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eli_How do I keep the unity toolbar from poping out every time I go to use the back button on maximized browser?10:26
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AlanBelleli_: in unity3d you can configure itso the launcher says out12:07
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JanCyou can configure Compiz to wait a little bit before screen side/corner activation, which IME helps to avoid accidental activation12:40
JanCthe tricky bit is finding how long to wait though; if you set it too high, it gets annoying too, of course  ;)12:41
mhall119mhr3: can I request a DBus method for querying the list of categories?13:55
mhall119a list of filters would be nice to, but right now I just need the category13:55
mhr3mhall119, what would be the use case?14:01
mhr3scopes are tied to lenses, the category list is considered given14:02
mhr3similar to filters14:02
mhall119mhr3: but scope code can exist outside of the lens14:08
mhall119but it needs to know what categories there are when building the results14:08
mhr3mhall119, what would it really do with the localized strings identifying categories?14:13
mhr3as i said they should be considered constants for a particular lens14:14
davidcallemhr3, do you know what are Mikkel plans for the new home dash?  Right now, it separates categories from single lenses, without any reference to the parent lens (for example, I have categories named "Messages", "Replies", "Images", from the Gwibber lens, without any visual reference to the Gwibber lens)14:22
mhall119ok, so singlet does things a little differently, I'm looking at just building in a meta-data service to singlet lenses14:22
mhr3davidcalle, unfortunately design wanted to do "magic" with categories in the global search, so right now lenses register extra categories (with a title that suggest something aggregated) and scopes use this special category during global search14:36
mhr3like files lens has special "Files and Folders" category14:37
davidcalleOk, i didn't noticed the new cat. So things need to be changed in lenses/scopes. I think it's pretty nice actually to pass several cats to the Home Dash, the cat name + icon just need to be adapted.14:40
mhall119mhr3: is there some documentation about how to define these "magic" categories?14:42
mhr3mhall119, there's nothing magic about them, it's just that you use them based on the search type14:43
mhall119ah, ok15:06
mhall119mhr3: are Lenses and scopes exported to the SessionBus, or something different?16:00
mhall119I'm trying to expose a dbus service object from singlet, and have it reachable by a scope from a different process16:02
mhr3mhall119, yea, they are16:20
mhall119ok, I'm doing something wrong then.... :(16:20
mhall119mhr3: know of any good tutorials for python-dbus?16:20
mhr3mhall119, that's what the export() method does :)16:20
mhall119.export is from the gobject thought, right?16:21
mhall119from Unity.Lens and Unity.Scope16:21
mhall119I'm making a python class that I want to expose via dbus16:21
mhr3i saw a comment somewhere suggesting that mixing python-dbus and gdbus is a very bad idea16:25
mhall119All I want is a way to reference a lens's category without having to know the index number for it16:26
mhall119which is easy when they're in the same code16:26
mhall119or when I can lookup the python code for the lens from the scope code16:26
mhr3mhall119, wouldn't that make singlet unusable with non-singlet lenses?16:27
mhall119well, you still could use a singlet scope with non-singlet lens, you'd just have to know the category index numbers for the lens16:28
mhall119rather than having a developer friendly name16:28
mhall119and you'd have to update your scope if the lens author changes category index order16:29
mhr3i'd say just provide a method to manually register the categories16:29
mhall119what do you mean?16:29
mhr3you're not going to get a "safe" way to deal with it16:30
mhr3if the categories change, who's to say the filters didn't change16:30
mhr3or whatever16:30
mhall119I was going to do something similar for filters, actually16:31
mhall119I just want to let scope developers say a result belongs in self.lens.teams16:31
mhall119rather than a result belongs in 016:31
mhr3what is it good for? the scope won't work properly if it wasn't implemented for the filters that are in the lens *now*16:31
mhall119it's strictly for developer convenience and tooling16:31
mhall119mhr3: see http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~singlet-developers/singlet/trunk/view/head:/test/singlescope line 2116:32
mhall119i want to do something similar in a scope that's outside the lens16:33
mhr3mhall119, my suggestion is "cat1 = InheritedCategory(3)"16:34
mhr3imo that's as far as you can get convenience-wise16:35
mhr3scopes can't register categories anyway16:35
mhall119yeah, but that still requires the scope developer to know what order the categories are defined in the lens, and to update their scope if the order of categories changes16:35
mhall119which is what I was hoping to avid16:36
mhr3to reiterate my point - if the order of categories changes you're screwed no matter what, the lens changed and you need to look at the changes again16:37
mhall119why would you be screwed?16:37
mhall119if I changed it so cat2 came before cat116:37
mhr3what if the category is now something completely different?16:38
mhall119in the code I posted above, as long as cat1 exists, the scope part continues to work as expected16:39
mhall119doesn't matter if it comes first or second16:39
mhall119because self.cat1 resolves itself to the index number at runtime16:39
mhall119so the scope code doesn'tneed to know the index at the time it is written16:40
mhr3i agree that the categories show have been looked at, i think it would make sense to create new ones from scopes, but that's not the case, and most likely won't change until unity-6.016:40
mhall119I don't want to create new ones in the scopes, I just want to expose the singlet lens's name->index map16:41
mhr3you can't do it cleanly16:41
mhall119because of the python-dbus/gdbus problems?16:42
mhall119because I woould do it completely outside of libunity16:42
mhr3the latter16:42
mhall119I'm trying to do this in singlet16:42
mhall119I have a singlet Lens object that knows the name->index map16:43
mhall119I'm just trying to expose that over dbus, so that my singlet Scopes can query it16:43
mhr3so how is it going to deal with l10n?16:43
mhall119it's not, there are no user-viewable strings16:44
mhall119just a variable name and index number16:44
mhr3then it's again not going to work with all lenses16:44
mhr3therefore falls into un-clean category16:45
mhall119the convenience won't be there16:45
mhr3you're adding complexity then16:45
mhall119but you  can replace self.lens.cat1 with 0, and it'll work with non-singlet lenses16:45
mhr3singlet dev: why is this working here, but not there?16:45
mhall119yeah, I guess I'm trying too hard on this16:45
mhall119I just hate the idea of a scope author defining lens constants in their code16:46
mhr3yea, it kinda sucks... but it's needed atm16:47
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mhall119hmmm, I somehow have unity3d and unity2d running at the same time...21:17
varikonniemihello. There seems to be a problem with unity not being capable of hiding the window decoration when maximizing a windowed spring21:34
varikonniemithis is how it looks when maximized: https://imgur.com/Nb5hz21:35
JanCvarikonniemi: what's a "windowed spring"?21:45
varikonniemispring rts engine running in windowed mode21:46
JanClooks like the "title bar" in that screenshot is application drawn, or is that your default theme?21:47
varikonniemiyes its my default theme21:47
varikonniemii can trick it to work by repeatedly clicking that maximize button. However immediately after it has drawn one frame properly maximized, spring crashes with sigsegv21:49
JanCit could be a bug in either Spring or the graphics driver, I guess...21:51
varikonniemihttp://springrts.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=27563&p=512643#p512643 here is a thread i posted about the issue, and a stacktrace if that could help you hunt the problem down.21:52
JanCvarikonniemi: I'm a user myself mostly, but maybe someone can use that info21:54
JanCvarikonniemi: maybe best to file a bug also21:54
varikonniemiyeah, thats why i came here, so the developers could be aware of this problem. And possibly fix it if the problem is on ubuntus side. Spring is probably the best rts engine for opensource at the moment, it would be a shame if something as trivial as this slipped through into precise.21:55
JanCwell, first thing to determine would be who's "fault" this is  ;)21:56
JanC(without blaming anybody personally, of course, but determining where the fix should go)21:57
varikonniemiwell, reportedly it does work in gnome-shell correctly21:58
varikonniemii think i will install gnome shell on my computer so i can try it out for myself and possibly narrow it down21:58
JanCvarikonniemi: "it works with ..." is no proof of correctness, of course...21:59
JanCand might even depend on hardware/drivers... :-/21:59
mhall119mhr3: any idea what this means:   libunity-WARNING **: unity-scope-proxy-remote.vala:104: Unable to connect to Scope (/unity/singlet/lens/community/locoteams @ unity.singlet.lens.community.locoteams): GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: No such interface `com.canonical.Unity.Scope' on object at path /unity/singlet/lens/community/locoteams22:08
mhall119davidcalle: ^^22:09
mhr3mhall119, did you call export on the scope?22:09
mhr3does the dbus path match?22:10
mhr3the lens doesn't think so22:10
mhr3also is the scope running or are you utilizing dbus activation?22:11
mhall119my scope's __init__ is calling:22:11
mhall119self._scope = Unity.Scope.new ("%s" % self._meta.bus_path)22:11
mhall119I'm running the scope as a daemon22:11
mhr3so the daemon was running when you started the lens?22:12
varikonniemiyeah, in gnome-shell it works perfectly also on my computer, so i really suspect the problem lies with unity22:13
mhall119mhr3: I killed the locoteams-scope process and started it again, then got that error22:13
mhr3mhall119, so the scope is working properly now?22:14
mhall119nothing is quite working yet22:15
mhr3cause if you kill the daemon the lens will try to connect to it again22:16
mhr3if it can't do that you'll see ^^22:16
mhr3but it may also mean that you export the scope too late22:17
mhr3it should be up right after dbus connection is acquired22:17
mhr3but if you just call export soon enough, that shouldn't be an issue22:18
mhall119mhr3: how about GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: g_dbus_connection_register_object: assertion `object_path != NULL && g_variant_is_object_path (object_path)' failed22:21
mhall119from the lens daemon22:21
mhr3yea, that's bad22:21
mhall119when I start it22:21
mhr3make sure you aren't using dashes in the object path22:22
mhr3dbus doesn't like that22:22
mhall119there shouldn't be22:22
mhr3what do you pass as the object path?22:22
mhall119http://paste.ubuntu.com/821946/ is from pdb22:24
mhall119I assume it's okay for a lens to be 'unity.singlet.lens.community' and a separate scope to be 'unity.singlet.lens.community.locoteams'22:25
mhr3mhall119, you're passing the path to the lens constructor, right?22:26
mhr3not the name22:26
mhall119well crap22:28
mhall119good catch22:28
davidcallemhall119, I've seen this one.22:30
mhall119davidcalle: mhr3 got me (mostly) sorted, I was passing the wrong dbus info22:31
davidcallemhall119, yeah, I've just seen it, Xchat wasn't scrolled to the bottom :)22:32
mhall119davidcalle: how sould we deal with a lens or scope that uses a separate python file?22:54
mhall119for example, I have locodir.py that's a thin client for the LTP json API22:55
mhall119I guess these will all go into wherever in /opt the lens executable goes, huh?22:56
mhall119mhr3: davidcalle: what signal should I connect to in order to do a search and fill results when the user clicks on the lens, but hasn't entered anything yet?22:58
mhr3mhall119, search-changed23:00
mhall119mhr3: I have that, but it's not calling my search23:04
mhall119can I no longer use http urls for the icon field in the response?23:07
mhr3mhall119, it should work fine, you'll get it just once though, not everytime you switch to your lens23:12
davidcallemhall119, sorry, was out. Yes, everything but the .service, .lens or .scope, in /opt/folder23:27
mhall119mhr3: passing https://api.launchpad.net/1.0/~ubuntu-us-florida/mugshot in the icon's place of the result model doesn't put that image on the item in the dash23:42
mhall119it worked in oneiric23:43
mhr3that would be an issue inside unity itself23:45
mhr3it works with music lens though... and it's using http uris for the icons as well23:45
davidcalleI can confirm that I'm using http icons all the time, on Precise. Home Dash & lens view.23:47
mhall119mhr3: hmm, it doesn't seem to show cover art for anything but what I have locally on the music lens23:47
mhr3mhall119, what can i say... works here :)23:47
mhall119dang, I hate "can't reproduce" bugs23:47
mhr3mhall119, are you behind a proxy by any chance?23:48
davidcallemhall119, https://code.launchpad.net/~scopes-packagers/+archive/ppa/+packages can you try the grooveshark scope for Precise and tell me if you see the icons?23:48
davidcalleOk... I don't see http icons anymore. It was fine 5 minutes ago :)23:49
mhall119davidcalle: will I need to restart unity to get the grooveshark scope?23:50
davidcallemhall119, killall unity-music-daemon23:51
davidcallemhall119, that should do it. No need to restart Unity.23:51
mhall119what should I try searching for23:51
mhr3bschaefer, ping?23:52
davidcalleanything you want in the Music lens.23:52
mhall119no pretty covers23:53
davidcallemhall119, but results?23:53
mhall119not sure where they're coming from23:54
mhall119but I see results23:54
mhall119some results have cover art, most do not23:54
* davidcalle has restarted Unity, http icons are back...23:54
mhall119how do you restart unity now, setsid unity, unity --replace, killall -9 compiz?23:55
davidcallemhall119, I've noticed that when I search for the same thing a second time, cover art that wasn't here appears.23:55
thumpercover art is loaded asynchronously23:56
davidcallemhall119, I alway do altf2 unity --replace23:56

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