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dokoseb128, pitti, Riddell, ScottK: are any major changes planned before alpha2 during the soft-freeze?12:20
seb128doko, nothing "major" from the GNOME side12:20
dokoseb128, and no upload which lead to temporary non-installability?12:21
seb128doko, that I don't know12:22
seb128we might have a gtk upload12:22
seb128which usually leads to few hours installability issues12:22
dokoseb128, please could you make sure that things stay installable? we have a test rebuild scheduled during the release according the release schedule12:23
seb128doko, I've little control on arch all,any delays, but I will make sure to not create issues if that can be avoided yes12:23
Riddelldoko: no changes, I'd like to see if anything needs done to calligra but that's not on CDs, I'd like to see if I should be worried about oversizing but I won't be able to solve that in time even if I should, I'd like to double check the pyqt binary compatibility issue is fixed and I'm hearing lots of things about X crashing when videos are played13:06
cjwatsonpitti: Would you care to review release-upgrader-{apt,python-apt} in lucid-proposed (I think they landed in NEW, but they're in lucid-updates)?13:32
pitticjwatson: sure, doing now13:33
cjwatsonI'm putting together similar apt changes for lucid-proposed and oneiric-proposed too13:35
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pitticjwatson: accepted13:39
cjwatsonThanks!  What did we do last time about the aging period for release-upgrader-*?  It doesn't get ordinary testing in -proposed, and update-manager doesn't currently have a way to opt into it13:40
cjwatsonThe way you test it is to install the packages before starting update-manager / do-release-upgrade / whatever13:40
mvocjwatson: last time (because it was the first time) I moved the upgrade to use -propesed directly but before I ran the entire auto-upgrade-tester suite using the upgrader package (by modifiying the local bzr)13:41
cjwatsonjibel: would it be possible to adjust jenkins to do this temporarily, once these builds land in -proposed?13:42
cjwatsonthat might be the most effective way to test this13:43
cjwatsonI could change update-manager but then that affects all users13:43
pittiyes, I agree; once it's through a successful lts-upgrade autotest, I'm fine with moving them to -updates13:49
jibelcjwatson, yes, it is possible. I can do that today when the new builds are available.13:51
cjwatsonexcellent.  maybe it'll be in time for alpha 2 after all.13:58
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stgraberskaet: good morning!15:05
skaetstgraber,  good morning!  :)15:05
stgraberskaet, jibel: So I was wondering what we wanted to do for Alpha 2 on the tracker. Should we hide the Daily milestone during Alpha 2 testing and redirect the automated upgrade testing to the milestone?15:06
skaetstgraber,  hiding the daily, and redirecting the automated upgrade testing seems reasonable to me.15:07
* skaet curious about jibel's opinion though15:08
jibelstgraber, I agree with skaet. and displaying daily and a2 would be confusing.15:13
stgraberjibel: cool, so they'll see Alpha 1 as released and Alpha 2 as testing on the frontpage (want to get them used to seeing more than one thing there) and daily will re-appear post-alpha2.15:14
skaetstgraber,  sounds good.   Tomorrow's dailies will be the first A2 images.15:15
jibelstgraber, yes, sounds good.15:16
stgraberwhich reminds me, I need to start poking some people, mythbuntu and xubuntu all failed to upgrade yesterday and edubuntu i386 failed too15:16
stgrabermythbuntu and xubuntu because of unity-greeter crashing. Edubuntu i386 because of gnome-settings-daemon crashing15:16
cjwatsonpitti: would you mind NEWing release-upgrader-apt in lucid-proposed?  I probably ought not to do it myself15:56
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Riddellcjwatson: looking16:09
cjwatsonPS should go to main16:10
Riddellcjwatson: PS?16:11
RiddellI see libapt-inst1.4 and libapt-pkg4.1216:11
cjwatsonin the sense of "an addition to my previous message"16:11
cjwatsonall of libapt-inst1.4, libapt-pkg4.12, and release-upgrader-libapt-pkg-dev should be overridden to main, to roughly match lucid-updates16:12
Riddellyes, doing16:13
pittithanks Riddell16:14
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cjwatsonpitti,Riddell: release-upgrader-python-apt now needs binary NEWing in lucid-proposed as well17:35
cjwatsonI've preemptively overridden it to main17:35
jibelcjwatson, I installed the new packages manually and upgraded lucid desktop i386 and it passes.17:40
cjwatsonjibel: did you pick release-upgrader-python-apt out of LP?17:41
jibelcjwatson, I did17:41
cjwatsonright, cool17:41
cjwatsonwe can probably move that straight to updates once it's in the archive, then17:42
cjwatsonalthough I guess it might be good to run the whole suite17:42
cjwatsonI'd definitely like to know whether universe passes17:42
cjwatsonor gets further17:43
jibelcjwatson, the upgrade failed but for another reason: "dpkg: error processing dpkg (--configure): package dpkg is already installed and configured" :(17:44
cjwatsonthat's some kind of trigger failure; it's apt's fault, but I'm not convinced it could be related to that resolver change17:45
cjwatsonmvo may be able to work it out?17:45
cjwatsonwell, it's *probably* apt's fault17:45
cjwatsonIMO if it gets past the resolver it's a progression17:45
* cjwatson has another go at building lucid DVDs17:45
cjwatsonthis time with -proposed switched on17:46
jibelI'll try again and see if it reproduces17:47
cjwatsonskaet: I've done steps 2-6 from "Release minus 1 month" on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PointReleaseProcess17:52
cjwatsonskaet: only just asked Evan for the updated build so I expect he might not get back to me until tomorrow17:52
skaetcjwatson, thanks17:58
cjwatson(updated build> wubi that is)17:59
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skaetin terms of the A2 release,  slangasek,  I've done steps 2 and 5 from release minus 6 days.  (steveedwards will be the contact, and have put the request in to mvo).18:01
Riddellcjwatson: is this binary New?  why does it not have a capital N to mark it? http://paste.kde.org/196940/18:07
skaethttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/r-series and https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/s-series have now been created as future series in launchpad.18:10
skaetcjwatson, slangasek, Riddell, pitti, and others interested... ^^18:10
Riddellthose are boring codenames :)18:11
skaet:)  indeed,  however I'm sure they will be made more interesting at the appropriate time,  lol18:11
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cjwatsonRiddell: Soyuz gets a bit confused by packages that don't currently exist in the pocket they were uploaded to (or in its ancestry; basically lucid in this case) but that do exist somewhere else in the archive19:17
cjwatsonRiddell: in the new republic^W^W^W^Wwhen I get round to reimplementing this in the API it will look more sensible :-)19:17
Riddellcjwatson: I see that explains it, I accepted it19:17
micahgskaet: I might miss the freeze by a few minutes for some Ubuntu Studio specific packages I'm sponsoring (no impact on anything else)20:54
skaetmicahg,  thanks.  images will be generated by the cron job tonight.20:55
astraljavaskaet: micahg: Thanks guys!21:00
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micahgastraljava: I"m going to do the -meta later tonight, I don't believe your images get spun until 18:00 UTC tomorrow anyways21:50
micahgskaet: ^^ is that ok, I'm uploading the other packages now for Ubuntu Studio21:51
skaetmicahg, prefer it be done earlier rather than waiting until the wire.   Don't want to have to be special casing it if it misses deadline.21:55
* skaet goes to look at the crontab... thought it was earlier...21:56
micahgok, let me see if I can finish it now then21:56
skaetmicahg, thanks!21:57
astraljavaskaet: Different time than dailies?21:57
cjwatsonwe have to spread builds out through the day otherwise they collide too much22:02
astraljavaYeah I understand. I just didn't know, that's all. :)22:04
micahgok, meta uploaded22:11
micahgfor ubuntustudio that is :)22:11
* ScottK just uploaded meta for Kubuntu too.22:12

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