
djura-sanGretings o/. I would like to ask for a small favor someone who is good/native with Catalian language. It is one of papers for college and it should grammatically correct in something that is called "imperfet de subjuntiu" (i believ it is one of tenses in Catalian). The text is really small and it will be written in about 10min.21:15
djura-sanThank you in advance :)21:15
djura-sanhi RainCT21:19
djura-sanso, i got the text. I will check it's length now21:25
djura-san166 words. Is anyone able to help me out with it?21:27
RainCTdjura-san: if it's quick21:47
djura-sanRainCT: it is if you have less than 5 mins :)21:47
djura-sanhere is the text: http://pastebin.com/UeL49tbS21:48
djura-sanjust read it and give me quick tips on what to change. it is for a friend. And thank you in advance :)21:49
RainCTdjura-san: okay, some stuff: «Quan jo fos cantes per diners» not sure what that's supposed to say; seres->seria; ocupat->ocupada (since "vida" is female). several va that probably should be "jo" (I). imperfet del subjuntiu verbs usually have accent (eg. cantes should be cantés). mas->més. "es mou a"->"em mouria a"/"m'hauria de moure a". "que seria el..." -> add "?" at the end to make it the question, or change it to "Aquest seria22:00
RainCTel ...". "i la *seva* paraula" that's 3rd person, so far you were talking in 1st person. "Devil"?. "cantaes"->"cantar". "compensaria tots"->"compensaria tot".22:00
djura-santhat is it? thank you very much RainCT, i will pass on your notes22:00
djura-santhank you again :)22:01
RainCTalso you can't really use imperfect de subjuntiu in some of those sentences22:01
djura-sani see22:01
RainCTbut they'd rather be condicional de l'indicatiu22:02
djura-sancould you point out which ones? I will leave it for my friend to get a better ones22:02
RainCTtrying to figure out how to explain it but it's difficult in english since there isn't really equivalent forms:p22:04
djura-sanokay, it is okay if you cant. THis will help a lot anyway :)22:05
djura-sanShe is studying English and she had to get Catalian as one of hers classes. It was not easy at all so far22:06
RainCT(but for example if you take "si fos cantant per diners, la meva vida sería molt ocupada i participaria en concerts", the first one is imperfect de subjuntiu where you start a hypothetical scenario, but then when you go on you use condicional in the sense of "conditional on that scenario being true, I'd do this ..")22:06
RainCTdjura-san: Nice. Where is she studying?22:07
djura-sanin Serbia.22:07
djura-sanshe learned basics of Italian, now a bit of Catalian, English is hers "mush know everything" etc.22:07
djura-sannot interesting to nerd like me but interesting for her :)22:08
djura-sananyway, i sent all comments to her. THank you again (for the 6th time) RainCT . YOu helped a lot :)22:08
RainCTHeh. It's pretty awesome that they teach Catalan there :). If she later on wants to learn French/Portgueses/Spanish the Catalan knowledge will also be useful22:09
RainCTdjura-san: you're welcome :)22:09
djura-sanuh i just realized that i used word "Catalian" instead of "Catalan". My bad /me is reading wiki article about Catalan language to get a grip of very basics about it22:15

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