
NeoNetNinjaI'm looking forward to "The Official Ubuntu Server Book" Precise edition :)00:11
osmosisis there a way to enable LVM encryption on a disk that was not installed with LVM encryption?01:19
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NeoNetNinjaosmosis: what it installed with LVM at all? Ergo, are the "partitions" LVM?01:33
NeoNetNinjaosmosis: here is your answer: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=133508301:35
osmosisNeoNetNinja, yes, the partitions should be LVM01:35
osmosisNeoNetNinja, thx01:36
NeoNetNinjaosmosis: you're welcome01:37
osmosishmm..so it may in some shape be possible, but id had to reparition anyways, so a full reinstall is probably the fastest route01:37
NeoNetNinjathat's what I would do01:37
NeoNetNinjahere is a good guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=120537201:38
NeoNetNinjaor use TrueCrypt01:38
NeoNetNinjaor: http://joernfranz.net/2011/01/20/installing-ubuntu-10-10-with-full-disk-encryption/01:39
NeoNetNinjathe alternate install is pretty much the same for all recent versions01:40
osmosisill take a look01:41
osmosisthat second link is a bit outdated...the newer installer is even easier01:42
osmosis" I know that “Guided – use entire disk and set up encrypted LVM” looks sexy to you, but please don’t press that. We’ll do things by hand."01:43
osmosiswhy did he pick that...why not just use guided.01:44
qman__because guided partitioning, while convenient, isn't very smart01:49
qman__if you're trying to do anything with multiple disks, you probably don't want guided01:49
qman__if you have any specific requirements, it probably won't meet them01:49
qman__and with servers, you tend to have those things, so showing how to do it manually is important01:50
qman__if you just have a laptop with one drive you want encrypted, the guided is probably good01:51
taipresin the US judge recently ruled they can make you decrypt the harddrive legally02:01
taipresdon't have to give up pass but have to decrypt for them, so probably best to use truecrypt02:02
taipresand hidden os02:02
alot_of_mikeWhy does server have x11-common?02:16
* alot_of_mike doesn't see anything obviously necessary in http://sprunge.us/EWRB02:24
SpamapSalot_of_mike: aptitude has a 'why' sub-command that will tell you02:27
alot_of_mikehm, some library for gd02:30
alot_of_mikethanks, SpamapS02:31
gmr_Hi there, was referred here from #ubuntu02:47
gmr_Hoping someone can help me out, I have a 11.10 server install, trying to get things setup and am having trouble adding an eth0:0 alias. It seems that service networking stop/start/restart doesn't work, I believe I have the config correct (https://gmr.privatepaste.com/64a38a3706) and if I reboot the server, eth0 comes up but eth0:0 does not.02:47
gmr_(paste has the examples of running the commands)02:47
qman__gmr_, does `sudo ifup eth0:0` bring up the interface as expected?03:34
gmr_tells me it's already configured03:35
gmr_yet ifconfig eth0:0 doesn't show anything03:35
gmr_hmm yet pinging the ip works :|03:35
qman__try ifdown, then ifup03:35
gmr_i've been waiting a fair amount of time on a non-problem it seems.03:36
qman__happens to the best of us03:36
gmr_hmm ifdown eth0:0 shutdown all of eth003:36
gmr_am more of a slackware, lfs, *bsd of guy trying to jump on the more enterprisey bus03:37
qman__well, learning the debian way does take a little time, but I find it to be much easier in the long run03:39
qman__though you do occasionally run into things like this where it doesn't work as expected03:39
qman__the 'networking' service has been a little iffy ever since they started moving things to upstart03:40
gmr_thanks for the point at ifup/ifdown.. probably wouldn't ahve tried to ping the interface otherwise.03:40
uvirtbotNew bug: #922954 in keystone (universe) "keystone has a missing dep on python-prettytable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92295403:50
Davieyroaksoax: sorry, just saw your response - that is great!09:37
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WomkesIs there any documentation yet available for setting up xen on the latest ubuntu? I understand that ubuntu now has full supprot for xen with 11.1010:41
Womkesthat is outdated10:42
chelzWomkes: if xen doesn't provide anything then blogposts might be your best bet10:48
chelzi found these:10:48
chelzalso http://martincarstenbach.wordpress.com/2011/11/30/getting-started-with-xen-virtualisation-on-ubuntu-11-10/10:49
Womkesthanks, will have a read10:50
chelzWomkes: http://old-list-archives.xen.org/archives/html/xen-users/2011-10/msg00324.html10:50
chelzWomkes: according to that mailing list thread it's really simple. i'd read those few messages10:50
chelzthen just refer to standard xen documentation. googling for errors if you get any along the way.10:50
SyriaHi, I have a virtual windows 2003 machine hosted on my ubuntu server, how can I allow the virtual machine to access usb devices please?11:54
eagles0513875_hey guys im just wondering is it possible to specify an ipv6 ip if dhcp doesnt manage to automatically configure the ip13:10
ubottuFor an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv413:16
RoyKeagles0513875_: the short answer is "yes"13:16
eagles0513875_ok sweet :D was just wondering was all :) working on getting varnish setup to act as an ipv4 to 6 kinda tunnel on my server thanks RoyK :)13:17
patdk-lapheh, sounds like you want slaac13:20
patdk-laproyk, comstar with ip6 is kind of funny13:21
patdk-lapmy 4nic server suddently has 32 iscsi paths, cause it's using ip4 and ip6 :)13:21
eagles0513875_patdk-lap: what is slaac anyway13:29
eagles0513875_the server i want to do this on is an esxi host was going to setup a small guest with varnish to do the ipv4 to 6 tunneling13:29
Tm_Tpatdk-lap: tsssk13:40
eagles0513875_RoyK: would SLAAC be enough in regards to allowing clients access to stuff like ssh over an ipv4 connection13:44
RoyKeagles0513875_: sorry, I'm not really updated on ipv613:47
eagles0513875_ok will ask in ipv613:47
SpectrumIs there an easier alternative to https://help.ubuntu.com/11.10/serverguide/C/openldap-server.html for setting up basic network authentication for Linux and Windows clients?14:39
SpectrumThis is for a small home network.14:40
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dravekxis there a link to install oracle java 7?16:18
qman__dravekx, There is no packaged version of oracle java anymore, because oracle did not renew the license which allowed this to happen in the first place. To install it, you must download it from oracle and compile/install it the old fashioned way.16:31
qman__In case you didn't gather as much already, this is not an ubuntu recommended thing to do.16:32
dravekxwhat's the recommended thing? openjdk?16:33
qman__Considering official Java's security record, it was already not exactly a recommended thing to do before.16:34
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roaksoaxg/win 1617:58
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uvirtbotNew bug: #923179 in bacula (main) "package bacula-common-mysql (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/bacula/libbaccats.la', which is also in package bacula-common 5.2.3-0ubuntu2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92317923:06
nOStahlhows it going guys23:25
nOStahlgot myself setup a brand new shiny intel p4 ubuntu server 10.11 heh hosting git repo's via gitolite23:25
nOStahllooking to add some more functionality to the server23:26
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:31
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