
sawtell!ask can someone please tell me how to access my user profile folder from root and what and where i get the packages to share my folder on the network01:03
ubottusawtell: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:03
sawtell!ask im using ubuntu 11.04 with kernel linux 2.6.38-13 generic-pae01:05
ubottusawtell: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:05
sawtell can someone please tell me how to access my user profile folder from root and what and where i get the packages to share my folder on the network01:12
sawtell im using ubuntu 11.04 with kernel linux 2.6.38-13 generic-pae01:12
theholderHi you have a spam bot in your channel03:28
theholderthe nick is testteed03:28
pangolini don't see any spam, what are you referring to?03:31
pangolinah, got it.03:32
pangolinthank you for the report03:32
pangolintheholder: We appreciate the help, if there is anything else please feel free to rejoin03:37
pangolinHeavyMetal: anything I can help with?03:37
HeavyMetalpangolin, no just wondering here i will part now03:37
HeavyMetalsince i know theholder03:37
pangolinokie dokie.03:37
pangolin@mark #ubuntu trypnotic removed for excessive use of the enter key, pm'ed user and asked them to read !guidelines. He seems to not understand, claims he does not speak English well.05:23
ubottuThe operation succeeded.05:23
ubottugartral called the ops in #ubuntu (LubuntuPowered)06:00
gartralwe need an op in #ubuntu. user ubluntu is swearing, disrespecting everyone and disrupting the channel.06:02
ubottuhydrox24 called the ops in #ubuntu ()06:03
bioterrorLubuntuPowered <306:28
vibhavIs  IntellectualSlut a family friendly nick?08:06
urlin2uso this user was causing problems earlier ubluntu and now has changed their name to marijuana  not sure here.08:19
vibhavurlin2u: Which user08:21
urlin2umarijuana  now08:22
urlin2uwas ubluntu08:22
vibhavand what about  IntellectualSlut08:22
urlin2uthey have been quiet for a while the name just seems inappropriate not sure really08:23
vibhavIts not family friendly08:23
vibhavYou could ask them to change the nick08:23
urlin2useems that way and they were very nasty when asked on others stuff to get along but I will try08:24
bioterrorI have no powers to remove users ;)08:24
urlin2uwell there you have it they will argue and just be a jerk so oh well.08:26
ubottutheadmin called the ops in #ubuntu (Somebody, please, stop this mess.)08:28
vibhavHE called it08:29
marijuanaI demand to know why I am kicked yet freenode allows this nickname08:31
marijuanasuch  BS!08:31
marijuanaFUCK YOU ALL08:32
bioterrorthere you go08:32
elkymarijuana, because freenode lets us have our own rules for our own channel. bye08:32
bioterroryou didnt make it any better with your acting08:32
marijuanaFOR NO REASON08:32
marijuanaCAUSE YOU ARE GEEKS08:32
marijuanaAND DON'T SMOKE POT08:32
bioterrormarijuana is a drug08:32
bioterrorand ps. it makes you dumb ;)08:32
elkyi _kicked_ you because you're yelling at us, and being belligerent08:32
marijuanaSO YOU ARE DUMB08:32
marijuanaactually, I am a very intelligent person. I just hate the bullshit in #ubuntu recently08:33
marijuanathe censorship08:33
elkyyou might want to enhance your intelligence by looking up the definition of belligerent.08:33
elkyand then cease doing that.08:34
marijuanafirst of all08:34
marijuanayou are a moron elky08:34
marijuanaand idc if i am banned for eternity08:34
elkymarienz, if i end up kicking you from somewhere today, it's *his* fault.08:35
bazhanguhh marijuana , not marienz  (hopefully)08:36
elkybazhang, i was addressing marienz, referring to marijuana, yes.08:37
bazhangelky, sorry missed that08:37
elkyclarifying :)08:37
bazhang* [MethAmphetamine] (~3@c-24-3-245-21.hsd1.pa.comcast.net): 3   no way thats him08:48
bazhang<MethAmphetamine> so I have a question why is this channel like communist chin08:50
bazhangexact same talking points. ban evading. and removed08:50
Tm_Tuh oh09:04
elkynot a full moon either09:15
elkyi still blame sopa/pipa09:15
ldunnACTA too!09:16
elkyTm_T, eh?09:19
elkyah, nm09:19
elkyyes, too09:19
bazhangagu really wants to push the "you're not the boss of me"09:43
=== niko is now known as evilniko
bazhang* [jdhfr] (~quassel@l49-18-203.cn.ru): Ugbnj  seems to be pushing it in #k and #u09:48
bazhangthe braindead translators?10:13
ikoniahow is vibhav talking in #ubuntu ?10:34
ikoniadid someone remove the mute and spell out what he needed to do to participate in #ubuntu ?10:35
oCeanactive ban is on his cloak, he joined as ~vibhav@
ikoniaright so now he's dodging it10:36
ikoniaeven though he knows he's not meant to10:36
oCeanlooks like it, yes10:36
ikoniais it still a ban or a +q (if you have BT open)10:36
oCeanit's a +b from nov last year10:37
ikonia(I thought it was +q so he could n't talk)10:37
ikoniaoh, I must have changed it to ban (I assume it was me that set it)10:37
Tm_Tit should be ban10:46
ikoniaI've updated it to match him now10:50
Tm_Tgotta go, keep an eye on #ubuntu11:26
ubottug0kul called the ops in #ubuntu (saef)13:06
oCeanI don't think saef is trolling, a little annoying maybe13:07
LjLi don't know whether to laugh or to cry here13:10
bazhangMOnkeydust is not helping matters13:11
LjLoCean: can't mute webchat that way, needs kicking if you want him muted13:11
oCeanLjL: right13:11
oCeanhave him in pm13:13
Tm_Tmr P at #k ...13:14
Tm_Tand now his typical threat (:13:15
Peace-Tm_T: here i am13:16
Tm_TPeace-: ok, here's something that we've been trying to hold on in our support channels: we don't tell people to google it if we are able to help; the channels are for providing support, not telling "look elsewhere"13:17
Tm_Tmakes sense? (:13:17
Peace-well the most of time i don't say google that Tm_T13:18
Peace-but for easy question yes13:18
Tm_TI know, and I appreciate your work13:18
Tm_Tif it's easy, you can easily help them, right?13:18
Peace-well indeed no13:18
Peace-if i lost time on channel  i don't do some stuff13:19
Peace-instead to be muted on channel at least i wrote something13:19
Peace-and , the most of time , if they don't resolve13:19
Peace-i help13:19
Tm_Tit's just in the wrong order13:20
Tm_Ttelling people to google it is not the first option, ever13:20
Tm_Tno matter how easy it is for you13:20
LjLwhy not just give them the site you found on Google? surely, you *have* tried searching for those Google keywords before giving them...13:20
Tm_TLjL: he didn't give any keyword13:20
Tm_Tactually, did, my bad (:13:21
LjLit's easy to say "i've found http://foo.bar/ using the keywords 'foo bar' on Google", that still gives the hint13:22
Tm_TLjL: very good example (:13:22
Peace-the most of time i use this... but i guess it's too much rude  http://lmgtfy.com/?q=konsole+transparent+solved13:23
Tm_Tit's exactly what we don't allow13:23
Peace-ok , well to know13:23
Peace-i guess we have different point of view13:23
Tm_Tit's expected between different people (:13:24
Tm_Tthat is why we try keep as a team some common rules13:25
Peace-well it would mean that i will not answer anymore for a long time13:26
Tm_TI understand13:27
LjLi'm not very happy with our using goo.gl links with Google's new all-encompassing [lack of] privacy policy13:31
Peace-:S why ? it's linux search13:32
Peace-anyway i guess i will just leave now13:33
LjL"linux search" uh?13:33
Tm_Tbah, I wanted to mention that we try keep the same rules to everyone, no karma13:35
topylitwo alternatives: maybe he meant that google uses linux extensively, or got nostalgic and remembers when google had this custom linux search13:36
=== Pricey_ is now known as Pricey
topylimaybe they still do, i haven't thought about this in years13:37
bazhangI found it worse than the regular google, but he indicated he often used lmgtfy which is right out, imo13:38
bazhangwhy even answer at all. that's insulting13:39
topylilmgtfy is something we have a pretty good consensus on, no.13:40
oCeanI just now see a lmgtfy in -server13:40
Tm_Ton the other hand, eagles...13:41
oCeanalso, still have saef in pm (now as Job_) he just has issues with the language. But he's muted in ##linux also, apparently13:41
LjLanyway, bitly.com has info about link clicking like goo.gl has, i think we should switch to that or something else equivalent. with Google's new policy, Google will correlate people who click those links with their own Google account if they are signed into it, and that's not something we tell them about before they click the links.13:41
bazhangisn't lubi something on sourceforge? is that even an official ubuntu package? is it maintained at all?13:42
oCeanbazhang: I don't think it's maintained anymore (most recent download is for 2007)  but there are ubuntu forum pages on lubi.13:43
oCeanbazhang: If I understand correctly his actual question is how to install bodhiLinux alongside lubuntu and kubuntu13:44
bazhangoCean, so there are on backtrack mint and others; even the ubuntu mailing lists have stuff about Mint13:44
AlanBellljl we could set up our own shortening service13:47
LjLAlanBell: i guess we could. ubottu.com is not very long as a domain either. not sure there is something in the repos specifically to do that though13:49
* AlanBell contemplates ubunt.eu13:49
Tm_TAlanBell: FYI nothing's been happening there15:09
AlanBellyeah, didn't expect anything tbh15:09
LjLshe's forwarded to ##fix_your_connection15:10
Tm_TI'll wait what she's up to anyway15:11
Tm_TLjL: tagteam!15:30
Tm_T...I should stop trying to avoid my work elsewhere I think15:30
oCeanjdhfr was earlier in #u pushing boundaries15:34
Tm_Tok, now I really need to focus on something else ->15:46
Myrttimaco: would you mind reviewing some of the bans in #ubuntu, or could I do it?16:12
LjL@mark #ubuntu applepie Giving random !patience link to someone who correctly gave them !ask, then asked a Windows question. Seems like they have some kind of history, so marking.20:34
ubottuThe operation succeeded.20:34

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