
rick_hgah, OLF talk submissions are open. /me ponders00:02
rick_hok, now that the boy is in bed I get the honor of going out and shoveling the driveway, yay me00:03
snap-lDid that already00:05
brouschkind of dark outside00:19
tjagodaIndeed, shovel during day!00:32
tjagoda15:30 UTC/GMT is 10:30AM our time, yes?02:32
tjagodaI assume that my brain can do math02:32
tjagodaYou know what they say about those assumptions.02:32
rick_hadd 5 hours02:33
rick_hso yea, you're right02:33
tjagodaThat is when my brief phone call from Matt is02:34
rick_hcool, matt is a good guy02:35
tjagodaHe does not tell me my ambitions are larger than the scope of the role02:42
snap-lJust finished up the dishes03:16
snap-lI <3 BeautifulStoneSoup12:35
snap-lforgot that audacity uses XML files for the .aup file12:35
snap-land am using that to figure out track starts12:35
rick_hgood day for code jokes13:00
snap-lBeautifulStoneSoup is the XML component for BeautifulSoup13:01
rick_hoh, cool. Never used anything but BS13:01
brouschi believe that13:05
snap-lrick_h: Yeah, it knocks the pants off of anthing else I've used for parsing XML13:05
rick_hhttp://lxml.de/ is what I usually use for that when I have to13:07
brouschgrpug folks love lxml13:12
rick_hyea, it's got C extensions, fast, and supports more xml bits than others though I don't normally need xpath and all taht13:12
brouschAdam Williams loves xml, and he loves lxml13:14
rick_hthere's always one nut :P13:14
Raggshow difucult is it to remove kubuntu desktop once an alternative is installed?13:30
Raggsclose, but that [age shows how to remove everything but kde13:34
mydogsnameisrudyoh sorry ;)13:34
brouschpretty much impossible13:34
mydogsnameisrudyi see that no commands for that?13:36
brouschyou can sudo apt-get remove --purge kubuntu-desktop13:37
brouschbut that doesn't really remove anything13:37
mydogsnameisrudyso looks like a reload of ubuntu13:38
brouschit doesn't hurt anything to leave it in13:39
rick_hhttp://paste.mitechie.com/show/522/ in case you don't follow the CHC mailing list13:56
snap-lrick_h: Was that the show and tell idea?13:57
rick_hsnap-l: yea13:57
snap-lYeah, that looks interesting13:58
snap-lMaybe we could incorporate that into the long-edition?13:58
rick_hI can't decide. On the one hand, sure cool to see real things13:58
rick_hon the other, it's not like showing bookie will do me a ton of good, these guys are already doing their own things13:58
rick_hand how often is the plan to do this, I'll be showing the same thing for the last year lol13:58
snap-lWEll, how much of it is encouragement, and how much of it is navelgazing13:59
snap-lI think it's good to show your stuff when you think it's ready13:59
rick_hyea, definitely13:59
rick_hbut that's what I mean I wonder the purpose13:59
snap-land maybe it's encouraging to have some arbitrary deadline so you have something to work towars.13:59
rick_hif it's for design idea/help? Just to show/motivate others?13:59
rick_his it just to put the name out there and try to get local business peeps to show off to?14:00
snap-lSounds like VC fodder. ;)14:00
rick_hwhich might be unfair to say :)14:00
brouschbut all the business peeps would have to show something too14:00
rick_hbut it has that potential14:00
brouschthe "must show" requirement to attend will turn off many people14:01
rick_hbrousch: yea, definitely14:01
brouscha lot of people14:01
rick_hbut helps prevent a meeting of 10 people where only one guy gets up to show something14:01
rick_hI can understand it14:01
snap-lhttp://justinsomnia.org/2011/03/why-does-that-qr-code-take-me-to-justinsomnia-org/ <- Bwahahaha14:47
rick_hwidox: http://element34.ca/blog/introducing-phpwebdriver14:48
rick_hO dpm14:48
rick_hI don't know why that strikes me as so wrong...php webdriver ugh14:48
rick_hand ignore the Odpm, that's what happens at a standing desk when you step away and come back to the keyboard just off a key14:48
snap-lrick_h: What's so wrong about a PHP web driver?14:49
rick_hI don't know, it just irks...I guess it's like php shell scripting is what is comes down to14:50
snap-lThough PHP should get something like injection testing. ;)14:50
rick_heven when I did php work, using it so script shell stuff was something that set my teeth on edge14:50
snap-l"Your code has 3,203 SQL injection attacks"14:50
rick_h /so/to14:50
brouschthere are php/gtk bindings14:51
brouschtry to beat that level of wrongness14:51
snap-lrick_h: Yeah, I've seen some of those. It does tend to grate14:51
snap-lbrousch: One could argue that Javascript bindings for GTK wouold be just as bad, were it not for Javascript's prominence on the server side14:52
ColonelPanic001my god, it's nearly February and I still can't register for Penguicon. For a tech-related con, you'd think it was being run by my technophobic grandmother.14:52
snap-lColonelPanic001: Yeah, there have been some issues14:52
rick_hsnap-l: come on, I thought Gnome Shell was all JS14:53
rick_hJS to rule them all!14:53
ColonelPanic001snap-l: every year is like this, though.14:53
snap-lIt's like I've woken up in bizarro world.14:53
snap-lColonelPanic001: I liken it to a racecar, on fire, skidding to the finish line14:53
snap-lSomehow it manages to get 1st place, and still be awesome14:54
snap-lbut damned if I'd drive it like that14:54
ColonelPanic001"You should go to Penguicon, random person!" "Yeah? What's going on there this year?"  "I have no f'ing idea! And I won't until the week of the event!"14:54
snap-lIt's kinda like the Mystery Dum Dum Sucker14:54
ColonelPanic001maybe someone can do a presentation on "How to install a damn wordpress site"14:54
snap-lColonelPanic001: Actually, waldo323 is working on it14:55
ColonelPanic001"lol are custom see-are-m dont work"14:55
snap-lIt's not quite as simple as you might imagine14:55
snap-lBe nice.14:55
snap-lI'm sure the adage of "patches welcome" would apply.14:56
ColonelPanic001I would gladly install wordpress for them.14:56
brouschooooooh, ColonelPanic001, benevolent leader snap-l is gonna CoC-slap you!14:56
ColonelPanic001It won't be too traumatizing. I've seen the CoC before. :(14:56
snap-lNah, not going that far14:56
ColonelPanic001It can't be too bad. I go back every year.14:58
ColonelPanic001it'd just be nice to know, once, what it is I'm registering for.14:58
snap-lIt's a surprise. :)14:58
rick_hthe problem isn't that you don't know what you're registering for, it's that you do know, and it's not the talks14:58
snap-lI don't think half of the presenters know they're presenting yet14:58
snap-lI mean, rick_h doesn't know he's doing some python presentation at Penguicon yet.14:59
brouschthey should just make it a barcamp14:59
ColonelPanic001"Surprise! The only things on the schedule are stuff about chakras and auras!"14:59
rick_hsnap-l doesn't know I'm not going yet14:59
rick_hto the coffee shop!14:59
snap-lrick_h doesn't know that while he thinks he's not going, he's still going14:59
rick_hnananananananananana code-man!14:59
ColonelPanic001any of you losers on Diaspora?15:00
brouschall of us!15:01
brouschthat's where all of the actual useful content is15:01
ColonelPanic001I'm going to add Craig and then talk about nothing but whining about Penguicon15:01
snap-lColonelPanic001: I deleted my Diaspora account15:03
ColonelPanic001it got too mainstream15:03
snap-lNo, unfortunately it didn't really pan out for me15:03
brouschmore popular than identica15:03
snap-lbrousch: POint me to something useful on diaspora15:04
brouschi can't. you deleted your account15:04
ColonelPanic001can't you...15:04
ColonelPanic001damnit brousch15:04
ColonelPanic001I was in the middle of saying that15:04
snap-lbrousch: I think you're confusing Diaspora with Google Plus15:06
snap-lIt's understandable, though15:06
rick_hnever signed up15:09
* snap-l is addicted to Keurig.15:09
rick_hsnap-l: hah, yea I used to use the mocha cups when in the office there15:11
brouschi assumed keurig was a rock band of some sort15:12
rick_hheh, no the famous k-cups15:13
rick_heveryone is making coffee in the k-cups format these days15:13
rick_hit's the perfect example of the razor/razor blades == $$15:13
brouschblah, i use a drip machine, bring it in a thermos15:14
rick_hshort for keurig15:14
rick_hbasically single serve cups of all kinds of variety15:15
rick_hso you stick it in, brew a cup of coffee, toss the cup15:15
brouschi have used those in hotels15:15
rick_hmorpace has them around the office with some certains flavors15:15
rick_hI used to bring in my own15:15
brouschi like using the machine15:15
rick_hyea, it's a pretty clean/quick way to go but the cost of the cups as a per-serving thing is a bit nuts vs a bag of beans that can last a month15:16
ColonelPanic001yeah, was going to say15:16
ColonelPanic001sounds great for vareity, but wasteful15:16
snap-lWell, it's actually pretty effective for a quick cuppa-joe15:18
snap-linstead of trusting a pot indeterminate-origin coffee.15:18
rick_hyea, it's very user friendly. That whole convience thing15:18
rick_hno pot to clean out15:18
rick_hnot the best tasting, but passes15:18
ColonelPanic001yeah, that part sounds good15:18
brouschyou need a syringe to inject other things into the cartridge before brewing15:18
ColonelPanic001but, extra packaging, etc, etc, as opposed to the "usual" way15:18
rick_hColonelPanic001: right15:19
ColonelPanic001it would be *awesome*, though, for just getting a massive vareity of stuff to try15:19
brouschwell if the packaging is all recyclable or biodegradable, who cares?15:19
ColonelPanic001didn't notice right away, they have tea, coffee, etc15:19
ColonelPanic001brousch: still energy used to make it, and I doubt it is. Maybe though, I didn't look15:19
snap-lThey're decidedly not-green15:20
brouschi just had a hippie idea. sell a kit to turn the used cartridges into tiny desk plants15:20
ColonelPanic001brousch: I like it15:20
brouscha little packet of dirt to mix with the grounds and a seed or two15:21
ColonelPanic001someone get the patent office in here15:21
snap-lSave for the hole at the bottom, that's a brilliant idea15:21
snap-land the filter media15:21
ColonelPanic001snap-l: tape or something, maybe?15:21
snap-lColonelPanic001: Have you ever tried taping a leak?15:21
ColonelPanic001yeah, maybe just make the cup so that's easy to remove15:21
ColonelPanic001snap-l: yeah, thoguht that as I typed it15:22
ColonelPanic001maybe special tape15:22
ColonelPanic001magic tape15:22
brouschit needs drainage15:22
brouschi'll have to look at some cartridges. i think they use it at The Factory coworking place so maybe i can get some today15:23
ColonelPanic001maybe the box they come in has a wax coating, and is shaped to hold the cups with a small gap below the cup15:23
ColonelPanic001set cup in there, can drain freely into that15:24
ColonelPanic001now I'm craving french vanilla cappuccino15:27
rick_hhaving a vanilla sugar free latte atm :)15:27
brouschi have switched to soy in my fru-fru coffees15:28
brouschgood stuff15:28
ColonelPanic001except for rare exceptions, the only coffee I drink is from a local coffeeshop. I rarely "drink coffee" in the usual sense, like at work or home or whatever15:28
ColonelPanic001and even then it's almost always french vanilla cappuccino, etc. Not just "coffee"15:29
rick_hColonelPanic001: +115:30
rick_hI was a mocha guy for a long time but been hunting tasty lower calorie versions of coffee that's not real coffee15:31
ColonelPanic001yeah, that keeps me from drinkning it much15:31
ColonelPanic001never had mocha15:31
ColonelPanic001I haven't been very adventerous15:31
rick_hthat's where I found coffee. This place in Flint had a great mocha. whip cream + shaved choc on top15:32
rick_hwas almost a hot sundae15:32
brouschi drink black decaf coffee 4-5 days a week and biggby decaf soy nutty buddy 1-215:33
snap-lBah, decaf is for wimps15:34
* snap-l loves dark coffeee15:34
rick_hyea, don't get the point of decaf15:34
snap-lIt's like non-alcoholic beer15:34
rick_hsnap-l: thought of you the other day, caribou was giving away samples of their eclipse stuff15:35
ColonelPanic001I like french vanilla cappuccino, but sometimes I won't want to be up until 3am. Behold, decaf15:35
rick_hyea, if I go for that second coffee at CHC it goes decaf15:35
rick_hbut only then15:35
ColonelPanic001I only get one at all decaf15:35
ColonelPanic001or I'll be up until morning15:36
ColonelPanic001damnit. I need to do something about the light in here15:36
brouschcaffeine gives me angina, so i drink decaf15:36
ColonelPanic001it is beyond me why people would just turn on lights on their desk in a overly bright office where the glare already annoys me15:36
ColonelPanic001but no, coworker comes in, turns on the under-shelf lights every morning15:37
snap-lrick_h: Yeah, I want to try that15:37
snap-lbrousch: Yeah, I fear for that day15:38
snap-lhypertension, etc.15:38
brouschi overdid it for a while, super biggby red-eyes with extra shot a couple of times a week. that's 4 shots of espresso in a 24oz coffee. i think i broke something.15:41
brouschsomething like 500mg of caffeine15:42
ColonelPanic001I just seem to be fairly sensitive to caffeine. If I drink a 20oz of Pepsi in the evening, even just 7pm or so, I'll be up until 3am without even realizing it15:44
rick_hI need ot start backing down. I've noticed that for the last few weeks I've gotten a coffee every day of the week here15:44
rick_hman, glad I'm not that bad15:44
ColonelPanic001I have a tendancy to stay up late anyway, but it makes it much worse15:44
rick_hyea, was proud of myself. Normally without wifely supervision I end up awake hacking at 3am15:49
rick_hbut I was in bed by 11 each night yay!15:49
rick_hof course I've been sick so that helped15:50
ColonelPanic001my girlfriend used to complain, now it's just understood when she goes to bed at 9pm, and I say "I'll be right there in a bit", I mean "like hell, I'll be there in a couple of hours"15:50
rick_hfunny thing is that when she's here, I end up in bed before her15:50
rick_hit's a pure mental thing, strange15:51
snap-lJoDee's found out that "in a bit" means anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour15:52
snap-l<- bad boy15:52
ColonelPanic001it's partially her fault anyway, going to bed at 9pm. I'm not 12.15:53
snap-lYeah, I can't go to bed that early.15:53
snap-lOh, 3.0 release of Virtualenv wrapper!15:54
snap-lHow did we ever do development before virtual machines?16:15
snap-lMan, I love being able to have a machine that I can just put up and rip apart16:15
snap-land if things go pear-shaped, I can tear it down without a care in the world.16:15
brouschwe did it right the first time instead of just trying it out16:16
rick_hhah, "we were just better"16:17
snap-lI think we just did it on production, and hoped to God it didn't blow up16:18
snap-lIf you were lucky, you got something called "Staging"16:18
_stink_sadly.... that is still done16:18
brouschi was gonna say, i still do that16:19
brouschwait, i have a development copy of my access db16:19
brouschbut foxpro changes happen in production because it's commercial software16:22
snap-lSee, that pisses me off16:22
snap-lnot that you're doing the best you can16:23
brouschall i can do is wreck reports though16:23
brouschunless i got really stupid16:23
snap-lbut that type of software is licensed in such a way that you have to do something sub-optimal16:23
brouschnow that i think about it, if i really tried i could have a development VM for it16:24
snap-lGo forth, then16:25
brouschbut every time i want to change a report i have to kick every one out, copy GB of files to the dev, let everyone back in, muck around in dev, kick everyone out, make the changes, let everyone back in16:25
tjagodaThe interview seemed to go well.16:59
tjagodaDefinitely not just a dumb helpdesk position, which is awesome.16:59
WolfgerYou got an interview for Canonical? Awesome! I'm jealous.17:05
rick_htjagoda: awesome17:05
snap-l http://trillian.mit.edu/~jc/humor/ATT_Copyright_true.html17:10
tjagodawolfger: just a short 10 minute thing.  I'm supposed to hear in 3 or so days if I get further.17:15
snap-l Huh, hadn't really dug into what Hip Hop (the PHP complier) is17:22
snap-l(was referenced in an article)17:23
rick_hhip hop == "we chose php for our company and come hell our high water we're going to keep using PHP for our code...scale baby scale!"17:29
snap-lThat's a pretty fair assessment17:30
rick_hheh, "stupid twitter moving crap to the JVM...should have just hired some compiler nerds to make a super ruby->C compiler so that they could just make ruby faster17:32
greg-gsnap-l: :) thanks for that AT&T/bin/true link17:33
jrwrenthat is true.17:35
jrwrenobjectiveC is evidence that compiled ruby could be FAST17:35
jrwrenfor really fast php, see phlanger :o17:35
snap-lgreg-g: You're welcome. :)17:36
rick_hI'm missing the object-c/ruby connection?17:40
snap-lrick_h: I'm glad I'm not the only one17:47
Blazeixmaybe he's referring to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MacRuby17:54
rick_hah interesting17:59
rick_hnot looked at that much, heard macruby but figured it was like mac-vim17:59
rick_hruby with some mac bindings17:59
rick_hthen again I guess I knew ironruby wasn't ruby + windows apis so I'm a moron18:00
snap-lMan, all of these trans-compiled languages. ;)18:03
snap-lrick_h: I think you can be forgiven since iron* was targeted to the .net vm18:04
snap-lI wouldn't have guessed that objective C would be a stepping point for Ruby to Mac.18:05
jrwrenno, not at all.18:21
jrwrenobjc/ruby connection because they are VERY similar languages, that is all.18:22
jrwrenall I mean is that given how similar objc is to ruby, there is very little reason for objc to be so fast, and ruby to be slow.18:23
rick_hI've not looked at a ton of ObjC but I wouldn't have considered them similar18:23
jrwrencertainly not syntax wise, but lang wise it is very similar18:24
jrwrenvery similar smalltalk inspired object model18:24
snap-ljrwren: Isn't objc compiled?18:25
rick_hgotcha, yea guess as I've never used ObjC I can't really compare at more than superficial levels18:25
jrwrenyes, objc is compiled. that is part of my point. compile ruby. any code that isn't in exec() should compile just fine18:26
snap-ljrwren: But then you can't monkey-patch. ;)18:30
jrwrenyes you can :p18:32
jrwrenin fact objc formalizes it. its call protocols18:32
jrwrensorry, categories18:32
jrwrenbut you don't have to formalize it.18:32
jrwrenobjc even lets you do method missing :p18:32
jrwrenits very rubylike AFAICT18:33
snap-lBut then if they make it fast, we'll have to start taking it seriously.18:34
jrwrenit would be unwise to not take it seriously, as is.18:35
jrwrenI mean... if google can make JS as fast as V8 makes it... no reason ruby can't be just as fast.18:35
rick_hwhat are we not taking seriously? I've lost track?18:35
snap-lrick_h: ruby18:35
rick_hoh ruby, I keep poking at ruby then realize I can do it in python18:35
snap-lMan, wasn't even fast enough for THAT. :)18:35
jrwren3.2.1? rails?18:36
jrwrenyou can do anything in python18:36
jrwrenbut I still use other stuff18:36
rick_hask diana about how I was the typing champion18:36
rick_hjrwren: yea, definitely, I use JS/node for simple socket servers18:36
rick_hand php when I have to18:36
rick_hand wheee make files18:36
rick_hso bash18:36
jrwrenwait, doesn't make just use whatever shell is /bin/sh?  link to zsh FTW!18:37
rick_hbut yea, I've not completed one ruby thing that wasn't just some script for checking battery levels/etc18:37
rick_hheh, I can't assume that on the prod boxes18:37
rick_hno zsh ootb with Ubuntu like RH18:37
jrwrencursed production!18:37
brouschrick so make the first part of every script an installer for zsh18:49
snap-lrick_h: Oh, it's already come up18:52
rick_hsnap-l: what's come up?18:53
rick_hpoor zsh has no champion any more at morpace now18:53
snap-lrick_h: No, the fact that you bested the resident typing champion19:01
rick_hoh heh :)19:02
snap-lApparently I'm failing her as a buddy if I can't make keyboards cry19:02
rick_hlol, you went clicky right? takes time to build up those finger muscles19:02
snap-lNah, I went soft.19:03
snap-lI have a quiet keyboard.19:03
snap-lLogitech K52019:03
snap-lComes with a M310 mouse19:03
jrwrenno Cherry MX?19:03
jrwrenive decided ALPS switches are not good enough. i want Cherry MX19:04
snap-ljrwren: Not to my knowledge.19:04
snap-lThough I might get something different in the near future19:05
snap-lthis was a nice $50 combo19:06
snap-lAnd honestly, it was the least offensive of the keyboards that I tried19:06
snap-lsave for the $100 models that felt only a little bit better19:06
snap-lbut sadly, none of them have the nice tactile feel of my mac keyboard.19:06
rick_hjrwren: careful, MX feel strange. They're not like the buckling springs19:07
rick_hjrwren: I've got a pair of cherry mx, one blue and one brown19:07
snap-lIf they didn't sound like a firing range, I'd love the feel of the buckling springs.19:07
rick_hyea, I miss my buckling springs, I need to sneak that keyboard back from morpace19:07
snap-lWhich one?19:07
rick_hso I meant to let what's her name "try" it, but seems she thoght I was giving it to her19:08
rick_hand I forget to clear it up before I left19:08
snap-lOh, the typing champ?19:08
rick_hthe person I beat at the typing thing19:08
rick_hblanking on her name now19:08
snap-lGood luck with that. :)19:08
rick_hheh, yea I've given it up19:08
snap-lShe watches Dexter. I'm not trying to take thet keyboard away for anything19:08
rick_hbut I've been tempted to go back from cherry MX to buckling springs19:08
brouschdexter is awesome19:09
rick_hI REALLY wish they had buckling springs that were 10less19:09
rick_h<3 the size of the 10less keyboards19:09
jrwrenDexter is awesome.19:11
brouschjrwren: impossible. you must contradict me19:11
jrwreni cannot19:12
brouschS4 was the bizomb19:14
tjagodaWhere do you even buy a buckling spring keyboard?19:15
tjagodaThere's das keyboard, but I dont think that's the fancy spring you speak of19:15
rick_hI'm getting one right now actually :)19:15
brouschsecond hand store near a landfill in china19:15
rick_hthey're bought the IBM patents and are the only ones allowed to make true buckling springs19:15
tjagodaOh hello, USB19:16
tjagodaAnd ludicrously cheaper than http://www.daskeyboard.com/model-s-professional/19:17
rick_hyep, and you get true springs19:17
tjagodaTime to impulse buy19:19
rick_hfollow me on the impulse train!19:19
brouschi'll have to think about that19:20
greg-ghilarious: http://store.daskeyboard.com/Reusable-Earplugs/dp/B003ALN3QE19:20
rick_hand done, will be back to true clicky end of week19:20
rick_hgreg-g: :) nice19:21
rick_hgreg-g: I have had my wife come by the office and shut the door on me before19:21
brouschit's not too loud unless you can hear it over the drumming in the next room19:24
tjagodaImpulse purchase complete19:28
tjagodaThe things I'm willing to spend $100 on...19:28
rick_htjagoda: woot! welcome to the club19:28
rick_htjagoda: careful https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/7JlTF6-Yj26LsJlrHByu19MTjNZETYmyPJy0liipFm0?feat=directlink19:29
rick_hthat's only half the ones in the closet :)19:29
tjagodaI do not subscribe to your fruity ergonomic keyboards19:29
greg-g*cough* addict *cough*19:30
rick_hmmmm, a buckling spring having a baby with a MS natural...now THAT would be a keyboard19:30
rick_hgreg-g: everyone's got to have a hobby19:30
jrwreni drove rick_h to order a new kb!19:31
greg-gI have 2 friends who swear by the kenesis19:31
rick_hjrwren: you bastard!19:31
rick_hgreg-g: man, I keep trying but I've got an older model without a key for my tiling needs19:31
rick_hgreg-g: it's missing the windows key which turns into my tiling controls19:31
rick_hgreg-g: but yea, the is sweet and every so often I try it again. It feels awesome after a bit19:32
greg-ghuh, intersting, didn't realize that19:33
greg-g(the lack of win/super key)19:33
brouschoh wow, the new unicomp is coming out in march. it will come in 8 colors, can be converted between split and classic, and will only cost $49!19:33
rick_hthe ones now have it19:33
rick_hgreg-g: I'm always tempted to try to get a new/newer one19:33
rick_hI think if I had that I'd be set and would make the switch19:33
tjagodawhen you start buying keyboard covers, you know you're in a dark place http://pckeyboard.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Store_Code=PCK&Screen=CTGY&Category_Code=ProtectiveCovers19:33
rick_hgreg-g: mine is just an old ebay auction because I can't stomach full price for those even now19:34
* greg-g nods19:36
greg-gthe two friends who have them both have wrist issues19:36
rick_hyea, I can see how it would help. You reallyonly move your fingers to hit nearly every key19:36
rick_hit's almost strange feeling19:36
brouschi move my whole hands to hit every key. never had wrist problems19:37
brouschhunt-n-peck ftw!19:37
rick_hright, but if you had wrist problems all that movement would hurt19:37
tjagodaI think that he's saying is that he has 0 wrist articulation19:40
tjagodaand that he types with forearm muscles19:40
tjagodaHe has some strange iron crucible which locks his wrists into rigid placement. =P19:41
tjagodaShould've ordered the faster shipping on this keyboard19:44
jrwrenanyone run chromeos on kvm?19:46
brouschi ran it once on virtualbox about a year ago19:46
brouschchromebook ftw19:47
tjagodaOne of my dual heads died over the weekend19:53
tjagodaFeels like I'm computing with only one eyeball19:53
brouschcross your eyes19:53
brouschnow you have 2 monitors again19:54
rick_hheh, so helpful that brousch19:54
brouschyou're welcome19:54
tjagodaOrdered the upclass UltraSharp 24"19:55
brouschthis also works on women. you can have a 3some without marital problems19:56
brouschyou're even more welcome19:56
tjagodaI imagine she finds your cross-eyes highly attractive19:56
brouschtwins even19:56
snap-lGod, I hate MS Natural keyboards19:57
snap-lAnd it's not that I hate MS (they make good hardware) but that whole "typing on a mountain" thing drives me insane19:58
rick_hif they only had decent switches I'd still be living on those19:58
rick_hthey lost their way with that 4000 crappola19:58
tjagodaTyping on a mountain19:59
snap-lComputer case shows up tomorrow20:00
snap-lHah, JoDee got some Caribou Eclipse coffee for us to try out.20:18
brouschdoes it sparkle?20:18
Blazeixuhoh, just heard the DBAs yell, "WTF, A CARTESIAN JOIN??", as they're investigating a db lock that's preventing us from working.20:20
Blazeixi suspect i'll soon witness a beheading.20:20
snap-lThat can't be good20:20
* snap-l is listening to Symphony No. 3 in C minor (Saint Saens)20:25
rick_hBlazeix: lol, don't anger the DBAs20:26
tjagodaWhen I hear things like "Cartesian Join," I am reminded how little I know about the inner depths of serious databasery20:26
* jjesse googles cartesian join20:27
ColonelPanic001I keep meaning to read more on DB stuff20:28
ColonelPanic001I have this "Database In Depth" book, but I mean more about using dbs than theory20:28
ColonelPanic001but usually you look up books and they want to assuem you don't know what a select is20:29
Blazeixhere's a decent explanation on why cartesian joins are bad: http://www.rampant-books.com/t_hpsdba_77_cartesian_join_operations.htm20:29
Blazeixbasically when doing a cartesian join on two tables, with row counts N and M, you get N*M results.20:29
Blazeixwhich is almost never what you want20:29
snap-lThat's best-case cartesian join20:30
ColonelPanic001processors are too fast anyway20:30
Blazeixbut seriously, this db lock sucks. I can't work.20:30
snap-lusually what happens is every single table in the join gets pulled several times over, and then your database goes "poof"20:31
snap-lBlazeix: Oracle, or MS-SQL?20:31
tjagodaAnd then your DBA screams "WTF, A CARTESIAN JOIN?!"20:31
snap-lBlazeix: I don't envy you right now20:32
Blazeixit's actually pretty cool20:32
Blazeixnot t-sql in particular, but what the project is doing with it20:32
rick_hoh come on, what could possibly go wrong with a little SELECT * FROM a FULL OUTER JOIN b FULL OUTER JOIN c WHERE 1?20:32
snap-lBlazeix: It seemed to me like Sybase with all of the fixes20:32
snap-land a company that could actually make a go of it20:33
Blazeixi'm not deep enough in DBs yet to have an opinion. my queries work and return data :)20:33
Blazeixand there's a sweet enterprisey MERGE statement which is great for what I'm doing20:33
* snap-l wonders if the sweet, enterprisey MERGE statement will get Blazeix's head lopped off. ;)20:34
Blazeixhah, no, i'm safe. it locked some time while I was at lunch20:34
Blazeixso unless MERGE spins up a thread in the background and executes later; i should be fine20:35
tjagoda"I know you said MERGE, but what I assume you said is DROP ALL TABLES in six hours."20:35
rick_hBlazeix: is hat insert or replace type stuff?20:35
rick_h /hat/that20:36
Blazeixyeah, so you specify two tables, a src and a target, and the columns that you want to join on, then outline scenarios for when to insert/update/delete from the target20:37
rick_hlol "Awesome! Admittedly, I'm still trying to come up with some legitimate uses for this in my day-to-day application programming "20:38
Blazeixheh, datamarts are the picture-perfect use case20:39
snap-lBlazeix: You said Join, correct?20:43
snap-las in join two tables...20:44
snap-lladies and gentlemen of the jury, I believe we have our smoking gun. ;)20:44
tjagodaWonder if anybody has ever mass joined tables in a database as part of a ragequit or something20:45
snap-l"If the DB's blown to bits, you shall not acquit"20:45
rick_hBlazeix: ok, so you're generating more specific R/O type tables?20:45
rick_hand using merge to provide the right set of data then?20:45
* rick_h hasn't heard datamart before and he's read a couple of db books20:46
Blazeixpart of ETL20:46
rick_hheh, I can't help but think of datamart as the sql equiv of map/reduce20:46
rick_hBlazeix: yea, gotcha20:46
Blazeixbasically datawarehousing20:47
rick_hyea, http://searchsqlserver.techtarget.com/definition/data-mart isn't bad20:47
snap-lBest little Data Whorehouse in Texas20:47
Blazeixwe use the terms interchangeably here, but according to wikipedia there's a difference20:47
rick_hok, so I can see how the merge thing is cool there20:47
rick_hwoot! reid created tag v3.5.0pr2 at yui/yui320:48
* rick_h dances around waiting for the blog post summary of changes 20:51
Blazeixhopefully there's a date input widget :P20:51
* tjagoda has no clue what you're speaking of20:54
rick_hBlazeix: :P20:55
rick_hBlazeix: there is date20:55
rick_hbut not time20:55
rick_hwasn't that what you wanted?20:55
rick_hYUI has class extensions, just add time support :)20:55
Blazeixno, date input is what I wanted20:56
Blazeixtime input is tricky20:56
rick_hthe calendar widget didn't work for you?20:56
Blazeixi'll just go with two input boxes for time...20:56
rick_hor it was beta20:56
Blazeixthe calendar widget is just for displaying a calendar inline, right?20:56
Blazeixno good way to attach it to an input box's icon?20:57
brouschi have not seen a time input widget that was better than a text box20:57
rick_h The calendar is currently not enabled with popup functionality: it will be released as a calendar plugin in 3.520:57
rick_hto quote the docs20:57
Blazeixright, which is why I asked if it was in 3.5pr2 :)20:58
rick_hBlazeix: basically all you'd do though is create the object on page load, call obj.render() on click, and on close obj.get('value')20:58
Blazeixbrousch: yeah, there are all sorts of clever time input widgets, and they all kind of weird20:59
brouschthey are all annoying, clumsy, and slower than typing in a time20:59
Blazeixrick_h: right, I could create my own widget based off of that, just like i could pretty easily create a numeric spinner widget20:59
Blazeixbut you shouldn't have to for a js library that's on version 3.521:00
Blazeixor 3.421:00
rick_hBlazeix: yea, it looks like it'll be final in 3.521:00
rick_hbut there's event for catching click, selectionChange, widget:render and there are show/hide methods. So as long as it looks pretty and such it's 6 lines of glue code to hook into an input/input icon21:01
Blazeixwe'll see. there's a bunch of minor papercuts on the UI side of YUI. there are enough little things like that to scare me away for now21:02
Blazeixi love their combo loader21:02
Blazeixand there overall infrastructure / mvc stuff looks promising21:02
Blazeixbut i'm not going to buy into a prebuilt solution if i have to compromise on things that users will judge my apps on.21:03
PainBank1how do you like YUI?21:10
Blazeixrick_h can give you a good summary of it :)21:11
snap-lPainBank1: Let's just say rick_h and YUI are registered at Bed Bath and Beyond, and it'll be a civil ceremony.21:11
snap-lAnyone else think the drop box icon in Ubuntu Unity doesn't look like an open box?21:12
snap-lIs there a preferred way to keep a module-level "global varaible" in Python?21:51
brouschstore it in __init__.py?21:54
brouschwell, declare it there21:55
snap-lYeah, but I have a boat-load of them that get used in another function21:56
snap-lAnd I have a lot of "global foo \n global bar \n ..."21:56
brouschput them in a dict in __init__.py21:56
snap-lNot sure that's an improvement21:57
brouschfewer imports21:57
Blazeixwhat are all these global variables for? app configuration?22:02
snap-lYeah, it's an automated process22:03
snap-lfirst half sets up the environment, second half runs it22:03
snap-lbefore I did Sphinx docs for it, it didn't have an explicit main()22:04
snap-lnow that I have Sphinx docs, it has an explicit main, and the global variables fall apart22:04
Blazeixi'd just make some config object/dict and dump the properties in there22:06
Blazeixnot sure if there's a better way.22:06
snap-lYeah, that's what I'm afraid of22:07
Blazeixfwiw, python's configparser returns a dict of strings22:07
greg-gbtw everyone, this is the most amazing thing I have in digital form: http://grossmeier.net/files/rowan/911-audio/22:47
brouschwhat'd i miss on the globals discussion?23:24
greg-gbrousch: you missed something even more important: the most amazing thing I have in digital form: http://grossmeier.net/files/rowan/911-audio/23:38
brouschyou did it all at home?23:44
greg-gwell, Carrie did most of it23:44
greg-gbut yeah :)23:44
greg-gunplanned homebirth23:44
brouschi'm gonna wait until after dinner to listen though ;)23:45
greg-gyes, yes we are/were23:45
greg-gnothing bad23:45
greg-gyou hear a baby crying in the background23:46
greg-gluckily, you don't hear me crying in the background23:46
brouschdid you deliver?23:48
greg-gI caught him, yeah23:51
greg-gand cut the umbilical cord with a scalple (the EMTs didn't have scissors)23:52
greg-g'twas crazy23:54
brouschi can't imagine. it was crazy enough for us at the hospital23:55

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