
cjohnstonduanedesign if he's here00:21
duanedesignjono: whats up?00:23
duanedesignjono: saw your question in #ubuntuone. I have not run that before, but it looks right to me :)00:38
jonoduanedesign, its ok, I sorted it00:43
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alouriegood morning07:38
dholbachgood morning08:04
jonomorning dholbach08:04
dholbachhey jono08:04
dholbachjono, wow, can't you sleep?08:04
jonohehe, indeed08:04
jonodholbach, I sent you an email re. accomplishments08:05
dholbachyep, I saw it08:05
jonobut I spent much of the weekend working on it so now the instructions are a little different08:05
dholbachbut I was too busy with UDW, dev data + graphs, advisory board and other stuff to do something about it :/08:05
jonono worries!08:06
jonowell I put the branch in https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntuaccomplishments08:06
jonoand created a separate branch where the accomplishments files can live08:06
jonothe README in lp:ubuntuaccomplishments now explains how to set it up08:07
jonoI simplified much of it over the weekend08:07
dholbachat some stage it probably might make sense to transition over the core code to a core team and to open up the restrictions for submitting accomplishments08:08
dholbach... at some stage :)08:08
jonodholbach, oh totally08:10
dholbachjono, did you see https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/392087_10150484402243230_729453229_8726511_946604781_n.jpg?08:10
jonooh wow!08:11
jonodid he get married?08:11
dholbachit /might/ be a wedding photo :)08:11
dholbachhis profile says engaged - so I'm not sure08:11
dholbachhe looks a bit blurry, but like a blurry happy man :)08:12
jonoindeed :-)08:13
jonosweet, I have my trophies dir now syncing over U1 to a headless U1 server08:14
jononot far off getting the verification piece in place now08:14
dholbachhola dpm08:15
jonohey dpm08:15
dpmhey dholbach, hey jono08:15
dpmgood morning all!08:15
dholbachjames_w, if you later have a tiny little bit of time for http://pad.lv/mps/harvest I'd appreciate it :)08:37
dholbachhey czajkowski08:40
jonook, bed for me08:54
jononight all!08:54
alouriegood night jono08:57
head_victimpopey: got time for a quick PM?09:27
head_victimpopey: cheers :)11:47
mhall119where does the docs team hang out?13:36
Pendulumalthough it's generally pretty quiet13:39
nigelbjust try to get in touch with mathew east (I think) his name is.13:39
nigelbAlos, mailinglist.13:40
mhall119nigelb: do you know his nick?13:45
Pendulummhall119: mdke13:45
nigelbRight, thanks Pendulum :)13:46
* nigelb did thank<tab>13:46
mhall119thanks Pendulum and nigelb13:47
jcastromhall119: ok according to my last email they just want you to fill out the form14:21
mhall119jcastro: who wants me to do what?  When, where and why?14:22
jcastrooh, well you do it at some point14:22
jcastroI thought you were just asking me how14:22
mhall119context jcastro14:22
mhall119I wanted the name of the guy in canonical who spearheaded it14:23
jcastrodavid mandala14:23
mhall119ah, now I remember,thanks14:23
jcastrois this for linaro?14:23
jcastrobecause if it is chris just called me and I explained it14:23
mhall119jcastro: no, just for my own memory14:24
mhall119so I know who to pass cjohnston off to when he comes asking14:24
jcastroso, when the time comes you just go to their page and sign up for the middle plan14:24
jcastroand then someone mails you and then it's easy from there14:24
mhall119jcastro: did you see that we got some contributions to make summit more mobile friendly?14:24
jcastroI did14:25
nigelbfrom the birthday boy, sil!14:25
mhall119heh, yup14:25
mhall119glad to know this is how he spends his birthday time14:25
mhall119we should all download birthday e-cards and share them with his U1 account14:26
nigelbjcastro: do we pay guidebook for every event?14:26
nigelbso, at some point summit doing great on a mobile is a good thing to have instead of doing that?14:26
jcastrobut guidebook does things that we'll need14:26
jcastrolike, putting the sponsors in there, etc.14:27
nigelbI agree.14:27
jcastrotheir value (IMO) isn't the guidebook as much as it's 0 touch for us14:27
jcastrowe just give them the URL of UDS and they set the whole thing up, it's literally no work.14:27
nigelbit should Just work (tm) unless we screw up summit.14:27
mhall119jcastro: except they don't pull in user schedules14:28
jcastrothey do, it's just not connected to summit14:28
mhall119nigelb: you'd better not screw up summit14:28
jcastroif you use the guidebook and make your own schedule then it does that14:28
nigelbI'm taking a summit vacation this cycle.14:28
mhall119jcastro: yeah, but now you're maintaining 2 schedules14:28
nigelbActually, I almost took an ubuntu vacation.14:28
mhall119one in LP/Summit and one in Guidebook14:28
jcastromhall119: right14:29
jcastromhall119: it's your baby now, your call. :)14:29
jcastrothough I personally would go at least one more with guidebook just to have one less thing to worry about until after you get a UDS under your belt14:29
mhall119unless sil comes back with major patches, we'll still be using it14:29
jcastrosomeone from kubuntu was working on a free client as well14:30
nigelbTHE BEST PART.14:30
jcastrobut it was just a clone I think, it wasn't like tied to summit iirc14:30
mhall119jcastro: ah, ok14:30
nigelbjcastro: Remember when you always do the "oh dude, thsi broke", mhall119 already will know what broke and will be writing a fix for it.14:30
nigelbThis is win.14:30
jcastrowe really found the perfect sucker to do this14:30
jcastroI mean, person14:30
nigelbthose keys are right next to each othere!14:31
mhall119nigelb: that's been the case for at least a year now14:31
nigelbI make that mistake too14:31
nigelbmhall119: Except, you're going to be the guy seeing the breakage as well :D14:31
* cprofitt waves14:31
mhall119nigelb: I was seeing it before too14:31
* nigelb waves to cprofitt 14:32
jcastrocprofitt: hey, how's the arm14:32
jcastrodid you eat that cheese?14:32
nigelbmhall119: I mean, things like sponsorship. I almost never touch it.14:32
mhall119I did14:32
cprofittjcastro: arm is fine -- doing well... bad weekend though for other reasons. Car leaking fluids - trying to get a new one today -- youngest daughter broke her foot; going to ortho at 10:3014:37
mhall119cprofitt: can't catch a break can youA?14:38
cprofittseemingly not this year, but that happens at times14:38
cprofittand the year is young still14:38
jcastrocprofitt: dang, does your family do daredevil stunts on the weekend?14:42
cprofittjcastro: my two youngest were playing 'Gorilla'14:43
* cprofitt facepalms14:43
cprofittand she jumped off the toybox and hit the floor wrong14:43
nigelboh fun14:43
dpmjcastro, you asked about updating apps in d.u.c quite a while ago, but got no answer. I've finally digged out how to do it and documented it here: http://developer.ubuntu.com/publish/updating-your-app/ - I think it'd be a good idea to feature it in askubuntu so it's easier to find. Do you want to ask it there and I'll reply with the answer?15:16
jcastrothere is an existing question for that15:18
jcastroone sec15:18
jcastroI remember someone asking15:18
jcastrogive me a sec to find it15:20
dpmjcastro, ah cool, even better :)15:21
jcastrothat doesn't seem to be what we need though is it?15:22
dpmno, it's not really the same thing15:23
jcastrooh, I found this one while looking that needs to have a developer.u.c answer: http://askubuntu.com/questions/16446/how-to-get-my-software-into-ubuntu15:23
jcastrook, I will reask my question on there dpm15:23
dpmjcastro, cool, thanks. That one ^ already has a d.u.c answer, the d.u.c is mentioned15:24
dpmbut I should probably review it15:25
jcastrooh right, sorry, it was buried to me15:25
jcastrobut yeah, a review wouldn't hurt15:25
jcastrodpm: what mailing list did I send that mail to? I totally forgot where it is15:25
dpmjcastro, ubuntu-app-devel15:25
jcastro"How do I update my application in the software center?" sound like a good title?15:26
dpmyeah, that sounds good15:27
dpmor 'my own', perhaps15:27
jcastrofeel free to submit edits to make the question be exactly what you want and I can approve them on the spot.15:30
dpmjcastro, cool, thanks. I've just answered it as well15:34
jcastrohey so, let me ask you a theoretical question15:35
jcastrowhat happens when an app author says15:35
jcastro"hey wait a minute, why am I in the archive, screw that, remove me so I can just go offcycle from ubuntu and upgrade at my own pace."15:35
dpmjcastro, in that case, he should probably talk to the package maintainer and request the removal from the archive. Unfortunately, right now the policy is that you cannot have "My Apps" apps if they are already in the archive. I'd personally much like to allow both, and we've talked about it, but right now there is no work in progress towards that15:39
jo-erlenddpm, wouldn't that make it more difficult to sell free software in USC?15:48
dpmhey jo-erlend, I hadn't noticed you were here too! :) - In which way do you think it would make it more difficult?15:49
jo-erlenddpm, that's a new development. I only joined a couple of days ago. :)15:49
jo-erlendwell. Let's say I write an app and I would like to make money from it, but I do not want to use a proprietary license. So I put it for sale as GPL in USC at $5usd. But then MOTU adds the same version to Universe. I'll have to compete with myself?15:50
jonomorning all15:52
JanCjo-erlend: it would allow your users to first try, and then pay when they like it15:52
jo-erlendmorning jono :)15:52
jonohey jo-erlend15:52
jonohows things?15:52
jo-erlendJanC, what would that mechanism look like?15:52
dholbachhey jono15:52
balloonsit would also be interesting to allow USC to operate on a donate sort of model15:53
jo-erlendjono, good. I've applied for membership, and I think that'll be considered tomorrow, so I'm excited about that. :)15:53
jonohey dholbach15:53
jonojo-erlend, nice!15:53
bkerensaTop of the morning to you all!15:53
jonohey bkerensa15:53
bkerensagood morning jono15:53
JanCjo-erlend: I didn't look at the possibilities in depth, was just thinking that having the same application in both would make that possible15:55
jo-erlendJanC, it is a seriously difficult topic.15:56
JanCjo-erlend: alternatively, you could also offer some additional value in the paid version, of course15:56
jo-erlendsome people might even have difficulty understanding the concept of paying for free software. :)15:56
jo-erlendJanC, full circle then. Why should the extended version not also be available in universe?15:57
JanCcompanies pay a lot for free software ;)15:57
bkerensaI donate to Mozilla every year so I guess I pay for free software (Heck and I only use Thunderbird :P)15:57
JanCjo-erlend: many of those people probably have difficulty to pay for closed source software too  ;)15:58
jo-erlendJanC, that is a valid point and I've argued that myself. But then I'd rather have payment being optional than to have the same software in two places.15:59
jo-erlendanyway... Dinner! :)15:59
jonodholbach, all set?16:00
dholbachgo go go! :)16:00
jonodholbach, creating hangout16:00
JanCjo-erlend: from a maintenance/support PoV two different versions might be more work indeed16:01
JanCwhich will happen, as the paid version will probably get updates with new features much quicker16:02
dholbachjono, still there?16:05
mhall119balloons: IIRC, the "pay what you like" concept for USC has been tossed around16:07
mhall119to support both donating to open-source projects, as well as allowing humble-indie-bundle type sales16:07
balloonsmhall119, yes, that would be cool.. But to answer jo-erlend's question, users could chose to pay (or not) for the software and consider it a "donation"16:27
bkerensamhall119: Apparently there is a pay what you like Panera bread shop in Portland somewhere and that model isn't working for them so well :P but then again USC doesn't have to pay power bills, lease and employees :)16:27
popeypay what you want works best for intangible items16:28
balloonspay what you like is different, but I'm sure you've heard of the bagel guy. he simply asks people to pay, and leaves a box to do so16:28
balloonsbkerensa, do they pay what they like to their employees and food supply vendors? :-)16:29
jonodpm, all set?16:30
dpmjono, yep!16:31
bkerensaballoons: Nope which is why they are not doing so well... Apparently Panera turned three of their bread shops nationwide into pay what you want shops.... I just know the one in Portland has had issus ;)16:31
jonodpm, invite sent16:32
snap-lI think pay-what-you-want is better for smaller businesses than Panera16:41
snap-lThe perception is that Panera can afford to not receive as much as, let's say, a smaller home-town bakery16:42
JanCwe ask people to pay-if/what-they-want for Ubuntu CDs at computer fairs...  ;)16:42
jcastromy perception is that their chicken pot pie in a bread bowl is awesome.16:42
jussimy perception is that chicken pot pie sounds awesome16:43
snap-ljcastro: We had some of those oven-baked frozen pot pies on Thursday16:44
snap-lNot as good as the real thing, but they do in a pinch16:44
JanCsnap-l: I think having direct contact with the people who profit from donations is what is important, not necessarily the size of the company16:44
snap-lJanC: Yeah, it's harder to tell the guy sitting at a table to suck it16:45
jcastroI've asked about donations to OSS in the software center before, and it's a complicated mess that is nearly impossible to solve16:46
JanCsnap-l: also, if you know that the people in Panera shops don't get (properly) paid if they don't get enough money, you'd probably give more16:46
JanC(although in practice it would be illegal not to pay employees, of course)16:47
JanCso we're back to the "they get paid anyway"16:47
mhall119bkerensa: well the pay-what-you-like is evidently working out well for indie game developers, so if we can offer them USC as a sales channel for that I think it would be great for everyone16:48
JanCthe funny thing is that some people pay way more than you would expect, which helps even out the ones who don't pay (much)16:51
JanCe.g. we have got 20 € for an Ubuntu CD-R(!) more than once16:52
JanC(that's > 26 USD)16:54
balloonsJanC, that's awesome.. and clearly someone wanted to make sure others could get a cd16:57
JanCballoons: yes, it's always existing users (who don't really need it) who do that16:58
mhall119JanC: I've had people leave $20 and not even take a CD16:58
mhall119it's more a "support a cause you care about" than "pay what you think it's worth"16:59
mhall119which is why it works for Ubuntu and indie games, but not so much for Panera16:59
JanCmhall119: that too, although generally we would give them some other stuff then16:59
JanCposters, t-shirts, etc.16:59
mhall119"increase shareholder value" isn't a cause most people will support16:59
JanC..., stickers, whatever we happen to have with us  ;)17:00
mhall119JanC: all I had were Qimo CDs, so it really was just a straight donation17:00
JanCor we insist they take a CD and give it to someone else  ☺17:00
JanCalso, people obviously *want* to pay for open source: http://gparted.org/donations.php17:03
JanCand the variations in donations probably reflects on how much people *can* donate in some cases...17:05
popeyhttp://www.linuxmint.com/donors.php also17:12
JanCpopey: funny how some of those donate 1 USD to get their "cialis" website listed there...   :P17:14
JanCwell, I suppose I'd rather get paid 1 USD like that than have them spam comments/forums  ☺17:16
JanCespecially if they do that repeatedly to stay on the first page of the list17:17
JanC1500 USD donations is also quite impressive17:19
JanChttp://members.shaw.ca/bcc4foss/index.html --> interesting!17:21
jcastrobodhi_zazen: hey you're on the forums council right?17:23
balloonsJanC, I like the BCC4FOSS link!17:24
dholbachI call it a day - see you all tomorrow! :)18:01
jonomhall119, all set?18:01
jononight dholbach!18:01
balloonsnight dholbach!18:01
dholbachdaker, oh, also: I hope you didn't mind I uploaded pictures of you to the internet ;-)18:01
jonomhall119, hellooooo! :-)18:04
koolhead17hi all18:15
dpmok, calling it a day here too, see you all tomorrow!18:17
bkerensajcastro: Do you think you might have time to do a presentation when you come for OSCON? I'm sure quite a few would be interested in a talk on Cloud/juju18:32
jcastroheck yeah18:32
jcastrothat's why I'm going. :)18:32
bkerensawell your coming for OSCON :P18:32
bkerensaI mean a talk for our LoCo18:32
jcastrooh, when does your loco meet?18:33
bkerensawe have lots of people who work in Enterprise IT and DevOps folks too18:33
bkerensajcastro: Aside from release parties, jams etc its kind of sporadic in nature :) but I can set something up with a venue and gather at the very least the Portland folks which is 15-2018:33
jcastrosure, I'll do whatever18:34
jcastroas long as it doesn't conflict with the charm school or whatever we'll have planned for OSCON18:34
bkerensaokie doke well I will ping you when we get closer to setup a date/time :)18:34
bkerensanah not at all18:34
bkerensaIn fact California (LoCo) has folks coming up for OSCON too so we might have a real nice turnout for some juju talk :)18:35
czajkowskijcastro: any of this charm school happening in EU or just all US side?18:38
jcastroUS so far18:40
jcastroI am going to investigate a webinar18:40
czajkowski no eu love :(18:40
jcastroI don't have many people in .eu who could give charm schools18:41
* popey points jcastro at Daviey ☺18:42
jcastroit's tricky, that's a bunch of work for someone who is already overloaded18:43
czajkowskiheh :D18:43
czajkowskijcastro: you mean there isnobdy over this side of the world who could attend EU events and hold charm schools?18:43
jcastrono charmers, no; I have juju coredevs (slammed), and other server team folks (also slammed).18:44
jonojcastro, did you want a call? I know we only spoke recently19:00
jcastroI am good for today19:00
jonojcastro, cool19:00
bodhi_zazenjcastro: sorry, was AFK, but yes, anything we can help with ?19:02
cprofittjcastro: I gotta learn me some charms19:03
cprofittI need good juju19:03
jcastrobodhi_zazen: nothing I just wanted to mention that newz is linking up with the guy who wants to do SSO for the forum, but newz just sent out the mail right now anyway19:03
jonomy arms ache19:03
jonoI am trying to get my ass in shape19:03
jcastrojono: metal?19:03
jonoso started doing press ups19:04
jonopress ups suck19:04
jonojcastro, I wish19:04
jcastromy legs are crushed19:04
jonojcastro, dude, that Chris Broderick thing was awesome19:04
jcastrostanding all day is not easy19:04
jcastroI know right19:04
jcastrothere's this other video of him at NAMM which is like almost impossible to believe19:04
jonojcastro, it makes me want to sell my guitar19:05
jonoanyone know if you can propose a merge to a personal branch (e.g. https://code.launchpad.net/~jonobacon/ubuntuaccomplishments/ubuntu-community)19:05
jonocould someone propose a merge into that branch?19:05
cprofittI just started to teach myself Guitar jono19:06
jonocprofitt, nice!19:06
cprofittstruggling with the C chord... and not even going to consider the F#19:06
jonocprofitt, just learn a power chord19:06
jonoand then you will be set19:06
cprofittI got an acoustic... not sure they have power chords19:06
bodhi_zazenthanks jcastro , I think we have a few who can help, probably need to open a team on LP19:06
jcastrojono: the branch merge thing asks me for another branch19:07
jcastroso I think yes?19:07
cprofittthanks for the links... will study up19:07
jcastrowant me to propose something to see how it works?19:07
balloonscprofitt, if you end up like me it will take forever to get the basic chord shapes..  barring for a chord will be out of the question.. Then one day finger strength will take over and you'll be all set19:07
jonojcastro, yeah, could you branch my branch, edit something, and then propose it19:07
jonocall it "test" or something19:07
balloonsit was a elliptically progression19:08
cprofittballoons: yep -- I am doing some exercises on the guitar as well to be able to work on chords and finger placement19:11
cprofittI hope strength will get there before arthritis :-)19:11
jonojcastro, any luck with it?19:11
balloonsjono: incoming document shares..19:12
jonoballoons, oooh19:12
jonoballoons, cool, will check them soon ready for our call19:15
jcastrojono: ok I can't figure out how to propose my branch to yours19:16
jonoin your branch page, click the Propose For Merging link19:16
jcastroI don't get one19:16
jcastrobecause it forced me to do a +junk branch19:16
jcastrobzr: ERROR: Permission denied: "~jorge/ubuntuaccomplisments/test-push/": : Project 'ubuntuaccomplisments' does not exist.19:16
jcastrothat should work shouldn't it? If I push to ubuntuaccomplishments19:17
jonooh hang on19:17
jonook, so do this:19:17
jono bzr branch lp:~jonobacon/ubuntuaccomplishments/ubuntu-community19:17
jonono change something in there, or touch a few files to add to it19:17
jonothen do:19:18
jonobzr add19:18
jonobzr commit19:18
jonohmm maybe this isnt possible19:18
mhall119jono: where can I find members of the ARB?19:19
jonomhall119, app-review-board@lists.ubuntu.com19:19
jonoballoons, mind if we push our call back by 30 mins, I am going to pass out if I don't eat something soon19:20
balloonsjono, lol :-) I'll just be typing along on this, so yea.. I'm open all afternoon19:20
jonothanks balloons19:21
jonojcastro, so when you have updated to branch can you: bzr push lp:~jorge/ubuntuaccomplishments/my-new-branch ?19:21
jcastroyeah that doesn't work19:22
jcastroit gives me that error19:22
jcastrowhich makes no sense to me19:22
jonothat's weird19:22
jonoit should work19:22
jcastrobut this has to be possible, it's like a fundamental part of DVCS, heh19:22
jonolet me test19:22
jonojcastro, works for me, but I am not sur eif this is because I am ~jonobacon19:24
jcastroit lets me push to +junk all day, but then of course I can't propose merging back19:27
jcastrothis question feels james_w-ish ...19:27
jonojcastro, and you originally branched my ubuntu-community branch?19:28
jcastroand I just did a MP to the juju docs before you pinged me, so I am pretty sure I'm not totally messed up19:29
jonoworse case scenario I will set up a new project19:31
jonojcastro, aq got it working19:42
jonothanks for trying though19:42
jcastrowhat did I mess up?19:46
* jcastro sadtrombones19:47
jonojcastro, not sure19:52
jcastrook, so lp is nice to people on birthdays19:52
jonohaha it seems so19:54
jonoI am glad that people can propose merges into it though19:54
jonoas it means all the different accomplishments collections can be part of the same project19:54
jonowith different owners19:54
akgranerczajkowski, is the FOSSevents Calendar still being populated?  Are you still involved in that?19:54
jonoballoons, all set?20:00
balloonsyep yep20:00
jonosending a hangout invite20:00
jonomhall119, btw, I don't think we need download stats as so much ratings and reviews popularity20:02
jonoan app with 600 ratings is more interestingthan an app with 6 ratings20:02
mhall119but an app can get a lot of use without getting many (or any) ratings20:03
james_wjcastro, 'ubuntuaccomplisments' has a typo :-)20:07
* jcastro corrects and hits enter.20:10
jcastrojono: I should be fired.20:10
jonojcastro, agreed20:11
cjohnstonjcastro: what state has the most canonical employees?20:22
jcastrono clue20:22
cjohnstonsounds like something we should know20:23
balloonsdoes anyone know what happens if I switch distros and want to use software I paid for from ubuntu software center? would I have to install usc on the distro to use it or ?20:55
MrChrisDruifI absolutely don't know balloons20:59
popeyballoons: if you downloaded the software, surely you should keep it safe?21:00
balloonsI am asking in a retorically sense.. someone else asked, and I thought it was a great question. In this case it was respect to a game, and I'm sure the developer would help if a key was needed, etc.. However, I'm wondering if there is any sort of policy regarding keeping your purchases your own or not..21:01
balloons*retorically=rhetorical whew, typing21:03
balloonsg-night everyone :-)23:17
bkerensagnight balloons23:20
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