
soeeany suggestions how can i fix this>00:00
giantpunehi, yesterday i installed the nvidia-nouveur package from the package manager.  some programs have started acting up since, so i am wanting to remove it.  when i select it in the synaptic and go to remove it, it says it will remove something calles xserver-xorg-video-all.  that one sounds pretty important.00:01
giantpunedoes anybody know how i can remove the nvidea thing without clobbering xorg?00:01
Num83rGuyDoes anyone here know why my samba setup is sending bad paths?00:22
Num83rGuyIt did this suddenly and even after I purged the packages it still directs to wrong folder paths and some I have just set are not showing.00:24
Num83rGuyI should say pureged and reinstalled.00:25
rocklHey guys, does quassel really have no file transfer support?00:27
yofelrockl: it doesn't00:28
rocklAh, I had hoped that wiki was outdated00:28
rocklIs there no way to add support then?00:28
yofelwell, tricky to do the way quassel works internally. But also not really a high priority for the devs00:29
yofelfor DCC I usually use xchat00:29
Num83rGuyDoes anyone know where dolphin or KDE stores the information on your samba shares it is not in my /etc/samba/smb.conf00:30
rocklouch, well I wanted to try and use kde software this time around00:30
rocklI'll try konversation then, it seems promising.00:30
Num83rGuyAm I mute or does no one f**king know?00:32
Num83rGuyI shudder at the power of 24/7 live community help.00:36
emI accidentally quit the sound volume control in the system tray. is there any way to get that back in the system tray?01:00
emhey kernelpanic how are you.01:02
emkernelpanic: I accidentally 'quit' the sound volume control thingy in the system tray, I don't see how you get that back now.01:03
emkernelpanic: do you know?01:03
Num83rGuyem: Alt+F2 and type kmix.01:15
SnowhogNum83rGuy: When you 'purge' an application, it doesn't actually remove "everything". User files/directories (hidden or otherwise) are left intact.01:16
emNum83rGuy: thanks.01:18
emNum83rGuy: One last thing -- is there something in Kubuntu that would be like a screen saver? Id like something that will 'lock screen' and force a password to log back in when a screen saver kicks in.01:19
yofelem: if you go to system settings -> display and monitor -> screensaver, there's a checkbox for passwords01:21
emyoeyes I found it thanks.01:21
emyofel: ^01:21
emI guess that kubuntu does not come with any screen savers though. Just blank screen.01:22
yofelwell, doesn't make much sense to use one with modern displays - waste of power01:22
yofelthere are packages that provide some though01:22
yofelkscreensavers, kscreensavers-xsavers, kscreensavers-xserver-extra01:23
emyofel: Oh I don't really use a screen saver to save power or my screen. I just like to see something neat moving around on there.01:24
Num83rGuyThanks Snowhog. It's just Dolphin is showing my shares all in lowercase and they all have the first letter capitalized example Video not video. Samba on my box (linux) and my wifes (Win)  say file not found.01:28
Num83rGuyI am on #samba trying to get help and now have a new smb.conf file that has locked me out of my shares on both my comp and hers but, I can access her shares.01:31
Num83rGuyAnd I still can't add or remove shares on my computer.01:31
Num83rGuyI am not getting file not found any more now it's just access denied.01:32
LINKSWORD2Yo. How's everybody doing?01:43
frogonwheelsAnybody got a clue how I can supress sounds for kmail imap sync errors for eg: like  mail.myserver:Unknown error. (Could not create collection)01:44
frogonwheelsIt doesn't appear to be classified as a Kmail  'Error while checking mail'  error.01:46
LINKSWORD2How do I get Konversation to auto-identify me?01:46
frogonwheelsEdit the server definition, add an identity, supply a pass. umm..01:47
frogonwheels(server list,  select collection & press [edit] then  near 'identity' press [edit]  - provide a Service  (nickserv) and your password01:49
frogonwheelsLINKSWORD2: ^^01:49
LINKSWORD2frogonwheels: I must be blind....01:50
frogonwheelsLINKSWORD2: it's one of those things - it's easier to see once you've seen it ;)01:51
LINKSWORD2I think I've found it.01:51
LINKSWORD2Heh. I decided to really go retro... And install the oldest Kubuntu I could find.01:52
LINKSWORD2Hoary Hedgehog (5.04)01:52
=== katerina is now known as Guest47133
LINKSWORD2I've lost my sanity, everything else is soon to follow. :P01:54
DoctorPepperhi guys !!!01:56
littlegirlHey there, is anybody here using Kubuntu 10.04 *and* familiar with TTY sessions?01:58
LINKSWORD2That's a negative, mate.01:59
frogonwheelslittlegirl: what's the problem.. you're better off just asking.02:01
littlegirlfrogonwheels: I would like a person who's comfortable using TTY sessions to try something in Kubuntu 10.04 so that I can figure out if it's a bug or if it's restricted to something in my setup.02:02
littlegirlI also went into the kubuntu-devel channel and asked if they are even interested in Kubuntu 10.04 bugs or not (since they may be totally busy with the new release coming out in 3 months) and received no answer.02:03
Num83rGuyWhat is the command?02:03
littlegirlNum83Guy: If I press Ctrl+Alt+F1 I end up in a black screen with no cursor and no prompt. I cannot get back out of it with Ctrl+Alt+F7 (as I would expect to be able to when wanting to return to the default session) and can only press Ctrl+Alt+Del to shut down the computer to get out of it.02:04
frogonwheelslittlegirl: alt+F7  to get out of it02:05
frogonwheelserr alt+f802:05
littlegirlfrogonwheels: Why?02:05
frogonwheelslittlegirl: ctrl+alt+F*  is from X ..but in the console, it is just alt+f*02:05
Num83rGuySome times X starts on TTY8 instead iof 702:05
littlegirlBut I can move around from session to session with Ctrl+Alt+F2 through F6, so why should Ctrl+Alt+F1 be different, and why is it not putting me at a prompt? Is it a bug?02:06
frogonwheelsi think for some versions, upstart was running on tty1 before getting a session login.. but it seems it's now running on tty7 with X11 on tty802:06
frogonwheelslittlegirl: hmm.. oh yeah. that used not to be the case. lol, it's probably been like that for years.. however the ctrl  in the tty is not required.02:07
Num83rGuyHa I did not know about not having to hold CTL to switch after you were out of X.02:07
littlegirlSo it's not a bug?02:07
frogonwheelsit used to be that ctrl+alt+F*  did NOT work02:07
littlegirlAnd is the non-cursor and non-prompt on Ctrl_Alt+F1 not a bug either?02:08
frogonwheelsthat sounds wrong.02:08
frogonwheelsI think I've had problems with certain display drivers not switching properly into tty mode02:08
littlegirlNVIDIA here, straight from the company. (:02:08
frogonwheelsat the moment it works fine tho'02:08
frogonwheelslittlegirl: which might be your problem :(02:08
littlegirlHmmm... (:02:09
frogonwheels<sarcasm>I mean why would anybody use a tty?</sarcasm>02:09
Num83rGuyI had that hapen too for a while. I just ignored it and used TTY2 +02:09
Num83rGuyOh yeah Nvidia here as well.02:09
littlegirlNum83rGuy: Yeah, I'm wondering if it's a bug and if they should be told about it before they put out the next LTS release. (:02:09
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit02:10
Num83rGuyWell I am using 11.10 now and TTY1 is fine.02:10
littlegirlNum83rGuy: Glad to hear it. (:02:11
frogonwheelsI'm on an ATI video-card, and not having problems.02:11
littlegirlDo they use your non-LTS code as a base for the next LTS release or do they use my LTS code as a base for the next release?02:12
frogonwheelsI'm also on 11.1002:12
littlegirlIs that what they use as the foundation for the next LTS?02:12
frogonwheelslittlegirl: It would be normal to make a cut of the current (non-lts) release to be tagged as LTS, and stabilise it02:12
littlegirlfrogonwheels: Good, then the TTY won't be an issue in three months. (:02:13
frogonwheelslittlegirl: keep your fingers crossed :)02:14
littlegirlfrogonwheels: Will do, and if it's still an issue, I guess *then* I will file a bug report. (:02:14
littlegirlI figured it might be a little late in the game to be reporting 10.04 bugs. (:02:14
littlegirlWell, thanks for the help - I'm off! (:02:16
LINKSWORD2I keep seeing ChanServ give chan-op privileges to the FloodBotK nicks. How can I hide that in Konversation?02:20
SnowhogJontheEchidna: The bots are at it again.02:31
JontheEchidnathat should do it. http://tinyurl.com/chzwadq02:34
JontheEchidnaor not02:36
SnowhogThe 'bot' is mightier than the JontheEchidna!!02:36
JontheEchidnaThis isn't the same last time. the bots seem to keep asking chanserv for op02:36
JontheEchidnalast time it was just that two of the bots disagreed about a channel mode setting02:36
SnowhogJontheEchidna: Maybe they should be renamed: CancerBotK1, CancerBotK2, CancerBotK302:37
yofelnah, they're accurately named02:37
yofelafter all they're flooding the channel02:37
Snowhogyofel: Well, given their current state of operation, yes!02:38
Unit193JontheEchidna: Normally someone logs into the host and resets them02:40
JontheEchidnaI don't think I have access to that02:40
Logos01Greetings, programs... anybody in here familiar with connecting to an OpenVPN server as a client via the KNetworkManager interface? I seem to be unable to do so.02:41
JontheEchidnapangolin: ping (can't tsimpson, and the bots are causing trouble)02:42
Logos01I have confirmed the server is in fact operating (my Android device is able to connect via the same certs I want to use.)02:43
LINKSWORD2Hey guys, is it still possible to upgrade legacy Kubuntu software through the normal upgrade processes?03:02
DaskreechLINKSWORD2: Yes03:14
DaskreechIf you are really really old it might be a little rocky but it should work as long as you have kubuntu-desktop updated03:15
LINKSWORD2Daskreech: I decided to play around with the oldest Kubuntu version I could find, 5.04 Hoary Hedgehog.03:16
LINKSWORD2... I might regret this later.03:16
DaskreechLINKSWORD2: Those servers are shut down for repository stuff03:17
Daskreechbut they point to the last out of date server03:17
Daskreechso you will update and suddenly get pulled up to say Jaunty03:17
LINKSWORD2Which, if I recall, is 8.04?03:18
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.03:18
LINKSWORD2... I was close. :P03:19
ubottuUbuntu 5.04 (Hoary Hedgehog) was the second release of Ubuntu.  End Of Life: October 31, 2006. See !eol for more details.03:19
DaskreechSo you stand the chance of jumping 4 years of development (and accumulated bugs!)03:20
LINKSWORD2... lol03:21
=== sleeping is now known as Guest47616
LINKSWORD2Speaking of which.... I think I found one already.03:23
Logos01Anybdoy? KNetworkManager OpenVPN configuration experience?03:23
LINKSWORD2Daskreech: Permission to query?03:25
Xplosyst3mactualis that command the entire system??03:25
skachanybody here??03:29
skachhey anbody online??03:37
yourfriendisaacIs anyone else having trouble with submitting a bug?03:38
skachwhat bug??03:38
yourfriendisaacWell there are two  xaralx in ubuntu 10.10 and above menu is being inhibited and in ubuntu older cdrom drives are not seen by the os03:39
skachOh lol didnt know that new here =)03:40
DaskreechWhat's the question?03:43
DaskreechLogos01: what version of Knetworkmanager?03:43
Daskreechyourfriendisaac: what's the bug?03:44
Logos01Daskreech: I've got Kubuntu 11.1003:44
yourfriendisaacDaskreech:Well there are two  xaralx in ubuntu 10.10 and above menu is being inhibited and in ubuntu older cdrom drives are not seen by the os03:45
DaskreechLogos01: And what are you trying?03:48
Daskreech!info xralax03:48
ubottuPackage xralax does not exist in oneiric03:48
DaskreechWht's xalrax ?03:48
Logos01Daskreech: I'm trying to connect to my OpenVPN server.03:48
Logos01I have confirmed my keys work (I've used them on my Android phone.)03:49
DaskreechPreshared Key?03:49
Logos01ca.crt client.crt client.key03:49
Daskreechah ok03:50
* Daskreech doesn't really know that much about but let me try find out03:50
Daskreechare you getting an error connecting?03:51
Logos01I'm not able to initiate the connection.03:51
DaskreechIt just hangs then stops?03:52
Logos01It does nothing.03:52
DaskreechHmm :-/03:53
Logos01So walk me through this client because its settings aren't like those for the Android OpenVPN client.03:54
Logos01"Gateway" should be the address of the OVPN server, correct?03:54
yourfriendisaacneveer mindI geuss i;; try the ubuntu room my fault03:55
DaskreechLogos01: can you pastebin the output from grep vpm /var/log/syslog ?04:05
Logos01Daskreech: I can just CNP it between quotes here for you:  ""04:06
Daskreechha ok that's ... funky04:06
Daskreechgrep VPN does the same?04:07
Logos01grep -i 'vp[n,m]' /var/log/syslog just gave me useful output...04:08
Logos01<warn> connection /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings/1 failed to activate: (2) The VPN service 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.openvpn' was not installed.04:09
Logos01... why I did not think of this...04:09
Logos01Bad admin. Bad.04:09
Daskreech vpn not vpm04:10
Logos01... why would the openvpn dialogue be present if the package for it wasn't installed?04:11
Logos01That's buggy code if I ever heard it.04:11
Logos01That's done it, however.04:13
Logos01Thank you, Daskreech.04:13
DaskreechLogos01: I think it will autodetect come 4.9 and beyond04:13
Logos01... had to change the gateway to my router's local address since I'm on wifi right now, but hey -- that's trivial.04:13
DaskreechLINKSWORD2: sup?04:13
LINKSWORD2FYI, Opera browser is king.04:14
LINKSWORD2Well, the Hedgehog is screwed up. I'm gonna kidnap a Koala. :P04:14
* LINKSWORD2 installs Karmic on my experimental system.*04:15
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 29th 2011, see http://goo.gl/UUTAB for details.04:16
DaskreechWhat happened with Hedgehog?04:16
ubottuUbuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger) was the third release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 13, 2007. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.04:16
LINKSWORD2Upgrading wouldn't work.04:16
DaskreechYeah I think the upgrade system was a little strange at that point04:17
ubottuUbuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on July 14th 2009, Server support ended on June 1st 2011. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.04:17
Logos01LINKSWORD2: Sure it would. You'd just have to upgrade via local install to an interstitial version.04:17
LINKSWORD2Screw that idea. lol04:17
DaskreechLogos01: Let him play in his sandbox :)04:18
Logos01Daskreech: Well... he's on his own then.04:18
DaskreechPretty much is04:18
* Daskreech plays flute04:18
* LINKSWORD2 grabs Master Sword.*04:18
LINKSWORD2Daskreech: Have you ever used the Opera web browser04:19
DaskreechIt will work till the fat lady sings?04:20
LINKSWORD2True. :P04:20
LINKSWORD2Or at least until she meets Achmed. :P04:20
Logos01LINKSWORD2: ... did you just grab yourself in public?04:20
LINKSWORD2Logos... What do you know about my name?04:21
LINKSWORD2And I urge you to tread carefully... >.>04:22
LINKSWORD2Apparently, I know how to kill a chatroom.04:24
Logos01LINKSWORD2== Master Sword.04:25
LINKSWORD2Logos01: And how might you come to that conclusion?04:25
Logos01The Master Sword is the second sword Link gets.04:26
LINKSWORD2Which game? lol04:26
Logos01The Legend of Zelda ?04:26
Logos01It's been... over ten years since I've played it.04:26
Logos01Fuck, it's been over fifteen.04:26
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.04:27
Logos01I have a policy to not remain in channels that are too immature to handle language used by adults.04:27
LINKSWORD2An "adult" would know that it's polite to not swear in such a manner....04:28
LINKSWORD2YEOWW!!! Kubuntu's default startup volume needs to be set to about 30%, rather than 75%.04:40
DaskreechWHAT? WHY?04:40
LINKSWORD2So that we don't go DEAF when the system starts up.... >.>04:41
DaskreechWhy would we go 57007 ?04:43
LINKSWORD2Daskreech: WTF is 57007?04:46
Daskreech!language :)04:46
LINKSWORD2.... "WTF" is an abbreviation, which can mean many things.04:47
LINKSWORD2I prefer the clean version.04:47
DaskreechWorld trades in fairness?04:48
LINKSWORD2-_- That would be nice... lol04:49
LINKSWORD2But no. I prefer "What the Freak?"04:49
DaskreechWhat the French?04:54
=== john is now known as jlittle
LINKSWORD2lol That works.04:59
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 29th 2011, see http://goo.gl/UUTAB for details.05:02
LINKSWORD2Ah, that's right.05:03
DaskreechHow's Karmic going?05:08
LINKSWORD2Installed. I'm familiar with Karmic quite well, so I'll fix my settings as I wish them to be.... In the morning.05:09
Daskreechha ha05:09
rrodasgIN CHICAGO........write your city name and country: please05:11
LINKSWORD2Sorry. We just don't do that here. This is a support chat, not a dating chat.05:14
Daskreechrrodasg: Huh?05:14
rrodasgKool then can you explain to me how to join freenode classroom EVents of Jan 31st and Feb 1 and 205:16
rrodasglooking 4 answers05:19
Daskreechrrodasg: Those would be in #ubuntu-classroom05:20
rrodasgnewbie here: so where do I find #ubuntu-classroom?05:21
Daskreechtype /join #ubuntu-classroom or just click on the blue letters05:22
rrodasghow do I register05:29
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode05:43
zorobabelnot sure where to ask this, either here or KDE, but I changed my desktop theme to Oxygen (dark); now when I try to open Network Manager, battery settings, etc. in the task panel I can't see any of the text because it is dark grey, so how do I change the settings for that text?06:58
daggs123hello all, I'm using kubuntu 10.04 and I don't have any mic, any ideas how to debug the issue?08:01
kroonrsdaggs123: do you mean the system isn't picking up your mic, or that you don't have one?08:32
daggs123kroonrs, I have a headset + mic, when I connect it to the jacks (I'm pretty sure it is the right ones) I don't hear the mic, I'm using the following command: arecord | aplay08:37
yon__someone here09:19
yon__are there any people in here who have anything to talk about09:25
Riddellyon__: this is a support channel, chat in #kubuntu-offtopic09:25
yon__what do you mean by that09:26
yon__this should be a place where everyone talk about everything isn't free means that09:27
bazhangyon__, no09:28
bazhangyon__, this is support. #kubuntu-offtopic is chit chat09:28
yon__any one know a social chat09:36
yon__to chat with friends or something09:36
bazhang#defocus or #kubuntu-offtopic yon__09:36
yon__another one09:37
bazhang!alis | yon__09:37
ubottuyon__: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*09:37
ruslanЕсть хто?09:40
bazhang!ru | ruslan09:40
ubotturuslan: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.09:40
blagflagHello all, I want to play around with ubuntu cloud and Im little bit confused where to start. For testing I want to do a single server cloud but I read that ubuntu 10 uses eucalyptus and ubuntu 12 will use openstack. Can someone give me a hint how I get a single server cloud up and running on ubuntu 11? I found http://foss-boss.blogspot.com/2010/10/cloud-on-cloud-uec-on-ec2.html . Can I upgrade to ubuntu 12 then? When I use ubuntu 11.10 I was not able to09:41
blagflagget a running single server setup. Can someone give me a hint how to get it up and running?09:41
ruslanjoin #kubuntu-ru09:41
bazhangruslan, /join #ubuntu-ru09:42
yon__i created a new social site i want to uplead it to the web how do i do that09:48
yon__i created a new social site i want to uplead it to the web how do i do that09:55
yon__i created a new social site i want to uplead it to the web how do i do that09:55
FloodBotK3yon__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:55
18VAAMS5YCan anyone tell me how to change the start launcher icon from the right side of the bar back to the left side?10:07
aiguuIs there a way to move the launcher from the lower right corner over to where it originally was in the lower left?10:14
aiguuDrag-drop doesn't seem to work and I dug through options and nothing sticks out.10:14
robin0800aiguu: the easy way is to remove that panel and start again from scratch10:22
aiguuReally? That seems like such a hassle.10:22
aiguuI guess I will just leave it on the right.10:22
aiguuThat should really get fixed. :p10:22
VAGNER-poutsinidoes anyone else has disconnections while using Ktorrent?10:42
ArchangelSe7ennot me10:47
renehi every110:47
=== rene is now known as Guest8737
=== Guest8737 is now known as PokerFeisser
PokerFeissernick Rene is already in use10:48
PokerFeisseri am new in linux, need help to set my boot options in dual boot system10:49
PokerFeisserin linux10:49
PokerFeisserhow can i do it10:49
ArchangelSe7endual setup with what ?10:50
ArchangelSe7endualboot setup*10:50
PokerFeissernext to win 710:50
PokerFeisserdifferent hard drives10:50
ArchangelSe7enah ..10:51
yon__kubuntu sucks and fucks10:51
ArchangelSe7enI suppose both systems are already installed ?10:51
PokerFeisseryon__:  ty10:52
ArchangelSe7enyon__, you're absolutely right10:52
bazhangyon__, stop that10:52
PokerFeisseryon__: u sucks and fcks :) i like that KDE desctop10:52
PokerFeisseri am graphic lover10:52
ArchangelSe7enPokerFeisser, I suggest setting the boot order from the BIOS10:53
PokerFeisserArchangelSe7en: can i set up different OS -s boot options in BIOS ?10:54
yon__why don't all of u blow job urself while using kde10:54
bazhang!ops | yon__10:54
ubottuyon__: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Hobbsee, Tm_T, Nalioth, Riddell, seth, imbrandon, gnomefreak, nixternal, ryanakca, mneptok, PriceChild, tsimpson, jussi, Pici, ikonia, genii, Mamarok, claydoh, maco, apachelogger, seele, Nightrose, JontheEnchidna, rgreening, or txwikinger10:54
PokerFeisseru even dont know what u talking about10:55
PokerFeisserthank god10:55
yon__tell me10:55
ArchangelSe7enyes you can10:55
ArchangelSe7enand I suggest ignoring the troll10:55
PokerFeisserfirstable u laught with him and then u suggest to ignore troll, LOL10:56
yon__ty you pokerfeisser10:56
yon__hmmm u10:57
yon__pker teiser10:57
PokerFeisseryon__: why u be in here #kubuntu channel ? u event dont love kubuntu lol10:57
yon__my love to kde makes me hate it10:58
yon__lol u10:58
PokerFeisserfk u10:58
bazhangyon__, lets stop it now10:58
yon__u too10:58
bazhangPokerFeisser, thats enough please10:58
yon__bazhang are you from africa like me10:59
PokerFeisseryes yes, i am new and now most kickable guy in the whole world10:59
AlanBellsorry about the inconvenience all, please carry on10:59
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.11:00
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct11:00
AlanBellthose define our normal standards11:00
PokerFeisserAlanBell: u help me with one little guestion ? i need to make my dual boot options on just 2 options like: win7 and kubuntu11:01
PokerFeisserat the moment there is 4 different choises11:01
PokerFeisserare or smth11:01
PokerFeissermy english is so bad but hope u understand11:02
AlanBellnot sure I know the answer11:02
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot11:02
AlanBellmight be some stuff to read about there11:02
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot11:07
VAGNER-poutsinisudo apt-get install skype11:08
grml__hi, i have a problem since the last update in kubuntu backports, after login with kdm, the screen keeps black, shows only the mouse pointer11:16
grml__in .xsession-errors i habe fatal IO error for kglobalaccel, kdeinit4, x-window-manager, knotify4, klauncher11:18
grml__can anybody help? :)11:19
aiguuAnyone know what kind of drivers to look for for netbook webcams that are built into the netbook? I can't find any hardware information regarding the webcam.11:22
Dieter_brauche hilfe11:44
Dieter_möchte auf acere aspire one 3g treiber installiren11:44
Dieter_habe treiber schon geladen11:45
Dieter_mit dem software installkit sagt er fehler11:46
Dieter_kann bitte jemand helfen11:48
Dieter_admin kannst du helfen?11:49
cortex_sk!de | Dieter_11:51
ubottuDieter_: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!11:51
Dieter_danke versuche es11:52
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sayakbhi, i'm using the horos theme with kdm. my laptop has a resolution of 1366x768 and kdm crops the background image there. i used to set "ScaleMode" attribute to free in kdmrc, but since they changed it from an XML file to a key-value pair, the settings dont take effect. anyone has any idea?12:34
sayakbnevermind, figured it out!12:43
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
BluesKajHowdy all13:07
oops6_4Hi all I just installed Kubuntu 11.10 on my new HP Elite Book dual boot with Windows 7 but after the installation I cannot able to boot in Kubunt normally have to use recovery mode only and with windows its not booting up giving me blue screen of deth13:39
oops6_4any solution for atleast kubuntu please13:39
desade_mmDaskreech: thanks for your and BrickRisk's help yesterday. I ended up using Clonezilla, and it worked much better.13:43
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BluesKajoops6_4,  in recovery mode , have you updated/upgraded since the install?13:46
oops6_4BluesKaj: yes13:46
oops6_4I did update and upgrade too13:46
BluesKajdo a dist-upgrade as well13:47
oops6_4BluesKaj: sure let me do that13:47
BluesKajthen , sudo os-prober , then run , sudo update-grub13:48
oops6_4well this dist-upgrade is updateing my kernel so shall I restart or just do this 2 steps and then restart13:49
BluesKajdo the commands first13:50
oops6_4sure thanks13:50
oops6_4BluesKaj: restarting brb13:52
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oops6_4BluesKaj: still the same only in recovery mode14:07
oops6_4well this time when it was stuck i press alt+ctrl +f7 ans it was14:07
oops6_4udevd /sbin/modprobe -bv terminated by signal 914:08
akishi all. my son removed for my places in dolphin the recycle bin. how can i replace it? which is the path?14:10
BluesKajakis open the trash and restore14:11
BluesKajoops6_4,  do lsmod and pastebin it14:12
akisopen from where? i added a new entry named "trasch" but i don't know the path.14:13
oops6_4BluesKaj: here it is http://pastebin.com/deaek0gx14:14
BluesKajakis, right click on the desktop , add widgets , type trash in the text , click on trash twice then open it in the panel14:15
oops6_4BluesKaj: going to restart the machine brb14:17
akisok. i find it as widget. i want it know in 'my places' in dolphin under 'root'14:18
oops6_4BluesKaj: I just updated my Nvidia drives and now its working smoot but still windows problem is there cant boot windows 7 grub shows 2 windows 7 entries and both of them goes to blue screen how do I slove it ?14:21
akisi went to 'my places' in dolphin left column. i added new entry, i choised 'trash' icon and i put as path: /home/user/.local/share/Trash/files. i can see know the files in trash, but right click doesn't have 'empty trash' option. any idea?14:23
BluesKajis there anything in trash ?14:23
BluesKajyour son must have emptied the trash folder14:24
akisyes i have some files i deleted today. ia can see them in /home/user/.local/share/Trash/files14:26
akisi added a new entry under 'my places' in dolphin, i choosed as path /home/user/.local/share/Trash/files so when i click on it i can see the files on trash but right click doesn't have 'empty' option.14:31
akisand the icon is not a full trash.14:32
akisso is imissing the default icon with the default procedure.14:33
akisany idea?14:33
akisto restore it?14:33
BluesKajthe default path for trash is , trash:/  , akis14:35
BluesKajakis alt+f2 , trash14:36
meNthasomebody can help me to fix my muon software center? its always crash...14:39
BluesKajakis,  drag the folder beside trash:/ in dolphin addressbar to places14:40
akisbingo! super! path: trash:/ worked.14:40
akisi fixed it.14:40
akisthanks a lot.14:40
BluesKajmeNtha,  muon is broken , don't use it np14:40
BluesKajakis,  good :)14:41
akisonce more, thank you BluesKaj.14:42
BluesKajmeNtha,  apper or adept or synaptic are good package managers , use one of those14:42
BluesKajakis,  were you able to restore your files ?14:42
akisi just emptied trash. i try to delete one file and restore it and i report it. ait.14:43
meNthasynaptic is godd, can i intall it wit apt-get synaptic? :)14:43
akisyes. it can be restored normally.14:44
BluesKajmeNtha,  sudo apt-get install synaptic14:44
akiseverything works fine.14:44
BluesKajakis,  add the trash widget to your panel , it will have the same path and is much handier than open dolphin to empty it14:45
BluesKaj!apt-get | meNtha,14:46
ubottumeNtha,: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)14:46
akisi saw it, but is more convenient for me to use 'trash' in 'my places' in dolphin.14:47
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BluesKajmeNtha,  synaptic is still my favourite , I use it mostly for refernces and package information but I can't live without it .15:01
BluesKajhi vpelcak_15:01
vpelcak_BluesKaj: hi. I prefer Synaptic as well. BTW, after upgrade I have displayed also packages from i386 in it. How come? Any idea how to get rid of them?15:03
Kwarkjevpelcak_ some packages stil come only in i386 and they work perfectly fine under amd64, you can't get rid of them15:05
BluesKajare you running apps like  google earth , vpelcak_ , they will install i386 apps despite calling themselves 64 bit15:05
BluesKaji386 libs actually15:06
vpelcak_Nope guys. I mean, I have some 32bit apps installed for sure, point is, that for _every_ package I have displayed its 32bit version with :i386 suffix15:07
vpelcak_It looks like bug in Synaptic15:09
BluesKajvpelcak_, make sure you install multiarch-support15:10
vpelcak_I have. It looks like problem iin package management itself, not in kernel level15:11
vpelcak_aptitude displays packages twice, synaptic adds i386 indicator15:11
BluesKajas installed ?15:11
vpelcak_Nope. As available. Only one of them can be installed15:12
vpelcak_It just displays both archs for me. Maybe some failed config migration in apt15:13
BluesKajjust showing availble isn't a bug15:14
BluesKajsome ppl still prefer to run 32 bit apps/libs on 64 bit machines15:15
vpelcak_Well, but it didn't use to be so. I'd like to disable it anyway. Also, in aptitude it is confusing as it is not visible which arch are you picking to be installed.15:16
meNthaBluesKaj can u give me some information about dpkg like apt-get?15:16
vpelcak_But it is not huge problem for me. If you don't know, no problem. I don't know either anyway.15:16
meNtha!dpkg | meNtha15:17
ubottumeNtha, please see my private message15:17
BluesKajvpelcak_,  if you run a 64 bit OS  apt/aptitude/dpkg will always try to install 64 bit versions15:18
vpelcak_BluesKaj: I got it. As meNtha mentioned dpkg, I checked its configs. There is file /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/multiarch containing "foreign-architecture i386". So I renamed that file to *.bck and restarted Synaptic. Voila.. it works.15:20
BluesKajmeNtha,  apt and aptitude and GUI package managers always call the dpkg sytem to actually do the installation15:20
LynoureWhere can I find kivio / flow ?15:41
Lynouremy apt-cache search does not seem to find it on 11.1015:42
BluesKajLynoure,  isn't listed in my package manager...is kivio the right name ?15:45
LjLLynoure: not entirely sure, but i think they've been removed from KOffice and are now in Calligra, but Calligra is not available in 11.1015:47
KwarkjeLyonoure: LjL:15:48
KwarkjeLynoure: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/beta15:51
Kwarkjesudo apt-get install calligra15:51
Kwarkjeafter that you should remove this beta repository with: sudo remove-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/beta15:52
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LynoureKwarkje: Thank you. Seems my system did not have remove-apt-repository but I removed that one manually16:41
KwarkjeLynoure, my command was wrong, it should be sudo remove-apt-repository kubuntu-ppa/beta, without ppa: ;)16:42
LynoureKwarkje: no, I mean there was no command remove-apt-repository16:44
LynoureKwarkje: root@lalli:~# remove-16:44
Lynoureremove-default-ispell    remove-default-wordlist  remove-shell16:44
LynoureBut, like I said, removed it manually.16:45
Lynoureand ran apt-get update again, so I don't accidentally upgrade to weirdness.16:45
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KwarkjeLynoure, good then :)16:45
yofelLynoure, Kwarkje: it's 'add-apt-resository -r ppa:...'16:47
yofelto remove one16:47
Kwarkjelmao, how weird yofel, almost like hitting start to shutdown computer16:48
Lynoureyofel: the dudes writing Unix Haters' Handbook have such a point :)16:49
Lynoureyofel: thanks :)16:49
yofelwell, we have manpages for that... somewhat...16:50
Kwarkjethey should just change name to apt-repository16:50
Vamp898Hi, it seems like Kubuntu have a update problem. Multiple times the persons where i installed Kubuntu and my Test VMs just "hang" on the Update. This happens for example 100% reproducable on the first update every, but from month to month this happens again. The Update Prozess just freezes, the people dont know what to do, restart and the system is only trash. I have to go to them personally and rescue there systems finising the hung upgrade16:52
Vamp898by hand with dpkg --configure -a. Thats qute annoying and since about 2 or 3 Kubuntu releases. On Ubuntu this does not happen16:52
Vamp898if i run the upgrade by hand using apt-get dist-upgrade, this also does not happen, this happens only using the GUI-Updater. Its quite mysterious that this happens always at all people where i installed Kubuntu so this have to be a known thing (its not the first time that this happened too)16:54
Vamp898Im installing a VM right now where i do a snapshot and run the update by cli and by gui to check whats the reason for the freeze. If there are already some informations, please tell16:54
Vamp898ok nvmd, i found a bug on launchpad16:56
josmanyone here good on stonith + ipmi?17:41
josmim having problems with my fence :)17:41
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douglas-web-devHello everyone!18:00
douglas-web-devWould someone help me please?18:00
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douglas-web-devWhy my software-center is not asking for password while opening?18:00
dan457it should if you make any changes18:01
douglas-web-devdan457, well but when I click to install any package, nothing happens... :/18:02
dan457did you click the apply changes button?18:03
douglas-web-devdan457, I click on the install button... I think there's no where else to click....18:04
douglas-web-devI don't see any apply changes button, dan457 ...18:05
dan457k, I use package manager not software center, prob different. let me look...18:05
douglas-web-devdan457, okay, thank you!18:06
dan457ok, when I click install, I get a popup asking for my password.18:07
kaipreshawdan457, type your password18:07
dan457I did,and it installed18:08
douglas-web-devdan457, well... Here it doesn't ask for it. :(18:08
douglas-web-devThe install button just blinks fast, and nothing more.18:09
dan457you know how to open a terminal?18:10
douglas-web-devdan457, yeah, it's open here...18:10
dan457try:  sudo dpkg --configure -a18:11
dan457make sure you don't have any unfinished installations...18:11
douglas-web-devdan457, okay18:12
dan457did it do anything?18:12
douglas-web-devdan457, No... I typed and hit enter. Re-opened the software-center... It still happens nothing when I click on install, for any package.18:14
dan457the dpkg should have asked for your password, then did nothing if everything is ok.18:14
douglas-web-devSorry for taking your time, dan457 . :/18:15
dan457open the package-manager instead, and try to install from there.  it's more complex but has way more programs18:16
douglas-web-devIt asked, I typed in... And it did nothing. :)18:16
dan457software-center has a very limmited selection.18:16
dan457but is more user friendly for new users18:16
douglas-web-devHow do I open package-manager? I type the name in the terminal and it doesn't open...18:18
dan457Don't worry about my time.  Lazy sunday, testing latest build of next release..18:18
dan457same place as software center under the k menu18:18
douglas-web-devdan457, I'm sorry... I gotta go... Lunch is on table, and wife is almost angry. :)18:19
douglas-web-devdan457, I'm sorry... Thank you for your time. I'll be back in some minutes... Thank you.18:19
dan457hmm, found a bug :-(18:26
dan457#kubuntu channel dissapeare from my list of channels onthe left, and have to type /j #kubuntu to switch back every time. other channels working fine...18:27
dan457I think I'll take it off my auto-join list and relog.  brb.18:28
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oratedKubuntu 11.10 KDE 4.8 How to reinstall dolphin? I'm some problems when trying to connect to a network using dolphin. I cannot purge/remove it as it also lists kubuntu-desktop.19:19
dan457have you tried backing up .kde and deleting it?  might just be old config issue....19:21
orateddan457: So you are saying that resetting kde can help? Will it affect KDE apps settings?19:22
dan457it will make a new .kde with the default settings19:23
dan457it has helped me before, have not tried 4.8 on 11.10 so don't know for sure19:24
dan457currently running 4 7.4 on desktop, anf this netbook is 12.04...19:25
oratedand after reset, the settings for specific kde app can be copied  from backep up .kde?19:25
BluesKajorated, are thrses connections made with add network folder , previous to 4.8 upgrade?19:25
dan457yes, bet to do it from a live cd19:25
oratedBluesKaj: yes19:25
dan457some caanot be copied over wile in use.19:26
orateddan457: Yes, thanks. I was considering kde reset19:27
BluesKajthen dolphin doesn't have anything to do with connection , make sure you have kwalletmanager enabled and try to connect again.19:27
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dan457_They did a lot of "improvements" in dolphin 4.8, so I image a lot of new bugs.19:28
oratedBluesKaj: It used to work. Dor example, I'm able to ssh from my system to but sftp in dolphin is not opening with same credentials. I removed the created network before and retried but same error - unable to connect. I can make sftp connections using other ftp/smb/stfp clients19:29
dan457_Ah, sounds like a bug.  I should try from my netbook to my server...19:30
dan457_it's running kde 4.819:30
BluesKajorated,  I had the same problem , but I had kwalletmanager disabled , then after emanabling and giving the password in smb/workgroup for both linux and windows pc s, I was able to connect . Then I disabled networkmanager , but I can still connect without any problems19:33
orateddisabled networkmanager?19:33
oratedLet me try with disabling kwalletmanager then19:34
BluesKajmake sure it's enabled , if you don't want to disable it then that fine as wel19:34
oratedI didn't get why you had to disable networkmanager19:34
domacshi all, is there a way to become the "takeoff-launcher" working in kubuntu 11.10 / kde 4.8 ?  installation says kdelibs are missing19:35
BluesKajorated,  it's quite clear19:35
dan457_on my kubuntu 12.04 test netbook, ssh comes up invalid protocol.19:35
dan457_with dolphin.19:35
BluesKajdan tr ssh in the terminal19:35
BluesKajdomacs,  ??19:36
BluesKajpls explain , "become take-off launcher "19:37
domacsi mean19:38
domacswhen installing it there comes an error that says, takeoff-launcher depends on kdelibs, but kdelibs ist installed19:38
oratedBluesKaj: So basically you reconfigured your smb/workgroup after disabling kde wallet and for that disabled network manager19:38
BluesKajorated,  I don't use kwallet manager , but I had to enable it to reconnect to my LAN pcs after upgrade kde19:40
BluesKajdomacs,  install kdelibs19:42
domacskdelibs is installed, i also installed kdelibs-dev, but still same error19:43
domacsalso installed19:44
BluesKaj!pm | orated19:45
ubottuorated: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.19:45
orated" <orated> BluesKaj, do you mind talking here?"19:47
oratedSorry BluesKaj19:47
BluesKajdan457_,  orated your ssh connections work ok , right ?19:47
dan457_I can use dolphin with fish.. even with kde 4.819:48
dan457_it's just been a wile, forgot I had to use fish: not ssh:19:48
BluesKajnever used fish19:49
oratedGreat! fish protocol over sftp working for ssh network folder19:50
dan457_oh, to ssh my server from my netbook... I have to type:  fish://user:password@hostname19:50
dan457_in the address bar of dolphin.19:50
BluesKajright , it works here too19:53
dan457you could prob just right click on the side pane and add the location19:54
dan457for now19:55
BluesKajI have my most used commands alias in ~/.bashrc and use all pwd in the sudoers file19:55
BluesKajyeah , the other pcs are in the places list  in dolphin19:56
KwarkjeI'M ALIVE!! (greg here)20:11
Kwarkjebut fonts are fucked up20:11
BluesKaj!language | Kwarkje20:13
ubottuKwarkje: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:13
Kwarkjeops, sorry ;)20:14
dan457Not sure what you were fixing, but gratz on making progress anyway.20:15
BluesKajset your fonts in system settings>application appearence20:15
BluesKajKwarkje, ^20:15
KwarkjeIgnore my message, it was about certain application (quassel) i have bright fonts on black backround, and they really do look bad , BluesKaj20:16
BluesKajyeah , Kwarkje , quassel isn't a pretty app by any stretch of the imagination IMO20:17
KwarkjeBluesKaj, you can make it as pretty as you want with custom qss style sheet20:19
dan457sounds like work....20:19
BluesKajkonversation follows the kde-look , so i stick with that20:20
dan457nice to know.  I'll try that on my desktop.  this notebook is running off a live usb, so sticking with defaults mostly.20:21
Kwarkjeas far as I remember I've always had issues with fonts under under KDE, I'm a long time windows user and I just can't stand them, I want my crisp fonts back,  could someone guide me around this issue? :)20:59
almoxarifei am a recent convert to kubuntu, i gave up on ubuntu, i appreciate the config options and it works for me, one exception, muon!, i assume it is the most like synaptic, but i have had some issues, from screens going blank to hangs etc, something i rarely see with synaptic, do i need to re-install it? does synaptic and muon not live together well?21:01
dan457they co-exist21:03
dan457i have windows fonts installed, but only for compatibility.21:04
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dan457almoxarife: muon is somewhat buggy for me as well, often have to use dpkg to fix what it messes up.21:07
dan457almoxarife: or synaptic.  :)21:07
SIQKOanybody how to end unnecessary processes ?21:11
BluesKajalmoxarife,  stick with synaptic , it runs fine on kubuntu and works well as a package manager and reference for packages21:11
almoxarifeBluesKaj: got you21:12
SIQKOwhat els e21:12
almoxarifeSIQKO: bring up system monitor, kill your processes away at will, at some point you will notice what is needed or not21:13
dan457opens system activity if i'm on desktop21:13
SIQKOkilled those but some ext21:13
SIQKOsome other things keeps using the CPU unnecessarely21:14
SIQKOthe point is that how to i get rid of then ?21:14
SIQKOu can se that of the fen's perfomance21:15
almoxarifeSIQKO: you need to un-install the app that initiates the process, but that also means you will get a buggy system21:15
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:16
A-WestSo I have never been able to get a kde distro to work with my wired internet connection till yesterday when I installed Fedora... but for some reason yum is INCREDIBLY slow, if I switched to kubuntu is that likely to be the same case?21:16
SIQKOi thing some scripts or what eva may got stuck but they are not visible but i don't know how to kill them21:16
almoxarifeinvisible scripts?21:17
SIQKOc'mone u know what i mean21:17
dan457A-West: ubuntu repos are very fast except near release dates21:17
A-Westso its a matter of repos and not yum dan457?21:18
almoxarifeA-West: yum is a app d/l and install process, what is the slow part?21:18
SIQKOdoes anyone know how to end everything that is useless for my system withour refering to ctr-esc21:19
A-Westit's just slow in general almoxarife... commands are slow, package downloads are slow... ("yum clean all" did nothing to help)21:19
dan457fedora's default mirrors are slow, if he changes it to a faster one like kernel.org, i'm sure he'l be fine.21:19
SIQKOcuz that ain't show everything21:20
almoxarifeA-West: what kubuntu may have over other distros is d/l locations closer to your location, i rely on that21:20
A-Westi heard about installing "yum fastestmirror" but i heard that causes instability in yum...21:20
dan457try asking in #fedora for help there, been a wile for me21:20
SIQKOwhat ever seems like anybode has an answer for that that's see what google says about it21:20
almoxarife!who | SIQKO21:20
ubottuSIQKO: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:20
dan457kubuntu has accualy had the best hardware support for me, except for one wireless laptop, but then fixed that in 11.10 as well.21:21
SIQKOthat doesen't answer my question at all21:21
almoxarifeA-West: another trick is to d/l from universities closest to your location, works for me21:22
almoxarifeSIQKO: how do you know you have 'hidden' scripts?21:22
SIQKOubottu: don't miss understand my but i just didn't get any respond but the question was pretty siomple21:23
ubottuSIQKO: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:23
dan457SIQKO: useless process is relative, i may use what you do not.21:23
SIQKOsince i got some attention21:23
SIQKOcan u know suggest me how to end them21:23
almoxarifeSIQKO: end what?21:24
SIQKOthe unnecessary procs21:24
almoxarifeSIQKO: pick one21:24
almoxarifeSIQKO: pick one21:24
SIQKOthe hidden scripts21:24
almoxarifeSIQKO: pick one21:24
SIQKOthey are hidden man21:24
SIQKOhow do i pick them21:24
almoxarifeSIQKO: we done21:24
SIQKOi asked for a command if anybody knows21:25
SIQKOalmoxarife: can u clarify ur self what do u mean we done ?21:25
SIQKOi is not a probl i'll do i it but i just wanted to see if anyone know a better way of doing it that's all21:27
SIQKOthank you guys anyway21:27
datruthwhat apps takes screen shots?22:01
dan457ksnapshot? not sure22:03
dan457ya that's it.22:04
littlegirlHey there, is there a key combination I can use to make each of these letters inside of a text editor in Kubuntu? ä Ä ö Ö ü Ü ß23:51
BarkingFishlittlegirl: Yes there is.  Firstly, you need to set a "compose" key23:56
BarkingFishOne second while I find where to do this, I forget :)23:57
BarkingFishhold on23:58
BarkingFishAha, there we go.23:59

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