
ScottKRiddell: I think the PyQt4 bug is back to ask upstream.01:46
MacSealhi,how to change the range of sizes in dolphin? only view in KiB, don't in GiB, MiB, etc..... kde 4.805:50
ScottKI'd ask in #kde.05:52
ScottKIt's not Kubuntu specific.05:52
RiddellScottK: the segfaulting bug?09:16
RiddellScottK: if I recompile pykde then it no longer segfaults09:18
Riddellit does crash but maybe that's my chroot without running dbus09:18
Riddellso maybe there has been a SIP ABI change and we didn't update the magic debian stuff to manage that09:18
Riddelltesters needed running precise and i386, is software-properties-kde running or segfaulting? try these and say if it's still running/segfaulting http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/pykde/09:22
ubottuTesting help needed in #kubuntu-devel ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj09:22
Riddellbarry too :)09:22
Tm_Tshould it be added to the factoid?09:23
RiddellTm_T: should what?09:27
Riddellwhat is factoid?09:27
Tm_Tfactoid is that thing what ubottu replies when called09:34
Tm_Tis barry going to be more permanent tester?09:34
Riddelloh no, he's python only not kubuntu09:42
Tm_Tright (:09:44
shadeslayerI haz amd6410:11
shadeslayerRiddell: can I make Staging depend on the backports PPA?11:07
yofel_just do it (and reset it later)11:08
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shadeslayer"Start in 12 hours" ... ffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu11:12
Riddellshadeslayer: doing oneiric versions of telepathy?  or what?11:15
yofeldid someone look at oxygen-gtk3 btw.?11:15
RiddellTm_T: add James147 to the factoid?11:15
Riddellyofel: not yet I expect, or anyone who has ends up runing away because it's not easy to have a good default config11:16
Riddellwas apachepanda talking about it the other day?11:16
yofelRiddell: I would like to first get the package into the archive, just so we have the engine in11:16
yofelmir and setup I'll try to get done ~before FF11:17
Riddellyes please11:17
yofelRiddell: I'll need someone to review the package, it's in precise ninjas (oxygen-gtk3)11:17
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Tm_Tubottu: no, testers-#kubuntu-devel is <reply> Testing help needed in #kubuntu-devel ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James14711:22
ubottuI'll remember that Tm_T11:22
Tm_TRiddell: done11:22
debfxRiddell: rebuilding pykde4 fixes the crash11:22
debfxthough I have no idea why11:25
Riddelldebfx: so it sounds like the SIP ABI changed11:26
Riddelland debian has a way of handling that similar to binary ABI changes11:26
Riddellsome number needs bumped in the package I think11:26
debfxexcept it hasn't11:27
yofelwell, too late for that now, unless you force-downgrade the current binary package11:27
debfxpython-qt4 and pykde4 have been built against the same sip4 version11:28
yofelwait, true11:28
yofelmicahg: do you know how xubuntu sets the gtk3 theme?11:29
debfxI guess the problem is that pykde4 has been built against python-qt4 4.9-2ubuntu1 and there were code changes in u2 and u311:31
Riddellso ABI change in pyqt?  I don't know if there's a mechanism to handle that11:31
Riddellbesides "oh it's crashing, we need a recompile"11:32
Riddellis there anything else might need a recompile?  qscintilla?11:32
debfxoh wait python-qt4 has been built against qt 4.7 so that might be the problem11:33
debfxpython-qt4 4.9-2ubuntu1 that is11:33
Riddellcould be although I wouldn't expect that should change things, qt is ment to be backwards compatible11:34
* debfx wouldn't be surprised considering how fragile these python bindings are11:34
Riddelldebfx: do you want to/are you able to throw things up to recompile them so they're ready for alpha 2?11:36
debfxRiddell: can do. I'll also upload qt4 later11:39
Tm_TRiddell: this explains your hobby: http://xkcd.com/209/12:02
RiddellTm_T: I have just that cartoon printed out in my boathouse12:11
Riddellmicahg: yofel had a question if you're around12:11
apachepandaRiddell: what would I have been talking about?12:18
BluesKajHiyas  all12:54
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mikecbany recent changes that might cause plasma to crash on playing video?13:57
Riddellmicahg: sigh, no14:01
Riddellwell loads but who knows where to start14:01
RiddellKDE, qt, X could all be responsible14:01
Riddellmicahg: that'll be another thing we'll need to look out for before alpha 2 14:02
mikecbI would post a log somewhere, but the crash handler doesn't show itself.  Is there a way to get that info in cli?14:02
Riddelllearn how to use gdb and run plasma-desktop through it14:03
Riddellmaybe also http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Debugging/How_to_create_useful_crash_reports14:03
mikecbon the kwallet losing focus front, it's a known bug/debatably undesirable feature.  Kwin don't plan to change anything until the transition to wayland, but I'm still going to email the kss and ksudo people and see if they can use functionality that's already there.14:05
Riddellthanks for finding that out micahg 14:06
Riddellkdesudo is a kubuntu programme that was last worked on by Tonio_ 14:06
Riddellkdesu is an upstream kde programme14:06
mikecbahh okay14:06
mikecbRiddell: I dunno if this is very helpful: http://paste.kde.org/194600/14:37
Riddell"g_main_context_iteration ()" a glib crash?14:41
RiddellQt uses the glib mainloop I think14:41
yofellooks like the wrong thread to me14:41
Riddellso no that's probably not the right thread14:41
RiddellI've no idea how you ask gdb for other backtraces from other threads14:41
yofelmikecb: in gdb enter: thread apply all bt14:42
mikecbahh, one sec14:42
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mikecbthis was caused by clicking on a video file which banshee tried to open, but the same behavior occurs when trying to open video files with dragon player or vlc.  Doesn't seem to be codec related either.14:50
yofelThread 1 is the only one that has kdemain in it, but that also crashed in QEventLoop o.O?14:50
mikecbyofel: how do you know where the crash is?14:51
yofelright now, not at all, as I can't figure out what Thread is the right one. Thread1 is the only one that has 'plasma' in the trace though14:52
ScottKRiddell: Are you going to/did you upload pykde4 for a rebuild?14:58
bambeehi, who is going to fosdem from the kubuntu team ?14:59
ScottKBTW, I suspect it's something to do with different code paths when built with Qt 4.8.14:59
ScottKThe current sip4 we've had for a while.14:59
BluesKajsystem settings is still crashing on printer configuration selection here , is anyone else experiencing this , going to need my printer soon ,  it won't print since 4.8 upgrade 15:01
BluesKaja plain jane HP 3500 series 15:02
yofelBluesKaj: if you're on precise that's broken python bindings15:03
BluesKajyofel,  yeah I'm on precise 15:04
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yofelBluesKaj: bug 922721 then15:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 922721 in pykde4 (Ubuntu) "python-qt4 applications crash since 4.9-2ubuntu2" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92272115:06
* BluesKaj shrugs , where's the fix , it doesn't show up15:21
ScottKBluesKaj: What architecture are you on?15:22
ScottKThe build finished two hours ago so it should be hitting your mirror ~soon depending on how much it lags by.15:22
ScottKIt'll be a new python-kde4 package.15:23
BluesKajok ScottK , thanks 15:23
ScottKBluesKaj: If you're impatient, you can pull the .deb from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pykde4/4:4.8.0-0ubuntu2/+build/3129520/+files/python-kde4_4.8.0-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb15:23
BluesKajScottK,  thanks again , for some reason the deb wasn't downloading previously when i clicked on the " fix released " link15:27
ScottKdebfx: Thanks for fixing.  That would have been a very bad one to go into Alpha 2 with.15:28
BluesKajcool, now I can reconfigure my printer :)15:30
RiddellScottK: debfx is handling it15:46
Riddellbambee: yes I am15:46
ScottKRiddell: Yes.  He got it.  thanks.15:46
bambeeRiddell: yes I know that , but are you the only one ? :)15:48
Riddellbambee: quite possibly, KDE has a decent showing but Ubuntu and Kubuntu have not in the past15:49
RiddellUbuntu looks like it will have more this year15:49
Riddellso I'm hoping I can carry my large Kubuntu poster to put behind their stand :)15:49
bambeeI'm hoping too :)15:49
Riddellbambee: I'll be at the beer event on Friday evening, my number is on jriddell.org/contact.html if you need to find me15:50
bambeeI think I will be at the beer event too , okay I will have a look at this page :)15:50
Riddellor just look for KDE types but those beer events are mega crowded15:51
barryRiddell: saw the rebuild.  i can test locally again in a bit16:10
ScottKbarry: There's lots of confirmation it's fine now.16:11
barryScottK: cool16:11
RiddellScottK: who's confirmed?  have they checked any other packages that build-dep on pyqt?16:12
ScottKThere are unfortunately a lot of of "%If (Qt_4_8_0 -)" in the PyQt4 code.16:12
ScottKRiddell: I thought people had confirmed pykde was OK after rebuild.16:12
RiddellScottK: locally yes but worth checking for the archive too16:13
ScottKRiddell: I think one of the %If (Qt_4_8_0 -)'s introduced a binary incompatibility that it would be best to discuss with upstream and resolve.  Somewhere in sip/QtCore I would guess.16:16
yofeldo we even have another binary package that needs pyqt?16:19
ScottK"We" Kubuntu, probably not, "We" the Ubuntu project, tons.16:20
yofelreally? if I look at the rdepends of python-qt4 I see python apps, those don't *link* against pyqt, only use it16:20
Riddellyofel: I don't know16:21
Riddellqwt?  qscintilla? only things that come to mind16:21
RiddellScottK: that seems likely, I don't have time to take that up with upstream now though16:21
ScottKOK.  16:22
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Riddellcalligra compiled!16:38
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Steve132I'm trying to get the qtdesigner plugin for kubuntu19:12
Steve132qtdesigner plugin for kdevelop19:12
Steve132and I can't seem to find the source code for the plugin19:13
Steve132to try to build it19:13
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BluesKajSteve132,  odd , it wa really rocking in here a while ago ...seems like everyone went for lunch or something.19:44
BluesKajSteve132,  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kdevelop-4 , you're on 10.04 , right ?20:08
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Tm_Tdid we have Qt 4.8 somewhere for Oneiric?21:34
ScottKDon't think so.21:35
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Tm_Tthis is rather annoying, KDE git master has couple apps depending on Qt 4.8, silently ofcourse21:38
Tm_Tsilent as in no cmake checks, just fails to build21:39
Steve132BluesKaj: I'm still here I just got back21:40
Tm_TScottK: oh, https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/experimental21:40
Tm_Tlet's try...21:41
BluesKajSteve132,  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kdevelop-4 , you're on 10.04 , right ?21:58
BluesKajoh , ok my mistake21:58
BluesKajSteve132,  http://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/kdevelop , scroll to the bottom for the package22:01
Steve132I'm not sure I understand22:04
Steve132I have kdevelop22:04
Steve132I use it all the time22:04
Steve132but what I want to do is build and/or install the qtdesigner plugin22:05
Steve132BluesKaj: You there?22:09
BluesKajSteve132,  do you have independent 3rd party repos enabled in your package manager22:09
Steve132Well, what do you mean, exactly?  I have the ubuntu partners repo and the universe repo22:10
Steve132and the repo for 0ad22:10
Steve132and thats it22:10
BluesKajno independent 3rd part in the list?22:12
BluesKajSteve132,  would qt creator be the same as what you're looking for 22:13
Riddellyou're looking for the qtdesigner plugin source?  I didn't know there was such a thing and I don't know where the source is22:14
Riddellif you find it let us know and we might be able to package it22:14
Darkwingjjesse: ping22:16
jjesseslight pong back :)22:16
DarkwingHey Riddell, how you holding up?22:16
Steve132theres a lot of plugins there22:16
Darkwingjjesse: slight? You on your way out?22:16
Steve132including "qtdesigner"22:16
jjesseyeah kinda22:17
Darkwingjjesse: I'll catch up via email then.22:17
jjesseDarkwing, thanks that will probably be best22:17
Steve132Ridell: There is also this blog post that references it..22:18
BluesKajSteve132,  Qt 4 designer module ? that's what I have listed in synaptic22:18
RiddellDarkwing: improving thanks22:18
RiddellSteve132: ok so you're sorted?22:19
DarkwingRiddell: Awesome. Sorry I have not been around much this cycle so far. Hows the release coming?22:19
DarkwingI need to find BZR/GIT for my tablet (Android)22:19
RiddellDarkwing: ask me after alpha 2 next week :)22:20
DarkwingRiddell: Once Alpha 2 is dropped I'll be installing it.22:20
Steve132Riddell: No, I'm saying A) that that blog post seems to imply that QT Designer is natively inside KDevelop.  I did a BUNCH of research, but all I can find anywhere on the internet is that -extra-plugins svn link, but I can't seem to actually check out that directory from the svn and there's no tutorial on how to build plugins and its not in any package manager22:20
Steve132and nobody else seems to have heard of any of them22:21
RiddellSteve132: did you ask in #kdevelop ?22:21
Steve132Yeah, I didn't mean to spam this here, but my first interest was in trying to figure out if it was possible to install through the package manager22:21
Steve132And yeah I did ask in #kdevelop but they're kinda a ghost forum22:22
Riddellif it's part of the default kdevelop then we do package it, else we probably don't22:23
Steve132Honestly, if one of you would explain how to checkout stuff anonymously from that svn dir, and explain the packaging pipeline, I wouldn't mind attempting to build it and making a package out of it22:23
Steve132for Kubunut22:23
Riddellthere is a new version 2.4.81 so maybe you need that22:24
Riddellgoogle for kde anonsvn22:24
Riddellit'll be svn co svn://something//trunk/playground/devtools/kdevelop4-extra-plugins22:24
Steve132That page is a stub22:25
Steve132I went there first22:25
BluesKajSteve132, http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=qt4-designer22:25
RiddellSteve132: I don't know what you mean by "that page"22:25
Riddell4.2.81 has packages in Precise and very experimental package for oneiric in https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/staging22:26
Steve132Sorry..."I'm feeling lucky" for "kde anonsvn" gives http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Sources/Anonymous_SVN22:26
Steve132which has been unhelpfully deleted22:26
BluesKajhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=qt4-designer , I repeat22:27
Steve132Yeah: BluesKaj:  That's the standalone application22:27
Steve132I'm referring to the KDevelop plugins that are a part of the kde kdevelop-extra-plugin set22:27
Steve132it has the same name22:27
* BluesKaj takes a break22:27
RiddellSteve132: then look for other pages on techbase.kde.org22:27
Steve132I just got it to work...I realized I was connecting over http22:28
Steve132to the anonsvn22:28
Steve132so I was able to check it out22:28
Steve132if I get them to build do you want me to submit a kdevelop4-extra-plugins package somehow?  I'm sorta unfamiliar with that process22:29
Steve132but I'd be willing to help22:29
Riddellyes that would be great if it's suitable for packaging22:30
Riddellmeaning if it's stable enough and upstream consider it ready22:30
Riddellpackaging takes a few hours to learn, there's various tutorials and people in here will be willing to help if you catch one of us at a good time22:31
Riddellor just file a needs-packaging bug22:31
Steve132Well, I'm familar with the build process...not with kde specifically but with unix programs overall22:32
Steve132but, ok22:32
Steve132how do I file a needs-packaging bug?22:33
Riddellthat's a good start for packaging :)22:33
Steve132I also know CMake really well22:33
Riddelllaunchpad.net/ubuntu and report a bug on "ubuntu" with needs-packaging in the title (or maybe it's a needs-packaging tag)22:33
Steve132and build from source regularly...I just don't know how to make metadata or specify dependancies or create .debs22:34
yofeltitled "[needs-packaging] <package>" and tagged needs-packaging22:35
Riddelldebian packaging takes adding a debian/ directory to the source with a bunch of files in it that do various tasks, and learning the commands to build the package and upload it etc22:35
yofelat least the tag is required22:35
Steve132hold on22:42
ubottuUbuntu bug 923173 in Ubuntu "The Kdevelop-extra-plugins need to be packaged" [Undecided,New]22:42
Steve132thats what I was trying to do22:42
Steve132oh neat22:42
Steve132In the build, I'm getting "Unknown CMake command "macro_optional_depend_package"."22:44
Steve132I assume that macro_optional_depend_package is a macro associate with the KDE project22:44
Steve132am I misconfiguring something? How do I set up my environment so that CMake can see that macro?22:45
Riddellif you have kdelibs5-dev installed that should be all that's needed by cmake22:45
Riddellif it's not you probably need to ask kdevelop guys22:46
Riddellkdevelop-dev may help too if it's kdev specific22:46
Steve132Nah, I have both of those22:47
Steve132ok, thank you22:47
Steve132for all your help22:47
Steve132I'm way further then I was before22:47
Riddell#kde-devel might be able to help too22:47
Riddellyet another calligra beta to be packaged22:54

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