christopher_I used windows7 and my only user is Administrator, A virus, just locked me out of Admin mode, and when i restarted now I cant log back in. Is there a way to restore admin mode through linux?19:56
BenPAyumbo: I wanted to stick to this one for a bit ... I am trying out macbuntu on it19:56
hydrox24K-4U: so do you click on compiz and nothing happens or do you get an error?19:56
Gentoo64blackarchan, that means it loaded19:56
bobo37773blackarchan: Something did happen. You loaded a kernel module. Close skype and test again.19:56
pedahzurMonkeyDust: Thakns! That's the name of the other one! I couldn't remember. I'll give that a go!19:56
yumbochristopher_, ask in ##windows19:56
pedahzurmaujhsn: 1GB19:56
hydrox24christopher_: first thing I would do is run ClamAV from linux19:56
blackarchanoke im testing it now19:56
pedahzurmaujhsn: It's a 700MB ISO19:56
christopher_ty yumbo ill try that hydro ty19:56
hydrox24christopher_: we can help you with clamAV but then you need to go to the windows channel19:57
K-4Uhydrox24: Well, the wm reboots, making it look like compiz is starting, but then it stops, giving me Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0"19:57
K-4Uhydrox24: the same goes for glxgears, the same error19:57
hydrox24K-4U: which version of ubuntu are you running?19:57
K-4Uhydrox24: 11.1019:57
blackarchanoke i quitet skype openit again but nothing still the same19:57
* Star_Light away19:57
maujhsnpedahzur It won't work! Usb should be a minimum of 8 gig!19:58
humboltsince my last update (not upgrade), I can only see X, when I use an external monitor. What the heck happened?19:58
Gentoo64maujhsn, to boot from?19:58
humboltand things freeze for seconds in X very frequently19:58
yumboBenPA, what kernel version do you have installed currently? ("uname -a")19:58
bobo37773blackarchan: Try "gspca" module. See if it is loaded. If not load it and check.19:59
maujhsnGentoo64 No just to create the new usb!19:59
humboltsomthing must have been screwed up in this last update!19:59
JWFoxJrhumbolt: try running xrandr -q and look to see if output LVDS1 is connected - that's the laptop display generally19:59
pedahzurmaujhsn: I've done it on 1GB USB keys before.19:59
blackarchanbobo3773:its loaded19:59
maujhsnpedahzur I won't work!20:00
BenPAyumbo: 2.6.32-38-generic-pae #83-Ubuntu  ... when I updated the wireless stopped working but everything else seems ok20:00
LukeNukemum guys20:00
Gentoo64pedahzur, are you trying yo make a bootable usb20:00
bobo37773blackarchan: How about "ov51x_jpeg"?20:00
JWFoxJrmaujhsn: did you format the usb key first?20:00
blackarchanbobo37773: nop its not20:00
blackarchani tried to load it20:00
blackarchansudo modprobe ov51x_jpeg20:00
blackarchanFATAL: Module ov51x_jpeg not found.20:00
FloodBot1blackarchan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:00
ubuntu__yoshi@watanabe ~ $ irssi20:01
humboltcould not set the configuration for CRTC 6320:01
bobo37773blackarchan: Hmm. What kind of computer do you have?20:01
maujhsnpedahzur buy yourself an 8 gig usb. You won't have many problems!20:01
Gentoo64maujhsn, top talking nonsense20:01
blackarchanbobo37773: what do you mea?? OS? Ubuntu 11.1020:01
yumboBenPA, can you do a "lspci | grep Net" ?20:01
pedahzurGentoo64: trying to make a bootable USB20:01
bobo37773blackarchan: No I mean computer model20:01
BenPAyumbo: 1 sec20:01
pedahzurmaujhsn: Well, I don't have an 8GB usb key. :)20:01
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Gentoo64pedahzur, what goes wrong then?20:02
maujhsnJWFoxJr The startup disk creator does it for you!20:02
BenPAyumbo: yes, I can ... you want another pastebin?20:02
blackarchanbobo37773: AMD Phenom II X4 965 4GB RAM HDD 1T Black WD Video: AMD 5650 i think20:02
yumboBenPA, yes please20:02
JWFoxJrmaujhsn: not if there's not enough free space to start. You have to hit erase disk. I know this because I did it last week with a 1GB usb key20:03
Gentoo64you only need the usb to be the size of the iso to boot from it20:03
maujhsnGentoo64 I am communicating with you right now from a bootable usb! So, your the one that is talking nonsense!20:03
BenPAyumbo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/819246/20:04
Gentoo64maujhsn, your not even funny20:04
humboltLinux and Ubuntu is not funny anymore.20:04
maujhsnJWFoxJr Yes you do in fact have to erase, and start with a clean usb!20:05
humboltRegressions seem to be something acceptable nowadays.20:05
pedahzurGentoo64: When I try to boot off the USB (by selecting "USB" from the boot menu) it just gives me "Boot error" and nothing else.20:05
Gentoo64pedahzur, how did you make the usb?20:05
Gentoo64and was it formatted as far3220:05
pedahzurUbuntu's Startup Disk Creator20:05
bobo37773blackarchan: No I mean asus $modelnumber hp $modelnumber etc.. etc...20:05
ScopeyHas anyone had trouble with xfs and ubuntu?20:06
Gentoo64pedahzur, tried unetbootin?20:06
pedahzurGentoo64: Ubuntu's Startup Disk Creator. No haven't tried unetbootin yet.  Will do that.20:06
asifhi all20:06
humboltWhy doesn't Ubuntu pick some hardware - just one set - and makes sure at least this minimal set works. And then sell these freaking machines, just like apple does.20:06
noahnoahRcovery mode stuck in remount stage for 30 minutes.  Help?20:06
ScopeyWhen I try to mount a xfs drive I get unknown file system type xfs20:06
blackarchanbobo3773:its not laptop/nootebook and i made it some time ago so i dont know the modelnumber and all of this20:06
bobo37773humbolt: Its called system7620:06
h4ckm3sometimes the mother board doesn't like booting from usbs20:06
Gentoo64Humbedooh, because thatl defeat the point20:06
humboltIf a hardware vendor wants to do the same, they can go ahead and do it.20:06
asifanyone know how to fix playing drm content on firefox20:06
asifhaving issues20:06
h4ckm3have you booted from usb successfully before?20:07
bobo37773humbolt: system76 sells 100% compatible hardware with support20:07
humboltbobo37773: no it is not. this is somebody else picking hardware that works. this is not the same, as Ubuntu making sure, each release of their software surely works, even on their old machines!20:07
anonh4mm3rlinuxanyone know a good VPN for linux?20:07
ScopeyAnyone have any ideas why a fresh install of ubuntu would give an unknown file system type for xfs when mountin a drive?20:08
humboltbobo37773: this is like mounting a horse form the backside.20:08
Gentoo64humbolt, whats not working anyway20:08
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asiflol @ humbolt20:08
asifthats funny20:08
h4ckm3and they accept BTC20:08
bobo37773humbolt: "Their old machines"? They (ubuntu) don't have 'old machines'. Most of the computers we use were windows ones originally.20:09
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r0b-can i make a cronjob that triggers a camera capture ever 5 seconds?20:09
Gentoo64r0b-, if theres a command for it yes20:09
humboltGentoo64: I have a machine that is supposed to work. All intel bullshit. And it worked up to now. But with the latest updates I did fetch, my laptops screen went black and now only my external display would work.20:10
bobo37773blackarchan: Not sure what to tell you. Maybe your hardware is not compatible. You may need to do some more research based on your model number.20:10
Gentoo64humbolt, sounds about right20:10
maujhsnGentoo64 You have your way of doing things, & my way is better than yours on this issue! :)20:10
r0b-well i need "streamer -f jpged -s 1024x768 -o cap.jpeg" to trigger every x seconds20:10
humboltGentoo64: And the mouse freezes frequently all of the sudden.20:10
blackarchanbobo37773: tnx for youre help i found the perfect solution for my problem buy another webcam:)))20:10
bobo37773r0b-: I don't see why not. Why a cronjob though? Why not a simple script?20:10
Gentoo64maujhsn, damn let it drop, you dont need an 8gb usb stick to boot a 700mb iso end of20:10
=== Masahiro is now known as Scopey
humboltbobo37773: you slowly get to the core of the problem. It is a major missconception, that Ubuntu does not sell machines!20:11
r0b-how would i make this script?20:11
bobo37773blackarchan: Sounds like a pretty good one hahaha. Sorry you could not get more help20:11
ScopeyAnyone have any ideas why a fresh install of ubuntu would give an unknown file system type for xfs when mountin a drive?20:11
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hmmsany ideas on how to upgrade from 10.04 to 11.10?20:11
jdevineAnyone have bash-scripting expertise to help solve a login problem?20:11
hmmstried sudo apt-get upgrade20:11
hmmsstill stuck at 10.0420:12
bobo37773r0b-: Something like a loop would work as long as each file does not overwrite the previous one.20:12
r0b-thats what i want20:12
ScopeyAnyone please, im about to lose 2tb of media lol20:12
yumboBenPA, Open Synaptic Package Manager and type bcm into the quick search box.20:13
JWFoxJrjdevine: You might want to try #bash20:13
BenPAyumbo: can I do it from a terminal?20:13
humboltbobo37773: Ubuntu should try to sell hardware and SUPPORT it, and sell services (not support) on basis of their software stack: like mp3 purchases, photobooks, video filters for some video editing software. that is the business model to conquer the desktop!20:13
bobo37773r0b-: ok what are you using to take the screenshot?20:13
jdevine ~/.xsession-errors as pointed out a syntax error in  .rvm/scripts/functions/env (rvm is Ruby Version Manager): the syntax is " done < <(env --null)"20:13
r0b-its not a screenshot20:13
Gentoo64humbolt, its free :s thats why people like it20:13
r0b-its webcam capture20:13
yumboBenPA, sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter && sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-lpphy-installer20:13
lesshastehas azureus been killed by the java changes?20:14
lesshasteI get A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:20:14
humboltGentoo64: It can stay free, even if they pick some hardware that they guarantee will work ALL the freaking time!20:14
Gentoo64lol azeurus forgot about that20:14
humboltGentoo64: the best of both worlds.20:14
yumboGentoo64, me too20:14
BenPAyumbo: it says "b43-fwcutter is already the newest version" and did not find the second part ... the installer20:15
bobo37773humbolt: I do not think that Ubuntu manufactures hardware. You will have to go to a hardware vendor. Might I suggest system76 hahaha. I get what your saying But ubuntu too is limited by GNU / Linux in general.20:15
humboltUbuntu TV kind of is the right direction. Kind of. But I am afraid, Mark Shuttleworth still did not fully understand, what his goal should be.20:15
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:15
Gentoo64humbolt, its probably not even the hardware, but the fact you updated something20:15
bobo37773r0b-: Use something like scrot20:16
yumboBenPA, sudo apt-get remove --purge b43-fwcutter && sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter20:16
lesshastehow do I change to use proper java jdk and not the open one?20:17
r0b-not using screen shotting20:17
humboltbobo37773: You dont get it, do you? I dont give a shit about what they do now. I am telling you, Ubuntu will never make it, if they do not START selling hardware.20:17
bobo37773r0b-: Takes screenshots from the command line. That way you can put it in your script20:17
Gentoo64lesshaste, whats the point of azeurus when better and lighter clients are there20:17
yumbohumbolt, this is not the channel for that kind of talk20:17
humboltbobo37773: No distro did so far, and thats why they all failed on the desktop.20:17
lesshasteGentoo64: I would like to run something :) what do you recommend?20:17
r0b-ok ill explain better20:17
lesshasteGentoo64: azureus has always worked well for me20:17
humboltyumbo: which kind? language or content?20:17
pangolinhumbolt: Please keep the language clean and also stay ontopic, Ubuntu support. for chat you can join #ubuntu-offtopic20:17
r0b-im trying to stream my webcam from CLI to networked computers20:17
Gentoo64lesshaste, transmission is sort of perfect20:17
rnsanyone know what this means if it's the first part of a cron job?  "0 */12 * * *"20:18
phil_kiddohi everyone20:18
yumbohumbolt, content (lang. too)20:18
BenPAyumbo: done and I said "yes" to the cutter to be extracted20:18
phil_kiddogot another question20:18
bobo37773humbolt: I do not want GNU / Linux to get too big. So I am ok with it.20:18
Slartrns: every hour enely dividable by 12.. ie 12.00, 24.0020:18
Gentoo64lesshaste, its super light and fast, has built in blocklist support, ipv6 supprt, uses next to no ram, has both cli and gui etc etc20:18
phil_kiddoI worked out how to control pulseaudio the way I want20:18
bobo37773r0b-: Oh, webcam. Yeah that is a little different.20:18
humboltWhat am I supposed to do now? With a laptop, which only works with an external display? I did only use the official Ubuntu stable repositories and it broke!20:19
phil_kiddobut now, I dont know how to set fluxbox keygrabber right20:19
rnsSlart, how can I make this occur once per week?20:19
lesshasteGentoo64: trying it now20:19
yumboBenPA, can you do a reboot?20:19
phil_kiddoIve got a python script (working, Ive tested it manually) that takes 4 possible arguments:20:19
BenPAyumbo: sure brb ...20:19
Slartrns: I think there is a weekday specifier ... one of the *'s in your example.. man crontab might tell you more20:19
phil_kiddo-up, -down, -mute, -setup20:19
bobo37773r0b-: Maybe "uvccapture" package?20:20
raboofhi. i had a headless ubuntu install on top of which I installed X.org, firefox and gdm20:20
humbolthow can I identify all packages, which have been installed to my system from the backports repo?20:20
JFBis there a default protection in ubuntu or it needs a special software?20:20
phil_kiddowhick change volume, toggles mute or sets all values according to file (in file I have actual values, it is used to syncgronize pulseaudio and my data)20:20
Slartrns: man 5 crontab   has examples and explanations20:20
raboofin firefox and gdm, the fonts are tiny. I suspect I'm missing a fonts package or so. any idea what I could try?20:20
raboofrunning on a relatively large screen (my 32" tv)20:21
phil_kiddooh, for being sure, that script was called, I added part that prints "working" to file in given directory20:21
phil_kiddoso if I call this script, and volume stays the same, I check the file, and find out if its a matter of script, or keygrabber20:21
ScopeyHow can I reinstall xfs support to ubuntu?20:22
phil_kiddoso, I add following line to ~/.fluxbox/keys (default keys file):20:22
phil_kiddoNone XF86AudioRaiseVolume :Exec ~./soundControlScript.py -up20:22
phil_kiddoI also tried without Exec20:22
BenPAyumbo: back20:23
phil_kiddoand with ' ' around script call20:23
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ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:23
phil_kiddoalso tries changing ~ to /home/phill20:23
phil_kiddo(and that dot after ~ is a typo, already changed it and tried all above, still doesnt work)20:24
yumboBenPA, do you have a button on your laptop to turn wifi on/off?20:24
phil_kiddoat this point, I have no clue what next20:24
BenPAyumbo: yes and I tried it and it still does not work ... I disconnected the wired connection before I tried it as well20:25
phil_kiddoI checked button name with xev, name is right20:25
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excelsioris there a package for teachers to make test question banks and create tests?20:25
phil_kiddoI read documentation for fluxbox - nothin mentioned (as far as I understood)20:25
Piciphil_kiddo: you need to stop pressing enter so often. Use a comma instead.  Also, can you try running your script as an argument to python?20:26
yumboBenPA, you also have windows on your laptop?20:26
BenPAyumbo: no, but I have 2 other Linux installs (triple booted) and they work ... one is kubuntu and the other is lubuntu20:27
yumboBenPA, they work with the newer kernel as well?20:27
BenPAyumbo: yes20:27
yumboBenPA, I don't know what you should/could do then20:28
phil_kiddoPici: understood, comma will occur ;) If you mean calling "python .soundControlScript -up" - it wont make any difference, I added #/usr/bin/python at the first line, so shell will interpret script woth python interpreter. Anyway, as I tried - it works just the same20:28
AndyUbuntuHey guys20:28
tanathlibreoffice is inserting random spaces in words when printing, even though it looks fine in LO. printing from gdocs in chrome works fine though.20:28
tanathany ideas?20:28
humboltLet me tell you, there is something very wrong with linux-image-3.0.0-15-generic!!!20:28
AndyUbuntudoes anyone know if there is a channel for kdenlive?20:28
BenPAyumbo: I just checked the hardware drivers and broadband sta is installed ... it says "this driver is active but not in use"20:28
humboltBooting into an older kernel fixed the issue for me20:29
GringoireHey, quick problem. Can't get cmus to work,20:29
AndyUbuntuneed to sort out some issues i am having with it20:29
yumboBenPA, hmm, can you modprobe the driver?20:29
Piciphil_kiddo: I mean like: "python /home/phill/soundControlScript.py -up"20:29
tanathnot finding anything on google20:29
JFBany ideas on how to manage ipad on ubuntu?20:29
yumboHumbedooh, can you take that kind of talk to another channel?20:29
Gringoiredoesn't show up. I installed ncurses via libncurses5-dev package20:29
BenPAyumbo: how?20:29
yumbooops, I meant humbolt, sorry Humbedooh20:29
gh0striderdoes anyone here use the snes emulator for their ubuntu box ?20:30
Humbedoohstop mentioning my name :(20:30
Sicpanybody use URxvt terminal emulator?20:30
akavlieCould someone help with a server crontab setup (on 10.04)?20:30
* Humbedooh is innocent!20:30
Slarttanath: do you get the same behaviour if you print to pdf?20:30
bobo37773gh0strider: Using zsnes20:30
akavlieMy logrotate never runs; can't figure out what the problem is.20:30
JWFoxJrI think I may have found the answer to why by resume/thaw script wasn't working. I was making a call to a script that sets up the displays using xrandr, but I can't run xrandr without an X display20:30
JFBi tried gtkpod but it worked only for music20:30
GringoireAlso, I can't install ncurses via make install, I get20:30
Gringoire/bin/sh: -I../c++: not found20:30
Gringoireerror. Any ideas?20:30
phil_kiddoPici: works exactly the same - changes volume, as expected. You think of setting buttonpress to call python, not bash?20:30
BenPAyumbo: also I read about rfkill and removed that yesterday after it did not work to adjust the settings20:30
akavlieIf I run as root "cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily" it runs fine.20:30
akavliewhich is taken right from /etc/crontab.20:31
gh0striderbobo37773: i trid using zsnes, but i it doesn't give you any options to set the keyboard as the joystick, do you have to have a joystick for znes?20:31
JWFoxJrGringoire: do you have build-essentials installed? I thought that included c++ compiler20:31
humboltwhich kind of talk are you talking about. I just said, that I found the source of the problem, I mentioned earlier.20:31
tanathSlart, hm, no20:31
bobo37773gh0strider: Are you sure about that?20:31
BenPAyumbo: how do I modprobe it20:31
GringoireJWFoxJr: I do20:31
wonderinghow to mount a usb flash that isnt being recognized by the sys20:32
humboltCan you guys tell me, how I can find all bugs, which have been filed against this package: linux-image-3.0.0-15-generic20:32
bobo37773Gringoire: Isn't there a ppa for cmus somewhere?20:32
Gringoirec++ as cmmand works fine20:32
benveiwhat does "No cpufreqd socket found" mean?20:32
gh0striderbobo37773: ya i am pretty sure...20:32
yumboBenPA, wait a sec20:32
bobo37773gh0strider: Hold on let me check.20:32
JFBipad on ubuntu?20:32
wonderingthe light is on but the computer cannot see or open the drive20:32
Slarttanath: I'm not sure if "print to pdf" goes through the same process ie printer driver and so on.. what happens if you print the pdf you created from libreoffice?20:32
Gringoirebobo37773: no idea, I installed libncurses5-dev, thought it would work20:32
paulus68_question how do I copy with cp a complete directory back over its original one?20:32
GringoireI think ncurses is installed, but cmus doesn't work20:33
JFBipad = ? = ubuntu20:33
GringoireI solved in in the prev install by installing wicd, which I knew for a fact used ncurses. Not a smart way to do it but worked20:33
bobo37773Gringoire: Look online. I am pretty sure there is a ppa for it.20:33
phil_kiddoPici: tried: None XF86AudioRaiseVolume :Exec 'python /home/phill/soundControlScript.py -up' - still nothing (bot with and without ' ' )20:33
Gringoirebobo37773: I'll try20:33
bobo37773gh0strider: Yeah. Keyboard works fine.20:33
Piciphil_kiddo: Can you specify "python /home/phill/soundControlScript.py -up" inside your fluxbox keys file? Also, you may want to use :ExecCommand instead of :Exec20:34
OerHeksJFB ubuntu on an iPad, not possible yet.20:34
yumboBenPA, can you do "gksu gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf" and post the contents of that file?20:34
Slartpaulus68_: cp has a recursive switch.. and there probably is a "force overwrite" switch as well.. you might want to take care so that permissions are what you want them to be too20:34
tanathSlart, well, the user has gone now, document with them. and we try not to waste ink... being more expensive than oil and blood... :P20:34
BenPAyumbo: also I use wicd for wireless if that makes a difference ... ok hold  a sec20:34
Slarttanath: hehe.. true20:34
tanathSlart, thanks anyway i guess20:35
gh0striderbobo37773: where did you find the options to use the keyboard, i don't see any menus on top of the znes emualtor...?20:35
paulus68_Slart: what would be the right syntax for this?20:35
Slarttanath: you're welcome20:35
ScopeyCan anyone help me with xfs on ubuntu20:35
bobo37773gh0strider: Open zsnes. Go to  config-->input   Click on the key you want to set and type a keyboard key. Or use the option to set all the keys20:35
JFBis there a Linux version of itunes?20:35
asif_amrok is ok20:35
MonkeyDustjfb elTunes20:35
ScopeyAnyone please?20:36
BenPAyumbo: what is pastebin site again please?20:36
YahosainCan I do what unetbootin does in reverse order? I mean can I make a CD image from what unetbootin has put on usb?20:36
xangua!anyone | Scopey20:36
ubottuScopey: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.20:36
Slartpaulus68_: have you checked "man cp" ? I think the recursive switch is  -r , force overwrite might be -f20:36
yumboBenPA, paste.ubuntu.com20:36
Sumo-Enteguten abend20:36
Scopeyxangua: I've asked 3 times20:36
MonkeyDustJFB  you may need google translate for this page http://users.skynet.be/gbachot/html/eltunes.html20:36
Slartpaulus68_: it might be wise to try out the syntax on a smaller folder.. something you can replace if it disappears out into space20:37
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ScopeyAnyone have any ideas why a fresh install of ubuntu would give an unknown file system type for xfs when mountin a drive?20:37
MonkeyDustJFB  nevermind, i guess it's no longer valid20:37
phil_kiddoPici: damn! I just spotted my problem: script name started with dot, but as a typo, I placed dot BEFORE slash (and left undotted name) - when I changed it, I forgot to add . to name, so script Ive been calling didnt exist...20:37
phil_kiddoPici: now its okay, thanks for your help :)20:37
excelsioris there a package for teachers to make test question banks and create tests?20:37
gh0striderbobo37773: thanks i figured it out...20:37
SlartScopey: try asking your actual question..if noone answers it might be because they don't understand your problem or because they simple don't know.. in that case try asking again in 15 minutes or so.. repeat the entire question.. don't expect everyone to scroll up and find your previous message20:38
paulus68_Slart: I've been looking but since it's containing critical data I rather have a second opinion of someone more experienced20:38
BenPAyumbo: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/819279/20:38
bad_allochello I'm trying to grab my computers audio output, but everything fails: Alsamixer's capture interface is tuned up, but arecord and audacity hear nothing being played, i.e. they record only static. I've recorded as root and a normal user who is in the group audio. what else can i try?20:38
chuck[screen]bobo37773: hello. idling :)20:38
yumboScopey, sudo apt-get install xfsprogs xfsdump20:38
JFBmonkeydust: is it trusted?20:38
Sicpwhy doesn't Gnome-Terminal set its title to the name of the currently active program running in it?20:38
Slartexcelsior: I know latex has some packages to deal with that.. I haven't used any of them though.20:38
Scopeyyumbo: I got both20:39
Sicpit's so stupid when you have more than 2 terminals running with all "username@host:$" as a title....20:39
Slartpaulus68_: the more reason to experiment in a testing folder before you try it on the real thing20:39
Sicpplus there20:39
bobo37773chuck[screen]: hey20:39
wonderingcan someone help me mount a usb flashdrive that Ubuntu is not seeing......   The flash light comes on but does not blink20:39
Sicpplus there's an option in the preferences where it says "When Terminal commands set their own titles" : replace initial title20:39
Sicpbut it doesn't take effect..20:39
bobo37773gh0strider: I knew you would.20:39
Sicpwhy the fuck not..20:39
FloodBot1Sicp: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:39
pangolin!language | Sicp20:40
ubottuSicp: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:40
MonkeyDustJFB  don't count on it20:40
Sicpsorry, but it's Gnome, you know..20:40
SlartSicp: there's no need for the language.. and I don't think there are that many commands that set their own titles..20:40
yumboBenPA, can you do "sudo modprobe b43" ?20:40
Sicpyea? try BackTrack20:40
Sicpsee how Konsole behaves20:40
talntidfeel free to switch to KDE.20:40
Sicpso you can actually KNOW what every terminal is running20:40
SlartSicp: there are some hacks you do with the terminal prompt.. I used to do it for each new install but in the end I get fed up with it and just went with the default20:40
paulus68_Slart: true there but the right syntax would help a lot to ;)20:41
BenPAyumbo: nothing comes bacl20:41
Sicpit's so inferior20:41
BenPAyumbo: back20:41
JFBwhy apple guys are so close-minded?20:41
phil_kiddoPici: and, for the record: in this form it works as well: None XF86AudioRaiseVolume :Exec ~/.soundControlScript.py -up (without calling python interpreter, without ' ' and with ~ instead of full name)20:41
Slartpaulus68_: =)    try cp -r -f /some/folder/to/copy/from /some/folder/to/copy/to20:42
Tm_TSicp: you can use Konsole or other terminal emulators if gnome-terminal doesn't suit to your needs, but ranting about it here won't help you a bit20:42
yumboBenPA, "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart"20:42
Scopeyyumbo: Any other ideas for xfs besides xfsprogs and xfsdump20:42
SlartJFB: I saw on in #ubuntu-offtopic.. quick.. go ask her in there20:42
paulus68_Slart: thanks20:42
yumboScopey, sudo mount -t xfs /dev/sdc1 /media/my_xfs_drive20:43
yumboScopey, replace /dev/sdc1 with the drive /dev/20:43
bobo37773Sicp: Why don't you just install konsole then?20:43
BenPAyumbo: it says "eth1: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device"20:43
yumboScopey, and replace /media/my_xfs_drive with the folder you want it to mount20:43
SicpI hardly think that running away from the problem is a solution20:43
Sicpwhy SHOULD gnome-terminal be so bad20:43
Sicpi'm looking in the man page, hope to find something20:44
GringoireAlright, fixed it20:44
Sicphttp://askubuntu.com/questions/22413/how-to-change-gnome-terminal-title <-- useless pages20:44
BenPAyumbo: I know this it's there somewhere lol20:44
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Gringoireinstalled viasource with --no-cpp-bindings20:44
sarthorHow can i search one .xls file which have word "petty", total .xls files are more than one thousand, Please help20:44
MonkeyDustSicp  did you have an ubuntu support question?20:44
yumboSicp, go complain somewhere else or go fix it yourself, you know it's open source ;)20:44
bobo37773Gringoire: Awesome20:44
Gringoirethanks for the help, later20:44
tnk1hi peeps.. question... there is some remnant of a window that won't go away on my screen.. i tried xrefresh with no luck.. how do I get it to go away? everything else works fine20:45
Scopeyyumbo: I still get unknown filesystem type xfs20:45
BenPAyumbo: If I do a ifdown eth1 it says eth1 interface not configured20:45
beantnk1, restart x?20:45
nhrfiportHey folks, trying to create a launcher in left hand bar. The launcher works ok, but I can't get icon in the left hand bar. Launcher icon shows ok if I navigate to launcher folder in nautilus20:45
tnk1bean: don't really want to logout/back in and lose all open programs etc.20:46
yumboBenPA, can you post the contents of "gksu gedit /etc/network/interfaces" ?20:46
yumboScopey, what is the exact error you get?20:46
akavliescripts in /etc/cron.d are working fine, but /etc/crontab is not at all, it seems...20:46
beanBenPA, ifdown eth1 --force20:46
BenPAyumbo: It's a nitemare but I will20:46
ScopeyMount: unknown filesystem type 'xfs'20:46
dlentztnk1, did you try changing wallpaper (and back)?20:46
matseis it possible to install ubuntu directly without unity but gnome3?20:47
xanguamatse: oneiric uses gnome320:47
talntidSicp, this would get you VERY close to what you want: http://www.davidpashley.com/articles/xterm-titles-with-bash.html20:47
yumboScopey, what does "file -s /dev/sdXX" give? (replace /dev/sdXX ofcourse)20:47
MonkeyDustmatse  unity is gnome320:47
matsexangua: i mean gnome-shell... of course...20:48
matseand no unity20:48
ScopeyNo read permission20:48
yumbomatse, you can install Ubuntu server and then only install gnome-shell20:48
BenPAyumbo: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/819291/20:48
Sicpthis is what I'm trying to code right now, talntid20:48
matseyumbo: ok, thats what i will do then, thanks!20:48
yumboScopey, I meant a "sudo" before that ofcourse20:48
tnk1dlentz: yes it just stays there. i'm thinking it's one of the defunt processes running inside google chrome, actually, because it was a right click on a link that put the window there (it was the grey background for right click selections on a page), then the writing and everything else disapperaed when i clicked away, but the background grey box remained....20:48
yumbomatse, but I recommend you install the desktop version and just install Gnome-Shell alongside i20:48
tnk1dlentz: so I wonder if there's a way besides just restarting chrome..20:49
yumbomatse, the server install is a bit more complicated than the regular desktop install...20:49
matseyumbo: i guess i will first try the server edition, didn't really like the default ubuntu installation, a bit too much bloat for my taste ;)20:49
Scopeyyumbo: Sorry derped out, sgi xfs filesystem data (blksz 4096, inosz 256, v2 dirs)20:50
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BenPAyumbo: should I have gotten something from modprobe b43?20:50
operating_systemhi all20:50
xanguayumbo: and why install the server, if he wants a desktop¿¿20:50
matseyumbo: i would even prefer something like the debian netinstall where i can start with more or less nothing... in fact i would even use debian if they provided an up to date gnome in testing...20:50
bobo37773matse: Server installation? I am pretty sure there is a minimal install cd20:50
xanguayou just like to complicate all yumbo matse20:50
yumboxangua, I wasnt even done typing haha20:50
xangualike bobo37773 said yumbo matse20:50
matsebobo37773: oh i haven't found one on the official ubuntu site20:50
yumboBenPA, sudo modeprobe b43 normally shouldnt give any response, so that seems ok20:51
auronandace!mini | matse20:51
ubottumatse: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD20:51
yumbomatse, the server install is pretty light on bloat20:51
matseubottu: great! that's exactly what i was looking for! thanks very much!20:51
ubottumatse: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:51
BenPAyumbo: ok20:51
=== ags_ is now known as ^ags^
matseubottu: oh :D :x20:52
ubottumatse: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:52
yumbomatse, but maybe the minimal cd is better for your purposes indeed :)20:52
mitrhandircherche meuf dispo plan cam20:52
=== ^ags^ is now known as [ags]
operating_systemhi all20:53
bobo37773operating_system: Hey20:53
operating_systemam herer bobo3777320:53
operating_systemi have a problem on this20:53
bobo37773operating_system: ok20:53
Scopeyyumbo: sgi xfs filesystem data (blksz 4096, inosz 256, v2 dirs) other ideas?20:54
operating_systemmy ubuntu oneiric oncelot20:54
yumboScopey, hang on a minute...20:54
operating_systemcorrupt after run the parttial upgrade20:54
operating_systemso  to do right now20:54
Scopeyyumbo: Alrighty20:54
BenPAyumbo: when I read yesterday about "rfkill" the soft said yes and the hard said no ... I tried to change the setting to yes for the hard and it would not change for some reason ..20:54
operating_systemso what to do right now20:54
yumboScopey, "sudo ls -a /proc/filesystems" ?20:54
bobo37773operating_system: Is there a lot of data you need to save on it?20:55
operating_systembobo37773, yes there are some data on my pc20:55
schnuffleoperating_system: can't you finish the upgrade?20:55
operating_systembobo37773, lets go to private chat20:55
bobo37773operating_system: ok20:56
OerHeksoperating_system, did you try to upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04 ?20:56
Scopeyyumbo: Nothing happened?20:56
operating_systemschnuffle,  i finish20:56
yumboBenPA, can you uncomment "## auto wlan0" and "## iface wlan0 inet dhcp" and do a "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" ?20:56
operating_systemOerHeks,  it was a partial upgrade20:56
yumboScopey, try "sudo modprobe xfs" and then try to mount again20:56
BenPAyumbo: sure20:56
bobo37773operating_system: Back up your data and do a clean install. You will probably be happier you did then trying to fix an "upgraded" system. It has been that way as long as I can remember.20:57
Scopeyyumbo: Error inserting xfs, cannot allocate memory20:57
yumboI have not seen that before20:58
sstainteresting issue.  Can you pastebin the output of free -m?20:58
yumboScopey, ^20:59
ScopeyGimme two min20:59
sstadon't think I've ever seen a system so short of memory it couldn't insmod a module21:00
WLUwhat is mono and why although the process status is sleeping it still takes all my cpus to 95%21:00
chia2308Hello nubut21:00
schnuffleWLU: mono is a .NET port21:00
WLUschnuffle: does it usually hog all cpus21:01
operating_systembobo37773, isn't there any means to fix the problem rather than formatting21:01
DerpyHoovyHey. I just updated to Linux kernel 3.0 and now I can't boot (grub error: cannot read linux headers).21:01
CaptAnonDoes anyone have any experiance with the at command?21:01
operating_systembobo37773, bobo37773, isn't there any means to fix the problem rather than formatting21:02
Scopeyback sorry, Yumbo @ubuntu:~$ sudo free -m21:02
Scopey             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached21:02
ScopeyMem:          6040       1938       4102          0        645        86621:02
Scopey-/+ buffers/cache:        425       561521:02
ScopeySwap:          255          0        25521:02
FloodBot1Scopey: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:02
schnuffleWLU:  No, it'S cetainly not mono but the programm which runs under mono21:02
xanguaoperating_system: you haven't even said your issue with details21:02
=== raving is now known as Sir_Fawnpug
sstaScopey: you have lots of memory then.  That's really strange!21:02
Scopeythis whole day has been strange.21:02
sstathe xfs module is only a little over a meg21:02
WLUshnuffle: Can I know what program is running mono21:03
Scopeyi've reinstalled ubuntu twice ssta21:03
operating_systemxangua, my pc fails to shut down due to the partial upgrade that i made21:03
schnuffleWLU:  when you open top, type c it will show the whole command line21:03
WLUschnuffle: thanks21:03
BenPAyumbo: no go ... it said no dhcp offered21:03
Scopeyyumbo: or ssta: any ideas?21:04
schnuffleWLU: or a ps aux | grep mono21:04
sstaScopey: can you firstly install pastebinit (sudo apt-get install pastebinit), then run: grep "Could not allocate" /var/log/dmesg | tail -20 | pastebinit21:04
sstaScopey: it will give you a ORL, paste the URL here21:04
biopytehi. vlc in fullscreem mode doesnt work properly. the image is outside the frame of the player. ubuntu 11.10 ... any idea?21:05
sneaksterI got a dumb question, this unity interface is pretty awful21:05
sstaScopey: also, what's the output of: uname -a21:05
sneaksterIs  unity an unavoidable part of ubuntu21:05
Jordan_U!notunity | sneakster21:06
ubottusneakster: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic21:06
sstasneakster: it can be removed, or just avoided.  There's a bazillion guides on how to do it on the web21:06
schnuffleseanbright: yes there are other flavours like xubuntu->XFCE, lubuntu->LXDE ...21:06
sneaksterI was lookin at alternatives such as gnome 3 and kde and such, is that the equivalent of a seperate distribution from ubuntu21:06
Jordan_Usneakster: No.21:06
sstawish they had it as an installer option, but hey hum21:07
schnufflesneakster: they all point to the same repos, just the default package install at the beginning is different21:07
biopytesneakster; why dont you set  your favourite desktop at the login screen?21:07
schnufflesneakster: repositories=software you can install21:07
operating_systembobo37773,  are u there21:08
Scopeyssta: pastebinit installed bu the second command said you are trying to send an empty document, exiting, as for the uname it says Linux ubuntu 3.0.0-15generic-pae #26-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 20 17:07:31 UTC 2012 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux21:08
sneaksterIt automatically logs on21:08
r0b-well i got it to capture every second21:08
r0b-but its stills21:08
caravoneping, can somebody help me with a problem booting oneiric on an x220?21:08
sstaScopey: hmm....21:09
sneaksterI'm coming from windows, and I'm not too uncomfortable with the commandline, what would you reccomend in place of unity?21:09
Scopeyssta: if you want you can remote login and look for yourself, i'm an utter noob when it comes to linux lol21:09
Telugodui dont like unity21:09
Jordan_Ucaravone: What problem are you having specifically? (Please be as detailed as possible)21:09
Telugodu<3 gnome21:09
schnufflesneakster: I work mostly  in a terminal so my choice is a simple desktop, which is satisfied with LXDE21:10
sneakstergnome looked good, I saw an article saying the direction of gnome between 2 and 3 changed a lot21:10
sneaksterdoes replacing unity with gnome change anything besides appearance? Would I lose any functionality?21:10
yumboBenPA, what does iwconfig now give you?21:10
asif_hi all21:10
sstaScopey: umm, it's not usually a good idea to offer that on IRC.  I can't think of a single thing I could run that would help that I couldn't just get you to run yourself...I'm stumped21:10
yumbosneakster, you're not able to use Unity lenses21:11
schnufflesneakster:  I prefer KDE but I'm not willing to spend the resources just to have some eye candies. And that counts for Gnome3 KDE 4 and Unity21:11
caravoneJordan_U: I installed oneiric 32-bit, it worked fine for a while, then it started freezing on a purple screen whenever I rebooted.  Now I can reboot only in recovery mode.  This happened after at least two fresh installs.21:11
asif_im trying to watch videos on lovefilm21:11
Scopeyssta: understood, so you have no idea why it's not loading the xfs module?21:11
asif_i have the latest version of moonlight installed21:11
sstaScopey: there was a similar bug back in some dev versions of 2.6 kernel, but you're not on those, and you don't have the symptomatic output in dmesg21:11
mongysneakster,  everyone has their preferences, but I would recommend xubuntu as a nice gnome2 alternative.21:11
gh0striderbob37773: you are not still around are you?21:11
biopytesneakster, start with gnome,  however you can install as many desktops/wm as you like and choose at the login screen.21:11
asif_yet it still keeps asking me to install silverlight21:11
schnufflecaravone: sounds like broken hardware or can you boot a live system without problem?21:11
DerpyHoovyHey. I just updated to Linux kernel 3.0 and now I can't boot (grub error: cannot read linux headers).21:12
Jordan_Uasif_: Most Silverlight video sites use DRM, which is not implemented in moonlight.21:12
xanguaasif_: moonlight doesn't support all sirverlight features, besides it hasn't been a new release since almost a year21:12
sstaScopey: no.  One last thing to try: sudo depmod -a; sudo modprobe xfs21:12
sneaksterI guess I'll try gnome 3, thanks for the advice21:12
sstaScopey: if that doesn't help, then I'm baffled (but still interested in fiunding what is happening)21:12
xanguaDerpyHoovy: then use the kernel provided in repositories21:12
Scopeyssta: same memory error21:12
DerpyHoovyxangua: I updated via System Updates and I don't know how to downgrade/fix it21:12
sstaScopey: can you: tail -100 /var/log/dmesg|pastebinit21:13
sstaScopey: maybe there's SOME clue there21:13
Scopeyssta: http://paste.ubuntu.com/819322/21:13
r0b-any tips for capturing USB video via CLI?21:13
sneaksterjust installed gnome-shell in terminal, since the login automatically logs in, how can I change to gnome 3?21:13
r0b-usinb a webcam21:13
caravoneschnuffle:  System works in recovery mode (except bad screen resolution and sleep / reboot doesn't work).  It's a new x220 with SSD.  Is there some diagnostic I can run to check for bad hardware?21:14
Jordan_U!pm | asif_21:14
ubottuasif_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:14
xanguaDerpyHoovy: use your previous kernel then and wait untill you get the headers of the latest21:14
Telugodusneakster use ctrl+alt+f121:14
sstaScopey: same thing for syslog?  tail -100 /var/log/syslog|pastebinit21:14
xanguasneakster: disable automatic log in21:14
Telugoduthen use command to switch to gnome 321:14
r0b-!webcam r0b-21:15
schnufflecaravone: to recapitulate: every time when you do a fresh install, your system works and the degrades?21:15
mongysneakster, logout, choose gnome and log in21:15
Scopeyssta: http://paste.ubuntu.com/819323/21:15
caravoneschnuffle: yes.  The last time, I noticed I had just updated packages before I failed to reboot for the first time21:16
asif_anyone got any ideas how to watch drm content on ubuntu?21:16
sstahmm, that's at least possibly related21:16
* ssta googles21:16
operating_systembobo37773, be back private21:17
Scopeyssta: really hoping this works, if not i've lost like 1.8tb of media :S21:17
biopytesneakster, log out, choose desktop, login21:17
sstaScopey: presumably this is the stock xfs module thagt comes in Ubuntu anyway?21:18
Scopeyliterally thats all i did21:18
Scopeyssta: installed ubuntu fresh, then i read to redownload xfsprogs xfsdump, thats all i've done21:18
sstathere's not enough vmap space, which is unusual...21:18
Jordan_UDerpyHoovy: What version of grub are you using?21:19
sstano idea how that makes a difference to xfs though21:19
Scopeyssta: what is vmap space?21:20
sstaScopey: dmesg|grep vmalloc|pastebinit21:20
sstaScopey: virtual memory map21:20
sstaScopey: if the space there isn't big enough then the kernel would have problems allocating memory for things like modules21:21
sstaand it's *about* the right size it's trying to allocate21:21
sstaScopey: really, I'm just guessing here...looking for ANYTHING that will give hints :)21:21
Scopeyssta: http://paste.ubuntu.com/819333/21:21
sstathis is the sort of puzzle that's fun21:21
agentgasmaskHi all. I got a new laptop with intel core i3 and 4GB ram. Should I go 32 or 64 bit OS?21:21
Scopeyssta: well i'm glad someone is enjoying it :S lol21:22
sstaScopey: do you know how to edit the grub commandline at boot?21:22
talntidagentgasmask, 64 bit :)21:22
Scopeyssta: not at all.21:22
sstadoes anyone know a good guide to how that I can point Scopey at?  I'd be awful at explaining it21:22
agentgasmasktalntid: Simple as that I guess. :) thanks21:22
chiiiiizI have found a nice wallpaper on the internet. I have used it as a wallpaper, but I can not find the file on my computer. Where is the wallpaper fine on Unity?21:23
sneaksterI'm a fool21:23
karel_ffDoes anyone know how to trigger 'fast user switching' from the command line?21:23
sneaksterctrl+alt+f1  for login .... how do I start gnome from there21:23
chiiiiizwallpaper file, not fine21:23
r0b-ugh this is making me mad :(21:24
damselfly9sneakster, does "startx" work for you?21:24
sstaScopey: can you read this section for me?  See if what it's saying makes sense?21:24
biopytesneakster, logout from unity21:24
sneakster....sorry, whats startx21:24
sstaScopey: what I want you to do is reboot and add vmalloc=256M21:25
sstaScopey: but if you don't think you can edit the command line, we're going to have difficulty :)21:25
damselfly9sneakster, a cli command to start X, which would start gnome if you have things config'd right21:25
Scopeyssta: i'll tell you from now i am literally on my first day with linux21:25
BenPAyumbo: back21:25
sstaScopey: okay.21:25
FSKgood evening every body21:25
sneaksterso, logout of unity, login an starx?21:26
sstaDoes anyone know of a way to change the kernel commandline one time only before rebooting?  (I suspect it's possible, but I dpn't know how)21:26
wulflingi tried to install ubuntu 11.04 server edition 64bit on a laptop and it only shows me little pixels at the top of the screen after GRUB21:26
wulflingGRUB shows fine21:26
r0b-have any of you used ffmpeg to capture a webcam from CLI and output a video file for streaming?21:26
wulflingi think i mean 11.1021:26
DerpyHoovyGah, I give up.21:26
FSKcould anybody give me the link for aspire one for linux?, because i think there is a bank of them somewhere but i can't find them...21:26
DerpyHoovyLinux has never been nice to me.21:26
wulflingyes, 11.1021:26
biopytesneakster, within unity find the shutdown/logout/restart menu and then logout21:27
Scopeyssta: i'm tempted to try downloading captain nemo for win7 and see if it'll moun tthe disk in windows at this point21:28
sstaif we took a backup of /boot/grub.cfg, edited the original and rebooted, would that would pick up the changes?21:28
frank1985does anybody here own an Asus P7131 or similar and had to do something special to enable the composite inputs?21:28
sstaScopey: sorry, this is advanced stuff, and playing with grub is something I rarely do.  I know what parameter I want you to add, and I think it has a chance (not a certainty) of fixing the problem...but since it involves a reboot and editing the grub commandline, I can't talk you through it in realtime21:30
northernenWhich grub option do I need to set in /etc/default/grub to be able to view the grub menu at boot, rather than it automatically booting into the default menu entry?21:31
indioHi. How can I retrieve a Window that is there, but it is not in the Unity taskbar or the icon tray?21:32
sneaksterGot it :)21:32
sneaksterThanks guys21:32
indioBTW, it looks like a bug.21:32
indioaMSN, if you minimize it to try, it disappears.21:33
BenPAyumbo are you there?21:33
Scopeyssta: i'll brb i'm going to try downloading captain nemo first and see what happens with that21:33
sneaksterSo I have terminology right, gnome and ubuntu are just shells?21:33
sstaScopey: good luck21:34
northernensneakster, Ubuntu is a distribution. gnome is a desktop environment.21:34
sstasneakster: no, ubuntu is the system.  Gnome is a graphical environment21:34
sneaksterAre most desktop environments compatable with different distributions?21:35
damselfly9sneakster, often are21:35
yumboBenPA, did iwnfconig give you anything now?21:35
BenPAyumbo let me check21:35
MonkeyDust!anyone | wulfling21:36
ubottuwulfling: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.21:36
BenPAyumbo: no21:36
sneaksterBy the way, whats the most MIRCesque client for ubuntu? I'm currently using Konversation21:36
yumboBenPA, then Im afraid I cant help much further21:36
[[thufir]]running ubuntu 11.04, can't seem to get sound from speakers.  Could be software problem.  Is there a way to test hardware, or do I need test speakers somehow?21:36
yumbosneakster, X-Chat21:37
wulflingive been trying to install ubuntu 11.10 server 64 bit on a lenovo .... it installed fine, rebooted, then shows me the grub bootloader without a problem, but once i select the linux server to boot (its giving me a choice between recovery mode and regular) , then all it shows are like pixels at the top of the screen21:37
wulflingon a lenovo laptop21:37
BenPAyumbo: did the rfkill mean anything21:37
Scopeyssta: walk me through what you were talking about earlier pls21:37
sneaksterGnome is much less intrusive than unity so  far :)21:37
Bisu[Shield]my computer keep sending emails to a particular recipient (web@website.com), how do I prevent sending email to just that recipient?21:37
indioHi. How can I summon a hidden Window in Unity?21:37
BenPAyumbo: it seems that some hardware is being blocked somehow21:38
[[thufir]]wulfling: hmm.  tried , err, mode without x.  just terminal like.  no graphics.  what happens then?  not sure if that's recovery mode.21:38
funkymonkhow can i find out what version of php is installed on my ubuntu server from the command line21:38
wulflingits server edition.21:38
wulflingcli only21:38
biopytesneakster,  i dont understand what this unity stuff is about ... never met someone who liked it21:38
yumboBenPA, copy your /etc/network/interfaces from your other ubuntu install?21:38
damselfly9man php21:38
obelusfunkymonk there should be a --version switch, try typing php --version onto the terminal21:38
wulflingit works fine with 9.1021:39
funkymonkthanks obelus21:39
sstaScopey: it's kinda tough to explain.  Did you read tyhe link I sent?21:39
BenPAyumbo: can I do that from here ... hmmmm21:39
sneaksterYeah, I can't see how it got out of testing, it's incredibly unintuitive and where its not unintuitive it just gets in the way21:39
BenPAyumbo: hold on21:39
biopytesneakster, gnome2 + themes + compiz ... and you have a pretty decent desktop21:39
damselfly9sneakster, they needed to do that for all the windows users who are used to having windows prevent them from doing things21:40
Scopeyssta: i don't think i got it, sorry21:40
BenPAyumbo: how can I do that from here ... I can access the other files21:41
sneaksterI still think that windows took out square edged so people wouldn't cut themselves on them21:41
indioHow can I summon a hidden Window in Unity?21:41
sstahow to force it to give you a menu in the first place, I don't know21:41
yumboBenPA, you can do "sudo cp /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces.bak"21:41
wildcard__Hi, there, Ubuntu users!21:42
yumboBenPA, and then do "sudo cp /media/OTHER_INSTALL/etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces"21:42
gh0striderwhat up everyone21:42
indiowildcard__: Heya21:42
indiogh0strider: sup21:42
indioDcmac: Hi21:42
BenPAyumbo: yeah, I was trying to think that through ... hold a few please and thanks for your help btw21:43
DcmacCan I get some help installing Ubuntu on my Windows PC?21:43
kalehow/where do i configure grub?21:43
hjack76why is Unity the standard DE after all? Gnome 3 isn't Gnome 2 but it's still much better than Unity21:43
sstaah, hold down shift apparently21:43
M4d3Lif I see something like 24966 nobody    25   0 12432 1028  796 R 100.0  0.0 101115:23 whois americaneuropeanacademy.com     in TOP. do I have to panic?21:43
wildcard__I have a problem, that is fairly major, involving networking and wireless drivers on Ubuntu 11.10.  I have downloaded the drivers for my card, but they are in .exe form.  I opened it to find the ini file so I could try to load the drivers, but I have no clue what to look for.  The drivers are the SP22996 for teh Mobile Intel Pro 100 NIC, halp, please...?21:43
xanguahjack76: oneiric uses gnome321:44
wulfling[[thufir]]: still here??21:44
kasiibobo37773, duin the same21:44
indiohjack76: So people like you and me are forced to use it21:44
gh0striderdoes anyone here use znes?21:44
leleraceSorry, I don't understand. What do you mean?21:44
indioHow can I summon a hidden Window in Unity?21:44
hjack76xangua, i was referring to gnome-shell actually21:44
bobo37773kasii: Hey21:44
leleraceSorry, I don't understand. What do you mean?21:44
leleraceSorry, I don't understand. What do you mean?21:44
Gentoo64gh0strider, yes21:44
leleraceSorry, I don't understand. What do you mean?21:44
leleraceSorry, I don't understand. What do you mean?21:44
FloodBot1lelerace: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:44
Scopey ssta: so basically while ubuntu is booting i need to hold down the shift key first21:44
bobo37773kasii: Are you operating_system?21:45
bobo37773gh0strider: Yep21:45
leleraceOK, I grok that21:45
leleraceSorry, I don't understand. What do you mean?21:45
leleraceOK, I grok that21:45
sneaksterTheres something kinda sexy about installing programs from the terminal21:45
leleraceSorry, I don't understand. What do you mean?21:45
frank1985i think we have a turing fail here21:45
DcmacWhen I try to install Ubuntu through Windows, I get an error message saying "There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive \Device\Harddisk1\DR1."21:45
leleraceSorry, I don't understand. What do you mean?21:45
leleraceSorry, I don't understand. What do you mean?21:45
Gentoo64lelerace, not funny21:45
DcmacAnyone know what to do?21:45
leleraceSorry, I don't understand. What do you mean?  Sorry, I don't understand. What do you mean?21:45
leleraceOK, I grok that21:45
leleraceGentoo64: OK, I grok that21:45
leleraceSorry, I don't understand. What do you mean?21:45
leleraceOK, I grok that21:45
damselfly9rampaging bot on the lose21:46
frank1985lelerace, turig fail21:46
leleraceSorry, I don't understand. What do you mean?21:46
leleracefrank1985: OK, I grok that21:46
xangua!ops | lelerace21:46
ubottulelerace: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!21:46
leleracexangua: Sorry, I don't understand. What do you mean?21:46
leleraceubottu: Sorry, I don't understand. What do you mean?  Sorry, I don't understand. What do you mean?  Sorry, I don't understand. What do you mean?21:46
ubottulelerace: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:46
wildcard__Can ayone help me with a networking/driver question, please?21:46
alazare619im looking for a irc daemon to put on my server but has to have frontends for linux and windows as i have multiple pc's on the same networl any ideas?21:46
sstaScopey: yes, then use arrows to get to the kernel you're booting (it's probably the top one), press "e" to edit, scroll to the line that starts "linux" and add: vmalloc=256M21:46
biopytesneakster, synaptic is the recommended package manager21:46
gh0striderbobo377773: hey bobo! i am glad you are still here hey i was wondering if i could ask you one more question about znes? i know this may sound dumb but how the hell do you maximize znes i tried using that square next to the "x to exit out of znes" but it doesn't maximize it so do you know how?21:46
wulflingok so he';s gonje21:47
biopytesneakster, its in the adminstration menu21:47
Gentoo64gh0strider, you need to change resi n the options21:47
alazare619im looking for a irc daemon to put on my server but has to have frontends for linux and windows as i have multiple pc's on the same networl any ideas?21:47
Gentoo64gh0strider, you can maximize the window tho21:47
Scopeyok ssta i'm going to switch back over and get on irc on another device to be safe, brb21:47
wildcard__Or can anyone tell me where in the sp22996.exe I can find teh needed drivers, and how to isntall them?21:48
gh0striderGentoo64: i tried looking at the options, do you know which ones specifically?21:48
=== g__ is now known as Guest52058
Gentoo64gh0strider, config, video, modes21:48
bobo37773gh0strider: Sure give me a second. I am pming with someone right now about a poweroff bug21:48
Gentoo64gh0strider, ones with F at the end are fullscreen21:48
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=== Guest52058 is now known as draxo
damselfly9alazare619, freenode used ircd-hybrid21:49
biopytesneakster, if you have just made a fresh install, an update is recommended ... check the update manager in the administration menu21:49
=== Guest79578 is now known as Scopey
draxoanyone here have any luck with composite and xinerama working together?21:49
fwesti installed a base system with no X etc21:50
wildcard__I have a problem, that is fairly major, involving networking and wireless drivers on Ubuntu 11.10.  I have downloaded the drivers for my card, but they are in .exe form.  I opened it to find the ini file so I could try to load the drivers, but I have no clue what to look for.  The drivers are the SP22996 for teh Mobile Intel Pro 100 NIC, halp, please...?21:50
fwestother than gdm and gnome-shell, what do i need to get a gnome-shell working?21:50
sneaksterGonna ask a dumb, dumb question21:50
sneakster....wheres the administration menu21:50
damselfly9alazare619, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BIRCd21:50
biopytesneakster, in tne main menu (ubuntu icon in the toolbar)21:51
biopytein gnome21:51
gh0striderhmmm i am really thinking that snes is better than znes21:51
Gentoo64gh0strider, zsnes is the fastest one21:52
gh0strideri have noticed that, that znes seems to run smoother than snes21:52
Gentoo64zsnes is written almost entirely in assembly21:52
gh0striderGentoo64: do you know of a good regular "nes emulator" for ubuntu?21:52
gh0strideri am looking to play regular nintendo games instead of super nintendo...21:53
mongysneakster, you might either want to use indicator-appmenu for a a classic menu or use a desktop that still uses those types of menus, like kde, xfce, lxde21:53
Gentoo64does zsnes not do nes as well?21:53
yumbowildcard__, don't bother with .exe files on Linux, you cannot install drivers that way21:53
wildcard__Or perhaps there is a website with a repository of all the intel network drivers for linux?21:53
wildcard__Some help you be awesome...21:53
yumbowildcard__, the intel drivers should be installed already21:54
wildcard__It is not showing my device at all21:54
gh0striderGentoo: hmm good question..21:54
yumbowildcard__, do you have internet access?21:54
gh0striderGentoo64: i bet snes will do nes games also, i didn't even think about that...21:54
sneaksterkde-xfce-lxde, whats the general consensus and advantages/drawbacks?21:54
gridlock__can i use wubi to install other distrobutions? (blackbuntu)21:54
Gentoo64gh0strider, i have no idea tbh21:55
mongysneakster, personal preference.21:55
Gentoo64gh0strider, try it lol21:55
wildcard__I do on my other machine currently, the one in question requires hardline until I fix it, but seriously, it was a windows xp machine until 2 eeks ago, and I was wireless the entire time.21:55
mongysneakster, load a vm and try them all out.21:55
biopytesneakster, there are tons of comparisons ... just google it21:55
Gentoo64sneakster, tbh, the lighter ones are always better. you only lose the smoother looks21:56
wildcard__It's just acting like I have no wireless card, and someone told me to download the driver.exe file, saying something can be done involving it to get my wireless working21:56
wildcard__So, I got my sp22996.exe file downloaded, I just have no clue what to do, and I cannot find anythign via google on the problem21:57
biopytesneakster, as it seems you are a total beginner ... why not getting familiar with the basic system first and play around later ... just my 2 cents21:57
alazare619ok i guess i need to rephrase what i need...I dont need like a "server" I need a single outgoing irc connection to like freenode etc that all my machines on my network can connect to and use the same user account if you know what i mean kinda like deluge-daemon etc21:57
rikingmeh. i prefer #wolfgame21:57
damselfly9wildcard__, they probably meant to use "ndiswrapper" to have linux run your windows driver21:57
gh0striderGentoo64: do you know if a wireless usb xbox controller will work with ubuntu or is it better to get a controller (for snes or znes) that is not wireless for ubuntu?21:57
wildcard__You are probably right.21:58
wildcard__Will that work?21:58
sneaksterthe sad sad sad thing is I got an A in a redhat linux class21:58
Gentoo64gh0strider, not sure about wireless, bit i use the wired 360 controller with the kernel driver and it works great21:58
sneaksterand now it takes me 40 minutes to mv a file and change a config :p21:58
damselfly9wildcard__, ndiswrapper has been known to work21:58
yumbowildc4rd, I asked if you have internet access on your laptop at the moment?21:58
sneaksterfuntimes though21:58
wildcard__I do.21:58
gh0striderGentoo64: you are using a wired xbox 360 controller that plugs into your usb port?21:58
yumbowildcard__, then what's the problem?21:59
Gentoo64gh0strider, best controller ever :)21:59
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gh0stridergentoo64: great thanks for the info man i appreciate it21:59
wildcard__Its hardlined.  My wireless card is not working.21:59
sneaksterAny reccomended reading for ze newbs21:59
wildcard__I don't always have a hardline option21:59
gh0strideri am going to order a controller tonight and i can't wait till i get it..21:59
biopytesneakster,  then tell your teacher to teach you how to log out  ..... :-o21:59
sneaksterBest controller ever was the SNES pad, thats why all the good controllers ever since owe most of their design to it21:59
Gentoo64gh0strider, yea just get the plain basic wired 360 pad21:59
yumbowildcard__, what does "iwconfig" give you?21:59
Gentoo64sneakster, good luck with analog games :)22:00
Gentoo64even the military use the 360 pad22:00
sneaksterbut even analog controllers are snes pads with an analog addition22:00
wildcard__No wireless extensions22:00
hensonHave a base Ubuntu install. Just installed PulseAudio. How do I change the volume levels? Is there a command-line util?22:00
wildcard__lo and eth0 both22:00
sneaksterI need a pc pad with a GOOD d-pad, they all have the crappy d-pad style where you push one direction and it will go another22:01
OerHekshenson alsamixer22:01
Gentoo64sneakster, thats the only downside to the 360 pad, but they made one with improved dpad i havent tried it tho22:01
Scopeyssta: http://paste.ubuntu.com/819370/22:01
hensonOerHeks: That's what I've done before. Is that correct? Seems weird to use another sound daemons settings. though I guess alsa is different22:01
sstaScopey: yep, xfs module loaded :)22:02
sstaScopey: now you might want to make it permanent...22:02
mongyI still have my saitek (p60 p600 something? it's old but works still).  its basically a ps2 pad clone22:02
Scopeyssta: dude you are freaking amazing, i just need it to run for this boot, so i can copy stuff over22:02
Scopeyno need for permanence lol22:02
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sstaScopey: ah, cool.  Goosd luck getting your data then22:02
Scopeyssta: lemme test it out real fast and get back to you22:03
OerHekshenson it should work, i know the name is confusing, not the reason why.22:03
nahuel_ubuntu spañol por favor ?22:03
sneaksterGentoo64: yeah thats the shame of it, the 360 pad is great... but anything pre playstation is a little off with the old dpa22:04
nahuel_spanish chanel please22:04
=== Knorre`BNC is now known as Knorre
guntbert!es | nahuel_22:04
ubottunahuel_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:04
Gentoo64sneakster, i used to have a ps3 pad, the dpad is fine on that22:04
wildcard__So, what can I do with ndiswrapper involving the .exe file?22:04
wildcard__Because honestly there are a LOT of files in the .exe, and I am not sure which is the proper one to open22:05
damselfly9wildcard__, first you need to extract the driver files out of the .exe22:05
Scopeyssta: so now I can mount the drive and see it in the file manager, but when i try to copy data it says for each folder that i do not have permissions to read22:05
sneaksterGentoo64: I'll have to check it out22:05
wildcard__Just open with archive manager and extract all to a single folder?22:05
sneaksterinstalling lxde now, hope its smooth22:05
mumbles__i am > < close to reinstalling22:06
damselfly9wildcard__, best to extract it with sub-directory paths22:06
sstaScopey: ah, what commandline did you use to mount it?22:06
wildcard__....dunno what you mean22:06
Scopeyssta: it just seems like certain files have a lock sign on them in the file manager, how do i fix that?22:06
Serythmumbles__: What's the problem?22:06
Scopeyssta: sudo mount -t xfs /dev/sdb422:06
mumbles__nvidia graphics card drivers22:06
damselfly9wildcard__, go ahead and extract22:06
mumbles__ive removed purged and reinstaled and still no luck22:07
Serythmumbles__: What card have you got? I've got an nVidia card, and it works fine....22:07
mumbles__erm. gt21822:07
mumbles__thats what lspci shows22:07
Serythmumbles__: I'm on driver 17322:07
SerythSeems to work fine22:07
sstaScopey: sudo mount -t xfs /dev/sdb4  -o remount,uid=${ID}22:07
sstaScopey: I think that will; work, if not we can try again22:07
mumbles__mine worked fine till thismorning at 9am22:08
wildcard__Alright, it's extracted.22:08
mumbles__then it faild22:08
Scopeyssta: do i put something in ID?22:08
sstaScopey: no, the shell should do that for you22:08
Serythmumbles__: Did you do anything?22:08
sstaScopey: but I got it the wrong way around I think22:08
mumbles__Seryth, nope.22:08
Scopeyssta: i think you did, what way should it be?22:08
mumbles__well not before it broke anyway22:08
Serythmumbles__: Auto updates?22:08
BenPAyumbo: is the the info from the other two ... http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/819379/22:08
mumbles__Seryth, could be i suppose.22:09
sstasudo mount -t xfs -o remount,uid=${UID} /dev/sdb422:09
damselfly9wildcard__, now you need to identify the proper ndis driver files.22:09
mumbles__got a good guide ?22:09
Serythmumbles__: Might be worth trying to rollback your driver. I'm busy now otherwise I would walk you through it :/ perhaps another kind soul will ;)22:09
sstaScopey: that's if it's already mounted.  If it's not already mounted then you can take out remount22:09
wildcard__Oh, boy.  How do I do that, damselfly9?22:09
damselfly9wildcard__, for that you may need to read the readmes that hopefully were included22:10
mumbles__Seryth going to remove perge and try again22:10
Scopeyssta: k i did that but nothing seemed to happen22:10
sneaksterlxde is nice22:10
yumboBenPA, did you try replacing the file with the others and doing "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" ?22:10
Serythmumbles__: K.22:10
sstaScopey: if nothing happened it probably mounted.  Look again now in the file manager22:10
sneaksterThank god, it doesn't feel my laptop is running a dang cellphone os22:10
Gentoo64sneakster, yeah its a lot snappier isnt it22:10
mumbles__or try to find my install cd.22:11
Scopeyssta: still has locked folders22:11
BenPAyumbo: no22:11
sstaScopey: what's the output of: mount|grep sdb422:11
BenPAyumbo: hold on22:11
Scopeyssta: /dev/sdb4 on /media/xyz type xfs (rw)22:12
SerythMy friend has an external fat30 formatted HDD that he wants to lend me, but when I plug it in, nothing mounts, and I can't see the drive at all. Is there a way to get round this?22:12
damselfly9wildcard__, after you identify the file(s) in question, here's a good place to start- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3192622:12
Gentoo64Seryth, does it show up in fdisk -l22:12
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hensonOerHeks: So, is it Pulse -> Alsa -> Firefox?22:12
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sneaksterHmm, now to try out xchat22:13
SerythGentoo64: Eeeugh, I don't have it with me atm :/ I should probs grab it from him, and try again.22:13
Serythsneakster: xchat is great :)22:13
sstaScopey: is it in /etc/fstab?22:13
SerythGentoo64: :O it's you! I'm mang0, do you remember me?22:13
Scopeyssta: i'm sorry, could you elaborate on that?22:13
Gentoo64Seryth, i remember the name mang0 sort of22:13
sstaScopey: what's the output of: grep sdb4 /etc/fstab22:14
SerythGentoo64: Lol, I only vaguely remember you anyway ;) I'm sure I spoke to you in #ubuntu-offtopic at some point...I can't remember for the life of me what about though!22:14
Scopeyssta: nothing22:14
Gentoo64Seryth, 3d printer?22:15
wildcard__damselfly9 - It doesn't tell me in the readme, is there another way of finding out which drivers are mine?22:15
Gentoo64no? ok lol22:15
Gentoo64i never really go in offtopic22:15
SerythGentoo64: It might have been related to 3D stuff. I do 3D modelling and animation, so....hmm.22:15
SerythMaybe it was a different channel.22:15
SerythI've defo spoken to you before though :P22:15
damselfly9wildcard__, that would have been the best way. I don't have your wifi card, so I can't tell you22:16
Gentoo64Seryth, when you get that drive, if it dont mount in the file manager, do fdisk -l and get the device name and just try manually mounting it22:16
scwizardI'm looking for a sendmail compatible program that will authenticate to a remote SMTP server with the username of the user running the program.22:17
alazare619could someone direct me towards a list of client-server style irc clients that have frontends in linux and windows and even android would be neat but not necessary22:17
scwizarddoes a program like this exist?22:17
Scopeyssta: tbh it's only a relatively small number of files if that has you stumped i can live with losing them22:17
SerythGentoo64: Will do. How do I manually mount a drive? `mount /dev/sdb2` or something? brb.22:17
sneaksterthe sweet sweet taskbar22:17
sstaScopey: nah, I've done this much, we'll get the rest of the way :)22:17
WomkesWhat kind of firewall would you recommend for a simple ubuntu server. Going to serve some websites, maybe e-mail hosting22:17
sstaScopey: output of: ls -ld /media/xyz22:17
Gentoo64Seryth, as root, mkdir /mnt/something then mount /dev/sd* /mnt/thing22:18
SlartWomkes: iptables is the standard firewall, perhaps get a gui for it if you're going to do special things with it22:18
Slart!firewall | Womkes22:18
ubottuWomkes: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE Lucid and Maverick) also exist.22:18
Scopeyssta: drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 101 2010-05-12 15:49 /media/xyz22:18
Gentoo64Womkes, ufw is good22:18
Gentoo64easy as well22:18
Womkesah ok, its ubuntu server though22:19
Womkescommand line22:19
scwizardI know that postfix doesn't do this, mutt doesn't do this, mini_sendmail doesn't do this and msmtp doesn't do this22:19
sstaScopey: is it a big filesystem?22:19
Gentoo64Womkes, ufw is cli as well22:19
Gentoo64Womkes, ufw enable blah, etc22:19
Scopeyssta: in what sense?22:19
Womkeslooks good22:19
r0b-is there a way to disable the rightlight stuff on my logitech webcam usinb ubuntu?22:19
[[thufir]]Wulong: still here.22:19
sstaScopey: lots and lots of data on it?22:19
Womkesthank you! :)22:19
Scopeyssta: 1.8 tb22:19
WomkesI will give it a try22:19
sstaScopey: okay, that's too big to copy everything...22:19
Scopeyssta: maybe closer to 1.722:19
Scopeyssta: i have a drive to put everything on to22:20
sstascoopex: I *really* don't beleive I'm about to tell you to do this...  sudo nautilus22:20
sstaScopey: then copy your files22:20
Scopeyssta: when i try to it says certain folders/files are unreadable22:21
sstaScopey: then afterwards you'll need to change their ownership to you rather than root22:21
Slart*cough* gksu22:21
auronandacessta: surely you mean: gksudo nautilus22:21
sstaScopey: yes, that's because they're owned by root, not you22:21
sstaauronandace: if you say so22:21
Gentoo64gksudo nautilus wont make any difference to sudo nautilus22:21
Scopeyso how do i change that for those folders/files?22:21
Gentoo64for that22:21
sstaScopey: chown username filename22:23
sstaScopey: if there are lots you can use wildcards22:23
yumbossta, what about "sudo chown -R username /media/mountpoint" ?22:23
sstaScopey: I'm afraid I don't know of a GUI way to chown.  There may be one, but I wouldn't know22:23
Scopeyssta: can i just tell it to do that for an entire folder?, and how do i point it towards each specific file?22:23
sstaScopey: yes, you can use -R22:24
gh0striderhmmm FCEUX nes emulator for some reason does not let you configure the keyboard to use...you must only be able to use a joystick with it...22:24
sstaScopey: chown -R username folder/22:24
yumbossta, Is it not a better idea just to chown the whole drive?22:24
gh0striderdoes anyone here use FCEUX nes emulator?22:24
Gentoo64gh0strider, never heard of it22:24
sstayumbo: I don't know if he wants to keep the drive afterwards...I prefer not to destroy the permissions currently in the drive (it's not my drive, or my data)22:25
gh0striderits available in the repo's22:25
sstaif xfs allowed you to set uid on mount, this would be much easier, but it doesn't22:25
Scopeyyumbo: I tried doing that and chown came back saying invalid user, i just typed my username as i see it when i login22:25
Scopeyssta: btw after i'm done doing this i'm formatting the xfs drive22:25
sstaScopey: did you do: chown username directory ?22:26
sstaumm, -R22:26
sstachown -R username directory22:26
Scopeyi did sudo chown -R MYUSERNAME /media/xyz22:26
sstaI don't know how xfs handles users22:26
Scopeyssta: and it returned with chown: invalid user: 'USERNAME'22:27
sstaScopey: yeah, that should have worked.  Maybe xfs doesn't do ownership like that, I don't know22:27
danny_how do i install .deb files through the terminal22:27
SerythGentoo64: Ah, k, thanks. :) I'll let you know if it works.22:27
OerHeksdanny_, sudo dpkg -i <package>.deb22:28
initdanny_ dpkg --install <debpath>22:28
danny_ha do they both work ?22:28
Scopeyssta: so it's something to do with how xfs sets permissions? not with my username22:28
sstaScopey: I imagine so, yes.  I don't know much about xfs though.22:29
BenPAyumbo: it didn't work but the rfkill hardware is no longer blocked22:29
initdanny_ yes22:29
initMine needs a root shell22:29
initor a sudo in front22:29
prowerhello :> i'm trying to change my default version of ruby to 1.9.1 so that i can set up a rails application in 11.10...can anyone point me to a ubuntu-specific guide on how to do that?22:29
Scopeyssta: alright thats fine I can live with the files I lost22:30
sstaScopey: they're there.  If you want to copy ALL the files, that's easy22:30
Scopeyssta: as in the entire drive?22:30
Scopeyssta: thats basically what i want to do22:30
sstaScopey: sudo cp -a /mnt/xyz /home/USERNAME/xyz22:31
sstathen: chown USERNAME /home/USERNAME/xyz22:31
sstaumm, -R22:31
sstachown -R USERNAME /home/USERNAME/xyz22:31
SlayersZhow do you have multiple emacs windows with just one terminal?22:31
sstaumm, sudo in front of the chown22:31
sstadamn, I must be getting tired22:31
Scopeyssta: what exactly will this do, so for instance i want to copy the contents of the xyz drive to the hard drive with the name Media22:32
Gentoo64SlayersZ, tmux22:32
_NiCSlayersZ, you can at least use screen.22:32
sstaScopey: to your home directory, or somewhere else?22:32
Scopeyssta: to a different drive22:32
sstaScopey: where's the differentr drive mounted?22:33
Scopeyssta: it's listed on the GUI under devices as Media22:33
zaxonspoxhello, can sbdy tell my why PiTiVi refuse to render a DVD imported clip? It stops at beginning saing "Rendering" and doing nothing22:33
sstaprobably /media/Media then I imagine...22:33
sstatry: sudo cp -a /media/xyz/* /media/Media22:34
sstait will take a long time, 2TB of data is a fair chunk22:34
_NiCScopey, a 'mount' or 'df' should show you where it's been mounted.22:34
Scopeyssta: should i see something happening in this time? i put in the command and there's just an empty line right now22:35
sstaScopey: that meansit's working22:35
_NiCScopey, add -v to see what it does.22:35
sstaScopey: as long as it doesn't stop with an error, it's doing stuff.  You should be able to see files appearing in Media now22:35
_NiCI tend to prefer rsync over cp when I copy lots of stuff22:36
ssta_NiC: I'm trying not to overload him...22:36
Loshkizaxonspox: also try #pitivi22:36
ssta_NiC: he's struggling with the idea of cp -a, let's not stick rsync -HavP into the mix, eh? :)22:36
Raymond_is ./configure a file or a command22:37
Scopey_NiC thanks for the tips, ssta is explaining it like he's explaining to a retard because i'm literally on day alpha and omega with linux22:37
_NiCRaymond_, well.. a file.22:37
_NiCRaymond_, that you can run.22:37
_NiCRaymond_, in other words, an executable file.22:37
ScopeyI'll be honest, i'm only on ubuntu right now because this damned drive is xfs22:37
agentgasmaskHi all. I remember reading before how to get a program to launch once you login, insted of gnome (or whatever wm you are useing). It was just a simple edit of a file like .xsession or something... Any tips?22:38
sstato be fair, you're doing really well...if all the people I supported were as good I'd have a lot less stress in my life than I do :)22:38
Bisu[Shield]how do i prevent my computer from sending emails to a particular recipient, regardless of the application attempting to send it?22:38
_NiCHow do I get out of this black window?!?!!122:38
Scopeyssta: thanks for the compliment lol, right now some folders have appeared by only the small ones, the big one still hasn't shown yet so i'm a little concerned22:39
_cbhow do you exit man ? ctr-c does not seem to do it22:39
_NiC_cb, q22:39
Alekixwhen using gnome3 with ubuntu 11.10, my system occasionally freezes, unresponsive to any kind of input (or ping/ssh). any ideas for what i can do to try to find the cause?22:39
sstaScopey: they'll be copied over...it's a LOT of data.  I wouldn't be surprised if it took a few hours22:39
_NiCAlekix, run a top in a terminal and see if something is spiking in cpu-usage22:40
Bisu[Shield]then how do i prevent php from sending to a particular recipient regardless of script?22:40
BenPAyumbo: it didn't work but the rfkill hardware is no longer blocked ... thanks for your help ... I will continue to search it out22:40
* agentgasmask is going to go eat. mesage him with thought on his query.22:41
Alekix_NiC, to see if something's spiking in CPU usage when it crashes?22:41
_NiCoops, gotta run to the subway!22:41
_NiCback in 45. :-)22:41
LoshkiBisu[Shield]: which user does it send mail to?22:41
Bisu[Shield]you mean recipient? web@domain.com22:41
Bisu[Shield]i dont understand22:42
Bisu[Shield]I am using ubuntu 11.1022:42
excelsioris there a package for teachers to make test question banks and create tests?22:42
LoshkiBisu[Shield]: that's ok, you answered my question. web@domain.com is pretty generic. Did it never offer to have you enter some other email when you installed it?22:43
zaxonspoxexcelsior, there was - educa or something like this22:43
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ubottuVirtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox22:44
OerHeksexcelsior, i think you should take a look at edubuntu22:45
ubottuEdubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative aimed at schools and educational institutions. For more info, see http://www.edubuntu.org22:45
blackjackelNeed help on finding the newest created file on my drive, I googled and the best way to find the newest file in a directory is ls -tr | tail -n 122:54
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ironhalikAnyone knows the solution to Xorg causing cpu spikes when scrolling through webpages? (using any nvidia drivers)22:58
ironhalikits kinda insane, at moments, renders the system unusable, and google returns tons of results, dating evn years back22:58
ironhalikten bugreports, and its still there22:58
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initblackjackel, use find / -mmin -2 to show the files modified in the last 2 mins23:02
ilpollopanich chanel please23:04
osmosisdoes thunderbird support  signature.asc files?23:04
ilpollospanish chanel tanks23:04
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:04
urlin2uilpollo, you get that channel?23:04
Scopeyssta: sorry I went AFK putting my pc back together, but a few things: a) how will i know when the transfer is done? b) after that what was the terminal command I should use to change permissions on the media drive and c) a thousand times over thank you you have no idea how much you've saved me23:05
blackjackelok, it's not working, apparently the files I want to find aren't newly created, possibly newly modified, how do i find the most recently modified files?23:06
sstaScopey: it wil be done when the command prompe comes back.  chmod -R USERNAME /media/Media/  And you are very welcome.  The best of luck :)23:06
Wulong[[thufir]]: still here?23:06
[[thufir]]Wulong: you're having trouble starting x?23:07
Scopeyssta: thanks dude, now this pc has 5 tb of storage :S i'll never buy WD products again.23:07
Wulong[[thufir]]: uhm, no. You must be mistaken.23:07
[[thufir]]lol.  mix up23:07
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bobo37773Nixi: Hey nixi23:08
cosmicfireswhy is the 0 group in ubuntu named funroot now? it breaks things23:09
Jordan_Ucosmicfires: It's not in a default install of Ubuntu.23:09
bobo37773Phong_: Hey23:09
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=== ` is now known as Jasonn
cosmicfiresoh I know what happened23:10
Phong_how to set ubuntu to have sftp23:10
cosmicfiresoops operator screw up hehe23:10
cosmicfiresI was editing /etc/group23:10
Phong_iwant sftp instead of just ftp23:10
blackjackelAnybody know how to find the most recently modified files on my filesystem?23:11
ejvPhong_: sudo apt-get install openssh-server ; then login over port 22 using your PAM credentials.23:11
osmosishmm..this guides not too informative.. http://www.randombugs.com/linux/gpg-ubuntu-debian.html23:11
Jordan_Ublackjackel: What is your actual end goal?23:12
blackjackelim trying to find files that this program is creating, i want to see where these files are being made or modified, thats my end goal23:12
ejvblackjackel: find with options -ctime or -mtime; man find.23:12
blackjackelits not creating these files, but modifying them, i want to see which file is modified23:12
blackjackeli can't use manpages because this is my iphone, no man pages saved here23:13
Phong_ejv can u pm me??? im using cell phone to chat23:13
ejvblackjackel: there are plenty of web-based man pages, example: http://unixhelp.ed.ac.uk/CGI/man-cgi?find23:13
Jordan_Ublackjackel: This channel is for Ubuntu, not for iOS. #bash *might* be able to help you.23:13
Phong_ejv pm me what u just type23:14
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ejvsry i'll only provide support here23:14
cosmicfiresdo I need to not be running X to change Ubuntu to XFCE?23:14
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ironhalikbtw, hows the 64bit ubuntu doing? is it more problematic then the 32bit?23:15
bobo37773cosmicfires: Do you need to be running X? Yeah probably.23:15
Jordan_Ucosmicfires: You will need to log out, change the session preference at the login screen, then log back in again.23:15
ejvit was problematic maybe 10 years ago23:15
ejvtime to crawl out from underneath that rock you're living under ;)23:15
cosmicfiresI've been running 10.04 64 bit, no problems23:15
OerHeksironhalik, great, next ubuntu 12.04 LTS will be recommended 64 bit.23:15
Jordan_Uironhalik: No. I can't think of anything off the top of my head that is more difficult for 64 bit Ubuntu.23:15
ironhalikcool, thanks23:16
cosmicfiresyou can even compile 32 bit binaries23:16
ironhalikI just remember older times, then 64bit linux was a nightmare ;>23:16
XouriiWhy does Ubuntu have so many updates? It's almost daily. I'm not complaining, I just wanna know why.23:17
Phong_evj what is PAM?23:17
ejv99% of people don't understand the difference between 32bit and 64bit anyways.23:17
ejvPhong_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pluggable_authentication_module23:18
XouriiWhy does Ubuntu have so many updates? It's almost daily. I'm not complaining, I just wanna know why.23:18
ejv!patience | Xourii23:18
ubottuXourii: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:18
AkivaWhat is the notification daemon, and does anyone have any ideas as to where to start in regards to customizing it? I want it to notify me when certain keywords in IRC are used ~23:19
ejvAkiva: libnotify comes to mind23:19
Akivaejv: I can't find it in the terminal23:19
Guest78537Xourii: have a look at all the packages you have installed.. the more you have the more likely you'll get an update.. for example, a server usually has less23:19
Jordan_UAkiva: If you're looking for a command to create notifications, try "notify-send".23:19
Guest78537Xourii: if it's desktop, i would expect daily23:19
AkivaJordan_U: thanks23:19
Jordan_UAkiva: You're welcome.23:20
ejvisn't it libnotify-bin23:20
XouriiHow often are they security updates?23:20
* ejv doesn't use ubuntu...23:20
XouriiI'm coming from Win7, so I'm not used to it. ;)23:20
* ejv sighs23:20
lofo_bangconnect irc.anonnet.org23:20
Guest78537Xourii: as often as they need to be..  some are critical, some are not.. you can choose.23:20
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ejvbasically whenever a vulnerability needs patching or an improvement is pushed out by the maintainers.23:21
urlin2uXourii, it is open source lots of people working independently on the software may be why there updates more often then say MS.23:22
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ejvXourii: good basic introduction available here: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-faq/ch-pkg_basics.en.html23:24
blackjackelthanks for your help guys23:24
blackjackelthank you init23:24
Guest58674Xourii: I actually like the fact it's frequent.  Reduces chances of being exploited.23:24
XouriiGuest58674:Oh, yeah. I'm not complaining23:24
XouriiI was just curious23:25
Guest58674Xourii: didn't think you were.. good questions to ask :D23:25
ejvi don't think i share your confidence in the system; look at that recent /proc/pid/mem vulnerability...23:25
XouriiGuest58674: Yeah, I'm so new to Ubuntu. It's very different from Win7.  It's a little tricky, but I'll learn.23:26
ejvupdates are great and all, but they aren't a warm, fuzzy security blanket to put absolute trust in.23:26
froek_ejv: confidence.. not sure what you mean23:26
ejvtrue security needs a layered approach.23:26
froek_Xourii: good on you for trying :)  Linux is great :)23:26
froek_ejv: oh yeah for sure.. this is just simple stuff..23:27
RaHorachtyhola, is a program for multi-language linguistical entry available?23:27
ejvvi? emacs?23:27
Xouriifroek_: I'm trying to figure out why our schools still use Win98.  Ubuntu does everything a school computer does, looks better, and is free.23:28
ejvshort answer: incumbent job security.23:28
eutheriawhich package do i need to install to get the pretty ubuntu boot screen?23:29
sdsdsshorter answer: kids dont know shit about cli23:29
Jordan_URaHorachty: I don't use it, so I can't be sure, but "SCIM" might be a good place to start looking.23:29
ejvlanguage sdsds ...23:29
ejvkeep it clean :)23:29
ejvit's probably administrative mismanagement / lack of technical skill to adaquately audit your school's IT, and the IT personnell themselves who have a desire to maintain an antiquated system because they are the only ones who know how.23:30
Jordan_Ueutheria: Are you talking about the boot menu (grub theme) or the boot splash / progress (plymouth)?23:30
Xouriisdsds: Yeah, I'm new to it too, but I rarely come across a command line when doing things I'd do at school (word processing, web browsing, GIMP)23:31
eutheriaJordan_U, boot screen, not grub23:31
Jordan_Ueutheria: Then you're looking for "plymouth" and whatever plymouth theme you want to use. A standard install of Ubuntu comes with a plymouth theme by default though, so I don't know why you'd need to install it yourself.23:32
sdsdsthere's stuff like linux class where they teach you linux specifically23:32
eutheriaJordan_U, because i didn't do a standard install23:33
SharpclawHey, guys! I'm here for any questions related to Ubuntu.23:33
Jordan_USharpclaw: You don't need to (and shouldn't) announce yourself. Just wait for someone to ask a question you know the answer to, and answer it :)23:33
SharpclawJordan_U: Oh. Ok. First time on the IRC channel.23:34
DajeppHi all - I am having wifi trouble - just installed a new WLAN card in my dell (xubuntu) and I cant get it to find any networks - any ideas?  BTW i have ald=ready installed wicd and uninstalled network23:34
Xouriisdsds: I'm an average 13-year-old, and I can figure it all out without a class. I'm pretty sure most competent kids could, although I could use a little class on it. Our computers teacher should be teaching us stuff like this.23:34
sdsdsXourii: cute23:35
sstasdsds: you can't really learn more than the basics from a class...most of it is experience23:36
Xouriisdsds: ?23:36
KentrelI messed about with audio settings, and now I've noticed that there's a huge latency in audio in Quakelive using Firefox23:37
KentrelNot sure how to fix it or if it's even an Ubuntu issue23:37
=== Knorre is now known as Knorre`BNC
KimbleHey. Has anyone re-compiled their kernel for ext2 compression support? If so, how stable/effective is it?23:40
ejvtry and find out, im sure there are benchmarks online; ext2 itself is rather antiquated.23:41
XouriiAnyone know of some desktops that look a bit like Win7 or OSX?23:41
ejvXourii: there's fluxbox, wmii, lxde, gnome, kde, xfce, take your pick23:41
tankrehello everybody23:41
Xouriiejv: and that's for Ubuntu?23:42
Kimbleejv: yes, it is antiquated. But I tried btrfs, and ran into problems, and reiser4 I think requires a lot of work to install - not to mention its future is doubtful.23:42
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spivwaqHello: any way to have 2 different wallpapers on a dual display with 11.10?23:43
ejvgimp :)23:43
ejvstick them together, save as one file, voila!23:44
Kimbleejv: as for "try and find out" - the whole point of asking here is that it's a lot of work, not to mention a learning curve, for me to just "try and find out."23:44
kasiiam here23:44
ejvKimble: im sorry, you sounded rather experienced. and on any modern multiple core cpu + the advent of virtualization; compiling multiple kernels and benchmarking is trivial.23:45
cordycepslubuntu-11.10 doesnt have startup disk creator. How do I get it?23:46
acerimmertankre: greetings23:46
Kimbleejv: sure, probably. But unfortunately, I'm not that experienced, and I was hoping to forego the whole compile process, not to mention learning how to do it, by asking here whether it was worth my while.23:46
bobo37773kasii: Hey23:47
ejvKimble: what exactly made you aware of ext2's compression ability23:47
waldenso i'm planning to back up a bunch of files from within windows to a USB drive. if i want to access these files from ubuntu later, should i format the drive as FAT32 or NTFS?23:47
bobo37773kasii: pm me23:47
KimbleI think it was listed as a footnote on the Wikipedia webpage that lists and compares filesystems.23:47
waldenit seems like ubuntu's NTFS support is pretty good now right?23:47
acerimmerh4ckm3th32nd: greetings23:47
ejveither is fine walden23:47
ejvif you want to be absolutely certain but give up large file support, FAT32 it is23:48
Kimbleoh, wait, NTFS support is pretty mature on Ub?  Does it support fs-level compression?23:48
za3kI am having trouble with a boot to xdm.  Is this the right room to ask?23:48
waldenejv: what sort of large file support am i giving up by going to FAT32?23:49
KimbleI specifically mean the Linux implementation - I know NTFS supports compression.23:49
waldenalso, could long filenames or funny characters still cause issues?23:49
waldenKimble: eh, i'd be wary of using compressed NTFS filesystems with ubuntu, but i am the conservative sort23:50
ejvwalden: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_Allocation_Table#Size_limits23:50
Kimblethanks walden.  It's not for anything critical.  If nothing else meets my needs, I'll give it a shot.23:50
ejvi'm a conduit to wikipedia today23:50
ejvpeople are getting lazy :)23:50
Phong_ejv i did install but why i cant connect???23:50
waldenhmm 2GB files are the limit?23:51
Phong_it keep asking for user and pass23:51
ejvPhong_: how should I know?23:51
Kimbleejv: don't be afraid to just tell people to Google or Wikipedia it if you don't know off-hand :)23:51
waldeni suppose that means my 10gb wubi install won't fit on FAT3223:51
ejvKimble: for that particular question, I did know, but I prefer to present the tablated data depending on sector density for him23:52
Xouriidoes the Ubuntu software center have a minimum reqs area for games?23:52
waldeni could also copy the files from within ubuntu, but for some reason i "trust" windows to back up those NTFS files more23:52
cordycepslubuntu-11.10 doesnt have startup disk creator. How do I get it?23:52
ejvXourii: software center and/or synaptic are 'smart' enough to assemble the dependency graph for any software you want.23:52
Xouriiejv: Can you dumb it down a little for me?23:53
ejvwalden: basically anything over a 4GB file, and you'll hit the hard limit on filesize, that doesn't mean you can't have a 200G FAT32 partition though. go nuts.23:53
Phong_ejv ok when i do ftp from windows 7 , it display proFTPD23:54
ejvXourii: software center will install anything you need, when you try to install the game you want.23:54
Jordan_UXourii: When you say "reqs" are you asking about CPU/GPU/RAM requirements for games?23:54
za3kXourii: If there's anything you need to install a game, it will automatically be installed.23:54
Kimblewalden: go meshuga :)23:54
Phong_is proftpd part of ubuntu?23:54
waldenKimble: meshuga?23:54
XouriiJordan_U: yes.23:54
Kimblewalden: Yiddish for "mad" or "nuts".23:55
waldenah hmm23:55
KimbleI was quoting "Inside Man", cos of what ejv said :)23:55
ejvyou don't *need* proftpd if you have openssh-server listening on 22, you can just weild SFTP instead.23:55
Phong_well how to get it out?23:55
roadfishI have two Ubuntu machines hooked up with an ethernet-cable (no router) and want to view videos from the first on the second. I saw suggestions of NFS, Samba, and some ideas involving SSH. I already have openssh-server setup up-and-running on the first PC. So, what is the best approach to get video watching?23:55
waldeni guess NTFS -> NTFS from within windows is the safest bet23:55
Phong_how to uninstall proftpd then?23:56
waldenthough i'd like to get all this stuff on a ext3 fileserver eventually23:56
ejvi have no idea what the proftpd package is called, I assume `apt-get remove proftpd`23:56
cordycepslubuntu-11.10 here. Synaptic doesn't list startup-disk-creator. How do I get it?23:56
Kimblelol, poor ejv - 1520 users "online", and he's taking the brunt of all the questions. Don'cha love bouncers?23:57
ejvstop me if im wrong, but don't you need a 'cross-over' cable with no router; i don't think a standard ethernet cable is sufficent to connect two machines directly.23:57
ejvroadfish ^23:57
za3kejv: No, most modern card will automatically correct.23:58
cordycepsza3k: first I heard. What do yu mean modern?23:58
ejvi don't think that's true...23:58
roadfishejv:ah, a bit debate that I encountered. But no you do not ... my new computers have build-in-ethernet tat includes "auto-sense".23:58
* ejv shrugs23:59
Jordan_UXourii: No, there is no such area that I'm aware of.23:59
roadfishcordyceps:my two PCs are 2005 and 2011 ... and the ethernet-cable (not crossover) just works.23:59

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