
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
slangasekjibel: it doesn't appear that there've been any oneiric->precise (desktop,server) auto-upgrade tests since the job reorg :(02:19
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achiangapt-get dist-upgrade in precise wants to remove python-dbus-common. can that really be correct?03:12
micahgachiang: yes, doesn't seem to be published any more03:13
achiangmicahg: ok, thanks03:13
stgraberRAOF: hey there03:52
stgraberRAOF: thanks for accepting the vlan package03:53
stgraberRAOF: as for the extra delta in the ifenslave-2.6 SRU (one line change for /run + documentation), the idea was that reverting these just for the sake of having a smaller delta isn't probably worth it as indeed the /run change isn't needed (but won't make any change as /run is a symlink /var/run in Oneiric already) and the documentation would just be inaccurate if reverted03:54
stgraberRAOF: keeping these two changes gives us the advantage of having an identical package in Oneiric and Precise, making diffing the two quite a bit easier (if we start getting more changes in Precise) and so making debugging easier03:55
RAOFFair enough.03:55
stgraberRAOF: thanks04:03
stgraberRAOF: I just posted instructions for the vlan package. I'll do the same for the ifenslave-2.6 package tomorrow, then that should be all that's needed for that bug. I'll test the full stack from -proposed on a server I have around that's affected by the issue and hopefully the bug reporter will do the same (AFAIK he's currently running the Precise version of these packages on Oneiric)04:04
YokoZarWhat order will dh_install act in?  (This is important for overlapping wildcards)  Is it the order of the packages in the control file?04:40
YokoZar(for multiple binary packages of course)04:40
ScottKI don't think you can rely on it to be ordered (think parallel builds).04:41
pittiGood morning05:29
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pittijibel: hm, I see "sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu" in the upgrade-lucid-desktop output07:23
pittijibel: uploaded a fix for gdm->lightdm autologin migration07:26
jibelpitti, good morning07:45
pittijibel: bonjour, ca va?07:45
hyperairYokoZar: i think dh_install installs things multiple times, no?07:46
jibelpitti, I've got a cold and lost my voice, but ça va :)07:46
jibelpitti et toi ?07:46
pittijibel: je suis bien, merci!07:46
pittijibel: get well soon!07:46
* ttx turns his attention to the new #ubuntu-devel-fr channel07:47
YokoZarhyperair: Yes it does, just learned that ;)07:47
hyperairyou might want dh_movefiles instea07:47
jibelpitti, I'll run an upgrade test today to validate the fix.07:48
pittijibel: merci; NB that it isn't published yet07:48
pittijibel: it's built, so should be on the mirrors in 45 mins07:48
pittijibel: I guess/hope you did not apply the workaround for this yet?07:49
pittijibel: i. e. ideally the user config migration tests should start working as well now?07:49
jibelpitti, it should, that's what I'd like to verify.07:49
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smbslangasek, I saw your comment about having a reproducer now, but yes mine is on real hw but I can send out the /proc/cmdline. One special thing here is that I have console running on a serial line.08:02
smbmorning, btw08:02
dholbachgood morning08:04
ejatmorning dholbach08:29
ejat!ping jamespage08:29
dholbachhi ejat08:29
ejathows ya day ?08:30
dholbachgood good - how about yours?08:35
slangaseksmb: do you happen to have /usr as a separate filesystem?09:01
smbslangasek, no I think that is in the main vg. but /boot would be differen09:01
slangasekI was specifically looking at the /etc/init/gssd.conf job, which triggers the bug if /usr is a separate filesystem09:02
slangasekbut if that's not it on your system, nevermind; it probably doesn't matter which job it is09:02
smbOk, still need to reactivate that machine to get the cmdline. Just refrained as it is a tad loud09:03
slangasekcmdline probably doesn't matter now09:04
slangasekdon't worry about it - I think we've got a pretty solid reproducer now09:04
slangasekand on that note, I'm off to bed :)09:04
smboh ok. bring it up anyway as its my xen test system. :)09:04
smbslangasek, good night. rather surprised to see you around anyway. (actually not, you are sometimes up at surprising times)09:05
pittimvo: btw, should I binNEW apt now? this requires a full ABI transition, right?09:20
mvopitti: slangasek uploaded it, but I assume the answer is yes, binaryNEW please :) the transition should be smooth as its a proper lib package now, once its there I can upload the rdepends09:27
pittimvo: just asking because this evening is alpha-2 freeze, so I suppose we shuoldn't release it with an unfinished apt transition09:30
mvopitti: if unsure we can wait for slangasek but given that its uploaded I would say lets do it all the way, it should be fine and we prepared it in a ppa and experimental09:30
pittimvo: yes, and it is specifically targetted for alpha-209:30
pittifor the upgrade fixes09:30
pittimvo: binNEWed09:30
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mvowhat could possilby go wrong ?09:30
* mvo goes and uploads rdepends09:30
* pitti knocks on wood09:30
pittimvo: danke!09:30
seb128jibel, pitti: bug #92205209:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 922052 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Precise) "panel crashed with SIGSEGV in indicator_object_get_entries()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92205209:39
seb128the issue is ubiquity having:09:39
seb128static const char* indicators[] = {09:39
seb128// Bluetooth09:39
seb128i.e hardcoded version, it needs to be updated,rebuilt with the current version09:39
seb128seems like ken forgot it when he went through the rdepends09:39
seb128 09:39
seb128is there any ubiquity upload planned for other reasons or anybody working on it?09:40
mvoRiddell: hi, when I do "bzr get lp:update-manager;cd update-manager; python UpdateManager/DistUpgradeFetcherKDE.py" I get a ugly assert failure - is this known? something wrong on my box? is that code still in use ? I'm doing pyflake cleanups and would love to actually test this stuff :)09:41
mvoRiddell: fwiw the exact error is http://paste.ubuntu.com/822367/09:51
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pittiseb128: I'm creating a MP09:53
seb128pitti, thanks, I was trying to check if somebody was planning an ubiquity upload and only having a checkout and working on it before checking the source and doing that09:54
seb128the monday morning downloads are saturating my download ;-)09:54
pittiseb128: I have a current checkout anyway09:54
seb128pitti, danke09:55
Riddellmvo: there was a binary incompatibility last week09:56
Riddellmvo: I hope it's fixed but it's on my todo list for today to check09:56
pitticjwatson, ev: would appreciate if you could pull/upload https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/ubiquity/indicator-soname/+merge/90666 today09:56
Riddellmvo: make sure you have already done a dist-upgrade to check (maybe you want to be able to run the upgrade tool to do this :)09:57
mvoRiddell: ok, if you have time (ahaha, I know how it is :/) it would be awsome if you could simply run " python UpdateManager/DistUpgradeFetcherKDE.py" and "cd DistUpgrade; sudo ./dist-upgrade --frontend DistUpgradeViewKDE" on latest u-m trunk on a system that has a wokring pyqt - just to ensure my pyflake fixes did not mess up stuff on your side09:58
Riddellmvo: ta, will do09:59
cjwatsonpitti: in progress, thanks10:25
cjwatsonmvo: FWIW I'm working on a release-upgrader-apt update now10:26
cjwatsonmvo: do you think it might be worth SRUing those resolver fixes of mine to lucid and oneiric?  I don't know what you normally do here, but it occurs to me that they might cause trouble for ordinary dist-upgrades too10:27
brendandDaviey - hi10:33
mvocjwatson: we are cautious usually with resolver changes, but those are pretty clear so a SRU would be a good thing10:35
mvocjwatson: when debian bzr is back I will merge them into the debian branch too10:35
mvocjwatson: oh, and of course thanks a lot! for the fixes10:36
mvoif someone could binary-new libept1.4.12 that would be great10:38
nigelbev: Hapy Birthday!10:38
cjwatsonmvo: right, it wasn't the crazy "re-balance delicate heuristics" exercise that I'd expected10:47
pittimvo: looking at libept, but waiting for a few mins for armel to finish10:52
pittiit's already in the test suite10:52
Davieybrendand: hello?10:56
brendandDaviey - just having a problem with the server installer, wondering if it's known about10:57
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brendandDaviey - just after running tasksel, debian-installer fails10:57
gesercjwatson: as you're a bug contact for vim too: what's your opinion on bug #871907? I plan to merge vim once again in the next days and wonder if I should "fix" this bug too (or not)10:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 871907 in vim (Ubuntu) "vim should have "set bg=dark" by default" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87190710:58
cjwatsongeser: well, it's what I use personally, but it sounds like a classic case where we change the default and then the other set of people get upsset11:00
cjwatsonthe argument in the bug seems sound though ...11:01
cjwatsonadding termcap entries would be a nightmare when working with other OSes11:01
geserthat's the reason why I rethink about fixing it11:01
Davieybrendand: Is this on precise?11:01
cjwatsonDaviey,brendand: -> #ubuntu-installer, let's not duplicate this across channels11:02
brendandDaviey - yes. as cjwatson says, discussing now in #ubuntu-installer11:02
cjwatsonor actually - it's not an installer bug11:02
cjwatsonhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/822408/ shows unmet dependencies in apache and nova11:02
cjwatsonapparently trying to install multiple conflicting providers of certain virtual packages at once11:03
gesercjwatson: do you know if a dark terminal is the default for all *buntu variants?11:10
pittimvo: libept NEWed11:12
mvothanks pitti11:12
dholbach@pilot in11:13
cjwatsongeser: no11:21
cjwatsonI mean I don't know11:21
zygabarry: hi, quick question, what kind of buig should I file to get a new python trove classifier considered/added11:56
dholbach@pilot in11:57
geserdholbach: doesn't ubottu like you as pilot?11:59
cjwatsonthe channel was set +t a while back so it can't change the topic any more11:59
dholbachgeser, I'm discussing it with AlanBell in #ubuntu-irc just now11:59
cjwatsonunless it's that it no longer has ops or something12:00
AlanBellcjwatson: so on friday did you manually set the topic when you did @pilot out?12:00
cjwatsonI didn't have time to track down what was wrong with the bot at the time12:01
AlanBellthats fine, I was just trying to figure out when it stopped working12:01
AlanBellok, so I can op the bot, set the channel to -t or get the bot patched to use chanserv to change the topic12:01
AlanBellor some combination thereof12:02
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AlanBelllets try that for starters, dholbach want to pilot in? (you may have to pilot out first)12:06
dholbach@pilot out12:07
dholbach@pilot int12:07
udevbot(pilot (in|out)) -- Set yourself an in or out of patch pilot.12:07
dholbach@pilot in12:07
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: dholbach
dholbachthanks AlanBell and cj12:07
dholbachthanks AlanBell and cjwatson :)12:07
AlanBellok, we can add patching udevbot to use chanserv to change the topic to a todo list somewhere12:07
dokosmoser, pitti, cjwatson: did your glibc-2.15 test system survive?12:16
cjwatsonCan anyone here see a wireless network through NM with a non-ASCII SSID?  I'd like to check something.12:33
pittidoko: so far it does quite well12:35
cjwatsonActually, never mind, I think I've found relevant online references ...12:35
pittidoko: well, it's my normal workstation, so any bigger breakage should be visible quite fast (as the svg loader one)12:36
lynxmanWhat would be the best way to create a watch file on a package to watch a git repo that's not on github? I've been googling around but can't find a definite answer12:42
alkisglynxman: completely unrelated, but I tried your debian/ dir from https://code.launchpad.net/~lynxman/ubuntu/precise/ipxe/newsnapshot along with the current ipxe git and it worked fine. Not sure why your branch is marked "needs fixing" - it'd be nice if you could upload it so that we have a working ipxe for precise (bug #916489)12:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 916489 in ipxe (Ubuntu) "grub-ipxe says "B: command not found"" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91648912:48
lynxmanalkisg: I was working on that actually :)12:48
alkisgNot that much unrelated then :D12:49
lynxmanalkisg: it was just a problem on how I bzr commited the upstream snapshot, also wanted to add a watch file for full updatedness12:49
alkisgRight I think the last git numbers that you're using aren't very appropriate for version numbers, they got me a "newer version has a lower dpkg number" problem12:50
alkisgIt'd also be nice if we put win32-loader.exe somewhere, either in the CDs or in the web site... That puts grub.mbr + ipxe.lkrn to the *windows* boot manager, but it can't be compiled in ubuntu without workarounds because we're missing a few debian packages like cpio-win32 something12:51
lynxmanalkisg: that was one of the issues, I pumped up the version to 3. to avoid this after talking with the debian packager12:52
alkisghttp://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=607417 and http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=657830 for the ipxe/win32-loader.exe part12:52
ubottuDebian bug 607417 in win32-loader "win32-loader: please offer a "Boot from network with gPXE" option" [Wishlist,Fixed]12:52
ubottuDebian bug 657830 in win32-loader "win32-loader: Please make pxe.target depend on the ipxe package" [Wishlist,Open]12:52
lynxmanalkisg: hmm that'd be a nice addition indeed, I'll have a look into it :)12:57
alkisglynxman: I have a binary in http://people.ubuntu.com/~alkisg/boot/win32-loader.exe if you want to see how it works first. Select the third option in the installer, "PXE mode".12:58
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Daviey@pilot in13:23
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: dholbach, Daviey
or4n9ehi. may you please tell me where I can ask a question about packages in main (in my case bluez)? I.e. about the build process of the specific packages and an issue with the default distribution13:24
or4n9ethanks in advance13:24
pittior4n9e: cyphermox recently dealt with bluez, he might be a good person to start discussing with13:25
or4n9epitti: ok, thanks13:26
or4n9ecyphermox: may I chitchat with you quickly please?13:26
pittior4n9e: he should get online in an hour or two, he's in Canada13:29
or4n9epitti: I see. I'll just stay in here and then try again to ping him13:30
or4n9ebtw, to all attending the chat (I see this as an opportunity) ... THANKS for developing ubuntu, I'm using it (and having fun) since 4.10 and never looked back. my honest respect to all making this happen13:32
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Davieydebfx: Is bug 923343 ready for upload?13:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 923343 in pkgbinarymangler (Ubuntu) "pkgstripfiles: creates symlinks that point to themselves" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92334313:42
debfxDaviey: yes, but I've filed two other bugs. at least bug #923407 should be easy to fix.13:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 923407 in pkgbinarymangler (Ubuntu) "pkgstripfiles: md5sum incorrect when advpng fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92340713:44
Davieydebfx: do you want to include the fix for that in the same upload?13:48
scott-workcjwatson:  can you assist me getting the user (both live and installed default) into the audio group13:48
cjwatsonscott-work: hmm, your preseeding is already supposed to do that13:49
cjwatsondata/precise/preseed/ubuntustudio/ubuntustudio.seed:6:d-i       passwd/user-default-groups      string adm audio cdrom dip lpadmin plugdev sambashare13:49
scott-workcjwatson:  and also help with getting the jackd package to configure the rt privileges?  it used to but now it doesn't seem to ask, even in during the install13:49
scott-workcjwatson: re: audio group - i actually have tested an older image since we weren't building them for a while13:50
cjwatsonyou won't get questions asked with a ubiquity-based install.13:50
cjwatsonthis shouldn't have changed lately.13:50
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pittiDaviey: just commented on the MP and also approved, looks good13:51
pittithanks debfx13:51
pittiDaviey: yes, I think debfx' md5sum fix should also go in, that seemed easy; let me have a quick look13:51
scott-workcjwatson: my understanding from looking at the jackd code (although i'm not fluent) is that it defaults to audio.conf.disabled unless the defcon is answered yes13:51
Davieythanks pitti13:51
scott-workcjwatson: i suppose the ubuntustudio-default-settings could manually rename that file to audio.conf just as the jackd defcon would13:52
cjwatsonscott-work: better to just preseed that question.  what is its name?13:53
scott-workcjwatson: the name of the file jackd renames?13:53
cjwatsonscott-work: no, the name of the debconf question13:53
cjwatsonscott-work: also, could I have casper.log from booting an ubuntustudio DVD?13:54
scott-workcjwatson: re: casper.log, we can have that at the latest by tonight (i will do it if others can't, but i'm at 'work' on a windows machine)13:54
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scott-workcjwatson: i don't know the name of the question but i can ask someone to test today during the day, again the latest would be tonight13:55
cjwatsonis this the jackd2 package?13:55
scott-workcjwatson: if you have a test install, you can just isntall jack13:55
scott-workcjwatson: yes, should be jackd213:55
cjwatsonI'd need to see it in context, and I'm too close to my bandwidth quota to download an ubuntustudio image just now.13:56
scott-workcjwatson: i have asked in #ubuntustudio-devel, although it's pretty early for musician type people ;)13:57
cjwatsonIs there a bug# for this?13:57
scott-work(scott-work is a slight anomoly as he likes to get up early)13:57
scott-workcjwatson: there is not, but i am more than happy to create one or two13:57
scott-workcjwatson: would you like me to?13:58
cjwatsonNo need13:58
cjwatsonJust wanted to know if there was an existing audit trail to attach commits to.13:58
cjwatsonI believe I've enabled jackd rt priority for you no13:59
cjwatsonOf course that assumes that whatever problem is preventing default groups from being set up properly is specific to default groups rather than a general problem with preseeding.13:59
scott-workcjwatson: thank you very much14:00
pittiDaviey: committed a fix for the other bug, running tests now14:00
scott-workcjwatson: i believe len testing the image from last night...although, i don't know if he specifically looked at the user in the audio group14:01
Davieypitti: shall i leave test/upload with you?14:01
pittiDaviey: fine for me14:01
pittiDaviey: debfx also reported bug 923430, I'll have a quick look, too14:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 923430 in pkgbinarymangler (Ubuntu) "pkgstripfiles: md5sum incorrect when doc dir is a symlink" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92343014:01
scott-workcjwatson: he might have just reported 'no rt privs', which could (as most likely) is attributable to the jack configure14:01
Davieypitti: thanks14:01
cjwatsonscott-work: yep, that's possible.  Worth checking specifically14:02
debfxpitti: thanks. I'm not quite sure how to fix that one.14:03
pittidebfx: I actually thougth I fixed that already long ago14:03
pittii. e. make it ignore files which are in symlinked dirs14:03
cyphermoxor4n9e: pinging you back, you wanted to know avout something in bluez?14:05
scott-workcjwatson: astraljava is going to check on these questions after zsyncing the latest image14:05
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debfxpitti: right, so just check if usr/share/doc/$PKGNAME is a symlink?14:06
cjwatsonscott-work: ok, cool14:06
scott-workis skaet around? or does she usually join later in the day?14:07
pittidebfx: it currently does14:07
pitti    # skip if doc dirs are already symlinks14:07
pitti    if [ ! -d usr/share/doc -o -h usr/share/doc -o -h usr/share/doc/$PKGNAME ];14:07
pitti... return14:07
lynxmanroaksoax: about the ipxe review you did, how would you add a watch file for a git repo not in github? Been looking for it to no avail14:08
pittidebfx: oh, that's not in symlink_doc(), its' in strip_debian_changelogs()14:08
debfxpitti: I guess clean_upstream_changelogs() should check that before setting $dch14:11
pittidebfx: yes, indeed; it could do dch=`readlink -f usr/share/doc/$PKGNAME/changelog.Debian.gz` instead14:12
pittibut this shoudl get a test case14:12
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pittibzr: ERROR: The delta generated was too large: xdelta: warning: no matches found in from file, patch will apply without it14:24
pittierror: excessively large binary delta for /home/martin/ubuntu/gvfs_1.11.2.orig.tar.xz14:24
pittidoes anyone know a workaround for this?14:24
pittiI know that pristine-tar doesn't support .xz, but in the past it just stored the whole orig tarball instead of a delta14:24
pittinow it's gone from "inefficient" to "impossible"?14:24
stgraberpitti: thanks for fixing the langpack!14:25
pittistgraber: well, my fault in the first place :) de rien14:25
* pitti uses the old-fashioned way for gvfs then and let the package importer sort it out14:29
stgraberpitti: can you trigger a manual build of Edubuntu? would like to make sure it mostly works before we get into the alpha2 freeze14:36
pittistgraber: started14:37
stgraberpitti: thanks14:37
sorenKiall: It looks good. My only complaint is the debian/patches/debian-changes-1.11-0mit1~35.gbpd304ad14:43
sorenWrong channel.14:43
zulcan an archive admin review kyestonelight its been sitting in the binary new queue for the past two weeks14:45
sorenzul: Oh, you're packaging it separately?14:45
sorenYou know it's replacing keystone upstream, right?14:45
zulsoren: yep14:46
zulsoren: heard 2 weeks ago :)14:46
sorenSo.. Why do you..14:46
sorenMeh. You work it out :)14:46
DavieyI don't think at the time we knew the name would change.14:46
astraljavacjwatson: US live user is _not_ in the audio group by default. Also, ubiquity crashed when I tried to update it. Called itself, python-apt and python-apt-common obsolete. :) The file in /etc/security/limits.d/ is audio.conf.disabled. Installing now to get the casper.log for ya.14:54
cjwatsonthe limits.d bit should be fixed with the next build14:54
sorenDaviey: Right. I don't think anybody did at that time, but you do now :) That's why I'm wondering.14:55
cjwatsonnot interested in that bit for now :)14:55
astraljavaYep. :)14:55
hallynjodh: is upstart supposed to build in sbuild right now?14:55
Davieysoren: right..14:55
jodhhallyn: alas no, due to the fact that sbuild does not provide a controlling terminal. build works fine in pbuilder.14:56
jodhhallyn: I am looking at a change to the upstart test suite to allow it to build in sbuild though.14:57
hallynjodh: ok, thx14:57
hallynjodh: i expect to send you a merge request (for review) for lxc container support hopefully later today14:57
koolhead11hi all14:58
jodhhallyn: ok, thanks. sounds intriguing.15:02
barryzyga: probably the pypi bug tracker? http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=66150&atid=51350415:02
zygabarry: thanks15:06
cjwatsonpitti: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/lucid-updates_probs.html lists some language pack problems15:16
pittiargh, did that slip in again15:16
pitticjwatson: thanks, fixing15:16
stgraberpitti: is there an easy way I can get apport to submit crashes from another system (in this case from automatic upgrade testing)? apport-bug complains that it's unable to find the package15:21
hallynjodh: hm, test_conf still failed in pbuilder.15:22
hallynbiab.  (will check if it's my own fault)15:22
jodhhallyn: could you send me some details?15:27
jodhhallyn: sorry - caught by bug 861268 yet again.15:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 861268 in Ubuntu "text corruption in terminals (xterm, urxvt) and emacs" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86126815:27
hallynjodh: what sort of detail?15:28
hallynjhunt, hm, i haven't noticed that since switching from nvidia to nouveau recently15:29
pittistgraber: run apport-bug --save foo.appor mypackage  on the affected system, then copy it over, and run apport-bug foo.apport15:32
hallynjodh: http://paste.ubuntu.com/822673/ shows the failed bit in 'pbuilder build *.dsc' with the current result of 'pull-lp-source upstart'15:37
stgraberpitti: right, sadly the affected system doesn't really exist anymore... the only thing I get from the auto dist upgrader is a .crash. I'll try to dig a bit and see if I can get the stacktrace in a readable form so I can look for these crashes on LP.15:38
jodhhallyn: thanks - do you have the rest of the log though? Need to see atleast a couple of lines of context arond the line showing BAD or FAIL15:41
hallynjodh: http://paste.ubuntu.com/822682/ is that what you need?  I can upload the whole log to p.c.c otherwise15:42
Riddellmvo: hi15:43
jodhhallyn: thanks. if you could send me the log, that'd be great.15:44
Riddellmvo: "python UpdateManager/DistUpgradeFetcherKDE.py" complains about not being able to write to ~/.cache/something15:44
Riddellmvo: when I make ~/.cache it exits successfully without showing a GUI15:44
Riddellmvo: cd DistUpgrade; sudo ./dist-upgrade --frontend DistUpgradeViewKDE  is working fine15:44
Riddellmvo: so new bug found in the ~/.cache issue?15:45
astraljavacjwatson: Sorry, but I can't provide the casper.log. Ubiquity crashes in the middle of the installation.15:47
cjwatsonastraljava: casper.log is generated before ubiquity starts.15:48
astraljavaOh! Lemme try to get to it, then.15:49
astraljavacjwatson: http://astraljava.kapsi.fi/casper.log15:51
cjwatsonthe fontconfig-voodoo stuff there isn't pretty, but not immediately relevant15:53
cjwatsonno obvious sign of a preseeding problem15:53
cjwatsonI guess I'll have to download all this and have a look :-(15:53
astraljavacjwatson: Damn. Well, let me know if you need anything from me.15:53
astraljavaI'll keep it in this state for a while.15:54
cjwatsonI'd been hoping to avoid having to look directly, but sometimes there's no other way15:54
hallynjodh: http://people.canonical.com/~serge/outout (result of 'sudo pbuilder build *.dsc > outout 2>&1')15:56
astraljavacjwatson: I can dig into it, too. I know you're very busy, so I don't wanna add more burden on your shoulders because of US.15:56
seb128mvo, hey, is that some bug or some local corruption?15:56
seb128rc  libunity-misc0                            0.2.1-0ubuntu2                           Miscellaneous functions for Unity - shared library15:56
seb128$ LC_ALL=C sudo apt-get remove --purge libunity-misc015:56
seb128dpkg: error: architecture name in specifier 'libunity-misc0:��' is illegal: must start with an alphanumeric15:56
seb128it does it on other packages in a "rc" state15:57
cjwatsonastraljava: well, feel free certainly, but I expect this is something fairly arcane15:57
seb128so seems a bug15:57
astraljavacjwatson: I understand, and am a little afraid of it. :)15:57
cjwatsonastraljava: might be worth getting casper.log when booting with DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer on the kernel command ine15:58
astraljavacjwatson: Alright, I'll try that.15:58
mvoseb128: meh, you found a bug15:59
astraljavacjwatson: There are two dashes at the end, before or after them?16:00
cjwatsonastraljava: doesn't matter, as long as there are spaces in between that argument and the dashes16:01
MacSlowmvo, poing16:06
seb128mvo, where should I open it? ;-)16:06
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astraljavacjwatson: Ok, file updated at the same location.16:07
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mvoseb128: apt16:10
mvoMacSlow: pong16:10
mvoseb128: and high please16:11
astraljavaWonder if the burn process went bust. md5sum matches.16:11
cjwatsonastraljava: no, nothing to do with that16:12
cjwatsondespite answers.launchpad.net users' penchant for claiming everything's a burn problem16:13
astraljavaHehe. :)16:13
seb128mvo, bug #92380716:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 923807 in apt (Ubuntu) "error: architecture name in specifier is illegal: must start with an alphanumeric" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92380716:13
cjwatsonastraljava: can you file a bug on casper, please?  The problem is that preseeding is processed after user-setup is run16:13
hyperairhmmm there's an unpatched sudo vulnerability around.16:13
smoseranyone feel like commenting/rejecting/flaming me for https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/ubuntu/precise/sysvinit/rc.local.d/+merge/88323 (bug 915215)16:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 915215 in sysvinit (Ubuntu) "rc.local should support a runparts of rc.local.d" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91521516:13
astraljavacjwatson: Yes, for sure. And I guess I'll attach the log file, but does it need something else?16:14
cjwatsonastraljava: nope16:14
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astraljavacjwatson: bug 923810 filed16:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 923810 in casper (Ubuntu) "ubuntu studio live-dvd 20120129 fails, crashes ubiquity" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92381016:18
astraljavaVery vague title, but didn't really know what to put in there.16:19
cjwatsonastraljava: let's keep the ubiquity crash separate16:23
cjwatsonastraljava: it's probably unrelated16:23
jdstrandhyperair: that only affects 12.04, and our hardening should handle it sufficiently until there is a merge from Debian16:24
hyperairjdstrand: cool, that's good to know16:24
astraljavacjwatson: Oh okay, sorry.16:26
cjwatsonastraljava: happy to debug your ubiquity crash separately ...16:27
mvoseb128: anything special about the pkg ? I can not reproduce the failure currently16:27
seb128mvo, no, just pick anything in dpkg -l | grep ^rc ?16:27
mvoseb128: aha! you rock16:28
seb128mvo, sorry if the description was not clear enough ;-)16:29
mvoseb128: *cough* or I was not reading carefully enough16:29
astraljavaSorry about the bug title, didn't refresh in between. Changed it back to what you had.16:42
dholbach@pilot out16:48
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: Daviey
stgrabercjwatson: hi! ldm is finally somewhat in sync with Debian and it should now be safe for people to merge as any other package. Can you remove it from the MoM blacklist?16:53
cjwatsonstgraber: I believe it's just in the sync blacklist (which MoM uses) - confirm that it's still OK to remove from that?16:54
cjwatson(*ubuntu* versioning will still be respected, of course)16:54
stgrabercjwatson: yeah, whenever the Ubuntu delta will be fully gone it'll be fine to sync from Debian, so removing from the sync blacklist sounds good16:55
cjwatsonstgraber: does the same go for ltsp?  it's currently blacklisted for the same reason16:55
stgraberno, ltsp is still a mess, I'm hoping to resolve the situation this cycle though ;)16:56
cjwatsonstgraber: OK, I've just unblacklisted ldm then16:56
stgrabercjwatson: thanks16:57
jodhhallyn: I can't recreate your problem using pull-lp-source or building direct from the branch. Is it repeatable?17:02
hallynjodh: yeah...  it happens every time here17:03
hallynjodh: i'll go ahead and try elsewhere then.17:04
astraljavacjwatson: The ubiquity crash is on bug 92383017:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 923830 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubiquity crashes on ubuntu studio live-dvd 20120129" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92383017:05
hallynjodh: the pbuilder tarball was brand-spanking-new, and the schroot was just updated...17:05
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hallynjodh: feh, on a canonistack instance it worked.  some breakage on my system apparently!17:16
jdstrand@pilot in17:23
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: jdstrand, Daviey
slangasekjibel: hey there!  did you catch my comment over the weekend that the oneiric->precise upgrade tests seem to have gone missing from jenkins post-reorg?  Sorry for rocking the boat and screwing this up :/17:27
jibelslangasek, hey. where are you looking ? from https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise%20Upgrade%20Testing%20Dashboard/job/precise-upgrade-oneiric-desktop/ the test ran from Jan 26th to 29th17:36
jibelsame for server17:36
slangasekjibel: oh, *hah*17:37
slangasekjibel: I didn't notice that there was a separate listing below for all tests, I only saw the list at the top of https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise%20Upgrade%20Testing%20Dashboard/ of the broken ones17:37
slangasekso the other tests are succeeding and that's why I didn't see them ;)17:37
slangasekjibel: thanks for the quick fix ;)17:38
jibelslangasek, oh ok. They didn't failed since post-reorg :)17:38
voidvectorhi, i am running oneiric, how do i force a package and its dependencies to use the precise version? My alternative is compile from source, which i really don't like to do as it is a lib17:51
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lamefun2where does Ubuntu Software Center get list of software from?18:15
jelmerlamefun2: from the apt repositories listed in /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d18:16
lamefun2and how does it know if an package is an "application" or a "technical item" or a "plugin"?18:17
koolhead17hi all18:19
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mdeslaurtedg: hi! FYI, I cleaned up a lot of screensaver/screen locking cruft out of indicator-session in precise, and I've proposed a merge into trunk18:45
tedgmdeslaur, Cool!18:47
stgrabergeser: ping (DMB meeting)19:01
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or4n9ecyphermox: ping. pitti told me that I may chitchat with you about bluez distribution in ubuntu19:51
or4n9ecyphermox: do you have a few?19:52
cyphermoxor4n9e: certainly19:52
or4n9ecyphermox: great. basically I was going to re-compile bluez in order to --enable-test configure flag just to find out that it's already enabled19:53
cyphermoxoh... maybe those aren't being run though, and if not we should definitely fix that19:53
or4n9ebut ... I need bdaddr tool from bluez test directory and although --test-enable is ON it isn't shipped with ubuntu's default bluez distribution19:53
cyphermoxoh, you mean those tests19:54
dokosmoser, ping19:54
cyphermoxor4n9e: what does bdaddr do?19:54
smoserdoko, here.19:54
or4n9ethere are SOME test utils build, so thee flag isn't useless at all but bdaddr isn't built19:54
smoseri've not installed your ppa :-( but if you'd like i can do that "right now"19:54
or4n9ecyphermox: bdaddr changes bdaddr on supported chipsets19:55
cyphermoxor4n9e: ok. I guess you've looked that a fair amount already, were you able to make it get built?19:55
or4n9ecyphermox: definitely CSR, not sure about the other supported chipsets19:55
mvoseb128: your crash in libapt is fixed in bzr19:55
mhall119ev: ping19:56
dokosmoser, did you get my emails about the updated eglibc packages?19:56
or4n9ecyphermox: nope. I stopped once I've seen that the appropraite flag is set in ubuntu src package19:56
or4n9eI then joined here to ask and pitti pointed me to you19:56
smoserdoko, yeah, i just haven't tried.19:56
dokoplease do19:56
cyphermoxor4n9e: sure. I can have a look in a few minutes :)19:56
seb128mvo, oh, it was a segfault? thanks ;-)19:56
cyphermoxor4n9e: you're interested in that being in the Precise package, right? or previous releases as well?19:57
mvoseb128: for me it was :)19:57
seb128mvo, great ;-)19:57
mhall119ev: I need to get a list of the 50 most used applications from software center, so we can target them for tighter Unity integration for 12.04.  Can you get me such a list?19:57
or4n9ecyphermox: awesome stuff. I mean it would be perfectly appropriate to me if you may provide me a sufficient patch to be able to re-compile the src myself. not sure if bdaddr is actually needed for the masses19:57
or4n9ecyphermox: I'm running oneiric19:58
or4n9ebluez 4.9619:58
cyphermoxor4n9e: I don't know, but if it doesn't hurt to have it it's simple enough to make it get built and installed19:58
smoserdoko, ppa link ?19:58
dokosmoser, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-toolchain-r/+archive/glibc/+packages19:59
or4n9ecyphermox: that's true! in the end the typical end-user wouldn't care either way19:59
or4n9ei.e. doesn't harm19:59
or4n9ecyphermox: so, you mean, you may even provide an update to the main repos? for oneiric/precise. man, that'd be great20:00
or4n9ecyphermox: I even read somewhere that bdaddr is actually needed for wiimote (not sure about the details). thus it may even have an advantage to a broader audience if it gets introduced to default ubuntu20:03
or4n9ecyphermox: lemme know if I can provide further info and thx a million for having a look at it20:04
cyphermoxor4n9e: ok. I'll take a look at that too, fortunately I have wiimotes and I've been itching to try this out20:04
cyphermoxor4n9e: have you filed a bug about all this?20:05
or4n9ecyphermox: nope, I haven't dealed with the wiimote thingy yet (nor may I provide better info here, I just read on the interwebz that there are some people complaining about the missing bdaddr in debian/ubuntu and compile it themselves)20:07
or4n9ecyphermox: I myself just need bdaddr with a shell script, so it's more of a personal issue than a "bug" interesting to the general user20:08
or4n9eI.e. I haven't seen it as a bug yet :)20:08
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or4n9eafaik bluez test utils are anyway provided as unstable test foo and it's basically the distribution's (your) choice to ship it or not, assumed you're responsible for bluez distribution20:10
or4n9ecyphermox: on a more personal note ... if you're itching to get your hands wet with the wiimote, be sure not to miss Johnny Chung Lee's Wii project page http://johnnylee.net/projects/wii/20:16
burliany idea if Vala 0.15.1 come to Precise?20:19
burlior is it to late for new versions?20:20
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Atlantic777Hi! I'm interested in translating some docs about ubuntu development. May somebody recommend me some good official guides to start with?20:56
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JuN1xAtlantic777: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/QuickStartGuide21:47
Atlantic777tnx :)21:48
Daviey@pilot out21:59
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: jdstrand
jordiTheMuso: hey23:19
jordiTheMuso: I've finished packaging alsa-lib 1.0.25, and I'd be very happy if we could use this opportunity to bring the Ubuntu delta down to the bare minimum, if possible.23:20
TheMusojordi: Ok, give me an hour to finish what I'm doing, and I'll look over our delta and send stuff your way.23:33
jordiTheMuso: I'll be going to bed soonish, however I'll leave you some comments in private23:34
TheMusojordi: ok23:34
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jdstrand@pilot out23:37
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
codebrainzHi. Is this the best place to ask about the dbus menu thing in Unity?23:57
ScottKNot really.23:57
ScottKAt the very least #ubuntu-desktop would be better23:58
codebrainzit's a dev question, if that matters. is there an ayatana (or whatever) channel?23:58
codebrainzok, will try there. thanks23:59

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