
=== jimmacdonald is now known as jimmacdonald|awa
=== jimmacdonald is now known as os2mac
=== jimmacdonald is now known as os2mac
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emAnyone here with ops in #kubuntu ?15:03
AlanBellem: yeah, whats up there?15:07
Tm_Tem: yes?15:09
emAlanBell, Tm_T oh hi.15:13
emWell a while back I had a broken connection and began bouncing in and out of Kubuntu wildly. Naturally I was banned. I was wondering if someone could lift that. Also the one in #kubuntu-offtopic I suppose.15:14
Tm_Toh, will look15:14
Tm_Tem: as far as I can tell there's no ban on #kubuntu-offtopic for you, but the one in #k is lifted now (:15:16
emOh thanks :)15:17
Tm_Tnp (:15:17
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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