
pleia2so... anyone around for summaries? we only have the one nlsthzn wrote01:11
Unit193Bah, I'll actually say it here... You also want the IRC team meeting in? Was one this afternoon01:43
pleia2nah, we don't typically include them01:44
dholbachgood morning08:04
akgranerpleia2, I've got summaries to drop in as well this morning12:24
akgranerI'll do all that once I get back from my appointment this morning12:25
MrChrisDruifakgraner; pleia2; or others willing to proof-read an English poem?21:58
pleia2MrChrisDruif: not me, we're trying to get UWN out the door today, is the flavors section up to date?22:03
MrChrisDruifAgain, no ^_^22:03
MrChrisDruifAh, it's monday already O_O22:03
* MrChrisDruif lost track of days22:03
pleia2yeah, we should get these done by Sunday22:04
pleia2akgraner said she has a bunch of summaries written offline22:04
pleia2I'm still sick :( not of much use today22:04
Unit193Since you are sick (and I didn't do much), just pretend you did everything I did :D22:05
pleia2Unit193: you helped! add your name to the bottom of the doc :)22:06
Unit193It's already there, just under a different name22:07
pleia2that's my name22:08
MrChrisDruifOw, someone already did Lubuntu?22:14
pleia2yeah, they've helpfully been sending to -news-team22:19
Silverlionhey there...22:26
Silverlionakgraner: ping22:28
* MrChrisDruif has also been forwarding to news22:31
MrChrisDruifAloha Silverlion22:31
SilverlionMrChrisDruif: nothing you already know ... i'd like to have a chat with amber22:31
bkerensaakgraner: I'm back if you want to reschedule the UWN chat. Just let me know22:31
Silverlionbkerensa: you got a min?22:31
* MrChrisDruif is the all-seeing-all-knowing entity ^_^22:32
Silverlionmukware & lubuntu?22:32
bkerensaSilverlion: Certainly22:33
bkerensayeah mukware e-mailed me oddly and asked me to write for them22:33
bkerensastill not sure what they are22:33
Silverlionbkerensa: gimme one email I'll share some info22:33
MrChrisDruifWhy are you doing this to me GDocs?22:36
bkerensaMrChrisDruif: What has it done?22:39
MrChrisDruifbkerensa; like NOT syncing...but a refresh of the page sorted that22:39
bkerensahmm odd22:40
MrChrisDruifOr connecting...I dun know, but it's working again22:42
MrChrisDruifbkerensa; do you happen to know if edubuntu had a meeting last week?22:42
bkerensaNot sure I can check their agenda22:46
MrChrisDruifIf you would, I would be grateful bkerensa =)22:46
bkerensaMrChrisDruif: A quick look at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/01/25/%23ubuntu-meeting.html22:48
bkerensasuggests they did not22:48
bkerensaThey are supposed to have meetings every Wednesday at 1900 UTC22:48
bkerensaI do see thought that someone on the Edubuntu team did meet with Ubuntu Foundations22:49
bkerensabut it was not what appeared to be a Edubuntu meeting22:49
MrChrisDruifThanks bkerensa22:52
MrChrisDruifbkerensa; pleia2; akgraner (when you return); good luck with the summaries, I'm off to bed23:01
akgranerbkerensa, sorry - I broke my glasses had to run get an eye exam and some contacts23:01
akgranerfinishing up one thing for work then I'll finish UWN23:02
Silverlionakgraner: hope everything ok?23:02
akgraneryep - I fell asleep with them on, then I stepped on them :-/23:03
bkerensaakgraner: Oh no worries :D23:04
akgranerbkerensa, congrats on your new place23:04
akgranerwhen do you move in?23:04
bkerensaI'm moved in :) I just have to unpack and paint and buy matching drapes etc and yeah settle in :P23:06
bkerensaFix Pending23:06
MrChrisDruifGet well soon akgraner ^_^23:07
akgranerbkerensa, sounds exciting.23:07
bkerensaakgraner: Yeah I joked about painting my office Aubergine23:08
akgranerhehe  - yeah I joked about doing that to my old Kitchen - my family was thankful I didn't23:08

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