
CIA-114[qapt] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20120130003338-ef1q6wk3zdtkyp0l * debian/ (changelog libqapt1.install libqapt1.symbols) * New upstream release candidate (LP: #840306) * New upstream beta release00:33
DarkwingQuintasan: You still around?00:50
* Darkwing does the math and realizes that it's super late there.00:50
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apachepandaDarkwing: any sensible haxx0r would be around at 2am :P07:46
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RiddellHappy New Week08:45
Riddellbambee: is it easy for you being a monitor to FOSDEM?08:50
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=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu: Friendly Computing | Happy New Week and 4.8! http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.8.0 | http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/group/topic-precise-flavor-kubuntu.html TODOs!
Riddellgosh advertising and "we must fork" e-mails on ubuntu-users, thanks goodness we have Mamarok to keep the worst out of kubuntu-users09:56
Tm_TRiddell: uh, sounds fun (:09:56
Tm_Tfork and knive!09:56
* Tm_T goes to spoon the lunch09:56
MamarokRiddell: claydoh is doing much more than I do lately10:12
claydohlol Mamarok I don't have much to do, and yes I should be asleep :(10:13
claydohbeen much calmer since we stomped our feet in there10:14
Riddellit doesn't take much to keep sanity but it does take it constantly, ubuntu-users admins seem to be losing control a bit10:14
Riddellthanks claydoh too10:14
* claydoh refrains from looking in there10:15
claydohubuntu-users that is10:15
claydoha mama's firm hand is key, I just back her up as needed :D10:17
RiddellMamarok: I'd like to renew my FSFe membership at fosdem but they e-mailed suggesting it's 240€, I fear I am not that generous, do I need to feel bad about only paying the minimum 60€10:19
Mamarokwell, 60€ is more for students, how about 120€?10:22
RiddellMamarok: still too much, I budget my charitable giving and I'm not wanting to give must more than the 60€10:37
kubotuRiddell meant: "Mamarok: still too much, I budget my charitable giving and I'm not wanting to give much more than the 60€"10:37
Mamarok Riddell well, then 60€ is OK as well10:39
Riddellthanks Mamarok, that's what I think I wanted to be told :)10:40
MamarokRiddell: btw, if you ship Qt 4.8 you also need version 0.2.0 of the Qt script generator, else the Amarok scriptsa don't work anymore10:53
RiddellMamarok: oh?10:54
Riddelldo we know that?  I don't know if what we ship10:54
MamarokI don't know what you will ship with precise, but I assume it will be Qt 4.810:54
RiddellMamarok: qtscript-tools package?10:54
Riddellthat's at 0.1.0+git20101026+8b191fbc-210:54
Mamarokthat one: http://code.google.com/p/qtscriptgenerator/10:55
Riddellhum fooey, another thing to add to my todo list10:55
Mamarokwe need 0.2.0 with Qt 4.810:55
RiddellMamarok: I think amarok either should have a configure check for that or should make sure to tell all packages with kde-packager10:55
MamarokI think we did, let me check with the others in Amarok10:56
Riddellbut thanks for telling me and keeping kubuntu in check :)10:56
Mamarokyou are welcome :)10:57
Mamarokcan you check the packager list if we did notify? Else I send a mail10:59
RiddellMamarok: let me see11:03
RiddellMamarok: nothing on kde-packager, but doesn't amarok have its own packager list? (for no good reason)11:11
MamarokI don't think so, but who knows11:11
RiddellMamarok: no looks like Bart is using kde-packager only now, that's good11:12
RiddellMamarok: well nothing about qtscriptgenerator in his announce or followup about qt 4.811:13
Riddellso another followup would be suitable11:13
MamarokOK, then I will send a mail11:13
debfxRiddell: could you please push your last amarok uploads to the bzr repository11:40
Riddelldebfx: oh ok11:53
Riddelldebfx: done sorry about that11:57
debfxRiddell: thanks11:58
debfxRiddell: bzr: ERROR: An error (1) occurred running quilt: Patch kubuntu_kdelibs4.8_context_view.diff does not exist12:00
Riddelldebfx: committed, thanks for checking up on me12:02
Riddellanother report of crashing X server when using videos in precise on #kubuntu12:09
Riddellanyone able to test it?12:09
BluesKajHiyas folks12:42
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Riddellhi BluesKaj 13:13
BluesKajhi Riddell , howw goes the battle ?13:14
RiddellBluesKaj: for alpha 2?  just beginning :)13:24
BluesKajRiddell,  good to hear :)13:25
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Quintasanshadeslayer, Riddell, debfx: I'll be uploading fixed telepathy-qt4 shortly14:05
debfxQuintasan: I have already uploaded it14:06
Quintasandebfx: Thanks14:06
QuintasanAnd sorry for the mess14:07
jussihrm, why is ctrl+shift+v now mapped to some klipper right click? 14:14
* jussi wants his paste unformatted text back...14:15
Quintasanjussi: \o14:15
QuintasanThey also took away drag and drop from Konsole a while back14:15
QuintasanI miss that feature14:15
jussihi Quintasan14:16
ScottKQuintasan: It's ctrl click now.  It's a one line patch to put it back (I need to update my PPA again)14:16
QuintasanScottK: Did you ask dev if he could add it back as an option?14:16
QuintasanScottK: Oh, I see, well, ctrl works fine too.14:17
ScottKYes, didn't get much reply.  I think he'd take a patch, but isn't going to write the code to make it a choice.14:17
ScottKctrl click is way more annoying though.14:17
yuriysince upgrading to 4.7.4 i've regularly had konqueror leak a bunch of memory overnight15:37
Riddelluh oh15:38
yuriydon't have much data beyond that unfortunately15:38
Riddellcheck if 4.8 has the same problem? check if upstream is aware?15:38
yuriyi'll upgrade to 4.8 and report if it happens again15:41
yuriy4.8 did not restore my resolution16:03
Riddellyuriy: that's a common complaint I've heard16:06
RiddellI've not looked into it and I expect I won't have time16:06
yofel_true, something doesn't work right there. On my thinkpad KDE changed the default browser to rekonq twice since updating to 4.8, and I haven't figured out why it did that16:08
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debfxRiddell: I've implemented the localized handbook splitting in amarok: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/amarok/revision/10716:12
Riddellawesome, can look in a min16:13
Riddelldebfx: looking good16:21
Riddelldebfx: why did you remove "export KUBUNTU_DESKTOP_POT=extragear-multimedia_amarok" ?16:21
Riddelldebfx: this will need a change in the script that generates language packs to depend on the right amarok one16:21
debfxRiddell: it's not used anymore as we don't strip desktop files16:22
Riddelldebfx: oh ok, as long as we remember to add it back if that changes16:29
debfxis there a branch for kubuntu-netbook-default-settings?18:43
debfxthe package says lp:~kubuntu-netbook/kubuntu-netbook/default-settings but that doesn't exist18:44
Riddellrandom review of minirok I noticed http://www.hecticgeek.com/2012/01/minirok-minimalist-music-player-kubuntu-kde/18:53
Riddelldebfx: dunno check other places in launchpad?18:53
Riddellmaybed moved to ~kubuntu-packagers18:53
Riddellor maybe it never existed18:53
debfx~kubuntu-packagers is the first location I have checked18:54
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debfxyofel: I have the same default-browser-reset bug but I think it started to appear before kde 4.819:03
debfxpossibly with kubuntu-default-settings 1:11.10ubuntu419:03
debfx  * Set rekonq as explicit browser application in kdeglobals.19:04
Riddellkoolhead17: hi?19:05
koolhead17hi Riddell19:05
Riddellkoolhead17: this will take a bit of time because..19:06
Riddellowncloud is a fiddly thing to package19:06
Riddelland you don't know yet how to package19:06
koolhead17ok. sure19:06
Riddelland I'm slow these days for health reasons19:06
Riddellbut let me set it up19:06
Riddelland we'll give it a good shot :)19:06
Riddellkoolhead17: do you have a launchpad account with your ssh key?19:08
Riddellkoolhead17: let's try this on ec219:11
Riddellssh ubuntu@ec2-204-236-223-135.compute-1.amazonaws.com19:11
Riddelland run byobu19:11
koolhead17Riddell: am there :)19:12
Riddellkoolhead17: type something19:12
Riddellkoolhead17: awesome19:12
Riddellkoolhead17: ok can you owncloud the current package?19:12
Riddellcan you install?19:13
Riddelljust apt-get19:13
koolhead17yes it will give 1.1 owncloud version19:13
Riddellthat's fine19:13
Riddellkoolhead17: update apt19:13
Riddellkoolhead17: set that to "a"19:14
Riddellkeep it simple19:14
Riddellkoolhead17: awesome it works! http://ec2-204-236-223-135.compute-1.amazonaws.com/owncloud/19:15
Riddellkoolhead17: so we know ec2 and owncloud can work19:16
koolhead17yeah :P19:16
Riddellnow we need to find out if we can get owncloud 3 working19:16
Riddellcan you wget the current owncloud source?19:16
koolhead17the site seems slow. gimme few mins19:17
koolhead17Riddell: we need checksum as well?19:17
Riddellideally yes19:18
koolhead17ok 2 mins. 19:18
Riddelllots of upstreams don't make that easy to find19:18
koolhead17Riddell: i specifically requested frank 4 it :P19:20
Riddellkoolhead17: let's not worry about the checksum for now, just wget it19:20
Riddelloh their website doesn't make it easy to get a link19:21
Riddellif you have it locally you can scp it19:21
Riddelloh well done19:21
Riddelllet's see if we can get that working before we worry about the packaging19:22
Riddellkoolhead17: just  tar xf  should be fine19:22
koolhead17Riddell: whats next19:24
Riddellkoolhead17: let me think19:24
Riddellkoolhead17: I know19:25
Riddellwe need to adapt /etc/apache2/conf.d/owncloud.conf19:25
Riddellit should point at /home/ubuntu/owncloud instead of wherever it points to for the package19:26
koolhead17ok. 19:26
Riddellkoolhead17: use you favourite editor to do that19:26
Riddellkoolhead17: that file still needs a change19:29
Riddellthe first line19:29
koolhead17ooh yes19:29
Riddellsudo :)19:30
Riddellooh nicer http://ec2-204-236-223-135.compute-1.amazonaws.com/owncloud/19:31
koolhead17we need to change config directory permission19:31
Riddellkoolhead17: yes go ahead19:31
koolhead17so that the installer can write to it19:31
Riddellneeds a chown too19:32
koolhead17Riddell: aah was going to ask the same19:32
koolhead17to www-data19:32
Riddelljust data/19:33
RiddellI cancelled your action19:33
Riddellvery good19:34
koolhead17shall i try with native sqlite19:34
koolhead17and see how it goes19:34
Riddellkoolhead17: oh does it work?19:35
koolhead17lemme check LO19:35
koolhead17it should19:35
Riddellok let's investigate that19:35
Riddellwe will need to patch it so the data directory it on /var instead of locally19:35
Riddellkoolhead17: are you making an admin account on the web interface?19:35
koolhead17Riddell: yes19:36
koolhead17by default the installer selects sqlite19:36
koolhead17and writes it19:36
koolhead17so i think php5-sqlite19:36
koolhead17is needed as well19:36
Riddellkoolhead17: I'll let you install that then19:37
koolhead17ok 1 sec19:37
koolhead17Riddell: http://charms.kapilt.com/charms/oneiric/owncloud/hooks/install19:37
Riddellkoolhead17: that's a magic thing from somewhere to do automatic owncloud setup?19:38
koolhead17Riddell: yeah. i myself wrote it19:39
koolhead17but its been tested on owncloud2 :P19:39
Riddellwe can get rid of the mysql stuff then19:39
Riddellkoolhead17: let me know when you've made an account19:40
koolhead17Riddell: but we would like to keep both19:40
Riddellin the packaging we can get rid of it19:40
Riddellthe depends etc19:40
koolhead17Riddell: we will need both or probably stick to only mysql19:40
Riddellkoolhead17: for packaging?  why?19:41
koolhead17because am not very sure if any one will store his data on cloud/server with sqlite19:41
Riddelldoes it have limitations?19:41
koolhead17Riddell: owncloud gives/comes with both databases support19:42
Riddellyes but we should pick one as default for our package19:43
Riddellelse it's a user decision and that's not nice19:43
Riddellmysql should be easy to do because we already do that19:43
Riddellsqlite should be easy but maybe there are other things we need to change for that like path19:43
koolhead17lets stick to mysql19:44
Riddellset yourself up an admin account with mysql19:44
koolhead17ok 19:44
Riddellkoolhead17: I don't think you need to log in to mysql19:46
Riddellyou can just use the web interface to set it all up19:46
Riddellwe set the mysql admin password earlier19:46
koolhead17ok lemme see that19:46
koolhead17Riddell: You can usually fix this by giving the webserver use write access to the config directory in owncloud19:47
koolhead17so need write permission 4 that direcotry too19:47
Riddellkoolhead17: go ahead and chmod/chown that then19:48
koolhead17i saw it 777 on native source pkg which is scary :(19:48
Riddellon the current ubuntu package is /var/lib/owncloud/config is www-data and -rw-r--r--19:49
Riddellno drwxr-xr-x19:49
Riddellso that's fine19:49
koolhead17Riddell: am logged in19:50
koolhead17see the url19:50
Riddellkoolhead17: what is the admin account details?19:50
koolhead17admin admin19:50
Riddellowncloud is getting slicker in its UI19:51
koolhead17Riddell: indeed. awesome UI19:51
koolhead17Riddell: http://ec2-204-236-223-135.compute-1.amazonaws.com/owncloud/settings/admin.php19:51
koolhead17seems like we need to add few more deps19:52
Riddelljust php-gd?19:52
Riddellso we can package it now and add that19:52
Riddellwe'll also need to port the patch for directory changes19:53
Riddellseeming do-able19:53
Riddellkoolhead17: find a new directory and let's package it19:53
Riddellno that's fine19:54
Riddellnext make a dir called "current" and apt-get source the current package19:54
Riddellinstall devscripts19:55
Riddellrename upstream tar to <name>_<version>.orig.tar.<compression>19:56
Riddellthe underscore is important19:56
Riddelluncompress that (just  tar xf filename  will do)19:59
Riddelluncompress the current package with dpkg-source -x foo.dsc19:59
Riddelland copy the debian/ directory from the current to the new sources20:00
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koolhead17Riddell: gpg key error20:02
Riddellthat's not important20:02
koolhead17btw i got the md5 checksum as well20:03
Riddelldoes the tar we got match?20:03
debfxapachelogger: BrowserApplication[$e]=!rekonq <-- what does the [$e] mean?20:05
koolhead17am checking20:05
Riddellkoolhead17: yay, owncloud is not 0wned!20:06
koolhead17Riddell: yes, :P20:06
Riddellso copy the debian/ directory from the current package to the new one20:06
Riddellkoolhead17: great20:08
Riddellas you've noticed a .deb package is made by adding a debian/ directory20:08
Riddellit has various files on it to do various tasks20:09
Riddelland we need to tweak those and run the magic commands to build the package and probably tweak some more until it works20:09
Riddellcd into the new sources20:09
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Riddelldch -i20:10
Riddellthat opens a new editor ready to add a new changelog entry20:10
Riddellfeel free to look around first20:10
Riddelland ask any questions20:10
koolhead17it will ask info about what modification we are doing and will take name/mail address20:11
Riddellkoolhead17: changelog text can be just "new upstream release"20:11
Riddellfix the version number (I'll be impressed if you can work out what to)20:12
Riddelland the name/email20:12
Riddellversion number is first line of file20:13
koolhead17ooh ok20:13
Riddellvery close on the version no20:15
Riddellso it should be set to 3.0-0ubuntu120:15
Riddellbecause this is the first ubuntu package20:15
Riddelland the zero'th debian package20:15
Riddelland upstream 3.0 (or 3.0.0 either is fine)20:15
Riddellyou can just edit  debian/changelog to edit it20:15
Riddellnow patches20:17
Riddellwe have two20:17
Riddelland they need to be adapted to the new version20:17
Riddellok let's that that first20:17
Riddelldo you know the package name?20:17
Riddelladd it to the list in debian/control20:17
koolhead17lemme recheck it :P20:18
RiddellI don't see a package called php5-gb20:18
koolhead17Riddell: i just installed, check screen :D20:18
Riddelloh php5-gd  not php5-gb20:19
Riddellmy mistake20:19
Riddellgood add it in debian/control20:19
Riddellas you can see this file contains lots of meta-data20:19
Riddellboth for the source package and for the binary packages we want to produce20:20
Riddellthat's good, save that20:20
Riddellkoolhead17: so patches20:23
Riddellthe tricky bit20:23
Riddellcd ..20:23
Riddellquilt push20:23
Riddellthat will fail I'm sure20:23
Riddell(quilt is a programme to help manage patches)20:24
Riddellset $QUILT_PATCHES to20:24
Riddellexport :)20:25
Riddellkoolhead17: let me do it20:25
Riddellkoolhead17: most packagers do that in their .bashrc20:26
Riddellquilt push  to try the first patch20:26
koolhead17hmm. do i need to source .bashrc before that20:26
Riddellif you want to set up a .bashrc you would need to but it's worth it on an ec2 machine20:26
Riddellexport is fine and I've done that20:27
koolhead17hmm cool20:27
koolhead17so quilt failed20:27
Riddellkoolhead17: as expected.  how's your php?20:27
koolhead17Riddell: not great but can look into the code 4 sure :)20:27
Riddellkoolhead17: how about I try it and you can point out my mistakes?20:28
RiddellI don't know if this will be easy or hard20:28
Riddellthe patch changes some things in the code so it can usr /var for data and config directories20:28
koolhead17ok. 20:29
Riddellfeel free to ask any questions20:29
koolhead17can we automate it to an extend that by default user only gets an interface where he/she can do first login with admin/ubuntu?20:30
koolhead17via patch? 20:30
Riddellthat'll be fiddly20:31
Riddellneeds whatever the owncloud first run wizard does to be done in our packaging20:31
Riddellsetting up mysql and more20:32
koolhead17hmm. 20:33
Riddellkoolhead17: ok maybe that will work20:46
RiddellI tried to adapt it to the modern code20:46
Riddellbut it's dangerous to do that without testing so it might still break20:46
koolhead17Riddell: k20:47
Riddellquilt pop  now removes that patch and  quilt push  applies it20:47
Riddellany questions?20:47
Riddellwe have a second patch to do20:47
Riddellkoolhead17: do you know if owncloud has removed the includes it used to have?20:48
Riddellkoolhead17: are you an owncloud upstream developer or just interested?20:48
koolhead17Riddell: i am one of the contributors not core devs though20:49
koolhead17and yes. there is no schema.sql file anymore20:49
Riddellbut there is stuff in 3rdparty/20:50
koolhead17the xml file is used for it20:50
Riddellkoolhead17: well I've disabled it, it'll take time to adapt it properly20:53
Riddellwe should moan to upstream about needing to do these patches20:54
koolhead17hmm. 20:54
Riddellkoolhead17: now another fiddly bit20:54
Riddellit's a make file to describe how to build and package the .debs20:54
Riddellbecause owncloud doesn't have a simple make; make install build system it has a lot of custom commands20:54
Riddellthey will need to be adapted to the new code20:55
Riddelldo you want to try it or shall I do it?20:55
koolhead17i can try it20:55
Riddellfirst bit under dh_install should be fine20:56
Riddell"#remove unused files to keep lintian happy" I expect all the ones under that will have changed20:56
Riddell"#remove PEAR modules, use packaged versions instead" command out those lines since we are not doing that for now20:57
Riddellthat's it20:57
* Riddell gets a drink20:57
Riddellkoolhead17: that's probably fine for now21:01
Riddell"#remove unused files to keep lintian happy"  I'd like to fix that but we can do that later21:01
Riddelllet's try building it and see what happens21:01
Riddellthe magic command is  "debuild"21:01
Riddellkoolhead17: ok first problem21:02
Riddelltar uses 3.0.021:02
Riddellchangelog uses 3.021:02
Riddelledit the changelog21:02
koolhead17ooh ok21:02
RiddellI cancelled21:03
Riddellwrong directory21:03
Riddellgo into ownclowd/ again21:03
Riddelland debuild there21:03
Riddellkoolhead17: install that package21:03
Riddelllet me think what is wrong there21:05
Riddellkoolhead17: oh yes owncloud.install needs adapted21:05
Riddellkoolhead17: do you want to try or do you want me to do it?21:05
koolhead17Riddell: i can see :)21:06
Riddellwork out what directories still need to be installed and where to21:06
Riddelland edit that file to adapt it21:06
koolhead17Riddell: i dont see info about data file21:08
Riddellkoolhead17: "data file"?21:08
koolhead17data <dir> i meant21:09
Riddelllet me see21:09
Riddellkoolhead17: there we go, it gets made by the owncloud.dirs file21:09
Riddelland permissions set in the debian/rules file21:10
koolhead17i dont see any missing file/dir from there source arch21:11
Riddell"admin /usr/share/owncloud" is in owncloud.install21:12
Riddellthat wants to copy the admin/ directory from the owncloud sources to the install directory21:12
Riddellwhich was needed in 1.121:13
Darkwinghey guys21:13
Riddellbut it gone in 3.021:13
Riddellkoolhead17: do we need to work out what directories are not needed any more and can be removed from owncloud.install and which are still needed and which are new21:13
Riddellhi Darkwing, I'm in the middle of a packaging lesson with koolhead17 21:13
Riddellhe's doing very well :)21:14
Darkwingoh awesome. :)21:14
koolhead17Riddell: shall i make a clean source based owncloud3 install to see/understand the same :P21:15
Riddellkoolhead17: if you like21:15
Riddellnew dir, uncompress tar, manually copy to /usr/share/owncloud, see if it works21:16
Riddellyou'll need to apt-get remove owncloud first21:16
Riddellthis is what makes owncloud fiddly, most packages have a simple make; make install21:16
koolhead17Riddell: ok21:18
Riddellkoolhead17: say if you get stuck21:22
koolhead17Riddell: i think i need to change the apache config21:22
koolhead17i have moved owncloud3 in /usr/share21:23
koolhead17after removing owncloud 1 pkg21:23
Riddellkoolhead17: moving the whole thing into /usr/share is no good21:23
Riddellyou need to do what the package wants to do and move only some bits into /usr/share21:24
Riddelland you need to work out which bits21:24
Riddellkoolhead17: let me try for a bit21:24
Riddell/etc/apache2/conf.d/owncloud.conf  should be the file apache needs21:24
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Riddellkoolhead17: right what do we need to move to /usr/share/owncloud for it to still own21:26
Riddellkoolhead17: right what do we need to move to /usr/share/owncloud for it to still work21:26
RiddellI think it's everything except..21:26
Riddelllicences, config/, data/21:26
Riddellkoolhead17: do you want to try that or shall I?21:27
koolhead17i can do it21:27
Riddellgo ahead21:27
Riddellgo ahead21:28
Riddellmy mistake21:28
Riddell(I normally use cp -r, apparantly it is the same as cp -R, I've learnt a new thing)21:29
koolhead17Riddell: i have the required files now21:31
Riddellsee http://ec2-204-236-223-135.compute-1.amazonaws.com/owncloud/21:31
Riddellmy patch is missing something21:31
Riddellit is still looking in /usr for the data/ dir21:31
Riddellwe want it to look in /var21:31
Riddellsigh, let me see what I can do21:31
Riddellkoolhead17: ok cool21:34
Riddellwhen I copy the patched version of owncloud http://ec2-204-236-223-135.compute-1.amazonaws.com/owncloud/ is looking good21:34
Riddellkoolhead17: so now you can adapt owncloud.install to install everything except data/ config/ and the human readable files21:35
Riddell(I can do another 30 mins of this, I hope it's not too late for you)21:36
koolhead17Riddell: the installer showing access via sqlite as well21:36
koolhead17is it because we have moved the source21:36
Riddellkoolhead17: hmm so maybe there is more to be patched21:36
Riddellbut let's get the package done then worry about the fine details in the patch21:37
koolhead17dh_install: cp -a debian/tmp/admin debian/owncloud//usr/share/owncloud/ returned exit code 121:42
Riddellowncloud.install needs adapted21:43
Riddellfor every file in the sources in this version it should have a line in owncloud.install to copy it21:43
Riddellfile or directory21:43
Riddellkoolhead17: I can do it if you don't quite get it21:44
koolhead17yes please21:44
Riddellkoolhead17: that should be it21:45
Riddellkoolhead17: progress!21:46
Riddella new problem, let me think21:46
koolhead17chown: cannot access `debian/owncloud/var/lib/owncloud/config': No such file or directory21:46
Riddellkoolhead17: it's complaining that nothing is making that directory21:48
Riddelland I don't remember what did make it in the current packaging21:48
Riddellbut I've added it to owncloud.dirs to make it21:48
Riddellkoolhead17: try a debuild again21:48
koolhead17same error21:49
koolhead17no diferent error21:49
koolhead17chmod: cannot access `debian/owncloud/var/lib/owncloud/config/config.sample.php': No such file or directory21:49
Riddellright new error21:49
Riddelllet me look21:50
Riddellkoolhead17: I fixed it, added config/ back to .install file where it should have been21:51
Riddelltry again21:51
koolhead17some new errors21:52
Riddelllet me look21:52
Riddellkoolhead17: you missed out some lines commenting out from debian/rules 21:52
Riddellkoolhead17: go again21:52
Riddellkoolhead17: .docs file was out of date, adapted, go again21:54
Riddelloh boy, progress!21:55
Riddellin ~/pkg is there a .deb?21:55
koolhead17Riddell: :D21:55
Riddellthere is!21:55
Riddelluse lesspipe file.deb  to see what's in it21:56
Riddellit's a command21:56
Riddelllooking good21:57
Riddellkoolhead17: let's try and install it21:57
Riddelldpkg --install file.deb21:57
Riddellhttp://ec2-204-236-223-135.compute-1.amazonaws.com/owncloud/ is still working21:58
Riddellso that's promising21:58
Riddellkoolhead17: do you have a PPA on launchpad to put this into?21:58
koolhead17Riddell: never created one :P21:58
Riddellor I can put it into mine21:58
Riddellkoolhead17: you have no gpg keys in launchpad21:59
Riddellkoolhead17: do you have gpg keys?21:59
koolhead17Riddell: i have one21:59
koolhead17need to add it21:59
koolhead17uploaded to ubuntu server21:59
Riddellgo to https://launchpad.net/~<user>/+editpgpkeys22:00
RiddellImport Key22:00
Riddelland work out how to set up a PPA22:00
Riddell(or we can just use mine)22:00
Riddellkoolhead17: gpg key imported?22:04
koolhead17yes :)22:04
Riddellkoolhead17: PPA activated?22:05
koolhead17Riddell: i think you should upload it. 22:07
koolhead17PPA is not activate22:07
Riddellok let me see if I can just do it22:08
Riddellkoolhead17: ok I've signed it22:13
Riddellkoolhead17: you can now upload to my ppa22:13
Riddelldput ppa:jr <file>.changes22:13
Riddellactually look through the .changes file first to check it's sane22:13
koolhead17Riddell: essentially the deb file22:13
Riddellit lists the files to be uploaded22:14
Riddellwhich are the files that we call a "source package"22:15
Riddelldo the dput22:15
Riddellkoolhead17: there are two .changes, you need the source.changes file22:16
Riddelloh hmm22:18
koolhead17gpg: Signature made Mon 30 Jan 2012 10:12:31 PM UTC using DSA key ID DD4D508822:18
Riddellkoolhead17: try adding --unchecked22:18
Riddellit's trying to look for my gpg key to check22:19
Riddellkoolhead17: it should appear at https://launchpad.net/~jr/+archive/ppa/+packages shortly22:21
Riddelland with luck compile 22:21
Riddelland we can install and test and work out what else needs to be done22:21
koolhead17Riddell: its there :P22:21
Riddellwell done on making your first package!22:21
koolhead17Riddell: thanks to you. i just followed steps you guided me to :)22:22
Riddellkoolhead17: lots of small fiddly things to learn aren't there?22:23
Riddellbut you'll learn them quickly enough22:23
Riddellthat package will need some more work but that's all I have time for today22:23
RiddellI think ec2 works quite well as a tutorial tool22:24
koolhead17yes espacially the screen sesssion22:24
koolhead17Riddell: lets work on the nitty/gitty leftover tomorrow :)22:32
=== koolhead17 is now known as koolhead17|zzZZ

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