
semitones_teaI'm in lubuntu 10.04 -- I like the high resolution of the screen, but words and icons are a little hard to read. Is there a way to make just words and icons bigger? (iirc, 125dpi or something)01:33
thor_Just install lubuntu 12.04 on usb and all apps start in full screen. WHY ??01:44
thor_it is daily iso01:45
pcroquesemitones_tea: this post may help you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=178303101:54
phillwnext time thor is omn, let him know that it is current default as we choose between how apps should launch :)02:25
* benonsoftware adds it to his "tell someone" list :P02:25
tertl6how is ubuntu 12 anyways?03:32
tertl6can I have a link to lubuntu 12 daily?03:32
wxltertl6: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/daily-live/current/03:48
phillwtertl6: make sure you are aware of bug 91840103:51
ubot5`Launchpad bug 918401 in lubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Unity-greeter installed by default on Lubuntu, crashing on start" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91840103:51
tertl6uh oh :P03:51
tertl6it wont boot?03:51
phillwtertl6: it's a bitch, but it does boot - you just have to enter your password on a blank screen03:52
phillwCall it very secure lubuntu :P03:52
tertl6"lubuntu introduces secret password screen"03:53
phillwread the bug report, you will see that has already been mentioned :)03:54
icerootcould someone tell me what this fix did? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lubuntu-default-settings/+bug/91249908:10
ubot5`Launchpad bug 912499 in lubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "No screen lock key combination/symbol/option per default" [Undecided,Fix released]08:10
bioterroriceroot, I pasted that windows+l kombination08:14
icerootbioterror: not working here08:14
bioterrorit's tested and it works08:14
icerootbioterror: but i cant see what the bug is fixing, creating windows+L or putting an option in the shutdown window08:15
icerootits not clear for me08:15
icerootun  xscreensaver        <keine>             (keine Beschreibung vorhanden)08:15
icerootso i guess the package needs a dependency to xscreensaver08:16
icerootbut there is no such dependency08:16
icerootbecause xscreensaver is not installed on my system after the latest dist-upgrade for lubuntu-default-settings08:17
bioterror  * usr/share/lubuntu/openbox/menu.xml & rc.xml08:17
bioterrorupdates those08:17
icerootbioterror: yes the update is there08:17
icerootbut because xscreensaver is not installed the shortcut is not working08:18
bioterrorI dunno if the ctrl+alt+l is the key combination08:18
bioterroris it so hard to reinstall it then?08:18
icerootbioterror: no08:18
icerootof course not but that should be done by a dependency08:19
bioterrorfile a bug then08:19
icerooti am doing it atm08:19
iceroothttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lubuntu-default-settings/+bug/889414  could someone test that on the latest 12.04 please? for me its not fixed always08:32
ubot5`Launchpad bug 889414 in openbox (Ubuntu) "Run dialog opens up in the background" [Undecided,New]08:32
toschoinkscape needs a lot of time starting. extremely longer than in ubuntu 10.04. is this normal for lubuntu or can it be changed09:12
bioterroris it same version of inkscape?09:14
toschoI don't know. has the inkscape version changed from 11.04 to 11.1009:15
iceroot!info inkscape natty09:17
ubot5`inkscape (source: inkscape): vector-based drawing program. In component main, is optional. Version 0.48.1-2ubuntu2 (natty), package size 17020 kB, installed size 61008 kB09:17
iceroot!info inkscape oneiric09:17
ubot5`inkscape (source: inkscape): vector-based drawing program. In component main, is optional. Version 0.48.2-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 17490 kB, installed size 62428 kB09:18
toschointeresting command09:18
toscho!info java oneiric09:18
ubot5`Package java does not exist in oneiric09:18
iceroottoscho: for me inkscapes starting time is ok, 2-3 seconds (12.04, eeepc 900mhz)09:18
toschois there a small stop watch installed by default?09:19
iceroottoscho: to see the start-time of inkscape?09:20
toschook, changed the clock applet to show seconds09:20
toscho1 minute09:21
toschoexact by the second09:21
iceroottoscho: can you start it on the terminal to get some usefull output09:22
toscho1 moment09:22
toschohey, second time took only 57 seconds09:23
Myrttibecause it is in the memory already09:24
iceroottoscho: can you provide the output of "df -h" and "cat /proc/cpuinfo"09:24
iceroot!paste | toscho09:24
ubot5`toscho: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:24
iceroottoscho: free -m  instead of df -h09:24
iceroottoscho: also you can do "strace inkscape" to see what it is doing the 57 seconds09:25
toschook, output from starting inkscape via terminal was: nothing09:25
icerootok i5 and 3GB ram should be fine :)09:27
toschoi thought so09:28
icerooti would strace that and see what it is doing (not always to read)09:28
toschoin 11.04 it was quick to start09:28
toschoshouldn't "strace inkscape > log.txt" send the output to log.txt and not display it in terminal?09:29
iceroottoscho: strace is using stderr and not stdout09:30
iceroottoscho: > is only fetching stdout09:30
toschoah. how can I pipe stderr to a file?09:30
iceroottoscho: strace inkscape 2> log.txt09:33
toschobtw: shall I post the entire output of strace to paste.ubuntu.com?09:36
toschointeresting. most of lines read "gettimeofday({1327743302, 628917}, NULL) = 0"09:40
toschothen there is a lot of "access("/usr/share/themes/Lubuntu-default/gtk-2.0/apps/nautilus-e.rc.en", F_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)" and similar lines09:42
toschook, it reads all fonts supplied by fontconfig. this might take some time as fontconfig reads all texlive-fonts09:45
iceroottoscho: which are a lot09:46
toschodamnit. so I need to change the config of fontconfig09:47
toschoI though I commented out that line, but fc-cache shows, that fontconfig still searches through the texlive-folder09:48
toschook. that was the reason09:51
toschonow it starts in 3 seconds09:51
toschowell 5 seconds, but that's ok09:52
iceroottoscho: nice09:54
toschostill unclear, why it asks for the time of the day so often09:58
Lasivianoops, wrong channel10:20
timobHi, I've installed Lubuntu through Ubuntu 11.10, everything is working fine, except for the run dialog on ALT+F2, anyone knows how to install/bind this?12:56
thor_lubuntu 12.04 How do i get normal windows back again??13:26
thor_For App13:27
thor_lubuntu 12.04 How do i get normal windows back again For App??13:32
thor_How do i disable full-screen for all apps in lubuntu 12.0414:17
thor_lubuntu 12.04 in vitualbox, the dont work but if you install vmware player in lubuntu it works??15:19
thor_lubuntu 12.04 in vitualbox, the mouse dont work but if you install vmware player in lubuntu it works??15:20
RTFTMobHey guys, stupid question time. I'm on a windows mobile phone and it fails with the internets.16:05
RTFTMobmy stephdad is installing lubuntu, but it never asked for a root password, just a generic user16:06
Tm_Tthere's no root16:06
ubot5`Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo16:06
RTFTMobthank you16:06
Tm_Tnp (:16:06
RTFTMobso how do I handle low right situations?16:07
RTFTMobHe was trying to install a webserver but lacked the rights. I'll also try to open the link.. :( be back in like 5.16:08
Tm_TRTFTMob: using apt-get?16:08
Tm_TRTFTMob: then just "sudo apt-get install <packagename>"16:08
RTFTMobsynaptic thingie16:09
RTFTMobinstall almost done, so I'll just try the terminal. as you might notice, I'm legally retarded when it comes to anything linux.16:09
Tm_Tlaunching it should ask his password, if not, it isn't launching it with correct rights /:16:10
Tm_T"gksudo synaptic" is the magic word to get it launched right16:10
RTFTMob-thanks for the help Tm_T! I'm sure we'll manage now16:14
testRTFTMob- <- here16:21
testTm_T: managed to get it running again, but when I do "gksudo synaptic" it keeps asking for a password16:21
=== test is now known as RTFTmob
RTFTMob-nvm typo :(16:22
=== JackyAlcine_ is now known as JackyAlcine
smilebye :)19:32
garoWhat the connection between lubuntu and ubuntu, is the same as between kubuntu and ubuntu ?20:19
bioterrorlubuntu uses Openbox as window manager and has LXDE desktop components on top of it20:19
garonot really what i mean, if you look at kubuntu, it's actually just ubuntu with different standard packages and some changes in the configfiles20:20
garodoes that also count for lubuntu ?20:20
garoso is it possible to make a lubuntu from ubuntu by removing and adding packages and changing configfiles just as with kubuntu20:21
bioterrorsudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop20:22
garoso they use the same repositories20:22
ubot5`If you want to remove all !KDE, !GNOME and !XFCE packages and have a default !Lubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelxde »20:22
garook, thanks20:23
tertl6lubuntu daily build did not install :(21:27
phillwtertl6: it should do?22:25
phillwas for logging when it is insatalled, that is a different natter :P22:26
wxlphillw: you need a / at the end22:30
wxlsed: -e expression #1, char 9: unterminated `s' command22:30
phillwwxl: when they write the rules, br sure I will break them22:31
wxlso let's say you use pcmanfm to ssh:// to another machine to grab some files. how do you eject besides killing ssh?22:33
phillwwxl: well I go in via terminal and simply issue 'exit'.22:34
wxlphillw: pcmanfm22:35
wxlgvfs backends includes a ssh://user@server/path/to/somewhere option that more or less is sshfs22:35
wxlit's REALLY handy22:35
phillwwxl: why not ask him? He does not bite.22:35
wxlphillw: cuz he ain't here ;)22:36
phillwwxl: just drop him an email.22:36
wxlhe's not on the team list ugh22:43
wxlforget it, i'll use the mailing list22:44

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