=== yofel_ is now known as yofel [14:10] is it just me or is lubuntu now also copying our default panel-layout? :) http://lubuntublog.blogspot.com/2012/01/ozone-3.html [14:11] ochosi: I wouldn't say they are copying it, there is a limited number of solutions that works and even smaller number of solutions that users are used to [14:13] yeah, i know, but they seem to establish a small tradition of following some of xubuntu's decisions one release later [14:13] first bluebird, then greybird, now the panel layout :) [14:13] but i agree with you of course, i was mainly joking around [14:13] you can feel smug that it apparently were good deciwssions [14:13] decisions [14:14] they [14:14] I can't english toay [14:14] well, that's one possible conclusion :) [14:14] lol [14:14] you can't english? oh, poor sheep... [14:15] yeah, I accidentally [14:15] it's a pity though that there is no collaboration between them and us. i reached out to them two releases ago, but there was little echo (apart from me helping them fix a few bugs in their variant of bluebird) [14:19] ochosi: oh, they do, just their communication is based on stigmergy [14:20] sometimes that's the best way [14:20] show what you mean by actually doing it [14:20] heh [14:20] * ochosi just learned a new word [14:21] that's not exactly what i meant with collaboration, but ok :) [15:00] awesome, I've less than 50 posts on the ubuntu forums, so I can't edit my profile <3 [15:01] whoever designed this system had a iq of 759 [15:01] hahah [15:02] lol [15:02] I registered in 2005 ;( [15:03] hah, i never registered [15:03] i think... [15:03] i mean, forums is not my cup of tea [15:03] mr_pouit: yeah, there you have it. tradition doesn't give you the right to edit _your_ profile. content-less blabbering on the other hand does... =) [15:05] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1913468 [15:07] bbl -> [15:13] mr_pouit: well in fact it's kinda understandable. but an "if userage > 2yrs" might help... [15:13] (and with userage i mean account-age) [16:50] can someone help me with this issue? http://imagebin.org/196207 [16:51] i'm trying to adjust the xubuntu-default-settings package for ubuntu studio [16:51] but when installing over an existing xubuntu install it is saying that it can't replace the .Xdefaults file [16:52] i renamed the .Xdefaults file and then tried to reinstall it but it still gave me this save error [16:52] so i'm thinking that it's not just the fact the file exists but apparently that it's part of the xubuntu-default-settings package [16:52] i was going to try a presint file to rename the file but not sure this is going to work now :/ [16:53] any suggestions [17:18] ScottL: have you tried uninstalling xubuntu-default-settings first? [17:18] and, have you set the package to replace xubuntu-default-settings? [17:19] (i'm stabbing blindly you know, i'm not a packager :) ) [17:20] ScottL: another question, what icon theme will you be using in -studio? elementary or something else? [17:21] ochosi, i just did that and it worked (sorry was in another channel ) [17:21] ochosi, i don't know how to 'replace' another file [17:21] packaging is certainly not my strong suit [17:22] i thought it's a package option you can set, replaces blahblah [17:23] oh, in the control file?! [17:23] yup [17:46] ochosi, astraljava pointed out that removing xubuntu-default-settings is not conducive to removing the ubuntustudio settings and reverting back to the previous settings [17:46] ochosi, he suggested installing .Xdefault.ubuntustudio, then renaming both files in the postin fiel [17:46] file [17:47] then reverting in the postrm file back to the original .Xdefault settings [17:47] ochosi, can you think of any objections to this approach? [17:55] ScottL: I'm not sure if the user would then lose that file, if after installing Studio's package removes Xubuntu's package. [18:10] ScottL: phu, i'd say talk to micahg or mr_pouit about that ;) [18:11] ochosi: Micah just joined the conversation on our -devel. :) [18:11] ah ok :) [22:01] Hey dudes and dudettes, has there been a change in ubiquity, not supporting encrypted partitions anymore? [22:10] , ubiquity always only supported encrypted home [22:11] *SIUI [22:11] *AIUI [22:17] Oh, okay then.