
ali1234what's the syntax for wildcards in a bind zone file?00:02
mattimgdm: Who you gonna call???00:08
jacobwrfc1912 2.700:09
ali1234do i need @ and *.@ or is just *.@ enough?00:10
shaunoI just use *.00:11
ali1234*.@ doesn't seem valid... the admin tool won't accept it00:12
ali1234*.example.com. got turned into just *00:12
jacobwafaik, the wildcard will match anything in its scope that isn't otherwise defined00:12
shaunoI use @ for the SOA record.  and then *. IN A wh.at.ev.er00:12
ali1234i don't have a SOA record00:13
shaunoI'm not sure how that works then; I'm authorative for the domain, so I kinda need one00:13
shauno(the SOA has refresh, serial, ttl, etc)00:13
ali1234i just have @ 10800 IN A w.x.y.z00:13
ali1234and now i have * 1080 IN A w.x.y.z as well00:14
shaunotry *. IN A w.x.y.z00:14
shaunothat works here, but that's in a full record00:15
ali1234but does that replace the one with @ or in addition to it?00:15
shaunoI honestly couldn't tell you; the only @ records I have are the SOA ones00:15
ali1234*. isn;t accepted00:16
shauno(for domains I answer, I'm the only NS or the auth NS, so it's a full record)00:16
ali1234"syntax error in name field"00:16
ali1234it will only allow me to enter * 10800 IN A ...00:17
ali1234oh well, i'll just wait 3 hours and see whathappens00:17
shaunohm, I can't force that error00:19
shaunoI get "ignoring out-of-zone data (*)" for "*.", which I was really sure was valid.  and an a-ok for * IN A ..00:20
shauno(using named-checkzone)00:20
jacobwshouldn't *. match anything up to root?00:20
shaunothat's my understanding, yeah00:25
shaunoI rather confused by not having an @ SOA record tho.  I don't have any zone without such a record00:26
ali1234i'm entering the config into an online web interface00:28
ali1234it probably has a hidden SOA record or something00:29
jacobwi'm thinking that because *. would match anything up to the root its considered out of zone00:29
ali1234and then just merges what you enter00:29
jacobwwhereas * is kind of wrong because it doesn't incomplete but only matches within the zone so its ok00:30
shaunohttp://paste.ubuntu.com/820737/   that's what mine looks like.  * IN A ad.dr.es.s works for me, but *. doesn't; which isn't how I understood it00:32
shaunobut ^ is why not having an SOA confuses me00:33
ali1234shauno: i don't have access to the whole config file, just a web form where i enter a snippet00:33
ali1234so the SOA record is probably outside my control00:33
shaunothat kinda makes sense, and kinda sucks at the same time00:34
shaunoI prefer to see it, even if I can't touch it00:34
ali1234well it's pretty cool... i can put SFR record etc i assume00:34
ali1234but yeah it would be nice to see some context00:34
ali1234hmm looks like putting * in the A record overrides all the defined CNAMEs00:35
shaunoyeah; there's no particular order.  a wildcard will win, even if it's last00:36
ali1234so i can't have a wildcard that would accept potential mistyped addresses eg wwww.example.com, while also defining specific subdomains for other servers?00:37
shaunoin all honesty, bind9 makes my ex-wife look like the paragon of common sense.  and she was american.00:37
shaunoglad someone chuckled.  the awkward silence was starting to look spiteful ;)00:40
jacobwits too late to be thinking about DNS00:41
Pendulumshauno: I chuckled and I'm American. I'm not sure what that says about me.00:42
shaunoPendulum: american ultimately had nothing to do with it.  it's just a more straight-forward punchline :)00:44
Pendulumshauno: I meant more that I wasn't sure what it said about me that I liked the punchline :)00:45
shaunothe alternative would sound less like a joke, and more like .. dude00:45
shaunoshort version, she holds world records in her weight class for powerlifting.  and I think solairs is kinda neat in it's own little ways.  neither wrong, just basic incompatibilities00:46
ali1234ah... i think can put the wildcard as a cname, then it doesn't overwrite the other cnames :)00:47
shaunoanyhow, enough excuses.  * IN A works here.  I've no idea what pre-processing is happening there00:47
directhexso what's the IN mean?00:48
shaunoindia?  (internet address?  honestly .. my bind-foo isn't workable, not heavy)00:48
shaunoer, is/not00:49
directhexit's hard to google for "in"00:49
shaunoI have a feeling IN is a leftover00:49
jacobwyeah, its vestigal00:50
shaunoI have IN A, IN AAAA, IN SRV, IN TXT .. all IN ..00:50
jacobwunix and linux system administration page 577 defines IN as internet00:52
shaunoI'll bow to that then.  this bottle doesn't define it at all00:53
jacobwyou don't need it anymore, by default IN is assumed by all implementations00:53
jacobwbottles don't define much :)00:53
shaunothat bit I didn't know; for the most part, I just copy lines that I know to work00:53
shaunoI get one day off this week.  bottles define that day.  nothing more, nothing less00:54
directhexhm... how much extra hate do i get if i add two architectures to src:mono on debian?00:54
jacobwwhy hate?00:55
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] More Ubuntu Accomplishments Hacking - http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/01/29/more-ubuntu-accomplishments-hacking/02:16
ali1234-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 777 2012-01-29 04:33 access.log04:33
ali1234how is it possible for the webserver to be writing to this file?04:33
hamitrondoes it pass events to some logging daemon?04:51
hamitronoff to bed anyway04:53
hamitrongl o/04:53
danfishtell me why I don't like Sunday, tell me why I don't like Sunday....coz tomorrow's Monday :(08:54
MartijnVdSdanfish: that's not how the song goes ;)08:56
danfishMartijnVdS: quite. I spend the week looking forwards to Friday and the weekend and it goes too quickly09:04
danfishho hum, a week off in Feb to recharge my batteries and jumpstart some projects :)09:04
MartijnVdSdanfish: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfVsfOSbJY0 or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGgMZpGYiy8&ob=av3n09:05
danfishahh, the cure - the music of my youth09:09
danfishmusic is not the same now </endoldgitmode>09:13
brobostigongood morning everyone.10:26
daubersthink it may be past time to retire the old NSLU2 :(10:52
dauberstaking it nearly 10 minutes to run an SQL query10:52
bigcalmThings I have discovered about Thunderbird: 1) you can drag contacts from one account to another. 2) this deletes them from the original account just fine. 3) the target account does not have the moved contacts after reloading Thunderbird10:55
bigcalmI have lost countless contacts :(10:55
popeyunity 2d remembers which desktop you opened apps on10:55
popeythats odd10:56
bigcalmFor instance, I used to have popey's mobile number. This is no longer the case11:01
bigcalmpopey: you can sleep safely at night now11:01
daubersprobably shouldn't have asked libre office to plot all 300000 rows of that table :(11:04
popeymy mobile number isnt hard to find ☺11:04
* MartijnVdS looks in his mobile phone11:04
MartijnVdSindeed :)11:04
danfishbigcalm: nah - to summon popey just beam the circle of friends into the night sky ala batman ;)11:04
HazRPG\o hi11:05
MartijnVdSdanfish: not an image of a pope?11:05
HazRPGmy current egy number is sooooo easy to remember!11:05
MartijnVdSHazRPG: 123456789?11:05
HazRPGall I have to remember is the last 4 digits11:05
HazRPGbecause it starts with 011111011:06
MartijnVdSBinary number?11:06
HazRPGMartijnVdS: almost!11:06
HazRPGtis awesome!11:06
MartijnVdSI haven't found any pattern to my phone number yet11:06
HazRPGMartijnVdS: like i said, my egy number is mega!11:07
popeymine is in my email sig now11:07
HazRPGcos you get to pick your number from a list here if you get a month sub. type contract11:07
MartijnVdSpopey: don't you get prank callers from that? (when emailing public lists)11:07
HazRPGMartijnVdS: depends on the mailing lists really11:08
HazRPGgoogle really wants people to make sure they read their new terms don't they o.O11:09
MartijnVdSHazRPG: Have you seen the abuse IRC ops get _on irc_? I wouldn't want k1dd13s to know my phone number :)11:09
HazRPG2 e-mails, and several notifications11:09
danfishdaubers: talking of old hardware, I've just pressed my viglen mpc back into service!11:09
HazRPGMartijnVdS: same11:09
MartijnVdSHazRPG: I like that though. Lots of other companies change their TOS/privacy policies without notice11:10
HazRPGMartijnVdS: true, true11:10
daubersdanfish: \o/ mine still cuts out randomly :)11:11
danfishdaubers: (I'm running debian on it but don't tell anyone!)11:13
HazRPGright i have some errants to attend to, speak to ya all later \o11:13
popeynot yet MartijnVdS11:13
=== andypiper_ is now known as andypiper
daubersdanfish: Heh :) I blame the uupc bunch for supplying me with duff hardware11:16
daubersthough it might just need the heatsink to be reseated.....11:17
danfishdaubers: time for a class action suit ;)11:17
daubersdanfish: Is that what batman wears?11:19
daubersnote: I may be doped up on every anti flu remedy I could find in the flat, and may make even less sense than usual11:20
danfishdaubers: best flu remedy ever = hot toddy + whisky + cocodamol (soluble)11:22
danfishtake 4 times daily until comatose11:23
danfishis AlanBell around? How to cook the perfect roast chicken?11:25
* popey looks at his chicken in the oven11:28
* popey doubts it will be perfect but it will be tasty11:28
gingdid you watch how to cook like heston?11:32
ginghe did a chicken11:32
ginghe massively under cooks it for 2hours then over cooks it for 15 minutes11:33
* MartijnVdS waves Cooking for Geeks around11:49
* daubers is now tempted to nuke libre office11:50
daubersit's still trying to graph this stuff11:50
AlanBellMartijnVdS: I wouldn't expect IRC trolls to make phone calls, it would show up on their parent's bill12:00
AlanBelldanfish: not sure how to cook chickens, but I have some great recipes for rat http://reocities.com/SunsetStrip/amphitheatre/8707/rats.html12:00
MartijnVdSAlanBell: I've had someone from #u-nl make "fake" phone calls using SIP gateways in China12:05
MartijnVdSAlanBell: all I heard was silence, but it happened several times/day, sometimes at night12:05
AlanBellthat isn't good12:08
PendulumMartijnVdS: that's a bit frightening12:08
MartijnVdSPendulum: it stopped after I talked to Vodafone about it12:23
popeynouveau gives me big black boxes where web content should be12:34
popeynvidia gives me gpu lockups12:34
MartijnVdSit's trying to tell you to stop browsing, start working :)12:34
popeythis thinkpad can't arrive soon enough12:35
penguin42popey: Is this in unity2d or 3d? (for both Nouveau and nvidia?)12:36
popeyi have used nvidia driver for both and get gpu lockups on both 3d and 2d12:37
popeyonly just switched to nouveau to see if i still get the lockups12:37
popeyand now I get lots of flicker and black boxes in content12:37
penguin42I'd hope nouveau can cope with 2d12:37
popey2d still does compositing12:37
* popey logs out and into 2d12:37
penguin42popey: Yeh but it doesn't push it anywhere as hard12:37
penguin42popey: And I'd assume it doesn't use GL to do it?12:38
gordcompositing is gl12:38
penguin42hmm that's a shame; it works ok on cards that don't do any native GL (e.g. cirrus in KVM) but I guess that's the emulation in X?12:40
gordcompositing is turned off12:40
MartijnVdSHow does it composite then?12:41
MartijnVdSif compositing is turned off12:41
popeyi give up12:44
popeythink I'll just put this laptop away and use my desktop until the thinkpad arrives12:44
penguin42popey: Please donate it to a Nouvaeu dev12:45
popeyits going to my wife12:46
penguin42if you just do a metacity --replace & it'll be useable on one of them12:47
popeygonna back it up and stick osx on it12:47
gordMartijnVdS, uh, it doesn't?12:48
MartijnVdSgord: then how do windows appear on the screen etc.?12:48
gordMartijnVdS, that is not what compositing is12:48
* MartijnVdS looks confused12:48
gorda compositing window manager is a window manager that allows windows to be layered over each other, that is not what something like metacity does in its 2d mode12:52
gordit just blits shapes12:52
penguin42I'm not sure metacity even does that - it just puts the window where it wants it and the app draws where X tells it12:54
gordmore likely yes12:54
penguin42it's much more efficient, but obviously not as pretty12:56
MartijnVdShttp://cgi.cs.indiana.edu/~oracle/ \o/13:03
popeybah, unity 2d firefox flickers like bonkers with nouveau14:21
* popey pokes chrisccoulson with a stick14:21
chrisccoulsonhi popey14:22
* popey tickles aquarius 14:25
popeywhat ho!14:25
OmNomDePlumeAnyone watching the tennis?14:25
aquariusI have a survey question: is it substantially useful to have a version of summit on your mobile phone which works when you don't have a network connection? Specifically, when would this be useful? (Obviously having it is more useful than not having it; I'm trying to work out *how* useful.)14:26
popeywhen walking between hotel and venue14:26
popeyand in evening when you're out and about in a foreign country and there is no 3g (expensive) and no wifi14:26
MartijnVdSWhen random people are clogging the conference wifi14:27
popeyalso at breakfast where the wifi didnt reach14:27
MartijnVdSwith their apt-get updates/upgrades14:27
popeythat doesnt happen so much these days14:27
popeyUDS wifi is probably the best conf wifi14:28
* popey tickles Nafallo 14:28
MartijnVdSpopey: You haven't been to YAPC::EU or FOSDEM have you ;)14:28
popeyi havent been to fosdem for a while14:28
aquariusOK. There are two issues with offline access to summit. The first is that once you've taken something offline, it's quite likely to go out of date, especially given the rapidity with which the UDS schedule changes over the course of the week; the second is that you'd have to have gone and visited summit while online to get the data to cache. Do either of those constitute a severe problem?14:28
popeylast time I went the wifi was shocking14:28
OmNomDePlumeDjokovic is serving for the championship.14:28
popeyno aquarius14:28
popeyaquarius: so long as the UI lets you know how stale the data is14:28
popeyand provides and easy 'sync' button14:28
aquariusI agree entirely that it'd be useful at breakfast and in the evenings, I just don't know whether it's useful *enough* that I'm prepared to put the work in to *try* and make it possible :)14:29
MartijnVdSah, so it's a laziness issue :P14:29
popeyarguably you want to be away from summit in the evenings14:29
popeyand be doing things like drinking / eating / team-building14:29
aquariusMartijnVdS, well, it's a time-and-resources issue; I only have a limited amount of spare time, and I have more projects than I have spare time. So I'm trying to work out whether I should do further work on summit rather than one of my other projects ;)14:30
aquariusI've already made it mobile-friendly, which fixes one of my two big annoyances at UDS; the other big annoyance is not having access to summit when I'm away from the wifi, so I'm trying to quantify how much that also annoys other people :)14:30
popeyright, laptop pretty much unusable right now14:30
aquariuss/two big annoyances/two big summit-related annoyances/ ;-)14:31
* popey kicks off a backup and looks for an OSX CD14:31
popeyneed a new hostname for the thinkpad when it arrives14:32
gordaquarius, don't we have that app now?14:32
gordits like a conference app and you get the summit through that14:32
aquariusgord, the app is shit. It's shit, yes it is.14:32
bigcalm!ohmy | aquarius14:33
lubotu3aquarius: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.14:33
gordit really is, but better than using summet.ubuntu on my phone14:33
popeyooo deep-thought I like14:33
aquariusGuidebook is constantly out of date, it constantly tries to cache14:33
aquariusgord, why's Guidebook better?14:33
aquariusbigcalm, I keep forgetting that. Thanks.14:33
gordsummit doesn't fit easily14:33
aquariusgord, yeah, that's what I've fixed. It now does, beautifully :)14:33
aquariusmy goal here is to kill guidebook stone dead and have people just use summit, because we can rev it more quickly and do what we want with it.14:34
gorddoes summit have some javascript to auto-update as well?14:34
aquariusnot at the moment, no (although being able to hit "refresh" does that well enough, I think)14:34
bigcalmaquarius: the workplace day in Wolves is going fortnightly. Any more chance of getting you to join us? ;)14:35
aquariusbigcalm, the issue is that most days I'm not really able to travel; I'm tethered here :)14:35
aquariusgord, I'd only need auto-updating JS if summit also works offline, which is what I'm debating doing as my next piece of work on it14:35
aquariushence the questions :)14:35
bigcalmaquarius: the cafe has draft beer14:36
aquariusheh. I'm not tethered here because this is the only place with beer in it :)14:36
bigcalmIt also includes the occasional pretty red-head. I get a ribbing from davmor2 every time I look up from my screen14:39
aquariusnow, that's just gonna distract me from work14:41
gordhrm yeah, wifi.. especially since chances are, hotel room wifi is crap14:41
gordi like to look up and plan my sessions in the morning before breakfast14:41
MartijnVdSbigcalm: you're calling aquarius a pretty redhead now? :P14:42
AlanBello/ aquarius14:42
AlanBellyou did the flat view? awesome, it was on my list to do that before -q14:42
aquariusAlanBell, ya. Well, mhall and cjohnston did most of the work; I just added some tweaks. summit is now lovely on mobiles, yay14:46
AlanBellI was going to do it as a nested <ul>14:47
aquariusAlanBell, my first set of changes are in trunk now, which is nice.14:47
AlanBellit is nicer to read with orca like that too14:48
aquariusOK, next survey question. If you're offline (let's say you're in a restaurant somewhere offsite at UDS), and you pull up summit (which now works offline), and summit knows that the data it's showing is five hours old *but* you don't have a network connection (and so can't refresh it), should it still tell you that the schedule is 5 hours old (and might have been changed in the interim) even if you can't do anything14:49
aquarius about it?14:49
aquarius(not necessarily disagreeing with you; just clarifying)14:50
popeybecause i may assume that the device synced when i was in the hotel14:50
popeybut it didnt, and I dont know that14:50
aquariusright. (Note: it will not do so. The one advantage of an actual native app over a website is that a native app can sync even when you're not looking at it.)14:50
popeylook at the email client on iphone14:50
popeyright at the bottom of your inbox is a date/time stamp of when you last synced mail14:51
popeytis handy14:51
aquariuspopey, do you have a screenshot of said email client exhibitng that?14:51
popeyi do/can14:51
aquarius(from google images is fine; it doesn't have to be yours, so you don't have to blur out all the email names etc)14:51
popeysee twitter14:52
aquariusand the refresh arrow next to it will update that?14:53
popeyyes, or pull down14:53
popeyand the status changes14:53
popeysee twitter ☺14:53
popeyinterestingly thats arguably an old app14:55
aquariusdon't know what that means14:56
popeyit might not be the 'best' way14:56
popeyfacebook shows the 'last updated' date time in the bit when you pull the UI down14:56
aquariusya, FB on android does the same thing14:57
popeywhich is probably preferable14:58
popeybut the stupid thing is that will trigger a 'get'14:58
popeyor at least try to14:58
popeyor give you some 'no network' error14:58
popeyalthough if you pull down and dont let go, but push back up, it doesnt update14:59
popeyonly updates if you pull down and let go14:59
aquariusI can handle that, though14:59
aquariusit won't go and GET and then fail and give you a "no page available", no fear :)14:59
aquariusSummary question 3: the offline stuff will inevitably mean that you have to refresh the page a bit more often (because you'll get cached data more often). Is it a good idea that summit should work this way on all browsers (desktop and mobile), or just on mobile?15:03
gordgeez, steam for android eats up a lot of battery15:03
popeywait, there's steam for android now?15:11
popey(and not linux desktop)15:11
penguin42aquarius: Does that necessarily have to be true? I mean if you're find you're online can't you fetch the data anyway and not rely on the cache?15:12
aquariuspenguin42, no. That's not how appcaches work. If you've appcached a page, then the browser gets it from the cache and doesn't even look at the internet. It will then, after it's displayed it, look at the internet to see if there's a newer version, and the result of that can be detected with javascript.15:14
gordpopey, its not steam steam, its really just an IM15:14
gordyou can't install mobile games with it or anything15:14
penguin42aquarius: oh that's ok, if it displays the cached one, and then updates if it gets it; bonus points for displaying some indicator that it's updating15:15
=== daubers_ is now known as daubers
kvarleyIs there a chat application that can be overlayed on OpenGL games? Like Raptr and Steam.15:58
=== MH0- is now known as MH0
ubuntuuk-planet[Tony] Amy and Andrew: Behind the scenes - http://tonywhitmore.co.uk/blog/2012/01/28/amy-and-andrew-behind-the-scenes/17:16
Guest37546can someone help me i want to install ubuntu on an old laptop running windows me. i don't think the disk drive is working and my other comps are macs18:35
Myrttido you know if the laptop can boot off USB?18:37
Guest37546i don't think so i was in the bios earlier setting cd to first boot option and didn't notice anything about usb18:38
Myrttiit has a CD drive tho?18:38
Guest37546yeh and a floppy disk drive but i don't think the cd drive is working properly18:38
MyrttiI have no ideas :-|18:41
Myrttiyou could try the CD anyway18:41
Guest37546ok thanx for trying18:41
=== Anonymous is now known as Guest31514
Guest37546i did but it won't recognise there is a cd in the drive anymore18:42
directhexGuest32137, so you can't boot from any external media at all?18:43
Guest37546not that I'm aware of no. unless you know a way to use a floppy disc?18:43
penguin42Guest37546: Does it have USB - just can't boot from it?18:44
penguin42Guest37546: You *might* be able to do it with a Grub boot floppy18:45
Guest37546what is thet?18:45
penguin42Guest37546: Grub is one of the Linux boot loaders, you can get a premade image of Grub that you can write to a floppy, it can then boot off other devices - *if* the BIOS can see the other device18:46
directhexyou're venturing into lands that require a high degree of technical expertise. as in "i'm a 7 year linux sysadmin, and wouldn't want to do any of the choices available to me" if i could avoid it18:46
penguin42not forgetting holy water, a cockrel and vials of mercury18:47
aquariusnew question for Android people: why should I install cyanogen? Interested to hear people's reasons. :)18:47
penguin42aquarius: Depends what on; it's more responsive and fixes some bugs in the standard install on my phone18:48
aquariusI like the "more responsive" thing, because that and battery life are the reasons I'm contemplating doing this, which is something I swore I wouldn't do :)18:51
penguin42aquarius: Yeh, the standard ROM on the Orange San Francisco (Aka ZTE Blade) had the compass pointing 180deg out - as I found out the hard way18:51
aquariusoh, right, I don't have that sort of bug :P18:51
penguin42I'm not sure the battery life is great on cyanogen18:51
penguin42aquarius: What does your phone currently have on?18:51
aquariusstock Android 4.0 ICS18:52
penguin42hmm if you're on ICS (very nice...) then I doubt there is as much gain18:52
aquariusit's not very nice. It's slow and it eats battery.18:52
penguin42My phone was on 2.2 when 2.3/2.4 was already out, hence it was a good upgrade18:52
aquariusthat's why I want to fix it :)18:52
penguin42aquarius: Which phone?18:52
aquariusNexus S18:52
penguin42aquarius: Well the other thing was my phone was cheap, so if I bricked it then I didn't have to worry too much; now a Nexus S I guess the decision is a little different18:53
directhexaquarius, look at cyanogenmod as the biggest community android distro. usual reasons for replacing your bundled os apply19:07
aquariusdirecthex, what usual reasons?19:09
popeyaquarius: i put cyanogen on an htc hero to get newer android and plain android so not sense UI'd19:09
directhexyour bundled os is filled with sucky crapware and is old?19:09
aquariusya, but it isn't. I've got a Nexus S: it runs stock Android, and it's running ICS>19:09
directhexso 0 benefit19:10
aquariusthis is one of the reasons I'm resistant to new ROMs; I wanted to see whether eveyrone's reason for changing ROMs was "get rid of sense UI and crapware and get an upgrade" and so on, none of which apply to me19:10
jacobwthe google branded phones have current stock android19:10
aquariusthe reason I'm contemplating this (which I said I'd never do) is that I upgraded to ICS and I am dog sick of it being slow and clunky and eating battery like there is no tomorrow19:11
jacobwthere isn't much cost to trying a few different ROMs19:11
popeythere is if the custom rom is unreliable19:12
jacobwthe larger ROM projects are usually reliable19:13
AzelphurI just found out you can generate bitcoin vanity addresses :D19:13
aquariusthere's a time cost, at least.19:13
aquariusand also a mental cost in having to understand a load of stuff that I don't want to19:13
* Myrtti loves JuiceDefender19:14
Azelphur1AZLPHRgfVgdSbwGeZAqrkjmskDTc2j7Uu valid address :D, probably will try and get 1AzeLphur* at some point but it'll take a couple days of crypto to get it19:14
jacobwthe time required should mostly be to root and flash, which is quick with AAHK19:14
aquariusno. I also need to understand what a "radio" is, whether I need it, whether I need to download google apps separately, whether I need to "root" my phone, why I need to root it...19:16
aquariuswhat "aahk" is, and so on :)19:16
jacobwits not as complicated as you'd think, aahk is 'android advanced hack kit' which will root, install a bootloader with tools and flash a radio image for you.19:19
aquariusmy brain's already full, though. To learn new stuff I have to forget something ;-)19:20
* aquarius vacillates about whether to install a new ROM.19:20
jacobwafter that all you need to do is to put the rom image on storage and flash it from the bootloader tools19:20
popeyjacobw: its not complicated, but it's extra stuff to put in the brain19:21
BigRedSaquarius: 'radio' is used to refer to the rom that manages the GSM chip. You probably don't need to do anything to it, but if you do then it'll be done automagically by whatever installs whichever rom you pick19:21
directhexaquarius wants to learn "cyanogenmod" but aquarius already knows four moves! forget a move to make room for "cyanogenmod"?19:21
* aquarius laughs19:22
aquariusthat's exactly how it is. I might end up forgetting how spoons work or something19:22
directhexaquarius forgot "mean look"!19:22
BigRedSbasically, installing a new android rom now is like installing a linux distro a few years ago. A tad clunky, but relatively easy and hard to get wrong if you follow the instructions19:23
jacobwit'd be cool if you could choose to forget something like removing service packs in XP in change for easy time learning something else19:24
popeyI am trying to forget SAP19:24
jacobwBigRedS: the cyanogen mod forums are full of people who've managed to do it wrong :(19:24
BigRedSjacobw: yeah, because all the people who get it right don't feel the need to post :)19:29
BigRedSI've only bricked a single phone, and that was basically because I was using a dodgy usb extension lead. If you're less complacent than I was (which I guess you'll be) you'll be fine19:30
BigRedSjust follow the instructions and don't assume anything19:30
jacobwi need to try miui 2.1.20, i'm currently using cyanogenmod because miui 2.1.6 wouldn't boot for me19:32
penguin42BigRedS: What did you brick?19:32
BigRedSmy Galaxy19:33
BigRedSWe even made up the special cable to unbrick it, but that didn't work either. I keep meaning to dismanlte it all over ebay19:34
penguin42ouch; must be jtagable19:39
ali1234unity just crashed when minimizing firefox again20:22
ali1234except i'm doing a distro upgrade and it failed to restart20:23
ali1234so now i can't get to the upgrade window to see if it's finished or needs interaction20:23
popeycan you not unity --reset from tty0?20:23
ali1234no, it crashed with segmentation fault20:24
ali1234i can probably start a proper window manager though20:24
ali1234metacity works20:25
ali1234it's amazing how much faster metacity is than unity20:25
ali1234no, compiz is fine20:27
ali1234it's only the unity plugint hat makes it slow20:27
ali1234i mean compiz isn't speedy sure20:27
ali1234but it's not significantly slower than metacity20:28
directhexat least unity's focus badness is really compiz's fault20:28
ali1234focus badness? you mean when you open a new firefox window and type in google and your typing goes to the previous window?20:28
ali1234every single time...20:28
directhexali1234, yes! that one!20:28
ali1234the worst part is they fixed that once and now it's back20:28
directhexali1234, compiz cannot handle the idea of window focus. which is a problem for a window manager...20:29
ali1234and i bet nobody even knows what fixed it20:29
ali1234compiz is pretty bad20:29
directhexbut it has wobbly windows!20:29
ali1234i only used to use it for ezoom20:29
ali1234but that is now disabled anyway20:29
ali1234i never had focus problems before unity though20:30
ali1234i guess it's time to reopen that focus bug20:30
ali1234well, we'll see if it's fixed in precise first20:32
ali1234assuming this upgrade ever finishes20:32
ali1234and assuming i don't reboot to a black screen because nvidia driver doesn't work20:33
aquariusI note that it's amazing how much faster dos 6.2 is than unity too, because it does less :)20:42
ali1234yeah, but unity doesn't do anything that metacity doesn't do20:42
ali1234actually it does rather less20:42
ali1234a more fair comparison would be unity vs metacity vs windows 3.120:43
aquariusyes it does. metacity moves windows around and that's it. It doesn't show me what's running; it doesn't let me switch easily between apps with the mouse; it doesn't let me start and switch to a specific app with one keypress; it doesn't show me whether I'm connected to the network; it doesn't let me change my volume with the mouse, etc, etc, etc.20:44
ali1234i dunno if you've ever tried to run windows 3.1 on modern hardware20:44
ali1234well i have, and it doesn't run any faster than it did on a 48620:44
ali1234it's still faster than unity though20:44
ali1234well baring the rather strange design issues where unity is both a window manager and also a panel, unity doesn't do any of that stuff either20:45
ali1234most of it is done by indicators20:45
aquariusUnity is all of those things, though. It's not just a window manager, and that's the point.20:45
ali1234if you are going to include them in unity then i'm going to include panels etc in metacity20:45
aquariusfine, that's not a problem, at which point your argument is that Gnome 2 is faster than Unity, which is a reasonable argument.20:46
aquariusThe reason for choosing Unity over Gnome 2 is not about performance.20:46
ali1234essentially you are making the argument that it is OK that unity gets a framerate below 10 FPS on a high end GPU, because it also does a load of stuff that shouldn't even be in a window manager20:46
ali1234so no only is it slow, it;s also badly designed :)20:47
ali1234it's not even about gnome 220:47
ali1234unity-2d is also significantly faster20:47
ali1234and it does all exactly the same things20:47
aquariusNot at all (although I don't have that problem in the slightest, so I suspect I have better-supported hardware than you). I'm making the argument that Unity isn't a window manager, it's a desktop shell.20:48
ali1234i don't care what it is20:48
aquariusSo run Unity Qt; that's what it's for. That seems like a fine idea to me,20:48
ali1234i only care that when i try to move a window, there is a 3 second lag before the screen redraws20:48
ali1234the problem with unity-2d is that multimonitor support is completely broken, otherwise i would use it20:49
aquariusindeed. I can imagine that that's really irritating -- as I say, that doesn't happen to me, because I chose supported hardware. I can also see that it's annoying that you can't have all of (a) Unity's features, (b) multi-monitor support, and (c) support for your hardware, all at once, right now. We're working on it, obviously.20:50
ali1234unfortunately there is no supported hardware that is capable of running the software that i actually want20:50
ali1234i'm assuming that nvidia is not supported20:53
aquariusYeah. The open-source software world as a whole has that problem, sometimes. Progress is slower than we'd all like.20:53
ali1234i don't really understand why pretty much all software that requires acceleration only works with nvidia binary, except for unity, which only works properly with nouveau20:54
ali1234i can only assume that there is a fundamental design issue with unity that prevents it from hosting applications which also make use of 3d graphics20:55
directhexfglrx works for me :p20:59
ali1234i take it you don't ever play games in wine21:01
ali1234oh hey the upgrade finished21:02
ali1234well it certainly boots up fast21:05
directhexali1234, no, i don't play games in wine. native, or reboot to windows21:06
ali1234typical wine/fglrx user "why is the sky pink and i have a white box around the mouse cursor?"21:07
ali1234gaming in wine works flawlessly if you use nvidia - but only if you don't have unity running at the same time - then you get 10 FPS if you are lucky21:08
directhexspacechem works. stick to native games.21:08
ali1234native games are terrible21:08
directhexno, that's FOSS games.21:09
gordonjcpwho the hell plays games on PCs anyway?21:10
gordonjcpbuy a PS321:10
ali1234i concur21:10
directhexpeople who want to play games which are only available on, or better on, PC? or want to play games with mods?21:11
ali1234but don't buy a PS3, but nintendo, the games are better21:11
directhexthe wii is a bundle of fail21:11
ali1234PS3 only has two games21:11
ali1234"generic FPS game" and "generic sword fighting game"21:11
directhexyeah now you';re just being somewhat on the retarded side of retarded21:11
brobostigonatm, my only playing seems to be tuxracer on my tablet, while waiting for doctors and hospital appointments.21:12
gordonjcpali1234: actually21:12
gordonjcpthere are very few FPSes on the PS321:12
gordonjcpmost of the single-person viewpoint 3D shooters are third-person21:13
gordonjcpon account of how the dynamics of playing FPSes with a gamepad is all wack and shit21:13
gordthere are lots of fps games on the ps321:13
ali1234all i have to say about that is "goldeneye"21:13
gordonjcpgord: bet there's more third-person shooters21:13
directhexsaying "the ps3 is only FPSes" is like saying "the wii is only crappy minigame collection shovelware"21:14
directhexexcept less accurate21:14
ali1234yeah those 3rd person games where yo "lock" on stuff... it doesn't really matter if you have a gun or a sword, the gameplay mechanic is the same21:15
gordi have a ps3 and i have a wii, i get my wii out once a year for the one single game that comes out for it that is worth playing21:15
gordlast year it was zelda, i won't even get it out this year as there are no games coming out for it anymore that are worth your time21:15
ali1234oh i don't disagree that the wii only has 1 good game a year21:15
ali1234but i can't think of a single PS3 game that i would want to play21:16
gordi have about two shelves full of fantastic ps3 games21:16
ali1234and PC only gets a good game every 2 - 3 years as well21:16
directhexhttp://i.imgur.com/DNUAH.jpg - i speak with experience on gaming.21:16
directhexali1234 is a bad troll, tbh21:16
directhexa good troll is less obvious21:16
ali1234i;ve owned all of those as well, except for xbox and nes21:16
ali1234xbox 360 that is. had a xbox for a while21:17
directhexmodern gaming is fantastic. we've never had it so good. the number of brilliant games per year has only been going up year-on-year in the last decade21:17
popeypffft, european snes21:18
gordthe US snes is an eye sore :P21:18
gordthe european one is so pretty, japanese one too21:18
popeyreminds me of parma violets21:18
directhexpopey, i'm european! it was sold with street fighter 2 from Future Zone in oxford!21:18
popeyi have 3 gamecubes ☺21:18
popeytwo purple, one black21:18
directhexyes i remember, including saving my pocket money for a second pad21:18
directhexwe have 2 cubes21:18
popeytwo n64s21:19
directhexwife and i each have a cube21:19
gordi have like three dreamcasts21:19
gordbut only because they break if you look at them the wrong way21:19
directhexgord, there's a fix for the cutting out problem21:19
popeyi dont think I've ever seen a dreamcast in the flesh other than in a shop21:19
gorddirecthex, cutting out? no, the lasers die21:19
directhexgord, just needs a screwdriver21:19
gordreally easy21:19
directhexgord, my laser is fine. but i had it randomly rebooting21:20
directhexcommon enough issue21:20
directhexmetal fatigue on the PSU connector pins21:20
gordyeah no its not that, its the drive for me21:20
directhexwish i had a Set5 dev kit instead of a retail console21:20
ali1234mine used to overheat. had to put it on it's side to make it work21:20
gordi may be deemed a "heavy user" of dreamcasts though ;)21:20
directhexmy rez disc hasn't needed to come off the shelf since Rez HD hit XBLA21:21
popeydo you manually plug stuff in when you need it or have a giant scart-o-tron?21:22
directhexpopey, i now only have the current-gen stuff always connected21:22
directhexpopey, i can't have everything at once due to power constraints and shared cables21:23
directhexe.g. the snes and n64 share an av cable; the snes and nes share a power brick21:23
directhexi have decent av cables in a box - component for ps2, rgb scart for cube, etc21:23
directhexxbox has a 160g disk and xbmc, but haven't used that for ages21:23
popeyheh, my xbox was decommisioned just last week21:24
popeyalso xbmc21:24
directhexit's 2012. i demand HD21:24
directhexgood job the av receiver upscales the NES!21:24
gordupscaling ruins the nes :P21:24
directhexgord, mostly the problem is getting wii virtual console games to display. my old av receiver couldsn't upscale virtual console games over hdmi21:25
gordvirtual console throws the video mode into the same mode the console uses, used to have the same problem with my old tv21:26
gordnew tv handles it fine though21:26
directhexthe sony handles it. the onkyo did not21:26
gordi got a really nice connector for my megadrive, it outputs over svideo so its a really nice clear crisp signal. i hate it. i want my old co-ax back21:26
directhexRF modulator!21:27
ali1234speaking of TVs21:27
gordone day i'll have a big enough place that i can have a game room and have a dedicated CRT to old consoles, new tv's can't handle them properly21:27
directhexthe problem is light guns21:28
directhexmy zapper is now a paperweight. boo21:28
ali1234is ubuntu TV going to be a full TV solution, or will it be like existing smart TVs, where it's a mode that you switch to independent of the "watching TV" mode21:28
gordso how do you hunt ducks?!21:28
directhexi don't. boo.21:29
gordthe duck population will get out of control!21:29
directhexi should play some more rayman.21:29
gordbeat that the other week, tis good21:30
directhexit's exceedingly unoriginal21:30
directhexin the best way21:30
directhexi.e. it's like rayman 1, but prettier and smoother - and less brutal on the lives front21:30
gordthey wanted to open source the graphics engine powering it, wonder if they will21:30
popeyali1234: integrated, is the idea21:31
directhexhttp://www.develop-online.net/news/38204/Ancel-wants-UbiArt-tech-to-be-free-for-all ?21:31
popeyso the epg is shown in the UI along with film selection, local video etc21:31
gorddoing the new resident evil on my 3ds at the mo, also good21:32
directhexdon't have a 3ds21:32
directhexfunny thing - i own 3d games and movies which i put into my ps3, connected to my 3d-capable av receiver, into my 3d tv. and i take 3d photos with my 3d camera. but i skipped the 3ds21:32
directhexmobile gaming has never been a thing for me. i'm the driver, so i get little chance to do "full" 3d games, rather than stolen moments21:33
gord3ds is easily the best device for 3d atm :)21:33
directhextbh imho there won't be mobile handhelds after the 3ds and vita. mobile phones have devalued dedicated mobile systems too far21:33
directhexpoor sales of both systems suggest i'm not alone21:33
gordactually the 3ds has sold hugely21:34
* popey googles vita21:34
gordsome of us don't want a mobile phone to play games on21:34
popeyoh, sony21:34
directhexafter they cut the asking price on the 3ds by more than 33% it sold okay21:34
directhexnowhere near expectations, hence nintendo's earnings warning to their shareholders21:34
gordyeah, they misspriced it, but that doesn't mean that mobiles are taking over21:34
directhexthe ds was the success it was, thanks to non-game games21:35
gordit actually means that at the right price, people do want a dedicated machine. mobiles frankly suck for gaming21:35
directhexbrain age21:35
directhex3ds needs to compete with smartphone apps for the non-gamer market21:35
MyrttiProfessor Layton ♥21:35
gordbut it doesn't21:35
gordit has its market21:35
MyrttiI'm a nongamer and I play professor layton ♥21:35
directhexits market is shrinking. that's the point21:36
gordbut its not21:36
gordits expanding, hugely21:36
directhexMyrtti,  http://techcrunch.com/2011/10/17/professor-layton-leaves-the-nintendo-stable-to-join-ios/21:36
directhexgord, the earnings warning is imaginary, then?21:36
gorddirecthex, thats as a result of them not having a console offering really. the wii isn't selling, not the 3ds21:36
gordno one is making games for it and no one is buying games for it21:37
Myrttidirecthex: I'm not going to buy an iphone for playing it.21:37
gordfrankly the 3ds saved them from a truly disastrous earnings report21:37
gordMyrtti, don't worry, the new layton game for the 3ds should come out in the west this year :) already out in japan iirc21:37
directhexnobody ever bought games for the wii. they branched out into selling wii sports to grandparents, without understanding that grandparents don't want new games, they want wii sports again and again and again FOREVER21:38
directhex"hardcore" wii games have always flopped21:38
Myrttigord: I know, I keep track on the subject21:38
directhexmadworld barely sold21:38
gordprolly know more than me then, i hate layton games ;) - or more aptly. i get stuck on them, decide the puzzle is stupid regardless of everyone else getting past it easily and quit forever21:39
ali1234that couldn't be anything to do with madworld being "generic swordfighting game" released in a sea of identical games, could it?21:40
ali1234i mean if you want games like that, get a PS321:40
directhexali1234, yes it's definitely that. wait, it's not a swordfighting game and you don't know a thing about this stuff21:41
directhexsame difference21:41
ali1234why does the cover art have a picture of a guy with a sword then?21:41
gordisn't there some saying about not judging a book by its cover?21:41
directhexthis is a sword: http://www.medieval-weaponry.co.uk/acatalog/SH2404-1000.jpg21:42
directhexthis is a chainsaw: http://www.a-water-pump.com/images/powertools/husqvarna/HUS_3120xp_lg.jpg21:43
directhexin most cultures, they are considered different implements21:43
ali1234therein lies the problem. you can make an exact clone of a thousand other games and change one tiny detail like "the main character has a chainsaw instead of a sword" and PS3 owners think that represents value for money21:50
ali1234what's thatgame that has a reputation for being hard? the one where you are a ninja?21:51
directhexomg, it has "polygons" on a "screen", it's such a rip-off!21:52
directhexninja gaiden.21:52
ali1234yeah that's the one21:52
ali1234it's like people who buy the new fifa game every year or how ever often it comes out21:53
ali1234i don't understand why they do it21:53
ali1234i'm now watching random ninja gaiden footage on youtube and there's some enemy with a chainsaw lol21:55
ali1234and apart from the graphic style this is an identical game21:55
directhexbecause they care about the team roster updates, presumably21:55
directhexi'm not sufficienly interested in the genre to know what other changes are made to the content on an annual basis beyond team refreshes21:56
gordi could go ahead and claim that all romance novels are the same book21:59
gordi'm not going to because i have no knowledge on that subject, its not a genre i enjoy21:59
ali1234i can understand if you want to buy a newer game cos it has better graphics or whatever21:59
gordi'm content to let people who like that genre enjoy that kind of thing without berating them though21:59
ali1234i just can't understand people who buy every driving game, or every FPS game, or every 3rd person beat-em-up game when they are all the same22:00
directhexlet's see what came out in 2011...22:00
gordaren't all action movies the same?22:00
ali1234yes, yes they are22:00
ali1234and most of them are terrible22:01
gordso you should watch die hard then no other action movie ever?22:01
ali1234just made because they know that people will go to watch them because "i like action movies"22:01
ali1234you can watch all the die hard movies, but you should probably skip anything made by the asylum22:01
gordi do like action movies, i will go see them too, because i like things that i know i like22:01
directhexduke nukem forever was 2011!22:01
gordi like chocolate, i buy that like, every week, man what is wrong with me22:01
gordsame thing again and again22:02
ali1234oh yeah22:02
ali1234wasn't DNF panned for being a generic FPS game?22:02
directhexi was kidding. and nuke nukem forever was panned for far more than that22:02
ali1234saints row 2 was quite popular i heard22:03
directhexSR3 WAS OUT LAST YEAR22:03
directhexer, sr2 was a couple of years ago22:03
ali1234oh 3 then :)22:03
directhexthey're clearly rip-offs of the GTA3 concept, but with their own stylistic and thematic take on the genre22:03
ali1234there's generally quite a big gap between GTA games22:04
directhexnah, they're all just gta3 with a new skin22:04
ali1234no i mean time wise22:04
ali1234i mean how old is 4 now?22:04
gordeh not really big gaps between them22:04
directhex4? about 3 years. i'd need to check22:05
gordits just been a few years since 422:05
directhex29 April 200822:05
directhexbut the gta games have all been identical since gta3. not a single important element changed, therefore they're the same game with a different skin. yup.22:06
directhexgta4 is equally fun to vice city.22:06
gordvice city has 80s music22:06
ali1234vice city is my favorite because of that :)22:06
directhexgord, and tommy vercetti doesn't handle like a walrus22:06
directhexgta4's table tennis engine can't have helped22:07
gordi actually don't like any gta games apart from 1 and vice city, your references are lost on me ;)22:07
ali1234i can understand if you want to get some new content in the same game after 3 years though22:07
gordand in vice city i was just driving around to the 80s music really22:07
directhexgta4 uses the "RAGE" engine (not to be confused with the id Tech 5 engine, used in the game "RAGE"). RAGE is the engine for rockstar table tennis22:08
ali1234GTA has very high replay value though, i guess that's why there's relatively few clones of it despite the big gaps22:09
directhexthere are loads of gta clones22:09
directhexgod what a flooded genre it is22:09
directhexsaint's row is probably the best, but there were dozens during the xbox/ps2 era22:10
directhexthey even started taking established franchises and turning them into "open world" gta clones. say, red faction guerilla22:10
ali1234there's a lot of open world games now but it's not quite the same thing22:11
directhexsure they are. drive around in other peoples' vehicles, killing bystanders22:11
ali1234i mean you could say stalker or fallout or oblivion are "GTA clones" but they aren't really22:11
ali1234they just have an open world22:12
directhexsometimes it's a horse or sometimes it's a car, or sometimes it's a fighter jet22:12
directhexbut just cause is gta on a tropical island. saint's row 3 is gta with dildo bats and burt reynolds.22:12
gordif you want to get in to it, gta is ripping off TES :P22:12
ali1234or assassin's creed, that has an open world too22:13
ali1234the first one was basically GTA without cars22:13
directhexparkour game? clearly a mirror's edge ripoff22:14
ali1234mirrors edge is first person22:14
ali1234so that's a FPS without guns :)22:14
directhexyou need to shoot at least one bullet to complete mirror's edge22:15
ali1234ok, very few guns then :)22:15
directhexyou can take guns from the people you fight22:15
directhexthere's an achievement for causing no bullet damage in a complete playthrough though22:15
directhexlooks like i have about 28 ps3 games, and 42 xbox games22:17
ali1234so which is better, CoD or BF?22:17
directhexand on steam..... three hundred and fifty two22:18
directhexali1234, no idea. i have no interest in "realistic" shooters like battlefield or call of duty22:18
ali1234can you at least understand why i would not consider buying BOTH of them?22:18
gordmost people don't buy both of them22:20
ali1234i'm not even sure if they are on the same systems22:20
directhexali1234, sure. but the way you've been talking this evening implies you'd also discount a hundred other games for being too similar, from borderlands to zeno clash22:21
directhexali1234, both are multiplatform22:21
ali1234i wouldn't buy more than one such game every couple of years22:21
ali1234so i'd get which ever one i thought had most replay value22:22
ali1234i've heard CoD is extremely linear so it probably wouldn't be that one22:22
directhexCoD and Battlefield both have pretty lame singleplayer, afaik. they're bought only for multiplayer22:23
ali1234hmm can you get aggregate stats for games? how long people play them for on average?22:23
directhexdepends on the game.22:23
ali1234"steam games"22:23
directhexgeneral case: no22:23
ali1234they should have a top 10 for that or something22:24
directhexoh, top 10 you can do22:24
directhexexcept when steam falls over22:24
directhexlike right now22:24
ali1234i can see top 10 most played22:25
ali1234but i mean, top 10 most replayed :)22:25
ali1234good to see civilization in the top22:25
directhexi'm still not convinced about civ5 versus civ422:26
directhexthey made some MAJOR ruleset changes22:26
ali1234i haven't played it since 222:26
directhexciv4 is excellent, especially with the beyond the sword expansion22:26
directhexwhich plugs various holes in the long-game gameplay22:27
ali1234it can't have changed that much though right? i mean they haven't made it into a FPS yet right?22:27
directhexe.g. it institutes corporations as a late-game replacement for religion. and the apostolic palace as early-game united nations22:27
directhexali1234, you know the next x-com and syndicate games are fps, right?22:27
ali1234yes of course :)22:27
ali1234they already made a couple of xcom FPS games22:27
directhexali1234, no army stacking in civ5. and hex-based map22:28
ali1234yay hexes22:28
ali1234presumaby you can still stack armies in cities though?22:28
directhexalso, merged attack & defense score on units22:28
ali1234it always annoyed me when the computer had like 50 phalanx in the city and they somehow wear down your bomber22:29
ali1234despite being armed with only spears22:29
directhexcities get their own attack rating, with or without a garrison, which they can use to defend22:29
directhexe.g. walls increase the city's attack rating22:29
directhexyou can attck any unit within 2 hexes in any direction22:29
directhexobviously a garrison bumps your city's attack score22:29
gordnext xcom game is actually a strategy game22:31
gordthe fps got bumped to next year because it was obvious everyone hated it22:31
directhexoh, they also added city states to civ522:32
gordthey won't be able to rebottle the lightning of the first though. the only turn based strategy game i have ever played that was legitimately  scary22:32
directhexsingle-city neutral players. making them allied gives you a per-state bonus22:32
directhexsometimes the city states will give you mini-quests, like "nuke another city state plz"22:32
directhexgenerally though, i still feel civ4:bts is a better experience. largely because they totally screwed diplomacy in 522:33
directhexand the theme song for 4 is far superior22:33
directhexhated civ3 and civ:ctp22:35
ali1234what ever happened to combat flight sims?22:35
directhexalpha centauri was good22:35
directhexali1234, i think il2 sturmovic is the main franchise still going in that genre22:35
mgdmAlpha Centauri was the last game I sank a decent amount of time into22:35
mgdmsince then I don't have the attention span for anything more than Angry Birds22:36
gordflight simulators don't get made anymore22:37
directhexmicrosoft have a new one out soon.22:37
gordyeah, but no22:37
gordit just looks like their last one, refitted into the free to play model22:37
gordso its not really a new game22:38
directhexthe last il2 game was in 201122:39
directhexwhich is pretty recent22:39
directhexgeneral case though, games are expensive to make and flight sims are a tiny market22:39
ali1234yet "ship simulator: extreme" gets made22:40
shaunox-plane had a major release fairly recently.  they're still ou tthere22:40
gordonjcpthat just...22:41
directhexali1234, that's eastern-european shovelware though22:41
ali1234yeah like 50% of the games in simulation category are train simulators or add ons22:41
directhexrailworks is £1000 of serious business.22:41
gordonjcpI know a guy who develops scenarios for rail simulators22:41
directhexhttp://store.steampowered.com/app/24010/ - all the dlc for railworks 3 is £1048.1222:42
gordonjcphe knows an awful lot about trains, and timetables, and railway routes22:42
directhexoh, there's a new train simulator in debian now. i know about it because it's mono-based :p22:43
ali1234i guess train simulator kind of makes sense, if you are controlling multiple trains and signals and stuff22:43
ali1234if it was just "train driver simulator" that would be awful22:43
directhexali1234, it is.22:44
directhexali1234, that's railworks, the one with a grand of dlc22:44
ali1234you just control... how fast the train goes?22:44
directhexali1234, there's even a zombie DLC for it. let me find the video22:44
ali1234the one train...22:44
ali1234i mean if it was like amodel railway type thing where you build the track and control multiple trains... like roller coaster tycoon... *that* would be good22:45
directhexali1234, i'm not aware of one after Sid Meier's Railroads22:45
shaunothat's basically how I treat openttd22:45
directhexit's fun22:47
directhexa bit crashy though22:47
directhexalso, it's a pc game. remember the "who would play a pc game?" thing?22:47
ali1234sure. it depends what you want from a game though22:48
ali1234yeah but that's like saying you want a car with 4 wheels and an engine22:49
directhexclearly there's only one correct choice of car, everyone else is wrong22:49
ali1234there are multiple correct choices for different people22:50
directhexsee? you've come so far in only an hour.22:50
ali1234however there are also choices that are incorrect for everyone22:50
ali1234then there are people who buy 5 sports cars22:51
ali1234(or more)22:51
AlanBellbon soir22:59
BigRedSGood morning23:00
czajkowskijust back :)23:01
popeygood food?23:03
czajkowskiyup not bad, I didnt eat the snails!23:04
czajkowskinot a hope in hell!23:04
popeythey dont actually taste of anything. it's the garlic butter / breadcrumbs / whatever that you taste23:04
popeystill yummy ☺23:05
czajkowskiso someone tried to tell me today while trying to force feed a snail into me23:05
popeyso we cant all be wrong23:05
czajkowskiI do beg to differ ;)23:05
gordonjcpthey're a bit like whelks23:05
popey... or are we just colluding to get you to eat the disgusting slimy filth?23:05
popeyits funny there's not much I won't eat23:06
czajkowskiI'm going with the latter23:06
czajkowskipopey: same with him23:06
czajkowskivery odd23:06
popeyjelly makes me feel a bit sick23:06
popeyjelly you get with eels that is, not lime jelly23:06
AlanBellI am not keen on raw tomatoes but that is about it23:06
popeyeaten or thrown?23:06
* popey makes notes for oggcamp 1223:06
* AlanBell is delighted to see the oggcamp 12 announcment23:07
* mgdm will attempt to make it to an oggcamp this year23:07
=== AlanBell changed the topic of #ubuntu-uk to: Welcome to #ubuntu-uk! http://ubuntu-uk.org | This channel is publicly archived http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Mailing List http://tinyurl.com/uukml | Support Guidelines http://tinyurl.com/uuksupport | Meeting 2nd February 21:00 UK time #ubuntu-uk-meeting | "* popey makes notes for oggcamp 12"
* mgdm wonders if lobbing petrol money at gordonjcp might result in transport :P23:08
gordonjcpmgdm: yeah, of course23:08
mgdmgordonjcp: the reverse would work too, I have a car :)23:08
BigRedSAlanBell: Ah, so no binary numbering scheme?23:10
AlanBellBigRedS: it wasn't me that just announced it ;)23:10
popeyOh hi all. Looks like Sophie has been at my computer for the last 5 minutes23:11
mgdm :D23:11
BigRedSah, I can't see/find the announcement anyway; is it just what's in the topic?23:11
AlanBellBigRedS: yeah23:12
gordonjcphe's said it now23:13
gordonjcpmgdm and I have booked transport23:13
gordonjcpbetter make it happen23:13
* AlanBell heads off to bed before causing more trouble23:14
ali1234after upgrading i no longer have java, is that normal?23:41
shaunoI believe that's intentional; to do with oracle expiring the license for their jre I believe23:47
directhexoracle java cannot be distributed except on oracle's website23:50
directhexbecause oracle23:50
ali1234but i was using openjdk23:50
ali1234i still have openjdk 6 policy tool installed23:52
ali1234and openjdk 7 policy tool23:52
ali1234it doesn't work though23:52
ali1234"openjdk-6-jre-headless is already the newest version."23:54
ali1234the focus bug is still here too23:55

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