
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
=== Guest67330 is now known as p
=== p is now known as Guest52827
Guest52827morning all09:12
aquariusrye, nice work on the headless page09:34
=== Guest52827 is now known as mandel
mandelwhy do I eep loosing my nickname...11:05
mandelstupid irc!11:05
gatoxgood morning11:12
mandelgatox, morning!11:13
mandelgatox, how is everything going?11:13
gatoxmandel, good.... i'm going to work in the FF project today11:13
gatoxdo you have something new about that?? to know if i need to merge with something11:14
mandelgatox, superb! I'm fixing my P machine and doing some work on the file system notifications on widows and will get to that :)11:14
mandelgatox, I have not had the time to work on that sorry.. I keep bumping into issue that are high priority or with machine problems..11:14
mandelvery annoying..11:14
gatoxmandel, no problem..... i was in the same situation11:15
mandelgatox, and I wanted to do some work during my free time, but I'me been most of the afternoons or at rugby or at the vet11:15
mandelthe dog has a twisted leg :(11:15
gatoxmandel, ohhhhhhh11:16
mandelgatox, the poor guy is at the vet at the moment getting some x rays done..11:17
gatoxmandel, did you take him to the vet?11:17
mandelgatox, yes, see the above message :)11:17
gatoxmandel, yes.... i read it :P11:17
gatoxmandel, well... it is true..... pets are really similar to their owners :P11:18
mandelgatox, haha11:19
mandelgatox, but I have an excuse, now I'm playing rugby in the second division, like la liga B in football11:20
gatoxmandel, so..... you want to die young :P jeje11:21
mandelgatox, I think I still can play for another 5 years.. is amazing cause I'm like 5 year older than the rest and  I get less knee problems hehe11:22
* mandel reinstalling P11:25
gatoxbrb! need to restart11:28
mandelgatox, I need to go to the vet to check out the result of the x-rays, is one block from my office so I should be back in a few mins11:40
gatoxmandel, no problem! take care of the dog11:41
gatoxmandel, when you get back, can you do me a favor?? can you open a python console and do: import u1rest; u1rest.__path__ (i'm in the new machine, and i've copy u1rest inside 3 differents dist-packages and it's not being recognized)12:03
gatoxi need to know where to put that12:03
gatoxralsina, ping12:09
* mandel back12:11
mandelgatox, je ne compre pa, what exactly do you want me to do?12:12
gatoxmandel, tell me where do you have u1rest installed..... do you remember that it doesn't have the setup.py so you have to copy it manually..... but i'm copying it but is not recognized by python12:13
gatoxi want to know the output for: import u1rest; u1rest.__path__12:13
gatoxmandel, is the dog ok?12:14
mandelgatox, yest, no broken bones, he is just like the owner :)12:17
mandelgatox, hm.. on it12:17
gatoxmandel, :P12:17
mandelgatox, /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/restful-u1/u1rest12:18
gatoxmandel, thanks12:18
gatoxmandel, grrrrr i have seriously wrong here12:19
mandelgatox, he, look at my machine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8Akda59yQI&feature=plcp&context=C3a6464bUDOEgsToPDskL-qb9lDdv7vlUubOt581D-12:20
nessitahello everyone!12:20
mandelnessita, morning!12:20
gatoxnessita, hi12:20
gatoxmandel, jejejej what were you doing?12:20
mandelgatox, trying to loging :P12:20
mandelgatox, I just reinstalled P and got that nice feature.. it does not recognize my password and I can just login as the guest12:21
jmlis there U1 storage for Tomboy?12:21
gatoxmandel, you are not having very good luck with that :P12:22
mandelgatox, no.. I don't know wtf is going on.. I'm asking on ubuntu-desktop maybe they have a clue12:22
nessitagatox: you need reviews from me?12:23
gatoxnessita, let me check12:23
gatoxnessita, this one: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/remove-disconnect-signal/+merge/8976112:24
czajkowskimandel: what happened the beast?12:26
mandelczajkowski, he jumped from the sofa and twisted a leg.. he's like the owner :P12:26
ralsinagatox: pong12:30
czajkowskimandel: ouchies how does  a dog twist its leg doing an every day occurance!12:31
ralsinamaybe the dog should try rugby12:31
mandelczajkowski, god knows.. he is a beast, tends to do stupid things like this..12:31
gatoxralsina, i waanted to ask you something regarding the u1 api, but i already find it, thanks anyway12:31
czajkowskiralsina: exactly in rugby nobody gets hurt :)12:32
mandelralsina, hehe I don't get hurt as much as I should :)12:32
ralsinaand good morning!12:33
czajkowskibah music in the music store is still not behaving12:35
czajkowskidid mail d7 and let them know last night12:35
czajkowskihttp://twitpic.com/8c08k4/full   and   http://twitpic.com/8c0cid/full  since last night, anyone else having issues?12:37
czajkowskicant be just my taste in music12:37
mandelczajkowski, is that P?12:40
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czajkowskimandel: yup12:41
czajkowskishould it make a difference?12:41
mandelczajkowski, running nightlies?12:42
mandelczajkowski, I'm trying to reproduce it :)12:42
czajkowskimandel: jessie j album plaied first lot of her songs ok, when I go further down the list I get the 404, I can add songs to download but then the download page looks rather messed up12:43
mandelczajkowski, hm.. the best thing is to wait for dobey he knows that code best12:44
czajkowskiaye he said mail d712:44
czajkowskiI did just wondered if anyone else was having similar issues12:44
nessitaholas ralsina12:46
nessitaralsina: by any chance, were you able to do the review?12:46
ralsinanessita: indeed, I just approved it12:50
mandelczajkowski, not that I know off..12:51
nessitaralsina: awesome12:53
mandelI officially want to throw my P machine out of the window12:54
ralsinamandel: I am reinstalling mine :-/12:54
ralsinamandel: suddenly, no mouse, no keyboard. Can't even log out of X. Had to ssh from my wife's machine12:55
mandelralsina, did you see the video of lightdm.. crisht! I cann ssh yet I cannot login directly, I'm trying gdm know..12:55
ralsinamandel: yes, saw it12:55
mandelralsina, I have similar problems with x at the moment.. what I time waster..12:55
mandelsweet! gdm works!!!!12:56
ralsinamandel: for some people it works awesome, apparently.12:56
mandelralsina, isn't that just called 'it works in my machine' development  ;)12:57
ralsinamandel: it seems that if you are VP or higher in the company, it works from the alpha. For developers, you may have to wait for the beta.12:57
mandelralsina, hahaha12:58
ralsinamandel: it's getting better, it worked for almost a week without problems for me12:58
ralsinamandel: ok, 4 days ;-)12:58
mandelralsina, at least we know ow to work around it, I managed to get in my machine :)12:58
ralsinamandel: yeah, but reinstalling is faster than working around too long12:59
mandelralsina, if you have problems with lightdm try the old school gdm that did it for me, less preaty but works12:59
gatoxneed to go to the bank..... brb!12:59
nessitaralsina: except an unexpected removal of network-manager (which was my fault), I've had no issues at all... I even installed Precise alpha 1 in the computer of a friend, and he was really happy12:59
=== gatox is now known as gatox_away
mandelnessita, you are lucky! I have fought with it for 3 days, just got it working13:00
ralsinanessita: I have had all sorts of weird things happen. From kernel updates leaving it unbootable, to yesterday's python breakage (that was my fault), to today's "oops, I don't like your input devices anymore"13:00
nessitaralsina: how are you updating packages?13:00
ralsinanessita: just following the prompts when I login13:00
ralsinanessita: plus some dist-upgrades when I need a new version of stuff for development13:01
nessitaapt-get update and updgrades have been working for me /me crosses fingers13:01
ralsinaI am trying to be a "plain user" and nt do weird things13:01
ralsinamaybe 4th install is the lucky one :-)13:01
nessitamandel: did you make a clean install or upgrade your O installation?13:03
mandelnessita, I upgraded form O13:04
nessitaah, that may be relevant13:04
nessitamandel: how did you upgrade?13:04
mandelnessita, sudo update-manager -d13:05
nessitamandel: right, that's the recommended way to do it... :-/13:05
mandelnessita, yeah.. I managed to fix it without loosing much, just the installed packages, wich is not a big deal, /home was in an other paritition :)13:06
=== JackyAlcine_ is now known as JackyAlcine
alecuhello gals and guys!13:23
ralsinahello alecu13:24
mandelhurray! I'm back using my P machine!!!!13:24
mandelsweet jesus that was a PITA13:24
alecumandel, ralsina: P has been working suprisingly well for an Alpha on my notebook... unlike the final versions of Natty or Oneiric that had some driver issues.13:24
mandelalecu, you are lucky.. but then, is a laptop with know pieces.. my is a crazy desktop13:28
nessitahola alecu!13:28
mhall119aquarius: ping13:32
aquariusmhall119, pong13:32
aquariuswas gonna ping you about summit on phones, actually ;)13:33
mhall119aquarius: someone is asking me if there's a 'fake' U1 account that he can use for giving a demonstration of U1 syncing at a loco event13:33
mhall119aquarius: ping johnoxton, he was going to make a mobile html5 UI for us, but got too busy with other work13:34
nessitaalecu: ping13:34
aquariushm. We have demo accounts when we're at shows, but there's nothing special about them; we just set up a new account. That's probably the easiest thing; we wouldn't really want to set up a demo account and publicise its access details because then you'd be doing a demo with who-knows-what files that someone else has put in the account :) Just set up an account, is probably the best thing.13:34
alecunessita, pong13:34
nessitaalecu: I think webclient in sso should be a module at the same level than keyring... may i move it? (before I start using that import path from other projects)13:35
mhall119aquarius: ok, and there's no issue with setting up a dummy account for this purpose?13:36
aquariusmhall119, well, don't set up fifty of them or anything. But I can't see a major problem with doing that, no. joshuahoover, any thoughts?13:36
alecunessita, not yet: I'm in the middle of a cleanup branch that touches plenty of it.13:36
alecunessita, and why at the same level of keyring? ubuntu_sso.webclient?13:37
alecunessita, I put it in utils since other projects will be using it13:37
nessitaalecu: yes. I need to use webclient from u1cp, and for that I need to have the webclient module added to the module list in setup.py and package that in nightlies13:37
alecunessita, (ie: syncdaemon, control-panel, etc)13:37
nessitaalecu: but xdg_base_directory/ is used from other projects and is in ubuntu_sso13:38
nessitaalecu: same for networkstate13:38
nessitaalecu: from my POV, the things that live en utils are "small helpers"13:38
alecunessita, for me are things that make sense to use from other projects. For isntance I see ipc.py and tcpactivation.py, that are used from control panel too.13:39
alecunessita, also txsecrets, that may be moved to a different project altogether13:39
alecunessita, so, for me utils are things that may be moved to other projects at some point.13:40
nessitaalecu: well, we have stuff to be used from other projects in both locations (outside and inside utils)13:40
nessitaI'm +1 to have them at the same level than ubuntu_sso to avoid long import paths, I because I would not like having utils/ being a bag of cats :-P13:41
alecunessita, well, I don't like having "xdg_base_directory" (reusable) at the same level of account, main, qt (specific of sso)13:42
alecunessita, in any case our problem is that *sso itself* is turning into a catbag.13:43
mandelherb, that is true :)13:43
mandelagh.. stupid autocomplete13:43
mandelok. off to lunch13:43
mandelralsina, nessita we have mumble today instead of standup, is that correct?13:43
ralsinamandel: yes13:44
ralsinamandel: in 77 minutes13:44
ralsinamandel: 7613:44
alecunessita, so, putting stuff in utils for me means that we will be able to take them all into a separate project13:44
mandelralsina, ack13:44
nessitamandel: yessir13:45
nessitaalecu: fair enough then, will push the python package into the ubuntu package13:46
* mandel lunch13:50
nessitaalecu: can you please quickly-trivial review? https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu-sso-client/webclient-as-module/+merge/9043513:51
alecunessita, looking13:52
=== gatox_away is now known as gatox
gatoxalecu, can you re-review this branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-windows-installer/network-detect/+merge/77049 I changed the Fixed Size thing back14:01
alecugatox, looking14:02
nessitaalecu: did you approve? (I need to modify nigthlies after that so the python package is installed, is not ATM)14:03
mhall119aquarius: re: summit on phones, what specifically were you wanting?14:03
alecunessita, approved.14:05
aquariusmhall119, for the first time in history, I've thought "wouldn't it be good if the summit site was brilliant on phones" *before* I get to UDS, so I wanted to talk to you and see whether you were already all over this :)14:05
mhall119aquarius: we were all over it last UDS, then someone made johnoxton to real work isntead14:06
mhall119aquarius: but you have a mobile developer on your team, don't you?14:06
aquariusmhall119, we do, but whether muffinresearch is interested in hacking on summit is another question entirely ;)14:08
aquariusmhall119, what I was thinking was, you and I ought to have a little chat about how the mobile summit should *work*14:08
aquariusand then we can look at either doing a mobile set of templates or specifying how they should be done and appealing for web dev help if we don't have time :)14:09
dobeyczajkowski: yeah, the checkout page was odd for me too.14:11
mhall119aquarius: sure, when do you want to get together?14:18
mhall119it's not  likely we'll be able to do much before UDS-Q, do you want to just bring it up there?14:18
mhall119or were you hoping to have something by UDS-Q?14:18
aquariusmhall119, my idea was to have something before UDS, since I always think about this stuff *at* UDS and then it's too late to fix it ;)14:20
aquariusmhall119, I'm not talking about a big deal right now; just a phone call to boot some ideas around :)14:20
mhall119aquarius: sounds good, let's get cjohnston on that too14:21
joshuahoovermhall119, aquarius__: sorry, missed your thread here...no problem with creating an account (or multiple accounts) to demo/test things with...as aquarius mentioned, try not to create 50 of them ;)14:31
=== aquarius__ is now known as aquarius
aquariusmhall119, so I'm cool for a phone call or skype or google hangout whenever you have a little time, if you think it's worth having a conversation :)14:32
mhall119aquarius: it's worth it if we can get some help, neither chris nor I know how to make mobile html14:38
aquariusmhall119, I can do some of it, at least :)14:38
mhall119that's good enough for me14:38
dobeyaquarius: you finally installed the hangouts plug-in?14:45
aquariusdobey, not yet, but at some point I suppose I ought to :)14:45
mhall119aquarius: chris just pointed me to http://www.androidzoom.com/android_applications/social/linaro-connect_bnbhr.html14:47
mhall119maybe we can work with linaro to build a common mobile app14:47
aquariusthat's an app14:47
aquariuswhy would we want an app?14:47
aquariusit can quite happily be a website14:48
aquariusthen summit can do it14:48
aquariuswe don't have to publish to the market14:48
aquariuswe don't have to port to ios14:48
aquariusetc, etc, etc, etc, etc14:48
mhall119but they we can't sell if to $1.99 and get rich14:49
* mandel back14:51
gatoxralsina, team call?14:59
ralsinagatox: on my way15:00
alecugoing too15:01
gatoxmandel, i don't know why tha app only works with your email (which i can not recall now) even if i change the appkey!!!!15:02
aquariusmhall119, if your plan is to get rich off of summit and UDS attendees, you might wanna reconsider your business model ;)15:04
aquariusmhall119, happy to have a chat now if you're free, otherwise next week sometime?15:05
mhall119aquarius: my other plan was to put google ads on my blog and write about removing power tools from the repos15:06
* aquarius actually lol15:06
mhall119aquarius: give me a few, and I'll be available15:07
aquariusmhall119, cool. I'm kryogenix on skype15:08
mhall119no g+ hangout?15:12
aquariusmhall119, let me try installing the plugin :)15:19
aquariusmhall119, nah, google hangout mic fail for me, it seems15:24
mhall119aquarius: sure, let me finish up with didrocks15:25
mhall119aquarius: okay, ready?15:31
aquariusmhall119, yep15:31
mhall119aquarius: can you hear me?15:32
ralsinabriancurtin: lost you!15:33
nessitaalecu: would you agree to increasing the timeout to the ussoc's webclient tests? (nightlies are not building due to test failures) https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu-sso-client/higher-timeout/+merge/9045415:39
ralsinamandel: 1-1 now?15:48
mandelralsina, sure15:55
mandelralsina, relaunching mumble :)15:55
dobeyoh yay, network fail15:56
mandelralsina, can you hear me?15:56
dobeygot disconnected from both freenode and gimpnet15:56
dobeybut not the other networks i'm connected to15:57
nessitaalecu: got my message?16:01
alecunessita, looking16:02
nessitaalecu: related bug report is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-sso-client/+bug/92059116:02
ubot4`Launchpad bug 920591 in ubuntu-sso-client "Tests are failing in sso with test_webclient (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:02
alecunessita, I'm working on a fix for that in the cleanup branch16:03
nessitaalecu: ah, great! so, do you expect to propose that today?16:03
alecunessita, the tests are not calling "webclient.shutdown", and that's needed so qt and libsoup are forced to close the tcp connection (since they use http/1.1 and keep the connection open)16:04
gatoxnessita, this branch is ready: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-client/network-detect/+merge/88545 (the sso one has landed)16:04
alecunessita, probably not today. But I'm sure increasing the timeout won't help.16:04
nessitaalecu: oh nice, want me to propose a branch with only that?16:04
nessitaalecu: I need the package with the .webclient module, and that will not build in nightlies since tests are failing. Or I can skip them and you unskip in your branch??16:05
nessitagatox: nice!16:05
alecunessita, hmm... a skipping of those tests sounds right.16:06
nessitaack, changing branch16:07
alecugatox, approved network-detect branch.16:11
gatoxalecu, nice! thanks!16:11
gatoxnessita, just in case...... you'll need to update sso with the things in trunk to test the u1-client branch16:12
gatoxnessita, the code landed today16:12
nessitaalecu: https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu-sso-client/skip-failing-tests/+merge/9047016:13
nessitagatox: ack16:14
dobeyalright, need to get some lunch. bbiab16:15
nessitaralsina: could you do a trivial review in https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu-sso-client/skip-failing-tests/+merge/90470 ?16:24
ralsinanessita: sure!16:24
nessitaralsina: nightlies are not building because of the failures linked in that branch (alecu is working on fixing that)16:25
ralsinanessita: approved globally because of obvious16:27
* gatox lunch..... brb16:30
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
alecumandel, gatox_lunch, briancurtin2, dobey, nessita: do I owe you guys some reviews?16:44
gatox_lunchalecu, nop!16:45
nessitaalecu: yes please! https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu-sso-client/gtk-gi/+merge/9013416:45
briancurtin2alecu: nope16:45
=== briancurtin2 is now known as briancurtin
dobeynessita: are you using indicator-weather?16:53
nessitadobey: yes I am17:00
dobeynessita: does it crash all the time for you too?17:01
nessitadobey: works well, though sometimes "disappear". Perhaps it crashes, though I have no apport dialog nor anything. Executing it again restore it17:01
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
dobeynessita: yeah, it does that quite often for me. seems every time i want to look at it and see what the temperature is, it's gone. you probably have a crash file for it in /var/crash/ :)17:02
dobeynessita: where does the 'argparse' module come from?17:06
nessitadobey: standard lib17:10
nessitadobey: indeed, I have one _usr_bin_indicator-weather.1000.crash there17:11
dobeynessita: i guess it's only in 2.7+ then? is there a package for it in ubuntu on lucid/maverick as a separate module?17:11
nessitadobey: oh, hum... perhaps17:11
nessitadobey: let me help you with that after lunch17:11
dobeynessita: sure17:11
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
* dobey breaks some eggs with libubuntuone17:12
nhainesdobey: juts watch for little pieces of shell.17:13
dobeynhaines: these are dinosaur sized eggs :)17:14
dobeybrb, reboot.17:34
nessitadobey: when you come back, the package is python-argparse17:36
nessitadobey: available for natty, maverick, and lucid https://launchpad.net/argparse/+packages17:36
dobeywell, this is not good17:38
dobeynessita: ok, cool, thanks17:38
dobeymy workstation is mucked up now :-/17:39
nessitathank you, sorry for breaking L and M17:39
dobeyi think they will still be broken after that :)17:39
nessitadobey: why?17:39
dobeyit was failing before there, for a separate reason from the webclient tests17:40
nessitaah... ok17:40
nessita(was not aware)17:40
dobeyhopefully i only need to reconfigure nvidia-current to get my workstation back17:43
dobeyoh, fml17:49
dobeyawesome. reboot was blocked because i had an ssh session live :(18:00
=== briancurtin2 is now known as briancurtin
dobeynessita: does your ubuntu-sso-client branch require the new reactor now?19:54
nessitadobey: yes19:54
nessitaalecu: how's reviews treating you? I have another one that I would like you to take a look... but if you're too loaded, I can re-organize mine reviews waiting for you19:59
nessitaalecu: ping?20:22
alecunessita, pong.20:36
alecunessita, was finishing some very late lunch :P20:36
nessitamerienda you mean? :-)20:37
nessitaalecu: so, I was thinking that if you have too much reviews, I can ask dobey to do my gtk-gi, and ask you a webclient specific20:37
nessitaalecu: what do you say?20:38
alecunessita, as you wish20:38
nessitaalecu: did you start with the gtk-gi already?20:39
alecunessita, yes20:39
alecunessita, but I only reviewed some of the code, didn't do any irl yet20:39
nessitaalecu: any comments so far?20:39
alecunessita, no, it looks fine20:40
dobeynessita: we can't land the gtk-gi branch yet20:40
nessitaalecu: ok, then I will ask dobey to finish it, and could you please take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu-sso-client/add-oauth-to-url/+merge/90522 ? (is short and needed from controlpanel to remove the current webclient)20:40
alecunessita, ack20:41
nessitadobey: I know, but could you review it, and leave it approved? I will globally approved once P tarmac is ready20:41
dobeynessita: yep, though i am working on a big branch of my own at the moment :)20:41
nessitadobey: ack, can you queue that up?20:42
dobeybut as soon as i finish up with it, which shouldn't be too much longer, i'll look at it20:42
dobeyreally wish the updates today hadn't stolen an hour of my time :(20:43
nessitadobey: thanks!20:43
nessitadobey: also, would you be able to do the endorsement before the meeting next Monday?20:44
dobeyoh yes, sure; i also have to be in the meeting anyway i think, for the package set proposal :)20:47
nessitadobey: yes... but perhaps having the endorsement in the wiki page makes it more "formal"? don't know, never been to a meeting like this before :-)20:51
nessitadobey: also, I set up an alarm in my calendar for this... but, would you please ping me if I'm not around 10 minutes before the meeting? the sprint might make loose track of time20:51
dobeywell, when i applied, everyone i asked to endorse were slackers. and there was only like 1 or 2 on my wiki page :)20:51
nessitamake me*20:51
dobeynessita: sure20:52
dobeyi suppose i should set an alarm as well, so i don't forget20:52
dobeyif i could get a couple reviews on that as well :)20:59
dobeynessita: i'm going to take a short break, then will look at your branch21:00
nessitadobey: awesome21:00
nessitaI'm leaving shortly21:00
briancurtin2nessita: what time are we starting on monday? ~9:00?21:03
nessitabriancurtin2: yes, the hotel will have some room available for us21:03
nessitabriancurtin2: let me send you my contact details, please do not hesitate to call me if you need anything21:04
nessitabriancurtin2: also, facundobatista and alecu are arriving to the hotel on Sunday noon21:04
alecunessita, briancurtin2: I'll probably spend Sunday evening at gatox's house, playing boardgames or with his brand new kinect.21:09
alecubriancurtin2, if you've got no plans for sunday's evening you can probably join us.21:10
briancurtin2alecu: sounds good to me. unfortunately i won't have a cell phone while i'm there, but i get in to cordoba at 5:30 AM so i'll be there the whole day21:11
alecubriancurtin2, I'm @alecura on twitter; that beeps my phone21:12
briancurtin2alecu: cool, i'll ping you to see what's up on sunday21:12
alecubriancurtin2, cool! we're arriving... 1.15pm on sunday at Córdoba.21:13
* nessita -> eoded21:15
nessitabye all!21:15
gatoxeod here!21:39
briancurtin2bye gatox21:39
gatoxbriancurtin2, see you on sunday!21:40
=== gatox is now known as gatox_away
dobeyand i'm out, a b c-ya.22:49
briancurtin2have a good weekend dobey22:51
dobeyyou too briancurtin222:51

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