
rick_hphew, the boy's in bed, the kitchen is clean00:12
rick_hbookie hacking time!00:12
brouschnap time!00:12
brouschboy is in bed at 7:15?00:12
rick_hyea, thankfully that sledding wore him out and I got a good nap time today00:13
rick_hyea, 7pm is his usual bed time00:13
rick_hup at 6am00:13
brouschwe're lucky if we get 8PM and up at 5:4500:13
rick_hugh, 5:45 is too early00:13
rick_hwell he's two00:14
rick_hand it's starting to curb bit by bit. It used to be 7->700:14
tjagodaWhen bookie is massive and successful, can I run the business side of your company, rick_h? =P00:28
rick_hheh, I'll ring you in 202000:31
rick_hby then things might work in whatever language is cool then00:31
tjagodaWhen its written in four languages and is so complex that Rick is the only man whom can understand it.00:45
rick_hheh, hopefully things are getting easier vs harder00:46
rick_hbit by bit at least00:46
brouschug. too much snow15:07
brouschi think 4" this morning, and it's going strong15:08
rick_hyou suck15:10
rick_hthat snow we had yesterday during sledding was mostly gone by afternoon15:10
brouschthis is heavy stuff. pack down well for sledding15:11
brouschroads are nasty though15:12
brouschi video recorded some of the talks this week. re-encoding and uploading is painful. takes forever15:13
brouschi can see now why people have things like render farms15:16
snap-lOK, what's the way to get Unity to play nicely with Wine applications and Blender?15:50
snap-lI remember there was some CCSM setting, but I can't remember for the life of me what tht was.15:50
snap-lor is the answer to stop trying and just run fucking Windows.15:51
brouschthe answer is sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop15:52
rick_hbrousch: gets +1 helpful point15:53
brouschout of a possible 1000?15:53
brouschooooh http://hardware.slashdot.org/story/12/01/29/1422244/new-spark-tablet-to-come-loaded-with-kdes-active-plasma-interface15:54
rick_hbrousch: yea, they were commenting on that on OMG ubuntu about some tablet concept someone made up15:55
rick_h"At least the kde one is real..."15:55
brouschsupposedly i can put ubuntu on the nook color15:55
rick_hyea, because all those ubuntu apps will work great with touch :)15:57
brouschkubuntu :P15:58
rick_hyep, because kgimp is more touch friendy than gimp :P15:59
rick_hhow's kunderbird working for you?15:59
rick_hor kwibber?15:59
brouschpeople actually use gwibber?16:00
brouschgmail and hootsuite16:00
rick_hsupposedly, isn't it the core of the "social ubuntu desktop"?16:00
brouschand gimp on a tablet?16:00
rick_hcome on, one of the big iPad things is garage band and movie editor16:01
rick_hyou'll never tweak phots on a tablet? :)16:01
rick_hanyway, I'm being partially fecisios if I could spell it right16:02
brouschi don't know what kde uses for image editing16:03
brouschbut isn't shuttleworth trying to make all that stuff touch friendly?16:04
brouschlooks less annoying than gimps window panels floating everwhere16:04
brouschhm, part of koffice16:05
tjagodaI do hate the multi-panel design of GIMP.16:18
brouschi think we have gotten 6" today so far16:37
brouschMAKE IT STOP16:37
rick_hgo go go, ship it over here16:47
rick_hwe're getting a light sprinkling16:47
snap-lbah, no no no no16:47
snap-lno shoveling16:47
rick_hbah, shoveling is good for you16:48
snap-lno shoveling16:48
snap-lno shoveling16:48
snap-lno shoveling16:48
snap-lno shoveling16:48
snap-lno shoveling16:48
snap-lno shoveling16:48
rick_hno need to go to the gym16:48
snap-lI'm working on making my ass into a perfect sphere.16:48
rick_hit's nice, quiet, put some headphones on, listen to a book16:48
rick_hthough I have to wait until nap time or the boy goes to bed before I can do it16:48
rick_hcome on monday night, momma comes back phew16:49
snap-lWhat's the command to write debug messages to the logs in PHP?17:00
snap-lit's been a while17:00
snap-lGrrr, having trouble distributing ogg files with nginx.17:14
tjagodaIts supposed to rain tomorrow18:07
tjagodaand mess up our wimpy 2 inches of snow18:07
brouschsnap-l: why are you messing with php?18:30
brouschwtf. a single lego star wars c3-po is like $618:37
brouschcome on18:37
brouschsilliness. this set is $20 at Target. is amazon bonkers? http://www.amazon.com/LEGO-Star-Wars-R2-D2-Escape/dp/B00005BTRW18:42
rick_hbrousch: heh, looks like none are sold by amazon19:33
rick_hcollectable? is this some sort of limited thing?19:33
tjagodaI own the lego Millennium Falcon19:41
tjagodaNeed to finish building it so I can mark it up and then sell it on e-bay as fully assembled.19:41
snap-lbrousch: Trying to sort out why OMC is only serving mp3 files via the feeds19:42
rick_hheh love it, see this interesting question on my SA feed, check it out, second answer starts to sound very familiar20:37
rick_h"that's kind of what I'd say..."20:37
rick_hoh...it was me. This question is from 2010 wtf20:37
rick_hgreg-g: oops :)20:45
greg-grick_h: :)20:53
snap-lYeah, I caught that.22:02
snap-lInteresting. :)22:02
brouschwhew, been cooking all day trying to use my organic veg before they go bad22:28
greg-gbrousch: :)22:32
brouschi was gone or sick 4 nights this week, so i have a stockpile22:34
brouschthis service has really changed my salads. i used to eat iceberg lettuce, carrots, maybe spinach. now i make romaine + chard + dandelion greens + arugala + carrots + sunflower seeds + craisins22:35
rick_hbrousch: yum22:54
snap-lGah, /me just realized I haven't picked up obZen23:23
snap-lMeshuggah's 2008 album23:32
snap-lbrousch: Don't play23:33
snap-lIf you're serious, I'll dig up some clips23:33
* rick_h whistles23:33
brouschdon't play?23:33
snap-lNow ya done it23:34
snap-l^- this is the best video ever23:34
snap-lSecond is, not sure about the first23:35
snap-lTimely: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34717223:49

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