
codepalIt's very unusual compared to other Ubuntu installs I've done....00:00
jbichacodepal: that's a long-standing bug 782507 you can use the advanced partitioner next time to specify exactly what you want00:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 782507 in partman-auto (Ubuntu Precise) "Installation creates a new swap partition" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78250700:02
codepalum no I can't00:02
codepaladvanced partition didn't wanna play nice for me00:02
codepalI couldn't even resize the 2 partitions it was offering in the installer without it crashing....00:03
codepalI did get installed, the long way round00:03
codepal"a gazillion restarts"00:03
jbichaI was having some hiccups with the installer also, you could just use the Oneiric installer and upgrade00:04
oconnorecodepal: if you are running on an ssd you probably don't want a swap partition.00:05
codepalit doesn't matter, I hardly ever run heavy enough stuff to use swap00:06
oconnorefair enough00:06
codepal1GB of swap is hardly gonna reck my SSD - imo00:07
codepalwith 4GB of RAM00:07
codepalso Unity uses lightdm - or is only lubuntu using it?00:07
codepalI'm gonna try moving the Ubuntu 12 partition soon00:08
codepalhopefully it won't balk00:08
codepalbit pointless having 1 partion 7.2GB wasted00:08
oconnorei went a little crazy with mine. /tmp is a 512mB tmpfs filesystem and so on00:08
codepaloconnore: tutorial for that crazyness somewhere? - some of us might like a few tips from the experts!00:09
jtaylorisn't that default now anyway?00:09
jtayloror just in debian?00:09
codepalI've a little problem too, empathy doesn't want to swap desktops00:11
codepalwhen I link on the icon in dash it normally swaps to the desktop it's active on00:11
jbichacodepal: I think you're thinking of lxdm, lightdm is something different and is used by Ubuntu00:11
codepalit's stopped working :'(00:11
codepaljbicha: I was  reading the wiki: Lubuntu - Lubuntu switched to Lightdm for the standard display manager.00:13
codepalso somethings amiss?00:13
oconnorecodepal: here is something close to a tutorial00:14
codepaloconnore: thanks!00:14
oconnorefor more details just do a "man fstab"00:14
oconnoremoment of truth: my upgrade just finished00:15
oconnorerestarting, wish me luck00:16
* oconnore crosses his fingers00:16
codepaloconnore: good luck!00:17
codepalvaguely remember someone suggesting tempfs for firefox flash video improvements00:17
jtaylorvery unlikely that that helps00:18
jtaylormaybe useful for general usage performance, but not for flash00:19
jtaylorto speed up flash video playback I recommend to just use a regular media player like vlc of mplayer00:19
jtaylorthese also give you more control about size, speed and seeking00:19
jbichacodepal: lots of Ubuntu flavors are using lightdm now because it's relatively easy to theme, but it's not lubuntu-specific00:20
codepaljtaylor: http://linux-software-news-tutorials.blogspot.com/2011/04/speed-up-firefox-using-ram-tmpfs.html00:20
jtaylornothing there mentions flash00:21
jtayloras said, for general usage it may help00:21
jtaylorthough probably not very much depending on how good/bad firefox is00:21
jtaylorthe kernel caches stuff very aggressivly in ram anyway00:21
* codepal shrugs00:29
codepalit was before I had an SSD or much RAM00:29
codepalwhen your running with 512M & an old CPU you try and sqeeze as much out of it as possible.00:30
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fainaHi, I have a recent 12.04 install and name resolution is mysteriously broken for me. dig @router google.com gets a timeout from the 12.04 system, dig @router google.com from an 11.10 system works fine.03:35
micahgfaina: try 'dig @ ubuntu.com', that'll test to see if it's your router or now03:37
fainaOk, so dig @ worked from 11.10 system and not from 12.04 system. Though there's some other problem with my network where an ssh to a remote system died03:41
fainaso ... there's also something really weird with my router too. Though just to check, is anything particularly different about 12.04 name resolution compared to 11.10?03:52
fainaI wonder if I was dumb and accidentally set the new systems ip to the routers ip.04:03
fainaThe new 12.04 system is having trouble auto-configuring its network for some reason.04:04
fainaHuh, I wonder why my network/interfaces file had eth0 manual in it -- would the installer assume manual if it had gotten an IP assigned by a pxeboot?04:22
codepalI guess I'm having problems... shell extensions how to load them?05:12
codepaluser-theme-extension ?05:12
jbichacodepal: visit http://extensions.gnome.org/05:28
Fudgehey i am on usb x64 1/28/12 ubiquity is failing, but also on apt-get update noticed W: Failed to fetch cdrom://Ubuntu 12.04 LTS _Precise Pangolin_ - Alpha amd64 (20120129)/dists/precise/Release  Unable to find expected entry 'restricted/binary-i386/Packages' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file)07:16
Fudgeoh wel maybe its 01/29 lol07:16
lotuspsychjefudge: happy with pangolins changes?07:20
Fudgeyeah for sure accessibility ive been using it since alpha 1 was out msot of the time and its really usable.07:25
Fudgealthough i cant get pulseaudio in systemwide so i can use my screen reader in a console07:25
lotuspsychjeFudge: any major things change?07:26
Fudgelotuspsychje  in regards to pulse or previous ubuntu?07:26
Fudgea lot of bug fixes i guess, havnt noticed new functionality, guess you will have to see whats new that yo uuse :D07:27
lotuspsychjeill try when full rlelease :p07:27
Fudgelotuspsychje  no its very good07:45
Fudgegoing to be a pretty good LTS07:45
lotuspsychjeok tnx07:47
Fudgeanyone know a work around to the ubiquity install crash currently07:54
Fudgeok for anyone interested it seems to only be a bug if something manual is selected, i had tried a reinstall of libparted with no joy though. side by side isntallation seems to be working.07:57
Fudgewill comment on my bugreport07:57
Ben64segfaults on boot08:13
FudgeBen64  not good08:14
codepalFudge, can you paste the link in here...08:14
codepalI'd like to add my 2 c08:14
Ben64lemme login and get a paste...08:14
codepalFudge, with much struggling I removed the side by side 3 partitions that install created08:14
codepalbeen customizing and tweaking like crazy08:15
codepalnother thing is, don't use Empathy if your a heavy IRC user.08:15
Ben64anyone seen this and/or know the solution?08:15
Fudgecodepal  i like irssi08:16
codepalalso, gnome-shell-extensions not working here yet08:16
Fudgei will grab the bug from my email08:16
Fudgealso grub-update displays cat: /boot/grub/video.lst: No such file or directory08:16
codepaleven though I installed webup8 ppa & gnome-user-theme-extension etc...08:16
codepalfirefox 9. doesn't wanna play with extensions.gnome.org either :,(08:16
codepalhi micahg - how's the busy devs?08:17
Fudgecodepal  why couldnt you copy the partition with gparted and then grub-install update grub etc08:17
codepalI resized the partitions, I did have a side by side - ubuntu 10.04 on the other partition08:18
codepalbut I fudged it badly08:18
codepalmoved the new ubuntu 12 partition over the boot mbr and all08:18
codepalreal mess cleaning up08:18
codepalbut, I learn from my mistakes, as you do.08:19
codepallove ubuntu, but there is danger out there will robinson.08:19
Fudgelol yeah mate08:19
Fudgethink once u overcome things u learn new things to screw up08:20
codepalwhat I really would love to do... is help the wacom devs get serial tablets working on ubuntu 1208:20
codepaljust for us fogies with 12x18 serial tablets08:20
codepalthen, well, I think I could ditch XP for good08:21
codepalsince my Virtualbox can run it better instead08:21
Fudgebug 92205208:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 922052 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "panel crashed with SIGSEGV in indicator_object_get_entries()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92205208:21
Fudgethat might be it codepal  lol not sure08:21
codepalyup, that sounds like it08:22
codepalsame heading mine would have been if I had carried through with bug submission08:22
Fudgei havnt openned,  has about 12 comments?08:23
Fudgeyeah thats it08:25
Fudgethere we go08:27
z3r0c007relinux is safe to install on 11.10 ubuntu09:01
codepalcalibre wasn't .... for me at lesat09:01
Will123456hey guys. one of the things i miss from a traditional window list is seeing web page names from the browser (though tabs hide this information too). since so many websites use the page title to indicate change, is there any way we can make the firefox browser icon wiggle when the title changes?09:20
icerootWill123456: #firefox on irc.mozilla.org may help you on that09:21
Will123456iceroot: thanks, i'll check there :)09:21
Will123456iceroot: looks like HTML5 notifications (http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/notifications/quick/) will hopefully solve this problem the right way09:23
Will123456(now all we need is an HTML5 spec that does the washing up for you)09:23
icerootWill123456: if i am correct the latest firefox in 12.04 is doing that already09:37
icerootWill123456: but i guess #firefox on irc.mozilla.org has more infos about that09:38
Will123456iceroot: i've not had any websites offer to use notifications but i'll look into it, thanks :)09:41
icerootWill123456: my firefox is marking every tab as bold when there is a change on the website (or if the tab was not read yet)09:42
icerootWill123456: working very good on football-tickers (the real football of course not this american football) :)09:42
Will123456iceroot: that wasn't what i meant, though - because if firefox is hidden by another window, you can't see the titles in bold or otherwise10:02
Will123456looks like this implements it for FF - shame it's not in by default: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/html-notifications/10:04
edgyHi when can we expect fglrx 8.930 to come to repos?10:49
icerootWill123456: thank you for the info11:17
Fudgeinstaller ejects an empty cd drive when  botoing from usb11:47
Ian_Cornegood stuff11:52
Ian_Cornethe installer is resisting the move away from cds11:53
FudgeMUST BE12:16
Ben64too much caps lock12:20
aguitelFudge, many app need 32 bits to work in 64 bits12:24
Fudgeyeah i didnt realise sorry bout caps12:32
Fudgedont think this is one of those apps though12:33
BluesKajHiyas folks12:42
webm0nk3yI just updated P (which has been working fine) and now my computer is stuck in a rebooting loop. it does it so fast i can't tell at one point.14:01
webm0nk3yany help would be appreciated so i could diagnose it14:02
webm0nk3yi guess it's not really a reboot loop since it's not getting to grub14:02
webm0nk3yat least after the initial grub menu...it starts and never gets back to grub14:03
edgyHi, I want to install fglrx 8.390 because I heard it supports hybrid graphics better, is there a better option than to use https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa?14:25
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thor_Test lubuntu 12.04 LSC. Cant find all apps , if you seach for totem it wont find it??17:45
Ian_Corneit does17:48
=== chrisccoulson is now known as chrisccoulson2
=== chrisccoulson2 is now known as chrisccoulson
g0bl1nwill 12.04 have NetworkManager ? Not easy to debug it... After a 11.10 friday update, NetworkManager asked for my wifi password, and since then doesn't list my wifi network in the list. Yet, all the other wifi networks are there.19:24
Essobig0bl1n: and obviously the problem is with 12.04?  :D19:26
Essobig0bl1n: Did you verify the SSID is present with another wifi device?19:26
g0bl1n:-) Just expressing my frustation on a silly manner :-)19:26
EssobiMaybe power-cycle the router and the swaptop too?  :D19:27
g0bl1nEssobi, yes, this Ubuntu partition connects fine19:27
Essobiah... weird.19:27
EssobiI've more then wanted to stab my 12.04 install.19:27
EssobiAt the moment, I have no X... wehen X starts, the console/kb softlocks.  It's f'ing great.19:27
g0bl1nAlfa2 is somedays away, right ?19:28
jbichag0bl1n: Ubuntu will have NM for the forseeable future, and if you want to know Ubuntu's schedule, check the topic19:38
g0bl1nFernandoMiguel, ?19:52
chmacI'm seeing fairly regular compiz crashes (I have gnome-panel running). Is it worth trying to file a bug? I usually assume somebody else is having the same issue and will report it more capably than me. :-)19:53
g0bl1nchmac, It will be figured out, report as clean as possible19:54
chmacAny advice on RSS readers? I'm realising there's an old version of liferea in the repos.19:54
chmacg0bl1n: You mean the bug will be figured out, I can just wait?19:54
g0bl1nchmac, report the bug :)19:55
chmacg0bl1n: Ok, how do I get debugging output? Can I start compiz from a terminal in order to get some data?19:55
chmacI have to switch to tty1 and kill compiz in order to get my session back, the whole screen is frozen.19:56
g0bl1nchmac, http://wiki.compiz.org/Troubleshooting#What_to_do_if_compiz_crashes19:57
chmacg0bl1n: Thanks, I'll check into it20:04
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Ian_Cornethe hud thing was driving me crazy21:28
Ian_Corneuninstalled the ppa :p21:28
DaekdroomI deactivated it on ccsm21:40
DaekdroomIt doesn't get along with fullscreen totem21:40
guntbertIan_Corne: where is that ppa? (feeling daring...)21:53
guntbertthx Daekdroom21:54
FernandoMiguel 1177    root         root            1      0.11s       1.34s       172K        0K         0K         0K    --       -     R        1      75%     Xorg23:02
FernandoMiguelthis isn't normal :S23:02
DaekdroomWhat I don't find normal about Xorg process over here is that it always eats more and more RAM.23:03

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