
codepalhrm, won't I have to get it to crash first?00:00
codepalor does it pull in logs of progs already crashed?00:01
penguin42codepal: Yes you need to get it to crash first00:03
penguin42codepal: SO boot the installer and go to Try Ubuntu rather than install, then double click on the install and go through the installer; then when it dies hopefully you can still open a terminal00:04
penguin42(although I thought there was an easier way - hmm)00:04
codepalright, thank you!00:06
codepalis it normal for the installer to take > 1min from "For Best results," > Continue?00:07
penguin42I can't remember when For Best Results come sup00:14
codepalFirst screen after --- What do you want to do? Install / Live00:14
penguin42hmm I don't think it should take long00:15
codepalwhat are the min spec details for precise?00:16
penguin42not sure - what have you got?00:19
codepalman, submitting a bug report could be hard if it's gonna take over 20mins to crash :P00:19
codepalCeleron D34100:19
codepalIntel® Celeron(R) CPU 2.93GHz  in sysinfo00:21
penguin42that should be fine - how much ram?00:21
codepalMem: 3.9 GiB & running off a DVD00:21
penguin42oh yeh, no problem00:22
penguin42are you sure your DVD burn is good?00:22
codepalI'll just check checksum00:22
penguin42I was thinking more about the burn rather than the download00:23
penguin42it's a lot easier these days to install from thumb drive00:23
infidhave people found 'precise pangolin' alpha to be stable enough for software development or home desktop use?00:24
infidi really need a distro of ubuntu that has newer packages, even 11.10 has outdated packages00:24
CyberDawgIs v12 using Unity?00:24
penguin42infid: it's not too bad, some stuff breaks now and again during development00:24
penguin42CyberDawg: The default with Ubuntu is Unity, you can install GNome3 packaes if you like, or KDE etc00:25
infidpenguin42: enough to where it's probably not a good idea to install it on my work station at work for php development?00:25
codepalperfect match on md5 checksums00:26
infid i just don't want it crashing on my everyday or not allowing me to install packages00:26
penguin42infid: I wouldn't00:26
infidpenguin42: but i can't install LTS either because those packages are waaaay too out of date00:26
penguin42infid: But there again I keep Lucid at work and use PP on my home machines00:26
infidit's like i'm caught betwen a rock and a hard place00:26
codepalpenguin42: are you trying to say that DVD installs are more notorious?00:27
CyberDawgpenguin42, thanks for the info00:27
penguin42codepal: Well you just get bad burns and things and it takes a while to burn the DVD etc - and whats the point, it's just so much easier with a thumb drive00:27
codepallol, I'm thinking I'll run this baby as a live-hdd00:27
codepalthat way I won't ever have to worry about installing it :P00:28
penguin42best to install ; although I do use the CD images in VMs for things like banking - means I always run with a fresh image00:28
codepalI let you know when this thing decides to crash00:29
CyberDawginstead of running from USB and it be run fron an SD card?00:29
codepalI mean, it's like taking forever!00:29
penguin42codepal: If you have a terminal then do a dmesg and see if there are any errors00:30
yofelwtf. - I upgraded my eeePC and in precise the touchpad moves my mouse as soon as I touch it even if I'm not moving @_@00:30
penguin42CyberDawg: Not sure; I suspect it depends how the SD is connected, some SD readers look exactly like a USB thumb drive to the host00:31
penguin42yofel: Is it in absolute mode ?00:31
yofelpenguin42: where do I see that?00:31
CyberDawgpenguin42, think I will give that a try after dindin00:31
codepalpenguin42:  can't see anything00:31
penguin42yofel: Dunno, I was fairly sure some of the pads could do it00:32
codepalso what the recommended fs format for precise?00:40
yofelext4 I would say00:42
codepalglad to see xkill still works -  he00:44
lucas-argwow kde 4.8 impresive01:57
snadgehow do you get dpkg-buildpackage to do parallel builds?02:01
snadgethis is annoying02:01
snadgethats not working.. passing -j9 isnt working02:01
snadgemaybe i should use pbuild ? i dont know02:05
infidhow do you install updates after installing precise? are there any?02:08
infidi'm used to lucid so this unity interface or whatever is weird02:08
snadgeapt-get update ; apt-get upgrade02:11
snadgetheres also update-manage02:11
infidthere's no way to do it from the gui?02:11
snadgesure.. run update-manager02:11
infidhow do you click to it02:12
snadgewin (meta) - type up02:12
infidi tried alt+f2 then typing up before but that didnt work but your way does thanks02:12
snadgeto do it purely with the mouse02:12
snadgeclick the icon in the top right corner.. theres an updates available thing02:13
snadgeif thats not there.. you can go02:13
snadgeclick on the dash icon.. click on "more apps", scroll down till you find "update manager"02:14
snadgethats kinda painfully slow though ;)02:14
snadgenow im trying to figure out, why this stupid fucking package is only building with one thread02:15
snadgedespite my repeated attempts to override that02:15
codepalthoroughly impressed with Unity04:33
codepalgood job folks04:33
snadgei am for the most part04:37
snadgeit has an irritating input focus bug that almost shits me to tears every time it happens04:37
codepalhrm? I think I might have noticed that... a small delay before it allows you to type?04:39
snadgethis is annoyingirfox on it (in particular) when typing in the address bar, the autocomplete feature does not work04:42
snadgeif you right click and bring up context menu, when you move the mouse over it, it disappears04:42
snadgeunless you click on the window title bar, to manually focus it04:42
codepalI made a small oopsy before I installed, somehow fudged my old LTS - :'(04:44
codepalmore fixing to do04:44
codepalI've been using 10.04 for ages because of the wacom support it had04:45
codepal(until I upgraded xorg)04:45
codepalI see a wacom control panel in settings, gonna plug in the old serial wacom and see what kind of support I get.04:45
snadge12.04 has allegedly merged some new input code04:46
codepalyeah, they'll be wanting to compete with Windows 'Kinect' 804:46
codepalI for one, will never, ever use a wand or speak to my computer to get it to do things04:47
codepalmouse and keyboard for me, it's tradition04:47
codepalwell that was exciting.... anybody round here tried loggin into a debian machine via SSH x forwarding ?05:09
codepalunfortunately apport complained about a few missing things libpam stuff, and I coundn't finish the bug submit05:09
codepalAnybody got some idea how I might find out whether / how I can install a serial wacom Intous in ubuntu 12.10?06:07
codepalhrm, I might try a restart with it plugged in first...06:07
sbarcteamI've just installed precise inside a virtualbox on mac.08:22
sbarcteamAnd it works :)08:22
sbarcteamwhich is kinda nice.08:22
lotuspsychjeu like precise changes?08:49
codepalyole! - What's cotendo.com got to do with ubuntu?11:14
codepallsof shows many, many connections....11:14
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Hoythi , anyone using Precise here ?13:01
Hoytcould you help me run a command:   find /usr/lib/indicator* -name libappmenu.so , and i want the result path , thanks13:01
snadge usr/lib/indicators3/7/libappmenu.so13:02
Hoyti shall get that launchpad bug fixed13:03
BluesKajHowdy all13:07
penguin42is anyone seeing scrolling problems? I'm seeing in chrome a lot of jumping back to the top of the page for no apparent reasons13:10
BluesKajpenguin42,  that's chrome , it's slow to load everything , so if you scroll down to find something before the page is fully loaded , jumps back up when it's done , it's pita for sure13:12
penguin42BluesKaj: I hadn't had that problem before13:12
BluesKajI've seen it on chromium for a while13:12
DaekdroomThat's started to happen to me on Firefox too.13:32
penguin42hmm I'm seeing this in pidgin as well14:34
penguin42ok, can some one try this - just gently keep scrolling down with a mouse roller - does it ever jump up?  OK - if not try moving the mouse very slightly while scrolling14:40
FernandoMiguelguud afternoon15:31
penguin42Hey FM15:32
coz_any issues with this mornings updates, before I restart?16:17
pangolinnone that i have seen mentioned16:17
coz_pangolin,  ok thanks, I will reboot,, and if I have to reinstall I will come back crabby :)16:18
* pangolin sets the ban now :P16:18
penguin42anyone in Kubuntu+1 at the moment? Can they try starting a gnome-terminal - it shrunk back to a single line17:07
alkisgI have my laptop connected to an external monitor. After login I get a cloned view. Then I type:17:50
alkisgxrandr --output LVDS1 --off17:50
alkisgThen compiz crashes, and I get a prompt to report the bug17:50
alkisgAnd when I click yes, it tells me that it's a bug report against a package that is not installed!17:51
alkisg....should I manually file 2 bugs?!17:51
penguin42sounds like it17:51
alkisgThank you17:51
penguin42when you say it's against one you haven't got installed, is it the source package for one you have installed?17:51
alkisg/usr/bin/python /usr/share/apport/apport-gtk17:52
alkisgI guess that's the program that shows the dialog17:52
alkisgI have a Greek interface so I don't know the exact wording17:52
penguin42yeh apport is the one that does error reporting17:53
alkisgcompiz gets respawned of course and it works afterwards17:53
alkisgIt's just that it crashes with the xrandr command (intel graphics), and I don't know why apport thinks that I don't have compiz installed17:53
penguin42alkisg: do you know the exact Greek wording?17:53
alkisgYes I have the dialog open still17:54
alkisgΗ αναφορά ανήκει σε ένα πακέτο το οποίο δεν είναι εγκατεστημένο.17:54
alkisg"The report belongs to a package that is not installed"17:54
alkisgAnd a [Close] button17:54
penguin42hmm ok; then best to report both of them17:54
alkisgThank you penguin4217:55
aguitelis anyone using nvidia-173 drivers in 12.04 ?17:58
=== arif-ali_ is now known as arif-ali
BluesKajaguitel,  GPUs ranging from GeForce series 5 to GeForce series 9 are supported according to synaptic18:48
aguitelBluesKaj, it is not working in precise19:38
icerootaguitel: bug is opened?19:39
aguiteliceroot, i am in oneric19:39
icerootaguitel: bug is opened?19:40
aguiteliceroot, not19:40
icerootaguitel: then please open the bug19:40
icerootaguitel: i told you 5 times to open the bug19:40
aguiteliceroot, but need to install again precise19:40
icerootaguitel: i also told you how to open the bug when you are on 11.1019:40
aguiteliceroot, yes i know19:41
aguitelbut i decide to install oneric19:41
icerootaguitel: then what is the problem? you have a problem on 12.04, you dont want to open a bug and now you are on 11.1019:41
BluesKajgood luck iceroot :P19:41
aguiteliceroot, when you talk to me to open a bug for the first time i decide to reinstall oneric19:42
icerootaguitel: what is the current problem now?19:42
aguiteliceroot, in oneric all is ok19:43
icerootaguitel: fine19:43
iceroot[20:38]   aguitel | BluesKaj, it is not working in precise19:44
icerootopen a bug for that, nothing less or more19:44
iceroot12.04 is alpha and normally only for people how wants to do some testing, bugreporting, bug fixing, nothing else is 12.04 at the moment19:45
icerootso if you dont want to work with Launchpad at the moment i thing 12.04 is not what you are looking for at the moment, wait for the stable release and hope your bug is fixed by someone else (or even detected)19:46
bjsniderif you're using the 173 driver you might be better off using nouveau instead at this point19:46
bjsnidernvidia doesn't put much effort into the 173 blob19:46
bjsnideri'm assuming the hardware is old junk19:47
bjsnideror end-of-life hardware, to put it another way19:48
icerootwasnt there a driver for old hardware too?19:49
icerootnvidia-legancy or something like that19:49
bjsniderthe nvidia-96 and 173 drivers are for old hardware19:58
aguitelbut this is linux ,don't need the last device20:05
varikonniemihello, could somebody tell me what is recommended to get a program to support the system titlebar under unity, ie hide all window decoration and titlebar from the window? Is it trivial or must it be designed to use it21:00
varikonniemiand is it possible some future ubuntu version does it os-side so the program does not have to be specifically coded for ubuntu ?=21:01
trismvarikonniemi: oh, you are writing a program and you want it to have the behavior? there isn't anything special you need to, the window manager takes care of that21:02
varikonniemino i am running a program21:02
varikonniemiand it refuses to hide the titlebar21:02
trismvarikonniemi: might help to specify the exact program, and again sorry for misunderstanding21:03
varikonniemino need to say sorry :D my english is not the best21:04
varikonniemiin that screenshot spring thinks it is maximized21:04
varikonniemiwait a second, i clicked maximized again and again and again, and finally it seemed to have worked, it rendered without titlebar, but immediately crashed :(21:12
varikonniemii guess my question is: is there anything that should be done/could be done to ensure it should work, or is this just a random bug?21:16
bjsnidervarikonniemi, this channel is probably not the best one to ask this question21:24
trismvarikonniemi: I just installed to test and I see it here though, might be worth a bug report, either unity not picking up the window correctly or spring doing something weird. I did notice though that the decoration does hide in gnome shell with the modified theme I linked in #ubuntu earlier21:29
varikonniemiok so it is probably a unity bug then. bjsnider why is this not the correct channel? is'n this about ubuntu development, and this is an issue with ubuntu / or spring21:31
varikonniemiand what trism said suggests its ubuntu?21:31
bjsniderit's not the correct channel because the unity/ayatana programming crowd isn't here21:32
varikonniemiso where are they? :P21:33
varikonniemithank you :)21:34
bjsniderbut sunday is not the best day to get in touch with them because they have weekends off and whatnot21:35
oconnorehow do you change the layout of windows in raw X11? the update to 12.04 killed unity, so now I am in raw X and can't see the update manager.23:34
jtayloruse a terminal?23:34
Ben64oconnore: try starting metacity23:35
jtaylorif getting to updates is your problem :/23:35
oconnoreBen64: thanks23:36
oconnoreThis is interesting. I am upgrading to 12.04 to try to fix a keyboard input problem, where, for example, I would type "terminal" in the finder and the last 4 letters would be dropped. It also happened in firefox, gedit, and terminal. As soon as unity crashed, my problem went away.23:41
oconnoreMy keyboard is now perfectly responsive.23:41
oconnorePerhaps if this update doesn't work, my next step should be to install xfce or maybe kde.23:44
mw1coeAnyone help with a PowerPC Install please.23:44
codepalQ: Why does Ubuntu 12.04 setup 3 partitions, when installing in side-by-side mode?23:58
codepalI had a ext4 partition all ready for it on my SSD, then it went ahead and repartitioned it into 3. 1 x data - 1 x base - 1 x swap...23:59
codepalI already had a swap, which somehow it didn't see23:59

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