
morpheuspranyone willing to help me. i just did a fresh install on a desktop and i get a "analog out of range error"  doesnt even let me get into the grub or make any changes02:33
holsteinmorpheuspr: you have another monitor? or is this a laptop?02:33
holsteinive never seen that error on a laptop though02:34
morpheusprholstein: its on a desktop, tried with two diferent monitors so far02:34
holsteinmorpheuspr: i have always been able to fix with another monitor temporarily02:34
holsteindid you get ssh running on it?02:34
morpheusprholstein: tried with both crt and lcd monitors02:35
holsteinmorpheuspr: well, that has been the issue when i have seen that error.. what was the desktop like live?02:35
morpheusprholstein: runnign fine02:35
morpheusprholstein: thats why i was like WTf02:35
holsteininteresting... you could try putting an xorg.conf in place i suppose02:35
morpheusprholstein: how i cant even see grub or anything02:36
holsteinsometimes i grab them from knoppix live CD's02:36
holsteinmorpheuspr: right.. i suggesting from a live CD, you put a xorg.conf in place that you know (from the live CD) works with all your hardware02:36
morpheusprholstein: let me try02:38
morpheusprholstein: i dont really see a xorg.conf on the liveCD, i do see one on the main HD02:40
holsteinmorpheuspr: right.. thats why i use knoppix live CD typically in that situation.. you can generate one, or google for one, or use something like knoppix or puppy linx02:42
morpheusprholstein: couldnt i mount to my main HD from live CD and do a xorg config?02:43
holsteinmorpheuspr: do what it takes.. its an experiment at this point that the xorg.conf will work... so dont lose any sleep over it.. im just thinking you can force a resolution that one of your montiors will support, or the graphics card02:44
morpheusprbut would the GPU driver make a diference at grub but up?02:45
morpheuspri understand right b4 starting X but at boot up?02:45
holsteinmorpheuspr: sure.. and thats a place where you can force vesa or whatever, but i would expect the same performance as you had on the LIVE CD02:46
morpheusprholstein: forcing vesa and see what happens03:01
morpheusprholstein: alright i dont get it. nothing happens.  Its right at boot up so i dont understand03:03
holsteinmorpheuspr: its going to be more about forcing a resolution that works, not the driver (assuming its what i have run into before)03:03
morpheusprholstein: how do i do that if i cant even edit grub cause it doesnt even show up it happens b403:04
morpheusprholstein: its doing a refresh rate of 96HZ.. i dont get it03:06
holsteinmorpheuspr: you just add a custom xorg.conf with that informatino in it03:07
holsteinthats why i keep puppy and knoppix around03:07
morpheusprholstein: if i get knoppix... what can i do with it ? would i be able to do it with a copy of arch?03:09
holsteinmorpheuspr: anything that runs live, or otherwise, and give you both a functional system, and an xorg.conf you can borrow03:10
holsteini just grab the file right from the live instance.. and it usually sorts out the issue03:10
holsteinanyways... good luck.. gotta run03:11
morpheusprok thanks03:12
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g00seMy windows got borked - decoration have disappeared completely. When i open 'Window Manager' to cofig, it's empty. What gives?10:28
g00senm - i did xfwm4 --replace and that worked10:34
g00seRecently had X trouble - window decorations disappeared, etc. But now antialiasing needs to be restored. I've tried to tweak manually but not as good as (default) original. How do i restore defaults?10:49
xubuntu074hi all10:53
xubuntu074can someone help me?10:55
xubuntu074или из русскоговорящих есть тут кто?10:55
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.10:57
fcltwhat's the alternative to flash plugin?11:53
merpatiis anyone here ?12:13
merpatihello ?12:15
merpatii want to ask something ..12:16
mongyfclt, what's wrong with flash ?12:18
knomemongy, it's propietary technology.12:38
mongyknome, yeah, but it works, at least for me.  those other free alternatives are plain horrible12:46
knomemongy, works for me too here and there, but you asked what's wrong with it ;)12:47
fcltinstalled a package yesterday12:59
fcltand I was going to try it12:59
fcltbut I can't run it  from the menu entries12:59
fcltneither from terminal12:59
fcltcan anyone give me a clue on where's the problem?12:59
fcltthanks :)13:00
mongyfclt, what package13:01
fcltfrom here13:01
mongywhat does it do13:04
mongyhaving trouble downloading it...13:04
fcltmongy, it's puredata plus a bunch of libraries13:11
mongyrun it from terminal?13:11
mongylocate puredata13:12
fcltmongy, Pd (aka Pure Data) is a real-time graphical programming environment for audio, video, and graphical processing. It is the third major branch of the family of patcher programming languages known as Max (Max/FTS, ISPW Max, Max/MSP, jMax, etc.) originally developed by Miller Puckette and company at IRCAM. The core of Pd is written and maintained by Miller Puckette and includes the work of many developers, making the whole package very much13:12
fclta community effort.13:12
fcltfclt@fclt-lptp:~$ locate puredata13:12
fcltI guess I removed it13:13
fcltjust a sec.13:13
fcltmongy, http://pastebin.com/ufVDS2z113:17
fcltbrb tkx :)13:17
mongyfclt, 'wish' not installed.13:18
mongynot sure really.  try an older version, maybe new one is bust13:19
gci81Hi, I can't find a way to connect to choose the pulseaudio output device with the built-in sound applet. Is there a recommended way/package to do it?14:41
vrtsvetlostiI have for a year now used Linux and found that xubuntu works best for my netbook and ubuntu for the laptop. Xubuntu I have customized just the way I want it except these things: My fan is working the same pace all the time. An external hard drive never spins down at all, even when unmounted. So basicly this are energy issues and noise. I have tried to mark the "spin down the hard drive" in power manegment options, but it won't w15:20
vrtsvetlostiork and the box is unmarked as though I'm not allowed to choose that option.  Any help is thankful =)15:20
alix_Hello, maybe someone can help me.15:22
alix_I try to have a dual boot with win7/ubuntu but when I try to boot on win7 i have "Invalide signature". I tryed boot repair but no success.. here is a report http://paste.ubuntu.com/820114/15:22
Myrttivrtsvetlosti: you've checked that powerstepping is enabled in your BIOS?15:26
vrtsvetlostiI'm a begginner still, havn't touched anything called BIOS tey :s15:27
vrtsvetlostiSo i don't know, don't think so.15:27
mongyvrtsvetlosti, what video adapter do you have?15:28
vrtsvetlostiDon't know that either, any command line to check?15:29
mongylspci | grep VGA15:31
vrtsvetlosti00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation N10 Family Integrated Graphics Controller15:31
mongyok, nevermind15:32
vrtsvetlostijust want to spin down the fan, hard drive15:39
vrtsvetlostiwhen idle15:39
vrtsvetlostiIn BIOS will the CPUID (something) being enabled make change so hard disk can spin down?15:45
mongypower management should really handle it all.  le sigh.15:47
vrtsvetlostiI know, but the box won't be marked, you see when I mark "spin down..." it makes no change, when I enter the power management again it is unmarked. Wierd15:48
vrtsvetlostixfce P M15:49
mongyare you upto date?15:50
vrtsvetlostiYes. I have looked around on the internet for clues, also in synaptic for spin downs. But I just can't do it. From my basic knowlegde it seems as some kind of bug. I have a Eee PC asus.15:51
vrtsvetlostiI have seen some people doing manual things in command and rewriting fan rotation or something. Too advanced for me..15:53
vrtsvetlostiI asked for help on making the hard drive spin down. Since Power Manager is bugged and wont leave the check box marked for "enable spin down...". I now found laptop tools, from synaptic. By editing /etc/laptop-mode/laptop-mode.conf I will see if there is result. Any other suggestions are welcome.17:31
mrdoctorwhoHello. Can i ask about xubuntu translations here?17:33
vrtsvetlostiNo, laptop tools was no solution, you can't start up from sleep on battery... bad bad17:39
criverahey guys, how do i but xubuntu without any x server?18:19
criverai need to run it in a vim and don't need any desktop env18:19
holsteincrivera: i would just install ubuntu server18:20
holsteinyou can just remove the desktop18:20
criverahrmm, what's the best of way of toggling between x and no x18:20
holsteinthe graphical one you are in... thats 718:21
holsteinSO, to get back to where you are now.. control+alt+718:21
holsteinto get to another.. control+alt+1 for example18:21
holsteinno reason *not* to just us an emulator... xfce-terminal or whatever18:22
criveraah okay18:22
TVasEyesholstein: from a console, to get back to vt7, alt+f7 will do.   crivera:  when you're on a console, try sudo telinit 3 to switch runlevel (and stop x).18:23
holsteinsure... i suppose thats arguably more clear... to leave the current X session, control+alt+whatever #... 1-6 for example18:24
holsteinif you would like, you can omit the "control" to switch then.. or return to tty718:25
TVasEyesholstein: 'arguably more clear' yeah, English isn't my first language and my social skills aren't all too hot either ;).  what I meant is: Alt+Fn is the way to switch tty's, Ctrl+Alt+Fn (as you say) to switch from X.18:40
holsteinTVasEyes: :) ... thanks for clarifying... i like learning new things!18:42
TVasEyesholstein: Ctrl+Alt+Fn will also work if you run more than one X server concurrently.18:44
resslhi, anyone out there, who wants to help me with a problem with WLAN / Network-Manager?18:50
resslhm, I hoped, my seach which took days might end here, but obviously it won't. Thanks anyway19:15
knome!ask | ressl19:16
ubotturessl: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:16
resslOK, then I'll gibe it a try: my system has a working lan connection but no wlan and I'm not able to configure them in the network-manager. It says: Error displaying connection information: No valid active connections found! ifconfig, iwconfig give out everything ok, the settings in /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf semm ok for me, too19:20
knomeyou should have "auto" in the config files if you want to let NM control the interface19:21
resslso I should change managed=true to managed=auto?19:22
knomemm, no, in the interfaces file19:23
knomehaven't touched those in a while so i'm not exactly sure what is in which file ;)19:23
resslauto eth0 | iface eth0 inet dhcp is in /etc/network/interfaces and I added auto wlan0 | iface wlan0 inet dhcp -> no success19:25
syddrafI'm using XFCE with a Microsoft wireless keyboard and it is not recognizing the special keys, like volume control. Is there a way to fix this?19:26
baizonsyddraf: yes19:38
ShirakawasunaUsing thunderbird and gmail accounts, the 'new mail' indicator often remains on even after I've read all new emails. When I click it, it still indicates '1 unread', etc. Does anyone else have this issue (running oneiric)?20:07
mongydon't use TB, sorry.   Gmail and mail checker minus extension are all I need.20:51
Shirakawasunacan you easily handle multiple accounts that way, mongy? I have 3 and get tired of using the 'switch accounts' process just to read a few messages21:44
mongylet me see if it can.. not that I have more than 121:44
mongythere is an option page for adding accounts.21:45
mongygive it a try21:46
metasansanawhats the default tool for checking log files on xubuntu?22:20
GridCubemetasansana, any text reader?22:22
multipass|2i just install gedit22:23
mongyleafpad is ok22:24
metasansanaxfce doesn't have a log file viewer equivalent22:24
GridCubei dont know what you mean by log file viewer22:25
GridCubelog files are text files22:25
GridCubethat keep logs22:25
mongyleafpad, open file, /var/log/take your pick22:25
metasansanaon the gnome desktop you get an app called log file viewer22:25
GridCubeany text file reader will view the logs22:25
GridCubeO_o they do? why for?22:25
metasansanait helps22:25
jandruskUse Vi.22:26
mongymetasansana, I know what you mean.  a handy shortcut to each log basically.22:26
GridCubethen you probably shouyld install it22:26
metasansanait refreshes and bolds new entries as they come up22:26
metasansanaI did but I want to cut back on the gnome apps packages I have22:27
GridCubemetasansana, i don't know of any program that do what you just said sorry22:27
mongymetasansana, tailf /var/log/something.log22:27
GridCube^^ that should work22:28
mongylike tail -f but, in tailf22:28
metasansanajandrusk can I make vi refresh the file that is open?22:29
metasansanathanks mongy22:29
mongytailf will show you modifications22:29
metasansanaoh ok22:29
mongyctrl c to quit22:30
metasansanawell i guess this will do22:31
metasansanabanshee keeps crashing22:31
metasansanaI recently updated the machine22:32
jandruskmetasansana: Yes, use :set autoread22:34
jandruskyou would need to use vim and not the default vi.22:36
metasansanavim isn't really my kind of editor lol22:38
jandruskuse Emacs22:42
metasansanakids stuff22:43
metasansanaI use focused energy beams to flip the bits on my hard drive.22:44
blackarchanhow can i make that .php .html .css .xml to be oppened with Geany???23:21
GridCuberight clic > open with > more >remember this application23:22
mongymetasansana, emacs, really23:23
blackarchanGridCube: so i need to make this to all extensions for all the programs23:23
GridCubei will gess so, unless geany has a tool too, or unless you wanna try experimental software from xfce23:23
blackarchancant i make a scripts that tels xubuntu what extensions to be oppened with what program and what with what program?23:24
YomiIf I restore my iPhone…or just backup my music and then put it back on my iPhone using banshee, could it stop the issues I've been having previously? The issues are Duplicated&Reverting Playlists.23:24
GridCubeblackarchan, as said, xfce has an experimental program that do so, but its thinked to work with xfce 4.1023:25
blackarchanGridCube whats the name of t hat program?23:25
GridCubewait a second please23:25
blackarchanYomi: its possible not to work, because it is is possible that you actualy have duplicated playlists so when you backup you gonna backup the duplicated to23:26
YomiAh. I just don't get why it keeps doing it though, that along with the reverting to the previous songs on the playlist instead of the newer ones.23:28
blackarchanYomi: try backup all the data23:28
blackarchanand maybe give a format:D23:29
GridCubeblackarchan, http://mail.xfce.org/pipermail/xfce4-dev/2012-January/029529.html23:30
YomiWell I suppose it can't get any worse. Backup and restoring can't be too much of an issue, especially with an iPhone.23:31
GridCubenever even seen one in real life so :/23:32
blackarchanYomi: more bad things cant happen23:32
blackarchanGridCube: tnx23:32
GridCubeblackarchan, it seems that the MIME type editor has been merged to the xfce4-settings, but i don't know how you can get that to work with the current xubuntu xfce 4.823:33
GridCubebecause its different, the best option you have now its to do it manually23:34
blackarchanGridCube: i have two options complie the new xfce that has mime editor or install it by myself: http://roscidus.com/desktop/node/13623:34
blackarchanLink for the actual software23:34
GridCubeelse you will have to install experimental software and we can't really help you because you wont be using the oficial stuff.23:35
YomiOh, how can I stop nautilus from launching when I login to xubuntu ? …it starts up and turns the whole screen blue, then I have to kill it using the taskmanager, everytime I log in.23:35
GridCubeblackarchan, if you are willing to take the risk this is it: http://git.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-settings/23:35
GridCubeuninstall it Yomi23:35
GridCubesudo apt-get purge nautilus23:35
blackarchanGridCube: come onn whats the worst thing that can happen:)) just a reinstal23:36
GridCubewell, i don't know im just warning you23:36
blackarchantnx for the warning if i install it im gonna give the news from the new version23:37
GridCubeif something does go wrong then you can't come here and say "hey GridCube told me to do this and now x happens" :P23:37
blackarchanim gonna test it in a virtualbox23:37
GridCube:) that does sound like a good idea23:37
blackarchani heard that thers a way to make some apps(eg. Pidgin/Firefox/) to be uplouded somehow on ram..so that they start and run faster how??and its a good solution?23:49
GridCubenever heard of that, but i would guess that it is, today having 8gb of ram is rather usual so23:51
blackarchanits somthing like puppy linux if you know23:51
GridCube!ot | blackarchan, wont you matter to take this to offtopic?23:52
ubottublackarchan, wont you matter to take this to offtopic?: #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!23:52
blackarchanubottu tnx for the devel chanel:D and sorry for the offtopic23:53
ubottublackarchan: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:53
YomiI can't remove nautilus though, i need it for the iDevice Commands.23:54

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