
paultagmhall119: Pending release, but https://github.com/sunlightlabs/python-sunlight02:28
paultagmhall119: if you're still interested in doing a lens, there's a ton of awesome data02:28
paultagmhall119: and I know for a fact you'll get some love for doing it02:28
paultag(and I'll help)02:29
pleia2paultag: I am sick (complete with a fever!), I'll touch base with you once I feel better :)02:29
paultagpleia2: no problem!!!! :)02:30
paultagpleia2: feel better :)02:30
pleia2"hi, I can help you with a thing" *disappears for days*02:30
paultagpleia2: Oh P.S. - I'll be @ PyCon this year02:30
pleia2cool, where is it?02:30
paultagpleia2: so I'll be around your neck of the woods again, it's in Santa Clara02:30
paultagI'll be there for 5 days :)02:30
pleia2maybe I will be home AND able to speak!02:30
paultagpleia2: :)02:30
pleia2oh good, march, I should see if my boss will let me free for a day to go to at least one day02:31
paultagpleia2: you totally should! We can get an Ubuncrew together :)02:31
paultagpleia2: I think doctormo's trying to go02:31
paultagand DarkwingDuck said he'd be there02:31
pleia2ooh, maybe I can go to the tutorial days02:32
pleia2(I will totally noob it out in intro to python)02:32
paultagpleia2: Ah, shucks, I'm only going for the conf days and the 4 hackathon days02:32
paultagpleia2: but you should totally do that, they all look awesome02:32
* nigelb hugs pleia2 02:32
nigelbpleia2: feeling any better?02:32
* pleia2 hugs nigelb 02:32
pleia2a little, mostly laying in bed got boring :)02:32
pleia2paultag: when are you flying in?02:33
paultagpleia2: I don't think my flight got booked yet (sunlight's sending me out (I have a conf-budget, as well as hackathon budgets)), but it should be either the day of or day before PyCon's main event day 0 (post tutorial)02:33
pleia2oooh, intro to django02:34
pleia2ah ok02:34
nigelbI wish I could be at pycon.02:36
nigelbThe talks look so interesting.02:36
paultagnigelb: you've got a while to work out deets02:41
mhall119paultag: awesome!  I'm in the middle of upgrading Singlet for precise, and expanding it's functionality, which should make your lens and scopes easier to write13:54
AlanBell!lococouncil hi if anyone could pop along to the IRCC meeting in -meeting in 3 hours that would be great to discuss the ubuntuusers.de proposal for a separate namespace15:04
ubot4`AlanBell: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:04
ubot4`lococouncil is The Loco Council is itnet7, czajkowski, paultag, huats, leogg, popey - they are there to help, just ask! :) You can send them an email at loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com15:04
* popey stabs ubot4` 15:09
* popey pokes jpds with a stick15:11
AlanBellthought that was fixed15:14
AlanBellThe Loco Council is cprofitt, czajkowski, greg-g, itnet7, SergioMeneses and xdatap1 - they are there to help, just ask! :) You can send them an email at loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com15:16
AlanBellI will do it myself if the bot won't :)15:16
paultaggah :)16:28
paultagmhall119: awesome, badass to hear16:28

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