
=== evilniko is now known as niko
=== Fuchs is now known as zombiefox
=== zombiefox is now known as Fuchs
arand!inteunity-#ubuntu-se is <reply> Ubuntu 11.10 använder normalt sett GNOME 3 med skalet !unity. För att använda GNOME Shell istället, installera paketet "gnome-shell" och möjligtvis även "gnome-tweak-tool". För GNOME Fallback mode, som liknar GNOME 2, installera "gnome-panel". Båda paketen placerar alternativ i sessionsmenyn vid login.14:46
ubottuarand: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:46
pangolin!inteunity-#ubuntu-se is <reply> Ubuntu 11.10 använder normalt sett GNOME 3 med skalet !unity. För att använda GNOME Shell istället, installera paketet "gnome-shell" och möjligtvis även "gnome-tweak-tool". För GNOME Fallback mode, som liknar GNOME 2, installera "gnome-panel". Båda paketen placerar alternativ i sessionsmenyn vid login.14:48
ubottuI'll remember that, pangolin14:48
pangolinarand: test it make sure it works in the channel14:48
arandNot yet at least, is there a delay?14:48
pangolinubottu: is in that channel correct?14:49
ubottupangolin: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:49
pangolinquiet bot!14:49
AlanBellit will need sync to the loco bots14:49
pangolinit "should" sync up soonish14:49
pangolinif not poke jpds14:49
arandSo it works for setting them, but not for suggestions...?14:49
arand!test-#ubuntu-se is <reply> blah14:50
ubottuarand: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:50
pangolinyou are not added to the bot with the privs needed to add factoids14:50
arandYes, but it should forward it to here if not.14:51
arandAnd that still doesn' work14:51
AlanBellarand: ubottu knows it now, but lubot2 or whatever your bot is does not yet, it gets a database sync from ubottu on a regular basis14:51
FuchsAlanBell: do I see it correct that you are one of the guys of the IRCC?14:51
pangolinhe is14:52
AlanBellarand: http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi?search=inteunity14:52
AlanBellFuchs: yes, but that doesn't mean I can work any special magic with the bots14:52
FuchsPerfect. Do you happen to be around today at ~ 18:00 CET  (2 hours from now)?14:52
FuchsAlanBell: it has nothing to do with bots :)14:53
FuchsAlanBell: a few guys from ubuntuusers.de, including me, should discuss something with both the IRCC and the LoCo C regarding a IRC namespace / freenode group registration14:53
Fuchsand they happen to be around at ~ 18:00 CET, that's why I am asking :)14:54
pangolinFuchs: if they aren't you can email the ircc, see /msg ubottu !appeals and the email will be on the link provided14:54
pangolinFuchs: there is an IRCC meeting a little later in about 3 hours14:55
Fuchswe tried to go via mail, it lead to a bit of confusion, that's why I would prefer IRC14:55
AlanBellyeah, Fuchs, IRC is fine, and 1800 is our meeting, I will add an agenda item14:55
FuchsAlanBell: that's perfect :)14:55
FuchsAlanBell: shall I give you some information as preparation?14:55
AlanBellFuchs: I did see the request and back story on it14:55
AlanBellI think the main confusion is the relationship between that and the LoCo team14:56
AlanBellis ubuntu users a print magazine or something?14:57
FuchsI think we have a bit of explaining to do, since some people believe that it would be a competitor, which it's not14:57
FuchsAlanBell: it's a / the biggest german portal, consisting of a Forum, a Wiki, an own news portal and a planet.14:57
FuchsAlanBell: we (ubuntuusers) do everything except IRC support, which is handled by the #ubuntu-de team.  Two different teams, some people, such as I, are member in both, and we do of course work together14:57
AlanBellok, is the portal a LoCo team project or is it a separate venture?14:58
AlanBellis there a company behind it or something?14:58
Fuchse.g. #ubuntu-de points to the ubuntuusers wiki and uses it's information to feed the bot, and ubuntuusers.de points to the #ubuntu-de IRC channel if somebody would like to have live support.  Both are part of the LoCo, but historically it is managed by two different teams14:58
Fuchsno, it's part of the LoCo14:58
Fuchswait a second14:58
FuchsI'll try to get Torsten in here, I hope he is still around14:59
FuchsHe has a bit a better insight in these things than I have, I am only here because I am in both teams and to clarify that we work together, not against each other :)15:00
AlanBellactually Fuchs, lets leave it to the meeting so you don't end up repeating stuff15:00
AlanBellI was just confused as "Ubuntu User" in the UK and USA is a monthly printed magazine from a commercial publisher15:00
Fuchswe'll be around at 18:00 CET15:00
Fuchsoh, no, that's not us15:00
AlanBellgreat, I will add it to the agenda now15:01
Fuchsthank you very much15:01
AlanBellFuchs: what is thosten's IRC nick?15:01
AlanBellFuchs: great, it is on the agenda, meeting starts at 18:00 in #ubuntu-meeting15:02
Fuchshe will come, along with Frickelpit, who is in the ubuntuusers management and also a former #ubuntu-de Team member15:02
Fuchs18:00 UTC or 18:00 CET?15:02
pangolin3 hours from now15:03
Fuchsperfect, thank you15:03
Fuchsnote that I won't be there in my role as a freenode staffer, so if you think that we need one of them (us) as well, I could organize that, I think15:03
* Myrtti hides15:05
* Fuchs tries to attract Myrtti with some yarn15:05
Myrttiooo purty15:05
* Myrtti jumps on the yarn ball15:05
FuchsMyrtti: but I had dax in mind, to be honest :)15:05
nikopoor dax15:06
AlanBellwe have a collection of tame staffers :)15:06
MyrttiFuchs: well I was thinking of my position as well15:06
MyrttiI can flip a coin15:06
Fuchsniko: I will comfortcuddle him for a week when he needs it15:06
Fuchs(probably I'll do this regardless of his need)   Anyway, thanks, in that case I'll be there at 18:00 UTC, and I can now do the laundry :)15:07
arandHmm, yeah, the 14 char limit for factoids is still in place for unpriviledged users, and for some reason !t-#ubuntu-se suggestions forwards to #ubuntu-ops...15:09
Fuchsoh, and MarkusH (also ubuntuusers team) requested whether he can join in and read along. I hope this is okay, else please tell me so :)15:13
AlanBellof course15:14
MyrttiI'm sure everyone who wants to can attend if they want to, voting is restricted to the council members :-P15:14
Myrttithe rest of us can just scream and shout from the bleachers15:14
AlanBellI do love a good heckling15:16
Myrttibe careful what you wish for...15:17
* pangolin gets the crate of rotten tomatoes ready15:19
* Myrtti gets the megaphone15:20
* AlanBell sterilises the pickle jars for some tomato chutney15:20
pangolinhehe, #occupyIRCC15:20
AlanBelldouble hash unless you own the trademark, freenode rules pangolin :)15:24
* pangolin files a grf-f15:24
* Fuchs eats the grf-f15:24
* Fuchs walks away, whisteling15:25
* pangolin prepares to -1 Fuchs' agenda item15:25
pangolinnow wat!15:25
* Fuchs klines pangolin :(15:25
pangolinI'm emailing christel15:25
Fuchssay hello from me15:25
pangolinwill do15:25
pangolinhey! :/15:25
AlanBellgosh, was this a serious channel once? I can't remember15:25
pangolinusually is but a little fun now and then is good for the soul15:26
AlanBellI must get one of those some day15:26
pangolin2 for 1 on ebay15:26

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