
BigWhaleGood Morning.08:45
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chrisccoulsonis scrolling broken for anybody else in precise? it's very erratic here17:14
popeychrisccoulson: can you give specific examples17:16
chrisccoulsonpopey - yeah, pretty much every time i attempt to use the edge scroll on my touchpad, it seems to initially fire off a load of scroll events in the wrong direction before it actually works17:17
chrisccoulsonso i end up in completely the wrong place ;)17:17
popeyah actually17:18
popeyi have had erratic mouse scrolling yes17:18
popeyit goes too far in one direction17:18
popeyi keep having to go backwards17:18
chrisccoulsonyeah, i haven't tried my mouse yet, but it sounds like the same problem17:18
popeye.g. browser scrolls too far down with one nudge of the wheel17:18
chrisccoulsonyeah, that sounds like what i'm seeing with my touchpad :)17:20
chrisccoulsoni'm glad i'm not going crazy17:20
popeytwo finger scrolling doesnt seem bad though on my mbp17:20
popeyI only notice it on the mouse17:20
BigWhalepopey, chrisccoulson this is happening to me if I drag the scrollbar thingy up17:21
BigWhale(but I think it is a bug in Kazam)17:21
BigWhaleoh wait ... it's not the scrollbar it's the volume button ...17:21
BigWhalenever mind17:21
popeychrisccoulson: you filing a bug or investigating?17:41
chrisccoulsonpopey, i was actually just thinking about going to buy some beer ;)17:47
popeychrisccoulson: an excellent idea!17:53
chrisccoulsonok, i'm a happy man now. just got 3 bottles of hardcore IPA :-)18:55
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