
=== Wolfey is now known as Bullet_For_My_Va
bastidrazorspacebug-: use tab to get across00:01
Zackkoim trying to set a vnc server on the newest ubuntu server and everything seems to be working fine when i remote in except i see a grey screen. i dont think its starting the right desktop or something. i use ubuntu 2d desktop…help plz? ps im kinda new to linux00:02
bastidrazorspacebug-: it works for me. arrow keys to navigate and enter to simulate click00:02
LunatyKsunredsky, how would you make xchat say your computer information00:03
Erealzthose cowpatty come installed on backtrack?00:03
LunatyKspacebug-, do you know how to get XChat to say my computer info?00:06
aciculaErealz: backtrack has its own support channel on #backtrack-linux or something00:06
Erealzyea sorry00:07
brerrabbit!information libauthen-pam-perl00:07
OerHeks!info libauthen-pam-perl00:08
ubottulibauthen-pam-perl (source: libauthen-pam-perl): Perl interface to PAM library. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.16-2build1 (oneiric), package size 30 kB, installed size 136 kB00:08
spacebug-bastidrazor: tab only change lens for me and arrow key makes me able to chose between what is chown, but there is not way for me to navigate to the filter section. Also no way to expand "see more" on installed apps00:09
brerrabbitOerHeks: thanks00:09
spacebug-bastidrazor: os sorry I can expand the "see more" thing but not get to the filter section00:10
* LunatyK sighs00:11
bastidrazorspacebug-: press right till "Type  ALL" is highlighted then down00:11
spacebug-bastidrazor: does not work00:12
orville_hey. what package is needed for ubuntu to mail the user "important" system events.00:13
Zackkoim trying to set a vnc server on the newest ubuntu server and everything seems to be working fine when i remote in except i see a grey screen. i dont think its starting the right desktop or something. i use ubuntu 2d desktop…help plz? ps im kinda new to linux00:13
bastidrazorspacebug-: i don't know what you're doing wrong but it does work on both boxes i have.00:14
spacebug-really strange00:14
orvarWhen I boot from USB on my new laptop, the screen just goes black00:15
markyxxxzHello, I'm in a bit of a bind. My laptop keyboard and touchpad aren't working properly anymore, hence I can't login. Fortunately the USB wireless mouse gets detected if I un/plug it. I can login using virtual keyboard. Anybody know how to fix this?00:15
Zackkonobody wan to halp me ? :P00:16
markyxxxzorvar: Is your latop the kind with hybrid graphics?00:16
orvarmarkyxxxz, I think so. Intel integrated graphics that uses the CPU00:16
ishikawacustom_: fail00:17
=== custom_ is now known as sandy
markyxxxzorvar: and what is the discrete GPU - ATI or Nvidia? Mine, which is an Intel+ATI does the same thing when I boot off of a live Ubuntu via USB00:17
sandyHello my fellow Ubuntu inmates :-)00:17
markyxxxzHello, I'm in a bit of a bind. My laptop keyboard and touchpad aren't working properly anymore, hence I can't login. Fortunately the USB wireless mouse gets detected if I un/plug it. I can login using virtual keyboard. Anybody know how to fix this?00:17
sandyI trust all of you are doing well today.00:17
omarGuys i've got a Q00:17
LunatyKNot so well sandy00:17
ubottuomar: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:18
omarI am installing back track 5 via Virtual box but the internet is not working inside the back track00:18
omarwhat is the problem00:18
sandyLunatyK: I trust things begin to pick up for you *S*00:18
ubottuomar: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition00:18
LunatyK*s* im trying to get my XChat to behave00:19
LunatyKIm not used to Ubuntu00:19
markyxxxzorvar: If it's ATI try passing this line on the kernel when you're at the GRUB prompt - "radeon.modeset=0". I don't know the equivalent for Nvidia. I think it's "nomodeset". I forget.00:19
aguitelwhat is the difference between iso image "common" and "hibryd " ?00:21
tjfIf I want to upgrade from 9.04 -> 10.04 can I just replace "jaunty" with "lucid" in /etc/apt/sources.list?00:21
tjfthen apt-get update; apt-get upgrade; apt-get distupgrade00:21
acerimmertjf: NOT recommended.00:22
tjfacerimmer, but will it work? :P00:22
tjfbecause that's what I just did00:22
markyxxxzSo, has anybody experience keyboard/touchpad not working properly on Ubuntu? It's not a hardware issue, coz both works on Windows, Live Ubuntu or on recovery mode.00:22
acerimmertjf: oh, NOW you wanna ask??00:22
acerimmertjf: I guess we00:22
tjfacerimmer, well, yes. that's how I roll.00:22
acerimmerwe'll both find out together.00:23
infidhave people found 'precise pangolin' alpha to be stable enough for software development?00:23
infidor home desktop usage00:23
sandyCould someone please tell me what the program name is that handles "Sound Preferences" located on the Ubuntu toobar speaker icon. Thank you for your thoughtful answers.00:23
sm0gginstall mouse & touchpad app00:23
bastidrazorinfid: ask in #ubuntu+100:23
acerimmerinfid: it's still in alpha not even in beta yet.  not ready for prime time00:23
tjfacerimmer, it seems to have worked. tanner@ubuntu-server:~$ grep DISTRIB_CODENAME /etc/lsb-release | cut -d'=' -f 200:24
markyxxxzsandy: Try running it and at the same time type ps aux from the terminal. You should see it ther, most likely it starts with gnome-*00:24
acerimmertjf: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7001421/success%20kid.jpg00:24
infidi love ubuntu the only thing i can't stand is how out of date all the packages are00:25
jhonatannecesito ayuda con mi nuevo ubuntu00:25
ubottujhonatan: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:25
markyxxxzSo, has anybody experience keyboard/touchpad not working properly on Ubuntu? It's not a hardware issue, coz both works on Windows, Live Ubuntu or on recovery mode.00:25
=== gskellig|mobile is now known as Gskellig
sandymarkyxxxz: Thank you very much I will try that :-)00:27
LunatyKos[Linux 2.6.32-38-generic i686] distro[Ubuntu "lucid" 10.04] cpu[2 x AMD Turion(tm) 64 X2 Mobile Technology TL-58 (AuthenticAMD) @ 800MHz] mem[Physical: 1.9GB, 83.9% free] disk[Total: 141.2GB, 92.9% free] video[nVidia Corporation C67 [GeForce 7000M / nForce 610M]] sound[HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia]00:27
markyxxxzsandy: YW. Make sure you don't have a lot of running apps or  the one you'r looking for might get lost. The name should be easy to spot enough.00:28
sandymarkyxxxz: I have seen the problem you mentioned on Oneiric 11.10 w/my track pad on my laptop.00:28
markyxxxzsandy: Oh your trackpad is not working too?00:29
markyxxxzsandy: how about keyboard? I'm still on Natty. I have never seen this issue before. Never in my whole "Ubuntu life". hehehe00:29
Raymond_wireless card not turning on, have firmware installed. broadcom 4306. and have b43 fw installed00:30
bluezonehow do i access my windows filesystem from 11.10 if it's on the same hard drive00:30
sandymarkyxxxz: What happens is my track pad will freeze .  No my keyboard runs fine . I only have a issue with my track pad.00:30
acerimmerbluezone: your you dual booting or wubi?00:30
bluezoneacerimmer: not sure what wubi is, but i used the windows installer option00:30
markyxxxzbluezone: It should be vieable from Nautilus. The partition is there on left side.00:30
markyxxxzbluezone: then that's Wubi00:31
bluezonemarkyxxxz: so what do i do xD00:31
omarGuys do you have any idea about running BT in ubuntu00:31
acerimmerbluezone: then you used wubi.  You will not see your win systems fodlers in wuib00:31
sandymarkyxxxz: I updated my kernel to the latest 3.2.0 kernel and it solved my trackpad problem . Perhaps it could solve yours.00:31
orvarmarkyxxxz, it has "Integrated Intel® HD Graphics 3000"00:31
markyxxxzsandy: Oh ok. good for you. having no track/touchpad is better than no keyboard at all :( I can't type anything.00:31
bluezonewhy not :(00:31
OerHeksomar, wrong channel00:32
markyxxxzsandy: Thanks. I doubt it. It was working fine. Stupid AMD Catalyst driver really screwed up my system. I 've done this before a lot of times but never this badly. I always was able to restore it.00:32
acerimmerbluezone: over my head tech discussion.  if you NEED to get to your win system files, you could live boot ubuntu CD00:32
sandymarkyxxxz: I also updated my kernel on my Linuxmint 11 which is based on natty to kernel 3.2 too.00:32
markyxxxzsandy: what PPA are you using for that kernel? I"ve not found one about a month ago. Unless you are compiling it from scratch?00:33
=== evilniko is now known as niko
sandymarkyxxxz: Yes AMD drivers are still a bit klugy on Linux as a whole. Yet in windows AMD out performs Nvidia at the present time. But nVidia does very well on Linux.00:34
brianpWinswhen logged in via ssh to a server00:34
brianpWinsis there any reason I wouldn't be able to ssh from that server to itself?00:34
sandyLet me try to find that PPA for you markyxxxz.00:34
widewakehi. anyone know how i could find my Wallpaper image? Ive accidentally deleted the original file.00:34
markyxxxzorvar: You need to know the other one. Are you on Ubuntu now? Type "lspci -v |grep VGA" without quotes. If it is hybrid it should show you two names of the graphics card.00:35
markyxxxzsandy: Thanks. :)00:35
acerimmerwidewake: /usr/share/backgrounds00:36
orvarmarkyxxxz, I can't even boot into ubuntu, after I select "try ububntu" or "install ubuntu" or "check the cd for errors" in the grub menu, the screen goes blank00:37
widewakeacerimmer, its not there00:37
go8765hello. can anybody help me please with modem00:37
go8765Pantech UM15000:37
acerimmerwidewake: are there ANY files there??00:37
markyxxxzorvar: Oh yeah I forgot you were getting black screen. SOrry. :D Umm you have Windows?00:37
go8765i cant ident it(00:38
markyxxxzorvar: Oh so you're not getting the bootsplash at all? Just the blank/black screen all through out? That may be another issue/00:38
orvarmarkyxxxz, yeah00:38
damo22go8765: is it usb?00:38
sandymarkyxxxz: here is the link use the PPA it's the easiest approach. You might have to modify the PPA to read oneiric instead of natty . That's what I had to do . But kernel 3.2 runs like a charm on my Linuxmint 11 partition just fine :-)00:38
go8765damo22: ye00:38
damo22go8765: lsusb00:39
widewakeacerimmer, yep, there are the original wallpapers00:39
markyxxxzsandy: I can't see the link.... (?)00:39
widewakeacerimmer, ill try backtracing from google00:39
acerimmerwidewake: check your trash can it might be tehre00:40
go8765damo22: http://paste.ubuntu.com/820744/00:40
markyxxxzsandy: Great! :) Thank you...00:40
sandymarkyxxxz: Your very welcome00:40
sandybrb folks.00:40
damo22go8765: it says you have a webcam, a wifi dongle and a usb stick00:42
go8765damo22: all right, but no webcam00:42
go8765damo22: and no wi-fi dongle00:43
go8765damo22: may be it incorrect it see00:43
damo22well i didnt find much on google about those devices go876500:44
go8765damo22: not good( but thanks for you time.00:45
markyxxxzlater guys... ;)00:45
Raymond_wireless card not turning on, have firmware installed. broadcom 4306. and have b43 fw installed00:46
damo22Raymond_: dmesg | grep -10 430600:47
=== mediacenter is now known as Copernic
pehdenany one tried putting ubuntu on Aspire 7560-Sb416 yet...I tried running it and the monitor doesnt turn on after first purple screen. 11.1000:48
Datum_ErrataI installed it on a different model Aspire. Don't recall which one. No problems00:50
=== Knorre`BNC is now known as Knorre
pinesandblueberrSearching for a nerd smarter than me to be my life partner.00:52
Datum_ErrataLooks like the one I used was Intel chipset. Yours looks like an AMD. That could be the difference. Have you tried other distros or a lower graphics mode?00:52
pinesandblueberrSearching for a nerd smarter than me to be my life partner.00:55
FawkesAnonymoustesting out irc00:56
FawkesAnonymousalright ciao00:56
pinesandblueberrSearching for a nerd smarter than me to be my life partner.00:57
=== user__ is now known as danes
n0cturnalhope someone can help me here.. at my wits end.. I upgraded from lucid to maverick last week, and my dhcp server has stopped working. I tried upgrading again (as was my plan anyway) to natty and oneiric.. but still doesn't work.. I see DHCPDISCOVER and DHCPOFFERs in logs, BOOTP works, but nothing via DHCP.. using isc-dhcp-server00:59
mongypinesandblueberr, good luck with that01:00
mongyn0cturnal, remove dhcp server and reinstall01:01
n0cturnalmongy: tried that.. including purge01:01
artichokuok so...01:05
Jordan_Un0cturnal: #ubuntu-server might be a better place to ask.01:05
n0cturnalJordan_U: ok, thanks01:05
Jordan_Un0cturnal: You're welcome.01:05
=== Gskellig is now known as Gskellig|away
artichokuhow's everyone doing tonight?01:07
stephenhhow can i add a value to a key with gsettings rather than overwriting it?01:07
Jordan_Ustephenh: I've never worked with gsettings, but why not just get, concatinate the values yourself, then set?01:09
orvarhow come ubuntu boots fine when it's booted through the windows loader with unetbootin but just shows a black screen directly after grub when booting from usb with uefi?01:10
=== Knorre is now known as Knorre`BNC
stephenhi was hoping to append a value when distributing a package, like with some sort of append function01:11
stephenhthere's always a work around i guess, just thought there was some neat trick i was missing01:11
Jordan_Uorvar: I'm guessing that unetbootin only works with Windows' BIOS based bootloader, so it's probably a difference between BIOS and EFI interfaces. Though I'd need to know more detail to be sure.01:12
orvarJordan_U, it's an Asus UX31E. If I don't have UEFI enabled in bios, I can't boot from usb01:12
glosoliorvar: what are you trying to do with UEFI ?01:13
Jordan_Uorvar: That sounds absurd. Are you sure about that?01:13
Raymond_Error inserting cfg80211, led_class, mac80211, rtl8187....???01:13
glosoliJordan_U: He says that he needs UEFI enabled to boot USB  ?01:14
Jordan_Uglosoli: Yes, that's what he says.01:14
TechSlimequick question01:14
glosoliJordan_U: Using Asus N61JA which supports UEFI, but if I enable it there is no point as UBuntu isn't properly compatible with it as far as I expierenced01:15
pattallo allo !01:15
TechSlimeIm running windows 7 64bit, but have intel chipset...would I wanna download the i386 or AMD64 version of Ubuntu Studio 11.10?01:15
glosolithere is no need for UEFI01:15
glosoliTechSlime: Of course AMD6401:15
glosoliTechSlime: In btw, why Ubuntu Studio, not Ubuntu ?01:16
artichokuhowdie howdie! how's it hangin'?01:16
orvarJordan_U, the usb device simply doesn't show up as a bootable device in bios unless I have uefi enabled01:16
TechSlimewas told studio had good media software included01:16
orvarI don't even know what it is01:16
Jordan_UTechSlime: AMD64 (which is the architecture that both Intel and AMD use for 64 bit x86).01:16
stephenhartichoku: same same, little to the left01:16
Erealz64bit always if you system is 6401:16
artichokudurka durk01:16
glosoliorvar: Start pressing ESC key when you reboot computer, you will be prompted to menu for boot devices :)01:16
Erealzbit chipset i mean of course01:16
TechSlimeok thanks guys got it.01:17
bootristhe hole or Agg Seg01:17
newguycan i set up a dual boot of ubuntu and 7 on separate drives and have the option of choosing which to launch at startup?01:17
Jordan_Unewguy: Yes.01:18
glosolinewguy: This is easily done with probam called: Grub Customizer01:18
TechSlimeha have same question as new guy..but instead using same hdd01:18
Erealzyes when installing ubuntu it will ask if you want to install alongside another os01:19
Jordan_Uglosoli: newguy: No extra program is required. The installer handles this automatically.01:19
glosoliTechSlime: Same thing to you01:19
TechSlimeok then 1 more thing01:19
glosoliJordan_U: Yes, but if he want's predefine Windows to autoboot by default ?01:19
TechSlimeim downloading an .iso file can i somehow covert this file and install from a SDHC card01:20
Jordan_Uglosoli: Then he could use Grub Customizer, or he could edit /etc/default/grub. But that's not what they asked.01:20
* TechSlime out of blank discs atm :/01:20
glosoliJordan_U: Editing files manually aint recommended for newbies01:20
rtortoHello. I'm missing an entry for one of my hard disks in /dev/disk/by-uuid, which makes grub-mkconfig use /dev/sdc1 instead of uuid to boot another linux. How do I fix this?01:21
newguyi have ubuntu installed with wubi, and i was wondering if i could install it onto a new drive, and then have a boot selection like i do now01:21
bootrisgo to forums01:21
Jordan_Uglosoli: I wouldn't recommend new users change anything with grub unless they need to.01:21
glosoliJordan_U: Well yes, but it seems that he needs to :)01:21
glosolinewguy: hm  you mean now without wubi ?01:22
=== m00se is now known as zelrik
TechSlime im downloading an .iso file can i somehow covert this file and install from a SDHC card01:22
=== zelrik is now known as m00se
newguyglosoli: yes01:22
TechSlimei can boot from SDHC01:22
Erealzonly way i can think of is load the iso into a virtual machine and mount the sdhc and install from there01:22
glosolinewguy: You will have selection by default01:22
orvarglosoli, THANK YOU!!!!!01:22
Jordan_UTechSlime: Yes, if your BIOS can boot from SD card at all.01:22
newguyglosoli: thanks01:22
TechSlimeyea it can01:22
orvarI tried all the f# keys and I just assumed it was impossible01:22
glosoliorvar: No problem :)01:22
TechSlimeor can i just mount the image in win 7 using software?01:23
Jordan_UTechSlime: If your BIOS supports it, the process is exactly the same as booting from USB as described here: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download01:23
newguyall i have to do now is download the iso and install it onto my m: drive01:23
Jordan_UTechSlime: You can mount the image, but mounting the image won't get you any closer to making a bootable SD card.01:24
TechSlimealright thanks guys! I'll prolly be back later w/ some more questions...linux newb here. k cya!01:25
glosoliTechSlime: No probs, see ya01:25
Jordan_UTechSlime: You're welcome.01:25
bootrisbeing a paranoid james bond takes the fun out of the internet and you will never make friends or learn anything.. im incapable of multitaking except maybe watching and understanding 20 tv shows at once01:25
Jordan_U!ot | bootris01:25
ubottubootris: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:25
bootriswill check it agains your logs.. your conceptnet installation must be an expert so i no dese dings..01:26
bootris yes01:26
newguyyou guys have a good night and thanks for the help. I have some work ahaead of me01:26
bootrismore like caves..01:26
Jordan_Ubootris: This is your last warning to stay on topic in this channel. Please stop with the nonsense or you will be removed.01:26
glosolinewguy: You too, gn01:27
bootrisi paid $860 :(.. worth every penny though01:27
glosoliJordan_U: Are you admin ?01:27
Jordan_Uglosoli: I am one of many ops in this channel, yes.01:28
glosoliJordan_U: hmm some guy calle "eBay" pm'ed me but talked in france, when I asked to talk english he denied doing it, dunno if he is a spam bot or what01:28
Jordan_Uglosoli: OK. I'll make note of that. In the future #ubuntu-ops is the place to deal with questions / problems like this.01:30
glosoliJordan_U: Thanks :) I am not sure if he is really something like spammer, but will remember to use ubuntu-ops next time :)01:30
Jordan_Uglosoli: You're welcome.01:31
LukeNukemhello all, i have a .rb file..its a s creen grab program, how would i add it to the Dock?01:32
LukeNukemor task bar on top01:32
=== Fuchs is now known as zombiefox
celltechNew too 11.10. Have VirtualBox. How do I get to my users and allow all control?01:36
glosolicelltech: What kind of control ?01:36
celltechAccess for usb and stuff01:36
rtortoHello. I'm missing an entry for one of my hard disks in /dev/disk/by-uuid, which makes grub-mkconfig use /dev/sdc1 instead of uuid to boot another linux. How do I fix this?01:37
glosolicelltech: You don't need to get to your users, check virtual machine properties :)01:38
celltechWell I have it all enabled and the extensions installed and it's not finding my iphone. Cause I'm gonna use VBox for itunes01:38
* LunatyK hates only knowing about Slackware01:38
excelsiorhow do I make .tex files open in Kile as opposed to emacs?01:40
Jordan_Urtorto: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo blkid", "ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/", the contents of /proc/self/mountinfo, and your /boot/grub/grub.cfg?01:40
glosolicelltech: what os you installed in vbox ?01:40
gnateWhat modules are required for tethering where the source is from a cell phone?01:45
rtortosudo blkid: http://pastebin.com/mttCkXcd01:46
gnate...or maybe better yet, what configs should I set when building the kernel to enable tethering?01:47
celltechSorry I'm back. I installed xp pro01:50
lol 󠁟Hello 󠁟, how 󠁟is 󠁟everyone 󠁟doing 󠁟in 󠁟ubuntu 󠁟tonight?01:55
elmorules16I downloaded Metasploit but cant open it01:55
orvarGreat success!01:55
loltry this command01:55
lol ^ÂÊÎÔÛâêîôûĈĉĜĝĤĥĴĵŜŝŴŵŶŷˆ̭̂᷍ḒḓḘḙḼḽṊṋṰṱṶṷẐẑẤấẦầẨẩẪẫẬậẾếỀềỂểỄễỆệỐốỒồỔổỖỗỘộ⨣⨶⩯ꞈ^?01:55
FloodBot1lol: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:55
elmorules16no Im not trying that01:56
elmorules16it says i need root powers and need to become su01:56
RMS_Shuttleworth is a dictator!01:56
elmorules16Some1 answer my question??01:57
RMS_If democracy is good, its good for technology01:57
=== david is now known as Filosofo31
dajhornrtorto: Which by-uuid entry is missing from your pastebin example?01:57
elmorules16!k lol01:57
rtortoJordan_U: It seems I now have an /dev/disk/by-uuid entry for sdc1, which is my oher linux install, grub-mkconfig however still uses /dev/sdc1 instead of uuid01:58
rtortosudo blkid :http://pastebin.com/G8F2Vauk01:58
rtortols -l /dev/disk/by-uuid: http://pastebin.com/G8F2Vauk01:58
rtortocat /proc/self/mountinfo : http://pastebin.com/zENK61ua01:58
rtortocat /boot/grub/grub.cfg: http://pastebin.com/fUYuLZex01:58
FloodBot1rtorto: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:58
elmorules16!kick lol01:58
blumonkeywhen i installed ubuntu 10.4 or older versions on my toshiba, it overheats and turns off. how do i fix this or just manually turn my fan on higher01:58
* Star_Light bye all guys have a nice time01:58
lol 󠁟Hello 󠁟, how 󠁟is 󠁟everyone 󠁟doing 󠁟in 󠁟ubuntu 󠁟tonight?01:58
=== lol is now known as AntiSpamMeta
AntiSpamMeta i like to disco disc02:00
AntiSpamMeta i like to disco disco02:00
dajhornrtorto: Most of the entries in the grub.cfg file should be UUIDs.  Are they all of the form /dev/sdaX?02:00
Modulo216after installing ubuntu how do i get to the internet???02:01
AntiSpamMetayou plug it?02:01
Prodegoafterdeath, you are pinging me every time you talk, could you stick to your usual nick02:01
Modulo216i can't find the e anywere??02:01
dajhornrtorto: Is the grub.cfg stanza for Arch Linux the problem?02:02
AntiSpamMetaYes, good idea.02:02
* puffin tickles Modulo216 02:02
Modulo216I'm sorry i'm a crapp troll lol02:02
Modulo216*crappy even02:02
AntiSpamMetavery crappy troll02:02
LunatyKOn Ubuntu can you use compiz fusion?02:03
LunatyKsudo apt-get install compizfusion-full?02:04
qmanjr5How do I flush my DNS?02:05
________________Flush it down the shitter?02:05
=== gary_ is now known as game16
=== Guest is now known as scipio
bderrlyqmanjr5: on your ... desktop, router, ...?02:09
=== anna is now known as Guest93179
qmanjr5bderrly: Desktop02:10
=== Prodego_ is now known as Prodego
rtortodjadorn: no only the arch has an /dev/sdxx entry, dont know what stanza means, but that installation used old grub, I have deleted the menu.lst though02:11
bderrlyfor some specific app? chrome or firefox or similar? generally your desktop won't have any dns records outside of apps like those02:12
rtortoJordan_U: Sorry about the spam earlier, I'm bad at irc, here it is all niceified: http://paste.ubuntu.com/820798/02:12
=== ClientAlive is now known as Guest99864
* puffin waves at LinuxApprentice.02:13
Guest99864What up homies!02:13
puffinHey man. How you doin.02:13
Jordan_Urtorto: Since this is an entry generated from information from linux-boot-prober, I'm guessing that it's determining what to use for the root= argument by parsing config files from the original install, possibly the fstab (I would say the menu.lst, but you say that's been deleted).02:14
rtortoJordan_U, ok thanks I'll check02:15
Jordan_Urtorto: You're welcome.02:15
rtortoJordan_U: nope, that's all uuid02:16
Jordan_U!bootinfo | rtorto02:17
ubotturtorto: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).02:17
ziggyfishquick question where is the program "Additional Drivers", its not in my menu, and I know its installed and needto run it on the command line, because Xchat wasn't in the menu either.02:17
Jordan_Urtorto: Why not install grub2 in Archlinux? You say it's an "old" install of Archlinux, but Archlinux is a rolling distro so grub2 should be an option. Then you can have archlinux generate its own grub.cfg that Ubuntu's grub can read directly (and which will also probably be parsed properly by linux-boot-prober).02:18
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avStudioziggy  The "additional drivers" app is called jockey-gtk in the repos02:19
ladreis there anyone?02:20
ziggyfishavStudio: just trying to play oil rush, didn't even know my graphics drivers were not installed02:21
artichokuanyone know anything about udp.pl?02:21
ziggyfishartichoku: what do you need to know?02:21
artichokui'm logged in as root, but it keeps telling me permission denied02:22
avStudioziggyfish :ati or nvidia?02:22
ladreany other channel?02:22
rtortoJordan_U: It's not as much old (other than grub), as it a "work in progress"... But it's a really good idea, that should work. I'll try that tomorrow, now it's bedtime in Denmark. Thanks a lot man..02:23
avStudioyou should be using "gallium" the open driver as default.  the proprietary one is a little funky sometimes02:24
Jordan_Urtorto: You're welcome.02:24
ziggyfishavStudio: k brb02:24
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=== Guest88678 is now known as Mitchell
Mitchell? for everyone, I just bought a TP-Link wireless usb adapter (designed for windows OS). Is there a generic driver I can find for Ubuntu 11.10?02:31
flazmothttp://arbornet.org/~flamoot/telepathic-critterdrug.html artificial consciousness evolver for linux and windows02:33
myk_robinsonhad a few weird happenings with the laptop lately. I shut down the laptop, but if I open the lid, it comes back on automatically. Seems to be somehow linked with making some changes in powertop. Anyone else seen this?02:34
Mitchellmyk_robinson: I have not run into that problem. Sounds more so like a hardware issue rather than OS.02:36
ziggyfishavStudio: in unity, how do you make a window smaller?02:36
myk_robinsonMitchell: its a possiblity, just hasnt happened until recently, and I have had the same laptop since August.02:36
myk_robinsonEither an update or me messing with powertop. Guess I can try shutting down without powertop tweaks to confirm02:37
ziggyfishI'm getting an error message when I try to change the screen so it does not mirror02:37
Mitchellmyk_robinson: What kind of laptop is it?02:37
myk_robinsonMitchell: a Lenovo Ideapad Z57002:38
rooks does anyone know where aufs-tools is hidden in ubuntu11.04 ? for some reason i cant find it02:38
avStudiowell you can drag the window to one side to have it split screen size ,  im not sure about the cursor corner resizing what version you on?02:38
Mitchellmyk_robinson: I have the same one. Are you running Ubuntu 11.10?02:38
myk_robinsonhave been since day one, this just started happening last week02:39
avStudiooh sorry i read window size my bad.02:39
ziggyfishfinally got it, the error message is: requested position/size for CRTC 148 is outside the allowed limit: position(1440, 0), size(1920, 1080), maximum=(1920,1920)02:39
Mitchellmyk_robinson: What tweaks have you made since last week?02:39
ziggyfishavStudio: what does that mean?02:39
myk_robinsonMitchell: I followed the directions for getting better battery life by googling ubuntu power tweaks02:39
myk_robinsonMitchell: added some parameters tot GRUB02:40
myk_robinsonMitchell: and when I am on battery, run powertop to switch all options to "Good"02:40
avStudiowhat video card model is it and what outputs you using?02:40
avStudioand the resolution of both screens?02:41
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Mitchellmyk_robinson: Ok. I would reverse the tweaks you made. The tweaks seem to be interfering with proper shutdown. Try reversing it and see if it helps02:42
myk_robinsonMitchell: easy enough. How's your battery life on yours? Is it the i3 model?02:42
ziggyfishavStudio: Radeon HD 4850, A LG, a ASUS, 1440x900 and 1920x108002:42
MitchellYes. It is running Intel i3 Processor. And I get about 4 hours out of it02:43
myk_robinsonMitchell: dang.. ANy special tweaks to get that?02:44
myk_robinsonMitchell: Mine is somewhere around 2-2.5hrs02:44
avStudiookay well if your trying to clone screens you have to set both to the same resolution02:45
LunatyKupgrading Ubuntu to Satanic Ubuntu02:45
Nach0zlol LunatyK02:45
ziggyfishavStudio: no its cloned now, I want them different02:45
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LunatyKExploit3d ways02:45
ziggyfishand the above is the error message I get when I try to set it up having two monitors side by side02:47
Mitchellmyk_robinson: No I just charge my battery when it is completely dry. Which is about every other day. I only use mine for about 2 hours a day. Tip: Don't keep your laptop plugged in all of the time. If you are going to, take the battery out while doing so. In order to fully saturate a lithium-ion battery, it has to be run down completely, and then charged for about 6 hours (depending on if 6 or 9 cell battery). I recommend doing02:47
Mitchellthis over night. I have had mine for about 6  months. Also keep brightness low. Little things add up.02:48
LunatyKNach0z, did you own a server at one time?02:48
Nach0zLunatyK: I still do.02:48
LunatyKDo you remember Eternal/02:49
Mitchellmyk_robinson: Hope this helped. Got to go.02:49
LunatyKbbs restarting02:49
Nach0zLunatyK: I do believe so, yes...02:50
kkerwinHi. Can anyone help me with mounting an iso image? It is of a DVD, and whenever I mount using "sudo mount -o loop file.iso mountpoint", I get "bad superblock on /dev/loop0".02:50
avStudiowell i know unity makes it pretty hard to span desktops over mutimonitor.  i wasnt able to get a window to slide to the other monitor but i did get a backround.  I ultimatley moved to using cinnamon instead of unity02:50
ziggyfishavStudio: so the tip is not to use unity02:50
ziggyfishgot it, I hate unity. Will be back in a min.02:51
avStudiowell it was the only way i could get it someone smarter than me is needed02:51
xKazeSenoueAre there any keyboard shortuc to check the Mirror Displays box and then accept?02:52
etyrnalis it possible to use gdm for some users, and have other users use fluxbox?02:52
xKazeSenoueMy laptop's screen is broken, so I can't see the box.02:52
etyrnali want to try fluxbox for my login, but i do not want to change anything for the other users on this system02:52
alakhiahi, i upgraded to 11.10 and now my login screen is gone02:52
kkerwinCan anyone help me to mount an iso?02:53
etyrnalaladilas, do You mean it automatically logs You in?02:53
Nach0zetyrnal: you could set up a script that runs when you login to change just your x window manager to fluxbox02:53
alakhiaetyrnal, i assume you are talking to me02:53
etyrnalNach0z, ok - just wanted to know if it's even possible...  thanks!02:53
alakhiaetyrnal, no, i get an X pointer with no manager02:53
wookienzany asus zenbook owners out there?02:53
Nach0zetyrnal: not that I know of, sorry02:54
LunatyKos[Linux 2.6.32-38-generic i686] distro[Ubuntu "lucid" 10.04] cpu[2 x AMD Turion(tm) 64 X2 Mobile Technology TL-58 (AuthenticAMD) @ 1.90GHz] mem[Physical: 1.9GB, 90.3% free] disk[Total: 141.2GB, 91.7% free] video[nVidia Corporation C67 [GeForce 7000M / nForce 610M]] sound[HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia]02:54
alakhiaetyrnal, only way to login is on console and then run "startxfce4"02:54
LunatyKOr Jayy02:54
LunatyKOr Wolfey02:54
ziggyfishavStudio: lol, gnome 3 does the name02:54
alakhiai checked and i had both lightdm and gdm installed02:55
Guest9986466% packet loss rptd from ping02:55
alakhiaso i uninstalled gdm02:55
osmosisanyone know how to view the video frames from an mp3?  im told it has hidden frames.  http://soundcloud.com/user6182138/dear-buck-berg-holmgren/download02:55
alakhiaanyone know how login screen is setup, what logs to check, etc?02:55
Guest99864I think I know what's going on02:55
avStudioit has something to do with the way icon bars block stuff02:55
etyrnalhow do i figure out if my ubuntu system is recognizing and using the 3D features of my graphics card?  I bought a Radeon 7500 just so i could try to use Blender on an old box for fun, but blender doesn't seem to want to launch...  i suspect, the opengl features of the card are not accessable to the system02:55
etyrnalalakhia, if You login as another user, does it do that to You as well?02:56
chipmonki installed geforce gt430 and lost my onboard sound anybody fix this yet02:56
LunatyKhow do i make my sys info say ubuntu "Lucid" 10.04 Expl0it3d?02:56
xKazeSenoueGuys, I need some quick help.02:56
alakhiaetyrnal, not sure, i'll give that a try02:56
xKazeSenoueI have a laptop, and the screen is broken02:56
avStudioziggyfish you may be a good canidate for linuxmint02:56
LunatyKAsk xKazeSenoue02:56
xKazeSenoueI can still see a little on the upper part02:56
alakhiakkerwin, see: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/how-to-mount-iso-image-under-linux.html02:57
xKazeSenoueSo I need to checkl the Mirror Displays this02:57
xKazeSenoueBut Im not able to see that box.02:57
etyrnalalakhia, on all of my systems i create a second administrator user (etyrnal2) -- i never use it excep to rescue or test for problems on my normal users02:57
alakhiabasically, mount -o loop <iso> <dir_to_mount>02:57
xKazeSenoueAre there any shortcuts to do this?02:57
ziggyfishavStudio: yeah, I have moved my laptop to fedora, might do the same for my desktop02:57
LunatyKhow do i make my sys info say ubuntu "Lucid" 10.04 Expl0it3d?02:57
alakhiaetyrnal, makes sense02:57
kkerwinalakhia: Yeah. I tried that, but am getting a "bad superblock on loop" error.02:57
xKazeSenoueIll refhrase. Are there any shortcuts to Mirror Displays?02:58
ziggyfishavStudio: I've had this installation sense 8.0402:58
alakhiakkerwin, are you sure the iso is not corrupt (check md5)?02:58
LunatyKNot sure xKazeSenoue im used to slack not Ubuntu02:58
etyrnalalakhia, logging in to another user brings up the windo manager normally, then You know You can either copy conf's, or at least You know it's the config for that user and not the sys02:58
xKazeSenoueOh, ok, LunatyK... Thanks anyways.02:59
xKazeSenoueI think I won't be able to use Ubuntu until I fix my screen... =/02:59
xKazeSenoueThat Mirror Displays thing should come by defaul, anyways.02:59
etyrnalalakhia, if You can login to a terminal, just run dselect, and see if gdm (or whatever wm You prefer) is installed correctly02:59
alakhiai verified that lightdm is installed03:00
etyrnalhow to i test to see if my radeon 7500's opengl is available to the system?  (proper/best drivers etc)??03:00
etyrnali bought this radeon 7500 cuz it says it has opengl, and 64mb ram (min req for running Blender 3D)03:00
ziggyfishavStudio: anyway thats something for another day, I am going to play oilrush, I've been a beta tester for a while now, want to see what the final product looks like03:01
etyrnalbut it seems like the opengl may not be running/available -- drivers ??03:01
avStudiogood luck!03:01
kkerwinalakhia: I'll see if I can find an MD5...03:02
xKazeSenoueOk, so I made it to mopve the window with Alt+F703:03
xKazeSenoueBut I cant check the box03:03
xKazeSenoueOMG, that sucks...03:04
xKazeSenoueDamn indeed03:04
LunatyKThats alot of quits and joins03:04
alakhiakkerwin, if it is easier, just re-download the file and then run cmp on both versions03:05
LunatyKand yet im still confused03:05
alakhiaif there is a corruption on your side, it is very unlikely both corruptions will be the same03:05
kkerwinalakhia: It's a 8.37 GB file.03:06
alakhiakkerwin, arghh03:06
kkerwinalakhia: Running a SHA1 check now ...03:06
LunatyKI NEED HELP!03:09
kkerwinalakhia: No corruption. Damn. The file was bad to begin with.03:09
kkerwinalakhia: Do you know of a way to unpack an ISO without mounting it?03:10
xKazeSenoueAnd now I cant find the Detect Displays button...03:11
Ben64LunatyK: with?03:11
adi11hi all :) ubuntu 10.04.3 on hp laptop all updates done. nvidia card with proprietary driver installed. every time i boot after grub screen it hangs on for like 5 min and then it drops to shell (initramfs) after that i wait 3-5 min more and type "exit". than it starts to load OS. once loaded it works ok but this hang up happens every time i reboot. any idea? thanks03:11
seliteHey I uninstalled GCC and now I can't reinstall it, I get error from dpkg, any ideas?03:11
LunatyKhow do i make my sys info say ubuntu "Lucid" 10.04 Expl0it3d?03:12
LunatyKinstead of this03:12
LunatyKos[Linux 2.6.32-38-generic i686] distro[Ubuntu "lucid" 10.04] cpu[2 x AMD Turion(tm) 64 X2 Mobile Technology TL-58 (AuthenticAMD) @ 800MHz] mem[Physical: 1.9GB, 87.1% free] disk[Total: 141.2GB, 91.7% free] video[nVidia Corporation C67 [GeForce 7000M / nForce 610M]] sound[HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia]03:12
eossanyone here familiar with how to save iptables ?03:12
Ben64LunatyK: what is "Expl0it3d"03:13
xKazeSenoueDos anybody here uses Ubuntu 11.10? If you do, can you send me a screenshot of your Displays Config window please?03:13
Nach0zBen64: exploited, but turned 133703:13
seliteHello, how do I reinstall GCC?03:13
Ben64Nach0z: yes, but why03:13
Nach0zselite: sudo apt-get install gcc03:13
kkerwineoss: I believe that it has to be done with a script that runs at boot.03:13
Nach0zBen64: because he wants to change his motd to be personalized probably03:13
seliteNach0z: I get error from dpkg because GCC isn't installed lol.03:13
alakhiakkerwin, there are tools like magic iso on windows ... but not free03:13
eosskkerwin: thanks, was gonna resort to that last..oh wellz can learn moar03:13
Nach0zselite: sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade, sudo apt-get purge gcc, sudo apt-get install gcc03:14
Nach0zin that order03:14
Ben64LunatyK: modify the perl file03:14
kkerwinalakhia: Yeah. I use linux 'cuz I'm a cheapskate and want cool and powerful features.03:14
LunatyKhow do i do that03:14
Ben64LunatyK: find the file that executes sysinfo, and modify the part of OS detection03:15
sec_what command for find "text " in files..03:15
Jordan_Ukkerwin: You can try archive manager, but if mount has a problem with the image then other tools probably will also.03:15
Ben64sec_: grep03:15
LunatyKWhere abouts would it be located/03:16
Ben64LunatyK: wherever you put it..03:16
sec_Ben64: in subdir?03:16
Ben64sec_: ?03:16
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."03:16
sec_Ben64: files maybr in subdirS03:17
Ben64sec_: you might want to review the manual page for grep03:17
LunatyKThats the prob03:17
LunatyKI dont know where it was put03:17
adi11how to find out what hangs ubuntu loading up everytime i turnon my laptop?03:18
xKazeSenoueAre there any ways to force UBuntu to detect the displays trough a terminal command?03:18
Nach0zadi11: do you get to the purple screen with dots on it?03:18
sec_Ben64: give me that command pla03:18
Ben64sec_: man grep03:19
Nach0zxKazeSenoue: I think you can do "export DISPLAY=:0.0" or something03:19
xKazeSenoueThanks, ill try that.03:19
Nach0zadi11: when you get to that point, hit "esc" or "alt+tab" to watch the command lines run. it'll show you something.03:19
xKazeSenoueNothing happens03:19
Nach0zxKazeSenoue: do NOT know then bud. sorry.03:20
adi11Nach0z: i get that and it loads. the problem is before that03:20
Ben64xKazeSenoue: what are you trying to do03:20
xKazeSenoueOh gosh...03:20
xKazeSenoueBen, its the folowing03:20
Nach0zadi11: oh. um. in that case. I have no clue :S03:20
xKazeSenoueI have a Laptop with a broken screen, and I just installed Ubuntu in it03:20
xKazeSenoueBut it does not recognize my external display03:21
xKazeSenoueSo, im trying to force it to recognize it, so I can check the Mirror displays...03:21
adi11Nach0z: i chose ubuntu kernel on grub screen. than all i see is black screen. after some min it drops me to shell. "initramfs". there is give "exit" and than it starts to load the OS03:21
LunatyKI found it03:21
LunatyKBut its an executable03:21
Nach0zadi11: no idea :/ sorry.03:22
adi11ok thanks03:22
xKazeSenoueBen64: Any suggestions?03:22
Ben64xKazeSenoue: what video card03:22
Ben64xKazeSenoue: and how did you install ubuntu if you can't see anything03:23
xKazeSenoueI can see, but with my external display03:23
xKazeSenoueWhich Ubuntu is not recognizing03:23
buntuhello every1, Got a interesting problem. mounting new harddrive to /home results in loss of sound. I've copied original home to new /home, but it still fails. Is this a bug, or a problem with alsa?03:24
selitebuntu: Rofl.03:24
buntuselite why so serious?03:25
xKazeSenoueBen64: It is a Compaq Presario F700, with an integrated GeForce Go 610003:26
selitebuntu: Because you touch yourself at night.03:26
overcluckerbuntu: configure the partition to mount on boot in /etc/fstab03:26
prince_jammys!ops | selite03:26
ubottuselite: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!03:26
xKazeSenoueBen64: I installed it with my external display. Everything goes fine, but when Ubuntu boots, it just goes to black, while I can see a little on my broken screen, because there is a little part that is still fine03:27
LunatyKBen64, i cant seem to find it03:27
buntuoverclucker I set to default in /etc/fstab that should automount right?03:27
xKazeSenoueBen64: You want a picture?03:27
elkyselite, that's not an appropriate way to help people.03:27
seliteelky: Sorry.03:28
selitebuntu: Sorry dude.03:28
buntuselite: sure man,03:28
overcluckerbuntu: auto is the default option03:28
buntuoverclucker, 50% of the time i get stuck on a failed mounting screen on boot. I just restart and it works.03:29
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xKazeSenoueBen64: Any suggestions?03:32
buntuovercluker: here is my fstab http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=8NHE2zCy03:32
xKazeSenoueI hate this...03:35
=== pksadiq` is now known as pksadiq
overcluckerbuntu: ntfs can't handle unix permissions, so isn't a suitable filesystem for /home03:36
dr_willisUsing NTFS for /home  is not doable as far as i know. You can Mount your windows partitons to  a location in your users home if you want easier access to it03:36
buntuoverclucker, without losing my files, should I just create a new ext4 filesystem? And then move files from there?03:36
overcluckerbuntu: yes, but copy from your  old home, not the ntfs one, as you want the correct permission bits set03:37
buntudr_willis, overclucker, thank you very much for the help03:38
xKazeSenoueI was thinking...03:39
selitexKazeSenoue: Buy a hamster, name it virginity then lose it...03:39
xKazeSenoueAre there any ways to change the installed Ubuntu's settings through the Live CD?03:40
jimisrvroxhey guys ive got an asus tab working on linux and when I try to mount it I get transport end not connected...any suggestions?03:40
dr_willisxKazeSenoue:  mount your users home. use a text editor.  is one way to do that.. (not an easy way)03:40
dr_willisxKazeSenoue:  depends on the settings also...03:40
xKazeSenoueselite: Buy a hamster, call it "who fucking cares to your opinion", lose it, then go look for one.03:40
xKazeSenouedr_willis: It is because on Live CD, my external display works, but on the installed one, it doesn't.03:41
selitexKazeSenoue: *about your opinion, buy an english book , read it then spell correctly03:41
dr_willisxKazeSenoue:  id check what drivers yor installed system is using.03:41
xKazeSenoueselite: First of all, English is not my native language. Second: Failed troll is fail03:41
xKazeSenouedr_willis: What you mean?03:41
dr_willisxKazeSenoue:  the live cd uses the open sourced drivers. and perhaps some fallback options to them. what video card/drivers are you using on the installed system?03:42
pangolin!language | xKazeSenoue03:42
ubottuxKazeSenoue: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.03:42
xKazeSenouedr_willis: I couldnt install any, because my Laptop's screen is broken, and only a little part is visible. I can send you a pic if you want.03:42
selitexKazeSenoue: I was just adding a bit of humour, sorry if I offended you. :)03:43
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dr_willisxKazeSenoue:   you may want to try the 'nomodeset' option.03:43
xKazeSenoueubottu: Say that to the failed troll over there.03:43
ubottuxKazeSenoue: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:43
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter03:43
pangolinselite please keep your comments in this channel support related03:43
dr_willisxKazeSenoue:  depending on your video chipset. you can install drivers via the console also.03:43
xKazeSenouedr_willis: It is a GeForce Go 6100, integrated on a Compaq Presario F70003:44
xKazeSenouedr_willis: nomodeset? What does it do?03:44
dr_willisxKazeSenoue:  For some of my nvidia systems i have to use 'nomodeset' then get to the desktop, and then install the nvidia drivers via 'jockey-gtk' or if im feeling lucky. i use the console and just install the nvidia-current package03:44
ZynuiMaicheHello!  anybody have time to help a n00b get Java working?03:44
dr_willisdisables the dkms mode setting feature of the kernel i belive. the url above gives details how to use it.03:45
dr_willis!java | ZynuiMaiche03:45
ubottuZynuiMaiche: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.03:45
xKazeSenouedr_willis: Im confused... This is my first time using Linux, actually.03:46
L551So I need to reinstall windows on a PC, but that means I will lose GRUB and access to Ubuntu, right? How would I get it back?03:46
ZynuiMaicheright, I went to that site and *thought* I followed everything right.  What I'm trying to do now is just figure out where things got installed and figure out what I did right and what I did wrong ;)03:46
dr_willisxKazeSenoue:  check the url above. at your grub menu - append the 'nomodeset' option after the 'quiet splash nomodeset'  options on the kernel line like th eurl shows.. it might get to a useable desktop then. You then install the drivers.03:46
dr_willisL551:  live cd is one way. theres various fix grub guides out. Or install grub to a flash drive  install windows. then boot the flash to get back to ubuntu, and reinstall grub back to the hd.03:47
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)03:47
xKazeSenouedr_willis: And grub is...03:47
xKazeSenouedr_willis: Oh, thanks.03:48
dr_willisaticonfig --set-pcs-u32=DDX,EnableTearFreeDesktop,103:48
dr_willisoops wrong paste...03:48
xKazeSenouedr_willis: But if I do that, will Ubuntu recognize my external display?03:48
dr_willisYou are lucky the live cd works. :) i had to use the nomodset option on the live cd in the past on some of my nvidia systems03:48
xKazeSenouedr_willis: lol03:48
dr_willisxKazeSenoue:  ive rarely had issues with external displays and nvidia drivers.03:48
xKazeSenouedr_willis: But this is not a hardware issue, since it was working on Windows, and work normally before Ubuntu boots.03:49
overcluckerL551: also check out supergrubdisk, it saves the  time of booting into a livecd03:49
ZynuiMaicheubottu: do you know the directory where Java is installed?03:50
ubottuZynuiMaiche: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:50
dr_willisxKazeSenoue:  you need the nvidia drivers for the system to work at full speeds. the live cd is using the noveu (or however its spelt) open sourced driver.03:50
xKazeSenouedr_willis: Then how do I use this noveu thing? lol03:50
dr_willisxKazeSenoue:  you dont want to use it.. you want to isntall the nvidia drivers.03:50
dr_willisso use the nomodeset option, see if you can get to a desktop. install the nvidia drivers.03:51
xKazeSenouedr_willis: But I can't do that, since my screen is completely broken. I can only see 10cm...03:51
dr_willisso you have allready tried the 'nomodeset' option?03:52
xKazeSenouedr_willis: I'm doing it right now.03:52
dr_willisnow if the GRUB menu has video issues.. thats a differnt fix. :)03:52
matthew_I'm getting a post-update "could not write bytes: Broken pipe" error. Any thoughts?03:53
dr_willisquick and dirty guide on getting grub to use nomodeset (with pictures)  http://askubuntu.com/questions/38780/how-to-set-nomodeset-for-installation03:55
dr_willisthe !nomodset url is a bit more detailed03:55
buntuCan I mount to /media/HDD then make symbolic link inside /home directory?03:57
dr_willisbuntu:  yes you can03:58
dr_willis /home/yoususername/HDD  may be a bit more logical :)03:58
dr_willisln -s /path/to/onething /path/to/otherthingi_always_get_backwards03:59
buntudr_willis: do you know how to do symlink in the terminal? I'll put it in /home/buntu/Circus03:59
dr_willis ln -s  foo bar03:59
buntudr_willis thank you03:59
dr_willisi always get the order backwards.. so i reverse them.. and then reaize i had them right the first time....03:59
dr_willisor the file manager can alt-click drag/drop i think and pulls up a menu to link/copy/move04:00
buntudr_willis: the terminal is there for a reason, ;) haha04:00
dr_willisclick-drag-holddown-alt key - you get a '?' mouse cursor.. drop - menu shows up...04:01
xKazeSenoueHHow Ok, I guess this will do04:01
blackarchanhey ppla so i want to make some software for linux...but with GUI i come from windows so im used with C# what do you recommand?04:01
dr_willisblackarchan:   depends on how much you want to learn, and what the program is doing. :)04:02
dr_willisPython is always worth learning.04:02
litropyIs there a way to tell a windo to maximize from bash?04:02
jmoreira81Hi! I keep getting the passphare pop up every time I ssh into my ubuntu server? Any way to stop the pop up?04:02
blackarchandr_willis: i want to learn but what...what apps to make i don`t know exactly yet...you can make gui with python?04:02
dr_willisblackarchan:  yes. you can do gui apps with python.04:03
dr_willisand if you do them right.. they will work on windows and linux. :)04:03
dr_willisor you use python to make the gui front end to your cli apps...04:03
brerrabbitcan anyone tell me what section 22.1 means:04:03
xKazeSenouedr_willis: So I typed in gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub, and then it gave me an error...04:04
ram19890When I install the graphics card driver I get fuzzy screen , while booting. What should I do ?04:04
brerrabbitand would that be necessary to use ispConfig?04:04
blackarchandr_willis i see so you say the best starting point for me is python?04:04
dr_willisblackarchan:  python is very very popular and handy.04:04
xKazeSenoueYou know what? Fuck it. I'm using Windows 7 until I fix my screen04:04
dr_willisso you got to a useable desktop xKazeSenoue ?04:05
xKazeSenouedr_willis: Nope. I typed what that thread said, but it gave me an error, and it froze up.04:05
dr_willisxKazeSenoue:  gedit is a X/gui editor.. so im not sure what you were expecting..04:06
xKazeSenouedr_willis: I typed gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub04:06
dr_willisif you are on the console/text login. you have to use a text based text editor like nano04:06
pangolinxKazeSenoue: Please stop swearing.04:06
* dr_willis checks the nomodset url again04:07
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter04:07
xKazeSenouepangolin: Sorry... I'm just mad at this. lol04:07
xKazeSenoue"How to permanently set kernel boot options on an installed OS (not wubi)04:07
xKazeSenoueTo permanently change the default kernel boot options, press ALT+F2 or open a terminal from system > accessories > terminal. Type in the following command:04:07
xKazeSenouegksudo gedit /etc/default/grub"04:07
FloodBot1xKazeSenoue: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:07
xKazeSenoueThats what I did, and then my laptop froze up.04:07
dr_willisxKazeSenoue:  you need to use the  "How to temporarily set kernel boot options on an installed OS " part - if you can not get to a useable desktop....04:08
GCirclexKazeSenoue: jumping into to the middle of a convo here, but you have to run update-grub after editing /etc/default/grub04:08
dr_willisthen if you have a useable desktop. you can use gedit..04:08
xKazeSenoueGCircle: But right when I typed that in, it froze up.04:08
xKazeSenouedr_willis: Oh, okay. Ill try that.04:08
dr_willisgedit is a graphical text editor.. :) it requires X going befor it will work.04:09
brerrabbitwhat exactly does this do before I do it?04:09
dr_willishttp://askubuntu.com/questions/38780/how-to-set-nomodeset-for-installation    shows how to  get nomodset going for a single boot session.04:09
ram19890@ubottu thanks04:10
dr_willisbrerrabbit:  running 'vzctl set on' for a lot of settings it seems....04:11
dr_williswhatever vzctl does.. :) never heard of it befor.04:11
dr_willis!find vzctl04:12
ubottuFound: vzctl04:12
dr_willis!info  vzctl04:12
ubottuvzctl (source: vzctl): server virtualization solution - control tools. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.27-1 (oneiric), package size 221 kB, installed size 1100 kB (Only available for i386 ia64 amd64 powerpc sparc)04:12
dr_willisYou are running virtual servers?04:12
brerrabbitim on a virtual server04:12
brerrabbitwas going to install ispconfig on it....but it rather blithely says @ the end to run that script on the parent machine04:13
brerrabbitwithout describing what it does...so im guessing I cant run ispconfig unless I can get the provider to run that script for me04:14
brerrabbitwhich they may or may not do04:14
dr_willistry ispconfig and see i guess...04:14
GCircleanyone know how to switch the channels in xchat from list to tabs? I've looked everywhere but the option seems to have gone away in this version.04:14
dr_willisthe host might allready have those settings set.04:14
brerrabbitgood point....though im skeptical. They are pushing a support package pretty heavily.04:15
brerrabbitif i pay them to do everything...i wont learn anything04:15
xKazeSenouedr_willis: It says nomodeset is an unknown command...04:16
dr_willisxKazeSenoue:  because its not a cli command.. its an option you use in teh GRUB menu/configs.04:16
xKazeSenoueBut I did exactly like the thread said. I pressed E on Ubuntu, then inserted nomodeset, then it game me that error04:16
dr_willisboot system. tap shift key.. get to grub menu.. edit the kernel line.   change 'quiet splash' to be 'nomodeset quiet splash'   boot ...  should get to a useable desktop.04:17
xKazeSenoueOh, I know what I did wrong. Sorry04:17
killer20is it possible to run GTA4 on ubuntu using wine ?04:18
dr_willisGCircle:  perferances - channel switcher - tabs..... same as where its always ben as far as i know04:18
dr_willis!appdb | killer2004:19
ubottukiller20: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help04:19
xKazeSenouedr_willis: Still does not recognize my display.04:20
killer20thanks once again04:20
Trip_greetings, I installed ubuntu on a netbook, the system doesnt reconize that theres a battery, how do i fix this?04:21
dr_willisxKazeSenoue:  you could try the text mode option , or recovery mode and install the nvidia-current package and hope for the best.04:23
dr_willis'sudo apt-get install nvidia-current'04:23
dr_willisor try it now - if you can get to a useable console04:23
dagerikMy not-so-good friend has tampered with my laptop. I see he has added a command to crontab. How else can I detect other stuff he has done? He only had like 30 seconds with the laptop.04:24
xKazeSenouedr_willis: I can't use sudo commands. It asks for my password, but it does not let me type.04:24
dr_willisxKazeSenoue:  err.. it dosent echo your password...04:24
dr_willistype it in.. hit enter..04:24
dr_willisno *'s get echoed or anything04:24
bobo37773xKazeSenoue: It is not visible for security reasons04:24
GCirclexKazeSenoue: you can also edit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-framebuffer and blacklist nouveau04:25
dr_willisblacklisting nouveau should in theory get done by the nvidia-current drivers/package.04:25
GCircleyeah but he might want to do it now to get a workable desktop in the meantime04:25
xKazeSenouedr_willis: See? Whenever I try to use a command followed by sudo, it says that: "[sudo] pasword for rodrigo:" but it won't let me type in my password04:26
LunatyKcatch you all later04:26
xKazeSenoueGCircle: But using noveau is the only way to get it to recognize my external display04:26
xKazeSenoueLunatyK: Bye :)04:26
dr_willisxKazeSenoue:  you just type in yoru password blindly and hit enter...04:27
dr_willisit does not echo any characters back when you type..04:27
yourfriendisaacIs anyone having trouble submitting bugs?04:30
xKazeSenouedr_willis: Oh, worked now. Thats weird. lol04:30
xKazeSenouedr_willis: Ok, it is downloading nvidia-current now.04:30
xKazeSenoueLet's just pray now.04:31
hydrox24I see an insane number of nvidia driver issues on this channel. I think we should setup a wiki page to direct users to that tells them to unnstall any nvidia stuff and just use the things out of the restricted-drivers seection in ubuntu. If they're still having issues after that THEN they can come here04:32
hydrox24Totally not anyones fault though04:32
dr_willisreally we should have used the 'jocky-text' program to isntall the drivers  ;) but most mondern nvidia cards use nvidia-current i04:32
hydrox24maybe nvidias actually...04:32
dr_willisIt is nvidias and ati's for being slacking in their support04:32
yourfriendisaacI have been having trouble submitting bugs on launchpad eventhough I am logged in and there are no other bugs on the issue04:32
dr_willisthere is the04:32
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto04:32
xKazeSenoueI think Ubuntu should be more automatic, though04:32
xKazeSenoueLike, it asks you these things when it is installing04:33
hydrox24xKazeSenoue: Unfortunately, it is as automatic as it can be without running into copyright trouble04:33
dr_willisxKazeSenoue:  for most allof my systems. i install get to the desktop. then it asks me to install the nvidia drivers.. 3 clicks.. a reboot.. and they are installed.04:33
DarrowHey, I recently got a USB wireless adapter and I'm trying to disable the built-in one in my laptop. Is there any easy way to do that?04:33
K`zanHi folks, the new firefox that came in today is a MESS, is there any way to revert back?04:33
dr_willis11.10 is much better then 10.x was for my nvidia systems04:33
xKazeSenouehydrox24: Copywright: Ruining our lives since... ever.04:33
hydrox24xKazeSenoue: windows can pay they're way through the copyright stuff, ubuntu can't.04:33
samthewildoneOkay .... my printer is acting up on ubuntu.04:34
hydrox24xKazeSenoue: Right on.04:34
bobo37773yourfriendisaac: Are you using a local application or web?04:34
dr_willisnvidia pays ms :)04:34
xKazeSenouedr_willis: REally? How do you do that?04:34
hydrox24samthewildone: alright, start with specifying the printer, then say how it is acting up. All in one line preferably.04:34
yourfriendisaacbobo37773 using web to submit bug04:34
DarrowPreferably a non-disabling the wireless from the BIOS method, if possible.04:34
pksadiqxKazeSenoue: dr_willis is Bill Gates, so he knows it ;)04:34
samthewildoneIt's always making random noises and takes 30+ seconds to print a page. Sometimes it doesn't even print and then there's a spool of prints that haven't be completed.04:34
dr_willis'windows certified drivers' - how do you think they get certified...04:34
dr_willisthey pay MS to certify them04:34
xKazeSenouepksadiq: lol04:34
bobo37773yourfriendisaac: On launchpad?04:35
samthewildoneHP LaserJet 102204:35
hydrox24dr_willis: I guess I mean that micro$oft has the cash to pay thy're way outta trouble if they get into the wrong, and they can "control distribution"04:35
yourfriendisaacbobo37773 yes04:35
xKazeSenoueIt says done04:35
xKazeSenoueIll try to reboot.04:35
bobo37773yourfriendisaac: Did you try another browser?04:35
hydrox24samthewildone: HPs can be like that for me, even when using windows. HAve you tried with an alternate OS? Because it could be an issue with the printer.04:36
yourfriendisaacbobo37773 I am using firefox no I didnt try another browser04:36
samthewildoneIm not sure04:36
bobo37773yourfriendisaac: There is also an application called "ubuntu-bug" to do it from your machine.04:36
samthewildoneThis is basically for the sake of my mom and dad.04:36
samthewildoneHe's to lazy to fix the problem but, the problem is in my room and its frickin annoying. It keeps ticking and doing random voodoo stuff.04:37
yourfriendisaacbobo37773 tried ubuntu-bug too was even less successfuk04:37
yourfriendisaacbobo37773 tried ubuntu-bug too was even less successful04:37
samthewildoneThen I noticed every time my mom or I try to print from it, it flashes a little hp-plugins*** and I can't seem to click or install it.04:37
hydrox24samthewildone: we are happy to help you but you probably need to check if it is an issue with the printer, then come back to this channel for help when you know linux is causing the issues04:37
bobo37773yourfriendisaac: Ouch. Well Firefox is my browser of choice but it can be problematic sometime. On a lighter note: Maybe you could file a bug about ubuntu-bug hahaha04:38
* samthewildone sticks a firecracker in the printer. 04:38
samthewildoneWell on windows when my mom prints it works fine04:38
yourfriendisaacyeah that will really help04:38
samthewildoneSo I know its not the printer.04:38
hydrox24samthewildone: ahh, OK that's what I was looking for.04:38
yourfriendisaacbobo37773 yeah that will really help04:38
hydrox24samthewildone: so you know that it is ubuntu04:38
bobo37773yourfriendisaac: hahaha04:38
samthewildonehydrox24: and the printer laughs at me when its on windows.04:38
* samthewildone shakes his head04:39
hydrox24samthewildone: that's worse. maybe you need a witchdoctor for this one!04:39
bobo37773chuck[screen]: Hey04:39
yourfriendisaacbobo37773 ok here's the thing. My CD Rom drive is recognized in kubunut but not ubuntu. Was okay until I upgraded to 11.1004:39
bobo37773yourfriendisaac: The optical drive does not work at all?04:40
yourfriendisaacbobo37773 Also drop down menus being inhibited in ubuntu 10.10 and above and 11.04 in kubuntu04:40
yourfriendisaacbobo37773 thats correct it wont even open04:41
hydrox24samthewildone: A risky approuch would be to remove the printer from the printer admin panel then do a standard update, hoping new drivers are in it, then try and add the printer to ubuntu again.04:41
bobo37773yourfriendisaac: Did you try -->   eject /dev/sr004:41
hydrox24samthewildone: will be back in a minute or so.04:41
yourfriendisaacbobo37773 yes it just says there is no sr004:42
ksx4system_how do I install Moonlight plugin (open source version of Silverlight)?04:42
dr_willis!find moonlight04:42
ubottuFile moonlight found in gnome-user-guide, language-pack-gnome-ca-base, language-pack-gnome-cs-base, language-pack-gnome-da-base, language-pack-gnome-de-base, language-pack-gnome-en-base, language-pack-gnome-es-base, language-pack-gnome-fi-base, language-pack-gnome-gl-base, language-pack-gnome-hu-base (and 10 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=moonlight&mode=&suite=oneiric&arch=any04:43
dr_willisHmm.. not a good search hit. :)04:43
yourfriendisaacbobo37773 I even checked it with df04:43
=== pksadiq` is now known as pksadiq
bobo37773yourfriendisaac: When you upgraded did you do an upgrade or a clen install?04:43
yourfriendisaacbobo37773 an upgrade04:44
yourfriendisaacbobo37773 it went smoothly04:44
dr_willishttp://askubuntu.com/questions/34805/is-there-an-equivalent-of-silverlight     Moonlight info04:44
yourfriendisaacbobo37773 Actually it stopped working monday evening04:45
dr_willisksx4system_:  what are you needing moonlight for?04:45
bobo37773yourfriendisaac: Maybe the upgrade messed you up (it has been known to; ubuntu is not really rolling release). Can you test a livecd?04:45
yourfriendisaacbobo37773 not sure maybe it was from a kernel update?04:45
hydrox24samthewildone: back04:45
bobo37773yourfriendisaac: I was just about to ask that. Did you look at your updates from Monday?04:46
yourfriendisaacbobo37773 as I said it is working from kubuntu04:46
ksx4system_dr_willis: for viewing a website which has animations made using this stupid technology.04:46
dr_willisksx4system_:  tht might work then. :) netflix wont.04:46
bobo37773yourfriendisaac: Check your updates from when the problem started04:47
yourfriendisaacbobo37773 yes but I can look at monday updates now04:47
xKazeSenouedr_willis: Didn't work either04:47
yourfriendisaacbobo37773where is the log04:47
ksx4system_dr_willis: no DRM'd video there, only flash-like animations.04:47
yourfriendisaacbobo37773 where is the log04:47
ksx4system_dr_willis: still, I have no idea how to make Opera work with Moonlight...04:47
dr_willisxKazeSenoue:  out of ideas then. Normally takes me 2 min and a few clicks to get my 4+ nvidia systems going04:47
xKazeSenouedr_willis: Guess i'll have to use Windows then... :(04:48
yourfriendisaacbobo37773 can I find them from update manager04:48
bobo37773yourfriendisaac: Not sure. Look in /var/log maybe04:48
dr_willisxKazeSenoue:  you could test out the 12.xx alpha and if it fails to work there. file a bug report. could also be some quirk/issue with your specific chipset that  may be answered on the forums or askubuntu.com04:49
xKazeSenoueOk, bye bye, people.04:49
yourfriendisaacok will do I'll boot back to ubuntu and I'll be back04:49
yourfriendisaacbobo37773ok will do I'll boot back to ubuntu and I'll be back04:49
GCirclexKazeSenoue: i had working nvidia drivers on my debian system but then I updated my video card and X doesn't start.04:49
bobo37773yourfriendisaac: ok see you in a minute.04:49
xKazeSenouedr_willis: I spent 4 hours on this thing to work. I even sacrificed my almost-finished Resident Evil 2 savegame for Ubuntu, but that's how the universe pays me. I don't want it anymore...04:50
xKazeSenoueGCircle: :(04:50
GCircleYou need to update your system to an alpha or beta.04:50
samthewildonehydrox24: okay I was doing some stuff mysef04:50
dr_willisxKazeSenoue:  ive spend 24+ hrs fighting with windows installs that should hae 'worked' so its all relative i guess..04:50
Trip_could someone help me get ubuntu to reconize my laptops battery04:51
GCircleTrip_ are there any acpi options in the bios that aren't switched on?04:52
bobo37773Trip_: What happens if you type "acpi" in a terminal?04:53
annui need some help here04:53
Trip_I havent done that ill give that a try04:53
bobo37773annu: Just ask. If someone here knows they will try to help you okay04:53
annui want to switch to ubuntu 11.10 n i have xubuntu04:53
annui have ubuntu 11.10 cd04:54
Trip_bobo37773:  its telling me what to type in so that i can in stall it "sudo(woodo) this that and the other thing"04:54
dr_willisannu:  whav version of xubuntu you have insalled?04:54
dr_williserr.. i dont think thats a proper version #.04:55
bobo37773Trip_: ok So follow the instructions. Just so you know acpi is for laptop stuff like battery04:55
dr_willisxubuntu follows the same #.# as ubuntu releases.. 11.04  10.10 and so on.04:55
Trip_bobo37773: thanks bud04:55
bobo37773Trip_: You are welcome04:55
GCircleTrip_ when you type lspci, does it show any SMBus controllers at all?04:55
bobo37773annu: Are you using the same version on xubuntu (11.10)?04:56
=== ghw is now known as gehengwang
annuso where do i find the version name Dr04:56
dr_willisannu what did you install? check lsb_release -a    output04:56
GCirclewhat you need to do is apt-get install hal hal-info and run lshal | grep battery04:57
annuok its 11.0404:57
GCircletell us if it turns up anything04:57
annuby natty04:57
dr_willisannu:  if you just want ubuntu 11.10 - backup imporntant stuff. and reinstall  is one way.04:58
bobo37773annu: The best way ^^04:58
annuis it not possible to just upgrade all packages an get it done04:59
dr_willisyou said you wanted gnome... you want gnome/ubuntu ONLY? or both.04:59
annuthrough synaptic package manager04:59
dr_willisyou can do release upgrades04:59
annuonly gnome05:00
seliteI uninstalled GCC and now I can't install it again dpkg returns error code (1) , can anyone tell me what to do?05:00
dr_willisthen it will be easier to just do a reinstall. then ti try to remove the xfce stuff. but you can try it if you wanted to. Install the ubuntu-desktop package. remove all xfce/xubuntu stuff..  then upgrade to the next release05:00
dr_willisa clean install would be faster05:01
annui need 1 suggestion05:01
bobo37773annu: It is possible. But I do not think it is called gnome. I think the package groups you want are named something like "ubuntu-desktop"05:01
seliteHow do I reinstall GCC?05:01
dr_willisinstalling ubuntu-desktop then upgradeing will basically dowload a lot of stuff twice.05:01
dr_willisselite:  install the build-essential package for the core gcc envuroment05:02
selitedr_willis: What's the command please?05:02
dr_willis!info build-essential05:02
ubottubuild-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.5ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 5 kB, installed size 48 kB05:02
dr_willissudo apt-get install foo   (apt 101) :)05:02
annuthanks dr and bobo3777305:02
yourfriendisaacbobo37773 went to the var/log directory no sign of updates05:03
selitedr_willis: I get again the same error dpk returned error code (1).05:03
bobo37773annu: Your welcome. Good luck05:03
bobo37773yourfriendisaac: Is there an apt sub directory?05:03
yourfriendisaacbobo37773 one sec05:03
selitedr_willis: I get erros were encountered while processing: gcc, g++, build-essential05:03
dr_willisselite:  try a 'sudo apt-get update' 'sudo apt-get upgrade' then 'sudo apt-get install build-essential' pastebin any errors/outputs05:03
bobo37773yourfriendisaac: Maybe /var/log/apt/blahblahblah.log05:03
bobo37773yourfriendisaac: Be sure to grep out the date if / when you find it.05:04
yourfriendisaacbobo37773 history.leg -- checking05:05
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic05:05
yourfriendisaacbobo37773 history.log -- checking05:06
bobo37773yourfriendisaac: Are you completely up to date right now? Sometimes when something gets broken an update comes to fix it.05:07
lotuspsychjehowto fix a corrupt mouse pointer in unity? (square-like mouse pointer) it leaves only after a reboot05:08
hydrox24lotuspsychje: is this similar to your issue? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/76040505:09
yourfriendisaacbobo37773 yeah there are only two available and neither of them has to do with the kernel or gnome05:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 760405 in unity (Ubuntu) "corruption around the mouse pointer" [Low,Confirmed]05:09
bobo37773yourfriendisaac: ok. Did you find anything interesting in the logs?05:09
bobo37773yourfriendisaac: You could always try updating or reinstalling your kernel and seeing if that helps05:10
lotuspsychjehydrox24: lemme take a look05:10
hydrox24yourfriendisaac: are you able to boot with an older kernel?05:11
hydrox24yourfriendisaac: from grub/grub2 that is?05:11
yourfriendisaacbobo37773 not really just some qt updates and other stuff.... I could try that05:11
yourfriendisaacbobo37773 okay Ill try rebooting from an ealier kernel05:12
selitedr_willis: Here is what errors I get after trying what you told me. http://pastebin.com/DQFePe4N05:12
bobo37773yourfriendisaac: Yeah, no way its qt that wouldn't even make sense. Hmm booting from an earlier kernel? Excellent idea05:12
wookienzi have 11.10, but ih ave a mix of unity and the old look and feel menu bars. I still have "applications and places" menu that sits under, how do i get rid of it?05:12
yourfriendisaacbobo37773 be right back05:12
bobo37773yourfriendisaac: ok05:13
pangolinselite: try sudo apt-get -f install05:14
jonathonI DLed the latest Jav JRE, 7u2, From the Oracle site and extracted it, And I need to know how to make it use the java program from that folder instead of the openjdk jre one when I use java from the command line05:14
selitepangolin: Same dpkg returned error (1).05:14
lotuspsychjehydrox24: sorry can't get to the link, might be my slow mobile internet, any fix they suggest on that page?05:14
pangolinselite: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a05:15
selitepangolin: I chose yes, what am I supposed to do now.05:15
pangolinwait for it to finish05:15
jonathonhydrox24, You're still using irssi, right?05:16
selitepangolin: It asks for additional home directory locations:...?05:16
pangolinselite: what is asking for that?05:16
tejaswiHow do i change my dynamic internal ip to static using the network manager?05:17
Trip_bobo37773: the computer still isnt reconizing it.05:17
bobo37773Trip_: If you type acpi in a terminal what do you get?05:17
Trip_bobo37773: type it again?05:18
Trip_bobo37773: the first time i ran the sudo code, whats sudo stand for?05:18
bobo37773Trip_: Yeah just open a terminal and type-->    acpi05:18
dr_willisselite:  ive never seen an error like --> "update-alternatives: error: cannot stat /usr/bin/g++: Too many levels of symbolic links" befor.  seems the update-alterantives system is some how confused05:18
Will123456hey guys. i want to easily switch between running the nvidia proprietary drivers and nouveau. is there a switch i can put in at boot time to toggle between the two, or is it always going to involve something awkward?05:18
yourfriendisaacbobo37773 no that didn't help went back to oldest kernel05:19
dr_willisWill123456:  I think its more complex then that. since the nvidia drivers blacklist the nouveau drivers. and the 2 can conflict otherwise05:19
lotuspsychje!sudo | Trip_05:19
ubottuTrip_: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo05:19
Trip_bobo37773: battery  0: unknown, 0%05:19
jonathonI DLed the latest Jav JRE, 7u2, From the Oracle site and extracted it, And I need to know how to make it use the java program from that folder instead of the openjdk jre one when I use java from the command line?05:20
Trip_lotuspsychje:  thanks05:20
Will123456dr_willis: thanks, i was hoping it wouldn't be something like that. :(05:21
Trip_bobo37773: battery  0: unknown, 0%05:21
Will123456dr_willis: i suppose i'll have to set up an extra partition or something. thanks anyway :)05:21
bobo37773Trip_: Just a second05:21
Will123456jonathon: this may help: http://askubuntu.com/questions/56104/how-can-i-install-oracle-java-jre-705:23
yourfriendisaacbobo37773 no that didn't help went back to oldest kernel -- I wonder if it's an IDE issue on some update somwhere?05:23
Will123456jonathon: however if you just want to use it temporarily, you can call any jvm you like from the command line05:23
jonathonThanks, Lemme see05:24
seliteHow do I fix dpkg error (1)?05:25
dr_willisselite:  the error is in recursivbe symlinks not dpkg.05:26
dr_willisselite:  from the few google hits i checked out05:26
yourfriendisaacselite what were you doing when you go th error?05:26
dr_willisselite:  ive never seen an error like --> "update-alternatives: error: cannot stat /usr/bin/g++: Too many levels of symbolic links" befor.  seems the update-alterantives system is some how confused05:26
bobo37773Trip_: Did you reboot since? Also which acpi packages did you install? Just acpi or acpid?05:27
seliteyourfriendisaac: I uninstall GCC and then when I tried to reinstall it I got the error.05:27
seliteyourfriendisaac: I also get the error no matter what I try to install.05:27
dr_willishelp pages seem to suggest that g++ is a link back to its selff..  perhaps running update-alternatives by hand. or removeing /usr/bin/g++ if it exists05:27
bobo37773yourfriendisaac: Not sure. Maybe try a third party ppa and updating to a newer kernel.05:27
selitedr_willis: Well it's a first then, I must be special.05:27
dr_willisselite:  seems to bean issue with some people and java. and some lightdm files.05:27
jonathonWill123456  Ok thanks, That got it installed :D05:27
yourfriendisaacselite did you run sudo dpkg --config -a?05:28
akpkHow to change username in ubuntu 10.10 ??05:28
Will123456jonathon: really? did it work? excellent :)05:29
Trip_bobo37773: just acpi05:29
mauricesidhey does anyone know why the compiz effects do not work under the Mobility Radeon HD 5650?05:29
dr_willisakpk:  may be easier to just add a new user with the new name.05:29
seliteyourfriendisaac: You mean sudo dpkh-reconfigure -a?05:29
yourfriendisaacbobo37773 yeah ill try ubuntu tweak and try to remove the ppas05:29
Will123456jonathon: out of curiosity, is there any reason why you're getting the very latest jre from oracle?05:29
hydrox24mauricesid: have you installed the proprietary drivers for you radeon?05:29
bobo37773yourfriendisaac: You mean add?05:29
mauricesidno, I am using the open source drivers (like recommend on an ubuntu forum)05:29
akpk<dr_willis>  : Can I delete the old one after that ??05:30
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yourfriendisaacbobo37773 checking05:30
Trip_bobo37773: and no i didnt reboot, i should have, just been caught up in some other things. should i also try installing acpid05:30
hydrox24mauricesid: well, I too would recommend the open-source drivers, but the possible cause for the lack of 3D graphics is the lack of the drivers ability to do it.05:30
bobo37773Trip_: Try installing acpid and rebooting. But first open a terminal and type this command ang tell me the output-->     lsmod | grep battery05:30
selitedr_willis: I removed /usr/bin/g++ again the issue persists.05:31
dr_willisakpk:  why bother. :) you should make sure the new user has full sudo rights.. or look in to the usermod command to change the name. Theres some forum thereads on the topic05:31
dr_willishttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=821685  akpk05:31
Trip_just as that with the large seperating line in it? *has no idea what that symbol is called*05:31
lotuspsychjemauricesid: did you install compiz-config ?05:31
mauricesidI have the switchable graphics with Intel/AMD05:31
bobo37773Trip_: You mean the | ?05:31
Trip_yeah the |05:31
lotuspsychjemauricesid: what happens after enabling some effects?05:32
dr_willisselite:  perhaps look in /etc/alternatives/05:32
akpk <dr_willis> : Thank you.  :-)05:32
mauricesid<lotuspsychje>: absolutely nothing05:32
bobo37773Trip_: It is right above your enter key. Hit shift+\05:32
mauricesidi checked most like wobbly windows, rain and the cube05:32
yourfriendisaacselite if you were in the middle of downloading an application and now apt wont allow any downloads try dpkg --config -a the output will make suggestions if that doesnt work05:32
mauricesidnone work05:32
bobo37773Trip_: Or copy and paste. The | symbol is called a "pipe" for future reference05:32
Trip_bobo37773:  oh yeah thats not the problem :) i just dont know the name for it, just thought about it, maybe ill google it later05:33
lotuspsychjemauricesid: are you on unity2D, 3D or gnome?05:33
dr_willismauricesid:  unity and some compiz plugins do not play well together.05:33
wieli installed a later version of python.how can i set that version as the main python?05:33
wielor remove the older python05:33
mauricesidhow would I check? I think I am using the latest gnome05:33
dr_williswiel:  how did you install it?05:33
Trip_bobo37773: kay thanks, i typed it out twice and nothing happened it just started a new command line05:33
wieldr_willis, from the source code05:34
Trip_bobo37773: ill try the acpid05:34
hydrox24mauricesid: are you just on a default ubuntu install? If so what version of ubuntu?05:34
bobo37773Trip_: ok. Try this --> sudo modprobe battery05:34
lotuspsychjemauricesid: you can logout and see what x u logged on05:34
dr_williswiel:  you may need to do some tweaking with the update-alternatives stuff. or just remove the old (may not be a good idea) and set up some soft links.05:34
mauricesidhydrox24: I installed the latest 64-bit version of ubuntu 11.1005:34
bobo37773Trip_: Then try again --> lsmod | grep battery05:34
seliteyourfriendisaac: I get errors were encounteered while processing : build-essential. This is what I get.05:35
dr_williswiel:  there might be ppa's with updated versions. that would be a better way to use the newest05:35
lotuspsychjemauricesid: some older computers say first boot, it will boot unity2d as default because of performance05:35
mauricesidlotuspsychje: what do you mean by "x"?05:35
pksadiqwiel: also if you have installed python3 and have to use that as the default option, it is a very bad idea05:35
Trip_bobo37773: it says command not found.05:35
selitedr_willis: There is no g++ in /etc/alternatives.05:35
wieldr_willis, i followed those instructions to install python 3.205:35
Trip_bobo37773: should i try the acpid?05:35
mauricesidmy bios will use the AMD GPU if the power cord is plugged in at startup05:36
wieldr_willis, those http://www.giantflyingsaucer.com/blog/?p=285805:36
bobo37773Trip_: Command not found? Did you type this exactly:       sudo modprobe battery05:36
lotuspsychjemauricesid: try a logout and take a look on wixh desktop u logged on: gnome or unity3d or 2d05:36
mauricesidok I will give it a shot05:37
wielpython 3.2 is a dependency for an api that Im using. i dont really care what happens to the system05:37
wielthe os05:37
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Trip_bobo37773:  the first time it asked me for my password, i entered it, then it opened a new command line. i then entered    lsmod | grep battery    then it just opened a new command line. i triend entering     sudo modeprobe battery     again when you asked me if typed it right, nothingh appened and it just opened a new command line05:38
GCircledid you try apt-get install hal05:39
GCircleand lshal | grep battery?05:39
bobo37773Trip_: Ok did you try "lsmod | grep battery" after sudo modprobe battery?05:39
erfolghal? ubuntu still uses hal?05:40
goddardhow can i filter my mailing list emails?05:40
bobo37773Trip_: Ok install acpid and reboot.05:40
Trip_bobo37773: i did, it just keeps opening new command lines and not actually doing anything05:40
dr_willisi thought hal had been removed with extreme prejudice05:40
Trip_bobo37773: alright, ill be back in a few, thanks for the help ehl05:40
lotuspsychje!info hal05:41
ubottuhal (source: hal): Hardware Abstraction Layer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.14-6 (oneiric), package size 362 kB, installed size 1712 kB05:41
lotuspsychjenot lol05:41
ubottuhal is in the process of being deprecated.  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Halsectomy and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware_abstraction_layer for more info.05:41
bobo37773dr_willis: No hal is still used by some apps. I use it still for I don't remember what.05:41
dr_willisI wouldent one someone to do a Halsectomy to my hal. :)05:41
bobo37773dr_willis: Hahaha05:41
zhownxI have problem with ubuntu one client, it said it required internet connection... any idea?05:42
zhownxI'm running oneiric05:42
lotuspsychjegoddard: try software centre for some filter maybe05:42
dr_williszhownx:  theres the #ubuntuone channel that has more experts on that feature of ubuntu05:42
zhownxthank dr_willis05:43
LukeNukemdr_willis, hola, how are you?05:43
dr_willisIm here. :) and awake .. for now..05:43
LukeNukemnice, is it possible to customize the DOCK05:44
goddardlotuspsychje: anything for gmail itself?05:44
Lasivianis there any way to make a "shortcut" type link from ubuntu to a folder on a windows share?05:44
dr_willisLukeNukem:  what 'dock' ?05:44
erfolgln -s /link/to/windows /link/to/ubuntu05:44
erfolgoh you said a share05:44
lotuspsychjegoddard: gmail is an online email, you first need to import your gmail to an ubuntu email client before filtering then05:45
LukeNukemdr_willis, the one on the left in Ubuntu 11.1005:45
dr_willisLasivian:  normally windows shares mounted on the fly are in .gvfs somewhere. Or you can try the file manager. click/drag/ hold down alt.. (cursor becomes a ?) drop. select link..05:45
Lasivianyeah, an smb:// link05:45
dr_willisLukeNukem:  thats the 'Panel' and the webupd8 blog site has a extensive guide on tweaking unity.05:45
dr_willisLukeNukem:  the ccsm tool unity plugin , has some tweakable settings.05:45
dr_willisi always set the panel icons to be 32 in size. and never hide.  first thing on a new setup.05:46
lotuspsychjedr_willis: same here05:46
dr_willisinstall the classic menu indicator applet and a few other bits and im good to go.. :)05:47
Lasiviandr_willis: alwaysd tries to copy or move the file manager window when I do that. Thanks tho05:47
yourfriendisaacbobo37773 I used system profiler and it found the cd rom drive but it wont do anything..installing some ppas we will see how it goes05:47
bobo37773yourfriendisaac: It found it?05:48
dr_willisLasivian:  mey because its a smb://type path. If you try doing it from the .gvfs/whatever/ dir - it MIGHT let you.05:48
lotuspsychjehi linuxuz3r05:48
bobo37773yourfriendisaac: Restart dbus daemon and check it05:48
yourfriendisaacbobo37773 it found the drive yes but the drive wont open and even from the commandline05:48
yourfriendisaacbobo37773 not sure how to do that05:49
bobo37773yourfriendisaac: sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart05:50
bobo37773yourfriendisaac: pretty sure05:50
dr_willislinking a share from .gvfs also has issues.. :()05:50
knightragehi all. so i am still getting noise from my audio system (speakers) even though the master volume on my card is set to 0%... thoughts?05:50
dr_willisif you really want a link to a share. you may need to mount it from fstab perhaps to a set location05:50
yourfriendisaacbobo37773 ok let's see05:50
bobo37773knightrage: Try changing it to 100% instead of 0%05:51
LukeNukemok dr_willis i also have this issue where when i use applications i scroll over to the left and dock does not come up instead i have to go to the desktop to use it..05:51
LukeNukemit happens sometimes05:51
knightragebobo37773: ...05:51
dr_willisLukeNukem:  i always set the panel to never hide..05:51
bobo37773knightrage: Oh sorry. I did not read good enough. Did you try to mute in alsamixer?05:52
Lasiviandr_willis: never knew about that way of linking, it worked, thanks :)05:52
MindlessDreamCan someone please assist me?05:53
lotuspsychje!ask MindlessDream05:53
lotuspsychje!ask | MindlessDream05:53
ubottuMindlessDream: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:53
knightragebobo37773: yes. it is quite when i mute it, but i would assume it would be quite (ie, no sound) when i set it to 0% through "amixer -c 0 sset Master,0 0%"05:54
MindlessDreamI have a 512mb ram laptop (old thing), and have been running ubuntu 11.10 on it. It's very slow and was wondering if I should change to Lubuntu or Xubuntu05:54
dr_willislubuntu is the ligtest of all the buntu variants. :)05:54
trip_bobo37773: hey back, i checked the battery its still showing up as "not present" plust i didnt write down the codes you sent me earlyer05:55
dr_willisMindlessDream:  so id say try lubuntu and see if it does what you need.05:55
erfolgMindlessDream, do fluxbox05:55
lotuspsychjeMindlessDream: or you could try unity2d or gnome05:55
LukeNukemdr_willis, ok so my next issue, i downloaded NETBeans IDE, but i cant find it in Dash Home o.o05:55
LukeNukemhow will i go about starting it05:55
dr_willisLukeNukem:  downloaded how?05:55
MindlessDreamhmm. Can I install Lubuntu from scratch without a CD?05:55
MindlessDreamlike just install and remove ubuntu?05:55
lotuspsychje!lubuntu | MindlessDream05:56
ubottuMindlessDream: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.05:56
eossso I have an issue with putting my startup script in rc.local, I need to have it run earlier than when it runs, im loading a firewall rules to iptables to it and for a good1-2 minutes my machine is open to attach before the script runs05:56
dr_willisMindlessDream:  you could install the lubuntu-desktop pacakge. but removing the ubuntu-desktop is a bit tricker05:56
goddardwhat is the best format to use for video to reach all audiences?05:56
dr_willisyou will end up with both sets of apps.05:56
eossany suggestions will help05:56
erfolggoddard, flash05:56
dr_willisgoddard:  good old mp4 perhaps. depends on your video also. its always a trade off btween size and quality05:56
MindlessDreamSo, will I be able to determine the running speed if I don't remove Ubuntu gnome completely?05:56
LukeNukemdr_willis, Software center05:57
dr_willisMindlessDream:  if you boot to the lubuntu desktop. you are not running 'gnome' really05:57
MindlessDreamI want to change to Lubuntu now, do I just install it from their site?05:57
bobo37773trip_: try this and reboot again --> sudo dpkg-reconfigure dbus05:57
dr_willisLukeNukem:  check the pacakge details. see what binaries it insalled to what /bin/* dirs perhaps.  launch it via the terminal.05:57
dr_willisMindlessDream:  its in the repos. 'sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop'05:58
LukeNukemits name is Netbeans platform for building rich desktop applications in java05:58
lotuspsychje!info lubuntu-desktop05:58
ubottulubuntu-desktop (source: lubuntu-meta): Lubuntu Desktop environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.28 (oneiric), package size 1 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 powerpc ia64 sparc lpia armel)05:58
goddarderfolg: i thought mac didn't use Flash05:58
dr_willisMindlessDream:  unless you want to totally reinstall.05:58
dr_willisgoddard:  ipads and phones dont.. os-x can.05:58
goddarddr_willis: mp4 plays on mac and smart phones and stuff?05:58
dr_willisgoddard:  yes.05:58
goddardah ok05:58
dr_willisMy android phone can play most anything i toss at it.05:58
MindlessDreamwell, is that the better option? (Don't worry about data)05:58
LukeNukemdr_willis, how do i check where it is installed05:58
erfolggoddard, are you trying to put it into a website or something?05:58
goddarderfolg: just portability05:59
trip_bobo37773: its telling me to start it, should i reboot first then startdbus?05:59
lotuspsychjesome workarounds exist for flash on ipad, but thats gonna b offtopic :p05:59
goddarderfolg: rather have 1 video then 1 in 20 formats05:59
dr_willisLukeNukem:  use the pacakge manager tool. check the package details.  ive neer used netbeans so no idwa what the binary would be called. may be 'netbeans' for all i know. :)05:59
bobo37773trip_: Just restart it. sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart05:59
GCircleEclipse is very similar to netbeans06:00
erfolggoddard, i mean if you're going for something web-based it's easy to put html code in to switch what comes up depending on browser.06:00
erfolggoddard, since ios doesn't support flash06:00
LukeNukemdr_willis, what do you use06:00
dr_willisgoddard:  for uploading to my phone. i always convert.. pointless to have a 1gb movie that would play the same on the phone if i converted it to a lower res. :)06:00
dr_willisLukeNukem:  i dont code.06:01
trip_bobo37773: terminal said command not found06:01
erfolgLukeNukem, open up a terminal and type which netbeans06:01
dr_willisI perfer baked beans over net beans..06:01
lotuspsychjeerfolg: there are apps that do support flash for ios06:02
bobo37773trip_: just reboot06:02
LukeNukemerfolg, i should type 'which netbeans' into termina06:02
erfolglotuspsychje, yeah but he wants universal support by default06:02
erfolgLukeNukem, yep06:02
lotuspsychje!info netbeans06:02
ubottuPackage netbeans does not exist in oneiric06:02
LukeNukemerfolg, nothing happens06:03
MindlessDreamCan anyone please 1v1 chat with me? Too confusing here :/06:03
dr_willisMindlessDream:  'sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop' is confuseing ?06:03
wifioregonI had to go back to 10.04 because of so many problems with the newer kernels.  What is safe to update and what is not? I dont want a new kernel...06:03
pksadiq!find netbeans06:03
ubottuFound: libnetbeans-cvsclient-java06:03
lotuspsychjepksadiq: cool trigger tnx06:04
LukeNukemleave netbeans, whats a good text editor so i can program in php, html, css?06:04
MindlessDreamThen what?06:04
erfolgLukeNukem, idk what the name of the binary is. it should be listed in your unity applications though06:04
=== DaZ_ is now known as DaZ
dr_willissome times the menus dont get refreshed untill a delay. or a log out/back in06:04
dr_willisbinary name seems to be 'netbeans'06:05
lotuspsychjeMindlessDream: after install, logout and login to lubuntu-desktop06:05
erfolgls /usr/bin | grep netbeans06:06
erfolgor ls /usr/bin | grep nb06:06
MindlessDreamokay thanks :)06:06
yourfriendisaacbobo37773 reseting the ibus did work -- It reset everything including my graphics and when I rebooted I found myself not using compiz anymore but that is an easy fix. Thanks lol :)06:06
MindlessDreamI'll see if it's faster.06:06
chelzdanes: tar cf foo.tar.gz foo/06:07
MindlessDreamoh by the way, does this install take around 10mins or so?06:07
dr_willisdepends on your download speeds and system specs06:07
MindlessDreamalright cool06:07
lotuspsychjehowto fix a corrupt mouse pointer in unity (square-like corrupt icon), it only leaves after another reboot?06:08
chelzdanes: er06:08
LukeNukemerfolg, unity applications? how do i check, i checked in dash home :\06:08
chelzdanes: tar czf foo.tar.gz foo/06:08
trip_bobo37773: hey, still getting "not present"06:08
erfolgLukeNukem, that's what i meant06:08
LukeNukemyeah it ain there06:08
LukeNukemsame issue here but i cant understand http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76431806:08
dr_willislotuspsychje:  you could restart the X server. but thats almost the same as a reboot since it closes out all your apps..06:08
chelzdanes: right, -p also06:08
bobo37773trip_: Out of ideas. Not sure what else to tell you06:08
LukeNukemone user says its in the home folder, what if its installed with sudo? where does it go to?06:08
bobo37773yourfriendisaac: Out of ideas. Not sure what else to tell you06:09
LukeNukemand how does software center install it?06:09
lotuspsychjedr_willis: would that perm fix the problem?06:09
dr_willisLukeNukem:  you always install stuff from the package manager via sudo/as root.06:09
lotuspsychjedr_willis: cause next boot after that it corrupts the mouse icon again06:09
trip_bobo37773: thanks for all the help though :)06:09
bobo37773yourfriendisaac: Time for a clean install I guess.06:09
dr_willislotuspsychje:  restarting X server would not be a perm fix.06:09
yourfriendisaacbobo37773 reseting the ibus did work it's okay06:09
dr_willislotuspsychje:  sounds like a driver issue.06:09
bobo37773trip_: Your welcome . Sorry I could not be of more help06:10
bobo37773take care everyone later06:10
trip_bobo37773: sa'll good, im thinking i got a dead battery.06:10
dr_willislotuspsychje:  there might be some  xorg.conf options that might help it. but id have to say check the forums and askubuntu.com for your exact video card/drivers06:10
lotuspsychjedr_willis: all drivers have been installed correctly, i had this problem on a few diff computers06:10
dr_willislotuspsychje:  just because they installed correctly dosent mean they dont have bugs. :)06:10
bobo37773trip_: Nope. I am sure that is not what it is. Because it would still show up even if it was messed up06:11
LukeNukemwell i am now downloading it manually now and will install :\06:11
dr_willisUnity works fine here with my fglrx drivers.. but gnome-shell is basiclly unuseable due to the bugs.06:11
dr_willisLukeNukem:  you did try a simple 'netbeans' from the terminal?06:11
LukeNukemalso i will uninstall it on software manager but when i click install again it just installs without downloading the 48 mb again..why is this dr_willis , is the setup store the setup file?06:11
LukeNukemyeah i did06:12
dr_willisLukeNukem:   /var/cache/apt/ has all the downloads cached.06:12
LukeNukemso i dont want the cache :|06:12
priteLukeNukem: sudo apt-get install --reinstall netbeans06:12
lotuspsychjedr_willis: i readed some ppl made a new xorg file to fix this mouse icon problem06:12
dr_willisthe software center always uses the cached or redownloads it from the repos.06:13
LukeNukemoops sorry06:13
LukeNukemE: Unable to locate package netbeans06:13
dr_willisall i know on netbeans is here -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Netbeans   :)06:14
priteLukeNukem: sudo apt-get install --reinstall libnb-platform12-java06:14
pritethe reason why you get "E: Unable to locate package netbeans" is probably because your package list is too old06:15
mindlessdream"Configuring lxdm"...default display manager: gdm, lightdm and lxdm06:15
LukeNukemok its installed...06:15
mindlessdreamwhat do those mean?06:15
dr_willismindlessdream:  those are alternative login managers06:15
mindlessdreamuse the default "lightdm" that is selected?06:15
dr_willisLukeNukem:  try running 'netbeans'06:15
mindlessdreamno idea what they mean...06:15
LukeNukemcomand not found06:15
dr_willismindlessdream:  use whateve one you want they are just the login screen06:16
mindlessdreamoh okay06:16
priteLukeNukem: your Package Lists are too old then06:16
pritedo this:06:16
pritesudo apt-get update06:16
priteAfter it finishes:06:16
pritesudo apt-get install --reinstall netbeans06:16
LukeNukemman the update is like a lot of size06:16
dr_willisLukeNukem:  try a 'sudo updatedb' then a 'locate netbeans'  see if theres some   /bin/netbeans   to see where it isnalled the binaries to perhaps.06:16
ogexhello, how to activate wifi rtl8192seva on ubuntu with 3.0.1 kernel ?06:16
LukeNukemi dont hae speed06:16
dr_willisweekly updates are a good idea. :)06:17
lotuspsychjeprite: what you using for the tornetwork?06:17
LukeNukemmy internet is 256kbps06:17
erfolgyour internet is 256kbs down?06:17
pksadiqdr_willis: weekly ??? I have not updated since 2010 december06:17
pritelotuspsychje: I'm using plain simple tor and Vidalia from some repository by torproject themselves06:17
zhownxogex: ifup wlan0 ?06:18
lotuspsychjeprite: tnx mate06:18
ogexzhownx, wlan0 exist but cannot scan06:18
ogexiwconfig look wlan0 is there, but cannot scan06:18
LukeNukemdr_willis, ok its under usr/share/netbeans06:18
dr_willisLukeNukem:  there may be a /usr/share/netbeans/bin  dir06:19
LukeNukemdr_willis, nope06:19
dr_willisthe site  i gave mentions 6.9 being removed from the repos..  and how to install the 7.x version from their site.06:20
LukeNukemdr_willis, here http://gyazo.com/a792ce6bfb9fc2f05b4ae393d08a20c806:20
lotuspsychje!info vidalia06:20
ubottuvidalia (source: vidalia): controller GUI for Tor. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.2.12-2 (oneiric), package size 2569 kB, installed size 5464 kB06:20
zhownxogex: iwlist wlan0 scan?06:21
dr_willisif you truely want the latest netbeans id say follow the askubuntu.com directions and install it to your users home/whatteer/netbeans dir06:21
priteLukeNukem: http://askubuntu.com/questions/75549/how-do-i-install-netbeans06:22
LukeNukemalso how the fire in hell do i customize dock? i did that unity thingie nothing happend06:22
dr_willisshort history buffer? :)06:22
dr_willisLukeNukem:  its not called the dock :)06:22
ogexzhownx, : wlan0     No can result06:22
dr_willisLukeNukem:  and you can use the ccsm tool to tweak it to some degree06:22
K-Richgrrrrrr twice now...... does anyone know the location for the sticky notes applet data file in gnome 2 ?06:22
ogexzhownx, : wlan0     No scan result06:22
LukeNukemdr_willis, ok o what it called, and how do i launc this ccsm tool06:23
dr_willisLukeNukem:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/10228/whats-the-right-terminology-for-unitys-ui-elements06:23
dr_willis!ccsm | LukeNukem06:23
ubottuLukeNukem: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz06:23
lotuspsychje!info compiz-config-manager | LukeNukem06:23
ubottuLukeNukem: Package compiz-config-manager does not exist in oneiric06:23
zhownxogex, so there isnt any available wifi :D06:23
StereocaulonAfter the latest updates, cdemu seems broken with some sily message that it's dependent on bash >= 3.006:23
lotuspsychjeright :p06:23
LukeNukemum terminal is installing it o.o06:24
dr_willisLukeNukem:  http://castrojo.tumblr.com/post/4795149014/the-power-users-guide-to-unity06:24
ogexzhownx, no another laptop can scan, i think kernel 3.0.1 on ubuntu still not support for realtek rtl8192seva06:24
prite!info compizconfig-settings-manager | lotuspsychje06:24
ubottulotuspsychje: compizconfig-settings-manager (source: compizconfig-settings-manager): Compiz configuration settings manager. In component universe, is extra. Version (oneiric), package size 1180 kB, installed size 5780 kB06:24
LukeNukemok the launcher...06:25
ogexi'm looking for to fix it06:25
dr_willisand lets not forget the ever popular    http://www.webupd8.org/2011/10/things-to-tweak-after-installing-ubuntu.html  LukeNukem06:25
LukeNukemalso i downloaded a theme, how would i install it?06:25
dr_willisa them for what exactly?06:25
LukeNukema theme for ubuntu06:25
dr_willisUbuntu dosent have themes... gnome/gdk/kde/other apps have themes06:25
zhownxogex: your wifi hw not detected then, right?06:26
K-Richnm found it, ~/.gnome2/stickynotes_applet06:26
LukeNukemum one second06:26
dr_williswebupd8 blog site has info on settng up various themes for gnome shell and unity.06:26
zhownxogex: I meant the hardware?06:26
GneaSo, I've decided to finally make the plunge to 10.1006:26
LukeNukemdr_willis, http://www.ubuntuthemes.org/divergence-iv-a-new-hope.html06:27
ogexzhownx, yeah,06:27
lotuspsychjedr_willis: interesting link06:27
LukeNukemyeah for GNOMNE06:27
dr_willisLukeNukem:  gnome-shell you mean?06:27
ubottuAMD64 and Intel 64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions#AMD64_Processors and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.06:27
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto06:27
LukeNukemdr_willis, whatever GUI ubuntu is running :D, i think its Gnome shell06:27
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dr_willisLukeNukem:  that 'theme' is a rather complex script that does a lot of things you most likely will have a hard time reverseing.. i suggest  sticking to the normal unity for now06:28
LukeNukemdr_willis, is it possible to change the splash screen, mine is messed up06:28
dr_willisi always disable the splash.06:29
mindlessdream"Processing triggers for python-support"...looks done?06:30
dr_willisLukeNukem:  if you insist on using that  new-hope thing.. see http://www.webupd8.org/2010/10/try-something-different-divergence-iv.html  but read the docs06:30
LukeNukemit looked sexy so i thought id give it a shot, i'll see how complex it is and decide =)06:31
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dr_willisits not worth the effort from what ive read.06:31
LukeNukembut as always PERFORMANCE OVER LOOKS06:31
dr_willisthers dozens of other themes in the repos and webupd8 site pps for unity/gnome-shell/gtk306:31
daneswhat would be the root path for a lamp server? If I install the lamp package, where can I find the root folder where I need to place my page?06:31
LukeNukemdanes, /var/www is where the page fiels should go06:32
lotuspsychje!lamp | danes06:32
ubottudanes: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)06:32
pksadiqdanes:  If you mean apache, it might be at /var/www06:32
LukeNukemit is at /var/www06:33
ubottusquid is a caching proxy for the Web.  See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SquidGuard  See: http://www.squid-cache.org06:34
LukeNukemdr_willis, are there themes that look as good as Divergence06:34
pritedanes: If you install the lampp package from apachefriends.org it can be installed anywhere you like.06:34
dr_willisLukeNukem:  its all realtive.06:34
pritedanes: generally installed at /opt/lampp06:34
LukeNukemdr_willis, in the link i gave you divergence looks good but in the link you gave me it looks crap. so i wont install it ;)06:34
pritedanes: place your site at /opt/lampp/htdocs/06:34
LukeNukemits at /var/www for me06:35
LukeNukemdr_willis, ok ive installed compiz manager, now what06:36
LukeNukemok launched it06:36
dr_willisunity plugin has settings for the variouns unity tweaks.. webupd8 blog site has guides on other tweaks06:37
dr_willisand lets not forget the ever popular    http://www.webupd8.org/2011/10/things-to-tweak-after-installing-ubuntu.html  LukeNukem06:37
dr_willisdont go crazy in ccsm.. it can break unity :)06:37
dr_willishow to reset it all back to defaults (Bookmark this url) ---> http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/how-to-reset-unity-launcher-icons-or.html06:38
daneshow can I use the find command where lowercase or upper case can be mixed as well as wildcards such as *?06:38
LukeNukemis my desktop unity or GNOME ?06:38
LukeNukemits confusing me..06:38
dr_willisUnity is a shell on top of gnome06:39
dr_willisgnome-0shell is a shell on top of gnome...06:39
ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity06:39
LukeNukemi have ccsm, how do i customize launcher06:39
dr_willisin the unity plugin in ccsm06:39
pksadiqdanes: find ./ -iname  \*.txt  ?06:40
dr_willistheres also some 3rd party tools like myunity and gnome-tweak-tool06:40
LukeNukemthere is no option like unity inside ccsm06:40
LukeNukemdo i need to install?06:40
LukeNukemim install gnome tweak tool06:40
dr_willisLukeNukem:  what release of ubuntu are you using?06:41
dr_willisif you are using unity. then id say look again...06:41
LukeNukemidk if im using unity..this is a new install.06:41
dr_willisUnity is the default for 11.1006:41
LukeNukemooh found it06:41
danespksadiq, thanks06:42
dr_willisccsm has  a search/filter feature :)06:42
goddardwhy is most ubuntu certified laptops dell?06:42
dr_willisbecause dell put forth the effort to get certified.. whatever that 'really' means these days :)06:43
Gneagoddard: because Dell decided to use Ubuntu when it started selling laptops with linux on them again06:43
Egbert9e9ran out of disk space and now i have files saying "No such file or directory" or "Input/output error". I use ecryptfs for my home directory.06:43
dr_willisDell is sellin them again? I thought they had stopped.06:43
Gneadr_willis: they did06:44
Egbert9e9found this but there's no real solution https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ecryptfs-utils/+bug/37201406:44
ubottuUbuntu bug 509180 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) "duplicate for #372014 ecryptfs sometimes seems to add trailing garbage to encrypted files" [Undecided,Incomplete]06:44
LukeNukemdr_willis, changes aren't happening06:44
dr_willisapply changes. log out/back in perhaps.06:45
dr_willisall i change is the  auto hide. and the size of the icons06:45
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:49
LukeNukemdr_willis, woot, btw what is urgent animation, how can i test it06:50
al-tabqi need a bit more help with sed/xargs, i have latex files in subfolders. i want to change certain lines to comments to be able to typeset (because of missing input files from an older version). i want to use sed for this. tried : " find . -type f -iname \*.tex|xargs sed -i 's/\includegraphics/%includegraphics/' "06:50
dr_willisLukeNukem:  its what the icon does  in the launcher when  a program triggers an alert i think06:50
dr_willisMy Lovely Desktop... http://imagebin.org/19615806:51
LukeNukemdr_willis, ok im gonna go to desktop and it 10 seconds you tag me and send a message in irc...soo i can test it ok06:51
LukeNukemdr_willis, you did not do it -_-06:52
dr_willisdo what?06:52
LukeNukemyou write my name and send me a message in 10 seconds like i did now.. dr_willis06:53
* dr_willis is in and out of chat all day long.06:53
al-tabqthe find part is fine, but the sed/xargs part doesn't work, i'm doing smt wrong here (find . -type f -iname \*.tex|xargs sed -i 's/\includegraphics/%includegraphics/' *)06:53
dr_willisirc client may or may not support the feature :) Mine has msgs as part of the notify osd at the top right.06:53
pksadiqal-tabq: may be ..../\%include.... sorry not known to sed much06:54
al-tabqpksadiq the %  is latex for comments..that's why i want it in front of the line06:55
LukeNukemdr_willis, you did it before, like just write my name in the begging like 'LukeNukem: test message'06:55
dr_willisLukeNukem:  moo!06:55
dr_willishappy now? :)06:55
lotuspsychje!it | chia06:56
ubottuchia: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)06:56
dr_willisLukeNukem:  moo some more!06:56
LukeNukemok once more06:56
dr_willisLukeNukem:  some people spend way to much time playing with eyecandy.... :)06:57
LukeNukemdamn it, xchat did not notify me..06:57
lotuspsychjei like xchat transparancy06:57
priteLukeNukem: have you told XChat to notify you?06:57
dr_willisxchat has plugins and other scripts for that sort of feature06:57
LukeNukemPricey, it used to happen before06:57
LukeNukemlike just a while ago it happend06:58
SilpelitIs xchat the way to go then? I'm having difficulty finding a client that people are praising06:58
SilpelitNot that they're praising xchat much...06:59
lotuspsychjei love it06:59
lotuspsychjeirssi is nice too06:59
razorfishxchat is bomb06:59
kaenxchat ftw06:59
kaenused it for like 5 years now06:59
razorfishchat through telnet07:00
pritelotuspsychje: what transparency u mean?07:00
maslenIs it possible to mount a partition without being root?07:00
lotuspsychjeprite: transparant xchat so you can see your desktop wallpaper07:00
kaenthere's a patch for honest to god transparency, too07:00
lotuspsychjekaen: what does it do?07:01
razorfishi always compile xchat with this patch07:01
kaengives xchat real transparency. Instead of the fake 'only see your wallpaper' type07:01
pritelotuspsychje: the one Compiz provides? As in any window's transparency can be adjusted by Alt+Mouse Scroll ??07:01
kaenrazorfish, you're a boss07:01
razorfishso it shows true transparency instead of fake transparency07:01
lotuspsychjeprite: no just transparancy from xchat settings07:02
bobofosho123hello everyone, I have a cr-48 notebook that I've installed ubuntu on...I'm having some issues with the touchpad regarding multitouch gesture...could someone help me?07:02
lotuspsychjekaen: sounds nice got a screen on that>?07:02
razorfishxchat with real transparency^07:02
kaenI can't compete with you, razorfish ._.07:02
pritelotuspsychje: Can you guide me to it. (new user, can't find. hehe)07:03
razorfishkaen: whys that lol07:03
al-tabqanyone who is handy with sed here?07:03
bobofosho123could someone help me please?07:03
bobofosho123with the aforementioned question above07:03
Ben64al-tabq: you might want to explain what you're trying to do07:03
lotuspsychjerazorfish: cewl looks nice07:03
kaenyou have all the links I tried to find, but faster.07:03
lotuspsychjeprite: did you install xchat?07:04
pritelotuspsychje: I am using it right now07:04
jmoreira81does anyone know how to enable phpmyadmin to accept a remote connection on ubuntu?07:04
al-tabqBen64 make this work (find . -type f -iname \*.tex|xargs sed -i 's/\includegraphics/%includegraphics/' *) to change all \includegraphics arguemnts in all latex-subdocuments to comments (%\includegraphics)07:04
lotuspsychjeprite:just goto settings: background transparancy07:04
Ben64al-tabq: thats not very clear, what do you mean07:05
razorfishkaen: only because I keep it on my own servers because stuff always gets lost on my desktops :P07:05
pritelotuspsychje: must be a script/plugin. All I have is Setiings: Preferences, and Settings: Advanced. No Background transparency in there07:05
bobofosho123hey everyone, I just installed ubuntu on my cr-48 chromebook and I'm having some issues with the touchpad. I'm able to use two-finger vertical and horizontal scrolling but I'm unable to use a lot of other multitouch gestures, could someone help me please?07:05
kaenpreferences -> interface -> text box07:06
bobofosho123for example I'm unable to use the click and drag gesture07:06
al-tabqBen64 i have many subfolders, all including latex documents. in those documents there are lines with \includegraphics , which i want to change to %\includegraphics so that latex will ommit them (the files don't exist). hence the find . -type f -iname \*.tex|xargs sed -i 's/\includegraphics/%includegraphics/' * to replace it07:06
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* bobofosho123 is beginning to miss the simplicity of windows07:07
prince_jammysal-tabq: find . -type f -iname '*.tex' -exec sed -i 's/\\includegraphics/%&/' {} +    # after backing up.07:07
priteprince_jammys: u missed the global flag in sed07:07
priteal-tabq: find . -type f -iname '*.tex' -exec sed -i 's/\\includegraphics/%&/g' {} +    # after backing up.07:08
prince_jammyshe didn't say global. if anything, i assume ^\\includegraphics.07:08
bobofosho123I'm sorry to troll here, but would someone mind helping me?07:08
lotuspsychjeprite: like kaen says text box, highlight tranparant background07:08
Stereocaulon!patience | bobofosho12307:08
ubottubobofosho123: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/07:08
kaenI helped _o/07:09
bobofosho123already did07:09
al-tabqprite, prince_jammys error with "sed: 1: "./argentina/argentina.tex": invalid command code .07:09
Ben64prince_jammys: what is the & for in sed07:09
dr_willisthe # of people in here using a cr-48 is most likely very low. :) there may  be forum threads or askubuntu.com threads on it07:10
prince_jammysBen64: "whatever matched on the left side of s/ //"07:10
malac0daI have a strange problem07:10
Ben64prince_jammys: then how come in your example it replaces the \07:10
bobofosho123well it's a driver issue I believe, I've looked at alot of stuff online...but everything applies to older versions of ubuntu07:11
prince_jammysBen64: i don't understand.07:11
lotuspsychje!ask | malac0da07:11
ubottumalac0da: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:11
Ben64prince_jammys: echo "\includegraphics" | sed 's/\\includegraphics/%includegraphics/'07:11
malac0daafter attempting to updating 12.04 I lost my whole /var folder07:11
bobofosho123like I said most of the stuff works, it's just that for some reason ubuntu doesn't seem to like multitouch touchpads07:11
Ben64prince_jammys: err... nvm07:11
Ben64prince_jammys: i messed up07:11
prince_jammysBen64: :)07:11
pritebobofosho123: have you tried http://cr-48.wikispaces.com/Fix+Touchpad+in+Ubuntu07:12
Stereocaulonmalac0da, you *do* have a backup, don't you?07:12
malac0daprobably not because I didnt specifically make one. It isnt an install I normally use. I am on 10.04 right now and a windows 7 I use normally07:13
jmoreira81this channel is useless.. no one helps anyone07:13
prince_jammysal-tabq: what OS are you running this on?07:13
Stereocaulon!patience | jmoreira8107:13
ubottujmoreira81: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/07:13
malac0daWould I be able to copy the folder from this install?07:13
al-tabqprince_jammys have to be on osx at work07:14
prince_jammysal-tabq: aha07:14
priteal-tabq: see http://alexle.net/archives/tag/invalid-command-code07:14
prince_jammysal-tabq: sed's -i option is nonstandard. i'd use perl instead.07:14
Stereocaulonmalac0da, no, you would not, although missing files in /var are less critical then a missing /etc, you will still nedd /var for logging and spooling things as well as for e-mail of course.07:14
prince_jammysal-tabq: something *like* (i don't recall) perl -i -pe 's/.....07:15
bullgard4What is understood by "The Ubuntu-mono Archives"? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-mono/07:15
malac0daWell it starts to boot ubuntu flashes once then the screen just flickers07:15
prince_jammysal-tabq: ask the folks at #perl and replace the sed command with their advice. Avoid sed -i if you need portability.07:15
malac0daNvm it isnt completely empty07:16
Stereocaulonmalac0da, since this is probably an Alpha you are testing, why don't you file a bug?07:16
al-tabqprince_jammys it worked with the double quote07:16
Stereocaulonmalac0da, ok, that's promising, what is left?07:16
prince_jammysal-tabq: osx's sed -i likely expects the name of a backup file following the -i option, it's not the same as GNU sed.07:17
Stereocaulon!posix | al-tabq07:17
al-tabqprince_jammys well it's always good to backup when using sed i guess07:17
malac0dacache, crash, lib, local, log, mail, opt, spool, tmp07:18
prince_jammysal-tabq: yeah, but there are probabl other issues now. the find command i gave passes multiple files at once. See ''man sed'' in your OSX box to check.07:18
malac0dai tried following that cuz i was getting similar errors when trying to just start gdm and such07:18
Stereocaulonalt-tabq, I'm surprised that ubottu doesn't know anything about posix, but it's a standard which is critical for cross-compatibility between *nix systems07:18
AerosonicHey guys, I have a dualscreen laptop, and when I enable the 'use both displays' mode, my mouse's horizontal sensitivity is much greater than vertical. What's the problem with that?07:19
AerosonicLatest and greatest Ubuntu 11.1007:19
curiousxi agree07:19
prince_jammysal-tabq: (the perl command isn't POSIX, but it should be portable if perl is installed, which it should be on an OSX system)07:19
curiousxi am so haooy with my ubuntu 11.10 =)07:19
theadminStereocaulon: If you want, you can teach ubottu new things like this, in a private message session: !factoid is <reply> blah blah blah07:19
prince_jammysthe POSIX way might be with ed07:19
theadminStereocaulon: It will then be forwarded to #ubuntu-ops for discussion07:20
Aerosoniccurfont: I prefer Arch to Ubuntu, but hardware incompatibility is a bitch.07:20
al-tabqprince_jammys it is, will look into it for future reference07:20
Stereocaulontheadmin, allright, so that's how the ubottu DB got so big. Nice feature, thanks for telling me!07:20
al-tabqal-tabq would the same not be possible with zsh as well?07:20
AerosonicPosting again: I have a dualscreen laptop, and when I enable the dualscreen mode, my mouse's horizontal sensitivity becomes much greater than vertical. I'm using Ubuntu 11.10.07:20
al-tabqprince_jammys would the same not be possible with zsh as well?07:21
razorfishos[daniel@rarity, Linux 3.3.0-rc1-dickriderjoah x86_64]07:21
razorfish#1 kernel07:21
al-tabqstupid nick completion..07:21
razorfishhold up07:21
razorfishwhats wrong with zsh07:21
prince_jammysal-tabq: zsh is really not portable, though i don't know what you mean.07:21
razorfishI use it on all my systems07:21
prince_jammysnothing is wrong with zsh ... except when he wants something that's gonna work across OS's07:22
al-tabqat least across unix07:22
prince_jammyscan't really count on zsh being there.07:22
Stereocaulonmalac0da, a quick comparision reveals backups, lock, packages, run, (games) to be missing...07:22
Stereocaulonmalac0da, games is of course far from critical here ;-)07:23
malac0dathe run is what I was worried about because in that site i posted it says about moving and copying that folder which07:23
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malac0daWell..I guess I will be doing a reinstall of it07:25
Stereocaulonhmm, it seems that both run and lock are in fact symlinks to subdirs of the /root FS, so that leaves us with backups (does probably not exist on a new system before the first backup and packages.07:25
Stereocaulonmalac0da, yes, but before you do, please file a bug, this kind of info is of great importance to the stability of the future release.07:26
AerosonicPosting again: I have a dualscreen laptop, and when I enable the dualscreen mode, my mouse's horizontal sensitivity becomes much greater than vertical. I'm using Ubuntu 11.10. Help, please.07:26
malac0daI wouldn't even know where to begin...I wasnt really watching while it was updating or anything either07:27
malac0dawhere would I go to do it07:27
dr_willisAerosonic:  you could state what your video chipset is.  and what  drivers you are using.  ive never seen that issue07:27
Aerosonicdr_willis: ATI Radeon HD 3200, stock drivers.07:27
Aerosonicdr_willis: I doubt it's something with the drivers.07:28
malac0daI always have problems with my ati card and linux07:28
StereocaulonFor people running into problems with ibus, check if all other input method systems have been deinstalled. Ibus does not seem to like competition ;-)07:28
bobofosho123anyone know where I can find a downloadable version of synaptics gesture suite for linux?07:28
AerosonicSeems to be touchpad drivers.07:28
dr_willisAerosonic:  given what ive seen with ati drivers.. its very likely is some quirk of th drivers.. but i only have one ati system and i dont use dual monitors with it.07:29
AerosonicA secondary mouse on the laptop doesn't show the problems07:29
AerosonicGiven that the malfunctioning mouse is synaptics... Something is strange.07:29
dr_willisid say check the forums and askubuntu.com   You mean the touchpad acts differntly? or you are using 2 mice?07:30
bullgard4What is understood by "The Ubuntu-mono Archives"? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-mono/07:30
Aerosonicdr_willis: Both mice are built in, the touchpad is acting up, the gesture mouse is working normally07:30
dr_willisnot sure how you build in a 'mouse'  or what a 'gesture mouse' is.07:31
celltechVirtualBox, Extensions enabled, Windows XP Pro, Ubuntu 11.10, iPhone NOT being recognized07:31
Aerosonicdr_willis: Mice that is up in front of the screen, you manipulate it by moving your fingers in front of it07:32
malac0daJust to make a point about ATI and linux...I closed catalyst and it logged me out...07:32
Pepp-elitoHi I have made a bash script executable, but i can not add it directly to "docky", but if i first add the script to panel, and when drag the panel-created application to docky it works. So my question is, how can i set the same properties done when adding to panel directly to the script file?07:32
Aerosonicdr_willis: A laser sensor07:32
dr_willislasers are for killing! :)07:32
StereocaulonSorry for that single 'y' I was performing a VBox install parallel to chatting ;-)07:32
AerosonicUbuntu sucks07:32
juhowhere is the first-person shooter games for Ubuntu07:33
AerosonicThis never happens on Arch07:33
dr_willisPepp-elito:  you may wan tot make an actual .desktop file launcher for your script.07:33
AerosonicBut due to horrid hardware issues I have to use Ubuntu07:33
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Chuck_NorrisAerosonic: you sucks07:33
dr_willisway to butter people up :)07:33
AerosonicChuck_Norris: Given the proper device, I will.07:33
* dr_willis goes back to making cookies.07:34
StereocaulonAerosonic,  Chuck_Norris, Let's  keep things civil, right?07:34
Chuck_NorrisStereocaulon: ok07:34
StereocaulonAerosonic, did you already try another distro, apart from Arch or Ubuntu? The problem might lie upstream rather then being tied to a specific distro.07:35
dr_willisnever mind.. :O07:36
bazhangStereocaulon, he's gone07:36
* dr_willis still wonders how you click a gesture-mouse07:36
Stereocaulonbazhang, Well he did not have much patience...07:36
Pepp-elitodr_willis, probably, but i don't know how. The point is that i don' want the same a "application" visible in several places on the desktop. I only wan't a single script-file that i can drag to docky ( or script-file and an desktop file, but in this case i want the desktop file in a patth i decide). Is the possible?07:36
celltechWow... How do I access the vboxusers group to add myself too07:37
dr_willisPepp-elito:  keep your scripts in some dir in your path. like ~/bin or /opt/bin  and copy/edit the existing .desktop launcher files to make your own.07:37
dr_willissome tools to help   http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-create-desktop-launchers-in-ubuntu-11-10oneiric.html07:38
Pepp-elitodr_willis, i see07:39
Pepp-elitodr_willis, thanks07:39
Evilkiss1help me07:39
dr_willissimiler info    http://shuffleos.com/3274/how-to-create-desktop-launchers-in-ubuntu-11-10-oneiric-ocelot/07:40
dr_willisEvilkiss1:  state the issue07:40
Stereocauloncelltech, you can use this: sudo useradd -G vboxusers <your own username>07:40
Evilkiss1I don't understand this issue...always I login to pidgin, I have this number 1 after my nick07:40
FlannelStereocaulon, celltech: NO, DONT DO THAT07:40
Evilkiss1but i has registered for nick Evilkiss07:40
StereocaulonFlannel, why not?07:40
dr_willisEvilkiss1:  perhaps ask in #freenode07:41
FlannelStereocaulon, celltech: Because you forgot the -a, which means he'll blow away all his secondary groups.07:41
Flannelcelltech, Stereocaulon: user `sudo adduser username vboxusers` instead, it's much safer.07:41
StereocaulonFlannel, you are so right, thanks for spotting this07:41
Flanneler, use, not user.07:41
Pepp-elitodr_willis, do you know how i restart the windowmanager, like metacity and/or compiz in ubuntu 10.10?((commandline)07:42
bullgard4What is understood by "The Ubuntu-mono Archives"? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-mono/07:42
pritePepp-elito: <windowmanager> --replace07:42
dr_willisbullgard4:  its not clear what you are asking.07:42
Stereocaulongrabbing a bite, will be back a little later...07:43
prince_jammyslooks like an archive of bug reports related to mono.07:43
dr_willisbullgard4:  the url sounds like a archive of the ubuntu mono mailing list07:43
=== Stereocaulon is now known as Stereocaulon_ofl
bullgard4dr_willis: Can you tell me what "The Ubuntu-mono Archives" are? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-mono/07:43
prince_jammys"Mailing list for packaging Mono and related applications for Ubuntu.07:44
dr_willismailing list - alterantive to forum/newsgroups07:44
dr_willisso its an archive of everyones discussion from the mailing-lists07:44
bullgard4dr_willis: What association is "the ubuntu mono" so that there is a "ubuntu mono mailing list"?07:45
Flannelbullgard4: Please take this to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks.07:45
dr_willisits a grup of developers  that are focused on packaing mono in ubuntu sounds like..07:45
Pepp-elitoprite, how can i check which windowmanager is active?07:45
bullgard4Flannel: Why can I not ask this question here? I am asking about Ubuntu don't I?07:46
dr_willistheres most likely a ubuntu kernel mailing list and other lists focusing on specific ubuntu areas07:46
pritetry `ps ax | grep <windowmanager>` to see if the <windowmanager> is running. Generally: if Desktop Effects are flashy, it's probably compiz. If Desktop Effects suck, it's probably metacity07:46
Flannelbullgard4: Helping you understand english isn't Ubuntu technical support; it belongs in #ubuntu-offtopic.  You've asked these things in there forever anyway, I don't know why you switched over to asking in #ubuntu.07:47
pritePepp-elito: or, this command will do: wmctrl -m | grep "Name" | cut -c7-07:48
SilpelitNoob question, but I just downloaded a driver from https://www.archlinux.org/packages/extra/i686/xf86-input-synaptics/07:49
lotuspsychjecan one prevent malicious services from an usb stick to spread on ubuntu07:49
SilpelitIt's downloaded, I'm looking at the file, how do I get synaptic package manager to open it?07:49
dr_willisSilpelit:  most likely - you dont.  Unless someone made a .deb of it.07:50
dr_williseven then . drivers are normally compiled for a specific kernel07:50
pigetasome one can show me how extract a multiarchive zip (file.z1,file.z2 ecc.) with 7zip from terminal please?07:50
dr_willislotuspsychje:  malicious services? never seen one of those.. never sene a way for a usb stick to 'infect' a linux machine either.07:50
dr_willispigeta:  i tend to cheat and use the 'unp' command.07:51
bobofosho123anyone here know how to get a gobi 2000 chip working on a cr-48 chromebook?07:51
Chuck_Norrislotuspsychje: dont warry abour your usb using ubuntu07:51
dr_willispigeta:  normally one just extracts the frst file and it finds the rest.07:51
dr_willis!info unp07:51
ubottuunp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0~pre7 (oneiric), package size 13 kB, installed size 124 kB07:51
Pepp-elitoprite, thanks now i have created a nice simple script which disables compositing when starting xbmc and enables it again on exit. No video tearing in xbmc any more and the only cost is a small ficker when exiting xbmc =)07:51
lotuspsychjedr_willis: are you sure botnet worms can't spread on ubuntu?07:51
dr_willislotuspsychje:  going to be a bit hard for a user to infect the whole system..07:51
dr_willisand theres no 'auto run on insertion' of usb devices that ive seen.07:52
Chuck_Norrislotuspsychje: dont panic dude this is not windows07:52
Chuck_Norrislotuspsychje: Linux != windows07:52
dr_willis'double-click-here-for-porn.sh' dosent really work well in linux ;)07:52
SilpelitI'd bash that.07:53
Chuck_Norrisi agree with dr_willis xD07:53
lotuspsychjedr_willis: there are hardass unix rootkits out there too07:53
pritePepp-elito: just an addition: if you are using ati drivers, video tearing can be handled in the Catalyst Control Center. But still, your script is cooler.07:53
dr_willisPepp-elito:  if you enable the 'vsync' (or whate was it called) feature - i  rarely see tearing.07:53
dr_willisati's control panel calls it 'anti-tear-technology' or some other silly name. :)07:54
dr_willisSilpelit:  if the driver is in the repos.. use the package manager tool to search for and install it.07:54
Pepp-elitoprite,dr_willis. this is actually the only thing that has worked for me running nvidia ion chipset. I have tried every thing i have found on the web, including vsync, undrirect thing in full screen for compiz etc...07:55
dr_willis'wait for vertical refresh'07:55
prince_jammys!info xserver-xorg-input-synaptics | Silpelit07:55
ubottuSilpelit: xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (source: xserver-xorg-input-synaptics): Synaptics TouchPad driver for X.Org server. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4.1-1ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 65 kB, installed size 256 kB07:55
dr_williscould be the cpu/gpu just is lacking in Powar!07:55
lotuspsychjeChuck_Norris: so you dont think usb stick could infect lets say firefox on ubuntu?07:56
prite!ask | Johndoe20507:56
Pepp-elitodr_willis, wait for vertical refrash is this a setting in compiz or xbmc?07:56
ubottuJohndoe205: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:56
prince_jammysSilpelit: you likely have this installed already.07:56
dr_willisPepp-elito:  its a driver setting ive seen it in the nvidia settings tool and  the amd tool.07:56
Chuck_Norrislotuspsychje: there is no way by defoult dude unless you desactive apparmor and others security stuffs07:56
dr_willisThey just all like to call it differnt things07:57
pigetadr_willis : how use  unp for join all files (file.z1,file.z2 ecc) and extract inta a single file?07:57
Johndoe205I have a question regarding bt5 tools. Does it exist for 10.10?07:57
Pepp-elitodr_willis, in nvidia gui-settings or using commandline nvidia-xconfig?07:57
dr_willislotuspsychje:  if the user is running unknown source scripts and binaries..  then from a usb or the net.. wont matter.07:57
dr_willisPepp-elito:  should be in both.07:57
prince_jammyslotuspsychje: if merely plugging in a usb stick can infect your system this way, we're in major trouble.07:57
dr_willislotuspsychje:  worse case hopefully would be the users stuff gets messed with - system stays secure07:58
stjohnmedranogood day, where can i download chromium precise?07:58
lotuspsychjedr_willis: so its not possible to remotely get root on a system on ubuntu?07:58
dr_willisthats sort of a keystone in the linux security model seperation of users and root user.07:58
dr_willislotuspsychje:  theres alwyas servies or other things that may have exploits.. but ive not heard of any in ages07:59
dr_willisthe use of sudo on ubuntu makes it even harder.07:59
theadminstjohnmedrano: apt-get install chromium-browser07:59
stjohnmedranotheadmin: thanx, i'll try it now.08:00
Chuck_Norrisyep, lotuspsychje just dont, run aplication like .run (where nobody can see the code, unless you downloaded it from oficial page like ATIs .run) and run .deb from the oficial repos, or PPAs, and there is no way to crash linux trust me08:00
dr_willispigeta:  id just try 'unp foo.z1'  assuming you have the 7zip binaries installed.08:01
Pepp-elitodr_willis, i can't find it: nvidia-xconfig -A | grep refresh and i don't see it in the UI settings.. :(08:01
dr_willisPepp-elito:  not on an nvidia box so i ant check.08:01
dr_willisi recall seeing it in the nvidia-settings tool08:02
lotuspsychjeChuck_Norris: lets say vnc got an exploit on ubuntu, it would be impossible to take over the system?08:02
Chuck_Norrisi mean its no imposible but there is very very hard to hack linux, even if a noob is using it08:02
Pepp-elitodr_willis, are you running ati zacate?08:02
dr_willisPepp-elito:  got some low end ati in this low end cheap desktop i found on sale.08:02
prince_jammyslotuspsychje: not *impossible*, but with an up-to-date system, unlikely.08:02
Chuck_Norrisi am sure that there is an update for that exploit, show us the CVS08:03
lotuspsychjeprince_jammys: today you are updated, tomorrow there's a new exploit right08:03
dr_willisnot heardof many exploits lately...08:03
dr_willisother then that screen-lock bypass  thing.08:03
stjohnmedranomy next question is, what command to use in removing ppa's from terminal?08:04
dr_willisTheres linux security sites that follow this stuff better.08:04
Pepp-elitodr_willis, okay i was just wondering. zotac has some amd/ati boxes that seems good as htpc. but everyone say that you should not use ati in linux/xbmc. so I'm on nvidia =)08:04
dr_willisPepp-elito:  i would run away from ati. :)08:04
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prince_jammyslotuspsychje: and then there''s a patch, so you update, then they find another exploit, and you install the patch ... one day you die :)08:04
dr_willisthen you get patched..08:05
dr_willisand come back as a zombie process!08:05
lotuspsychjeprince_jammys: lol i will die one day08:05
prince_jammysthen your kids update ...08:05
Pepp-elitodr_willis, okay thanks. My script solution works now anyway, so thats nice =) Thanks alot everyone!08:05
prince_jammysthen there's a new exploit ... you get the idea. Don't worr about it.08:05
lotuspsychjeok so ubuntu is pretty safe08:05
dr_willissecurity is all about layers of protection.08:05
prince_jammysi picked up the "crappy 'y' key" virus.08:06
dr_willisubuntu has quite  few layers. theres some more locked down ubuntu and linux variants out there if you want to be truely paranoid08:06
* dr_willis makes all of prince_jammys 's e on the screen fall down like snow flakes...08:06
lotuspsychjebut sure the whole world has ubuntu servers with rootkits08:06
phpN00bwhat version of gnome does the current version of ubuntu come with?08:07
dr_willisthe world has people running ubuntu servers that fail to understand security basics...08:07
prince_jammyslotuspsychje: do you run a server?08:07
lotuspsychjeprince_jammys: not but i know many get exploited..08:07
prince_jammyslotuspsychje: most desktop users fall prey to trojans. Don't run untrusted code and you'll be ok.08:08
dr_willislatest linux security news :)   http://www.linuxsecurity.com/content/view/156663/187/08:08
prince_jammyslotuspsychje: you worry about it a whole lot more if you run a publicly-facing server.08:09
lotuspsychjeprince_jammys: these days every1 is prey to malicious websites even when not clicking untrusted banners08:09
lotuspsychjedr_willis: tnx for the link08:09
prince_jammysthat'd be a browser exploit, and those get patched quite quickly.08:10
auronandacelotuspsychje: only if you visit malicious websites (with browsers with security flaws)08:10
lotuspsychjelol dr_willis: what a list of holes :p08:11
phpN00bpeople, take tis to #ubuntu-offtopic and help me please08:12
phpN00bwhat version of gnome does the current version of ubuntu come with?08:12
auronandacephpN00b: 3.2 i think08:12
dr_willislotuspsychje:  acutally most are rather trivial or allready patched. or never exploited to begin with08:12
phpN00bauronandace, can you verify it?08:12
auronandacephpN00b: i don't run gnome but i can try08:12
lotuspsychje!info gnome-shell08:13
ubottugnome-shell (source: gnome-shell): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.1-0ubuntu1.1 (oneiric), package size 1082 kB, installed size 4956 kB08:13
forever1phpN00b:ubuntu 11.10 GNOME3.2.108:13
auronandace!find gnome-shell08:13
ubottuFound: gnome-shell08:13
auronandacelotuspsychje: thanks, beat me to it08:13
lotuspsychjedr_willis: ill sleep well as i know untrusted services caznt get axs to my system08:14
Loshkilotuspsychje: The number of actually usable exploits is tiny. See also (gasp) openbsd, for a more paranoid outlook...08:14
LourensHi, Could someone please advise how to get a ~/.xsession to execute on 11.10.08:14
dr_willislotuspsychje:  biggest danger to your system is you (the end user) doing somting silly08:14
lotuspsychjeloshki: i run snort on ubuntu, any other packages could help me out?08:15
auronandacedr_willis: very true08:15
forever1lourens: press alt-F208:15
lotuspsychjedr_willis: on windows, browsing the web can be pretty silly08:15
Loshkilotuspsychje: running behind a NAT router is cheap insurance, IMO...08:15
Lourensforever1: I mean as part of startup.08:15
forever1lourens:the same on startup08:16
dr_willislotuspsychje:  on windows everything can be silly08:16
prince_jammyslotuspsychje: if you're worried about js from the browser, see the noscript firefox extension.08:16
lotuspsychjetrue lol08:16
lotuspsychjeprince_jammys: i use it too :p tnx08:16
Lourensforever1: I mean as part of the system startup procedure.08:17
dr_willisLourens:  theres some guides out on doing it.   such as .. making a   /usr/share/xsessions/xsession.desktop    mentioned here http://awesome.naquadah.org/wiki/Quickly_Setting_up_Awesome_with_Gnome08:17
lotuspsychjecan ubuntu set removeable media root password to prevent?08:17
LourensThanks dr_willis I'm following that one up.08:17
intokAnyone ever install WMP10 via PlayOnLinux? Why has it takn almost 2 hours now to uncheck the filetype associations? It's doing something, theres some text flying by in the WMP10 installer window thats too fast to read, and every time it's none so after a few mins I would be able to hit the next item. just that I've been at 3rd from last for s long...08:18
prince_jammysto prevent what?08:18
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auronandacelotuspsychje: root doesn't have a password08:18
lotuspsychjeprince_jammys: prevent usb stick to see content08:18
dr_willisLourens:  some neat info on the man pages also  http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/natty/man5/Xsession.5.html08:18
genewitchauronandace: IT IS A FEATURE NOT A BUG08:18
sectionmeAnyone experienced issues with KVM, whereby the guest system can cause the host to just poweroff? Nothing in logs as to why.08:19
prince_jammyslotuspsychje: if you're concerned this, you likely need to look into encryption.08:19
auronandacegenewitch: i'm aware of why, doesn't mean i agree with it08:19
prince_jammys*with this08:19
dr_willisintok:  you did check the wine app database to see if wmp10 even works in wine?08:19
Lourensdr_willis: Thanks.08:19
genewitchauronandace: it's a blessing when you have 100 servers08:20
genewitchauronandace: and goddamned developers always want to screw with configs08:20
lotuspsychjeprince_jammys: ok tnx, but if the usb stick was not mine and not encrypted, can i set ubuntu to ask password to users to open the stick?08:20
genewitchonce a week, mark it, once a week we send an email "developers should not mess with system configs"08:21
intokdr_willis no, figured it was since it was offered via PlayOnLinux08:21
dr_willisintok:  never used play on linux, they got their own forums perhaps08:21
sbarcteamhi, which is the chan for the next release ?08:21
dr_willisI cant imagine why you would want wmp in linux either. :)08:21
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 - Blueprints at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+108:21
sbarcteamlotuspsychje: thanks.08:21
genewitchdr_willis: it's playonlinx08:22
prince_jammyslotuspsychje: i don't know. if they have access to it and it's not encrypted, i don't see that it would help much. What are you worried about?08:22
genewitchprince_jammys: it sounds fishy08:22
genewitchjust format the USB stick in some esoteric filesystem08:22
genewitchlike... gluster08:22
genewitchthen you don't need a password08:22
lotuspsychjeprince_jammys:just wondering, like ubuntu asks password for changing network security, maybe it can for removeable media too?08:23
lotuspsychje!info gluster08:23
genewitchlotuspsychje: oh that, to mount removable regardless of what it is? you can do that08:23
ubottuPackage gluster does not exist in oneiric08:23
genewitchlotuspsychje: see, PERFECT08:23
genewitch!info gfs08:23
ubottuPackage gfs does not exist in oneiric08:23
prince_jammysif users have physical access to the box, there isn't much you can do if they're committed to snooping around.08:23
Loshkisectionme: sudden poweroffs are often a symptom of a failing power supply, maybe triggered by the extra load. Or it's a horrendous bug, but then, you'd expect other people to see it too. Try #kvm?08:24
genewitchprince_jammys: virtualized systems too08:24
* dr_willis glues lotuspsychje 's usb ports shut08:24
lotuspsychjei was wondering why users can snoop around in other users home dir..doesnt make sense08:24
* prince_jammys hides the usb stick inside a pickle.08:25
dr_willislotuspsychje:  thats setable to be off if you wante to08:25
lotuspsychjedr_willis: how?08:25
genewitchsectionme: yeah no guest should interfere with host operations. you have a power supply or heat issue08:25
dr_willisif you want even more layers of paranoia thers encrypted homes08:25
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dr_willislotuspsychje:  proper use of chown/chmod is one way.08:25
lotuspsychjeok tnx08:25
genewitchsectionme: get an IR thermometer and check your north and south bridges and CPU heatsink temps08:25
intokdr_willis yeah, finally got a reply in their IRC room, surprised since I asked there quite awhile back now08:25
genewitchsectionme: $20 says you need thermalpaste on something or a new PSU08:26
Loshkiintok: small chat rooms work on entirely different timescales than this one...08:26
genewitchLoshki: a lot of /lastlog -hi and resubmitting your questions08:26
* lotuspsychje needs powerglue for the whole system :p08:26
intokLoshki yeah, here it's neat the femtosecond level at times...08:27
goddardwhere is gedit installed?08:27
sectionmegenewitch: on a few month old laptop with sandybridge, temps are less then 50oC, its strange as its only happened with one host account, others are working fine (I have a freebsd 8.1 and ubuntu+1 guest working fine) but if I try and boot the freepbx iso when it goes to boot from the iso menu it powers off the guest.08:27
dr_willisgoddard:  why does it matter?  try 'which gedit'08:27
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sectionmedoh host not guest that it powers off.08:28
lotuspsychjedr_willis: isnt there a command to see services that doesnt belong to ubuntu's system?08:28
goddarddr_willis: grease monkey has this stupid thing where it asks me to locate the bin of my favorite text editor08:28
dr_willislotuspsychje:  theres the 'service' command.. but how do you know aht ones 'dosent belong'?08:28
dr_willisgoddard:  just entering 'gedit' dont like it eh?08:28
prince_jammysgoddard: likely /usr/bin08:28
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dr_willisso much for defaut paths. :)08:29
prince_jammys$120 on /usr/bin08:29
dr_willis'which gedit' shows you where its at08:29
goddardoh ok08:29
prince_jammysbet me first, then run that.08:29
=== pritew is now known as prite
dr_willisi said eralier to use 'which gedit' :)08:29
goddard bingo08:29
goddardsorry im hard of listening08:30
lotuspsychjedr_willis: i tought maybe there's a way to ask the system highlighting its default list or something?08:30
lotuspsychjecan't help my paranoia attitude lol08:30
dr_willislotuspsychje:  i think you are beating a dead horse....08:30
prince_jammyspost-traumatic stress?08:30
dr_willistime to go read some security web sites..08:30
prince_jammyslotuspsychje: get a guard dog. or maybe a pit of crocodiles.08:30
genewitchsectionme: 50C is stupid hot08:30
Loshkisectionme: dunno. Try also #freepbx...08:30
prince_jammysand liability insurance.08:30
genewitchsectionme: i run 40 under load... 50C is pushing "i need a new heatsink"08:31
dr_willisand quit worrying about someone sticking a usb stick in your pc and making it install  some russian-maffia-rootkit-farm08:31
genewitchdr_willis: YOU NEVER CAN TELL WITH BEES08:31
lotuspsychjea pit of crocodiles lol08:31
dr_willisWe got Allagators in the usa08:31
dr_willisPut the pc in a Hive  of Killer bees!08:32
dr_willissurrounded by fire ants!08:32
genewitchlotuspsychje: superglue your USB ports closed08:32
* lotuspsychje feels a whole lot safer08:32
dr_willis'Biggest danger to a Ubuntu system is "U"' :)08:32
Loshkilotuspsychje: no act of data acquisition is entirely without risk...08:33
forever1dr_willis:true on last coment08:33
sectionmegenewitch: it seems the temps are controlled by the BIOS and no fan control currently under linux for it, it seems to stableise them at 47.3-48oC no matter what.08:33
lotuspsychjeif they can enter pentagon or fbi, why would they not axs to ubuntu?08:33
prince_jammyslotuspsychje: because you don't run a server, and they do.08:34
genewitchsectionme: yeah so plug the fans into your outlet at the wall08:34
genewitchsectionme: you NEVER CAN BE TOO COOLING08:34
genewitchput that rig in the lake08:34
genewitchwatercooled amirite08:34
dr_willisPut the PC in a Keg Fridgerator. and run cavles out the hole in the top08:34
genewitch12:34AM PST the drunkards get on #ubuntu08:34
genewitchwrite it down08:35
auronandacelotuspsychje: i'm sure ubuntu isn't a valued target as the pentagon or fbi (i bet they are using windows)08:35
* sectionme notes that on IRC times without zones are pointless08:35
prince_jammyswhat a strange statement.08:35
lotuspsychjeauronadance: lol08:35
sectionmewrite it down :P08:35
prince_jammysthey're also, like, running the US military.08:36
forever1lotuspsychje:What's on your system thats so important to protect?08:36
lotuspsychjedr_willis: ive readed that fbi created a linux safe distro?08:36
dr_willishis lolcat image collection.08:36
auronandacelotuspsychje: yeah, with flash installed by default08:36
dr_willislotuspsychje:  theres various nsc (nsa?) linux and other os projects for harddended security08:36
prince_jammyslotuspsychje: but most importantly, i repeat, you're not running a public-facing server.08:37
lotuspsychjeim just a paranoia user that knows what the underworld is up to08:37
dr_willislotuspsychje:  see http://www.nsa.gov/research/selinux/08:37
dr_willislotuspsychje:  i doubt if you really know what they are up to. :)08:37
lotuspsychjeyeah thats the one dr_willis08:37
dr_willisor else you whouldent be on irc. :)08:37
dr_willislotuspsychje:  with your ip address hanging out there. :)08:38
forever1lotuspsychje:then set ip:port traps with alerts and setup a ghost system interface08:38
dr_willisive notied i get more ssh attempts when im on IRC then when im not. :)08:38
lotuspsychjedr_willis: i read security.nl every day, like millions of users get exploited08:38
lotuspsychjei think its good for a user not to trust everything right08:39
prince_jammyslotuspsychje: install trusted software. use encryption where necessary. install security updates.08:40
lotuspsychjeforever1:whats a good ghost system?08:40
auronandacelotuspsychje: if you're really worried you could consider using tor08:41
prince_jammysthat's a different story. now we're talkin privacy.08:41
lotuspsychjeevery day they find new tricks to hack into ppl pcbanking websites08:41
forever1virtual os with virtualbox ported as you network with the virtual os giving shared internet to the host on the back end, it allows you to setup three firewalls08:41
lotuspsychjetor and vpn would be cool idea yeah08:42
prince_jammyslotuspsychje: but you *don't* run a website!08:42
* prince_jammys busts out the hose.08:42
lotuspsychjerunning a website is even more danger indeed08:43
SeasluGwhat is secure ?08:43
lotuspsychjethats my point08:43
Gskellighow would I convert a folder of raw image files to jpg with imagemagick08:43
auronandacelotuspsychje: or better yet, for ultimate security: don't connect to the internet08:43
dr_willistor is more for anommity not security08:43
Gskelligdoesn't seem to be working08:43
dr_willisGskellig:  you got a cli command to do it for one file?08:43
SeasluGauronandace,  that doesnt mean you secure you still have the human element08:44
Gskelligdr_willis, its different for one file or a bunch of files08:44
Gskelligit uses "convert" for one file08:44
Gskelligor "mogrify" for batch08:44
dr_willisGskellig:  or you can use 'find' and have it run the command on each file....08:44
StereocaulonCan anyone help me to setup a local DNS server?08:44
dr_willisor some other bash-script-fu08:44
prince_jammysor use imagemagick's ability to understand globs, iirc.08:44
OptikKorehey guys real quick question, do i want FGLRX (post-release updates) or regular FGLRX driver?08:44
dr_willis# find -iname "MyCProgram.c" -exec md5sum {} \;08:45
lotuspsychjedr_willis: http://news.softpedia.com/newsTag/kernel+vulnerability08:46
dr_willislotuspsychje:  hate to tell you this.. but i really dont care. :)08:47
dr_willisunless the dog is going to start haxoring on my pc...08:47
OptikKorelspci says i have ATI Technologies Inc Device 980408:47
dr_willismore find examples --> http://linux.about.com/od/commands/a/blcmdl1_findx.htm08:48
=== jase_ is now known as xase
xaseHello, I have an integrated i810 series graphics card, and just added a nvidia card and while jockey asked me if I wanted to install drivers for it I have no clue, how to switch it to being my default display method...08:49
xaseplugging in my vga cord(a really cheap underfeatured thing) to the card doesn't do any sort of auto switching.08:50
dr_willisxase:  for most pcs it will default to the pci/pcie/whatever card - if theres one plugged in.08:50
prince_jammyslotuspsychje: if you're truly obsessive about security, you might even be interested in debian stable, or even some BSD.08:50
dr_willisthere may be bios settings to disalbe the onboard chipset.08:50
xaseI checked... there wasn't... just one to set the preferred graphics card.08:50
dr_willisYou may need to install the nvidia driers, then reboot also.08:50
xaseI set to PCI08:50
lotuspsychjeprince_jammys, i like ubuntu's eyecandy too much :p08:50
xaseI also did that already.08:50
prince_jammyslotuspsychje: well, stop worrying then. follow the standard tips we gave and you'll be fine.08:51
dr_willisyou ran the nvidia-settings tool after rebooting?08:51
xasesudo nvidia-settings ?08:51
EvilkissNeed help?08:51
xaseThis is a legacy card...08:51
xaseDoes that apply?08:51
lotuspsychjeprince_jammys: im not worried, i just find it very ironic one reads security exploits everywhere, and then they say systems are secure..08:52
dr_willislotuspsychje:  if you want a pc that no one will try to hack - try installing Fluffy Linux ---> http://apachelog.wordpress.com/2010/06/04/fluffy/08:53
prince_jammyslotuspsychje: the truth is that security is a constant battle -- a lot of time spent.08:53
dr_willislotuspsychje:  some researcher reporting  that they found a 'potential exploit that is patched by a updaed ersion' isent really  much of an exploit.08:53
lotuspsychjeprince_jammys: i agree on that08:53
SI4How do i donate to ubuntu?08:54
auronandace!donate | SI408:54
ubottuSI4: To donate to Ubuntu, you can !participate or go to http://www.ubuntu.com/community/get-involved/donate08:54
prince_jammyslotuspsychje: just focus on the attacks that would apply to *you*, and be cautious.08:54
SI4is it non profit org, for tax deductions?08:54
lotuspsychjedr_willis: lol i like the pink layout, but where are my crocodiles :p08:54
dr_willisthe bunnies ate them08:55
lotuspsychjeubuntu flavors for every1 :p08:55
prince_jammysSI4: no.08:55
SI4thats too bad08:55
xaseIs there a way to tell it to use a specific card using a terminal, just to test to make sure it even works?08:58
lotuspsychjedr_willis: you know as well as me that not everyone will update every day08:58
OptikKoredo i want FGLRX (post-release updates) or regular FGLRX driver?08:58
auronandacelotuspsychje: sounds like you will08:58
dr_willisubuntu has auto-update security updates features.. thats the main thing.08:59
lotuspsychjeauronandace: yes updated ocelot 64 bit on ssd08:59
auronandacelotuspsychje: so why worry about other peoples security?08:59
buhmanhow do I resize MBR partitions that contain dm_crypt+lvm2?09:00
xaselotuspsychje, except for ocd folks who have their special boxes set up to do just that with cron :p09:00
lotuspsychjeauronandace: why not worry opensource, every1 benefits09:01
dr_willispointless worrying is pointless09:01
hansg01have 2 ubuntu distros installed in my system09:02
hansg01how to make HOME directory common for both09:02
prince_jammysnormally by putting /home in its own partition.09:03
dr_willisthat can cause issues hansg01  you coul duse a common /home partition with differnt user names.09:03
xasehangs01 set home as a seperate partition, and make sure both users have the correct permissions and user id.09:03
hansg01xase: ok will make a separate partition mounted as /home09:04
Stereocaulonhansg01, that would normally not be a smart thing to do, better symlink individual dirs.09:04
hansg01Stereocaulon: synlink?09:04
dr_willisor use a /partition/home   and a /partition/home209:04
xaseI'd agree that keeping seperate users is a better idea.09:04
=== sun is now known as Guest80109
hansg01xase: what's nxt09:05
Stereocaulonhansg01, ln -s <target > <source>09:05
Stereocaulon!symlink | hansg0109:05
ubottuhansg01: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal09:05
hansg01Stereocaulon: okay terminal09:05
lotuspsychjedr_willis: if u ever visited irc warez channels full of rooted unix boxes, you'd worry too09:06
hansg01is there any way to downgrade to ubuntu 11.10?09:06
RirishiHello. I think you still know me, I tried to install Ubuntu 11.10 but it didn't work. I'm installing Lubuntu now and it works!09:06
hansg01i am on 12.04 alpha 209:06
Stereocaulonhansg01, not exactly the output I hoped for from ubottu. Well, a symlink is a kind of shortcut that functions as if the directory/ file was really there09:06
hansg01Stereocaulon: okay09:07
hansg01can i downgrade back to 11.10?09:07
Stereocaulonhansg01, you probably want to share the bookmarks in firefox and the documents, right?09:07
hansg01Stereocaulon: i want if i play with my distros i dnt lose my data09:07
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal09:09
hansg01Stereocaulon: i recently played with unity and got it rashed and then with gnome and got it crasheed too so had to dist upgrade 11.10 but it is an alpha release so having problems while working on projects else its cool09:09
Stereocaulonhansg01, oh so that's your worry. Well, why don't you make backup of your /home partition then and store it on another partition, that you can name for instance, home2, or simply homeback?09:09
hansg01Stereocaulon: hmm seems like a good idea!09:10
hansg01Stereocaulon: thnks!09:10
RirishiOops sorry. I am installing Lubuntu because Ubuntu didn't work. Am I right here? Or should I got to another channel?09:11
hansg01btw is there any way that i can downgrade distro's except giving it a fresh install?09:11
dr_willishansg01:  reinstall is how to do it.09:11
lotuspsychje!info gns309:11
ubottugns3 (source: gns3): graphical network simulator. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.7.4-1 (oneiric), package size 3776 kB, installed size 18020 kB09:11
Stereocaulonhansg01, np :-) and remember to file bugs for 12.04 if you run into snags, (after you have searched if the bug has not been reported of course). That way we'll have a better release and that will help all Ubuntu users09:11
goddardanyone know if you can intergrate the unity thing with docky?09:11
dr_willisyou can run docky at tehsame time goddard  what do you want to do exactly?09:12
forever1goddard:yes you can09:12
goddardforever1: sweet how?09:12
hansg01Stereocaulon: yeah i am but i am reporting bugs as of nw dnt really hv experience of filing bugs09:12
forever1which version of linux?09:13
Stereocaulonhansg01, Is there something you want to ask about reporting bugs?09:13
lotuspsychje!info blueproximity09:13
ubottublueproximity (source: blueproximity): locks/unlocks your desktop tracking a bluetooth device. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.5-5 (oneiric), package size 290 kB, installed size 968 kB09:13
Stereocaulonhansg01, something specific?09:13
forever1Just use the ubuntu software center to install the docking menu09:14
travmonWeeChat uptime: 0 day 01:19:01, started on Sun Jan 29 03:55:25 201209:14
hansg01Stereocaulon: better i should read the docs first then will return back or i'll be the one to ask who dnt know anything abt bugs09:15
dr_willisHmm. Blueproximity seems neat. I need a front door lock that does that for me  :)09:15
hansg01Stereocaulon: thnks a lot!09:16
Stereocaulonhansg01, sounds like a splendid idea, but if you get stuck don't hesitate to ask help.09:16
hansg01Stereocaulon: thnks a lot!09:16
Stereocaulonhansg01, dont't mention it.09:16
RirishiShould I install my GRUB Loader in the MBR? (i am installing lubuntu)09:16
Stereocaulonhansg01, and thanks in advance for making good bug reports :-)09:16
hansg01Stereocaulon: :)09:16
bullgard4prince_jammys, dr_willis: Thank you for commenting and help.09:16
forever1one hour uptime 400kb/s used on irc interesting09:17
lotuspsychje!info awn09:17
ubottuPackage awn does not exist in oneiric09:17
lotuspsychje!info avant-window-navigator09:18
ubottuavant-window-navigator (source: avant-window-navigator): A MacOS X like panel for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.1~bzr822-0ubuntu4 (oneiric), package size 341 kB, installed size 1152 kB09:18
dr_willislots of neat dock thangs  out there these days09:18
lotuspsychjeyeah agree09:18
lotuspsychjelooks nice09:18
goddardforever1: 11.1009:19
RirishiHelp! I just installed Lubuntu on a partition on my main HDD but it still starts Windows!09:19
dr_willisRirishi:  a wubi install? or a normal full install09:20
Ririshidr_willis: I installed from a LiLi USB Booter.09:20
goddardforever1: i want to use docky but still have the ubuntu button on docky09:20
dr_willisRirishi:  sounds like it dident install grub to the MBR for some reason09:21
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)09:21
lotuspsychje!info snort-mysql09:22
ubottusnort-mysql (source: snort): flexible Network Intrusion Detection System [MySQL]. In component universe, is extra. Version (oneiric), package size 474 kB, installed size 1360 kB09:22
lotuspsychjeinteresting stuff09:22
goddardyou like snort?09:24
lotuspsychje!info chkrootkit09:24
ubottuchkrootkit (source: chkrootkit): rootkit detector. In component main, is optional. Version 0.49-4ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 307 kB, installed size 860 kB09:24
forever1goddard: just use the ubuntu software center to install the docking center and restart09:24
* dr_willis snorts09:24
lotuspsychjelike a pig09:24
dr_willis!info logwatch09:25
ubottulogwatch (source: logwatch): log analyser with nice output written in Perl. In component main, is optional. Version 7.3.6.cvs20090906-1ubuntu5 (oneiric), package size 386 kB, installed size 2620 kB09:25
=== pksadiq` is now known as pksadiq
lotuspsychjeis that in realtime?09:25
dr_willisit parese your log historys. so no09:25
dr_willisit shows who has been tying to ssh in to your box. :) and other neat infos09:26
goddardforever1:  already installed it but it doesn't have the "ubuntu button"09:26
lotuspsychje!info harden-environment09:26
ubottuharden-environment (source: harden): Hardened system environment. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.1.37 (oneiric), package size 6 kB, installed size 36 kB09:26
bazhanglotuspsychje, /msg ubottu please09:27
lotuspsychjelol, NOTE! This package will not make your system uncrackable, and it is not intended to do so. Making your system secure involves a LOT more than just installing a package.09:27
stefancrsHey, I'm trying to help a friend who's webserver goes down every sunday morning. I ssh'd into the machine and noticed that Lightthpd had been shut down due to a initiated system restart, which obviously never finished because everything else is still up and running. It's not initiated via a cronjob, what else can perform a scheduled reboot of the system?09:27
stefancrs(it's a vps)09:27
Ririshidr_willis: Hello. I booted from my Lubuntu stick, what to do now?09:27
forever1goddard: thats odd, you will need to change it in the menu options09:27
dr_willis!fixgrub | Ririshi09:28
ubottuRirishi: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)09:28
goddardforever1: nothing in menu options.. you use docky?09:29
Ririshidr_willis: i have the following options: install lubuntu, check disc for defects, tedt memory, boot from first hard disc, rescue a broken system. Can't boot into live mode.09:29
forever1goddard:yes but everything worx on mine dr_willis: any idea's09:30
goddardforever1: everything works on mine just no "ubuntu button"09:30
dr_willisRirishi:  try rescue broken system>09:30
goddardill relog let me see09:30
Ririshidr_willis: okay i will try.09:30
lotuspsychjedr_willis: email reports are nice in logwatch cool!09:33
dr_willisi just use it for the ssh loging  reports to show me how many people have been trying to get in. :)09:33
lotuspsychjedr_willis: and many try?09:34
Ririshidr_willis: it asks which thing i want to use for basicfilesystem?09:35
dr_willisand i use the various ip auto blacklsting  services -09:35
lotuspsychjesounds nice09:35
dr_willisRirishi:  no idea all i can say is read along at that fixgrub url. I dont have the menus and revovery stuff meorized09:35
=== michal_ is now known as kosto
snimavatHow do i switch off nvidia GT 525 M optimus card ? I dont need it at all at this time...09:37
snimavatI have dell XPS 502 X09:37
dr_willisbios settings perhaps snimavat >09:37
dr_willisThose dual GPU machines can be.. annoying and badly supported at times (for now)09:37
snimavatdo u have any idea what is it called in dell xps ?09:37
snimavatthe name of the setting ?09:38
dr_willisNo idea. May not even hae the setting.09:38
snimavatOh. i will checkout, is there any other way ?09:39
dr_willistheres the askubuntu and forum posts  that may have info.09:39
Ririshidr_willis: I reïnstalled GRUB on the MBR and it still starts windows. Do i need to press a key-combi or something?09:42
dr_willisnot normally Ririshi09:43
dr_willisif you got a spare flash drive you could isnatt grub to that09:43
dr_willisit could be windows or some av settings in bios undoing the grub install09:43
lotuspsychjeisnt there a gui grub editor to set ubuntu as first boot?09:44
Ririshidr_willis: Isnatt?09:44
razorfishlotuspsychje: isnt it easy enough to open the grub config with a notepad and drop ubuntu as the first entry?09:44
dr_willistheres various ways to reorder the grub entries.09:44
dr_willisRirishi:  you dont even see the grub menu do you?09:45
markyxxxzHello, has anybody here experienced losing the keyboard and/or touchpad from their laptops? It only happens on the current Ubuntu install. On Windows 7 or Live Ubuntu, both keyboard and touchpad works properly.09:45
Ririshidr_willis: It doesn't show a menu. Just starts Windows 7..09:45
forever1markyxxxz:thats a driver problem you must update09:45
goddardforever1: nope restarting didn't add the ubuntu button09:45
lotuspsychjemarkyxxxz: maybe set BIOS keyboard and mouse to bios instead of Os09:46
dr_willisRirishi:  so it sounds like  either the bios Might have some 'protect the bootloader' option. or some how grub is not getting installed,m or installed wrongly09:46
markyxxxzforever1: please be specific. I already re-intstalled the xserver-xorg-input packages09:46
Ririshidr_willis: ill check bios.09:46
markyxxxzlotuspsychje: How is that done?09:46
Ririshidr_willis: lol im only 13 xd09:46
forever1goddard:then you will have to open it from the termal alt-f2 and let the docky pick it up as a recently use app09:47
lotuspsychjemarkyxxxz: start the pc and press esc, del or f2 to enter BIOS, then search for the keyboard option (Os or BIOS) and set to bios09:48
markyxxxzlotuspsychje:You meant go to BIOS then set it there? I"m not sure if my BIOS has that option.09:48
lotuspsychjemarkyxxxz: its worth a try09:48
forever1markyxxxz: think about it on ubuntu live it uses generic and on ubuntu install it finds drivers, so you need to to revert09:48
markyxxxzlotuspsychje: Ok. That's weird. I never touched my BIOS. What i did was tried AMD Catalyst 12.1. It worked. Then when I restarted, that's when everything got screwed.09:49
forever1back to generic09:49
forever1g2g :)09:49
markyxxxzso I deleted all fglrx* related packages like I'ev done countless times in the past. Never had this issue of losing keyboard, mouse or touchapd. Thisis the first time.09:50
dr_willisthe askubuntu.com site had some info on using the newer catalyst drivers09:50
dr_willisi had to use them the other day to get unity workng on this box09:50
StereocaulonDoes anyone know how to map a special key (I have utility keys on top of my keyboard) to the Zenkaku key present on Japanese keyboards?09:50
ubottu日本語の場合は /join #ubuntu-jp または /join #kubuntu-jp を入力して下さい。09:50
markyxxxzdr_willis: Link please? Really 12.1 worked on my hybrid ATI+intel but after reboot got screwed. So no go there. It was a temporary joy for me and now it's a nightmare LL09:50
lotuspsychjemaybe jp chan will know?09:51
Stereocaulonlotuspsychje, thanks for the tip, I'm already logged in there, but it is kind of quiet there...09:51
lotuspsychje!ati | markyxxxz09:51
ubottumarkyxxxz: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto09:51
markyxxxzlotuspsychje: Oh, I've read those. Thanks nonetheless. :)09:52
jasonmsphey all.  Im running natty, i live overseas (the middle east) and in my web browser (friefox) the default language keeps switching back to arabic.  The settings in firefox tell it to use english so I think this is an ubuntu issue.  My google searches are coming up empty and telling me to do things ive already tried.09:52
dr_willismarkyxxxz:  cant find it. it was on askubuntu.com09:52
dr_willismarkyxxxz:  hybrid is a whole nother area of problems09:52
markyxxxzdr_willis: Was it for the latest - 12.1? Two sites already confirms 12.1 works for Hybrid ATI+Intel graphics.09:53
markyxxxzI think on Phoronix and Linux Hybrid Blogspot09:53
Ririshidr_willis: I checked bios09:54
markyxxxzjasonmsp: I think there is a firefox language add-on you might have to change. I remember that getting installed whenever I update Firefox.09:54
dr_willismarkyxxxz:  the gide i followed i think installed the latest from the amd site09:54
dr_williscatalyst11.12  is what i got going09:54
markyxxxzdr_willis: That is Hybrid yes?09:55
Ririshidr_willis: still starts windows. How to put grub on a flash?09:55
dr_willisi have no idea on hybrid09:55
travmonRirishi: partedmagic has good tools from extras menu that should get you back in your system09:55
dr_willisRirishi:  insert flash, determind the /dev/sdXX name of the flash use the same tools/commands to install grub to that /dev/sdXXX09:55
Ririshitravmon: what? Linux newb09:55
markyxxxzdr_willis: Ayt. Well I don't care about that stupid fglrx driver for now. Just want myk keyboard and touchpad working again. :(09:55
travmonRirishi: http://partedmagic.com/doku.php?id=downloads09:56
lotuspsychjetry the info trigger travmon09:56
Ririshidr_willis: how to know what /dev/sdXX my flash is?09:56
dr_willisRirishi:  plug it in.. look at dmesg output. or sudo fdisk -l  output09:57
StereocaulonRirishi, just perform a sudo fdisk -l -h09:57
dr_willismarkyxxxz:  guide i followed was --> http://askubuntu.com/questions/62808/ati-incompatible-with-gnome-shell09:57
dr_willismarkyxxxz:  i still cant get gnome-shell working right.09:57
Jordan_URirishi: Do you have more than one internal drive?09:58
markyxxxzdr_willis: Yeah I hear fglrc is bad on gS09:58
RirishiStereocaulon: dr_willis: Should I start the terminal from the USB LiLi installer?09:58
markyxxxzok... later guys ;)09:58
StereocaulonRirishi, yes that seems sensible.09:59
dr_willisRirishi:  how have you been trying to reinstall grub? You do it the same way but install grub to a flash drive instead of the hard drive.. could be yuve been doing somthing wrong.09:59
RirishiJordan_U: Yes I do, but I can't start my WInXP. I don't know why. I normally use Win709:59
* dr_willis dosent really trust LiLi very mich.10:00
Jordan_URirishi: Please run boot info script and pastebin the RESULTS.txt that it produces.10:01
Jordan_U!bootinfo | Ririshi10:01
ubottuRirishi: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).10:01
=== Stereocaulon is now known as Stereocaulon_brb
lotuspsychjedr_willis: did you try another distro with gnome-shell as default to test?10:01
dr_willislotuspsychje:  nope. I just have this one amd/ati box.  It wouldent even do unity, or gnome shell by default - the fglrx drivers in the repos had issues also.. tried the ones following that guide. unity works.. g-s semi-works has graphic curruption all the time in differnt areas10:02
RirishiJordan_U how should I run it? From the USB loader?10:03
dr_willislotuspsychje:  from what i gather theres kernel 3.x and fglrx issues.10:03
Jordan_URirishi: Yes.10:03
dr_willisRirishi:  err.. how else could you run it? you just have the one bootable usb drive?10:04
RirishiJordan_U may I have a command? dr_willis: Yeah, only that. And a windows system xd10:04
dr_willisthere is that grub repair tool that you can intall from the live cd - to help fix grub. but i cant recall the url. It may be at that fixgrub wiki page.10:05
Jordan_URirishi: See the guide linked to you by ubottu.10:05
dr_willisi tend to always make a spare usb with grub for each pc. :) so i rarely need to repair it10:05
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)10:06
dr_willis'boot repair' thats it. :) gotta love it.. needs to be on the default intalls/cds10:06
Ririshidr_willis: You don't get it.. I try to install Lubuntu. No live Start is possible..10:06
Ririshidr_willis: is that normal? XD10:07
dr_willisRirishi:  never noticed.  thoguht there was a 'try' and 'install' and 'repair' options10:08
Ririshidr_willis: wait.. I downloaded the alternate amd6410:08
lotuspsychjeanyway im out fellas10:08
dr_willisthe alt-cd is a text only installer....10:08
lotuspsychjetnx for an interesting chat10:08
dr_willisRirishi:  you may want to just get that 'boot-repair-disk'  mentioned at the fixgrub url and use it10:09
dr_willisor try installing using a normal desktop cd10:09
SteMhi all, i'0m trying to update 11.04 to 11.10 by CD but it doesn't make me select 'upgrate 11.04 to 11.10'. Why ?10:10
dr_willisSteM:  yo have the desktop cd? or the alt-installer cd?10:10
Ririshidr_willis: God lol i need to wait 4 hours again... Slow download speeds...10:11
SteMi think desktop cd, but i downloaded it a month ago ..10:11
aBoundRirishi, On dial-up? :P10:11
dr_willisSteM:  the desktop cd does not support that feature as far as i know. Only the alt-cd does10:11
RirishiaBound: DSL modem should have about 4Mbit but only have 160Kbyte10:12
SteMdesktop cd allow me only an installation from the scratch ?10:12
aBoundThe alternative Ubuntu iso image is more suited if you want a customized version of Ubuntu.10:12
dr_willisSteM:  it does not function as a repository for updateing.. correct.  Unless theres been changes to it.10:12
RirishiaBound: they can't give us more, because we're at the end of the line or sthZz10:12
aBoundRirishi, I used to have that kind of speed but with DSL usually the higher you pay the more speed you get.10:13
Jordan_URirishi: If you want something automated and small (less than 2 MiB) that will allow you to boot your Ubuntu install you may want to try Super GRUB2 Disk.10:13
dr_willisi got so much speed now.. i used up my 250gb quota in a week... :)10:13
RirishiJordan_U okay10:14
aBounddr_willis, HA! Sounds like you had fun.10:15
dr_williskids did watching netflix.. :)10:15
dr_willis'Honest i did not do any torrenting....' :)10:15
aBoundTorrenting is completely legitimate given some Linux ISOs are hosted on it.10:16
dr_willisthat boot-repair tool is really.. getting impressive10:16
RirishiHow do I get the iso on my USB?10:16
dr_willisThey need to make a mini-iso with it on there.10:16
bazhanglets get back on topic please10:16
Ririshi(Super GRUB2 Disc)10:16
bazhangRirishi, with what tool10:17
dr_willisRirishi:  use unetbootin, or tools from pendrivelinux, or other tools10:17
Ririshidr_willis: okay10:17
dr_willisRirishi:  i tend to use the stuff from Pendrivelinux, i dont care for 'LiLi'10:17
=== Stereocaulon_brb is now known as Stereocaulon
aBoundRirishi, If you aren't already using Ubuntu there's: Start Up Disk Creator.10:17
dr_willisunetbootin was problematic for me last year.. i hear its gotten better these days10:17
Ririshidr_willis: I mean the ISO for Super GRUB2 Disc.10:17
=== skilz-a is now known as skilz
dr_willisI dont use supergrub2 so no idea.. pendrivelinux tools most likely can do it10:18
kaipreshawhello is there a way for ubuntu 11.04 to stop killing my wifi app10:18
pkhi all i have problem in starting dhcp server10:20
kaipreshawhello is there a way for ubuntu 11.04 to stop killing my wifi app it kills it as i put my laptops lid down10:20
snimavatI am planning to dual boot with windows 7, should i create additional partition before i start ubuntu installation, or should i just do the partition when installer asks for it.10:20
snimavatAny other suggestions ?10:21
skilzkaipreshaw, Thats because your computer is going to sleep/hibernate I *assume*...10:21
kaipreshawskilz it locks as i put it down10:21
skilzsnimavat, Just start the Ubuntu installation, you can do all the partitioning in there10:21
pkthis is the problem of dhcp10:21
snimavatgreat.. any other suggestions/recommendation for dual booting with win7 ?10:22
moesI am using k3b in Ubuntu 10.04...I cannot erase/format a cd/rw disc..getting error "cdrecord has no permisson to open device"10:22
pkwhen i start it shows the following message in syslog http://pastebin.com/185f7j1510:22
skilzkaipreshaw, sudo apt-get install xfce4-power-manager | You can configure your power settings how you like.10:23
kaipreshawskilz thanks dude10:23
skilzsnimavat, Easy as 1, 2, 3.10:23
skilzkaipreshaw, np10:23
snimavatskilz: shoudl i defrag drives before i proceed for installation ?10:24
pkanybody repond to dhcp problem please10:24
Ririshidr_willis: installing Super GRUB2 Disc to USB now10:26
pkdhcp server problem10:26
dr_willisi cant recall ever using superfrub2 disk :)10:26
RirishiI'll try starting now. see you soon.10:26
pk<mikecamel> do you know how to solve dhcp server start problem10:27
overcluckerRirishi: sgd2 installs in unetbootin10:27
yumboHow can I set permissions for directories like I do for files? (i.e. chmod 774 -R /dir)10:28
llutzyumbo: same , man chmod10:28
yumbollutz, tbh I didn't found it there10:29
pk<rigved> DHCP server problem10:29
bazhang!helpme | pk10:29
ubottupk: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude10:29
llutzyumbo: it makes no difference if you chmod a file or a directory, syntax is always the same10:29
llutzyumbo: just options like -R make no sense on files10:30
kaipreshawskilz it said that it cant find it10:30
yumbollutz, when I did a chmod 774 -R on a dir, every file within that dir became r/w/x for user and group, but only listing for others10:30
yumbollutz, so I couldn't access the files with an "other" user10:31
llutz!permissions| yumbo: yes? read man chmod again10:31
ubottuyumbo: yes? read man chmod again: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions10:31
llutzyumbo: you need to learn what "x - executable" bit does on dirs10:31
skilzkaipreshaw, Do may have to add more sources10:32
yumbollutz, it allows it to traverse10:32
skilzjust google for the package name I told you and you will find the source list10:32
yumbollutz, but I don't see a way to set only x on dirs (not files) ?10:32
pkDHCP server failed to start10:33
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kaipreshawskilz, how ? will it mess up my source that im on?10:33
llutzyumbo: again and again "man chmod", read about "X" uppercase X10:33
bazhangpk patience10:33
skilzkaipreshaw, You can copy my sources.list if you like, one sec10:33
kaipreshawskilz, im not used to 11.0410:33
dr_willisJan 29 15:41:41 kickseed dhcpd: Not configured to listen on any interfaces!10:34
llutzyumbo: it's something you can't do easily with octal-notation10:34
pk<bazhang> okkk10:34
dr_willispk:  so... configure it to listen on an interface.10:34
overcluckeryumbo: use find dirname -type d -exec chmod PERMS {} \;10:34
skilzkaipreshaw, http://paste.ubuntu.com/821059/10:34
yumbollutz, ah, I found it buried is some example in the manpage10:35
yumbollutz, so all I need to do is "chmod 774 -R /dir && chmod +X -R /dir" ?10:35
kaipreshawskilz,  thanks10:36
moesI am using k3b in Ubuntu 10.04...I cannot erase/format a cd/rw disc..getting error "cdrecord has no permisson to open device"10:36
dr_willismoes:  check the k3b setup/settings - it may be some permissions are not et right on the cd devices10:37
RirishiHey, I am back. I tried to start it, but it didn't work. I am going to burn the Super GRUB2 Disc onto a CD10:38
moesdr_willis, Checked the permissions and they read 666.root cdrom10:38
dr_willismoes:  i recall in the k3b menus/settings some configuration wizard that may tell you if snything is not set right10:39
pk<dr_willis> this is my configuration file i hav econfigured it properlyhttp://pastebin.com/m4ydhpqY10:40
pk<dr_willis> http://pastebin.com/m4ydhpqY10:41
pk<dr_willis> i configured it on eth1 to listen on
lesslessanybody aware how to run programs with other user id? ALT+F2 -> gksu -u www-data geany show nothing :(10:44
moesdr_willis, In k3b setting it list cdrecord 1.1.10 /usr/bin/wodin permissions 4711 root.root new permissions no change10:44
S-I4Is it possible to get tax deductions for donations made to ubuntu?10:45
pksadiqpk: check ps aux | grep dhcp  and stop/kill all process using that, also stop/kill named if running, (this might disconnect you from internet) and try restarting dhcpd3 or whatever10:45
pk<pk sadiq> root      1020  0.0  0.0   3712   788 pts/0    S+   16:17   0:00 grep --color=auto dhcp10:47
pkthis is response10:48
skilzpk, You can just use pgrep appname10:48
greenithi, i have a problem with vlc... according to the internet it should work to open youtube-videos with vlc... however, when i select "open network-stream" and enter the address of the video, vlc says that it can't open it... does any1 know how to get it working?10:48
pksadiqpk: and what about ps aux | grep named     ?10:48
pk<pksadiq> root      1020  0.0  0.0   3712   788 pts/0    S+   16:17   0:00 grep --color=auto dhcp10:48
pk<pksadiq> response of your command10:49
pksadiqpk: what about ps aux | grep named10:49
pkpksadiq: root      1020  0.0  0.0   3712   788 pts/0    S+   16:17   0:00 grep --color=auto dhcp10:49
pksadiqpk: see grep *named* , did you do that?10:49
dr_willisno need topaste the ps command showing the grep command. :)10:49
m4kafter minimalist installation i tried to install gui from ubuntu-alternate-11.10 cd. When try to install metacity that install other packages too. How i install pure metacity10:50
DevSoul[Automato Mhnuma]: hello ti kanete10:50
pkpksadiq:bind       672  0.0  0.5  70800 10852 ?        Ssl  15:27   0:00 /usr/sbin/named -u bind root      1022  0.0  0.0   3712   784 pts/0    S+   16:20   0:00 grep --color=auto named10:50
pkthis is th response pksadiq:10:50
pksadiqpk: hm kill that then try to start dhcp again10:51
dr_willism4k:  if metacity depends on othe rpackages. it will pull them in. why do you want just 'metacity' its a very bare bones wm.10:51
pkpksadiq: how to kill it10:51
pktell me the command10:51
pk pksadiq:10:51
m4kdr_willis:my system is old10:52
pksadiqpk: try sudo killall named10:52
dr_willism4k:  you would be better off not using just 'metacity' if you want a minimal window manager. try jwm or icewm10:52
pksadiqpk: you might get disconnected from internet10:52
m4kdr_willis: how to download that10:53
pkpksadiq: this is all for an another computer10:53
dr_willism4k:  its in the repos.10:53
dr_willis!info jwm10:53
ubottujwm (source: jwm): Very small lightweight pure X11 window manager with tray and menus. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.1-3 (oneiric), package size 95 kB, installed size 296 kB10:53
dr_willis'pure X11' = wont need the gtk or other larger libs10:53
pkpkasdiq: no error message displayed i think it executed perfectly10:53
pkpksadiq: next what should i do?10:54
m4kdr_willis: in my system no internet. So how i download packages with all dependencies10:54
dr_willism4k:  no idea  - i never do it that way.10:54
andaiHello #ubuntu. I'm considering buying two high quality SSDs ( read/write both 500 mbps ) and doing a software RAID 0 on them ( just for fun ). At this speed, I imagine the load on my CPU would be incredibly heavy? Am I right for imagining this? Should I also get a quad core processor while I'm at it?10:55
pksadiqpk: try starting dhcp, btw, I used dnsmasq to do the same when I had to run pxeboot10:55
m4kHow to download a package with all dependencies10:55
aBoundandai, I'd get a quad-core I don't see a reason not too.10:55
dr_willisandai:  for the price - you may be better off getting more cpu and holding off on a 2nd hd..10:56
dr_willisperformance vs budget :)10:56
andaidr_willis: Actually both drives are about 60 euro... i might be better off just not-raiding them10:56
andaijust using software backups of my important stuff10:56
dr_willis60 euro is rahter cheap isentit?10:56
pkpksadiq: same message in syslog which i posted earlier10:57
pksadiqpk: try using dnsmasq10:57
pkpksadiq: what is the command10:58
andaiDr_Willis: oh my bad, 80 euro. For 170e I can get a 128GB drive (r535 / w170) and for 80e I can get one 60GB drive (r535 / w480)10:58
andaiDr_Willis: Basically what I'm asking is if the CPU overhead of RAID 0 at such high speeds would make the computer unusably slow (thus defeating the original purpose of the RAID 0 setup )10:58
pksadiqpk: sudo apt-get install dnsmasq          configure it and run sudo dnsmasq10:59
dr_willisandai:  ive never heard of it being an issue.10:59
m4kHow to download a package with all dependencies10:59
dr_willishd speeds are alwyas the biggest bottleneck - even with ssd's i hear10:59
pkpksadiq:how to configure it10:59
dr_willis!aptoncd | m4k10:59
ubottum4k: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline10:59
rigvedm4k: or you could use the command: sudo apt-get install --download-only <package-name>11:01
aasasdIs there a way to insert dots instead of spaces in gedit?11:01
andaidr_willis: Ok thanks11:01
pksadiqpk: edit /etc/dnsmasq.conf  I had only experience with pxeboot, nothing more11:01
pki also want to boot another computer through this computer with dhcp11:02
pki mean pxe boot11:02
pksadiqpk: good, so let me try to post my configurations for you11:03
greenitplz help :S    i use the youtube-lens for unity, but when i click a video, it opens vlc and vlc says that it can't open the video11:04
yumbooverclucker, thanks, but I did it like this in the end: find "$dir2" -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 77511:05
pkskadiq: i cant see dnsmasq.conf in etc11:05
pksasadiq:i cant see dnsmasq.conf in etc11:05
pksadiqpk: my dnsmasq.conf file: http://pastebin.com/CJ0EmCiT11:06
pksksadiq:i cant see dnsmasq.conf in etc11:06
aBoundgreenit, Figures if it isn't in the Official repository we can't do much helpwise.11:06
greenitaBound, i think it's a problem of vlc, and this is in the official repos11:06
aBoundI'm referring to youtube-lenses.11:07
greenitaBound, true, but i tried to open a youtube-video with vlc without the lens and it displays the same error11:07
aBoundSeeing as Youtube-Lenses has to be fetched from a unofficial PPA.11:07
pksadiqpk: and my /etc/network/interfaces file http://pastebin.com/PwNz3DLU11:07
aBoundgreenit, Any form of VLC plugin installed to view the videos?11:08
greenitaBound, nope, i just installed vlc... do i have to install a plugin?11:08
aBoundgreenit, I can't say but if it's loading VLC as it's default player. Figures, it'll need a VLC plugin for Firefox.11:09
aBoundI don't use youtube-lenses I can't comment much on that aspect. But if you'd like to try you can install the Mozilla plugin for VLC in the Software Center.11:10
greenitaBound, i enter the url in the "open network-stream..." dialogue of vlc, then it says that it can't determine the format of the video...11:10
greenitaBound, so it doesn't open when i just click on a youtube-video in firefo11:11
bjarniHello everyone.  Can someone help me with postgresql.  Cant get it to work properly after upgrade11:11
aBoundgreenit, I don't think the youtube URL is meant for the "Open Network Stream".11:12
pkpksadiq: now i have copied the conf files11:12
ikoniadefine can't it it to work11:12
greenitaBound, oh, ok... i just did it because a tutorial on a website said this is the way to open youtube-vids with vlc11:12
omerhaving trouble configuring bluetooth. Ralink Motorola BC4 Bluetooth 3.0+HS Adapter. anyone?11:14
aBoundgreenit, Not a fan of tutorials they can be poorly written or misleading. At times they can be useful but if you're learning programming or something else best to stick too a book.11:14
pksadiqpk: now try to start  sudo dnsmasq        and try to boot the other computer11:14
ilpollohi, please the spanish chanel tanks11:15
ikonia!es | ilpollo11:15
ubottuilpollo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.11:15
greenitaBound, hm... ok, one last question: do you know the path of the lua-directory of vlc in ubuntu?11:16
aBoundgreenit, Though it does show a URL of youtube in Open Network Stream doesn't seem like anything is playing.11:17
omerHi. I'm having trouble configuring bluetooth. Ralink Motorola BC4 Bluetooth 3.0+HS Adapter. anyone?11:17
MonkeyDustgreenit  try locate lua11:17
aasasdIs there a way to insert dots instead of spaces in gedit?11:18
dr_willisaasasd:  why do you want to?11:18
aBoundgreenit, Not that I know of.11:18
MonkeyDustaasasd  in an existing text, you can replace spaces with the 'sed' (stream editor)11:19
aBoundgreenit, I assume this is it: /usr/share/vlc/lua11:19
MonkeyDustthe 'sed' command*11:19
aBoundgreenit, But than again this could be it too: /etc/vlc/lua11:19
aasasddr_willis: It shows indentation more clearly.11:19
dr_willisaasasd:  the fte and other text editors have ways to show 'whitespace' with special characters11:20
dr_willisaasasd:  i think fte and geany both can do it.11:20
aasasdI'm talking about gedit11:20
dr_willischeck the gedit plugins i suggest then11:20
dr_willisgedit is rather basic compared to other text editors out there11:21
dr_willisthey may have a 'show whitespace' settings/plugin11:21
codepalyole! what does cotendo.net have to do with ubuntu?11:22
dr_williscodepal:  never heard of it11:22
codepalcontent delivery network -- it's running stuff in the background for Ubuntu 12.0411:23
codepalapparently Akamai bought them out11:23
juhoshot games for upuntu11:23
MonkeyDust"An innovator of cloud-based acceleration technologies, Cotendo offers an integrated suite of Web and Mobile Acceleration Services from its 30 global distributed point of presence (POPs). "11:23
codepalso, yeha, I wanna know why it's connected to MY MACHINE!11:23
dr_willisthey are acellerating your cloud!11:24
codepalI'm taking this up with jono, hey jono! you in the room?11:24
codepalUbuntu One?11:24
codepalyour kiddin?11:24
dr_willis'An innovator of cloud-based acceleration'   - whatever that means....11:25
codepalmy cloud is accellerated enough11:25
codepalthis is a almost clean install of Ubuntu "Precison" 1211:26
aBoundI think it's time for me to hit the sack. Night all. :P11:26
MonkeyDustcodepal  ask in #ubuntu+111:26
codepalMonkeyDust, done dat already :P11:26
codepaleveryone's still wakin up in USA, obviously...11:27
=== ratster1 is now known as ratster
MonkeyDust"dat" is dutch, you dutch?11:28
codepalok, thanks, bye11:28
Guest11872Hi! I want to dual boot my PC by installing Windows and Ubuntu on totally seperate partitions of same HDD. Need help!11:31
dr_willisGuest11872:  thats how its normally done.11:32
MonkeyDustGuest11872  first win, then linux, or your grub will be ruined11:32
dr_willisGuest11872:  also wats your current hard drive partioning layout If you have 4 primary partitios - it can  cause issues11:33
MonkeyDustGuest11872  read this http://mybroadband.co.za/news/software/32474-a-windows-users-guide-to-linux.html11:34
Ron-ffhi and peace agin, i'm looking for a web forum or chat without registration to ask about buying stuff and more. any help with that?11:39
=== MrPen is now known as MrMe
MonkeyDustRon-ff  define "stuff and more"11:39
MonkeyDustah buying11:40
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=== Guest34090 is now known as MrBatman
Ron-ffany forum which is friendly or chat?11:40
=== MrBatman is now known as MrPen
Ben64try reddit11:40
dr_willisbuying what exactly?11:40
Ron-ffdr_willis: for examople. i men finger ring in neon color like yellow of blue11:41
Ben64i know all those words, but in that combination it doesn't make any sense11:42
Ron-ffBen64: reddit???11:42
dr_willisBen64:  :) i was thinking that also..11:42
Ron-ffring for a finger which is in cool color like glowing yellow11:42
dr_willisYou really need advice for such a trivial thing?11:42
Ron-ffprobably not in existence11:43
Ben64try ebay then...11:43
dr_willisqvc.com :)11:43
dr_willisbye all..11:43
MonkeyDustor go to a market somewhere11:43
Ron-ffdr_willis: no such things was found at enbay11:43
GR33Nh1 all11:43
MonkeyDustRon-ff  in a toystore maybe11:43
Ron-ffMonkeyDust: so anyway do you know of more forums (whch are friendly) or chat rooms here or somewhere else?11:45
MonkeyDustplease Ron-ff this is an ubuntu support channel11:45
Ron-ffso you don't know of off topic channels?11:46
oCean!alis | Ron-ff11:46
ubottuRon-ff: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*11:46
IndustrialI mounted a Linux disk volume from my SSD with this Ubuntu Live/Install CD (USB ISO) and I wanted to edit its etc/inittab but I can't save the file. I did the mounting with Disk Tool. How do I write that file?11:51
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pritam_baralIndustrial: you need to have opened the file as root. sudo gedit <mountpoint_of_ssd>/etc/inittab11:52
bastidrazorpritam_baral: Industrial for graphical applications use 'gksudo' instead of sudo.11:53
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a-sainthello guys I recently knew about gnome-shell extensions how do i install it in ubuntu11:55
ravendo you know any great piano-synth?11:55
shancialCould someone walk me through installing a kernel module acpi_call? I've made 3 forum posts now and no one has helped.11:55
pksadiqraven: do you require midi piano or any sound synthesizer?11:57
ravenpksadiq anything for midi-music production11:57
MonkeyDustraven  try rosegarden11:57
pksadiq!info rosegarden | raven11:58
ubotturaven: rosegarden (source: rosegarden): music editor and MIDI/audio sequencer. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:11.06-1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 7943 kB, installed size 12828 kB11:58
ravenMonkeyDust rosegarden is no synth but only a multitrack11:58
a-saintsomeone .......  I recently knew about gnome-shell extensions how do i install it in ubuntu11:59
=== pritam_baral is now known as prite
MonkeyDustraven  rather ask in #ubuntustudio12:00
pksadiqraven: what about vmpk?12:00
ravenpksadiq could be userful tnxx12:01
spectiehello all12:02
aasasdhello fellow moronm12:02
spectiehow can i install new themes in ubuntu for gnome12:02
spectiei installed gnome-themes12:02
LjLaasasd: that's not nice.12:03
spectiebut the themes don't appear in the "Appearance" panel12:03
spectieLjL, well, at the moment it is quite accurate :)12:03
MonkeyDustspectie  you need gnome-tweak-tool12:03
spectieok thanks12:04
robindsall of a sudden my ubuntu has changed language to some East-Asian language, how do I revert back to English?12:05
aasasdrobinds: Try reinstalling it from the CD.12:05
robindsaasasd: Sure but isn't that like killing a mosqeeto with a sub machine gun?12:06
aasasdrobinds: It's like killing a whale with a harpoon.12:07
robindsaasasd: ..oh wait, do you mean a complete reeinstall or just the language pack?12:07
aasasdrobinds: Complete.12:07
juhovoisitteko te antaa linkin jostain battlefieldistä mikä toimii upuntulla12:07
robindswow - isn't there a more apt sollution?12:07
juhocould you provide a link from a battlefield from what works upuntulla12:08
aasasdrobinds: You could try just doing an upgrade.12:08
Gentoo64juho, battlefield?12:08
sstarobinds: system settings...language support12:08
Ben64robinds: something like this - http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/17528/change-the-user-interface-language-in-ubuntu/12:09
Gentoo64juho, you mean what battlefield game works on uubntu?12:09
robindsssta sure, but it's all in mandarin or something completely unfamiliar12:09
aasasdjuho: Try typing "/join 0".12:09
bastidrazoraasasd: you're just being silly.12:10
robindsBen64: I did find that link on my own - it's not helping because everything is in a non roman language - including the language names12:11
robindsI need to do it through apt12:11
MonkeyDust" 0: No such channel"12:11
sstarobinds: try running language-selector from a cli12:11
BenSprztrying to install ubuntu from live cd it stops at the repartitioning (side by side install) what should i do?12:11
Ben64robinds: what language is it in12:11
sstamight not be the right command though12:12
robindsBen64: dunno -- I could guess mandarin or cantoneese12:12
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Ben64英语 = English12:12
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robindsBen64: Different languages spoken in China12:13
Ben64in Japanese it is 英語12:13
BenSprzalso, live cd does not find wireless network. any suggestions?12:14
robindsssta: what is the command I need to run language-selector?12:15
sstarobinds: it used to be exactly that...they changed it all with 11.10 though when they added the "control panel" thingy.  I don't know now12:16
Ben64robinds: just do it in gui, its just a few clicks12:16
nicolas__nouveau utilisateur ravis !12:17
robindsBen64: it would be a few clicks if I could read the foreign language, but I cannot read it. It's like someone took your phone and set the languagae to Martian..12:18
BenSprzkann mir jemand sagen warum bei installation (sidebyside) von live cd (10.04) sich der rechner immer bei der repartitionierung aufhängt und warum die live cd mein wireless network nicht erkennt? das wäre hilfreich12:18
Ben64robinds: i just told you what english is in chinese12:18
BenSprzhab schon versucht den treiber nachzuinstallieren, hat aber nicht geklappt12:19
robindsssta my locale shows me LANGUAGE=zh_CN:en_US:en12:19
pksadiqrobinds: try gnome-language-selector or something like that12:19
Myrtti!de | BenSprz12:20
ubottuBenSprz: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!12:20
sstarobinds: try editing ~/.config/user-dirs.locale to en_GB and log out and back in again12:20
robindsssta: and LC_CTYPE and LC_COLLATE =zh_CN.UTF-812:20
robindsssta: sweet!12:20
BenSprzok i posted in english before but to no avail...12:20
sstarobinds: I don't know if that will work, it's just a guess12:20
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^LoGiN^anybody familiar with orchestra/juju ?12:24
^LoGiN^getting an error during bootstrap12:25
^LoGiN^012-01-29 14:23:56,159 INFO Bootstrapping environment 'orchestra' (type: orchestra)...12:25
^LoGiN^Could not find any Cobbler systems marked as available and configured for network boot.12:25
^LoGiN^2012-01-29 14:23:56,184 ERROR Could not find any Cobbler systems marked as available and configured for network boot.12:25
robindsssta: no, but it's on the right track12:25
robindswhat's the name of the login manager used in Oneiric?12:26
sstalightdm by default I think12:26
hyppiasI want to run a ubuntu LAMP server from an SD card in a USB adapter. The machine is an Atom job, without (permanent) CD/CVC drive. What is the best way to get this live Ubuntu server on the (bootable) SD card?12:28
varikonniemihello, is there anything like fraps for ubuntu12:28
a-sainthello guys am having problems installing the gnome shell extensions can someone point me to a solution12:28
auronandacevarikonniemi: it might help to describe what fraps is12:29
Ben64hyppias: you can install it like normal12:29
hyppiasa-saint: just ask.12:29
Stereocaulonvarikonniemi, there is recordmydesktop or Istanbul12:29
varikonniemiauronandace, it is a software that can record a video of the game you are playing12:29
Ben64hyppias: it will be very very slow though12:29
a-sainthyppias I am unable to install the gnome shell extensions even that i have the new gnome12:30
varikonniemiStereocaulon, istanbul seems not to be working, it has 1 star in software scenter. i must check out recordmydesktop12:30
popeyvarikonniemi: try kazam12:30
popeyvarikonniemi: most other screencasting tools are no longer under development, kazam is active.. http://launchpad.net/kazam12:30
Stereocaulonhyppias, install lots of ram so you can load the OS into a ramdisk.12:30
a-sainthyppias  apt-cache show gnome-shell | grep Version Version: 3.2.0-0ubuntu1 Version: 3.2.1-0ubuntu1.112:31
Stereocaulonhyppias, into => onto12:31
hyppiasStereocaulon: yes, but then how to get it in RAM. Also, my system is meant to be low power. Now it's at 20W or so.12:32
auronandace!test | anachronist12:32
ubottuanachronist: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )12:32
Stereocaulonvarikonniemi, I get good results with Istanbul. I did not record any games though.12:32
a-sainthyppias when i open the link https://extensions.gnome.org/     I get this error You do not appear to have an up to date version of GNOME3. You won't be able to install extensions from here. See the about page for more information12:32
varikonniemipopey, thanks! it will test it out12:35
hyppiasa-saint: yes. and?12:35
a-sainthyppias when i go to http://www.gnome.org/getting-gnome/   and choose the ubuntu install and it opens in update manager I choose install this is what i get : http://paste.ubuntu.com/821166/12:35
a-sainthyppias the list is from the details drop menu12:36
sstaa-saint: why aren't you installing it from the standard repository?12:37
a-saintssta as in apt-get install gnome-shell extensions12:37
hyppiasa-saint: yeah. that's the usual way to get stuff12:38
sstauggh, who designed that mechanism for getting packages?12:38
sstaa-saint: yeah, like that12:39
sstaspawning apt-get from a web browser...that's a REALLY bad idea imo.12:39
a-saintssta hyppias do you know if this exactly the command i need to execute12:40
a-saintor doi google it12:40
ssta!notunity | a-saint12:41
ubottua-saint: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic12:41
phwIs there a way to save colored output into a rtf/html/latex file?12:41
sstaphw: umm, can you rephrase the question?  All three formats support colour, I'm not sure what you're asking exactly12:42
phwssta: output from a commandline tool; i need to convert the colored output into something like rtf;12:42
phwssta: of course i can just redirect the output of the application into a file, but then i have a textfile including color codes; yet my applications can obviously not do anything with those12:43
* UD98 is12:43
FlySoftiiiI'm new at Linux. but I think I found a bug. I own an ASUS T101MT, with an touchscreen. If a draw with my pen an Rectangle on the desktop (for marking files) and a second finger touches the screen, the touchscreen simply dosen't work anymore.12:44
UD98hmm... sounds like a bug to me12:44
staminahey ubontu12:44
sstaphw: phw you want something like ansi2html - I don't know if it's available in the ubuntu repositories or not12:45
sstaphw: http://search.cpan.org/~autrijus/HTML-FromANSI-1.01/script/ansi2html12:46
dak0Anybody here12:47
FlySoftiiiIs my problem a known issue? Or shall I write an bug report?12:47
sstaFlySoftiii: it's not so much a bog as it is a consequence of the way touchscreens work12:47
dak0          NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver for Linux-x86_64 (290.10)12:48
FlySoftiiissta: No, under windows i can user two fingers.12:48
dak0 12:48
dak0  ERROR: You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before12:48
dak0         installing.  For further details, please see the section INSTALLING12:48
dak0         THE NVIDIA DRIVER in the README available on the Linux driver12:48
dak0         download page at www.nvidia.com.12:48
dak0                                       OK12:48
dak0I`m trying to install lastest driver12:48
FloodBot1dak0: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:48
FlySoftiiiAnd the touchscreen simply dosen't work after I used two fingers. Not even one finger. Afert restarting everything is normal12:48
dak0Hello guys do you know how can i solve my problem ?12:49
sstaFlySoftiii: hmm, guess it's a bug then12:49
FlySoftiiissta: So I should report it?12:49
sstaFlySoftiii: yeah, probably12:50
Guest82094hey anyone knows a good video player?12:50
dak0SM player or VLC12:50
Guest82094ok ty12:50
hyppiasis there some package to manage a server (LAMP, FTP) remotely via browsers?12:50
sstadak0: why not use the nvidia driver available in ubuntu already?12:50
FlySoftiiissta: If I have time, I'll do. Thank you... Is there a list with known bugs?12:50
dak0Beacus its outdated12:50
dak0lastest is 29012:51
hyppiasGuest82094: Panasonic ?12:51
sstaFlySoftiii: not even sure what you'd file a bug against, but see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs12:51
csabi_hello somebody can help me i bought new sound card and i hear my voice in speaker it is echo problem i use ubuntu 11.04 and try setting the alsamixer and where i can setting that not hear my voice  in a speaker?? thanks..12:51
_skplis that your best english?12:52
sstadak0: if you install from an external source then it's assumed you can fix up whatever breaks.  Otherwise stick to the supported and tested versions in the repositories12:52
dak0I downloaded the driver from the Nvidia site12:53
pangolindak0: the error tells you what to do. log out and then log back in text mode see /msg ubottu !nox and install the driver12:53
sstadak0: yes, I know12:53
vandal-update manager throws "failed to download package files. check your internet connection". My connection is fine, how can i fix it?12:53
dak0vandal try few times12:53
dak0Pangolin thats a bit compilated to me12:54
vandal-dak0, i did. id details i can see whole list like this: Failed to fetch http://pl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/software-properties/software-properties-gtk_0.81.13.1_all.deb 404  Not Found [IP: 80]12:54
paranoidihttp://pastie.org/3275719 - how should I proceed ?12:54
dak0This is fresh install of Ubuntu, beacus i had problems with my dual monitor setup with older drivers, and i was forced to reinstall12:54
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pangolindak0: in that case I suggest you install the nvidia-current package that is available in the software center.12:55
dak0thats why i dont want to use the supported and outdated version of nvidia12:55
sstavandal-: that mirror appears to be broken...I get a 404 as well12:55
vandal-how can i download from another mirror?12:55
dak0pangolin what version of nvidia driver do you use ?12:56
sstavandal-: in the software centre settings there's a place where you can pick a mirror12:56
pangolindak0: nvidia-current from the repositories12:56
oCeanvandal-: ssta the mirror is not broken, the package is updated. Run  sudo apt-get update first12:56
dak0Number of the driver12:56
dak0can you please check ?12:56
sstait's 17312:56
sstawhich yes, is out of date somewhat12:56
pangolindak0: nvidia-current:12:56
pangolin  Installed: 280.13-0ubuntu612:56
dak0but pangolin driver isnt outdated as ours12:57
dak0its just one version12:57
gaussblurinchello! is there any good rss-reader for lxde? ( simple and lightweight )12:57
csabi_hello somebody can help me i bought new sound card and i hear my voice in speaker it is echo problem i use ubuntu 11.04 and try setting the alsamixer and where i can setting that not hear my voice  in a speaker?? thanks..12:57
a-saintssta hyppias I guess it's installed now12:58
vandal-gaussblurinc, i was using liferea for a while, wasnt bad.12:58
a-saintssta hyppias thank you for your help12:58
silversurfer_i  cant get a webserver indtalled any  ideas12:59
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)12:59
paranoidiif I need to reinstall my ubuntu server I will not install ubuntu again, it rotted faster than windows 9812:59
gaussblurincvandal-: thank you!12:59
SomelauwI don't get how evolution works. In my broswer I clicked a link send email. Then I typed my email in evolution and when I clicked send. Evolution just closed?13:00
SomelauwIs that normal behaviour?13:00
Hoythi , is there anyone using Precise alpha ?13:01
vandal-gaussblurinc, tho i went back after a week to reader.google.com :P13:01
oCeanHoyt: Precise/12.04 is not yet released (still alpha). Please /join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion13:01
hyppiaswhat is "ubuntu desktop USB" during installation?13:01
SomelauwIf so, then this program *****13:01
silversurfer_how do i get a webserver in ubuntu?13:01
hyppiassilversurfer: install apache13:02
silversurfer_k thx13:02
vandal-silversurfer_, xampp is extremely easy to install and configure already with mysql and phpmyadmin13:02
SomelauwBut does it work that way?13:03
pangolinSomelauw: no that is not normal behaviour.13:03
auronandace!xampp | vandal-13:03
ubottuvandal-: We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories; see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.13:03
=== skilz is now known as skilz-a
SomelauwI wait this **** program has put my message in one of its outboxes.13:04
pangolinSomelauw: no need to use *'s to replace swearing. Also no need for swearing.13:04
gaussblurincvandal-: i prefer '''software''', not google's applets :)13:05
nnx-t04dwait u broke my moniter13:05
nnx-t04dwrong channel again13:06
Somelauwgaussblurinc: I'll never use evince again13:06
nnx-t04d oh well i might as well use this oppertunity13:06
nnx-t04dhi can i fix my moniter on ubuntu13:06
nnx-t04dmy moniters wont werk13:06
nnx-t04dthey are remotely stated around the globe13:06
nnx-t04d i lost access to five of them13:06
nnx-t04dwhat may cause this??13:06
alexdevillxWell hello there13:07
oCean!enter | nnx-t04d13:07
ubottunnx-t04d: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:07
nnx-t04dyeah u and ur punctuality13:07
alexdevillxI have a problem with Installing Canon LBP 301013:07
gaussblurincSomelauw: why not? is this so bad for you? ( and so, it's really bad :) )13:07
auronandace!u | nnx-t04d13:07
ubottunnx-t04d: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'ryt',  'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.13:07
nnx-t04dshove that in the pie hole13:07
alexdevillxI get a ccp send_data error exit13:07
BuLL_bullfedora r u here?13:08
LjLBuLL_bull: doesn't seem so. /whois fedora13:08
Somelauwgaussblurinc: When I tell my email client to send stuff, I want it to send stuff immediately.13:09
BuLL_bulla friend's name...13:09
aasasdSomelauw: i dont13:09
rrefhi is there a possibility  in ubuntu to say start process A after process A has finished start process B? I'm not sure if A;B will work13:09
LjLBuLL_bull: yes, i'm saying you can do /whois fedora to find out whether they're connected and in this channel. /query fedora to privately message them.13:09
SomelauwSo what's the idea of not immediately sending stuff? What is the advantage?13:09
LjLrref: a; b seems correct to me13:10
BuLL_bull0_0thank u~13:10
aasasdSomelauw: you can wait until offpeak time to preserve bandwidth13:10
BuLL_bulli'll try13:10
rrefLjL: thank you13:10
alexdevillxGuys i have a problem with installing Canon LBP 3010 on ubuntu. I get this IDLE ccp send_data error, exit error while i'm trying to print something. I followed this manual.http://habrahabr.ru/blogs/linux/107893/13:10
pangolinSomelauw: Check your email clients settings and see if message are set to be sent immediately.13:11
alexdevillxGuys i have a problem with installing Canon LBP 3010 on ubuntu. I get this IDLE ccp send_data error, exit error while i'm trying to print something. I followed this manual.http://habrahabr.ru/blogs/linux/107893/13:13
ilpollohi, i need the spanish chanel, thanks13:13
auronandace!es | ilpollo13:14
ubottuilpollo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.13:14
pangolin!cn | BuLL_bull13:14
ubottuBuLL_bull: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw13:14
alexdevillxBuLL_bull, what should i look at? )))13:14
BuLL_bull= =what happend...13:15
BuLL_bullok , i am sorry~13:15
n0xhi there13:16
Stereocaulonhi n0x13:16
uween  vh13:17
FloodBot1uween: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:17
Stereocaulon!ask | uween13:17
ubottuuween: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:17
oCeanuween: stop please13:17
=== RoozbehOnline is now known as Rosha
LuvStrawberrysThere was created the first ubuntu virus.13:22
jribLuvStrawberrys: do you have a support question?13:23
LuvStrawberryshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tg4u7ko333U This worm can crash thousands ubuntu computers!13:23
bucaneirobye LuvStrawberrys13:25
KevinLaptopAlright, I wanted to remove ubuntu from my partitions on my desktop, and the other operating system I have is Windows 7. So from windows 7, I deleted all the ubuntu partitions, and now I'm not quite sure what to do next, it keeps going to grub rescue saying file not found13:26
cipherboyKevinLaptop: you need to reload Window's bootloader.13:26
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KevinLaptopcipherboy: and how do I do that?13:26
auronandaceKevinLaptop: you need to reinstall windows bootloader, ask in ##windows13:27
StereocaulonKevinLaptop, you can reload the Windows boatloader by starting a cmd from the Windows CD. After that, just type fdisk /f to restore the previous boot partition.13:27
dak0lol, you can get more Windows Help in #ubuntu channel instead of ubuntu help13:28
StereocaulonKevinLaptop, you can reload the Windows boatloader by starting a cmd from the Windows CD. After that, just type fdisk /mbr to restore the previous boot partition.13:28
=== Scott___ is now known as Scott_292
KevinLaptopStereocaulon: Alright, awesome, thanks. I'll try that13:28
Scott_292I have Windows on a partition /dev/sda1, when I installed it I used dd to create a copy of the partition. I want to reset windows to it's original state, are there any risks by using dd to copy from this file back to /dev/sda1? Obviously, I know about data loss, I mean boot up failures, etc.13:29
StereocaulonKevinLaptop, http://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/720866-how-can-i-restore-the-windows-7-bootloader/13:29
Scott_292Also is this the correct way to do it: gunzip -c sda1.img.gz | dd of=/dev/sda1 bs=51213:29
KevinLaptopdak0: they just ignored me anyways, windows sucks IMO I just use it for gaming :P installing anotherl linux distro once I can burn the disk from windows xD13:29
dak0What do you game?13:30
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:30
Stereocaulondak0, KevinLaptop, afaik Windows does not have a very active IRC channel </understatement> They are probably all on MSN...13:30
auronandaceScott_292: extract it then: sudo dd if=/path/to/img of=/dev/sda1 bs=51213:30
KevinLaptopdak0: gta, TF2, games like that :P13:31
auronandaceScott_292: make sure you are certain you got the right partitiom13:31
dak0You can game them on Linux with Wine13:31
isotta Bot N.3113:31
pangolinStereocaulon: ##windows is very active and helpful. if you wish to help with windows issues join that channel please13:31
KevinLaptopdak0: I never tried it really, because I thought it wouldn't run well with wine, but I'll give it a shot!13:32
Stereocaulonpangolin, no thanks, I haven't had any issues with Windows since I switched to linux in 1997 :-P13:32
dak0depends on your hardware13:32
pangolincool, then lets get back to Ubuntu support and stay on topic.13:32
cipherboyScott's question never got answered.13:33
overcluckerScott_292: that should work13:33
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Scott_292thanks all13:34
overcluckersince dd  is pipe aware13:34
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Scott_292overclucker, yeah the man page says stdin is assumed if 'if' isn't used13:38
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cipherboySlow channel...13:40
Stereocauloncipherboy, Slow channel?!.. #ubuntu, normally it is so fast I have to open up private channels in order to help someone efficiently.13:42
Stereocauloncipherboy, but right now, yes not too many questions right now.13:42
Skew-_^iam thinking of buying a new laptop, maby a asus zenbook (ultrabook) or a acer ultrabook, i want it to run linux whitout to mutch hassle, and is it only ATI cards i shud look out fore that it dosent have, or what is the best laptop for linux?13:43
StereocaulonSkew-_^, better look out for nVidia cards instead if you want do any 3D.13:43
auronandaceSkew-_^: thinkpads are awesome, try to avoid switchable graphics13:43
Skew-_^Stereocaulon, nVida cards is bad for linux? i gotr truble whit my ati card ;S13:44
auronandaceSkew-_^: nvidia cards are better supported13:44
StereocaulonSkew-_^, nVidia cards bad for linux? Where did you get that silly idea?13:45
petsoundsSkew-_^: you might want to check out -> http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/13:45
buhmanhrm, interesting; I made changes to my grub.cfg, but when I try to start a VM from /dev/sda, I don't see the changes http://absdev.org/grub-qemu.png13:46
buhman(the casing of "fallback"/"Fallback")13:46
Skew-_^Stereocaulon, wass a question cuz i wrote is it only ATI cards i shud look out for that the computer dosent have and u sayd nVida :P13:49
StereocaulonSkew-_^, I see, well you *did* ask for advice didn't you?13:50
hyppiasduring installation, I must specify a partitioning scheme. is that scheme saved somewhere on the destination disk?13:51
Skew-_^Stereocaulon, yes ;) and iam gonna turn away from ATI cards ;P only problem whit it, damn have u seen this? ASUS ZENBOOK UX31E RY012V - 13.3"13:51
hyppias want to use the partitiong scheme in a preseed file13:51
Segajahi, how can i tell apt-get in the config, that i don't want to install recommendet packages?13:52
StereocaulonSkew-_^, it looks like pretty precise Macbook pro ripoff...13:52
pangolinSegaja: edit /etc/apt/apt.conf and add a line like: APT::Install-Recommends "false";13:53
Skew-_^sure but its sexy, i think thinkpad looks like it have allways done the last 20years13:53
StereocaulonSkew-_^, When I look up the specs I see Intel Graphics. Well, for 2D graphics those chips are actually really good.13:53
Skew-_^Stereocaulon, :) when u talk about 3D graphics you meen like 3D movies and 3D games whit glasses?13:55
Segajapangolin: i don't have this file13:55
pangolinSegaja: create it13:55
StereocaulonSkew-_^, well...Thinkpads tend to be mostly intact when you drop them. I'm not so sure about this one. Your data will probably be safe, because it's an SSD. but the rest...13:55
=== siric is now known as sitic
StereocaulonSkew-_^, no, I talk about any 3D accelaration at all...13:55
KevinLaptopalright, I try to boot my windows disk now its saying it can't find bootmgr13:57
StereocaulonSkew-_^, The point is, that laptop is not usable for games or 3D modelling, for humble office jobs, this will do fine.13:57
Skew-_^kk i see i see13:57
StereocaulonKevinLaptop, ==> #windows13:57
KevinLaptopwhat does that have to do with windows? its GRUB13:57
KevinLaptopgrub is what's telling me this13:57
Skew-_^iam gonna change out my HP Envy 14-1190eo to somthing that is more Linux friendly13:57
Segajapangolin: thanks13:58
pangolinKevinLaptop: if you are booting with the windows CD you should not be seeing grub at all13:58
pangolinSegaja: welcome13:58
gartralhello all, I'm looking for a virtual pet "toy" application, I'm not talking about AMOR, I want somthing a little more along the lines of the old "Petz" program.. anything like that around?13:58
Stereocaulonpangolin, good point!13:58
MonkeyDustKevinLaptop  do you get the grub menu?13:58
Skew-_^Stereocaulon, i travle alot so i need one that is powerfull and not so heavy13:58
KevinLaptoppangolin: Yes, that's exactly my point, but grub ISN'T letting it boot from my recovery disk. HP Sent me about 3 disks of windows 7 recovery, and NONE of them work13:58
KevinLaptopMonkeyDust: no, all I see is the grub rescue thing13:59
pangolinKevinLaptop: check your BIOS and make sure you have boot from CD set first13:59
KevinLaptoppangolin: already done that13:59
pangolinKevinLaptop: further help with windows in ##windows13:59
StereocaulonSkew-_^, you still haven't told us what you need it for. What are your needs for this lappy?13:59
MonkeyDustKevinLaptop  maybe this link is useful http://www.arsgeek.com/2008/01/15/how-to-fix-your-windows-mbr-with-an-ubuntu-livecd/13:59
StereocaulonMonkeyDust, it is a bit old, don't know if that would still work with Vista and up.14:00
KevinLaptopMonkeyDust: thank you, I will try that :-)14:00
KevinLaptopStereocaulon: I'll try anything at this point lol14:00
KevinLaptopomfg, now its saying the same thing when I try to boot ubuntu livecd..14:01
StereocaulonKevinLaptop, for more modern games, Wine is actually pretty good.14:01
Skew-_^Stereocaulon, hmm, vbox, office, web browsing, movies, music, some games, maby autocad or scetchup14:01
KevinLaptopStereocaulon: anything is worth a try, thanks for the info :D14:02
StereocaulonKevinLaptop, well first of all, you'll need to tell your BIOS to start from CD *before* looking up a bootloader on your HDD/ SSD14:02
rasterizer_Hello everyone, for some reason I am not able to connect to smb share using gnome file manager. However i can connect using konqueror?14:03
StereocaulonKevinLaptop, if you have (U)EFI instead, the principle is almost the same, but it will look shiny and have mouse support :-P14:03
StereocaulonSkew-_^, Try browsing www.winehq.org/appdb, you may not even need Windows.14:04
KevinLaptopStereocaulon: its already set to boot cd first14:04
StereocaulonKevinLaptop, in that case you waited to long on the question wheter it should boot from optical/ CD or not.14:04
Skew-_^Stereocaulon, i need windows for ipad, and iphone sync/backup :P the itunes true wine is buggy14:05
ScopeyI keep having a problem with installing ubuntu via windows 7, when the installation is nearing completion i get a Windowsbackend eror about the iso path and can't install, also it refuses to let me boot from the usb drive i installed ubuntu on14:05
StereocaulonSkew-_^, you could start Windows in a VM, you know...14:05
ZynuiMaicheHello!  I had a question about Ubuntu and RAM.  My friend told me that it allocates so space on the HDD to give you more RAM than you actually have.  But my Activity Monitor tells me I have what is installed.  Any thoughts?14:05
Skew-_^Stereocaulon, yes vbox^^14:06
ZynuiMaicheSpecifically, something called "Swap"14:06
rasterizer_<ZynuiMaiche>, thats is called swap / virtual file system (windows)14:06
StereocaulonSkew-_^,  or kvm/ Xen (more performance, but less user friendliness)14:06
sstaZynuiMaiche: yes, teh installer by default allocates some swap.  What specifically did you want to know?14:07
artichokuhowdie howdie! how's it hangin'?14:07
sstaartichoku: to the left14:07
artichokueveryone always says that14:07
artichokui gotta change my macro14:07
ZynuiMaicheI guess, how does it work?  I have about 1GB of actual RAM, and Swap says it has 2.8GB.  Does this mean I effectively have 4GB of RAM?14:07
sstaZynuiMaiche: no, you have 1G of actual RAM, but if you run out then the kernel can swap some out to dosk.  Generally it swaps out stuff that's not being used much14:08
artichokuzynuimaiche, have you used windows before? swap is kind of like the virtual memory of windows14:08
StereocaulonZynuiMaiche, you can look at swap as an emergency storage if you have run of RAM.14:08
rasterizer_ZynuiMachie, the way sap works it if your os runs out of RAM, it will use the swap space14:08
sstaswap is *slow* though...you don't want to have to use it if you can help it14:08
ScopeyI keep having a problem with installing ubuntu via windows 7, when the installation is nearing completion i get a Windowsbackend eror about the iso path and can't install, also it refuses to let me boot from the usb drive i installed ubuntu on14:09
Scopeyanyone know how to fix this?14:09
Stereocaulonssta, ZynuiMaiche, yes it is painfully slow, but you will always need a small swap partition.14:09
ZynuiMaichehmmmm ok very interesting.  So it's kind of like an emergency usage kind of thing?14:09
ahmadjoin #ubuntu-ir14:10
artichokuscopey: what is the exact error14:10
sstaScopey: http://askubuntu.com/questions/84198/windows-backend-object-has-no-attribute-iso-path-see-log-for-details-err14:10
sstaScopey: is that the problem?14:10
rasterizer_socpey, did you make sure the usb is bootable14:10
Stereocaulon!swap | ZynuiMaiche14:10
ubottuZynuiMaiche: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info14:10
sstaStereocaulon: not actually true, but close denough I suppose14:10
ahmadtank you14:10
ScopeyI just followed the instructions ont he ubuntu site to make it a bootable device, using universal usb installer14:11
artichokuthe good doctor is in14:11
Scopeyafter it was done, I tried to install and the error i got was "windowsbackend object has no attribute 'iso_path'"14:11
Stereocaulonartichoku, yes indeed :-)14:11
artichokuburn a disk scopey14:11
m60APTonCD, is there a way to have it include more packages, not just the last downloaded?14:11
dr_willisat work also.. gotta love cellphones that can irc14:11
Scopeywhy can't i do it via usb?14:11
artichokuif you're installing and not running live14:11
pangolinScopey: you need to set your BIOS to boot from USB first14:11
rasterizer_you can use mobalive CD a qemu emulator to test if you can boot via the usb14:12
Stereocaulondr_willis, so what model cell do you use?14:12
sstaScopey: that link I posted seems to suggest that you can't use wubi from USB drives14:12
Scopeypangolin: I have set my bios to boot from removable media first, but it refuses to let me boot from usb14:12
Scopeyfurthermore, why would the ubuntu site say you can?14:12
ZynuiMaicheok thanks for the info on that everybody!  My other question is how to run a jar file from terminal such that if I close the terminal, the jar executed will remain open.  Is this possible?14:12
artichokuzynuimaiche java ./file14:13
StereocaulonZynuiMaiche, yes, just do this: java <jarfile> &14:13
StereocaulonZynuiMaiche, yes, just do this: java -jar <jarfile> &14:13
artichokuyeah the -jar14:13
artichokumer bad14:13
dr_willisZynuiMaiche:  nohup command &    then 'exit' to close the term14:13
Stereocaulonartichoku, as you've seen I omittted it also at first ;-)14:13
Scopeyi'll try doing it via disc and see if that works14:13
artichokui forget it frequently, then it doesn't work, and i remember, lol14:14
dr_willisZynuiMaiche:  or start using screen ;)14:14
ubottuscreen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. The 'byobu' package provides very useful additional utilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen14:14
sstabyobu is awesomeness14:15
e-animai do not dance!14:15
rasterizer_for some reason I am not able to connect to smb share using gnome file manager. However i can connect using konqueror. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this problem.14:15
e-animai do not dance!14:16
lahwranI don't think you're supposed to be doing that, e-anima14:16
lahwranresponding to a bot command, that is14:16
KevinLaptophow about this, if I reinstall ubuntu will it fix my problems?14:16
e-animai do not dance!14:16
e-animalol. old joke from a friend14:16
dr_willisrasterizer_:  try cinnecting via ip number not machine name14:16
artichokuthere's no place like
e-animawait a sec14:16
lahwranartichoku: please keep socializing to #ubuntu-offtopic14:17
Stereocaulonartichoku, such a shame that saying will change after IPV6 has taken over...14:17
e-animaand thats no bot, that a simple trigger 1 line14:17
pangoline-anima: please make sure it is disabled for this channel14:18
artichokustereocaulon, ikr?!14:18
e-animai removed it14:18
sstaStereocaulon: ipv6 has been "taking over any day now" since 1990.  It's still not here.  I've given up waiting for it14:18
pangoline-anima: thank you :)14:18
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:18
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines14:18
lahwransocializing is fine but this is the wrong place14:18
rasterizer_dr_willis,  as I can connect via knoqueror browser using  server name. I can't understand how that will make any difference14:18
rasterizer_I will give it a go anyhow14:19
Stereocaulonrasterizer_, good point, maybe nautilus is wonky on this.14:19
dr_willisrasterizer_:  ive had name fail and ip numbers work14:19
dr_willisno idea why..14:20
Scopeyssta: install via cd worked, thanks, i'll be back on a bit with another question lol14:20
Stereocaulonrasterizer_, why don't you file a bug with nautilus?14:20
dr_williscould be some time out differances also14:22
dr_willissamba and windiws shares seem to get flakier every year14:23
rasterizer_stereocaulon, dr_willis: it works now14:23
dr_willisrasterizer_:  ip or name.. or both...14:23
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rasterizer_it was not the ip , but the path or share i was entering was incorrect14:23
dr_willistypos ;)14:23
sstadr_willis: it's (somewhat) due to the desire to make it seamless and easy for users when it's inherently not as easy as all that...there are multiple barely semi-compatible versions of SMB/CIFS.  Even Windows has trouble deciding how to connect sometimes14:24
dr_willisI wonder if that d14:24
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dr_willisfuse smb thing works14:25
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rasterizer_I have one more question, what is the max data transfer we can get over a smb network share locally and what parameters this will depend on14:25
rasterizer_I tried to copy about 16 gb over smb it took about 8-10 hours.14:26
sstadr_willis: nautilus is using fuse behind the scenes I think.14:26
rasterizer_ssta, fues if only if the share is a NTFS i think14:27
Stereocaulonrasterizer_, or another non-native FS, I agree.14:27
Myrttirasterizer_: if the data is transferred over TCP/IP, it makes no difference on what kind of filesystem it is...14:27
sstarasterizer_: nope.  fuse is "filesystem in userspace", it basically means that the driver for the filesystem isn't running directly inside the kernel space14:28
sstarasterizer_: so, for exsample, sshfs is fuse14:29
rasterizer_Myrtti, I would say fuse would be use locally by the server. And the client will use a Tcp/ip stream14:29
sstahmm, nautilus uses gvfs, which (I think) is a different userspace vfs layer to fuse.  Same sort of thing though14:30
ScopeyHey guys, quick question, how can i get ubuntu/a program to scan a drive and delete all illegal characters in filenames? aka I want to go through a drive and delete all illegal characters (as per windows conventions) in the filenames14:31
ahmadکسی از ایران ایجا هست؟14:31
sstaScopey: define "illegal"?14:31
pangolin!arabic | ahmad14:31
ubottuahmad: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية14:31
Scopeysuch as "?" """ ":"14:31
ahmadسلام من توی دانلود اهنگ با فایرفاکس مشکل دارم14:32
ahmad به جای این که فایل دانلود بشه یک صفحه دیگه باز میشه که سیاه هستش14:32
ahmad بعد توی اون صفحه اهنگ پخش میشه14:32
ahmad مشکل از چیست؟14:32
Scopeyi can get a full list of them14:32
FloodBot1ahmad: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:32
Scopeyssta: / ? < > \ : * | ” those characters14:32
aminebonjour a tous pour quoi il mon baned sur ubuntu-fr14:32
pangolinamine: demande dans #ubuntu-fr-ops14:33
pangolinamine: on parle anglais seulement ici14:33
sstaScopey: for foo in $(find /basedirectory); do mv ${foo} $(echo ${foo}|tr -d '?<>:*|"'); done14:34
sstaScopey: TEST THAT FIRST! :)14:34
sstaScopey: I pulled it out of the air, it should be fairly close, but don't run it on files you care about without checking it does what you want14:34
Scopeyssta: how should i go about testing it/can you walk me through the procedure please14:35
sstaScopey: take a copy of the tree you want to run it all on (or part of the tree).  Run it on eht ecopy and check it does what you think it should14:35
amineje vous demonde avous tous ubuntu et pour tous le monde sa na rien avoire avec la longe moi je soui arabe je je parle 2 longe14:36
oCean!fr | amine14:36
ubottuamine: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:36
rasterizer_ssta, fuse is a native fs utility for ntfs. where as gvfs something specific to gnome which is similar to konqueror's support of diff fs right from the browser. translates in to diff protocols as per service14:36
pangolinamine: Dans #ubuntu on parle an anglais seulement, ci tu as besoin d;aide en francais /join #ubuntu-fr ou bien #ubuntu-fr-ops14:36
pangolindernier evertisement14:37
sstarasterizer_: I really think you're wrong14:37
aminele probleme il mon baned sur ubuntu-fr et je veu aprndre  a travaille sur ubuntu ce sa que je ne pas compri14:39
Scopeyssta: I did for foo in $(find /Media/Media/Anime/Bounen no Xamdou); do mv ${foo} $(echo ${foo}|tr -d '?<>:*|"'), and the terminal is still working, how long should it take or did i do something wrong?14:39
sstaScopey: depends how many files there are there.14:40
Scopeyssta: there's only 27 files14:40
sstaScopey: then there's a problem.  The spacxe in the tree name won't help14:40
JackAnansiScopey: I'm only half paying attention and I don't know much about it, but the spaces in the directory name might screw things up14:40
jribScopey: that probably wouldn't work right if your filenames have spaces14:40
V-illeIt seems my 11.10 doesn't automount removable media with xfce, any idea why? Thunar has volume management enabled and the config looks right.14:40
sstaScopey: personally I'd put an echo in front of that "mv" so I can SEE what it's doing before I let it actually do it14:40
sstaScopey: if it's only 27 files, why not just fix them by hand?14:40
JackAnansiScopey: maybe put the full path in quotes14:40
Scopeyssta: JackAnansi: I can fix the folder name so there's no space in the folder name14:41
jribScopey: I'd suggest just use the rename command...14:41
sstasurely wouldn't take more than a minute or two, and you KNOW it's safe14:41
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sstaScopey: in general, spaces in filenames are *evil*...avoid them wherever possible :)14:41
Scopeyok could someone give me the code I should try then? sorry to be so helpless with this14:41
sstaScopey: seriously, there are only 27?  change them by hand...LOTS safer14:42
Scopeyssta: this is just a test batch, there's many many more14:42
JackAnansissta: yeah, I hated using the command line in windows. so many directories with spaces in the name...14:42
jribScopey: rename -n 's/charactersIdon'tlike//' files_I_want_to_rename14:42
sstaScopey: ah, okay.  Remove the spaces firs then.  There are lots of scripts for doing that (google for "script to remove spaces in filenames")14:42
jribScopey: erm, throw on a g after the two slashes14:43
snimavatI just installed ubuntu along side windows 7, and now windows 7 won't boot14:43
snimavatI can see the windows in boot menu, but when i click on it, windows does not boot and after few secs, again i am presented to choose from the ubuntu or windows14:43
Scopeyssta: i'm a little worried about removing all the spaces when it comes to going back and renaming the files after :S14:43
aciculasnimavat: can you select windows from the boot menu?14:43
rasterizer_snisnimavat, do you get any error message14:44
aciculaand what happens then14:44
snimavatevery time i click on windows, it shows me boot menu again14:44
varikonniemii have this program that is started by doing 'glc-capture'14:44
snimavatNo errors - windows does not boot and i m presented boot menu again.14:44
varikonniemihow can i find what name the program is?14:45
jribvarikonniemi: define "name"14:45
V-illeah, now I see it - thunar doesn't cope with these multimode devices I have14:45
sstaScopey: basically this is not a trivial thing...it can cause dataloss.  It's more than possible (in fact, stuff like this is why I love unix), but given that it's hairy, I don't wnt to be the cause of you losing data14:45
varikonniemilocate glc-capture does not find anything14:45
V-illeI need an alternative volume manager that works with xfce then14:45
jribvarikonniemi: you want the location?14:45
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)14:45
jribvarikonniemi: « which glc-capture »14:45
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot14:45
aciculaah thats the one i wanted14:45
snimavatrasterizer_  i get no errors, it just does not boot, and i m presented the boot menu again14:46
snimavatrasterizer_ ?14:46
snimavatI did nothing fancier when installing ubuntu, but still windows won't boot - though its present in boot menu14:47
loxshow can I invoke ubuntu software center from the command line?14:47
rasterizer_snimavat, if you have not formatted the windows partition. I would advised us windows boot disk to do a recovery14:48
loxswhat's the name of its executable?14:48
jribloxs: software-center -_-14:48
snimavatrasterizer_ Yes windows partition is not formatted - I can see data from ubuntu file explorer14:48
snimavatrasterizer_ How do i do recovery ? will ubuntu still work after that ?14:49
yeatssnimavat: you used wubi (windows ubuntu installer) right?14:49
loxsjrib, it's not14:49
jribloxs: it is :/  What version of ubuntu are you using?14:49
loxsjrib, 11.1014:49
jribloxs: software-center14:50
uni4dfxWhere the f**k are printer settings in 11.10??? Everything is gone? Is this a joke?14:50
jribloxs: why do you believe it's not?14:50
loxshm, it's not installed, strange14:50
snimavatyeats ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd6414:50
dak0search in dash14:50
DragonSlayis windows better than linux? One guy said linux has lot of bugs. Personally i feel linux is fast, stable. Since i don't have any sure point to argue with him, i stayed calm.14:50
yeatsloxs: type software-c<TAB> and see what comes up14:50
snimavatyeats - I dont know if its wubi or what - sorry for tht.. quite new to ubuntu14:50
dak0Depends what are you doing with the computer, if you are gaming Windows is better. ;)14:51
yeatssnimavat: did you insert the disc and install while Windows was running?14:51
loxsyeats, after I installed it, it's fine :)14:51
yeatsloxs: ah ;-)14:51
snimavatyeats - No - i installed it side by side - dual boot - not as a software inside windows14:51
yeatssnimavat: okay - just ruling that out14:52
snimavatyeats - what has gone wrong ?  what can i do now ?14:52
dak0Whats your problem ?14:52
rasterizer_snimavat, it seems that the windows boot loader might. What option did you choose when it ask prompts you to select to install grub(on mbr / the partition)14:53
yeatssnimavat: see if this thread helps: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=160682314:54
snimavatrasterizer_  it did not ask any thing such, just asked for install side by side windows and resize partition thts all14:54
giedzhi, does anyone know if latest ubuntu-core supports ARM 11 MP ?14:56
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Stereocaulongiedz, I believe not, Debian does though14:57
snimavatyeats thanks but that looks different, that guy seems to have issue because of two hdd14:57
snimavatrasterizer_  how do i do recovery using windows CD ?14:57
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snimavati mean will that keep ubuntu working.. or what ? any steps14:58
rasterizer_snimavat, try google "how to recover windows 7 after installing ubuntu "14:58
drale2kDo i have to restart the server when i put something newi nto /etc/init.d/ ?14:59
dak0I don`t thing so.15:00
vpelcak_I have weird issue. After upgrade to oneiric on 64bit arch I have displayed packages from i386 arch as well (in format pkgname:i386). How to get rid of them?15:00
vpelcak_any ideas?15:01
rasterizer_snimavat, that should keep ubuntu working as long as it is not using one of the partitions required by windows715:01
Skew-_^Does Ubuntu suport alienware?15:01
sstaSkew-_^: I don't see why it wouldn't.  It's just a PC...expensive PC, but still just a PC15:02
stephenhit's just a beefed up dell15:02
snimavatrasterizer_  ok, i m googling15:02
lucious77what is missing in ubuntu-core to support ARM 11 MP  if Debian does?15:03
rasterizer_vpelcak, which install iso did you use?15:03
drale2kI have my init script for nginx under /etc/init.d/ but when i try to run "sudo /etc/init.d/nginx" it says "sudo: /etc/init.d/nginx: command not found"15:03
vpelcak_rasterizer_: That was upgrade. I don't recall details, but there is some script like do-dist-upgrade or something like that15:04
rkmiecdrale2k: are you sure it has execution bit set?15:04
ablyssthis is awesome http://www.ubuntu.com/tour/en/15:04
jribdrale2k: you shouldn't call those scripts directly anyway but instead use the « service » command15:04
rasterizer_vpelcak, that right.  was your initial installation was a x86_64 bit base distro and then you did the upgrade15:05
drale2kjrib: service nginx tells me "nginx: unrecognized service"15:05
V-illeheh, ok, I solved my automount woes. The other device (n900) was mounting its disk itself because I had an ebook reader open. :) The other device refuses to mount usb mass storage anyway.15:05
vpelcak_rasterizer_: Yes. I also briefly checked repos and didn't found any where was 32bit specified to be used (if it is even possible)15:06
jribdrale2k: it would be « sudo service nginx start » (or stop, or restart, or whatever).  Did you create this script?  How did this script come to be?15:06
rasterizer_what kernels do you see when you boot, if you did upgrade it might show different kernel versions15:06
drale2kjrib: i got it via "wget" and checked the paths, they are correct for me15:07
jribdrale2k: how did you install nginx?15:07
drale2kjrib: via "passenger", it installs nginix for Ruby on Rails15:07
vpelcak_rasterizer_: Linux triarius 3.0.0-15-generic #25-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jan 2 17:44:42 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux15:07
jribdrale2k: why aren't you using APT?15:07
vpelcak_I've installed latest kernel, but didn't reboot to it, yet.15:08
drale2kjrib: because this does the config for rails and ruby automatically :(15:08
drale2kjrib: and everything works only the service not15:08
drale2kjrib: i can start nginx by calling /opt/nginx/sbin/nginix15:08
jribdrale2k: use apt, it will have a proper working init script15:08
vpelcak_Perhaps it is synaptic bug15:09
vpelcak_I don't see this in aptitude15:09
jribdrale2k: remove your current nginx install and your existing /etc/init.d/nginx script first15:09
LukeNukemi think like dr_willis told me, i broke unity15:09
LukeNukemi cant see close, minimise buttons on terminal15:09
dak0I broke once unity15:09
LukeNukemand minimized applications15:09
StereocaulonLukeNukem, good for you, now you can finally switch to a sensible DE15:09
LukeNukemi cant see panel on them either.15:10
dak0everytime i click at dash or anything on unity auto logout15:10
LukeNukemStereocaulon, like?15:10
dak0The only way to solve this problem15:10
dak0is ......15:10
dak0reinstall :)15:10
StereocaulonLukeNukem, XFCE, LXDE, OPenbox, Fluxbox, take a pick...15:10
LukeNukemStereocaulon, Gnome?15:10
dak0or sudo apt-get install lubuntu-dekstop15:10
dak0and switch to kde15:10
dak0 ;)15:10
StereocaulonLukeNukem, don't make me laugh...15:10
LukeNukemoh, i remember..15:11
LukeNukemUnity is the shell15:11
LukeNukemso XFCE must be shell15:11
LukeNukembut ive seen some stuff on google like XFCE vs Gnome, so i thought it would be something like GNOME15:11
LukeNukemdak0, but isn't that another OS15:11
StereocaulonLukeNukem, actually Unity is an extension of Gnome3 and XFCE can be seen as a Gnome-Light and LXDE even more.15:11
analyserhi. i've a notebook with two graphic cards, a intel and a nvidia, I'm having a hard time to set them up. I would like to know if is it possible to disable the intel card, and just use the nvidia one?15:12
LukeNukemStereocaulon, how would i install XFCE, or anything better? something that looks good ;)15:12
vpelcak_rasterizer_: It looks like problem iin package management itself, not in kernel level. aptitude displays packages twice, synaptic adds i386 indicator15:12
StereocaulonLukeNukem, just install the xubuntu-desktop package.15:12
EagleScreenI like Unity more each day15:12
OerHeksanalyser, you have an Optimus ?15:13
LukeNukemStereocaulon, how big is it15:13
analyserOerHeks: yes, but it's not working properly.15:13
dak0Just do it 100-200mb's15:13
StereocaulonLukeNukem, depends on how many libraries you have already loaded, most of is actually shared with Gnome15:13
OerHeksanalyser, check bumblebee > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee and the #Bumblebee channel15:13
snimavatbtw how do i start shell in ubuntu 11 ?15:13
mongyLukeNukem,  if you want to save some bandwidth use the --no-install-recommends option15:13
snimavatwhere are all the menus gone ?15:14
snimavatWhere's terminal ?15:14
OerHekssnimavat, ctrl + alt + T15:14
Colin969 Is there a way to pull a proxy over specific mac addresses via my router? E.G Block select sites to a single computer. #networking seems to be dead15:14
analyserOerHeks: I'll check that again, although, I'd rather prefer just disable the intel card and use nvidia all the time, if this were possible, ofcourse.15:14
dak0anybody playing PokerTH?15:15
OerHeksanalyser, i think it is possible, with the switcher... but i do not own a Optimus, just interested.15:15
mongysnimavat, hit windows key or click the dash icon top left, start typing terminal.15:15
sjihsHi, is it possible to install ubuntu-mono fonts on natty?15:15
LukeNukemmongy, what difference does it make o.o15:16
analyserOerHeks: I'll give this a last shot, and then I come back to tell my results15:16
LukeNukemStereocaulon, isn't xubuntu, lubuntu etc another operating system, i would be changing my OS then15:16
aciculaanalyser, the nvidia card will drain your battery a lot quicker, so permanently disabling the intel igp may not be what you want15:17
maxagazI have just succesfully installed ubuntu on a samsung np-nc10, but when I rebooted it, I get a black screen with blinking cursor, what does it mean ?15:17
mongyLukeNukem, will miss out applications that come with default desktop install, so if you already have gedit installed for instance, it wont download leafpad, the xfce text editor..  etc15:17
StereocaulonLukeNukem, no they are not, it's all Ubuntu, just with another Desktop Environment15:17
StereocaulonLukeNukem, they are called meta-packages, actually a set of packages.15:18
ubottuA meta-package is a package that simply depends upon other packages and brings them in. It's not a real package, but a very useful package that can drag in other package versions.15:18
LukeNukemStereocaulon, cant i just install XFCE15:19
analyseracicula: that's true, however as I work always with the computer plugged into the wall it's not a big deal.15:20
StereocaulonLukeNukem, but the Xubuntu package takes care of a smooth transition. You can always choose another DE from the startup menu15:20
drale2kjrib, rkmiec: rkmiec was right about the execution, "chmod +x" has done it15:21
LukeNukem_Stereocaulon, ok so whats the best DE to install15:21
StereocaulonLukeNukem, that's up to you to decide. XFCE looks the most like Gnome2 minus the top bar.15:22
* dsf4r4 waves hi15:22
LukeNukem_Stereocaulon, what about GNOME 315:23
LjLdak0: is your question how to install PokerTH? why not just "sudo apt-get install pokerth"?15:24
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mongyLukeNukem, you can install and remove them at your leisure.  or why not just try them in a vmeware/virtualbox vm15:25
mongyarg, nevermind.15:25
StereocaulonLukeNukem, I don't like it, but you can decide for yourself. I chose LXDE, because I want my desktop to be lean and mean, but usable nonetheless.15:25
dak0LjL does that download lastest version ?15:25
LjLdak0: no, it downloads the version provided with your Ubuntu release. is there a reason why you need to use the latest version?15:26
dak0Yes, to play online15:26
Stereocaulondak0, sure it does, the latest version included in the software sources you have selected.15:26
LukeNukem_Stereocaulon, ok the article says just go to ubuntu center and install Gnone 315:26
basil_kurian_I have problem with authenticating  LDAP user in apache on group basis. Please see this configuration15:27
basil_kurian_This is the error that I'm getting on error_log15:27
basil_kurian_[error] [client] access to / failed, reason: require directives present and no Authoritative handler15:27
basil_kurian_ I 'm able to authenticate users on user basis.but on group basis it is not working15:27
FloodBot1basil_kurian_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:27
basil_kurian_This is the error that I 'm getting on ldap server (running on debug mode) http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/821299/15:27
dak0once i installed from ubuntu software center, and that wasnt lastest...15:27
LjLdak0: open a shell and run the .run file, with or without sudo (i don't know where it tries to install, try without first).15:28
shaneohey guys im getting alot of 404 errors today when running apt anyone else?15:28
LjLshaneo: pastebin the output15:28
Stereocaulonshaneo, choose another mirror then15:28
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basil_kurian_please look into my issue15:29
io_mp /EXEC rm -vf /tmp/budus_XDCC__home_io_5207.quer15:29
shaneoLjL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/821357/15:29
shaneoLjL: nice to see you again by the way :)15:29
adamrbI've somehow ended up with three bootloaders after installing 11.10...anyone have any tips for sorting out the mess (other than wiping and reinstalling)?15:31
LjLshaneo: ugh, what a mix and match of repositories15:31
shaneois there a way to wipe and start clean15:31
adamrbwhen I first start up, I get the grub2 bootloader from 9.04, then if I select my Windows entry, I get a Windows bootloader giving me a choice of Windows (recovered) or Ubuntu, and if I choose Ubuntu, I get the new 11.04 bootloader.15:32
LjLshaneo: paste your current /etc/apt/sources.list (but those -5 errors will not simply be solved by removing repositories, need to investigate)15:32
shaneoLjL: ok 1 sec15:32
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adamrb* new 11.10 bootloader15:33
LjLshaneo: also, what happens if you try "host downloads.virtualbox.org"?15:33
LjLshaneo: sorry, i mean "host download.virtualbox.org"15:34
shaneoLjL: download.virtualbox.org is an alias for dlc.sun.com.15:34
shaneodlc.sun.com has address
LjLshaneo: ok, so it's a problem with apt only15:35
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:35
LjLshaneo: are you connecting through a router?15:35
gartralhello all, I'm looking for a virtual pet "toy" application, I'm not talking about AMOR, I want somthing a little more along the lines of the old "Petz" program.. anything like that around?15:35
shaneoLjL: i switched sources server from US to Main and now only get 4 errors15:35
LjLshaneo: what errors are those now, just 404's, or also still some -5's?15:36
shaneoLjL: one -5 and 3 404's15:36
shaneothe -5 is for playonlinux15:37
shaneoLjL: sorry 2 404's and a 40115:37
LjLshaneo: well the 404's are just old repositories i believe. the -5, i suspect it's your router not being very good at resolving DNS. you could switch to a separate DNS server in NetworkManager (Google has free ones, for example), or you could just remove some of the useless non-Oneiric repositories and see if it gets better. going to give you an updated sources.list15:38
nahuel__hi, please thespanish chanel , thanks15:39
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:39
shaneoLjL: how do i add the DNS from google15:40
LjLshaneo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/821367/ <- not too many changes here, as some of your (broken) repositories are also stored in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/, so you might want to remove some of those too15:40
theadminshaneo: Just a list with all the official repos: https://pzt.me/4jqj15:41
LjLshaneo: well i run KDE so i'm not sure NetworkManager is exactly the same as for you, but, click on the network icon at the top right, and in your connection, set "Automatic (DHCP) Addresses Only", and in the DNS field, put and
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:42
shaneoLjL: ok im gonna try apt after setting the DNS well see what happens15:44
shaneotheadmin: thanks15:44
basil_kurian_Someone please look into my issue15:45
shaneoLjL: two 404s and a 401 im just gonna remove those ones15:46
=== newbie is now known as Guest63004
Guest63004Hey guys, I really need some help15:47
Guest63004Every time I try to download something, my 'Ubuntu Software Manager' won't start up15:47
Guest63004Even when I click on it, it won't start up15:47
DiamondciteHow does it not start up?15:47
Guest63004I just click, and nothing happens15:48
nimbioticsHello all. Ive got a user 'firebird' created by the firebird RDBMS. This user owns a certain file that I need to move (a dtabase). How can I do this? TIA!15:48
Guest63004I tried re-installing, it worked, but i closed it and, now i can't open it again :/15:49
Guest63004Can anyone help me?15:49
DiamondciteGuest63004: Normally I would say try to run it from the command line to see what type of error message shows up.15:49
Guest63004Sorry if the answer is obvious :/15:49
Guest63004Okay, :) how would i do that :)15:49
shaneoGuest63004: you need to remove the cache in software center i had the same problem for a long time and that was the fix i found15:50
Guest63004I just changed from Windows so i know little :P15:50
DiamondciteI have no idea what the commandline for the software center is... (ubuntu isn't running at the moment)15:50
Guest63004Let me write thhis down :) Thank you all15:50
shaneoGuest63004: also congrats on your switch15:50
Guest63004Thanks, it definitely looks cooler15:50
tomKathey, is this the chanell where thee ubuntu dev week sessions will be held?15:50
pangolintomKat: in #ubuntu-classroom15:51
tomKatAlright Thanks!15:51
Guest63004Okay, so how do I delete the cache?15:51
adamrbthis is my boot info: http://paste.ubuntu.com/821378/ in case anyone has any ideas on how to fix it15:51
DiamondciteGuest63004: try to open a 'terminal'15:51
Diamondciteand then running 'software-center' no quotes.15:51
mellinMight I add Guest63004 if you highlight the text you need to copy and double click it will copy to clipboard. Then open a blank file and paste...You can also enable logging if you are using xchat and it will save it all15:51
pangolintomKat: you will also want to join #ubuntu-classroom-chat15:52
Guest63004thanks :) And yep, terminal works15:52
tomKatI'll check that out too pangolin15:52
antoniol_Hey! Who knows how to run "confity" to confiig Unity. When I click on confity.py and press Run nothing happens15:52
bapsxwhy if I do "service networking stop" then start it back up again my internet connection doesn't come back up until I reboot?15:52
zgrwhy native client isn't shipped in ubuntu with chromium?15:52
Barbariandudeantoniol_, right-click, go to properties, and make sure it has run permissions15:53
Guest63004Okay, so i've opened the terminal, :) Can i delete the cache using it?15:53
antoniol_<Barbariandude> yes, it has15:53
Barbariandudeantoniol_, what happens if you choose run in terminal^15:53
mellinGuest63004: You can do ANYTHING from the command line if you know how :-)15:53
Guest63004Haha :D15:54
Guest63004In time i suppose15:54
DiamondciteGuest63004: I am not sure where to delete the cache, but if you tried typing in: software-center     does it still break? If so what was shown in the terminal?15:54
Guest63004Okay one sec15:54
BarbariandudeGuest63004, this isn't MS dos, the terminal in unix-based machines are crazy-powerful15:54
Guest63004Right one sec15:54
mellinDiamondcite: Where is the default cache created for software-center?15:55
=== pritam_baral is now known as prite
antoniol_<Barbariandude>Traceback (most recent call last):15:55
antoniol_  File "/home/antoniol/Загрузки/confity_1.7/confity.py", line 379, in <module>15:55
antoniol_    Confity(chosenUI, gclient)15:55
antoniol_  File "/home/antoniol/Загрузки/confity_1.7/confity.py", line 33, in __init__15:55
antoniol_    self.interface.add_from_file(interf)15:55
FloodBot1antoniol_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:55
antoniol_glib.GError: Не удалось открыть файл «confity1.glade»: Нет такого файла или каталога15:55
mellinWhat does ps -ax software-center show? If there is already an instance running it may not start...I assume this is the issue...15:55
Diamondcitemellin: I cannot answer your question as I do not know the location of the software center cache.15:55
Barbariandudeantoniol_, use pastebin.com or paste.ubuntu.com, the bot interprets that as spam (and it kinda is)15:56
basil_kurian_anyone have any clues about my issue ??15:56
=== Mud is now known as Guest86419
antoniol_(confity.py:5857): Gtk-WARNING **: Загружаемый модуль тем не найден в module_path: «pixmap»,15:57
=== bapsx is now known as bobfree
antoniol_(confity.py:5857): Gtk-WARNING **: Загружаемый модуль тем не найден в module_path: «pixmap»,15:57
antoniol_Traceback (most recent call last):15:57
antoniol_  File "/home/antoniol/Загрузки/confity_1.7/confity.py", line 379, in <module>15:57
antoniol_    Confity(chosenUI, gclient)15:57
FloodBot1antoniol_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:57
Barbariandudeantoniol_, Use pastebin.com. Don't dump that in the channel15:57
antoniol_<Barbariandude> http://paste.ubuntu.com/821383/15:58
newbie|2Sorry, i'm back now15:58
newbie|2this was the guy talking about software manager15:58
newbie|2Okay, i typed in 'Software-center'15:58
newbie|2and it said15:58
newbie|2one sec15:58
shaneoLjL: all is good now thanks for helping again15:58
Barbariandudeantoniol_, ermmm... don't know russian, sorry (I think that's russian, don't hate me if I'm wrong :P)15:58
newbie|2it said quite a bit15:58
Diamondcitenewbie|2: DON"T PASTE!!!15:58
pangolin!enter | newbie|215:59
ubottunewbie|2: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:59
Diamondcitenewbie|2: use http://paste.ubuntu.com15:59
antoniol_<Barbariandude> last phrase: there is no such file or directory15:59
newbie|2xD I know, i did aminute ago and well, yeah :)15:59
pangolinantoniol_: cd to the directory where you extracted the file15:59
pangolinhmm, never mind, you did16:00
Barbariandudeantoniol_, can you open the script up in a terminal and pastebin it for me?16:00
Barbariandudesorry, in a text editor I meant16:00
antoniol_<pangolin> I have don it. but it says "command confity.py not fount"16:01
nimbioticsIve got a user called 'firebird' created by the firebird RDBMS. This user owns a certain file that I need to move (a database). How can I do this? TIA!16:02
antoniol_<Barbariandude> http://paste.ubuntu.com/821396/16:02
Barbariandudenimbiotics, you can change the owner with the command "chown <username>"16:02
antoniol_<Barbariandude> http://sourceforge.net/projects/confity/16:02
danny_if i want to have two ubuntu partitions, do i have to create another swap space? or will they use the same one?16:03
Stereocaulonhi Mixxit16:03
lukhi i cant join the gnome gaiming zone with the chess game on my ubuntu it says time out what can be the problem?16:03
Mixxiti just installed ubuntu =)16:03
mongydanny_, they can share it.16:03
BarbariandudeMixxit, congrats :D16:03
StereocaulonMixxit, good for you!16:03
Mixxitthanks it looks really nice!16:03
pangolindanny_: when you install use the advanced setup at the pertioning step and tell it to use the existing /swap16:03
dr_willisdanny_:  if you dint use hibernate or suspend they can share16:03
Mixxiti have some usability questions, wondered if you could help me out =)16:03
danny_mongy - thnx mate. gonna try out the kubuntu. took me 3 years to have a look at K. :)16:04
StereocaulonMixxit, of course, shoot!16:04
Mixxiti prefer chrome to firefox but can't seem to make the launcher thingy go all the way to the top in place of firefox16:04
newbie|2almost done :)16:04
StereocaulonMixxit, you can select another browser in the preferences.16:05
danny_dr_willis : aha, so before changing to the other partition i should properly shut down the first one?16:05
BarbariandudeMixxit, hold down leftclick on chrome, wait until it comes off the launcher, then drag it where you want16:05
Mixxitahh hold it down!16:05
Mixxityay! worked :-D16:05
dr_willisand chant the ubuntu theme song16:05
Mixxitok i also play minecraft and to launch it i need to use a shell script but when i double click on .sh files it opens up a text editor16:05
BarbariandudeMixxit, rightclick on the file, go to properties, and click the checkbox giving it run permissions16:06
Mixxitseems to be doing something!16:07
nimbioticsBarbariandude: I didnt want to change ownership. I used this command line: sudo -U firebird -l cp data/tipsman.fdb tipsman/data/tipsman.fdb16:07
lukHey why cant i join the ggzgaming zone in the Chess game on ubuntu16:07
ismatmy ubuntu cant restart and shutdown...how to solve it?16:07
Barbariandudeismat, that's a bit vague, you're going to have to be more descriptive16:07
Barbariandudenimbiotics, not familiar with firebird, sorry :(16:08
newbie|2AHA - IT says this - http://paste.ubuntu.com/821409/plain/16:08
ismatcan u help me16:08
=== nacho is now known as Guest38757
Stereocaulonismat, we maybe able to help you *if* you are a bit more descriptive.16:08
newbie|2So :) What to do now?16:09
metasansanaismat: did you try sudo shutdown -r 0 ??16:09
ismatbut it hang16:10
theadminismat: How does it hang? Do you get a black screen?16:10
ismatblack screen only16:10
Barbariandudenewbie|2, looks like you've got a broken source. Open up software sources in the dash16:10
theadminismat: I recently had a similar problem. Try adding this to your kernel line: reboot=bios16:10
newbie|2Right, okay :)  done :)16:11
nimbioticsBarbariandude: that didnt do the trick anyways. I did not report an error at all; it just did not copy the file as expected16:11
Mixxitthats worked just great16:11
Barbariandudenewbie|2, any weird sources there that don't look like the others?16:12
ismati will try it16:12
Mixxitis there a default shell i should be using with ubuntu?16:12
Mixxiti tried searching for console and shell in the Dash16:12
newbie|2Barbariandude: Hmm, It says - downloadable from the internet16:12
Mixxitbut nothing came up16:12
LjLMixxit: try searching for terminal16:12
StereocaulonMixxit, that 's the beauty of Linux, you can just *choose* what shell you prefer :-)16:12
BarbariandudeMixxit, like with absolutely everything linux, it's mostly personal preference. I like xterm.16:12
nachete85I have a isuue16:13
=== sKew is now known as Guest56971
Mixxityay a terminal!16:13
newbie|2Barbariandude: Okay, well in all fairness, i don't really understand what you mean :P sorry16:13
nimbioticsBarbariandude: that didnt do the trick anyways. I did not report an error at all; it just did not copy the file as expected16:13
Barbariandudenewbie|2, what do you have under "other software"?16:14
nachete85After install first Windows7 and after Ubuntu 11.10, I cant access to W7 from grub, any idea?16:14
nimbioticsPlease help; Hello all. Ive got a user 'firebird' created by the firebird RDBMS. This user owns a certain file that I need to move (a dtabase). How can I do this? TIA!16:14
rebebest linux alternative for truecrypt is ?16:14
Barbariandudenachete85, have you tried "sudo update-grub"?16:14
Barbarianduderebe, try alternativeto.net16:15
theadminrebe: Truecrypt has a Linux version.16:15
nachete85No, I didnt16:15
Mixxitok this one might not be possible but i hear some people do this quite well i've never had much success with other distros16:15
newbie|2Barbariandude: Canonical Partners - Unchecked / Canonical partners (source code) - unchecked / Independent - checked / independent (source code) - checked16:15
Mixxiti love Homeworld for windows and would like to play it if possible16:15
Mixxitwhat's the correct modern way of doing that?16:15
nachete85I'll try and I'll come back! Thanks16:15
Barbariandudenewbie|2, so nothing out of the defaults... hmmm, that is strange16:15
pangolin!appdb | Mixxit16:15
ubottuMixxit: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help16:15
Mixxitthank you!16:16
acicularebe: depends on what you need, the default encrypted home directory is pretty good16:16
newbie|2Barbariandude: I take it, that's not good :/ Is there a way of 'deleting the cache' someone said it earlier on16:16
Barbariandudenewbie|2, can you type "gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" in a terminal, then pastebin the contents?16:17
antoniol_<Barbariandude> what about confity?16:17
newbie|2Barbariandude: Sure16:17
malex_hi everybody!16:17
antoniol_<malex_> Hi!16:17
Barbariandudeantoniol_, I really don't know, sorry :( maybe try #unity and see if anyone there knows16:17
=== malex_ is now known as malexio
antoniol_<Barbariandude> ok! thanks!16:18
Barbariandudeantoniol_, it's invite-only, nvm :(16:18
newbie|2Barbariandude: It just opened a document - il paste that if you want :)16:18
Barbariandudenewbie|2, that's exactly what I wanted :)16:18
Barbariandudenewbie|2, gedit = notepad for linux, basically16:19
newbie|2ahh okay :)16:19
newbie|2Ooh, is this like a pm?16:19
newbie|2nvm :D16:20
newbie|2Barbariandude: http://paste.ubuntu.com/821423/plain/16:20
Mixxitok thanks again going to restart for ati drivers16:20
Mixxittake care all!16:20
Barbariandudenewbie|2, found your problem, the tor PPA is messed up16:20
newbie|2Barbariandude: Ahh, okay, :) do you know how to fix it?16:21
Barbariandudenewbie|2, type in a terminal "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list", go to the last line, and delete the weird malformed characters at the beginning and end of the line, then save16:21
dlentzBarbariandude, should be gksu gedit ;)16:21
malexiohey guys, which irc client do u suggest ?16:22
orvarwhen I try to setup automated backup with ssh and press "Back up now" I get this error: http://img.chabo.se/i/d5155ca5-7211-9869_backup-error.png16:22
orvarhow do I debug?16:22
LjL!poll | malexio16:22
ubottumalexio: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:22
dlentzmalexio, use different ones and use the one you like16:22
Barbariandudenewbie|2, my bad, replace sudo with gksu, dlentz is right16:22
malexionice answer  :)16:22
malexioi already know, of course... :P16:23
dlentzi'm using xchat if you care16:23
Barbariandudemalexio, my personal favourite is xchat. But it's a personal thing16:23
malexioi was just asking..16:23
dlentzit's cool16:23
malexiommm cool..16:23
malexioi was not sure of xchat cuse i'm on gnome shell16:23
malexioso far i'm on smuxi ..16:23
pangolindlentz: Barbariandude best to use gksudo gedit actually16:24
* CyberDawg hugs his Xchat16:24
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:24
pangolinmalexio: join #ubuntu-offtopic for chatting, we like to keep this channel for support only16:24
BarbariandudeLearning by getting corrected :D That's why helping on ubuntu irc is awesome.16:24
dlentzpangolin, what's the exact difference again?16:24
newbie|2Barbariandude: So, a gedit file came up, the last line is - deb http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org experimental-lucid main16:24
Barbariandudenewbie|2, before or after you fixed it? If after, that's correct16:24
newbie|2Barbariandude: YES! OMG YES IT'S RUNNING16:25
newbie|2Barbariandude: I FUCKING LOVE YOU16:25
pangolindlentz: some automagic about how it handles the file or something. just know that is the recommended way16:25
Barbariandudenewbie|2, :)16:25
LjL!language | newbie|216:25
ubottunewbie|2: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.16:25
malexioyep sry16:25
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dlentzpangolin, i'm all for automagic16:25
pangolinnewbie|2: i am glad you fixed your issue, no swearing please.16:25
newbie|2Barbariandude: Okay, you get the idea xD16:25
newbie|2pangolin: Sure man, sorry :D16:25
newbie|2Barbariandude: Thanks so much! Loving the world right now16:26
orvarhttp://img.chabo.se/i/d5155ca5-7211-9869_backup-error.png why?16:26
Barbariandudenewbie|2, you're very welcome. When you eventually become a commandline guru, come back and help other peeps :D16:26
newbie|2Barbariandude: Will do :D16:26
ilpollosorry, the spanich chanel please ?16:27
pangolinilpollo: #ubuntu-es16:27
zgrsomeone got NaCl working in 64bit Chromium?16:27
Pro|couldn't find package sun-java6-bin16:28
Barbariandudezgr, Was trying to help someone get that working a week or 2 ago, it went badly :(16:28
nimbioticsPlease help; Ive got a user 'firebird' created by the firebird RDBMS. This user owns a certain file that I need to move (a dtabase). I tried "" sudo -u firebird -l cp ~/Documents/projects/data/tipsman.fdb ~/Documents/projects/tipsman/data/tipsman.fdb"" But it just doesnt do anything, not even an error message. How can I do this? TIA!16:28
Pro|how do i install java16:28
Pro|it is saying couldnt find package sun-java6-bin16:28
pangolin!java | Pro|16:28
ubottuPro|: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.16:28
zgrBarbariandude: as understand it ships without NaCl in Ubuntu, and even chromium stable channel ppa doesn't have NaCl16:29
nimbioticsoops, wrong channel.sry16:29
n0wjeI have a Dell M5030 laptop running ubuntu 11.10 when i plug in a external usb mouse it moves slower than my touchpad any idea's16:31
wdonkeyhello ! i want information on how i can "hide" my real ip adress by connecting to a VPN Server.16:31
n0wjeI did lsinput and it identified the touchpad as alps16:32
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Barbarianduden0wje, Type in "mouse" in the dash, open up the settings, and change the pointer speed. Is that what you're talking about?16:32
n0wjeno tried that it moves slow compared to the touch pad16:33
k4r1manyone has an idea on how to get cardapio working? or is it unsupported after 11.04? I'm on 12.04 and for some reason I keep getting a 404 when adding the ppa repo..16:33
Barbarianduden0wje, as in laggy, or movement speed?16:34
nimbioticsHello evry1. Ive got a user 'firebird' created by the firebird RDBMS. This user owns a certain file that I need to move (a dtabase). I tried "" sudo -u firebird -l cp ~/Documents/projects/data/tipsman.fdb ~/Documents/projects/tipsman/data/tipsman.fdb"" But it just doesnt do anything, not even an error message. How can I do this? TIA!16:35
yarakhey 󠁟16:35
lukcan you join ggz gaming zone?16:36
lukbecouse i cant in the ubuntu chess game16:36
yarakwhat 󠁟?16:36
rlmccormickHi All, i'm looking for a way to block a specific application from accessing the internet. Is there an easy way to accomplish that?16:36
Pro|is there any way stop ubuntu closing my laptop when i take charger off16:36
icerootPro|: ubuntu is closing your laptop?16:37
icerootPro|: not possible, what do you really mean16:37
rlmccormickdid ubuntu grow hands and arms?16:37
Pro|i take charger off and myc omputer goes in resting mode16:37
Pro|and then ihave to write my password etc agian16:38
CAPITALISMUSinagibe an OS were you really need to type stuff16:38
yarakCAPITALISMUS: bist du deutscher? 󠁟16:38
yarakoic 󠁟16:39
CAPITALISMUSich been ein berliner16:39
yarak* [ptr]xyz (~krauss@mklgate2.mkl.uni-karlsruhe.de) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)16:39
yarak* PcJamesy (~James@unaffiliated/pcjamesy) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)16:39
icerootyarak: you have a support-question?16:40
CAPITALISMUSgald your not blind dude praise the lord for that16:40
yaraksorry abt that, unintentional paste   󠁟16:40
yarakyeah, my laptop fan won't shut off  󠁟16:40
icerootyarak: also something with your client is wrong, you line is ending with a strange character16:41
rcmaehlhow do I configure my media hotkeys on my keyboard to control other media players such as VLC?16:41
yarakit's always at full speed  󠁟16:41
yarakvery loud  󠁟16:41
CAPITALISMUSoic you are commenting about my nick?16:42
newbie_ehello all, i just installed squid on ubuntu 11.04 i'm runing it as transparent proxy using http://pastebin.com/0zU63zcN but my local LAN users cannot reach HTTPS or port 1863 (help with iptables is needed)16:42
yaraknonono, my laptop fan won't shut off  󠁟16:42
icerootnewbie_e: #iptables16:42
Barbariandudeyarak, try this: http://tuxtweaks.com/2008/08/how-to-control-fan-speeds-in-ubuntu/16:42
yaraki'm afraid it will wake up my roommate :o  󠁟16:42
StereocaulonI got to cook, have a nice day everyone!16:42
newbie_ethank you iceroot16:42
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rcmaehlBarbariandude: that probably won't work as it's a laptop fan16:43
Barbariandudeyarak, ignore me :P16:43
yarakBarbariandude: i actually tried that, after i did the modprobe i got a kernel panic :c  󠁟16:44
LjLyarak: what are those unicode characters you put at the end of each of your messages? they're a bit annoying :\16:44
rcmaehlBarbariandude: he probably needs to find the module for his specific brand of laptop and install it. Then control the fan from the packages provided from the module16:44
dak0how are you16:44
rcmaehlSuch as for my samsung laptop.16:44
yarakLjL: i'm just using xchat idk what you're talking about  󠁟16:44
LjL[17:44:49] <yarak> LjL: i'm just using xchat idk what you're talking about  ��16:45
yarakdon't see anything  󠁟16:45
yarakunusual  󠁟16:45
mongy 16:45
yarakhmm  󠁟16:45
rcmaehlit's mIRC16:45
Barbariandudeyarak, there's a unicode character after every single message:16:45
rcmaehlhe's using mirc /ctcp yarak version16:45
yarakrcmaehl: no, i just masked my ctcp version  󠁟16:45
yarakrcmaehl: so i don't get hacked on irc  󠁟16:45
yarakit's very easy to do in xchat as u know  󠁟16:46
malexio<yarak> rcmaehl: no, i just masked my ctcp version  󠁟16:46
rcmaehlyarak: what's your laptop brand?16:46
auronandaceyarak: they are annoying16:46
yarakit's an asus  󠁟16:46
CAPITALISMUSasus have ubuntu drivers16:47
yarakoic  󠁟16:47
CAPITALISMUSi think16:47
rcmaehlhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11059282#post11059282 <- that should help16:47
VilinyHello, im running all our traffic in our flat through a ubuntu server running a dhcp server and 2 network cards. I'd like to block certain websites temporarily, whats the best way to do this? block the IP addresses in the firewall? Interfere with the browser in some way?16:47
BarbariandudeMy asus has ubuntu drivers as of 3.2. Yay for kernel upgrades >.<16:47
LjLdak0, stay on topic please, #ubuntu-offtopic is that way ;)16:47
yaraklol Barbariandude  󠁟16:48
rcmaehlalso I got to go16:48
dak0THank you <316:48
yarakcu rcmaehl  󠁟16:48
popeyViliny: google upsidedownternet16:49
dak0Can we send files via Ubuntu one ?16:49
Vilinypopey, id rather spend my time on something useful16:49
MyrttiViliny: http://www.ex-parrot.com/~pete/upside-down-ternet.html16:50
aasasdAFTER UR WORDS!16:50
Vilinythank you. Sorry, im stressed out with school work and work work and i thought that was a sopa thing.16:50
FloodBot1aasasd: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:50
yarakwhat do you mean?  󠁟16:50
Barbariandudedak0, you can share with other ubuntu one users16:50
LjLyarak, i really need to ask you to look into what might be causing this, or people here will keep complaining16:51
dak0Thank you, Barbariandude16:51
auronandaceyarak: you are doing it on purpose, eveyone else can see it16:51
yarakwhy are u being unfriendly 󠁟16:52
* CyberDawg glares at yarak16:52
yarak??? 󠁟16:52
Barbariandudelol at the mass nerdrage16:52
Vilinyi can see nothing wrong with yarak16:52
yaraki'm not crazy 󠁟16:52
yaraki don't think 󠁟16:52
Vilinyalso, thank you for the earlier reply popey, sorry i misunderstood.16:53
popeyViliny: np, apologies for asking you to google when I could have given you a link16:53
yaraki just came in here b/c my laptop fan wouldn't shut off 󠁟16:53
yaraknot to get attacked 󠁟16:53
Myrttimoving on, kids16:54
Vilinypopey, as i said back there, i thought it was a sopa/pipa thing with me here censoring the internets and whatnot. Thing is, i want to block facebook and other similar sites for tomorrow when me and my classmate/roommate need to do a tonne of schoolwork so he can stay on focus.16:54
vivekimsitI want to know any epub reader for my ebooks16:55
BarbariandudeViliny, http://visitsteve.com/made/selfcontrol/16:55
roji need to help in internet connection sharing in linux16:55
popeyViliny: one way to do it is setup your server to use opendns, then you get a nice web admin tool on the opendns servers to manage blocking lists16:55
popeyViliny: then switch back to normal dns later16:55
BarbariandudeViliny, oh, that's for mac, sorry16:55
Vilinyi have never used osx and never intend to do so... furthermore, im not doing this to control myself but another individual who owes me 20 hours of schoolwork i had to do alone despite it being a team project.16:56
Gnea!ics | roj16:56
ubotturoj: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing16:56
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Vilinyroj: firestarter is also pretty nifty if you want to get it done easily... unless someone here tells you thats a bad idea.16:57
Vilinypopey, currently we are using our isp:s dns server at home, this means that the dhcp is handing out the dns address for our isp. If i run a dns server locally, how will it work?16:58
LynetteRight I've been directed here by one of my more computer-competent friends to ask well, anybody here for help.16:58
Vilinyim sorry if i go into network talk here but i might need some refreshing on memorizing all of this again16:58
damselfly9question- my dmesg logs are being cut-off, on every boot the beginning parts are missing, how is that fixable?16:59
yarakalexxx: irc'ing as root is a bad idea 󠁟16:59
GneaViliny: as long as your bind9 knows the current root server list, it should just work16:59
VilinyGnea: the opendns server _will just work_ when swapped to ?16:59
Vilinyreading up on bind9...17:00
yarakwaiting for bind10 󠁟17:00
yaraklol 󠁟17:00
Vilinyso dns uses bind9 to query hostnames for ips?17:00
yarak:) 󠁟17:00
GneaViliny: well, installing bind9 locally will give you a dns server on your gateway/fw/whatever you're using to connect with17:00
GneaViliny: bind9 *is* a dns server17:00
auronandaceLynette: you'll need to describe your problem to get help17:00
Gnea!info bind917:00
ubottubind9 (source: bind9): Internet Domain Name Server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu4.1 (oneiric), package size 319 kB, installed size 1060 kB17:00
pangolinyarak: Please figure out why your client keeps posting those unknown characters or i will be forced to remove you.17:00
yarakthat is unfriendly, friend 󠁟17:01
GneaViliny: it's basically what the root dns servers use17:01
yaraki checked my xchat settings 󠁟17:01
VilinyGnea: this would then be instead of opendns?17:01
yaraki don't see anything 󠁟17:01
aciculacant he just have a weird encoding set thats messing it up?17:01
LynetteQuestion (make the answer easy, I'm rubbish with computers): Say I wanted to play a game for Windows 95 on Ubuntu using Wine or PlayOnLinux, and then during the installation the game asks me to enable Audio Compression on Windows 95, (despite the fact that I'm running it on either PlayOnLinux or Wine), How would I go about doing this17:01
yarakcan anyone help? 󠁟17:01
VilinyGnea: im getting a little confused on the construction here, which components do i need?17:01
popeyViliny: i am not suggesting you setup a dns server, but that you point your /etc/resolv.conf on your server at opendns17:01
Lynetteauronandace: that's why the quesiton took so long :)17:02
dak0Hey, witch Linux distro you'll recommend for a cyber club (internet cafe) ?17:02
auronandaceLynette: thats more of a wine question, ask in #winehq17:02
Lynetteah okay17:02
GneaViliny: I don't see any reason to not use opendns... but from what I've read of your plight so far, you're trying to set it up so that social networking sites are blocked locally for a temporary amount of time?17:02
yarakdak0: losethos 󠁟17:02
dak0yarak, whats that ?17:02
VilinyGnea: exactly17:03
Gneayarak: try #xchat17:03
xanguadak0: if you are in the ubuntu channel, what suggestion do you expect¿17:03
yarakbut xchat is part of ubuntu 󠁟17:03
Vilinydak0 linux mint seems to be friendly on windows users.17:03
andaiI just got a 2nd hand computer with a broken CD drive. I don't have a spare CD drive. Can I put its hard drive in my good computer, install ubuntu on there, then put it back in? I.e. is it smart enough to detect the changed hardware and load the appropriate drivers when I put it back17:03
Gneayarak: it's a specific program, so you need to get specific help, which we don't necessarily provide here17:03
dak0Viliny, thanks for your reply.17:03
Vilinydak0:  no worries, now do mind the fact that this is #ubuntu ;)17:04
metasansanaViliny: why not block the sites through your hosts file?17:04
GneaViliny: are you using squid?17:04
Vilinymetasansana im open for all suggestions17:04
dak0Viliny: I can`t see why we shoudlnt talk about others distros they are all unix based17:04
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VilinyGnea: not at the moment no, used to use it on my old server17:04
dak0like Ubuntu17:04
andaidak0: it's like religions17:04
auronandacedak0: you might get a more neutral answer in ##linux17:04
dak0Thank you, auronandace17:05
sstadak0: just not in #ubuntu, which is specifically for ubuntu...like the name says17:05
=== quiesense is now known as quiescens
metasansanaPut a line like facebook.com in your hosts file17:05
dak0Okey sorry guys.17:05
Vilinydak0: linux is actually built upon ubuntu which is built upon debian and so forth... as far as i know. But it's not ok to discuss other than ubuntu specific stuff here.17:05
ActionParsnipdak0: the channel is ubuntu support only, there is #linux where all distros are discussed17:05
Vilinylinux mint*17:05
GneaViliny: or do like metasansana suggested... much easier17:05
metasansanaI do that with my debian router :)17:05
ActionParsnipViliny: linux built on ubuntu? you sure17:05
VilinyGnea: gladly, where do i look for the hosts file?17:05
andaidak0: Ii have similar problems when #ubuntu is the only active channel with people who probably know the answer to my question17:05
VilinyActionParsnip: i ment linux mint17:05
GneaViliny: /etc/hosts17:05
metasansana/etc/hosts Viliny17:05
ActionParsnipViliny: ;)17:05
Vilinythank you people17:06
andaiso let me rephrase: Can I install Ubuntu for another computer by putting its hard drive into this one? Will that work OK?17:06
ActionParsnipandai: sure17:06
dsf4r4[question] while configuring Network Proxy in System settings, there is no option to give user+pass. IIRC, older ubuntu used to have a small button titled 'Authenticate'.17:06
Gneaandai: yes17:06
andaiActionParsnip: Great. Thanks.17:06
ActionParsnipandai: just get it setup then after the first reboot, transfer the drive17:06
Vilinyandai: ubuntu seems to have very little problems when switching hardware... etc computer to computer. but have noticed third party graphics drivers for cards like nvidia might take offense17:07
dsf4r4why was it removed?17:07
pangolindsf4r4: might want to report a bug17:08
ActionParsnipdsf4r4: are there any bugs reported?17:08
andaiGnea, ActionParsnip, Viliny: Thanks! :)17:08
icerootis there an easy way to get the diff of two deb-files? (not the source-package) without extracting them first?17:08
Gneaiceroot: define 'deb-file'17:09
dsf4r4ActionParsnip: not that i know of17:09
icerootActionParsnip: are yu facing this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxpanel/+bug/90682517:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 906825 in lxpanel (Ubuntu) "[11.10 - 12.04] lxpanel crashing randomly. High CPU-Load nothing is clickable correctly. Redraw fails" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:09
sstadsf4r4: it's not Ubuntu's fault..blame Gnome.  You can still do username:password@proxyhost17:09
LjLiceroot: there is "debdiff" in "devscripts"17:09
dsf4r4ssta: oh. thnx !17:09
icerootLjL: isnt debdiff only for source-packages?17:09
sstadsf4r4: see: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=64635417:10
ubottuGnome bug 646354 in Network "Network proxy has no proxy authorization" [Normal,New]17:10
* Gnea crosses his fingers and hopes that this upgrade to 10.10 will stop the computer from hardlocking when NetworkManager or wicd are run17:10
sstaumm, thanks ubottu (what is the point of that? :)17:10
LjLiceroot: nope, works for binaries here17:10
icerootLjL: ah great, thanks17:11
dsf4r4ssta: thanks #for the link17:11
ActionParsnipiceroot: facing what?17:11
icerootActionParsnip: the bug i posted17:11
greenithow do i change the standard torrent-program? there is no option at systempreferences > system info > default-applications17:12
ActionParsnipiceroot: not had that, only thing I get is gmail-notify makling the panel a mess. I have a script to kill th notifier and panl, thenrestart it then restart the notifier app17:12
LjL!default | greenit17:13
ubottugreenit: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting.17:13
Vilinyis the hosts file realtime? i mean do i need to restart something after altering it?17:13
ActionParsnipViliny: its realtime (no reboot)17:13
sstaViliny: it's realtime17:13
icerootActionParsnip: ah the "spaces" bug :)17:13
Vilinyawesome, thank you.17:13
ActionParsnipiceroot: yeah and half icons, stuff like that17:13
metasansanaViliny: it is read on before each dns look up17:13
icerootViliny: depending on the program17:13
icerootViliny: e.g. apache needs a reload17:13
greenitLjL, ok, i did this, but firefox always asks to open the *.torrent-file with transmission instead of qbittorrent17:13
ActionParsnipiceroot: I'm half thinking of jumping to tint217:13
Vilinywhy would apache need the hosts file?17:14
Vilinyeh nvm.17:14
icerootViliny: to get the FQDN17:14
LjLgreenit: uhm, i've had that sort of issue with firefox i think, i suspect it tends to ignore the defaults. not sure how to change that.17:14
metasansanaprob to get data from another server?17:14
ActionParsnipgreenit: is the association set in firefox too?17:14
greenitActionParsnip, nope, how do i do this?17:14
pangolingreenit: you have to change it in firefox17:14
icerootViliny: and that is done at start17:14
greenitpangolin, ok, how?17:14
* Gnea frowns as he recovers from the hardlock problem just now that I was trying to avoid17:14
pangolingreenit: let me take a look.17:14
pangolingreenit: firefox prefs > applications and you will se a list in there you can edit17:15
greenitpangolin, ok, thx17:15
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ActionParsnipgreenit: i believe its in tools -> prefs I haven't used firefox in ages.17:16
Gneahas anyone ever encountered a problem where running NetworkManager or wicd causes the computer to completely freeze up?  I have this happen on a consistent basis - the capslock and scroll-lock LEDs wind up blinking until I hit the reset button17:17
greenitpangolin, erm.... when i click "other application..." the filebrowser is opening... where do i have to go to find the right prog?17:17
greenitpangolin, in the filebrowser17:17
damselfly9Gnea: sounds hardware related17:18
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Gneadamselfly9: what sucks is that I get absolutely no response in syslog about it, and sysrq is completely unresponsive17:18
pangolingreenit: /usr/bin/transmission i believe17:18
greenitpangolin, ok, thx again^^17:19
Gneadamselfly9: it could be, but I solved some other hardware problems on this system over a year ago... perhaps it needs another bios update17:19
damselfly9Gnea, if it is hardware related and the system locks up, syslogd will never get the chance to write any error messages17:19
Gneadamselfly9: yup17:19
jNoviceHello. I have error on my notebook  (lenovo ideapad) after installing 11.10: error: invalid arch independent elf magic.17:20
jNoviceI would like to follow this http://askubuntu.com/questions/72003/grub-invalid-arch-independent-elf-magic-after-11-10-install-on-macbook-pro-517:20
VilinyGnea: so altering my hosts file will also affect the clients in the local network? they don't bypass the servers hosts file?17:20
jNovicebut I also have windows so I don't know which partitions use in this commands17:20
damselfly9Gnea, sounds like a net card that doesn't play nicely with the rest of the hardware17:20
greenitpangolin, yay, works with the /usr/bin/ file :)17:20
jNovicecould anybody give advice?17:20
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jNoviceI could give my fdsisk list17:20
GneaViliny: good point - yeah, I'd setup a squid server and have it act as a web-proxy17:21
andaiGonna put ubuntu on my old computer ( 1GB ram ). Dual core ( AMD Athlon 3800+, 2.4GHz ) any reason to get 64 bit over 32 bit?17:21
greenitjNovice, do you have 2 linux-partitions (except swap), one for /boot and one for /     ?17:22
VilinyGnea: is that difficult?17:22
Gneadamselfly9: it's possible.  it's got a wireless-usb type thing on there that shows up, but I have never gotten the wifi to work (it shows up as eth1)17:23
jNovicegreenit for ubuntu I have /, /home and swap17:23
jNovicegreenit boot device during installation was set to /dev/sda17:23
Gneadamselfly9: oh, and the mac address is set to 00:00:00:00:00:0117:23
ActionParsnipandai: not really, you only gots 1Gb RAM, you won't see much benefit.17:23
damselfly9Gnea, well that's definitely a wrong mac address17:24
pangolingreenit: glad i could help.17:24
ActionParsnipandai: its more than most of my systems. RAM is cheap dude. I'd max out the board out17:24
greenitjNovice, ok, then just type in the first two and the last command, not the third17:24
VilinyGnea: how do i enforce local clients to go through the squid proxy?17:24
Gneadamselfly9: I think you uncovered it.... wicd, at least, has been told that eth1 is the wireless interface, and even if it's in the 'down' position, it needs to check on it to get its settings17:24
VilinyGnea: redirect port 80 somehow or?17:24
andaiActionParsnip: So install 64 bit and then get more ram? I haven't used ubuntu in a while, are all the things that used to be downsides to 64 bit sorted out?17:24
greenitjNovice, with changing sda3 to your / drive17:25
GneaViliny: yeah, using iptables, you can do a forced web proxy17:25
jNovicegreenit I have ubuntu / on /dev/sda5 and /home on /dev/sda6. Windows bootloader is on sda1 and windows 7 on sda217:25
giorgio85I have a problem with graphics LXDE ubuntu 11.10, when I open the browers epiphanym LibreOffice open simultaneously: by any chance know how to remove this problem?17:25
ActionParsnipandai: never had a 64bit Ubuntu 'issue', I'd always max the RAM on a board now, its cheap as chips17:25
greenitjNovice, ok, then the second command is sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt17:25
GneaViliny: problem is, I don't have a browser to use at the moment (I'm stuck in the terminal/console until I can get my own problem fixed)17:25
ActionParsnipgiorgio85: what do you get onscreen?17:26
Gnea!ics | Viliny17:26
ubottuViliny: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing17:26
Gnea!squid | Viliny17:26
ubottuViliny: squid is a caching proxy for the Web.  See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SquidGuard  See: http://www.squid-cache.org17:26
GneaViliny: one of those links might help17:26
andaiActionParsnip: Thank you :)17:26
VilinyGnea: thank you17:26
giorgio85ActionParsnip,   the home page of LibreOffice17:26
jNovicegreenit and third with sda6 ?17:27
aldeni have a problem with my monitor, it's giving me an "Out of Range" error and won't boot up. i understand this is because my resolution is too small, but it won't boot so i can adjust it. what do?17:27
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dlentzalden, do you know how to boot into grub/recovery mode17:28
andaiCool, I can get 16 GB of ram. Are there any fun things to do with ridiculous amounts of ram? I also plan on getting SSD's ( 2, RAID 0 ). Could I load my entire boot partition into RAM and just run it there?17:28
Gneaand now, I reboot17:28
* Gnea crosses fingers17:28
dlentzandai, VM's17:28
aldennope, never had to before17:28
andaidlentz: Aha! In that case, I have an excuse to upgrade my CPU as well :D17:28
dlentzalden, hold shift after bios/post screen to get to the grub menu17:29
dlentz(i think it's shift)17:29
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ActionParsnipgiorgio85: if you close all libreoffice apps, rename ~/.libreoffice then rerun the app, is it ok?17:29
BarbariandudeActionParsnip, only one way to find out!17:30
aldendlentz: didn't work, BIOS screen? the first screen shows up with the eMachines logo, then it goes to Out of Range17:30
ActionParsnipandai: the OS will use it as disk cache and make the OS faster as you will use that instead of raw accessing the drives (slow)17:30
ActionParsnipBarbariandude: FIGHT!!17:30
ActionParsnipalden: what GPU do you use?17:30
ActionParsnipBarbariandude: are you from the UK?17:31
BarbariandudeActionParsnip, yup17:31
aldenActionParsnip: dont know what GPU is, i'm running natty narwhal17:31
ActionParsnipBarbariandude: just making sure you got the reference ;)17:31
ActionParsnipalden: the video chip? nvidia? Intel? ATi?17:31
Barbariandudealden, graphical processing unit17:31
aasasdwhat's the name for Ctrl+ C signal17:31
aasasdis it SIGINT17:31
jNovicegreenit somethin wrong, I get something like this: mnt doesn't look like efi partition17:31
varun06good video editor for Ubuntu17:31
dlentzalden, try again, hold shift earlier17:31
auronandacevarun06: openshot17:32
varun06let me check17:32
Barbariandudevarun06, alternativeto.net is a good site for those sorts of questions17:32
aldendlentz: seemed like it almost worked, but then it took me to Out of Range again17:32
ActionParsnipalden: or does the system have a make / model?17:32
aciculaandai: there is really no advantage to first loading your boot partition into memory and then booting from there, you will still have to wait for stuff to be copied to the ramdisk17:32
aldenActionParsnip: the chip is nvidia17:33
Vilinycan't seem to open gedit with root priviledges over my nomachine nx session. frustrating.17:34
Gneainteresting... the wireless card still has an errornous mac address, but the hardlock problem no longer occurs... however, I no longer have X as it complains that /etc/gdm/custom.conf is not there17:34
ActionParsnipalden: add the boot option:  nouveau.blacklist=117:34
ActionParsnipViliny: gksudo gedit     not working?17:34
VilinyActionParsnip: all i get is a little flash in the taskbar17:34
giorgio85ActionParsnip,    If rinonimo. LibreOffice error tells me the file exists in the destination17:34
ActionParsnipViliny: use:  sudo nano /path/to/file   then ;)17:34
aldenActionParsnip: i'm new so you're going to have to hold my hand, how do i add that boot option17:35
VilinyActionParsnip: i was hoping to use gedit because i need to config squid.conf and it is quite large :p17:35
ActionParsnipgiorgio85: what is making that message?17:35
ActionParsnipViliny: nano will do it with ease17:35
Vilinyhow do i search in nano17:35
GneaViliny: just read the bottom, it tells you all of the functions.... like ^C means control-C17:36
Vilinywhat does the ^ mean?17:36
Vilinyah ffs, sorry17:36
Gneayou know, the control key17:36
Vilinyyou JUST explained it. sorry im pretty stupid today17:36
Gneano worries17:36
GneaI'm on half a cup of coffee and no food yet17:37
Gneajust reboot and STILL no gui17:37
ActionParsnipViliny: CTRL+W17:37
Viliny2 slices of bread with eggs on top 12 hours ago and 2 cups of coffee and 2 batterys later :p17:37
GneaViliny: 12 hours is a LONG time :)17:37
ActionParsnipViliny: for (w)here,   CTRL+C chows the cursor position17:37
Vilinyyes i know, need to do like... 6 reports for tuesday and i thought the office would be a good place to get things done.17:38
ale_hi i want to install ubuntu 10.04 lts. my comp is 64 bit,,,what's better 32 or 64 bit? tnx17:38
giorgio85ActionParsnip,   I opened my home / . libreoffice and click on riname17:38
ActionParsnipViliny: using nano also allows you to ditch stupid freenx and just use SSH, which is a TONNE sleeker and faster17:38
Gneaale_: 64-bit should work just fine17:38
Gnea!amd64 | ale_17:39
ubottuale_: AMD64 and Intel 64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions#AMD64_Processors and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.17:39
ActionParsnipgiorgio85: you need all the libreoffice apps closed and run:  mv ~/.libreoffice ~/.libreoffice_old17:39
ActionParsnipgiorgio85: then rerun the app, you will get vanilla settings17:39
ActionParsnipViliny: 9 times in 10 you don't need freenx / vnxc / junk like that17:39
aldeni'm still waiting for instruction on how to boot into recovery mode17:39
ActionParsnipale_: there is no universal better, choose what suits your hardware and needs17:40
ActionParsnipalden: hold shift at boot, if you then press E on the kernel, you can add the option I gacve17:40
aldenholding shift at boot does nothing17:40
VilinyActionParsnip: i know how most people feel and usually i do things via putty anyway, i just have some things i like to do via gui so i had this for backup.17:41
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto17:41
* Gnea sighs and facepalms17:42
ActionParsnip!nomodeset | alden use this but use the boot option: nouveau.blacklist=1   instead17:42
ubottualden use this but use the boot option: nouveau.blacklist=1   instead: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:42
LukeNukemso what are the cool things is should do in Ubuntu17:42
LukeNukemto make it awesome ;)17:43
razorfishinstall gentoo17:43
pangolin!behelpful | razorfish17:43
ubotturazorfish: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.17:43
LukeNukemrazorfish, gentoo is another os ;\17:43
respondall, am need upgrade my ubuntu deskto to ubuntu server online that be ?17:43
damselfly9Gnea, if your solution for your eth1 broke X, maybe you could just set it's driver to never load?17:43
razorfishyes but ubuntu can be the working system used to install it17:43
respondi mean can i do that online17:43
ActionParsnipLukeNukem: depends what you use your OS for...17:43
CharminTheMooseI wonder, can you do a chroot install of gentoo?17:44
Gneadamselfly9: the nvidia driver never got built, this is a whole new problem17:44
LukeNukemMusic, browsing, movies and programming =)17:44
ActionParsnipLukeNukem: same OS, different distro. Both are linux ;)17:44
ActionParsnipLukeNukem: install build-essential and you will get an ANSI standard C compiler...17:44
Gneadamselfly9: I go to install the nvidia-185 driver packages and it... never builds...17:44
LukeNukemim new to Linux, most advise me to start in Ubuntu and then move onto ArchLinux17:44
giorgio85ActionParsnip,   I gave into the terminal       mv ~/.libreoffice ~/.libreoffice_old :  but no solution17:44
LukeNukemActionParsnip, i do php programming..i use the netbeans ide17:44
ActionParsnipgiorgio85: did anything output?17:44
pangolinGnea: why not install nvidia-current?17:45
ActionParsnipLukeNukem: well give more detail than 'programming' and we can advise better17:45
damselfly9Gnea, are you using the opensource nvidia driver or the proprietary one?17:45
Gneadamselfly9: from the repository, I don't use from the website17:45
Gneadamselfly9: but the propietary one17:46
giorgio85ActionParsnip,   I closed my epiphany and LibreOffice17:46
artichokui know this is an ubuntu channel, but17:46
LukeNukemActionParsnip, like i said, i program in php.17:46
Gneadamselfly9: taking a break for breakfast, be back in a bit :)17:46
damselfly9that might be why it can't build17:46
artichokuhas anyone used suse and how is it, if so17:46
LukeNukemso i have installed apache17:46
LjL!ot | artichoku17:46
ubottuartichoku: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:46
LukeNukemphpmyadmin and the netbeans ide17:46
ActionParsnipartichoku: I'd ask in #suse17:46
artichokui came accross a site where i could make my own17:46
artichokugood idea17:46
FloodBot1artichoku: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:46
ActionParsnip!lamp | LukeNukem17:47
ubottuLukeNukem: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)17:47
|Anthony|using a dual head setup with nvidia 290.10 on ubuntu 10.04 64bit17:47
|Anthony|if i leave the pointer on the secondary screen when the screensaver comes on, when i return the pointer goes all wonky... it will quickly cycle through the pointer images17:47
LukeNukemActionParsnip, yeah ive installed it..17:47
respondActionParsnip, are i can install ispconfig on ubuntu 10.04 or are can i update my ubuntu desktop to ubuntu server with online17:47
giorgio85ActionParsnip,   this problem is only with the epiphany, opera and firefox with no17:47
LukeNukemi would like to know how to setup a mail server on linux :)17:48
ActionParsnipgiorgio85: are there any bugs reported?17:48
giorgio85ActionParsnip, no17:48
ActionParsniprespond: the server is just the same OS without an X server and a slightly different kernel. You can add the boot option:  text    and the OS will boot to text mode only17:49
aldenLukeNukem: Empathy is the progam you're looking for17:49
ActionParsnipgiorgio85: I suggest you report one17:49
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ActionParsnipgiorgio85: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc    please17:50
respondActionParsnip,  so can i or posible or install ispconfig on my ubuntu am need make web hosting on my home pc17:50
sstaLukeNukem: the easy way: sudo apt-get install tasksel; sudo tasksel  # pick the mail-server task.17:50
ActionParsniprespond: not heard of it, sorry17:50
giorgio85ActionParsnip,   it is possible to remove ubuntu 11.10 LibreOffice and then put it back?17:50
respondany body know how to make web hosting on my home with ubuntu 10.04 ????? ugren17:50
alaingdoes anyone know of a general network irc channel17:50
chuck1310giorgio85: by the update manager17:51
LjLalaing: you mean a channel about networking? ##networking17:51
iceroot!alis | alaing17:51
ubottualaing: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*17:51
damselfly9respond, does your isp allow it?17:51
Barbarianduderespond | !lamp17:51
Bsimsrespond, install apache?17:51
Barbariandudeubottu doesn't have lamp? awww17:51
ubottuBarbariandude: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:51
giorgio85ActionParsnip,   oneiric17:51
alaingthank you iceroot and LjL17:51
iceroot!lamp | Barbariandude17:51
ubottuBarbariandude: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)17:51
ActionParsnipgiorgio85: cool, does it happen if you make a new user and log in as that?17:51
Barbariandudeoh, had it the wrong way round :P thanks iceroot17:52
LukeNukemso if i install mail server, what would the email adress look like? admin@my_ip_here17:52
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LukeNukemnice, what if i setup a DNS17:52
ActionParsnipLukeNukem: you can register an email domain for cheap too, it'l redirect to your mail server :)17:52
Bsimsedit the config accordingly17:53
respondBsims, am have install apache17:53
giorgio85 ActionParsnip      what to do ??17:53
Barbarianduderespond, google for apache guides and get reading17:53
ActionParsnipgiorgio85: run:  sudo adduser testy      log off and log in as testy with the password you set, is it the same?17:53
respondBarbariandude, am have ready install apache : that still http://localhost/ am need blablabal.com17:54
respondhow do i make that at home with ubuntu 10.04 deskto ? are that posible17:54
Barbarianduderespond, exactly, you need to create a configuration page in etc/apache2/sites-available with all the settings. Do some reading to find out how.17:55
respondBarbariandude, my network at home ready can open my web server with my ip17:55
respondbut how can all people on www can open it to17:56
respondBarbariandude, are i need register on dyndns.org17:56
icerootrespond: set a dns-entry to your ip17:56
respondBarbariandude, did you have some link like dyndns.org for free17:56
dhanuhi all17:56
Barbarianduderespond, you need to find out your external ip address, and tell people to connect to that, you need dyndns if you have a dynamic, not static IP.17:56
icerootrespond: normally done at a dns-prodiver17:56
respondiceroot, what dns-prodiver17:57
giorgio85ActionParsnip,   still equal17:57
icerootrespond: the one you like most17:57
sstawhoever you buy the domain name from17:57
theadminrespond: You need to buy a domain name from someone.17:57
icerootrespond: if you want a real domain you have to contact a dns-provider17:57
ActionParsnipgiorgio85: then its a bug with the app, not your settings17:57
respondtheadmin, and iceroot are we need setting some router at my home ?17:58
giorgio85ok thanks17:58
giorgio85ActionParsnip,   ok thanks17:58
Barbarianduderespond, most routers, yes you do. You need to allow incoming connections to go to your computer. Exactly how to do that depends on the router.17:58
subb1 hi all. a very trivial question maybe17:59
theadminrespond: Yes, configure port-forwarding or DMZ.17:59
theadminsubb1: Just ask it17:59
subb1 i already have tomboy and stickynotes. But when started they lie along the taskbar with other open windows. Is there any other desktopnote prog that only lies in notification area or not even there ( runs in background) ?17:59
sharkmaphi all. thanks for being here. I am a very new beginner. By lurking her I lerned how to change the desktop environment. it really makes my old laptop faster.17:59
Barbariandudesharkmap, you got lubuntu?17:59
sharkmapyeah. 10.0418:00
respondBarbariandude, theadmin my internet provaider give my dinamic ip not statick tat can be used dmz18:00
sharkmapno, just regular ubuntu18:00
pangolinsubb1: install alltray18:00
theadminrespond: That can be used with your router, sure, but you'll need a Dynamic DNS provider which is not an easy find.18:00
sharkmapbut i put lxde on it, is that lubuntu?18:00
dak0its xubuntu18:00
respondDNS provider what you recomend for me theadmin18:00
dak0i thing,18:00
pangolinlxde is Lubuntu18:00
Barbariandudesharkmap, if you have an old laptop and you want a light DE, give lubuntu a try live off a usb and see if it's faster, it probably will be18:00
theadminrespond: None really... Well, I myself use http://dnsexit.com but that's all up to you anyway18:01
ActionParsnippangolin: its used in lubuntu, lxde is lxde and nothing more18:01
pangolinActionParsnip: right, for simplicity I stayed vague18:01
sstayou can install lxde without installing lubuntu...18:01
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sstano need to reinstall just to get lcde18:01
ActionParsnipsubb1: like a daemon notes app? how would you post new notes without a UI?18:01
sharkmapwhat is lubuntu?18:01
pangolinActionParsnip: but i get your point. i'll be more clear in the future :)18:01
Barbariandude!lubuntu | sharkmap18:01
ubottusharkmap: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.18:01
dhanui installed ubuntu server i wanted to give only shutdown rights to normal user so help me on this18:01
sharkmapvery new here <__18:02
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subb1pangolin, with this i can move the present notes to notif. area? is that the trick?18:02
sstasharkmap: it's like Ubuntu, but has lxde as the default environment18:02
ActionParsnipsharkmap: its the ubuntu OS but uses LXDE and openbox instead of gnome and compiz. It uses a fraction of the resources of gnome based ubuntu.18:02
subb1ActionParsnip, hi... i want a gui on desktop :)18:02
dak0Why do you guys reply to sharkmap like mad ?18:02
theadmindhanu: Add this to sudoers: username ALL=/sbin/shutdown, /sbin/poweroff, /sbin/reboot, /sbin/halt18:02
Barbariandudessta, is that the only difference? I thought the default programs were also switched around to utilize LXDE better18:02
pri0ngreets all18:02
pangolinsubb1: correct, you run alltray and then can select what apps you want sent to notification area18:02
sharkmapso if I installed regular ubuntu then installed th lxde de, is it lubuntu? I am confused18:02
ActionParsnipsharkmap: it also uses lighter apps, so instead of libreoffice, it uses abiword and gnumeric. The other apps are obviously available but the defaults are light and fast18:03
theadminsharkmap: No, not the same, but close enough :D18:03
pri0nwhat are the chances someone here has any experience with wimax under ubuntu 11.10?18:03
subb1pangolin, wow. thanks. let me try .. :)18:03
respondtheadmin, am used fonera router this manual http://wiki.fon.com/wiki/F2_webserver what i must do ?18:03
ActionParsnipsubb1: then install an ubuntu with a desktop and not the server release..18:03
sharkmapcool. new stuff to learn ecvery day18:03
Barbariandudesharkmap, it also has slightly different default programs, to use less resources. Using ubuntu with LXDE should be enough though18:03
MonkeyDustsharkmap  rather download lubuntu18:03
theadminrespond: I'm not familiar with your router, sorry.18:03
sharkmapdarn keyboard18:03
theadminrespond: Figure it out yourself or contact the manufacturer's support, that's got nothing to do with Ubuntu18:03
respondtheadmin, what you reouter18:03
theadminrespond: I use D-Link DIR-320 with DD-WRT on it.18:04
sirninjaI'm trying to get a network bridge setup for KVM and I'm having difficulties getting it working. Could somebody help me with that?18:04
sharkmapi have a very a very old laptop so any speed improvement will help18:04
respondtheadmin, what alse we need configuration for own ubuntu18:04
damselfly9respond, before you put in too much effort, see if your isp will allow you to run servers. some isps prevent it from working at all18:04
dak0you should try with damnsmalllinux18:04
subb1ActionParsnip, oh no. think you got me wrong. I have ubuntu with gnome :) all i wanted was the sticky note to NOT lie in the task bar with other open windows. Its UI should def be on the desktop :)18:05
theadmindak0: ew, don't suggest something that doesn't even work. Archbang ftw :P18:05
MonkeyDustrespond  http://www.howtoforge.com/creating-your-own-distributable-ubuntu-dvd-relinux18:05
sharkmapha damn small linux. I love these names18:05
responddamselfly9, i thinks my isp allow for run server at my pc home18:05
respondMonkeyDust, thanks i will try18:05
dak0Who said DSL dosent work ?18:05
Barbariandudesharkmap, look up suicide linux. Most evil distro ever.18:05
dak0works on 16mb of ram18:05
pri0ni figured it was a longshot, but I would love to get my Sprint 4G working under ubuntu18:05
pri0n3G works, though its incredibly slow18:05
respondMonkeyDust, you miss give me link that for make distro18:06
respondMonkeyDust, am need make home server at my home with ubuntu 10.0418:06
sharkmaptoo many choicees. I think I'll stay with lxde and see how it goes18:06
pri0nbut wimax in linux still seems to be a bit unique18:06
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sharkmapi had the laptop running overnight, and it didn't overheat or show any errors, so I think Im ok there.18:06
Barbariandudesharkmap, thing to remember about linux + all the distros is it's 90% about personal choice/preference. Figure out what you like, what you don't like :)18:08
Gneadamselfly9: so I discovered a zero-length nvidia-current.ko file18:08
pri0nanyone have any experience at all with wimax in Ubuntu?18:08
theadminpri0n: That's not a real question, ask the real one and you might get an answer18:08
ActionParsnip!anyone | pri0n18:08
ubottupri0n: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.18:08
sirninjaCould someone help me get a bridged network set up?18:08
damselfly9Gnea, that would tend to imply to stopped building due to an error18:08
pri0ngot it18:08
sharkmapseems like I jumped in the deep end. need to go back to the wading pool for a bit to get my bearings18:09
mongypri0n, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1817211  might be some help.  first page I googled18:09
Gneadamselfly9: yes.  so, got it rebuilt.... but now there's still no nvidia.ko anywhere18:09
pri0ni'm actually having difificulty putting this in the form of a reasonable question...18:09
ActionParsnipGnea: try the xorg edgers less fresh ppa, gives the 290 driver18:09
WhyWhyWhyhey guys i love ubuntu18:10
ActionParsnipWhyWhyWhy: glad you are enjoying it18:10
WhyWhyWhysometimes i wish ubuntu was my girlfriend18:10
damselfly9Gnea, don't know. I use an old matrox18:10
GneaActionParsnip: well I'm currently on a freshly updated 10.10 from 10.04 install (amd64), so maybe just proceeding to 11.04 would be a better plan18:11
BarbariandudeWhyWhyWhy, just get her instead: https://www.youtube.com/user/nixiedoeslinux18:11
sharkmapcan ubuntu be installed on a thumb drive so that then entire install is portable? or will it only work as a live install?18:11
oCeanBarbariandude: please don't post offtopic content here, thanks18:11
ActionParsnipGnea: maverick is EOL in april so I wouldn't waste any time on it personally18:11
WhyWhyWhyohhh yeaaa18:12
Barbariandudesharkmap, it certainly can. Get unetbootin.sourceforge.net and install the live version on a usb18:12
BarbariandudeoCean, sorry :)18:12
Gneadamselfly9, ActionParsnip: I ran this and it seemed to get the zero-length driver taken care of: for i in `dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep nvidia | awk '{print $2}'`; do j=`echo $i`; dpkg-reconfigure "$j"; done18:12
ActionParsnipGnea: sweet, I see what you did there :)18:12
sharkmapbarbariandude: thanks. whats the smallest size drive I can use?18:12
GneaActionParsnip: :)18:12
oCean!usb | sharkmap18:12
ubottusharkmap: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:12
sirninjaCould someone help me get a network bridge setup for KVM? I'm having issues getting it working correctly18:13
Barbariandudesharkmap, 1gb I think18:13
Gneaso yeah, I'm just gonna upgrade to 11.04 from this point18:13
GneaActionParsnip, damselfly9: thanks for the help :)18:13
ActionParsnipGnea: any time18:13
damselfly9you're welcome18:13
sharkmapthanks ubottu (even though you are only a bot!)18:13
sharkmapbarbariandude: thanks!18:14
artichokuhaving a small issue. i switched to gnome classic, and when i switched back to unity, the screen opens up as "activities"18:14
artichokuhow do i make that go away?18:14
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ActionParsnipartichoku: if you press ALT+F2 and run:  unity --replace     is it ok?18:15
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pri0nI am working on enabling wimax under 11.10 and have managed to track down the wimax-tools and wimax-ns from the defunct linuxwimax.com18:15
artichokuer... ok well the activity thing closed18:16
artichokubut now i have no bars all18:16
pri0nfrom what I read this really only supported the intel wimax chipset, but it's the best lead i've managed to track down18:16
artichokujust this because it was already open18:16
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artichokuok i got compiz open and reinabled the bar18:17
artichokui'm good now i think18:17
ActionParsnippri0n: is it usb or internal?18:17
pri0nwimax-ns gives me an error on configure about libeap package, but i can't seem to find what package libeap.so comes from18:17
pri0ni see it with lsusb and it work under 3g18:17
ActionParsnippri0n: run:  lsusb    and use the 8 character hex ID to find guides18:17
MonkeyDust!enter| pri0n18:17
ubottupri0n: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:17
bastidrazor!find libeap.so18:17
ubottuPackage/file libeap.so does not exist in oneiric18:17
LukeNukemis there a good application to download music in ubuntu so i can DL all the good songs before sopa pass ;p18:17
pri0nhex ID, got it18:18
Gentoo64LukeNukem: what torrents?18:18
BarbariandudeLukeNukem, you mean torrent, direct or from youtubeL18:18
danny_ok so when im at the destop and i start typing for no reason a little white text box apears in the bottum right hand corner what is this for18:18
Gentoo64LukeNukem: if its pirate stuff then thats noot allowed in here18:18
Gentoo64i doubt :)18:18
BarbariandudeLukeNukem, you could always be legit and download tons of CC music from jamendo.com18:19
LukeNukemcmon i just want to download music using an application on ubuntu18:19
LukeNukemi thought you guys supported 'free'18:19
MonkeyDustor go to the shop and buy music, or am i being old now?18:19
GneaLukeNukem: 'free' is a relative term.18:19
Gentoo64LukeNukem: depends from where, you could use a browser, or a torrent client for torrents18:20
LukeNukemMonkeyDust, i do not have that kind of money..18:20
LukeNukemGentoo64, something like limewire or the old napster18:20
danny_LikeNukem, free jsut means the code is free not free as doesnt cost anything18:20
Gentoo64LukeNukem: linux has frostwire18:20
BarbariandudeLukeNukem, your options are transmission for torrents, youtube-dl for commandline downloading of videos from youtube, or jamendo.com for music in the creative commons.18:20
ActionParsnipLukeNukem: http://www.legittorrents.info/18:21
danny_LikeNukem, like you can take most of the aplications and tweak them to ur liking or improve them urself or jsut create ur own desktop enviroment18:21
ActionParsnipLukeNukem: we do, free and legal18:21
LukeNukemthere is 'free legal music :P' anyways ima try jamendo18:21
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: I go to gigs and get given TDK disks a lot18:21
ActionParsnipLukeNukem: yes, check the link I gave18:22
GneaActionParsnip: might have a problem... I went to interrupt the do-release-upgrade thing because I wanted to check something really quick (it was at the point where it asked if I wanted to continue or not, so I said no) and it left my sources.list in the new state and didn't go back to the maverick state... I re-ran it and now it's stuck "calculating the changes"18:22
ActionParsnipGnea: may need to run:  sudo apt-get -f install     instead18:22
sstaBarbariandude: I think if you install the lubuntu-desktop package you get all that...18:23
sstaBarbariandude: I might be incorrect though18:23
Barbariandudessta, fair enough. And now I know :)18:23
GneaActionParsnip: but the sources.list is saying it's set for 'natty' and natty isn't installed yet.18:23
dak0Gnea you want to swtich from Ubuntu to lubuntu ?18:24
GneaActionParsnip: and I can't find the maverick sources.list file in /etc//apt/ anywhere18:24
Gneadak0: pardon?18:24
dak0Gnea, the question is clear enough ?18:24
Gneadak0: yes, but it was quite irrelevent.18:24
Gneadak0: in short, no.18:24
ActionParsnipGnea: could try a normal upgrade then should do it18:25
rcmaehlI have a keyboard and some of the keys show up as /dev/input/event3 while the keyboard is /dev/input/event2. How do I make the system recognize the keys on /dev/input/event3?18:26
GneaActionParsnip: nevermind, it was just taking its sweet time doing the calculations... I usually get a bit more pep out of this dualcore p4 3ghz18:26
sstaGnea: I think do-release-upgrade keeps a copy of the old sources.list somewhere (probably named something like sources.list.backup or something)18:26
ActionParsnipGnea: yeah, p4 is sweet too18:26
rcmaehlThese keys are hotkeys and about half of them aren't recognized because they show up as a different event18:26
Gneassta: that's what I thought, too.... the only backups were for lucid.18:26
sstaGnea: you should be safe enough to just edit sources.list back to maverick and go from there...18:27
Gneawell, the upgrade process is now underway18:27
Gneassta: I doubt it, it seems to have sorted itself out :)18:27
Gneassta: it just took longer than I expected it to18:28
Gneasince I'm in console and not X, there's not much in the way of letting me know when something's happening18:28
sstaGnea: excellent.  Good luck :)18:28
Gneassta: thank you :)18:28
nancy--is there a readymade free solution to be a webhost. i have a server but i dont have software installed to manage accounts and give them cpanel type of thing or manage their bandwith , give them stats. etc.18:29
sstanancy--: there's a project called "freepanel".  I don't know if it's still active or not though18:30
Barbariandudenancy--, see if there's a module for drupal that does what you want. drupal.org and #drupal18:30
nancy--Barbariandude,  i thought drupal was for bloging only18:31
nancy--ssta,  ok18:32
respondhttps://erespond.mooo.com ? did you can see my home page ?18:32
Barbariandudenancy--, no, it's very versatile. There are community-made modules to alter the functionality in drastic ways, to turn it into pretty much anything18:32
sirninjaCould someone help me figure out how to get bridged networking working on ubuntu?18:32
ActionParsnip!ics | sirninja18:32
ubottusirninja: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing18:32
respondhttps://erespond.mooo.com ? did you can see my home page ? am have put ubuntu tutorial from me on that di you can see that ?18:32
stephenhics and bridging aren't the same if it's the bridging i'm thinking of..18:33
sstanancy--: also, plesk is fairly common these days...and it's not all that expensive18:33
sirninjaActionParsnip: I'm wanting to use it with KVM, so would that still be the same set of instructions?18:33
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Barbarianduderespond, nope18:33
zykotick9sirninja: are you trying to bridge wireless with you kvm or an ethernet?18:33
respondBarbariandude, what a error18:34
sirninjazykotick9: ethernet. And it seems to work on the guest end, but I get about 90% packet loss on the host for some reason18:34
pri0nActionParsnip, thank you for the tip on looking up via hex ID as it was exactly what i needed to find a great lead18:34
ActionParsnipsirninja: it uses a bridged connection afair18:34
jeremiah_how come when i try to install java runtime, it never works?18:35
ActionParsnippri0n: yeah don't get hung up on makes and models in Linux, it means very little. The ID your OS sees is what you need18:35
sbsinHi, in the instructions for a programming exercise they are using the command "2" to combine two applications, what's the package for this application called? Example: 2 "tsim Lab1.map" "java Lab1 10 5"18:35
Barbarianduderespond, unable to connect. If you just got that domain name now, it's gonna take up to 24 hours to propagate18:35
zykotick9sirninja: i don't have N-M installed, so i just replaced the eth with br in /etc/interfaces (there are additional setting to obviously)18:35
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: how are you installing it?18:35
sstaActionParsnip: no it doesn't.  Bridging is quite different to NAT18:35
jeremiah_<ActionParsnip> i type the command into the terminal18:35
theadminsbsin: What does "combine two applications" mean? That doesn't make much sense.18:36
respondBarbariandude, am have ready register on free dns18:36
pjotterHello everyone! I am having some trouble with NFS (versions 4) on Ubuntu (10.04). I have mounted an external drive (NAS) with nfs. It workes fine with small files. But when I try to copy large files (for instance 1 Gb) some things go wrong. The first thing I notice is that de progress-bar of Nautilus starts at approximately 50%. While the file is being copied, the progress bar does not progress. When the copying is finished, I get an error,18:36
nancy--ssta,  isnt there an A to Z solution. from the site, ordering to cpanel. ?18:36
respondam used domain for access my home page18:36
respondam have foarward my ip18:36
respond192.168.10.1 to that domain18:36
sbsintheadmin: sorry, join input/output.18:36
respondam have foarword to my publick ip to that domain18:36
sstanancy--: I'm not sure what you are asking, sorry.  Try rephrasing it maybe?18:36
ActionParsnipssta: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=105869518:36
respondand what you can see...18:36
KarmaonWhy is window dragging significantly laggier when having multiple applications in the background? There is plenty of ram left.18:36
Barbarianduderespond, that's your internal IP address, which is different from the external IP that the internet sees.18:37
sirninjazykotick9: Any idea what could cause such packet loss on the host, yet have the guest working perfectly fine?18:37
theadminsbsin: Oh... I'm not sure then, sorry18:37
ActionParsnipKarmaon: is it ok in Unity2D (I assume Gnome desktop with Unity shel)18:37
zykotick9sirninja: no idea at all, if you don't get assistance here, perhaps you could try #kvm channel?18:37
nancy--ssta,  there are ready made shoping cart sites . easy to install e.g opencart and ecommerce. is there a ready made solution for creating a webhost. that starts from ordering and ends to control panel ?18:37
artichokuok so the "activities" thing is back, and i think i REALLY like it, except... how can i have more than one window up18:37
KarmaonActionParsnip: I'd have to check18:37
sstaActionParsnip: and?18:37
respondBarbariandude, what trouble again18:38
artichokuand my minimize/maximize buttons are gon on the titlebar18:38
sstanancy--: oh.  I don't know of one, no18:38
Barbarianduderespond, this is what the DNS services say your hosts IP address is, is this correct?
optikkorehey so im experiancing a weird issue, if i disconnect my cat5 connection on my acer one, it freezes and on every boot up it will eventually freeze unless that hard line is there18:38
zykotick9artichoku: welcome to gnome3 ;)18:38
sstanancy--: well, not a free one.18:38
jeremiah_<ActionParsnip> when i do it, i end up getting a abiword with a code in it. I put that in the terminal, and i get another abiword.18:38
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ActionParsnipssta: and what?18:38
robert-kmKarmaon: Its not about ram, but cpu and gpu18:38
sstanancy--: Plesk is kind of that, but it costs (although it's not too expensive)18:38
ActionParsnipssta: 'and?' isn't a question18:38
artichokuand even though desktop cube and rotate cube are enabled, there is no rotation18:38
SilpelitI"m using winetricks to download ie6 but the site for the download is down, can't access in either terminal or a browser. Is there a way to change the link to a different upload of the same file?18:38
respondcorrect :)18:39
respondBarbariandude, that right18:39
SilpelitBecause I even have the ie6 download file, and one made specifically for linux, but it's not working correctly18:39
sstaActionParsnip: you posted me a link which had nothing to do with ICS...presumably in support of your assertion that ICS and bridging are the same thing.  I was asking what your point was...18:39
theadminSilpelit: Why on earth do you need that?18:39
artichokuso what do i do?18:39
ActionParsnipSilpelit: IE runs badly in wine. There is ies4linux but if you are testing websites for IE compatibility I suggest you run a virtualbox18:39
jeremiah_<ActionParsnip> have any ideas?18:39
SilpelitIt's a dependancy thing, I have no plans on using ie at all18:39
Barbariandude respond, that means that your router must be blocking connections (probably). You need to set up a DMZ or port forwarding.18:40
zykotick9Silpelit: and there was never a "ie6.. one made sepecicially for linux (sic)"18:40
Silpelityes there is18:40
ActionParsnipssta: if you read the content, it actually shows you how to make a bridged connection in the interfaces file in /etc/networking18:40
yitz_Hi. Any clue where Ubuntu stores the mapping for ethernet device to name (eg eth0) stuff?18:40
SilpelitNot a linux version, but a package that installs it easily18:40
SilpelitI've got 3 people respond and nothing regarding my question18:40
theadminyitz_: Not stored anywhere really. If you need to have a specific node for a specific device, write an udev rule.18:40
sstaActionParsnip: yes, I see that.  What does that have to do with ICS?18:41
nancy--ssta,  freepanel.org is no more .          ispconfig is one . but is it like plesk ? http://www.ispconfig.org/ispconfig-3/screenshots/18:41
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oCeanyitz_: see //etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules18:41
ActionParsnipyitz_: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/red-hat-31/change-eth1-to-eth0-815620/18:41
SilpelitIs there a way to change winetricks to download from a different location18:41
sstanancy--: similar I guess, yes18:41
ActionParsnipssta: I thought you wanted a bridged connection, is that not right?18:41
zykotick9Silpelit: running IE on gnu/linux has never worked well (regardless of versions).  IE6 is way outdated at this point.  Using a VM would probably work better for testing/etc.18:41
yitz_theadmin: Meh. I got an image that got that info cached in it so eth0 is "taken" when I drop the image on a new machine. I want to clear that cached into so the device gets eth0 and not eth0_rename18:41
theadminSilpelit: Winetricks is a shellscript.18:41
sstaActionParsnip: no, that was someone else...who you sent a link about ICS to.  I was protesting that ICS and bridging are not the same thing18:42
zykotick9Silpelit: you could try teh #winehq channel?18:42
jeremiah_how come when i try to install java runtime, it never works?18:42
rebewhy ubuntu ask me for keyring every time I log in ?18:42
Silpelitzykotick9: Thank you very much! That's useful, I"ll do that now18:42
zykotick9rebe: you have autologin enabled, and it needs to unlock the wireless key(s).  Disabling auto-login in one way to correct.18:43
ActionParsnipssta: sorry, crossed wires18:43
oCeanyitz_: you can edit /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules to map your nic's mac address to eth018:43
ActionParsniprebe: to unlock it, if you set a blank keyring it won't bother you18:43
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: how are you installing it?18:43
yitz_oCean: I suppose. I was hoping I didn't have to manually shove MACs in on every node18:44
jeremiah_i type the command into the terminal18:44
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: what command?18:44
sstayitz_: if you empty the file in the master, then it will get repopulated in each node18:44
martyn_tHi guys/gals. I am sure this is in the help files somewhere but how do I add (e.g. terminal application) to the dash launcher? Ta.18:44
rebeactionparsnipL how do I change that keyring to blank18:44
yitz_ssta: Exactly what I'm looking for! The /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules file?18:44
ActionParsnipmartyn_t: you can make a .desktop file and put it in /usr/share/applications18:45
jeremiah_<ActionParsnip> something like sudo apt install java or something like that18:45
orvarhow do I stop ubuntu from going to sleep after x minutes of inactivity?18:45
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: that won't work18:45
sstayitz_: yes.  I have a VM template that had that problem.  Solution was to leave it as an empty file in the template and then the instances fill it up18:45
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: what is the output of:  uname -a18:45
jeremiah_well its not exact.18:45
jeremiah_<ActionParsnip> what?18:45
yitz_ssta: Thanks. I love you!18:45
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: paste it to terminal and hit enter, what is output?18:45
sstayitz_: umm, you're welcome :)18:46
jeremiah_<ActionParsnip> uname -ajeremiah@jeremiah-Dell-DE051:~$ uname -a18:46
jeremiah_Linux jeremiah-Dell-DE051 2.6.38-13-generic #53-Ubuntu SMP Mon Nov 28 19:23:39 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux18:46
ActionParsnipssta and yitz_  sitting in a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G18:46
SilpelitIf anyone is curious, the winetricks for ie7 works fine. Problem solved.18:46
yitz_I was looking for a cache file. I didn't realize udev wrote it's own rule file18:46
owenllorvar: system settings -> power18:46
martyn_tCheers ActionParsnip.18:46
yitz_ActionParsnip: Feel free to join us18:46
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: sweet, and the output of:  lsb_release -sc18:46
ActionParsnipyitz_: BOOM!18:46
excelsiorhow do I tell ubuntu to open .tex files with Kile instead of emacs?18:47
jeremiah_ActionParsnip> natty18:47
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: ok, I'll give you script to get you oracle java 1.7_0218:47
rebeI guess that setting blank keyring isn't safe ?18:47
ActionParsniprebe: its fine18:47
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:48
jeremiah_<ActionParsnip> ok18:48
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/821651/18:48
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: works here :)18:48
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: the last few lines put the plugin in the chromium plugins folder, you can change that if you use a different browser18:49
jeremiah_<ActionParsnip> got a meesage bash: http://paste.ubuntu.com/821651/: No such file or directory18:49
orvarowenll, it's set to "don't suspend" but it still suspends18:49
mongyActionParsnip, there is ppa for it now I believe, webupd818:49
ActionParsnipmongy: not sure of the licensing though ;)18:49
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: run the commands one by one18:50
owenllorvar:  how about system settings->screen?18:50
orvarcould it be the screen saver -> lock screen that stops my music?18:50
jeremiah_<ActionParsnip> what do you mean?18:50
mongyActionParsnip, ah, it's just a script to install it and not a pre-packaged product.  nvm18:51
oCeanjeremiah_: use your browser to view the script at http://paste.ubuntu.com/821651/18:51
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: copy the 2nd line and paste it to terminal, when it finishs copy line 3 and run that, and so on...18:51
mongyActionParsnip, like the flashplugin-installer.18:51
sstait does a better job of installing it though18:51
auronandacejeremiah_: you don't put : http://paste.ubuntu.com/821651/ in a terminal18:51
ActionParsnipmongy: the java license is a bit weird which is why its not in the ubuntu repos any more18:51
jeremiah_<auronandace> so i....18:52
zykotick9ActionParsnip: i believe mongy is trying to say it's a script to download from oracle, similar to how flashplugin-install works.18:52
ActionParsnipoh, I guess18:52
markyxxxzHi! What is the meta-package to install if I want to rebuild/reinstall my Ubuntu for "missing" or "corrupted" drivers/files/etc?18:52
zykotick9markyxxxz: ubuntu-desktop i believe18:53
markyxxxzThat is, without touch the desktop.18:53
sstalargely, OpneJDK works for most things these days...and will become better18:53
jeremiah_<auronandace> i got it18:53
markyxxxzzykotick9: Hmmm....18:53
ActionParsnipssta: hope so :)18:53
jeremiah_<ActionParsnip> i got it.18:53
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: simples18:54
markyxxxzzykotick9: Will it not install over my current and entire ubuntu?18:54
sstaActionParsnip: Oracle are making it the reference implementation for JDK718:54
rcmaehlI have a keyboard and some of the keys show up as /dev/input/event3 while the keyboard is /dev/input/event2. How do I make the system recognize the keys on /dev/input/event3? The keys show up in showkey but not xev18:54
zykotick9markyxxxz: maybe, but that's the main meta-package involved18:54
jeremiah_t<ActionParsnip> his will work on lubuntu right?18:54
rcmaehlThe keycodes are 418, 419, 442, 364, 466, 467, 468, 469, and 47018:56
zykotick9markyxxxz: unless you went to great lengths to removing something with a package manager, OR manually deleted stuff - then it's unlikely you're missing any packages from ubuntu-desktop (it's a hard meta-package to crack)18:56
markyxxxzOKay what about if I want to rebuild/reinstall the entire Xserver thing only? Is it safe to assume that keyboard,mouse and touchpad is controlled by Xserver?18:56
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: works in any Linux distro you can name18:56
artichokuim having so much trouble18:56
jeremiah_<ActionParsnip> good.18:56
artichokui was trying to enable my other monitor18:56
artichokuit said i had to save my config file, and i did18:56
artichokunow everything looks all forked up18:57
markyxxxzzykotick9: The thing is I lost my keyboard and touchpad. I can regain the mouse (it's wireless) by pluggin-unpluggint it on GDM. That's about it. I do not understand how Ubuntu cannot make the keyboard and touchpad work.18:58
zykotick9markyxxxz: what is your real issue then?  keyboard/mouse not working?18:58
markyxxxzzykotick9: Note the keyboard is not really dead, a few laptop function keys work e.g. WIFI key still working, etc18:58
rcmaehlThe keys do work18:58
GirffeHey, I'm new to using ubuntu, I want to rename my Documents folder to documents so that it's easier to navigate through the terminal18:58
rcmaehlI've tested them in MS windows18:59
Girffewill renaming it cause problems?18:59
zykotick9markyxxxz: sorry, i don't have any real suggestions for you.  reinstalling xorg (or anything else for that matter) is unlikely to sove the issue though.18:59
markyxxxzzykotick9: yes. It has to be the X. That's the only thing I figure the damned ATI drivers wrote over and corrupted.18:59
zykotick9Girffe: it's probably NOT worth the effort, get used to upper and lower case ;)18:59
zykotick9markyxxxz: ATI - i'm out.  best of luck.19:00
niclHey all, probably an easy question, but I am stuck in a command on the command line and I don't know how to exit out of a command process without restarting terminal19:00
rcmaehlnicl: Ctrl+C19:00
jeremiah_<ActionParsnip> on step 6 i got rm: cannot remove `./jdk-7u2-linux-i586.tar.gz': No such file or directory19:00
markyxxxzOkay what drives the keyboard and mouse? Anybody can point me somewhere?19:00
markyxxxzzykotick9: BTW, thanks :D19:00
niclrcmaehl: ah great! That is exactly what I needed :) thanks19:00
GirffeYeah, it's just that using the terminal is really nice for a lot of things over using the file browser, and doing small things like that make it a lot faster to navigate19:01
nancy--what are the most famous control panels for web hosting ?19:01
GirffeI just realized I can make a different folder anyway though, just going to use a separate folder called docs19:01
zykotick9markyxxxz: keyboard/mouse is controlled by Xorg, you could check /etc/X11/xorg.conf to see if it exists and/or has settings for you.19:01
=== gary is now known as Guest16203
jeremiah_<ActionParsnip> on step 6 i got rm: cannot remove `./jdk-7u2-linux-i586.tar.gz': No such file or directory19:02
markyxxxzzykotick9: LOL I"m going around in circles here. :) In my substantial years of using Linux, I've never lost a keyboard or mouse, except when i PHYSICALLY pulled on the cable or tripped on it with my foot. :D LOL19:03
=== Guest16203 is now known as game16
mystikwhere is the trash in ubuntu 11.10 i took off unity and put gnome classic on19:03
jeremiah_<ActionParsnip> on step 6 i got rm: cannot remove `./jdk-7u2-linux-i586.tar.gz': No such file or directory19:04
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: no problem, you can just remove it yourself later, did the file download ok?19:04
hydrox24markyxxxz: synaptics? foro synaptic touchpads of course19:04
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: no need to repeat, I saw the first time...19:05
respondam install timeviewer after am put root password no respond anythinks19:05
jeremiah_<ActionParsnip>  yes and ok19:05
VilinyAnyone have any good guides somewhere on how to force local clients to use the servers squid proxy?19:05
hydrox24respond: how are you installing timeviewer?19:05
respondhydrox24, yes19:06
respondhydrox24, am download .deb and double click on it19:06
mystikcan sometbody tell me wheres the recycling bin in ubuntu 11.04 gnome19:07
zykotick9respond: is it really "timeviewer" (or teamviewer)19:07
markyxxxzhydrox24: what about synaptics?19:07
hydrox24ok, and nothing happens after you enter your password? I suggest you try using the command line package as that will be more liekly to give us errors so we can debug.19:07
zykotick9!trash | mystik19:07
ubottumystik: Your GUI file manager's Trash folder is located at ~/.local/share/Trash/ for files moved to trash from your hard disk and .../.Trash-userid/ on external devices for files moved to trash from the device.19:07
respondzykotick9, teamviewer19:07
zykotick9respond: i'm shocked ;)19:07
markyxxxzhey guys, is #xorg the help channel? That's the first thing I found on Google.....19:08
respondzykotick9, sorry miss type19:08
mystikthank u19:08
=== miro_ is now known as shisha42
mystikzykotick9, thanks19:08
Swiss_Ninjaroger roger over19:08
Swiss_Ninjacomputer overload sir19:08
respondBarbariandude, did hare ?19:08
Swiss_NinjaNo, i'm not getting a reading19:09
respondany body can help how to run well teamviewer on my ubuntu? am have get .deb file of that19:09
Swiss_NinjaI can19:09
Swiss_Ninjawhat's your question?19:09
jeremiah_<ActionParsnip> ok i did it all now what?19:09
Swiss_NinjaTry clearing your cache.19:10
zykotick9markyxxxz: you really should be trying to get support here (as it's pretty ubuntu specific most likely).  (if this started because of installing ATI, then perhaps if you moved /etc/X11/xorg.conf to xorg.conf.backup or something and restarted X, you might get your keyboard/mouse back, but loose 3d video)19:10
hydrox24respond: can you try using the command line (dpkg?)19:10
markyxxxzzykotick9: xorg.conf is not present. I've purged all fglrx related files.19:11
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: did you selecthe java binary to be java for you?19:11
mystikhydrox24, r u talkign with me19:11
HermanDEIs anybody running a tproxy system using shorewall?19:11
mystikwhat does ... mean19:12
mystikin linux19:12
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: you will see a menu as part of the install asking you to choose the java binary19:12
ActionParsniprespond: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/12/teamviewer-7-beta-available-for-linux.html19:12
markyxxxzWhat is the correct apt-get options to pull a package form the repos and overwrite everything on ones install? Do I have to purge first or I need to "install --reinstall"?19:12
jeremiah_<ActionParsnip> like if you manually do it or it does it for you?19:13
zykotick9mystik: . is present directory; .. up one level; ... i have no idea19:13
AscavasaionI have had Ubuntu 10.04 onmy machine for a while and done all updates.  but now my Grubloader has about 10 different kernel versions to boot.  How do I uninstall the older kernels and free up some hard disk space and unclutter the Grub as well?19:14
zykotick9Ascavasaion: "dpkg -l | grep linux-image" will list all your installed kernels, uninstall the ones you don't want (they'll automatically be removed from grub)19:14
Ascavasaionzykotick9: Thank you.19:15
Swiss_Ninjawe have an issue with the system.19:15
markyxxxzAscavasaion: You can do it easily on USC without fear of getting the wrong comand. Just as effective.19:15
Zepp_am I on #ubuntu19:15
Zepp_I need HELP19:15
Zepp_okay here19:15
Zepp_I have Windows 719:15
ChristopherNgZepp_: what is the problem?19:15
Zepp_I installed ubuntu19:15
zykotick9!enter | Zepp_19:16
ubottuZepp_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:16
HermanDEZepp_, Wrong room....19:16
Zepp_please refer me please19:16
ChristopherNgZepp_: please be clear what the problem is first19:16
Zepp_I can't boot into Windows19:16
Zepp_it says19:16
Zepp_Error: No such partition19:16
Zepp_grub rescuer: _19:16
zykotick9!enter > Zepp_19:16
ubottuZepp_, please see my private message19:16
ChristopherNgZepp_: did you delete the windows parition?19:16
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ai6pgZepp_: is that a problem ? ;-)19:17
CyberDawgZepp_, oops19:17
ChristopherNgai6pg: its a problem if he wants to game i guess19:17
CyberDawgits only a problem if you want to run windas19:17
HermanDEIt's a good thing.  No need for the microsoft cruft anymore.19:17
kahwhen i install virtualbox and run ubuntu on it, everytime i shut it seems to lose the work i had previously done (.. install ruby on rails)19:18
kahwhy is that19:18
sstakah: are you running the live image maybe?19:18
zykotick9kah: are you using the livecd or a VM's HD?19:18
markyxxxzmost likely the live cd19:18
sstakah: you need to install to a HD then19:19
jeremiah_<ActionParsnip> on step nine i get a error19:19
helpdeskIm looking for a https front end for a weak http webserver. in other words im looking for a machine that can sit inbetween the insecure http server and provide a https interface to the outside world19:19
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switchtechyetch had to change my name19:19
HermanDEswitchtech, check out pound19:20
kriestofHi, I need to use some linux live cd. I will be using g++, vim, some web browser and have to configure wifi. Will Ubuntu live cd be proper?19:20
switchtechHermanDE: is that a channel?19:20
HermanDEswitchtech, It's an applicaton.19:20
icerootkriestof: ubuntu live-cd does not have vim and g++ installed by default19:20
HermanDEswitchtech, More like a reverse/forwarding proxy system19:20
icerootkriestof: you have to install when the system is running19:21
zykotick9iceroot: well vim-tiny ;)19:21
HermanDEswitchtech, It's very simple and ensures proper http coms.19:21
icerootzykotick9: vim-tiny == vi19:21
Sherlock_is there a channel related to ubuntu on mac or am I in the right place?19:21
zykotick9iceroot: agreed19:21
jeremiah_<ActionParsnip> on step nine i get a error19:21
switchtechHermanDE: thanks, ill check it out...19:21
icerootkriestof: but you can installed a system to a usb-drive for example19:21
kriestoficeroot: So every time after reboot, I will have to install it again?19:21
hydrox24jeremiah_: always specify the error or link to it on pastebin, thanks.19:22
icerootkriestof: correct19:22
auronandacejeremiah_: he left19:22
icerootkriestof: install the system to an usb-drive, much better19:22
jeremiah_<hydrox24> mv: cannot stat `/home/jeremiah/jre1.7.0_02/': No such file or directory19:22
AscavasaionOkay, I removed all the excess kernels using sudo apt-get remove linux-image-2.6.32-XX-generic (XX = version numbers), then I ran sudo update-grub2.  Are there any other files like headers, source, etc that I can remove?19:22
zykotick9kriestof: if you have a usb (and systems that boot usb) you can install a full ubuntu onto a usb key.19:22
kriestoficeroot: does it take a lot of time?19:22
bucaneirothe usb drive install isnot working for me...19:23
icerootkriestof: the usb-installation?19:23
kriestoficeroot: Yes.19:23
icerootkriestof: the same time as a normal hdd installation, 10-30 minutes19:23
CAPITALISMUSbill gates is going to spy kids at school http://news.slashdot.org/story/12/01/29/1446236/gates-paying-murdoch-for-system-to-track-us-kids-school-progress19:23
jeremiah_<hydrox24> the link is http://paste.ubuntu.com/821651/19:23
icerootCAPITALISMUS: stop it19:23
hydrox24jeremiah_: just catching up with the previous parts of the conversation. sorry19:23
zykotick9iceroot: same time, you must be kidding, installing to usb take MUCH longer.19:24
icerootzykotick9: no19:24
jeremiah_<hydrox24> its ok19:24
icerootzykotick9: depending on the drive of course19:24
kriestoficeroot: :o so I make typical installation and in devices I'll see my pen drive device?19:24
icerootkriestof: correct19:24
zykotick9iceroot: USB even USB2 is SLOW compared to sata/ide.  then flash storage devices are often a limiting factor as well.  Installs to USB are slow.19:25
icerootzykotick9: usb-drive == ssd19:25
sharkmapthinking about installing ubuntu on my main desktop. I have 3 drives. Vista is on a 150GB drive with 1 partition. I have two other hard drives. 1.5GB with 1 partition and 2GB with 2 partitions, 1.7GB and 300GB. all boot info is on the 150GB drive. Can I install a dual boot with ubuntu on the 300GB partiton with all boot info on that partition? or does must write to the 150GB drive? thanks for any info.19:25
hydrox24jeremiah_: You said something about step 7... what instructions are you following?19:25
g0bl1nUsb goes through cpu19:25
zykotick9iceroot: if it's going through USB it'll still be slow19:25
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic19:25
kriestofzykotick9: But sometimes you havent choice19:25
icerootzykotick9: USB2 can do 480MBit/s, a normal hdd can make 80MByte/s19:25
zykotick9kriestof: agreed19:25
jeremiah_<hydrox24> http://paste.ubuntu.com/821651/19:26
sharkmapdoes the install19:26
hydrox24jeremiah_: thanks, won't be a second19:26
kriestoficeroot: can I have installation on pendrive where I want to install system?19:26
icerootkriestof: ?19:26
zykotick9kriestof: you can't install onto your install media no.19:27
kriestofzykotick9: ok, thanks19:27
kriestofand iceroot too19:27
icerootzykotick9: also remeber a usb-drive is much faster on read/write access then a hdd19:27
icerootzykotick9: so there is no big difference in usb or hdd19:27
zykotick9iceroot: usb is faster then nothing ;)  it's slow, believe what you wish.19:28
icerootzykotick9: my system here is running on usb19:28
icerootzykotick9: trust me19:28
hydrox24jeremiah_: If you go into you home dir, can you find the file that is simlarly named to the one the commmand is trying to move, and change the command in the script to match?19:28
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aciculaiceroot: just cause you can does not mean its fast19:28
icerootzykotick9: do some hdparm-benchmark on a usb-drive and a hdd and you will see19:28
phpN00bin gnome3 there is a small system tray at the bottom of the screen. Is there a keyboard shortcut to switch to one of those application ¨minimize¨?19:28
icerootacicula: do some hdparm-benchmark too19:28
jeremiah_<hydrox24> i'll try.19:28
icerootacicula: and i am only saying that is it not MUCH slower then a hdd19:29
aciculaoh but it is19:29
sharkmapcan you install ubunto dual boot onto a different drive than the other OS?19:29
aciculausb2.0 is 480Mbit, the sata 1 interface is 1.5Gb/s, 3 if you have sata 219:29
aciculaif you attach a disk via usb2.0 its the usb connection that is slowing things down, not the harddrive19:30
icerootacicula: show me one hdd which can handle 3gb/s19:30
hydrox24phpN00b: those applications arent so much minimized as they are "available to giv you alerts", atleast that19:30
zykotick9iceroot: from my testing, hdparms on usb gives very strange results (i wouldn't trust them if i where you).  Testing a variety of USB and SD cards gave wildly diverse results, retesting the same USB would often get very different results as well.19:30
kriestofoh guys one more question. Maybe I'm able to install my Ubuntu system on USB somehow without using boot device(usb or CD)?19:30
hydrox24phpN00b: atleast that is my understanding. It's more like those little tiny icons next to the clock in windows.19:30
icerootacicula: hdparm on my sata-drive is showing 87MByte/s19:30
AscavasaionAny ideas on what can be removed to make HDD space?  I have removed old Linux kernels.  Anything else that hangs around after upgrades etc.?19:31
icerootacicula: my usb-drive is giving me 49MByte/s19:31
hydrox24Ascavasaion: try: sudo apt-get autoclean19:31
zykotick9Ascavasaion: "du -h /var/cache/apt"19:31
icerootacicula: with much faster read/write access, so i dont see the BIG difference19:31
hydrox24Ascavasaion: It cleans out cached .deb files and the like19:31
zykotick9Ascavasaion: by du command will be low after running hydrox24 command ;)19:32
icerootacicula: as / its much more important to have fast read/write then a high transfer-rate.19:32
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: use bleachbit carefully as root and your user with as many apps closed as possible19:32
KarmaonI'm guessing laggy window dragging is gone in gnome19:32
aciculaiceroot: 49Mbyte/s from a usb2 connection sounds more like an error then an actual speed19:33
ActionParsnipKarmaon: depends on config19:33
jeremiah_<hydrox24> sorry but i have to go. i will try when i have time and if i bumb into you again i will let you know.19:33
icerootacicula: 480MBit/s / 8 = 69Mbyte/s (theoretical max)19:33
icerootacicula: 480MBit/s / 8 = 60Mbyte/s (theoretical max)19:33
hydrox24jeremiah_: that's OK19:34
icerootacicula: its just a matter of quality of the usb-memory19:34
theadminerr... How is USB transfer speed an Ubuntu support issue?19:34
iceroottheadmin: installing ubuntu on usb is a support issue19:35
AscavasaionThank you guys.19:35
theadminiceroot: Ah, I see then.19:35
* theadmin runs her OS off a USB drive and never encountered any major slowness19:35
theadminThen again, I use Openbox...19:35
iceroottheadmin: same here (both) :)19:35
ActionParsnipIceroot: the max is 80Mbps, so its not bad. USB 1.1 max is 12Mbps19:35
Gosgood day to you all19:36
ActionParsnipHi gos19:36
icerootActionParsnip: 480MBit/s / 8 = 60MByte/s19:36
theadminiceroot: I see, heh, that's a nice coincidence xD19:36
Viliny_theadmin, russian?19:37
ActionParsnipMisread. D'oh19:37
icerootso running / on usb2 is not a problem, you dont need high transfer-rates for / normally, you want fast read/write like a ssd is offering19:37
theadminViliny_: #ubuntu-ru19:37
Viliny_no, are you russian?19:37
iceroothave a look at iotop, you will never see something more then a few MByte/s19:37
auronandaceViliny: that isn't a support question19:38
theadminViliny_: Yes, but that's irrelevant.19:38
phpN00bto type ¨ I have to press on the ¨ key twice. why?19:38
ActionParsnipIceroot: pciexpress storage is awesome though :-)19:38
icerootActionParsnip: yes :)19:38
icerootActionParsnip: but hard to find on my netbook :)19:38
=== Viliny_ is now known as Viliny
Vilinytheadmin, i think you taught me ruby :)19:39
DJonesphpN00b: I suspect that will be down to your keyboard layout, if the keyboard layout you're using has "sticky keys on", then thats the default behaviour19:39
theadminViliny: Could be, heh, I don't remember much, talk to way too many people recently19:39
ActionParsnipIceroot: there is a 1.2tb pciexpress storage for 2 arms and 2 legs19:39
theadminViliny: Either way, let's take that to either a PM session or stop it, this is offtopic19:40
switchtechtheadmin: good to see your still online..19:40
theadminswitchtech: I am, why wouldn't I be?19:41
phpN00bDJones, how do I disable sticky key?19:41
danny_is anyone having problems with connecting to other machines via lan?19:41
dak0lol. theadmin IHRL19:41
switchtechtheadmin: not important, just good to see19:41
ActionParsnipTheadmin: blackout...19:41
auronandacetheadmin: may i pm you?19:41
hydrox24phpN00b: try under the accessibility options19:41
theadminauronandace: No problem. dak0: What? ActionParsnip: Not in here.19:41
switchtechHermanDE: multiple props, that was exactly what i was looking for...19:42
ActionParsnipTheadmin: ask a silly question...19:42
=== root is now known as Guest77902
theadmindak0: No idea what that means...19:42
icerootdanny_: no19:42
HermanDEswitchtech, I've been using it for way too many years.19:42
HermanDEswitchtech, Back to "KISS"...19:42
phpN00bhydrox24, sticky key is turned off19:42
ActionParsnip!rootirc | Guest7790219:42
ubottuGuest77902: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.19:42
switchtechHermanDE: A vendor that was consulted was trying to charge 40k, this will save much money...19:43
dak0hope you wont get mad or hurt, :D19:43
danny_iceroot: both ubuntus?19:43
HermanDEswitchtech, Nice.  Bet he was going to *yet again* recreate the wheel.19:43
icerootdanny_: sure19:43
icerootdanny_: its good to ask the real question instead of "does anyone have something like this"19:43
iceroot!details | danny_19:44
ubottudanny_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:44
switchtechHermanDE: Using a cannon to kill a mosquito19:44
HermanDEswitchtech, pound does some amazing load balancing between web servers.19:44
CAPITALISMUSActionParsnip: my linux box has lots of programs that connect to the network as root19:44
switchtechLooks like... and very easy to config... im building the second config now... a couple of head nods and this thing is going into beta.19:45
ActionParsnipCAPITALISMUS: yes but its necessary for some. Irc doesnt need it plus its a bad idea19:45
danny_iceroot ubottu : ok whenever i try to mount my other laptop in the nautilus' Network folder I get the "Unable to mount location: timed out by message bus. Ubuntu and Linux Mint. Both Natty19:45
DJonesphpN00b: Sorry, lost connection then, if you';re on 11.10, its an option under universal access19:45
hkjhhello, which kernel is stable for ubuntu 10.4 LTS19:45
theadmin!find linux-image-generic lucid | hkjh19:46
ubottuhkjh: Found: linux-image-generic, linux-image-generic-lts-backport-maverick, linux-image-generic-lts-backport-natty, linux-image-generic-lts-backport-oneiric, linux-image-generic-pae19:46
phpN00bDJones, I checked it. it is disabled19:46
theadmin!info linux-image-generic lucid | hkjh19:46
ubottuhkjh: linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)19:46
Guest52943i need bots or nix19:46
danny_iceroot ubottu have samba, apache2 and all other nec packages to show19:46
phpN00bDJones, it prob has to do witht he keyboard layout19:46
CAPITALISMUSwhy is it necessary ?19:46
icerootdanny_: so you are using samba to build a share between two linux-machines?19:46
hkjhthank you theadmin and ubottu19:46
CAPITALISMUSpeople  even try to run them in chrooted jails19:47
ActionParsnipCAPITALISMUS: things like updates will need the access as they are changing the OS in a big way19:47
ilpollohi,please the spanish chanel , thanks19:47
CAPITALISMUSlike say apache19:47
bruce927I'm on 11.10 64 bit with an intel 4500m, but it according to System Info, my Graphics are unknown. I've got the intel xorg package installed, though. Any idea what's up?19:47
switchtechHermanDE: Did you check your local machines for this http://blog.zx2c4.com/74919:47
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:47
danny_iceroot, right now am trying with gnome-user-share19:48
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HermanDEswitchtech, Looks nasty....  Thanks for the pointer.19:49
CAPITALISMUSActionParsnip: i get it its for security reasons then19:49
DJonesphpN00b: The only time I've seen that problem, it was something related to the keyboard layout similar to this http://askubuntu.com/questions/56560/what-exactly-is-meant-by-eliminate-dead-keys19:49
neurochromecan anyone tell me why 'about ubuntu' is telling me I'm running natty, when I'm still on 10.10?19:49
switchtechHermanDE: Its a local exploit only, but its vicious for privledge escalation. many distros still unpatched...19:49
HermanDEswitchtech, I'm helping a friend fire up about 300 ubuntu workstations.19:50
HermanDEswitchtech, This will become very important.19:50
zykotick9neurochrome: in a terminal try "lsb_release -a"19:50
ActionParsnipbruce927: sounds like your monitor isn't reporting edid like it should. You may need an xorg.conf file to accommodate it and set the res etc19:50
=== new is now known as DCore
switchtechHermanDE: SweetJesus!19:50
ActionParsnipCAPITALISMUS: also remember the target audience of ubuntu.19:51
neurochromezykotick9, yeah 10.1019:51
DJonesphpN00b: I'm not sure how to disable the dead keys on 11.10 though19:51
bruce927Well that's a bugger, it's on a laptop19:51
neurochromezykotick9, although I just cat /etc/lsb-release19:51
HermanDEswitchtech, Yep.  I'm fighting tproxy with shorewall.19:51
CAPITALISMUSActionParsnip: what do you mean?19:51
ActionParsnipneurochrome: what kernel do you have?19:51
CAPITALISMUSwhats the target audience of ubuntu?19:51
bruce927Also reporting I only have experience set to standard, ActionParsnip19:51
neurochromeActionParsnip, Linux neuromancer 2.6.35-32-generic #64-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jan 2 23:31:33 UTC 2012 i686 GNU/Linux19:51
HermanDEswitchtech, Ubuntu want's to be bleeding edge...  Yet the QA on some of the less known packages simply sucks hard.19:52
zykotick9neurochrome: neuromancer the book is sitting on my desk right now :)19:52
ActionParsnipCAPITALISMUS: ubuntu is aimed at new Linux users, so helping them form good habits is advantageous19:52
switchtechHermanDE: That is very true, Do you use webmin at all for cluster administration?19:52
neurochromezykotick9, which book?19:52
zykotick9neurochrome: the book "neruromancer"... never mind ;)19:53
ActionParsnip!info linux-image-generic natty19:53
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (natty), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 all armel powerpc)19:53
neurochromezykotick9, ahhh! ;)19:53
bruce927Yet I still appear to have compiz effects running19:53
HermanDEswitchtech, At one time it was slick and awesome.  Now, I'm looking at nfs shared configs.19:53
DJonesphpN00b: Just something to check, are you on 11.10? If so, open dash and enter keboard and run the keyboard layout program19:53
HermanDEswitchtech, Makes things much easier to manage.19:53
ActionParsnipneurochrome: interesting19:53
neurochromezykotick9, ooops, just read you message again... me getting confused! (easily done!)19:54
CAPITALISMUSActionParsnip: i thought ubuntu didnt had a target audience or was aimed at any one in particular19:54
neurochromeActionParsnip, it is isn't it!19:54
phpN00bDJones, yes, I am on 11:10 x6419:54
DJonesphpN00b: What language does it say its using?19:54
switchtechHermanDE: there is a hitch with webmin also, you have to make sure to nuke Webmin users along with normal accounts. Else its a short backdoor to regain access...19:54
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.19:54
ActionParsnipCAPITALISMUS: all Linuxes have a goal or aim19:54
switchtechHermanDE: Just a thought...19:54
neurochromeActionParsnip, also my FF just got bumped up to 9.01... I'm guessing that was a planned update for maverick users?19:54
phpN00bDJones, the old setting has ¨Death key¨ in the keyborard layout name19:54
CAPITALISMUSyes to take over the world19:54
fdeweHello. Is it possible to remove the transparent panel on the right and move the panel on top to the bottom?19:54
phpN00bI changed it but I need to reboot for it to take effect19:54
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:54
DJonesphpN00b: Yes I think you will need to reboot for the setting to take effect19:55
SerythI downloaded a .deb file, installed the program, and now I want to remove it. However, if I double click the deb, the only option I get is "re-install". How do I remove it?19:55
markyxxxzLinux for human beings <-- that's the target19:55
ActionParsnipneurochrome: maverick dies in April. I can't see many more updates coming after a while19:55
ActionParsnipSeryth: use software centre19:55
neurochromeActionParsnip, yeah when EOL hits, well, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it19:55
CAPITALISMUSso linux isnt target at animals^?19:56
CAPITALISMUSi men ubuntu19:56
SerythActionParsnip: It's not in the software center. I can't see it when I search for it...19:56
LjLCAPITALISMUS: please stay on topic19:56
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pikaciuSeryth: or synaptic19:56
HermanDEswitchtech, And to make things even easier, we are talking about moving to Linux Terminals....19:56
neurochromeActionParsnip, what distro/version are you using?... Just out of curiosity19:57
ActionParsnipCAPITALISMUS: i don't think they have the ability although I've see ipad apps for cats19:57
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switchtechHermanDE: Torvalds would be proud..19:57
markyxxxzCAPITALISMUS: No the animals target the humans... :D that's why Ubuntu uses animal nicknames, e.g. Lucid Lynx, Natty Narhwal19:57
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LjLActionParsnip: how about we drop this?19:57
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CAPITALISMUSmy lil ponny19:57
Serythpikaciu: Okay ty.19:57
pikaciuActionParsnip: yea.... he is very funny !19:58
ActionParsnipneurochrome: now, android 2.1 (phone) at home i use lubuntu and xpud :-)19:58
ActionParsnipLjl: you got it19:58
kaipreshawhow do i get KDE desktop on ubuntu 11.04 GNOME19:58
LjL!kde | kaipreshaw19:58
ubottukaipreshaw: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information.19:58
phpN00bis it possible to modify the context menu according to the file extension?19:58
kaipreshawhow do i get KDE desktop on ubuntu 11.04 GNOME with out kubuntu19:58
phy1729What ip route command should I run to set the gw for eth1 but still have the default route be eth2 / what is a good tutorial for the ip command?19:58
ubottulubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.19:58
CAPITALISMUShey a friend of mine tells me the that in new ubuntu the mouse will be deprecated19:59
ActionParsnipkaipreshaw: sudo apt-get install plasma-desktop19:59
LjLCAPITALISMUS: stay on topic. last warning.19:59
pikaciuActionParsnip: on youtube you can see a kitten trying to catch a mouse19:59
Serythpikaciu, ActionParsnip:Nope, I can't uninstall the package with software center or with synaptic...it's not listed?19:59
markyxxxzWhat's the proper way to reconfigure X on Ubuntu? It seems dpkg-reconfigure is not effective anymore.19:59
markyxxxzkaipreshaw: install the KDE meta package I assume19:59
theadminmarkyxxxz: X -configure as root while X is not running?20:00
ActionParsnip!info plasma-desktop20:00
ubottuplasma-desktop (source: kde-workspace): KDE Plasma workspace for desktop and laptop computers. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.7.4-0ubuntu0.1 (oneiric), package size 788 kB, installed size 2616 kB20:00
pikaciuSeryth: are you sure is installed ?20:00
Serythpikaciu: It's in my applications list and i can run it.20:00
stephenh!ban CAPITALISMUS20:00
markyxxxztheadmin: On recovery mode. My input devices won't work.20:00
CAPITALISMUShey will the new kernel update break my proprietary graphics card driver?20:00
theadminCAPITALISMUS: If you're using dkms, no20:00
neurochromeActionParsnip, xpud, that's a new one for me... anyhow I'm off, guessing it's a bug...20:01
stephenhso obviously trolling...20:01
varikonniemihello, can anybody tell me how hard it would be to support the hiding of window decorations unity has in maximizing a window?20:01
pikaciuSeryth: did you type the app name in synaptic search bar ?20:01
LjLstephenh: we don't ban on request20:01
MerleyCan I make initscript somehow delay the start of something?20:01
MerleyFor 30 seconds or so20:01
Serythpikaciu: Yes.20:01
ActionParsniptheadmin: there is a way to switch display using export to where X isn't running20:01
stephenhLjL: i know, i joke.20:02
andaiMy ubuntu PC is networked with my family's windows computers. I'd like to set it up as the main place to store music, over the network. What's the best way to do this? Samba?20:02
entreriHey there, in what version of ubuntu we can access the new HUD UI ?20:02
stephenhit would be interesting if you did though..20:02
phpN00bI can not find truecrypt in ¨open with"of the context menu20:02
stephenhandai: it's probably the only way20:02
varikonniemientreri, precise pangolin20:02
pikaciuSeryth: try dpkg -- help20:02
yeats!hud | entreri20:02
ubottuentreri: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS will include the first step in a major new approach to application interfaces, the Head-Up Display, or HUD, which will ultimately replace menus in Unity applications. See http://goo.gl/KRG6e for the background on this and discuss it in #ubuntu+1 or #ubuntu-offtopic20:02
markyxxxzGuys, what's the proper way to reinstall/reconfigure X on Ubuntu?20:02
varikonniemior even 11.10 if you install experimental unity 5.020:02
markyxxxzGuys, what's the proper way to reinstall/reconfigure X on Ubuntu 11.04?20:02
andaistephenh: I've had limited success streaming files over FTP with VLC, I was hoping there was some exciting new ( windows compatible ) technology since then20:02
andaiSamba it is then? :)20:03
stephenhandai: nope20:03
stephenhi wouldn't use ubuntu20:03
stephenhalthough you can20:03
trismvarikonniemi: do you mean in say, gnome shell or fallback? if so this works: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GNOME#Hide_titlebar_when_maximized20:03
pikaciuSeryth: try dpkg -- purge20:03
stephenhcheck them out20:03
entrerivarikonniemi: thanks20:03
stephenhlinux based too20:03
FloodBot1stephenh: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:03
stephenhyou can add their repo's and install it onto an ubuntu machine if you really want20:03
stephenhbut just seems like more work20:03
stephenhof course if you like ubuntu... you won't mind the effort ;)20:04
markyxxxzGuys, what's the proper way to reinstall/reconfigure X on Ubuntu 11.04? <--- anybody?20:04
varikonniemitrism, i mean that when a application renders in a window20:04
biohazard135hey, what does "deinstall" mean in dpkg?20:04
varikonniemican i tell that application/window to drop the titlebar?20:04
icimabuein gnome 3, does anyone know how to choose a setting where the min, max, close buttons are to the right?20:04
zykotick9markyxxxz: do you have an xorg.conf currently?  do you need to edit it?  do you need an xorg.conf file?20:04
andaistephenh: The website seems to tell you to install fedora and then amahi... or is there a more direct approach I'm not seeing?20:04
Serythpikaciu: Thanks20:05
switchtechbiohazard135: The package is selected for deinstallation (i.e. we want to remove all files, except configuration files).20:05
zykotick9markyxxxz: to generate one, you could use "X -configure :1" if server is already active.  But that's kinda the old-school method of configuring Xorg.20:05
markyxxxzzykotick9: No. I'm going to use Intel.By default xorg.conf is not needed. I just need to knw the proper way to reinstall and reconfigure everything.20:05
pikaciuSeryth: you're wellcome20:06
switchtechbiohazard135: for more information #man dpkg20:06
test_ I need to know how to seperate an account from it's root (if that makes sense)20:06
markyxxxzzykotick9: Hmm I haven't tried that.20:06
markyxxxzzykotick9: is that X or xinit?20:06
BTaylor927Does gxlgears max out at 60 fps?20:06
zykotick9markyxxxz: X20:06
test_ example when i type sudo -s I get cam@julien20:06
test_<test_> How do i get rid of the @ julien20:06
test_<test_> I'm trying to encrypt my main sudo folder but it wont let me as it sayd 'im still logged in (despite using cam)20:06
zykotick9markyxxxz: it might require sudo, and try to see where it places the config file20:07
owenllicimabue: i used 1d here http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=8681320:07
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:07
zykotick9!it | RobbyIppo20:07
Nach0ztest_: that's the computer name. try sudo -i instead of just sudo'ing the command20:07
ubottuRobbyIppo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:07
phpN00bhow do I set Epiphany as default browser?20:07
markyxxxzzykotick9: That could work.20:07
stephenhandai: hold on20:07
stephenhi think they even have an ubuntu based version to download20:08
stephenhi'll have a look20:08
stephenh1 sec20:08
markyxxxzHow about replacing the packages, is it necessary to purge first then reinstall, so as to wipe everything clean or will the reinstall take care of that?20:08
markyxxxzI believe my X settings are all screwed, especially the part on the input devices.20:09
zykotick9phpN00b: if you are using gnome/unity then install galternatives and using it's GUI interface to edit x-www-browser and gnome-www-browser might work20:09
Serythpikaciu: I can't see the remove flag?20:09
Flannelmarkyxxxz: If your settings are messed up, you want to purge.  Reinstall just removes/installs, which assumes you know what you're doing re: settings.20:09
damselfly9markyxxxz, have you tried xorgconfig?20:09
icimabueowennll: thanks, i'll check it out.20:09
mongymarkyxxxz, open dash and type preferred20:09
stephenhandai: http://wiki.amahi.org/index.php/Ubuntu20:10
stephenhthere ya go20:10
markyxxxzFlannel: yeah, was trying to get confirmation if purge is necessary. thanks20:10
BTaylor927I tried installing unity 5.0 in 11.10, how can I tell which version I have? I tried echo $DESKTOP_SESSION, but it only tells me I'm using unity 3d, not which version of unity is running20:10
stephenhi thought they now shipped a version of their OS on ubuntu but apparently not20:10
stephenhmy mistake20:10
pikaciuSeryth: try dpkg -- purge20:10
markyxxxzmongy: X is screwed. Dash won't be of any help20:10
BTaylor927Can't see any difference, so I'm not sure if I'm still running the default 11.10 version or the newer 520:10
switchtechmarkyxxxz #man xrandr20:10
stephenhi still haven't gotten to play with it much, but it really does look like a great piece of software20:10
switchtechif you need to look up more info online use lynx20:11
mongymarkyxxxz, sorry wrong person :)20:11
n28Hai hai hai hai!20:11
andaistephenh thanks :D20:11
atpa8awhy do i see *multiple* 'Starting OpenSSH Server'/'Stopping OpenSSH Server' during boot in 11.10?20:11
zykotick9switchtech: does xrandr have anything to do with input devices, i though it was only resolution stuff20:11
madridwscbvg b20:11
markyxxxzmongy: OH ok :D20:11
stephenhandai: np ;)  should do everything you need.. and more20:11
andaistephenh It sounds like a bit of overkill though i'm basically just looking for a shared drive20:11
stephenhandai: oh20:11
switchtechzykotick9: good point.20:11
stephenhyeah ok, then just use samba20:11
madriden spañol20:11
switchtechjust saw the comment about x being messed up.20:11
andaistephenh So what are some cool things amahi can do20:11
stephenhthis is a full media solution, cross platform20:11
stephenhandai: well i have an xbox and a dlna client on my phone for example20:12
zykotick9!en | madrid20:12
ubottumadrid: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList20:12
stephenhso i can stream to either as the xbox has a dlna player20:12
stephenhas does my phone20:12
zykotick9!es | madrid20:12
ubottumadrid: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:12
stephenhit transcodes media on the fly (similar to mediatomb i guess)20:12
zykotick9madrid: sorry for the first one, type20:12
stephenhit's just all round great20:12
Serythpikaciu: Aha! Thanks. I was trying `dpkg --purge foo.deb` instead of `dpkg --purge packagename`. Thanks!20:12
n28I HAV20:12
stephenhif i hadn't put xbmc on my atv, i probably would've put amahi onto a vm20:13
markyxxxzswitchtech: I think xrandr is more on displays. The X being messed up is on input devices :D20:13
madridno because is imposible20:13
pikaciuSeryth: at your service :P20:13
switchtechmarkyxxxz: Whoops20:13
Serythpikaciu: :)20:13
andaistephenh: Okay, Thanks. i'll be keeping my eye on it! We only have PCs at the moment :D20:14
stephenhandai: no hassle20:15
stephenhit's definitely overkill for just a file share20:15
n28Real programmers use Vi.20:16
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pikaciun28: and emacs ?20:16
On-The-Fly@pikaciu: I prefer notepad.exe through WINE. So feature-rich20:17
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n28I don't like Notepad. I've used it, but it just didn't feel right.20:18
junctionHi folks.20:18
pikaciuOn-The-Fly: i'll give it a try. tx20:18
kaipreshaw!ask | junction20:18
ubottujunction: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:18
kriestoficeroot: one more thing... How itll work on USB 1.0?20:18
zykotick9On-The-Fly: to bad the only MS text editor that creates text files is "edit" none of the ^C or whatever garbage20:19
LjLkaipreshaw: bit overkill for a greeting...20:19
pikaciuOn-The-Fly: i had a nightamre experience with codeblocks20:19
zykotick9pikaciu: notepad.exe files in gnu/linux will be an issue!20:19
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:19
sudo_dirkhiho. does anybody know how to enable the middle mouse button on pressing left and right synchronous?20:19
kriestofHow will work Ubuntu installed on USB 1.0?20:20
kriestofWill it be better to install it on pen or just live cd?20:20
pikaciuzykotick9: true.... it displays a lot scambles20:20
LjLkriestof: on a USB 1.0 mass storage device? it'll be slow as hell.20:20
junctionI'm running XFCE. I would like to know if it is possible that the action "moving a window to the border of the screen" resizes it (half size on the side, full size on the top), instead of moving it to the next desktop. Anybody have ideas for that?20:20
dr_willisyou can do a fyll normsl install to a flash drive20:20
icerootkriestof: usb 1.0/1.1 is not a good idea as a installation-medium20:20
dr_willisusb 1 ewww...20:21
kriestofso better find some other live cd and just boot it?20:21
kriestofas I said I need g++, vim, web browser20:21
iceroot!remaster | kriestof20:21
ubottukriestof: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility20:21
LjLkriestof: well, CD is sorta slow too20:21
sudo_dirkon ubuntu 10.10 it worked, after updating to 11.04 and also 11.10 my middle mouse button is gone.20:21
yumbokriestof, are you sure it's usb 1.0 and not usb 2.0?20:22
kriestofwell it transfers with 1MB/s speed20:22
yumbokriestof, it's probably still USB 220:23
kriestofok, anyway speed will be enough?20:23
kriestofto use it...20:24
dr_willistry and see20:24
yumbokriestof, probably not, why not buy a 8gb stick for 15 bucks that's fast?20:24
kriestofproblem is I have only a few hours:)20:24
n28Real programmers use USB 3.0. Just saying.20:25
dr_willis16 gb flash $18 on sale the other day20:25
kriestofand lap probably without fast USB port20:25
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:25
nancy--i have some texts files in a folder with words on each line. how do i join them all and make one single file containing all the data ?20:26
dr_williscat a b c > abc20:26
nancy--dr_willis,  or cat * > abc ?20:27
dr_willisbash basics :)20:27
zykotick9nancy--: the * "might" not give the order you expect20:27
nancy--dont need the order atm20:27
yumbonancy--, best to ask would be #bash in the future20:28
dr_willisa read of some bash guides is good idea20:28
xxiaoooimpress can open pptx files but can not show graph inside?20:29
nancy--dr_ i cannot cd new folder          it has a space in between. thats why ?20:30
stephenhi didn't think there was software on linux for powerpoint?20:30
georgieeeDoes anyone plays "Lord Of The Rings" using PyLotro?20:30
zykotick9nancy--: do you know how to deal with spaces?20:30
stephenhor am i thinking of a decent visio replacement?20:30
yumbonancy--, put it in quotes20:30
nancy--zykotick9, no20:31
stephenhnancy--: new\ folder or in quotes20:31
stephenh\ escapes the space20:31
zykotick9nancy--: "double quotes work" or/ escape/ the/ spaces20:31
stephenhor other interesting characters like ()20:31
zykotick9nancy--: sorry fail it \20:31
FlannelYou can also tab complete, that'll take care of escaping for you.20:31
zykotick9nancy--: see Flannel above20:31
pikaciuor change the name in gonme20:32
guntbertxxiao: pleas ask in #openoffice.org20:32
nancy--Flannel,  zykotick9  none is working20:32
pikaciuor change the name in nautilus20:32
phpN00bis there a gtk native firefox version?20:32
Flannelnancy--: type `cd new[tab]` and it should complete to `cd new\ folder`20:33
Flannelnancy--: be sure you're typing 'new' and not 'New' (unless it is "New Folder"), things are case sensitive.20:33
Si2100Guys, can i connect Ubuntu to Windows Home Sever 2011 ?20:33
ubottusi2100: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.20:34
WXZhelp, I permadeleted everything off an NTFS partition in ubuntu. how do I get it back?20:36
tim167hi, can anyone help me get a Wacom Bamboo CTL-470 working on ubuntu Oneiric?20:36
WXZI unmounted the partition.20:36
zykotick9phpN00b: i believe Firefox uses gtk by default.  "apt-cache depends firefox" should show libgtk.20:36
nancy--how to delete duplicate words in a file ?    each word is on each line ?20:37
pikaciuWXZ: unmount or delete ?20:37
WXZpikaciu: I deleted the directories off the partition, then unmounted the partition to be sure not to write anything to it20:38
zykotick9nancy--: i bet you could do it with the uniq command20:38
WXZpikaciu: deleted accidentally*20:38
georgieeeDoes anyone play Lord Of The Rings? PyLotro doesnt update. Can someone help?20:38
nancy--zykotick9,  which unique command ?20:38
phpN00bis there an ubuntu one client for Windows?20:38
georgieee*Lord Of The Rings Online20:38
zykotick9nancy--: "uniq" see "man uniq"20:38
On-The-Fly@phpN00b: yes there is20:39
nancy--zykotick9,  i heard cat or grep can do it20:39
zykotick9nancy--: cat i doubt has that feature, grep manybe20:40
pikaciuWXZ: what grub says at restart ? and what fstab says ?20:40
phpN00bI still can't manage to set Epiphany as default browser in Gnome3 :-(20:40
nancy--zykotick9,   i wanted to index it a to z too20:41
zykotick9nancy--: "sort"20:41
WXZpikaciu: I don't have grub visible when I restart I only have ubuntu so there's no point20:41
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WXZpikaciu: I can easily remount the partition if I want to, I'm trying to recover deleted data20:42
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On-The-Fly@phpN00b: I had a similar problem with SRWare Iron a long time ago. Ended up changing several things that I don't recall anymore. But one was to edit the (in your case) Epiphany.desktop with some lines that the other browsers have to make it popup in www-alternatives20:42
phpN00bI don't udnerstand. I ahve to pay 4 usd a month for 20GB online storage for my phone. Why would I do that? I can easily get a 32GB sd card for about 40euros.20:43
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WollensakT1500Hello, I'm running 10.10 on a loop device and am wondering how to change the size of said device from 20G to 30-40G20:43
phpN00bUbutnu one should come up with somehting like 100Gb for only 5 usd a month20:43
rj11Does anyone know when "apt-get upgrade" will include GCC 4.7? 4.6.1 lacks quite a few features.20:43
Guest28606phpNOOb, you could lose it20:43
phpN00bGuest28606, unlikely20:44
zykotick9rj11: after a release, packages don't usually get version increases.  that's not how debian/ubuntu works...20:44
On-The-FlyphpN00b: you can access it from different devices no matter where you are.20:44
Guest28606phpN00b: just saying, you were having problems understanding why someone might pay for online storage20:44
phpN00bOn-The-Fly, same I can say since it is a sdcard20:45
LjLcan we go back to the topic of Ubuntu support?20:45
WollensakT1500Guest28606: For backup purposes, that why I have dropbox20:45
brobeanswhich channel would be appropriate to get help cracking an archive? (my own archive - forgot password)20:46
rj11zykotick9: Crap... thanks for the info! :)20:46
WollensakT1500Hello, I'm running 10.10 on a loop device and am wondering how to change the size of said device from 20G to 30-40G20:46
LjLbrobeans: err i don't know, ##crypto maybe. what sort of archive is it? ZIP is easy to crack, RAR much harder, for example20:46
WollensakT1500wojtek: hi20:47
WollensakT1500BaD_BoY: ji20:47
WollensakT1500BaD_BoY: hi*20:47
On-The-Fly@LjL: why is that? Doesn't it depend on the algorithm used?20:47
asifhi all20:47
wojtekhow can I connect to upnp (media tomb) from banshee?20:47
BaD_BoYfree acound shells20:47
WollensakT1500BaD_BoY: What do you need help with?20:47
Guest28606anyone able to suggest a good room to get some help with a java/ ubuntu camera problem20:47
LjLOn-The-Fly: yeah, and ZIP uses a weak algorithm :P (at least last i checked)20:47
LjL!ot | BaD_BoY20:47
pikaciuWXZ: try tct packet20:47
ubottuBaD_BoY: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:47
On-The-Fly@LjL: I thought you could manually select the algorithm that you want to use20:48
asifanyone know why my contacts in hotmail.com are not showing up in evolution mail20:48
brobeansLjL: thanks20:48
WXZpikaciu: I'm trying ntfsundelete, I'll get back to you in a second20:48
=== WollensakT1500 is now known as JeepCherokee
LjLOn-The-Fly: you can of course, if you encrypt the archive afterwards. but if you just use ZIP/RAR's own "password" system, it uses whatever it uses20:48
JeepCherokeeHello, I'm running 10.10 on a loop device and am wondering how to change the size of said device from 20G to 30-40G20:48
asifi have an ubuntu one account synched20:48
asifbut no contacts on there?20:49
asifi need my hotmail ones showing up20:49
ubottuUbuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone20:49
asifany ideas people20:49
bobo37773asif: Export your contacts from hotmail and then import them to evolution20:49
acerimmerasif: pretty sure ubuntu one does NOT link to hotmail  You'd have to manually import20:49
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biohazard135switchtech: sorry i was afk, i looked in man dpkg and couldn't find anything covering how to completely remove the package.20:49
biohazard135mysql-server messed up and i need to completely get rid of it.20:50
brobeansubuntu 11.10, programs can take a while to load, in general. meaning 5/10 seconds wait before program launches. most common reason? more rammage?20:50
biohazard135brobeans: how much ram do you have?20:50
phpN00bOn-The-Fly, found the place to set default application20:50
phpN00boneliner, it is in settings->system information -> default application20:51
On-The-Fly@LjL: I think that's only the options you see within the default small GUI. If you use the CLI, it looks a lot different. Same goes for the GUI in Windows20:51
phpN00bkind of weird place to put that option20:51
biohazard135i'll reinstall lamp, see if that helps20:51
brobeansbiohazard135: 2GB dd2 atm, dual core 3GHz. set up an independant pc for ubuntu20:52
mongyphpN00b, if you type preferred in the dash, does it give you a tool to set defaults?20:52
guntbertbiohazard135: reinstalling seldom helps any20:52
Mixxitme again =)20:52
biohazard135brobeans: you should be fine, check "free -m" in terminal to see how much ram you have20:52
Mixxiti wondered how i can make vlc my default player20:52
brobeansbiohazard135: thanks bro20:52
biohazard135guntbert: what is seldom? i installed lamp via apt-get, just mysql-server didn't quite work20:52
switchtechbiohazard135: sudo apt-get autoremove --purge (package name)20:53
brobeansbiohazard135: 600mb free ram20:53
biohazard135switchtech: thanks20:53
acerimmerMixxit: Preferences>Preferred Applications...20:53
Mixxitwhere is preferences20:53
guntbertbiohazard135: "seldom" is really "almost never" - you get the same settings you had before20:53
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acerimmerMixxit: system20:53
switchtechbiohazard135: that is unless its a custom install from source20:53
biohazard135brobeans: yeah, that's fine, there might be another reason such as a slow disk20:53
wojtekdo you know how to connect to media serwer (mediatomb) from banshee?20:54
biohazard135switchtech: no i use apt-get, i'm too much of a noob to compile lamp myself20:54
owenllMixxit: System settings - system info - default applications20:54
Mixxitah thanks!20:54
bobo37773yughy: Hey20:54
phpN00bI modified the file epiphany.desktop. should I reload gnome?20:55
switchtechbiohazard: What? its not that bad. ./configure, make, make install20:55
brobeansbiohazard135: i'll dupe to a new disk see if that makes any difference. thanks for the info]20:55
switchtechunzip, strip, touch, finger, grep, mount, fsck, more, yes,fsck,fsck,fsck,umount, sleep.20:55
Mixxithmm doesnt seem to be making a difference20:55
bobo37773phpN00b: Reload gnome because of editing a .desktop file? I doubt it is neccessary20:56
biohazard135switchtech: i know just then the modules for php & apache, i tried before to get everything to work :/20:56
biohazard135switchtech: i compiled skype myself, as it wasn't in the repo .. later found out it was.20:56
owenllMixxit: restart or log in maybe?20:56
guntbertswitchtech: why do you recommend compiling ?20:56
Mixxitok thanks ill give that a go now!20:57
switchtechsometimes the repo servers are back a little on their updates. can lead to vulnerable packages until they commit20:57
switchtechguntbert: http://blog.zx2c4.com/749 <-- Great example20:57
biohazard135switchtech: i remember firefox 4 came out, days later it still wasn't on the repo20:57
phpN00bEpiphany is broken20:58
bobo37773phpN00b: What is wrong with it?20:58
phpN00bepiphany-browser -n google.com   still open google in my current tab\20:58
phpN00bit should open in a new tab20:58
guntbertswitchtech: what has that to do with LAMP?20:59
biohazard135guntbert: im guessing php/apache hasn't been updated in the repos thus servers won't be updated20:59
biohazard135to be honest, i never check for updates (on apache.org) it's a lot easier to ssh in and just apt-get update && apt-get upgrade20:59
biohazard135so it's actually more secure for me21:00
switchtechguntbert: just an example, if they dont check you may want to. specially with the speed at which people are getting Pwned on the net...21:00
switchtechguntbert: its one mistake away from looking for a new job at some places....21:00
biohazard135switchtech: isn't that more because of bad php scripts than the actual server itself? i mean, LAMP is secure enough21:01
switchtechguntbert: because you should have known better21:01
guntbertswitchtech: biohazard135: sorry, I didn't follow your whole conversation - I won't interfere any more :)21:01
switchtechbiohazard135: not necessarily, this is some harry territory. but if your mustard... http://www.exploit-db.com/21:01
switchtechguntbert: glad you asked, now you know more...21:02
biohazard135switchtech: ooh, i can do some more testing21:02
switchtechbiohazard135: be careful. that place can lead you quickly into harms way...21:02
biohazard135switchtech: ok so, lets assume theres a zero day exploit on apache, and the repo is a few days behind, how would you know apache actually patched it? do they have rss or something?21:03
biohazard135switchtech: i'd forget to check -.- anyway, almost done uninstalling lamp21:03
switchtechbiohazard135: its best to check some forums, you can pentest yourself with armatage if you like. however if you dont own the server you need authorization.... in writing ;)21:04
hydrox24biohazard135: switchtech maybe you guys want to go into a private chat? got no problem with public but you are very active, and only to each other21:04
switchtechbiohazard135: http://www.backtrack-linux.org/ <-- Again be EXTREMELY careful what you point that tool at...21:05
sstaswitchtech: I'm far from convinved that telling someone who came in looking for advice on how to install a LAMP stack is going to be best served by compiling from source21:05
wynnCan someone help with setting up java sdk on Ubuntu 10.0421:05
biohazard135wynn: apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk21:05
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biohazard135afaik that's the command21:05
dlentz!ask | wynn21:05
ubottuwynn: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:06
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realubotbiohazard135: "To get notification of when new security issues are fixed, join the Apache HTTP Server Announcements list": https://httpd.apache.org/security_report.html21:06
wynnI've got it installed, but it doesn't like when I use the standard libs21:06
switchtechssta: to each his own, if you like the package repos and want to stick with them, choose your own adventure. i only stress hand installs as it increases knowledge of the application itself... and the terminal21:06
realubotwynn: Maybe you should try Sun's Java instead?21:06
biohazard135does anyone know if nginx is more secure than apache? i would use it for it's speed but it's annoying to get php to work with it.21:06
switchtechssta: I work with way too many GUI administrators...21:07
sstaswitchtech: whatever...I think steering people at lower levels of experience that way is counterproductive and more likely to lead them to making mistakes that comprimise their systems21:07
wynnubottu: I thought I was, just being polite... the intent was for someone to give the answer.21:07
ubottuwynn: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:07
switchtechssta: to each his own, at the end of the string it really is your sudo that makes it happen..21:08
sstawynn: what in particular isn't working with openjdk?  Most stuff works fine.  The only things that don't are generally things that use unsafe backdoors to the JVM21:08
realubotwynn: Uninstall openjdk and install: http://superuser.com/questions/353983/how-do-i-install-the-sun-java-sdk-in-ubuntu-11-10-oneric21:08
biohazard135there is nothing wrong with compiling from source, just if you never check for updates it's a bad thing, if your a great sysadmin like switchtech, it's better to compile yourself.21:08
realubotwynn: Maybe that will solve your problem.21:09
wynnI get an error on import statements... I'm not sure if i have to adjust one of the path variables or something21:09
sstabiohazard135: if you have the time to keep up to date on thousands of packages, sure.  I have a life and a job :)21:09
sstawynn: what import?21:09
biohazard135wynn: what packages do work (if any)21:09
switchtechbiohazard135: thanks for the props, however a good sysadmin is one that never stops learning, or asking questions. I dont take ssta negatively21:09
biohazard135ssta: import io.*; that kinda stuff21:10
sstabiohazard135: io.* isn't a standard package21:10
biohazard135ssta: it isn't? o_O mind you i only just started learning java so i really have no idea.21:10
wynnrealubot: this works with 10.04 as well? (your link)21:10
sstabiohazard135: java.io is...21:10
biohazard135ssta: oh.21:11
switchtechssta: oooh give him the hungarian notation speech!21:11
atpa8ais it normal that it starts/stop openssh multiple times during start up?21:11
wynnssta: import System.util.*21:11
sstaswitchtech: umm, what?21:11
sstawynn: umm, that's not a standard package21:11
switchtechssta: joke, back to baseX21:11
sstawynn: perhaps you means java.util?21:12
realubotwynn: Maybe Sun's Java was stilll in the repos f 10.04?21:12
wynnbiohazard135: everything works, I just can't seem to develop with it. But all my java apps and web work fine.21:12
recon_lapis openJDK not recommended?21:12
sstawynn: pastebin a class that doesn't work for me will you?21:12
biohazard135wynn: what do you mean not develop with it? does javac work (for instance)21:12
wynnssta: really? I thought that came with the sdk 1.6?21:12
sstarecon_lap: openjdk is fine for anything that doesn't use J2EE...21:12
realubotwynn: That will work in Lucid too: https://launchpad.net/~ferramroberto/+archive/java21:13
sstawynn: nope21:13
biohazard135question: why is this room so empty yet so full. seriously, there must be 1000+ people here and only about 10 active people.21:13
realubotwynn: Look for yourself. The PPA contains a package för Lucid.21:13
dlentzbiohazard135: maybe it's an xchat default21:14
sstarecon_lap: unless it's evil and is using stuff from sun.misc.Unsafe...which it shouldn't be.  Several J2EE appserver DO however...21:14
wynnssta: your're right it is java.util. Let me see if that works.... I could just be having a moment...21:14
switchtechbiohazard135: campers, they like to check the logs when they come back online...21:14
itguruI'm building a webserver using ubuntu, and I've run into an issue. I thought I had php working, as he site in /var/www renders php, but sites in /user/public_html do not - Where shall I start to fix this problem?21:14
realubotrecon_lap: I've been told that OpenJDK will work but sometimes there is special situations where you'll need Sun's Java.21:15
biohazard135switchtech: major waste of bandwidth, someone on here should make a bot that kicks you after (x) mins inactivity.21:15
mongybiohazard135, people trying to get the best uptime ever21:15
biohazard135mongy: lol21:15
hydrox24mongy: are you serious?21:15
recon_lapssta, good to know, as i am planning to learn java21:15
mongyI used to leave it logged in on my vps, but then my vps rarely but randomly decided to reboot21:15
wynnok. yes I botched up the import. Sorry I learned c# first.... old habits die hard21:15
mongyanyway,  its ot21:16
realubotwynn: Maybe you'll have to uninstall OpenJDK befor installting Sun's Java from the PPA.21:16
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recon_lapI'm having a problem with java marvin framework examples , get 'Unknown video format' when i try use the web cam21:17
sstarealubot: you can have both installed at once.  However, if you can get by with OpenJDK you're better off sticking to it.  The Sun JDK isn't auto updated, so you have to watch for security pacthes yourself21:17
wynnrealubot: It was indeed user error. I have to learn java, so I wasn't sure if the SDK wasn't setup properly or if it was me. It was me.21:17
wynnThanks everyone.21:18
biohazard135yeah that lamp stack did not install well, i just get HTTP 500 now21:18
realubotssta: Ok.21:19
switchtechbiohazard135: Here, if you want to make your own...21:20
sstabiohazard135: did you try installing from the repository?  What was the error?21:20
biohazard135ssta: no error, http 500 on a test page i made, i think it's mysql missing from php21:20
biohazard135switchtech: what? i don't want to run my own ircd.21:21
sstabiohazard135: how did you install the stack?21:21
biohazard135ssta: apt-get install apache2 php5-apache2 ..... usual stuff21:21
biohazard135ok php works fine, just not "mysql_connect"21:21
WXZI have a directory in an ntfs partition, and I shift + deleted everything in it, how do I get it back?21:22
switchtechbiohazard: that was from your earlier comment about kicking clients21:22
sstabiohazard135: does mysql_connect work if you run the php from the command line?21:22
switchtechbiohazard135: if you want to go with the source... http://www.lamphowto.com/21:22
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biohazard135ssta: haven't tried that, also i fixed it: missing "php5-mysql"21:23
cdavisDo I have to use the alternate installer to get whole disk encryption on 11.10?21:23
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biohazard135i should really turn on errors21:23
sstabiohazard135: you know there's a tasksel task for lamp-stack?21:23
john_____Anyone know how to get the macbook pro fn keys to work with Awesome manager?21:23
biohazard135ssta: no, what is tasksel (i'm really new to linux, only ever ran it on a vps and used ssh for everything)21:23
recon_lapI'm having a problem with java marvin framework examples , get 'Unknown video format' when i try use the web cam.21:24
sstabiohazard135: it's a thing that can install a bunch of packages that fit together for a task, like mail-server, or lamp-server21:24
sstabiohazard135: sudo apt-get install tasksel; tasksel (and then pick lamp-server from the list)21:25
sstabiohazard135: also see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP21:25
sstatasksel is the recommended way to get a lamp stack21:25
WXZI have a directory in an ntfs partition, and I shift + deleted everything in it, how do I get it back?21:29
biohazard135ok one last thing, i did install phpmyadmin which put all the php in /usr/share/phpmyadmin and it's conf in /etc/phpmyadmin21:29
biohazard135do i need to actually need to mv the config? the apache.conf file has alias info21:29
sstabiohazard135: no, generally the package sets it up for you21:30
sstabiohazard135: http://localhost/phpmyadmin has always done the right thing for me21:30
biohazard135yeah, but /phpmyadmin doesn't show anything, and neither does grep -r phpmyadmin /etc/apache2/21:30
biohazard135ssta: i get 40421:30
sstabiohazard135: umm, the package would have asked you...did you tell it to configure for apache2?21:30
biohazard135ssta: yes21:31
sstabiohazard135: try: sudo dpkg-reconfigure phpmyadmin21:31
sstamake sure it shows apache2 as being checked21:31
sstabiohazard135: if it still doesn't work, then that's a bug that should be reported21:31
captbunzohey people. I've just installed Ubuntu on a new computer I've built and could use some help getting stuff just right with the graphics card / monitors.21:31
biohazard135ok im on the screen, apache2 or lighthttpd, the red square is over apache2, do i just hit enter?21:31
sstato select it, there should be a * in there21:31
sstaspace, then enter21:32
biohazard135ssta: oh, i pressed enter, yeah theres * now21:32
captbunzois it ok to ask my questions here?21:32
dreamy_im tryng to run muse.. and i get an error that the midi sequencer is not started.. can anyone help?21:32
sstabiohazard135: that's why it wasn;t working then :)21:32
LunatyKcaptbunzo, ask away21:32
dreamy_the 1st error was a abou the jack server, i worked that out21:32
captbunzoI've booted up after the install and it seems that the screen is, um, overflowing a bit.21:33
captbunzoas in parts of what should be visible is off the screen.21:33
biohazard135ssta: yeah, ok that's my dev environment setup. it's been difficult moving from windows, my whole weekend has been trying to get everything up and running21:33
captbunzodoes that make sense?21:33
Neosanocaptbunzo, push AUTO button on your monitor21:33
sstabiohazard135: yeah...don't worry, you're getting there.  It takes time to get comfortable in unix21:33
captbunzoNeosano: lol... lemme look for an auto button :)21:34
biohazard135ssta: windows 8 did it for me. the second i opened that start menu on the dev iso i knew it was time to move.21:34
Neosanocaptbunzo, if there's no such button you'd probably have to do it manually. But as I can see - it's not ubuntu fault :)21:34
captbunzoNeosano: sure it's not something wrong with the mode lines?21:34
LunatyKWait Neosano it may not be Ubuntu but i have one question for captbunzo21:35
LunatyKcaptbunzo, desktop or netbook?21:35
ModFatherHi There, Good Day to all, i had Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric i install Haproxy from src with make > make install but i cant unistall it.. is any out of the box method?21:35
captbunzoLunatyK: desktop21:35
zykotick9ModFather: for next time, use checkinstall21:36
LunatyKThen you need to reset your monitor settings21:36
captbunzorunning an Radeon HD 6850 with a pair of monitors21:36
LunatyKos[Linux 2.6.32-33-generic i686] distro[Ubuntu "lucid" 10.04] cpu[2 x AMD Turion(tm) 64 X2 Mobile Technology TL-58 (AuthenticAMD) @ 800MHz] mem[Physical: 1.9GB, 82.0% free] disk[Total: 141.2GB, 93.1% free] video[nVidia Corporation C67 [GeForce 7000M / nForce 610M]] sound[HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia]21:36
captbunzothat seeemed likely to me...21:36
mongyModFather, if you still have the folder you used to compile, then sudo make uninstall21:36
mongyModFather, if not, then get it again, configure and make and then sudo make uninstall21:36
captbunzothese dang modern things don't seem to want to let me do that very easily...21:36
sstabiohazard135: well, not really sure about desktops...they all seem to be going in a direction I don't like...but I've never considered anything non-unixy for servers...Anyways, good luck with LAMP :)21:36
biohazard135oh btw, when i was on windows my external drive (which i carry everywhere) used bitlocker, naturally i disabled it before moving to ubuntu but is there anything similar?21:36
mongyModFather, oh and use checkinstall in future like zykotick9 said.21:37
biohazard135ssta: i used to run windows server on a dedicated server, such a waste of time and money, i only had WAMP on it.21:37
sstabiohazard135: truecrypt?21:37
EmerySo like, I want to use root account on Ubuntu, can anyone help ?21:37
captbunzoanother question is whether it is more advisable to use the default ATI drivers, or the proprietary ones from ATI. any thoughts?21:37
guntbert!root | Emery21:37
ubottuEmery: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:37
Neosanowell really there's a root user...21:38
EmeryNo i want to use a root account21:38
sstaEmery: usually a bad idea...why would you bother?21:38
EmeryBecause i'd like to21:38
EmerySo who knows how21:38
zykotick9Emery: it's not supported here21:38
guntbert!noroot | Emery21:38
ubottuEmery: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.21:38
EmeryRoot please21:38
Emeryanyone know how21:38
mongybiohazard135, for linux only I use cryptsetup and disk utility to encrypt the partition.21:38
NeosanoEmery, you can go in user settings and unblock root21:38
guntbertEmery: stop21:38
biohazard135Emery: wait what do you want?21:38
EmeryI want to use root acc21:38
biohazard135Emery: sudo su21:38
zykotick9Emery: it's not supported here21:38
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:38
Emerynot this sudo shit21:38
EmeryI want to use root21:38
guntbertbiohazard135: WRONG21:38
NeosanoEmery, told you already.21:39
Emeryyou didn't21:39
captbunzolove the output of !root...21:39
NeosanoEmery, did.21:39
EmeryROOT accound21:39
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/21:39
NeosanoEmery, learn to READ.21:39
FloodBot1Emery: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:39
sstaEmery: the first link you were given tells you how...but seriously, there's never a need for it21:39
biohazard135Emery: why do you want to use root?21:39
guntbert!ops | Emery21:39
ubottuEmery: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!21:39
NeosanoEmery, <Neosano> Emery, you can go in user settings and unblock root21:39
Emeryshut up21:39
WXZI have a directory in an ntfs partition, and I shift + deleted everything in it, how do I get it back?21:39
Emerywhat the ?21:39
EmeryI want to use root, just tell me how to activate it21:40
guntbertEmery: no, not here21:40
sstaEmery: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:40
Emeryi'm not asking you21:40
biohazard135Emery: can you just state WHY you want to use root?21:40
zykotick9Emery: it's not supported here (what part of this don't you understand?)21:40
Emeryyou clearly know nothing21:40
Emeryi don't need to state why21:40
EmeryI want to21:40
EmeryThat's reason enough21:40
guntbertbiohazard135: stop discussing that please21:40
Emeryguntbert, is a clear tard21:40
EmeryDo you know anything ?21:40
sstaEmery: you've been given the link that has instructions on how to do it like 5 times at least...what more do you want?21:41
AFNickcould I be next for help lol?21:41
xanguaEmery: this channel does not encourage on using root, please stop21:41
EmeryThen again you do use ununtu21:41
captbunzoanyone have any advice on how to convince my lovely monitors to display the image correct?21:41
recon_lapwonder how ingnore works21:41
EmeryWell i want to use root21:41
Jordan_UEmery: Logging in as root is not supported here (period). Your language and attitude are not acceptable.21:41
LunatyKEmery use Slackware if you want root21:41
Emeryshut up fag21:41
captbunzoI'd really like to believe you folks that it is a monitor and not ubuntu problem... however the monitor seems to think it's fine.21:41
NeosanoGuys, I'm going to perform some kind of a presentation.. There's a tool called Ardesia, but it requires composition (and I'm on lubuntu). is there any other tool to do it? I simply want to draw and highlight things on my screen21:41
ModFathermongy: i tried, i get error it doesnt find unistall command ...21:42
captbunzoauto image adjust is greyed out in the menu (i.e. unselectable) and manual image adjust doesn't show anything useful.21:42
ModFathermongy: it doesnt had Configure inside it..21:42
mongyModFather, just go through the procedures you went through when you installed it, except stop at the make install part.21:42
AFNickI assume someone here is an advanced Ubuntu user?21:42
NeosanoAFNick, just ask your question21:43
AFNickfor the command line, are the commands different between Linux distro's?21:43
sstanot usually...the odd one is all21:44
captbunzoLunatyK: could I bother you for a bit more help, please?21:44
dan457AFNick: only in regards to package management21:44
AlanBellAFNick: apart from the commands to install packages, mostly the same21:44
zykotick9AFNick: there are some different commands, and some commands have different arguments between versions - so yes21:44
AFNickhow about between Ubuntu and CentOS21:44
ModFathermongy: i install by typing: make TARGET=linux2621:44
xanguaNeosano: http://www.ubuntips.com.ar/2011/02/22/xcompmgr-alternativa-a-compiz-para-maquinas-con-pocos-recursos/ xcompmgr gives basic composite (shadows, efects)21:44
aciculaAFNick: those use a different package manager and some of the configuration under /etc may be different as well21:45
dan457AFNick: yes, yum and apt-get21:45
Neosanoxangua, is it going to be simple to disable it after that?21:45
LunatyKYes captbunzo21:45
LunatyKWhats seems to be the prob?21:45
AFNickwhat exactly is YUM...Im having trouble finding info21:45
sstanot sure if CentOS is using upstart yet...there was talk of it ages back21:45
captbunzostrangely, I get the same problem at a normal terminal, not just in X.21:45
aciculaits a package manager like apt-get only for rpm instead of deb21:45
AFNickbut it works the same way?21:45
xanguaNeosano: yes, just kill xcompmgr21:45
LunatyKAFNick, yes it does21:46
Neosanohmm :\21:46
NeosanoI'll try it21:46
FishFaceRight clicking on the top bar which has the clock on it does nothing. How can I add stuff to it like in the old versions?21:46
xanguathere is a wiki on arch web if you don't get spanish https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xcompmgr21:46
AFNickI have my job interview for a linux support technician job at a webhosting company..and 99% of thier servers run CentOS21:46
acerimmerAFNick: yum is teh pacakge installer in centos/fedora21:46
xanguaNeosano * see what i said above21:46
sstaAFNick: you don't think you'd be better off in a centOS channel then?21:47
aciculaAFNick: yeah centos is pretty common for some reason, despite yum being quite horrible21:47
mongyAFNick, I think indepth knowledge of yum is not high priority in such a job role.21:47
captbunzohow do I find out what X is currently using as configuration for resolution, etc?21:47
sstaacicula: yum is awesome compared to what they had before yum arrived... :)21:47
AFNickwell Ive been spending the past week working on my command line....but I was using it on Ubuntu and found out they were using CentOS21:47
Neosanoxangua, wewt, thanks :D21:47
sstaAFNick: the two are close enough that it won't matter much21:48
dan457AFNick: Load up centos in a virtualbox and play with it for a wile before your interview21:48
aciculassta: well true i suppose21:48
LunatyKcaptbunzo, im not to familiar with Ubuntu21:48
AFNickIm downloading it now...Im just really nervous for this next interview21:48
biohazard135does anyone know how to stop empathy from expanding the window horizontally when I'm typing a message?21:48
sstaAFNick: just be hnest that much of your experience is on Ubuntu, so it might take you a few days to get used to CentOS instead and you'll be fine21:48
ModFathermongy : i install it with : make TARGET=linux26 .. and it doesnt had configure inside21:48
Neosanoxangua, any way to configure it? like a gui?21:48
captbunzoI've used linux for years... this shouldn't be this hard!21:48
mongyModFather, I'm not sure then.21:49
AFNickwell thanks guys. Im gonna go install CentOS and try it out. Thanks!21:49
* LunatyK is used to SlackWare 13.3721:49
aciculagood luck21:49
dan457AFNick: good luck21:49
sstacaptbunzo: xwininfo -root21:50
LunatyKWhat is CentOS like?21:50
captbunzothx ssta21:50
mongyModFather, can't you do the make, sudo make install  and then sudo make uninstall anyway?  It might remove whatever  it did with make TARGET21:50
sstacaptbunzo: might be --root, I don't recall.  Check the manpage21:50
dan457LunatyK: rebrande redhat21:50
orvarthe system is changing my screen brightness with regula intervals, and discards my manual setting21:51
LunatyKssta, it would be xwininfo --root21:51
orvarhow do I disable that behaviour?21:51
captbunzossta: -root did the trick21:51
LunatyKdan457, is it good?21:51
sstayeah, -root.  Cool21:51
recon_lapWXZ , have look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery , google is your friend21:51
sstaLunatyK: why would it be?21:51
dan457LunatyK: as a stable server? yes.21:51
WXZrecon_lap: I've been doing that for the past while21:51
dan457LunatyK: i on't care for it as a desktop, but thats personal preference.21:52
recon_lapWXZ, so what bit not working, specific question more likely to get answers21:52
LunatyKWell becuz for one ssta if you want to run xwininfo as root you would use -root if you --root it logs in to root but you dont use root commands21:52
captbunzoI really think I need to inform X a bit more about the monitor21:52
keith_linux123what programing lanugage should i start with ?21:52
LunatyKdan457,  im used to Slackware not any other really21:52
captbunzofeeling like mucking about with the xorg.conf file.21:53
LunatyKPerl keith_linux12321:53
Neosanokeith_linux123, depends on your needs21:53
captbunzoif I change that, how do I get it to take effect? do I have to reboot?21:53
aciculawhy Perl?21:53
LunatyKBut if you want practice start with perl or python they are the easiest21:53
LunatyKUnless you can do Ruby21:53
WXZrecon_lap: ok, for example, with ntfsundelete I never get the names of the files, and how do I search a specific directory.. I don't need to search the whole partition21:53
sstaLunatyK: umm, WHAT?!21:53
LunatyKacicula, go use SlackWare and you will tell a bight difference21:53
LunatyKHave you hacked into your own computer using it?21:54
ssta< LunatyK> Well becuz for one ssta if you want to run xwininfo as root you would use -root if you --root it logs in to root but you dont use root commands21:54
aciculaLunatyK: i dont follow21:54
LunatyKPm me21:54
LunatyKI will explain it a lil deeper21:54
sstaLunatyK: I think you should go look up what xwininfo -root does.21:54
keith_linux123i just need to learn now21:54
keith_linux123ill install the perl compiler though21:54
LunatyKok keith_linux123 try using perl or python21:55
LunatyKThey will help you learn21:55
sstaLunatyK: that statement was wrong in absolutely every respect I can think of21:55
kubancis there any terminal command that you can see window size of a program?21:55
LunatyKNot really ssta21:55
LunatyKBecuz for one21:55
sstaLunatyK: yes, really!21:55
LunatyKIf not21:55
keith_linux123is it easier then C++21:55
FloodBot1LunatyK: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:55
WXZhow do I scan a specific directory with ntfsundelete?21:55
recon_lapWXZ: well maybe the filenames are gone and your just going to have to wade through the files you can recover. I'm no expert.21:55
sstaLunatyK: xwininfo -root doesn't do anything different on slack than it does on Ubuntu.  Please don't pretend to know stuff you don't21:56
WXZrecon_lap: that wouldn't be a problem if I could recover files from a specific directory, but I don't know how to search a single directory with ntfsundelete21:57
LunatyKWell if its not that different then damn i guess ubuntu was a build off from Slackware :) becuz Ubuntu is nothing like SlackWare. SlackWare you build your own shit. Ubuntu you have most of it21:57
captbunzoyears ago there used to be a tool to manually adjust the current mode settings in X21:57
zykotick9WXZ: if ntfs is anything like ext - directories aren't real, they're just pointers in the file system table.  When doing recovery, i doubt it will show the directory structure.  Best of luck.21:57
captbunzoI know that sounds insane, but I feel like that's what I need.21:57
captbunzoanyone remember what that is called?21:57
LunatyKAnd ssta i know Slackware21:57
LunatyKI was 6 when i first used SlackWare21:58
sstacaptbunzo: used to be called xvidtune.  No idea if it made it to xorg though.  It used to be XF8621:58
dan457WXZ: youcan have it recover by partial names... *.mp3 for example to resore all deletedmp3's.  no way i know to dp specific directories21:58
captbunzoI think it did.21:58
captbunzobeautiful, there it is :)21:59
captbunzoso if I update xorg.conf, do I have to reboot to get it to take effect?22:01
zykotick9captbunzo: just restart Xorg22:01
sstacaptbunzo: restarting X should be enough22:01
captbunzohow do I restart X?22:01
sstalog out and log back in again22:01
captbunzois it enough to log out and back in?22:01
captbunzoactually, maybe I can learn something here.22:01
captbunzodoes gdm (or whatever ubuntu uses these days) and your actually logged in session use the same started up X server?22:02
captbunzoor do they have their own?22:02
sstacaptbunzo: hmm, I honestly don't know.  I always thought that the xdm layer and the user session was the same, but then when the user logged out it was restarted.  Some sort of privdropping going on in betwee,  But I've never really looked into it deeply22:03
sstacaptbunzo: if it were all one, that would imply that the base layer was all running as root, which would be...disturbing22:04
captbunzossta: yep.22:04
captbunzosame as you, I used to think it was one.22:04
captbunzoafter I fix this, my next task is to convince windows to boot again.22:05
sstacaptbunzo: my suspicion is that xdm (or whatever teh dm is) is root privileged (as the initial X server is), but that privs are dropped as soon as there's a login...22:05
LunatyKok ssta22:05
LunatyKif Ubuntu is like Slackware22:05
captbunzoit didn't seem to be happy after I installed ubuntu alongside it.22:06
sstaLunatyK: please go troll elsewhere...22:06
LunatyKWhat is the install command for Wine Windows Program Loader?22:06
NickHuHey guys, the ubuntu desktop sharing thing, can connect via any old vnc viewer?22:06
NickHuAlso, what's the default port?22:06
sstaNickHu: yes, and (I believe) 590022:06
acovrigI was talking to someone yesterday: does anyone know how to fix "udevd[....]: specified group '<list of groups>' unknown" -its failing my boot :(22:07
captbunzoI don't think X is talking right to the monitor.22:07
captbunzoI think it is a modeline problem...22:07
captbunzobugger freaking that. :)22:07
sstacaptbunzo: mostly we don't need modelines any more...unless it's *really* old hardware22:08
captbunzossta: I know where you are coming from on that22:08
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captbunzofrankly. I expected that to be the case...22:08
captbunzohowever, brand new pair of 22 inch widescreen monitors and a brand new ATI 6850 graphics card and I get a desktop bigger then the resolution, or some odd crap.22:09
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=== ozigs is now known as ozior
captbunzoand the screens themselves are already in an "auto configuration" and don't have an option for manually overriding that./..22:09
dan457captbunzo: native resolution with ati propritary driver?22:10
PaulEycksHow long does it take for a cpu fan to turn on? I did a build, got the bios splash screen but the fan just sits there.22:10
captbunzoI am using the default installed drivers atm.22:10
sstacaptbunzo: looked at xrandr?  Lets you do some stuff on the fly with resolution/refresh rates22:10
captbunzoso I guess that's the open source xorg ones, or whatnot.22:10
captbunzoI was thinking about xrandr....22:10
captbunzoalso wondered if I'd be better off just trying the proprietary drivers.22:10
acovrigudevd hanges at "set children_max to 245"22:11
sstaI dunno...I've always avoided ati cards...I'm sure they're better now, but way back when, they were impossble to get running in Linux22:11
captbunzoI assume you have an nvidia card then?22:12
captbunzoI almost got one of those.... grrr....22:12
sstayeah.  nvidia has usually been easy to get working for me (maybe I was just lucky)22:12
sstaalthough there are problems with my work machine with nvidia cards...22:12
dan457I've always bought nvidia, but I Pulled the card from my server and it's using the on board ati just fine.22:12
ModFatherPlease help me, how i can remove programs that is installed? i tried make unistall and i got : make: *** No rule to make target `unistall'.  Stop.22:13
dan457but installed the ait binary driver22:13
captbunzoait binary?22:13
dan457sorry ati22:13
sstaModFather: "unistall"?  Spelling error maybe?  Did you mean "uninstall"?22:13
dan457small keyboard on this old netbook.  :)22:13
captbunzoah yes, lol22:13
captbunzodan457: am I better off using the control panel to do that? or to do it manually from the command line?22:14
ModFatherssta: make: *** No rule to make target `uninstall'.  Stop.22:14
sstaModFather: guess that particular thing doesn't have an uninstall then.  Does the documentation say it should?22:15
dan457captbunzo: I used the system->additional drivers app22:15
ModFatherssta not :( and i need to complete remove it22:15
ModFatherssta : also i checked on google but i didnt find nothing i asked on their channel but never got response22:15
dan457lost the fancy splash screen, but that can be fixed if you realy want it22:15
captbunzothere are two options... one called "ATI/AMD prop FGLRX graphics driver" and there other the same + (post-release updates)22:16
sstaModFather: then you'll need to take the Makefile apart, see what it installed and where to, and remove them all by hand22:16
captbunzoany thoughts on which one I should try?22:16
mongyModFather, install it first, then you should be able to make uninstall it22:16
recon_lapModFather; you could have a look at the install script and manually undo what it did,22:16
sstaModFather: installing from source is tricky...that's why it's not usually recommended22:16
ModFathermongy : it is installed and running.. all i need is to completly remove it22:16
sstamongy: not if the makefile has no uninstall target!22:16
dan457captbunzo: i'm using the first one.22:17
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ModFatherssta : how i can make it removed on startup up?22:17
sstaModFather: probably not22:17
ModFatherssta : how i can removed from startup up?22:17
sstaModFather: you'll have to track down everything that make install did and undo it22:17
sstaModFather: oh, it's probably a script somewhere in /etc/init.d22:17
hydrox24ModFather: It's also worth trying the "startup applications" in ubuntu settings.22:18
recon_lapModFather: that could be really simple or a nightmare , depends on what it did22:18
ModFatherssta : with rm -rf script name its all fine? or i need to remove it from update.rc?22:18
iarpAnyone know how to change what a program writes as, user and group wise? I'm having issues where 3 applications keep writing as root and not as my user and then i'm forced to chown and chgrp it every time22:18
ModFatherhydrox24: i am from console22:18
sstaModFather: don't use -rf unless you KNOW you need to, especially as root.  Just "rm /etc/init.d/whateverthescriptiscalled" whould do22:19
sstaumm, sudo rm even22:19
recon_laplol, think advising modfather to use sudo rm in the lib folder could end badly22:20
ModFatherssta : is it on /etc/rc0.d/K*****22:20
dagerikTo add stuff to PATH i add it in ~/.bashrc. But if I want it to be systemwide, where do I put it?22:20
sstaModFather: that't the one that shuts it down.22:21
ModFatherhow i can remove it from all the rc*.d ?22:21
recon_lap iarp: depends on the program, does it need root access to work22:21
sstarecon_lap: he installed stuff from source with no clue what he was doing...all bets are off imo.  This is the only way22:21
sstaModFather: remove each one22:21
somedudedoes wubi see itself as a full install or is it different than regular install?22:21
captbunzoprogress, maybe.22:21
acerimmersomedude: it sees itself as a regular ubuntu22:22
captbunzonow I have the resolution displaying right. but it's a little visibly wiggly and it won't let me turn off mirrored displays! :)22:22
somedudeok cool22:22
iarprecon_lap: i don't believe so22:22
recon_lapiarp: then run the program as the user you want the output owned by.22:24
recon_lapiarp; should work22:24
iarpi'm trying to figure out how tbh, i can only ssh in via one account, so i'm trying to figure out how to launch in this one account but run as another22:25
iarpyears ago i played in a ubuntu server box and had figured out there was a way to like, at a low level specify 'everything that goes in this folder is always xx group xx owner with ### permissions'22:26
jribiarp: Access Control List22:26
dan457captbunzo: I have never done dual monitor with ati, not sure how.  just nvidia.  my current ati box just has 122:27
xanguamontar: do you have an ubuntu support question¿22:27
jribiarp: documentation-wise, you can read « man setfacl », « man getfacl », and « man mount » (you need to mount the partition with the "acl" option, so update your fstab)22:27
montarxangua: ubuntu22:27
gennarovorrei la lingua italiana22:28
ubottugennaro: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)22:28
gennaroubuntu 11.10 mi esce meta inglese e meta italiano22:28
acerimmermontar: you have a question??22:29
montaracerimmer: ubuntu22:30
ubottumontar: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:30
recon_lapodd crowd here tonight22:30
recon_lap I'm having a problem with java marvin framework examples , get 'Unknown video format' when i try use the web cam. this is on a ubuntu system and the web cam works fine. anyone know if marvin works on linux? I'v looked but found little information22:31
dupondjeHi! I'm having some issues with a CIFS mount. It got mounted, network got lost, and now recovered. But the mount doesn't respond anymore, neither I can umount it. Any idea ?22:32
mongydont say it 3 times!22:32
recon_lapdupondje: there is a force option in unmount, have you tried that22:33
dupondjerecon_lap: yep, it keeps waiting :(22:33
recon_laphmm, think montar need kicking22:33
acerimmerrecon_lap: agreed22:33
Nabbylightdm doesn't seem to use the default session I set in lightdm.conf (http://pastebin.com/AppsniuW). Anyone can see what's going wrong?22:33
sstadupondje: Iv'e seen it before, several times.  You can mount over the top of it and it will work (probably), but the only weay (that I have found) to get rid of it is to reboot22:33
montarwhy kicking22:33
recon_lapyour spaming the channel22:34
dupondjessta: Guess shutdown will lock also no? as it will try to umount22:34
montarbut ubuntu is correct22:34
mongyNabby, is it a session?22:34
sstadupondje: no.  It can take a while, but it will reboot22:34
sstadupondje: well, always has for me22:34
montarubuntu is correct.22:34
mongyNabby, seems more like just a .desktop file for running xbmc22:34
recon_lapgoes looking for the ignore command22:35
dupondjessta: well anyway, I tried to remount it on same path again, and it works now22:35
dupondjeand only once in mtab also22:35
dupondjeah well22:35
sstadupondje: yep.  Although in my case it's twice in mtab.  Wonder why yours was onl;y one...strange22:35
montardupondje. ubuntu is correct22:35
montarssta: do you concur?22:36
Nabbymongy, yea, that's it22:36
montarnabby: ubuntu is correct22:36
sstamontar: I have no idea what you're talking about22:36
xanguamontar: please stop22:36
montarssta is a correct word.22:36
montarxangua: am I wrong?22:36
ssta!ops | montar22:37
ubottumontar: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!22:37
Myrttimontar: hi22:37
* D4rth_B4n3 is away: try it again later22:37
mongyNabby, then you probably need it to be youe session like ubuntu or whatever, then you make xbmc run on startup22:37
Myrtti!away > D4rth_B4n322:37
ubottuD4rth_B4n3, please see my private message22:37
GneaSo yeah, got upgraded to natty and now it's telling me that my / isn't there, when it clearly is... and when I Manually go to fix it, it gives me the root prompt to do so at... anyone seen this before?  I'm not entirely sure what to look for here.... all of the UUID's match up in /etc/fstab..22:37
Nabbymongy, I already have the option to choose XMBC when I turn autologin off22:37
montarubuntu is correct22:38
mongyNabby, maybe its not case sensitive then?  never used xbmc22:38
* KocHi` need help22:40
ubottukochi`: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:40
oconnoreMy laptop is losing keyboard input events. "Is tt a lin problemor how should I go abofixing it?" => Is this a linux problem or how should I go about fixing it?22:40
oconnoreIt's very annoying22:41
yourfriendisaaceject command not working but cd does work need force command for cd eject22:41
bastidrazoroconnore: you could test to see if ubuntu is seeing the inputs.. in a terminal type 'xev' then start typing22:42
KocHi`Im installing cgiirc on my ubuntu server use apt-get, and now I dont know how to make it works or how to use it22:42
FlannelKocHi`: read /usr/share/doc/cgiirc/README.Debian22:43
FlannelKocHi`: That file usually contains the next things you'll need to do to configure/set up/etc22:43
recon_lapthis channel was much better when it was full of early adopters :)22:44
KocHi`thx a lot :D22:45
yourfriendisaaceject command not working but cd does work need force command for cd eject --- having i/o error at cd rom22:45
ModFatheron my ubuntu i had 600mb idle how i can see what eat that memory?22:45
Gnearecon_lap: oh it's still really good22:45
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oconnorebastidrazor: xev misses key input too22:46
bastidrazoroconnore: that indicates hardware failure22:47
Tiktalikhow can I set the date22:47
Tiktalikon my computer22:47
oconnorebastidrazor: it doesn't happen in windows22:47
recon_lapKocHi' system monitor22:47
recon_lapTiktalik: click on the date on the tootbar at the top22:48
oconnorebastidrazor: also, it only happens in long sentences. For example, the first four characters I type are always right.22:48
bastidrazoroconnore: i have no idea. best of luck22:49
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SorinanWhat's the easiest way to execute a chain of commands when AC is plugged/unplugged?22:50
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newb2Hello! I have a chroot i386 installation in my 64 bit system, but my sound isn't working at chrooted system... somebody can help me? Use aplay at chrooted system returns me "device is busy".22:51
Suppemannen231I installed ubuntu for quite a while ago. But when I launch ubuntu, it goes straight onto terminal22:52
Suppemannen231but it does not do that in safe-mode22:53
oconnoremaybe 12.04 will fix it :)22:53
MK13Suppemannen231: are you wanting to have the gui login screen appear?22:53
Suppemannen231So there is no option that disables this?22:53
* oconnore crosses fingers and types "sudo update-manager -d"22:53
Suppemannen231Since I don't understand how to enter linux when I'm just in the terminal22:54
yourfriendisaaceject command not working but cd does work need force command for cd eject --- having i/o error at cd rom22:54
travisHAZEubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd64.iso or i386 for a Toshiba C655-S5132?22:54
mongyoconnore, as long as crossing fingers was a script to backup your install.22:54
mecoWhat needs to be updated when characters on a web page won't appear, i.e. I only see a hollow rectangle?22:54
travisHAZEToshiba Satellite22:54
recon_lapyourfriendisaac: have you tried unmonting the drive and pressing the eject button22:55
Gneameco: probably the browser22:55
travisHAZEubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd64.iso or i386 for a Toshiba Satellite C655-S5132 (64-bit Intel processor?)22:55
mecoGnea: OK, but what about the browser?22:55
yourfriendisaacrecon_lap yes22:55
MK13Suppemannen231: i am checking, one sec.22:55
GneatravisHAZE: i386 is the 32-bit, amd64 would be the 64-bit iso22:55
Gneameco: I just said22:56
travisHAZEk figured, the amd64 part is a bit misleading22:56
recon_lapyourfriendisaac: and did the drive unmount22:56
yourfriendisaacrecon_lap deive wont mount or un mount unless drive is open at bootstart22:56
Gnea!amd64 | travisHAZE22:56
ubottutravisHAZE: AMD64 and Intel 64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions#AMD64_Processors and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.22:56
yourfriendisaacrecon_lap drive wont mount or un mount unless drive is open at bootstart22:56
oconnoremongy: I'm not too worried about losing my git checkouts, or my saved passwords in mozilla. But yes, good advice.22:56
GneatravisHAZE: amd64 pretty much covers all 64-bit for Ubuntu and many other distros22:56
yourfriendisaacrecon_lap however I know there is a command to for the tray open22:57
yourfriendisaacrecon_lap however I know there is a command to force* the tray open22:57
MK13Suppemannen231: could you run 'cat /etc/inittab' and look for a line similar to "x:5:respawn:[gdm/kdm]"22:57
trismSorinan: drop a script in /etc/pm/power.d/, $1 will be true when the ac adaptor is unplugged, false when it is plugged22:58
aBoundMK13, Looks like he left.22:58
yourfriendisaacmongy if that was for me eject not working22:58
recon_lapyourfriendisaac: sudo umount /media/cdrom0/ -l maybe22:59
MK13aBound: yea, i know... guess he is too busy to be helped22:59
yourfriendisaacrecon_lap ok i'll try22:59
aBoundEither that or he was wanting a fast response. :P23:00
yourfriendisaacrecon_lap "umount: /media/cdrom0/: not found23:00
yourfriendisaacumount: maybe: not found"23:00
recon_laplucky there is nothing on TV tonight23:00
yourfriendisaacrecon_lap looks like an i/o error23:00
recon_laplol,  yourfriendisaac , the maybe was not part of the command ,23:01
mongyyourfriendisaac, udisks --eject23:01
bencchow can I feed the password to "sudo -u someuser somecommand" so it won't prompt me for it?23:01
yourfriendisaacdidnt put in maybe that was the kernel guessing23:01
yourfriendisaacrecon_lap didnt put in maybe that was the kernel guessing23:01
MK13aBound: don't run ubuntu much at home, so i have to look up certain things :D23:01
jribbencc: you don't want to do that :/23:02
aBoundMK13, Understandable.23:02
benccjrib: why not?23:02
jribbencc: what exactly do you want to accomplish?23:02
benccjrib: I'm not going to save it in a script23:03
BTaylor927I'm trying out unity 5.0 for a bit. Is there a version of unityshell-rotated which has been updated for it?23:03
benccjrib: I have a myserverctl script that I want to call to do a backup to the current folder23:03
eutheria_wasn't there a gui tool to create encrypted partitions?23:03
benccjrib: the myserverctl script is running as the myserver user23:03
benccjrib: so I want to do: myserverctl backup --out /home/currentuserhome -p current-user-pass23:04
benccjrib: I'm not going to save the password23:04
jribbencc: why don't you just give that user permission on the directory you want it to save to?23:04
aBoundBTaylor927, Doubt you'll get much help for Unity 5.0 seeing as it isn't in the Official repositories.23:04
benccjrib: I don't want to hard code it to a specific folder.23:05
recon_lapeutheria_: disk utility will encrypt, you will have to install the crypt packages to read it though23:05
BTaylor927Hmm, abound, is there a channel for discussion of unofficial releases?23:05
benccjrib: is there a way to give the sudo -u the password without a prompt?23:05
jribbencc: then give that user NOPASSWD for the specific command you are using I guess23:05
jribbencc: you can probably do some nonsence with expect, but you don't want to do that23:05
yourfriendisaacmongy that didnt work either just got man page even though I did command udisks --eject /dev/sr0 --- Eject failed: Error ejecting: eject exited with exit code 1: eject: unable to eject, last error: Inappropriate ioctl for device23:06
aBoundBTaylor927, Not that I know of but they do have a Ubuntu Precise channel.23:06
benccjrib: I want to feed sudo -u with the password23:06
benccjrib: there is nothing wrong with it or insecure23:06
jribbencc: of course there is23:06
mongyyourfriendisaac, sigh.  shutdown and eject it later ?23:07
recon_lapyourfriendisaac: do you have a paperclip =-O23:07
MK13 /quit Bye for now23:07
yourfriendisaacmongy ?? No other choice *sigh* neeed new cd rom lol23:07
aBoundBTaylor927, Some users using Precise tend to use Unity 5.0 you could try here: #ubuntu+123:08
syddrafI just installed Xubuntu on partion /dev/sdb2 over a Debian install (along side Windows 7 and Linux Mint 11), but Grub did not update to include the new install. How can I add an item to my grub menu to boot to /dev/sdb2 properly?23:08
mongyyourfriendisaac, as recon_lap said, dependinf on your device, you may a hole to eject it23:08
mongymy keyboard is missing keys :)  you may have a hole to put a paperclip in to eject the cd forcefully23:09
jribbencc: anyway, I suggest avoiding what you are trying to do and find a "better way".  I don't exactly understand why your current setup is requiring to do this.  If you want to ignore my advice, read the "sudo" man page, it's there23:09
yourfriendisaacmongy I dont understand dependinf? Is that a command?23:10
jarseeTrying to install Ubuntu 11.10 of DVD.  GUI fires up, pick Install, black screen w/ _ cursor, Ubuntu logo is displayed then video goes.  DVD is still spinning, using GeForce 8400GS.  Have tried nomodeset and other boot options all to the same result.23:10
mongyyourfriendisaac, my bad typing.23:10
=== MrUnagi__ is now known as MrUnagi
recon_lapmongy: thats funny , yourfriendisaac: a lot of cd drives have a little hole , you can poke a paper clip in and force the cd tray open, turn you computer off first23:11
benccjrib: why is it wrong to pass the password without a prompt?23:11
chipmonki partitioned a harddrive to save data when a clean install due to problems with a video card23:11
yourfriendisaacrecon_lap tried that too :(23:11
jarseeAny way to do a fresh installe using the proprietary Nvidia drivers?23:11
jribbencc: unecessary risk23:12
jarseeFedora 16 seems to exhibit same symptoms.23:12
chipmonkclean install runs fine wanna get info from the other partition with the trashed x install23:12
anonymous666hi to all23:12
recon_lapyourfriendisaac: and that did not work?23:12
benccjrib: what's the risk?23:13
jribbencc: password in cleartext23:13
anonymous666is there somepeople that know to programing in c lenguage?23:13
jribanonymous666: ##c23:13
n28C? What is C? Never heard of. Maybe you mean COBOL?23:13
jribanonymous666: visit the ##c channel for help with C23:13
anonymous666ok thanks23:14
n28Better: Just give up this C thing and learn Cobol.23:14
ilpollochanel please , thanks23:14
recon_lapanonymous666 , and best of luck there, they talk in machine code23:14
ilpollospanish chanel please, thanks23:14
bastidrazorilpollo: #ubuntu-es23:14
n28It has 6 times as many letters and thus must be at least 6 times better.23:14
wdonkeyanyone feels like helping me setting up a VPN server even tho i dont know shit about what im doing?23:15
anonymous666when i go to join in ##c, the bot say:"the chanel c is only for invited"23:16
jrib!register | anonymous66623:16
ubottuanonymous666: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode23:16
n28Yeah I have that too.23:16
totumai'm new here23:16
n28Yeah me too.23:17
wdonkeyits quite easy and painless to register your nickname23:17
totumais this supposed to be for the doubts and that?23:17
wdonkeyfollow the steps23:17
n28Know what I mean?23:17
recon_lapanonymous666: save yourself the effort, read http://www.loirak.com/prog/ctutor.php23:18
wdonkeyi guess its a matter of keeping lamers away23:18
=== joel is now known as Guest68409
Guest68409How do I launch programs over ssh? I don't want to forward it to my X, I want it to run on the display23:18
NabbyWhere do you configure the default session to login to?23:19
mongyNabby, /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf23:21
Nabbyyea, thought so23:21
mongyNabby, mine says user-session=xubuntu for example23:21
Nabbycan anyone give me a default lightdm.conf?23:21
NabbyI might have played around with it too much23:22
jarseeI've tried xforcevesa, nomodeset and a combination of both, both switch to black screen after a bit.23:22
eigarAnyone know how to prevent lag on end of files using pulseaudio + mpg123, play, mplayer, etc.23:22
ian__Quick question - does anybody know where on the filesystem the list of startup applications is maintained?23:22
oconnorewhew, this is interesting. 11.10 -> 12.04 upgrade just turned off the unity shell, so now i'm in raw X23:22
Nabbyjarsee, what gfx card do you have23:22
oconnorei hope it doesn't need keyboard input because there is no more alt+tab :P23:23
jarseeGeforce 8400 GS chipset23:23
mongyNabby, mine is pretty empty23:23
n28How I join #c?23:23
xangua!pangolin | oconnore23:23
ubottuoconnore: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+123:23
xanguan28: /join #channelname23:23
ian__lightdm.conf file contents:23:23
oconnorexangua: um, what?23:23
FloodBot1ian__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:23
mongyNabby, http://pastebin.com/hknXncaZ23:24
mongynot much more needed I don't thing23:24
Nabbyhmm ok23:24
recon_lapoconnore: he means you now looking for help with ubuntu+1 , as it's pre release23:24
Nabbyjarsee, have you tried stuff like: nouveau.modeset=0 or nvidia.modeset=023:24
jarseeNabby, I tried the alternate .iso as well, same outcome.23:24
jarseeNabby, let me try those again.  Testing now.23:25
Nabbymongy, ls /usr/share/xgreeters/23:25
jarseeNabby, do I want to do nomodeset in it as well?23:25
eigarian__: What?23:26
Nabbyweird, my lightdm.conf just doesn't seem to be doing anything. I've changed user-session to ubunut-2d and still it did not change the default session23:27
btaylor927On my compaq Presario CQ70, the wifi light is either orange or blue, depending on whether wifi is on or off.23:28
btaylor927In 11.10 it seems to flash at random23:28
btaylor927Anyone know what I can do to stop this?23:28
recon_lapI'm having a problem with java marvin framework examples , get 'Unknown video format' when i try use the web cam. this is on a ubuntu system and the web cam works fine. anyone know if marvin works on linux? I'v looked but found little information23:29
Nabbywhere are upstart jobs configured?23:30
eigarian__: Whats your priv. msg about?23:32
=== Chotaz is now known as Chotaz`NCISLA
syddrafI just installed Xubuntu on partion /dev/sdb2 over a Debian install (along side Windows 7 and Linux Mint 11), but Grub did not update to include the new install. How can I add an item to my grub menu to boot to /dev/sdb2 properly?23:39
mw1coeAnyone here good with Power PC's23:40
kah_hey installing ubuntu 11.10 on virtualbox... i set the space to 8gb fixed is that enough?23:41
jarseeNvidia geforce 8400, fresh install of 11.10 - When video drivers kick in goes to blank screen, nvidia.,modeset=0, nouveau.modeset=0 all do the same.23:42
acerimmerkah_: yes23:42
kah_acerimmer: thanks.23:42
jarseeDVD is spinning like its still working and video is jacked.23:42
subcoolhow do you run a check disk on linux?23:43
arianiushello,i need a bit of help, trying to install kubuntu on asus eeepc and when i boot from usb it always ends up in terminal.on 2nd eepc it worked like charm.any idea what can i do?23:48
Guest68409I am trying to launch a program from the terminal but it wont do.. some programs work but this not.. can someone look at log and point me in the right direction? pls http://pastebin.ca/210760623:49
jarseeNabby, tried both nouveau.modeset=0, nvidia.modeset=0.  No luck23:50
Es0tericdo i need Mint12 w/ GNOME to run cinnamon 1.2?23:50
jribGuest68409: are you in X?23:50
Guest68409jrib: putty23:51
jribGuest68409: well you're trying to launch a graphical application23:51
Guest68409jrib: i am using x on the linux computer that i am using.. as u can see i can launch skype23:51
Guest68409jrib: yes, i want to.. on my htpc23:51
Guest68409jrib: but it does not allow me23:51
jribGuest68409: you launch skype and it shows up where?23:51
Nabbyjarsee, what exactly are you trying to do. I think I missed that part ;)23:52
Guest68409jrib: no where apparently23:52
jarseeNabby, no worries - Trying to install ubuntu 11.10. Coming off FC 13.  Looking to try a diff distro after 10+ yrs.23:52
Jordan_UEs0teric: There is a ppa available for Ubuntu 11.10, but we won't support it here (as we don't support most ppas, and generally recommend against them as they could break things).23:52
arianiusso tried with new usb key still ends up in terminal look like thingy dont know what else to do it runs nice in virtual machine but just wont install.help out pls ^^23:53
jribGuest68409: :D where do you want qbittorrent to appear?23:53
Guest68409jrib: on the htpc.. so that I can use the remote gui23:53
Jordan_Uarianius: Is it a "Busybox" terminal?23:53
mw1coeanyone knows if drivers have to be different or PowerPC's23:53
jarseeNabby, Fedora 16 does the same thing, something w/ the nvidia open driver guessing. Hoping to force to a low res mode to at least get installed and mess w/ the driver but can't get to that part.23:53
Guest68409jrib:  i want to launch the torrent program so that I can access its web gui when I want to23:53
Guest68409jrib: and then close it down23:53
Es0tericJordan_U, i perfer Mint over Ubuntu.. though ubuntu is a good OS i just like how Mint looks and operates though isnt Mint built ON ubuntu?23:53
Nabbyjarsee, ah ok. I had the same problem. During boot, when you see the human and the keyboard, press space. Select language, then press F6 and select nomodeset. Press escape and press enter to boot.23:53
Jordan_Umw1coe: What are you actually trying to accomplish?23:54
jribGuest68409: you want it to appear on the server (the linux machine) or on the client (the windows machine)?23:54
jarseeNabby, tried that too!23:54
mw1coetrying to get the rtl1292cu usb wireless working23:54
Guest68409jrib: the linux machine.. I'm well indulged with the xming/x11 forwarding but I haven't tried launching things on the server via the commando prompt23:54
jarseeNabby,I can try my DVI cable, switched to VGA thinking may be the issue.23:54
jribGuest68409: what does the following command return: echo $DISPLAY23:54
jarseeNabby, wouldn't think that'd matter tho.23:54
Nabbyjarsee, what happens after you try to boot?23:54
Jordan_UEs0teric: Mint is a derivative of Ubuntu. We don't support unnofficial Ubuntu derivatives here though. Only Ubuntu and its default repositories.23:55
Guest68409echo $DISPLAY23:55
Es0terici see, Jordan_U.. well thanks23:55
Jordan_UEs0teric: You're welcome.23:55
subcoolanyone.. check disk feature on linux23:55
Ben64subcool: fsck23:55
Guest68409jrib: its blank23:55
jarsee Nabby, just goes to black screen.23:55
jribGuest68409: set it to ':0'23:55
jarseeNabby, but CD still spinning, so is something video driver-wise23:55
arianiusi dont know i made a bootable usb while in win it runs nicely but when i restart and boot from usb to install it it gives me option to install and then screen goes black letters fly to fast to read and i get in terminal look like thing23:56
Nabbyjarsee, ok, so your monitor still receives input, with me my monitor actually lost input and started to go into sleep mode23:56
Jordan_U!fsck | subcool23:56
ubottusubcool: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot23:56
mw1coeJordan_U: Tried Every suggestion and Nothing//23:56
jarseeNabby, no same deal. goes to sleep.23:56
jarseeNabby, sorry to confuse.23:56
Nabbyjarsee, no problem :)23:56
jarseeNabby, I get a black screen, blinking cursor, then Ubuntu 11.10 logo, then No Signal on my monitor.23:57
Guest68409jrib: your thinking about export DISPLAY=:0?23:57
jarseeNabby, just did it w/ nomodeset param23:57
jribGuest68409: yes23:57
jarseeNabby, any way to show logging to see what's going on?23:58
jarseeNabby, I'm using the VGA out not DVI.23:58
Guest68409jrib: would probarbly have solved it myself after a few hours of grmphing but thanks for guiding me in the right direction, works fine.23:58
jribGuest68409: no problem23:59
Nabbyjarsee, did you try xforcevesa yet?23:59
=== Chotaz`NCISLA is now known as Chotaz
SteamopunkWell, solved my problem before I even got to ask it in the chat room. /victory23:59

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