
RAOFOh, damn.  Alioth's broken again, isn't it.00:32
* RAOF gardens the SRU queue instead.00:33
RAOFChanging my boot sequence by means of installing an SSD has exposed an absolutely superb bug - hardware initialisation on this hybrid laptop is not deterministic, and the radeon card comes up first now.  Plymouth eagerly throws up the cryptsetup prompts on fb0, provided by radeon.00:53
RAOFThere's only one problem: the radeon card isn't connected to any outputs, so those cryptsetup prompts sit happily in VRAM :)00:54
TheMusoThats awesome~!00:57
RAOFThe kernel knows about this, too; once i915 is loaded, the kernel goes ‘Oh, whoops.  The primary console's actually on fb1, chaps, as it's conceivable that the user might be able to see it’.01:05
lifelessRAOF: \o/01:05
RAOFNot in so many words, though, because kernel developers are uncouth oafs!01:05
lifelessRAOF: ITYM uncouth aufs01:06
lifelessTheMuso: what sound do you get for :P ?01:07
TheMusolifeless: Literally how it is written.01:08
RAOFThere's a joke in there, if you've got the scope to find it.01:08
TheMusoRAOF: In other news, I think I had a GPU lockup earlier with nouveau, to the point where speech was still reading activity in the channel, but I got no keyboard and no mouse, and no changes on the screen. I couldn't even switch to a VT...01:09
RAOFTheMuso: Any trigger you could identify?01:10
TheMusoRAOF: No, this is the first time this has ever happened, I was just in a terminal using irssi. Didn't bring up anything in particular, no Unity features fo any kind.01:11
RAOFOk.  I think our ability to debug unreproducible nouveau hangs is somewhere between slim and none; if it happens again please pipe up, but I'm not sure I can do anything about a once-off.01:12
* TheMuso nods, just thought I'd let you know.01:13
TheMusoProbably won't happen again, since this is the first time in weeks that I have had one.01:16
TheMusoI.e the first time since I ever used nouveau with the NVIDIA GPU.01:16
RAOFThat's nice to hear :)01:17
micahgRAOF: any idea about my issue?01:23
RAOFSorry, that's dropped out of my context.01:24
RAOFWhat was it again? :)01:24
desrtvery quiet weekend it's been01:43
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
RAOFmicahg: What was your problem again?01:50
micahgRAOF: external monitor won't stay on after upgrade to precise01:51
RAOFOk.  It's a DisplayPort monitor, I take it?+01:52
* micahg isn't sure01:52
RAOFWhat does the plug look like? :)01:52
* RAOF is surprised.01:53
RAOFDo you have a bug report with more details, or shall I quiz you here?01:53
micahgno bug report yet01:53
micahgjust upgraded 2 hours ago01:53
desrtmicahg: i'd love to know the circumstances of your confusion :)01:54
micahgoh, I'm not familiar with X terminology01:54
desrtdisplayport is just another connector type01:54
RAOFmicahg: What's the GPU?  Intel, ATI, nVidia?01:55
RAOFAnd we're talking about the nouveau drivers, not the nvidia binary drivers++01:55
micahgGeForce GTX 460M01:55
micahgbinary nvidia01:55
micahgam I better off with nouveau?01:56
RAOFThere are definitely tradeoffs involved.01:56
desrtdepends on how you feel about global warming :)01:56
micahgis there an easy way to make that switch?01:57
desrtmicahg: jocky is probably the easiest way01:57
RAOFRight.  Nouveau doesn't do reclocking (although this is now enabled in git).  If your BIOS brings the card up in the lowest power state (most do) then you'll have reasonable power consumption.  If your BIOS brings up the card in the high-power state it'll eat electrons like candy.01:57
desrt'additional drivers' in the system settings01:57
micahgumm, jockey shows me 2 proprietary drivers :(01:58
RAOFYeah.  “Additional drivers” is easiest.  You can also go manually fiddling around with update-alternatives if you want.01:58
desrtmicahg: disable them!!!01:58
RAOFDisabling the proprietary driver will get you to the default (ie: open-source nouveau)01:58
desrt(says the free-software muse sitting on your left shoulder)01:58
desrtmicahg: other one is... wifi?01:59
micahgit tells me it's required if I want to run unity :)01:59
RAOFIt's lying.01:59
desrtmicahg: that's probably not true01:59
RAOFWe might want to reword that :)01:59
micahgwifi is enabled, but not active01:59
desrtalthough your unity experience will likely suffer01:59
* micahg has been using unity-2d anyways, so not likely :)01:59
RAOFMaybe.  You'll find that smspillaz runs nouveau in part because he hits fewer 3D bugs on it :)02:00
* desrt notes that the jockey UI looks quite ugly when no proprietary drivers are installed/needed02:00
* micahg tries a reboot02:02
RAOFYup, that's easiest02:02
mdeslaurjockey could use some usability love02:05
* RAOF notes the ominous lack of micahg02:08
mdeslaurmicahg: welcome back, we were worried02:09
* desrt files scathing UI review against jockey02:09
desrtbad jockey02:09
micahgumm, well, got a low graphics warning02:09
micahgseems fine now, I can see the screen, but it still won't stay on02:09
RAOFIt turns on, displays something, and then turns off after a while?02:10
micahgyeah, if I power cycle it, it shows the screen and then goes black02:11
mdeslaur*cough* hardware issue *cough*02:12
RAOFDoes the screen give a warning message?02:12
RAOFThere would seem to be two obvious options here: (1) the display clocks are drifting, and after a while they've drifted too far for the display to sync, or (2) for no obvious reason both drivers are sending DPMS off requests.02:13
micahgno warning issue, this happened right after I upgraded02:14
RAOFCan I get an Xorg.0.log please?02:14
RAOFAnd, hey, lets throw in a dmesg for good measure.02:14
micahgRAOF: e-mailed02:17
RAOFHm.  There's nothing particularly odd there, apart from the bit where it changes from cloned → spanned → cloned → spanned.02:22
micahgI"m going to try in anotherWM02:22
RAOFFair call.02:23
micahgok, I don't know where my VGA cable is right now so I can test this with another machine02:36
micahgI'll have to resort to single monitor mode until I find it I guess02:37
RAOFThe other thing to check would be that the kernel framebuffer is cloned across the monitors.02:38
micahgsame thing in Xubuntu with metacity and unity-3d as well02:38
RAOFBut this is not exactly a common failure mode :)02:38
micahghow do I do that?02:38
RAOFBoot into recovery mode, but remove the “nomodeset” from the kernel command line.02:39
RAOFThat should get you the kernel VT, spanned across both monitors.02:39
micahgwhy do I need recovery mode for that?02:39
RAOFJust to stop X starting.02:41
RAOFThat'll remove any possibility of the X driver sending a DPMS off signal or something.02:42
micahgthen how can I test it?02:42
RAOFThe kernel should bring up *both* displays, cloned.02:42
micahgah, ok02:42
desrtRAOF: i don't recall if we've had this conversation before02:42
desrtRAOF: is there a way to use xinput to change my laptop's trackpad into an absolute-movement touch device?02:43
RAOFI don't think we've had that conversation before, and I don't *think* so.02:43
* desrt installed some weird evdev-consuming driver once that did something like this02:44
desrtit was pretty flaky, though02:44
RAOFYeah, with uinput you could do that.02:44
RAOFpull the evdev events out of the kernel, feed them back in after flipping the absolute bit.02:45
RAOFHuh.  You could also do that with XTest if you felt the need.02:45
RAOFdesrt: Need to do some testing of absolute devices?02:45
desrtRAOF: i'm trying to test the gtk multitouch branch02:45
desrtafter some recent X updates it looks like it compiles at least02:46
RAOFYeah, the Xserver 1.11 transition included the 1.12 input stack, ie: Xi 2.2 ie: multitouch.02:46
RAOFWhich is what that branch will have been written against.02:46
desrtit was missing some constants in the headers for a while02:47
desrtso the thing compiles now, but it appears not to allow me to interact with my trackpad in any useful way02:47
RAOFYou were seeing the prototype, Ubuntu-only, multitouch protocol.02:47
RAOFOh, yeah.02:47
RAOFsynaptics is currently not doing multitouch - Chase is on it.02:48
desrtah.  that'll explain it02:48
desrtmeanwhile i have no way to test :)02:48
desrtmaybe i should throw precise on my exopc02:48
RAOFIf that uses evdev it should multitouch (I believe)02:49
desrtit works on fedora02:49
desrtthere's a reasonable chance that this branch could land this cycle02:49
desrtso i want to make sure that doesn't cause any crisis on ubuntu02:49
RAOFThe multitouch does?  Then it'd work on Ubuntu, too.02:49
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desrtdoes anyone have a concept of how stable precise is in terms of server-side?04:56
desrtlike, i guess there may be a new kernel or something coming04:56
desrtbut presumably not major new versions of core system components04:57
pittiGood morning05:30
desrtpitti: hello05:32
desrtgood weekend?05:32
pittipretty relaxed, yes; and you?05:33
desrtpretty decent.  saw lots of old friends.  ate too much, i think.05:33
TheMusoMorning pitti.05:33
pittihey TheMuso, how are you?05:33
TheMusopitti: Not too bad thanks, yourself?05:34
pittiTheMuso: pretty well, thanks!05:34
desrtlaunchpad email appears to have become useful while i wasn't looking05:57
desrtrelatively useful?06:00
desrtyou used to get emails from every single event that was vaguely related to any team that you were on and the only way to stop them was to leave the team...06:01
pittiit still sends out a lot of unwanted ones, but for bug mail they are quite useful indeed06:01
desrtit seems to only send me mails that are actually relevent to me now06:01
pittidesrt: you can configure it a lot more these days, too06:01
* desrt had redirected all launchpad emails to his spam folder for some time06:01
desrtonly looked now to find out that it doesn't send nearly as many as it used to06:02
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pittirobert_ancell: hey Robert, how are you?06:44
robert_ancellpitti, good06:45
pittirobert_ancell: do you know what creates /etc/lightdm/lighthdm.conf? Is that only ubiquity?06:45
pittiI don't see anything in lightdm's postinst for this06:45
robert_ancellpitti, yes, it should be that way now06:45
pittirobert_ancell: i. e. if it does not exist at all, lightdm still works06:45
pittirobert_ancell: I want to tackle bug 854431 now06:46
ubot2`Launchpad bug 854431 in lightdm "GDM automatic login is not transitioned to lightdm automatic login" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85443106:46
pittirobert_ancell: i. e. if lightdm gets installed during upgrade, there will be nothing writing the conffile06:46
pittirobert_ancell: so if it's not there, I'll create one based on gdm custom.conf06:46
robert_ancellpitti, yes I think that's correct, but you might want to confirm with didrocks as he did a lot of work in that area06:47
pittirobert_ancell: I took that bug from you, if that's alright with you?06:47
pitti(unless you want to work on it today)06:47
robert_ancellpitti, I never complain if people take my bugs :)06:47
pittibut I'd like it to be in a206:47
pittirobert_ancell: ^ are these two internal defaults?06:51
pittirobert_ancell: or do I need to set them if lightdm.conf exists?06:51
pittirobert_ancell: i. e. would it be better to set them or should it only have autologin-user= ?06:52
robert_ancellpitti, from debian/rules: dh_auto_configure -- --with-greeter-user=lightdm --with-user-session=ubuntu06:53
robert_ancellI'm trying to work out what sets unity-greeter in there...06:53
pittirobert_ancell: well, it needs to do something sensible if there is no lightdm.conf at all, so I guess it's ok06:53
pittirobert_ancell: that's in unity-greeter.postinst06:53
robert_ancellpitti, ah right, it's done by /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-set-defaults in the unity-greeter postinst06:53
pitti/usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-set-defaults --keep-old --greeter=unity-greeter06:53
robert_ancellright, so that just needs patching to handle the autologin user06:55
pittirobert_ancell: I'll add autologin support to lightdm-set-defaults upstream and backport it06:55
didrocksgood morning07:40
pittibonjour didrocks07:41
pittica va?07:41
didrocksguten morgen pitti! ça va bien, et toi? :)07:41
pittije suis bien, merci!07:41
pittididrocks: "Make some promotion on user test cases once the tools are ready" (amber graner), do you happen to know whether this happened?07:47
didrockspitti: no, it didn't. I warned her that she can do some in uwn07:48
pittididrocks: ok, thanks07:49
pittididrocks: for the tarmac integration, would you call this done now? (description is fuzzy), or do you plan to do more?07:51
didrockspitti: I wanted to add more at first, but it's a little bit difficult to progress on it right now socially speaking…07:52
pittididrocks: at least it seems to do its main job now?07:53
didrockspitti: yeah, it does07:53
pittididrocks: so, perhaps we should call it done now, and you add a new WI for beta-1 with a more specific name if you want to add something?07:54
didrockspitti: oh, you are speaking about the autopilot?07:54
didrocksor the "additional tarmac facility"07:54
pitti"Help on the tarmac autopilot integration"07:54
didrockspitti: no, this one is blocked. I tried to bring the subject back on the table twice07:54
didrocksbut no reaction from the third involved party07:54
didrocksso I would say "blocked" on my side07:55
pittididrocks: ok, updating status and moving to b107:55
pittirodrigo_: good morning, how are you?08:11
rodrigo_hi pitti08:11
pittirodrigo_: would it help you if I upload packagekit with the new LANGUAGE_SUPPORT enum backported?08:12
pittirodrigo_: I also did a few other fixes upstream which make "pkcon what-provides" work on the command line, which makes testing easier08:12
rodrigo_pitti, yes, i already have it on my jhbuild setup, but yes, do it, it will be helpful08:12
rodrigo_I will push my g-c-c branch later today, just a couple things to finish08:13
pittirodrigo_: I haven't implemented it in aptdaemon yet, as glatzor wanted to add plugin support first08:13
pittirodrigo_: but I wondered whether you actually test against packagekit itself, or aptdaemon-pkcompat?08:13
rodrigo_pitti, since I hadn't finished it, I was just compiling against my PK branch08:14
pittirodrigo_: ok, that's fine08:14
pittirodrigo_: are you using the aptcc or the apt backend?08:15
pittirodrigo_: as the apt backend currently just crashes if you try WhatProvides(); I fixed that in trunk, too, and will backport it along08:15
rodrigo_pitti, hmm, aptcc08:16
pittirodrigo_: ok; we can't really implement it there, I think glatzor wants to switch back to "apt" as default08:17
tkamppeterpitti, hi08:17
pittihey tkamppeter, guten Morgen08:17
pittitkamppeter: FYI, I did a few changes to cups and cups-filters, but can't push my branch (alioth is down again)08:18
pittitkamppeter: if you want to work on it, please ping me, I can put it on LP08:18
tkamppeterpitti, why did you change the milestone of the cups task in bug 885324? I have fixed this.08:19
ubot2`Launchpad bug 885324 in imagemagick "Completely replace lcms1 by lcms2 in Ubuntu" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88532408:19
pittitkamppeter: hm, cups still depends on liblcms108:20
pittitkamppeter: and today is alpha-2 freeze08:20
pittitkamppeter: oh, it's in cups-filters now, I see08:20
tkamppeterpitti, what makes cups depending on liblcms1?08:20
pittitkamppeter: that was still -15, sorry08:21
pittiI'll update the bug08:21
tkamppeterpitti, already done.08:21
pittitkamppeter: ah, you already did; moved back the milestone08:21
pittirodrigo_: btw, I had to "git merge master" in your branch to build it (failed on wacom stuff)08:22
pittithen it worked fine08:22
rodrigo_pitti, oh, already did it over the weekend08:24
rodrigo_pitti, did you push?08:24
pittirodrigo_: no, just locally for testing08:24
pittiI really don't want to mess up your branch :)08:25
pittirodrigo_: BTW, does that automatically configure the default ibus module?08:28
pittilanguage-selector still has an explicit combobox for this08:28
pittibut I don't know enough about this to say whether it should be there or nor08:28
pittiChinese people tend to use different modules, though08:29
rodrigo_pitti, hmm, not sure08:35
tkamppeterpitti, thanks for the quick switchover to the new cups/cups-filters packages.08:39
pittimvo: can I get the "system architecture" from python-apt somehow, or do I need to call dpkg --print-architecture?08:52
mvopitti: python -c 'import apt_pkg; print apt_pkg.get_architectures()'08:56
pitti>>> apt.apt_pkg.get_architectures()08:56
pitti['amd64', 'i386']08:56
mvopitti: eh, actually this needs a apt_pkg.init() first (or apt does this implicitely for you) :)08:56
pittimvo: can I rely on the first one being the native system one, or is that just ordered alphabetically?08:57
mvopitti: yeah, thats the one - the first is the native one08:57
pittimvo: sweet, thanks!08:57
pittibonjour seb12809:08
didrockssalut seb12809:08
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone09:08
seb128hey guys09:09
seb128how are you?09:09
pittiquite fine, thanks!09:09
BigWhaleis Precise stable enough to be used as development platform? :>09:19
pittiBigWhale: it's our mission to keep it working and upgradeable every day09:21
pittiand we use a lot more staging these days for pre-upload testing09:21
pittiBigWhale: so I'd say yes09:21
pittierrors still happen, of course, but it feels a lot more stable than earlier releases09:21
pittieven according to non-developers like rickspencer3 :)09:22
BigWhaleI'm thinking about upgrade ...09:23
BigWhaleHow's with restricted graphics drivers? fglrx, to be more exact.09:23
BigWhalehm drrmd yo nr rok09:24
BigWhaleerr... seems to be ok09:25
pittiBigWhale: yes, nvidia-current works; -173 and -96 don't09:25
chrisccoulsonhey seb128, didrocks, pitti, how was your weekend?09:26
didrockschrisccoulson: it was nice, quite quiet because of the weather, but nice, yours?09:26
seb128quite good, lot of doing nothing, i.e tv and video games ;-)09:26
seb128what about you?09:27
chrisccoulsondidrocks, yeah, mine was not too bad, although i did work yesterday to get the firefox / thunderbird 10 releases ready09:27
chrisccoulsonseb128, sounds like you had quite a relaxing weekend ;)09:27
didrocksoh, that's why you blogged about it :)09:27
chrisccoulsondidrocks, yeah :)09:28
pittichrisccoulson: very relaxed, thanks! wanted to go for some cross-country skiing, but not quite enough snow here yet, so we just went for a long walk09:28
seb128pitti, for the full source vcs-es like dx components or lightdm you can bzr merge a revision, it's easier than using the patch system09:30
seb128pitti, next bzr merge-upstream will ignore the commit backported, or rather deal with it, so no added a patch and reverting later09:30
pittiseb128: ah, I see; I actually started with bzr merge -c09:30
seb128it's just a "one comamnd, one time"09:30
pittiseb128: but then saw that there was a debian/patches/09:30
seb128the patches dir is useful for stuff not coming from the upstream vcs09:30
seb128like real distro diff09:30
pittiseb128: ok; will remember next time09:30
seb128ok ;-)09:30
seb128well it works also your way, it's just extra work09:30
BigWhalepitti, ah well, I'll just run an upgrade and see what happens :>09:35
DavieyAnyone happen to know how to change the keybinding for HUD, for it not to steal alt?10:07
didrocksDaviey: there is the option on ccsm to assign any keybinding you want10:13
didrocks(not tested there though)10:14
pittiI thought that package was unspeakable now10:14
didrockspitti: it is, but I can give the gconf key as well :) I trust Daviey to not go crazy on ccsm options10:17
BigWhaleRandom trivia: during an upgrade to precise, unity will die and you will end up with all the windows crammed on one screen with no means to move them. quite funny. :>10:34
BigWhaleI'll wait for an upgrade to finish :>10:35
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Davieydidrocks: heh, thanks!10:55
didrocksDaviey: yw ;)10:55
geserwhat's the default terminal background in precise? dark or light?11:04
agateauhey, does this kind of build error messages ring a bell to any of you: "/bin/sed: can't read /usr/lib/libgtk-3.la: No such file or directory", while trying to build indicator-appmenu on precise11:06
geserfind out which dependencies pulls this in and that one needs fixing11:07
agateauoneiric package for libgtk-3-dev shipped it, but it does not anymore11:13
pittiagateau: package was multiarched, it's in (e. g.) /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgtk-3.a now11:22
pittiagateau: ah, ignore me; .la files are obsolete11:22
pittiagateau: if some package needs them, please stop that from shipping a .la file, too11:23
agateaupitti: mmm, I am not sure I know how to do this11:23
* agateau digs into indicator-appmenu build files11:23
gesermy guess: an other .la file still mentions it11:23
seb128what's the issue?11:24
geserinstall the build-depends and grep the .la files for it11:24
pitti$ find /usr/lib -name '*.la' | xargs grep gtk-311:24
geserseb128: FTBFS due to mentioning a non-existant .la file11:24
pittiagateau: nothing here; can you run this on your boxZ?11:24
agateauseb128: "/bin/sed: can't read /usr/lib/libgtk-3.la: No such file or directory", while trying to build indicator-appmenu on precise11:25
pittiagateau: also run it on /usr/local/lib, to be sure11:25
pittiagateau: often this happens if you do a "make install" from e. g. trunk into /usr/local/11:25
agateaupitti: what is "boxZ"?11:25
pittiagateau: "box"11:25
pittilike "computer"11:25
agateaupitti: uh ok, I thought it was another tool I didn't know about :)11:26
seb128agateau, likely a local build, grep for /usr/lib/libgtk *.la in your local build dirs11:26
agateaucould be indeed, the find returns a bunch of libdummy-indicator-*.la files11:27
* agateau rms11:27
agateauI mean rm them11:27
geserseb128: do you know if the default terminal background (as we ship it) is dark or light?11:31
seb128geser, ?11:31
seb128what do you mean?11:31
seb128open a guest session and try? ;-)11:31
geserin Gnome terminal, the background color11:31
seb128no idea but it seems trivial to test11:31
geserok, will try it out then11:32
seb128though I think the current version is buggy11:32
seb128chrisccoulson or somebody made it ubuntuish some cycles ago and that has been dropped or broken it seems11:32
mptpitti, hi, where can I find a complete list of the drivers that Jockey handles? I've found examples/handlers/, but presumably those are only examples. (This is for the desktop-p-control-center-cleanup work item "Design a replacement for the Jockey interface ready to implement in Q".)11:32
geserthere is vim bug asking to "set background=dark" by default (which only works if we have a dark terminal by default)11:33
seb128geser, the default seems to be to follow the system theme11:33
agateauseb128: pitti: ok, problem fixed by removing those manually installed .la files. Thanks for the help!11:34
seb128agateau, yw11:34
geserand the default system theme stays like it is or are there any changes planned?11:34
seb128there is not only one theme, there are 2 themes11:35
seb128they will not change this cycle afaik11:35
seb128but you need to make sure it works with the light theme as well I guess11:35
manishis there a vapi file for gnome control center? Anyone knows how to integrate an applet inside g-c-c?11:37
geserthat's my fear that there is no default which works in every case (GNOME, KDE and the other variants)11:37
seb128manish, GNOME doesn't allow integration in g-c-c, so if you do that your code will be Ubuntu specific11:38
seb128manish, you can look at deja-dup as an example11:38
manishseb128: in this case a new window opens up11:38
manishI want it to behave like bluetooth, displays etc11:38
manishnot possible?11:38
seb128manish, in Ubuntu you can, upstream you can't11:39
manishseb128: I am working on activity-log-manager g-c-c integration11:39
manishso this means there needs to be an ubuntu specific patch11:39
seb128manish, oh, then libgnome-control-center-dev11:40
seb128manish, check /usr/include/gnome-control-center-1/libgnome-control-center/cc-panel.h11:40
seb128manish, you can use deja-dup as a code example, it does integrate there11:40
manishthat's the file I am looking at11:40
manishyup, but I am writing alm in vala, so need the vapi file11:40
manishthanks, checking deja-dup11:40
manishthanks for you help, only 2 weeks left and this work is not finished, but activity-log-manager gtk3 port is done11:41
seb128manish, in fact deja-dup is doing it in C, I guess you can either do that part in C or hack a local vapi...11:41
manishyup, I am not very good at vala either, this was my first work in vala. Will copy the integration part from deja-dup11:42
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sorenWhere does the font settings thing live nowaways?12:23
seb128soren, in gsettings12:24
sorenAh, so no UI?12:24
seb128you can "zoom the text" in the a11y control panel12:24
seb128but otherwise no12:25
seb128GNOME considers the font as part of the branding12:25
seb128so they just give you the ability to zoom if you want bigger or smaller text12:25
sorenHm. OK.12:26
sorenWhere in gsettings can I fiddle with this?12:26
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sorenFound it.12:30
mdeslaurseb128: I spent the weekend on screen locking. suspend/resume should be consistent with autologin now, both in gnome-shell and unity. Also, auth dialog should consistently appear after resume now, and another bug squashed that preventing locking from working in certain situations.12:43
* didrocks no X anymore…12:46
sorendidrocks: It's overrated anyway.12:46
didrockssoren: yeah, quite annoying for releasing unity though :)12:47
seb128mdeslaur, thanks a lot !12:52
mdeslaurseb128: np, let me know if I broke anything12:52
seb128mdeslaur, oh sure, I can do that ;-)12:54
mdeslaurseb128: hehe12:54
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jbichagood morning, I got nautilus working except that the Change Desktop Background and Ubuntu Documentation menu items don't show up13:03
jbichait's in https://code.launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/nautilus/ubuntu if someone wants to look at it13:03
seb128hey jbicha13:05
seb128jbicha, you mean the unstable serie version? or is something broken in the precise version?13:05
jbichaseb128: 3.3.413:06
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didrocksSarvatt: hey, can I bother you about a latest xorg + nvidia-current issue? :)13:18
pittihello jbicha, how are you?13:19
pittiseb128: FYI, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/ppa/+packages has udisks2 now13:20
pittiseb128: it apparently still has some trouble with our udev version, though13:21
pittiseb128: I don't feel 100% sure about it yet13:21
seb128pitti, \o/13:23
seb128pitti, ok13:23
pittijbicha: do you think we should do a freedrdp upload from the debian git now?13:23
seb128desrt was asking about it the other day13:23
pittijbicha: seems it's stuck in Debian?13:23
pittiseb128: current g-d-u needs a new GTK13:24
pittiseb128: I think you were going to package this, according to your discussion with doko13:24
pittiseb128: when that's in, I can upload gdu to the PPA< too13:25
seb128pitti, there is no new gtk tarball yet, I think next GNOME tarballs are due next week, but I was pondering maybe backporting some fixes13:26
seb128we are not in an hurry though13:26
jbichapitti: hi, I don't think the Debian maintainer is going to change the freerdp packaging much, it'd be gone to get the mir review completed13:28
pittijbicha: "it'd be gone"?13:29
pittijbicha: I'd like to add a Breaks:, but I can't commit it as alioth is down; but I could do it locally and upload to Ubuntu for now13:30
pittiseb128: do we want to go with gvfs 1.11? I can have a go at this now if you want13:31
jbicha*it'd be good13:32
seb128pitti, yes, since udisk2 is a new monitor it should be fine13:32
seb128there are quite some fixes and code cleaning for the new glib13:32
seb128so it would be good to get13:32
pittiseb128: roger that, I'll see how it works13:33
seb128pitti, danke13:34
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vuntzpitti: hello and ping14:00
pittibonjour vuntz, ca va?14:00
vuntzja, sehr gut!14:01
vuntzpitti: I'm pushing wnck_shutdown() with my changes (in case you want to look at them)14:01
pittivuntz: ah, did I mess up a lot?14:01
vuntzpitti: one quick question: is there any reason we call _wnck_select_input() with the orig event mask only for WnckWindow, and not for WnckScreen and WnckApplication?14:02
vuntzpitti: nah, it was good. I'm just cleaning things at the same time ;-)14:02
pittivuntz: I don't know the original intent, I just mirrored what the previous code did (i. e. setting it vs. ORing it with the already existing mask)14:02
pittivuntz: that might very well be an oversight, of course14:02
vuntzpitti: I mean, when shutting down. We set the mask to 0 for the root window of the WnckScreen and the window of WnckApplication14:04
vuntzor actually, we don't even set it back for WnckApplication14:04
pittivuntz: I mean that e. g. wnck_screen_construct() just sets it to PropertyChangeMask instead of getting the old flags first and ORing them (as WnckWindow does)14:06
vuntzpitti: hrm, no, it's the same thing: the OR is done inside _wnck_select_input()14:08
pittivuntz: ah, I misremembered, indeed; so I guess these should save/restore the original state, too14:09
pittii. e. adding a priv->orig_event_mask14:09
vuntzok, will fix it14:09
pittivuntz: want me to update accordingly?14:09
pittioh, ok14:09
mptpitti, hi, did you see my question before about Jockey?14:11
pittimpt: sorry, I didn't; was that here and today? I don't see it in backscroll14:12
mpt<mpt> pitti, hi, where can I find a complete list of the drivers that Jockey handles? I've found examples/handlers/, but presumably those are only examples. (This is for the desktop-p-control-center-cleanup work item "Design a replacement for the Jockey interface ready to implement in Q".)14:13
pittimpt: /usr/share/jockey/handlers/ has the complete list14:13
pittimpt: The most popular ones are NVidia in all its flavours, FGLRX, and the Broadcom wifi driver; we also support sl-modem, DVB USB firmware, and VMWare client tools14:14
pittimpt: and then we look up printer drivers on openprinting.org14:14
mptpitti, are printer drivers shown inside Jockey currently?14:15
pittimpt: not if you open it through control-center, just if you plug in a new printer which doesn't have a packaged driver14:15
pitti(through system-config-pritner)14:15
mptok, thanks pitti14:16
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mpttkamppeter, hi, are the printer drivers downloaded from openprinting.org (a) all proprietary, (b) all open source, or (c) a mixture of proprietary and open source?14:21
pittimpt: they can be, and are, both14:21
pittimpt: they tell us the license, though14:22
pittijockey knows whether they are free software or not14:22
mptAnd I guess that's (at least partly) why it's called "Additional Drivers" not "Proprietary Drivers" :-)14:22
pittiright :)14:23
pittimpt: we also used it in e. g. natty for offering the experimental nouveau 3D drivers14:23
mptpitti, so for some graphics cards there might be a choice of three drivers? (Stable OSS, experimental OSS, proprietary)14:24
pittimpt: we don't have "stable OSS" drivers14:25
pittithese are "just there"14:25
pittimpt: we used to have experimental/FOSS, but for precise we just have non-free ones14:25
pitti(for nvidia, that is)14:25
pittithe only free ones which we might have are the openprinting.org ones14:26
mptpitti, what was nv then?14:26
pittimpt: we never showed that14:26
pittiyou eitehr enabled nvidia or disabled it, in which case nv was used (or nouveau these days)14:26
mptI see14:26
pittiI really wish we had something much simpler14:27
pittiI want to push down the "which driver do I need" logic into packagekit/aptdaemon, then we can use it easily from just about anywhere14:27
pittimpt: for the broadcom wifi it's largely obsolete even -- it gets installed through ubiquity without asking if you need it, as there is no alternative14:28
mptIt might be interesting to have the graphics driver choice in the "Displays" settings for example14:28
pittibut for graphics drivers we actuallly do want the choice14:28
mptpitti, whatever happened to Broadcom open-sourcing their driver? :-)14:28
pittiI don't know14:28
ogra_hey, dont forget arm :)14:28
ogra_we only have the choice between fully proprietary or raw framebuffer there14:29
ogra_(and plan to move to jockey for that)14:29
mptpitti, I see on Google Images that sometimes there's a choice between multiple versions of the Nvidia driver, too14:29
pittimpt: yes, indeed, as they have several "series" of the driver14:30
pittimpt: and to add to the confusion, we now have an "-updates" variant for nvidia and fglrx14:30
pittii. e. in the end we have 6 nvidia drivers and two fglrx14:30
pittia normal one, which pretty much stays what it is after release14:31
pittiand -updates gets updated to new upstream releases post-release, and thus might both bring you tremendously better support as well as completely brick your box14:31
pittiit's a little easier with fglrx14:31
mptSo, even if we pushed graphic driver choice to the "Displays" settings, wifi/modem choice to the "Network" settings, and printer driver choice to the "Printers" settings ... there would still be VMWare, and and DVB-USB, and other categories that might come along in future (e.g. bug 177355)14:36
ubot2`Launchpad bug 177355 in jockey "Fetch scanner firmware" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17735514:36
mptso we'd need a general-purpose interface for them anyway14:36
pittimpt: potentially yes14:36
kenvandinegood morning everyone!14:37
pittihey kenvandine, had a nice weekend?14:37
kenvandinevery, and you?14:37
* kenvandine spent lots of quality time running gwibber in valgrind and fixed the memory leaks :)14:37
pittiheh, I just spent an hour packaging cups-filters, and otherwise was pretty lazy14:38
kenvandinelazy is good :)14:38
BigWhalequality times with debuggers are the best kind! :>14:38
pittiwe did a nice walk through the snow, I finished reading my current book, and we went out dancing again on Saturday14:38
pittiit's been a while since I went to bed at 3:30 pm :)14:38
* kenvandine wants to see some snow14:38
chrisccoulsonme too!14:39
kenvandinewe keep having these 70F days here... doesn't feel like winter14:39
BigWhalekenvandine, we had 1/4" yesterday... gone now tho ... :>14:39
BigWhaleoooh, I like new scrollbars14:44
pittiseb128: gvfs 0.11.2 uploaded; this does not have support for udisks2 yet14:55
pittivuntz: ah, thanks for adding the test-shutdown thingy, that makes it easier to find14:57
seb128pitti, \o/14:59
vuntzpitti: you should probably double check I didn't break things and that there's still no wakeup ;-)15:03
pittivuntz: confirmed, still working as expected15:05
vuntzpitti: thanks!15:08
vuntz*/W 115:08
desrtvuntz: hey :)15:09
vuntzdesrt: ola!15:11
desrtvuntz: what've you been up to?15:12
vuntzdesrt: some opensuse stuff, lately15:13
jbichakenvandine: lol, it's supposed to be winter still? I at least saw some frost this morning15:14
desrtvuntz: is it taking over your life to the same degree as gnome did? :)15:14
kenvandinejbicha, this morning it was close to freezing, but it is going to jump back up to 70 tomorrow15:14
vuntzdesrt: nah, I'm actually using more time for life nowadays :-)15:15
vuntzdesrt: coming to Brussels?15:15
desrthard to justify the trip for just 2 days, you know15:16
kenvandinevuntz, i'm updating the gwibber NEWS file :)15:16
desrtif didrocks was still in paris, i'd probably have visited him on the side of the trip as a reason to make it worthwhile15:16
vuntzkenvandine: :-)15:16
vuntzdesrt: shame15:16
didrocksdesrt: yeah, but I'm in a better place now :)15:16
desrtdidrocks: not gonna argue that :)15:17
desrtdidrocks: i just had a friend of a friend move to lyon, btw15:17
desrthe seems to agree that it's a nice city :)15:17
didrocksoh? :)15:17
desrtnot sure which area he lives in.  i should ask.15:18
pittijbicha: hm, I thought you committed some changes to rename the rdp library for the soname bump?15:32
pittijbicha: or do I misremember and you said "upstream did, but I missed it"?15:32
pittijbicha: with alioth down, these might still sit in your local git repo?15:32
jbichapitti: I pushed to alioth before it went down, but do you have a recommendation where I could push it to you now?15:51
BigWhalewhich version of unity will land in precise? 5.2?15:52
seb128BigWhale, when?15:54
seb1285.2 is this week version15:54
seb128but there will be other versions during the cycle15:54
BigWhaleoh, I didn't know numbers are going up so fast :)15:55
seb128mvo, help!15:55
BigWhaleis there a ppa for the latest version? the most stable bleeding edge :>15:55
seb128$ LC_ALL=C sudo apt-get remove --purge libunity-misc015:56
seb128mvo, let me use ubuntu-devel rather15:56
BigWhalestaging ppa?15:56
seb128BigWhale, yes15:57
BigWhaleseb128, excellent15:59
mvoseb128: ?15:59
RiddellSweetshark: when I export a spreadsheet as PDF from libreoffice how can I specify which sheet to use?16:10
pittijbicha: hm, perhaps format-patch 4974713191218... and mail them to me?16:14
chrisccoulsonis anyone here on oneiric?16:26
chrisccoulsonor older? ;)16:27
seb128what do you need? I've boxes on older versions16:28
jbichame too16:29
pittigood night everyone!16:37
seb128'night pitti16:37
chrisccoulsonseb128, could you install http://code.google.com/p/crashme/, crash firefox and send me the crash ID?16:38
chrisccoulsonit seems that crash reports from most of our users are still lacking crash symbols. i'm just wondering if something is broken, or whether people just aren't up-to-date16:39
seb128chrisccoulson, ok, will do in a bit16:43
DBObryce, around?17:01
BigWhaleHmmm, launcher on both screens sure is nice, but I'd prefer launcher on the right side of my right monitor... or at least a lower 'force' required for mouse to pass from one screen to another.17:04
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dobeyBigWhale: launcher on both screens? is that the norm, or customizable?17:12
BigWhaledobey, no idea... I just installed staging ppa17:13
BigWhaleand I have it on both screens17:13
kenvandinedobey, feature just merged i think17:13
dobeykenvandine: glad i don't have two displays then i guess :)17:16
BigWhalekenvandine, I'll be testing gwibber now... ;> get ready. :P17:16
kenvandinei'll like 2 launchers, i have 2 1080p displays... the launcher is really far away from the right screen :)17:16
BigWhalekenvandine, yeah, I agree. but I'd prefer right launcher on the right side :/17:17
kenvandinethat would feel weird to me...17:17
kenvandinealthough i hate autohide17:17
kenvandineso i don't have to deal with revealing it17:18
BigWhalewell, now there's this 'bump' in the middle of the screen17:18
BigWhaleyeah I also have it on all the time17:18
BigWhalekenvandine, is there a more recent ppa for gwibber than unity staging?17:18
kenvandinethere is precise :)17:19
kenvandinei just uploaded 3.3.3 this morning17:19
BigWhaleoh I need to do an upgrade... strange17:21
dobeykenvandine: well, if i had another one of these screens, i'd have 2x 2048x1152. but i'd also only want stuff on the second screen which i explicitly put there. win/mac get this right, but on linux everyone seems to always want to try and be overly smart about it. :-/17:23
dobeyalthough, if i end up doing what i've been pondering, i'll end up with 2 screens that are like 3840x240017:25
dobeybut i probably won't do that ;)17:27
manishmterry: got a minute?17:39
mterrymanish, sure17:39
manishfirst, thanks for your great work caled deja-dup17:39
manishI am integrating zeitgeist privacy (activity-log-manager) in control center17:40
manishand looking at preferences of deja-dup folder17:40
manishto create a binary17:40
manishas well as .so/.la file17:40
manishwhich gets installed in the panels folder17:40
manishI did that17:40
manishmhr3: and after installing, the files get installed properly, only to find that they are not being loaded by g-c-c17:41
manishmterry: : and after installing, the files get installed properly, only to find that they are not being loaded by g-c-c17:41
manishmhr3: sorry17:41
seb128manish, do you have a .desktop as well for the panel?17:41
manishno, havn't created it yet17:41
mterrymanish, yeah, look at the data/ directory for the deja-dup-ccpanel.desktop file and do something similar17:41
mterrymanish, g-c-c only loads panels it finds desktop files for17:42
manishoh, doing C/vala stuff for the first time. Thanks for the heads up17:42
mterrymanish, the key difference is a new field "X-GNOME-Settings-Panel=XXX" where XXX is your panel's id17:43
manishso how do I know about the panel's id?17:43
mterrymanish, and you need to add X-GNOME-Settings-Panel to your Categories17:44
mterrymanish, it should be the basename of your .so file17:44
manishgot it. Thanks, trying17:44
mterryso I install libdeja-dup.so and I use 'deja-dup' as an ID17:44
BigWhaleif totem, mplayer and vlc crash Xorg in Precise, this would be already known issue, or? :)17:52
chrisccoulsongrrrr, damn you xchat and the stuck messaging indicator17:54
dobeyBigWhale: i haven't seen that17:55
dobeychrisccoulson: are you sure stuck messaging indicator isn't ubuntu one?17:55
BigWhaledobey, I'm using laterst fglrx also17:57
BigWhalemight be related17:58
chrisccoulsondobey, no. xchat has a bug where if somebody pings you and then changes their name, the message recipient can't cancel the indicator17:59
chrisccoulsonand somebody did that to me earlier ;)17:59
mterrychrisccoulson, that sucks18:00
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chrisccoulsongrrrrr, mterry18:00
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chrisccoulson2i bet you're not using xchat, are you?18:01
dobeyoh nice18:01
kenvandinechrisccoulson2, i know.. that is annoying18:02
dobeydon't use xchat :)18:02
kenvandinei can't get a signal for when someone changes their nick though... at least not through the plugin API18:02
dobeyirssi+screen for the triple-double18:02
=== chrisccoulson2 is now known as chrisccoulson
* didrocks waves good night18:37
cyphermoxnight didrocks18:37
seb128RainCT, hey, do you think you could backport http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~zeitgeist/zeitgeist/bluebird/revision/378 to zg in Debian?18:39
RainCTseb128: Hey. Sure18:40
seb128RainCT, thanks ;-)18:40
micahgwhich release did glib single include start with?18:47
dobeya long long time ago18:48
seb128so 2.23?18:49
seb128or before18:49
dobeyglib.h has been around longer than that. i think that's when it started being less optional :)18:50
micahgseb128: so lucid had support for this?  I just want to know whether or not I can upstream this patch for chromium18:50
dobeycgit has a very annoing interface then18:50
seb128micahg, yes18:50
cyphermoxdesrt: seb128: how would I go about replacing a menuitem from a GtkMenu/GtkMenuShell in-place? e.g. figuring out its position value or something?18:50
desrtcyphermox: the only way you do that is by calling gtk_container_get_children() and counting18:51
micahgexcellent :)18:51
cyphermoxdesrt: gah.18:51
desrtcyphermox: or by gtk_container_foreach, same story18:51
desrtthe foreach is a bit less expensive since you don't allocate the list18:51
cyphermoxdesrt: I was mostly afraid this wouldn't map to the same values18:51
desrti think it should18:52
cyphermoxworth a try, anyway18:52
micahgseb128: BTW, chromium builds webkit with -jX, so idk why it doesn't work with webkitgtk18:53
jbichaseb128: could you push gnome-shell through the oneiric-proposed new queue?19:03
desrtpitti: so what's the word on udisks?19:23
RainCTseb128: zeitgeist (0.8.99~alpha2-2) uploaded to experimental19:33
seb128RainCT, thanks19:42
seb128desrt, what about it?19:42
desrtseb128: pitti said (i think) he would package udisks219:42
seb128jbicha, no, I'm not in the SRU team, check with pitti and RAOF19:42
kenvandinedesrt, is there a way to query to see if a gapplication is running?19:43
seb128desrt, he wrote "FYI, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/ppa/+packages has udisks2 now"19:43
desrtah.  nice.19:43
seb128"it apparently still has some trouble with our udev version, though"19:43
seb128"I don't feel 100% sure about it yet"19:43
desrtkenvandine: like, check if its bus name is owned?19:43
seb128desrt, he said also that the new gdu needs a new gtk19:43
kenvandineyeah, i could do that with dbus19:43
seb128desrt, so maybe next week19:43
kenvandinebut it seems like something gapplication could solve nicely19:44
desrtseb128: i think mclasen was talking of doing a pair of releases19:44
seb128desrt, 3.3.5 is next week19:44
desrtseb128: glib and gtk have been releasing more frequently already19:44
seb128desrt, we are in soft freeze this week for alpha2 and I want to avoid your gmenu breakages then, so likely next week19:45
desrti actually don't really care about gdu19:45
desrti just want jhbuild working :)19:45
seb128desrt, use the ppa ;-)19:45
seb128I'm sure pitti welcomes feedback19:45
desrtnot a bad suggestion19:46
manishmterry: I tried, but it is failing, have a look at the desktop.in file I am providing and the deja-dup's one http://paste.ubuntu.com/822970/19:55
seb128manish, what is your /usr/share/applications .desktop?19:56
seb128can you pastebin the content of this one?19:56
manishsomething really wrong,19:56
aquariuspitti, ping about calibre crashe19:57
manishseb128: this http://paste.ubuntu.com/822975/19:57
manishand this19:58
manish$ gnome-control-center alm19:58
manish** (gnome-control-center:7574): WARNING **: Could not find settings panel "alm"19:58
manish** (gnome-control-center:7574): WARNING **: Could not load setting panel "alm": Unknown error19:58
seb128aquarius, try tomorrow, it's way after work time for him19:58
aquariusseb128, yeah, I know, it is for me (and you!) too; I just thought I'd see if I were lucky :)19:58
jbichapitti: are you still around?19:59
manishseb128: I see that deja-dup does not install the .la files19:59
seb128manish, do you have a /usr/lib/control-center-1/panels/libalm.so ?19:59
manish$ ls /usr/lib/control-center-1/panels/libalm.*19:59
manish/usr/lib/control-center-1/panels/libalm.a  /usr/lib/control-center-1/panels/libalm.la  /usr/lib/control-center-1/panels/libalm.so19:59
seb128manish, strace gnome-control-center alm 2> &1 | grep alm and pastebin the log?20:01
mterrymanish, I'm looking now too20:01
manishmterry: in case you need, the branch is lp:~activity-log-manager/activity-log-manager/vala-gcc20:02
seb128jbicha, you should give some context, I guess he will read the log tomorrow morning20:02
mterrymanish, have you forced a regeneration of the desktop file caches?20:02
mterrymanish, (I forget the real command to do it, but 'apt-get install evince --reinstall' will work)20:03
manishmterry: is it something magical? I just used the same template as deja-dup20:03
manishmterry: via apt-get?20:03
seb128manish, mterry: sudo update-desktop-database20:03
manishseb128: http://paste.ubuntu.com/822982/20:03
mterryseb128, thanks  :)20:04
manishlooks like it is finding the libalm.so file20:04
manishbut not loading it20:04
seb128manish, mterry: that strace shows that it finds the .desktop and .so, so I guess you have a code bug20:04
seb128I will let mterry pick it up from there20:05
manishseb128: thanks a lot20:05
manishmterry: I think it should not be a big issue for you. The real integration file is in src/alm-cc.c in the branch I gave you20:06
mterrymanish, let me look20:06
jbichaseb128: pitti no problem, I'll just ping raof later20:08
seb128jbicha, what's the question?20:09
dobeykenvandine: nessita and i won't have to bug you for sponsorship so much now. hooray! :)20:10
seb128jbicha, btw looking to the ppa we can probably update gsettings-desktop-schemas  in precise after checking that it doesn't break things20:11
seb128jbicha, but it seems mostly schemas addition and a few commits20:11
seb128dobey, on what set did you get upload rights?20:11
seb128nessita1, dobey: congrats ;-)20:11
dobeyseb128: ubuntuone :)20:12
jbichaseb128: gnome-shell in the oneiric-proposed new queue20:12
seb128dobey, so you got a new set? you got both upload for the set?20:12
dobeyseb128: yep20:12
mterrymanish, mmm, hold on a bit, I have to put out a different fire20:12
mterrymanish, will be back20:12
seb128jbicha, oh ok, there was a version approved today, you have another one?20:12
manishmterry: sure20:13
jbichaseb128: same one, but gnome-shell-common is a new package20:13
seb128jbicha, oh ok, weird for a sru to have a new binary20:14
jbichayes, not sure if it was a good idea or not20:15
jbichaseb128: I thought this commit might be too much: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gsettings-desktop-schemas/commit/?id=99cbaf394b520f5b2c23daf892dac2db9035d71120:15
jbichaunless you want g-c-c and g-s-d after all :)20:16
BigWhaleErr, what happened with Gtk in Precise? configure-event signal is not returning event coordinates in floats20:18
BigWhaleis this how is it supposed to be?20:18
BigWhaleErr, what happened with Gtk in Precise? configure-event signal is _NOW_ returning event coordinates in floats20:18
BigWhalethey used to be integers20:18
seb128jbicha, well, it's adding keys but they don't hurt if nothing use them?20:20
seb128nessita, hey, congrats on your upload rights!20:23
jbichaseb128: yes, but not upgrading it would prevent against an accidental new metacity upload which would then require the new g-c-c to set keyboard shortcuts correctly20:23
seb128jbicha, ok, your call, I was saying that to reduce the ppa delta20:24
nessitaseb128: thanks! :-) you helped a lot, teaching and sponsoring20:24
seb128jbicha, we can revisit that at the end of the cycle20:24
seb128jbicha, to lower a bit the delta if we can20:24
seb128nessita, ;-)20:24
* mterry is back20:38
mterrymanish, I think you forgot to push the alm-cc.c file to the branch?20:39
manishoh really?20:39
manishyes, I did. Stupid me20:40
manishmterry: added and pushed to lp:~activity-log-manager/activity-log-manager/vala-gcc20:40
mterrymanish, I agree that your alm-cc.c seems harmless20:46
manishcan you build and check20:46
manishis it something to do with my config?20:46
mterrymanish, I get the same behavior.  looking20:53
m4n1sh_mterry: any success?20:53
=== m4n1sh_ is now known as manish
mterrymanish, maybe... hold on for report20:55
mterrymanish, yup.  Comment out "NotShowIn=GNOME;Unity;" in your desktop file.  Your makefile is leaving that in there when it inserts the OnlyShowIn line20:56
mterrymanish, this will give you a new error20:56
mterryabout undefined symbols20:56
manishmterry: why is that line needed at all?20:57
manishsed -i "s/^Categories=.*/\0\n\nNotShowIn=$(shell grep OnlyShowIn $(srcdir)/alm-ccpanel.desktop.in | cut -d= -f2)/" $@20:57
manishso should I remove this?20:57
mterrymanish, depends.  Do you want to target non-Ubuntu platforms?  Only Ubuntu allows 3rd party panels20:58
manishyes, I saw the patch in g-c-c-20:58
mterrymanish, deja-dup targets other platforms, so I had to do some work to make sure things worked correctly in both environments20:58
manishso what is your advice in this case?20:59
manishdesktop.in has OnlyShowIn=GNOME;Unity;20:59
mterrymanish, so you do target other platforms?  OK.20:59
manishin other platforms the .so file is not built20:59
manishonly the binary20:59
mterrySo you're going to need three levels of desktop.  "desktop", "desktop.in" and "desktop.in.in"20:59
mterryYour original will be .in.in21:00
mterryWhat happens on other platforms exactly?21:00
mterryDo you have a separate preferences binary or is it just part of the main UI?21:01
manishActivityLogManager is a Gtk.Window21:01
mterryIf it's part of the main UI this will be simpler.  Deja Dup does some crazy things because it has a separate preferences binary21:01
mterrymanish, I mean...  Like in Fedora.  How do users change preferences?21:01
manishwhich contains everything21:01
manishusing g-c-c-?21:01
manishin alm, now it was before g-c-c integration21:02
manishclass ActivityLogManager is a Gtk.Window21:02
mterrymanish, OK.  So in Fedora, users edit preferences via Edit->Preferences or something in alm.  And in Ubuntu, you're just adding another option to do it in g-c-c?21:02
manishthis entry in g-c-c will only be in ubuntu21:03
manishin other platforms21:03
manishthis application is just a standlaone binary21:03
manishcheck src/Makefile.in21:03
mterrymanish, right...  I think I get it21:03
manishcheck src/Makefile.am21:03
mterrymanish, then you can just delete that sed -i block in data/Makefile.am21:03
manishno three layers?21:03
manishmterry: desktop desktop.in and desktop.in.in not needed?21:04
mterrymanish, no.  That was only because deja-dup did something crazy.  you'll still need desktop.in for normal translation insertion21:04
mterryBut that doesn't need special makefile logic.  that's handled by @INTLTOOL_DESKTOP_RULE@ already21:05
manisheven such a simple application takes more than a min to compile. Don't know what I am doing wrong21:05
mterrymanish, I need to go offline.  But that should get you to a new error about missing symbols, which means you're not adding enough code to the .so via _LIBADD21:11
manishmterry: not a problem. I will keep trying21:12
mterrymanish, good luck!21:12
manishmterry: got it :)21:12
seb128manish, you got it working?21:19
manishseb128: yes. Thanks a lot. It looks like http://i.imgur.com/2IZ7f.png and http://i.imgur.com/vsBZJ.png21:19
seb128manish, well done! ;-)21:20
BigWhaleYesterday GdkEventConfigure structure was just fine in GIR, today gint x and gint y turned into floats. Anyone knows something about this?21:25
kenvandineBigWhale, did the gir change?21:26
BigWhalekenvandine, I honestly don't know ... I just know that suddenly I was getting floats out ...21:27
BigWhaleand nothing worked :>21:27
BigWhaleand I have no immediate way to check how it was yesterday21:28
BigWhale(or couple of days ago)21:28
seb128you can check your dpkg.log to see what you updated21:28
BigWhalehmm let me check21:29
BigWhale2012-01-29 16:31:18 status installed gir1.2-gtk-3.0 3.3.10-0ubuntu321:31
BigWhalethis must be it21:31
seb128it would be weird, kenvandine did that update and the patches there shouldn't make any different to gdkevents21:34
kenvandineyeah, shouldn't21:34
kenvandineBigWhale, any chance it was working on oneiric and not precise? maybe bouncing around between the two is hurting21:34
BigWhalethis is what event.x contains21:34
BigWhale<BigWhale> X 632.114868164 Y 472.557556152 SW 640 SH 48021:35
BigWhale<BigWhale> X 632.114868164 Y 472.557556152 SW 640 SH 48021:35
kenvandinei've been bit by that before21:35
BigWhaleno, it was working in precise ... popey can confirm21:35
BigWhaleright now it is working in oneiric and not in precise21:35
seb128xorg changed recently21:35
seb128but that would be weird21:35
kenvandinedevhelp says it should be gint21:35
BigWhalegir file seems ok too21:35
BigWhalekenvandine, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kazam-team/kazam/unstable/view/head:/kazam/frontend/window_region.py#L8921:37
BigWhalethis is the code21:37
kenvandinei just verified in gwibber i am still getting an int21:37
kenvandine** DEBUG: gwibber-client.vala:321: CHANGED 554, 1027, 54, 2421:37
kenvandinevala vs python of course21:37
BigWhalehmm I get 632.0 value in Oneric21:38
kenvandineBigWhale, oh, my test isn't getting it from the event... anyway... /me looks21:39
BigWhaleI had to use int() to get it working :>21:41
BigWhaleCasting in python ... Pfft!21:41
kenvandineBigWhale, line 89 isn't the callback for configure-event21:43
kenvandineline 131 is21:43
kenvandinelooks like 89 is a button click21:43
BigWhaleerr you're right21:43
kenvandine  gdouble x;21:45
kenvandine  gdouble y;21:45
kenvandinefor GdkEventButton21:45
BigWhalewhy on earth are they different? :>21:46
kenvandineit's gtk :)21:46
BigWhalethat I can understand, but that it just changed its mind and is returning some arbitrary value instead of rounding it to .0 ... :>21:50
seb128robert_ancell, hey22:15
robert_ancellseb128, good evening22:15
seb128robert_ancell, how are you?22:15
robert_ancelldoing good22:16
seb128robert_ancell, great ;-)22:17
seb128robert_ancell, who is doing unity-greeter release nowadays? did you delegate that to mterry?22:20
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
seb128robert_ancell, I was wondering who to bother once he lands all the merge requests you approved ;-)22:21
robert_ancellseb128, I'm still doing the release, but mterry has done most of the changes.  But it really could be anyone22:21
seb128robert_ancell, ok, I will nag him to merge the stuff you approved tomorrow then and let's see who gets to roll a tarball22:22
seb128robert_ancell, btw I added a comment on bug #870297 with what gdm is doing in case that's useful info22:29
ubot2`Launchpad bug 870297 in lightdm "Lightdm logins not being logged in wtmp" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87029722:29
robert_ancellseb128, ok, thansk22:29
seb128robert_ancell, could you also review bug #916477 and https://code.launchpad.net/~agateau/lightdm-gtk-greeter/fix-missing-greeter-ui/+merge/89239 if you have a bit of free time?22:30
ubot2`Launchpad bug 916477 in lightdm "gio-2.0 missing from liblightdm-gobject-1.pc" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91647722:30
seb128robert_ancell, the second one is what agateau stopped on when trying to package the gtk greeter22:30
seb128robert_ancell, I know you don't want to spend time on the gtk greeter but since the lightdm update the binary is hanging around not built from source, which means if we get any lib transition or need a rebuild we are screwed until we land the new source ;-)22:31
seb128robert_ancell, the other bug, somebody mentioned it was blocking the debian packaging, not sure if that's true22:31
robert_ancellseb128, that bug doesn't make sense - you shouldn't need to add gio into the .pc file as it's not your program that needs to link to gio but the library22:32
robert_ancelland it should already be22:32
robert_ancellcan you reproduce it?22:32
seb128robert_ancell, let me try22:34
seb128but yeah, the description doesn't make sense22:35
seb128if the binary use a lib it should need to be exposed22:35
robert_ancellseb128, there is another bug floating around where some X symbols are failing to link and again it looks like a similar issue22:36
seb128robert_ancell, "‘gtk_hbox_new’ is deprecated (declared at /usr/include/gtk-3.0/gtk/deprecated/gtkhbox.h:64): Use 'gtk_box_new' instead [-Wdeprecated-declarations]22:37
seb128it's failing on that :p22:37
seb128well otherwise it builds fine22:37
robert_ancellthat's only a warning right?22:38
jbichaX symbols? like this one I can't figure out why it doesn't work on my computer but does on robert_ance 's https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=66790522:38
ubot2`Gnome bug 667905 in general "fails to build: libcanberra undefined references" [Critical,Unconfirmed]22:38
seb128jbicha, that bug seems a libcanberra one22:40
robert_ancelljbicha, hi!22:40
seb128jbicha, like if canberra brings x11 apis it should list X11 in libcanberra-gtk.pc22:41
seb128robert_ancell, the patch on https://bugs.launchpad.net/lightdm/+bug/898134 seems correct though22:57
ubot2`Launchpad bug 898134 in lightdm "lightdm-1.1.0 fails to build with: undefined reference to symbol 'XClearWindow'" [Medium,Triaged]22:57
robert_ancellseb128, yup, that looks correct22:57
seb128I wonder why I don't get those error there with --as-needed22:58

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