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alakhiai upgraded to 11.10 ... and i'm seeing something pecular06:25
alakhiamy desktop is showing all the icons from my home dir rather than ~/Desktop06:25
alakhiahow can i go about fixing this?06:27
alakhiado not see any obvious setting06:27
TheSheepalakhia: try editing ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs06:30
TheSheepalakhia: and changing the XDG_DESKTOP_DIR06:30
alakhiaahhh, cool06:37
alakhiai'll probably have to log out and log back in to see if this worked06:38
alakhiathanks TheSheep06:38
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Marzatais there a way to login another user in Xubuntu?14:32
Marzatain Xfce.14:33
Marzataah, it goes via lock screen ... then login as new ...14:41
Marzatathank you!14:41
xubuntu206i am installing xubuntu right now15:46
xubuntu206does someone know how to make my computer faster with xubuntu15:46
xubuntu206this computer is a industrial pc with two 3ghz xeon processors on a eisa card and 4gb of ram15:47
holsteinxubuntu206: i would say you will be impressed with the speed.. there are ways of loading linux in ram, like puppy linux does, but you should be fine.. you can always work with the hardware, getting faster hard drives or RAID or whatever15:48
xubuntu206it runs not bad but could be better, a my dualcore 1.86ghz hp laptop is faster15:49
xubuntu206its more processing speed that is lacking I have the idea15:49
holsteinyou are installing? so you are running it from the live CD right now? that will be slower running from CD15:49
xubuntu206I am installing it again, I used it the days before on this computer15:50
holsteinyou can look into 64bit vs 32bit... but i find its usually a trade off still, and that depends on if your hardware supports it15:50
xubuntu206ubuntu is quite heavy it does not slow down with time like windows15:51
holsteinthe operating systems are not comparable in my opinion...15:51
xubuntu206those dualcore processors are they pentium m based?15:52
holsteinnot sure... i suppose it depends on the manufacturer15:52
xubuntu206I really have the idea that my notebook at 1.86ghz is much faster then this pc, quite a pitty this is a nice computer very sturdy15:53
xubuntu206I also have a amd dualcore somewhere here but I need a videocard for it15:54
holsteini doubt that.. could be the graphics card support... could be bad hardware... you'd just need to troubleshoot and determine15:54
xubuntu206am2 socket do not know how fast right now15:54
xubuntu206the videocard in here is notrealy great15:54
xubuntu206it is a intergrated one, from another era lol15:55
holsteinim an audio guy, and i see a lot of folk searching for speed and low-latency... usualy to the point of getting nothing done.. i say, just try and use the systems, and troubleshoot when you have time...15:55
xubuntu20664..... stealth I have to check that15:55
xubuntu206I still have some pci videocards around here a hercules 3d propet 4000xt15:57
xubuntu206I can try if it is going to be faster with that one15:57
xubuntu206I have to reboot I will be back soon and I try my other video card15:58
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ChristopherNgXubuntu with Pacman package manager will it ever happen?19:28
ChristopherNgor rather pacman style19:28
knomeit's a different package structure, so pacman no19:29
knomesomething similar; maybe, if somebody builds something like that.19:29
ChristopherNgknome: yeah pacman itself is not feasible, but i meant something like pacman, perhaps someone has made it already and we just dont know where to find it?19:30
ChristopherNgknome: do you think xubuntu should trying to emulate Arch more than say Ubuntu?19:31
knomepacman is command-line19:31
ChristopherNgbut what i mean....19:32
ChristopherNgget away with that horrific software center..19:32
knometry apt-get ?19:32
knomedon't use the software center.19:32
knometry apt-get for command line or synaptic for GUI19:32
ChristopherNgknome: i used apt-get all the time..19:32
ChristopherNgsudo apt-get install vlc/irssi/flashplugin-nonfree/etc/etc19:33
ChristopherNgits just that software center bugs me, I wish xubuntu would remove it.19:33
ChristopherNgor have it available in the repos if someone really wants it.19:33
pleia2you can uninstall it (I don't use it either, just apt-get for me)19:34
knomeyeah, as pleia2 said19:34
ChristopherNgpleia2: from my experience uninstalling that actually causes more problems, ive tried and guess what? apt-get wasnt working properly on the lts19:34
ChristopherNgatleast that was a short while ago now19:34
pleia2ChristopherNg: do you have a bug report number?19:35
ChristopherNgno sorry19:35
ChristopherNgeither way yeah its no biggie.19:35
pleia2if you dig it up it may be worth sharing, I've never really had trouble with apt-get19:35
ChristopherNgI just feel that xubuntu in general should try to emulate arch more than ubuntu.19:36
pleia2I don't see why, xubuntu is an ubuntu-based distribution19:36
pleia2not arch19:36
ChristopherNgyes but ubuntu is starting to look like an iphone more and more, arch is much more custom.19:37
pleia2if you want xfce in arch you can install it, and the themes for xubuntu come from the upstream shimmerproject.org19:37
knomeChristopherNg, xubuntu is still based on ubuntu. we will not try to emulate arch.19:38
knomeChristopherNg, that's not the goal for this project.19:38
mongyI really cant be bothered with config files anymore19:38
ChristopherNgknome: alright let me put it this way...19:39
Shirakawasunayou're not forced to use software center...19:39
ShirakawasunaI almost never use it19:39
ChristopherNgwhat ubuntu is now doing is basically, making everything overly simplisitic and its resulted in an os thats more and more like an iphone, it makes me cringe and whats worse is that while xubuntu is using the xfce gui...19:40
Shirakawasunaincidentally there's also apparently some wrapper script that lets you run pacman commands which actually passes them on to apt19:40
ChristopherNgthere is no real attempt to increase the level of customisation of xubuntu over its ubuntu counterpart.19:40
ShirakawasunaI really don't feel any lack of customizability here, ChristopherNg, as an ex-archer19:41
mongyChristopherNg, so you propose every distro of linux be the same?  this is why linux is not taking off.. sure it's great to have arch etc for those in the know, but lets face it, linux on the desktop has gone nowhere19:41
Shirakawasunaif anything I think there's a bit more because there are more packages available for ubuntu19:41
ChristopherNgShirakawasuna: Well what do you like about xubuntu over say Arch?19:41
ChristopherNgother than the packages..19:41
pleia2this discussion is probably better in #ubuntu-offtopic, this is a support channel and this isn't really support19:41
knomeChristopherNg, you are correct, our goal is not to increase the amount of customization available in the GUI19:42
ShirakawasunaChristopherNg: it breaks less often, more packages are available, and things work with each other more often (for whatever reason). I spend less time hunting down upstream bugs because they make things work with patches.19:42
knomeChristopherNg, what xfce ships us is fine, and for the other components, you can really just edit the config files.19:42
knomeChristopherNg, Shirakawasuna: i agree with pleia2 though, welcome to #xubuntu-offtopic19:42
ChristopherNgfair enough, its was silent in here anyway but nvd19:43
ShirakawasunaI do have a support question though :). I'm using thunderbird and the 'new mail' indicator occasionally stays on even after I've checked all read messages. This only seems to happen with gmail accounts. Anyone else have this issue?19:44
pleia2I saw someone in some channel yesterday mention something similar19:44
pleia2Shirakawasuna: might want to search launchpad.net thunderbird bugs for similar reports19:44
Shirakawasunait was probably me, but it was late at night so I'm asking again ;)19:45
pleia2ah ok :)19:45
pleia2my thunderbird doesn't do that19:45
ShirakawasunaI always wonder if it's some random config that a reinstall/config wipe would fix19:46
ChristopherNgsomeone asked a funny question to me the other day at my lug19:47
mongyShirakawasuna, hmm, try adding a new user then19:47
knomeChristopherNg, well really, there are way to affect xubuntu development. start developing with us and take items and work for them.19:47
ChristopherNgknome: Im not really a programmer at all19:47
mongyShirakawasuna, if this is an upgrade that is, just thought maybe using a fresh new users configs might give better results.19:48
knomeyou don't have to be a programmer.19:48
ChristopherNgknome: basically my history is that i started with Suse 8.2 back in 200319:48
ChristopherNgi then took a few year break from linux and camem back over a year ago.19:48
knomeyeah. though again #xubuntu-offtopic is the right place for this19:49
ChristopherNglet me join19:49
Shirakawasunagood idea, I'll try that20:15
ChristopherNgDoes anyone know how to get steam working on xubuntu?21:43
mongyhad it working on reg ubuntu once.. just followed the wine appdb21:44
mongyinstalled some windows components with winetricks etc, went good.21:44
ChristopherNgwas it smooth?21:46
mongyit worked21:48
mongyinstalled half life demo21:48
mongyhave yet to actually buy and play anything properly in it21:48
Tiktalikhow can I set the date22:42
Alexyobonjour !22:50
mongyMenu > System > Time and Date22:50
Alexyoor hello perhaps..22:51
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syddrafI just installed Xubuntu on partion /dev/sdb2 over a Debian install (along side Windows 7 and Linux Mint 11), but Grub did not update to include the new install. How can I add an item to my grub menu to boot to /dev/sdb2 properly?23:16
w30syddraf, there is a update-grub2 command, Have you tried that?23:47
syddrafMay all of the deities ever conceived by mankind bless you and your descendants, w30.23:49
syddrafI have been fighting with this for about an hour and a half.23:50
Unit193update-grub2 should be the same as update-grub (according to my manpage :P )23:52

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