
icerooti found a wrong translation in the germen "inkscape --help" what is the correct way to report/fix it? directly upstream? also a LP-Bug?09:32
sagaciiceroot: ^09:45
icerootsagaci: then i will do it upstream, ok09:45
sagaciiceroot: what's the string?09:46
iceroot      --verb-list                          Liste die Kennungen von allen Verben in Inkscape09:46
icerootor s/Liste/Listet/09:47
icerooti would prefer the first09:47
sagaciis that the string?09:49
icerootsagaci: yes09:50
sagaciwell they look like they just do their translation through LP, so it should be a breeze09:51
icerootso i will just put up a new suggestion on LP09:51
sagaciyeah, looks like it09:52
icerootwhat is the way to the new suggestion up?09:53
icerootto get09:53
sagaciare you a member of the german translation team?09:54
icerootbut its a good idea to join that team09:54
sagaciwell I'd say you'd have to join https://translations.launchpad.net/+languages/de09:54
sagacithis team - https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-l10n-de09:55
sagaciyeah, since you can bypass suggestion mode, if it's allowed09:56
icerootsagaci: thank you for the infos09:58
sagacino worries09:58
yurchoriceroot: Hi! Just read the channel logs. Inkscape does not do the translations through Launchpad. But they have a bug tracker on LP. You should file a bug report against Inkscape to fix the bug in German translation upstream.15:12
happyaronany ftp-master around?15:50
happyaroner, sorry, wrong channel...15:50

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