
micahgtumbleweed: do you remember why there was a diff for gnubiff s/libfam/libgamin/, this seems to build fine without the diff (it's no longer in the distro at the moment, but has been requested)05:01
tumbleweedmicahg: FTBFS, IIRC07:36
tumbleweedmicahg: seems ubuntu had a preference for gamin over fam, I don't know if that's still relevant07:36
micahgtumbleweed: right, idk, and there's no paper trail07:37
tumbleweedmicahg: it was one of my first merges, so I did a bit of research into it at the time07:37
micahgwell, I went back and looked at the changelog history in LP and the closed bug merge history with nothing, I only came across a comment that you did a bit of research, hence the ping :)07:38
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rigvedhi everyone.13:47
rigvedi found a typo in the live-build package (in an example script) kept in /usr/share/...13:48
rigvedif i use the example script as-is, the build process does not work.13:49
rigvedbut the package version in debian is different than the one used in precise.13:49
rigvedshould i file a bug report (and fix that bug)?13:50
rigvedor should i wait for someone to sync the new package version from debian?13:50
jtayloris it fixed in debian?13:51
rigvedjtaylor: i checked in debian. this problem is not there.13:53
rigvedjtaylor: but the debian version of the package is different.13:53
jtaylorI'd file a bug in ubuntu with the fix13:54
rigvedjtaylor: ok.13:54
rigvedjust out of curiousity, why is the live-build package version not the same?13:55
rigvedthe package is there in unstable, so it has been quite some time since it was put there.13:55
jtaylorubuntu and debian have different needs for their live builds13:55
rigvedthe debian package is a few versions ahead of the precise one.13:55
rigvedjtaylor: ohh. ok13:55
rigvedjtaylor: thanks!13:56
rigvedjtaylor: i did a bzr branch and it downloaded the version, which already has the fix. but the version in precise is the old one. so, the new version has not landed in precise yet. is there a chance that i will land in precise soon? in other words, is the freeze in effect or is there still some time.14:55
jtaylorwhat did you branch?14:56
rigvedjtaylor: i did: bzr branch lp:live-build live-build.dev14:58
jtaylorthat looks like the debian branch14:59
jtaylorlp:ubuntu/live-build should get you the ubuntu one15:00
rigvedjtaylor: ohh. ok. thanks again. i'll test it.15:01
jtaylortypo fixes in an example script should not be subject to any freeze, so there is still plenty of time to fix it15:02
rigvedjtaylor: no. lp:ubuntu/live-build is not a valid branch.15:07
rigvedjtaylor: lp:live-build and lp:live-build/trunk are valid branches.15:08
rigvedjtaylor: plus, i check the file in the trunk source, along with revision info. the typo was fixed some time back.15:08
jtaylorweird, just create a debdiff and don't bother about bzr15:08
rigvedjtaylor: ohh. ok.15:09
jtaylorits still present in the 2 day old ubuntu22 version?15:09
rigvedjtaylor: yes.15:09
rigvedjtaylor: but not in the latest code in trunk.15:09
jtayloryou probably have to ask some core developer about this15:10
rigvedjtaylor: hmmm...15:10
rigvedjtaylor: i think i'll ask on the launchpad of the live-build project.15:12
jtaylorI'd just file a bug with a debdiff15:13
rigvedjtaylor: i filed a bug report: 92335515:15
rigvedbug 92335515:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 923355 in live-build (Ubuntu) "live-build example auto/config script has a typo" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92335515:15
rigvedjtaylor: i filed the bug report before you told me about the debdiff.15:16
rigvedjtaylor: is it possible to add the debdiff info now, after the bug has been filed?15:17
jtaylorof course15:17
jtaylorbelow the comment box there is a link t add attachements15:18
rigvedjtaylor: ok. so, i used debdiff to create a diff.txt. so, i'll attach it to the bug report. nothing else required, right?15:25
jtaylorgive it the extension .debdiff so people know what it is15:26
rigvedjtaylor: ok.15:28
rigvedeven though i did not get to fix anything here, but good thing at least my dev environment is set-up now.15:33
rigvedso i can attend ubuntu dev week.15:33
rigvedjtaylor: launchpad is asking me if the uploaded file is a patch or not. what should i tick?15:39
jtaylorits a patch15:54
rigvedjtaylor: ok. thanks for all your help!16:00
jtaylorhm a 9.5 mb debdiff for a typo fix :O16:06
astraljavaMaybe the original author has dyslexia?16:08
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