
=== evilniko is now known as niko
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toddyHi jokrebel16:58
SilverlionAlanBell: reporting present for the meeting18:01
Fuchsgood evening :)18:01
Frickelpithi guys18:01
SilverlionMarkusH: ein Hallo an den Landsmann ;)?18:01
MarkusHHallo Silverlion. Danke gleichfalls18:01
toddySilverlion: :D18:01
meetingologyMeeting started Sun Jan 29 18:01:45 2012 UTC.  The chair is AlanBell. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.18:01
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired18:01
AlanBellhi all18:01
Silverlionhey there18:02
Frickelpithuch, der k1l :)18:02
AlanBellwell hi everyone18:02
AlanBellPici: funkyHat: o/18:02
SilverlionTo all the german Lubuntu-Users in here #invite to #lubuntu-de-offtopic18:03
AlanBellwe will get started soon and we won't exceed an hour this time, might end up deferring some items if we don't get through them18:03
pangolinPici funkyHat wake up!18:04
* Silverlion will follow the meeting but as i am complete newbie i will stand in the background18:05
AlanBellhmm, seems I am all on my lonesome for the moment18:05
AlanBellah well, lets go anyhow18:05
AlanBellhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcCouncil/MeetingAgenda is the agenda18:06
AlanBell#topic Review last meetings action items18:06
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Review last meetings action items
AlanBell#progress ircc to move eir control channel to -ops-monitor if this will preserve existing ban timeouts - AlanBell18:06
AlanBellthis was done18:06
AlanBelleir is now reporting ban expiry in #ubuntu-ops-monitor and is functioning just as it ever was18:06
pangolinand is currently being ignored at a greater degree18:06
AlanBellwe can talk more about eir later in the main topic18:07
AlanBellyes, it is a bit, if you have bans being nagged please deal with them one way or another18:07
AlanBellanyhow, this item was done.18:07
AlanBell#topic Open items in the IRCC tracker18:07
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Open items in the IRCC tracker
AlanBellthere are none18:08
AlanBell#topic Review Bugs related to the Ubuntu IRC Council18:08
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Review Bugs related to the Ubuntu IRC Council
AlanBell#subtopic bug 788503 IRC Guidelines too #ubuntu centric - tsimpson18:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 788503 in ubuntu-community "IRC Guidelines too #ubuntu centric" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78850318:08
AlanBellnot much progress to report on this one, I believe we have a draft of some new guidelines, I have not reviewed it in detail yet18:08
AlanBellanyone got anything else to say about this one?18:09
pangolinthere is an etherpad draft, yes. i don't have the link18:09
pangolinlast time I looked I think all it really needed was some clean up.18:09
AlanBellok, hopefully we will get time to do that and have something to report at the next meeting18:09
AlanBell#subtopic bug 884671 Ubuntu IRC operator recruitment is slow and ungainly - jussi18:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 884671 in ubuntu-community "Ubuntu IRC operator recruitment is slow and ungainly" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88467118:10
AlanBellwell we have been doing some recruitment \o/18:10
pangolinWelcome new members of the ops team!18:10
AlanBellyes, welcome all18:10
AlanBelllets move on from this bug, I think we can review it again later and see how we are doing18:11
AlanBell#subtopic bug 892500 eir is still not fit for purpose in #ubuntu -ikonia18:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 892500 in ubuntu-community "eir is still not fit for purpose in #ubuntu" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89250018:11
AlanBellso on this one we have moved the eir control channel out of -ops-team to make way for some new eir-like functionality from ubottu and/or floodbots18:12
LjLFrom what I've gathered lately, most people seem to be happy with the idea of ubottu handling this instead of eir, but I think there is still a lot of implementation work to be done.18:12
pangolinis there work being done on ubottu?18:12
LjLI think ubottu would be a better candidate (even though the FloodBots already have ops and ubottu doesn't), because it runs the bantracker.18:13
pangolinI would much prefer we have one bot that can handle this18:13
pangolinubottu would be my choice as well18:13
ubottupangolin: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:13
AlanBellI would like to get some names for people wanting to work on this and some actions happening by the next meeting18:13
pangolinwe know :)18:13
LjLAlanBell: I *think* someone is experimenting with ubottu, because I've noticed some, erm, notices from it that weren't there in the past...?18:14
LjL#ubuntu-bots-team is pretty silent lately, if there's work, it's being done quietly...18:14
pangolinAlanBell: perhaps ask on the irc mailing list for some volunteers to help with ubottu? unless there are security issues that need to be considered18:15
AlanBellok, I can find out if someone has been doing stuff on ubottu18:15
AlanBellhttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bots/ubuntu-bots/devel/changes not recently it seems18:16
AlanBellok, good suggestion pangolin, I will mail the list18:16
AlanBell#action AlanBell to call for helpers to implement eir-like functionality in ubottu18:17
meetingologyACTION: AlanBell to call for helpers to implement eir-like functionality in ubottu18:17
pangolinAlanBell: i think the only thing would be bantracker access18:17
pangolinbut probably can be worked out18:17
AlanBellyeah, we discussed that before, bantracker isn't a massive security worry18:17
LjLAlanBell: on ubottu.com, some eir-related files were updated recently18:17
AlanBelleir related files??18:18
pangolineir and ubottu do some chatting18:18
pangolinsomething may have been changed in those files18:18
LjLAlanBell: yes, I don't know whether it's what pangolin says, or a replacement for eir in the work.18:18
LjLAlanBell: I can have a look, I have read access on it.18:18
AlanBellok, well lets figure out who wants to work on this and arrange a separate workshop on it18:20
AlanBellmoving on18:20
AlanBell#subtopic bug 913541 there are a number of people with Ubuntu IRC cloaks who have expired from the ubuntumembers group - AlanBell18:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 913541 in ubuntu-community "there are a number of people with Ubuntu IRC cloaks who have expired from the ubuntumembers group" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91354118:20
AlanBellthere were 19, there are now 15 I think18:20
AlanBellI spoke to those on the list who I could find online, I think one was not using an ubuntu cloak, another went for an unaffiliated cloak and the other two renewed their Ubuntu membership18:21
pangolinthose people are being contacted and cloaks removed if they chose not to renew?18:21
AlanBellone of them had let their MOTU membership expire intentionally and was transferred into the irc members group as a slighly unusual renewal18:21
AlanBellwe will go through the rest of the list and update next meeting18:22
AlanBell#subtopic bug 916247 devel wiki on ubottu.com needs some attention - AlanBell18:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 916247 in ubuntu-community "devel wiki on ubottu.com needs some attention" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91624718:22
SilverlionQuestion regarding cloak i have ;)18:22
pangolinask! :)18:22
Silverliondo i need an ubuntu cloak ... my friends from SII gave me one...18:23
AlanBellwe only have cloaks for Ubuntu members, I will explain that a bit later, your current one is fine Silverlion18:23
SilverlionAlanBell: copy that18:23
AlanBellok, so this bug, the wiki was full of spam, this has now been cleaned up \o/18:24
AlanBelland registration turned off so it won't happen again18:24
AlanBellwe should still port the content to wiki.ubuntu.com, but that is a bit of a pain going from mediawiki to moin syntax18:24
AlanBellok, that concludes the bug list18:25
AlanBell#topic Welcoming our new operators18:25
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Welcoming our new operators
AlanBellyay, welcome to the new operators \o/18:25
* Silverlion puts some six-packs of beer into the middle of the room18:25
Silverlionis kinda tradition to bring something into a new "job"18:26
* pangolin is looking forward to working with the new folks18:26
=== kalosaurusrex is now known as albrigha
AlanBellBenny Hult, Chris Druif, Jared Norris, Jens Leineweber, Mohana Kumar, Phill Whiteside, stlsaint, Unit 193 are the new operators we are welcoming to the core ops team18:27
* Silverlion listens to Jens ;)18:27
AlanBellthey have mostly all been invited to the -ops channel where they are voiced and the -ops-team channel, there are a couple who have been offline for the weekend and I haven't seen yet18:28
oCeanoffline? :o18:29
Silverlionan operator isn't supposed to have offline time, is he?18:30
AlanBellthere is an induction process that somewhat exists and we are adapting a bit, basically this runs to the precise release date18:30
AlanBelloCean: does not compute!18:30
AlanBellduring the induction we are intending to run a handful of classes in the #ubuntu-classroom channel covering things like setting various types of bans, mediating with problem users, how the various bots work18:31
oCeanAlanBell: the new induction process starting from april?18:32
AlanBellsome of this will be useful as the #lubuntu channel grows18:32
AlanBelloCean: ending then18:32
oCeanoh, I got it18:32
AlanBellstarting now, it is a 3 month thing, which as it starts now, takes us nicely up to the release18:32
oCeanyes, ok18:32
AlanBellanyhow, the main point of it is to give us a timeframe in which to run these classes18:33
AlanBellif this is a successful way to do induction I think I could see us doing it as a regular thing in line with the release cycle18:33
pleia2it's nice to see such a process in place, as the project grows a lot of folks are put into positions of greater responsibility and some have felt they lack training18:34
MyrttiI'm currently doing induction for freenode staffship, perhaps we could snatch some ideas and practises from there?18:34
AlanBellso do another intake at the end of July across all our channels for the 12.10 release for example18:34
pangolino/ is all this going to be on the final? I just want to know what to study.18:34
MyrttiAlanBell: do we have a draft document or something for this, perhaps I could pitch in some ideas?18:35
AlanBellanyhow, we are looking for volunteers to do various classes, please step forward18:35
* Myrtti has already volunteered for irssi 10118:35
AlanBellMyrtti: yes, we have some draft ideas, not in great detail18:35
LjLAlanBell: I could run some of them I guess. Not about any specific client like Myrtti (I use Konversation, not very widespread), but about the more generic stuff.18:36
AlanBellanyhow, you will be hearing more from us this week about that18:36
AlanBellLjL: I have you down for the bots one :)18:36
AlanBellany more questions about #lubuntu and the new operators?18:37
AlanBellok, moving on then18:38
AlanBell#topic IRCC meeting times18:38
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: IRCC meeting times
AlanBellwe want to have the meetings when people can get to them18:38
LjLSo apparently not at 18:00? :P18:38
AlanBellthe last meeting was the 11:00UTC saturday meeting and I had a lot of comments about it being inconvenient18:38
pangolinThis meeting time is great IMO the one that happens at 11:00 UTC blows chunks for me18:39
AlanBellI emailed the list and asked if anyone wanted to speak up for that timeslot and had no reply18:39
AlanBellelky: you were on holiday so might have missed that18:39
AlanBellI kind of need the other IRCC members here to make any decisions on that, but I think we are agreed that the 11:00 UTC slot is mostly inconvenient and should be changed18:40
Myrttidoodle / etc it?18:40
AlanBellI will discuss with the rest of the IRCC and we will put it to the mailing list, if there are several options then a doodle poll18:41
AlanBell#action meeting timeslots to be taken to the mailing list, 11:00UTC slot is in danger of being dropped18:42
meetingologyACTION: meeting timeslots to be taken to the mailing list, 11:00UTC slot is in danger of being dropped18:42
AlanBell#topic ubuntuuser.de - Fuchs toddy18:43
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ubuntuuser.de - Fuchs toddy
AlanBellhi Fuchs, toddy and co o/18:43
Fuchshello :)18:43
AlanBellso the background to this is that there has been a request to set up #ubuntusers namespace on freenode18:43
AlanBelland this would be managed by part of the -de locoteam right?18:44
FuchsAlanBell: I can give a short introduction if you like18:44
AlanBellplease do18:44
Fuchs(disclaimer: I am speaking as both a member of the #ubuntu-de operators and part of the ubuntuusers team)18:44
Fuchs(however, I am not speaking as a freenode staffer)18:44
Fuchsgreat. Okay, for the german speaking parts, there are two different teams, which are both part of the LoCo18:44
dax(If you need someone to speak as a freenode staffer about this, hi)18:45
Fuchsthere is the team which manages #ubuntu-de, similar to other ubuntu support channels18:45
Fuchsthen there is the ubuntuusers.de portal, which is a portal consisting of a forum, a wiki, a news feed and a planet18:45
Fuchshistorically both have been managed by different teams, which, however, work together18:45
Fuchsnow a grf-f has been filed by the ubuntuusers team, so that we can manage #ubuntuusers, which does not really fall in the ubuntu namespace,18:46
Fuchsplus which is not managed by the #ubuntu-de operators. This channel has been in place for quite a long time, and is where users can contact ubuntuusers team members regarding the portal18:46
FuchsWe had contact with several people, including nhandler and dholbach, and most things are clear. However, there are some questions open, so we brought a bunch of people today to clear things up18:47
AlanBelldo you get many english language users arriving in the channel?18:47
Fuchswe have MarkusH, toddy, Frickelpit and me from ubuntuusers.de, and k1l and me from #ubuntu-de18:47
FuchsAlanBell: maybe one user per two months or so, max18:47
AlanBellok, and I trust they are helpfully redirected to a more appropriate channel18:47
Piciuhh..  My clock said the meeting starts in 15 minutes... my apologies.18:48
FuchsThe ubuntuusers.de portal is officially part of the german Ubuntu e.V., there is no commercial company behind us  (and we are not afiliated with the ubuntu user magazine, two misinformations that were around)18:48
FuchsAlanBell: of course18:48
AlanBellhi Pici18:48
Fuchsso what we basically need is that one of you gives the okay to freenode staff, so that they can proceed the grf-f18:48
pangolinWhy not name the channel #ubuntu-de-portal or something similar so that it stays in the namespace?18:49
Fuchsand then the ubuntuusers team will manage the #ubuntuusers channel, including cloaks to show people which team a team member is in. This helps a lot, since we have different teams on very different stuff (news suggestions, moderation stuff, tech stuff regarding the servers etc.)18:49
Fuchspangolin: because the team behind #ubuntu-de is a different one. Both are part of the LoCo, but it's different people. Ubuntuusers is a rather big thing (biggest german portal), so having the same team managing this would add quite some workload18:49
Fuchspangolin: also it has been like that for quite some time now, and most users are adapted to it. Also most links on wikis and other documentation is.18:50
AlanBellok, we passed on this request to the LoCo Council and the Community Council too, there was a suggestion from the LoCo council that it should be in the #ubuntu-de-* area too18:50
PiciTo me this sounds rather obvious then.  The IRC channels should reflect the organizational differences.18:50
pangolinFuchs: sounds reasonable.18:50
k1l(as an ubuntu-de-op) im fine with that as long as the link for support to #ubuntu-de and for offtopic to #ubuntu-de-offtopic. we link to the wiki at ubuntuusers.de because its the best german linux wiki around18:50
LjLI think pangolin has a point. You're part of the DE community but separate at the same time; Ubuntu has always had just "member" cloaks, so wouldn't this turn into a way to disperse the cloaks and the namespace?18:51
Fuchsk1l: the link is set up like that in server error pages and wikis of ubuntuusers.de18:51
FuchsLjL: not really, since it's two different things18:51
AlanBellI think it is clear that this is an existing situation, a well managed channel, and it is in the spirit of Ubuntu advocacy so tradmark use is fine18:51
FuchsLjL: I don't think that other local communities have the same situation with such a big portal18:51
pangolinLjL: good point. I am not sure we want @ubuntuusers/member/ cloaks18:52
AlanBellFuchs: who would get the cloaks and what would an example one be?18:52
pangolinit would cause confusion18:52
FuchsAlanBell: team members,  @ubuntuusers/serverteam/username   I think18:52
Fuchsso it would not look like ubuntu member cloaks at all18:52
pangolinyeah, I'm not happy with that. it still has ubuntu in it and couple imply membership status to the uninformed18:53
FuchsI am quite sure that moving to a different namespace and beginning to mix up the two, including cloaks, will cause a lot more confusion among german users, which are used to the current situation for some years now18:53
Fuchsso basically it would stay as is for the german ubuntu users, but the ubuntuusers team would have better possibilities of channel management18:54
PiciAm I the only one not happy telling an existing Ubuntu advocacy group how to run their own organization?18:54
Fuchsusers would not be disturbed, #ubuntu-de Operators would not be disturbed and ubuntuusers people would be happy18:54
pangolinPici: I don't mind the channel name being #ubuntuusers. I don't like the idea of a separate cloak with the word Ubuntu in it.18:55
oCeanpangolin: I don't see why not, they're contributing to the project18:55
AlanBellI am fine with that cloak format I think18:55
oCeanyes, I think it's a fine idea18:56
pangolinthen they should apply for membership like the rest of us did to get our cloak18:56
AlanBellI suspect that most of the people getting that cloak would be well placed in terms of a significant and sustained contribution to get an Ubuntu member cloak18:56
Fuchspangolin: it's not the same as a membership cloak. It is also used to distinguish teams a bit18:56
FuchsAlanBell: probably, but it would add quite some administrative overhead18:56
pangolinFuchs: we don't do that in Ubuntu18:56
pangolinwe don't distinguish teams, we are all members18:57
AlanBellFuchs: I wasn't suggesting linking them in some way, just that you are not planning on handing them out to any random person who asks18:57
Fuchspangolin: it's for pragmatic reasons, when a user comes in the general team channel, he would have a better possibility to see which person he should contact18:57
* Pici agrees with AlanBell 18:57
Fuchspangolin: example: if a user wants to suggest a news article, he should contact one of our ikhaya (that's our news portal) members. Giving this suggestion to one of our server guys is just a detour :)18:58
FuchsAlanBell: definitely not18:58
FuchsAlanBell: we have standards definied on how you can join one of the team18:58
PiciThen I'm fine with that.18:58
FuchsAlanBell: and I am also not a big fan of handing them to every new member who just joined18:58
oCeangood to hear there's a proper process in place.18:58
Fuchsgood :)18:58
AlanBellok, maybe we should vote on this to confirm the decision18:59
pangolinFuchs: I disagree, the user can ask and then be directed to the correct team/person. That user should not need to /whois to see where to get help. anyway i am against adding a cloak with the word ubuntu in it. if that does happen I am going to fight for an ubuntero cloak that was declined years ago by the ircc18:59
daxpangolin: as in ubuntu/ubuntero/*?19:00
Myrttiis there even a possible quorum?19:00
pangolinmaybe @ubuntu/helper cloak19:00
Fuchspangolin: it would just be an additional measure. I am unfortunately not aware of any history regarding ubuntero cloaks, but I think you should feel free to bring that up again if you want19:00
AlanBellMyrtti: yes, with pleia219:00
AlanBell#voters AlanBell Pici pleia2 funkyHat19:01
meetingologyCurrent voters: AlanBell Pici funkyHat pleia219:01
pangolin I know a few people in #ubuntu who might like to have a @ubuntu/helper cloak19:01
PiciWe're not talking about adding additional levels to the Ubuntu cloak namespace. We're talking about ubuntuusers.19:01
pangolinyeah i am fine with the channel.19:02
AlanBell#vote the IRCC agrees not to object to the #ubuntuusers GRF19:03
meetingologyPlease vote on: the IRCC agrees not to object to the #ubuntuusers GRF19:03
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)19:03
meetingology+1 received from AlanBell19:03
meetingology+1 received from pleia219:03
meetingology+1 received from Pici19:03
AlanBellnot sure funkyHat is awake19:04
meetingologyVoting ended on: the IRCC agrees not to object to the #ubuntuusers GRF19:04
meetingologyVotes for:3 Votes against:0 Abstentions:019:04
meetingologyMotion carried19:04
toddythank you all. :)19:04
FuchsThank you very much :)19:04
MarkusHthank you very much19:04
Fuchsfeel free to poke me if you need some further information or whatever :)19:04
daxpleia2: I take it Ubuntu CC decided to delegate the decision to IRCC and isn't going to object in and of themselves?19:04
AlanBellok, thanks Fuchs19:05
pleia2dax: IRC-based decisions arealways delegated to the IRCC, the CC only gets involved if it's escalated19:05
daxpleia2: thanks19:05
christeli must admit that i think it's pretty impressive that the ubuntu community is such that whilst the project's GRF would be entirely fine standing on it's own feet from a freenode pov, you have created an atmosphere in which people come and ask for your approval regardless19:05
AlanBelldax: the CC was notified, and we considered the trademark implications19:05
christelmany ++'s!19:05
AlanBellok, we have a bunch of items on the agenda that we have not got to yet, but we are out of time19:06
AlanBellI don't see any of them being urgent so I am intending to defer them to the next meeting in about 2 weeks, time to be discussed but probably not on Saturday morning19:07
AlanBell#topic Any Other Business19:07
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Any Other Business
AlanBellanyone got any other pressing matter to raise?19:07
AlanBellok, thanks very much everyone19:08
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Sun Jan 29 19:08:28 2012 UTC.19:08
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-01-29-18.01.moin.txt19:08
topylivery sorry for being so very late. isn't it ircc meeting time?19:10
Myrttiyou arrived on the same minute #endvote was declared19:11
MyrttiI mean #endmeeting19:11
Picitopyli: both our clocks said it started 11 minutes ago :(19:11
topylii'm a full hour late?19:11
Picitopyli: I happened to show up 'early' for that.19:11
Picitopyli: yes. me too, sort of.19:11
* Silverlion waves and leaves19:12
Myrttihere's a trick: add Reykjavik into your locations19:12
Myrttithey're using UTC.19:12
Fuchsright, have a nice day / evening folks, thank you again, and as said, feel free to poke me if you need something more :)19:13
topyliit's the daylight savings. i have no sense of time anymore19:13
Myrttitopyli: Iceland doesn't have DST either19:14
topylirussia also abandoned it, afaik19:14
Myrttibut they're not on UTC timezone ;-)19:14
topylino, but at least they're on the *same* timezone all the time19:15
Myrttiwell the point I was trying to make was that if you've got Reykjavik as a location in your Gnome/whatever clock, you can use it to check the meeting times19:16
topylii like this one: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/19:17
topyliyou can live whereever you want, just check it :)19:18
daxGood desktop environments also feature the ability to put UTC in your clock.19:18
daxIf memory serves, the Evolution people also fixed my bug about UTC not working in Evolution calendar :)19:18
topylieven gnome used to have that!19:18
topylianyway, i should have been here at 20 not 21 and now my super-political agenda is lost. the sane people have won. what will we do!19:21
MarkusHsee you, and thanks again19:55

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