
SadinPleia2 *00:18
pleia2Sadin: cool :)00:18
Sadinhttp://img.memecenter.com/uploaded/1Are-You-Sure-To-Want-To-Delete-All-The-Cookies-Rage-Comic-Remix_51af9ff0879e4d14d126000d5f7e1e45.jpg bahahaha InHisName01:17
Sadinhttp://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/426696_2649703365451_1341727797_32369377_1907002886_n.jpg yay :D02:14
Sadinmy desktop ^02:14
Sadinpleia2 should recognize it :P02:14
pleia2nice :)03:01
InHisNameGreat meme, Sadin05:32
waltmanHard to believe I'm already out the door at this crazy hour.13:45
rmg51waltman: I was out the door at 6:30 am to go food shopping :P13:58
Sadinmorning :D14:37
Sadinlalalala installing lots of packages15:57
MutantTurkeyhey ya20:56
Sadinpleia2 got my first job from ochosi23:25

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