
fanatbut how i can boot on CD?00:01
fanatfile inside ISO image is not multiboot00:01
fanatmay be i can start install from CD use console comand?00:02
acerimmerfanat: have you burned a CD of ubuntu iso??00:02
fanathe is inside CD-ROM00:03
acerimmerreboot.  for a few seconds you'll see something like00:03
fanatand i see GRUB list on monitor00:03
acerimmerPress F2 for boot options00:03
acerimmerPress that and you'll go into the bios.00:03
fanati know how boot from CD00:03
fanatbut not booting!00:04
acerimmerfanat: the CD won't boot??00:04
acerimmer3 possibilities...00:05
acerimmerbad iso00:05
acerimmergood iso, bad cd00:05
acerimmercd can't be read by ubuntu00:05
fanatiso downloaded from official site00:05
fanatgood iso00:06
acerimmerfanat: doesn't matter WHERE, what matters is was the transfer good and 100%00:06
acerimmerfanat: in other words, confirm with the md5sum check - ALWAYS00:06
fanatok, i understand00:06
fanati try ctrl+alt+F1 and monitor is work00:07
fanatbut i work in comand shell00:07
fanati logon the system00:08
acerimmerIF it's a good iso, I'd say it's just a matter of configuring the graphics card.00:08
fanatcan you help me?00:09
fanatconfiguring my card00:09
acerimmerfanat: looking...00:09
fanatcan i update or upgrade soft now from internet?00:11
acerimmerfanat: yes from command line: sudo apt-get update00:11
fanatjust several minutes please... i need LAN cable on another port ..00:13
ickefeshi guys. i have tried to install wineasio but not suceeded but reaper detects one "WineAsio" and one "Wine Asio". How do I remove these? I have uninstalled wineasio in synaptic already.00:13
acerimmerickefes: IIRC it should be: sudo apt-get purge WineAsio00:14
ickefesthanks acerimmer. i will try that and get back to you00:14
acerimmerfanat: do you EVER seet the bootsplash??  https://odzangba.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/ubuntu_10_10_plymouth_splash_by_internauta2000.png00:14
acerimmerfanat: or a login screen?  http://lh6.ggpht.com/_KN7Lm3BJp7k/TGzDNHG9BFI/AAAAAAAAAH4/zR89CV-4f4U/ubuntu-login%5B3%5D.jpg00:15
fanat_1fanat in use )))00:16
fanat_1network is not working00:16
fanat_1may be i can this from CD?00:17
falktxlol, network is notworking00:17
ickefesit was unable to locate the WineAsio package but still I see "WineAsio Driver" and "Wine Asio Driver" in Reaper.00:17
acerimmerfanat_1: try00:17
acerimmerickefes: radical surgery: sudo apt-get purge wine*00:18
ickefesdoesn't it remove wine too then?00:18
acerimmerickefes: will kill ALL the wine!00:18
acerimmerickefes: but then you should get a clean re-install00:18
ickefeshm... :)00:18
acerimmer*dear old dad* It's free advice son and worth every penny!00:19
fanat_1system is work00:28
fanat_1but i need graphic interface00:29
fanat_1and i have command line only00:29
fanat_1what is wrong?00:29
acerimmerfanat_1: graphic card settings most likely00:30
plusEVhi. downloaded US 11,10 with the XFCE ui and I did not like it at all. Then I installed US 11.04 andI do love this UI. But after a fresh install of that I get asked to update to ubuntu 11.10. If I update this, will I then get the  XFCE ui that I do not like?11:39
plusEVanyone? :/11:41
astraljavaplusEV: Yes, that is correct.11:44
astraljavaplusEV: The reason for the change was that GNOME 2 was obsoleted by upstream, so we couldn't use that as the DE anymore.11:44
plusEVallright so I should stay away from that update button then i guess11:45
astraljavaAs you wish. However, that release won't be supported anymore when 12.10 comes out, so you'll end up with the Xfce anyway, if you continue using Ubuntu Studio (for which I thank you, anyhow :)11:46
petrovhi need help with update11:47
plusEVIts not that I hate it. It just did not want to play a long with my shitty laptop11:47
astraljavaplusEV: What problems were you facing?11:47
astraljava!ask > petrov11:47
ubottupetrov, please see my private message11:47
plusEVI do not remember becuuse I have tried like 10 different distros the last 24h ;)11:48
astraljavaHeheh. :)11:49
petrovok so enybody can help me? i have problems with updating my ubuntu11:50
astraljavaplusEV: There's a new LTS release coming out in April, which uses Xfce as the DE. It's also going to be the first live-dvd. I suggest you try it out when it's more stable, so you can compare against 11.04.11:50
astraljavapetrov: We can't help unless you give us a description of your problem.11:51
plusEVI love sounds good. I will probably use this until april then.11:51
plusEVbecause it works :)11:51
plusEV-i love11:52
astraljavaYeah, why break it when there's no reason to do so. :)11:52
astraljavaBut eventually you'll have to.11:52
plusEVtrue true11:52
petrovok, i have 11.04 ubuntu, when i am making sudo apt-get update i have problems with that like this : http://paste.ubuntu.com/819902/11:54
petrovand more http://paste.ubuntu.com/819903/11:55
astraljavapetrov: Please also pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file, you've got old entries in there.11:55
astraljavapetrov: Specifically, dapper.11:55
astraljavaAlso maverick.11:55
petrovhow to see my sources.list file11:56
astraljavapetrov: Open up an editor, then open that file. When it's open, press Ctrl+a, then Ctrl+c to copy it to the clipboard.11:57
petrovoh, right... :X11:57
astraljavapetrov: Also, if you're not very accustomed to linux, nor ubuntu, I'd suggest disabling the use of backports. There's always an elevated risk of problems with them.11:58
petrovbut how to make this ?11:58
astraljavapetrov: By removing the relevant entries in that file.11:59
astraljavapetrov: First pastebin that file, I will then modify it so it suits your purposes better.11:59
petrovhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/819908/ here u go12:00
astraljavaOk, I'm on it. Sit tight. :)12:01
petrov:) ok12:02
astraljavaErr... no, I didn't want a listing of that directory. I need the contents of the file /etc/apt/sources.list12:02
petrovok, w8 sec12:03
petrovhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/819913/  sry for my lame :P12:04
astraljavaNo worries. :)12:05
astraljavapetrov: I can fix this, but just how did you end up with this setup? Is that really the whole of the file? There's nothing referring to natty in there.12:07
petrovyou see12:08
petrovi am a newbie linux user and just installed ubuntu 11.04 thats all12:09
petrovlong time no update because that problem12:09
astraljavapetrov: Are you saying you installed Ubuntu 11.04 yourself? And ended up with that setup? Where did you get the install disc?12:10
astraljavapetrov: That's a very, _very_ unusual setup, and highly questionable if I might add, even.12:10
petrovi installed it from pendrive12:10
astraljavaThat's impossible, the official release wouldn't contain such a sources.list file. You have had to replace that since. Like I said, we can fix that, but I'm a little concerned what problems will emerge when you update.12:11
petrovactually i did few months ago a update12:13
petrovnothing more12:13
astraljavaStill, that doesn't explain this weird file. Well, here's a new file. You can backup the one you have now, but I'm already warning you, after you `sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade`, your system could very well be severely damaged. We can of course try and work out the kinks, but a fresh install may have to be done, so back up all important data IMMEDIATELY!12:15
petrovastraljava,  i dont know12:20
astraljavaOk. What editor do you use? What did you use to get the output of that file?12:20
petrovgedit editor12:21
astraljavaOk. When you need to write to system files (use precaution!), you can open an editor like this `gksudo gedit <filename>`, without the backticks of course.12:22
astraljavaThat happens in a terminal, of course.12:22
astraljavaSo, in this case, you have to open up a terminal, and type `gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list`12:22
astraljavaAgain, without the backticks.12:22
astraljavaWell, they won't hurt, but they're redundant.12:23
astraljava...in this case.12:23
petrovi have it now12:24
astraljavaAnd have you backed up all your data?12:25
petrovalmost done12:26
astraljavaOk, let me know when you're done.12:27
petrovalmost done/12:27
petrovwhat bad can happened when it wont work ?12:27
petrovok i have all backed up12:28
astraljavaSome packages might not install correctly, there could be weird chains of dependencies etc.12:29
petrovastraljava, all done12:29
astraljavaAlright. If you're sure nothing valuable will be lost if your system will not be functional after this, you can do in terminal `sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade`12:29
petrovdownloading stuff12:30
astraljavaIt will take some time. If there are problems, you can pastebin them right away and then just link to that in here. I'm going to be AFK for a little bit, but will check back every once in a while.12:32
* petrov afk12:33
=== petrov is now known as petroV_AFK
* petroV_AFK petrov12:34
=== petroV_AFK is now known as petrov
astraljavapetrov: There's really no need for those. If you stay online, and people address you, they will realize that you're AFK if you don't respond in a timely manner. :)12:36
petrov:) undastood12:36
petrovdiferent room different rules :)12:37
petrovbtw how old are you?12:38
astraljavapetrov: Yeah. In here, it's not that big a deal, but it's better not to get too used to that, cause in more crowded channels, that just creates unnecessary cruft.12:38
astraljava34. You?12:38
petrovfunny, just yersterday i've met a 15 yers old kid how helped me out with some problems :)12:39
petrovand what do you do for the living? :)12:40
astraljavaYeah, there's all sorts in the *buntu community. We had once a prodigy here, just barely in his teens. Some people learn this stuff early.12:40
astraljavaI'm a software developer, currently in mobile field.12:40
petrovcool, what kind of software12:41
astraljavaMostly middleware or backend stuff.12:42
petrovi am studying law btw12:42
astraljavaOh good. We (as the FOSS community) could use a lawyer to sort out the licensing stuff. :D12:42
petrovthings will mess up with ACTA...12:44
astraljavaPotentially so.12:45
astraljavaAlright, I'm going to be a little preoccupied from now on (watching a movie). I'll check back every once in a while, though. But please be patient, there are other people here, and for this kind of stuff you can ask for support on #ubuntu, too. It is by no means Studio-specific.12:46
HazRPGhey all \o19:08
HazRPGI've got a question, having trouble with my audio in ubuntu - i.e. I have no sound, so far I've tried upgrading to 11.10 (from 10.10->11.04->11.10), during upgrading I found that jackd was possibly the culprit... so I removed it, plus apps that needed it, however I still have no sound... don't know what to do now19:12
HazRPGcan someone help me?19:12
holsteinHazRPG: its got nothing to do with JACK20:28
holsteinjack is not running unless you ask it to run20:29
holsteinyou can just try the normal ubuntu LIVE though and confirm that20:29
holsteinsometimes i use live CD's and just hop around until something "Just Works"20:29
holsteinHazRPG: you can open a terminal and run lspci (asuming this is an internal sound card)20:30
holsteinyou can output that here in a pastebin and i can help search for problems relating to your particulaor hardware20:30
holsteinHOWEVER... first thing i would do.. open a terminal and run20:30
holsteinaplay -l20:31
holsteinthen.. arecord -l20:31
holsteinif you see output there, then you *should* be getting sound, and its likely just something with the UI20:31
plusEVmost chill OS evar, and have not looked at the audio programs yet. :)11.04 ftw.21:58
acerimmerplusEV: glad you like.21:59
plusEVI have windows 7 on a pro computer. It wont break my win instal if i try install dual boot on that?22:05
plusEV99% guaranteed right? :)22:06
acerimmerplusEV: not if installed properly.  I triple boot so I might be able to advise22:06
plusEVok lets download 64 bit on that then. :)22:06
acerimmerplusEV: I see you're looking at 11.04.  suggest you go with 10.04.22:06
plusEVallkright ill try that.22:07
plusEVi have backup but it will suck if it fails22:07
plusEVjust waste of time then if it does :))22:07
acerimmer10.04 is Long Term Support.  more testing went into it to ensure quality and workability.  LTS releases are way less stressful than non-LTS>  next LTS comes out in april: 12.0422:07
acerimmerinstallation method?22:08
plusEVboot dvd rw22:08
acerimmer10.04 USTudio iso or install Ubuntu 10.04 and then install the UStudio packages.  both work22:09
acerimmerplusEV: don't feel like you MUST upgrade to 12.04 right away - LTS = 36 months of support on desktop, 60 months on server version22:10
plusEVubuntustudio-10.04-alternate-amd64.iso yes?22:10
acerimmerplusEV: thats the one.  don't forget to md5sum check.22:10
plusEVcmd for that?22:11
plusEVwhat do you mean...---22:11
ubottuplusev: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:12
plusEVto much work. i trust its ok.22:15
plusEVfresh formated dvd should do the trick.22:17
plusEVbut i will continuer this tomorrow. good night.22:21
xerxes73I have two linux boxes connected to a hub (happens to a wireless hub).  They both can talk to the internet.  What commands do I run so that I can scp between the two linux boxes?  Thanks!23:21
xerxes73One of the boxes runs latest Ubuntu, the other runs Debian23:21
acerimmerxerxes73: suggest you take this to #ubuntu23:22
xerxes73Alright thanks23:22
xerxes73acerimmer: i will take it to ubuntu23:22
dreamy_hi .. are there many musicians here?23:27
acerimmerdreamy_: what are you trying to get done23:27
dreamy_i dont know.. im not busy at the moment23:28
dreamy_id liek23:28
dreamy_to maybe do some producition23:28
dreamy_ty for that link23:29
acerimmerno problem.23:29
dreamy_oh nice link, but its  a conversation forum?23:33
acerimmerall kinds - developers, producers, musicians, etc...23:35
dreamy_acerimmer, maybe i could find an app to write some songs23:35
acerimmerdreamy_: song writing?  wait23:35
dreamy_whats the cleverst app u know?23:35
acerimmerdreamy_: as I don't write... idk23:35
dreamy_let me check23:36
dreamy_the screenshots r nice23:37
acerimmerdreamy_: here's a thought - the way I learn best is hands on.  I worked from small projects and learned at each stage bigger and better tricks.  Choose a project, test the tools, evaluate your results.  Pretty sure 100  musicians will have 100 opinions...23:39
dreamy_oh u mean i should try the applications?23:40
acerimmerdreamy_: sure!  free to try, free to learn and if you don't find exactly what you want, free to try something different!23:41
dreamy_ok..im figuring by now that linux is clever with music23:41
dreamy_i mean it makes a good combination23:41
dreamy_do u know cubase23:42
acerimmerdreamy_: i don't BUT i know that Ardour is the linux equivalent.  Audacity suits my editing and mixing needs for the podcast quite nicely.23:42
acerimmerdreamy_: you'll find, I think, that there's enough variety and resources to get whatever you need done.  See the Ubuntu Studio and Multimedia forums...23:44
dreamy_ty for your atteention and help so far23:45
dreamy_im installing muse23:45
acerimmerhttp://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=334  $  http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=1623:45
dreamy_ty ill check that after i install muse23:47
dreamy_whats the jack audio server .. whats its purporse? does it makes better sound quality?23:49
dreamy_muse and ardour requires it23:49
acerimmerinstall it.  Jack works with the real-time kernel which you'll find very useful for multi-input semi-pro recording sessions.23:50
acerimmerNOTE: you can record, edit and mix with audacity without using jack - that's what I've been doing.23:50
acerimmermy very 1st Ubuntu Studio production in Audacity and Openshot video editor: http://youtu.be/XDL6fMQXIoE23:51
dreamy_im familiar with audicity , pretty nice..23:52
acerimmerRemixing in Ardour with Ubuntu Studio23:54
dreamy_pls w8 im trying to deal with jack23:55
dreamy_those apps also stand for electronic music producition?23:58
dreamy_mixing with real isntruments?23:58
dreamy_ardour and muse23:58
acerimmerardour absolutely never used muse so idk23:59

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